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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 24 KB, 640x448, AnonDiBritannia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
210943 No.210943 [Reply] [Original]

Anons are...not equal.

Those who are born not socially awkward...

those who are born beautiful...

those who live in their parents basement...

those who have weak bodies...

Birth, growth and talent, all Anons... are different!

That's right, Anons are born to be different! That is why Anon fights and sages with one another! From there, shitstorms take place.

Inequality is not an evil. Equality itself is evil.

What of the /a/ which made their topics diverse and different? They have become mere spectators of a MOD-ruled government! The /n/ Federation, which made it's topics relevant, is now gone.

But we /jp/ are not like that. We sage, play touhou and continue to evolve! /jp/ alone is moving forward, towards the future!

My son /a/' death is proof that /jp/ is continuing to evolve. We must fight! Sage, troll, spam, bitch! Beyond that lies the future!

All Hail Moot!

>> No.210949

fuck you

>> No.210960

fuck you!

>> No.210962

fuck you

>> No.210968
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>> No.210978
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>> No.210984

Code Geass is the definition of shitty anime.

>> No.210996
File: 153 KB, 936x662, 1205521965669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to say, I agree completely with OP.

>> No.211014
File: 35 KB, 320x224, 1205522097200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck YOU!

>> No.211037

Anons are equal as long as they remain anonymous. That's the fucking point behind it.

>> No.211041

Forgot to remove your trip.

>> No.211055

I was talking about anons, not 4chan dwellers as a whole.

>> No.211103

Delicious tripfag irony.

>> No.211144

Mission accomplished. Thanks Sageman.

>> No.211250

> Anons are...not equal.

Well they are all equally stupid.

>> No.211268
File: 14 KB, 704x396, 1205525636798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.211280

>Anons are...not equal.

Try telling that to /b/ and their "LEGION" bullshit.

>> No.211281

Tripfags have no voice

>> No.211315

Are you blind or just plain dumb?

>> No.211329

>All Hail Moot!

was going pretty well until here

i'm far from a moot hater but i still think this whole separation is really pointless

>> No.211347

no, he's perfectly right.

>> No.211357


I must disappoint you sir for he is not.

>> No.211365

You sure a failure, even for a gaiafag. You are a fucking TRIPFAG, you have a fucking TRIPCODE. That overrides your anonymity, if you did not notice.

>> No.211370

Tripfag != Anonymous

>> No.211375

I would so like to see you banned, but unfortunately this type of faggotry is not b&able/

>> No.211395


>> No.211398


Trolling is bannable, but he's good at what he does.

This gonna be long and drawn out like guirin

>> No.211425


> You sure a failure, even for a gaiafag.

You are a gaifag. Go back to it, loser.

> You are a fucking TRIPFAG, you have a fucking TRIPCODE.

Okay, so?

> That overrides your anonymity, if you did not notice.

I shit on your anonymity.


>> No.211447


Hi Green. You enjoying /jp/?

>> No.211451

yeah, think as you like.
what is your reason for using a tripcode?

>> No.211443


> This gonna be long and drawn out like guirin

No one is forcing you or anyone to respond to anything. You have the choice not to say anything yet you don't take advantage of your free will. Welcome to the internet.

>> No.211455

>magic_usagi !!kiz/5qGLJ1y

tripcode full of fail

>> No.211456

Your attempt at rebuttal fails.

Please leave 4chan.

>> No.211478

The overall stupidity and trollability of the "legion". It's kind of humiliating to be a part of this aids infested mass.

Glad you like it. >.>

> Please leave 4chan.
Or what is gonna happen? You're going to attack me with your memes? Or with your whining maybe?

>> No.211487

internet tough guy = underage b&

>> No.211493

get this little kid shit out of /jp/

>> No.211496


You give all tripfriends a bad name.

Also, all true 4channers are socially awkward in some way. The only ones that exhibit relative normality are the newfags.

>> No.211497

I get a strange feeling that this was originally about furfags.

>> No.211512




> You give all tripfriends a bad name.

Guess how much I care?

> Also, all true 4channers are socially awkward in some way. The only ones that exhibit relative normality are the newfags.

Too bad for you.

>> No.211513

well seriously, why are you here then? it's not like 705-85% of people here are not anonymous.

actually, this looks more like e-penis stroking. The anonymous posting and lack of registering allow all comments to be equal and ranked in regards to their ingeniuty or stupidity. Seems like you wish to post some "yntelligent" posts to make your own opinion matter more here.
And this is what I don't like. Unfortunately for me, it is allowed here, even though most user do not wish to or do not care about using this particular option. I wish there was more of them.

>> No.211516

is a furry

>> No.211518

lol, 75 not 705.

>> No.211526

>Too bad for you.


I bet you are one of these faggots who preface every post you make with the obligatory 'my girlfriend' because you are so insecure.

>> No.211528

I know no words that could describe your idiocy.

>> No.211532


>> No.211524

I love being the OP. All I have to do is post, and someone starts a totally unrelated shit storm.

>> No.211539

I love how he has the stones to say he's not a troll, and then specifically replies to everyone with tailored response to piss them off.

>> No.211547

No STOP FIGHTING BROTHERS! We musn't quarrel amongst ourselves, for it will tear us apart and eventually result in our demise!

>> No.211556

Disregard that, I suck cocks.

>> No.211598

I think I'm starting to hate this troll even more than ISM. At least ISM tried to rebuttal with retarded facts and broken logic, this one doesn't even try but still can make people NERD RAGE.

/tg/ has RMD, /n/ had ISM, then /jp/ has magic_usagi as Most Annoying Troll Ever?

>> No.211615

> well seriously, why are you here then?
Because I don't need your permission.

> it's not like 705-85% of people here are not anonymous
I know! What's the whole point of this shitty flame war?

> actually, this looks more like e-penis stroking.
Because being famous on the shitty 4chan is the new coolest thing all the kids nowadays strive for.

> The anonymous posting and lack of registering allow all comments to be equal and ranked in regards to their ingeniuty or stupidity.
True, but it also allows your comments to be lost in the ocean of shit an piss, where groupthink, acting "hard" (but pussying out in the last moment) and repeating shitty 5 year old internet jokes are the coolest things ever.

> Seems like you wish to post some "yntelligent" posts to make your own opinion matter more here.

>> No.211616

far too early for such assumption.

>> No.211627

Oh god, the cancer that's killing /a/ is starting to affect /jp/. Just let this thread die please for the love of Reimu.

>> No.211628

Also, sages
