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2090676 No.2090676 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here wants to get a fake vagina but against it at the same because they don't want to spoil on what a real vagina feels like?

>> No.2090686

More like, I don't want to pay for something I'll only get to use 50 times.

>> No.2090693

don't think it'll last 50 times bro

>> No.2090719


The fliphole model last upto 50 times.

The other ones has one time use(although you can probably reuse it if you are that desperate)

>> No.2090739

>don't want to spoil on what a real vagina feels like?

Not all it's cracked up to be, bro.

Also, body odor and sweat, and I really fucking hope she used Scope.

>> No.2090805

Get a fleshlight... they are amazing.

>> No.2090823
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Isn't Scope mouthwash???

>> No.2090852

>they don't want to spoil on what a real vagina feels like

It's not like I'll ever want/get to do that

>> No.2090879

>spoil on what a real vagina feels like
Spoil what, it's not like you'll ever get to experience a real vagina in your lifetime.

>> No.2090886

I bought a cheap fake vagina once. Shit sux'd, went dry too quickly, so it didn't feel good at all. Because of this experience, I'm not tempted to try anything else.

I prefer the opposite category of sex toys anyway.

>> No.2090890

Yes, because nothing is more of a killjoy than a girl breathing really hard near your nose when she has bad breath.

Obviously the answer is in the position, but then you eventually switch up...

>> No.2090926

The normal fleshlight is actually pretty close to how a real woman feels, minus the stubble or hairs and the contact with their thighs. Also they lack the muscles or pubic bone, and to make up for it sextoys in general have either a tight canal or a tight entrance respectively.

For manufacturing ease, we use simple round textured rods in the molds instead of actually modeling the canals of a real vagina, which resembles a wide "H" because of the muscular structure. But frankly, I doubt most people would choose it since it creates weak points for failure and harder to clean.

>> No.2090949

Learn the English language.

>> No.2091032

The normal fleshlight is actually pretty close to how a real woman feels, minus the stubble or hairs, contact with their thighs/ass and OH GOD MY FUCKING KNEES HURT. Also they lack the muscles or pubic bone, and to make up for it sextoys in general have either a tight canal or a tight entrance respectively.

For manufacturing ease, we use simple round textured rods in the molds instead of actually modeling the canals of a real vagina, which resembles a wide "H" because of the muscular structure. But frankly, I doubt most people would choose it since it creates weak points for failure and harder to clean.

Of course, trying to find a woman who will let you stick it in her without protection even when she's on birth control is a matter of luck and whether or not you trust that she hasn't got a farm of little viral fuckers living in her crotch that will make your life hell.

>> No.2091050

1. put finger in mouth, pressing against cheek
2. smile so cheek tightens up

vagina for you

>> No.2091056

Thanks, I just fingered my mouth.

>> No.2091057

>Spiner !OWPJYRiLro

Haven't seen that tripcode in a while...

>> No.2091068

Not only do I not get it, but what good does that do if my dick isn't involved? And if i could put my dick in my mouth I certainly wouldn't be bothering to make it feel like a vagina.

>> No.2091064


>> No.2091083


I don't get this.

>> No.2091080
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>3. Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry"), grotesque ("guro"), or loli/shota pornography.

This thread is reportable. I have done so, and invite all sages and silent onlookers to do so as well.

>> No.2091095

