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2071663 No.2071663 [Reply] [Original]

Sakura deserves far better treatment and attention then what she gets. I don't understand where the hatred comes from towards her, but she's a much superior choice to any other FSN woman for Shirou.

Rin is a bitch, lousy in bed, angsty, and a closet lesbian. Her skills as a magus are ok, but she can't cook nearly as well as Sakura and isn't nearly as thoughtful either. Chances are she'd rather spend her evenings going down on Saber, since she has no clue how to please a man.

Saber has the woe is me complex. She's stuck in the past and can't let go even though she probably gave the people of Camelot far better then they deserved. Yeah she's powerful but thats all she's got. She can't cook either and Shirou's weekly food bill is going to be astronomical. You'd think a brave KING OF KNIGHTS would be able to say the words "I love you Shirou" earlier then right before she was about to disappear.

Sakura has some woe as me issues from being given to the Matous and because of Shinji, but not nearly as bad as Saber. She tries hard for Shirou, has genuine care and concern, cooks and cleans, and even when screwed up because of the grail taint is still giving it her best. Great in bed, isn't shy about pleasing Shirou, and has Rider for a servant. Its clear Sakura beats the other 2 hands down.

>> No.2071668

I didn't take the time to read this, but you aren't changing anyone's minds anyways. Enjoy your endless accusations of sluts.

>> No.2071676

>lousy in bed

Being a virgin will probably do that for you.

>> No.2071677

oh, that plot device that is barely a side character.

>> No.2071684

>>oh, that plot device that is barely a side character.

Welcome to every Fate/stay night character.

F/sn, not so good.

>> No.2071689


>> No.2071734


>> No.2071731

Its so cute when she does it. That crush she has makes saving her so much more worthwhile.

>> No.2071746
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>You'd think a brave KING OF KNIGHTS would be able to say the words "I love you Shirou" earlier then right before she was about to disappear.

The entire point was that HER ENTIRE LIFE she could not show her feelings.
She had to MIND OF STEEL her way through it all.

My main problem with Sakura is that she has a persecution complex UP THE ASS.
"Oh, I'm not at fault, nobody can possibly be in this situation except me, THE ENTIRE FUCKING WORLD MUST BE OUT TO GET ME (except senpai)".
Obviously, she gets the hard truth after running Rin through, and proceeds to have a critical mentality failure. Which I thought was one of the best scenes in the game, mind you.

>> No.2071771

Well, pretty much her entire world WAS.
Shinji rape, Zouken worms, The Grail taint, even Rin tried to kill her. Shirou and Fuji-nee are the exceptions, which is why she spends so much time at Shirou's house.

>> No.2071809


All are extensions of Zouken, except perhaps Shinji being mentally fractured.
It's more the fact that she resigned herself to her fate at god damn 7 years old, except for some crazy wish of "Nee-san" coming to save her. (See: her talking to Kariya in Fate/Zero)

>> No.2071828
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>> No.2071829

That's it. I'm sick of all this "Erotical Black Hole" bullshit that's going on in the Type-Moon community right now. Sakura deserves much better than that. Much, much better than that.

I should know what I'm talking about. I myself played through the genuine Heaven's Feel route carefully 6 times (that's about ten hours a pop) and have been re-reading parts of it for almost 2 months now. I can even recite whole chapters from memory.

Nasu spent years working on a single character and revised it up to a million times to produce the finest woman known to mankind.

Sakura is thrice as cute as Ilya and thrice as cute as Saber for that matter too. Anything Rin can look good in, Sakura can look better in. I'm pretty sure Sakura could easily out-moe the entire cast with a simple smile.

Ever wonder why Heaven's Feel was the last route translated? That's right, they were too scared to work on Sakura's dialogue and risk ruining her character. Even when it was in originally in production, Nasu spent the most time working on Sakura because he knew she was a girl to be respected.

So what am I saying? Sakura is simply the best character the world has ever seen, and thus, requires a better reputation on the internet. Here is the meme block I propose for Sakura:

(When posted in non-sexual situations) "Fuck yes, Sakura is awesome!" "Let's make another Sakura thread, since this one hit the image limit already!"

(When posted in sexual situations) "I came twice!" "This is an epic thread!" "I'd ban you for NSFW, but it's Sakura, so I'll allow it!"

>> No.2071848


>> No.2071857
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>> No.2071861

I agree with most of what you said, though I think Ciel is closer to perfect than Sakura. However, I cannot abide by a general allowance of NSFW material posted on a blue board.


>> No.2071866
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>> No.2071869
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>> No.2071872

One day you will realize that in order to defend a character, oversimplifying, defacing and twisting traits of the competition while neglecting their good does not help, since it seems you cannot truly present your character in a positive light unless the others are in a negative one.

A good character can stand on his/her own despite faults, and not 'well, in certain REGARDS the others do worse'.

Also, your opinion man, who cares.

>> No.2071875

Well, it doesn't change the fact that Rin is a bitch who sucks at cooking, can't please a man even when in dere-dere mode, and is an bossy cunt.

>> No.2071877

I dunno, man. Shirou seemed pretty happy with himself.

>> No.2071879

She coocks Chinese, apparently better than Shirou, Shirou THOROUGHLY enjoyed his interactions and courses with Dere Rin ( no,your fapping is irrelevant when it comes to a man's pleasure over 2d characters), and may be bossy, but is not whinny. She is the most helpful character in the whole damn story.

>> No.2071880


Yes, I'm sure most of us are aware that Rin is a bipolar closet lesbian that only stuck around Shirou for the DELICIOUS SEIBA, hence why only people who are brand spanking new to the series like her.

>> No.2071904
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>can't please a man even when in dere-dere mode,

Hollow Ataraxia.

>> No.2071916
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When I started F/SN I hated Rin; and only liked her in UBW when she went to kick Shirou's ass.

But then I started disliking her at towards the end of the route and continued during most of Heaven's Feel, except for the climactic SORCERER RIN VS. SORCERER SAKURA.

That shit was recockulously awesome.

>> No.2071919

Again, the point is about the fictional character who does the jackhammering.
Not your fapping over Takeuchi's barely average art, even if it involves pajamas Rin.

>> No.2071924

This is Nasu we're talking about here, there isn't a whole lot to be said of character development.

>> No.2071925

Thus, you dislike Rin character traits and behavior, and only like two specific confrontations.

>> No.2071930


I wasn't talking about what she was wearing, I was talking about the actual scene, in which she did please Shirou.

>> No.2071931

He's being tsun-tsun, obviously

>> No.2071936

This is /jp/ we are talking here, he does it better than 72.6% of content we can discuss.
The character are actually written well-enough and have many different traits to escape HORRIBLE cliches.

Disliking the personality or actions is a whole different issue.
Unless people you meet in real life and you do not like are also' not written well'.

>> No.2071941
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Caster was here, Rin's a worthless Magus.

>> No.2071945

Your assumption Shirou did not enjoy his UBW session has no ground, except for 'He didn't get a chance to eat her bush'.

>> No.2071947
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>> No.2071949

Still kicked your ass.

>> No.2071953
File: 34 KB, 471x1021, 1234482284628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one important fact that all the sakura shipperfaggots forget: she's used goods.

i'll keep my saber, enjoy your slut.

>> No.2071952

78.9012% of percentages are made up on the spot.

>> No.2071956

I don't think he was assuming Shirou didn't enjoy the UBW sex.

>> No.2071960

Shirou enjoying it =/= Rin actively trying to please him.

>> No.2071962

Well, it's better then 5/8 of VNs(including shitty rape games) and we discuss VERY little light novel content, so it's fairly accurate.

>> No.2071970
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Luvia was here, all others are inferior.

>> No.2071971

It was virgin sex, Shirou liked it, and I fapped to her pantyhose.
The result is what matters.

Not all women have the privilege of knowing men for 10 years and causing them to vomit.

>> No.2071977

So, Sakura and Saber are sluts who like to please in bed. While Rin is a worthless cunt.

>> No.2071979


Enjoy your DEAD

also why is Rider so popular

she always seemed so backgroundish

>> No.2071983

Do not forget the SUN sets horrible UV rays.
Why do they not shut the thing down?

>> No.2071987

Apart from pure hotness, sexy voice, and displays of both delicious sadism and cuteness....Dunno.
The hair?

>> No.2071986

I'd hardly call that a privilege when they're 17.

>> No.2071992

Apparently, that's what the standards are for some of our dear posters.

>> No.2071999

...Me neither.

>> No.2071995
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I have no idea what we're even arguing about.

>> No.2072017
File: 125 KB, 750x675, 1234483008207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waifu competition based on purely objective reasons and bashing the rest. The usual.

>> No.2072039

> I don't understand where the hatred comes from towards her

Sakura is not moe.

>> No.2072045
File: 59 KB, 646x505, 1234483341789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't bash other people's waifus when talking about my own, because I realize that she's not right for a lot of people. Tastes differ, you know? And not everybody likes the idea of tasting curry every time you kiss.

>> No.2072052


But I thought everyone liked anal

I'm so confused

>> No.2072058
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There are exception that confirm the rule, yadda yadda.

>> No.2072071

I don't mind Ciel, but her schoolgirl outfit is pretty fucking ugly.

>> No.2072074

I think its obvious Sakura makes the best wife choice based on cook/clean/pleasing her man

>> No.2072079

I could make a good argument as to how the other girls pros would make a better imaginary wife, but I'm afraid I cannot resist at saying:

DARK PURPLE SUCKS, I could not stare at her too much.

>> No.2072086

Purple is the color of royalty. Seeeiba would know.

>> No.2072093

...Wait, what?

>> No.2072190

In human color psychology, purple is associated with royalty, regality, and nobility (stemming from antiquity where Tyrian Purple was only affordable to the elites).

How could you possibly hate such a color?

>> No.2072200

It's also associated with homosexuality, mostly because people hate nobles.

>> No.2072204
File: 66 KB, 640x465, 1234485829734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not hate purple, I hate Dark-purple-blue mix.

There is GOOD purple like Rieder's, then Sakura's.

Plus, the overall attractive color is black, since it gives a sense of stability, maturity and approachable beauty, everyone knows that.

>> No.2072224
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Dark Sakura is a good girl.

>> No.2072239

>approachable beauty
Sluttiness. No, thanks.

>> No.2072262
File: 117 KB, 1280x1035, 1234486529687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Approachable, as in non weird colors like Orange, light-red etc, that show a degree of craziness and bodily harm.

The Slutty colors are blue and that weird white/gray/silver that is supposed to be dirty blond or something.

>> No.2072280

So you think all old women look like sluts just because they all have either blue or gray hair?

>> No.2072291
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Of course not, it's just about impressions and silly anime color choices for certain characters that fill the stereotype.

Since the real world has much more limited pallete.

>> No.2072323

But most characters with lots of white/gray/silver coloration are hardly ever mentioned in a sexual context, if at all... At least, that's my impression just from thinking about it now.

>> No.2072343


Rin might be dyke, but she goes only straight for Shirou.

>> No.2072348
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You just have a limited view.
They are also side-characters in most cases, so they are forgettable.
White only looks good on guys.

As for girls, the color that you'd think sucks but is usually good, is chestnut brown.
Gives a nice sense of devotion, and the are neither overly cheery nor depressing.

>> No.2072364
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>> No.2072380
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>White only looks good on guys

>> No.2072390
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A girl that looks good on white hair, would look good even bald.

>> No.2072398

>Rin is. . .a closet lesbian.

Fuck you! Secret bisexuality makes every character better!

>> No.2072408

She'd dump Shirou for Ayako in a second.

>> No.2072422

She didn't dump him when she was Saber's master.
I'd say he is safe.

>> No.2072426

That's not really a bad end, Shirou should offer to help.

>> No.2072434

Thats what they WANT you to believe. Little do you know that shortly after Rin devotes herself entirely to carpet munching.

>> No.2072456

Sure, man.
I understand.
Makes teh 2d wife detachment that much easier.

>> No.2072572

Everyone wants a 2d waifu like Sakura

>> No.2072588

>Everyone wants a 2d waifu like Ilya
I agree.

>> No.2072598

As long as her body stays like that forever so that even when you're old you can enjoy delicious flat chest loli.

>> No.2072607

I'm pretty sure it would, seeing as how she's a homunculus and all.

>> No.2072612

It's a pity they have such short lifespans.

>> No.2072617

ok, that seals the deal then

>> No.2072622

I'm sure magic can overcome that.

Or vampirism, if all else fails.

>> No.2072625

They'll totally use sorcery, like they did for Shirou in HF

>> No.2072626
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Her mother Irisviel was too, and she grew old and bustilicious.

>> No.2072632
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I always felt Sakura would make for a better maid than a wife. She lives to serve.

>> No.2072740

I'd let her serve me, if you know what I mean

>> No.2072747


I'm Gonna Serve You 4 was an okay visual novel.
