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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2060395 No.2060395 [Reply] [Original]

Listen, bro: I know you hate our guts.

But that's understandable; we /jp/ posters are NEETs, virgins, and completely obsessed with our Japanese 2D hobbies. Personally, I have seen nearly 1,000 anime and played every video game in existence. The only thing I do all day is fap and play STGs (that means shmups/shooting games for our new lower power level friends).

We take pride in that fact that we're not /a/ (the Crunchyroll imageboard) or /v/ (the GameFAQs imageboard). /jp/ is the true heart and soul of the past, present, and no doubt the future of 4chan.

All true NEET, virgin, and 2D worshipping bros post in this thread and show your support. We will not let these lower power levels from /a/ take over our dark and smelly room called /jp/.

>> No.2060408

I think any actual /jp/ thread is getting deleted.

>> No.2060409

lolwut I come to /jp/ after a whole day of chillaxan and I get /a/ sugoi!

>> No.2060423

Time for a metathread to end all other metathreads? It's amusing for now, although it can't be good in the long run. I wonder why /co/ got the short end of the stick?

>> No.2060417

/jp/ is full of pedosand lacks direction, moot agreed adon't bother him about it.

Maybe this new direction will finally help this board.

>> No.2060421

> /jp/ is the true heart and soul of the past, present, and no doubt the future of 4chan.

Stopped reading there.

>> No.2060427

I'm more in favor of going to sleep hoping this shit will be over when I wake up.

>> No.2060437

No just getting pushed off the front page by shitposts.
Poor choice. You should have stopped at
> ZUN !barYV1VtIA

>> No.2060443

I intend on taking it easy and watching this unfold.

>> No.2060444

I wonder how many of the /a/ retards know about ZUN!bar.

>> No.2060445

Same here. This shit is ... unfunny.

>> No.2060457

Why hate on bros?
Anyways this was kind of funny but people are getting way too spam happy. Why can't we just ignore the fucking board title and continue posting as normal?

>> No.2060470

>ZUN !barYV1VtIA

You're one to talk.

>> No.2060473

I have to agree

>> No.2060475

NEET, Virgin, 2D Delusional fuck here.


>> No.2060477

"We" can, we're just getting flooded by people from /a/ who are going on an EPIC RAID!!!

>> No.2060483

because our resident trolls are having a field day, not to mention /a/nons messing around here too.

>> No.2060484

Because the denizens of /a/ are flooding in. There's nothing we can do to combat it.
Of course, /a/ (currently /jp/) remains unchanged.
Fuck you moot, fuck you.

>> No.2060485


Zun!bar is the true heart of /jp/, he is the bro within us all.

>> No.2060496

You speak the truth.

>> No.2060518


Hey, at least Sion will move out with the rest of /a/ shit when it ends.

>> No.2060528

ZUN!bar, you've always been my favourite tripfriend.

>> No.2060541


This is still /jp/, it's just MOOT's nasty little way of slowly killing us, like opening the gates to the ghettos so they can knock down our doors and move into our houses for a while before shipping us off onto the trains.

>> No.2060546

>>/jp/ is the true heart and soul of the past, present, and no doubt the future of 4chan.
lol, no you're not
You're HongFire imageboard.

>> No.2060550

Is /a/ worthy, NAY, BRO ENOUGH to reap the benefits of the brofist?

>> No.2060551

He's grown on me.
Though I still think Touhou isn't just about tea drinking and taking it easy.

>> No.2060555

/jp/ = /a/ = weeaboo

>> No.2060571

cool story bro

>> No.2060563


He's my second favourite, after myself, obviously.

>> No.2060564

Ah fuck. There goes the last visitable board on 4chan.

>> No.2060584

Its like I really have friends ;_;

>> No.2060572


>> No.2060578

Wrong board. Take it to /jp/.

>> No.2060586

It'll go back to normal in a few hours. Just take it easy and do something else for now.

>> No.2060594

Minus the NSFW content.

>> No.2060602

I feel your pain.

>> No.2060609

I have to say that you haven't made a significant impact on me, negative or positive.

>> No.2060610

If /jp/ ever actually gets deleted, then I'll have to spend more of my NEET time on other things like visual novels.

Which won't be translated nearly as rapidly as they were when /jp/ was still alive. And I won't have anyone to talk about them with afterwards. Oh god this is horrible. ;_;

>> No.2060633

I was just worrying about that myself.

>> No.2060655

You read my mind. And to think I might actually have to resort to playing MMO's is just scary.

>> No.2060672

Damn. I don't know where I would go if /jp/ went under. It wasn't until now that I realized how much you guys meant to me...

>> No.2060681

I don't even play VNs and I'm worried.
Mai family ;_;

>> No.2060698

This thread is bringing tears to my eyes. Fuck.

>> No.2060712

what the fuck is going on?

>> No.2060715

gb2 poolshmer.

>> No.2060726

geeze, you guys are pathetic.

>> No.2060730

I was supposed to meet up with some guys from /jp/ here in Japan

now I will never get any friends ;_;

>> No.2060742

Oh, shut up. It was a momentary lapse.

>> No.2060744
File: 113 KB, 285x355, 1234343664207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y-You shutup!

>> No.2060743


>> No.2060747

Uhhh. /jp/ is not being deleted. moot is just laughing at us.
I know you hate /jp/, moot, but we're a pretty contained board. Why fuck with us?

On the other hand... where'd I go before /jp/... I can't remember.... was never part of /a/ and never will be.

>> No.2060752
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>> No.2060753

What ever happened to Alice RPer?

I want to fuck him so badly.

>> No.2060758

/co/'s taking it hard as well.

I say we help each other on this one.

>> No.2060781

i've never been a regular at /a/.
i think i've matured too much to return to /b/, and i can't stand /g/ since it's nothing but e-penis measuring contests 24/7.
suppose i'll just quit imageboards and never leave the safety /prog/

>> No.2060788

Why is moot fucking with what are probably some of the smallest and most contained boards?

/a/ is horrible and I really have to question his taste if he prefers that board to /jp/ and /co/.

>> No.2060797

To be fair /jp/ is shit most of the time as well.
There's the occasional good threads but the constant TYPE MOON TYPE MOON TYPE MOON or TOUHOU get boring after a while.

>> No.2060808

And you prefer /a/ to that?

>> No.2060815

I don't mind hiding threads I'm not interested in. It's the fact that I am generally able to discuss things civilly (and if not civilly, then at least remotely intelligently) that I really like about /jp/.

>> No.2060816

I'm going to go finish Saya no Uta. I can only hope this shit has blown over by the time I get back.

>> No.2060828

I agree with you somewhat, but after tonight I have a new found appreciation for /jp/. Even if it's shit, things could be much worse.

>> No.2060836

No, they are both pretty much shits.
But there's the occasional good threads in both.

Hiding threads is good and that's what I do, but /jp/ is SLOW so it doesn't really do much.

>> No.2060837

> things could be much worse
/jp/ is what /a/ used to be before faggotry

>> No.2060858

Slow is vastly preferable to juvenile retards shitting up every thread. I browse /a/, and occasionally drop in on a thread about something I like, but generally I don't much like what goes on in those threads.

>> No.2060873

I enjoy the fact /jp/ is slow. It's kind of nice.

>> No.2060882

You aren't Zun-sama. He would never use the filthy English language.

>> No.2060884

Posting slowly is preferred here, etc.
Seriously though, I agree. I like that I can continue a discussion over several days.

>> No.2060891

Even moot now shits up the boards?
This is the last straw, uninstalling the toolbar and getting the fuck out of 4chan. It was nice knowing you guys, I'll miss the untranslated VNs threads.

>> No.2060898

Yeah but good discussions are few and far between.

>> No.2060900

You aren't our resident VN expert, are you ;_;?

>> No.2060912

Yes, good discussions are rare.
That's life though.
Mediocre discussions are fine too.

Most discussions that I've attempted to have on /a/ have either involved me asking questions that don't get answers, or a lot of rage-inducing responses.

>> No.2060955

They're a lot more common on /jp/ than on /a/, and even /a/'s best discussions are pretty fucking bad.

>> No.2061073

Why does moot hate /jp/ so much, again?

>> No.2061082

Can someone at least translate To Heart 2 before /jp/ disappears?

>> No.2061091


Common theory is that it's a result of too much loli and his own power level being too low.

>> No.2061101

Cause he's a normalfag who doesn't know half the things we are discussing.

>> No.2061118

Shhhh. We don't want to piss him off, we want him to put things back the way they were.

>> No.2061120

stop pretending to be special, moot doesnt hate /jp/ he hates all of 4chan.

>> No.2061133

I'm not /a/ to suck his cock.

>> No.2061138

There is a large gap between 'sucking his cock' and what may be considered slander.

>> No.2061142

I don't pretend anything. He is a normalfag and he doesn't understand half the discussions not just here, but in all of 4chan.

>> No.2061147

Yeah, I could see that whenever he posted in /a/.

>> No.2061164

Slander on 4chan?
Say it ain't so.

>> No.2061191

I don't mind us all biting each other, that prickliness is one of the things I enjoy about this place. However, biting the hand that feeds you is another matter.

>> No.2061211

Oh please. Stating facts is now equal to biting the hand that feeds you? That's what I'm calling sucking cocks.

>> No.2061202
File: 200 KB, 490x372, 1234348036174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ is the master race.

>> No.2061205

I guess it's time for a "HIDE THE WHOLE BOARD" function.

>> No.2061223

You really are new here, aren't you?

>> No.2061240

That would depend on how long you've been here.

No, sucking his cock would be saying flattering things. Keeping one's mouth shut is a perfectly reasonable to response.

>> No.2061234

New to /a/ you mean?

>> No.2061254
File: 237 KB, 600x524, 1234348325563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Master race

>> No.2061256

OP made me actually lol. I expected a "except not" in the end, because it would make the whole thing true. Also, 2/10 for CR imageboard.

>> No.2061263

In democracy we are still able to speak our minds. Especially when we are stating facts.

>> No.2061281

inb4 mootacracy screencap.

People have always called moot out on being a faggot since day 1, I've seen him ban everyone in threads before EXCEPT FOR the people insulting him/not sucking his e-peen.

>> No.2061300

>able to
Yes! Isn't that freedom wonderful?
That doesn't mean it is always in your best interests to do so.
And since when did 'conjecture' become synonymous with 'fact'?

>> No.2061310

SIEG HEIL /a/ roleplay fag (girl) here! BROFIST!

>> No.2061311

Yeah...and? That means he respects people opinions, that doesn't make him less normalfag than he is.
I don't even know why are you trying to defend him anymore, you are saying he isn't a normalfag?

>> No.2061317

Hoy hoy

>> No.2061318

You are american aren't you?

>> No.2061320

That person is agreeing with you, in case you didn't notice.

>> No.2061329

Nope! Why? Did you take my condescendingly saccharine statement seriously?

>> No.2061394

Do you actually read peoples posts or do you just pretend they've written what you want them to? Don't answer that.

I was defending my right to call moot a faggot on 4chan, not the man himself.

>> No.2061403

See: >>2061320
Now, see: >>2061311

>> No.2061442

This thread went to shit rather quickly.

>> No.2061463

I apologize for exacerbating the decline. I was picking fights in the hopes of killing some time before things go back to normal (knock on wood) I should have just gone to bed.

>> No.2061496

As was I my good man. I only got on a few hours go and I'm not quite sure if I'm talking to /a/ or /jp/ at the moment.

>> No.2061509

I choose to believe that this is still /jp/, since that is where I would prefer to be.

>> No.2061752


Moot just does. And he doesn't understand the place either.

Remember when he thought /jp/ was about Japan, and he wanted to meet people outside of Gamers to party and go clubbing with?

>> No.2061888

If this keeps up, maybe I will have to get off my ass and learn to do things well.

Seriously, this place sucks all my time. Even though the majority of stuff is MEDIOCRE I don't leave

Also >>2061752
>Moot just does

>> No.2061907

Oh, a funny thread. I would have participated earlier, but I was busy having fan on /a/, which has been mysteriously devoid of most of its usual faggotry.

>> No.2062090

It's fixed!

Deleting thread after I'm done fapping.

>> No.2062102

The day is saved. I appreciate you guys so much more now.

>> No.2062123

Yeah, the threat of loss really brought home the value of /jp/ to me too.

>> No.2062135

Wait, how exactly was moot fucking with /jp/? Explain, I've just woken up.

>> No.2062146

He renamed it Animu and Mango. It was horrible.

>> No.2062148


He swapped board titles with /a/.

That was all it took to destroy /jp/.

Oddly enough, /a/'s quality took a massive leap up during the swap.

>> No.2062183

>Oddly enough, /a/'s quality took a massive leap up during the swap.
Such quality will never again be known there.

I'm glad I missed it.

>> No.2062256

> /a/'s quality took a massive leap up during the swap

All that happened was a slowdown.
