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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 214 KB, 800x1119, 7133+j-xCxL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20511962 No.20511962 [Reply] [Original]

Comiket is here! What are you looking forward to? Any music or doujin you're anticipating to download?

>> No.20512034

Which stores in Akihabara resell Comiket goods the day after?

Considering window shopping at Kbooks, Toranoana, Melonbooks, Mandarake and maybe Animate

>> No.20512037

Literally all of them

Better question who is down for beer

>> No.20512053

Did somebody go there? How was it?

>> No.20512116

it was shit. gay shit only

>> No.20512131

I just walked around aimlessly and stood in corporate lines to watch things I wanted sell out in front of me. Some other artists like Kantoku sold out in front of me too.
Pretty good for my first time comiket day.

>> No.20512161

I'm ready to be disappointed by Alstroemeria's albums this Comiket again. At least they're releasing a DANCEHALL album instead of a POP CULTURE one so there's hope.

>> No.20512251

I am, where are you based?

>> No.20512290

whoever posted in last thread that meeting time is 10:00am is a monkey, we always meet at 3:00pm and go out after, usually only on day 3.

>> No.20512319

Pls respond

Anyone else down for beer?

>> No.20512359

add me on discord if u at comiket kaiserschmarrn_#0001

>> No.20512392

Last thread >>20428063
Cosplay after show of first day going on right now- http://live2.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv317222889
Day 2 stream: http://live.nicovideo.jp/gate/lv317222835

>> No.20512420

If by "at comiket" you mean anywhere near Big Sight then no, I'm in Ueno

>> No.20512532
File: 31 KB, 453x508, IMG_2535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone want to chill, in shinjuku. no ax murderers pls
come get me mods I post what I want

>> No.20512540

I'd go but it's not worth it since the fucking trains stop at midnight here

>> No.20512619

I'll ask this one more time here, I know it's off topic but where in Tokyo can I buy a daki cover? K-books has quite a few of them but none of any characters that I particularly like.

>> No.20512672


Someone setup a beer server? I don't know how to mangle one up in discord.

>> No.20512684

I have a server actually


>> No.20512706

Pile in, lets beer n fuck

>> No.20512720

Is there anything being released by ZUN this Comiket?

>> No.20512756
File: 788 KB, 569x849, 1546047127842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About to go to bed so if anyone has time can anyone post any album previews on this sheet so whenever they prop up we can get our greasy hands on them? Would be very appreciated if possible.

>> No.20512766

there's nothing on his blog, so no

>> No.20512799

Tomorrow is Touhou day, get there bright n early

>> No.20512914

I went today as my first time at that type of thing, but I was too overwhelmingly nervous to buy anything. My japanese is decent, but is there like a specific way to buy things? Do you just ask for it and thank them?

>> No.20512940

When I was there for C90 I just pointed at the things I wanted and said "kore" and paid the amount due.

>> No.20512952

Might as well learn to say please too

>> No.20512963

I'll remember the next time, no hate onegai.

>> No.20512967

skipped day 1 for a denpa live but have mapped out all the stuff I'm picking up on day 2 anyone else taking the first train out tonight?

yeah what >>20512940 said but with a kudasai. you can probably fit a word in with them if you want.

what i want to know is when they sell items in sets and individually, how do you ask for the set?

>> No.20512970

Just smile, make eye contact, curtsy, point at the thing you want to check out and grunt, they'll tell you please go ahead. For music circles, you can bring your own headphones and be ready to plug your jack into their phones for samples.

>> No.20513007

Go to Twitter of the circle -> find ad for the day -> point or circle items from the ad

>> No.20513033

Given these examples I had absolutely nothing to worry about. I'll just keep the pressure from getting to me when I go again.

>> No.20513115

Yeah you'll be fine, enjoy! I get it though, the pressure is pretty intense, I got pretty flustered and stumbled all over my Japanese today while buying a cd and telling the singer how much I enjoyed her music (not at big sight though).

>> No.20513123

Did anyone take some pictures? Would like to see how the event looks

>> No.20513163
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Is this year going to be the biggest for NTR yet?

>> No.20513196

Is winter more bearable than summer?
I've went to C82 summer and holy shit, it was like walking in a sauna. So many people were sweating and the smell inside the halls were just putrid.
Unfrotunately, that was my first and last experience of going to comiket. I had bad memories and that's about it.

>> No.20513254

I didnt find it nearly that bad, tho I've not been to summer for comparison. The heat for sure at least was fine.

>> No.20513393

I can't imagine going in summer. If summer temperatures in summer are in 20-25 Celsius range, you'll never handle it

>> No.20513409

Weren't they like 30C last summer?

>> No.20513416

>in 20-25 Celsius range, you'll never handle it

>> No.20513427

I forgot to add "in your home country", I'm retarded, sorry

>> No.20513428

Gotta remember that it's wicked humid, so it will feel a lot worse.

>> No.20513474

Thanks to the anon last thread that suggested 100 yen shops for doujinshi sleeves. That was spot on, I stocked up at Daiso this afternoon.

>> No.20513502
File: 279 KB, 1621x1650, 1499542025841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why haven't you BECOME the doujinshi artist?

>> No.20513511

Depends on what weather you prefer. I'm skinny so I find summer heat easy to handle.

But I get destroyed by the Winter cold. Arrived at 7:30am today and after sitting down for ~1.5 hours, I started to chatter a little. Luckily my queue moved into the sun shortly after and it wasn't windy.

I doubt I'll still be in Japan for the next Winter Comiket but if I was, I'd probably wear thicker heat-tech pants or bring pocket heat packs.

>> No.20513518

>scat above harem


>> No.20513538

Translate it, weebs

>> No.20513549


>> No.20513686
File: 654 KB, 800x783, _patchouli_knowledge_and_remilia_scarlet_touhou_drawn_by_kashiwagi_chisame_2741334dc7b058191a67701d219e77e5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just me or did this year's summer comiket generate far more discussion than this one?

Of the summer and winter events, which has higher attendance or is more popular?

>> No.20513758

Each event gets less and less discussion.

>> No.20513822

NTR, Cheating, Hypnosis, Traps/Crossdressing, MILF, Mother Incest, Nakadashi, BDSM (I think), Genderswap, Large breasts, Mini-series (I think), Futanari, Incest, Slut, Anal, Lovey-Dovey (not sure on the english equivalent), scat, Tentacles, Hetero rape, Exhibitionism, Molesting, Harem, Humiliation, Foreign girls/ Monster girls, Gal.

>> No.20513833

Can't draw

>> No.20513841

no loli?

>> No.20513877

Unless I'm overlooking it, no. Possibly been omitted, this is a list generated by a company after all.

>> No.20514093

I've found this to be true. Find that many of the games take sometimes months/years before they're uploaded where back in the C70s and early C80s days most were on PD and Share the same week.
I also see way more purchasing for reselling at absurd prices now.

>> No.20514324


Hoping day 3 will be less gay。

>> No.20514448 [DELETED] 

Redpill me on 8-1N Zas. How many SL does she need? Does she need to be linked or no? I have some questions and no answers so far.

>> No.20514791

Kinda meh on this winters releases but There is still some good stuff and stuff I'm sure I missed.

>> No.20514882

Greet, point at thing, whip money out, take, thank, and leave.

>> No.20514902
File: 2.87 MB, 4032x1960, 20181229_094048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's way too fucking crowded and busy to take pictures inside, but imagine this crowd multiplied by 30.

>> No.20514922

>no snow
Literally heaven.

>> No.20514987
File: 2.79 MB, 4032x1960, 20181229_104346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish there was snow it was hot as balls inside.

>> No.20515641

Sorry to jack your thread friends, but is there anywhere I can buy old Comiket catalogs? Either online or in Akiba or wherever.

>> No.20515814

Probably, if I were you I would search on auctions or just ask at some store.

>> No.20515894

I can't fap to my own creations, that would be like masturbating to your own children

>> No.20515974

anyone else in the east hall queue right now? feeling the hype

>> No.20516085

Fuck man it's only 6 in the morning and it doesn't even open for another four hours.

>> No.20516104

you know how it is. I'm not taking any chances with what i want desu

>> No.20516117

>500k people were watching DAY1 stream yesterday
Just, wow

>> No.20516163

So is technetium back from the dead now or is this an elaborate ploy


>> No.20516188

True. The line to just get in is almost hilariously long.

>> No.20516193

I am, took the first train. Where you headed first?

>> No.20516230

Still on train

>> No.20516246

good luck today everyone. i hope no one misses anything they want.

it sure is. it kinda does suck haha, rookies like me dont have folding seats or anything but it's cool too. i don't think i fully understood the insanity until i got here. especially with the mania on the trains an stations.

east halls ナ, going to pick up some denpa cds, you?

>> No.20516360

Fuck I'm so excited guys, gonna shower and prepare now. Hope I pass by an atm on the way there so I can withdraw some more money.

How warm should I dress?

>> No.20516464

its almost freezing but itll warm up a few degrees soon. itll be packed so maybe just a jumper and jacket

>> No.20516468

Holy shit, he was literally my first circle to hear back in 2008. Brings back memories

>> No.20516505

Either touhou section first or some wall circles in east 1-3 and then touhou. Depends how close to the front I am. Afterwards the music sections.

>> No.20516728

>tfw imizu's probably going to crossdress and sell his new doujin as the characters featured in it

>> No.20516756

So how late is the right time to arrive? I don't think I want anything super popular.

Also I don't have any kind of bag, is that a huge problem?

>> No.20516854
File: 258 KB, 857x1200, 2 (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roki new life doujin needs to be translated.

>> No.20516860

what an ass

>> No.20516889

Are there pictures of this?

>> No.20516933

>no bag
>not already in line
you're fucked

>> No.20516943

Guess I'll commit Harajuku

>> No.20516969
File: 258 KB, 857x1200, 4 (10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how long will it take to translate.

>> No.20517005
File: 2.07 MB, 4032x1960, 20181230_080512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I somehow made it close to the entrance. How fucked am I?

>> No.20517032

Should I just go there now or should I wait longer? If I arrive there at 9 what time will I get in?

>> No.20517121
File: 1.00 MB, 1072x1500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he literally drew an entire doujin based on the time he did it at reitaitai

>> No.20517154

How do I actually get there from Ueno?

>> No.20517211

Train and Google Maps. Try the Saikyo line.

>> No.20517223

Found a route that works. I forgot how to tell maps not to recommend me buses at first.

>> No.20517508

I wish the level of anime fans in my country wasn't so god damn low. Literally no one is even excited about Comiket on any platform of discussion.

>> No.20517531

Same over here man. The only reason I can see any discussion is because I'm following the event's Twitter page (as well as a few doujin creators) and these threads. Really seems like no on gives a damn.

>> No.20517592

I can't help but read that "You like what you see?" in the voice of Van Darkholme.

>> No.20517601

Where are you from?

>> No.20517602

I'm in the queue

It's my first time but Jesus are there a lot of people

>> No.20517612


>> No.20517637

Last year there were two finns in line right behind me, so some people might be there, but they don't post.

>> No.20517653

It's more so the fact that the finns with higher powerlevels just refuse any and all communication between other finns.

>> No.20517701

It's 10 am, good luck everyone out there!

>> No.20518048

I just got here.there are too many people

>> No.20518320

Waiting on Shen Dhitte

>> No.20518472

Even if there were a lot of anime fans most of them just watch the most popular shows and don't understand the point of something like comiket. At least that's my experience in Aus.

Being able to get in at 10 was great, got everything I needed without too much traffic and plenty of stock left within the first hour.

>> No.20518483

Fuck.... not even half way done.... I've spent to much

>> No.20518739

I didn't knew it existed
It was amazing

>> No.20518979

how much more crowded will the 3rd day be?
do I want to take 1st train or will there be things if I arrive at 8 like today and yesterday

>> No.20519072
File: 578 KB, 1184x1184, IMG_20181230_004309_656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I met the writer of Katawa Should, he's in West Hall 4 side, advertising their new visual novel, as well as his own books. Had no idea he was an Aussie lmao

Here's some cosplay from yesterday

>> No.20519078

Why is there someone shouting something about CP over a loudspeaker by the station over and over

>> No.20519088

ugh sounds like SJWs have invaded

>> No.20519091

First thing came to mind was some batshit SJW "protesting", too.

>> No.20519127

this shit is too tiring

>> No.20519137

It was actually the opposite retards lmao.

>> No.20519158

I’m finn too. Are you not aware of Animedisco? There’s lots of discussion about comiket and if not, start one cause I know many there who are interested. I reccomend #nippon channel for that.

>> No.20519162

It's a conservative group protesting. If you've ever been on the jap side of Twitter you'd know thus.

>> No.20519165

What was it?

>> No.20519171

Your first two replies are me, I was just baiting.

>> No.20519215

Excuse me but Katawa was written by 4chan, what the hell are you talking about

>> No.20519244

5th place represent

>> No.20519264

>he didn't bring a lube

>> No.20519273

While you nerds were getting sweaty buying porn I was chatting up two cute obasans waiting at a rural local line in Gunma. Step it the FUCK up

>> No.20519284

>not chatting up two cute obasans selling loli porn

>> No.20519291

Are we meeting at the saw today?

>> No.20519295


>> No.20519309

General protocol for gaijin after comiket is:
- Normals meet at the saw and generally break off into drinking parties
- Butajin autists go back to their hotel rooms or straight to Akiba to buy what they couldn't get on Day 1
So if you're a trujp I'll be seeing you at Mandarake!

>> No.20519336


>> No.20519346

real trujp has already gotten everything they needed on day1 via running a computer simulation of comiket lines with the table layout to determine the optimum order to visit all their booths and therefore can still meet at the saw for ofupako

>> No.20519350

>going on day 1
whomst doth i quote?

>> No.20519361

I need to go to a store instead of the convention.I bought a lot of doujin just because the sellers seemed nice.

>> No.20519379

does anyone know any stores that sell small fold up chairs
my ass was hurting today and I was only sitting 2 hours I can't imagine how bad my 4 hour wait tomorrow will be

>> No.20519394

what is the saw?

>> No.20519403

I was in line at 5:47am and had to stand most of the time cause my feet kept falling asleep and the pavement was really cold

>> No.20519452

>He doesn't know

>> No.20519454

Yeah, but he was the writer for 4 leaf studios

>> No.20519466
File: 311 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20181229-100450_LINE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone wants to meet for drinks tonight


>> No.20519535

First time at comiket and some of the stuff I missed really hurt. Can't wait for tomorrow when I'll surely get everything I want

>> No.20519586
File: 49 KB, 1280x720, 1545979476029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm getting really anxious
I have no idea how early I should get there to maximize my comfort and the amount of stuff I want

>> No.20519631

Do the commercial booths restock for each day or is everything good gone?

>> No.20519648
File: 305 KB, 1024x768, DvogT-eV4AAg-d5.jpg:orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you find yourself?

>> No.20519688

I'm right there

>> No.20519704

Tomorrow is doujinshi day so get there earlier than usual. 3 AM is ideal.

>> No.20519730
File: 51 KB, 481x406, 1538815491614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same. I really don't want to stand around outside for hours, so I might just go in at a reasonable time and see what happens.

>3 AM
No thanks.

>> No.20519776

Cosplay slideshow for day 2 about to start.


>> No.20519783

Ow my ears.

>> No.20519863
File: 670 KB, 1440x1080, IMG_20181230_180731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Completely forgot about those two artists during preparation but thankfully I stumbled upon them after I finished buying everything else.
I would have been really sad if I had found out afterwards that they were there and I missed them.

>> No.20519864

I bought some Clownpiece, Kasen and Rumia doujinshi, a Hecatia t-shirt, and a Seija patch. What did you get on day 2 /jp/?

>> No.20519876

Friendly reminder to make a spreadsheet to remind the doujinstyle discord circlejerk of how useless they are.

>> No.20519931

>implying /jp/ can make a competent spreadsheet
They've tried since DS stopped doing it and they've all been horrible.

>> No.20519942


>> No.20519948

Who are you quoting?

>> No.20520014

Today was really tiring but tomorrow is going to be absolute hell. I'm going to sleep now.

>> No.20520311

The last one still works.

>> No.20520321

I can't wait for the touhou eurobeat volume 20 dump

>> No.20520327

>sorted alphabetically instead of sorting based on date added

>> No.20520392

Me too.

>> No.20520461

Added a date added column to the C95 spreddy so just download the sheet and sort it by the date column on your own program. Alphabetical is the most logical but it's clear how date added is more convenient, but only during the weeks surrounding C95. If someone were to look at it in a couple of months it'd be annoying.

>> No.20520530

Doesn't /jp/ meet up at the giant Saw statue for karaoke and drinks every comiket anyway?

>> No.20520569
File: 654 KB, 1500x1113, Saw-Sawing-sculpture-by-Claes-Oldenburg-at-Tokyo-Big-Sight-Odaiba-©carnabysnaps.com_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20520703

God I want the Tamarun Abigail doujin so hard but it's not available online and it sold out immediately at the event.

>> No.20520825

AFAIK sold out are sold out.

>> No.20520946
File: 964 KB, 2048x1732, gay 2hus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20520959

I haven't even finished Loomis.

>> No.20520962

That wasn't an actual sage.

>> No.20520972

Me on the left.

>> No.20521053

Good loot and taste.

>> No.20521285
File: 176 KB, 600x600, 1538947317294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking hell, this can't be real.
I wonder how much his sound has changed with such a long hiatus, if it is a new release.

>> No.20521396

God, the Japanese that go to idol ebento are honestly physically repulsive

>> No.20521451

I like you, come over and fug my Touhou.

>> No.20521468

> Going to commercial booths during what is esentially a doujin event

Literally nobody there around 4PM today.

Also, /jp/sies, come drink beer with me in Shinjuku.

Telegram: hTilian
Discord: Tilian#1024

>> No.20521529
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>> No.20521533
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>> No.20521547
File: 118 KB, 358x333, AMANOJACUTE!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vector Spectacle 5

>> No.20521563

please scan the zounose doujin I'll say thank you

>> No.20521725

How hard would Comiket be for a first comer to japan? I can understand very basic japanese and have never been there before.

>> No.20521753

Aww. Were you not able to get zounose's bonus Marisa book? I heard it ran out pretty fast. I was only able to get the melonbooks extra on account of not being able to go to the event (well, not sure if my order made it through yet..)

>> No.20521767

What the fuck, NTR is first? I knew it was popular but didn't know it was the most popular one. Fucking disgusting.

>> No.20521781

Read the guide

>> No.20521790

Is that ginger dude Ron Weasley?

>> No.20521797

The article and research are bullshit, don't pay attention to it.

>> No.20522005

Should I prioritize getting things from the west hall or the east hall when I go in the morning?

>> No.20522131

Based Shihou artbook. Shit's good.

>> No.20522180

How long have you guys been going to comiket? I've been slowly losing interest over the years.

>> No.20522195

He fell asleep and cirno had to take him home

>> No.20522215

Just what I'd expect from Ron

>> No.20522300

id on two top right books?

>> No.20522333

I've got a ticket, what should I buy on day 3 so I don't waste it?

>> No.20522355

It's smut day, they're all the same, just look for fetishes you like and good technical skill. Maybe find music if that's your thing.

>> No.20522362

Who does smut music?

>> No.20522382

Starlight Parade from circle poprication

恋心と星 by poprication

He really seems to love that circle.

>> No.20522453

nothing else to do on gay day

>> No.20522629

Greatly looking forward to the music rips from this event.
Hopefully hanatan will have another disk out.

>> No.20522704

>all those ReiMari and YukaRei
>that RemiRei

>> No.20522910
File: 783 KB, 2048x1152, C95 LOOT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20522915
File: 748 KB, 2048x1152, C95 LOOT2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20522945

Been going ten years, definately losing interest somewhat. Considering not going day 3 and just getting a couple of things from melon books in Ikebukuro.

>> No.20522972

What in the actual fuck is this tag? I've never heard it before and putting it on Pixiv gives me realistic loli drawings. I feel like I need to wipe all my data and burn down my house now.

>> No.20523159

Ohh I wanna see that Yostuba Suwako doujin!

>> No.20523274

>new shichiten battou
scan it bro...

>> No.20523488

you fuckers better scan all these doujins
also all the music

>> No.20523498

sent ;^)

>> No.20523499


>> No.20523522

there are some people that really smell like shit on the trains, today especially

>> No.20523528

yeah, you.

>> No.20523623

>you fuckers better scan all these doujins
I would if I could, but I can't so I won't.

>> No.20523787

Patrician taste

>> No.20523820

Day 3 stream: http://live2.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv317222857

Good luck to all the anons out there because it's going to be hell.

>> No.20523849

So what's at East and West halls for day 3?

>> No.20523983

Any caucasian anons here? Do you get the "look" from the Japanese?
I'm guessing other Asians would blend in with the Japanese just fine right?

>> No.20524008

where can i smoke while waiting? anyone know?

yes people always think im japanese

>> No.20524053

nvm just asked someone where it was

>> No.20524227

Just got in line. Am I too late?

>> No.20524238

Yes everything is sold out and all the booths are cleaning up.

>> No.20524240

nah you good

>> No.20524248

My to buy list once albums are available online
AVTechoNO!- 2038 and THE PATH FROM US
WAVE-“Shen Dhitte” the Meteor Dragon
Sakuzyo- WARZ0NE
compllege- Phant Solo II

>> No.20524255

I think you're just being paranoid anon, I don't think anyone really cares if there's a gaijin near them.
Source: I'm a SEAmerican waiting in line right now.

>> No.20524303

Excellent loot

>> No.20524315

>tan youmu
absolutely beautiful
hopefully someone uploads it soon

>> No.20524353

Is that hiroya I want it I want it I want it

>> No.20524361

Was USAO fucking with me when he didn't understand my English? I thought his music used English titles and samples

>> No.20524411

I don't know about him specifically but a lot of nips use English without knowing it to be fancy/cool, hence all the Engrish.

>> No.20524413

most japs know enough english to title shit in ways that probably use the langauge wrong and anyone can use an english sample
I wouldn't expect to be able to communicate very well with most japanese people in actual english though
just point at things and ask how much they cost, they're probably used to this sort of thing at comiket

>> No.20524568

oi, why's there a password on heart of android? who would do this?

>> No.20524588

Not just that album, the guy usually puts passwords on his files (last Comiket was no exception)

>> No.20524743

Christ why are RED uploaders so damn stupid? Had to report several C95 torrents for bad tags and bad filenames. Jesus.

>> No.20524821

Do you go to any non-comiket doujin events? How do you feel about those if you do?

>> No.20524872

Any chance you could rip these? I'm specially interested on Sakuzyo's release.

>> No.20524892

Why is the spreadsheet getting updated so slowly? Is no one ripping or is DS being a bunch of jerks?

>> No.20524943

what spreadsheet?

>> No.20524969

DS and circles who use Bandcamp are the only ones that are putting things up, no one else on any other site is ripping as far as I can see which is very annoying (and dojin.co relies on DS). I'd guess lots of people who travelled to Japan intend to upload when they get back but it's still awfully slow and bad that there's barely anyone uploading.

>> No.20524992

DS discord has a bunch of c95 stuff uploaded already, so if anything's missing from that on the spreadsheet then the one being lazy is /jp/.

>> No.20525074

It's the same every fucking event.

>> No.20525123

Yep! I plan on it. Sakuzyo and compllege are the two I plan on buying first

>> No.20525135
File: 78 KB, 677x960, Hell yeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20525142

I went up the elevator earlier than yesterday but I'm still like 1 or 2 lines father back compared to yesterday.

No, they are always very friendly. They often try to talk in English to me, even if they really can't.

>> No.20525160

Just smoke by a staff member

>> No.20525172

It smells a lot better than I expected
I haven't seen any super ugly people either
Much better than the american conventions that I went to once

>> No.20525308
File: 679 KB, 1772x999, _20181231_092739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20525364
File: 511 KB, 782x1044, IMG_20181231_092332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See you soon friendo.

>> No.20525440
File: 616 KB, 1772x999, _20181231_094336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You too.

>> No.20525463

Cpl crud right? Does a lot of amateur writing.

>> No.20525588

When will the lines clear up? I am still in my room. Is 11 a good time to arrive?

>> No.20525602

You're ultra fucked if you're not already here.

>> No.20525671

I'm not waiting in line.

>> No.20525683

I'm already here and I think I'm ultra fucked

>> No.20525788

Went to toranoana instead, got all four doujinshi I wanted . The wall scroll I wanted wasn't there but they had another from Yukicon so happy overall, day 3 crowds in 東西 are the worst.

>> No.20525848

So where will the c95 doujins start showing up online first? I assume ehentai/exhentai would be the places where all this stuffy pops up, but just curious. There's a lot of doujin I'm looking forward to seeing since I'm a pleb who can't fly to japan with my income.

>> No.20525858

sadpanda yeah, there's lots of scanners who straight up post their stuff in that site themselves

>> No.20525890

I just checked and there's already like 2 pages of full uploads with C95 in the title.

>> No.20525901

Yeah, day 3 was the first day I actually felt Fear. Be safe y'all.

>> No.20526190

Day 3 personally makes me feel pain in my feet, but to each their own i guess.

>> No.20526219

anyone else pick up heisei doujin monogatari? hell of a wait but worth it

just made me feel like punching people

>> No.20526246

That Gridman doujinshi that anon's been clamoring for sold out. Hope someone bought it.

>> No.20526284

People that walk slowly and don't stay straight deserve a puch.

>> No.20526314

Where you 外国人 at?

>> No.20526326

can you take a picture of the limited edition booklet?

>> No.20526352

Woah, the oil sheik and his bodyguards just walked by me.

>> No.20526354

Is that guy a genuine one or is he just memeing? Either way I love him.

>> No.20526366

Has ZUN showed up yet at the Comiket? Anything new from him this year?

>> No.20526374

pls scan 春夏秋冬メモワール and the calendar onegai

>> No.20526470
File: 883 KB, 2700x1545, IMG_20181231_125741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My purchases, usually get 30 to 50 releases so I definately lodt the drive this time.

>> No.20526489

Just for you I'll make sure to walk extra slow and unpredictable while browsing goods

>> No.20526607

That aisle in the よ section of west hall in front of MUK. I actually thought I was gonna get crushed to death. My backpack got ripped off my shoulders several times too what the FUCK

>> No.20526723

This is why you should always carry a bag instead of a backpack to prevent this kind of shit

>> No.20526794

will do when i get back

>> No.20526851

Status update: not fucked and going home content. Some of the circles I checked last (and one big one I checked in the middle) were sold out but that was to be expected. I got my favorites no problem despite arriving after 10am

>> No.20526934

anyone at the saw?

>> No.20526949

I got there just before 10 and didn't even queue for an hour to get to the east hall. Pushing was pretty bad near the popular circles though.

>> No.20526999

>wake up slightly late around 930
>takes me about an hour to get there
>circles sold out by 11am

F-fuck I d-didn't want them anyways. Anyone going to akihabara tonight to see if any of the sold out shit is there?

>> No.20527012

>>circles sold out by 11am
Were you only planning to buy stuff from popular circles? That's pretty fucking fast.

>> No.20527104

Sounds normal. To put it into perspective, lines for popular circles are often already 30 minutes or more before the venue even opens. You won't get any rare shit like that.

>> No.20527216
File: 2.27 MB, 4032x3024, 68872A86-7F64-455A-9DD0-A9E01531E081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20527223
File: 4 KB, 676x28, ss (2018-12-31 at 03.29.06).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>visit dojin.co to get some new releases
>just about to download some shit
>fucking ouo links
No fucking thanks, whoever hosts that site should jump off a bridge and die.

I'll get the releases later on from some magnet links or something.

>> No.20527225

Just get them from DS on discord

>> No.20527234

Mind linking me the discord sv?

>> No.20527240

Anon, how fucking lazy are you? Just google ''doujinstyle discord''.

>> No.20527270

Comitia's really nice, if you're into original doujinshi.

>> No.20527368

Its over. Great job to everyone there.

>> No.20527427

Why Brazilians start flooding exhentai with their disgusting ass language right during comiket?

>> No.20527438

You can use the filter inside the settings

>> No.20527442
File: 22 KB, 812x594, 1536801409662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't use language filters?

>> No.20527455

They hardly work half the time, desu.

>> No.20527463

Not the same guy, but they work 95% of the time. Something's gotta be messing with your other settings then.

>> No.20527464

Weird, I never had any problems with them.

>> No.20527470
File: 42 KB, 340x277, 1449126754049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This nico live stream chat is depressing. Everyone is so sentimental about it ending

>> No.20527481

He's right (though "half" seems hyperbolic). It seems as if recently-uploaded sets aren't affected by filters (or even search criteria).

>> No.20527482

I might go. When are you going?

>> No.20527525

Same way how I feel about stuff that won't be scanned forever

>> No.20527616

I'm gonna start wandering around doujin shops in the next hour or so

>> No.20527732

Do you know what the attendance is like? Comiket was way too busy for me

>> No.20527793

Dogshit.con site owner came back from a 1yr hiatus because its comiket and made a ton of changes to make as much money as possible. Currently pulling 100% of c95 uploads from DS like someone else said. Discord.gg/z2QDEdA since u wanted a link. Theres also discord.gg/mC4Yp6J

>> No.20527830
File: 1.32 MB, 2560x1440, 20181231_172014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did /jp/ manage to get?

>> No.20527845
File: 3.44 MB, 4160x3120, 20181231_154558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I did pretty good for my 1st 3rd day

>> No.20527847

I lined up for Hisuitei/Izumi Tsubasu first thing in the morning and everything I wanted got sold out before I even hit halfway the queue.
Yeah, I deserve that for being stupid and thinking I can outrun the Japs.

Got Riichu and Falmaro's newest works, so it's not a total wash.

Will post loots once I've worked off this sleep debt. I don't think I'll ever try overnight lining again, at least in Winter.

>> No.20527895

Cosplay slideshow of day 3


>> No.20527896

Lost one of my bags in a Yoshinoya so not much (´・ω・`)

>> No.20527897

lmao get fucked

>> No.20527906

Deserves all the facepalms available.

>> No.20527909


>> No.20527976

I can't believe /jp/ is fucking dead.

>> No.20527980
File: 425 KB, 1346x498, kioku_no_kaibutsu_gekan_023_crop_gloom_reimu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry for making you recount it, but I wanna share in your gloom. What did you lose?

>> No.20528001
File: 1.26 MB, 2736x1824, DSC00296_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't care enough about most of the big artists to wait in one of those ridiculous lines so I mostly kept to the smaller ones and took a short look at what was left in the afternoon.
That stuff is usually getting scanned anyway so it doesn't matter that much to me.

Currently feeling too lazy to line up 1&2nd day stuff.

>> No.20528022

New HaruCos, a couple of copybon curios and a good chunk of my Idolm@ster haul

>> No.20528049

I never knew what "taking comiket seriously" meant until I saw a Japanese guy with a smartphone displaying his route suspended in front of his face with some sort of harness made out of pvc pipe

>> No.20528067

>small breasts+abs
I wish I saw this one

>> No.20528277

imagine not having your own AWACS to guide you to comiket on the day
how do you expect to get any good stuff?

>> No.20528320

Man, I wish I lived in Japan so I could go and scan all the matsuryu Helena shit, like Inside My Room 2.

>> No.20528323

>tfw no comiket buddy to grab all the wall circles in west while im in east

>> No.20528350

Purchased ~40 rock/metal CDs yesterday, expect rips sometime in January.

>> No.20528363

Sadpanda, attachment to physical media is irrational. I've already scanned some of mine and will be tossing the evidence before I go grab supper

Of course, the threat of jail for being caught with hardcore loli at the border is a good motivator for me to dispose of such attachments.

>> No.20528384

I got beaned with large duffel bags almost half a dozen times

>> No.20528402

You scan the stuff you bought before leaving Japan?

>> No.20528415

Nice work, I'll post mine after I sleep off my headache.


>> No.20528599

Just go back and get it. This isn't a multiculti shithole, nobody will steal it and the shop is holding it for you as we speak.

>> No.20528658
File: 149 KB, 450x600, __tokiha_mai_my_hime_drawn_by_hairu__70d4f39856014207051e832c10cd26c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good gomiget all! :-DDDD
See you next year /jp/
Love, anonymous

>> No.20528677

anyone picked some nagatoro stuff?

>> No.20528718

Someone I know left a laptop at some corner since the storage machines were full and it was fine when he got back

>> No.20528745

lol what a pussy

>> No.20528817

Meet up with me and ill take it off your hands.

>> No.20528842

Why the hell is this sorted by alphabet this time and not by genre as always? What the point.

>> No.20528847

How's the paper quality with the Heisei book?

>> No.20529054

It feels like an actual book
Its very nice

>> No.20529354

You think I didn't go back and ask?

>> No.20530223


>> No.20530324

Not at home atm so no time to work on it but if anything's been uploaded at all today on other sites it'd be great if someone could throw them in https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/4/d/1ywD6iEIRvX4mi7fwgBt8lSFUT7grQ3VQqKB61F0us8c/htmlview#gid=0

>> No.20530383
File: 289 KB, 800x1148, maetel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old favorites aside, did you discover anything nice this comiket? I came across this circle while browsing the catalog https://webcatalog.circle.ms/Circle/14206099 , bought some of their stuff and I'm definitely a fan

>> No.20530522

There's really not enough small and supple chests around.
Especially on day 2. Almost nothing but lolis and tittymonsters in the Touhou block.

>> No.20531199

>Not doing the good ole Copy+Paste onto Excel and sorting it by the genre column

>> No.20531476

I had an excellent chat in high school English (his) and pre-school Japanese (mine) with an artist who also so happens to draw my favourite idol(s). With all of the commercial circles it's nice to see people like him doing it for the love of the craft

No, I'm not posting who he is because some of you will ruin things for everyone else. I've learned my lesson posting my secret web cams in the stream thread only to see them go offline

>> No.20531640

God I hope someone scan bottom left book, looks really awesome.

>> No.20531781

Found out that I over calculated the tariff allowances for alcohol so I'm getting drunk on nihonshu in a fucking toyoko inn on Japanese New Years

If you're still in Tokyo I saw copies for sale at Toranoana C Store

>> No.20531897

Not him, but is it good? I'm there and I conside red getting it but it's quite expensive for a book

>> No.20531973

I didn't actually look at it, I just remember seeing copies near the register. Sorry

>> No.20531998

Its fucking thick, like a college textbook or something

>> No.20532005

Who are you quoting?

>> No.20532036

I know but if it's boring it's boring
I can't read japanese anyways

>> No.20532081

so.... Scan when?

>> No.20532187

Never. Welcome to /jp/

>> No.20532816

Whats the paint one in the bottom left?

>> No.20532890

first result on google

>> No.20533018

>new Okina Flying
Excellent taste. Didn't know he was releasing something.

>> No.20533183

did anyone get as109s book? got city109 but disappointed i didnt have enough on me to pick up the book

>> No.20533200

and i guess wheres do i have the best bet of finding it now

>> No.20533411
File: 1.24 MB, 1800x2549, c95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As promised, 1 work per circle and not including commercial booth stuff I got on day 1. The spontaneous pickups vary in quality and I missed some of the latest releases but overall I'm happy with what I got especially considering how shitty my preparation was.

>> No.20534238

Theres barely any writing
Its mainly pages of crossovers between series

>> No.20534312

you got to dump all that touhou music

>> No.20534477

it's like a collaboration between all the famous artists drawing fanart of all iconic anime and games that got released in Heisei

>> No.20534855
File: 183 KB, 600x649, 1469317867285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shen Dhitte

I'm going to buy it regardless but if I could have it on my flight home tomorrow that would make my year. My 2019 year

>> No.20535313

Was the Syrufit guy alive?

No new album this Comiket so I'm already worried.

>> No.20535361

I'm waiting for it to hit online but so far it doesn't look like it'll be available until after the 2nd. Sorry. it'll take a week or so to get it to me from that point as well.

>> No.20535418

Ah, I had a brain problem and thought you were buying it in person even though you specifically said online. Nevermind. Thanks anyway

>> No.20535423

I couldn't resist not buying it but I'm not sure sure if I dare bringing it back home since it's pretty hard stuff.
I bought a bit of loli from day 2 too but that's comparatively tame and 'normal' as far as loli goes.
Since I have a decent enough camera I might try to do some photos under the right light conditions and just upload those instead, just for my peace of mind on the flight back.

Okina also looked just like I expected it (a bit like the MiA author, Tsukushi), was really friendly and seemed like a nice guy.
In general, most smaller artists seemed happy that a 外人 was coming by. If my Japanese were better I would've really liked to talk a bit to some of them.

>> No.20535546

Do you guys normally ship every back or just put it all in a carry-on?

>> No.20535618

Depends how much you buy. a big stock of doujins/CD's you can easily ship it back home from their mail services. If you have space in your luggage then just carefully put them there.

>> No.20535646

Just put everything in plastic cases from Daiso and put them in my checked luggage.

>> No.20535666

Checked luggage, I just don't trust US mail.

>> No.20536094

I'm gonna have to buy a new suitcase
Anybody know any good places

>> No.20536173
File: 701 KB, 1960x2774, 20190101_124810~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think it should be understated how much Heisei Doujin Monogatari should be valued. It's a record of everything that has built up the culture we love over thirty years and the people who took part in creating it (at least the more prominent people). It's definitely not boring and wonderful just to flip through.

Anyway since someone was asking for pictures of the limited booklet I'll start putting some here.

>> No.20536179

Last time I was here I bought one for around 6k at yodobashi camera in akiba. I don't know if there's cheaper somewhere else.

>> No.20536180
File: 2.74 MB, 4032x1960, 20190101_124820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20536188
File: 2.00 MB, 4032x1960, 20190101_124827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20536200
File: 2.33 MB, 4032x1960, 20190101_124838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20536208
File: 2.79 MB, 4032x1960, 20190101_124843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20536213
File: 2.75 MB, 4032x1960, 20190101_125545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that's all of it.

>> No.20536237

Thanks anon. Couldn't make it this year so I ordered Heisei Doujin Monogatari off Toranoana. It comes with their own bonus booklet so I'll post pictures of it if it's any different when it eventually arrives.

>> No.20536396

I bought mine from toranoana last night and there was no bonus booklet. Was it something that cost extra?

>> No.20536438

>Okina also looked just like I expected it (a bit like the MiA author, Tsukushi)
That's kinda interesting, expected him to look like a creep out of prejudice. Most of the authors out there sound pretty chill, I don't think I've read about bad experiences with them on /jp/ that might be because I don't go on here too often. Good luck with going back home anon. Hope you don't get in trouble.

>> No.20536442
File: 1.01 MB, 1194x561, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe ran out?

>> No.20536581

I do hope this gets scan

>> No.20536770

Maybe they did, also I bought it in akiba not online.

>> No.20536784

All the interactions I had (with my babby Japanese) were positive. My favorite was Rustle apologizing for not having a new work for sale, he seemed so sincere

>> No.20536852

How were his eyes? There are certain rumors about him going blind.

>> No.20536854

Rustle really seemed like a cool guy, he gladly signed something for me too.

>> No.20536864


>> No.20536873

I should bring some pictures of floors for him to sign

>> No.20536943

should I take all my loot on carry on
I heard checked baggage is treated like shit but I also don't want some fag asking why I have all this loli doujinshi if I do carry on

>> No.20537075

Stack your lolis in between non-pornographic stuff. Stop at a convenience store and buy some magazines if you need to

>> No.20537080

does this apply when I have enough to fill a carry on suitcase?

>> No.20537264

Which sites have digital albums available to buy? Considering getting and uploading a few if my betting goes well.

>> No.20537289

Buy another suitcase and buy some clothes?

>> No.20537466

One of my favorite artists refused to sign purchased item for me. No one refused (even bigger music and doujin artists) but this artist told me he's never signing anything.
Kind of disappointed me desu

>> No.20537532

someone make a new thread

>> No.20537583

