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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 27 KB, 300x450, chr-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20483592 No.20483592 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for sharing things you've recently been interested in that don't have their own thread or even that do have their own thread but you think should be shared with a wider audience. All subjects welcome as long as they're /jp/-related, from entire games and series to one-off images you found in your feed.

Long and autistic essays about why the recent thing was so great are encouraged if said thing was particularly niche and you think more people would appreciate it. Or even non-recent things you're a fan of and haven't found a place to discuss up until now.

A couple of days ago I unearthed Active Simulation War Daiva, its interesting to see the tangential content that was produced alongside it, including an album in 1987.

>> No.20483601

Link to previous thread: >>20236948

>> No.20485249

>Active Simulation War Daiva
What is it, an anime or a game or what?

>> No.20487835

Bumping so the thread doesn't die

>> No.20489203

Its an episodic series of games/space opera type thing, I'm really liking it so far.

>> No.20490526


>> No.20491342

Look it up. Watch it. Report back.

>> No.20493357
File: 146 KB, 744x888, nhk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When did /jp/ get so fast?

>> No.20494869

We been going faster and faster everyday since 4chan went down for maintenance.

>> No.20496654

No way am I going to watch two and a half hours of this. Even if you had a strong humiliation fetish I don't see how you could endure this idiocy without feeling like you're the one being trolled.

>> No.20497126

Is Flan Wants to Die (tkmz) considered Grimsokyou?

>> No.20497763

What's grim about it?

>> No.20498661

Marisa is dead, 2hus are sad. I don't consider it but I've never really seen it said one way or another and I don't want to derail anything with grimposting or anti-grimposting.

>> No.20498796

Grimposters just want gensokyo to be a grimderp level place, not just people getting sad sometimes.

>> No.20500396

How did he suddenly know where to procure those kinds of images from anyway?

>> No.20501204
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I have $100 in Amazon gift cards from Christmas, but there's nothing I want or need from there. Do you anons have any suggestions on something /jp/ related I can buy? Or anything interesting really.

>> No.20501209
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>> No.20502945

I don't think I'd be able to make it through the book version. Although between >>20435866 and that, it makes me wonder some things. Back in the old days of otaku, stuff like lewd cosplays and images of them still existed. I wonder how or if the changes in laws affected people into that. Like if they felt that not being allowed to have lewd cosplays of people under 18 anymore all of a sudden was limiting their ability to collect cosplayer images.

>> No.20505529

jp candies and cookies

>> No.20509394

Do the cards work on Amazon.jp?

>> No.20510880

Second hand fumos

>> No.20512151

Imagine being one of the actors playing the patrons in it.

>> No.20512195

when retards decided this was apparently the idol board

>> No.20515541

Unfortunately, they don't. In the end I bought some gunpla and modelling tools for practice. It might be fun to be able to do those Garage Kits of 2hus.

>> No.20519119

I hate liking ero ACT games so much but having basically seen it all to the point of boredom with them.

>> No.20521404

It'll slow down next year, for sure.

>> No.20524229

Ban all idolfag thread and we will go back to normal pace.

>> No.20530320

This scene here reminds me why I like otaku media.

>> No.20536352

Is that a mimic? I like the design but I wouldn't want to kill a mimic this cute.

>> No.20536416
File: 1.75 MB, 1407x1070, Do not lewd liches.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is that a mimic?

>I like the design but I wouldn't want to kill a mimic this cute.
I'm pretty sure you just knock the girls down and then can molest them if you have VTL left.

>> No.20539025

Does /jp/ play eve? I want to play with someone but I'm a bit disconnected from people who aren't from the same place as I am.

>> No.20539168

I played a trial like back in 2015 but my video card died after the trial and I still subtly blame it on the game. The hard drive with the game files on it broke for a while too. All I did was scan anomalies though.

>> No.20539713
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I tried playing it a few months ago and it was a really weird experience. Nobody wants to play with you because they all think you're a double-agent or something. Even in the /vg/ thread people are so paranoid they don't post any pictures or their names. I ended up dropping it because I couldn't figure out what to do, and joining a megacorp to be bossed around doesn't seem very fun either.

You can make some really cute characters if you put time into sculpting and everything though.

>> No.20539996

>Even in the /vg/ thread people are so paranoid they don't post any pictures or their names.
That's every MMORPG thread except like BDO, TERA, and FFXIV where people just post their characters to be oogled. /vg/ has a real problem with harassing other players in game as well as in threads, so people only post them for ERP related reasons.

>> No.20541898
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>Nobody wants to play with you because they all think you're a double-agent or something.
It's kind of admirable they've managed to achieve this level of, I suppose, realism. I don't play EVE, but have this.

>> No.20546178
File: 1.31 MB, 784x978, trpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tale of Phantasmal Land is interesting to read even if you don't plan on playing it. I like the idea of fans giving your characters power in a kind of meta version of what is going on with youkai in Gensokyo.

>> No.20546372

That looks like a lot of fun. Is there no way to play these sorts of games online?

>> No.20546462
File: 442 KB, 555x301, title.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The title says it's for Internet or tabletop play, but the book itself only mentions Internet play (over IRC or forums) in passing. I have never played a tabletop RPG over the Internet and can't offer any concrete suggestions. There must be software made specifically for playing tabletop RPGs over the Internet. Maybe search /tg/'s archives or just ask them?

Here is the PDF, by the way: https://my.mixtape.moe/iivzjy.pdf.. The original website is down.

>> No.20546708
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Thanks for the PDF anon, I skimmed through it a little bit and now I'm really interested in playing it. It looks like you can (probably) set it up with just a regular IRC channel and a dicebot.

I wonder if any /jp/sies would be interested in trying a game? But I don't know anything about how tabletop RPGs work.

>> No.20548794
File: 96 KB, 1198x450, ggwk trpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While researching Japanese TRPGs I found this post from this very board (>>17079629). It talks about a TRPG where the players play gaijin playing a TRPG about Japan. It sounds great. Sadly, nothing related to it seems to be translated and this is the only /jp/ post in the archives to mention it.

>> No.20548933

This is fairly readable with automatic translation.

>> No.20549703


>> No.20549740

I am, but as the name suggests tabletop RPGs are better off played with friends IRL.

>> No.20552001

Thoughts on this guy? https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?id=29809639

>> No.20552166

Pretty interesting stuff but not quite my scene.

>> No.20553806
File: 185 KB, 500x500, icon_fbcb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone ever play Cosmic Break? What was it like? Something made me think of it recently and I remembered it used to be pretty popular here a long time ago, I was too busy playing other MMOs to try it though. I guess it's dead now judging from the forums that said there's only around 10 AFKers on at a given time. I really regret missing out on it.

On that subject I really hate what MMOs have become in recent years, there's no challenge or interaction with people anymore. It's just a solo mindless zombie grind until you hit endgame and then following whatever the meta is.

>> No.20554014

A lot of MMOs are dying/dead because of how many games exist. The playerbase of the genre was worn waaay too thin. This is the first I've even heard of Cosmic Break, but it does look really interesting. It's a shame. As for MMOs changing, I definitely agree. I keep looking for a new MMO to play, because FFXIV is just barely not a perfect MMO imo. But it seems like every single Asian mmo is a P2W solo grind action game with pretty graphics, and every western mmo game is the same vanilla DND campaign so entirely dedicated to removing modern standard quality of life features that they forget to make the game any fun to play. FFXIV doesn't have the major pitfalls of either style, but it's missing some features that I think would make the game 100% perfect imo (really it just needs more focus on massively multi-player activities, like the 24 man raids, world bosses, and that recent 5th anniversary mission evebt FATE thing). Really, the genre needs some fresh blood with real vision to make a fun and engaging game.

>> No.20557223
File: 211 KB, 460x600, 1293471246087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone ever play Cosmic Break?
>What was it like?
Complete shit, but fun competing against /m/ and /a/.
People should be forced to play Cosmic Break whenever they utter the phrase "P2W" so they can understand what it really means. The little RPG mode it was was fun though and customizing was pretty cool as long as you didn't start delving into upgrading slots. Beta was hilarious. There was some event where you had to go through the RPG mode to get some reward that I forget, each level is timed and to beat the level you have to kill certain key holding enemies that drop several keys. So there you were in beta with like 200 other people on a map and 5 keys to go around. The GMs had to go from map to maps spawning keys and people had to wait it out complaining and failing if the GMs didn't show up in time. Everyone spamming the "help me" chat macro in frustration still sits in the back of my memory. Anyway, it's complete trash and you didn't really miss anything but lewd skins and robot titties. If you just want to try it out, go try it out. I'm pretty sure that game was only ever alive because 4chan played it. Some of the GMs were 4channers too I think.

>I really hate what MMOs have become
Blame players who don't want to interact with each other.

>removing modern standard quality of life features
That shit also helped kill mmos. Party finders so you don't have to talk to find parties, auction houses so you don't have to set up shops or talk to players to trade things, quality of life features just degrade communities.
>Really, the genre needs some fresh blood with real vision
The genre needs to games to grab a niche and hold on to that niche and understand they're only going to have those players and people who get used to the style of gameplay instead of trying to change themselves into something they are not.

My game of choice is still Mabinogi because it's still the only MMO where you can do basically anything.

>> No.20558180
File: 386 KB, 1920x1080, exefile_2017_01_16_02_27_53_254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eve is pretty hard to get into all alone without someone to guide you indeed. There are corps that are well suited for beginners such as pandemic horde but even then you may not even know about their existence without someone telling you about them in first place.
I used to play but eventually burned out. Still planing to come back, there is no other game like this.
You can try finding some corp and make friends, this isn't your usual mmo, average age of community is above 30 and the game itself is a huge retard filter so people are generally pleasant to talk unlike in other mmos. Even autist like me with zero contacts irl was able to make friends here.

>> No.20561463


>> No.20565448

don't die yet

>> No.20569203


>> No.20571993


>> No.20574861
File: 11 KB, 496x384, 12051100300.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I discovered that Japan once had a well documented vtex system, its fascinating to browse. It even has english tour resources, with the intention a foreigner could plug in at a landmark and learn more, regardless of the language barrier. Unfortunately adoption was glacial and the service died relatively quickly, unlike France's amazing userbase that lasted till the late naughts.


I really wish this wasn't necessary.

>> No.20574916
File: 45 KB, 640x480, DTV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, for those of you (none) wondering about teletext, it was used... to multiplex subtitles for television exclusively. Some channels did experiment with extending teletext into fully featured menus and pages, but this only came about in force during the transition to data broadcasting.

In addition, teletext multiplexing was heavily misused despite attempts of standardization, with several channel and content exclusions in addition to mishandled standardization attempts. Apparently it was a bit like the early days of youtube captions.

>> No.20575080
File: 82 KB, 1280x720, 1A60A549-3F72-4D9D-8F4A-B61CB99276A9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if this is the right thread to ask but whatever, in Muramasa the demon blade there’s a level where the player enters Hell through a well. Is that based on any folktale or was it made up for the game?

>> No.20575133

It's a 2hu reference to SA lol

>> No.20577874
File: 262 KB, 625x825, byakuren564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is how being deep into touhou for along time feels like

>> No.20579124
File: 442 KB, 360x270, tomoyo-daydream.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came across a Sakura fansite recently that's still being updated. https://lmk.suppi.net/index.php

It's a nice feeling knowing that there are still sites like this out there that have some activity.

>> No.20581770

Is the new show good?

>> No.20582897


>> No.20582921
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>> No.20584905
File: 49 KB, 800x800, word cloud previous.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty fast right now. Bumping from page 9.

>> No.20585264

I wish the staff would wordfilter "previous" into something else, even if only for a week

>> No.20587701

All the generalfags would lose their minds.

>> No.20589472

According to <a href="//boards.4channel.org/qa/thread/2518414#p2538664" class="quotelink">>>>/qa/2538664,</a> right now /jp/ is 67% general posts.

>> No.20589497

It's not as good as the original but it's still pretty good. It's worth watching if you liked the original at least.

>> No.20591819

Filter the word "general" in the subject to "chatroom".

>> No.20596004

Is doujin cosplay AV sold at Comiket? I mean, is it not just amateur porn? I see many self-proclaimed "doujin cosplay AV circles" on Twitter.

>> No.20596097

You mean those whores who sell lewd videos of themselves cosplaying or actual porn movies?

>> No.20596128

Actual porn, with the girl dressed as a character. I think Pinkyweb and Sexfriend are the most famous, but there are plenty of them.

>> No.20602711

Try FC2.

>> No.20606561

nice outfit

>> No.20607785

Thats an awful big number.

>> No.20611561
File: 127 KB, 631x4693, 1229874283211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this cute comic I saved on December 21, 2008, apparently. Such a cute and innocent time it was, if only they could see 5 months ahead...

>> No.20616779
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>> No.20618507

I always thought the Otome Function one was the original.
It turned out to be the most accurate if nothing else.

>> No.20620688

I'm pretty sure it was originally about Duke Nukem forever or one of those other games from back then that finally came out.

>> No.20623483
File: 807 KB, 1893x2430, Yukihiro Matsumoto with Richard Stallman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only very tangentially /jp/, but the programming language Ruby is 25 years old.

>> No.20626507

>This project aims to rebuild the first five games of the Touhou Project series by ZUN Soft (now Team Shanghai Alice), which were originally released exclusively for the NEC PC-9801 system, into a cross-platform, open and truly moddable form.

>> No.20627409
File: 30 KB, 600x671, 1521674325698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To preface this post: I can't find anything on it no matter how much I search.

Like the other guy said, in Touhou you also enter a "hell" in the same way- and, well we all know how that goes. I also know in FF4 you enter a "hell" the same way. And, to further strengthen the comparison, the ultimate sword is obtained in a forge down there. Sounds a lot like Oboro Muramasa!

Well, simply working backwards from there to find the allusion they are working with was a fruitless effort. Where I failed, perhaps someone else may succeed.

I do have a bit of extraneous insight though:

While there might be folk stories about entering Hell, or another world, through a well, there is a more recent scare story from the 80s about there being an entrance to hell in Siberia. I don't know if I would call that the correct answer, but it's the closest thing I've got so far.

The setting of Oboro Muramasa is in a buddhist Japan, and a lot of the stuff you run into will be from that. So I spent a lot of time reading Jigoku, which I'm sure you know is one of Japan's accepted versions of "hell". Jigoku itself is populated by the little oni demons you'll find running around in the hell of Oboro Muramasa, as they are akin to the little devils of Christian hell that do Satan's bidding. Swap out Satan for Lord Enma and you get something pretty similar.

Jigoku has many trials and punishments, including being boiled in a cauldron. I have played Muramasa, so I don't remember if it's a spoiler or not that Jinkuro was punished in this way before escaping hell. But, as you can see, they are very faithful to this depiction of hell.

On the other hand, Odin Sphere is something that adapts Nordic mythology, and should give you a really good idea of how faithful Vanillaware/George Kamitani is to the characters and stories he is working with. I'm sure you'll find that a lot of the details are, uh, manipulated to build the world the way he envisions it.

In other words, I believe it's quite likely that while they may have been faithful to a lot of details, it's equally likely that there is some stuff that has been bent in a way to fit into the world it belongs to. This is probably the case considering the tale of Momotaro, where Onigashima holds a fortress of Oni and the entrance is simply a gate, which must be passed in a similar way to Muramasa where it is a well and you must break the "entrance" with a blade.

TL;DR: The well is in other games I've played, and I don't know why. The rest is my conjecture.

>> No.20627864

Searching for wells to hell in Japanese mythology, I have found this legend about Ono no Takamura.
>Takamura is the subject of a number of odd stories and legends. One of the most singular of these legends is the claim that every night he would climb down a well to hell and help Yama (閻魔大王 enma daiō) in his judgements (裁判 saiban).
>Near the temple Rokudōchinnō-ji in Kyōto, there is a spot where the boundary between the world of the dead and the world of the living can be crossed. There are many stories in that area of ghosts returning to this world and trying to buy candy from stores, or visiting lost relatives. Ono no Takamura knew of this, and discovered a way to travel freely between the world of the dead and the world of the living. He would enter the underworld every night by climbing down a well located in the garden of Rokudōchinnō-ji, and return every morning by climbing out of a well located in the temple Sagano Fukusei-ji.

>> No.20627888

Bad link.

>> No.20629854 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20631299
File: 216 KB, 1444x1956, 4stats namefags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ has the fewest namefag/tripfag posts of any board without forced anonymous.

>> No.20631335

why does /lgbt/ have such a huge percentage?

>> No.20631340

oh and I don't want to spark some shitty discussion here, I just found it odd

>> No.20631369

I checked it out for a bit just now and from what I see it's because about 1/4th of the board is tripfags and people new to 4chan who probably thinks that they f

>> No.20631370

Nobody has really done the research, but the 4stats thread on /qa/ thinks it's newfags from reddit and similar places. That board has grown a lot recently.

>> No.20631379

*should use a name

>> No.20632916
File: 677 KB, 1024x723, NC_TRY3_178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japanese TRPGs
I'll probably never play Nechronica, but I liked this replay. It had a dark but somewhat hopeful atmosphere that I really enjoyed. I actually wanted to read more by the end.

>> No.20636871

Okay except that kinda gay ending.

>> No.20640110

What kind of Gundam is this?

>> No.20641331

absolutely_everyone is a good Danbooru tag.

>> No.20641392

Hi means "not", in case anyone misreads that as "high".

>> No.20641412

the actual reason is that /lgbt/ has seen a 40% growth in popularity every year for a few years now with the sole culprit being the male to female transgender general which had most of its users migrated from reddit and they are also mostly trips.
I dont want to start anything here but thats just what is happening

>> No.20642803
File: 306 KB, 800x800, PACKEN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One the EF wouldn't particularly like.

>> No.20643205
File: 223 KB, 982x726, this fucking exists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>had most of its users migrated from reddit
Why did they want to leave reddit?

>> No.20646541

I honestly like Yuuko Gotou's rendition of Smells Like Teen Spirit.

>> No.20647530

Just out of curiosity, has there been a Dr. Mario ROM Hack, but with Eirin Yagokoro as the doctor?

That might be a fun-ish project.

>> No.20649328
File: 21 KB, 512x480, eirin2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like a few people have had the idea to put Eirin in Dr. Mario. One of them produced a remix and another a Flash game, but I couldn't find an actual romhack. I am linking to a YouTube video for the Flash game because the description is helpful.


>> No.20649580


My favourite song.

>> No.20650216

Very cute!

>> No.20653114

Chibitami was such a good site/creator.

>> No.20653215

What happened? Their Twitter hasn't been updated since 2014 but one of the last tweets says that someone should have an archive.

>> No.20653236

I don't know. They just stopped running it. The games should be archived somewhere.

>> No.20654583

hey /jp/, got a /r/ for you
didnt really know where to go, but if anyone could help me out, or point me in the right direction itd be you guys

im looking for a way to watch or download a hatsune miku concert, specifically the 2010 one in japan. i think it was a 39 givings day or something like that

this was the opening to the concert:

>> No.20658911

nevermind, /wsr/ helped

>> No.20663887

what's oshare?

>> No.20664775

Seems to refer to Japan's high fashion crowd, aka the oshare kei, visual kei, and decora kei cultures.

>> No.20666134
File: 27 KB, 650x700, alice smoking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you know who drew this Alice? It's a very old picture. TinEye, Google, Yandex and SauceNao have failed me.

>> No.20666356

How old? It looks like an oekaki so it could just be some dude from /i/ or futaba's oekaki board from ages ago.

>> No.20666812

I thought it might be from Futaba's oekaki board or one of those neat little geocities.jp websites with an oekaki section that sometimes disappear overnight. The first entry in the archives is >>22993, meaning it as old as or, more likely, older than /jp/. I doubt 2004-2008 /i*/ could have drawn it. Is anyone archiving oekaki Touhou stuff more thoroughly than Danbooru and Gelbooru? Gelbooru already has pictures that Danbooru's quality control would delete.

>> No.20668212

I doubt there'd be a name to it even if it was hosted somewhere.

>> No.20670257
File: 1.95 MB, 1724x650, pika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pikachu Beachvolley is a fanastic game. I don't know why it exists and its a pile of flaming garbage, but I love it regardless. Also good luck finding anything about it in japanese, the most luck I got was in korean and only to the extent of a few screenshots.
check on the oekakibbs reference

>> No.20671536

<span class="sjis">          ∧_∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
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>> No.20674495


>> No.20677010
File: 704 KB, 1200x684, あほの坂田.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I start to feel tired and tired of media in general the Nico Kumikyokus (and their derivatives) never fail to cheer me up.

I really like this one in particular, a hand-drawn + amateur-voiced rendition of Matenrou:


>> No.20679074
File: 780 KB, 640x360, Four of a Kind .webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20682043


>> No.20687522

