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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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20345142 No.20345142 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for the discussion of Type-Moon's games, novels, and anime.

>TYPE-MOON's official site
>TYPE-MOON's official site before going commercial

Download Links
>Kara no Kyoukai the Garden of sinners
Light Novel: https://emptyboundaries.wordpress.com/2011/07/25/kara-no-kyokai-translations-2/
Movies: https://nyaa.si/view/1096358

>Tsukihime (Moon Princess)
Tsukihime PLUS+DISK
Tsukihime Kagetsu Tohya
Tsukihime Manga

>Melty Blood
Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code - Community Edition (cccaster v3.0a.020)
Melty Blood Manga
Melty Blood: Back Alley Alliance Nightmare Chapter 1: Dream.01

>Fate/stay night
Fate/stay night [Réalta Nua]
Fate/stay night [Heaven’s Feel] Ⅰ.presage flower
Fate/hollow ataraxia
Lord El Melloi II Case Files

>Mahoutsukai no Yoru (Witch on the Holy Night)
English Translation: https://mega.nz/#F!loBEBJDB!LMlgzDXX_ZnnRtnKFbXhQQ
French Translation: https://github.com/IDerr/mahoyo-french

>Angel Voice, 1999, K.Nasu & T.Takeuchi
>Coral of the Moon
>DDD - Decoration Disorder Disconnection
>Fate/strange Fake
>Fire Girl

Other Links
>Beast's Lair forum
>Encyclopedia of Type Moon
>Fate Franchise Loseless Soundtracks
>Fuyuki Rebuild
>Melty Bread: Melty Blood (and French Bread) news stuffs. We have character discussion forums!
>Mirror Moon
>TMdict: Glossaries from works by Type-Moon
>Tsuki-kan: A small Type-Moon site
>Tsukihime doujins from 2008
>Type Moon Mega Folder
>TYPE-MOON Music Collection

Previous: >>20305628

>> No.20345245

Why haven’t the mods of BL deleted this http://forums.nrvnqsr.com/showthread.php/7876-%E6%98%87%E8%8F%AF%E6%BD%9C%E7%86%B1-(Latent-Heat-of-Sublimation)-FGO-Lemon-Hysterical-Screed ?

>> No.20346554

Link the thread next time.
At least this time you actually waited until bump limit, but still, wait for page 10.

>> No.20346560

Because it is the last decent thing Dullahan will likely ever do.

>> No.20346748

How do I install Tsukihime?

>> No.20346829

>Playing FSN VN for first time
>Get to the part where Saber and Gil clash with Enuma Elish and Excalibur
>My game crashes
>tfw Gil's affection transcends space time and he crashes my game because he doesn't want me to fuck his waifu after our perfect date
Impressive really.

>> No.20346877

Gilgamesh does not have waifus, Gilgamesh has women. Correct yourself.

>> No.20347113

He has women, but also a waifu.

>> No.20347467

>using forums

>> No.20347984


>> No.20347986
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>> No.20347994
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>> No.20348133
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>> No.20348147
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Arc and Ciel are so adorable in this scenario https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evcmtbM9pYs

>> No.20348158
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>> No.20348323 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.20348346

That's actually true. If everything you care for comes to an end before you, then you won't regret missing out on anything as you die.

>> No.20348420

I heard somebody on the NA team said they decided on changing how emiya alter is handled.

hopefully they photoshop him into any other skin colour.

>> No.20348455

That'd be hilarious. They'll probably just change some dialogue though.

>> No.20348459

i think their just changing his backstory becuse muh racism or something stupid.

>> No.20348461
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>> No.20348642
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>> No.20348658

I don't have him pulled so I haven't read his profile, but I'm pretty sure his backstory doesn't even explain why he looks like he does. the CCC event sure didn't.

I guess having him have even darker skin that normal emiya kinda makes sense, but his fuckin hairstyle man. and then one of the writers thinks it would be funny to call him detroit emiya and actually puts it in the fucking game.

I bet that was nasu too.

>> No.20349671

I wish Berserker got better fights in the VN. I like the idea of Heracles coming back to life after being defeated because it meshes well with how they portray him. But he never actually comes back to life like that. He gets killed a bunch of times offscreen by Archer in Fate, and finished off by muh caliburn. Then he gets turned into a needle cushion by Gil, and then he gets swallowed up. I wish they got rid of that whole "strong weapons can kill him multiple time" thing and have a battle where multiple servants have to fight him and defeat him 12 times.

>> No.20350884
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I'm thinking back to watching Fate/Zero for the first time, and fuck, it makes me miss fun, solid TM stories. I want more of that stuff. Wish we had another seasonal ufotable show too, though at this rate it would adapt some FGO shit instead. Guess I should be hopeful for Case Files.

>> No.20351727

honestly, all the shit they added lately heavily reduces my enjoyment of basic TM stories.

I try to get a immersed and then a voice in my head just goes "hey, remember sefar? remember lovecraft?"

>> No.20351963

Kawasumi Ayako playing Gray I suspect?

>> No.20351970
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I finished the first route and I don't know if I can go on. The ending is too bitter sweet.

>> No.20352024

first route is the worst one.

>> No.20354015 [DELETED] 

If it's Mirror Moon, you don't need to install it. You just run the executable.

>> No.20354037

Keep going man. Unlimited Blade Works is probably the most fun of all the routes.

>> No.20354080

Is it just me, or did all this parellel world faffery just ruin Type-Moon? It was fine when there were like 2 or 3 parallel worlds being dealt with, because then you could have meaningful worldbuilding. But the recent trend of putting every unique thing into its own parallel world seriously irritates me and makes me not want to get invested in new shit.

>> No.20354217

Yeah it did. It was a fine thing to have as a concept like the kaleidoscope, but then he nasu started putting fucking everything he writes into a new paralell world. Just look up how many fucking paralell worlds the extra series consists of, it's ridiculous. then he made up the fucking pruning rules that are honestly just retarded. any timeline that doesn't lead to some fucking arbitrary point gets the middle finger.

only two years after extella and the entire plot of FGO part 2 is about pruning. It's like he wrote it with FGO in mind.

Don't even make me start talking about the implications this garbage has for free will within the nasuverse.
If I decide to kill my neighbour, and that somehow leads to humanity not turning into a galactic masterrace, my entire fucking timeline goes into the trash.

>> No.20354393
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>any timeline that doesn't lead to some fucking arbitrary point gets the middle finger
just like a visual novel, amirite?

>> No.20354441

This is entirely the reason he did it. It's all like some meta joke to him and I honestly find it kind of insulting for being so low effort.

>> No.20355508
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I disagree. It gets weighed down by exposition dumps, and has less impact than the latter routes, but it's still fantastic. Definitely better than UBW and maybe even better than Heaven's Feel. Also, Seibah is the best out of the three heroines.

>> No.20356689

Everyone agrees, someone posts this at least a few times a thread

>> No.20356690

Sorry, I'm a secondary who's just recently leveled up to primary status. I'm new around here.

>> No.20356888

Imageboards, IRC, and small niche forums are the only decent places left on the internet.

>> No.20357745

What's wrong with Fate/Extra and FGO?

>> No.20357798

Extra's cool

FGO's story, despite having some neat lore and concepts, is boring as dirt

>> No.20357859

Extra is whatever really.
The reasons for GO haven been discussed to death.
I'd start by reading >>20345245

>> No.20358251

Please respond

>> No.20358752

You shouldn't need to install it. Every distribution of it I've found online just has an executable. You run that with the right locale enabled and it just werks.

>> No.20358788

Even the one that is linked in the OP? Windows Defender keeps blocking the exe file and the readme talks about buying a legal copy of the game that isn't even sold anymore so I'm very confused.

>> No.20358811

You're using Windows 10, right? Do this:
>Open Windows Defender Security Center
>Open App and Browser control
>Set 'Check files and apps' to off

>> No.20358934

Do I have to install some japanese language stuff too? I didn't have to do anything like that when I downloaded stay night.

>> No.20358939

Yes, you need to switch to Japanese locale.

>> No.20359177

FGO now has the crypter true ancestor summonable.

what a great fucking game.

>> No.20359286



? ? ?

>> No.20359378

What's the lore excuse for this shit?

>> No.20359386

she wanted to be :)

>> No.20359391

Not even with how she'd be summoned, but why would she ever, ever help you in destroying other crypter's worlds?
Gacha is such cancer.

>> No.20359392

She's not a True Ancestor, she's something completely new they made up for FGO. Basically the same origin/species/creation with a different purpose.

And Qin can improve the design showing Humanity > Gaia.

>> No.20359399

She doesn't give a shit, and mentions she hates Guda. She only wants to use Chaldea to be with her husband.

>> No.20359408

Wow that's fucking lame
Sasuga FGO

>> No.20359414

she never cared about the crypters and just wanted to get her husband back through lostbelt fuckery

I just read that profile entry too, makes the LB3 story make more sense but still a giant asspull. why did gaia even make her nearly identicals to TAs if she isn't meant to fuck humanity up? bravo nasu.

>> No.20359418

It's Consort Yu. You expect her to give a shit about anything else?
like look up a bit more.

>> No.20359427

It's not about that, it's about how FGO will bring anyone back via gacha if it's convenient. Fuck the entire Servant system and the way they exploit it for this shit.

>> No.20359438

She's basically a Gaia Terminal made to Maintain the world's texture, her origin (and the origin of all mystery in China) is the Fusang Tree. Emperor Qin simply made his body based on hers, the Fusang and other shit (like Lelouch from Code Geass), eliminating the dumb blood-placebo cripple shit. Maybe someone should hire this dude to replace Gaia and Alaya in exchange of smartphones.

I think they didn't want her to be a TA, because it'll make her less 'special' since Arc has to be the most speshful TA. You know they have a snowflake fetish.

>> No.20359447

If they didn't want her to be a TA maybe they shouldn't have everyone except the emperor call her a TA.

>> No.20359458

The Emperor literally corrected (you) all, just EOPs EOPing.

>> No.20359470

nigger even the japs are memeing about this on twitter.

>> No.20359543

Thanks, I think I managed to get it to work now.

>> No.20359902
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If you go by fanart, Ciel is the hottest Tsukihime girl.
Shame her in-game stuff sucked.

>> No.20362622
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>> No.20364120
File: 359 KB, 728x1044, Fate_Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya 2wei! - Fate_Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya 2wei! 22 - Enforcer - 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hold the fuck up, what?

>> No.20364387

Not written by Nasu. Not canon.

>> No.20364530

Is that Roa Ciel?

>> No.20364569

the FGO event literally made it canon :^)

>> No.20364667

FGO established prisma as some weird world that has nothing to do with main continuity, unlike FZ/FSN.

>> No.20364930
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Yep, that's her.

>> No.20365005

the 'original burnt French toast' of Type Moon?

>> No.20365172

You know what was fucked up? Before they called him Detroit emiya a friends of mine and I called him Emiya of Detroit.

>> No.20365280
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>> No.20365288
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>> No.20365435

She's one of my favorite nasu girls.

>> No.20365874

>It's like he wrote it with FGO in mind
He obviously did.

>> No.20365881

A weirld world that still exists, so it's canon.

>> No.20367008

It's exactly the kind of nickname some dude on 4chan would come up with. only it's offical.

I don't even like the story of how emiya alter came to be me. another fucking kiara jerkoff session.

>> No.20367926

It is officially licenced and does not state it isn't canon.
Therefore it is canon but is completely separate from the normal timelines.

>> No.20368690

I thought he was MoS EMIYA?

>> No.20368992

I wasn't the one that claimed it wasn't canon, but is really separated from "normal" main titles, even if Extra is weirder...

>> No.20369256

I just want to say that I finished reading the chapter of Shiki fighting Fujino and it was pretty incredible.

>> No.20369731

Do FGO players play for the story? Or do they play because it's historical figure pokemon

>> No.20369775

Is it gay to fuck your king?

>> No.20369842

Only if you're a girl.

>> No.20369954

Most the latter.
The former is only a side dish that makes sure to cater for newfags.

>> No.20370206
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>> No.20370285
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might be, might not be. If he is MoS emiya then he managed to maintain a "normal" sense of heroism until he came across kiara and her cult.

one of the new material books hinted at the fact that what truly fucked up emiya alter was that at some taiga and her son got into some deep shit and Emiya was unable to save them.

>> No.20370393

Is Tsukihime happier?

>> No.20370435


>> No.20370559

>and her son
When did this happen?

>> No.20370566

It varies from ending to ending, much like FSN.
Tsukihime has more sad True ends, 3 out of 5.

>> No.20370629
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>> No.20370677

A very likely scenario I think.

>> No.20370735
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Supposedly the final Case Files volume, coming out December 31st. It's looking quite likely that the London project is an adaptation.

>> No.20370743

Although actually, this one is subtitled "middle" (usually cases have "upper" and "lower"), so I think there might be another one to close the case after this. Plus, it'd be weird to not have Waver on the cover.

>> No.20370812

Does Sacchin deserve to be happy?

>> No.20370827

literally nowhere. that one line in the screenshot is all there is.

not like nasu is ever going to write more about it either.

>> No.20370831
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Why wouldn't she?

>> No.20370878


>> No.20370951
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>> No.20371012
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How is the retranslation of mahoyo faring for that anon who posted in past threads a while back?

>> No.20371179
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>> No.20371257
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Does Bram never show up in later volumes of Case Files?
It's weird that he only appears in Apocrypha, and is referenced in Zero and SF. He would definitely have fun interactions with Reines.

>> No.20371275
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>> No.20372163

delet nasu

>> No.20372821

Non-american here. Why him being called Detroit Emiya is a bad thing?

>> No.20372822

Muh racism

>> No.20372825
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Yep, it's kino.

>> No.20372827

Butcher is arguably a bigger hack than Nasu.

>> No.20372834

Depends on your definition of hack. I like Nasu more, but I think Butcher's been more consistent over the years.

>> No.20372850

His consistency is what makes him a hack, he is rather formulaic, especially when it comes to character motifs.

>> No.20372882

Detroit was once a great american city. then their economy completely and utterly collpased and it's basicially turned into a giant shithole full of crime. Theres also an incredible amount of black people living their because their ancestors were imported for cheap labor decades ago. so TM pretty much turned what should be the (even more) tragic version of emiya into a joke about detroit being a shithole where black people shoot each other on a daily basis


>> No.20372933

Oh well. Thanks!

>> No.20373183

don't tell anyone, but I think this is the last good anime ufotable ever made.

>> No.20373925

If weapons and servants grow stronger the older they are, doesn't that mean gil could technically be defeated simply by some random African/Australian-aboriginal culture hero with a really old wooden spear or something like that? because gil's claim to fame as the owner and precursor isn't true at all.

>> No.20374057

dont know about that but i allways wondered why fate couldn't feature adam and eve the first humans. they are kind of the very heroes of humanity.

>> No.20374155

If you could name one.
Heroes whose name have been lost to time get filtered out and added to the power of the Nameless Hero, a zero-model.

>> No.20374465

Gil made a personal pact with the gods when he was alive, which means he owns the original concept of every weapon. It's not that older things don't exist, it's that they can't exist. He's the first one with fame and his existence literally represents a split in the timeline before which nothing could be 'heroic.'

>> No.20375491

Joker from Persona 5 just got into Smash Bros.
How many years until Saber, holy fuck.
But really, how many years until new Melty

>> No.20375765

Never ever, for all questions.

>> No.20375810

nintendo would NEVER put any type moon characters in their games because they make porn games and that shit is on google images.

>> No.20375880

>comfy Aoko thread got nuked
Mods are strange people.

>> No.20375919

I'm okay with the progression.

>> No.20375942
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What in the flying fuck is this? Don't tell me it's seriously an excerpt of GO.

>> No.20375944

It's an expose on why GO is pure AIDS.

>> No.20376150

>more Extra shit
Yawn. When are they gonna let it go?
Though honestly it isn't like they're any better. The entirety of Prisma, for instance.

>> No.20376188

It was mostly off topic, to be fair. I'm just glad I got to post some Aoko and shit on GOfags

>> No.20376193

What's going on with Extra?

>> No.20376196

Nero got into Smash.

>> No.20376202

I'm glad we actually carried on, feels great.

>> No.20376211

Oh great, there's a new one.

>> No.20376427

Probably gonna quit out of of rage soon.
I tried checking out mcjons's tl to see if I could use a similiar style to him, so anyone that already used the partial patch can feel right at home.
I then very quickly give up on doing this because his translation is literal garbage.

So I head over to BL, because surely he has been criticized by somebody already. What I find is hundreds of people sucking his dick and a post from mcjon himself where he admits and clearly states that his translation of the first 3 chapters is actual trash that he did years ago, and that the version currently in the patch is one he already went over like 3 times to improve. he then says that he has pretty much given up on those chapters ever having a good TL and decided to just move on for now.

I then realize that he has very clearly given up on the entire project but doesn't want to announce it because he's scared of the backlash or just wants to keep his ePenis intact.
Looking at the scripts I have done, by dedicating just a few hours every day, it's possible to finish multiple chapters per week.
Mcjons last chapter update is almost 2 years old.
Commie must have announced their project with literally no work done at all and sat on their asses for months before actually doing anything, only to instantly lose all interest again . It goes without saying that they were also too pussy to announce that they don't want to work on it anymore.

So not only is this VN cockblocked by 2 camps of mongoloids, apparently I'm the only person in YEARS to have realized this?
If this was any other franchise I wouldn't be surprised at no translation, but this is a franchise that has had multiple succesful anime and video games. There have to be hundreds of members in this community fully capable of completing an JP-EN translation.

I guess nobody besides me actually cares that much, or is just really busy throwing money at FGO?
which brings me to the fact that everytime I spend time on this game I'm reminded that Nasu has given up on everything he tried to do with it in favour of more FGO and extraverse.

This game is older than CCC, the difference between then and now is so striking that It just insults me on a personal level.

>> No.20376441

Most people take anything that is given, this is part of why TM's translation community is a travesty to mankind.
I support you anon, If only they could too.

>> No.20376522

I hope you don't give up anon, you seem to understand more than anyone how dire the situation is. What bugs me is how Mcjon remains an active member in the BL community, and nobody is really allowed to call out fan translators, or everyone will get on your case about how they don't have the responsibility to see the project through.
Keep in mind that the vast majority of western TM fans read FSN and Tsukihime thanks to a supposedly amateurish ESL translation, so our standards aren't exactly high. It's no wonder that after years of Mahoyo being dead, anyone releasing even a partial would get their dick sucked hard like Mcjon did.
Best of luck with your project. I'll just keep looking at Mahoyo as a future reward for studying Japanese, in case you don't pull through.

>> No.20376666

That feel, it hit home all too well. Your efforts are a prime example that there is still hope despite all odds. The cockblocking mentality from commie/bl speaks volumes of not giving a fuck just because they can. Don't worry, even if you give up on this project, nobody is going to hold it against you. It is clear you were simply doing it out of your own goodwill whereas the aforementioned groups simply wanted to edge their epenis like you have said. On a semi-relating tangent, I have had a similar case with Euthanasia. Great vn, and for this reason me and my friend tried to "translate" it during the last two summer. We made no big deal of it as it's merely a passion project for our own amusement first and foremost and despite our lack of japanese we are slowly but steadily making an improvised translation that has nothing to do with the original story. Think of it kind of like what the english dub did with gakkou no kaidan's anime. Whether you release anything or not, at the end of the day its a challenge you took upon yourself with no benefits or merits in sight. Although I'm sure there would be plenty of ppl supporting you on patreon to compensate your efforts but the last time i checked this being mentioned on BL, they broke into a frenzy about the ethics of piracy and whatnot. Honestly it is because of ppl like them that we can't have nice things.

>> No.20376671
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>> No.20376941

How would you react to saber being on Smash? And how about Mash or any other FGO character?

>> No.20377074

Fine if it was real Saber

>> No.20377464

Pretty upset, because we already have too many sword people in Smash. Now, Shirou/Archer might be a good choice, but they're not nearly as iconic so it's a hard sell for Nintendo.

>> No.20377471

Add Sakura to make up for Decidueye not being added. They're both shadow archers, after all.

>> No.20377502

New volume of Void Log Bloom Echo

>> No.20378219
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Saber would be cool (and honestly the only real possibility, in terms of iconic design and recognition), but the FGO babies freaking out over that would be annoying.
Any FGO original would be awful and unbearable.

>> No.20378224
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>> No.20378265

Soul Hackers x Tsukihime? Cute!
Wish we had more SMT crossovers in general.

>> No.20378756

Neat, this guy got hired officially to do HF comics https://twitter.com/Fate_SN_Anime/status/1070966994562768896

>> No.20379863

>It's looking quite likely that the London project is an adaptation.
It's got a short running time, though.

>> No.20379869

>especially when it comes to character motifs.
And Nasu isn't? He always recycles the same characters like Takeuchi recycles his designs.

>> No.20379935


>> No.20379975

I'm the only one who doesn't mind nu Sion? I'd probably hate if she looked and acted the same despite having different backgrounds as a way to bait nostalgiafags.

>> No.20379993
File: 64 KB, 499x768, Bust_of_Elagabalus_-_Palazzo_Nuovo_-_Musei_Capitolini_-_Rome_2016_(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stat me.

>> No.20380032

I wanna connect my mouth to Ciel's rectum.

>> No.20380052

she isn't even a character right now. just dropped some genki lines and infodumps and then had zero lines for all of LB3.

>> No.20380192

I don't hate her specifically, but the general baiting of oldfags to their shitty gacha game instead of developing good products. The fact that she's outright inferior to the original in design and character just makes it worse.

>> No.20380265

Nasu has a very strong lineage of characters archetypes.
It feels more like a family than a blank insert of personality and design.

>> No.20380305

>what isn't human learned to be human
>orphanaged tsundere oujou with black hair who lives in a mansion
>harmless looking girl who goes yan/insane who has rape as backstory motivation

Basically repeated a thousand time.

>> No.20380502
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>> No.20380506


>> No.20380779

Remember how the eroge designs were far more modest and mature than the current all ages designs?

>> No.20380919
File: 50 KB, 886x372, 1414453399061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The situation with Commie is a bit more complicated. Basically they did indeed have a fully finished "translation," but Herkz, being the moron that he is, didn't vet the dude he got to work on it at all and his apathy in the project got to a point where the guy translating it had got it to a completed form, but it's in such a dire need of editing that no one wants to even touch it. It's been unofficially canned for the past 4 years pretty much. Probably for the best all things considered, Herkz probably would have just added a ton of garbage memes.

And, yes, the English fanbase for TM has horribly low expectations in regards to translation.

>> No.20380985

I don't hate her, but she's inferior to the original to me in terms of the design. I'm not sure if that's because I hate her aesthetics, or because Takeuchi is drawing her - and everyone he draws has sucked in recent years. She's literally a different character, though, so it doesn't bug me as much. If they were to apply that same philosophy to all the Tsukihime characters in the remake, I'd be a bit upset. The redesigns on their own are already enough to segregate them somewhat from their original characters, at least for me. I'm quite certain that's where they're going to go with that, though. At least based on statements that Nasu has said and his general attitude of burying the original.

There's always a risk when it comes to re-imagining characters. There's an older interview with Takeuchi about the remake where he claims discomfort about changing the Tsukihime characters because they were so ingrained in the minds of the fanbase, and that he didn't feel it was "right." It's especially unhelpful with various aspects of the Remake designs seeming derivative of nuFate designs - ironic when one considers the opposite used to be true. Part of that has to do with Takeuchi's homogeneity, and I think the other part is them trying to make those older designs more approachable for the newer audience. nuCiel looks arguably more aesthetically pleasing by comparison to the original, but infinitely more boring and familiar, for instance; I bet you anything if the Remake ever comes out there's going to be a million Mash comparisons, especially when she gets into her battle gear. You can go on, but I won't repeat common observations I'm sure most of you have heard. In general I think I agree that nuSion was probably the most painless way to handle it. Like I said, she's basically an entirely different character altogether. Sion in name only. She's still ugly, though.

>> No.20380994


>> No.20381048

I still think that Arcueid's original design was one of Takeuchi's few legitimate strokes of genius and that it compliments her character so well in a way that few other designs do. The funny thing is that it's a stupidly simple, humble design. Less is more.

There's still a decent amount of eroge designs which appeal to a similar philosophy. You're 100% right in the dissonance between the restrictive content of all-ages and their contrasting promiscuous designs. It works, I suppose, but it honestly leaves a pretty bad taste in my mouth. I really can't stand Prisma for that reason. For a series about young magical girls it's more trashy and sexually deviant than some eroge. I think it's because fundamentally, eroge - outside of nukige - are designed in a manner as to have a build-up to a sexual climax which then has a release - or numerous releases - and then it typically ends or moves on with the plot and then ends. With all-ages content, including anime, manga, and light novels, there's usually quite a bit of fanservice, but it never leads anywhere. The sexual tension remains and never gets resolved. It's a distraction. I suppose that's what fanart is for, but that's an argument after the fact.

Frankly something like Kohaku's final H-scene is infinitely more pure in its intentions and symbiotic with the story than any of the cheap fanservice trash in most modern TM works. The idea that H-scenes are always a compromise and that they cannot complement a story-driven eroge well is pure nonsense.

>> No.20381380
File: 320 KB, 1063x1286, 69644588063db7adbec0c4df96f05b4e53b9018795cfec22605958d01dc7860c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So not only is this VN cockblocked by 2 camps of mongoloids, apparently I'm the only person in YEARS to have realized this?
This is an issue with scanlation and translation scenes as a whole. It's all a massive dick-waving and e-peen contest where people can "claim" projects and then no one else is allowed to do it too because it got claimed and if you dare try to do it yourself the other person who first claimed it will throw a bitchfit and drop it and so on. So don't feel bad, it's not about TM western fanbase being retarded, it's westeners as a whole being retarded. And this is without taking into account the people who "translate" by deciding to "fix" and "improve" things they don't like or adding memes and so on which is also an issue that even plagues official translations.

>> No.20381616

Nasu calls her an ojou.

>> No.20381627

How can you be an ojou with no money?

>> No.20381716
File: 431 KB, 1053x620, 1499608504728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She will make some.

>> No.20381746

>And, yes, the English fanbase for TM has horribly low expectations in regards to translation
more like everyone as >>20381380 said.
the average user just has no way of knowing about the actual TL quality if it reads decent in english. dual language displaying could be standard for the industry and still everyone wouldn't know because nobody can read moonrunes.

>> No.20382237

>people can "claim" projects
Why did this become the cultural norm? In console game fan translations it is, or at least was, acceptable for multiple people or groups to work on the same game, and players only benefit from it. One group produces a literal translation, another a Ted Woolsey-style localization, etc.

>> No.20382594

I honestly think it has something to do with how popular stuff like patreon and donations have become.

If you release something that a "sellout" had been working on, he and his supporters are gonna be pissed as fuck.
If you release something that someone has been working for free on, you pretty much throw all his time investment in the trashcan because the first release always gets the biggest userbase. while the sellout guy could atleast dry his tears with money, this guy is just fucked because he only did it for the e-fame.

Even if you're the guy with the first release, you might not be happy with a guy uploading a second one days later because it will drain consumers from you for the rest of eternity no matter how shitty it is.

Nobody wants to deal with all the potential drama shit, not to mention that if I upload my translation of "underage darkelf gangbang" despite there already being one, and my translation reveals that the first one has several serious translation errors even though the dude has 300 translations uploaded I just created a site-wide shitstorm, people are going to be going through every single one of his uploads trying to find errors to fuel the fire.

>> No.20382596

Q: How does Tohsaka Rin pay for her living expenses when she is performing sorcery using such valuable jewels? Is she eating up her parents’ inheritance? Has she taken up a part-time job like Shirou? Or has she turned her hand to some other trade?
A: The Tohsaka family seems wealthy, and that’s because it receives royalties from magical patents (theories and rituals used at the Clock Tower. Like real-life patents), so their income is quite high. Even without doing anything, annual income is roughly #0,000,000 yen. ...Although, Rin feels a bit ashamed of this since it’s all thanks to the work of previous generations.

>> No.20382605

>#0,000,000 yen

>> No.20382617

Good post, and a good point about the build-up of sexual tension. Nasu comes close to explicitly acknowledging this build-up.

I will defend the sex scenes in FSN. It has become fashionable to call them unnecessary. I think they don't fit very organically in the story, are too long and not very fappable, but I disagree with whoever says you can disable them and lose nothing. They justify the characters' emotional bonding. A fun question is whether the threesome with Rin in the Fate route is OOC or says a lot about Rin.

>> No.20382625

Rin's scene sucked.

>> No.20382643

It's not that much considering how expensive her magic jewels are

>> No.20382649

Her own scene in UBW? Yes, it did. She was sexier in her SFW pictures.

>> No.20382654

Is hollow ataraxia canon

>> No.20382713

>Like real-life patents
Except, I guess, they don't expire?

>> No.20382753

The fanfiction your mentally retarded little brother wrote is canon at this point, honestly.

>> No.20382799

How did you know Nasu was my brother?

>> No.20382863

Prisma Illya isn't by Nasu, so whatever is established there is completely trumped by the big N (Nasu)

>> No.20382869


Fate/stay night
Fate/hollow ataraxia
Fate/unlimited codes
Fate/Extra CCC
Fate/Extra Last Encore

>> No.20382898

the same big N that greenlit putting illya into FGO for gacha bucks?

>> No.20382967

The point is nothing in Prisma is established to be affecting anything else.
It is simply a loli fanservice timeline, a singularity.

>> No.20382970

Zero is canon too, not that I like being that guy.

>> No.20382999
File: 2.36 MB, 5000x5000, 1492411051171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was the fanbase like before FGO?

>> No.20383032


>> No.20383070

>keep the same exact Servants and Masters
Otherwise really funny posts. It's weird how tame the Internet 10 years ago seems in comparison to today.

>> No.20383076

>And also beware that you're going to enter one of the most obnoxious fanbases on the internet.

>> No.20383085

It was mostly people having retarded arguments about powerlevels just like all the FGO fags today are, but there were also a lot of people genuinely excited for the future of the franchise and theoryfag-ing. by 2012 and 2013 people also started shitposting about mahoyo and CCC TLs never ever.

>> No.20383091

>Fate/Stay Night for Nintendo DS update:

Why didn't Type Moon release FSN for 3DS?

>> No.20383113

they released it for mobile phones instead.

>> No.20383341
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>> No.20383390

Nasu said that Prisma Illya is the true Illya route that we never got :^)

>> No.20383394

well for one people actually read the visual novels instead of reading a summary on the wiki and pretending they read the visual novels

there's so many retards in the fgo threads on /vg/ like that, and you can blatantly tell because of how many simple plot points they get wrong or grossly misinterpret from the shitty wiki

>> No.20383404

Q: When will I finally get my own route? <Ilya>

Nasu: There already is one! Say hello to 「PrismaIlya」!
Takeuchi: You really gonna let it go with just that?
Nasu: Of course. Someone was bound to finish what I can't do myself. Humans are amazing beings!

>> No.20383405

>Fate/unlimited codes
>Fate/Extra Last Encore
Quite unfortunate. Arguably the Extra titles are trash as games, too.

>> No.20383408
File: 350 KB, 624x672, disgust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to dip Nasu head first into a volcano.

>> No.20383428

I'm pretty sure most of the FGO writers haven't read the VNs.

>> No.20383435

probably true

>> No.20383661

There is enough trap servants.

>> No.20383994

You can't really dip a living human in a volcano. They'll burn up on the approach.

>> No.20384190

not on my watch.

>> No.20386568
File: 417 KB, 500x500, 1514920111237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20387528

How long is Tsukihime compared to Fate/stay night?

>> No.20387553

Quite a bit shorter.

>> No.20387675

If it wasn't written by Nasu or had heavy involvement from Nasu (Fate/Zero), then it isn't canon. Simple as that.

『Fate/stay night』(TYPE-MOON 2004年)
『MELTY BLOOD Act Cadenza』(TYPE-MOON / エコール 2006年)
『Fate/hollow ataraxia』(TYPE-MOON 2005年)
『Fate/stay night[Realta Nua]』(TYPE-MOON / 角川書店 2007年)
『MELTY BLOOD Act Cadenza Ver.B』(TYPE-MOON / エコール 2007年)
『フェイト/タイガーころしあむ』(TYPE-MOON / キャビア 2007年)
『Fate/unlimited codes』(TYPE-MOON / キャビア / カプコン 2008年)
『フェイト/タイガーころしあむ アッパー』(TYPE-MOON / キャビア 2008年)
『MELTY BLOOD Actress Again』(TYPE-MOON / エコール 2008年)
『428 〜封鎖された渋谷で〜』(ボーナスシナリオ)(チュンソフト 2008年)
『MELTY BLOOD Actress Again Current Code』(TYPE-MOON / エコール 2010年)
『Fate/EXTRA』(TYPE-MOON / マーベラスエンターテイメント 2010年)
『Fate/Zero』(制作:ufotable 2011年 - 2012年) - アドバイザー、バーサーカー関連の監修として参加
『魔法使いの夜』(TYPE-MOON 2012年)
『Fate/EXTRA CCC』(TYPE-MOON / マーベラスAQL 2013年)
『Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works]』(制作:ufotable 2014年 - 2015年) - アニメオリジナルシナリオ原案・監修・執筆
『Fate/Grand Order』(TYPE-MOON / DELiGHTWORKS / アニプレックス 2015年)
『Fate/EXTELLA』(TYPE-MOON / マーベラスAQL 2016年)
『Fate/Grand Order -MOONLIGHT/LOSTROOM-』(制作:Lay-duce、2017年) - 脚本
『Fate/EXTRA Last Encore』(制作:シャフト、2018年) - シリーズ構成・脚本

>> No.20387707

Except the Nasuverse has allowances for that.
Anything under TM's branding and including Nasuverse traits is canon, even though they can be fully self contained.
Just like Marvel.

>> No.20387811
File: 1.71 MB, 2409x3529, IMG_20181210_130908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White hair Shiki!

>> No.20387900

nah that's Guncueid

>> No.20387923

Oyakodon when>

>> No.20388269

Imagine being this in denial about what is canon.
Extella and FGO went out of their way to say that even the pimple on your ass is canon. we've been in star wars extended universe for years, where the original director greenlights absolutely everything as canon.

>> No.20388560 [DELETED] 

Yeah, but is it *Canaan?*

>> No.20388573 [DELETED] 


>> No.20388593 [DELETED] 


>> No.20388609

**test** test >test __test__

>> No.20388622

It may be canon, but is it ___Canaan?___

>> No.20389277

Tsukihime is three times shorter than F/SN.

>> No.20389315

no way. ima read it then.

>> No.20389485
File: 500 KB, 848x480, 1525560177902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute, but Alphard is hotter, and Yunyun is cuter!

>> No.20389536

is caanan canon in its own right?

>> No.20389590

It's canon to the 428 Shibuya Scramble universe.

>> No.20389646
File: 2.07 MB, 2048x1754, 1532772119096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20389917

That's actually Seibah.

Takeuchi: Regarding Canaan, the original request from Ishii-san was "a character with a gender-neutral appearance that looks both like a young man and a young girl." He then added another request more specific, to the point of "preferably someone like Saber."

Ishii: Yup, yup (laughs). At the time I asked for a female character with unshakable faith and values just like Saber.

Takeuchi: Hearing that made me realize: "Is that it? I really just need to do it according to my own taste." And so I began the redesign process, and immediately settled on short, light-colored hair with a face that looks like Saber's. Upon initial inspection it was great, something that I liked. After showing the initial design to Ishii-san, his comment was "the character is nice, but the outfit needs to be changed."

Ishii: My request was to use a skin-tight outfit to make the overall character feel more refreshing, and also to attach to the outfit symbols unique to the character.

Takeuchi: This gave me trouble for some time. In the end the design used a combination of parts and signs from my travels.

>> No.20389963
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>> No.20390578

Shiki was just a Saber prototype anyway.

>> No.20390784

Aren't most of the FGO writers also people who worked in the HA comedy scenes?

>> No.20390861
File: 93 KB, 754x1136, Dt_nZWiU0AEy0s8.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god my heart

>> No.20390894

The fuck who isn't a Saber in the entire Nasuverse?

>> No.20390930

There's a handful of other archetypes

>> No.20390931

It's mosly these two

Sakurai is also the one who wrote most of the tamamo stuff in extella, so every jap tamamofag I've seen hates her guts.

>> No.20390954

I like Sakurai for his/her old work on visual novels, but in my opinion their writing talents aren't really present in a lot of the Fate stuff they've put out. Especially in Extella and GO. Sakurai is at their best when they're allowed to wax poetic with as much purple prose as they want. That's their style.

Higashitty is just shit. Nothing really good about him whatsoever.

>> No.20391070
File: 322 KB, 1042x744, tsukihime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VNDB lists approximate VN length, but I find How Long to Beat more accurate.

>> No.20391107

I haven't read it yet, but Higashide's Tokyo Babel is in my backlog. I thought it was generally considered good. Does it actually suck?

>> No.20391112

Played it recently and took me around 50 or 60 hours

>> No.20391132

I would say so. The intro isn't bad at all, but it goes downhill from there. The comedy is better than some of his other works, and the character dynamics aren't bad, but the battles are genuinely ass. Also, the setting / plot is so cliche as to seem like parody at times, but never self aware enough to actually elevate to that level. I wouldn't say it's his worst work by far, but I found it to be generally mediocre overall. The only really stand out aspect of it is the delicious VA cast they nabbed. It's really enjoyable for that alone, at least.

If you want a really good Higashide work, read Ayakashibito. It's his only truly good work he ever put out there, in my opinion.

>> No.20391173
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>> No.20391237

>want to reread tsukihime after all these years
>can't get the music to work
Anyone want to help a brainlet out? I thought you just put the ogg files in a folder called "CD" and it would work. The sound effects work though.

>> No.20391293

Are you saying you don't? Are you gay?

>> No.20391368
File: 4 KB, 226x229, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should be named like so if they're not already

>> No.20391467

I figured out the problem. The Mirror Moon english patch uses onscripter to get the music to work conveniently with ogg files. I'm trying to play it in Japanese though. I think I can do a work around by creating a music ISO from the ogg files, mounting it, and then selecting that in the menu.

>> No.20391498

you know, they could atleast re-release tsukihime so that it works flawless on modern systems. But I guess they kinda swore of on having adult content associated with their brand.

>> No.20391588

Well I tried this, but it didn't work. Or at least, the title screen doesn't have any music. It would be nice if there was a way to run the patch for just the music part.

>> No.20391597

Is it gay to fuck a man?

>> No.20391665

Higashide isn't as bad as people pretend. When it comes to writting powers or interractions/ relations, he's quite good.

>> No.20391704

Hah! I figured it out finally. I turns out that I can just put a default.ttf in the folder, install onscriptier and then run it in the directory and it works. The only option I seem to lose is controlling the text speed, but who cares I'll just learn to read fast.

>> No.20391710


>> No.20391747
File: 162 KB, 304x598, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You tell me.

>> No.20391980
File: 847 KB, 1920x1080, shinobu_urusai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must face a Typemoon heroine in a duel of some sort to the death. You can choose which one you will face, and the type of challenge you will compete in. All the heroines are in the state they're in during the VNs - in other words, Saber doesn't have Avalon and Arc is in her weakened state. Who do you choose?

>> No.20392016

>which one you will face
>the type of challenge you will compete in
Living your life for a couple of years.

>> No.20392019

anyone and just let them kill me.

>> No.20392026
File: 587 KB, 1440x1080, kagura_positive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you die now you won't be able to play the tsukihime remake And that's a good thing

>> No.20392075

Rin in anything that involves technology.

>> No.20392590

Forgot to mention that that one dude on fuwanovel is retarded as fuck too, so retarded in fact that he ported the furigana system over into english.
from the few scenes I checked the only pre-existing script I actually agree with is the french one, and I don't speak fucking french so I had to run it through google translate. was still more accurate to the japanese.

>> No.20393256
File: 1.65 MB, 2000x1807, 1514147627171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have the Fate hollow ataraxia sprites?

>> No.20394448

Some question since i'm new in Tsukihime lore. If i'm not wrong, then Gaia, vampire, DAA,....is weaker in Fate timeline right ? So are the True Ancestor weaker like them or they are not affected by it ? And in case the TAs are weaker then is Arc still be the Archetype Earth in Fate timeline ??

>> No.20395090

Nobody really knows except for nasu. who has only mad slight mentions to it over the years because he's too busy jerking the fuck out of fate.
The only thing we really now for real is him stating that the 27 DAA never became DAA's in fate timelines, and that holy grail wars don't exist in tsukihime ones.

The implication one can read out of this is that vampires, gaia etc are weaker in fate because Alaya the "human" side is stronger. as far as I know nasu ever outright stated this though.

The newest TA we found out about in FGO turned out to not even strictly be a TA, but a chinese knockoff subspecies that wasn't made to fuck over humanity.

>> No.20395103

Thanks so much for your reply

>> No.20395502

>he ported the furigana system over into english

>> No.20395575
File: 87 KB, 1053x123, r.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every time nasu uses furigana to give something a double meaning the translator presumably does pic related for the whole game.

>> No.20395607

That is not as bad as I thought. What is a better way to do it in English?

>> No.20395932

A more standard "localized" script would probably just to go with the furigana reading.

I think FGO's NA script puts the furigana stuff in brackets like "Sword of Promised Victory [Excalibur]" or something.

>> No.20395936

>Sword of Promised Victory [Excalibur]

>> No.20396028

When did tamamo seal her tails in the imaginary number dimension ? And how were the tails granted those divine mystery to become independent heroic spirits ?

>> No.20396042

Where does a lorelet like me get to grips with the wider universe? I've read all the mainline stuff and played the games and whatnot, but I understand barely anything about the background conceptual stuff

>> No.20396095

>I think FGO's NA script puts the furigana stuff in brackets like "Sword of Promised Victory [Excalibur]" or something.
FGO NA literally doesn't translate them and removed them from the game

>> No.20396273
File: 90 KB, 1797x407, fag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd work them into the sentence if they are relevant. often nasu just uses them to make something clearer which makes them not worth being there in english simply because the english word already carries a different tone.

>> No.20396718

The Clock Tower 2015 TL seems to have picked up again all of a sudden, cool. I guess they're suspicious of that New Year's thing.

Based sushiboi

>> No.20396786

>The Clock Tower 2015 TL seems to have picked up again all of a sudden
Now if just someone would translate the Garden of Avalon...

>> No.20396793

Does the novel actually have anything noteworthy that's not in the audio version?

>> No.20397291

why does King Hassan appear in Bablyonia?

does the Goetian Grail allow servants to get shit out of the air at any time?

>> No.20397350

I think he's disguised as the old man throughout the chapter. From what I remember it's really out of fucking nowhere and he's barely even there outside of fulfilling his purpose, just a random "hype" moment for easily excitable GOfags, much like a lot of Babylonia.

>> No.20398021

goat grails are a giant asspull in of themselves that can fucking do whatever.

grand servants are also a giant asspull that can basicially do whatever, and if I remember correctly hassan in bablyonia was case of the second.

basicially any question you can have about FGO will be answered by either "grail" "counter-force" or "find out in 2 years."

>> No.20398812

that's right, I completely forgot about the old man thing

>> No.20399687
File: 2.95 MB, 1579x2048, Ciel_abs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Licking Ciel's abs!

>> No.20399708
File: 288 KB, 960x1383, seiba_iri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty good for what it is. That said, you're a massive faggot for using the word "kino" outside of /v/.

>> No.20399715

Fucking copyright laws.

>> No.20399763

It's pretty funny how your post makes total sense despite the meaning of the word "kino".

>> No.20399770
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By the way, is it perspective or is this sandwich kind of smaller than it should be relative to Rin?

>> No.20399872
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Tamamo figma is getting a reprint, so if you wanted it and didn't want to pay scalper prices now's the time to order

>> No.20399922

If you want me to say it’s dead, it’s dead. The only reason I didn’t was because I couldn’t let go of the “idea” of translating Mahoyo since it’s what got me through a shitty time in my life where I flushed my college degree down the drain, lost all my friends, and turned into a hikki NEET for two years. Deluding myself into thinking I was doing something “important” with Mahoyo was the only thing that got me through the day, even if I was really in no place to be tackling something like that. I don’t really care for the dick riding if I’m being honest, and if I cared about internet backlash I wouldn't be such an insufferable cunt all the time.

I hope you don’t give up, since I still believe Mahoyo is one of the last really good stories TM put out before they fully became just the Fate Company, and it deserves a translation that does it justice. The last thing I want to be is a roadblock standing in the way of that, even an unintentional one. Feel free to use any of the system files from the patch if you want; Quibi did a lot of work on the word wrap system and made a bunch of special text effects that you might get some use out of, and I’m sure he’d hate for it to just go to waste. Same with Waku Waku’s image edits. Just be sure to credit them if you use them.

>> No.20401048

Why does the Fate fanbase hate UBW?

>> No.20401064

>one random anon and Fai = Fate fanbase

>> No.20401067

That's easily one of the weirdest CGs in FSN. Also shows some of the most glaring Takeuchi limb issues.

>> No.20401401

>Fate fanbase


UBW was the worst directed fate adaptation bar Apocrypha. It had slow pacing, but no sense of atmosphere, so it just came off as boring. Original scenes were all pointless drab. Fights were awful and it was just as guilty in fucking up suspenseful scenes by completely remaking them as HF. And, Jesus Christ, those character designs, how did they managed to make Rin look ugly is incomprehensible.

Miura had everything going for him, endless budget, all the runtime in the world to properly adapt the route and all he managed to make is a well polished turd. While Sudou in 2 hours managed to make one of the better adaptations in the franchise, thanks to having at least some semblance of a talent, unlike that total hack.

You could give Miura all the time in the world and all the world's budget and he would still manage to make a bad adaptation, because he is a worthless hack that should not be anywhere near the directing seat and it genuinely baffles me that Ufotable put him in charge after he fucked up Kara no Kyoukai 6

You know how Hercules is so powerful he fights Saber and then blocks Caladbolg from Archer?

Saber kills him once and then Caladbolg kills him again.

You know how Shirou doesn't kill Gilgamesh because the grail summons him back and fucks UBW? Shirou actually fails to sustain UBW that long in the anime.

You know how Gae Bolg is a technique? It's a spirraling lightning beam instead

Archer never fought Shirou in the UBW reality marble. The entire fight happened at the castle staircase. All the internal monologue shit and Last Stardust scene was filler.

>> No.20401408


>> No.20401431

>F/Z is straightforward adaptation of LN
"Shitty bland adaptation correct =/= right"
>UBW has new scenes written by Nasu
"Muh Miura muh monologues shitty adaptation"
>HF trying to be faithful as possible
"Sudou is a retard who can't understand blah blah"

What happened to this fanbase

>> No.20401681


Does this mean Heroic Spirits and not just Servants are Fate world only phenomena? I knew Servants were, but Heroic Spirits too? This is the preface of Nu Sion notes, it feels weird to clarify it otherwise in opposition to the original Sion's world.

>> No.20401728

I suppose it does.

>> No.20401742

Why haven't you mastered Japanese yet? Especially when you consider that if you only speak English, you have the choice between bootleg dry translations or nothing. Weird speech patterns, inconsistent name changing, and other weird liberties taken with the script.

- no guttural verbal ticks like in French/Hebrew/etc, if you can speak English then you should have no problem speaking Japanese in a way that can be understood by a native
- all new words are Engrish, on account of them not making new kanji. There's katakana everywhere in contemporary Japan because they don't even have a word for "coffee"

I think you'll have the hardest time learning and memorising the vocabulary due to the different readings

>> No.20401764

What is this shitposting. You're replying to the JOP anon who's doing his best to translate it.

>> No.20401783

I guess he's making a general question to the whole thread

>> No.20401794

I think it may be a pasta, but whatever.
I'm already working on my Japanese (as an ESL), but a Mahoyo TL would still be nice to make it more accessible (and show more people what Nasu is capable of when not limited to a shitty medium).

>> No.20401853

And if so it is the same annoying guy who won't give up.

>> No.20401874

>FGO NA literally doesn't translate them and removed them from the game

Why? Were mistranslations, misunderstandings, and content changes not enough?

>> No.20401900

were you here when it aired? it was an absolute shitfest, one started by the fans

>> No.20401951

How long did it take you until you could read something like Mahoyo?

>> No.20401970

Not him, a year and a half give or take.

>> No.20401971

long arms rin haha

>> No.20402014

>a year and a half to read Mahoyo
either you're a quick learner or you didn't understand half of what was said
but good for you I guess

>> No.20402018

How do you think language learning works?

>> No.20402026

A year and a half is on the longer side, and Mahoyo isn't really one of the hardest vns to read either. Besides, I've been nipping for 3 years now so it was just a guess. But it all comes down the the individual.

>> No.20402096

hard to read is subjective anyway. I found nasu's writing style way more obnoxious to read than some of the "difficult" VNs that are mostly just using ancient as fuck kanji.

>> No.20402172

>I found nasu's writing style way more obnoxious to read


>> No.20402221

There was no mention of Arc by Yu. TA got hunted down by the Church. But would Gaia need them?

>> No.20402275

something about making every single little
action seem like a grand thing triggers me.
Nasu seems to be heavily suggesting lately that the tsukihime world is a hopeless giant shithole where it must really suck dick being human because just about everything wants to kill you.

his fate setting is the complete opposite, where someone can burn down all of human history and in the end heroic spirits still save the day.

>> No.20402280
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With all this talk about Mcjon, I decided to read those Kara no Kyoukai Q&As he translated. They're very entertaining. Nasu keeps bringing up the story of how Touko and Azaka met, is that explained in Garden of Oblivion, or was it an idea that went to waste?

I wonder if they did this for HF, the ones in UBW were great too.

>> No.20402310
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>> No.20402313
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>> No.20402330

Alright, it's time, I'm finally going to play Fate, even though I've already been spoiled on pretty much everything

I think it will still be a fun read though.

>> No.20402345

>even though I've already been spoiled on pretty much everything

Did anyone here experience Type Moon without spoilers?

>> No.20402346

Saber is Shirou

>> No.20402353

This reminds me, I remember seeing a nip interview where nasu stated that fujino actually ends up marrying some dude.

ripping shiki and fujino out of their universe to put them into FGO is honestly a pretty fucked up concept if you think about. atleast the other servants lived their lives to the end first, although I guess that isn't true anymore either with all the expections there are now.

>> No.20402362

I read FSN totally unspoiled. I don't think I was aware of Saber being King Arthur, even. Though that one was more silly to me, whereas UBW and HF's twists were genuinely shocking. I think it's a great VN regardless, but going in blind definitely helped make it an unforgettable experience.
Tsukihime and KnK were also unspoiled for me.

>> No.20402376

I went in mostly unspoiled, which is surprising since I read it in 2013.

>> No.20402379

>ripping shiki and fujino out of their universe to put them into FGO is honestly a pretty fucked up concept if you think about.

Why? It is his universe.

>> No.20402386

I didn't know that much. Most of what I knew was about Sakura though

>> No.20402392

Obviously nasu can do whatever he wants, I meant to the characters themselves. It's like an Isekai anime except you get summoned to be in a giant harem and have no chance of ever making it back.

>> No.20402393

My first exposure to fate was the studio deen anime. I then proceeded to look up any rule 34 of it and found out there was an entire hentai game. Downloaded it and read it. After that found out about Tsukihime and read that too. That's my story, what's yours?
almost 10(ten) years ago, holy fucking shit

>> No.20402487

>almost 10(ten) years ago, holy fucking shit

what keeps you coming back?

>> No.20402496

Unwillingness to let go of stuff that I really liked. It's the same with a few other franchises and writers too.

>> No.20402723

>Mahoutsukai no Yoru (Witch on the Holy Night)
>English Translation: https://mega.nz/#F!loBEBJDB!LMlgzDXX_ZnnRtnKFbXhQQ
Is it 100% translated?

>> No.20402735
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> he doesn't know

>> No.20402742

No, anon.

>> No.20402753


>> No.20402756

No, that's the mcjon partial translation that goes up to chapter 7. the main story has 13 chapters, and then theres a bunch of bonus chapters.

He also announced LITERALLY today that he won't be working on it anymore because he doesn't have the time, and an anon from here called him out on several heavy translation errors found in the patch.

>> No.20402759
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Read through this thread. Starting with >>20371012

>> No.20402760

This isn't exactly a proud day for us or anything, really.
But it is the day that our existence is completely justified.

>> No.20402795

Any chance that someone else will translate it?

>> No.20402799

one /tmg/ autist shitting on years of beast lair, meanwhile sites like fuwanovel had the project on their "translation status update" lists for years generating hundreds of "whens mahoyo" posts and nobody of those "community leaders" through even one chapter to check the quality.

>> No.20402806
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Any chance? Sure. Maybe someone will pick it up and finish it. Personally I wouldn't count on it.

>> No.20402810

there is or was one guy here, and there's another in the fuwanovel forums. Maybe there's other people translating from french or russian or something but I honestly have no idea. we have probably reached the Half-life 3 breakpoint, where the whole thing has been a giant shitshow for years and now no sensible person wants to touch it.

>> No.20402821
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Leave Mahoyo to him

>> No.20402919

Yes I saw that thread on /jp/ and it made me want to crawl into a hole and die that a me at any point in time made such elementary mistakes
Like how did I ever look at that Japanese and write that English, I could cry

The nonzero chance that I'll continue is the same as the nonzero chance that Shirou will become Archer after FSN
It's dead Jim

>> No.20402927

We already know, see >>20399922

>> No.20402932
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You tried, which is infinitely more than most of us did, and for that I thank you. Maybe someone else will pick it up and finish it. Maybe I'll finally get around to learning moon.

>> No.20402935

has someone told leddit yet? do they even have a non-fgo fate community?

>> No.20402939


>> No.20403006

thats not Mcjon
anon just copied his post over from BL

>> No.20403022

Reminder to start learning moon ASAP so you'll be ready for the Remake in 2020.
And keep it up, if you already started.

>> No.20403026


>> No.20403029

People still talk about Fai?

>> No.20403037

It's happening.

He certainly left his mark.

>> No.20403041
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> remake

>> No.20403049

Why did they wait for the 20th anniversary?

>> No.20403071

April 1st 2020 LMAO
Idk about this post
the tl dude seemed like a giant fgo fan from what I saw of him
honestly can't tell if you're having us on it if you're actually the lad himself

if you are though, thanks for at least putting in some effort, unfortunate mistakes or otherwise, its appreciated, and its cool if it helped you in your own life and all that

>> No.20403154

Is Fai/Cookingpriest still around in the fandom? I know he used to do his rants around the time last encore was happening.
ABSOLUTE dedication to hatred of any new type moon product

>> No.20403164

He might still be around MAL but I don't go there. He only came to /a/ after people started posting his "reviews" in episode discussion threads.
I do remember him shitting hard on Extella and FGO (even the "good" chapters), which I can at least get behind.

>> No.20403260

Why do you care what 'Fai' thinks? UBW is definitively the best directed Fate adaption. Ever.

how to recognize Fai:
>walls of text about how perfect UBW is
>walls of text about Miura
>walls of text about how awful FGO is
>walls of text about perfection of F/SN and Tsuki
>walls of text about old deep Nasuverse

>> No.20403285

I don't agree with him on UBW and I genuinely enjoyed the anime and think it's great. But I can't help but look back fondly at his incessant bitching. At least back then the fanbase wasn't dominated by GOfags, and I actually related to the majority of TM fans.

>> No.20403334

>I genuinely enjoyed the anime and think it's great.

Why does it get so much hate from other fans?

>> No.20403463

because they have different opinions and expectations of what UBW should be.

People had been hyping up a new fate anime for forever, and Ufotable's previous works were very well received.

It's clear that most of the top people working on the UBW anime wanted to change things up, this includes nasu. It starts with things like music choices and ends with the the entire final episode being anime original, giving the ending an entirely different feel. not everyone is going to like that.

>> No.20404002

He's the same guy who thinks pedotrash pandering as Ilya is a provocative female empowering masterpiece.

If you actually "get behind" in any of his opinions, I don't know what to say.

>> No.20404069

>not allowed to agree that trash is trash, because he thinks some other shit is not shit

>> No.20404151

One day I will learn japanese and read Mahoyo.

But that day is not today.

>> No.20404159

The earlier you start, the earlier you'll feel satisfied with your decision, anon. It's a slow process, you just have to take small steps.

>> No.20404161

I saw around a TMfag loredump in twitter. That in MB, Archetype says/implies the world is ruled by 星の理 (something like the Common Sense/Rationality of the Planet/Celestial Body). FGO opens up establishing the world is ruled by 人の理 (Common Sense/Rationality of Man) which probably changes and reshapes the Domain in both.
Then went speculating that the external threats are probably more dangerous in settings where the men are a bit secondary as the masters of the system, including within Fate world if they damaged their resources (like Extra). The outsider's threats are like viruses or bacterias that need antibody to flush them out, and without that established the immunology system of men will be overcome... or not (because Nasu loves underdog stories).
On the other hand, the world where the human order is at its best, while might have sickness discomfort, they can usually deal with it (through pruning if they have to). However, the consequence of this strong order effective against external pathogens and secure in their position is cancer. Those cancer cells that manifest and feed, metastasis and grow independent killing from inside is the phenomena of Beasts which they can't eliminate automatically.
They speculate using Fou as an example, Fou didn't say he was Primate Murder, he said that's his identity "in another world." So the same being gets roped by Altrouge and imitates the vampire habits, in Tsukihime, but 7 Counter Guardians (not Heroic Spirits, thus no Grand Servants) are enough to keep it under check. That same being can transform and manifests as Beast IV in FGO, by feeding on human order and civilization (which isn't available to him in Tsukihime).
The perception of man affected Arcueid in her Extra cameo (which Nasu clarified later in Blossom CD wasn't meant she was there, but she was like fanservice), making her a goddess so tentatively before Nasu probably thought in deep of the separation he showed how men even can modified Arc. Which leads me to my current speculation that the ORT in Fate (Strange Fake aside) probably isn't a Type anymore or if was, it was modified because the Solar System is all part of Man's Domain. ORT maybe is an anagram of something. Then the T could be "Tezcatlipoca" who gets called the "Shitty Spider" by the angry Quetz. LB7 is coming we'll find out soon enough.

>> No.20404180

you'll probably end up playing everything but the thing you learned japanese for, I sure did.

>> No.20404184

>everything but the thing you learned japanese for
What did you learn nip for anon?

>> No.20404775

I did. I knew absolutely nothing at all not even Saber's identity.

>> No.20404795

I sort of did this, but now I'm just re-reading all the old Type-Moon stuff in Japanese now. It's great and totally worth it.

>> No.20404816

>Then went speculating that the external threats are probably more dangerous in settings where the men are a bit secondary as the masters of the system, including within Fate world if they damaged their resources (like Extra). The outsider's threats are like viruses or bacterias that need antibody to flush them out, and without that established the immunology system of men will be overcome... or not (because Nasu loves underdog stories).
>On the other hand, the world where the human order is at its best, while might have sickness discomfort, they can usually deal with it (through pruning if they have to). However, the consequence of this strong order effective against external pathogens and secure in their position is cancer. Those cancer cells that manifest and feed, metastasis and grow independent killing from inside is the phenomena of Beasts which they can't eliminate automatically.
I didn't get this part, or rather, I half-understood it but couldn't understand the other half because I didn't understood your viruses/bacteria metaphors and how exactly they relate depending if the world is humanfag or planetfag.

>me to my current speculation that the ORT in Fate (Strange Fake aside) probably isn't a Type anymore or if was, it was modified because the Solar System is all part of Man's Domain. ORT maybe is an anagram of something. Then the T could be "Tezcatlipoca" who gets called the "Shitty Spider" by the angry Quetz. LB7 is coming we'll find out soon enough.
Latin America Gods are space bacteria that came in a meteor and took over animals and plants and stuff. That's probably what happened with not-ORT from the humanfag world, or rather, what it did, it crash landed, evolved and become Tezcatlipoca instead of being ORT from the get-go like in planetfag worlds.

>> No.20404821

>It's great and totally worth it
Is it? How much does it differ? How much do you think your experience has been enriched?

>> No.20404848

I definitely look forward to doing that. That's pretty much gonna be my "skill check" to determine if I can comfortably read Mahoyo.

>> No.20404876

Well in general, pretty much any translation is going to be inferior to the original. This is especially true of Japanese->English translations since most of them are pretty mediocre at best.

As far as Nasu's writing style goes, it just works better and makes more sense in Japanese. For a more specific example, there's that scene of Shiki slicing up Arceuid into 17 pieces. In it, Shiki's narration constantly repeats "違う". I don't remember exactly what the mirror moon translation used there, but I'm pretty sure they just went with "it's wrong" or something like that. That's not a bad translation, but it leaves out a lot of the underlying implications that 違う has (like Shiki's Nanaya blood rejecting Arc's very existence as "wrong").

Yeah, I plan to literally re-read everything else first before I get to Mahoyo even though I could probably read it right now if I wanted to.

>> No.20405004

Seems like similarly to Primate Murder, LB7 will just be using another cool Tsukihime lore creature in a shitty gacha game. It really seems inevitable at this point, but as long as (like Fou) they highlight that it's a weak, alternate version of the same thing that wasn't able to flourish in a Fate world, I don't have that much of a problem with it.
As long as Nasu doesn't keep ignoring everything that isn't Fate and just finding ways to fit it into GOshit, that is.
And I gotta say, turning ORT into an entity that was active and actually did things and interacted with humans misses all the charm of what made the concept cool, but I guess that's what alt versions are for.

>> No.20405082

>LB7 will just be using another cool Tsukihime lore creature in a shitty gacha game

How much of Tsukihime's lore is in FGO?

>> No.20405087

all the retarded shiki > SHIKI memes we have should be proof enough that nasu's style doesn't work well in any western language.

>> No.20405099

Depends on what you mean by that.
In terms of direct connections, not that much.
In terms of "alternate version of this same thing but in a way that fits the humanity wank narrative", it's getting up there, unfortunately.
I also still think Archetype Earth will straight up appear towards the end of the Lostbelts, thanks to that voice that anon pointed out the other day.

>> No.20405105

Dunno, I kinda figured futaba and 2ch would do 式 > 識 type shit too.

>> No.20405118

It's not nearly as dumb when the Shikis and SHIKIS from Tsukihime and KnK have 4 different written in totally different ways.

>> No.20405129

Good point.

>> No.20405136

there's the obvious shit like shared characters we know exist in that universe, with the latest edition being a horrible version of sion.
They also turned primate murder into a plush.
very recently nasu started bringing up vampire shit again, nobody really knows if it's a one time thing.
what that anon is referring to is the fact that lost belt 7 will be set very fucking close to where ORT should be sleeping right about now.

>> No.20405231

Please no

>> No.20405237

I can't for the life of me hear that final line as anyone but Ryōka Yuzuki anymore. It's sad.

>> No.20405241

She will appear and she will become a servant which falls in love with self-insert protag

>> No.20405246
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>> No.20405253
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What is the correct order to play Melty Blood if I only care about the story?

>> No.20405264

Ehhhh, maybe. I remember Archetype's delivery being way more weighty and pretentious than that. Though maybe it's watered-down, boring nuArchetype ala nuSion.
It's hard for me to tell because I can think of a decent chunk of VAs that sound very similar.

>> No.20405269

story mode in original or re-act
re-act arcade mode
act cadenza arcade mode
actress again arcade mode

>> No.20405274

Melty Blood Re-Act. Play the VN story mode, you should do all the branches, but there's one main important one.
Then if you want, play the arcade mode in Actress Again.

It's definitely different, I don't deny that
But I think they might be going for an intentionally different delivery that fits her role in this story better. No clue who else it could be, anyway.

>> No.20405282

It has to be a character we already know though, there's no female crypters left and introducing a new character during the final chapter of the story is something not even these shit writers pull.

Maybe it's just the priestess, but from what we know so far she can't into human language.

>> No.20405287

>we already know
Technically it would very much be a new character insofar as the modern Fate fanbase goes. Probably less than 5% of the fanbase even knows about Archetype, let alone characters outside of Fate at all.

>> No.20405303

Honestly, I'll be satisfied knowing that they're tearing up more Tsuki lore into the recycling gacha machine. Gives me more closure knowing that it'll never be relevant again.

>> No.20405317
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Seems more like foreshadowing for what’s to come. Nasu specified stuff about Sion and Zepia being different from DAs yet still vampires, Hinako is something very similar to True Ancestors to the point everyone even herself think she is one, one of the Crypters is a werewolf, stuff like vampires living using synthetic blood etc. Why would he go that far to explore and introduce that kind of stuff if not to develop more on it later?

>> No.20405341

Because Nasu's entire career can pretty much be summed up as recycling old content. I'll point you towards all the Notes recycling in Extra/Extra CCC which didn't really necessarily lead to anywhere, though at the time I can remember people bringing it up as if it were an indication that he was going to be returning to Tsukihime soon.

Though maybe I'm in denial. Who knows?

>> No.20405359

even if he does, isn't that an indicator that he's working on more shit that he really shouldn't?
all the stuff he brought into FGO with LB3 would be utterly irrelevant for tsukihime remake, so if anything it's an indicator he wants to write vampire shit in FGO now.

>> No.20405382

It's just using an outdated comparison of the system as a body. Viruses (external pathogens) can kill it, cell division is a normal process used by the body for growth and repair. Consider that as a way to face the external ailments more effectively. But if this process goes out of control and gets restless, they become cancer cells. Beasts as phenomena are described as 'cancer' growing, they 'attack the human order in order to protect the human order' making it its worst enemy when they manifest.

>Latin America Gods are space bacteria that came in a meteor and took over animals and plants and stuff. That's probably what happened with not-ORT from the humanfag world, or rather, what it did, it crash landed, evolved and become Tezcatlipoca instead of being ORT from the get-go like in planetfag worlds.

Quetz in particular, but all are aliens (not aliens-aliens as the existences of outside the domain meaning the solar system), but I agree. That's my theory too. Also there's no reason why would the planets of the Solar System threaten humanity. It's literal suicide. Or Gaia to 'send a message' when the accepted ending is "humanity will one day leave the planet" scenario, either in rockets or just beam'ed into Mooncell.

I used to be bitter about the division, but now I'm pretty excited to spot the differences of "what would this POV change" the world building. I wish Nasu would write Tsukihime R to know the new DAA and be more clear with that side of the story too.

>> No.20405404

>isn't that an indicator that he's working on more shit that he really shouldn't?
nasu barely writes at all these days, these are like breadcrumbs to appease the small amount of old lorefags that still exist

because FGO is otherwise a void of worthwhile content, it stands out more than it should

>> No.20405423

Thanks for reminding me that Arc's VA was a thot.

>> No.20405432
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I think he means that humanity isn't in danger of Beasts because they won't manifest (their potential candidates can exist but won't reach the DANGER BEAST MANIFESTATION final form). The system won't be enough to protect them from external threats, they have to deal with them.
While if they have a strong order/immunology system, viruses will have a harder time to wipe them out because the system will take care of them (simply eliminating or pruning instances they lost). In exchange for that, they'll develop cancer which the system doesn't have a good automatic response to. They can't be pruned. You need to deal with them.

Looking at Tsukihime and Fate I can see the pros and cons. While humanity in Tsukihime (what's written before the remark) is fucked, their present is little more uneventful while is every day an Apocalypse in Fate, and usually because of something the system brings, although their future is likely brighter. It's never a bed of roses.

>> No.20405435

How so?

>> No.20405444

She did some rather lewd shit back in the 90's under a different name.
Can't be assed to do the research again.

>> No.20405453

Just eroge voice acting, or more than that? I think I vaguely remember hearing about it.
She's really talented as a VA anyway, good range from Neco-Arc, to Archetype, to Arc.

>> No.20405457

>1992年、宮沢りえの「Santa Fe」により、ヘアヌード、中でもアイドルによるヌードの一大ブームが巻き起こる

now that's just fucking hilarious.

>> No.20405458

So do a lot of VAs. Illya's VA likes to voice JS' in eroge that get fucked

>> No.20405467

I mean acting, gravure and movies with nude sex scenes, not full on AV but close.

>> No.20405472
File: 241 KB, 577x808, 1520073685739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuuuck, I definitely wanna find that.

>> No.20405474
File: 165 KB, 1382x1560, DkHHF0SU4AAEy89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw it's the month of Arc
Christmas is always nice, if only for all the fanart she gets. Can't wait.

>> No.20405478


>> No.20405485

Monshiro from Majikoi is the easiest example for sure.

>> No.20405487

It's the same planet, they are just different versions adapted to the Fate setting.
The question remains if Nasu rewrites Tsukihime, will he add Fate characters adapted to Tsukihime Setting? Even if Heroic Spirits can't manifest, he can always turn some of those people in DAA (he did say he wanted to change the DAA list), for example. Or the magus like Ophelia or Wodime, what they are doing?

>> No.20405499

that's not the wierd thing. lots of VAs used to do eroge stuff when they got into the industry.

the wierd thing is that she never stopped. she voiced a sissyfication hypno voice drama that released on dlsite just last year. she's the little sister in monobeno.

>> No.20405505

Yeah, she still does a shit ton of eroge voice work, usually with lolis. Most recently Rokan12 is a good example, where she voices a explictely JS aged onahole that calls you a lolicons while she rides your cock.

Also, she voiced a shota trap in Biman 3.

>> No.20405516


>fuwanovel guy is dead too
It's like poetry.

>> No.20405517

>will he add Fate characters adapted to Tsukihime Setting?
That's quite likely given that it will 100% pander to the new fanbase. Or, if not servants, then something extremely similar to it as you're suggesting.

Also, friendly reminder it will probably be a console release, and won't be in a traditional VN format either. And voiceless.

>> No.20405519
File: 196 KB, 800x672, 1524618134195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a sissyfication hypno voice drama
Link that shit, please anon.

>> No.20405532

it's pointless to speculate as it won't be coming out at all

>> No.20405536

Maybe she'll be made a goddess (Extra), or something else. You know it doesn't have to be the same. When the Church was perfectly capable of hunting down True Ancestors apparently in Fate, and DAA don't exist.

To be fair, part 2 features absolutely no one lusting after Guda (who actually shows more of a consistent personality now, needs introspection still) outside My Room which is just fanservice shit for those who roll Servants. Mashu being the exception. The crypters get the love stories focus, and sometimes Servants among themselves.

>> No.20405537


she also used to be married and recently got divorced if you want the whole thing to be more awkward than it already is.

>> No.20405545

>outside My Room
I would still say that counts. I'm just still butthurt over them completely ruining Shiki. Can't believe Nasu gave the OK on that shit, really shows how little he cares about the integrity of his old works.

>> No.20405547

Fucking nice, thank you.
She's probably genuinely into her loli roles and has masturbated endlessly to this stuff.

>> No.20405555

>expecting Japanese George Lucas to not care about money first and foremost
this is where you went wrong

>> No.20405558

Nasu only wrote the prologue of LB3. Butcher wrote LB3. He never shied from vampire shit in Zero (see Kerry's backstory).

>> No.20405563

quads confirm

>> No.20405569


Challenge: Pick a Servant, rewrite them as a DAA, after some alternative retelling.

>> No.20405573

It's literal fanservice with a gacha Servant (you an ignore, nobody forces you to pick them in My Room). Most of the times never even addressed in the story.

>> No.20405574

Nasu gives every writer keynotes for every chapter. essentially they all just write filler to get from one keynote to another.

>> No.20405580

Ignoring it doesn't mean that it doesn't happen, and it certainly degrades the characters regardless.

You can *ignore* that FGO exists and has retroactively raped a lot of what made the series good, but it doesn't change that fact. Sorry if I'm sounding like a bitter cynic - I know this thread is probably overtly negative most of the time - but that's just the way I feel about the situation.

>> No.20405586

Yeah but something tells me the Crypters are the babies of each writer.

>> No.20405590

No Servant shit please. If they have to include GO fanservice in future Tsuki stuff, at least keep it to alt versions of the human characters.

It's still fucking trash that they exist. What an awful medium for a main TM project, everything about it is utter shit.

>> No.20405594

I'm surprised Alaya hasn't yet had an "embodiment"/Archetype as any meme force of Nasuverse.

>> No.20405600


>> No.20405676
File: 1.35 MB, 1024x909, 1514949895993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HF2's theme's album cover, I think.

>> No.20405681

of course there's a worm on it

>> No.20406185


>> No.20406817

Guda and Chaldea & Co are explicitly not meme forces of any kind considering that during LB the world is so fucking not even Alaya knows what the fuck is going on and can't summon shit to fix anything up. Really always hated this Chaldea is counter force meme theory.

>> No.20407298

Some questions. Black Barrel is one of the Atlas's 7 super weapons and from what i know, all research/weapons made in Atlas cannot be taken out of Atlas unless you possess a contract (like Marisbilly) so how did the Church have the Black Barrel ? Did they possess one of seven contracts ? Thanks for answering!

>> No.20407529

New thread pls

>> No.20407811


>> No.20407953

new: >>20407951

>> No.20408021

