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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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20281777 No.20281777 [Reply] [Original]

This is a Japanese language learning thread for those interested in traditional otaku media such as anime, manga, light novels, and Japanese video games.

If you have no interest in the above or want to request a translation, this is not the thread for you.

Guide & resources (start here):

https://djtguide.neocities.org/ (legacy)

Previous thread: >>20274749

>> No.20281781

lmao gg

>> No.20281792
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haha hey matt here you know whats really cringe i mean besides my neckbeard receding hairline bedroom with manga and cartoons plastered all over it piss jug the fact i went to japan to live the high school dream only to eat toilet meshi and do flashcards instead my authoritative tone about things i have no idea about my wikipedia math all the material i parrot and try to pass off as my own my racist tendencies my blog from like 8 years ago where i said i wanted a japanese girlfriend that muramasa vid lmao that time i said "itchaban tsuyoee gaijeem ni nawitai" that time i said smugly that talking japanese for guyjims is just too cringe for me that time toilet head came over and i bottomed for him that time i tried to talk shit about jorge the japones from cero guy who was kindly patient with my autism that time i shit all over some kid irl about how hes learning japanese wrong and im the best and then talked about it on the internet and last but not least that time i realized i dont even like anything from japan and have no use for a language i dedicated my entire seisyun to and defined my existence by how great i was at learning it (in my mind) ?

the fucken retard op

>> No.20281800

It's pretty cool that the anti-anki posters have had no effect on the guide. They should give up.

>> No.20281803

that's cool but they affected the guide i wrote for my weeb friends who think learning japanese is either about classes or years of memorization

>> No.20281804

if the guide was good djt would have even less of a point to exist

cuz you could just have a good guide

no discussion necessary

>> No.20281810

its pretty cool that https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87qdxfJIz4E

>> No.20281828

step 1) build foundations so you can read and listen to japanese (max 1 month, optional)
step 2) read and listen to japanese
step 3) repeat step 2 until you know japanese

>> No.20281833

reality check: no one gets past that step 1 ever without adult supervision

>> No.20281917

Hmm, new DJT. So should we shit on Mutt, Toiletbrush Hair, and Nike today instead of watching more anime?

>> No.20281941

There's an evolutionary drive to discuss popular figures within in a community. Nothing wrong with that.

>> No.20281943

We've all agreed that not reading Hanahira as your first work learning Japanese will irreversibly cripple your vocab and grammar in the long run, right?

>> No.20281945
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>> No.20281970

it doesnt matter if youre a flashtard or eceleb dick sucker or not interested in learning japanese at all or already know japanese or wish you knew japanese or if youre gay or if youre not gay or what race/ethnicity/gender/unique variety of snowflake you are or how many hours into your mandatory 10000 hours of english subbed anime you are

were all connected by the red string of aids


>> No.20281980

Praise Cute Dolly.

>> No.20282012

Hi guys it's me, the guy who can't remember how to read 兵庫. You may know me as "guy who cant remember hyougo", "heiko guy", etc. Whatever the case, I'm back and have the status update you've all been waiting for. I still cannot remember how to read 兵庫.
This time I'm asking you to send me your chikara. Put your hands on your monitor and chant remember hyougo ten times while visualizing me. (I look exactly like you are imagining.)
Arigatou. Loving replies only, mean replies will be reported to the webmaster.

>> No.20282023

man i dont give a fuck 兵庫ちゃん

suck my dick and watch more anime

>> No.20282064

oh fuck, almost forgot Tonegawa aired today

>> No.20282068

did that show get any fuckin better like im a dad and i couldnt stand that dad anime for more than a few eps

>> No.20282089

shit taste, jamal

>> No.20282104
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Reminder to set your Interval Modifier to 150%

>> No.20282137


>> No.20282163

youre on some shit dude there was nothin interesting about his gomer bull shit like bad memory and rectal exams

>> No.20282210

heres a word i learned today from pokemon lets go


>> No.20282221
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Day 16

>> No.20282263

Someone please upload Index New Testament

>> No.20282269

i will but only if you answer this question correctly

who is best girl

>> No.20282277
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>> No.20282281


Can someone give me some background on CureDolly? What the fuck is this person?
Like, the voice is so fucking weird, and whenever he or she is asked why the audio quality isn't improving he/she just responds with shit like "I'm an AI, AI's have this kind of voice!"

Anyways, this person has written a couple of books and they all have this creepy as fuck plastic dolls juxtaposed with children tier drawings shit going on. That in addition to the weird fucking speech impediment this person seems to be having makes me wonder what kind of person is behind the whole thing.

I'm so curious i need to know more.

>> No.20282288

I think it's a guy using a voice changer, probably not a native English speaker. Obviously has some weird thing with dolls and probably children too.

>> No.20282292

Yeah there's obviously a vocoder in there or amateur pitch shifting but 100% also some kind of speech impediment like a person with cleft palate

>> No.20282293

last order

>> No.20282300

ive actually never read any of index but from what ive seen that one edgy cutie with the white hair looks like best girl so sorry

>> No.20282326
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>> No.20282347
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best girl right here

>> No.20282365

Stroke order is a blessing it makes kanji so fucking easy 大好きですは

>> No.20282375

Step 1: read RTK, do RTK anki deck, read tae Kim, start working through every Japanese learning app for iPhone you can find
Step 2: tell everyone about all the kanji you’re learning and how unique and complicated Japanese grammar is
Step 3: talk to Japanese qts on language exchange sites and try formulating nuanced sentences
Step 4: take the JLPT N1
Step 5: you’re done! Now that you know Japanese you can do whatever you want, even watch Japanese anime without subtitles

>> No.20282388

this made my blood boil so hard it evaporated and i'm dead now thanks

>> No.20282391

How do i find nihonjin qts?

>> No.20282398

Did you know that there is no real translation for yoroshiku, it is a word deeply rooted in Japanese culture that basically means “please take care of me”

>> No.20282402


>> No.20282404

my skeleton is now ash and dust

>> No.20282408

But is there a translation for 夜露死苦?

>> No.20282412

when the topic particle functions as a modal utterance-final particle it's spelled as わ

>> No.20282415


>> No.20282419


>> No.20282443

I've been studying japanese for years and these motherfuckers keep eluding me

>> No.20282444

read more

>> No.20282449

It's never enough

>> No.20282455

I learned katakana a month ago, barely read, and I can instantly tell them apart. WTF

>> No.20282456


>> No.20282461

Japanese handwriting is a mess

>> No.20282485

ツ looks down on you like TSUndere.
That's how I differentiated between them at the beginning and it just stuck.

>> No.20282489

It’s easy— SHI looks to the right, he looks TSU the left. As long as you don’t get that mnemonic mixed up either you’re golden

>> No.20282490

I've been fucking up my decks a lot, until I learned to make mnemonics to everything.

>> No.20282552

it's like a shitsu dog,
top is first like the first part of the words shitsu
then points down for tsu
this instantly did the trick for me
and ン ソ is just north and south

>> No.20282561

This post just irreversibly crippled my chances at learning katakana, thanks

>> No.20282567
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you are welcome good sir

>> No.20282592

最近ではアニメほとんど翻訳されて、字幕版がすぐ出てくるので、皆さんにとっては、日本語を学ぶする理由はなんですか?もし日本に住むつもりじゃなかったら、目的は何ですか? やる気がすぐなくなちゃうと思いませんか?

>> No.20282613


>> No.20282654


>> No.20282673

I can't read japanese

>> No.20282697

dont worry neither can japanese people

>> No.20282710

at first these 4 characters looked like they were going to end my life and now I don't even conciously realize I'm processing them. Reading is one hell of a drug.

>> No.20282718


>> No.20282790

>that feel when you've done RTK 1+3 and read for two years and katanakana still trips you up when it's isolated from context

>> No.20282800


>> No.20282809

nvm yankees are asleep, redo tomorrow

>> No.20282828

Who the fuck are you quoting?

>> No.20282894

I unironically made a kana stroke order deck after 1000+ vocab just so I would absolutely not fuck up my katakana.

>> No.20282899


>> No.20283029

this threads bad but it could be worse. everythign could alway s be worse. i love all of you goodbye

>> No.20283222

What is the Kanji for des, as in 私 わ。。。でs? I imagine it must be cumbersome to write one kana character and one English character all the time

>> No.20283238

Is having a brain parasite a requirement for wanting to learn Japanese?

>> No.20283243

Just buy a cat if you think you need one.

>> No.20283255

This is a joke right

>> No.20283262

Thanks, now I need to get tested for Toxoplasma gondii.

>> No.20283298

no, 本気でs

>> No.20283318

Is learning kanji really that groundbreaking?
Seems like alot is making a big deal out of it

Hiragana and katakana seems sufficient for casual use

>> No.20283336

I've got this shit btw and it wasn't nice.
Apparently most people don't get any sympthoms but my immune system said "fuck you".

>> No.20283339

Not sure but desu is usually always written in hiragana です

Not sure it even has a kanji character

>> No.20283340

Watashi nice gay

>> No.20283477

I thought this show was going to be something completely different and now I'm just confused

>> No.20283536
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>> No.20283540

That's the best thing I've ever heard

>> No.20283556

haha glad everyone finally knows katakana now maybe we can move on to learning japanese

>> No.20283558

you shoulda listened to me when i said it was ass dude or at least it was ass for the 3 or 4 episodes i watched it

>> No.20283573

what the hell is a manko?

>> No.20283576
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>> No.20283580


>> No.20283586
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結構似合うと思う : )

>> No.20283596

I'm assuming the target group is Japanese salarymen, I can only associate somewhat with the plot but I still think it's really interesting from an outsider perspective

>> No.20283601

its 100% a fuckin dad anime

>> No.20283612


>> No.20283615

I don't see the two points being mutually exclusive

>> No.20283617

i wasnt disagreeing with you just adding to it

>> No.20283618
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>> No.20283643


>> No.20283650

What the fuck I don't understand shit

>> No.20283651

(in Mario's voice) (>ω<)わふー!

>> No.20283664
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easy to associate with hiragana

>> No.20283667
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>> No.20283684


>> No.20283685
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Sorry lad, but the "ツ" is a condescending TSUndere is the official DJT mnemonic.

>> No.20283693

do what works for you i approve of tsundere

>> No.20283696
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personally its just easier to just know the kana ftw

>> No.20283702

It's the one to be put in the official DJT's Complete Guide to Japanese PDF (complete with Kana, Kanji, recommended anki decks and Grammar Guides), soon to be released in a store near you!

>> No.20283707
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>> No.20283708

Things used to be so hard until I stumbled into https://ichi.moe/.. It makes the long grind of hovering on complicated sentences with yomi-chan a lot more comfortable.

>> No.20283761

maybe if you learned japanese organically you wouldnt have to do any of that bullshit and just take the nihongo for what it is lol

>> No.20283765
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been following doll twitters to both read their japanese scribbles and look at cute pictures. nice.

>> No.20283773

as for me, I am gay

>> No.20283786

thats a pretty doll

would be a shame if something *snorts* happened to her

roll the hot glue footage

>> No.20283797

as for me
saikooh gaijhin ni naritai

>> No.20283799

as for わたし


>> No.20283832

Now THAT'S what I call a word, thanks hanahiraっ

>> No.20283837


>> No.20283843 [DELETED] 


>> No.20283845

How does it feel having your vocabulary not irreversibly crippled?

>> No.20283851

I wouldn't know since I'm using Anki after all

>> No.20283856

>not mining hanahira to easily pass N1 with just one take
The method to surpass AJATT and MIA

>> No.20283861
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>> No.20283870

how do you say incel in Japanese

>> No.20283881


>> No.20283884


>> No.20283891


>> No.20283892


>> No.20283900


>> No.20283903


>> No.20283910


>> No.20283915

In the japanese mindset you never actually say a consenant without saying a vowel. Even if you are just making a K or S sound or whatever your mouth has to be in a position for a vowel of some sort. You're always voweling if you're making sounds, except for N which is through the nose. Hope the helps.

>> No.20283919
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holy fuckin shit look at these

>> No.20283935

japanese knowledge inflated tits

>> No.20283943

what the fuck zero no tsukaima is actually good

>> No.20283954
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>> No.20283964

The light novel or the anime?

>> No.20283979


>> No.20284197


>> No.20284203

>Learning a dying language

>> No.20284210

>Dying a learning language

>> No.20284220

>enough, plenty
What the fuck?

>> No.20284228

>koreans actively come up with new words to replace ones that originate from japanese
>meanwhile in japan

this is suicide fuel

>> No.20284236

I hope Japan continues borrowing English words so that they don't have so many stupid fucking homophones.

>> No.20284241

also means division into ten and its easy to imagine how that becomes synonymous with plenty
but just for you they gave that meaning new kanji 充分

>> No.20284250

netlify update when?

>> No.20284251


Hopefully I'm as good as him in a year.

>> No.20284321

eigo wakarimasen

>> No.20284328

>dying language
>128 million people
>Meanwhile people study Latin
>Less than 20 million people speak it in the world
>People learn Hebrew
>less than 5 million people
you sound like a retard m8

>> No.20284330

that vid has the same amount of japanese if you mute it and even more japanese if you watch it while listening to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fo2P16gLCfQ

>> No.20284353

>Learn latin
>Understand the etymology of most words

>Learn japanese
>be a bigger weeb

>> No.20284358

>not study anything
>stay retarded

>> No.20284361

>learning a language and not using it

>> No.20284367


>> No.20284374

i mean lets face if youre in this thread and didnt already know japanese you dont wanna learn japanese and are just in love with the idea of learning japanese cause otherwise youd just go learn japanese lol

>> No.20284392

what's the difference between nihongo and japanese

>> No.20284398

nihongo is japanese romanji for japanese

>> No.20284402

I always leave this thread open to ask the occasional questions on things I don't understand.

>> No.20284406

that sounds like an epic mistake

>> No.20284410

not as an epic mistake as learning Japanese, so it's all good

>> No.20284418

>Understand the etymology of most words

>> No.20284420

just one epic mistake can give you perma aids mate..

>> No.20284439

If you're a corporate drone, sure

>> No.20284448

If you gather multiple aids they cancel each other out, my doctor said

>> No.20284459

or they can just make you double poz

>> No.20284462
File: 645 KB, 598x788, 20882247_1644063628997426_3463568486726687167_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips on where to download jlpt n2 official practice workbook in pdf?

>> No.20284467

the home for infinite losers

while similar not to be mistaken with djt

>> No.20284477


>> No.20284519

how did you make it through this

>> No.20284522

oh shit brb

>> No.20284534

>taking any jlpt test other than N1

>> No.20284540

>How did you make it through this
By watch a better guide like VJG

>> No.20284549
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>> No.20284554


>> No.20284559

no you almost understand it shes saying BAKAri

shes literally owning you while teaching you nihongo ftw

>> No.20284599

why would you only keep a short sample when she took you for a ride

>> No.20284606 [DELETED] 


>> No.20284619
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>> No.20284811

Who here /nihongo no mori/???
All the n3 and above are all in Japanese, some of the grammar/vocal videos revolve around a theme (eg finding a house) which makes mentally reviewing it shit simple. The vs grammar series are useful not just for recognition but output as well. Also, takepan sensei is ridiculously cute.

>> No.20284828

nothin wrong with a nihongono mori watch that shit if u want

>> No.20284970

only thing better than the video is the comments

>> No.20284982

Why do some manga have more furigana than others? I'm reading two different manga that are serialized in the same magazine but one has way more than the other. Is it at the authors discretion?

>> No.20284995

maybe one just uses bigger words : )

flashtards wouldnt understand

>> No.20285012

I'm a week in at doing anki and I'm scared I wouldn't recognize most of these words when I actually see them in reading

>> No.20285029

you might recognize them when reading but you still wont know them so why drill only one part when learning the whole reinforces all the parts sounds foolish to me ┐(‘~` )┌

>> No.20285045
File: 8 KB, 352x352, heheheh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any kindle/calibre faggots here?

i finally managed to get furigana by conferting epub to azw but now the facking dictionary selects whole sentences instead of single words/characters....

>> No.20285101

Finished Anki, unless you're brain dead, you won't.

>> No.20285123

what's the ん/やな mean?

>> No.20285130

it means "poopily"

>> No.20285133


>> No.20285141

thank god i can just watch terrace house now

>> No.20285164

I read on a kindle and I don't have that problem (I use the default jp-en dictionary)

it doesn't identify words as well as yomichan but it's works well enough most of the time

>> No.20285243

>1000 words mature in Anki
>Just finished reading Tae Kim
Is now a good time to start watching anime with Japanese subs? I'm tempted to give Nichijou a watch Japanese-only because I know it pretty well and it doesn't seem too hard
(Please no 10k hour meme)

>> No.20285272

No read some vns first. You'll just be scanning the sub file the whole time and in the end it's not very content dense. Also the colloquialisms aren't always easy to figure out. Anyways you've wasted time by making some artificial barrier before consuming real content. Keep doing anki but use a mining deck and only mine the words you can't get the reading for. If you guess the reading right don't bother mining it. Keep it under 30 mins a day.

>> No.20285293

flashtarding is the artificial barrier

>> No.20285308

Try anjsub.com
First watch an episode (no subs), just enjoy it/don’t try to actively study while watching, but after read through the script for thorough comprehension (hover over words for translation, click to jump video to that dialogue in case you forgot the context)

>> No.20285337

I was going to use animelon.com, is anjsub.com better?
Question: How are these websites allowed to exist? It hosts tons of anime with english subs for free. Copyright holders just haven't found them yet?

>> No.20285344

Thanks for the guidance. I'm trying to figure out how to set up VNs according to the guide.

>> No.20285394
File: 1 KB, 142x31, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the point of the の in どして悲しいの?

I'm in in my 5th day of DJT please be kind.

>> No.20285407

could literally be anything

>> No.20285412

It's for emphasis purposes.

>> No.20285428


Take a look at The 「の」 particle as explanation section of http://www.guidetojapanese.org/learn/grammar/nounparticles#The_last_three_particles_Not

>> No.20285437

Read it carefully it will work. I'd use textractor it seems to support more vns

>> No.20285444

if you watched 10000 hours of anime with english subs you wouldnt need a grammar guide to understand that

>> No.20285451

I've been watching anime with spanish/english subs since I was fucking 12 and I didn't learn anything other than few words that I didn't know how to even write.

>> No.20285462

Link? The software's gone from the original homepage

>> No.20285463

thats not my problem

>> No.20285476

>Evidence contrary to your opinion is not your problem

>> No.20285480

This advice is obsolete. The optimal path to fluency is to watch 10000 hours of subbed Kinoko videos. You can do this in 500 days, just watch 20 hours a day then meditate for an hour since science has proven that 1 hour of meditation equals 8.3 hours of sleep. That leaves three hours you can use to stare at manga, even though manga isn't reading.

>> No.20285483

your atama may be too warui for nihongo mate

>> No.20285484

you can say whatever you want on the internet dude its not evidence of anything other than your retardation

theres not enough content for that but someday・・

>> No.20285491

Just put the playlist on repeat for 10000 hours, the repetition will make the words stick so you don't need Anki.

>> No.20285492

my atumma ga tow-temo ii boyo

>> No.20285494


>> No.20285506

i could endorse 10000 hours of >>20284619

>> No.20285512

>English dub
>Japanese subs

>> No.20285517

>eat poop
>drink pee

>> No.20285518

>Watching native english material
>Dubbed over in Japanese

>> No.20285520

no but for real though how this shitheap hasnt been banned yet is beyond me probably a testament of jps quality overall or maybe one of you fucks is a mod

>> No.20285525

its a containment thread whereas the real and successful nihongoers are on the thread in int

>> No.20285530
File: 868 KB, 1280x720, nutbladder-hidamari-sketchc397honeycomb-01-3c2af32e_5-okt-2012-14-11-59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20285531


>> No.20285533

wow it sucks cuz i recognize both voices

got dang it bobby

>> No.20285540

why do people reply here without giving (you)'s?

>> No.20285543

Is Jamal really black?

>> No.20285544

cuz fuck you

>> No.20285545

it's how the japanese do it

>> No.20285546

its more smug, like you're so beneath me I won't even give you a (you)

>> No.20285572
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>> No.20285599

why are black people all weebs anyway

>> No.20285618


>> No.20285648

black mans greatest dream is to become blonde haired blue eyed ninja jesus

>> No.20285666

but I thought Jamal wanted to be black hitler SSJ5

>> No.20285670

hes whats known in stats as an outlier

>> No.20285675

>russian dub
>japanese sub
2 languages at once

>> No.20285690

slavaboos make me vomit.
t. slav

>> No.20285708

slavs make me vomit.
t. slavboo

>> No.20285713

is souseki just straight up incomprehensible in the same way trying to read the original canterbury tales would be

>> No.20285729

he's from the 19th century not the 14th

>> No.20285741

i don't understand how anyone can listen to a russian dub or why the russians even make them in the first place, especially their weird tradition of fandubbing anime

it's always just some dude talking over the characters in extreme 棒読み mode

>> No.20285755



>> No.20285757

yeah i realize he's borderline contemporary but at the same time english lit from even a mere 100 years ago can be difficult so i thought it was worth at least posting as an idle thought in a thread full of literal shit

>> No.20285758

Their weeb rates are much lower. People just have this really weird and kinda gross fetishization for blacks who appreciate stuff they appreciate because it gives them validation so they're more likely to notice black weebs. Jamal is the only one in this thread.

>> No.20285760
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>> No.20285768
File: 113 KB, 255x256, akari4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just compare him to dickens or something
not that i have read either lol

>> No.20285770

wait till you find out everyone in this thread is actually black and youve been getting utterly blacked this whole time

>> No.20285779

i almost wrote dickens yeah but i couldn't remember off the top of my head how long ago he was so i abstained
on a quick goog (that's short for "google search") souseki died in 1912 whereas dickens kicked the bucket in 1870
tho that doesn't actually mean a ton since the two languages have of course developed at different rates and in different ways compared to each other
just a little fun thing to think about i guess

meena sawma, "lets reading sohseki" shimashou

>> No.20285782

>you can even create new words
gets me every time

>> No.20285787

does this dude have something on my boy romeo

>> No.20285790
File: 223 KB, 899x1200, sohseki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here i brought some material for our reading circle

>> No.20285791

Can you please upload Index NT?

>> No.20285795

isn't romeo just 99% really obtuse methods for describing and talking to girls

>> No.20285800

not sure arent we talking about things we havent read

>> No.20285803

i like the kana font

>> No.20285806

romeos writes epic sci fi about jesus

>> No.20285812

>learning a racist language.

>> No.20285816

the only romeo tanaka i have read is 170 pages of jintai since i get bored with visual games but its cute and not obtuse

>> No.20285818

>thinks his language isnt racist

>> No.20285823

In my experience furigana fucks with parsing really hard on a few dictionary things. Just fet rid of the furigana it is gay anyways.

>> No.20285833

I'm a kindle fag, I have no idea how to fix this problem. I just want to convert epub to azw3 and keep the vertical text and right to left page transitions. I don't understand how to do it and everyone always tells me to fuck off.

>> No.20285838

its easier to buy retail than try to fix hellish ebook problems like that

>> No.20285839

Why do you want furigana so bad if kindle has a popup dictionary?

>> No.20285843


The popup dictionary doesn't work when converting to azw3.

>> No.20285848

extremely mixed messages here

>putting a period at the end of your greentext
>who are you quoting
>implying all communication isn't inherently racist

>> No.20285850

one of those guys is not me and the other one is

is mostly the issue there

>> No.20285885

btw minna genki ? lol

>> No.20285892

i was the only white kid in a couple classes in highschool they would talk about naruto and dragon ball all day like way more than any white people i knew did
like the majority of black people ive known talk about anime at least a little

>> No.20285893

>(Japanese/Chinese only) Go through Lazy Kanji (1K cards)
Woah so **** is officially rejecting traditional RTK altogether and not only advocates for doing 1k lazy cards, but only the most popular kanji.

>> No.20285895

It's a medium that inherently doesn't appeal as much to them, and the less casual it becomes the fewer of them there are.

>> No.20285897

who and who cares

>> No.20285899

genki de ha nai

>> No.20285911

when you go pro you gotta abandon the people you used

>> No.20285917

supa genki desukeredo

>> No.20285926

its ok they were just guinea pigs from the start anyway

>> No.20285929

>Nukemarine is only N3

>> No.20285937

more like Nuk3marin3 amirite

>> No.20285939

think again fucko


>> No.20285944

At N1 he'll be Nukemar1ne though.

>> No.20285951

im sure hes looking forward to the day he can change his handle to that

>> No.20285953

On a bad day he's

>> No.20285969

what if bad days are ふすう for him

>> No.20285970

stop not giving (you)

>> No.20285971

How do I sex up those japanese sloots?

>> No.20285974

give me some top and ill give you a you

>> No.20285976

youre laughing at him but hes on another dialect making level

call it marineshiki

>> No.20285979

no were laughing at him cuz this actually happened in this universe of infinite possibilities


>> No.20285981

i still throw up in my mouth every time im p sure he said more chotto nanka maas in that first sentence than anything else

>> No.20285984

itudemo iiyo

>> No.20285993

>yogapants tells nuke to speak japanese and then interrupts him over and fucking over
what a bitch lol also why did you watch a fucking one hour and thirty minute long video to find this

>> No.20285994

by the way dont worry guys one of those guys is actually fluent in japanese

hes just pretending not to be ; )

>> No.20285999

destroying nuke in a public duel is the dream that drove him to learn japanese in the first place
when he was in the moment keeping that sentence from ending he was full of adrenaline

>> No.20286001

*throws up on your lap*


is it the camera man cause its certifiably not one of those fucks

>> No.20286002

i actually originally just seeked to it as if guided by the hand of jesus himself

i still thank him to this day for blessing me with an epic timestamp and pray that i may be many times more blessed in the name of the lord amen

>> No.20286003

With vocabulary like this, I really can't learn Japanese.

>> No.20286011

you could tell cuz his fat ass had to take a breath in the middle to finish said sentence lmao

>> No.20286023

why is dolly able to explain でも and other も grammar points in a consistent and non-confusing way but virtually no other guide can.

>> No.20286027

post the video, this calls for my expert opinion

>> No.20286032

why does curedolly use a voice-fuckupizer so it's harder to tell what she (he?) is saying

>> No.20286038
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because dolly chan sensei is #1

>> No.20286039

Are there any specific kanji I should check out if I'm only interested in learning Japanese for the purpose of better understanding the hentai I masturbate to?

>> No.20286040

teaching is a skill way too many fucks assume they have just cause they know or think they know the subject matter

>> No.20286041
File: 30 KB, 640x360, 1537556739648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's confession time, DJT.

How long have you spend reading and listening today and how long have you spent lurking and posting in this thread? Be honest.

>> No.20286043

the fuck outta my face hamburgerhi

>> No.20286045


>> No.20286046


>> No.20286050
File: 233 KB, 640x360, read manga ftw.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20286066

Knew that one...

Is there a dictionary for lewd stuff only or something like that? Would be helpful as fuck.

>> No.20286081

theres no point if you need a dictionary to explain to you why sexy words are sexy guess what its not gonna happen

>> No.20286092

I need some way to find these kanji I see so I can learn what they mean I try to draw them but jisho doesn't recognize them

>> No.20286097

ive spent two hours reading and it feels like i'm getting a little bit better but also reading is impossible and i will never learn japanese

thinking about taking a break and then watching either nihongono mori or dolly chan later

>> No.20286105

try this https://dict.naver.com/linedict/zhendict/dict.html if youre gonna draw

>> No.20286112

I've spent 20 minutes in total on /djt/ since monday.

>> No.20286115

this is like asking how many breads ive eaten dude

>> No.20286124

well how many bread have you eaten

>> No.20286126

Okay, that's better. It gave me what I wanted right away.

For everyone's interest: 拉致監禁 = abduction and confinement (esp. unlawful)​

>> No.20286129

Can I learn Japanese by watching exclusively curedolly videos

>> No.20286139

i mined that a few days ago

>> No.20286142

dang i aint about none of that i like vanilla happy end stuff where they get married and have kids and grow old together all in relative piece always loving and respecting each other deeply


>> No.20286143

Nukemarin3 is perfect how did you fuck that up

>> No.20286147

It usually leads to that.

>> No.20286149

where is the contradiction

>> No.20286153

you cant abduct the willing

>> No.20286159


>> No.20286163

maybe dont be a fuckin abductor and just court a woman properly

>> No.20286169

courting is a coping mechanism for being too weak to subjugate

>> No.20286173

no youre just bad at being attractive

>> No.20286177

attractiveness is a beta trait

>> No.20286180

why lift a finger to subjugate when i can let my dominance radiate from every pore of my body enslaving countless women to my big pee pee

>> No.20286184

twf you will never enslave haruhi to your big pee pee

>> No.20286191

i could prolly bag and tag aya hirano tho

>> No.20286193

you say this as if youve never inspired the desire to be abducted

>> No.20286198


>> No.20286199

not before she gives you a fender bender in the crotch ftw

>> No.20286206

are you saying shed give me aids

>> No.20286214

what are they willing if it cant be received

>> No.20286221

I'm usually only around 50% correct answers with only 20 new words a day. Does this still apply to me? I personally don't care about the low score, I'm still motivated and don't think I'm dumb.

>> No.20286228

But it's still supreme content, contrary to first impressions.

>> No.20286230

got some bad news for you flashtard this is your future if you dont reverse your descent https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYmn3Gwn3oI

>> No.20286260

Well I was never really good with memorizing vocabulary or poems. I'm more an intuitive learner and I see patterns and coherences pretty well. However I have no idea how people achieve 80-90% success with such foreign words in the first few runs. After I learned a word and repeated it for a few times it will be fine, but I always struggle with some of them and I really feel like it's completely normal.

>> No.20286280

if youre really good at seeing patterns and connecting dots might i recommend thou watcheth 10000 hours of epic anime with english subtitles

>> No.20286284


>> No.20286288

quick guess how fat this poster is im guessin 110 kg

>> No.20286289

I take the lack of serious replies to mean you're all too ashamed to answer.

>> No.20286290

learning styles is a myth

>> No.20286313

no its actually that no one gives a fuck mate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLT6iyf3iFg

>> No.20286325

No they are not and I'm not even talking about learning styles. I was always good at anything without learning. But as soon as I need to memorize something, like vocabulary or history dates I'm pretty medicore. For example I learned english without ever doing anything except for playing online FPS and watching movies and series. But I can't even order a beer in french, even after studying this at school for 12 years.

And then again, I'm not sure what you are all doing. But I'm doing anki 10k without any context. So it's 20 completely new and foreign words everyday. I think it's pretty normal to have some trouble with the reviews. I suppose those 80-90% success people are mostly miners or pre learned the words or something.

>> No.20286339

i havent weighted myself in like a decade but i would assume borderline 60kg

>> No.20286345

its like you know youre doing the wrong thing and keep doing it anyway

why not learn japanese by playing codblops and watching 映画s and シリーズぴこ

>> No.20286347

"Learning styles" disappear when you control for IQ. You're about the same in all aspects, because the distinction you're making is nonexistent.

>> No.20286381

What do you mean control for IQ? Do you mean only measure people in the same IQ range? So you would put together a complete non functioning sperg who can memorize a phone book in 5 minutes together with a complete retard who can't do anything at all, but has the same IQ in the same category? Guess what the sperg will win every time in the phone book reading quiz, but will have the same score on any other quiz. So he has a different learning style.

>> No.20286413

oh I do these things already, but I want to grind through some vocab to boost my progress. Mining would be more effective I know, but it's time consuming and a huge turn off for me.

>> No.20286421
File: 129 KB, 1200x900, DkhAteiXcAAkRm7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you really wanna boost progress play more codblops watch more 映画s and especially watch more シリーズぴこ especially the third one thats a real hum dinger

>> No.20286439

I'm actually really looking forward to karubin's next blog post he's the gift that keeps on giving

>> No.20286443


Do nihonjin speak like this or they are just trying hard?

>> No.20286489

the fact that mia's co-founder isn't even good at japanese is honestly a bad look for matt

then again, he didn't immerse that week so it's only normal that he would sound like a retard because that's how that works

>> No.20286495 [DELETED] 

cringe, easy to tell you are a low IQ nigger

>> No.20286497

birds of a feather dude lol

>> No.20286503

hey welcome to djt the friendliest place to not really learn nihongo on the internet

please dont use racial slurs in the thread especially the n word thank u

>> No.20286505

It's not that bad if you factor in language decay which happens to everyone. He went years without reading or listening to Japanese beyond household conversational with his wife. You're dishonest.

>> No.20286509

now this is why djt needs flags

>> No.20286517

I imagine most posters are American so it'd only narrow me down a little bit.

>> No.20286541
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>> No.20286564

spamming filler words to become the most tsuyoi gaijin

>> No.20286569

the most fluent word said in that entire exchange was nuke chans "nani"

>> No.20286577

id have a hard time saying anything if i was confronted with that as well

>> No.20286595

memorise Japanese poetry and recite it to yourself occasionally throughout the day to maximise exposure

>> No.20286603
File: 1.08 MB, 1280x720, 1540403079173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did lucas bully nuke chan

>> No.20286606

not an argument

>> No.20286646

Curedolly is unironically better than Tae Kim wow

>> No.20286654
File: 24 KB, 371x456, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ummm yeah shes the best

>> No.20286677

Why do people call all the components of Kanji radicals even though the radical is only the component on the left?

>> No.20286681

language changes and people use a term incorrectly but then the incorrect usage becomes the popular/dominant usage, thus becoming correct

>> No.20286683

What would you all recommend for a first time reader? I know around ~1000 words and ~600 kanji. I was thinking about picking up Konosuba.

>> No.20286696

Cute Dolly is unironically the best grammar resource

>> No.20286698

Only in languages that are not regulated like English.

>> No.20286707

Kino no fucking tabi
Get ready to hurt though no amount of flash cards and onkie will prepare you
(Konosuba is fine too)

>> No.20286718

You know nothing about language.

>> No.20286721

cute dolly is unironically my girlfriend

>> No.20286725

And you're an idiot and a tool.

>> No.20286729


>> No.20286731

anon-san wa gei desu

>> No.20286735


>> No.20286749

I don't get why someone would act like that desu like it isn't a secret that nuke isnt some nihongo genius that's like playing pokemon against a grade school kid and bragging about winning

>> No.20286752

yoshi, time to spam retarded nonsense on /djt/

>> No.20286757

I know enough to know that some languages have official proper meanings for words and using the word incorrectly is just wrong and not "correct because it's a common mistake"

>> No.20286760

Also nobody's going to think you're cool for asking someone to speak and then interrupting them over and over

>> No.20286762

radicals were for sorting paper dictionaries
every kanji assigned to a single section and you could usually guess which one
with electronic search there is no reason to limit every kanji to one category
without a limit there is no reason to care what the radical of a kanji is
but there are still things sort of like radicals that dictionaries use in similar way and so the word gets reused

>> No.20286768

Actually if you had ever taken anything resembling a course on linguistics you would know that there are two kinds of grammar: descriptive ("it isn't necessarily "correct" but it is how native speakers speak and use the language") and perscriptive ("REEEEEEE FOLLOW THE RULES REEEEEEEE DON'T SAY AINT REEEEEEEE") and neither is inherently more valid because they're interested in separate things

>> No.20286774

its ok take solace in the fact that lucas will never speak even grade school level nihongo

if you dont know reigi you dont know nihongo and he doesnt know no reigi and he sure as fuck aint know no nihongo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KL9mRus19o#t=88

>> No.20286782

Mount Stupid must have some really nice 景色 for you to stay there for so long.

>> No.20286792


>> No.20286803

how do I say the black guy ran away?

>> No.20286810


>> No.20286813


>> No.20286819

katakanas are eating my soul away.

>> No.20286820

nee shitteru??

nigeru XD


>> No.20286822

Does that make sense?

>> No.20286829

no why you do this

>> No.20286837

watashi wa big dick ga totemo ookii dessyone

>> No.20286842


>> No.20286856

Where's the grammatical mistake?
I'm trying to say "let me you eat you"

>> No.20286863

thats what i mean why would you do that

>> No.20286865

Google thing things in quotes before you ask whether they make sense or not.

>> No.20286875

Ah makes sense, sorry for the bother.
To flirt with bitches my dude.

>> No.20286877

what is でっしょね

>> No.20286890

you mean to make girls laugh right

>> No.20286892

something my dude

>> No.20286909

my suggestion is leave 3d girls alone and go bother the 2d ones

thats what theyre there for

>> No.20286940

I'm a hypermasculine chad so I swallow the u in desu and end it with yone because I'm letting you know how massive my cock is

>> No.20286945

it sounds as masculine as ぞい

>> No.20286958

>chad so I swallow
contradiction right there homo

>> No.20286964

>Implying chad can't guzzle
Chad does exactly what he wants whenever he wants to. Letting society or your sexuality dictate what you do and don't do is one of the most cucked things I can think of.

>> No.20286967

It’s fucked up how true this is. Baby tier Psychologists trying to measure some struct (and sociologists trying to measure effects of culture on psychological phenomenon) and it’s almost always just a particular manifestation of the big 5 personality traits and or iq.
I read a RECENTLY published paper comparing German, Japanese and (iirc)Nigerian kids, measuring reaction time and memorization. It found statistically significant lower scores from the Nigerian kids and nothing else important. Conclusion was that culture indeed can affect reaction time and memorization skill. Iq is correlated pretty strongly with memorization and reaction time, why wouldn’t they control for that.? They didn’t even say.

>> No.20286968

then why are you spitting instead of swallowing right now mate

>> No.20286973

Because I'm waiting for something to swallow daddy ;)

>> No.20286981

When did you realize you made it?

>> No.20286986

when i stopped coming here to ask questions and started shitposting instead

>> No.20286988

when i was able to tell a bad driver in japanese to go fuck himself after pulling up next to him at a red light

>> No.20286993

im down can you beg in nihongo

>> No.20286997

When I watched Yoga's latest video on sentence mining.

>> No.20287008

When I realized I could read and understand most of the stuff I came across online

>> No.20287026

when i did this to djt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLiOCw8O614#t=400

>> No.20287038

I wouldn't worry about success rates on reviews, I know that if I see a completely new word it can take me 10 reviews during the same day until I get it. (It might have something to do with me slacking on reps and having hundreds of words to review so the program always has a stack of 50 in the middle bracket)

>> No.20287111
File: 48 KB, 472x590, 664d95eb74fd0ba2d9a9afac0724dc67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


wow matt's 一番弟子 is worse than me. LUL

>> No.20287118


>> No.20287142

he said his names jamal lmao

>> No.20287143
File: 132 KB, 1242x1179, bmmoz24tnsw11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't been on this thread in over a month. Anything new? is jamal still here?

In terms of me I finished the oreimo lns and the nhk ni youkoso novel. Any recommendations to read next.

>> No.20287150

Jamal is sucking all the dick he can so he achieve black hitler form.

>> No.20287192

Pretty sure he said he was drunk during the recording with nuke.

>> No.20287303
File: 7 KB, 699x206, day 17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 17

>> No.20287332

>set up a chat
>act like a fucking asshole the entire time
>other dude patiently gives you the benefit of the doubt and tries to talk to you normally
>audience sees you acting like a bitch and isn't happy
>"h-haha no i was uhhh drunk guys lol"

>> No.20287362

its way cooler if you were an asshole in public if its because you got smashed

>> No.20287401

Eyebrows is back telling us how he's learning Japanese by playing Pokemon on the DS.

>> No.20287421

i had it muted and i still was fuckin slain within 3 seconds

god whoda thunk scrolling marquee aids woulda did me in

>> No.20287424

does nuke autosub to anyone who does miajatt

>> No.20287496

if he does you should start making ajatt videos in which you explain very carefully what you learned and trick him into learning japanese from you

>> No.20287555


This guy is a more successful polyglot than ajatt ecelebs will ever be and he thinks language acquisition in adulthood is impossible. What do you have to say about this, djt?

>> No.20287556

Or is it that nobody in these threads actually learns Japanese because all they do is shitpost in English about irrelevant e-''''''''celebs'''''''' all day?

>> No.20287570

How do you disable the leech suspending from Anki?

>> No.20287576

nvm, found it

>> No.20287587

Nobody disagrees with him if you're referring to the critical period.

>> No.20287646

also lmoa at this 20 year old mindset of phd plus a lot of time spent doing something means someones worth shit at whatever theyre doing
youll grow out of it once you get into the real world though

>> No.20287652

read konosuba with me

>> No.20287656

No, he thinks that language learning in adulthood is a conscious process that requires study

And do you have a wikipedia page?


>> No.20287693

do you have different decks for mining from different sources or lump everything into one deck

>> No.20287703

one deck

>> No.20287856

Eat pages from koe no katachi

>> No.20287903


>> No.20288112


>> No.20288127
File: 367 KB, 650x906, 49948326_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20288133

were you able to blah blah blah now >>20288112

>> No.20288144

chill out on the amphetamines jamal

>> No.20288177

do you use ore, watashi, atashi, boku or some other pronoun and how often do you attach sama to it

>> No.20288178

prnouns for gays

>> No.20288185

i use 我(ぼく) of course

>> No.20288198

honestly the concept of being good enough at nihongo to write fiction or even just roleplay would be the realest feeling of "having made it" i think

>> No.20288210

I don't like how his english sounds, how can I trust him with japanese?

>> No.20288213

this guy seems super full of shit

>> No.20288226

He has the fluent tag on matt's server

>> No.20288234

all that means to me is that matt saw someone who learned some japanese, said "this guys fluent and he did it in 6 months" and uses him as an ad for his patreon
would love to see him perform the legendary "page of toradora recorded on vocaroo" challenge

>> No.20288249

>"page of toradora recorded on vocaroo"
And no one does that challenge here. Why demand it of Matt or his crowd?

>> No.20288250

pretty sure he has n1 not that ajatters care about n1

>> No.20288253

no one does it here because nobody who learns Japanese stays here

>> No.20288261

because we're not out here making 30 minute long monetized patreon-begging videos where we talk about how good our japanese is and how if you listen to us (and give us your money) we'll teach you how to be fluent, too
like yeah we talk shit here but we aren't making a business of it and fooling idiots into giving us their money
should we be?

>> No.20288274

months ago when i was matt's patron yoga posted a clip of him speaking japanese, i think it was the clip he sent matt to get the fluent tag, im not a patron anymore so i cant look tho

>> No.20288285

also i dont really need to demand it because that timestamped vid of him talking earlier really shows the level of chotto maa nanka maa combos this boy produces

>> No.20288303

Anybody see the drug dealing post on the larping forum? That's some quality slang vocab right there.

>> No.20288305


>> No.20288309


I found it haha, fucking wasted 15 minutes looking for it but lets be honest none of us here do any studying anyways

>> No.20288310

Id really like to see a video of some arrogant fat Japanese guy prodding a hapless Japanese boomer into an English dick measuring contest.
>I was hmm well it’s like studying Japanese hmmm well a few years ago I started and like hmm well

>> No.20288319

holy shit this is so bad

>> No.20288359

>this guys fluent and he did it in 6 months
none of them claim that though

>> No.20288380

I mean I guess you can define the word fluent such that that's fluent but then so would I be, and I'm the worst at Japanese in my social circle

>> No.20288392

is anyone here better than that?

>> No.20288400

anyone who could successfully order at a restaurant is more fluent than yogapantsonheadretarded

>> No.20288402

If so they never, ever prove it. So you can take their judgment of Yoga with a grain of salt.

>> No.20288413

this isn't audio

>> No.20288415


>> No.20288500


>> No.20288502

Sorry it only applies to people with above 60% retention

>> No.20288503


>> No.20288509

Sounds better than the stuff that gets posted here

>> No.20288565

ok it's been a few minutes and this is the second time i've done that gag in this thread and not gotten any yous despite it being objectively funny if you know anything about mecha anime so im gonna go look for greener pastures with real nerds in them later

>> No.20288571

should have posted the Archer spoof of it instead
