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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2019905 No.2019905 [Reply] [Original]

I wish to be less terrible with Iku.

How can one become better with Iku?

>> No.2019911

Any body that is not King in Yellow.

>> No.2019916

Listen to the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack when you play.

This works, trust me.

>> No.2019932
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Disco inferno's not good enough?

>> No.2019943

You'll need the falsetto voices of the Bee Gees if you want to stay alive. Just don't try singing along. That never works well.

>> No.2019960
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I shall take this under advisement in my attempts to be good with a character who isn't Reimu, Sakuya, or Patchouli.

>> No.2020339
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Work on zoning; that's all SWR is anyway. Come to #swr at irc.mizuumi.net, we have quite a few Iku players.

>> No.2020358

>Magister !J.hpxLWh4g
>#swr at irc.mizuumi.net

>> No.2020558
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Mizuumi is for faggots. Go find a fire and jump in it.

>> No.2020567

Inferior tier players mad?

>> No.2020579

It's phyisically painful to stay on #SWR, especially if Shy is there. The fag uses emotes at the beginning of every goddamn sentence.

>> No.2020586


>> No.2020677

Talking about SWR


Latest video by Hightension Wires was uploaded today.

>> No.2020683

:) calm down

>> No.2020703

I'd probably get destroyed even more than usual if I went to #swr...

Though I might do it just for the hell of it.

>> No.2020708


>> No.2020717

( 'v' )
( '-' )
( '3' )

>> No.2020742

There are no good iku players there, I just went there.
You lied to me Anon.

>> No.2020766

Who cares about SWR?

>> No.2020775

Just play the character you like and feel comfortable with, not the ones that are considered to be 'high tier'. That's the worst thing you can do and I hate people who do that.

>> No.2020781

I, for instance, do care.

>> No.2020823

Practice using j.2A, j.A, and using Iku's flight mechanics to maximize those two moves. They have more range than it looks like. Learn it well.
Probably her biggest strengths and most basic thing to learn.

>> No.2020829

But you don't play any fighting games, in fact you don’t even like the genre. You only care about SWR because it has touhou characters in it, and you honestly didn't enjoy playing the 2-3 times you tried to participate in a netplay thread; even that match you won felt dull and empty. And after playing SWR and still struggling futilely to complete a single touhou game on easy mode you basically gave up playing the related games altogether, and only pretend to be interested in them because liking the series for the music, porn and your large collection of Yuyuko paizuri images puts you on the most crowded of the touhou bandwagons.

>> No.2020843

87% of touhou fandom

>> No.2020852

swedish/Ayatrip is a pretty good Iku player.

>> No.2020920

their not logged in atm.

>> No.2020943


I rather enjoy it, because it's a not terribly complex fightan game that I can get into without having to spend months learning every single detail of a character's moveset and not do too terribly in.

I also like the fact that it has a pretty decent netplay setup.

Finally, I dislike Meltan due to AIR COMBO and I suck at Guilty Gear.

>> No.2020960

I can't stand SWR or IaMP solely because aside from sometimes in GG games or BB, it's such an incredibly slow fighter. Even GG doesn't have the stupid limits that SWR has.

>> No.2021206


>> No.2021306

Sure, there's Garwd, swedish, hell, even I play Iku to a large extent. The channel isn't only full of people looking to prey on beginners, either; lots of people play casually.

We try to keep the faggotry to a minimum, but there's nothing you can do about Shy. You learn to ignore him entirely after a while.


>> No.2021376
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Even if the channel has many experienced players, if you look around, you can find people at your level.

But SWR has such an easy, easy mode.

Why do you guys hate Shy? He adds flavor and sillyness to an otherwise serious IRC channel. He just has a bad habit of shredding the hopes and dreams of new players.

Also, I haven't played an Iku other than Mauve, and I haven't play Koma since I last played against you.


>> No.2021395

>Why do you guys hate Shy? He adds flavor and sillyness to an otherwise serious IRC channel. He just has a bad habit of shredding the hopes and dreams of new players.

That is indeed shy...

>> No.2021644

seems pretty bold if you ask me.

>> No.2022034

He hides his rage behind his seemingly innocent nick and funny emotes.

>> No.2022047

Watch this video, it'll help: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LNRcX6y9VE

>> No.2022064
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Can you play right now? I can show you some tricks with Iku.

>> No.2022074

Sorry you're too weak for that.

>> No.2022601

Oh look, a SWR thread!

>> No.2022637
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I wanna play against Iku :(

>> No.2023173 eest cost

>> No.2023207
US West - mid tier casual!

>> No.2023215

Shitiest faggot on this thread. I SWEAR you're fucking hacking or something.

>> No.2023222


>> No.2023501


>> No.2023592
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2023592 West Coast US

Not a slut tier

>> No.2023933

Are there any other places to play swr that's not mizuumi or gaia?

>> No.2023940

Are there any other places to play swr that aren't mizuumi or gaia?

>> No.2023987


>> No.2023997

at 3:20 in the morning?

>> No.2024014

RAYMOOOOOO let's bateru

>> No.2024252
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Have an Alice combo video

>> No.2025075


>> No.2026215


>> No.2026402
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Apparently Shrinemaiden has some stuff going(don't know, never checked), there's a Touhou group on Steam that has Friday Fight Nights, and Hamachi has it's own separate SWR community from Mizuumi's. If it's skill you're looking for, Hamachi has some good players.

>> No.2026417
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Oh, and you can always fight the elevens if you're on the West Coast and can get a match request out. They have shitloads of SWR cafes that are very active, but they also categorize players by skill level in most places, so I don't suggest going where you don't belong.

>> No.2026575

Looking for somebody with moderate skill level and you send him to fight the kings of fighting games? Seriously? Has there even been a fighting game that isn't made by Japanese people? They're all tourneyfags over there.

>> No.2026589

Use your GREAT FLAMING EYEBROWS to set your opponents on fire.

...Oh wait you said Iku, not Aku.

>> No.2026606

moe fightan mortal kombat was made in US

>> No.2026607

>> No.2026627

A moe mortal kombat? I never heard of such a thing.

>> No.2026648

Like I said, they catergorize, down to Very Easy, which is never used. Easy is for beginners, so on and so on until Phantasm. Just don't go poking around in a Lunatic or Phantasm thread and you should be okay.

>> No.2027066

any server names / passwords on hand?

>> No.2027096

Why does she have a silly hat?

>> No.2027126
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She's a toho.
