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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 408 KB, 672x502, 1533042322013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20158748 No.20158748 [Reply] [Original]

Guide & resources:
https://djtguide.neocities.org/ (legacy)

Previous thread: >>20148138

TL;DR Guide:
1. Install one of these mouseover dictionaries:
https://foosoft.net/projects/yomichan/ (cross-browser)
https://forum.koohii.com/thread-15119.html (cross-browser)
https://github.com/wareya/nazeka (firefox only)

2. Read this: https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/learn/anon/ixrec.html#Alphabets

3. Do this: https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/learn/kana.html

4. Read this: https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/learn/anon/sakubi.html

5. Read and listen to CompellingContent™ made by and for native speakers as often as you can manage. See the resources guide for tools to aid with these tasks.

>> No.20158767
File: 39 KB, 939x283, zen and the art of piss jug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha hey matt here you know whats really cringe i mean besides my neckbeard receding hairline bedroom with manga and cartoons plastered all over it piss jug the fact i went to japan to live the high school dream only to eat toilet meshi and do flashcards instead my authoritative tone about things i have no idea about my wikipedia math all the material i parrot and try to pass off as my own my racist tendencies my blog from like 8 years ago where i said i wanted a japanese girlfriend that muramasa vid lmao that time i said "itchaban tsuyoee gaijeem ni nawitai" that time i said smugly that talking japanese for guyjims is just too cringe for me that time toilet head came over and i bottomed for him that time i tried to talk shit about jorge the japones from cero guy who was kindly patient with my autism that time i shit all over some kid irl about how hes learning japanese wrong and im the best and then talked about it on the internet and last but not least that time i realized i dont even like anything from japan and have no use for a language i dedicated my entire seisyun to and defined my existence by how great i was at learning it (in my mind) ?

the op

>> No.20158775

Learn 3000 cards first, the most common words of course.
But you don't need to wait until they mature.

>> No.20158788

I'm not up to date on text hooking software. I see the guide still recommends ITHVNR, but Google brings me to this https://github.com/Artikash/Textractor which sells itself as a successor. Any reason not to prefer it?

>> No.20158789
File: 32 KB, 576x397, kanji writing deck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you do RTK really really fast? That young to mature ratio is kinda crazy.

There is no reason to wait for them to mature before moving on. Just make sure you keep doing the reps or you will forget them and will have wasted all that time you spent learning them.

>> No.20158798 [DELETED] 


>> No.20158815
File: 142 KB, 729x475, chan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post some nukechan

>> No.20158819
File: 323 KB, 623x653, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20158821
File: 121 KB, 1606x1053, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nuke chans a all right dude i wish hed get on the right track with his nihongo

>> No.20158839

>Being this obsessed with an eceleb
>Writing that much about him
>Knowing this much about him


>> No.20158840

After you've done Core10k twice (delete deck and restart from scratch once all cards hit mature) you can start reading manga, before then just keep doing anki and watching english subbed anime.

>> No.20158842

>responding to pasta

>> No.20158845

last thread was all delete mature cards youre wasting precious seconds
this thread is all keep doing reps forever or itll have all been for nothing

>> No.20158852
File: 385 KB, 1282x721, 1537087049751.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to set your Interval Modifier to 150%

>> No.20158855 [DELETED] 

nah this thread is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gkt5nT60xBA#t=249

>> No.20158861

So before I do literally anything else I have to memorize how to read/write/pronounce Hiragana and Katakana, right?
How long will that actually take? 2 weeks? 3 weeks?

>> No.20158862
File: 40 KB, 243x236, 1516056207634.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't delete cards with over two week intervals

>> No.20158865

Truthfully? 2-4 weeks

If you ask this thread? Around 2-10 hours depending on if you're retarded or not

>> No.20158868

you can do it in one week, don't aim for perfection, use djtkana until you get them right 90% of the time and then read shit and check when you forget to get to 100% of the time

>> No.20158870

however long it takes you to write em all in the notebook 50 fucken times

>> No.20158885
File: 117 KB, 640x459, kana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't already know them by now you can consider yourself as retarded.

>> No.20158896

Whose the elderly couple thats been on japanews this past week

>> No.20158906

when did you guys realize that you didn't really want to learn japanese after all but you were already in too deep

>> No.20158913

not applicable


>> No.20158916

Took me three years

>> No.20158933

when i realized i could just watch dubs ┐(‘~` )┌ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nw4Sng23YH0&t=316

>> No.20158986

>sony censoring Japanese games on their platform
>might end up causing games to be censored when being made so they won't even have an uncensored version for PC
Why even learn Japanese anymore?

>> No.20159003

You don't have to learn to write them. Also, don't be afraid to move on without having a perfect understanding. While reading your chosen grammar guide (or anything after it), if you ever get stuck and think "how is this kana read again?", just hover over the word it shows up in with RikaiRebuilt or Nazeka and press "F" or "P" respectively to playback the JDIC audio clip for the word, or with Yomichan click the speaker button in the pop-up to do the same.

>> No.20159005

this language

>> No.20159007

Sony of Japan and Sony of Europe/America aren't the same people, they're different branches of the same parent company
The fact that the games weren't censored in Japan should make this obvious. Sony Europe has less than zero control over what japanese devs put in their games before launch, and people would probably be forced to resign if they tried.
If I were you I wouldn't be worried. It's a DEFCON 4 at most.

>> No.20159012

See >>20158819
That's the Japanese version they are talking about. Also a Japanese dev said they apparently have to do the approval progress for their games with Sony in English now

>> No.20159018

frankly i think its good keep your hyper sex aids shit off of my videogame player

if i want retard titties ill just go on the computer

>> No.20159054

I hate anyone who had rich ass parents and funded your japanese high school dream. Just fuck you to hell and beyond.
>goes to my to my weeb room and cries my broken dreams out loudly

>> No.20159055 [DELETED] 

do you mean

I would rather say

Also this 話ししててください is just wrong.

>> No.20159062

do you mean

I would rather say

Also this 話ししててください is just wrong.

>> No.20159074

youll be a better man knowing the life of having not and having to get it yourself as opposed to a manbaby who almost cries because he got shit talked on the internet

>> No.20159077

hey pal, you just blown in from dekinai town?

>> No.20159078

>won't even have an uncensored version for PC
Why would they do that? It's eroge. Does it really sell better on consoles?

>> No.20159093

You realize the average nip does not know how to use a computer, right?

>> No.20159096

We're obviously not talking about the average nip here.

>> No.20159098

It's not really the eroge I'd be worried about, it's the bigger games like Yakuza that might end up censoring their games for all versions so they can have only one version to take care of, which would be whatever Sony lets them release

>> No.20159108

they wouldnt make them otherwise

but fuck modern eroge just enjoy the medium at its best and play the classics when the girls still had some semblance of beauty and werent just retard blowup sex doll drawings

>> No.20159117
File: 2.35 MB, 1920x1080, VRChat_1920x1080_2018-09-23_23-54-52.421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone play VRchat and hang out with JP players?

>> No.20159132
File: 69 KB, 200x165, nuke wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20159137

like one afternoon with realkana

>> No.20159139

current gen of vr is bad news avoid it like the plague its too soon to live the real dream

>> No.20159140
File: 141 KB, 490x324, 1522705919416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't afford a VR headset and a computer powerful enough for VR.

>> No.20159146

You know you can play VRchat on a normal PC screen, right?
It just plays like a normal first person/third person walk around game

>> No.20159149

now this is some aids why would you even bother when you could just do something fun like anki reviews

>> No.20159168

That sounds sad, like being the kid in the wheelchair. I'd rather lurk 2ch or even text message furries over mmo chat.

>> No.20159178

fwiw youre in the more respectable position because the true otaku lifestyle is having old shit

>> No.20159209

Current gen isn't quite at justwerks(tm) yet, but it's definitely amazing already. It's basically in the wild west phase right now, which is extremely fun if you're into that kind of stuff. I've already upgraded to full body from oculus rift, and plan on continuing PC upgrades soon.

>> No.20159249
File: 163 KB, 816x800, how long.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you going to hit the 9th level in a year? If not you'd better step it up.

>> No.20159250

problem is i dont think the current hardware is a good mix with human body

yall are just guinea pigs right now while having paid your entry into the study

im waiting till its more matured and i can truly be like that one pic just vegged out in the corner lookin like shit but in my vr world im in heaven

>> No.20159251

ask again in about a week

>> No.20159279

what if he doesn't wanna ask then you bitch

>> No.20159292

Why can't my fucking wrist heal so I can start reading a lot more every day.

>> No.20159296

Some people enjoy being on the bleeding edge, even when it's jank.

>> No.20159301

get a foot pedal

>> No.20159316

wait reading is your issue and not jacking off???

>> No.20159324

That's unironically an issue too actually.

>> No.20159366

can't you just read/jack off with the other wrist?

>> No.20159375

what is that なっつの! at the end?

>> No.20159379
File: 156 KB, 698x768, world-ranking-language-difficulties.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Japanese is THE HARDEST language to learn and you are so smart for learning it

>> No.20159386

みんな頭いいね lol

>> No.20159390

How is chinese hard?

>> No.20159402

I've already read 3,000,000+ words in the last six months and my passive vocabulary is much lower than 9,000

>> No.20159417

i only have 20 unseen cards left on my mining deck i started a few months ago. i don't really get many new words when most of the japanese i read is slice of life shit and artists twitter.

what do? i don't really see most of the difficult/specific genre type words i have learned so far but it is nice to know words i might need someday

should i just go back to core10k or something? i finished 6k. maybe someone could be nice enough to upload their mining deck

>> No.20159420

Temporal rankings for the difficulty of languages are kinda misleading; the hardest part of learning any language is committing time and honest effort. That means that difficult languages are difficult because they take a lot of time, not the other way around.

>> No.20159431

>i don't really get many new words when most of the japanese i read is slice of life shit and artists twitter.
try something else?

>> No.20159434

what is せんわい, my good people of djt?

>> No.20159438

>difficult languages are difficult because they take a lot of time, not the other way around.
the fuck?

>> No.20159440

Reminder that Cure Dolly is cute.

>> No.20159449

Having unseen cards in your mining deck isn't good, that means you have a backlog that you're adding your new words to. And using someone else's mined words defeats the point of mining.

Just go with the flow, keep reading more and doing less anki.

>> No.20159451

Except for you, every language is difficult for you.

>> No.20159458

long-term skills taking a long time to acquire and being difficult to acquire are

>> No.20159460
File: 30 KB, 449x623, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20159464
File: 134 KB, 800x1200, 1524714464083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's something easy to start reading at a semi-consistent pace?
I've been doing anki for some months now, but everything is such a pain in the ass to read i usually just skip it.

>> No.20159465


>> No.20159467

Kawoii ^_^

>> No.20159474

just keep watching subbed anime and doing onky until it doesnt feel like a pain in the ass to read anymore

>> No.20159477


>> No.20159494

got what u need bro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCMx9DGl9Y0

>> No.20159571

there's a whole section of the wiki dedicated to answering this question

>> No.20159589

reading physical manga is annoying, the spines are too sticky or thick or something and i have to strain my hands to constantly spread it open, as well as some words being very hard to see that are close to middle of page

but manga scans seem to be of poor quality, is reading manga just a meme?

>> No.20159603

manga rules, physical copies are inherently superior to digital, and words that would be very hard to see in physical copy are gonna be even less visible in digital.
all that shit having been said i read 99% of my series digitally and only have physicals of Truly the Best Shit

>> No.20159604

I love reading physical manga

the annoying part is keeping it open to reference when I need to look something up, but i have qt fire sisters book marks that i use to keep my place

I don't think i could ever switch over to scans

>> No.20159665


i prefer it to scans but i'm just sick of straining my hands/wrists so i am going to go to scans instead. also i feel like a bitch waiting for new volumes to come out when there are 30 chapters already scanned online. if they sold it like a notepad it would be great.

>> No.20159684

な = negative command ("don't u fuckin' dare 食う m8 i swear on me mum")

っつ = って = って言う = っと言う

>> No.20159687


>> No.20159693

Manga isn't reading.

"Reading manga" is not a meme it's not even reading, you're just a massive pleb.

>> No.20159699

thanks for the post autism-kun i'm glad to know there's still one dummy around here willing to ctrl+f all day in order to btfo people who read manga

>> No.20159704

I often find the opposite to be true. Because of the small size of most tankoubon, the small text outside of bubbles can be difficult to read in physical, but with half-decent scans they're a lot easier to make out since they're larger. Also what they said about stuff in the middle of the page.

>> No.20159710

Flyable Heart

>but everything is such a pain in the ass to read i usually just skip it.
Then you may as well quit Japanese because you're never going to learn it.

>> No.20159735

but thats where you are for the hundred somethingth time wrong m80 https://streamable.com/j9bs5

theres nothing easy about sitting thru flyable shit

>> No.20159736

Typical ankidrone.

>> No.20159754

that's clearly been edited for an impressionable audience, no doubt the original had her saying 食べられる

>> No.20159765

When will I be able to remember what the passive, causative, and potential look like so I stop confusing them?

>> No.20159768

do you think about that kind of stuff when you read english? like do you read this sentence and go "okay he's using the ___ verb form of that word which means that blah blah" no you don't
literally just read more and eventually it won't be a problem!

>> No.20159771


Don't be a nerd just read lmao and you will understand grammar eventually

>> No.20159772

about 10 hours of anime

>> No.20159777

No because I've seen it enough that it's become ingrained but it's only become ingrained because I can actually recognize the conjugations instantaneously.

I have hundreds.

>> No.20159785

>I have hundreds.
Damn, we have an anime expert here.

>> No.20159788

I never even implied that but hundreds is a lot more than 10.

>> No.20159790

its really not that hard to recognize the nijongo ones immediately, one is せる and one is れる

>> No.20159795

I know so that's why it's sad that after weeks of reading I still cannot for the life of me remember which is which.

>> No.20159802

if your comprehension is so bad you can't tell from context at least some of the time, it's hard to call what you are doing "reading"

>> No.20159826

Yea but it's easier to call it that than "having to look up every word in a sentence yet still not know what's being said."

>> No.20159828

Textractor seems good to me, from what little I've used it. The repetition detection algorithm is different and it supports some more engines. It doesn't seem to be able to auto detect processes you've saved and hook them, or copy text by just selecting which makes it slightly less convenient to use. Worth a look at least.

>> No.20159849

ideally you look up every word in the sentence and as a result understand what's being said, and after enough time spent doing this it starts to stick and you no longer have to look up every word

if you can't get to the "understand what's being said" step consistently then rinse and repeat using some milder soap instead >>20159494

>> No.20159852

>tfw I never noticed this
what a godsend.

>> No.20159888

I just got fucked up by a J-J definition I misread several months ago and misunderstood the word it was defining for that entire time as a result. don't force the monolingual transition, kids, do it naturally.

>> No.20159906

don't stress it it had no negative effects. go monolingual early guys.

>> No.20159949

yeah i guess all that time spent thinking that people were talking about fishhooks when they were actually talking about nibbles was well-spent

>> No.20159955

just use j-e too to make sure you have a gist of it, then view j-j as a refinement. go monolingual early.

>> No.20159966


わい is some kinda old timer gobi probably something like よ

>> No.20159976
File: 15 KB, 171x58, something blasphemy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would someone be so kind as to tell me what the first kanji is, please?

>> No.20159993


>> No.20160000

Thank you anon.

>> No.20160010

if you're using j-e then it's not monolingual

>> No.20160015

it's called the monolingual transition...transition...

>> No.20160023
File: 43 KB, 460x460, 1539026083598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

j-j is a waste of time, stick with j-e

fuck off matt

>> No.20160024

dumb mattdrone being dumb

>> No.20160030

because i destroyed your retarded argument with a single word you forgot? haha, nice try.

>> No.20160031

posting ecelebs should be banned from djt

>> No.20160048

new video from our guy.

>> No.20160053

oh my god you're LITERALLY the argumentative autistic mattdrone go get yourself banned you piece of shit

>> No.20160060

no idea what you're talking about. just appreciate that you were being difficult and i capitalized on a mistake you made.

>> No.20160062

who the fuck cares. you don't get better by the dictionary you chose. you get better by getting closer to 10,000 hours of anime.

>> No.20160075

Maybe I'm wrong but didn't the extensions in his "low key anki setup" already exist months ago? Was it actually them that made one of the extensions or did they copy it?

>> No.20160092

>you don't get better by the dictionary you chose
that's wrong though, not doing j-j as soon as possible is dumb

>> No.20160098

this argument sounds great when you still think you learn words by repeatedly seeing their definitions

>> No.20160166

They existed years ago.

>It's actually about a specific subset of Anki optimization that I call "low key Anki"
No, the developer of those add-ons gave them that name, not you, Matt.

>> No.20160169

He clarifies this in one of the articles he links under the video.

>> No.20160182


apparently $2,500 a month isn't enough money for him to go to the effort of making videos anymore so he's going to start writing blogposts instead

>> No.20160201

he STILL calls his bullshit i+1 instead of n+1

a complete fraud

>> No.20160203

this video has nothing to do with the title. it's literally just a channel update and website announcement.

>> No.20160215

Tf is n+1 anyway

>> No.20160228 [DELETED] 

>matt thread

>> No.20160237

n+1 means what matt calls i+1

what matt calls i+1 is not what i+1 actually means as a technical term

>> No.20160238

Has this helped your Anki retention rate?

>> No.20160240

Man on one hand you're right but on the other hand your anger is funny.

>> No.20160253 [DELETED] 

"guys you should use onkie but only like, a little, other than that please [SUBSCRIBE TO MY PATREON HERE]"


>> No.20160257


>> No.20160261 [DELETED] 

>fell for the oldest bait in the book
it's no wonder u guys listen to and religiously follow matt if this is what you're working with

>> No.20160313 [DELETED] 

im cranky that MPC is giving me a "failed to render video" error on a show i was going to finish tonight

>> No.20160347

why tf can't I download from lhscan anymore

>> No.20160424

An actual good video

>> No.20160439

>blue pill anki settings
no thanks

>> No.20160494

You've never read "slice of life shit" your life so fuck off back /int/.

>> No.20160497

warm up with manga
enjoy some LN
cool back down with anime
behold: the ultimate 3 step process to a healthy japanese learning experience now SUBSCRIBE TO MY FUCKING PATREON or i'll continue to shill myself in these threads and then make videos where i say "4chan (which i don't lurk) is dumb because they keep talking shit about me (not that i lurk there, i don't shill there i promise)"

>> No.20160498

not him but how did you know?

>> No.20160499

not that guy but I don't see why you'd get so mad at someone suggesting you expand your reading genres unless you literally have no interests outside of slice of life

>> No.20160526

the dude directly said that what he read was the reason he didn't find new words, what would you suggest instead

>> No.20160553
File: 133 KB, 223x310, ponder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, I'm playing kara no shoujo, but the japanese is too correct and easy for me. Any visual novels where dialogue is more informal/broken and slangy? Something that reads more similarly to how japanese might speak in real life. It would be cool if it treated complex themes, too.

>> No.20160667
File: 89 KB, 860x646, geri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why doesn't ”私は...です" translate to "I am" in this case?

>> No.20160683

There's an invisible を持ってる after 下痢 there that you can't see because you don't know Japanese.

>> No.20160691

>invisible を持ってる
Can someone else confirm this?

>> No.20160694

as for me, diarrhea

>> No.20160700

Yeah this makes more sense I guess. "Invisible" words makes no fucking sense.

>> No.20160703

Because ”私は...です" doesn't mean "I am".\

>> No.20160707

>"Invisible" words makes no fucking sense
I mean, even if he's wrong in this case there's a lot of omission of things that "should" be understood in Japanese, so get used to it

>> No.20160711

>私は外人です doesn't mean I'm a gaijin
that's how idiotic you sound like

>> No.20160716


>> No.20160721

I know but leaving out "を持ってる" never makes sense. Or else you can just say 私はくるまです.

>> No.20160723

>foreigner using 外人 instead of 外国人

>> No.20160744


>> No.20160754

What if I identify as a car?

>> No.20160759

Whats the Japanese derivation for cringe?

>> No.20160762

if by derivation you mean word it's hiku

>> No.20160777


matt used gaijin and made some jap pussy wet. so much for 'cringe'. faggots.

>> No.20160789

>made some jap pussy wet
>japanese person telling him かっこいい
they say sugoi or kakoii if you can say like two words in japanese. you know you're fluent when you fuck up and they look at you funny instead of telling you your japanese is good

>> No.20160795


daily karaoke with nuke-chan

>> No.20160798

stop posting this already

>> No.20160801

I lasted five seconds what do I win?

>> No.20160807

>jamal stops posting
>so did the venus poster
i always knew it's the same person

>> No.20160879




>> No.20160949

>venus poster

>> No.20161011

How do I attach my spirit to a cold?

>> No.20161034

かぜ means wind, retard.

>> No.20161036

>1A group of words established by usage as having a meaning not deducible from those of the individual words (e.g. over the moon, see the light).

>> No.20161056

And here I was wondering why this little shit has so many meanings. Shinjitai was a mistake.

>> No.20161063

Literally who cares about kanji meanings

>> No.20161066



>> No.20161067
File: 267 KB, 801x1200, DZHWbUKVwAENcHP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yoshi time for my reps

>> No.20161094
File: 165 KB, 342x342, 1519646447084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20161110


>> No.20161153

Uh so I'm coming back to study nips after taking a few months off to learn the web dev meme.
I have 3k cards due in Anki, what's the best way to proceed?

>> No.20161159

watch 10000 hours of anime in a row then come back for more instructions

>> No.20161166


>> No.20161189

Limit it to 300 reviews per day or drop it and start mining if you're not already.

>> No.20161197

Abandon the deck and start from scratch. If the deck was Core or some other premade thing, don't bother re-doing it, just start mining from here on out. Once you start reading, a lot of that Core vocab should come back to you pretty quickly with how common it is.

>> No.20161202

Let's get moody in here:

>> No.20161211

Tag and suspend them then start chipping away some reasonable amount after you've done all new and due cards for the day.

>> No.20161227
File: 110 KB, 814x1200, Dklu6sfU0AAJO6x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It took two days for me. Don't focus on being fast with them, just in knowing which is which. If I were you I wouldn't pay a ton of attention in katakana because you will forget it after a week, as in Anki you're not going to be exposed to katakana for a while.
Of course, if you are native English speaker it will take you a bit more to get the pronunciation right. But the most important thing is to memorize the kana, speed only comes through exposure

>> No.20161228


>> No.20161244

>you're not going to be exposed to katakana for a while.
Depends. I learned Japanese to play imported JRPG and katakana was the single most useful thing in the beginning.

>> No.20161251

>people against monolingual transition
successful language learner LingoSteve

>people who shill monolingual transition
Matt and his gang of autistic dekinais

need I say more?


>> No.20161279


>> No.20161288


>> No.20161301

there ARE people outside of the AJATT cult who switch to J-J dictionaries and support doing so, but they also happen to not share very much of the AJATT philosophy at all, and they don't have anything against using J-E dictionaries for obscure terminology best understood through its english name

>> No.20161317


>> No.20161361

>e-celeb says this
>other e-celeb says that
>thus my opinion is this
i think thats all you can say actually

>> No.20161375
File: 40 KB, 500x500, can.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proof that you know Japanese.

What is this called in Japanese?

>> No.20161387


>> No.20161389


where's my price?

>> No.20161395

Wrong it's called プルトップ

>> No.20161398
File: 506 KB, 812x368, op919_f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sentence makes zero sense to me. Can somebody help me out? お願い

>> No.20161411

so did this place get taken over by the Ajatt retards?

>> No.20161415


>> No.20161416

more like retards hating on ajatt retards

>> No.20161424

It got taken over by redditors. Blame /pol/

>> No.20161427

So guys, we did it, we reached a quarter of a million

>> No.20161479
File: 134 KB, 500x375, cimg2901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20161512




>> No.20161514


>> No.20161515





>> No.20161525
File: 29 KB, 337x404, 1505118551676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20161531

how to I know weather this means "Yukari Mari was seen by humans as a robot" or "Yukari Mari saw human beings as robots"

>> No.20161536
File: 1001 KB, 1366x768, Aoko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20161543
File: 171 KB, 400x271, cfbeb7c2-s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.20161571




>> No.20161645

this isnt a really good test because if u played the epic visual game "if my heart had wings" u should know this

>> No.20161671
File: 513 KB, 1620x1080, CSMGP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay then, what's this called?

>> No.20161673

ベプシ :-DDDDDD

>> No.20161679


>> No.20161686

Only 50% correct.
Look at the whole picture, one is bigger than the other.

>> No.20161691

┐(‘~` )┌

>> No.20161726

thats a pretty unfair question for this board in any langauge tho dont u think??

>> No.20161732

If they are fluent they should know?

>> No.20161733

it's a ちゃわん


>> No.20161748

idk dude i think this suffices then >>20161732 do u really need the 夫婦 part?

>> No.20161757

Probably a strange question, but is there some way to look up bad Japanese puns? Bad as in something like the majority of https://youtu.be/danvtQBjLfo
Like I'm guessing there must be one for 蛮語/番号/晩御飯 or maybe even 番号本(本 replacing 帳) and 晩御飯, but I wouldn't have any idea where to look for them.

>> No.20161759

It's a pair of ちゃわん with one bigger than the other called 夫婦茶碗
Well, I said it's only half correct. A native would have known.

>> No.20161768

yea a native if youre say like a *a** except better its totally reasonable to live ur life for a real long time never knowing

maybe if u watch a lot of daytime tv or something idk ┐(‘~` )┌

>> No.20161774

btw girls can eat hearty too fuck sexism!!! fight for your right to equal bowl size

>> No.20161789
File: 1.32 MB, 1024x768, 1461020797704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you think these lasses use the tiny bowl?? i dont think so

>> No.20161792

post some jap mumble rap jamal

>> No.20161793


>> No.20161801

i only like the articulate stuff https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Pge2nb979k

>> No.20161803

Reminds me of https://vndb.org/v11225

>> No.20161805




>> No.20161815

>Putting 着る and 切る right next to each other
The ordering of this deck is aggressively retarded

>> No.20161820

its 50/50 split the deck and the user that are retarded hope that helps

>> No.20161824

10000 hours of anime would provide you with enough bad puns

>> No.20161825


>> No.20161828

NUKE, you better explain this SHIT in the stream

>> No.20161829

it should thats what it is just more beauty : )

>> No.20161934

That's far from the worst thing in Core. That barrage of 上げる、上る、上がる、上がる、上り、下げる、下がる、下りる、下ろす、下り、下る is a strong contender for that title.

>> No.20161942


>> No.20162012

There's nothing to explain. He grouped the 2000 word list by iknow, and sorted those words by the 2001.Kanji.Odyssey index. The vanilla iknow list was a dictionary sort for the most part.

>> No.20162017


I'm too slow for this

>> No.20162043

Did he obtain permission from the copyright holders?

>> No.20162044

quite literally because u go one character at a time and cant just recognize the bigger shapes

its a read more thing actually

>> No.20162114 [DELETED] 


>> No.20162125


TL;DR - It was under Creative Commons when Nuke made the deck, then iKnow changed the license and filed copyright claims against the Core decks and got them all taken down from AnkiWeb.

>> No.20162144

>>muh copyrighted flashcards

>> No.20162149

poor nuke. he didn't deserve this. I'm on his side.

>> No.20162168

No. I followed up on that and found out it was the copyright holder of the images normally shared with iKnow decks that were only licensed to iKnow by a stock photo company. That company was the one that sent the take down notice to Damien Elmes (the guy that made Anki), who overly complied to where he wanted decks removed that just had image file names (which was my deck). I didn't really bother to make a new deck to upload because I wasn't studying Japanese at that time.

About the creative commons though, iKnow tried to use weasel words to make it seem they didn't release their stuff (the word list, sentences, and audio) under creative commons in 2008. I shut that shit down quick.


Personally, I could give a shit about Core decks now. If you feel the need to use Anki pre-made vocab decks, the new JLPT Tango decks are more superior. They have a much more professional ordering, don't overuse pronouns, and have a great chapter and section grouping as well. Why they don't use seiyuu voices, the native speakers are still great.

>> No.20162183
File: 114 KB, 2458x1590, rv4nOX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you know your particles?
Answer wa/ga for relevant sentences. Justify if you want.
Don't cheat by googling.

>> No.20162185

professional ordering ftw

>> No.20162203


? I would say で but that doesn't seem to be an option.

>> No.20162208

you can always get isolated word audio from the jdic audio pack in the CoR and this extra archive that contains files the jdic audio pack missed https://mega.nz/#!sdM0EIYJ!q5SJvtcndJFLEcIaE0mI1v2laqUnRGJmbrQlilcn2mU

the hard part of making shared decks that don't suck is writing definitions that don't suck desu. the right way to define 適当 depends on exactly who's going to use your deck, if you don't keep that in mind you're going to do a 適当な job like iKnow did. you don't need to worry about sentences or sentence audio, if someone needs those then they're not reading and listening or they're early enough in the process that they should stick to getting examples from their grammar guide

>> No.20162213

ga for all of them that dont already have ga because if it doesnt have ga its not a sentence and then for the ones with ga ill just play it safe and put wa (ha) ┐(‘~` )┌

>> No.20162214

Oh man, that sucks. Those terrible images which were the least important part of the decks and which hardly anyone even used were what got them taken down. What a cruel twist of fate.

>the new JLPT Tango decks are more superior
Maybe so, but the fact that they're made from copyrighted material which can't be openly shared is a massive blow to their appeal. As it stands, most people can't even get hold of them without buying textbooks which they have no intention of using and which may not even be available in their country (at least not without paying expensive international shipping costs).

>> No.20162222

>? I would say で but that doesn't seem to be an option.
That also seems to be the most natural to me.

>> No.20162228

with で then wheres the doing ??

>> No.20162253

i know lets have our resident champion nuke chan explain it after all hes been at this for like a decade and a half im sure hes got particles mastered

>> No.20162254

so it's に then

>> No.20162259

きのうは げいじゅつさいに いった
でも、ゲイ人が なかった
かなしいほど そばに なきたくて・・・

>> No.20162262

Here are my answers based on ~don't think, feel~

1 - が
2 - で
3 - が
4 - は
5 - が
6 - は
7 - が
8 - が
9 - は
10 - は
11 - は
12 - は
13 - が
14 - が
15 - が

>> No.20162263

I think I've shared links to the JLPT Tango decks almost 100 times. The addresses for proof of purchase have been all over the world, so it seems accessible. The worst examples are those that seem to pay shipping costs that are almost as much as the $12 book, but most are just book costs since it's the e-book format.

Yeah, I get it seems stupid to buy a book you don't use to get an Anki deck for free. However, the publishers of the books are aware of my activities (I've been in communication with the lady that helps with audio production). If I wasn't doing things the right way, they would shut me down hard. Anyway, we're getting the first group of people finishing up the N5 deck and reviewing their results. I'm on the N3 deck and will do the same when I'm done with that one. If there's a enough positive reception, this may be one of the cases where anon's are kindly asked to make a purchase in pursuit of their goals (odd given the anti-Anki vibe building here recently).

That said, I'm not naive. I know the decks to the first book were shared here. Eventually, whoever covertly did that will do the same with my other decks. I'm just not going to encourage it with people that I share the decks with.

>> No.20162267

no dude everything here is fast and free no advertising

>> No.20162269

is nuke /ourguy/?

matt pretends never to visit /djt/ and gets emotional due to the bullying, whereas nuke openly posts here and doesn't take criticism personally

the only reason he hasn't gotten good at japanese is because he's genuinely so nice and helpful that just spends all his time helping others

truly the most based boomer

>> No.20162272

to truly help others you gotta help yourself first tho ┐(‘~` )┌

>> No.20162273

You're a fucking retard if you think anyone here will spend money on beginner material that they can get for free in 1000 other places. Try Leddit instead, the average IQ is lower there.

>> No.20162274

nuke is the gordon ramsey of japanese learning. think about it.

>> No.20162278

The で only sounds good here because it would turn into 出会った.
I think に is the best answer here if it has to be a particle.

>> No.20162281

No perfect answer yet. The level in DJT sure is low

>> No.20162282

it definitely is weird textbook shit that really having a wa vs ga assignment is like an immediate red flag however the way its set up the right particle is necessary to convey the proper information by the grammar rules

the second line needs the first line

>> No.20162288

The best money you can spend to learn Japanese is whatever it cost to get a NetFlix account. Beyond that, yeah, you don't have to spend a dime to learn Japanese. You still have to put in the effort, which let's face it, most people won't do either.

However, sorry to burst your bubble anon, but there are other anon's that will spend money on beginner material if they think it'll help. Still, no matter what, we all need to get our 10,000 hours in. You can't buy that.

>> No.20162300

Isn't netflix region locked based on your IP?
Unless you live in Japan you can't access half the content they'd have available.

>> No.20162305

Since when is IP an issue?

>> No.20162307

VPN is your friend. Beyond that, you can set your region to Japan or language to Japanese to access shows that aren't region locked, but not shown because there were no English options. Also, it unlocks access to Japanese dubs and subs on non-Japanese shows.

>> No.20162308

>(odd given the anti-Anki vibe building here recently)
The anti-Anki thing has its rationale. There are people out there who learn languages (including Japanese) fluently without ever touching Anki, and there are a lot of people who simply just don't like doing like doing flashcards to the point where doing flashcards and not doing flashcards can mean the difference between them continuing to study Japanese or quitting because they don't enjoy the process (same can be said for isolated kanji study like RTK).

It's also in part a reaction again what we call "Ankidrones", i.e. people who do nothing but Anki because they don't want to leave their comfort zones and start reading. It's necessary to deter and discourage excessive Anki use in order to counter this behaviour.

>That said, I'm not naive. I know the decks to the first book were shared here.
Wasn't that an incomplete version?

>> No.20162309


>> No.20162312

More like a VPN for free TV streaming if anything.

And as long as core2k/6k/10k is online easy to find and download for free there's no reason whatsoever to spend money on an Anki deck.

>> No.20162313

tell us more about what you do with vpns

>> No.20162319

I tried a open Japanese VPN once to watch stuff on nhk but it was so slow even though it was 300p or less.
I can't imagine watching netflix with that.

>> No.20162321

1:context sensitive, can't answer
2:は and が are both unnatural here in modern standard japanese
8:null particle is preferable to either and the choice excluding the null particle is context sensitive
14:の lol

>> No.20162322

>and there are a lot of people who simply just don't like doing like doing flashcards to the point where doing flashcards and not doing flashcards can mean the difference between them continuing to study Japanese or quitting because they don't enjoy the process (same can be said for isolated kanji study like RTK).
Speaking of which, this is the big problem with a lot of the established methods out there for learning Japanese. People who hate flashcards, kanji study, etc. are simply not accounted for. Even with AJATT where Khatz made all that fuss about how important it is to have fun, he still mandates RTK and sentence mining for everyone who follows his method, ignoring the fact that for many people this is a deal-breaker which will make them want to quit learning Japanese.

>> No.20162327

Congrats, that's the worst answer by far.

>> No.20162330

you're welcome, i learned japanese from anime

>> No.20162334

lmfao matt???

>> No.20162335

not 10000 hours of anime i reckon

>> No.20162336

you're welcome
○ thank you

>> No.20162341

hey nuke how many novels have you read?

>> No.20162344

stupid 4chin deleting my emojis!!!!! >:(

>> No.20162345


>> No.20162350

post the answers then cunt

40 minutes later you're probably not going to get any more responses

>> No.20162352

nah even 10000 hours isnt learning japanese think of it like resources gathering

very low quality resources but with enough of them you can get started learning japanese

>> No.20162355

inb4 the answer sheet has several incorrect preferred answers on it

>> No.20162358

>and they don't have anything against using J-E dictionaries for obscure terminology best understood through its english name
**** doesn't either.

>> No.20162361

a list of answers isnt gonna really do anyone any good anyway theres fundamental lack of understanding demonstrated by all comers so far

better watch your curedolly vids

>> No.20162367

>fuck doesn't either.

>> No.20162379

at least mark our mistakes

>> No.20162381

hello there i just found the answer sheet and three of the clozes are supposed to be filled in with particles other than は and が

>> No.20162382
File: 34 KB, 712x480, turn up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20162389

yea why front instead of just blow some noobs the fuck out ??

>> No.20162392

Not much. If you count the drama transcripts on Dramanote, and 300 pages is one novel, then the equivalent of about four novels. That's the main reason I'm doing that whole "Let's Read Japanese" series.

You anons have the right idea about light novels and visual novels. Mangas have their place, but reading them is sort like reading subtitles which is way different than reading proper Japanese books.

>> No.20162394

in english please

>> No.20162396


>> No.20162402

if you want to fuck around with noobs with stuff from public academic papers on my turf you should probably pick something i didn't read during my mid 2016 L2 acquisition papers binge

>> No.20162408

This has nothing much to do with the rest of your conversation but
My problem is that I can't find compelling content.
I can watch dramas and youtube videos and listen to idol radio and read short internet articles and chiebukuro confessions just fine but when I try to read long prose I just find it tedious and want to do something else. It's not even a problem with reading in a new language because I have no problem with slogging through Chinese shit.

>> No.20162411

wa: 6, 9, 11, 13
ga: 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 14, 15

>> No.20162412

**k* confirmed has TDS so no. There's still hope for **tt.

>> No.20162417

Did you never read anything translated from Japanese into English before you started learning Japanese?

There must be some VN or manga that you're interested in.

>> No.20162424

i was at a level much below yours when i started investing almost all my time into reading novels and i can't even begin to describe how much i improved in the past few months

you just can't get that sheer volume of exposure to japanese with other media

>> No.20162425

in english please

>> No.20162426


>> No.20162429

なんでごまかすんだよ : )

>> No.20162430
File: 32 KB, 720x844, make.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I gonna make it?

>> No.20162431

make what

>> No.20162432


>> No.20162434

have you heard of tags?

>> No.20162436

Will I reach the point where compelling content alone will propel me to fluency?
Yea why?

>> No.20162438

ask again later

>> No.20162454
File: 34 KB, 507x724, Esffkf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I gonna make it my nigs?

>> No.20162456

The only one I can remember is the ln "The Empty Box and Zeroth Maria". As for manga I've finished every series I liked in Japanese and can't seem to get into new ones. Also manga isn't reading.

>> No.20162461

ni: 2, 12
to: 4

>> No.20162467

If you ditch writing.

>> No.20162481


>> No.20162488


>> No.20162500

>all these cluttered ankis


>> No.20162510


>> No.20162517

>studied kanji in isolation
>know about 6000 words give or take
>finished tae kim twice
>bored as fuck
>anki droning
>suddenly I remember a visual novel I saw 2 years or so ago
>remember how disappointed I was when I saw the translation project was a bust
>download it on a whim
>start reading not expecting to get far
>reading is slow but my comprehension is very good.
>get lost in it for 2 hours
Bros. I was just putting reading visual novels off for so long, I don't know why I was so scared. It feels so good.

>> No.20162518


>> No.20162521


>> No.20162522

Is this guy correct?

Particular about the 日本語で、「す」で終わるものは能動的なニュアンスを持ちます。part

>> No.20162529

You can join my patreon if you want the full version https://www.patreon.com/SGJL If I'm going to come here and get treated so poorly I should be making a buck from it.

>> No.20162532

don't false flag

>> No.20162537

lmao nuke chan went to bed dude you cant fool me

>> No.20162538

tfw I will never be important enough to be false flagged

>> No.20162543

tfw i have been false flagged despite being irrelevant

>> No.20162549

Manga isn't reading though.

No problem, see above though.

>> No.20162553


>> No.20162556

Sounds about right but you would just know instinctively if you read and did your reps instead of reading shitty linguistics blogs

>> No.20162569

take it from --->ME<---
reading about linguistics and studying grammar barely do you any good, even if you do it in japanese
consume compelling content and also get, as jamal says, "quality language time"

>> No.20162583

言われてみると確かに、「す」で終わる動詞で、能動的な意味を持たないものは1つも思いつか な い ですね。言い換えると、私が思いつく限り、このルールには例外が な い です。
(SがOを)倒す/(Sが)倒れる etc.

>> No.20162600


>> No.20162606

fucking beta

>> No.20162609

this is possibly the most perfect response i could have gotten thank you

>> No.20162621

「fucking beta」と僕は思った。

>> No.20162623

it's 荒唐無稽 tho

>> No.20162633


>> No.20162646

No it's JK用語.


>> No.20162655

What's the hentai doujin with the best plot out there?

>> No.20162670

and it's https://exhentai.org/g/35018/a6806d8dd3/

>> No.20162675



>> No.20162678

The original manuscript says that the three distraction questions only used で and に for original particles.

>> No.20162685

(That is to say, yes さくら is a 店名)

>> No.20162694

yeah that retard who posted ni/to is not me. answers are >>20162411, rest is dou demo ii (and obvious)

>> No.20162698

Pangya is nice and all but any non-loli ones?

>> No.20162701

as a rule of nature, it's metaphysically impossible for non-loli doujinshi to have good plot
either the girl has a good pot or the book does

>> No.20162721

cringe and filtered

>> No.20162724


>> No.20162732

the best i can get you for that order is cross-dressing, are you still with me

>> No.20162737

Hit me senpai.

>> No.20162741


>> No.20162975

It's less do to with Nuke, and more to do with Matt.

Matt's ego knows no bounds and he unironically thinks he's some sort of language learning genius for stealing ideas from some Kenyan scam artist (who in turn stole his ideas from some Polish guys). In spite of having to apologize for every single original idea he's come up with, he still insists on trying to fix what isn't broken because he thinks he knows better than everyone else.

>> No.20162992
File: 129 KB, 479x717, 1488611097996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plot was generic corruptionshit but thanks that was a fun easy read.

>> No.20163005

where'd you get the corruption from it was pure love baka surface level plebs

>> No.20163009

Now that Elon is a confirmed weeb expect more newfags around..

>> No.20163019


>> No.20163038

hey dudes i slept on it and im still mad where can I download manga raws

>> No.20163068


>> No.20163077


>> No.20163078
File: 24 KB, 295x295, 1535556995491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when using the vocab deck on anki, do you take time to repeat the pronunciation of the word and connect it with the characters shown, or simply use the deck to train recognition of the word with its meaning in english?

Apologies for the retarded beginner question.

>> No.20163192


>> No.20163224


>> No.20163289
File: 92 KB, 448x518, 0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.20163325

Is rakugo actually funny?

>> No.20163350

thanks to djt I've fucked up my pattern recognition and see nothing but できない and ゲイ

>> No.20163361
File: 74 KB, 1080x544, Screenshot_20181030-141423__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post gore

>> No.20163364

A bit. Have you seen 昭和元祿落語心中?

>> No.20163375

I haven't, but the reason I asked is it got recommended to me by yt.

>> No.20163376

What program is this?

>> No.20163384

The anime itself is pretty solid but I can't guarantee that the bits of rakugo inside it are.

>> No.20163580

you should watch that rakugo show its the good 1

>> No.20163682

Hey guys I finished learning modern Japanese and now I want to learn to read the real classic shit like 平家物語, what resources do you recommend?

>> No.20163753

Is this m*** from 2016?

>> No.20164269
File: 27 KB, 388x499, book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't do it, but this book is a good resource

>> No.20164347

fucking japanese

i can't decide if this is really retarded or kinda brilliant

>> No.20164354

grisaia or muv luv

>> No.20164367




>> No.20164373
File: 357 KB, 2069x969, hentai chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all these

>> No.20164405

when it was first posted there was a small argument on if that was a mistake

>> No.20164440

you probably review the word a lot by seeing it while reading, so you're lying to me.

>> No.20164451

i was wrong anyway it's in my deck with 0 lapses

>> No.20164501

it's the same as >>20164329
just to add, i think this is the most common usage of furigana that doesn't match: specifying a name when a character only uses a pronoun
i asked a while back if there's a term for this but it seems there is not

>> No.20164576
File: 235 KB, 1000x1307, 1537566156780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, /djt/ btfo by an AJATTER. Who would've guessed, huh.

>> No.20164626

oh sorry i havent kept up please send him my apologies and patreon cheque

>> No.20164627

nobody writes that kinda shit about learning any other language lmao

and they are wrong about basically everything

>> No.20164640

jamal (djt's leader) BTFO

>> No.20164643

You don't have to do 100% immersion 100% of the time. You don't have to have a Leader or Guru to git gud. The fuck is this autist shit..

>> No.20164647

actually 1 thing that hes not wrong about english speaking japanese language learning community hubs are complete aids

but that doesnt mean you go learn language by yourself thats retarded and you never become fully legit that way

>> No.20164658

Guess I should leave DJT

>> No.20164663

ive been hopefully making people do this for a while now

>> No.20164666

Why does the fact that you retards keep posting shit related to Matt in every thread make me laugh? What are you getting out of it?

>> No.20164715

>Language learning is something done in solitude, by oneself.
I'm sure the language teachers who teach diplomats to acquire whatever new language they need would love to hear this

>> No.20164785


>> No.20164786

out of pure curiosity is there anything other than anime that you are learning japanese for

>> No.20164842

haha thanks man, but this seems kinda bothersome. However it might be a good idea to start with picture books. There wouldn't be a way to read such books on PC with mouse over translation and automatic flash card creation and stuff. I really hate to waste time.

I don't know, I already though about doujins and stuff. But I can't stand unanimated stuff.

This wasn't me. Sorry I'm really only interested in anime. I don't even like how 99.9% of japanese females look and I'm not particular interested in their culture. I just watch mostly anime for entertainment and it feels dumb to read subs for years and years of my life.

This is actually not really that uncommon. Manga are in black and white and not animated. VNs are mostly not animated and feel extremely lifeless. LNs don't even have pictures and I don't like RPGs in general.

>> No.20164869

If you only want to watch anime why the fuck do you want to read anything? Just keep watching my dude. Once you hit the 100000 hours you will understand Nipponese no problemo

>> No.20164886

i really hate wasting time guys so in 6 months after i finish these flash cards im going to read hentai dojins and nhk easy a billion times better than yall べーだ

>> No.20164897

>after i finish these flash cards
You've already failed my dude

>> No.20164914

I'm not from the US and I learned English from playing FPS and watching southpark (no joke). Also I read a lot, but I didn't like the few translated LNs I tried to read so far. Could be the translation, but they didn't feel very eloquently written. More like some mainstream stuff like Harry Potter or anything from Stephen King.

I was planning on ignoring reading completely at first. But I realized that it will be much harder to learn it that way. Kana subs will help me at the beginning to understand better. But first I need to get fluent in Kana. Reading at my own pace will help me doing this.

Also our brain mostly likes making more connections when learning new things. It might be even beneficial to learn kanji together with the words. I'm not sure though, if I wanna go this route, since I will forget all about them as soon as I can completely switch to anime and turn of all subs.

>> No.20164920

can't really blame you. english is the king of content.

>> No.20164930

Is anyone going to fix the manga link in the guide? Or re-upload everything to that mega folder.

>> No.20164934

Yes but since they got owned by SJWs, I'm more and more switching completely to anime.

haha, thanks senpai

>> No.20164994

try downloading them legally in real life by heading over to the local book-off

>> No.20165006

are you looking for stuff to download specifically or is stuff hosted online fine? I've been reading raws on trueneko

>> No.20165028

holy moly this is perfect ありがと,う先生 I just downloaded from lhscan because their site is laggy

>> No.20165031
File: 947 KB, 1280x720, [Ohys-Raws] Hinamatsuri (2018) - 08 (AT-X 1280x720 x264 AAC) 00_09_16.472 05_25_18 06_16_55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you can fully appreciate anime without a native-level investment in the rest of the culture, which includes being able to read. A lot of anime is aimed for a native middle- to high-school age audience. If you can't get on their level then you'll never have full comprehension of what you're watching. Maybe some cartoons won't go over your head, but you'll still be a massive faggot who I'd never want to talk to about Japanese media in my life.

But that's all theoretical since I can't imagine you learning Japanese without kanji. It's definitely possible, but essentially requires you to willfully ignore all the modern resources you have at hand and do it from scratch like a westerner from the 19th century. Someone with your degree of determination isn't going to be able to go through with something so pointlessly hard. Learning it with kanji is more straightforward, but if you don't enjoy it then it's not going to happen.

Also english translated LNs are all laughably bad. Don't make judgments off the writing in translations, treat it like your retarded uncle telling you what happened in a book he read in high school.

>> No.20165039


>> No.20165079

actually theres a ton of good high school rom coms its the shitty high school romance dramas you wanna stay away from ┐(‘~` )┌

>> No.20165086

senjougahara gives it to him up the ass every day

>> No.20165088
File: 187 KB, 1349x1639, capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, and not a single one of them is as bad as this.

>> No.20165095

actually like every hentai game is high school romance drama ┐(‘~` )┌┐(‘~` )┌┐(‘~` )┌

i guess what it boils down to is just stay away from the shit i dont like and like the shit i do like or the shit you like sux ┐(‘~` )┌

lmao i misread sebastian as shitstain for a second thats my brain doin this in the face of aids https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Koh04eht6Bo

>> No.20165100

Namasensei lived in japan for 7 years and only knows 400 kanji so you'll be fine

>> No.20165106

see? called it

>> No.20165185

>4. Read this: https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/learn/anon/sakubi.html

>> No.20165200

your post is retarded

just write the kana like in the note book like 50 like times and then like give it a little bit of time as you continue to see japanese and youll be able to read the kana

dont worry about its ez

>> No.20165210

because if that's a wall for you then you should probably just go back home and stop learning japanese.

>> No.20165217

he's no longer a fan of that attitude or any other which restricts his audience of potential patrons

>> No.20165232

I think you overstate the role of reading and culture. It's perfectly possible to enjoy anime without any of it. Hell, I can even enjoy it perfectly fine with subs in another foreign language, where I wont be able to understand every detail of the localization. Sure you will miss out on word plays and cultural references, but this isn't the absolute end of the world. Most people in my country only watch subbed of localized English content and they are perfectly happy with it. Many of them even detest American culture and have a very poor understanding of it. Albeit they can't wait to see the next Captain Murrica flick, which is quite ironic if you think about it.

I will see where my journey takes me and maybe one day I will gladly start to read Japanese novels. But at the moment reading is not my main goal and kanji are a huge PITA. HUGE! It's almost incomprehensible to me how the Japanese can be so fucking retarded about their writing. It's not even their own writing, they got it forced down their throats by the filthy Chinese dogs during their occupation. This alone should be reason enough to fucking end this silliness already. Korea got at least that part right.

>> No.20165237
File: 51 KB, 855x723, sasugachiebukuro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20165247

this is actually a good post for djt because i think for most its gonna be comprehensible thru and thru ftw

>> No.20165255

we are completely cursed, aren't we.

>> No.20165262

nah its true

theres a lot of anime that goes over poorly in the west because eop scrubs simply whiff on too much shit due to being from a different world essentially

it even happens with well received shows take a nichijou for example

>> No.20165264

i comprehend it as much as my average reading material: i know what they're talking about but not what they're saying.

>> No.20165298

honestly that stuffs all 1 big conspiracy to make japan seem more cute and endearing to the rest of the world it still goes on

>> No.20165323

I have learnt a new word today.

>> No.20165369

the d stands for わたしはゲイ

>> No.20165385
File: 1013 KB, 450x253, mako.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're talking out of your ass because you haven't seen both worlds. Jamal's right on this one.

Like I said there will be simplistic cartoons that don't go over your head, and good cartoons that you might enjoy looking at despite most of the substance going over your head, but at the end of the day what really matters will be lost on you. If you need some perspective spend a week reading MAL reviews.

>> No.20165394

now what?

>> No.20165404

i wouldnt wish a week of that on anyone

also the shit really can be a mixed bag i wouldnt worry too much about it

the stuff id absolutely not recommend is stuff that tries to be like real life and deals with complicated interpersonal stuff

youre just fuckin dead on that and its really hard to believe how people can sit through shit that is completely unrelatable to them

>> No.20165457

Yea i learned hiragana in a day then slowely did katakana over about 3 more days while practicing hira. I didn't use any app I just wrote them out a lot. Filled like 20 pages in a notebook with japanese words. Easy peazy.

>> No.20165460

read this after my post, but yea exactly same thing I did lol

>> No.20165464

I learned Hiragana in about a week. It's been 3 months and I've only loosely learned half the Katakana. Am I gonna make it?

>> No.20165465

Only the rest of you are cursed, I already learned Japanese.

>> No.20165469

If u keep doing what ur doing u will not. If u get on the true path u will. Up to u.

>> No.20165477

You got to want it more than that. Take medication if you have to but you should be capable of so much more.

>> No.20165479

Yea I bet I could memorize all of them tonight but I just never feel like it's important.

>> No.20165480

can u just fucken learn them plz

>> No.20165488

LN recommendations? Preferably something easy to read

>> No.20165513

So truly the japanse reading is more important than the english. You should only be trying to learn the minimum so you can go to monolingual asap.

>> No.20165515

just learn them all through vocabulary, no need to waste time memorizing them individually

>> No.20165516

this too, there is even a poem you can write out that uses every kana

>> No.20165518

heres a handly link to said poem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gkt5nT60xBA#t=249

>> No.20165535

i cant even limit them to 5% of all the posts in the thread guess im fuckt ┐(‘~` )┌

>> No.20165569


>> No.20165633

>multiple paragraphs arguing why communities suck
>video response arguing why the truth is somewhere in the middle
why are the a**att nerds so fucking melodramatic about everything.

>> No.20165645

just do what i did and make this your retirement home

>> No.20165652


>> No.20165733

So I am following the AJATT method, mostly through Matt (minus the meditation).

I am halfway through RTK 1+3 but I feel the kanji's slipping away from me, probably due to not having words/sentences to anchor them too, and I'm caring less about being able to write them by hand at least now.

At this point i'm knocking in 25 a day into Anki, but being sloppier with what i "fail" and pass, deliberately pushing them into the future, planning to tackle them more seriously later on when they're spaced out more and i'm further into sentencing, but I don't know if this is a good idea.

Also actively and passively immersing with anime without subs and loading up on j-subs for mining.

Should I perhaps move to a grammar guide like Tae Kim right away and on to immersing, only adding kanji to a kanji-deck as i find them and building them with primitives first then? Because my brain is going into auto-pilot regarding RTK. I know he back-pedaled talking about Lazy-Kanji as well.

>> No.20165738

oh great

>> No.20165797

i still think rtk is well worth doing, if you're really struggling with focus maybe just finish 1, but finish it properly messing about with anki will only hurt you later on (you can bury cards until the next day instead).
maybe try adding fewer per day so your revisions dont overwhelm you, or take a few days off and just revise to consolidate what you've already learned

>> No.20165835

context you dumb turd-licking snail

>> No.20165838

stop following the learning instructions designed by people who have never followed the instructions they're following or who don't even know basic japanese

>> No.20165848

Thanks for the input, gonna assume the top is real advice and the bottom is "Matt".

Yeah I still find worth in RTK but slowing down the additions pushes me further from actual mining which of course is what I want to get to, I realize I'm being impatient.

Hiragana and katakana is already in the bag of course, so I'm pondering going on to reading/mining Tae Kim and then on to manga/anime etc. and as I encounter kanji, add them to a deck with the RTK method intact, deconstructing them with primitives. That feels more intuitive.

>> No.20165890

>passively immersing
Passive immersion is a meme.

Also, what >>20165795 said.

>> No.20165903

Yeah i know hiragana, katakana and with varying success about let's say 1300 kanji from RTK. Been at it for two months or so?
I haven't burnt out because i find it interesting and the carrot on the stick that is actual mining keeps me going. But I'm reaching the end of my patience, and when you phrase it like that.
I should probably go on to actually learning the language for real now.

>> No.20165907

stop giving learning advice if you're a beginner

>> No.20165908

(to reading tae kim, not mining it. that's fucking stupid.)

>> No.20165911

yeah the thing that will give you the best odds of learning is to enjoy what you're doing if anything ever starts to feel more like work than fun then stop doing it and do something you find fun

>> No.20165915

just follow the op but ignore the ixrec part because it's fucking stupid and skim the wikipedia articles for hiragana, katakana, and kanji instead

>> No.20165916

you told me to stop doing this like 5 months ago but i didn't listen to you then and i won't listen now

>> No.20165927

I also only passively immerse in things I have previously actively immersed in, at the moment that is anime audio ripped. I find that to actually help because I have the visual aid still in my head to help reinforce it, started in the beginning listening to podcasts and that went way over my head.

>> No.20165932

if it's truly passive it's not helping
if it's semi-active it might help but actual active input would be better

>> No.20165959

the only way anki should be used for japanese is to force yourself to not forget how to recall the readings or meanings of words based on how they're spelled when you see them after you start learning those words

>> No.20165961

I thought Romeo was difficult to get into?

>> No.20165962

tfw redpilled on actual mouseover dictionaries

who else Rikai様 masterrace?

>> No.20165963

Perhaps semi-active is more apt. Active input is of course ideal no doubt.

>> No.20165988

I did rtk with it but didn't reveiew it much at the end. I'm not too big on reviewing, but I did vmcore and liked the results. It's just a super big pain in the ass but after a year of doing it I'll have no regrets. So far it's producing results for me. Feels great knowing so many words when I watch content. I don't know what deck to do after VNcore though, seems like a lot of work trying to make a deck from scratch.

>> No.20166036
File: 12 KB, 941x449, onkie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do:
Word in kanji which I'm at least slightly familiar with but can't reliably read in the wild.

- BACK -
Reading (This what I have to answer.)
J-E definition (Just to refresh my memory in case I forget. I don't test myself on this; I leave learning meanings to exposure.)
JDIC audio (If available.)

I can do my reps super fast with this setup and not having to rack my brain trying to come up with dictionary definitions makes using Anki a lot less stressful. It's the only way I’ve found to make doing Anki actually tolerable and not an exercise in resisting the urge to kill myself.

>> No.20166044

I've been reading and doing Anki using a mining deck with the words I see while reading for three months now, but I'm currently fed up with the Anki shit. It feels like a chore and a waste of time doing that everyday, instead of focusing on reading even more. Also, for some reason I'm not seeing the results, there are mature words on Anki that I still fail to recognize while reading. I don't know if it is Anki's fault or if my brain is doing some automatic synthetic memorization of the card instead of the word itself, but it's just not working. Should I drop Anki altogether and focus entirely on reading or persevere on it?

>> No.20166060

Watch ****'s video on finding a good balance and why

>> No.20166072

there's nothing "masterrace" about using a browser made by a furfag

>> No.20166074

>Should I drop Anki altogether and focus entirely on reading or persevere on it?
Go try that. Just make sure you don't quit studying Japanese. You can always come back to anki if you want to.
How long do your sessions take and what's your average rep time? What kind of cards are you doing? Recognition vocab are pretty easy and you could do them with 5s limits. You can still fail mature cards even in anki so it shouldn't surprise you that you can fail some of them while reading but if it's a majority then something does seem to be wrong. How do you know that though?

>> No.20166159

Why is it I can make myself do Anki every day, but can't make myself read?


>> No.20166166
File: 690 KB, 480x270, avqfGxf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20166171


>> No.20166182
File: 86 KB, 580x580, w3bKg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.20166190



>> No.20166197


>> No.20166252

Does listening to music count? Because I do that all day regardless of what I'm doing

>> No.20166255

>Does listening to music count?
even actively, no

>> No.20166256

Yes but only for this song

>> No.20166274

if you're counting hours you're not spending intentionally consuming input then you're counting hours you're not actually learning japanese

>> No.20166314

because some ajatt morons want to claim their sleeping time counts as immersion because they left their TV turned on while an anime played on loop.

>> No.20166334
File: 91 KB, 645x729, 1507065666454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20166342

Le epin maymays aren't arguments. Also, good job confirming yourself as an outsider, just like I said. Keep defending Matt online enough and if you're lucky he might send you one of his piss jugs as a reward.

>> No.20166440

that's only because nothing is really difficult
you just gotta break it down into small enough steps so it seems easy, and work on it every day

>> No.20166461

music does just about nothing in my experience

>> No.20166480






>> No.20166512
File: 37 KB, 500x334, 1502862027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.20166537




>> No.20166624

Why is it a 下駄箱 and not a 靴箱 at school?

>> No.20166683

>VR memeset
Now THAT'S what I call immersion! Sasuga nyukku-chan!

>> No.20166692

Reading manga is such a bitch, I spend more time looking up Kanji I don't know any readings for than actually reading.
Guess I'll stick to hanahira

>> No.20166751

Why does no resource in the OP or any person in /djt/ threads ever mention the FSI language courses? These are the language courses which are/were used to train diplomats before sending them abroad. They're quite dense in audio and reading material and cover pretty much everything you need in a way that is better than how most textbooks approach it.

>> No.20166762

Weren't they made in the 50s?

>> No.20166830

stop using commie fonts

>> No.20166835

< 11px Kochi gothic (bitmap style)
>= 11px Noto Sans CJK JP

>> No.20166847

>read japanese
>font changes
>can't read japanese anymore

anyone else?
sometimes i can't recognize words i have already learned in Anki because anki uses wh*te letters on black background instead of black letters and there's no way to change it

>> No.20166868
File: 244 KB, 432x654, 2018_1540981601_432x654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

余裕 is kind of troublesome, can mean a lot a different things depending on usage
Anyone cares to give a little explanation? (I know what this means here I mean in the general case)

>> No.20166886


>> No.20166918

his voice was all over the place on that song. surprised he didn't get a stroke before he finished.

>> No.20166942

there isn't
the only appearance changes you can do to ankidroid is nightmode/daymode

>> No.20167035

>「墓参りくゆっくりさせろよ 」
Let me visit a grave slowly/in peace?

>> No.20167042


>> No.20167050

みんな元気 ?

>> No.20167054


>> No.20167055





>> No.20167073


>> No.20167181

dear MIA refugees I have some stuff for you to shitpost in your private discord about please enjoy

- don't think. feel.
- read more
- listen a lot
- input has to be, at some level, comprehensible
- the ideal input is both comprehensible and compelling. compelling content.
- you don't have to look things up or make flashcards out of them to learn them
- the people who learn the fastest are the ones who spend more than 3 hours a day reading long-form prose and/or doing active directed listening
- arguing about learning japanese is not learning japanese
- language textbooks are bad
- there is no scientific evidence for matt's assertion that extensive reading as a beginner PERMANENTLY fucks up your accent.
- RTK is worthless
-- it's bad for "lazy kanji"
-- if you don't know japanese then anything other than "lazy kanji" is a waste of time

>> No.20167188

the first three bullet points on it are a good summary of the rest

>> No.20167191

let me just condense your post so its easy to digest

watch a total of 10000 hours of english subbed anime and then try out reading and other stuff and itll be ez

>> No.20167197

also it's so long some grammar errors slipped in while moving text around sorry bout that hopefully you guys can fill in the gaps with those noggins of yours

>> No.20167201

i dealt with it by not reading it

>> No.20167202
File: 170 KB, 334x334, 1540988560014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if there's subbed anime why isn't there subbed manga?

>> No.20167206

there is
press next a couple times

>> No.20167207
File: 445 KB, 1200x1200, 1536258017221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is im the only one who makes it donate to my patreon and ill make more xd

>> No.20167209
File: 30 KB, 707x662, 1522236433351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I going to make it?

>> No.20167228

i would but it would be so big people wouldn't download it

>> No.20167235

what was the original definition?

>> No.20167243

the core2k/6k definition is "suitable, appropriate" if that's what you're asking
i'm sure there are several other words with important secondary/nonliteral meanings that i forgot to add said meaning to but this one is really bad

>> No.20167248

if i went to the trouble i'd have to add music video clips to every single card and it'd be too big to host anywhere but a private ftp

>> No.20167253

that sounds like autism why not just do the 1 or a few just how ever u feel like cuz youre a 適当な男 and arent worried about SHIT

>> No.20167257

because it's a 適当なデッキ

>> No.20167260

suck my 適当なdick!!!

>> No.20167268

that's kinda 適当にキモい

>> No.20167284

i mean it's pretty unlikely to get a top top top world class level in a language if you start learning it post-puberty, but you can get 99.999999% of the way there no matter what age you are as long as you got the years left in you to put in the https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SlCRfTmBSGs

>> No.20167298

why do you wanna become japanese take pride in where u come from and mix japanese into it ftw sounds like the real way to success https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEI-cO2bZlY

>> No.20167302

>i mean it's pretty unlikely to get a top top top world class level in a language
It's not as if there was any good reason whatsoever to become one of "the greatest" at a language, other than to quell one's own autism that (*wink wink* m*tt)

>> No.20167315

he looks like tokyo sama in the thumbnail

>> No.20167325

>the original definition is acceptable in some circumstances but it is almost never how the word is actually used in fictional dialogues or casual conversation
i just wasted my time researching this but it turned out you were just trolling. i always knew this community is toxic and obnoxious.

>> No.20167339


>> No.20167356



>> No.20167366

>you don't have to look things up or make flashcards out of them to learn them
how do you learn what the fuck a word is then? let alone how it's read.

>> No.20167367

what if I'm autistic tho?

>> No.20167369

meditate and then read more lol

>> No.20167380

if youre autistic youre prolly not good at a lot of things like making eye contact so dont worry about it

>> No.20167381

dunno what you're talking about

>> No.20167396

put your trip on jamal

>> No.20167400

sounds like a 悪い癖

>> No.20167411

now lets get spooky

>> No.20167439

that link didn't say anything about 'it is almost never how the word is actually used in fictional dialogues or casual conversation', pendecho.

>> No.20167445



>> No.20167449

you're probably taking "almost never" too literally

>> No.20167454

why did you write almost never then lmao

>> No.20167455

i tried linking the kohh vid thats all i can do ┐(‘~` )┌

>> No.20167459

why did you write lmao if you're not on the floor laughing your ass off
idk it might just be a mystery to mankind

>> No.20167487


>> No.20167505
File: 53 KB, 252x358, 1540935111426__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where to find this doujin

>> No.20167515

the hentai gaming store

>> No.20167535

matt talks about muh optimizations a lot but won't test his method on new languages so his advice is worth fuck all

he could learn dutch or norwegian in a month if he went full autism but he's just too lazy

>> No.20167558

im sure a kid living at daddys house is gonna revolutionize language learning through his vlogs

>> No.20167573

I don't get mad at him for the god complex since I know he has to keep it up to keep the income flowing. It's probably subconscious.

>> No.20167599

***t has a few videos promoting why you should follow his guidance above anybody else and yet he doesn't actually teach anything. He refuses to teach in japanese either, because it's somehow cringy to him. If you watch the nitpicking japanese guy he says there isn't anybody he nitpicks worse. On his own advice he says go with who natives say speak well. I don't get the obsession with him. He's not that good, he doesn't teach, and there are plenty of people who advanced faster than him.

>> No.20167603

If you're good enough at a language to understand instruction within the language then you don't need instruction because at that point there's a lot of compelling content to consume and learn from.

>> No.20167606

idk i think matt could see the general aids of these language communities and wanted to be the doctor but its really a physician heal thyself kinda deal imo and his sheep are starting to wake up after what a year of basically no results

>> No.20167608

he recently said there was a lot of whacky stuff in tae kim, so why doesn't he make a video on that? He literally refuses to actually teach or speak japanese, that's weird

>> No.20167612

i mean if you wanna see proof that you should subscribe to and pay me you should subscribe to and pay me first ok here 1 video its cringe as hell enjoy

>> No.20167616

how can jamal get angry with mattposting but then nonchalantly mattpost?

>> No.20167617

Hopefully none of them went too hermit mode and did permanent socializing damage. Coming out of ajatt like a prisoner put in the hole for a year.

>> No.20167622

i never get angry ? go ahead try to make me mad you cant do it

>> No.20167627

well ok change angry to annoyed/disappointed/whatever negative emotion you want.

>> No.20167629

ok lemme try a time-tested anger trigger
"you don't know japanese"

>> No.20167632

i never feel negative emotions at djt thats what keeps me comin back

im mr positivity

>> No.20167634

brit tried learning german for several months by applying what he learned through mia and failed miserably at it

>> No.20167638
File: 57 KB, 774x673, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20167639

i'm mister world wide


>> No.20167645

did he try getting a german girlfriend?

>> No.20167682

dogen's accent sounds so much worse when not scripted lol

not a knock against him. faking it is a skill. it means you know what's correct but that you haven't yet made it automatic/natural.

>> No.20167686

id rather listen to real dogen and not anime voice actor dogen ┐(‘~` )┌

>> No.20167688

he's completely non scripted in that video >>20167669 sounds perfect still, at least way better than anybody else.

>> No.20167691

yea that's the video i was referencing. better, nowhere near perfect

>> No.20167697

also serious question cuz i just realized he tags himself as comedy

has anyone ever found dogen funny ever

>> No.20167721

He has quiet a few really funny ones, you might like his stories

>> No.20167727

that is certainly a promising start i can tell you hand picked it for me

>> No.20167729

I walked into starbacks
lol xd
press like if you agree uwu

>> No.20167734

shitting your pants ftw

>> No.20167744

dogen is not cut out for a career in rakugo ill tell you that much

>> No.20167759


jap JK advocating nazi #shaking my head#

>> No.20167761

i shouldnt even have to tell you that hitler is ftw

>> No.20167764

Maybe it's an aquired taste but they give me a chuckle. None are super funny, but compared to all of the other japan youtubers he's george carlin

>> No.20167775


>> No.20167782

Go suck eceleb dick elsewhere you pathetic sack of shit.

>> No.20167784


>> No.20167786

new thread?

>> No.20167791

how about just no new thread for a few days

>> No.20167805

making japanese woman laugh > shitting in pants

>> No.20167819

why not both at once?

>> No.20167827

because it'll get demonetized

>> No.20167841


>> No.20167844
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kinda makes me regret not doing it. how do i know i have the resolve to carry through with all this.

>> No.20167852

yes if you dont take someone named nihaomeows advice you cant learn japanese

>> No.20167922


>> No.20167925
File: 212 KB, 960x720, fpbnj4l2gdv01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20167936

Dont japanese kids learn the language first and then gradually Kanji?
Why should it be the opposite for western people?

>> No.20167942

yeah japanese children don't start reading at all until they've memorized all jouyou kanji

>> No.20167949

in before every single predictable answer

hopefully at least 1 dude watches a shit load of english subbed anime and understands the greatness of it ┐(‘~` )┌

>> No.20167967

>not getting fluent watching ウルトラマン

>> No.20167989

i watched the og ultraman ftw but i hardly remember it

>> No.20167991

but then
japanese is a dumb language

>> No.20167997

geed is my favorite

>> No.20167998

Japanese kids also learn Kanji stroke by stroke, do you want to give that a try?

>> No.20167999

Because we're adults and reading is the bomb

>> No.20168001

you have to realize one thing, kids are fucking dumb as bricks.

the end.

>> No.20168033

while this is true its important to note this is what makes them able to learn so well

an inquiring mind and a sense of wonder is literally the only way to have the ability to get real good at anything and you cant just wish for it or force yourself

>> No.20168058


>> No.20168213

do you guys now any good non fiction that's reasonably easy? I think I'm a bit too comfortable with narrative style writing

>> No.20168232


>> No.20168263

go to class first then read a book


>> No.20168289

>- language textbooks are bad
People who say this bullshit, are just uneducated.

Also don't compare school textbooks with Japanese learning textbooks for university students. Textbooks are the best thing to learn a language.

But as always, only using a textbook is not enough. A textbook is like the foundation of your language house. If you don't put something on top of it, it's useless. There are great textbooks for Japanese and if you combine textbooks with other things you like, like anime or other Japanese content, you will make fast progress. Now if you add to this Anki for the Kanji and vocabulary, you are learning the language as fast as possible.

Also: Japanese is a LANGUAGE! A language has rules which are made by people. In math, you can go full MIA, because everything is based on the rules of nature and there is no "maybe". But Japanese has forced rules, which sometimes don't make sense.
>- don't think. feel.
you will never learn Japanese if you do this

>> No.20168333

i think a textbook is more useful if youve watched 10000 hours of english subbed anime and not really great before then

>> No.20168377

i feel bad for anyone who would subject themselves to that much subbed anime in order to learn japanese. most couldn't go through with it. it would probably be the most boring possible way to familiarize yourself with the language.

>> No.20168379

very cool

love how he writes kanji on the blackboard

>> No.20168384

that's just jamal being a memelord no one actually thinks it's a good idea

>> No.20168390

its better than not doing it at all which is what typically happens

and anime owns if you dont think so youre fucked

>> No.20168396

also lets be real who cares what anyone here thinks even me

but im still gonna give you the real shit and maybe that 1 guy somewhere will figure out how to reverse his terminal aids that he caught from seeing djt in the first place

or maybe he wont but im still gonna have fun doin it

>> No.20168398

I'm fucked

>> No.20168399

jamal has proven countless times that he doesn't even know japanese

>> No.20168414

damn you salty bro

>> No.20168421

literally jsut raging and broke my computer

>> No.20168428

wtf jamal i feel violated

>> No.20168433

i can't watch 10000 hours of anime because my ratio on AB isn't good enough

>> No.20168442

get your ratio up nerd

>> No.20168447
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>> No.20168499

>In math, you can go full MIA, because everything is based on the rules of nature

Everything is based on arbitrary axioms retard

>> No.20168517
File: 198 KB, 699x387, 不思議な漢字が.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>learn Japanese
>still have to learn crappy simplified shit

>> No.20168518

Reminder that Tae Kim is just a poor man's textbook

>> No.20168519

imagine looking back fondly and what flavour of shit you liked better back in the day when shit wasnt so shitty
