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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 408 KB, 672x502, 1517795746238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20135880 No.20135880 [Reply] [Original]

"A thread on 4chan dedicated to avoiding the studying and learning of Japanese through the tactical use of shitposting."

Guide & resources:
https://djtguide.neocities.org/ (legacy)

Previous thread: >>20124869

How to into Japanese TL;DR:
1. Install one of these mouseover dictionaries:
https://foosoft.net/projects/yomichan/ (cross-browser)
https://forum.koohii.com/thread-15119.html (cross-browser)
https://github.com/wareya/nazeka (firefox only)
https://github.com/birtles/rikaichamp (firefox only)

2. Read this: http://www.guidetojapanese.org/learn/category/grammar-guide/the-writing-system/

3. Do this: https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/learn/kana.html

4. Read ONE of these:

5. Begin reading and listening to compellingcontent™ made by and for adult native speakers. Anime ( http://kitsunekko.net/dirlist.php?dir=subtitles%2Fjapanese%2F ), manga ( https://www.kanjitomo.net/ ) and visual novels ( https://pastebin.com/raw/DgZ84qwk ) are good places to start. Aim for 2+ hours per day.

>> No.20135884

good OP image
looking forward to the shitposting about the OP contents

>> No.20135896

I don't think this girl is old enough to be smoking

>> No.20135939

literally me

>> No.20135975
File: 162 KB, 2030x1905, Yotsugana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Notice that 「ぢ」 sounds essentially identical to 「じ」 and both are pronounced as / ji /, while 「づ」 is pronounced like / dzu /.
This is wrong, isn't it? づ is "zu", which is why it's romanized as such in 訓令式ローマ字. Also, ぢ and じ aren't "essentially identical", they are identical.

>> No.20135978

I'm going to pass the N3 this year!

>> No.20135991
File: 234 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181026-082239_AnkiDroid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20135993

what you've described is approximately correct in the yellow region, to my limited understanding

>> No.20136011

Why wouldn't you recommend Rikaisama? It's pretty much the best.

>> No.20136032

There's a reason why づ used to be romanized as "du", don't forget romanizaiton is an approximation of actual sounds. In some places they're still distinct as evidenced by your picture.

>> No.20136033

>only works on insecure outdated browsers
have fun with your malware

>> No.20136038

It's abandonware and no longer works on up to date versions of Firefox (even ESR). The RikaiRebuilt dev is attempting to remake Rikaisama, but it has some pretty major bugs unfortunately (deconjugates る-ending godan verbs incorrectly, a bug shared by Yomichan, and it also tries to deconjugate things that aren't verbs as if they were).

>> No.20136066




>> No.20136099

>don't forget romanizaiton is an approximation of actual sounds
訓令式ローマ字 is a government-mandated modification of 日本式ローマ字 with identical sounds in modern standard Japanese merged (another example: お was "o" and を was "wo" in 日本式 but both お and を are "o" in 訓令式).

>In some places they're still distinct as evidenced by your picture.
Yeah, some rural areas of the backwater regions of Kyuushuu and Shikoku, far, far away from Tokyo where standard Japanese is spoken.

I won't object to a guide noting that the sounds are pronounced differently in certain dialects, but the guide should be instructing people on how these sounds are pronounced in Standard Japanese (標準語), and by saying づ is pronounced as dzu, Tae Kim isn't doing that (instead he's misleading beginners into speaking like 田舎者).

>> No.20136115

All grammar guide have mistakes. The question is whether those mistakes are important or not. Some of Tae Kim's mistakes are important, like refusing to call が a subject particle and that explicit subjects just have a different role in Japanese than English. Others are not, because they result in trivial misunderstandings that will be fixed on their own as the learner becomes better at Japanese, like calling the short causative "very rough slang".

>> No.20136118
File: 75 KB, 400x400, 9203f21c95c4ec5b93e63f6bd7aa408e_400x400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this pronounced?

>> No.20136121


>> No.20136122

put your throat in it like you're yelling but also demonstrating your masculinity

>> No.20136129
File: 676 KB, 921x781, 1529641210971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch any video from this channel with the Japanese subs on and you can find out the answer to that and more:

>> No.20136144

i opened three videos and none of them had manually-written japanese subs

>> No.20136152

not that anon but just keep looking, luna says a lot of those characters since her throat is fucking wild

>> No.20136156

Most of the older ones do, I think.

>> No.20136157

finally came across the latter while reading

>> No.20136199

All the Asian countries run ancient Internet Explorer. Outdated browsers are part and parcel of learning Japanese.

>> No.20136201

i hope you're trolling

>> No.20136203
File: 355 KB, 1116x645, 1514644322092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not anymore.

>> No.20136204


>> No.20136221

How do you concentrate on studying in the heat?
It's so hot I can barely think fuck I hate summer.

>> No.20136224





>> No.20136248

Sort of off topic.
I was doing a project, and wrote out a paragraph for some part near the end, some guy who doesn't speak English too well told me to look it over or else he won't put my contribution for that part.
I looked through it and found out that I had typed the same word twice and forgot an s for a plural, and well... That was it.
I mean his parts were in broken English with some more complex words thrown in that sounded really off-putting. It just kinda peeved me off he was criticising my parts and said he would put me down as non-contributing for two minor errors, given his writing.

>> No.20136251

group projects in education should be illegal

>> No.20136256
File: 747 KB, 1000x1291, 1527354035699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, those are someone else's work. I've made a few of OP images in the past, but never put as much work into them as that. Usually I just slap some text on an image I like and call it a day.

The current OP image is actually one of my more "high effort" works in that I had to erase parts of the background and dodge the highlights since the original image looked like shit and had other text on it.

>> No.20136261
File: 1.50 MB, 1000x1291, 1521700775748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20136291

I mean I'll admit some of the stuff I write is kinda off, but some of his parts are just confusing. I only sort of get them because of my exposure to broken English.
>I'm write this part
>please proof reading this and unfinished writing
>you awaken?

>> No.20136303

Learning Japanese has made me realize that I probably have some kind of learning disability.

>> No.20136311

everyone has a learning disability it's called hating learning things in stupid ways

>> No.20136329

No I mean like it is taking me much longer than normal to catch on to new concepts. If I wasn't a NEET I would not have made it anywhere. I'm talking at least 5 hours of study a day, which is probably only 1 or 2 hours of material.

>> No.20136333

no pain no gain.

>> No.20136354


>> No.20136364

yoshi got up 20 minutes ago and already finished my reps

>> No.20136365

i'd do a karaoke with nuke chan

>> No.20136385

Asked a native beside me just now, he made a grudge sound then said it's not a real character. Then he said >>20136129
's pic is kimochi warui but I must disagree, Luna is waifu.

>> No.20136403

sounds like your native neighbor ain't enough of an オタク

>> No.20136423

I don't think I ever talked to a Japanese person ever

>> No.20136425

>starts anki at the 19 minute mark
>still at it by the 2 hour mark
How can people do this?

Accuse him of being a lolicon and say the only reason he doesn't like her is because she doesn't have a flat chest.

>> No.20136434

I'm like that. My memory is basically nonexistant and if I don't put in at least an hours anki study the cards just keep stacking up.

>> No.20136437

post a screenshot or your card from inside the card format editor

>> No.20136455

Are you actually listening and reading though? If you don't have some sort of meaningful context to associate with the words you're learning in Anki, it's much harder to remember them since they don't really mean anything to you and you can't even truly learn them in that situation. Ideally, you should be able to remember exactly where each word in your deck came from (say your new card limit is 20, it might help to only add 20 new cards to your deck each day instead of piling up a massive backlog of hundreds - if a word is important, you will get a chance to mine it again in the future).

>> No.20136465



>> No.20136526
File: 97 KB, 500x646, z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the green region
Why? And is it more like the "standard" じ, the ず or completely different from both?

>> No.20136533


>> No.20136537

He's a machine. A fat, slow moving machine.

>> No.20136552


>> No.20136578
File: 435 KB, 728x472, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does ほげね mean here
i couldn't find it anywhere

>> No.20136591

You're probably better off asking in >>>/int/96606460

It's evening going on night time in Japan right now so there should be some natives in there.

>> No.20136593

Here's an actually clear example:
It's more like a "zu" sound, but kind of a mix of both.

>> No.20136594

You'll have to ask in Japanese though since most of the actual natives (not expats and proxies) there don't seem to speak any English.

>> No.20136608


Might be this

>> No.20136616

it means like そうなんだ.

>> No.20136636
File: 6 KB, 220x224, 歌う.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't sing at least 2 hours a day, you can't learn Japanese.


>> No.20136641

thanks everybody
yeah this seems right based on the character so far

>> No.20136672


>> No.20136753

ああ こう そう どう turn into あげ こげ そげ どげ in Chugoku and Kyushu regions.
ほげ is corrupted form of そげ.
in this context , it means "i see."

>> No.20136910

How come this sort of thing is so common in other languages but so rare in English? You do in very rural areas of England find people who speak something very different from the standard language, like this guy:

But it's very rare. I'm actually from the same county this guy is from, and while my dialect shares some features of his (e.g. dropping "the" in favour of a simple glottal stop), the way he pronounces certain works like "book" and the Old Norse words in his vocabulary are very alien to me and I've never encountered them in real life.

>> No.20136936

are you somehow implying that there aren't two major and extremely different accent groups in English

>> No.20136965

It's nothing compared to what you get in Japanese though. In some countries like Italy, people at one end of the country literally can't understand people at the other. I could maybe see some Americans having a small amount of difficulty with certain British accents, but nobody from the UK should have any trouble whatsoever understanding an American (or Canadian, Australian or New Zealander).

>> No.20136990

you only feel that way because Japanese is still exotic to you
Japanese people feel the same way about English dialects with "da" or "ovnah"

>> No.20137011



>> No.20137025

USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand are all british colonies and only a few 100 years old. UK, Japan and Italy are not colonies and are way older (not necessarily in terms of the nations themselves, but in terms of the peoples living there)

At least that would be my uneducated guess.

>> No.20137034
File: 257 KB, 604x613, 1534459338183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sentence has multiple がs

>> No.20137044

What do you guys think about adding audio to sentence cards?
Is it worth the extra time spent making them?
So far I've been using text only cards.

>> No.20137045

Kagoshima dialect is incomprehensible, even if you were a native japanese speaker.

>> No.20137071

That's going to take a lot of time unless you're using sub2srs. The 300 dojg sentences are barely worth it and I don't know why anyone would do sentences beyond that.

>> No.20137141

>UK, Japan and Italy are not colonies and are way older (not necessarily in terms of the nations themselves, but in terms of the peoples living there)
But there's a clear difference here. In Japan and Italy, geography has a big impact on the way people speak, whereas in the UK, sure we have different dialects, but none of them really stray very far from standard English. It's worth keeping in mind that we have Scots, Welsh and Irish in the UK who originally spoke languages from a completely different language family from English (Celtic as opposed to Germanic), yet the English varieties spoken by these groups today don't really have any significant differences from standard English besides a handful of unique words (though in the case of Scots, it's not uncommon for these words, e.g. "bairn", to also be present in Northern English dialects).

I find this easier to follow than >>20136552

In the Kagoshima-ben clip, I can pick out words that I know quite easily (though it's still nonsense to me), whereas in the Aomori-ben video I literally can't understand anything. They may as well be speaking Greek.

>> No.20137143

You are retarded. Subs2srs is a horrible program.

It takes less than 20 seconds per card to grab both audio and an image if you know how. For me it helps tremendously.

>> No.20137152

>sentence cards
Do you really want to spend 2 hours on Anki every day?

>> No.20137163

It's not like I was recommending it
You are retarded.

>> No.20137414

>It takes less than 20 seconds per card to grab both audio and an image if you know how.

>> No.20137503

That's nice but manga isn't reading.

>> No.20137508
File: 326 KB, 564x1600, cards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20137532

I'd much rather use RikaiRebuilt for making Anki cards. The way Yomichan formats them is horrible.

>> No.20137556

Yomichan has Handlebars.js which to my knowledge lets you edit how Yomichan makes your card as much as you want. I've never personally had an issue with it after removing the html stuff that is there by default but ultimately it does not matter.

>> No.20137609

That requires knowing whatever programming language is used to write that, and in the end I would only want to make it make cards the way that Rikaisama used to so there's no reason for me to not just use RikaiRebuilt instead.

>> No.20138172

I notice that recently i recognize quite a bit of the n5/n4 kanji. The only thing that's bothering me is that though i might remember some of the kun readings for it, i dont remember the onyomi. Should i just keep going, recognize how the kanjis look without bothering trying to remember their pronounciation for both on and kun yomi? Or should i take extra time and focus on their pronounciation for now?

>> No.20138207

You shouldn't study kanji in isolation to begin with.

>> No.20138259
File: 110 KB, 814x1200, Dklu6sfU0AAJO6x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1000 to review, what's with that? No way you finish that

>> No.20138310

There's literally no point in memorizing readings. Let's say you memorize that 人 is nin and jin, additionally you know 大 is dai and tai. Now there is still no way to know if 大人 is daijin,dainin,taijin, or tainin. (hints it's actually none of those because readings are useless)

>> No.20138354
File: 21 KB, 400x224, 1538255403045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks a lot!

>> No.20138363

Then how do you read kanji and compound words out loud if you dont know which reading to say

>> No.20138379

This is one of the most retarded posts I've ever seen in these threads.

>> No.20138384

Japanese people use kunyomi and onyomi readings all the time. They have to memorize it through practice.

>> No.20138389

You learn the word.

>> No.20138391

Thank god someone agrees with me, that guy doesn't belong here if he actually believes readings are useless

>> No.20138436

My fucking Anki just got fucked up.
What the hell.
Anyone else have any problems with syncing?

>> No.20138469

Explain how I'm wrong.

>> No.20138475

Skip all this work and just generate decks for all the shows you have downloaded. Then if you find a sentence you like while watching you can search for the sentence in the deck and move it to your mining deck.

>> No.20138479

You dipshits are trolling right?

>> No.20138489


>> No.20138494

>all this work
once you've set it up you don't really need to do anything.

>> No.20138503

>go to Matt's patreon
>"I got fluent after 3 years and 10k Anki cards"

Wtf, that's only 10 cards a day. I'm doing 30 new cards a day, am I retarded?

>> No.20138510

Use them for what? Like I said, there's literally no way to guess which reading is correct just by knowing all the possible readings

>> No.20138513

No. I'm just mad that what he was saying absolutely didn't make sense from a learning perspective. It is inexcusable for someone to not do the readings.

>> No.20138516

Oh so you're genuinely retarded and don't understand what he's saying. Carry on then.

>> No.20138523

he immersed a lot more than you do

>> No.20138526

You are the retard here.

>> No.20138531
File: 35 KB, 225x316, 82890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>generally able to understand 70-80% of whats going on when watching raws+ jp subs
>watch pic related with jp subs
>get absolutely ass blasted not picking up even 10%
what the fuck

>> No.20138536

You are both retarded to argue about readings like this.

>> No.20138538

>jp subs

>> No.20138544

Depends on whether anime is shonen or some psychological shit that uses more vocab. Every anime genre has a different level. Try gintama, I'm sure that one has a wide variety of words when they talk about random shit

>> No.20138549

gintama is actually surprisingly simple

>> No.20138553

Take this as a great opportunity to start learning japanese.

>> No.20138575
File: 1.40 MB, 1589x959, 1540571979486[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How good for you is playing visual novels with both languages?

>> No.20138581

it's fine

>> No.20138583

Good if you're trying to learn English

>> No.20138588

How many cards per day you do doesn't matter, what matters is the amount of hours you spend immersing.

>> No.20138589

imagine all the shit flying over your head.

>> No.20138592

All vns with dual language are shit so not good.

>> No.20138594

It's better for learning Japanese since you are more likely to spend more time on english visual novels.
If your jap vn session is as long as english one then read jap only, if not go for duo.

>> No.20138613

Watch English dubbed anime to increase your immersion time

>> No.20138620

I would 1000% rather watch raw than dubbed. I understand more from it anyway.

>> No.20138622

is the game like this by default or did you do some gimmicks?

>> No.20138624

Another retard here. Honestly djt threads are just cringe half of the time.

>> No.20138625
File: 170 KB, 1215x686, 21senpai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

prolly default, duuno, didn't buy it
I don't read vns in english since I started learning japanese

>> No.20138662

Is this real?

If so this is the first non offensively bad thing matt has suggested.

>> No.20138673

of course not tard

>> No.20138680

That's an old image from djt, newfag

>> No.20138695

new fag in terms of djt? I have been here for almost a year just only come like once or twice a month. Also are you bragging about spending a massive amount of time here?

In terms of japanese I am better then pretty much everyone here though.

>> No.20138709
File: 17 KB, 406x303, 1524180680089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20138713

>A screenshot
Are you kidding? How am I supposed to follow the links?

>> No.20138720

It is for the best as anki would just waste your time.

>> No.20138739
File: 147 KB, 640x615, sensaic[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20138744

I know. Just wanted to try out to see what it's like.

>> No.20138747
File: 111 KB, 500x701, 10,000 hours.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20138758 [DELETED] 

What anime are you guys watching now. What anime would you guys most reccomend in terms of quality and ease.

I would recommend koe no katachi the most.

Just looking for more anime to watch currently at 300 hours of raw.

>> No.20138805

Have you tried the requests board?

>> No.20138826

It is hard for me to recommend anything, because I tend to enjoy more difficult series even though I don't understand them. Hibike Euphonium and Boku dake ga Inai Machi are probably a good mix of quality and ease.

Currently watching Shiki. Don't understand much, but it is enjoyable. There is a lot of medical vocabulary that goes over my head. Started yesterday and I'm on episode 15 already. Might try watching Another after I'm done with this.


>> No.20138898

tfw still using rikaisama,
there is still a supported version that you can use it with.

>> No.20139022

You are stupid and missed the point.
1. This also works on visual novels
2. You have complete control over how many lines one card goes
3. Not always are subtitles perfectly aligned so the automatic recording stats before the line is being spoken and ends after it was over
4. These cards are generated using Yomichan/Rikai meaning they fall in line with the styling of the rest of your deck (assuming you are doing a word deck) and aren't just useless one sentence cards with nothing but a sentence on the front (cards that benefit absolutely no one and require editing)
5. If you only need to mine 1 thing from a show you need to spend 15 seconds to mine one thing and not have thousands of useless cards that you need to delete for that one card you could have made in seconds
6. The screenshots taken automatically are not always optimal depictions of the context (mined object is a physical thing, automatic screenshot doesn't capture the frame the thing is being shown in, etc)
7. Like the other anon said, you need to set it up once and it will never stop working

Type them out, are you retarded? It's just demonstrations of the card making process. You should be able to figure it out.

>> No.20139054

The original post was about sentence cards, not vocab cards, which is the most important point. You can increase padding which eliminates stop/start issues with audio. It's not the setup that's the problem. It's the annoying "15 second" process you describe that you have to go through every time. Don't try to use subs2srs with VNs.

>> No.20139055

fucking jamal bailed on us and went out partying

>> No.20139060

Do you guys prefer to buy the original manga in a physical copy and then read it? Or do you download raw scans with less quality for free? I have this strong urge to buy the japanese volumes and learn with them.

>> No.20139076

Then buy them holy shit why do you need our approval?

>> No.20139081


>> No.20139085

Yea I guess the original post was for sentence cards.
Sentence cards are retarded though, not to mention that over half the arguments still apply on your decrepit card making process.

>> No.20139119

personally with how often i need to look shit up, physical media slows the process down too much for me, but i expect to try it again sometime. just buy a volume or two and try it, but if you're a beginner i expect you to feel the same.

>> No.20139122

I thought you were kinda trolling with your other points so I didn't address them. For example
>the item might be out of frame
>extra lines
Not really an issue. In the rare case it is an issue you can swap out the image if it's that bothersome. You can delete part of the sentence you don't want. But again, this will rarely be an issue.
>Thousands of useless cards.
And thousands of useful ones. And so long as you have 1GB of free space your storage will be more than fine.
Styling isn't an issue since it's for a sentence deck and you can style cards in any way you prefer.

>> No.20139125

They didnt even manage to make a second episode for their podcast. This new idea of theirs will never see the light of day.

>> No.20139132

I like sentence cards. It seems so much better to have a card like "I set the glass down." or "I set the oven to 400F." rather than "set" on one side and every possible definition of "set" on the other completely out of context of how it's actually used

>> No.20139147

hot new ideas from yoga & matt take notes boys

>> No.20139148

I'd listen to japanews24 till the end of time but its only a loop of today's news what else do you guys listen to

>> No.20139157

I don't know how much you are grabbing in an episode, it rarely goes above 3 words for me. Not thousands of useful cards, 99% of trash shitting up your space unless you are a complete beginner that needs to grab everything. Even if you lengthen the lines I doubt the audio gets capture very well and you have no way of going back and adding lines of audio because the audio is automatically generated.
Sentence cards are still retarded. You could probably still save work by having the +1 object translation generated by Rikai/Yomi and just putting the sentence on the front in styling, so your card making process still seems very stupid to me.

False equivalent.

>> No.20139186

yoga matt language learning process 24/7 study

>> No.20139196

>it rarely goes above 3 words for me
You can filter shit you don't want, but that's not a problem either. It's not like you have to go through every card.
>I doubt the audio gets capture very well
Padding pretty much guarantees it. I've never seen an instance where the audio I expected wasn't captured.
>Sentence cards are still retarded.
Only decent argument I've heard against them is that they take more time.

>> No.20139202

>False equivalent

yo braimiac a logical argument has to be put forward for a logical fallacy to occur

>> No.20139222

what the hell is going on with his camera?

>> No.20139223

>Only decent argument I've heard against them is that they take more time.
what about that the supposed benefits may be hugely overstated? also, taking more time is not just about the time taken from reading/listening, it's also about the potential for decreased retention and burn-out

>> No.20139243

>it's also about the potential for decreased retention and burn-out
If for some reason you were a dumbass and you kept doing new cards despite your reps increasing to a number you can't stand, then the solution is to stop doing them?

>> No.20139252
File: 32 KB, 500x284, f48191352c0728b83a979c2e718fcf6b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Sentence cards suck!"

>> No.20139254

top kek

>> No.20139264

i keep anki under 30 minutes a day, that seems like a very small number of sentence cards. the only reason i do anki personally is to be able to read more words written in kanji, leaving all actual language learning to my reading and listening time, so a decrease of new cards per day seems counterproductive to that goal

>> No.20139267

Then don't do sentence cards.

>> No.20139356
File: 123 KB, 1280x720, 兵隊さん.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20139475 [DELETED] 
File: 357 KB, 900x900, 1532652602893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm planning on teaching in Japan next year when I graduate, I've already got an interview set up with ACT and I'm not a NEET, however I'm not planning on staying in Japan my whole life and am mostly just going for the experience, maybe for a year or two
Should I get the fuck out now? Am I going to be fine? Anyone got any advice? I was reading an old thread on /jp/ about it and from what I saw it's generally an alright position, there might be some shit you'll have to deal with, might be even worse depending on how you handle it, but otherwise it's ok. Is that true?
Just looking for general advice on this while I can still get out of it if need be. Just in case it helps, getting a job in America is no big deal, I can get a job working for the county very easily

>> No.20139490

this is a thread for learning nihongo and nothing else

go ask reddit

>> No.20139515

I want to make a thread where we read mango together and translate it while reading

>> No.20139516

That's a mighty big paragraph you wrote there yet I have no idea what you're trying to ask about.

>> No.20139525

We can be friends but we can't read manga or translate anything...

>> No.20139527 [DELETED] 

in that case fuck it, I'll just delete that post and this then wait for the next ACT/JET thread

>> No.20139528

>and translate it

>> No.20139544

only if it's ホモ漫画

>> No.20139622

Manga isn't reading.

Neither is "mango."

>> No.20139627

Manga is reading.

>> No.20139634

What? Why not? I'll even do all the work for you, you can just sit back and read the furigana.
Isnt learning japanese the whole purpose of this thread?

If we have a group translating session, im sure you guys will be more motivated and find this activity fun. Im kind of lonely, reading a mango all by myself. Let's do it together!

>> No.20139650

prove your worth first, lets see a scanlation

>> No.20139691

I started doing it recently so i haven't made one yet.

>> No.20139697

It's like you guys don't have any drive to learn anything at all. What's wrong with you?

>> No.20139709

why do people always freak out if not every single last second of someone's day isn't spent immersing?

>> No.20139747

Okay bye guys, this thread is utter /trash/ and anyone who lurks here can btfo from japan bc theyre never going to understand a shit from it

>> No.20139750
File: 173 KB, 985x548, farmerman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't been able to keep up mining 10 words a day so eventually I'll be running out or to 5 cards a day while not knowing words in fields I haven't explored yet

mining was a mistake.

>> No.20139759
File: 478 KB, 1379x2000, ruri01_117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its ok i dont mean a whole manga just like one page

heres a tasteful one

>> No.20139765

translating requires some understanding of japanese but is more focused on writing ability in english, it does not provide much more language practice than the initial reading does
if you're more focused on correcting each other, i'm skeptical of the value in that

>> No.20139785

How? I feel like I could mine 10 words a day in english if I tried.
I agree that it's a mistake though, it's a placebo and not an actual boost to your langauge skill. All it does is teach you a dictionary definition, and looking up words when you don't remember them is not a hassle once you can't even find 20 new ones per day.

>> No.20139818

>sakurako boob don't fit
>you start something mate
>stand down, you know i have a complex over my boob

>> No.20139823

I don't like manga, I find just reading and anime enough. Plus translating is a horribly inefficient way of learning japanese. It wastes time thinking in english when you should be moving on to more compelling content. Plus it supports retard eops.

>> No.20139861

pretty good, i have an entry level position for you in my scanlation team

>> No.20139878
File: 7 KB, 710x86, 7db0114ff5d7b433aa615aa2996aed3d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please clean up your leaking trash

>> No.20139888

does it really matter if trash leaks from one garbage bin to the other

anyway needless to say that's not the real slim shady, in fact I'm getting a little bit worried about mr. jamal

>> No.20139929

Who is Jamal

>> No.20139956

resident 座敷童子 who's been decorating these threads with kawasaki rap and punctuation-free shitposts since the dawn of time and somewhat recently adopted a tripcode

known for being 69 years old and gay

maybe he got banned for what i can only assume is the hundredth or so time

>> No.20139964

is jamal really from Iceland?

>> No.20139987

Obviously not.

>> No.20139994

his trip is public

>> No.20140086

you're doing a great job at replacing him.

>> No.20140171

Test your listening/pronunciation skills:

>> No.20140173

Nice, someone got Jamal's trip banned

>> No.20140207

Is Matsuko a tranny or a drag queen

>> No.20140243


>> No.20140306

>dont want to watch anime
>dont want to watch tv shows
>just want to watch some documentaries
>there are no fucking documentaries to watch

help me, it's hard to learn not being a weeb, I initally got into it because of TV show but now I'm kinda bored of it

>> No.20140336

美と若さの新常識 is one I like to watch.

>> No.20140348

I mean it's not an issue with what titles to watch, it's where to get them from
TV shows and anime are easy to get

>> No.20140380

yeah public trips tend to get banned

>> No.20140437

I am thinking about making a youtube channel where I say that I am learning from day 1 and then after a couple months to actually demonstrate my actual ability so that people will think I learned japanese incredibly fast. Then say some horribly stupid method on how I learned it.


>> No.20140453

need to invest in more than one video, slow progress over 3-12 months

>> No.20140480

any free streaming website like FujiTV before it got wrecked?

>> No.20140511

Why is this thread so dead?

>> No.20140527

This is the best the thread has been in months. Please stop questioning it.

>> No.20140528

Anons are too busy immersing

>> No.20140556

Why does video.fluentcards.com not support any MKV I throw into it?

>> No.20140618

>decide to browse 2ch for the first time
>all the boards are spread thinly among sub-boards and many are basically dead
>google around
>all Japanese message boards apparently suck even for natives

I was amused to find out there is a 懐かしエロ board, however.

>> No.20140707

MKV is not a web video format supported by browsers due to its audio encoding not being supported, in Chrome sometimes the video will play however the audio never does because no browser supports it.

>> No.20140717

mkv doesn't have "an audio encoding" and in fact webm is a subset of mkv with restricted codec and packing options

>> No.20140718

Well that's making me shake, and the fact you didn't quote my post is making me shake even harder.

>> No.20140759

>decide to look for some hub of your favourite idol group in Japanese
>turns out the sites are all dead and NONE have more content than the Western ones about the same group

the Japanese part of the Internet is a gift that keeps on giving

>> No.20140766

Duo lingo -> Genki -> making fansubs with help from Google translate -> meditation -> fluency

>> No.20140769

eops don't realize how good they've got it

>> No.20140770

i'm down for the fansub approach, 6 months of fansubbing to fluency

>> No.20140840


how good is this translation /djt/?

>> No.20140859

How many months until と as a "quotation" marker stops confusing me?

>> No.20140863

tell people to learn all the kanji with their chinese readings instead of their japanese ones and make production sentence cards from futaba posts

>> No.20140872

It's been 3 months already for the record.

>> No.20140878

it'll come faster if you stop thinking about what the particle is doing and just keep encountering new sentences where it is used and you are able to guess confidently what is intended

>> No.20140901

using Anki or not? if you see certain word often enough you should learn it anyway, so why use it?

>> No.20140959

When you don't see it often enough but need/want to learn it anyway.

>> No.20140975

I only get through like 100 sentences at most per day so anki helps a lot with exposing me to structures I don't encounter enough.

>> No.20140977

Efficiency. I have to immerse for hours to see a certain word VS just having it in Anki

>> No.20141002

Wish I had money so I can buy 可愛ければ変態でも好きになってくれますか?, I can't find the novels anywhere online

>> No.20141064

i post this exact phrase a lot but "revisiting old material and understanding it much better than you did on your last attempt" is by far the best feel in learning this language. at the start of this year i could barely make out any given sentence of re: zero but now i can read it pretty comfortably with the help of a dictionary.

>> No.20141069

What do you guys have you anki intervals set to?

>> No.20141081

Translate this tweet, is it even japanese?

>> No.20141084

but what's the point of knowing that word if it doesn't come often enough?

>> No.20141101

If it comes often enough that you see it but not often enough for you to learn it.

>> No.20141112

Yes, it is "Japanese", but shit tier Twitter Japanese.

It's like reading English Tweets from people who use words like "lit" with 20 emoticons.

>> No.20141114

>Naruto at the DJT
>the scan is so shit you can't read furigana

c-can someone pls fix it

>> No.20141118

In your final video you should say "Hi I'm X and after 12 months of studying Japanese I've acquired a larger passive vocabulary than the average 3 year old."

>> No.20141144

Anyone got a source on who made/wrote this? This guy's speaking my language.

>> No.20141155

How much are you reading and listening to per day? There's no way that should still be giving you trouble after 3 months.

>> No.20141164

go back to giving good advice on reddit and educating matt vlad.

>> No.20141171

Hours every day with only yesterday being an exception in that entire 3 months.

>> No.20141173

I'm on level 20 of WaniKani now and I'm starting to think I could get better mileage out of Kanji Garden which is free (for now.) Has anyone here used either and can pitch in?

>> No.20141175

Sorry, I don't help tripfags.

>> No.20141201

it's good for you
t. finished learning the hiragana and katakana by reading scans with 5px tall furigana

>> No.20141207

anyone know where i can find a post from an anon where he details how to get rid of a bunch of extra fluff/bullshit in yomichan's card formatting?

>> No.20141208

have you tried compelling content

>> No.20141210

They're not mutually exclusive.

>> No.20141212

of course not, but what a big distraction

>> No.20141215

30 minutes a day is not a big distraction.

>> No.20141228


>> No.20141231

There are some templates on itazuraneko, if that's what you're talking about:

>> No.20141261
File: 20 KB, 941x449, Screenshot_2018-10-27_03-38-53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20141278

>Kanji Garden

I looked this shit up and it's a multiple choice isolated kanji reading app. If you think this shit is good there is nothing anyone can do to help you.

>> No.20141292

What's with the きに at the end?

>> No.20141310

I don't rely on the multiple-choice, if I don't remember the meaning I tell it I forgot the meaning. You can type in the readings, only the meaning has a multiple-choice for whatever reason but you can ignore it.

RTK is isolated kanji and doesn't even have readings so if you wanna flame anything it should be RTK which is worshipped on these threads.

>> No.20141315

RTK is shat on in these threads but you're right that people still think it's better than the disgusting piece of shit that is WK or its direct competitors.

>> No.20141323

>RTK is isolated kanji and doesn't even have readings
That's a good thing because you should learn them in words only.

>> No.20141331

Steve dropping truth bombs. Matt take note.


>> No.20141333

When people learn to write kanji do you tell them they should be learning how to write words instead? idk where this retarded logic came from.
Knowing a kanji and its readings makes it easier for me to remember vocabulary, even retroactively if I learn a kanji for a word I already know it makes me remember it even better.

>> No.20141340

wk is actually better than rtk as long as you pirate it

you still really shouldn't use either, rtk is worthless because it only makes sense if you don't know japanese and that's exactly the time when practicing writing makes no sense

>> No.20141344
File: 80 KB, 960x1040, best card type.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When people learn to write kanji do you tell them they should be learning how to write words instead?
Yes. That is literally how I'm learning to write them.

>> No.20141345

it's just rtk with even more bullshit added, so it's strictly worse. neither should be done.

>> No.20141359

You can do whatever makes you tingly, it'll all work out so long as you read and listen. I regret participating in retarded DJT method autism and will now watch anime for two hours as penance.

>> No.20141364

>When people learn to write kanji do you tell them they should be learning how to write words instead?
Yes. You need to be learning how to write words when you write kanji. There's no use in writing a kanji if you're not going to write a word with it.
This is how natives learn them too, they get the kanji formally introduced along with kunyomi and onyomi words they already know. It's fine to do kanji study, but it needs to not be isolated. You should have something like KKLC where you are introduced to words at the same time. Make sure you are getting other input as well so you'll be exposed to these words in context.

Ideally if you're going to learn how to write it would help to already know Japanese, but if you're itching to get started then you should at least learn both at the same time and not just writing.

>> No.20141373

WaniKani teaches you at least two words for each kanji, one with Kun'yomi and one with On'yomi readings.

>> No.20141378

you're a dumbass if you're trying to learn to write while learning to reading. end of story.

>> No.20141381
File: 19 KB, 941x449, Screenshot_2018-10-27_04-09-33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yomichan for comparison

note the loss of information about the word (v1,vi,uk)

>> No.20141388

it's not rtk at all dude the method and order are completely different

>> No.20141408
File: 40 KB, 335x499, 193243584352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone doing RTK and around the 600 kanji mark? I'd like to meet someone that will upload screenshots of their completed reps every day with me on a discord server of our own. That way we can encourage each other to keep going.

>> No.20141416
File: 23 KB, 941x449, Screenshot_2018-10-27_04-20-27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and nazeka, because why not

are there any other rikai extensions with anki support or am i right in thinking that this is this all of them?

>> No.20141581
File: 84 KB, 800x800, 1525960557464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does the じゃきに mean? I get that it's an accent thing, but I don't get what a sentence ending きに is supposed to add and what it's derived from.

>> No.20141582


I don't really read much "deep" stuff. I only really like slice of life cute manga. 90% of my mining comes from anime girl artists on twitter.

>> No.20141595

is nazeka the only one that includes the tags AND keeps different senses separated?

>> No.20141657

- best control over which word + reading you want to mine
- easy to set up and use
- supports audio
- worst card formatting
- all info about word lost with rikai-like template

- most faithful to rikaisama
- easy to set up and use
- supports audio
- supports pitch accent (for some words)
- card formatting not as good a nazeka
- can only mine first word or reading in pop-up

- best card formatting (numbered definitions; doesn't just group all tags applying to a word at the beginning of the definition and instead applies specific tags only to their relevant sub-definitions)
- can choose which word from the pop-up you want to mine via the mining ui
- if a word has multiple readings for a particular spelling, nazeka will mine them all instead of just the one that you want
- least intuitive to use
- no control over which fields get filled
- no audio support

>> No.20141660
File: 78 KB, 787x415, CAsqivPVAAAMNHy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like it's 土佐弁, and indicates reason like だから or ので

>> No.20141682

>doesn't just group all tags applying to a word at the beginning of the definition and instead applies specific tags only to their relevant sub-definitions
note: if a numbered sense has the same tags as the previous sense, it doesn't repeat the tags, it only includes the tags when that sense has different tags from the previous one

(n) (1) below; down; under; younger (e.g. daughter); (2) bottom; (3) beneath; underneath; (4) (as 下から, 下より, etc.) just after; right after; (n, adj-no) (5) inferiority; one's inferior (i.e. one's junior); (n) (6) trade-in; (n-pref) (7) preliminary; preparatory;

>> No.20141685

TIL catgirls are from tosa

>> No.20141707
File: 762 KB, 1920x1080, nya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sounds silly as shit
not tosaben but:

>> No.20141712
File: 70 KB, 2000x449, Screenshot_2018-10-27_05-28-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yomichan's ugly default template does too, if you can stomach it.

>> No.20141716

wow that's horrible

i guess you might be able to salvage it with some in-template javascript if anki allows it

>> No.20141747


>> No.20141772

Thank you so much. 万謝いたす
I was beginning to think it was something the author made up, I couldn't find anything.
How did you find it? I find myself struggling a lot with accents and often not finding much about what I'm struggling with.

>> No.20141774

don't think, feel

>> No.20141783
File: 408 KB, 733x750, renge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

googled きに 方言

>> No.20141793



>> No.20141813


>> No.20141817

why does core6k show some words as just hiragana when they have a kanji? just went to mine 埃 before realizing i'm supposed to know it already.

>> No.20141826
File: 82 KB, 711x632, 1456805685672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh. I googled じゃきに 方言 and ended up with not that.

>> No.20141835


>> No.20141842

please stop permanently crippling my japanese

>> No.20141856




>> No.20141869


>> No.20141871

Is it just me or all the megalinks in the cornucopia broken on the new guide?

>> No.20141885

you have to add the mega.nz domain name to them

>> No.20141909

or this yeah

>> No.20141916

meant to quote >>20141888 i'm not a smart guy

>> No.20141923

i mean you can always just reinstall anki and the deck and suspend any words you already know well so you don't have to go through them again

>> No.20142143

Losing your progress on VN Core is nothing to worry about. Everything there is so common that it's basically impossible not to learn if you're reading and listening even semi-regularly.

Just drop it and either quit Anki or take up mining from here on out.

>> No.20142162


>> No.20142199


Daily karaoke with Nuke-chan

>> No.20142274

In this quote from Howl's Moving Castle: "ちょっと太いかしだね", what does the "かしだ" mean? I also hear sentences ending in かしだ a lot, unless I'm completely mishearing it.

>> No.20142280

Anyone have Khafka on the Shore in azw? Japanese of course.

>> No.20142283

Oh fuck, that would explain a lot.

So "ちょっと太いかしらね", is "I wonder if this is too thick". Makes sense now, thanks.

>> No.20142348

Does it even have an ebook version? I can't find anything save for a couple pdfs on baidu but baidu-dl stopped working. Probably photocopies of the paper book.

>> No.20142768

There' a guide up on the neocities pages explaining step by step exactly what to do.

>> No.20142772

I've done exactly that, multiple times, I just can't get it to work

>> No.20142773

Describe your problem.

>> No.20142794

>just gives me an error or nothing at all
Yomichan gives you an error or Anki does?

Make sure you're using the latest 2.0 or 2.1 version of Anki, and that you have the latest version of the AnkiConnect add-on just to make sure it's not some bug in one of those causing the problem.

>> No.20142840
File: 854 KB, 1280x720, 1520018014892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Updating ankiconnect fixed it, time to fucking kill myself

>> No.20143051


>> No.20143204


>> No.20143299

What is the most authentic way of saying "This isn't even my final form!" in Japanese?

>> No.20143318


>> No.20143335


>> No.20143381



>> No.20143600

We spent years learning this "skill" and now we can't even get a job with it What were we thinking?

>> No.20143684

No, you spent years "learning" the skill, which is why you can't get a job.

>> No.20143687

I spent years how to rocket jump in TF2 *dab*

>> No.20143720

I want to try translating something but I'm nowhere near fluent to read everything without help.
I googled a little and found https://github.com/davidfstr/Uhuru which looks decent but it needs Python and stuff.
Does anyone know of a tool that you paste Japanese text into, you get a rough machine translation, more accurate kanji translations on demand, and maybe a text box to write your translation into?

>> No.20143878

First off wow. Second off how does Matt not yet realize that 4chan recommends immersion above all else?

Instead he met some cock sucking core drone representative.

>> No.20143880


>> No.20143892

What are the right anki settings?

>> No.20143907



>> No.20143932

>how does Matt not yet realize that 4chan recommends immersion above all else?
This thread is pretty mixed on that issue though.

>> No.20143942

Funny how he uses somebody who would get laughed at and be treated like a shitty troll as a representative of 4chan. It's probably a made up story anyway.

>> No.20143945

What? No it's not. Everyone stresses immersion, though some recommend mining (which matt does too).

>> No.20143980

Barely. And I never see them recommend Core6k. It's always vncore or Core2k, and even then people tell them to abandon them after the first 1k words and just read more or mine. Nothing like the 10k guy Matt spoke with.

>> No.20143998

how many words should i do in a premade deck before abandoning it?

>> No.20144013

Seriously, start using these settings.
Also check out this video for additional info on settings you can tinker with.


>> No.20144017


>> No.20144023

why mine instead of just getting words by frequency out of the way? is it because you're more likely to have an affinity for certain words that won't necessarily be in frequency order? So you should just anki words that you "like" and notice because they'll be easier?

>> No.20144025

So essentially
Rep less, learn more
Makes perfect sense

>> No.20144030

vlad is a beast. shame he doesn't post here more.

or does he?

>> No.20144060

And here we have the loser recommending to abandon the core150k deck not even a tenth of the way in

>> No.20144174

I used Anki. It was the reason I gave up multiple times on learning Japanese, I stopped using it and now I am regularly reading for multiple hours a day.
I can see its benefits tho, in my opinion start doing Anki. If you ever feel like Anki is holding you back or you get burned out due to Anki, stop doing Anki and just keep reading.
Also, dont be like me and only read, try to get some listenting practice via anime or podcasts in as well.

>> No.20144197

Not more than 1000. Premade decks are shit

>> No.20144314

Manga isn't reading anyway.

>> No.20144390

lets read together!


here's an easy novel for us all to enjoy. Murakami novels are entry level as fug and comfy to read.

>> No.20144436

>he went through core10k at 100 cards a day
>he was repping from 7 hours a day
>he had also done a million textbooks and stuff
- is outright lying or
- got trolled pretty badly or
- found the dumbest nigger to ever come crawling out of this shithole
Odds are he's simply lying to be honest, wouldn't be a first.
>the advice you find [...] is so impractical.
Because recommending people to do RTK before any real studying is practical somehow?

>> No.20144475

This. It's like Matt forgot (definitely NOT on purpose by the way!) about all his grandiose talks about input vs output

>> No.20144596

Why do you keep bringing him up you fucking moron? Fuck off. The thread has been beautiful without him shitting it up.

>> No.20144665

Why not?

>> No.20144744

Reminder to always masturbate after your reps

>> No.20144760

you don't have to remind me.

>> No.20144774

Anime is the secret sauce better get to it

>> No.20144794

FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.20144802

I've been immersing for awhile and apparently I don't yet understand understand simple things that I should have by now. Kinda pisses me off because I haven't even enjoyed it.

>> No.20145016

I can't even understand lyrics in English most of the time.

>> No.20145305

we need more photoshops of e-celebs

>> No.20145317
File: 220 KB, 500x339, Yoga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got you, senpai.

>> No.20145322

What's an acceptable reading speed for an average VN in chars/min for someone who has read for about 400 hours?

>> No.20145363

I have read for about 543 hours and aim for 28 characters per minute.

>> No.20145372


>> No.20145378

300 lines per hour at a minimum, dunno about characters.

>> No.20145394

Just gonna leave free advice here. Some perma-intermediate tards will tell you to ditch Anki ASAP, maybe after you're done with 2K, maybe 2K+6K, maybe 10K. Don't listen to them, keep mining. Reading and looking up words constantly is not a substitute for proper practice, ESPECIALLY as the vocabulary becomes more uncommon and specialized.

>> No.20145422

This has already been my experience a mere 1k words in. Yea I come across these common words often but not often enough that I actually remember them unless I use anki. Anki is just a straight up upgrade for your memory no matter the situation. It's always a question of if you can tolerate it enough to keep doing it.

>> No.20145429


>> No.20145433

It is, but contracted.. 登らせられる -> 登らされる

>> No.20145463

fucking graded readers, I didnt expect them to do that, especially since it was the first instance of them using that conjugation

>> No.20145472

immersion since day 1
decks only after you're done with Tae Kim

>> No.20145566

>Found the kanji de manga books I bought when I was 12 on strorage.
Can amyone challenge the length of my dekinai status.

>> No.20145603
File: 2 KB, 487x22, RTK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't tell us your age, so how would we know?

I started over 14 years ago and I'm still dekinai.

>> No.20145615

I only learn Japanese so I can shitpost in /djt/.

>> No.20145633

Just skimmed through it and he does sound full of himself even when speaking with Japanese people. Sounds natural enough, in that he falls back to vague phrases to mask his inadequate active vocab. For 6 years of study including stays in Japan it's nothing worth the attitude he displays, that's for sure.

>> No.20145631

10000 hours of English subbed anime is how you start. Don't need any base for that and it even gives you one!

>> No.20145634

You learn the words by seeing and looking them up in context.

>> No.20145649

>including stays in Japan
one stay as an exchange student where he hid in the bathroom to eat lunch and listen to anime on his ipod and then left after 6 months because he was miserable, watch his 3 hour video if you want more on that story

>> No.20145653

I don't know. I want to know Japanese, but I just never put in enough effort. I've probably only put in 2 years of consistent effort over those 14 years. Several years ago I was up to 7k Anki cards, but quit. This year I've watched about 150 hours of raw anime and learned to write over 1000 kanji, so I'm progressing a little.

>> No.20145656

also his host family was pissed at him because he didn't want to talk to them because you're supposed to not output when ajatting lol

>> No.20145657

Oh, that explains the attitude. Traumatized about his awful Japanese, he then learned it at a fairly normal pace and has to shove it in everyone's faces to compensate for his repressed memories.

>> No.20145658

goddamn, I learned how to write 3030 kanji in 3 months and I've started a year ago
I feel sad for you, hopefully I don't end up like you

>> No.20145662

What if my priority is just being able to read though. My goals for japanese are not that lofty. I just want to be able to read video games, and manga. I can see why seeing actions and being able to attach them to words is beneficial for acquisition, but wouldn't grinding a vocab deck just for a little bit be quicker for getting you into reading?

>> No.20145667

why does any of that matter. he's better than you. deal with it.

>> No.20145688

Alright matt you're just asking for it. I challenge you to a japanese rap battle. Don't pussy out on me cunt, give me your mail ado and we'll set it up live on youtube

>> No.20145700

>sign up for my patreon
I'm not giving you money, you silly bitch

>> No.20145710

I misunderstood you. I was just saying It makes sense to me to learn a few words before really tackling reading so you don't frustrate your self looking up common stuff early on.

>> No.20145722

you're going to frustrate yourself looking up common stuff no matter how long you put it off, but if you want to learn 500 words before you start that's fine

>> No.20145767

story sounded real to me

>> No.20145777

of course it's made up, what are the odds that Matt would just randomly meet such an incredibly autistic strawman

>> No.20145812

Digits confirm. I have no doubt he is under the impression the cocksuckers who gave him money will buy that shit in a heartbeat tough.

>> No.20145840

matt has like 5000 people who would recognize him. there are like 100 people who somewhat frequent these threads, and those 100 people are spread out all over the western world, so the odds are pretty low. Also if it is true it is almost 100% chance it is int as int supports retards like that while people on jp shit on anki drones and constantly say read more and watch anime.

>> No.20145841

I particularly like the parts where he hands this guy he just met a Japanese book to autistically test his reading and then walks off with him in search of Japanese people like he's collecting Pokémon for a Japanese dick measuring contest

I mean, if this really happened it's actually worse

Either way it's pretty revealing about Matt's character because this is not how normal people behave

>> No.20145862

>there are like 100 people who somewhat frequent these threads
you underestimate lurker to poster ratio

>> No.20145863

he said they were from 4chan, not necessarily from djt. this is really not hard to believe at all. people recognize even unpopular youtubers - it happens.

>> No.20145864

Next time someone meets him they should autistically scream 勝負 at him.

>> No.20145874

yoshi time to do the laundry

>> No.20145877

what do you think yoshi's pantsu smell like? ufufu

>> No.20145880

I don't get the Matt sucks at Japanese meme at all? He is literally good, we wish we could get to his level, let's be fucking honest...

>> No.20145885

stop false flagging

>> No.20145901

>There's a fair amount of people here recommending stupid stuff like premade vocab decks.
You mean like Matt now does?

A lot of people here say not to even do Core and almost everyone says you should go no further than 1K or 2K words at max.

>> No.20145902

It's short absences like these that puts into perspective just how badly he destroys threads, because even with the usual Mattposting the thread is better.

>> No.20145918

I'm finally native-level in English

>> No.20145925

>Because recommending people to do RTK before any real studying is practical somehow?
Don't forget the first month where you only do meditation.

With Matt's timeline, you don't even finish Tae Kim until you're already 6 fucking months into the process. 1 month mediating, 4 months RTK, 1 more month to do Tae Kim.

>> No.20145926

he recorded the 1 minute Japanese audio version of the "why I don't make videos in Japanese" video line by fucking line, that's how insecure he is about his fluent Japanese

it's just pathetic

>> No.20145928

The one video he has without a script sounds good. He knows Japanese, unsurprising considering he's made it his life for 8 years.
He's also an insecure piece of shit who can't get over himself, which results in him not having anything worthwhile to say in Japanese:

and also being too embarrassed to post even scripted videos on his channel because other "gaijin" will be looking at them.

>> No.20145935

>visit thread about once a month
>always posting about some faggot eceleb
/djt/ was a mistake

>> No.20145936

The problem with a user who spends all their time on a thread is they end up replying to anything that piques their interest. The result is a single power user with free time (Jamal) can constantly sway the flow of conversation and tone of a thread all on their own. A single annoying user can bring down the quality of an entire thread dramatically.

>> No.20145941

don't forget how many hours of content you've wasted on yourself when it was not compelling or comprehensible

>> No.20145950

I literally can't remember a word in Anki unless I've learned it from listening

>> No.20145979

why do people say to go no further than 1 k words if they arent even arranged in terms of frequency
words like dog or tree are thousand cards in
that deck is a total shit for someone to say 'stop at 1k dude', like that arbitrary number made even sense in the context of the deck

>> No.20145986

and that's why now vncore exists

>> No.20145987

It's funny to see someone making a ton of money by spouting complete bullshit about language learning when you can reach more or less his level with the DJT approach, probably better if you can practice your production regularly from early on.


>and also being too embarrassed to post even scripted videos on his channel because other "gaijin" will be looking at them.
Probably because people would figure out he's full of shit, even in the Muramasa video he had to admit in the description that he misread a bunch of words despite having practiced it in advance.

So yes he "knows" Japanese but I doubt he can hold a meaningful conversation that doesn't revolve around himself.

>> No.20146029

I watched re zero with english subs

>> No.20146034

After 2 months I'm around Tae Tae while reading a VN. Hate this language.

>> No.20146057

I have read at list 1 vol of everything on that list. I cut out a lot of what I read and not everything on the list I enjoyed. like kino and konosuba were meh, while haruhi and oreimo are amazing and I read all volumes of them.

>> No.20146061

Leyline and bored wondering if I should try Kino.

>> No.20146063

I've read 6mb of VN text so whatever that is

>> No.20146064

VNs are fun though.

>> No.20146071

eeey geyline dude what's up take it easy man you're gonna make it

>> No.20146084


>> No.20146090

Geyline dude, i recommend you try it. If nothing else it's something you can easily try without having to dl or install anything. Plus since it's short individual stories you get a better sense of progression from finishing a chapter.

>> No.20146091

is reading books you read before in English cheating?

having a great time reading murakami but I suspect some things would go over my head if I didn't know where the story's going

>> No.20146115

Just wondering, what's your IQ? I'd say give up if it's below 110. I think I speak for all of us when I say we are too busy being successful in our personal lives on top of learning Japanese to babysit you.

>> No.20146126

Just fake it until you make it. It actually works.

>> No.20146131

*kisses his cat* no u

>> No.20146134
File: 898 KB, 1500x1430, 1520734450307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome to language learning, if you don't like it read translations instead

>> No.20146147

stop false flagging

>> No.20146148

nah my man i started believing in just read when reading was still suffering because it was the first time i felt any progress

>> No.20146151

>and it never gets easier
>i went back to the beginning of leyline and i could more easily parse the words, and i could more easily understand what was happening than i could 2 months ago
It gets easier
It'll be a decent chunk of time before you don't need constant dictionary assistance, but that's life. Languages have a lot of fucking words. It takes time. But it does get easier.

>> No.20146156

>Cringe... if you believe in that then you must not be very smart
huh? i "believe" in it because i pay attention to experts in that field. are you a science denier? oh well, not the thread for it.
>You can tell a will-never-learn-Japanese apart from genuine Japanese knowers from the screenshots displaying below-90% retention rate in Anki and posts begging for support.
idk what that has to do with me. i'm not begging for support. i'm calling bullshit.

>> No.20146155

this is the only good post djt has seen in two hours

>> No.20146159

reading is always suffering in the beginning, even if you finished core20k

but if you're looking up literally every word it might be too soon

>> No.20146178

>g deniers

>> No.20146179

Just curious: how many anime have you watched?

>> No.20146200

What about english/whatever language subbed?

>> No.20146201

140 episodes of DB, 60 episodes of HxH, One Punch Man, Mob Psycho 100, all of Terrace House BGND, and another 12 episode show i forget. all raw.

>> No.20146216 [DELETED] 

is there a website like "wiki How to" in Japanese?

>> No.20146221

It's based on experience of people who started learning Japanese with strong enough base to jump into reading right away.

>> No.20146237

Anon, you should definitely have made significant progress like >>20146230 if you've watched that much raw. Hell, you've actually watched more raw episodes than me.

>> No.20146259

It's a divine message from kami-sama telling you to nigeru from nihongo.

>> No.20146262

Certainly more than "almost nothing." What's tripping you up? The vocabulary? The grammar?

>> No.20146268

...everything? i can hear about 100 words and that's it. there is no "grammar" to understand because i never know most of the words in a sentence.

>> No.20146271

I have seen a fair bit more than you but still not much.
me -> >>20146230

you should be able to understand like 90%+ of slice of life and maybe ~80% of most other shows. accasionaly a show is very hard like shoujo senki and you will prolly only get like ~50% of it.

But do you read? That might affect it more for me.

>> No.20146274

i read 2 hours a day and listen 2 hours a day.

>> No.20146278

It sounds like you just don't have enough vocab. Do you ankidrone? How many cards are "mature" for you?

>> No.20146285

how many subbed anime hours dude

>> No.20146288

You've been pouring your foundation. But it's still wet. It needs time to settle.

Don't start building right on top of it. Take care of the landscape around the foundation and start gathering framing materials.

You should be probing your ability to read, not forcing yourself to read at length for long periods of time. You should ALSO make sure that this "probing" is actually consequential and deep. If you just like look at some japanese tweets and go "I don't know shit" then it won't help. It should be more like reading a couple pages of manga then putting it down and reflecting on how hard or easy it was.

It also doesn't matter how many words or grammar points you know if they haven't been sitting in your brain for long enough. They're not accessible to each other, and it's "trying to read" or "probing your reading ability" that causes them to become connected.

Once you hit "critical mass", the difference between words and grammar will start to blur ever so slightly. This is when you should start forcing yourself to read, because it's when you're ready to acquire naturally.

Oh also don't forget to watch japanese youtube and anime semi-actively without english subs.

>> No.20146291

I thought you said you were going to leave for a few months and see how things went, geyline guy. What happened to that?

You already said it's gotten a little easier than 2 months ago, now all you have to do is keep looking up words for 10 times that and you'll be set.

>> No.20146294
File: 82 KB, 555x658, decks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you ankidrone?
no. i wish i did. then i'd actually learn something. this is vncore and dojg.

>> No.20146299

i realized how full of shit i was and that things will never get much better. the thing is i said it got a little bit easier to parse the opening of leyline. that took 2 fucking months. i'm never getting anywhere at that snails pace.

>> No.20146302

Also console RPGs are a terrible place to start learning as a beginner. A lot of them are full of jargon and harsh dialects. I recommend consuming manga with furigana, intended for middle schoolers, that isn't isekai or complex drama. So that basically means shounen comedies meant for 14-year-olds. Good luck.

>> No.20146308

>not even at 300 total mature words
There's your problem. Your vocabulary is shit. This won't be nice to hear, but you're going to have to learn way, way more words before you really start understanding a lot of things on a more consistent basis. Makea mining deck. It's not just a meme.

>> No.20146316

well here we fucking go. there's already people here saying they dove straight into reading and improved that way, and they recommend it to others for improving. are they full of shit?

>> No.20146317

Just want to let everyone know. These two people have not actually seen much raw anime in the grand scheme of learning japanese.

mal guy has seen like 350 hours and other guy has seen only like 60 hours. this is actually nothing. Don't feel bad if you have not made it by then.

>> No.20146321
File: 39 KB, 241x306, 1359048653348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

once upon a time someone memed zettai reiiki by posting picture related. it became a low-grade meme.

i had been doing random bullshit that didn't work and failing to ankidrone for the past 6~12 months or more at that point, so i figured, fuck it, i'm almost depressed, might as well look at pictures of cute girls

i somehow read the entire thing from start to finish without using a dictionary in under a single week. it was the most compelling and educational experience of my life. i learned more japanese from zettai reiiki than i had ever learned from anything before that point, even collectively.

i don't know what kind of fundamentals i had when i started, but it was enough to understand 50% of the jokes and almost all of what was going on.

this is you want. you need to find your one incredible content experience. you have no idea what it is until you try it. you might need to know only 100 words depending on what it is. it might be LITERALLY dies irae and you might need over 10k words and an understanding of east-asian buddhism to truly appreciate it. but it's out there, and you can find it. it just takes time.

don't give up.

>> No.20146323

I'm telling you 2 months is a joke and nowhere near long enough to be giving any sort of testimony.

You need to be putting effort into understanding things, and it has to be because you like putting effort into understanding them. That includes picking out and looking up words you don't know and googling/asking about grammar so that you can comprehend each sentence. If you don't like it, you shouldn't be forcing yourself to learn the language, you're not going to be able to keep it up.

>> No.20146332

They probably watched more anime than you.

>> No.20146340


>> No.20146358

yea i know i should stop input and try to grind out more vocab but people keep saying input is the way to go so i'm still testing that theory.

>> No.20146360

this post is directed at geyline guy

don't give up.

>> No.20146373

Are you just saying you can't read kanji?
Try focusing harder on the shapes of the kanji when you read so you can remember them for next time you see the word. There's always the option of kanji study too, it can be good for exposing you to lots of kanji and vocab that contains them so you know what you're in for.

>> No.20146375

Japanese isn't some obscure math concept you need to study extensively for years to kind of understand, you can make sense of the vast majory of sentences with just basic grammar. There's just a lot you have to learn and assimilate.
Sure if you're trying to read at the same pace as you're reading English you're gonna have a rough time. Just take it slow, step by step, word by word.

>> No.20146410

They're not wrong, but you're just not at the stage where it's actually fun and you understand things. It takes longer to build a solid foundation. Just keep cracking at it.

>> No.20146437

what's everyones thought on this post by Matto sensei ?

>> No.20146439

>only know 300 worsds after 2 months
that's ~2k words a year at this space. Oh and it gets way, WAY easier to learn new words over time (you'll most likely know at least one kanji and will be able to make connections to words you already know)
At this pace you'll be N1 in 3 years.

>> No.20146449

>you can’t expect to be improving at even close to the rate that I or other prominent AJATTers did
only took him 9 years to fluency ;^)

>> No.20146508

>easy material (most anime)
the actual state of ironic weebs

>> No.20146512

Are you putting in 6+ hours a day? That's what's required to hit the number of hours for basic fluency in a year

>> No.20146516



>> No.20146519

Why do people accuse 4channers of being nasty? They can be motivational and helpful.

>> No.20146531

For every """hard""" anime you can name I can name 10 easy ones

>> No.20146538

i think it comes from a deep place of stigma around 4chan in general

>> No.20146545

>i already know from several testimonies (from people who learned from daily input) that "basic" fluency, i.e. understanding 90% of a given anime, 99% of a SoL manga, and a large portion of a VN should take about a year.
Don't concern yourself with other people's claims of fluency. There are way too many variables involved in people's study habits even if they only use "/djt/-approved" ways.

>> No.20146557

I'm sure I remember someone saying he went to Japan a second time.

Also, when he was at university there were a bunch of Japanese people there who he says he hung out with and spoke to in Japanese daily, which is in practical terms not really any different from living in Japan and doing the same thing there.

>> No.20146585

>even in the Muramasa video he had to admit in the description that he misread a bunch of words despite having practiced it in advance.

>Oh yea and I did read through the part that I read ahead of time
>looks like this lead my brain's predictive abilities to fail me a few times
He read through it before recording and then tries to blame his "predictive abilities" for his mistakes w

>> No.20146739
File: 7 KB, 500x300, 1537762385290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20146759

Stupid people overestimating their abilities doesn't require a conspiracy.

>> No.20146764

Animelon sucks, some of their jap subtitles are wrong, why is it in the guide?

>> No.20146774

anyone who claims to have "99% comprehension" of anything but graded readers or example sentences after a year of learning is lying or delusional - or both
there ARE people who have gotten extremely good after just two or three years, but THEY are the outliers
anyone who claims to be even faster is not to be trusted

>> No.20146789

Oh yea? This guy is amazing after only 13 months.

>> No.20146791

You can't trust anyone's claims of comprehension. Just because they think they understand something doesn't mean they actually do. And I doubt any of them every actually test their understanding because that would take away from their immersion time.

>> No.20146809

stupid drone

>> No.20146812


>> No.20146848

What method did this guy use? He's really good.


>> No.20146851

I did 2K in core, froze that deck, and then started mining.

>> No.20146852

there is a deck with all 10k and the 1-6k have tags on them. So you can just delete the ones with the tag so that the only cards that are left are the remaining 4k.

>> No.20146898


Is it "BALLAR" in anki? I have one that has 3.5k words maybe that is it?

>> No.20146908

The 10,000 hours thing is a meme that has quite a bit of truth which is why I like to repeat it sans the idiotic addition of English subs people have been pushing as a joke. The part the meme doesn't include is that you need to be learning new words and phrases everyday while you do it. whether you use Anki in this is not the issue. You need to learn words and phrases so when you hear them in other shows you comprehend it. Build that at 20 to 30 words and phrases a day so you comprehend more and get more out of your anime watching.

You watched 200 hours of Japanese which is great, just keep learning words. If you are up to 2000 words then you should be noticing big differences from when you started. Also, if you find you have to keep relearning the same word, that's where Anki shines.

Don't be like me that fell for simple but ultimately time wasting advice like Khatz's "listen to anything in Japanese 24/7" which meant for two years I had 100 hours of Japanese shows on loop on my iPod. That was useless because it wasn't comprehensible. At least you're following a good meme, but don't think that's all you need.

>> No.20146915

raised in japan where his parents were stationed.

>> No.20146923

how do people drone 6000 words in anki and not know how to suspend or delete cards?

>> No.20146936


>> No.20146937

Is there any way to add audio to your cards easily without the use of Yomichan, etc.?

>> No.20146941


>> No.20146942


I do read, I do anki in addition for more gains. Why is that so hard to understand for EOP crabs?

>> No.20146946

How would you go about doing it not-easily?

>> No.20146948

>idiotic addition of English subs
You just may be real nuke.

Just mine you moron. Premade decks are universally trash because you have no connection with the words.

>> No.20146957

When I first came here everyone was recommending 10k above all else. Glad to see the impact Matt has had here

>> No.20146961

I know how to do that. How do you get the audio file in the first place though?

>> No.20146975

No they weren't. 2K has been the recommendation here since the thread were on /a/. Stop lying and go back to Matt's discord.

>> No.20146978

This is pretty good but forgets to mention that optimal interval modifier setting is 180%

>> No.20146980

The shareX method that anon posted earlier in this thread works well (ctrl+f vlad and look at the post he's responding to to find it). You press a hotkey to start recording, play the audio, press the hotkey to stop the recording, and the result is automatically copied into your clipboard so you can just ctrl+v in the audio field in anki.

>> No.20146981

DJT has NEVER had a period where everyone was recommending coreplus,

>> No.20146986

Glad to see the impact Matt has had here

>> No.20147083

nah i think its in the resources here, it's called core 10k and IIRC it was split into diffrent sub decks, one of the sub decks was 6k to 10k. so there's that.

>> No.20147100


>> No.20147103

ironic shitposting is just shitposting
also you don't know japanese

>> No.20147109

Still waiting for a mail ado to host our rap battle you globulous nicromorph

>> No.20147117

おい クソガキ聞いて



>> No.20147121


*drops mic*

>> No.20147129


>> No.20147139

>You monkey.
>You reptile.
Make up your mind.

>> No.20147152

>i should have listened to matt and just sentence mined. at least then i would be drilling sentences with typos that i'm too bad at japanese to notice and permanently crippling my japanese that way.
fixed that for you

>> No.20147161

>i went back to the beginning of leyline and i could more easily parse the words, and i could more easily understand what was happening than i could 2 months ago
How many routes have you finished in the 2 months that you've been reading it?

>> No.20147164

about 1/8th of one

>> No.20147176

This. If you don't get a sentence by AT MOST the third re-read, just move on.

>> No.20147177

don't bully geyline dude

>> No.20147181

cmon guys, lets read 小説! the djt library has a few non weeb books for us to enjoy!

>> No.20147184


CRINGEって言いましたら 十四歳ぐらいかしら

>> No.20147185

i will because i thought i was geyline dude and then i come back and try to figure out who geyline dude is and it's this poser who reads an average of what five minutes a day

>> No.20147187


>> No.20147190

1 hour a day, 2 if i can force myself to do more.

>> No.20147197

appendage to the jdic audio pack, containing almost 2000 audio files that are missing from it but present on jpod101's servers


spread this around, i can't be bothered to post it on reddit or koohii so people can actually see it

>> No.20147204

Do you have the link to the jdic audio pack itself?

>> No.20147228

i could only find it as slow multipart downloads, sorry

>> No.20147238

oh, right, the CoR has it

>> No.20147243

How many of thee 2000 audio files cover reasonably common words?

Looks to be in the CoR as "JDIC_audio" with a mega link.

>> No.20147244

>will because i thought i was geyline dude
Geyline was always anon who goes on paragraph tirades about how he can't understand Leyline.

>> No.20147246

well the append has 北 in it so

it seems like whoever originally ripped it had connection problems and their script didn't retry failed downloads

>> No.20147279
File: 6 KB, 478x118, wat de fug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck

>> No.20147287

this is why you should use sakubi instead, because at least that dude isn't a literal pedo

>> No.20147291 [DELETED] 

As for low IQ DJT nigger, Japanese is impossible.

>> No.20147296 [DELETED] 

now say it in Japanese
oh wait
you can't

>> No.20147304

I'm going to let my wrist heal for a week and just give up on reading until I can do marathon sessions.

>> No.20147312 [DELETED] 


>> No.20147469


Why does your wrist hurt? Constantly stretching out the books because of stiff spine?

I hate physical because of this, especially when some parts of words are hidden in the very middle of the two pages and hard to see.

>> No.20147498

Anki drones BTFO

>> No.20147554



>> No.20147632

everyone preaches anime but 90% of it is shitty adaptations of superior manga, vns, or lns and of the remaining 10% that is anime originals, only maybe .5% are worth seeing.

>> No.20147640

many adaptations are worth seeing and can even be better than the source material or remove a damning context from it

>> No.20147641

Yeah but it's not bad listening practice.

>> No.20147665
File: 3 KB, 341x96, fml.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forgot to do my reps last night

>> No.20147845

Disconnect from the internet, change your clocks, and do your reps. No one will ever know.

Is the anime really better than the manga? I just watched it yesterday.
I've only ever read one manga series, ReLIFE, and it was significantly better than the anime.

>remove a damning context
>kino no tabi (2003), early jojo, shingeki no bahamut genesis
What do you mean by this?

>> No.20147862

>I've only ever read one manga series
what the actual fuck

>> No.20147865

shiki is based on a proto-light-novel series; the anime is an adaptation of both the novels and the manga

kino no tabi's LNs are written by a gun nut and the original adaptation filtered out most of the bad violence-focused stories (the new adaptation didn't), early jojo was a bad hokuto no ken parody until stardust crusaders (the anime fixed that, integrating the narrative undertones from the later jojo arcs), and shingeki no bahamut genesis is an adaptation of an exploitative mobile game

>> No.20147872

i forgot to say that shiki's anime fills some plot holes

>> No.20147876

>I've only ever read one manga series
Was it Yotsuba?

>> No.20147879

they literally say what it was the very next word you dumb quote copier

>> No.20147886

Sorry it seems I'm a retard.

>> No.20147931

the first adaptation of kino had more violence focused stories than the 2017 version, didn't it? god it even split Avengers up into two whole episodes. also they completely changed some stuff (country of books is so different that it might as well be anime-original)

plus it had "mother's love" which is 99% just watching dudes get shot to death.

>> No.20147933

I'm not a big manga fan. Scanlations are bad and reading them raw is too hard, so you can't win. I'd rather wait for them to become anime anyway. There are a few series, like Claymore, that I'm going to read eventually because I liked the anime but they will never get another season.

Thanks for the explanation.

Technically I read the first 2 volumes, but I don't consider that as reading a series.

>> No.20148006
File: 14 KB, 1075x86, red pill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I respect someone who is willing to fix mistakes.

>> No.20148012

Oh, and the kind country doesn't have gun violence either, but it doesn't get counted for obvious reasons and both series adapt it.

>> No.20148040

the oxford comma weeps

>> No.20148049

I need to drastically increase my input. I've half assed it for too long. Thanks for reading.

>> No.20148052

has he considered choosing a self-descriptive name for the plugin instead
i'd imagine that that the number of reviews that would be saved is ridiculously low for his hype

>> No.20148055

same, let us learn some nihongo

>> No.20148067

Manga isn't reading.

>> No.20148088

>that one time someone made a thread on reddit telling them to stop reading their textbook and to start reading native materials and everyone got pissed at him and he got downvoted to hell
