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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 156 KB, 500x752, 344119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2001670 No.2001670 [Reply] [Original]

seems like its out.


>> No.2001673

Touko gets killed by Willy Wonka? brb canceling download

>> No.2001675

Too bad it's boring shit

>> No.2001686

DDL link?

>> No.2001698

fucking god awful man. Does not feel good

>> No.2001701

It's HUEG unlike their previous releases.

>> No.2001732

OR did she?
She didn't.

>> No.2001744

Yeah, too bad. Im getting real sick of her fucking keikaku doori attitude

>> No.2001777
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Oh, ok. Because that would really make me rage. Yes, I'm a massive fag like that. I guess it would make me lose my head.

>> No.2001779

it's also more than twice as long as any of the other movies

>> No.2001789

Ah, didn't know that it was supposed to be that long.

>> No.2001794

shiki keeping a knife in her fake arm, and touko pulling off that alucard-esque familiar was pretty badass

>> No.2001798

Yes. TWO Shiki fight scenes!

>> No.2001801
File: 369 KB, 933x580, 1233400582959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- Dorm apartment.
- Stolen wireless connection due to rules about torrents.
- Slowest torrent EVER, I usually get 200 kB/s.
- DDL where?

>> No.2001812

IRC bots giving me 130KB/s max, FFFFFFFFFFFFFF

>> No.2001826

Touko did die.
But then she came back.

>> No.2001830

At the very least, it's not Willy Wonka that killed her.

>> No.2001839

Is it just me,or this one had a tiny bit of QUALITY every now and then? The previous ones seemed more well-drawn. Not complaining at all,given that this one is twice as long as those

>> No.2001850

I agree, but not in the traditional sense.
There aren't any entire frames of QUALITY, but they definitely skimped on things like the faces of the zombies. While Shiki remained absolutely beautiful, those zombies she fought were... kind of dull.
You could argue that it's a stylistic choice, but I think that's just an excuse, really.

>> No.2001863


>> No.2001870

Yes, the zombie fight scene did seemed a bit... well... lazy as comparison to Shiki vs ghost bitch.
It's still definitely movie-worthy quality, it only seemed like QUALITY by comparison.

>> No.2001876

Agreed,a bit more of detail would have been nice. All in all i'd say it's my favourite so far,the only problem was with Arba: i expected a decent magus putting up a decent fight for a while,and i got a batshit insane Willy Wonka that was owned in 10 secs.

>> No.2001877

Right, right. In comparison, not objectively.
Good to see that it wasn't just me.

>> No.2001883

Yeah, me too. Cornelius didn't put up a fight.
I remember a thread a couple months back about the DVD trailer, and someone was all "FUCK YEAH ARBA," so I expected a formidable maniac.
I waited the entire movie for him to wreck Touko's shit with sparkles and fire, but all I got was some Kokutou-head slamming. (Which did, admittedly, make me really cringe. That shit sounded like permanent BRAIN DAMAGE.)

>> No.2001893

Speaking of trailer, nice to see Cocteau's sister finally getting more screentime in the next movie.

I wonder if it's really going to be as... lighthearted as they make it seem though.
Also, ShikiwearingschooluniformHNNNNGGGGGGG

>> No.2001905

The end of the trailer just about killed me.
I was wondering why Azaka was just... standing there. Then she turns around and HNNNNNNNNNNNG-GHAGHJFDJBHDFBJD i died

>> No.2001912

Lol yes,i was surprised he got away with a bandage after leaving that HUEG blood stain.And i know that in the novels Mikiya doesn't do much,but god damn in the movies he is totally useless:all i'm asking for is him punching a zombie or some shit,nothing spectacular but it would be an upgrade from being the series' punching ball.

>> No.2001929

He is supposed to be the normal guy of normal guys (that somehow hangs out with Shiki of course)

>> No.2001943

You forget that he's an extremely gifted investigator.

Also, he's a really fucking good guy. And in love with Shiki.

Touko's recurring bit with "Would you _really_ be okay with it if Shiki was a male?" made me laugh.

>> No.2001948
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He pretty much sucks in the novel though. Just a bit less, that's all. He has these slime monsters which he summons to kill Touko and then spams a powerful flame spell to kill Touko's cat spirit; neither of which work at all.

The fire spell does come with awesome Nasu-style Engrish though.

>> No.2001968

Nice. So he really did use fire, huh...

I guess his uselessness makes sense since his whole character is based around the fact that Touko is better than he.

>> No.2001977


"Go away the shadow.
It is impossible to touch the thing which are not visible.
Forget the darkness.
It is impossible to see the thing which are not touched.
The question is prohibited.
The answer is simple.
I have the flame in the left hand.
And I have everything in the right hand ---."

"I am the order. Therefore,
'you will be defeated securely --- !"

>> No.2001979

Man, I should really look into buying the books. At a reasonable price.
Kinokuniya, maybe.

>> No.2002012


They're being published in English by Del Rey Manga, first one supposed to be released sometime this year. But going on what they did with the first chapter in Faust.... might not be worth it.

>> No.2002017

I'll take the Japanese versions, myself. I'm far too afraid of a bad translation to look into the English ones.

>> No.2002039


The online translations at mirror moon and baka-tsuki are pretty good though. Shame they only go up to half-way through chapter 5.

>> No.2002052

That's pretty far, though.

>> No.2002061


>> No.2002124



>> No.2002126

Better than the 6.7 I'm getting you fuck.

>> No.2002131

You fagets should've stayed up for 2 days straight like me so you could download it at 1mb/s as soon as it came out.

>> No.2002140

...which promptly dropped to the abominable level now seen as the hundred of tm fans jumped on board.

>> No.2002141

you enjoying your mediocre movie bro?

>> No.2002144

I already enjoyed it, thank you very much.

I enjoyed it a lot.

>> No.2002157

good... i was stuck on ep. 3 and i didnt really want to watch 4 yet

>> No.2002186 [SPOILER] 
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My penis exploded.

>> No.2002231

KNK got boring after the first 10 minutes of the first episode.
Too emo for me and I don't understand the shit that's going on. EP 1 was FUCK YEAH KILLING TOUHOUS then suddenly in EP 2 it's LOL SHIKI IS INSANE OR SOMETHING and EP 4 was LOL SHIKI IS HALF-DEAD FOR NO REASON WHAT IS THIS I DON'T EVEN. Fuck that shit.

>> No.2002239
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my goodness. Why is the torrent as fast as molasses?

>> No.2002242

nice troll.

>> No.2002249


>> No.2002245
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>> No.2002244

episode 4 was her waking up from a COMA she got after being HIT BY A CAR.

episode 2, you're just an idiot

>> No.2002256
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>> No.2002263

Straight form Takajun:
>The chapter order does not follow a linear time frame.
>This is the KnK timeframe:
>1995: September: Chapter 2
>1996: Shiki goes to hospital
>1998: June: Chapter 6
>July: Chapter 3
>September: Chapter 1
>November: Chapter 5
>1999: Chapter 6

Granted the chapters correlate with the movies.

>> No.2002272

number 7 is after 2

>> No.2002287

What car? She wasn't hit by anything in the previous 3 episodes.

>> No.2002292


Just stop trying

>> No.2002302


KnK is shit, but not for that reason. it's a mediocre prototype novel that reads like a clusterfuck. you can tell that nasu's skill was worthless back then.

the movies are terrible because you can't polish a turd.

>> No.2002336


Well, fair enough, I guess. I like Rakkyo a lot and find the story interesting, but Nasu's writing does leave much to be desired.

>> No.2002478

I want to fuck Willy Wonka.

>> No.2002575

that's a fantasy i've had since i was 14

>> No.2002585



>> No.2002612

twice as long as the other knks

>> No.2002615

See >>2001779

>> No.2002920

Is Ryogi really Type Moon's first attempt at a heroine?

She's far superior to Arcueid and Saber

what went wrong?

>> No.2002929
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They tried to improve on perfection but couldn't.

>> No.2002953

I've played the translated Type Moon games and watched the KnK movies.

I'm not sure how horribly pretentious his writing might have been back then, but Ryogi is Nasu's best female character by far, IMO?

>> No.2002955

ddl available at lolipower.org, getting 1mb/s from there

but good luck finding an available slot

>> No.2002960

I've played the translated Type Moon games and watched the KnK movies.

I'm not sure how horribly pretentious his writing might have been back then, but Ryogi is Nasu's best female character so far

>> No.2002966


1 GB from lolipower with my spiky connection?

I don't think that's going to work.

>> No.2003003


>> No.2003011

I noticed that Touko and Araya incorporated technology in their sorcery

doesn't the typical mage frown upon technology?

>> No.2003012

Lolipower is currently not serving Singapore.
Please use another DDL site.

Hey fuck you.

>> No.2003030


Shiki is GAR.

>> No.2003033


Serves you right for being from Singapore. What were you thinking?

Silly goose.

>> No.2003036
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Better than Akiha

>> No.2003040

That kind of attitude mostly comes from old families of magi with long histories.

Araya was a monk before he became a magus and Touko was an unusual case anyway.

>> No.2003044
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>> No.2003064


speaking of which did Touko take her in as her apprentice?

To my understanding Mikiya and Azaka come from non-mage families, so seeing her practicing sorcery was odd

>> No.2003084

Azaka specialized in fire magics, and had help from Touko in the form of a glove made out of salamander skin.

>> No.2003128

so she was a mage before Mikiya met Ryogi?

>> No.2003165

i dunno, in the books he basically gets PWNED too. look on baka tsuki - he doesn't so much get a hit on touko with his kekeke zergrush

>> No.2003167
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>> No.2003225


Azaka isn't a magus - she only has the potential for using fire. It's her knack. The reason she's studying with Touko is so that Touko can teach her some fundamental principles for using magic, which will allow her to better use that potential.

>> No.2003253
File: 122 KB, 500x333, 1233427600878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's because Touko's awesome. Pic related.

>> No.2003259


Holy shit! That's awesome.

>> No.2003264

when you use less detail the animation is more fluid. or do you like thick black lines on your impressionist paintings?
alba got his shit wrecked in the book too. shame we didn't see 10 seconds of slime in the firm.

>> No.2003287


so she has a psychic ability like Akiha?

but she comes from a normal family, right?

>> No.2003293

Akiha isn't a psychic

>> No.2003314

>psychic ability like Akiha


>> No.2003324

I managed to get the only open slot left on lolipower!


>> No.2003337

200? slow? You gigantic faggot.

You know not my pain.

35kb a second. ON MY BEST DAY.

Sometimes I'll get a mutant torrent that gives me about 120, but that almost never happens.

>> No.2003347


>mutant torrents

You mean "well-seeded"?

>> No.2003424


No, irradiated.

>> No.2003436

Just ignore it. It's not worth bothering with.

>> No.2003789


Akiha's family interbred with demons in their past. That's why they suffer from Inversion Impulse and become Kurenai Sekishu.

>> No.2003793

I finally got h264 files running on ps3 linux. Shit is SO cash.

>> No.2003795
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Why can't she become Kurenai Misuzu instead?

>> No.2003849

Because then she would be useless.

>> No.2003950

Touko dies

>> No.2003979
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Shiki died too, but that didn't stop her from coming back.

>> No.2004043
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Argh. I want part 6 yesterday.

>> No.2004059


Stop that. You know that scene hurt me deeply.

>> No.2004086

If you have a megaupload premium account, you can DDL knok5 here:


That might help some of you who are dealing with 11kbs download speed on your torrent.

>> No.2004095


I'm already at 35%

I think I can wait 10 hours.

>> No.2004106


I had 11 kbps on my torrent for about 15 minutes, then it ramped to up over 300 and it finished in about twenty minutes. So I dunno what the hell kind of torrents you guys are using.

>> No.2004118

Torrent was giving me some 70kb/s bullshite this morning, so I decided to try xdcc bots instead.

120kb/s :S
Needless to say, I'm only at 76%.

>> No.2004339
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Yep. Looking pretty dead there, Touko.

>> No.2004365

Willy Wonka is so erotic.

>> No.2004414

Amazing episode. Utterly amazing.

>> No.2004419


Heh, mine finished at 11AM -5GMT with an average DL speed of 1.6MBps. Man I love college T3 lines...

But hey, now I'm seeding at almost the same speed.

>> No.2004424


Correction, Mbps, not MBps
