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File: 3.63 MB, 2250x3200, 1466983658979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19713267 No.19713267 [Reply] [Original]

Last chapter:

Remember that Sunrise fest is coming, but don't get too hyped you know how is the deal.

>> No.19713284

So basically Rapid Fire King is a story placed on the foundation world but based on a daily life or the MC is going into some sort of adventure, like every other MC in kawakami's LN's?

>> No.19713297 [SPOILER] 
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Would you a mentally unstable retard?

>> No.19713385
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>Don't get too hyped
You'll never achieve a season 3 if you do this. Believe even when its hopeless

>> No.19713393

>Projecting this hard

>> No.19713408

You're basically trying to compare Mcdonalds with home-made burgers.

It was obvious that Index was going to get something at some point after how even railgun was successful, Horizon was always niche and is not printing money like LL. There is still 0.01% chances of getting a third season for Horizon but everyone who takes in consideration the actual status of S8 knows that is most likely not happening.

>> No.19713433

After the heavy object stint on the 10th anniversary, I find it hard to believe a season 3 would be greenlit after that. I mean, they brought up most the important relevant cast all to announce heavy object on Index's 10th anniversary, it wouldn't be unreasonable to assume that Index would never get a season 3. Rather then Mcdonalds, its more like an obscure restaurant burger then a mcdonalds

>> No.19713534

You really don't follow Miki, do you? He was literally spilling the beans all over the place about Index 3 and he confirmed that once the annoucement was done. Heavy Object has nothing to do with Index franchise other than just being a test for other titles from Kamachi.
Index is still Mcdonalds, is still printing money even after how the quality of the LN dropped so much to the point of reaching barely 5k on sales, now is selling more since Kamachi woke up, you have the spin-offs, the mangas, games, the LN's and the first 2 seasons. Common sense dictates that something like Index needs more products and since Index is the main title of the franchise you need to take your time with the dose you give to your consumers, that's exactly what Kamachi and Miki did.

Horizon on the other hand doesn't have that much success, yes the LN is still selling a lot reaching N°1 on rankings which is amazing considering the cost and the size, it has a game and the anime but other than that is not as successful, which IMO is pretty damn sad considering the top quality of the story.

>> No.19714005

Right... I guess my assumption was that it was written to readers of the novel rather than anime only fans. It was more introducing the 10 Spears to the magazine readers in the beginning.
And my nihongo is not great lol.

Still pretty amazing they've decided to do an OVA for Horizon after all this time.

>> No.19714210


Too bad we can't watch it.

>> No.19714263

That a lot of promotion between these projections, the SunFest, the BDBOX and the OVA.
Maybe we'll have an Kawakami related announcement in the DengekiFes for real.

>> No.19714391

When is that even? Around October, right?

>> No.19714439

October 7th

>> No.19715622

EDGE anime original

>> No.19715954

2nd Ahead original anime

>> No.19716733 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.19717543

I was awayu for a while, so here is a question: will 11th arc be final in Horizon or not?

>> No.19717608

Yes. Second last volume's release is next month and I dare say that the last one will hit us this year as well, maybe the same month as the BD set.

>> No.19718631

You could be right but normal pattern would be November.
Also, the Box release is December 21(?), which is unusual release date for the books as they usually come out in the first third of the month.

>> No.19718725 [DELETED] 

This entire thread may be seen as an example of worn egoic fracture being used as a weaponized social projection to ensure...something or other, this thread is full of milquetoast suit fillers.

>> No.19718882

Think we'll get a pv or key vis for the ova at sunrise or dengeki fest?

>> No.19718894

It's worth noting that all the marketing material has been consistent in calling Vol. 11 the end of "the main story concerning the Apocalypse", so there's almost certainly going to be more Horizon material afterwards.
More Girls Talk would be my guess, but who knows.

>> No.19719196

Do you remember if Kawakami ever mentioned on any afterword of Horizon, especially the unstranslated volumes, if there will be another Genesis?
On a side note, in your honest opinion, you think all this marketing can lead to a third season?

>> No.19720210
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>Do you remember if Kawakami ever mentioned on any afterword of Horizon, especially the unstranslated volumes, if there will be another Genesis?
He hasn't mentioned that or any other post-Horizon plans that I can recall.

>On a side note, in your honest opinion, you think all this marketing can lead to a third season?
I don't know enough about these things to say, but I doubt it. To me, it just feels like they're hyping up the end of the main series by animating some stuff/characters that would never otherwise get animated and using it to sell some BD boxes while they're at it.

>> No.19720222

Cute sniper.

>> No.19720673


>> No.19722337
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Let's wait for new good information.
Be a good boy.

>> No.19722689

I gotta say, I'm really not a fan of the Speers. Their role and background are one thing, but I find their characters to be fairly boring compared to the rest of the cast. The Army in OnC was vastly more enjoyable for me.

>> No.19723353

You're not the only one who feels that way, personally I feel like Kiyomasa and Fukushima are the worst from all the Speers.

>> No.19723391

Personally I was really bored with the Army parts and wanted them to finish so I could continue with Sayama & Co.

It happens less with the SPEERs to me. But I still find them uninteresting for the most part, but I guess as they get more relevant I'll find more interesting stuff in them.

>> No.19723407

I don't know, I liked the family dynamic the Army had. I agree that Mikoku was kind of boring though.

>> No.19724220


>> No.19724697

The thing with the Army and Mikoku vs SPEERS is this.

-The Army wasn't truly going against UCAT and the first gear, they were trying to do something for everyone that lost their own world and the reasons behind it even if they were personal, have an impact on the story and the main characters, plus you need to add that most of them except mikoku can stand on their own and you can still remember them through the story.

-Speers suffer from a heavily imposed antagonism, since the beginning they did so many dick moves against Musashi and people in the world that didn't deserved it and instead of getting a background or what was in their minds and past like what Kawakami did with the army, the Speers just said "oh right it's done? nice lets fuck off hehe". If you notice even on vol 6 they're still that kind of character and you can see that Kawakami is giving them more screentime and showing their thoughts but that's not enough to compensate what happened on previous volumes. They are more and more relevant after volume 6-C but the felling is still there, and again, that didn't happened with the Army, only with Mikoku.

>> No.19724705

*Low Gear* sorry.

>> No.19726171
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>> No.19727609

The fuck?

>> No.19728644 [DELETED] 

You guys all have just protagonist bias. You don't like Spears simply because they are not Musashi, that all there is to it. And because they are too problem centric and not cute enough.
Hajji and co. have had done some dick moves too, but you don't remember it because you have already read vol.5-6 and know they full motivation and were able to forget everything.
Here though you probably blame Spears for Yoshiuori death[/spoilers] but it's not even them, it's Destiny.

tl;dr Spears are fine and Mikoku is fine character too, stop whining.

>> No.19730559
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Well, I know that the other anon already delivered but since I said I would post it, here goes.

>> No.19730574
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>> No.19730792

I still don't understand what Kawakami's webnovel or whatever it is is about

>> No.19733192 [SPOILER] 
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I wonder why they used black and white on Takenaka when her uniform was supposed to have gold on it.

>> No.19734120

Well, I can see some gold in her uniform.

>> No.19735926

Don't die

>> No.19737784
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No dying here.

>> No.19739753

They played the dance version of tooshi douka in the mogra anniversary stream
It still hurts

>> No.19739792

I think they played it last year too

>> No.19741952
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Dead people

>> No.19743044
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>> No.19743093
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I don't like where this Gear is going...

>> No.19744400

>Stratolaunch Systems Corporation is an American space transportation venture developing a new air launch to orbit system
I'm still sad that the development of space guns has been canned
Would have been cool

>> No.19744416

He's posting....stuff

>> No.19744609
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He retweeted someone saying the best part about being an LN author is having an illustrator draw your characters, so there he's warning people that you might find yourself drawing up roughs yourself to make the illustration process go more smoothly.
He also points out that, if you design something that needs to be done in 3D like the later Technohexen broom designs, you might have to do it yourself if your editor isn't willing to hire someone to do it.

>> No.19744632
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He really does love his work. It's nice to see and notice it all the time while reading.

>> No.19744637
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>> No.19744877

Seikai's death was kind of abrupt, right? Danzou's one is well done, but in the previous chapter was almost like if Seikai just lost conciousness, and now he is dead too.

>> No.19745649

He's just one of those disposable characters, after all he doesn't even have a nice background or a good explanation about his past. Nothing of value was lost, especially when we're super close to one hell of a battle and someone dying like a boss, plus Asama showing how she can be one of the best girls.

>> No.19746452


When you gonna start Girls Talk?
After vol.8?

>> No.19746559

Fuck off asshole. He's been translating GT alongside horizon this whole time.

>> No.19746637

Kimitoasamade isn't GT
Calm down

>> No.19746713

Wasn't him, being a Miyoshi, involved along with Matsunaga in the Ashikaga Yoshiteru's death? That's an unexplained background I guess.

>> No.19746724

Are you stupid?

>> No.19746778

I asked it because Kimitoasamade, with gods bless, 3 chapter left
But I remember js06 said he wants keep order of releases

>> No.19747932 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.19748051

I was planning to translate them based on release order (the 1st one between Vols. 7 & 8 and so on), but I could move straight to them once I complete Kimitoasamade if that's what people would prefer.

>> No.19748156

You do you man. Just need something to compare to when I translate the books.

>> No.19748318
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>Follow a middle-aged cosplayer that does a lot of Horizon cosplays
>Been a while since I skimmed her stuff.
>She bought a Kawakami poster.

>> No.19748375

What you feel it's better.

>> No.19748708

To be completely honest, is better to follow your original plan, after all Horizon always comes first, especially with the content that's coming on those volumes.

>> No.19749137


>> No.19749579

She can literally crush your dick, holy shit kawakami is going insane.

>> No.19749619

Honestly the proportions aren't as crazing on that one, there's a lot of weird armor with the same miko red color.

>> No.19750132

I just remembered
Did the sidescrolling pixel art game that one guy was making a few years back ever become a thing?

>> No.19750529

Thanks for answer
Do as you think better

>> No.19750620

Yeah it's out for 500 yen.

>> No.19751301


>> No.19752814
File: 1.40 MB, 640x500, arms.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, I bought it. It's a really fun little game. Haven't played that much yet, but it's obvious that the creator is really passionate about it.

>> No.19753087

That looks really fun? It's somewhere to download or if not how hard it's to buy?

>> No.19753098

It's like 4 bucks but as far as I understood it you can pay more if you want.

>> No.19753299
File: 2.92 MB, 710x400, 2018-08-26 19-53-39.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some gameplay but I suck at it

>> No.19753444

How many stages has?

>> No.19753476

5 stages
Futayo, Nate, Gin, Mary, Yoshiyasu and Narumi are playable with Toori, Kimi, Horizon, Asama and Margot&Malga as supports

>> No.19753529

I played only demo
But its nice that he added Narumi and Yoshi

>> No.19755473

Looks fun.

>> No.19757280
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>> No.19758291
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Why does Asama have horns?

>> No.19759161
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After reading ch65 I have to say that I'm getting sick of the Speers and PA ODA winning every single fight. They used everything to crush Musashi in the past, they went all out using overpowered weapons at magdeburg, the manage to get a lot of people killed, then tried to screw up with Mogami and Date just to fuck with Musashi AGAIN. Now they are trying to fuck with hexagone francaise and somehow we already have 2 people dead and 1 defeated.

Please tell me these motherfuckers do not win this mayor battle...

>> No.19759213

They don't. They start to lose from this point actually.

Even so, you could say they lost in v4 too.

>> No.19759269
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She's in her samurai spec I believe.

>> No.19759895
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Bombfu so helpfu

>> No.19759937

Thank god for that.

About v4 they didn't really lost but they didn't win either, was something that show how in a military and political way they know when to restrain.

>> No.19760909

I don't care that much about the Speers, but the Five Peaks are really fun and their antics remind me of Musashi too.

>> No.19760918

This. Compared to the Speers, the Five Peaks are much more entertaining as opponents and characters.

>> No.19760983 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.19761503

I understand it's one guy, but that's over half the game in the demo then.

>> No.19764746

>After reading ch65 I have to say that I'm getting sick of the Speers and PA ODA winning every single fight.

If you haven't noticed they they spent 1.5 arc training, while Misashi mostly winning through convenient interpretations and just because.

>> No.19764877

What are the stages?

>> No.19765208

>Getting one sentence out of context
Try reading his post fuckface.

>> No.19765589

Musashi, Mikawa, in front of the inquisition warship, London and Musashi (armada battle edition)

>> No.19765651

Smartass, I'm literally talking about the mayor battles, try learning what is reading comprehension before posting.

This anon understood what I mean >>19759213

>> No.19766432

When the fuck is 11-B supposed to be aviable?

>> No.19766535

Next week on Friday.

>> No.19767506

I'm so fucked, no money at all, thanks University.

>> No.19770399


>> No.19772256

or alive

>> No.19772275

Huh, I didn't know Horizon had a Korean release.

>> No.19774809
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>> No.19775893
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>> No.19776249

Thanks !

>> No.19777602

Tell me somebody, why is Haji such a faggot?

>> No.19778464

>T. Brainlet /a/fag
Go back to your board this is your only (you).

>> No.19778919

What is the problem? I liked his whole "I hide my smile and true feelings" theme he had.

>> No.19779175

You idiots stop feeding the troll holy shit.

>> No.19779839
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Can't save the world without making a few enemies.

>> No.19781413

If any of the Owari subs guys are here, do you plan on doing the OVA?

>> No.19783446

Sunfest Next week get ready for disappointment

>> No.19784128

I'm hoping for a new visual for the OVA at least.

>> No.19785232



>> No.19785245

Shouldn't the preview for 11-B be out soon-ish as well?

>> No.19785822

Sometime before next friday. I don't think Dengei updates their website on weekends, so maybe monday?

>> No.19787991

I just hope we get one at all. The website change worries me.

>> No.19790752
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>> No.19790918
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>> No.19791081
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>> No.19791540

Congrats on completing Kimitoasamade! Thanks for the TL.

>> No.19792889


>> No.19793271

Great work

>> No.19794468

I miss those designs where the girls used to have proper proportions and not the abominations we get now like this >>19790918

>> No.19797119

I wonder if the artstyle will carry over to whatever he does next
It probably will, but I hope not

>> No.19798880
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>> No.19800914
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I still want to print this on something, but I have no idea what

>> No.19801966

Question: how does Js06 actually make the comedy translate well into English?

Usually that transition from Japanese delivery or context to English messes it up.

>> No.19802106


>> No.19802228

Js06 is a master of puns.

>> No.19806977


>> No.19807805

Early Horizon did look like late Owari and there was Hexennacht on the side ?2 years ago. Feels like it was only yesterday.

>> No.19808384
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>> No.19808823
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Friendly reminder, just 4 more days until we all get another year of disappointment and more Idolshit.

>> No.19809567

Wasn't the date the Dengeki Fes in October? Sunrise Fes is never relevant.

>> No.19810476

I have a cup and some pins with Japanese UCAT logo.

>> No.19812289

>Js06 is already committed to finishing 7 & 8
Why are we so blessed?

>> No.19816597

Three days till release and still no PV?

>> No.19817555

epub: https://mega.nz/#!6p5AzSIZ!593MP2wJfubm0h0SWutKu0UseR2HpuEjjG3rcHQZ6AE

>> No.19819966

I've finished the first book of Rapid Fire King. It's very different from the kind of story Kawakami usually writes, but I'm enjoying it quite a lot.

The first book follows the MC as he gets into shmups, realizes he sucks at them, and learns how to play them properly with some help from the guy who inspired him to start playing them in the first place.

It ends with the MC finally beating the shmup he was trying to beat, but his relationship with his childhood friend is suffering because he's been prioritizing the game over spending time with her and then lying to her about what he's been doing.

>> No.19820243

What is Forth era like? Is it in the past, modern day, or what?

>> No.19821438

Is it focused only on the MC or multiple povs?

>> No.19823955

Eroundic was a legit masterpiece.

>> No.19824009

>Kono Light Novel ga Sugoi! 2006
>Most Heart Trembling Line to "Eroundic"

It was pure brilliance.

>> No.19824052

Forth is literally the real world, our world, simple as that. The real world which is the foundation world ended when Sayama and the others released the concepts.

>> No.19824792

Modern day. It presumably takes place around the same time as OnC just without any knowledge of the weird stuff going on behind the scenes.

Just the MC.

>> No.19825849
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Where is the preview of the upcoming volume? that should be out IIRC.

>> No.19826081

As things stand we're probably not getting any preview at all this time.

>> No.19827767
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They were just minding xer nonbinary genderfluid business and chill, then asamass in xer upper frontal hole.

What a way to go.

>> No.19827799
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Would Adele protec Inner Sphere in her mech, or would she rather attac it for the glory of Kerensky and clan?

>> No.19828071



>> No.19828099
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>> No.19828150
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>> No.19828152

Look who's back!

>> No.19828153
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>> No.19828208
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>> No.19828488

>xer nonbinary genderfluid

Fuck off back to /pol/ you braindead mentally ill tranny.

>> No.19828522

So they changed the Virtual cannon with one made from real materials? why??

>> No.19828557

It's the Yamato

>> No.19829538

It was obviously a joke Mr. Assburgers.

>> No.19829706
File: 466 KB, 811x960, hs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if this was the case with the other volumes until now, but it seems like you get a SS if you buy it from Melonbooks.

>> No.19829790

Thanks captain obvious, I know that, what I mean is why using a physical cannon instead of a virtual one when literally doesn't make sense in terms of how much can be improved in terms of technology using one that can be summoned and used with no limitations as long toori has ether.

The other option is that Toori can't use that massive amounth of ether anymore since he's in a demi-god status right now.

>> No.19829794

Another option could be increased firepower compared to virtual one. Or not having to depend on Toori for it.

>> No.19830337

Can you post the links to third one as well?

>> No.19831084

>increased firepower
Oh fuck, maybe they want to blow up the moon.

>> No.19832340
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>> No.19832483

Nothing from Kawakami in November. Maybe December for 11C then.

>> No.19832741
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>> No.19833129

look at the very bottom
>mediamix anime category

>> No.19833400

What the fuck is a SS even? All I can think is /ss/ and it'd be a huge YES for me, but I don't think it's that.

>> No.19833434

Short story?

>> No.19833440

Oh fuck, I feel stupid for not thinking that.

>> No.19833456
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What the fuck is this?

>> No.19833504

Horizon has some SS in it already.

>> No.19833651
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>> No.19833753

>gothic lolita ping pong

Shit, why did I not think of this first.

>> No.19833913

"Light" novels.

>> No.19834031
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>> No.19834235

Kawakami bricks.

>> No.19834318
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Sunfes starts in 15 minutes

>> No.19834820

Apparently the q&a part of the event is finished and people started tweeting about it

>> No.19834863

Probably they'll talk about the OVA.

>> No.19834905
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>> No.19834913
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>> No.19834918
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>> No.19834923
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>> No.19834951


>> No.19835082

Holy Shit. I can't wait.

>> No.19835102

Can someone please make a list of the SPEARs names and their respective parents? Would be cool

>> No.19835115

Oh god, that animation.

>> No.19835123

No, read the previous threads where you can find the summaries provided by Js06. Stop being a lazy fuck.

>> No.19835200

So the Yamato is the new Azuchi, what was the new Musashi? cant remember the name.

>> No.19835284

The list with their names is already in the wiki, and with their looks you can sorta guess the parent. Hell, there's probably that list in one of the older threads even.

>> No.19835316

Oh god, can't wait for it.

>> No.19835333
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SPEER-01 Masanori Fukushima (Futayo and *very implied* Masazumi)
SPEER-02 Kiyomasa Katou (Tenzou and Mary)
SPEER-03 Mitsunari Ishida (None)
SPEER-04 Yoshiaki Katou (Marga and Margot)
SPEER-05 Yasuharu Wakisaka (Marga and Margot)
SPEER-06 Nagayasu Hirano (Asama and Toori)
SPEER-07 Koroku Hachisuka (She is Naomasa's sister)
SPEER-08 Takenori Kasuya (Nate and Toori)
SPEER-09 Hanbei Takenaka (None)
SPEER-10 Katsumoto Katagiri (Suzu and Toori)

>> No.19835349


>> No.19835397
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BD-Box Illustrations revealed

>> No.19835403
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>> No.19835439

Who animated that? Isn’t the studio that worked on Horizon dead?

>> No.19835449
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Oh nice, they included Narumi in it.

>> No.19835451

They brought the staff back.

>> No.19835456

Do we have any voice actors list? I don't recognize Fukushima voice.

>> No.19835460

Just a bit more JUST BELIEVE until s3 happens

>> No.19835482

Holy shit, really?

There really is a reason to believe.

>> No.19835592
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>> No.19835659

They don’t show Oda/Hashiba standing along with the others in the close-up for some reason.

She’s there in the distance shot but not when they’re lined up being viewed from the side. She should be beside Kiyo-massive but she isn’t.

>> No.19835883
File: 1.39 MB, 1280x720, 『境界線上のホライゾン』Blu-ray BOX 映像特典「完全新作特典アニメーション」試聴動画①.mp4_snapshot_01.13_[2018.09.07_20.32.08].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is there. You could see her hair.

>> No.19835939

>kiyomasa’s tits blocking an entire character from view
There’s a way to turn this into making fun of Adele, I know it.

>> No.19835973


>> No.19835977

It's Kiyomassive for a reason.

>> No.19836167

Anyone got info on that Q&A session?

>> No.19836392

So where is that guy who had said Hashiba wins every battle?

>> No.19836484 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.19836606

Any guess if Futurepast tech means that Angie and Katou aren’t incest-ing it up?

>> No.19836685

So...Katagiri's crushing on his dad's crossdressing mode? That'll be all kinds of awkward.

>> No.19836756

Based Tenzo. But nothing for Kiyonari, huh?

>> No.19836843
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For what I know that's wrong, but I know things up to volume 7, so If JS06 can confirm or deny that Katou and Angie have feelings for each other do not believe on it for now.

Also the other problem there is what they put about Azuma, that's wrong too.

>> No.19836855

>Stomping on everyone for 6 volumes
>Already confirmed that finally they lose the battle against Hexagone francaise
>hurr durr where iz that guy lmao
Holy shit you fucking retard, are you still salty after getting blown the fuck out earlier in the thread?

>> No.19836883

I find it funny how invested you are.

>> No.19836899


>> No.19836906

Doing God's work!

>> No.19836909

Nice retory, can't come up with something better based retardbro?

>> No.19836915


You still fail to understand as well, I see.

>> No.19836938

For what the evidence shows, you're the one with mental problems in this thread, or you didn't realize how you got blasted? >>19765208

Try again sweetie.

>> No.19836952

>still not being able to discern between different people

You just keep on giving.

>> No.19836967

>Not changing writing style after getting blown the fuck out

You must be one of the most retarded anons ever seen here, alongside Amtro and the other 2 furries that got banned.

>> No.19836983

Ah, now I got it. You have a type of Ben Shapiro syndrome thing, where his every useless "victory" in service of neocohenism is always this BLOWN THE FUCK OUT or BULLDOZED TO OBLIVION to it.

>> No.19836988

But that isn't the full OVA.

When is the full OVA coming out?

>> No.19836990

Fantastic work.

>> No.19836997

When the BD box comes out, obviously. Look in the upper corner for a hint.

>> No.19836998

With the new BD box set. Soon!

>> No.19837006

Didn't Kimi bear Horizon and Toori's child?

>> No.19837008

>Using /pol/ trash to keep his shitposting going since he couldn't understand the context of a simple criticism the first time.
Thank you for showing everyone here how pathetic you can be. Now please go back to your containtment board where you belong.

>> No.19837013

That chart has 2 things wrong but Oritori was made from Horizon and Toori's DNA, Kimi was the surrogate mother.

>> No.19837015

>breathlessly googling little neocohen

See, I open the world to you!

>> No.19837020
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The animation will probably be over the top since it's only an OVA, can't wait.
Kasuya is literally riding Argenté Chaîné.

>> No.19837034

4 month.... Too much Hype

>> No.19837051

>The animation will probably be over the top
If you take off the fanboy googles, the animation on the OVA is almost the same you saw on the original BD's, which is average to say the least when you make a close-up of in certain shots.

>> No.19837056

Fights specifically were really good though.

>> No.19837059

Battle animation is about fluidity, not close ups. That battle with Nate and Kasuya is pretty good.

>> No.19837098

Oh yeah the fight looks good but the beginning with the kids around, that was painful to watch. At least the background was gorgeus.

By the way how much time until the freaking Dengeki event?

>> No.19837100

Any oyakadon?
I miss Turenne

>> No.19837101

I wonder why 10-C of all things

>> No.19837103

Because it has a lot of action and it's kind of a very important moment.

>> No.19837107

That's next month.

>> No.19837116

And it would probably be rushed as hell.

>> No.19837122

What would be the point of phoning it in if they went as far as to gather the original production team? Sunrise is not like that, or it wasn't at least.

>> No.19837126

We don't know how long it is right?

>> No.19837154

Not yet.

>> No.19837269
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>> No.19837271



>> No.19837274

That one asking for S3.

>> No.19837290
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>> No.19837344
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>> No.19837450

Oh Jesus, I just noticed Masazumi delivers her usual awful pun. Glorious.

>> No.19837550


>> No.19837590

At least four.

>> No.19837729

This has to end with a s3 it just has to. The dream cannot die now.

>> No.19837758

11-B Preview:
Innocentius and Suleiman stop by to say "see you at Westphalia" and to tell them Suleiman has taken over as Chancellor of P.A. Oda with Niwa as the Student Council President.
Angie and Yoshiaki are welcomed to the Musashi delivery business with a race (their mothers not participating) and have trouble keeping up.
While speaking with Christina, it turns out one of Musashi's biggest enemies at Westphalia will be Sweden led by their Vice Chancellor, Axel Oxenstierna, who feels Sweden has been robbed of the chance at the territory expansions they are promised in the Testament.

>> No.19837775

So they bring back Sweden. I wondered what they would do with that at Westphalia.

>> No.19837814

>Dutch jurist and philosopher Hugo Grotius considered Oxenstierna "the greatest man of the century". French Cardinal Richelieu called him "an inexhaustible source of fine advice", while Richelieu's successor, Cardinal Mazarin, said that if all ministers of Europe were on the same ship, the helm would be handed to Oxenstierna. Pope Urban VIII claimed that Oxenstierna was one of the most excellent men the world had seen.

>> No.19837831

You just know there will be topknot.

>> No.19837846

Doing god's work.

>> No.19838007

What about Yoshitsune? Does she appeared again after 10-C?

>> No.19839318

>Amazon Bestsellers Rank: #45 in DVD
>#9 in DVD > Blu-ray > アニメ
>#10 in DVD > Anime

>> No.19839490
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>> No.19839575

Your copy?

>> No.19839662
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>Not showing the new pants

>> No.19839811
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>> No.19841123
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>> No.19841157
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>> No.19841202

From left to right:
Ono Manabu, Kawakami, Minori, FukuJun, ??

>> No.19841227

The crazy one just had to be a manlet as well, huh.

>> No.19841270

Minoru Shiraishi

>> No.19841353

Of course it's about 25% cheaper than I preordered for.

>> No.19841367
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The version with the bonus novel is still 41k.
It also hit #1 in the anime category with the amazon exclusive version sitting at #5.

>> No.19841647

What is in the Amazon exclusive?

>> No.19841692

Ebook version of a new sidestory volume. The synopsis for that went up on the site yesterday as well.

[ 新規書き下ろし特典小説あらすじ ]
真面目な検証は段々と捏造を含み、盛る! 盛る! アデーレは盛らない!

>> No.19841842

It's a story set between Chapter 15 and Chapter 16 of 11-A that explains what happened in the original future during the Battle of Mikawa.

>> No.19841944

What is all this stuff kwkm is tweeting, just data about what has released from Horizon in general?

>> No.19841959

Am I understanding this correctly? First part of the OVA will be fights from vol 10 and the second part will be from 11-C?

>> No.19842148

Latter part will have some content related to 11-C yeah.

>> No.19842212

>Send all your "What about S3?" questions here: https://twitter.com/__HORIZON__
>I have no authority here, so asking me won't accomplish anything, but they do have authority, so it at least might accomplish something.
>The future is undecided, so I'm going to boldly hope this will head in a good direction.
Interesting tweet there, Kawakami.

He's going over what will be included with the BD Box.

That is what he's saying.

>> No.19842266

Should I start believing again?

>> No.19842281

How dare you ever stop.

>> No.19842364


>> No.19843064


>> No.19843500

Oh, geez.

>> No.19843712 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.19844053

I wonder how the VAs feel about returning to those roles

>> No.19844609
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>> No.19845108

At this point they should just animate Owari no Chronicle or some original Kawakami project. Animating season 3 with that ending would just be sad and then people would start asking for season 4.

>> No.19845133

Hexennacht would be the easiest to animate, what with it being 4 volumes long and action almost all the time.

>> No.19845184

I want to see Nate looking at her mother and daughter, then become incredibly pissed that she's the only flat one.

>> No.19845475

The problem is that nobody bought Hexen and I seriously doubt Dengeki wants anything with it given that.

>> No.19845524

I did.

>> No.19845563

There is a text wrote by Fukujun in the website.

>> No.19845687

>they should just animate Owari no Chronicle
>He doesn't know
Oh my sweet summer child.

>> No.19845738
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>just animate Owari no Chronicle
I wish, but they're not going to market a series that ended more than a decade ago. Horizon is at least still making money.
Now, if Kawakami would announce another AHEAD on the other hand...

>> No.19845790

You make it sound like there was a crappy mid-00's JC STAFF adaptation or something rather than just a fan made teaser on YouTube.
...I wish there was a bad 00's adaptation.

>> No.19845811

Is that my boi Odor?

>> No.19845820

But Diana is supposed to be blond. Odor is obviously best boi though.

>> No.19845876
File: 766 KB, 852x1200, OnC_v09_0000_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is on a cover and she is not. Unless is magic blond.

>> No.19845905
File: 573 KB, 855x1200, OnC_v02_0000_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WELL AKSHULLY she's described as blonde in the text.
Brunhild is also supposed to be platinum blonde. I guess they wanted some variation since like 70% of the OnC cast is blond.

>> No.19845957

There's been a resurface of old and finished light novels getting anime adaptations, I wouldn't put it past them since at the time it sold well.

>> No.19845969
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I did ;_;

>> No.19846246

Well, we know what to do now.

>> No.19846259

I don't think arc 3 ending is that sad. It's more hopeful than anything.

>> No.19846411

>Fortunately, something released her from the pressure.

>It was a voice. A male voice. It belonged to Odor who sat next to Diana.

>“Diana, Diana! To preserve your honor, I must inform you that you are wrong.”

>“Am I?”

>Heo was relieved to hear her teacher’s surprised comment.

>Odor was her husband, so it was appropriate for him to give her this kind of information.

>“Diana, let me tell you where children really come from: they are born from cabbages.”


>Everyone cried out, breathed in, stomped thrice on the floor, and…

>“You really are a couple, aren’t you!!!?”

I miss OnC.

>> No.19846414

Kawakami's cement-like girls are the best.

>> No.19846535

hajimari hajimari

>> No.19846603

Chiaki, I tell you. Doesn`t help that Kana is goofing up right next to her either.

>> No.19847627

vol 11B mada?

>> No.19848930

>Hori-ko: “Ho ho? Then let’s hope it actually hits.”
>Silver Wolf: “Um, Horizon? It would be best if you didn’t have to shoot it at all.”
>Tachibana Wife: “Master Muneshige! Master Muneshige! You don’t need to set up an FAQ site!”
>Good to hear Muneshige-dono has a new hobby.

I love this running gag.

>> No.19849591

I mean, it was the single moment Toori was the closest to die by sadness.

>> No.19849766

