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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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19706752 No.19706752 [Reply] [Original]

This is a Japanese language learning thread designed by and for those interested in traditional weeaboo media such as anime, manga, visual novels, light novels, and Japanese video games.
If you have no interest in weeaboo media or want to request a translation, this is not the thread for you.

Read the guide before asking questions.

Old guide site below.

Last thread: >>19698410

>> No.19706760

What’s the secret to learning Japanese?

>> No.19706769

to stop trying and give up

>> No.19706776

So I started RTK at the start of the month. It's been fine so far for the most part. Was going to hit 500 today. Should I just flip it into a lazy kanji deck, while going through Tae Kim and sentence mining instead?

>> No.19706809

So this haiku come up in a story I'm reading:
It's all in one line, but I couldn't figure out how it fits into the typical 5-7-5 on pattern. Does the first line, (コーヒー店), have 5 on? I would've thought kana with ー has 2 on, which would make the first line has 6 on. If コー and ヒー is both 1 on, that would be 4 on, not 5.

I'm just curious, it's a stray observation from a narrator visiting her old village.

>> No.19706811

Lazy kanji is retarded. If you are going to do kanji->keyword, just do a vocab deck instead.

>> No.19706824 [SPOILER] 
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Guys i need to find stroke order for 214 Kanji Radicals, I don't see anything in sticky etc for it.

Halp, I can only memorize by writing.

>> No.19706827

If you decide you're going to give up doing RTK properly because of what Matt said in his newest video, you probably can just drop kanji study altogether instead of switching to the lazy kanji method. After writing kanji out every day for what I presume is the best part of a month, you've probably got all the benefits and more that you would've gotten from the lazy kanji approach in terms of learning to see kanji as something other than a bunch of squiggles (which I think is the point Matt intends for you to reach by doing lazy kanji, though I was drunk when I watched his video so I can't really remember too well).

>> No.19706838

What is lazy kanji?

>> No.19706843

A lazy way of doing RTK that AJATT's founder recommended where you do the opposite of what Heisig says you should by having the kanji on the front of your cards and the keywords on the back (so recognition instead of production).

>> No.19706850

I've been enjoying learning kanji so far, so at this point, I don't really want to drop kanji. Just wondering if I was wasting my time, really. I'll just roll with what I was doing then I guess.

Front of the flash card is the kanji, you write it out, then try to recall the keyword.

>> No.19706852

You could just look up stroke orders of kanji which contain the radicals. For 犭, look up the stroke order of 犯, etcetera.

>> No.19706865

Huh, I was under the impression some stroke order change when the radical is in a certain kanji.

>> No.19706887
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>> No.19706889

Why do people give so much attention to matt? What's so special about him?

>> No.19706892

Every once in a while I try to go to Tae Kim's website it just doesn't load up. Does anyone else have this issue?

>> No.19706895

he's cute

>> No.19706896

He has a nice penis.

>> No.19706901
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>Matt vs Pokemon.png

>> No.19706904

Tae Kim can’t pay to keep it up all the time.

>> No.19706907

Literally everyone who talks about him is paid to do so, including you.

>> No.19706908

We're tsundere for him.

>> No.19706915

Oh shit, I forgot that he was just a nigga who did textiles for a living. Maybe I should buy his book.

>> No.19706971

Reading Unred Night vn and I've come across this sentence that I'm having a hard time trying to understand. これって思いっきり、フェラチオってやつだよな……。

The searching I did before coming here I was able to find out that 思いっきり can mean, with all one's strength; to one's hearts content. But I don't understand how it is working here. Also I have no idea what the やつ is suppose to mean either.

>> No.19706973

>can read a page of a novel with looking up things <10 times
>feel like there's progress
>tries to listen to a podcast
I have not even stepped off the palm of Dekinai.

>> No.19706998

So Maatt started his own cult because he thought the original AJATT cult was flawed but now he has admitted that his own ideas were flawed and reverted back to the original cult but is still calling it his own.

>> No.19707009

Its not about the destination its about the patron bucks he makes along the way.

>> No.19707013

Cult psychology is so fascinating.

>> No.19707017
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>> No.19707020


>> No.19707021

Might as well study your grammar with listening.

日本語の森 is the best way to do this.

>> No.19707026

>listening to non-native speakers for listening practice

>> No.19707033

Right guys, as a part of immersing myself into the language. Should I just cut off all English media?

>> No.19707042

Yes, goodbye.

>> No.19707046


>> No.19707050

Wait, they're not native speakers?

Fuck, I've been listening to this guy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Moro_-E4H0k for quite some time.

>> No.19707057


>> No.19707072

It means he's getting his dick sucked really good.

>> No.19707077

Well yea that was pretty clear but I don't know how to sentence is working.

>> No.19707089

Any proof of that?

>> No.19707108

I don't have context, but やつ should be referring to the act of the fellatio. 思いっきり kinda depends, but it's a common expression you'll get used to seeing. I'd guess he means the dick sucker is really putting their heart/strength into it. "So this is what they call with-all-one's-heart fellatio"

>> No.19707128

That helps, thanks.

>> No.19707151

I just started STEINS;GATE but it's been pretty hard so far. Is it a bad first VN or am I just bad? Any suggestions?

>> No.19707157

It’s obviously going to be super technical as it’s sci-fi.

>> No.19707170

Don't read sci fi or chuuni stuff if you don't have normal real-life conversations down yet.

>> No.19707181
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>> No.19707191

>I can use over 200 grammar points
Wow look at this expert, I can barely make a sentence that uses 2 grammar points

>> No.19707291


コー|ヒー|てん| |えい|えん|にあ|り| |あき|のあ|め

"|" と "|" のあいだが、全部同じ長さ


Unexpectedly, this seems to be a quite difficult problem on phonology.

>> No.19707301
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>> No.19707349

Haiku sure is interesting.

If I said haiku (I found a collection of 100 haikus, mostly by Basho in a dusty corner of my uni library) was the first time I ever 'get' poetry, that would sound weaboo as shit, wouldn't it

>> No.19707354
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Someone needs to shop the top line to read

>> No.19707356

It would sound like the education in your school was shit.

>> No.19707371

The first 'poem' I ever actually consumed was The Raven, when watching old episodes of the Simpsons.
I never understood poetry in my own language, I guess I'm just not that good at literary matters.

>> No.19707469

if matt is as good as he's always implying, why are the only things in Japanese a 2 minute self-introduction and a video where he's reading a bunch of text?

I don't doubt that his Japanese is great (not that I'm in a position to judge it anyway) but it seems to me that he's still insecure about it, like his identity is wrapped up in being "better than natives" at Japanese and he doesn't want to been seen slipping up

>> No.19707506

According to people who've wasted 3 hours of their lives watching his one video, he'd rather spend years locked away in his room receiving input, polishing Japanese that will never be used, than go out and talk to people who could correct his errors swiftly. The rare times he does leave the piss lair, he creeps on exchange students at the local college.

>> No.19707591

Phew, finished Core6k. Finally I can start learning Japanese.

>> No.19707603

Not so fast brother, have you even watched 10000 hours of subbed anime yet?

>> No.19707606

>I can write Japanese but I can't read it

How does that shit work? If you can't read what you've written how do you know that it's correct? I'd be less surprised if he said something like "I can read and write perfectly but I struggle with hearing people speak" because those are very different things but this seems weird.

>> No.19707609

If you buy a 5 dollar membership on his patreon, you can watch a video where he explains this very issue.

>> No.19707634
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I'll pay up but only if its three hours long.

>> No.19707642
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>> No.19707651

I've been having the opposite problem - people from various sources told me that only reading would stunt my listening/speaking down the line. Now, I'd say I can comfortably read around 1400~ Kanji which were acquired through reading/mining and a small amount of listening, but I'm finding that my listening comprehension is rising in large leaps very quickly, where my reading abilities took a lot longer to develop. The worry was that my vocab/grammar would not transition smoothly to listening, but... not the case at all.

Somehow, I'm actually worried that my listening skill will soon outstrip my reading if I don't stop finding a fuck ton of interesting shit to listen to.

>the news (NHK Radio News, JapaNews24 on Youtube)
>a few Japanese game streamers I enjoy

>> No.19707661

>a few Japanese game streamers I enjoy

>> No.19707664

That elephant knows the toilet is matt's and therefore the water is clean and drinkable.

>> No.19707732

FACT: If you can't pick up slang through minimal exposure in context then you're not fluent.

>> No.19707774
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Ty the gifs are useful.
Seems everything i need is split up all over the place.
I just need something like pic related for all 214, only for 100 or so.

>> No.19707780


>> No.19707879

As a beginner, NHK Easy is great for reading practice (Around N4 level) but where can I read stuff on the same level that includes conversations between people? The N4 will definitely have conversations and stuff, too, and I'd like to practice reading those

>> No.19707887

>As a beginner
Shoo shoo, go away reddit. Anyway, why the hell would one read NHK Easy for practice when you can read moege?

>> No.19707905

Because it has word definitions and classifications and is tailored to be i+1 for my level

>> No.19707913
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>> No.19707920


>> No.19707957

i mean, what could his explanation possibly be

would it not behoove a japanese teacher who claims to speak at a high level to demonstrate that skill so he can get even more patreon shekels?

i guess he just can't fit it into his busy schedule

>> No.19707977

1. give 5 dollars to watch video
2. video says he's a fake
3. ???
4. loss

>> No.19707983

1. give 5 dollars to watch video
2. video re-directs to his prank channel
3. ???
4. tricked

>> No.19707991

A japanese tourist asked if I knew the kanji for rose. I drew it, he laughed at me and said I was gay. What gives?

>> No.19707992

When Japanese furries talk to each other do they say 〜てやる or 〜てあげる?

>> No.19707995


>> No.19708011


>> No.19708015


>> No.19708022

I don't know, but it has probably nothing to do with the way you wrote it

>> No.19708024

It's far and few between in the early stages.

Your best bet is to listen to Benjiro-san's skype convos and take what you can get from here.


From there, it's hard to say where precisely to go next. You'll be vocab-locked for a while (till around 3000 words or so worth of knowledge) and your grammar will play catch-up with your vocab every now and again, presuming you prioritize vocab (which you should).

Honestly, short of a friend who is willing to work around your lack of vocab knowledge (and willing to help expand your vocab and grammar once you can say everything you need to on some basic level) it's tough. Maybe watching Doraemon or something would be a decent place to go.

Toughest part is understanding that while it sucks now, in some months when that vocab is bedded into your soul and you aren't translating in your head anymore (or as much) it's gonna be pretty cool.

Sorry for the reddit-tier post.

>> No.19708031

stop giving up and try

>> No.19708034

> 〜
What's the stroke order for this kanji?

>> No.19708035
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>tfw have no trouble remembering how to write 薇
>always 薔 that causes me trouble

>> No.19708038

The typical stroke order.

From your soul to the page.

>> No.19708048

Thanks for the reply anon. I'll keep those skype convos in mind, but the thing is that listening practice isn't that hard to come by.
I was looking for reading comprehension in particular because NHK Easy is text but is news articles which are rather dry whereas I wanted to practice understanding conversations - that's where most of the more complicated grammar is found (I think.)
I read Tae Kim between my anki and wanikani reviews, so you could say I'm not prioritizing grammer(?)

>> No.19708061

NHK Easy reaches N3 level but is usually around N3 or N4, yeah.

Manga like Yotsubato to be honest.

>beginners don't exist

What does this mean, I'm not up to speed with Matt lingo.

>> No.19708066

>conversations - that's where most of the more complicated grammar is found (I think.)
It's not. There are two types of complicated grammar, and they are found in literary narration and good academic writing (not news articles), respectively.

>> No.19708070

I think it's like, your_level+1, so you understand most of it but some of it is new so you can learn.

>> No.19708072

"Let's Learn Kanji" is a good book, but you can skip the kanji history stuff if you want and go straight to radicals/stroke order

>> No.19708075

That's what I thought, thanks.
It makes sense, I agree more with Steve's philosophy of mixing i+1 and i-1 to give yourself breaks between complexity.

>> No.19708079

>What does this mean, I'm not up to speed with Matt lingo.
Essentially you have to stop imagining Japanese learning as a two-axes graph with the X-axis being time and Y-axis being proficiency, but instead to include the complex plane, the i, which represents how much money you should give to givers of Japanese language learning tips. i+1 means every time you progress in time and proficiency (+1) you should also give money to them (i).

>> No.19708088

good post

>> No.19708108

That's because if you can write 微 you can also write 薇

>> No.19708125

The actual path Japanese learners take is e^i(d/730) where d is the number of days since starting.

>> No.19708142


>> No.19708158

it's very simple
it's a lighter version of what happens when you have conversations in a closed group of language learners without exposure to natives
you invent a language that you call japanese based on your shitty understanding and forced usage of grammar points
he's getting good at using his made-up language, but he sucks at japanese

>> No.19708186

>I'm not up to speed with Matt lingo.
the absolute state of djt where we now credit i+1 to an imposter who borrowed from a scam artist who borrowed from someone who actually knows what he is talking about
it's from krashen's input hypothesis and it's heavily misused

>> No.19708189

Anyone know an e-book reader with a good dictionary, if possible JP->JP? I don't want to go for a kindle.

>> No.19708213

You want an e-ink reader or just some mobile device to read books?

>> No.19708217

e-ink reader

>> No.19708247

I have a Kindle Touch and a Kobo Aura H2O.

The Kobo japanese dictionary is pretty decent, but you have to convert all of your books to kepub to use it. Some times (read: often) converting from AZW3 breaks formatting a little bit. It's definitively the better reader of the two, but I find that the touchscreen is much less precise which makes highlighting for dictionary search a bit annoying. I use it for reading pretty much everything non-Japanese.

The Kindle dictionary is a little worse, but the touchscreen is much better. It's also a worse reader overall, but most books are already in AZW3 so they tend to work without any breakage. I use it exclusively for reading Japanese due the support for AZW3 and the touch screen precision.

>> No.19708250

Can someone point me to a resource on conjugating adjectives, ie. 悪い ー> 悪く?

I don't understand the basis of this conjugation but I don't know what terms I need to look it up either.

>> No.19708261

Read more.

>> No.19708276

Those people were right.

>> No.19708301


>> No.19708315

Every adjective can be turned into an adverb.
for i-adjectives, remove the trailing い and replace it with く
for na-adjectives, just add に

>> No.19708324

Thanks. I was considering the Kobo one, but that does sound annoying. Still, don't really like kindle, I guess I'll look around a bit more.

>> No.19708332


>> No.19708340
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>> No.19708364

Can we place a ban for posting streamables or mentioning m*tt?
Maybe a Sony e-reader as they are good at rendering PDF. Pretty expensive though.
Good luck on avoiding the Amazon botnet. Godspeed.

>> No.19708372

posting streamables should be banned, but posting about based **** in general? no

>> No.19708373

>posting streamables
>mentioning m*tt?

>> No.19708376

hit wrong keys
>mentioning m*tt?

>> No.19708379


>> No.19708385

i'm watching まあ様's new dropping and i'm impressed with his lack of insight
"alright maybe suggesting that people do what i didn't do wasn't such a good idea after all because all of my followers are struggling"
"well what i did do gave me 50% retention and deleted my deck but maybe you should do that instead yeah i think that's the solution to this whole problem"

>> No.19708395


>> No.19708396

hes a child just let the whole thing run its course his end is coming

>> No.19708401

hell be better for it once it does

>> No.19708418

How bad is it to miss a day on anki?

>> No.19708422

I missed 2 months and I'm still doing fine
except I'm not

>> No.19708424

Really bad. You're permanently fucked now.

>> No.19708430

either don't miss a day or don't do anki.

>> No.19708432

How many different words for "to do" are there? It's kind of absurd

>> No.19708435

I've missed about 3-4 months in anki and I'm much better than I was before.

I put the Krashen memes on the same level as the Steve memes, maybe lower. He's just 1 guy, believing what he says just because he's done some research and written books is a fallacy because there are other people just as qualified as him that say the opposite. I also may be missing something but I don't see any evidence that he's bilingual himself.

>> No.19708459

t. eop

>> No.19708470

Your Japanese has been permanently crippled forever.

>> No.19708481

You'll have to delete the deck and start again

>> No.19708491

>but I don't see any evidence that he's bilingual himself.
I've never heard him speak but he says he knows German, Mandarin, and Spanish I think. But even if he were monolingual it'd change nothing about him or what he says.

>> No.19708492


>> No.19708499

don't thank me. i was trolling. missing a day occasionally isn't going to destroy you. you just need to catch up on the reviews.

>> No.19708501

>there are other people just as qualified as him that say the opposite.
i've never seen any that i found convincing, but i admit i haven't looked very hard
>I don't see any evidence that he's bilingual himself.
what counts as evidence? he claims to speak french, german, hebrew, amharic, yiddish, spanish, and to be attempting to learn mandarin, but i don't believe he's made any claims of his competence
doubt is good, i don't think he's always right, but i doubt some of his ideas a lot less than i doubt some of the other ideas i've read

>> No.19708504

I know. I got the sarcasm. You don't need to go "lol jk"

>> No.19708514

I haven't done my core deck in a week and it has like 250 reviews piled up.

>> No.19708515

He's just kidding man don't take it seriously or you'll permanently cripple your ability to learn Japanese.

>> No.19708521

he's at least fluent in french, he knows it sell enough to talk about technical topics at length with a good accent (after he gets going)

>> No.19708522

half the responses were people implying that it's a really bad idea so the clarification was needed. you asked a retarded question so forgive me if i thought you needed it spelled out for you.

>> No.19708527

>missing a week already when a week is only 250 reviews
not gonna make it, don't sink any more time into this hobby

>> No.19708530

missing a day of anki wouldnt change much

but quitting it all together improves your odds of learning japanese dramatically

>> No.19708537

Well from the threads it seems people do their anki reviews (unironically) like a muslim prays so I thought maybe skipping a single day on a deck can screw over the SRS shit or something

>> No.19708543

>I've never heard him speak but he says he knows German, Mandarin, and Spanish I think.
Big if true.
>But even if he were monolingual it'd change nothing about him or what he says.
It depends entirely on how he arrived at his theory. It seems very armchair to me, lacking any actual experiments. Between him saying that this is how it works and we should trust him because he's a linguist, and people who actually learn languages successfully, I'm more apt to believe the latter.

>but i doubt some of his ideas a lot less than i doubt some of the other ideas i've read
This is the attitude you should take, I'm not saying he's hogwash I'm just saying I put Steve's words above Krashen's and I don't trust Krashen simply because he's an expert. Wolfgang Butzkamm, another man who knows what he's talking about, disagrees with Krashen's theories.

>> No.19708546

anki a shit

>> No.19708553

>It depends entirely on how he arrived at his theory. It seems very armchair to me, lacking any actual experiments.
You literally have not spent even fifteen minutes researching the input hypothesis.

Stop posting.

>> No.19708557

I'm not 'missing' shit.

>> No.19708561

>Been around for 50+ years
>Still a hypothesis
Look I can low-effort post too.

>> No.19708562

the input hypothesis is not only founded in real research, it's literally the ONLY convincing theory of language acquisition that is founded in real research, where said research is actually compelling and not cherrypicked

>> No.19708564

You don't know what "hypothesis" means.

>> No.19708575

>In scientific terms; A hypothesis is either a suggested explanation for an observable phenomenon, or a reasoned prediction of a possible causal correlation among multiple phenomena. In science, a theory is a tested, well-substantiated, unifying explanation for a set of verified, proven factors.
50+ years

>> No.19708577

I lost 20% of my remaining brain cells just by reading that.

>> No.19708581

that's good, take a clean break and move on to greener pastures
i mean don't get me wrong core is trash regardless, but i took your post at face value and it seems likely that you can't learn japanese

>> No.19708584

>quoting a dictionary at people in internet arguments

>> No.19708587
File: 145 KB, 1280x720, tyu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how are these for input hypotheses

>> No.19708591

>Argues that someone doesn't know the definition of something
>Tries to greentext their way out of a verbatim definition of it
simply epic

>> No.19708594

Not a huge loss.

>> No.19708596

You have the understanding of logic of a teenager.

>> No.19708599

what's the difference between くれる and 上げる as far as their usage for the English infinitive "to give"?

>> No.19708600

matt posting is better than krashen posting desu

>> No.19708609

Is there a language-agnostic thing for learning Japanese? As in it only has audio and pictures, and isn't based on translations from another language (English)?

All the stuff in the OP seems to be based on learning Japanese with English as the point of reference.

>> No.19708610

くれる is someone else giving you something, あげる is you giving someone else something.
It's more complex than that but this is the only explanation you need right now.

>> No.19708611

can you use them both in a sentence

>> No.19708615


>> No.19708623


>> No.19708629
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Why are you guys so focused on how to learn, instead of just learning? It's really not as difficult as you guys make it out to be, just read and write down shit you don't know.

>> No.19708634

Fuck you

>> No.19708638

But if I don't know it, how do I know what to read and write?

>> No.19708640

If someone has done something in a different way than us, we have to prove that it was them who wasted x months and not us. Think about it, how much would it suck if you spent 4 months learning kanji then someone else came along and skipped it and was completely fine? Fuck that, m-muh ego.

>> No.19708641

i don't believe you

>> No.19708642



>> No.19708649

how many hours have you spent arguing and/or shitposting on djt
if i haven't got you beat there i'm going to feel really bad

>> No.19708652


>> No.19708653

that's just a few loud people

>> No.19708655

>Successful learners capitalise on the vast amount of both linguistic skills and world knowledge they have already accumulated via the mother tongue. For the most part, they need not reconceptualise their world in the new language. The path breaking power of L1 grammar is not dependent on the fact that both languages share similar grammatical features. It is because all languages have evolved means of expressing abstract ideas such as possession, number, agent, instrument, negation, cause, condition, obligation etc., no matter how they do this, that one natural language is enough to open the door for the grammars of other languages. In a deep sense, we only learn language once.

>That is why, according to Butzkamm, the monolingual orthodoxy, with or without small concessions, cannot be supported in any respect. The target-language-only credo must be overturned and foreign language teaching methodology stood on its feet again.


>> No.19708656

I thought you guys might like this.

>> No.19708660


>> No.19708665

or in my case i get to marvel each and every day at how the internet has permanently crippled the generations following my own and try to work with them to get their minds right in vain because they are permanently crippled but i still dont wanna give up

>> No.19708674

Well now that someone vetted (mat*) has told me that RTK isn't necessary, I don't argue with people about it here any more. And I'm not upset about having delayed by learning by 3 months because I don't think you guys are learning fast anyway. Plus most of you skimp out on listening practice.

>> No.19708680

can you coach me on being functional in other parts of life as well

>> No.19708684

That's actually amazing for stuff like Terrace House.
Thanks anon!

>> No.19708701

can you believe in a year there will be four generations of mattdrones all arguing amongst each other
"no matt said lazy kanji is bad prior to 2018"
"no matt said lazy kanji is good in late 2018"
"no matt said lazy kanji is bad again in 2019"
i can't wait for /dmt/ in full force

>> No.19708704

hey guys wots teh new meta in the matt btfo patch lmao

im a simple man and theres a lot of specific things i cant help you with but ill tell you how a man with gray hair on his scraggly balls would deal with things in a broad sense

>> No.19708706

Changing your opinion in the face of evidence (results from his discord followers) is not bad. It's dishonest for you to frame it that way.

>> No.19708710

>it costs money

>> No.19708731

Reminder that you can get way more Japanese shows on netflix by using a VPN.

>> No.19708739

Does using a VPN risk getting your account permanently banned or do they just block you from signing in/watching shows on the VPN if they detect it?

>> No.19708740
File: 31 KB, 320x217, 1381957002715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who lives in japan?

>> No.19708743

i made no indication that admitting fault is wrong, i just stated the fact that his cultists are going to have wars
he's growing as an young adult and i'm proud of him even though he's still got a long ways to go

>> No.19708749


>> No.19708750

I used to.

>> No.19708757

whats it like? pleaseshare

>> No.19708760

Me, I even go outside unlike Matt.
Rural areas are very friendly, to both me and each other. I can't say much about Urban areas though.

>> No.19708768

how do you deal with all the insects and shit in the rural areas? shit like the large hornets and centipedes freak me the fuck out

>> No.19708771

lol japans bugs aint got shit on australias mate

>> No.19708774
File: 93 KB, 502x560, 1398143044971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any more deets? did living in japan change you?

>> No.19708785

I was in a rural area, like the other guy. Super friendly people. Regularly had high school kids come and chat with me, presumably because I was one of less than 2 dozen non-Japanese people in the city.

I had 1 house centipede show up on my wall. Caught it in a mirror and pooped everywhere. Besides that, they were mostly just occasionally chilling on stair guard rails and stuff. Except the spiders, they were fucking everywhere. Only tip for that I guess, would be to be Australian, like me.

Tokyo is shit. Osaka is pretty okay.

>> No.19708797

Reading what? Can I import Japanese picture books for toddlers?

>> No.19708804

the only spiders you have to worry about are black widows and australian spiders
almost all other spiders are bros, not pricks (ha ha get it)
unless you're allergic to spider bits, but that's another story entirely

>> No.19708830


>> No.19708837

I've only seen a few of the large hornets and they've never bothered me. They're honestly after pollen and bees and won't fuck with you unless they think you're fucking with them (or you're even remotely close to their nest). You'll hear them long before you see them though so if you hear something that sounds like a motorcycle but is coming from bushes, fuck off fast. One sting and you're in the hospital, two stings and you're in the morgue. Especially in the Fall you need to respect their space, they get angsty once the flowers die and they have no food.
I've only ever had small fruit flies and shit in my apartment, luckily.

>Any more deets?
Not off the top of my head, if you had anything specific I could say something.
>Did living in Japan change you?
It's made me more willing to go with other people's flow since I don't have the Japanese to say no yet.

I have the same happen to me but mostly middle school kids. Actually tonight some weird middle aged guy followed me into a convenience store and started trying to show me selfies with flowers which was kinda weird.

>> No.19708850

Hunter spiders will fuck you up like something from an Alien movie. And by that I mean you'll freak out, jump back, fall down the stairs, and die.

>> No.19708867

>mostly middle school kids
Oh right. That's what I meant, but we don't really make the distinction between middle and high school kids in Australia, so I keep forgetting that they do that in other places.

>started trying to show me selfies with flowers which was kinda weird.
Nice. I remember this one time, a strange, fat lady tried to pick me up from a station, even though she didn't speak any English, and I spoke almost zero Japanese at the time. Yours was probably more pleasant an experience though.

>> No.19708889

>Yours was probably more pleasant an experience though.

>Guy coming out of convenience store at 9pm
>Sees me going in
>Turns around and follows me in
>Follows me through some aisles
>Realizes I'm window shopping and waits outside
>Intercepts me on my way out and forces his selfies on me
Y-Yeah, very pleasant.

Basically if you go to Japan, people are friendly (not just because you're gaijin), but some of them (not all) have this "GAIJIN, GOTTA CATCH'EM ALL!" attitude. Expect to take pictures with random strangers while they ask you to pretend like you're friends in the photo for their kids to see later. Fucking weird, man.

>> No.19708908
File: 798 KB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was told it means "doing my best". Is the translation good or was I scammed like a filthy gaijin /jp/?

>> No.19708915
File: 735 KB, 785x900, zebra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im married with a kid in japan


>> No.19708922

Different anon here - when I was in Japan a couple of uggmugs in Niigata JR Station tried to pick me up using some translation app. Said "I'm in a hurry" into their phone and skidaddled.
Some people can be very pushy when you're a gaijin.

>> No.19708925

I somehow missed the "followed me in" part and was imagining you just bumping into a guy and him being really excited to show you pictures of flowers. Which is much more wholesome, and much less terrifying than your story.

Is your wife dating anyone?

>> No.19708934

no, shes married lol

>> No.19708945

also, 60% of Japanese women above 30y/o are single so have at em

>> No.19708944

Rad. Secondary question, can I borrow some condoms?

>> No.19708959

They let you marry kids in Japan? Truly a miraculous land.

>> No.19708967

age of consent is 13 here

>> No.19708968

i mean in japan kids commonly prank each other by sticking their pair of index fingers up each others butts

yooo danngg

>> No.19708976

Did you name your kid Reimu?

It wasn't really scary, it was just super awkward.

>i mean in japan kids commonly prank each other by sticking their pair of index fingers up each others butts
This is true, it's what Kakashi's 1000 years of pain thing is from. Protect your rectum, ye who enter.

>> No.19708980

Is there a way to make word lookup on the Kobo easier? I ask beause I've also got the Aura H2O (v2). Downside is that for compound words you need to select all kanji in the word, so you have to highlight a kanji and then grab the selection dots to select the whole word, which can take several seconds and makes it a lot more tedious. And for conjugated verbs it doesn't register at all (but you can of course just select the kanji and look for the verb form).

>> No.19708984

Who here /learning 6k words before even starting to read/?

I'm at 3300 now.

>> No.19708987

ive had kids do that. its not funny irl

>> No.19708995

>Getting surprise ass-raped by a childs finger isn't fun irl
Different strokes I guess

>> No.19709000

you should start reading sooner than later. youll learn words faster that way anyway.

>> No.19709001

lmao epic day if its the reimu guy

also oh yea if youre out in the land of epic midori you really do need to be on guard at all times until you establish your place among the locals

>> No.19709010

If it's a girl then maybe

>> No.19709011

None that I know of, I have the same problem as well. Which is why I read on my Kindle since there it just works™.

>> No.19709016

eat shit sickos

>> No.19709020

> lmao epic day if its the reimu guy
Someone did that?

>> No.19709025

I'm using japanese.io to read novels right now. The dictionary is much better with compound words and such, and since I have to look up so many words it's easier

I don't think ereaders are efficient as a beginner or lower intermediate

>> No.19709031

Oh lighten up, it was obviously a joke.

>> No.19709037

first thing you should do once you move to japan and setup your gaijin bike gang and secure you territory from the HS kids. find out who the head of the local yakuza is and offer his parents free english lessons. from there you can slowly posion him via his tea with show lily leaves

>> No.19709046

naming your kid reimu is not a good joke why did you do it

>> No.19709056

i'd avoid the yakuza at all costs after reading that story of those underlings torturing that girl

>> No.19709057

dude you dont wanna fuck with shinobi tuhsaka


>> No.19709058

then, once he is weakened, you can challenge him to a judo fight in front of his gang. once defeated they will obviously follow the new alpha (gaijinなのに)

>> No.19709059

>ive had kids do that. its not funny irl
It's pretty funny. It sounds like they get you every time, git gud.

So pretty much if you're not Matt and you actually go outside.

The real meta is to abuse your position as a teacher (let's be real, it's the only way you're getting into the country) and join all the combat-based clubs (judo, kendo, etc). Grow slowly in power until you can take out the principal then take over the school.

>> No.19709072

Yeah at least name her Cirno or something

>> No.19709082

epic win if you name your baby cirno and teach her math and make her the 最強est mather in the prefecture

>> No.19709102

name your gang something cool like 外グミ then recruit your new gangs GFs to start prostituting. once you have some capital, hire fresh mucule and strong arm the nearest korean owed pachinko into a (protection service) relationship

>> No.19709117
File: 236 KB, 1024x768, 1506711906328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DJT meetup in Japan.

>> No.19709124

from there you will be selling bars of soap and shit like a cray mother fucker. your capital will grow expontially. the more powerful yakuza will notice and 'get involved'. take them out with your big gaijin guys and move on to hiring pro prostitues

>> No.19709147

That second dude from the extreme left looks like a おじいさん

>> No.19709158
File: 31 KB, 480x360, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like

>> No.19709166
File: 39 KB, 440x599, 440px-Shinzō_Abe_Official.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then the next step is simple. plant your girls around the red light district. take out any korean or chinese who try to step on your business. your net will eventually fish up some politians. blackmail them until you have 安倍様 under your thumb

then: ???
then: rule japan (easy)

>> No.19709167

I was the same as you before quitting.

>> No.19709168

>jamal in middle last row

>> No.19709177

They won't ban you and lose a paying customer in the process.
The did apparently ban some VPNs so google around which ones are good to use. I'd get a paid one, they mostly cost just a few bucks a month and are useful for other things too (like browsing 5ch).

>> No.19709181

The only thing I've ever seen like that is rosetta stone, where they show you pictures of concepts and attach it to text, but even those are made to have an English perspective. I assume you're trying to come at it from a different native language than English?

I see. I guess I will use that for now. Thank you.

No, not really, sorry.

>> No.19709195

me with the stache

>> No.19709211

>I assume you're trying to come at it from a different native language than English?
No, it just feels "dirty" or "fake" like my use of the language will always depend on something else and not stand on its own. I'm an EOP

>> No.19709213

me on the front left

>> No.19709217

more like ゲイぐみ

we specialize in ちんぽ殺し

>> No.19709220

You're supposed to go full monolingual after you reach a certain level.

>> No.19709225

what level is that because i'm pretty sure learning a language is an elaborate conspiracy and no one has gotten to that level before

>> No.19709230

As soon as you can.

>> No.19709231

you go monolingual when you can ride the bike on two weeks on your own

>> No.19709232

stop worrying. you'll start to think in japanese eventually if you just keep learning it.

>> No.19709241

That "certain level" is basically fluent. Anything less than that and you're honestly wasting your time *unless* the English explanations are lacking. Your mother tongue is to be used as a tool, denying to use it is just making you spend more time in grammar books and dictionaries than you have to.

>> No.19709243

>quitting after sinking 1000 hours into learning jap

not an option buddy

>> No.19709249

sometimes you gotta learn to cut your losses

its a big part of growing up

>> No.19709254

>denying to use it is just making you spend more time in grammar books and dictionaries than you have to.
not a problem if you don't use grammar explanations or vocab definitions, check the reading of the word and move forward

>> No.19709262


More reading on this subject.

If you can extract meaning with just the reading then I agree that's the best course of action.

>> No.19709264

How are you 1000 hours in at only 3300 words?

>> No.19709268

you mena i dont have to make up a stupid english story or learn every single reading or even understand the word in the first place?? i cna just read it and move on?????

what kind of pseudo \djt\ are we living in right now

>> No.19709286

why is butzposting picking up

>> No.19709307

there is no benefit to forcing oneself to go monolingual early

you don't learn the nuances of words through dictionary definitions

>> No.19709316

it helps you think in the language

>> No.19709320
File: 261 KB, 1898x961, yomitai!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm almost there BABY!!! Can someone reccomend me a LN to get all my everyday vocabs from. The long awaited day is coming upon me.

>> No.19709331

matt says rtk is pointless

>> No.19709340

who says i'm following matt? Last I heard Matt didn't write RTK

>> No.19709344

ok i'm just saying there's an optimal way to learn and matt knows what he's talking about here

>> No.19709345

>wants to read before even knowing grammar
Just read NHK

>> No.19709346

I wonder what could go wrong...

>> No.19709356

you know what helps you more? actually reading instead of wasting your time creating anki decks for dictionary jargon, matt

>> No.19709364

see uh huh and uh uh

>> No.19709367

Why were his arguments against RTK? Don't want to watch the videos

>> No.19709369

you don't have to make anki decks if you don't want though making cards for single words from a dictionary would be really fast and easy. you can just start looking up words in a japanese dictionary and taking note of some of the words you find in it.

>> No.19709374

it mostly stemmed from him being a retarded pale pasty child who puts manga in the microwave and then puts it on his walls

>> No.19709381

> uh uh
Nobody says that

>> No.19709383

don't worry he didn't watch either, not that i'm defending matt

>> No.19709393

people usually put a dash in it when typing it but yes they do
maybe there are regions that don't

>> No.19709394

Yes they do.

>> No.19709395

oh is that so https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8C92AVB6wg

>> No.19709402

Is going through Tae Kim not enough? I can look up grammer points and vocab as I go along albeit very tediously. I'd rather put a bullet in my brain then read boring news stories.

>> No.19709405

>a) Monolingual dictionaries (intentionally take longer in dictionaries than you have to)
>b) Read a lot, translate literally (or hyper-literally if you can) until you start thinking in the language
B is better.

>> No.19709408

you don't know japanese

>> No.19709410

well you see he's not against rtk, just doing rtk keyword to kanji before you're fluent. because without knowing actual japanese words, your retention for rtk's kanji will drop in the long term. you might as well wait to do rtk until after you're fluent. he recommends you do rtk kanji to keyword as a beginner, and do it quickly.

>> No.19709413

his patrons are brainlets and keep forgetting mature Kanji cards.

this somehow proves that doing RTK at the start doesn't work, even though a lot of people don't have that problem at all

>> No.19709416

use capitalization if you're going to post like that, you're not one of us

>> No.19709425

leave me alone

>> No.19709433

Alright, if you Americans say so.
But still, uh huh has a 'ha' sound to differentiate it from uh uh.

>> No.19709436

lol he realized everyone he sent to do RTK gave up early so he keeps making it easier.

>> No.19709438

well if you do rtk at the start and become dependent on flashcards forever i guess i can see how people would keep remembering them as long as they keep doing lots of flashcards

problem is can they really keep that up and still spend enough time with nihongo???

i dont know and i wouldnt suggest anyone fuck around with that shit because it sounds really unfun which fun should be 最優先事項だってばよ : )

>> No.19709439

That's exactly how it works m8
t. learned English to fluency by shitposting in 4chan

>> No.19709441

You can't think in a language you don't know yet, you have to ease your way into it. The best way to do that is to translate the language as close to hyper-literally as you can and you will eventually find that you stop translating it in your head. Translating it literally is also ok, but translating it liberally is going to take much longer. I don't really care what you think since you pull this same thing every time but pretty much anyone who bothers reading this will see the difference between the amount of thought I put into my replies versus the amount you put in and they will easily see who is right.

>> No.19709443

yeah and the pitch curve is different too
turns out there are differences in the pronunciation of うん and ううん as well

>> No.19709445

He realized that there was an entire market for people who would never accept rtk.

>> No.19709447

no there were a lot of people finishing both 1 and 3 in his discord but their mature retention started dropping.

>> No.19709449

no dude its *flaps retard arm* urrghgh and ururughghghh literally indistinguishable *shits pants*

>> No.19709458

This made me laugh out loud.

>> No.19709464

>you will eventually find that you stop translating it in your head.
you did, i did, there are examples of people who didn't, be careful what you tell people to do because they will likely misunderstand
>you pull this same thing every time
i'm not djt i just post here sometimes

>> No.19709477

he should rename mia to cyoa
as long as you pay up it's all good brother

>> No.19709489

if you wanna play the djt cyoa google a game called dont shit your pants and play that and see how you do

>> No.19709506
File: 3 KB, 228x47, 2134234234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spaced this over the span of 90 days, how hard is this gonna bite me in this ass later

>> No.19709509

did it get any better in the last 9 years

>> No.19709510
File: 35 KB, 634x400, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19709523

looks like the answer is no

>> No.19709531

>there are examples of people who didn't
This is a non-issue and doesn't directly counter anything I've said, they just haven't gotten to that point yet. >>19709439 said it nice and short, that's exactly how it works. The more you keep the language intact (translating hyper-literally), the faster you will be able to ditch translating all together. The reason for this is that you're keeping the translation as close to the original script as possible, changing grammar very little if at all. It gets you use to how the language literally works instead of trying to force it into your language's sentence patterns.

This site says it best, I think:
>It is also clear that hyperliteral translations only should be used in the early stages of learning a new language. They are much better than ordinary translations to convey the structure of the phrases in the original language, but as soon as you can understand the general meaning of spoken and written texts in language A the best strategy would normally be not to make or use translations at all, except when you look up unknown words or idiomatic phrases in dictionaries and other sources.

You have no argument, mate.

>> No.19709544

youre just too low iq to understand that shitting your pants will sitting on the fuckin toilet is the greatest example of shakespearean tragedy that even romeo could learn a thing or two from

>> No.19709556

RTK should only be a stepping stone into reading and not something your supposed to keep doing forever. Book 3 is whats killing these peoples retention. The only solution is stop playing in the kiddie pool and start the fun process of reading.

>> No.19709568

there are people who will never get to that point because they use translation as a crutch because they didn't understand what you meant
i don't have an argument because i don't disagree with your actual advice
i've stated the problem with your original post and that's all there is to it

>> No.19709574

do you think romeo got his name from shakespeare by the way

>> No.19709588

Well sorry for believing you were disagreeing with my post, your initial response was a very vague and low-effort "you don't know japanese" so I hope you find it in your heart to accept that it was a sincere mistake on my part.
As for misunderstanding my post, anyone who has the attention span to google "hyper-literal translation" will understand, hopefully.

>> No.19709591

no he got it after watching the y2k smash hit blockbuster jet li film "romeo must die"

rip aaliyah

>> No.19709601

me when i come to djt


>> No.19709609

people do that a lot here for some reason, being intentionally kinda vague, forcing you to read into what they're really saying, and then when you guess wrong they say "i'm not saying that". probably a defense mechanism because they're afraid of looking dumb, but they could make things easier if they just invested some effort

>> No.19709610

yeah sometimes i shitpost when i shouldn't shitpost but we all make mistakes
you should never overestimate people as a whole, it's good to be optimistic but there will always be some idiot
maybe they deserve it, but that's another topic

>> No.19709620

same thing
romeo romeo where art thou homie bro

>> No.19709631


>> No.19709640

personally i'd say it's a defense mechanism in terms of effort
if you put in effort and get a shitpost in response you feel slightly peeved
if you open up with a shitpost and get effort in response then maybe it's worth having a discussion
i recognize that there are flaws but i'm not saying it's rational

>> No.19709678

i like to encourage thinking for ones self and coming off as a smug prick while i do it

>> No.19709681

Nice summary of jamal's life.

>> No.19709700

honestly if someone comes off like a smug prick but you realize that they're actually right it's much more impactful than if they nicely teach you something
it makes you really question a lot more about your beliefs
best to always be a smug prick just in case it works out that way for someone
that was a joke but there is some truth to it

>> No.19709707

i dont care about the posts i get in response its the people who read them and dont respond and just go make changes for themselves that make me happy

the conversation is rarely interesting enough to find joy in that itself

>> No.19709728

its almost like i try to carve a memory into them with a truly rude and nasty and frankly putrid post to reinforce whatever thing they need to remember

>> No.19709750

Imagine being so delusional you think that your forgettable posts cause people epiphanies.

>> No.19709766

you cant fade me ┐(‘~` )┌

>> No.19709782

Anyone here ever try natto? What's it taste like?

>> No.19709786

literally tastes like old people fart and smells like it too

>> No.19709794

much like my posting

>> No.19709822
File: 63 KB, 1280x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

today is the day

>> No.19709826

i'm just spreading what's helped me in the past

>> No.19709829

you go get 'em
you'll make it as long as you leave this thread and never come back
make sure to not look for a substitute either
it's for your own good

>> No.19709830

what day

>> No.19709833

One punch man is trash. Stop posting.

>> No.19709834

What a coincidence
I too, am spreading what's helped you in the past
Your mom

>> No.19709840

fuckin this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

your mom goes to college

>> No.19709846

i thought you were going to say jelly
jelly helped me more

>> No.19709850

Fuck off.

>> No.19709859


>> No.19709866


>> No.19709874

youre not ready for that dude go do some laps

>> No.19709877


>> No.19709884

this is apparent

>> No.19709891



>> No.19709892

would it be a waste of time to supplement daily sentence cards with a little lazy kanji (adding 4 a day)? you would grade it like khatz says which is write it out and think of a vague meaning or word that uses it. kklc gives multiple keywords and vocabulary which would make it an easy task to make the cards

>> No.19709901


>> No.19709958

Can't be a worse waste of time than sentence cards anyways, so go for it I guess

>> No.19709977

where's steve's "I love dick" clip

>> No.19709993

i made it on another device with no account so idk how to find it again

>> No.19710000

but we can always go back and get aids together with this one >>19708301

>> No.19710006

Here's one of their member's (Yuha) other channels where they teach Japanese in Korean:

And here's her instagram where everything is in gook runes, including her name:

>> No.19710009

By my estimates, through pure vocab mining while listening/reading, I average out to around 3 new Kanji a day at this point. Was a lot more before I hit the 1000 or so mark, but now it really takes going out of my way to find new ones.

The plus side of it, at this point it's really easy to absorb new words/kanji, due to pure exposure.

>> No.19710022


>> No.19710046

he sure is

>> No.19710060

Does anyone have a ないす kanji wallpaper?

>> No.19710077

Foreign words are written in Katakana

>> No.19710093

i have 2 friends that say thats not true >>19708587

>> No.19710106

>>Is going through Tae Kim not enough?
Nothing is enough to prepare you for reading; you can go through whatever grammar resource you like but you will suck hard when you first start. Try not to be discouraged and know that it gets better before long (especially if you invest a lot of time each day reading).

>> No.19710139

アイ フォルごっつ!

>> No.19710146

t. mt. Stupid hermit

>> No.19710160

>Foreign words are written in Katakana
Not always. There's even an example ITT: >>19708587

>> No.19710169

god i love that majestic and surreal bosom

>> No.19710182

now for a change of pace heres an example where normal japanese words would all be written in katakana


>> No.19710205

I knew the reading of the kanji in the thumbnail despite never seeing it before
So this is the power of 10000 hours of anime

>> No.19710224


though to be fair he does a really good job roleplaying as an anime character

>> No.19710258

It sounds like he is talking over everyone. Other people try to talk, but he just keeps repeating the same word over and over again until they shut up, then he continues.

>> No.19710261

later on in a different convo dude fuckin hits him with the davido special and matt totally misunderstands it lmao


>> No.19710264

how many hours you at cause i can read the word but i forget the meaning because i don't know japanese

>> No.19710285

Is jamal matt's biggest fan?

>> No.19710286

>apparently hiding his recording device
doesn't his state require consent of both parties

>> No.19710291

u guys bring him up not me

>> No.19710303

>deeply analyzes and cuts matt's 6 gorillion hours long videos
>posts 10s of clips
>stop bringing him up guys lmao

>> No.19710310

i only saw that vid cuz 1 of you knuckle heads posted it tho??

>> No.19710311


>le audio and video recording consent meme
This only applies if you are trying to use it in a court case as evidence, other than that anyone is free to record you for personal use in public. Quit believing everything you hear about in Law & Order: SVU.

>> No.19710315

patreon isn't personal use

>> No.19710319

post your age or just tick this box

[ ] trolling

>> No.19710327

Does anyone here know how to extract the script for ISLAND?
The tools for Grisaia (exkifint) don't seem to work

>> No.19710329

what are you trying to say
i admit i'm not familiar with laws on recording but i think it's easy to argue that it's commercial

>> No.19710347

better go after every music vid shot on an iphone in public posted to worldstar too

>> No.19710363

Here in America was have freedom of press, how else would public and private figures be represented in the news by independent sources? Anybody can record and make a documentary about anybody, same for private investigators. The moment you present yourself in public there is an implied consent that you may be recorded by private individuals or your government.

>> No.19710372

matt is probably bigger than that website to be fair
that sounds right
i'm american but like most americans i don't know my rights, you should be familiar with this

>> No.19710375

The digital era was a mistake.

>> No.19710387

smartphones and broadband internet ruined EVERYTHING

people dont even store thoughts locally anymore they just let the cloud feed them to their brain

>> No.19710400

I'm scared but if I can do 3 months of rtk I can do fucking anything. I'll begin when I finish the last 200 kanji.

>> No.19710426

i can't adjust to this non-desktop world, my phone is essentially for nothing but google and being a phone, i was born a bit too early for this shit
don't worry though the internet still tells me what to think

>> No.19710429


>> No.19710462
File: 849 KB, 1099x998, 1534390234782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19710465

if it's going well for you it's not a waste of time
matt changed his opinion because his followers are too stupid for rtk, make sure you keep visualizing the stories and it'll stick
though, it's probably enough to do RTK1 for now

>> No.19710471
File: 51 KB, 491x585, 1513187022889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if I can do 3 months of rtk I can do fucking anything

>> No.19710488
File: 76 KB, 808x772, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After trying some more I've got files with sensible filenames but the content is still nonsense other than the "CatScene" at the start of every file.
Is this some weird encoding, or a binary format I'll have to convert with yet another tool?

>> No.19710489

dictionary words you need to know to make the monolingual transition:

>> No.19710499

Hey guys, just found out about this whole "AJATT" thing. Is it for real? This guy seems fluent in Japanese.

>> No.19710515

The only think people ruin this way is themselves. Same with social networks. It's so easy to stay ahead of the pack these days, just don't do the most stupid shit.

>> No.19710521

Not really. Khatz and Matt are OK but nowhere near good enough to learn from. There's at least 2 or 3 regular posters in this thread who can speak much better than Khatz or Matt off the cuff.

I've asked for proof of their ability several times but they probably just haven't gotten around to uploading it, but I trust them.

>> No.19710531

if the tools you have and can find don't work then you're going to need to do some scripting and debugging and find out what the difference is from what the tools expect

>> No.19710533

i was actually just working on that

>> No.19710540

absolutely its not the thing itself but it works like a bug zapper and no matter what the paradigm shift natural selection will still take its course

mother nature is incredible

>> No.19710541


>> No.19710542

They have Target in Japan?

>> No.19710550

idk i dont think khatz makes a product worth buying but if you could work with him one on one i think he would be of much benefit to a learner

>> No.19710551

I don't get it, why?

>> No.19710560

i thought being tech-competent would ensure my future but it turns out my addiction to wasting time on the internet is stronger than my probably-at-least-average iq
mother nature should have raised me better

>> No.19710571

because it's better to look up and learn definitions in Japanese than in English if you eventually want to be able to switch your brain to Japanese

>> No.19710572

All of his good advice is free but you can get that advice from advanced learners here. There's just too many people in these threads who are better than Khatz for him to be worth your time.

>> No.19710573

i think he's asking why those words

>> No.19710575

Being tech-competent makes you too smart and then become skeptic of everything.

>> No.19710588

mother nature is not an equal opportunity employer

survival of the fittest mother fuckaz


general advice doesnt clear up specific misunderstandings that will likely go unabated until you get help from an adult

>> No.19710593

i certainly don't want to have the displeasure of using or working with any software or libraries that exist, i know that much
i think if i was smart i would get care more about getting rich and having an easy life than my own displeasure however

>> No.19710594

in that case, because they appear in dictionary entries quite often

>> No.19710597

How do you prove your ability to someone of a lower caliber? How does that even work? All you have to do is up that person, but that doesn't justify much. They could be the same level and lucky.

>> No.19710607

his good advice is also in the middle of a sea of shit which doesn't help
oh i guess the good advice here is too

>> No.19710609

obviously the more convincing you sound and the more incomprehensible input that sounds convincing you throw at them the more they will be wowed by how incomprehensible it is

>> No.19710612

Ask a native what they think of that person's ability. Prime the question such that the Japanese person is more likely to be honest than to bullshit. i.e. "This guy considers himself somewhat of an expert is teaches people Japanese. What do you think of his skill?"

>> No.19710620

Problem with AJATT and people related to it (e.g. MattVsJapan, who admits this in his latest video) is that they sometimes tell you to do things that they themselves never did just because it seems like a good idea to them.

For instance, Khatz says on the AJATT site not to read a grammar guide even though he read and mined sentences from several. Matt was going around telling people they should do RTK before anything else even though he didn't do that, and has now changed his mind about it after negative feedback from people who actually followed his advice. etc.

Sooner than do the AJATT/MIA/whatever method, you're better off looking at what the people behind those methods actually did themselves and copying it. The only guaranteed way to get the same results that they did is to copy exactly what they did to get where they are.

>> No.19710622

problem is youre still asking a layman about shit hes still not versed with

now if you asked shoko hamano sensei that question then youd be getting somewhere

>> No.19710625

I found the right tool

so for anyone who also want to do this:
Extract the .int-files with this (the v3-version):
Then open the extracted.cst-files with this:

>> No.19710633

by the way heres my mental picture of what her response would be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N41IK-erF9Q

>> No.19710635

Just look for what all people who have gotten good have in common. Generally it's that they read a lot, listen a lot. Maybe with some basic grammar referencing chucked in.

>> No.19710640


>> No.19710650

>The only guaranteed way to get the same results that they did is to copy exactly what they did to get where they are.
i think matt said exactly this at some point before turning around and recommending something that he didn't do
also i think telling people to do something you didn't do is fine if you're honest and don't make any claims about the actual viability and efficiency when you clearly can't know

>> No.19710706

High, drunk or escapee from the local insane asylum?

>> No.19710718

shes just sick of the bullshit and shes goin to beat that ass

>> No.19710722

i'm proud of him for realizing that any study at all affects the results of future study methods, however, his suggestion now being to do exactly what he did in spite of how much he seems to hate what he did is amusing. it's understandable though, he makes money by having a method, better tell people to do something even if it's shit.

>> No.19710730

He literally makes money off of people who can't do it. That's the entire business model. You don't want people to succeed so you can keep rolling in cash.

>> No.19710735

Did you live in some sort of a gated community your entire life? This is a daily sight in any major city.

>> No.19710739

>tfw never lived in a major city
Must be nice being rich.

>> No.19710746

Rich people live in the countryside. The tools live like rats in the city.

>> No.19710749

i'm going to make the monolingual transition, wish me luck /djt/

>> No.19710761

he doesn't recommend people take japanese classes or output early, both of which he did (though his hand was kinda forced in that he was living in japan). so he's not recommending people do exactly what he did.
the whole reason he changed his mind on RTK is that many people on his discord server followed his advice and finished RTK (this isn't conspiracy, go ahead and ask like 4 different people who have either made AJATT/MIA videos or tweets), but their mature retention was dropping so he realized that RTK isn't going to work as effectively for beginners as it did for him since he was already fluent.

>> No.19710769

How long did those people do RTK? Less than a year?

>> No.19710781

from what i've seen the time it takes them to complete it is around 4 months but i don't know at what point they realize their mature is dropping.

>> No.19710811

It's obvious that it'll drop after you finish for a period of time because it's not the main focus anymore. However, it'll even out eventually as you accumulate vocabulary and go back up. Basically people just fussing about nothing but memetention. Do they want to learn Japanese or not?

>> No.19710964

finally our savior has told us how to learn kanji

>> No.19710970
File: 11 KB, 133x841, Summer Pockets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I actually like reading. Hanahira took 1 month, Flyable Heart took 11 months, and Satsukoi took 4 months. I was hoping I could improve my consumption speed with Summer Pockets, but it is a failure. I've only read 5,000 lines in over a month. The only time I read is when I force myself to do it.

I always thought learning Japanese would be nice because I could read all the VNs and LNs that my favorite anime series were based on. But I don't enjoy reading. I don't enjoy it in English, so I'm not sure why I always thought I would suddenly like it in Japanese.

>> No.19710981
File: 128 KB, 400x400, 1530541072448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mattdrones spend 4 months + however long it takes them to mine all 850 sentences from tae kim before they even start reading

Imagine how they must feel after 5-6 months of "study" only to realize they can't read shit when they finally try.

>> No.19710984

reading's for nerds dude, I don't even like to read in my own language.

>> No.19710995

if it starts to become boring, change VN, I must have played 10 different games before sticking with Baldr Sky

>> No.19711000
File: 115 KB, 720x720, 1530367453327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Flyable Heart took 11 months

>> No.19711013

How does it feel to know you can finally quit and relieve the stress of not knowing Japanese for good?

>> No.19711014

this website seems like a pain in the ass

>> No.19711028


oh boy

I'm so glad I'm not brainlet

>> No.19711047

Maybe if you weren't such an autistic spacker who kept track of how many lines he read each day you would enjoy it more. Treating books like some sort of challenge to be overcome is the complete wrong mindset. When all you're thinking about is getting to the end, how do you expect to enjoy the journey?

>> No.19711054

>When all you're thinking about is getting to the end, how do you expect to enjoy the journey?
This is everything wrong with today's society. Too focused on the end and not the journey. It seems to be applicable to everything.

>> No.19711073

I only started doing that with Summer Pockets. Keeping track of progress has helped me with my weight loss and my listening practice, so I thought it would help me with my reading as well. All it has shown me so far is how many days I don't read anything.

>> No.19711074

i read that on release day for about 35 hours more or less straight cause im a huge retard

the experience was so draining that it left me unable to even lament modern visual games or the sad death of key even though at this point i still dont think it was a bad game but its pretty rough around the edges

wenders chan #1 ok thats about it thanks for reading this blog post

>> No.19711085

>I've only read 5,000 lines in over a month.
Yeah, reading is not for you. Still, you should force yourself to read a little bit every day.

>> No.19711095

Is "just read" the biggest meme there is now that it's proven to not work?

>> No.19711097

>All it has shown me so far is how many days I don't read anything.
if it would be the same for any material, you're fucked
otherwise fucking read something else

>> No.19711101

Oh wow, the best way to learn kanji just so happens to be his proprietary paid subscription service, what a coincidence. Steven is such a fucking kike.

>> No.19711109

He's pretty much doing no reading at all though. As >>19711085 said, 5000 lines over the course of an entire month is absolutely fucking nothing. That would even be a poor performance for a week.

>> No.19711116

he read his third vn nearly 3x as fast as his second and they are similar in length
also he clearly has no motivation so he's not a good source of data

>> No.19711124

>Flyable Heart
Have you tried reading something you're actually interested in? Something that you keep reading because you want to know what happens next, not because you feel like you have to.

>> No.19711132

What if I read 100 lines an hour because I don't know Japanese? I haven't actually counted, just a guess.

>> No.19711135

>I always thought learning Japanese would be nice because I could read all the VNs and LNs that my favorite anime series were based on. But I don't enjoy reading. I don't enjoy it in English, so I'm not sure why I always thought I would suddenly like it in Japanese.
No no no, I want to believe they're much better in Japanese. They can't actually be trash or /a/ will laugh at me.

>> No.19711143

shh don't tell him the secret
compelling content is for the enlightened only
just because he reads trash doesn't mean all media is trash

>> No.19711152

>he thinks glancing is reading
Reading implies comprehension.

>> No.19711158

That made me feel like a disgusting otaku like nothing else before. I couldn't keep reading it, even though it was pretty much at my level at the time.

This anon >>19711124 is right. Just branch out and keep searching for new things until one of them hooks you. It was Danganronpa for me. Despite it being far more difficult, I could actually read it without wanting to off myself.

>> No.19711163

I'm counting sfx and two-word utterances as lines, don't worry I read much slower.

>> No.19711166

its true though why are you reading shit that is supposed to be comforting and nice for japanese people when you cant even recognize how its actually doing that

you definitely want more stimulating shit as a young growing boy

>> No.19711170

>>Have you tried reading something you're actually interested in?
This. It's so obvious he's just picking stuff from >Wareya's stats.

>> No.19711176

Did you finish all the routes in 35 hours?

I'm focusing on Shiroha and Ao right now. I'm probably months away from actually getting into their routes.

I hate the guys so much. They are so one-dimensional and stupid that I never want to talk to them.

Reading works. I just don't do it enough.

Character routes are interesting, but the common routes kill me.

I did read ReLife which was very compelling for me. Also read the first volume of Zero no Tsukaima, which I thought would be compelling, but it wasn't really. That took months to read as well.

>Wareya's stats
I don't know what that is.

>> No.19711180

Just fucking read Subahibi.

>> No.19711187

I hope anon attempts this one so we can get to say it's shit too.

>> No.19711196

>he doesn't know

>> No.19711201

Well, the new chapter is.

>> No.19711205

How did you get Summer Pockets? I thought it just came out.

>> No.19711210


>> No.19711221


>> No.19711224


>> No.19711225

This guy is 6 month's into M**t's program and still hasn't finished mining Tae Kim.


>> No.19711231

>mining Tae Kim
I seriously hope you don't do this.

>> No.19711240

you should probably be aware that まあ様 himself went "oh lol i didn't actually know how many sentences were in tae kim or how bad they were when i recommended that" a couple of days ago in one of his 80-minute updates

>> No.19711246

>I don't know what that is.
Sakubi author's autism outlet. I'm sure you've seen it posted here before if you've been here the best part of a year and a half.

>> No.19711247

I know.

>> No.19711248

I don't want to spend 11 months on it and still not understand anything beyond the surface level.

Nyaa. I think I downloaded it within a week of release. I thought it would be a thrill to read something so new.

It makes me sick how much wasted effort there is in so many people mining TK. Why doesn't one person just make a deck and share it? I know Matt hates premade decks, but I don't see how copying and pasting 800 sentences is helping them learn anything.

>> No.19711250

not only did i finish the routes but i finished the rest of the game too

the comedic relief crew is standard staple of maedas shit (he didnt write the game but you can tell its his sorta settei overall and then you can see where his influences come through) and yeah i would agree they were generally lackin but they did tell you some good shit every once in a while : )

anyway if you aint feelin it id just dump it for something more fun and stimulating like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9rv_cVvUSU

>> No.19711256

i'm sorry i don't know english carry on

>> No.19711259

Matt has changed his mind on premade decks and is currently working with members of his discord to make a good premade deck that contains i+1 sentences for learning grammar.

>> No.19711260

>mining Tae Kim
I don't know why he even tells people to do this. A lot of the sentences aren't even going to make sense to them, and Matt even admitted in his new video that he didn't understand them when he mined them either.

>> No.19711263


>> No.19711267

Don't worry about that for now, the first step is interpreting and understanding it on a surface level. After that, you can start studying Wittgenstein and Lucky Star.

>> No.19711269

just wanted to let you guys know the jap subtitles for the dragon ball rip i'm using are off by 2 seconds so i had to adjust them but they work now

>> No.19711270


>> No.19711280


>> No.19711296

When making a mining deck, do you just take the sentence from the source as an example? How can you reliably use it as an example when you didn't understand it to begin with?

>> No.19711304

when making a mining deck dont

>> No.19711306

>How can you reliably use it as an example when you didn't understand it to begin with?
you can't?

>> No.19711307

That’s why mining doesn’t work.

>> No.19711321
File: 100 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180820-214038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I've learned about 70 kanji in the last 4 months and that almost makes me N5-level student. What does that mean? I can communicate in Japanese on the level of a severely mentally impaired Japanese person? Will things become easier now? Is my understanding now level one-tier? Or lower? I am really confused. (I have been studying much more than just kanji. I've researched some of the grammar and sentence cards in Anki. I think I can hold a really basic conversation right now.)

>> No.19711322

>do you just take the sentence
no sentences
>How can you reliably use it as an example when you didn't understand it to begin with?
if you did do sentences, no one who recommends sentences says to mine sentences you didn't understand

>> No.19711336

congratulations, you've almost learned as much as a first-year elementary school student learns over a year. and you should remember that they already know japanese, so a year is obviously quite fast for that amount of information to someone who doesn't. you're ahead of the game!

>> No.19711337

You can read up on this by google or the official JLPT site. N5 is the very basics.

>> No.19711338

you stop trying to practice for conversations and start reading native content every day, after which you realize you can naturally output because of the amount of quality input you've gotten.

>> No.19711343

Have you looked at a grammar guide? If you don't know yourself what kind of sentences you can produce then you don't know any at all.

>> No.19711349

How do you greet someone then?

>> No.19711353

I mined vocabulary, not sentences, and it worked just fine, so don't put yourself through that nonsense unless you actually prefer to spend your time that way.

>> No.19711404

when you mine a sentence, you should be able to understand everything but one word. you learn the definition of that word, bam you understand the sentence in full, put that definition on the back and you're good to go.
if you still can't understand it after you understand all the words then you should not add it to anki because anki is for reviewing things you already know, not learning new things

>> No.19711414

how do people learn new kanji from anki?

>> No.19711416

>anki is for reviewing things you already know, not learning new things
This makes a lot of sense.

>> No.19711421

So I'm almost as good as someone who's basically a baby... Good, good...
I am reading Yotsuba& atm. It's really messed up because of the shitty font and meaningles words the Japanese tend to throw around.
I am reading Tae Kim.

>> No.19711425

Sentence mining is moreso an AJATT thing than a DJT thing. Khatz and Matt both say not to mine sentences that you don't understand (though they contradict that advice by telling total beginners to mine Tae Kim).

>> No.19711434
File: 372 KB, 1127x1600, img-007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LUL I thought ajatt was supposed to be fast. 6 months and has not even started, how is he supposed to be fluent in a year and a half.

I feel that the recent surge of people doing ajatt because of matt must be disillusioning for all the people who believed ajatt was actually useful. How sad that you spent time on anki and rtk and now realize how much time you wasted doing something unfun.

Just read more.

>> No.19711437

You don't know what you're doing m8.
Finish reading all of Tae Kim's grammar guide.

>> No.19711452

where did you find the subtitles?

>> No.19711455

AJATTers have far better listening abilities after a year than anyone in this thread did. Hell some of you can't listen at all after a year because all you did was read and then I see posts like, "ugh I can't understand much even after listening for 2 months for an hour a day! Ugh what gives!!!" It's actually kinda baffling. Why wouldn't you just listen along side your reading every day? And do it for more than an hour?
So I would be careful about claiming they "don't even start learning until 6 months in", since they listen from day 1:

>> No.19711460

Didn't want to make a thread for this so I'll ask here. Is there a feasible way as an American to get a working visa in Japan without a bachelor's degree? I work IT and I have an associates + certificates, I'm willing to teach English it there are programs that accept associates.

>> No.19711471

Ask on /int/ or /trv/.

>> No.19711473

I can't concentrate on reading when I'm listening to someone speak.

>> No.19711478

Ok, on my way there.

>> No.19711482

unironically go ask on /r/japanlife you'd get more help than on here.

>> No.19711486

You realize there's the exception part to the degree right? And it's having years of experience which /djt/ is too lazy to do so they prefer the bachelor's degree way. I forgot the exact number, but I think it was 5 years.

>> No.19711489

utsukushii raws from

>> No.19711500

That's why you read for a few hours and then active listen for a few hours afterwards. Unless you don't care about listening ability, but then my post isn't about you.

>> No.19711503

listening comprehension is not hard to acquire if you have good reading comprehension, you don't have to listen to 12 anime audio a day like a sperg

inputting massive amounts of audio might have its benefits but it all seems a bit nebulous considering the amount of emphasis AJATT places on it

>> No.19711508

So if I have connections there's a possibility they'll overlook the lack of bachelor's?

>> No.19711510

>Why wouldn't you just listen along side your reading every day?
I misunderstood, I thought you meant to keep passively listening while reading.

>> No.19711511

why wouldnt you just go to a better country and teach english for better pay and overall lifestyle for a foreigner

>> No.19711513

Imagine how good they would be if they did not use anki.

>> No.19711515

I have a nip gf in Osaka.

>> No.19711520

Pretty much. Also I checked on the years thing and it varies apparently depending on the type of work from 3-10. I have no clue what it is for IT, but you could look. Thinking about it, wasn't there someone here who works IT in Japan? Or was that a LARP.

>> No.19711522

desu djt and aj*****s could learn something from one another i think it's time we invite ****'s discord to djt.

>> No.19711529

if true why are you asking djt about this instead of her

>> No.19711536

Why would a migrant know anything about their own country's visa and immigration? It's not a process they need to do.

>> No.19711539

Weebs are often more knowledgeable about working internationally. Many nips I've talked to didn't even know most programs require a bachelor's.

>> No.19711544
File: 190 KB, 510x336, 1571011695045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks friend

>> No.19711552

Did all of those nips have a bachelor's?

>> No.19711554

I was confused by the sentence structure of your original comment. Years of work experience? If so I'm going on 2 years of IT experience.

>> No.19711561

Not sure but they wouldn't be applying for a work abroad program in Japan.

>> No.19711571

Right. The minimum seems to be 3 years to apply successfully. Can you shtick it out for another year?

>> No.19711579
File: 197 KB, 500x445, 73482915y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As the best person at Japanese in this thread Just a reminder that liking dragon ball instantly makes you too dumb to learn nip.

The only way to learn Japanese is to read the oreimo light novel series. No way around that.

>> No.19711588

How brown is she?

>> No.19711601

This poster is lying. I've already read nearly 50 light novels and I still don't know Japanese. I suspect further research into light novels may reveal that, like manga, they are not in fact reading.

>> No.19711607



oreimo is not the way

brown like my turds

>> No.19711610

I think you're just a dekinai man. Sorry to tell you that you might be low IQ.

>> No.19711611

>As the best person at Japanese in this thread
you're still shit then lololol

>> No.19711613

About as brown as Michael Jackson circa 2009. I've learned not to stick my dick in mud Asians or Chinese.
Yeah, I have no other choice.

>> No.19711615

light novels are written by shitty authors with tons of otaku media tropes. it's a waste of time kind of like video games

>> No.19711616
File: 57 KB, 200x200, Icons-kuroneko-37360191-200-200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But did you read oreimo. tsukasa's genius instantly infects your brain with the Japanese ability of a 14 year old girl as soon as you finish the 12th volume.

>> No.19711622

Subpar taste faggot.

>> No.19711624

anyone else triggered by how aids this dude is

>> No.19711631

Are flips mud Asians? What else is? Never heard this term before.

>> No.19711638

Flips, Burmese, Thais. I got ghonnorea from a flip.

>> No.19711643

This post is admirable, how true is it though? I don't mind, you know.

>> No.19711657


>> No.19711674
File: 2.32 MB, 1020x572, 1534621002632.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19711678

That's a cute monkey

>> No.19711679

How can she just leave that mud on her teeth and in her mouth? Is it safe to eat mud?

>> No.19711694
File: 2.66 MB, 1020x572, 1534328985621.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know but they cleaned her afterwards

>> No.19711705

Only one way to find out. I have read the series and my Japanese is the level of a 13 year old. worst case and you still got better reading practice than 99% of Japanese learners who only "read" manga.

>> No.19711715

my kawaii lil mud monkey..

>> No.19711738

You've obviously never visited Africa.

>> No.19711744

/djt/ - daily idol thread

>> No.19711748

Which is more frequent
大げさ or 大袈裟?

>> No.19711754

the former

>> No.19711756

obviously 大袈裟

>> No.19711762

>I think I can hold a really basic conversation right now.
Go download episode 1 of Non Non Biyori, turn the subs off and skip to 7 minutes in. Watch until 9:10 and try to follow along with this basic conversation. No pausing to look up words or rewinding, you don't have those luxuries when having a conversation in real life. See how you do.

>> No.19711767
File: 7 KB, 300x168, 7908234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you were not wearing a tracksuit. How do you expect 異世界主人公になります let alone learn Japanese without your tracksuit ったく.

>> No.19711769

do you write out your anki reviews?

>> No.19711776

I can't even imagine how dreadfully long that would take.

>> No.19711784

wtf I love 3D now

>> No.19711799

Here is an audio clip of Matt speaking Japanese. Please evaluate your own level before leaving disparaging comments and unfairly criticising him.

>> No.19711806


>> No.19711807

When did you realize jamal is a script or a bot?

>> No.19711809

i don't know what newage memes you're referencing but what the man needs is a hachimaki

>> No.19711813
File: 9 KB, 300x168, fjsdkal;fj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He does not sound like 高坂京介 so I think he is bad.

>> No.19711814

i want to protect those ears.....

>> No.19711819

why not just drop the pretenses and say あたし at that point

>> No.19711840

Writing E->J takes me roughly twice as long as reviewing J->E for the same amount of cards. So not too long.

>> No.19711842

Really surprising no one here wants to meet their idol.

>> No.19711843

someone post the video of khatz reading the word documents. he sounds way better than matt

>> No.19711851

people say this guy can be mistaken for a native
he must have had a really shitty mic for that to occur for even a moment
i'm not saying he's bad but taking it to that level is some serious 日本語が上手

>> No.19711854

everyone post a vocaroo of you speaking Japanese so we can see how much worse you are

>> No.19711860

Seeing how people fell for some akbusu, they're probably not very interested in idols.

>> No.19711867

don't get me wrong i'm shit but i don't wank about my abilities in my sales pitch either

>> No.19711874

How do I git gud at sales pitching?

>> No.19711883

I didn't just "fall" for her, this is real love dude
We're going to get married and have lots of healthy children

>> No.19711884

probably do something like he does to be honest just be warned that people who don't like sales pitches are going to be mean like me

>> No.19711897

i thought real love is still "falling" for someone
don't have kids you'll wake up

>> No.19711916

I will happily demonstrate my shitty Japanese. Just give me something interesting to read.

>> No.19711926

Isn't it kind of weird that he uses 外人 instead of 外国人?

>> No.19711951


>> No.19711968

He's having some 謙虚

>> No.19711969


>> No.19711982

Do you guys memorize the definitions on monolingual sentence cards word for word?

>> No.19711987


>> No.19711990
File: 69 KB, 752x752, bd2fd3fc224e9b6d38b9389d3b29e460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.19711996

No patreons guy must've deleted it for some reason. I copied the link straight from the archive so it should be right.


>> No.19712000
File: 318 KB, 1150x451, 爆笑.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait that was it the khatz reading word docs vid was on this guys channel

>> No.19712009

I will put it back up when I reach my goal of $5 a month on Patreon.

>> No.19712011
File: 170 KB, 500x281, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19712013


>> No.19712017

Are these just memes or do the light novels actually make good reading materials? I loved Oreimo and am frustrated with the shit that most people here recommend. It can't keep my attention.

>> No.19712018


>> No.19712019

subs are the best way to learn

>> No.19712021

Anything written in Japanese by natives that you want to read is good reading material.

>> No.19712032

Of course it is good reading practice. It is native Japanese. If you are interested in the source material than read it. However. I will warn you that the novel is much slower pace and felt more preachy than the anime.

>> No.19712054

for about 10000 hours yeah actually they are 8)

>> No.19712084

i just realized this guy took down his patreon page too

i wasnt trying to bully you nick relax get your hustle on my ninja

>> No.19712090

It was all your fault. How do you feel?

>> No.19712096

i mean if thats all it took he prolly wasnt cut out to be in the biz

still i dont want him to give up on his dreams of becoming the next matt vs japan or dogen

>> No.19712119


>> No.19712120

no, don't do that. dictionary definitions are fake aka somone's opinion in the first place. just ballpark it. understand the sentence and the words, don't memorize

>> No.19712136


nice link

>> No.19712157

i quoted it on accident

>> No.19712174


>> No.19712183

What was that VN with the "Douzo, lad" girl who basically used a lot of british and japanese words mixed together
also how did that look in the original?

>> No.19712200


>> No.19712280


>> No.19712284

>5000 lines over the course of an entire month is absolutely fucking nothing.
5000 lines over 30 days equals 166/day. I picked up a random novel and flicked to 10 random pages, and from that sample got 15.9 lines/page. Therefore, to do 166 lines per day, I'd need to read 10.5 pages per day. Which is...I haven't done that yet for actual novels. I need to pick up the pace!
>That would even be a poor performance for a week

>> No.19712302

So like VNs, then.

>> No.19712340

I can read thousands of lines from a VN in a single day and my Japanese is super bad.

>> No.19712360

>gana soup is a viable

>> No.19712366

Guys am I doing myself a disservice but not pressing "good" when I know the card? Am I not making full use of spaced repetition?

>> No.19712384

having anki open is doing yourself a disservice unless you can provide a satisfactory reason

>> No.19712386

I've heard you're only supposed to press "again" or "good" otherwise Anki fucks with the ease of a card
Don't really know how it works though

>> No.19712397

some things are learned easier than others. you're basically wasting your time by not making use of the easy button. i don't know about the hard button though.

>> No.19712410
File: 138 KB, 1571x864, cap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you answer this simple question and help this poor lady?

>> No.19712416

Yeah if you press "easy" enough times you won't see the card for months at a time, it's useful for the number cards/ easy kanji/words you will never forget.
hard leaves you in a loop until you press good, as in you'll see the card every 3 or 4 days, I'm just going to start saying good for most of the cards that I can read in a heart beat since my number of reviews are getting out of hand, and I feel like I'm just doing this wrong. If I forget the card in 20 days. I'll just brute force it I guess.

>> No.19712422

>If I forget the card in 20 days. I'll just brute force it I guess.
I'm pretty sure that's the whole point of spaced repetition.

>> No.19712434

if you will never forget something, don't put it into anki.

good should be your default got it right button. if that's all the hard button does it does seem useless and a waste of your time. go for good and if something really jumps into your brain and you feel like you got it really good either press easy or the delete button

>> No.19712458

Is it enough to get the general gist of the sentence instead of focusing on trying to understand every bit and bop of the sentence?

>> No.19712463

Ask 2 year old self.

>> No.19712465

>kanji notation
I press again when I miss any of the above. pressing hard just won't do it.

>> No.19712471

I can't speak to 2 year olds.

>> No.19712477

>got the meaning but miss the reading
>got the reading but miss the meaning
>miss the reading because you miss one dakuten
>got the reading and the primary meaning but forgot about the secondary meanings
These are all supremely irritating. Learning is hard.

>> No.19712484

Not really. "Getting the gist" is not understanding. Your ultimate goal should be understanding. If you never drill down into the details then when will you ever learn them?
That being said, if you had to scrutinize every single sentence you didn't understand then practice would quickly become a drag, so don't feel onligated to do it all the time. But you should do it some of the time.

>> No.19712491

it felt worse when i have to press 'again' when 始終 is しじゅ and not ししゅ because it felt like a lesser mistake compared to not knowing it meant 始めと終わり.

>> No.19712492

don't listen to the tard. just do i+1. you don't need to struggle to comprehend a sentence.

>> No.19712494

Got it, so I have never actually read a single thing.

>> No.19712517

Reading isn't reading

>> No.19712540

im sure she can do it but its a make cute girl look stupid on tv thing that happens all the time because it makes for a "better" show ┐(‘~` )┌

>> No.19712587

>5000 lines over 30 days equals 166/day.
Yeah, so nothing. That's a leisurely half an hour's worth of reading time.

>> No.19712608

do you read your anki reviews out loud? will this permanently damage my pronunciation?

>> No.19712619

if you ask 1 more stupid fuckin question im gonna permanently damage your face to add injury to insult

>> No.19712675

Does anyone know which out of the VNs hosted at http://tss.asenheim.org is the most beginner friendly?

The site looks interesting, since I can just use Yomichan without any texthookers.

>> No.19712709

Why am I so weak for literally ANY nipponese female that I use for listening practice?
Literally any nipponese female that is even moderately average.

>> No.19712720

eve burst error is the best game on there

theres others that are cool too but beginner friendly doesnt really describe any visual novel dude youre expected to be a big boy

>> No.19712723

i dont even know why i bothered to look oh wait i do it was for this specifically lol

>> No.19712724

what are the best shows in the retimed sub pack?


>> No.19712725

you got what we call yellow fever dude

>> No.19712732

cant even see the actual file list because its zipped

>> No.19712742

list of shows in the pack

>> No.19712745

From what I've been told any standard moege(standard school/real world shit) is suitable for a first read, for example Hoshi Ori or Gin'iro.

>> No.19712747

watch code geass on repeat nonstop until s3 dont forget the picture dramas

>> No.19712753

theres a lot of good ones in there i recommend starting out with love stage

>> No.19712764
File: 764 KB, 1280x731, 1531809016933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, long story short, I dropped Japanese studies for about some good months because of work related endeavours. Been reading and I've been misremembering some stuff and having my quips. Can anyone post something to get me back on track? Grammar charts and what not, just to remember things.

>> No.19712767


>> No.19712773

Just watch anime

>> No.19712775

just go through tae kim real quick and then read read read read read read read

>> No.19712782

Chrono clock

>> No.19712796

Where can I watch this?

>> No.19712814

go to aidoru-online and download ske48 musubi no ichiban ep68

>> No.19712816


>> No.19712848

According to my friend
>Studying 8 months
>Can read and understand NHK Easy
What wizardry is this?

>> No.19712851

It's all about what you know, not length of time.

>> No.19712853

hes obviously a native

>> No.19712859

Some people have it, some people don't.
If it was 8 months of constant studying that he completely understood, it's not impossible or unreasonable.

>> No.19712863

That doesn't seem farfetched if you put the work in

>> No.19712872

i guess i'm overestimating the effort it takes but doesn't this sound like too much? i thought you could tackle nhk easy after like 3 or 4 months.

>> No.19712905

who knows. tackle, read and understand, who really knows what thate even means. people overestimate their ability all the time, some people misunderstand stuff 100% but think they know what's going on. but given that time frame of 8 months, it's definitely possible

>> No.19712910

>That's a leisurely half an hour's worth of reading time.
>reads 10 pages of a novel in half an hour
>leisurely half an hour
Why is this still so far away from me arrgh

Brb, gonna spend ten minute poring over a page.

>> No.19712916

Phisically, how do you study DJT?

>> No.19712925

you're right man it's a pointless question the key is perseverance so what if someone can do X in Y amount of time it shouldn't affect your own study whatsoever

>> No.19712928

How do you know he's telling the truth? He could be a dunnning-krueger for all you know. How does he know if he's reading and understanding correctly? Checkmate. He doesn't.

>> No.19712929

I open my laptop and play erotic games.

>> No.19712933

I read and listen

>> No.19712936

Do you lie down on your bed?
do you sit on a chair and wrap around sheets?

>> No.19712937

Bad idea, focus on one thing at a time.

>> No.19712942

I usually read on my bed

>> No.19712951

I usually lie down and lay it vertically on top of my chest with one hand supporting the laptop and the other pressing a button to advance text.

>> No.19712968

Anon, that's not good for you. At least have a blanket separating your chest and the laptop.

>> No.19712969

For the sake of full immersion I make bedsheets and pillow covers with dialogues and scripts in Japanese in it, so even when I'm just laying on my bed regretting my life decisions I can still have some comprehensible input.

No surgeons I've asked so far are willing to sew some Japanese letters onto my eyelids, with most of them saying "I haven't finished RTK yet".

>> No.19712973
File: 117 KB, 886x901, pose_study____sitting_by_spectrum_vii-dak9jyd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sit on my desk chair like top right but with my leg tucked in a bit more

>> No.19712981

I think this post might not be sincere

>> No.19712985

Why not? By "vertically" I mean that the bottom half of the laptop is perpendicular to my body, so only the edge is touching my chest (this is why I need to support it with one hand).

>> No.19712986


Surgeons prefer KKLC.

>> No.19712991


I sit down Japanese style on my tatami mat and Japanese floor table and practice Kanji and flashcards and read shit on my laptop, when I get hungry I just cook ramen (real ramen not microwave shit) and then eat with chopsticks. The whole time Japanese news playing on the tv for muhh immersion. You gotta trick the mind into thinking its chink, thats where the real Vocab gains come in.

>> No.19713000

sorry missed that part.

>> No.19713005
File: 43 KB, 667x576, 4579t45ytg7hy47gy49sgdfhjf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19713012

excuse me *coughs* this is a smoke free thread

>> No.19713039

what's so bad about it

>> No.19713052

It will permanently cripple your Japanese.

>> No.19713066

nothing, it's just superstition

>> No.19713070


Anytime any part of your body isn't 98.6 degree Fahrenheit for extended periods of time it denatures the enzymes naturally in your body and can throw your bodies chemicals out of whack. Thats actually why your body heats up when sick, so it can make it harder for the bad bacteria to multiply. If your lap or especially your torso is absorbing huge amounts of heat from a lithium battery it is literally just fucking your cellular production of necessary stuff up. The worst place for a laptop is the Lap because it can destroy sperm cells for good in your testicles. t. Bio Major

>> No.19713078

Yeah I'm not reading this post, 4 decides what I read next.

>> No.19713081

man even stem isn't protected from stupidity

>> No.19713093


>> No.19713101

Mainly laptop burn and the increased risk of skin cancer depending on the amount of time you're exposed to it and how frequent it is. Though I think the breast cancer bit is just superstition.

>> No.19713104


Look up thermal denaturation of enzymes if you don't believe me faggots, not every wives tale is bullshit.

>> No.19713113

Yeah I'm not reading this post, 0 decides what I read next.

>> No.19713127

RTK exposition

>> No.19713158

Where does one get these releases? Most of them aren't on Nyaa. si or are dead with no seeders

>> No.19713184

i think the author said he downloaded a lot of them from some private tracker. most still have alt releases that line up with the timing but obviously you have to guess which. usually just finding another BD/tv release is sufficient.

>> No.19713195

just started learning kanji recently
who the fuck thought this was a good idea btw

>> No.19713199

what's wrong with it

>> No.19713217


Ue always looked like a small arrow pointing to an object on top of a table to me, shita always looked like an arrow pointing to an object below a table. ez

>> No.19713225

I dont mean that "up" is hard to remember, but it has a trillion readings/meanings other than simply "up"

>> No.19713236

>This is too confusing in hiragana
>make it into a kanji
>which one?
>Lets go with this simple one
>Okay but it has a ton of other meanings too
>That's okay, you can tell them apart by the context
-The Japanese

>> No.19713252

you'll learn them eventually, don't worry about it
but yeah it's kinda stupid

>> No.19713330


>> No.19713459

why is 恐らく more common than 多分

>> No.19713492

middle top but with my knees touching.

>> No.19713526
File: 33 KB, 351x505, LINE2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm literally that one guy from doujinshi

>> No.19713532

He told me what he did was
>Learn the Kana
>Anki everyday

>> No.19713535

Why does EDICT tag ふるさと as a popular reading of 故郷? Every single time I've encountered this word it has been こきょう, but if you search 故郷 on jisho.org then the こきょう reading is tucked away under the "Other forms" bit and ふるさと appears as the main reading.

>> No.19713551
File: 38 KB, 600x419, 35674636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What made you all start learning Japanese? I'm ashamed by mine
>Hentai game
>Not translated
>Fuck that.
>5 years later

>> No.19713572

this https://streamable.com/l6h0h

>> No.19713576

Because it is in fact common. But to be fair, both seem to be (though I think a lot of the times I've seen こきょう were as 生まれ故郷)

>> No.19713577

>hentai doujin
>not translated
>fuck that

>> No.19713582

I'm still young, there are hentai games I want to read, there are manga I want to read, there are novels I want to read, whether I want to go to Japan is a legitimate second thought. Plus I suppose knowing another language will make me look attractive to future employers.
But the main thing that really got to me were all the shit/meme translations.

>> No.19713585


Literally because its "cool". My friend of almost 6 years spoke his broken Japanese at an anime club and everyone lost their shit. No one has any idea I'm even learning it and once I N1 I'mma break it out on all my friends and blow them the fuck out of the water for watching shitty subbed anime.

>> No.19713593

I don't get it. Something about wanting to be the number one powerful foreigner?

>> No.19713607

What is this guy trying to say?
He wants to become the strongest foreigner?
Bare in mind I don't actually know the language, did he say something wrong or is it just because it's cringy as fuck?

>> No.19713619

first person to post a manga page that i find any inspiration in ill translate it for you realninja流で

>> No.19713629

>blow them the fuck out of the water
Until it turns out your friend of 6 years has been studying too.

>> No.19713631


>> No.19713635

Yeah to he was wrong or it was a cringey thing being said.

>> No.19713642

I've officially gotten to a point where there are too many damn new words to memorize

how many cards should I reduce the new cards per day by? I'm just clicking like 35 agains and not actually learning

>> No.19713649

definitely both

>> No.19713657

Firstly I just like Japanese media. Secondly I feel like I need a "hobby" or "skill" that shows off my "intellect" to help make friends and a GF down the road. I need something to show for the almost-decade I've spent as a NEET. What I love about language learning is that it only requires repeated exposure. Even if the average person who learns a language tends to be smarter, you don't need to be smarter to learn it. And it still impresses normalfags.

>> No.19713659

Fair play.

>> No.19713660

EDICT doesn't contain information on the popularity of readings. ふるさと is tagged as (P) because the word itself is common. Whatever Jisho uses to pick the "top" reading is unreliable if not totally random.

>> No.19713664

jisho uses jmdict, which orders readings by popularity

also nothing should use edict or edict2 anymore

>> No.19713669

>And it still impresses normalfags
Coming from a Japanese American you don't want to flaunt it too much. If one more person says "Say something to me in Japanese" I am going to go home and eat some cup ramen.

>> No.19713675

why would you go home and self harm just do the party trick

>> No.19713679

In all seriousness it does get old though.

>> No.19713684

just do it 1 more fuckin time god whats your problem

>> No.19713693

>learn Japanese from watching anime
>thought I should learn the writing system so I'm not limited to just voiced content
I got bored of studying after hiragana

>> No.19713694

>Japanese American
Well look who we have here. Mr. "I was born into the language"
Do you mean Japanese born and raised in America or actual ethnicity

>> No.19713697

Just say something like もうくたばってくれよてめぇ and you'll feel better

>> No.19713700

what does www mean?
I see it in youtube comments from japs etc as well.

>> No.19713704


>> No.19713703


>> No.19713708

Ah, the joys of learning a language your partner does not know: hidden swear words.

palamu botak

>> No.19713710

He wouldn't be here if he knew Japanese

>> No.19713713


>> No.19713715

Casa Blanca. I can do it too anons!!!

>> No.19713729

Honestly? I was tired of waiting for games to be localized. The moment you no longer have to think
>Damn this looks cool but will we get it in the West?
is heavenly.

>> No.19713750

fucking bald skeletons!

no wait that's English

>> No.19713751


Can i get a real answer plz

>> No.19713761


When you are white and speak Japanese you get Whitey points because its surprising that a white American (who has every excuse in the world to not speak anything other than English) can actually speak a foreign language. Thats like a Mexican American telling a white person to not flaunt their spanish too much. Its more impressive when its not your own.

>> No.19713762

Is the latter half some sort of saying? I can't think it's literally talking about a nose.

>> No.19713763

Those are real answers.

>> No.19713773

that's the thing.

>> No.19713777

Freakin spoon feeders

>> No.19713778

鼻にかける: to be prideful, to be boastful

>> No.19713779

Anon google is a thing.
wwww= lololol

>> No.19713785

But why? why is www a laughter?

>> No.19713787

Its literally their laugh you dunce.
American: haha, lol, lel
Spanish: jajaja
Russian: xaxaxaxa
Spastic Fucking retard: kek, jej, zozzle etc.

>> No.19713788

wanted to listen to the cross channel drama cd. still haven't

>> No.19713795

Thanks for the help.

>> No.19713796


>> No.19713799


>> No.19713810

>spent almost a year straight just browsing the internet with my laptop laying directly on top of my chest
im not gonna have any permanent damage am i
this was years ago and nothing bad has happened

>> No.19713812


>> No.19713819

Relax, all it can do most of the time is temporarily weaken your immune system. Your body is very good about getting things back on track once the heat is gone though, don't worry about it. I'm not an alarmist I'm just saying that it does have its downsides. As long as you aren't laying the damn thing on your testicles for 10 hours a day for years you'll be alright.

>> No.19713820

There was "lulz" too, I believe. I wonder if there's phonological or really linguistic reason for the shift from 'o' to the other vowels.

The appearance of kek itself seems like an interesting origin. Was there any relation at all to the rise of 'cuck' as an insult?

>> No.19713823

anon ffs do your cards.

>> No.19713827

>destroy sperm cells for good

>> No.19713838

>body creates sperm cells
>they sit in your balzack
>cells get heated and become denatured
>no longer potent
>they are never coming back
Best you can do is shoot those out and your body will make new ones.

>> No.19713840

they reabsorb naturally after long enough, and it's not a long time

>> No.19713849

kek came from WoW iirc
Cuck is derivative from cuckold, which I assume someone learned the meaning of one day and started using it as an insult. I think it became popularised by /pol/ and then when those lot would leave their containment board and start using the word cuck elsewhere, and consequently it picked up traction among people outside that community.

>> No.19713851

>they reabsorb naturally
What, so there's no point in storing them up by not fapping to increase their potency? Reddit memes aren't scientifically accurate?

>> No.19713859

I masturbate for several hours a day and drink my own cum for maximum testosterone preservation. Can't lose gains. So its all the same to me.

>> No.19713862

>What, so there's no point in storing them up by not fapping to increase their potency?
Who the fuck says that? The complete opposite is true.

>> No.19713875

but "wwwwwuuh" isn't a laugh. japanese aren't typing their laugh correctly

>> No.19713884

A cell is a biological machine, the fresher it is off of the factory line the better it can be expected to work. The most potent cum is the cum your makes after you shoot your 6 day old rotten shit out. t. Cum Expert who edges everyday and takes everything from L Arginine, Zinc to Lecithin. AMA

>> No.19713894

post some of your favorite eroge

>> No.19713896

Asians don't laugh properly. Wkwkwkwkwkwk

>> No.19713905

>I actually sent the video of Khatz speaking Japanese to my Japanese teacher, asking how good he was. She said he was amazing which was the last piece of confirmation I needed before I left.
I cannot handle all this vetting. Vetting everywhere.

>> No.19713907

"kek" stands for Kill every Kike and came from /pol/, this is a known fact.
Lol means laugh out loud
lul is a corruption of lol that started from memeposting
lulz/lelz is a further corruption

>> No.19713913

>>19713535 here. Are EDICT and JMDICT different things? I thought JMDICT was just another name for EDICT?

>> No.19713940

Same as you. Also, I'm slow at reading and have to pause a lot when watching subbed anime so not needing subtitles anymore is also a big motivation.

>> No.19713941

It's a spin-off.

>> No.19713947

Oh, and having a few manga that I was reading dropped by the scanlation groups who had been translating them also got me wanting to learn. There was no one single factor at play, really. It was a combination of things.

>> No.19713955

You know what's fascinating? Seeing just how different the original script is compared to the localization.

>> No.19713956

I think in the end it all falls down to one type: I want to understand these foreign scribbles because I believe these foreign scribbles will give me some form of benefit.

Translation is a very fascinating art.

>> No.19713957
File: 1.62 MB, 288x204, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19713967

I always wanted to do a project based on translation. Take a already localized game and translate it myself to see how different it is. Maybe I'll do it for Pokemon or something.

>> No.19713989

>Gets Hentai Game
>Sees fan translation
>Sees original script
>original script is sexier

>> No.19713991

what's stopping you?

>> No.19713997

Shit how am I supposed to change the dictionaries in TA?

>> No.19714026 [DELETED] 
File: 436 KB, 210x131, 1531344807667.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>studying Japanese real hard for 4-5 months now
>can string together and read basic sentences
>really want to learn
>download hellotalk
>make small talk with a few people, nothing extraordinary, just simple things and asking for help with grammar
>start getting messages from friendly moonman who want to talk
>too afraid to open hellotalk now

>> No.19714039

elaborate what is that? hows it work?

>> No.19714040
File: 436 KB, 210x131, 1531344807667.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>studying Japanese real hard for 4-5 months now
>can string together and read basic sentences
>really want to learn
>download hellotalk
>make posts about my day, nothing extraordinary, just simple things and asking for help with grammar
>start getting messages from friendly moonmen who want to talk
>too afraid to open hellotalk now

>> No.19714043

So are there any updates on whether or not the Nihongo no Mori guys (https://www.youtube.com/user/freejapaneselessons3)) are actual native speakers? Some anon mentioned they're not native last thread.

>> No.19714046

i delete and re-post oop
it's kind of like facebook, you sign up and get a feed of random japanese people who are learning other languages; chinese, english, etc. you should download it if you're looking to talk to actual japs

>> No.19714057

doesn't matter

>> No.19714058

The lines in Summer Pockets are generally very short. Comparing it to a lines in a book is misleading.

>> No.19714064

Because they're native-level anyway?

>> No.19714066

no because it just does not matter. read more.

>> No.19714069

What if I want to listen to some Japanese that are in my level?

>> No.19714085

>Comparing it to a lines in a book is misleading
An example of a line from a random book:
>飴のようにのびていく過去と未来のあいだて、泉のようにあふれてやまない現在。 その「いま」は永遠に通じていて...
Are the 'lines' in Summer Pockets shorter than this? Maybe because they're mostly dialogue? I never really considered 'lines' as units of measurement in reading.

>> No.19714093

>original script is sexier
Bad translations aside somehow I can't take dubs/translations of anime-sphere media "seriously". English makes it sound corny but it sounds fine in Japanese.

>> No.19714099

THIS, my friend said he got done watching Lucky Star and I asked him what he thought about it. The fucker watched the English Dub and I almost threw up, that shit is awful. Its a good show in Japanese but when they are speaking English it just becomes weird.

>> No.19714112

Bit of the same in reverse. English shows dubbed in Japanese.

>> No.19714130 [DELETED] 
File: 444 KB, 708x459, 343425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being completely serious but you know what helps a fuck ton with Japanese? Disney movies. Watch them dubbed in Japanese. They not only sound cool as fuck but are very simple.

>> No.19714135

just listen to a lot of SoL anime and then branch out from there that's all there is to it it's not complicated

>> No.19714142
File: 114 KB, 960x1040, Summer Pockets Lines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The majority are shorter than that. Some lines have 0 words, like "..."

I'm using an HTML file to track the lines. So every time the text changes it is a new line. It might contain 1 character or it might be several sentences. It isn't a great way to measure progress, but it is simple. It also keeps track of characters, so maybe I should I use that instead.

>> No.19714144


They are also EXTREMELY accurate translations because of how much the Nippons love Disney

>> No.19714157

That's nice and all but manga isn't reading.

>> No.19714160

Why do the Nips love Disney so much?

>> No.19714164


>> No.19714165

me in a room with the manga isnt reading guy


>> No.19714166


>Steve disagrees with Matt AGAIN
Will Matt ever catch a break?

>> No.19714170

Who and who?

>> No.19714171
File: 31 KB, 1166x142, steve kaufman RTK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19714172

Do you guys know if it’s common place to ask Japanese people for their Instagram and Line? Is that what everyone does or no? Also how do meishi work if you work a low wage job?

>> No.19714178

Eto Niponjin san ano...kimi no instagram nani desu ka?

>> No.19714179

>Learn kanji, learn to write the kanji, you have to. You won't know Japanese until you can.
>I would recommend learning them, you don't have to write them though.

>> No.19714180

>Learn kanji, learn to write the kanji, you have to. You won't know Japanese until you can.
Wrong. Matt's been a huge advocate of lazi kanji for the past few days.

>> No.19714181

Or or. Learn to write some of the more common ones ya? You don't need to do either extreme.

>> No.19714182

Asking for people's LINE is fairly common.


>> No.19714183

so....... does konnichiwa mean.... this day... is...??? or what?

>> No.19714184

I’m conflicted. Both feel right in their own way.

>> No.19714185

Konichiwa /djt/ Watashi no name wa Anon san desu ne. Mina wa ne sugoi ne totemo sugoi ne.

>> No.19714187


>> No.19714186


>> No.19714188

Konnichiwa means hello, hope this helps :^)

>> No.19714196

Is it like Hawaii where Konichwa means hello and goodbye?

>> No.19714213

8 months is a pretty long time to take to read NHK EASY.

I got bored with it after I was only pulling 1-2 new Kanji from it a day (usually oddly specific ones at that point) and diving into TBS news and LNs was the only way to keep the challenge up rather than become complacent with the EASY.

Don't ever stop trying to improve, or you'll settle on a comfortable spot and slow your progress. The truth is, the only time you should start to slow down is when you're actually limited by the number of new things you can encounter in a day. That's like, in an hour of reading or listening or studying grammar (preferably listening to study) you encounter 1-2 new words/Kanji you've never seen. At that point, it may be time to switch things up and read/watch new genres, if only to keep the knowledge coming in.

>> No.19714225

Been reading NHK Easy for a few weeks, I only read it now if I can't find anything else that day or if there's an actual interesting article (usually about space for me).

>> No.19714237


>> No.19714253


>> No.19714282


>> No.19714289

Are there any visual EPWING dictionaries in the Cor? By visual I mean you look up a word and it has an image. I have the Heibon encyclopedia and that has some but I'm wondering if maybe one of the specialized ones might exist).

>> No.19714293

>could mean just about anything
How confusing

>> No.19714300

It means head, every definition it has fits under that definition.
You have a good head.
Look at the head of the building.

>> No.19714309
File: 84 KB, 628x863, haha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha anyone else trying to finish rtgay in under a year? haha boy can't wait for rtgay to be done with so i can start to learn real japanese next year

>> No.19714328

Yeah how would you ever know what they were referring to? It even mentions bangs, fringes, intellect, neck, unemployed person. So many things.

>> No.19714333


>> No.19714338

Does Nekopara count as reading if I have Japanese as the only language setting?

>> No.19714339

Has anyone done hiragana only sentence cards like khatzumoto suggests?

>> No.19714350

>Does reading count as reading

>> No.19714355

Nevermind, just realized that Gakken is also illustrated (even says it in the name), and it was right next to the Heibon in the Cor...

>> No.19714420

is it even possible to get to the level where you can write kanji as fast as you would normaly write words with the roman alphabet

>> No.19714446





>> No.19714459

I missed this post.

>> No.19714467

i dont get it

>> No.19714472

>tfw you type incorrect Japanese and DJT doesn’t care to help correct it

>> No.19714474

Does pronouncing ん like an 'm' an accent thing too like が being pronounced like the 'ng' sound?

>> No.19714482

I never read anything written in Japanese here. Reading incorrect Japanese could permanently damage my future fluency.

>> No.19714508

When it sounds like "m" it's because it comes before a sound where you have to close your lips like ぱ or ぷ

>> No.19714527

my eyes snap away and i immediately say "i wonder what they translate 'lord voldemort' into in japanese like do they just go for generic fantasy flavor with 魔王 and if so do his friends address him as 魔王様 orrrrr what" and then i go back to sleep

>> No.19714535

I was referring to this word 午前 with the m-like ん that I just noticed. How about the ん in 安全? It sounds like 'ng' as well in the kana pronunciation, but in the anki example sentence it's just 'n'.

>> No.19714537

also do they think get puzzled when they see "JK rowling" as the author name. alright, i'm done

>> No.19714558

I remember a thread about this a long time ago too. They call him his name in Katakana if I recall correctly though. It’s too confusing to do it right when they have to do the Tom Riddle thing too.

>> No.19714564

Really ん is just a nasally noise so it can sound like a lot of things. The closest it ever comes to the english "n" is when it's right behind an open-mouth consonant like the ぜ in 安全, just because of how it flows into that sound. When the word is by itself the second ん doesn't flow into anything, so it comes out as "ng"

I don't know what the anki example is, but if it has a particle like と or の after 安全 then the second ん would flow into that and sound more like an "n" than a nasal "ng."

>> No.19714567

you can just read the wikipedia article in japanese and it'll give you the whole fucking story

looks like his title is ヴォルデモート卿 and his subordinates call him 闇の帝王 and 我が君 and 御主人様, pretty epic if you ask me

>> No.19714572

after i made those posts i thought to do that and did it, i didn't bother with the second half of looking stuff up though so thanks. and yeah it's epic. is harry potter technically a chuuni LN

>> No.19714576

Ah, I see. Thanks a lot anon.

>> No.19714584

It’s a fantasy novel written for children. That’s about as Chuuni as you can get.

>> No.19714587

I read that shit in like 小5 though

>> No.19714588

You were just advanced and didn’t notice.

>> No.19714594


>> No.19714604

This shit is so sad to see.

>> No.19714622


>> No.19714624


>> No.19714648


>> No.19714651

djt i can write all the kana by memory!

>> No.19714652

A meadow and a head are all we are given to work with in the kanji for petition. Since the key word already suggests something like a formal request made of some higher power, let us imagine a gigantic Wizard-of-Oz head located in the middle of the flowery meadow we used in the last frame. Then just picture people kneeling hopefully before it, petitioning for whatever it is they want. (The scarecrow wanted brains, the lion, courage, and the tin man a heart. What about you?)

>> No.19714653

Ask yourself the same thing about English. For a lot of technical topics, getting the gist is not sufficient at all. You can literally read the whole plot of a novel and miss the essence of it. Also, there are a lot of times you can misread a sentence because you're only skimming it. Not to mention you lose a lot of nuance and tone if you only scan a sentence.

>> No.19714655

Taking any sort of a hiatus from Japanese is a quick way to lose it all.

Seriously, how hard is it to read a few things every day to maintain it? Just keep up with the news and read a chapter or two of a 小説 you enjoy and that will stave off the forget-kanji monster.

Though, once you break through certain thresholds, it becomes increasingly harder to forget, as your brain slowly wires itself to understand with greater ease.

>> No.19714666

I wonder if i'd forget all my english skills if I stopped using my computer/phone for a few months

>> No.19714669
File: 780 KB, 700x700, d2d899cf0363ba3ad1e0064c18a7d9ad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19714672



>> No.19714682

t. Matt

>> No.19714700




>> No.19714716
File: 28 KB, 534x229, Screenshot 2018-08-21 at 02.12.41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this reading?

>> No.19714722
File: 194 KB, 810x1212, shika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey I know that book.

That reminds me to get back to reading it sometime instead of browsing funny nihongo jokes on this website.

>> No.19714723


>> No.19714729


>> No.19714730

Oh, I was only ever intending to do RTK1. I might go through 3 some time down the line if I feel it might help, but it seemed like too much.

>> No.19714737

How do I tell a JK that I want to "play" with her

>> No.19714741
File: 479 KB, 600x445, ぞい子2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19714750

What are some fun ways to swear in Japanese?

>> No.19714754

swear in your native language as loud as possible but add DESU at the end

>> No.19714769

This seems lewd but I can’t read the kanji.

>> No.19714771

Took a break from my first VN to read an nhk easy and only had to look up one word. An amazing feeling

>> No.19714774


>> No.19714784


>> No.19714787

i think she's talking about vapes

>> No.19714800


>> No.19714809

Can someone tell me why Japan doesn't just get rid of Kanji and just use the Kana? Just add spaces between words so you can have a language where you can figure out words by the sounds of each letter like many other languages, instead of making everyone memorize thousands of characters.

>> No.19714819
File: 366 KB, 602x1223, main-qimg-eba4822f8c998fe6e69c3cbcbf5ff847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19714820

I find it interesting how nips took a foreign word and just turned it into a Japanese word with normal Japanese grammar by adding okurigana to it.

>> No.19714828

>waaa summer sucks I don't wanna study waaa
He won't make it no matter what. He'll start over every year at least until he grows out of it.

>> No.19714830

pretty much every language that isn't english does this with english words all the time

ero comes from greek to begin with

>> No.19714837

I never said ero was an English word.

>> No.19714844

I know you didn't, the point is it's doing the same thing in english as it is in japanese

>> No.19714850

Never seen those readings before.
Glad they were phased out, because they sound like fucking ugly chinkshit/gookshit trash.

>> No.19714853

Would that be considered a loanword?

An interesting 'loanword':

>> No.19714856

Fun how a greek word somehow found it's way all the way to Japan.

>> No.19714884

That's just loanword + suru
It'd be more interesting if they added ru or something to the end and turned the word into a ru/u-verb
Like ブッシュる

>> No.19714935


>> No.19714943

I wonder if they'll make another suru word for the current US president.

>> No.19714948

Didn't they have a さる word for the previous president?

>> No.19714955

What does it mean to トランプする?
To deport illegals?
To build a wall?

>> No.19714960

No. It's more in line to >>19714884's post, apparently.
>"obamu: (v.) To ignore inexpedient and inconvenient facts or realities, think "Yes we can, Yes we can," and proceed with optimism using those facts as an inspiration (literally, as fuel). It is used to elicit success in a personal endeavor. One explanation holds that it is the opposite of kobamu. (拒む, which means to refuse, reject, or oppose).


>> No.19714973





>> No.19714979

I wonder how much all this Trump's MAGA thing matter to the people in Asia.

>> No.19714982

I just really love otaku entertainment and there are plenty untranslated media that i wanna read
Plus if i can somehow move to japan that'd be great because i dislike where i live, i don't mind being an outsider because i already am one where I'm at too

>> No.19714995

Bury/skip words that don't stick and start actually reading, you'll remember it only when you tie it to relevant memorable sentences.

>> No.19714998
File: 80 KB, 273x360, yotsuba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for a beginner trying to venture beyond reading stuff like yotsuba, do y'all think it's okay to compare to english translations? or just better to power through and skip things that i'm stuck on? i know things can be changed liberally, but i try to only use it when i'm really lost on a sentence, and ignore translations that change a lot.

>> No.19715008
File: 357 KB, 800x2865, 1446246209586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19715017






>> No.19715024

>like the idea of learning a language
>try some euro languages
>bored as shit cause i don't have much reason to use them
>give up for a couple years
>i start seeing japanese more and more often, due to wanting to read untranslated things and japanese people in places i go online
>try to learn a couple times but lose focus
eventually the irritation and inconvenience of not being able to read became more compelling than my laziness and i actually got serious about it. once i actually committed it got a lot more interesting

>> No.19715046

>install Tandem app to meet a Japanese person I can ask questions about grammar and shit
>keep getting messages from 35 year old Japanese ladies who want to practice their awful English on me
>now I'm spending a ton of time explaining basic English to obasans because I don't want be rude
>don't even have time to study

gonna uninstall

I don't want jap friends after all

>> No.19715049

The real answers:
- it would be very expensive to conduct the reform.
- more importantly, the next generation of Japanese kids wouldn't be able to read anything written in Japanese from before they were born.

Anyone who tells you Japanese is too hard to read without kanji doesn't know Japanese.

>> No.19715056

Manga isn't reading though.

>> No.19715057

Are they not cute
also, can you really explain stuff properly? I don't know if i'd be able to teach even my native language

>> No.19715065

I wouldn't mind teaching japanese cakes english

>> No.19715075

It's readable kana only but it's not any easier or more comfortable to read for sure. Gaijin need to stop being dumb as rocks and learn their fucking chinese symbols.

>> No.19715086

Japanese "people" should just make a proper language already
they've had like 2000 years for fuck's sake

>> No.19715090

one of them is actually very cute but her English is so bad that I feel bad trying to teach her because she's completely hopeless

like, she can write decently but when she speaks it might as well be a different language and it's kind of depressing - her mouth literally can't form the sounds required to speak comprehensible English

she's also kind of needy

>> No.19715103

fly over and fuck her

>> No.19715107

Japs need to stop being dumb as rocks and taking 9 years of schooling to reach basic literacy in their own language.

>> No.19715116

Stupid japs who complain about kanji are also a problem, but don't try to tell me you aren't a dumb as rocks gaijin who took 9 years of schooling to reach basic literacy in English.

>> No.19715138

i'm not i learned english by playing videogames

>> No.19715146







>> No.19715148

I will try harder at learning japanese so that I can mee japanese cakes online. Thanks for the motivation /djt/

>> No.19715157

Any english teachers here
how do i become an english teacher and move to japan

>> No.19715162

Well as a kid I always had a really high reading age, hell in Year 7 had the reading age of 15 years and 10 months, by year 8 I was just listed as at and adult reading age. Then again during the eariler parts of my secondary school life/primary school etc. I was a lonely fuck who did nothing but read.

>> No.19715185




>> No.19715205


>> No.19715228

you don't need to learn Japanese to do that, you just have to not be irredeemably ugly

>> No.19715231

send her this. it might help

>> No.19715233

Well, shit.

>> No.19715247
File: 252 KB, 339x351, 1532048704610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sry guys i thought you were laughing at me.
Ty for the info.

>> No.19715255

How so?

>> No.19715260

they are both common
i'm reading the dragonball manga and they had both readings appear in it
in the context of "homeplanet" they used こきょう, in the context of "hometown" it was ふるさと

>> No.19715302

I try to keep really good posture in a chair because otherwise it aggravates an injury. Sometimes I'll sit with my legs on the chair as well though

>> No.19715319

So I finished setting up ITHVNR but this is just a hooker right? The guide doesn't really tell anything about this but should I go back and forth between my firefox window and the VN to use rikaichan or should I use something like TA to be able to get definitions on the spot while I'm reading? What's the current standard way of doing this?

>> No.19715320

Just set VN window alongside with the firefox

>> No.19715327

>i'm reading the dragonball manga
No you're not, you don't "read" manga.

>> No.19715332

I use ITHVNR with Chiitrans lite, I like the way chiitrans displays stuff.

>> No.19715354


>> No.19715370

Never ever ever ever ever ever compare source material to TL.

>> No.19715371

I learned english by watching cartoon network throughout my 5-11 years of age and later arguing with people on the internet

Being forced to be grammatically correct and not make any spelling mistakes to prove yourself right is a powerful motivation to learn and maintain a language. On that note, where can i pick a fight on the web with authentic nipponjin? The more toxic the better.

>> No.19715376




>> No.19715377

there are some real specimens over on the int thread on this website

other than that 5ch maybe


>> No.19715415






>> No.19715463


>> No.19715478

I'm glad I waited two weeks before giving up. I laughed after I finally understood this.

>> No.19715489

What the fuck, i thought that was katakana ロ. How do i differentiate?

>> No.19715497


>> No.19715500

they look slightly different, the kanji is bigger and also looks different in how it's displayed, at least with the font i'm using
but also context

>> No.19715525

English teacher here, literally just apply to 3 or 4 places and statistically one is sure to hire you.

>> No.19715540

Don't you need some certificate for it? Not to mention the fact that you need to jump hurdles to get a work license or whatever

>> No.19715553

All you need is a B.A. in anything, it can be completely unrelated to teaching English. You could have a culinary bachelor's for all Japan cares.
The company that hires you will get your work license for you, all you need to do is give them some papers they ask for.

>> No.19715583

I might go to Japan for 3 weeks next month. I'm scared of the damage it'll do to my anki and wanikani.
It's as a tourist, do you guys think the output practice would overshadow the SRS damage

>> No.19715585

Can't you just keep up with your reviews anyways?

>> No.19715590

They're different formats. EDICT is generated from JMDICT now and contains less information.

>> No.19715595

Surely you can take out 30 minutes of your day to do your reps. You'll probably be on public transport or waiting in line for that long.

>> No.19715598

dont worry, you can't learn japanese anyways

>> No.19715611

i mean just walking around japan will act as an srs if you want it to. you can read and listen to all the japanese you want there. you'll get to see a lot of stuff that you won't otherwise get to see in books or movies or anime or whatever so have fun with the experience. take lots of pictures

>> No.19715719

do you have a recommendation?

>> No.19715743

All right, I have EDICT loaded up as my go to dictionary, how would I go about changing it to JMDICT for TAA?

>> No.19715746
File: 21 KB, 760x97, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learning Japanese will permanently cripple your English.

>> No.19715754

old age will permanently cripple your brain

>> No.19715758

it has to support it
if you're still using translation aggregator though you should switch to the clipboard grabber + browser mouseover dictionary setup

>> No.19715759
File: 573 KB, 1280x1871, P166[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19715780


>> No.19715794

i think it's hilarious that there are people that actually study japanese through porn

a real subversion of language learning as a high-minded and intellectual pursuit

>> No.19715799

foreign porn is the most intellectual medium though

>> No.19715804

Anon I'd like you to reread what you just said and think about it for a moment.

If anything, being there will solidify and improve what you've learned until now (assuming you don't autistically avoid anything japanese there)
Just read and try to siphon as much input as you can without burning out, it's 5 times as practical as anki or whatever

>> No.19715805


>> No.19715812

of course he looks like that

>> No.19715814

no hairshaming

>> No.19715815

That's what you look like together with 90% of this thread
unless you're asian desu

>> No.19715823

Things like that help you with your onomatopoeias

>> No.19715826

I read porn for 14 hours yesterday and went to sleep thinking in Japanese.

>> No.19715830

Hentai is more helpful than NHK Easy, it has real use of the language and all the slang you'll ever need. I for one read at least 1 hentai a day, sometimes several, for strictly education purposes. 日本語を学びましょう!僕たちはオニはめっちゃ大きくなるぜ!

>> No.19715887

Yes, an aspiring learner of Japanese should be ashamed not to know what おま〇こ is.

>> No.19715904

I don't read manga because that's not what it is.

>> No.19715905

It's a very important word, you're going to want to be able to recognize it when you hear it in the wild.

>> No.19715909

but manga isn't reading though

>> No.19715949

you don't know japanese

>> No.19715955

It's not that he took a break and forgot half of the 700 kanji he learned to write. It's that he thinks he needs to keep doing RTK over and over until he finishes instead of just moving on to reading. I feel bad for him but he's such a moron following these retards' advice.

>> No.19715970
File: 89 KB, 600x625, sakurako9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I find wild おま〇こ?

>> No.19715976


>> No.19715978

has /djt/ now completely turned on Matt?

is Matt "cancelled"?

>> No.19715984

Listen to three 6 mafia more

>> No.19715988

we're actually less against matt now than before he admitted that full kanji study before learning basic japanese was a terrible idea lol

>> No.19715992

someone make a thread

>> No.19715999

djt threads are only made after the current one dies or when the image limit is reached (which never happens)

>> No.19716006

Be the change you want to see.
I don't dislike him I just think Steve is substantially better and Matt offers nothing new worth switching out my DJT meme folder for.

>> No.19716008

>I'm aiming for RTK completion in 1.5 years

>> No.19716009

it's the last thread on page 10 we need to put it out of its misery, not my first day fuckin kiddo

>> No.19716017
File: 12 KB, 593x105, Will finish RTK by 2030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a

>> No.19716020

it'll happen on its own

>> No.19716021

>It's a
It's a shame how common this is.

>> No.19716022

I turned against Matt because he bullshitted me and made me do RTK for 3 months which was the most tedious task I've ever done in my life, waking up at the same time every morning to my alarm, spending hours reviewing and learning to write new kanji. Matt fucked me. DJT loves him now though.

>> No.19716027

don't learn what people tell you to learn
learn what you have trouble with

>> No.19716029

