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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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19651206 No.19651206 [Reply] [Original]

If you like 2hu's so much, why not become one?
Who would you want to be in 3d world.

>> No.19651240


>> No.19651278

yes bobuhu belongs to >>>/e/
yes all pedos belong to >>>/b/
great job anon.

>> No.19651421

Fuck you. I would become a Touhou as much I would download a car. I would if I could.

>> No.19651566

tfw cosplaying Reisen

>> No.19651589

Is this going to become one of those threads full of homosexuals talking about cosplay and how much they love cock?

>> No.19651838

Dont even pretend this thread doesn't soley exist to circle jerk on when the eventual cosplaying trap comes along

>> No.19652302
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Is this going to become one of those threads full of pedos talking about cosplay and how much they want to fuck fairies?

Is this going to become one of those threads full of raging perverts talking about cosplay and how much they love massive tits?
4chan is circle jerk if you haven't realized it yet.
IN Reisen?
It will never be perfect, but at least close?
Sorry if I upset you in anyway.

>> No.19652327


>> No.19652373

Going all out to defend your kuso thread, huh?

>> No.19652408

It would about as close as downloading a picture of a car and printing it out. It wouldn't even have the right number of dimensions to start with. No offence, but take this thread to /cgl/ if you want to have any semblance of reasonable discussion on the topic of 3DPD "Touhous", cause you sure as hell wont find it here.

>> No.19652540

It seems like it.
Frow what I remember therer were number of sucesful threads here and /cgl/ is very hostile... overall it doesn't have the right demographic, if you know what I mean.

>> No.19652564

How to become a touhou?

>> No.19652574

And what would that "right demographic" be? Fags?
Why don't you just use Discord to set up your gay orgies?

>> No.19652592

That's very rude and untrue.
The demographic is here, I know it...

>> No.19652715

>Who would you want to be in 3d world.
None. As for the 2D world, Gengetsu-chan.

>> No.19652717

But we have Kigurumi threads here. Couldn't 2hu Kigs be considered 3D 2hu?

>> No.19652728
File: 920 KB, 1280x1252, 1532042673929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely patrician taste.

>> No.19652781

I never could imagine myself as 2d, how do you do it?
In my dreams it was always bit 2/3d

>> No.19652790

Eight years ago I said in /jp/ that I was going to undertake a rigorous fitness and beauty regime that would qualify me to do a passable Aya cosplay.

Any day now.

>> No.19652816

Bring apology post it notes if you would kindly.

>> No.19652833

Wow what a letdown you are. Do it for aniki and make sure you can get better as a person. It all it takes is just one small action

>> No.19652906

It's like that in my dreams too.

>> No.19653351


I would if I could. I'd like to be an honest-to-goodness girl, after which I could also become a Touhou. But I don't want to be a tranny.
I'm just waiting for whole-body transplants and a donor.

>> No.19654413

>Eight years ago
>Any day now.
You're too old now!

>> No.19654721


>> No.19655468

What went wrong?

>> No.19655499

kuso thread

>> No.19655911

The comfort of NEET life

>> No.19662141

Yes, i would be a cute touhout but 2D only, 3D is too weird for me.

>> No.19662341

When I die and reincarnate as a 2D girl, I'll be Sakuya.

Until then, I'm not going to insult either myself or 2D girls by trying to become one in 3D.

>> No.19662404

>I'll be Sakuya
When you do, can you leave Remi's door unlocked and help me sneak into the mansion at night?
I'd also appreciate if you could give her some "medicine" to help her sleep better.

>> No.19663940

I'll be Blue or Gray eyed Sakuya... But sealing your fate is kinda bad... Remimi requires a certain level of commitment!

>> No.19669255

If I were 2D then wouldn’t the 2D world just be PD compared to the 1D world?

>> No.19669276
File: 757 KB, 850x850, 26672980_p2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, I'm prepared to marry her afterwards in true Japanese tradition.

>> No.19669317

