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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 697 KB, 1416x2048, catalog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19620476 No.19620476 [Reply] [Original]

Comiket is starting in a few hours! Are you already dying of heatstroke? What are you looking forward to? Any music or doujin you're anticipating to download?
Friendly reminder there's no spreadsheet since doujinstyle moved to discord, check the #xfades channel.

>> No.19620478

When can I expect to see Touhou 16.5?

>> No.19620509

No thanking; no linking to 9jew, hikarinojew and jew.co; rips are usually showing up a week/two weeks after the event since most people aren't going to comiket personally.

>> No.19620511

I hope someone buys that giant city battle game from nussoft.

go back to /v/

>> No.19620553

Stream: http://live.nicovideo.jp/gate/lv314645933
Cosplay Later: http://live.nicovideo.jp/gate/lv314885892

>> No.19620572

I want to fuck Comiket. I want to wrap the entire event around my dick until my dick bleeds, the event is in pieces, and everything drowns in semen.

>> No.19620574

Cosplay starts in 10 hours. Isn't Comiket closed by then already?

>> No.19620584

First comiket,
Sitting in the sun near a harbor surrounded by trillions of people,
Slowly melting.

Send help.

>> No.19620596

you were unnecessarily mean to >>19620478

>> No.19620607

It's not live. Just a slide show of photos.

>> No.19620618


>> No.19620621

/v/ doesn't even play touhou

>> No.19620655 [DELETED] 

How much do you think withdrawing from climate agreements and reigniting coal-mining will help?

>> No.19620658

Suffering with you

>> No.19620685

What albums are you all looking forward to? Anyone got a discord invite link?

>> No.19620691

Please take these discussion somewhere else.

>> No.19620730

Back's fucking killing me worse than the sun. Uncomfy lads.


Great, aint it?

>> No.19620740

>whining about babby-tier day 1

Try sunday, dudes. That's when the real battle rages.

>> No.19620762

What the fuck why are there multiple waiting line where am i supposed to go help anons

>> No.19620779

whining about any day lmao its just waiting in line and walking around in halls whats the big fucking deal

>> No.19620822

Where are the other waiting anons,
Im the Lawrence of Arabia looking dude near the middle.

Wave if you see me!

>> No.19620855

wow some c94 doujins are already up.

>> No.19620878

I bought some in tora yesterday

>> No.19620906

Heading to the station now, I wonder how many jaypeas I will see this time

>> No.19620907

How slow are you? They've been up for days and some of the more popular ones are already sold out.

>> No.19620964
File: 1.28 MB, 3968x2240, IMG_20180810_092211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to go in now

>> No.19620973

>They've been up for days
But Comiket started today.

>> No.19620976

Geez you arrived late

>> No.19620981

>the more popular ones are already sold out.
Don't worry, that's only temporary for the time during comiket.

>> No.19620984

If getting to ariake station at 6.30am is late then I don't fucking know

>> No.19620994

Trains starts at 5 after maintence.

>> No.19621001 [DELETED] 

>sea of virgins

>> No.19621010

My earliest was 5.30, on a shit line

>> No.19621015

have you met your porn overlords yet?

>> No.19621028
File: 140 KB, 577x1024, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19621033

I thought you were talking about Toranoana and Melonbooks. My bad.

>> No.19621043

Is that a man?

>> No.19621082

god damn it

>> No.19621100

Yeah scrap this. Just walking 10 minutes to the office on the sun and I’m drenched. Was planning to queue day 2-3 but fuck this shit.

>> No.19621121

The idea is to shack up at 11am when things have died down, unless you're after something and want to make sure it's not sold out go later and dodge the line.

It's bad enough in winter

>> No.19621152

It's time! But first the rules

>> No.19621161

>Japanese clap before buying porn

>> No.19621165

I have no problems with winter, just put kairo everywhere and it’s pretty cozy. But I find getting sticky with sweat for hours repulsive.

>> No.19621167

They clap at the start and when it’s over. Is this your first time?

>> No.19621189

>americans clapping before they buy stocks and bonds

>> No.19621228

>Americans clapping before and after being shot

>> No.19621236

I think america fattening up is some sort of evolutionary thing, tick layer of fat may provide protection against small caliber.

>> No.19621293

I went east instead of West in a panic. Same mistake as my first time. I can kiss that exclusive merch good bye.

>> No.19621369

Anyone know if Succubus Stayed Life 8 already sold?

>> No.19621653 [DELETED] 
File: 329 KB, 577x736, DCEC6624-768F-4499-9AB4-AA2D645CB03A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Tawawa coming soon.

>> No.19621724

Is it still worth it to go now?

>> No.19621735

Any neat games this comiket?

>> No.19621856

Are we getting an official CD for HSiFS?

>> No.19621951

They restock most of those every day.

>> No.19622106

hey guys what time is the orgy

>> No.19622291


>> No.19622310

It was yesterday.

>> No.19622385


>> No.19622388

Managed to get all the O-Life JP albums except for the demo CD. I think I spent a little too much on day 1 with the rest though

>> No.19622492


How would you rate your suffering on scale 1-10?

>> No.19622589

Im coming now, just gonna check it out for Friday

>> No.19622641

Be at 5pm at Akiba. Or wait for anyone at the big saw

>> No.19622644

haven't kept up with comiket in a long time. look forward to the music though.

>> No.19622700

Why akiba? Is this the anon from yesterday?

>> No.19623035

Anyone gotten asked as to why there is a bunch of gaijin by the saw?

>> No.19623058
File: 111 KB, 600x450, 1400725890914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>124 tracks
>10 hours

I don't know what Moon-Tone are thinking, but I am grateful.

>> No.19623071

not that poster but im the one from yesterday if youre the ace of spades briton. your thread got archived but im in akiba today too if you wanna meet up

>> No.19623148

Were at big saw

>> No.19623161

i already left but youre coming to akiba arent you

>> No.19623184


>> No.19623201

gimme a location once you arrive

>> No.19623219

Think we're meeting at a place called atre at 5pm

>> No.19623271

Anyone knows if NaPaTa is selling his stuff at comiket this year?

>> No.19623302

>Showed up around 11
>Still managed to get everything on my list
I hope you guys got what you wanted as well

>> No.19623321

That's a lot of people.


>> No.19623430

Retarded vanilla poster

>> No.19623450

Where in akihabara at 5?

>> No.19623470

Front of the station around vie de France

>> No.19623488

I cant see you

>> No.19623624

Yes, just look at this twitter.

>> No.19623640

A trap is fine too.

>> No.19623657

Will the people at Comiket please post pictures? I love seeing pictures when I can't go (health doesn't permit me to go).

>> No.19623678
File: 2.12 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20180810_114502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pictures of what?

>> No.19623788

Any good doujins with bodysuits or is day 3 the best day for those?

>> No.19623801

are you a fan of チーズ酵母

>> No.19623851


His works are usually pretty good

>> No.19623872

The people. The sights. The people with sights, various rows of booths or whichever strikes you as being worthy of having pictures taken of it - basically anything you want, friend. I just wanna be reminded of how fun it was when I've gone in the past when I can't go now because of side-effects from cancer therapies.

>> No.19623936
File: 3.73 MB, 4048x3036, IMG_20180810_143721_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go anon, I take lots of random photos, it's my first time so I'll dump a few for you

>> No.19623946
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>> No.19623953
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>> No.19623959
File: 3.12 MB, 4048x3036, IMG_20180810_181435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19623967

Where is that?

>> No.19624004

I really appreciate it, friend.

>> No.19624346
File: 2.53 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20180810_105738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was this new or really old

>> No.19624353

I think is kanda shrine?

>> No.19624563

If anybody managed to grab this, it'd be awesome if you could up it here.

>> No.19624815

Any Touhou Fangames released?

>> No.19624831
File: 717 KB, 1440x1080, IMG_4113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First day books

>> No.19624836
File: 652 KB, 1440x1080, IMG_4115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19624897

hope somebody scans that clownpiece/shion footjob doujin.

>> No.19624899 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.04 MB, 3840x2160, 1533907191273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting loot. I've been shifting from porn to music for day 1 more and mor, but expect the usual loli loot posts after day 3.

>> No.19624913

Is there a spreadsheet?

>> No.19624918

Care to up the NEETs?

>> No.19624948

Requesting the esquaria, preferably in lossless

>> No.19624966

No. Discord ruined everything.

>> No.19624972

I would jerk off to your doujins so that's a sign of your taste.

>> No.19625109
File: 138 KB, 367x790, 1533250956997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck discord. We need to make our own spreadsheet.

>> No.19625144

Hell yeah, both of pespeso's doujins got scanned.

>> No.19625161

Cosplay porn where?

>> No.19625178

Anyone bought the mosaic.wav release?

>> No.19625186
File: 524 KB, 783x810, angry cat noises.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19625205

Did anyone buy that 2hu rotk game?

>> No.19625213

Create one then.

>> No.19625214

wait u can post loli doujins here if it's your loot? I have like 2 so don't know if I should post

>> No.19625217

Anybody going tomorrow? Ely decided to sell her ROM, however there's no mention of the resolution. Can someone help?

>> No.19625230

Go ahead.

>> No.19625231

I am not responsible enough.

>> No.19625240

is it worth it? most of East Hall is like bl shit

>> No.19625261

That's why I'm asking though. If the ROM is under 2000 pixel there's no point of it.

>> No.19625276

What spreadsheet?

>> No.19625290

Probably just wants to spread on the sheets, idek

>> No.19625294

I think I'ma still go because as my first time I didn't find the 3-6 East Hall's, the katakana ones
going to be important for third day

>> No.19625311

I feel like there's a lot less variety on day 1 now, all just fate/boatshit and a decent chunk of touhou but my interest vin touhou is reclining

>> No.19625368

Between Pochi-goya, the fag from Tawawa, and oyari ashito, for which one should I line up first on Sunday?

>> No.19625419

You line up for whichever one has a set that is actually not shit.

>> No.19625432

>all just fate/boatshit and a decent chunk of touhou
Day 3 is all just fateshit too, it's everywhere on everyday.

>> No.19625459
File: 165 KB, 675x1200, DkE4iOQU4AAN0aX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just realised that Demetori is releasing this comiket. My body is ready.

>> No.19625540

Please no, even the lolis in fate are awful

>> No.19625550
File: 81 KB, 976x637, comiket 93 series.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bend over. Last time was like this too.

>> No.19625600

Anyone knows if there's any artist or circle that releases their stuff on Cassette instead of CD?

>> No.19625652 [DELETED] 


>> No.19625659

am I fine bringing teen looking loli into California? hopefully I won't meet Chris at the airport

>> No.19625677

Cinnerth Quetlarie by WAVE/Morrigan.

>> No.19625683

I wish they started doing 2hu again.

>> No.19625710
File: 271 KB, 929x1300, 2 (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We got a new Roki Doujin

>> No.19625713

They went pro and started doing music for games like Nier Automata.

>> No.19625765

Excellent. Pity it's not a Sanae one though.

>> No.19625777

Yeah, wish it was her and not the boring memegirl Sakuya.

>> No.19625797

None of his works has been translated, why bother?

>> No.19625813

What's the point of translating them, even?

>> No.19625840

You know what? I have started making a spreadsheet with links from the Discord and I wanted to share it with you guys but your message right here is infuriatingly stupid and reeks so much of crossboarding and intolerance that I'm not posting it. Kill yourself out of /jp/, you buzzwords spouting retard.

>> No.19626381
File: 321 KB, 431x450, 1517321333105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have started making a spreadsheet with links from the Discord
You totally were, anon

>> No.19626422

On what basis do you think he wouldn't? Jesus fuck off.

>> No.19626470

Okay, I was making a spreadsheet as well, but you're so fucking rude I'm not going to post it anymore.

>> No.19626471

Stop, all of you. Comiket threads get worse every single fucking time because of this kind of faggotry. Stop it right now and talk about fucking comiket. To the person who supposedly started making a spreadsheet, either post it or shut up about it. Stop trying to start shit. God fucking damnit it's not that hard to not be a fucking dick flaunting faggot about a fucking chink pornbook convention. Don't even bother replying to me, reply to the thread with fucking posts about comiket that contain an opinion or experience and are worth reading.

>> No.19626620

Where are the albums?

>> No.19626662
File: 284 KB, 1267x649, IMG_20180810_223340064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hurts not being able to use these (laptop has no disc drive). Pictured is only the music from day one, because I'm too lazy to censor everything in paint with a trackpad.

Looking at this makes me think that I should have tried out some new obscure/unknown music circles, could have just randomly found something good. With art at least, you get attracted by the cover. But trying to become a budding music artist sounds harder to get fans for.

>> No.19626724

You got the new Touhou strategy game anon? I’ve been trying to get that one for ages since I can actually translate it, plus it has officer mode

>> No.19626726

>Hurts not being able to use these
Get an adapter then.

>> No.19626760

What's that on top of Noel Gate?

>> No.19626825

Has there been a game thread for C94? I haven't seen any yet.

>> No.19626918

Mother of god.

>> No.19626938

>Still haven't found a way to get a Fufu-Udon Nitori plush

God damn this is suffering.

>> No.19626956

make one then

>> No.19626964

Am I just dumb or why can't I find newer releases by mosaic.wav?
Can't even find http://sequence.blog.jp/archives/27929328.html from C93
I guess I'll just have to buy it I guess, but I'd rather listen to the stuff now.

>> No.19626995

Did anyone get new Yassy or Mizuga?

>> No.19627016

It's on Deezer, you can use SMLoadr to get flac from there.

>> No.19627059
File: 663 KB, 1500x2000, IMG_20180811_022433786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember the girl cosplaying as Marisa (if memory serves right, might have been a different touhou) at the booth saying that it's not actually a new work, and upon looking at their website http://chiyuudou.com/ you can see that it came out in Reitaisai 15, which is about 3 months ago. But they added a new patch and stuff, and still pretty new so I guess it's new, especially if it's not uploaded. A friend of mine asked me to upload comiket games for him and I also saw your post so figured I'd get this. The girl at the booth said something along the lines of 結構時間がかかります

Also holy shit, this game has 辻斬り

Could buy one in Akiba and it might possibly come in handy some time in the future. We'll see what happens. I don't want to have to wait until I come home (which isn't happening that soon) either.

Far East of East XVI by TatshMusicCircle

>> No.19627089

Oh, thanks.
I'll buy it anyway when I'm in Akiba next month.

>> No.19627130

Yeah, it's not completely new but it's the newest, I've been waiting for them to put it online for purchase and even though they told me they would, it didn't happen. If you can upload it that'd be great, I'd like to see if I can translate it as well as the trial so at least I can put out a UI translation for other people

And yeah, the game has a ton of characters as described from the box, even people who only got mentioned in the printworks like Sakuyahime

>> No.19627197

Haven't even heard of that one

What's officer mode btw?

>> No.19627241
File: 1.69 MB, 1282x827, Sakuyahime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sakuyahime is a printwork only character who's also a real god and is the reason why Mokou became what she is now in a way

Basically, in the older games you'd have full control over your entire faction and every character within it, managing the military, economy, technology etc but for Officer mode its more of a RPG experience where you specifically control one character and interact with others in that way, though you can rise in the ranks by doing what your leader asks you to do and getting renown(or however its handled in this game).

To put it in other words, in the older games if you say picked the Hakurei Shrine, you'd control Reimu and everyone else included in there, in the newer one you can specifically choose who you want to control, so if you picked Reimu you should have full control like the older games but if you picked someone like Suika or Genji you only have control over them and whatever their current rank allows them to influence and MAYBE Officers who's you befriended like in the actual RoTK games

I hope I explained it properly

>> No.19627250
File: 188 KB, 768x1024, 2hu okina 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I need to buy that Demetori album through net. It's absolutely stellar.


>> No.19627287
File: 97 KB, 960x540, condi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Americans clapping for hitting a ball with a stick.

>> No.19627382

Didn't think taste this shit existed.
Comiket 3 times, always have loli on the way back. Be not afraid.

>> No.19627410

Oh I think I've seen someone play this game before. Looks quite complicated. Don't think I'll really understand what officer mode means unless I start playing it, but thanks for the explanation.

>> No.19627424

I've been wondering, is there a site that uploads new doujinshi faster than exhentai?

>> No.19627439

I've played it around here a few times for some people, its a pretty fun game if you're into strategy, though officer mode should play more like a RPG rather than straight up strategy, not many people played it mostly because it isn't translated at all(which is what I want to try to do with the latest game since I could actually translate the trial). One tip I can say is that if its anything like the older games, keep character relations in mind if you know them.
Have fun with it anon

>> No.19627552
File: 565 KB, 1137x636, 9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are you looking forward to

>> No.19627982

I'm happy to see the new Taishi on Diverse Direct Ill be grabbing that on thursday after I get paid, and pay some bills. Since you know, i have to adult first. Then once I can find where to get it from that will ship overseas, the new Wave/avtechno! album.

>> No.19628049

>Since you know, i have to adult first.
What did he mean by this?

>> No.19628147

>pay some bills
It's some reddit/imgur-tier bullshit.

>> No.19628185
File: 119 KB, 304x295, robot2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New stream: http://live2.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv314726482

>> No.19628254

Glariz did at C93

>> No.19628320
File: 22 KB, 251x231, 1526723801401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any albums?
dump moar pics if you can anons i had to stay in office this year

>> No.19628369

>any albums?
on the doujinstyle discord :))))

>> No.19628380


>> No.19628646
File: 226 KB, 900x1200, DScG_p_UIAEnZeE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2D drone
This is exactly what I needed in my life. Gonna check them out, thanks anon.

>> No.19628650
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>> No.19628692




>> No.19628702

who are you quoting?

>> No.19628727

What a total fucking cunt. Youtubers need to be stopped.
I thought it was weird when i saw someone get bumped into when i watched this year's dash video on twitter yesterday, but to find out that it was done intentionally for views really makes my skin crawl.
At least it wasn't a foreigner I guess.

>> No.19628758

I though it was odd too but though the guy might have something urgent came up. What a dick.

>> No.19628768

The guy is making fun of the way you smell


>> No.19628779
File: 583 KB, 1080x1920, %0AKIMG1345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19628815

What the fuck?
This is dangerous.
That said, running at the Comiket is also untolerable.

>> No.19628832

Fucking based. /jp/sies seething.

>> No.19628836

Where the fuck are the albums? The discord that one anon posted has nothing.

>> No.19628845
File: 309 KB, 492x735, 6611cc34cf0eb519c905db379e9c2105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19628846

Wait a little more.

>> No.19628860

It's the shrine from love live, kanda shrine

>> No.19628878

What should I say when I want to buy a doujin? I don't want to just stand there and point like a filthy gaijin, also when they say dozo to browse their doujin should I say arigatou or just nod?

>> No.19628885

stand proud anon
you are on holy grund

>> No.19628890
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>> No.19628905

That's literally how you buy. They'll understand because you are said filthy gaijin.

>> No.19628924

Do you think it'd be okay to say これはどうぞ?

>> No.19628975
File: 1.88 MB, 4048x3036, IMG_20180810_184633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19628992

Now THAT was a good comiket

>> No.19629010

might ditch day 2 early and go to cosholic :^)

>> No.19629028 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.95 MB, 4032x2268, 1533945164306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day one books.
Keep it up anons, don't let the heat get the best of you.
I'm sorry, scanning is too much of a hassle.

>> No.19629049

I'm about to buy so much shota ass

>> No.19629071

Kore wo ichibu/issatsu onegaishimasu.
Ichibu(or issatsu) is how you count doujin.

>> No.19629072
File: 355 KB, 622x316, noice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19629080

That's not correct. Thats along the lines of "please take one."

>> No.19629145

Google doujinstyle and click the invite on their front page. Whatever discord was posted here before is some guy trying to shill his own shit.

>> No.19629256

Is there any yuri today or am I getting my hopes up?

>> No.19629306


Did Yassy have a long queue?

>> No.19629309
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*Taps suica card*

>> No.19629323

Am in Tokyo but not for comiket
Is it worth a visit if I'm not crazy about hentai?

>> No.19629350

There's some commercial anime/game stuff there, but the place is huge so if you have no idea where you're going you might get a bit lost.

>> No.19629352

Gayday is universal.

>> No.19629359

kore kudasai and point at it
bonus point if you can pronounce it with american accent

>> No.19629513

u think they gonna fuck me over if I bring shitload of loli doujin into us in my luggage?

>> No.19629559

Is there a festival going on, should I go during the day after comiket or at night?

>> No.19629603

by "translate" do you just mean text, or also reinsertion?

>> No.19629621

Where are the meetup lewds?

>> No.19629682

Night time is good, lots of music and people, nice atmosphere, it's at kanda shrine

>> No.19629712

any vids?livestreams?i can't seem to find any

>> No.19629726

why the hell would you want to see a live stream of comiket, it's just a sea of people bumping around

>> No.19629734
File: 46 KB, 845x640, 15245346345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's just a sea of people bumping around

>> No.19629745


since you're all too retarded to just make a spreadsheet, I made a spreadsheet. Please treat it kindly and add media to it if you download anything from the lazy faggot self important doujin den discord (unnamed for politeness).

I'll add anything I download and reset it if someone defaces it.

>> No.19629751

Would it be faster to enter through the west halls and move to the east ones? Literally still in line for east.

>> No.19629763

It's shit all around anon, there is no "fast way in"

>> No.19629798

You're literally advised to wait for noon to get in if you're new.

>> No.19629815

>assuming any of the whining babies who want to be spoonfed will update your spreadsheet
If /jp/ could make it's own spreadsheet, we wouldn't have this problem in the first place.

>> No.19629826

then lazy jpsies can just download the albums that I download. It takes so little effort to copy things into 3 fields and type 'hyperlink='.

I think the problem is lazy self-important fags who think proprietary chat channels can replace tables, lists, or spreadsheets.

>> No.19629889


>> No.19629912

Posting from the future!

>> No.19629940

so is anything worth to get today? I'm just going to check the place out more

>> No.19629943

Alright I'll head over there at night, thanks.

>> No.19630202

Pretty sure they close it off so you can't do that.

>> No.19630225

how the fuck did you realize it was from c88?

>> No.19630269

Then stop complaining.

>> No.19630379

Based redshirt

>> No.19630495

based on what?

>> No.19630512

Red shirt is "BASED" for btfoing that neet

>> No.19630515

what is with people being dicks for youtube views in japan

>> No.19630546

but what is he based on?

>> No.19630584



>> No.19630604

If it's anything like the trial version of the game, yes

>> No.19630605

insertion I mean.

>> No.19630610

Here with my Japanese friend, leave me aloneeeeees

>> No.19630635

2nd day sucks.

>> No.19630689

Was mainly gay shit desu

>> No.19630692

must be your favourite day then haha

>> No.19630699

Haha good one m8

>> No.19630709

I'm tempted to go into the discord and scrape the links to make a proper spreadsheet. Do you need an email to join or can you just type a random name in and go?

>> No.19630854

None around the time I got there , I just passed by and got my stuff.

>> No.19630907

I think all the discord downloads are already included in the spreadsheet.Anyway, the discord doesn't need an email for viewing.

>> No.19630963

The clownpiece tentacle one is one of my favs i hope you enjoy !!!

>> No.19630973

I already did, Yassy.

>> No.19630977

There's noone at the saw jaypeas, is this the end

>> No.19630984

at the what?

>> No.19630992

The saw at comiket

>> No.19631004
File: 723 KB, 1440x1080, IMG_4131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went home because no one else wants to go to gay day. Here's what I mostly got.

>> No.19631017

Rip, I got a bagfull of GuP stuff.

>> No.19631084
File: 611 KB, 2048x1536, loot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19631207

Were you that one guy eating ramen at the bench right by the saw?

>> No.19631210

Who is the artist of the two artworks top left? Please.

>> No.19631215


>> No.19631242

Do all the "circles" form on day 1 and then no one bothers with the big saw after until day 3 when all the new degenerate gaijin show up??

>> No.19631246

Thank you.

>> No.19631251

You should have approached him!
You would have made his day and sealed a place in his heart forever ~

>> No.19631276

He looked like a faggot though.

>> No.19631290 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.40 MB, 2560x1440, 1533973946148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My day2 stuff, pretty much restricted myself to Pravda doujins because that's what I'm here for. I wish I could speak decent nip because the circles selling GuP stuff were all really friendly and talkative.

Nice find in the badge and katyusha patch, little bit jelly.

>> No.19631291

Never judge a book by it's cover !

>> No.19631301

No, we left around 3.20. One of us was in a orange shirt tho

I wish I had ramen

>> No.19631334

How do you think I buy my doujins?

>> No.19631340

doujin covers are so incredibly misleading, sometimes it's as if the artist had another person draw it

>> No.19631341

By first finding the author on sad panda and then analyzing his artsyle and content to see if it fits your tastes?
I hate window shopping because 9/10 times i don't love the content and there's so many doujins available that owning anything but ones you absolutely love is overwhelming

>> No.19631371


This. Don't know how many times I've seen a cover include fetishes I like only for them to appear in one page out of 20 or in a single fucking panel.

>> No.19631379

Good thing they let you flick through everything at Comiket right. If they are too busy to let you flick through them then they are popular enough that you should know what's inside them anyway.

>> No.19631410
File: 95 KB, 1015x775, IMG_20180811_165108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should recover stamina for day 3 and drinking.
Day 1 and 2 were baby mode this summerket, but tomorrow the wageslaves will be freed.

>> No.19631435

>that Sanae /ss/ one
Been waiting for this one. Was there many people to buy it?

>> No.19631517
File: 659 KB, 960x676, front-cover_RGB_180802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need this

>> No.19631632
File: 3.29 MB, 4048x3036, IMG_20180811_181936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19631635

Do you mind uploading the NEETs albums? Thank you.

>> No.19631641

I can see your lube on the right

>> No.19631736


>> No.19631769

>in japan

>> No.19632242
File: 226 KB, 1560x2080, IMG_20180811_201025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I slept in to save energy and stamina for day 3.

>> No.19632252

You damn lolicon.

>> No.19632262

Cute Arisu's.

>> No.19632290

If you scanned the toho megane I would love you forever.

>> No.19632360
File: 692 KB, 1440x1080, 1533906275687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name of those two artists please?

>> No.19632377

Finally Okina doujin and scanning is too much hassle for him. Suffering!

>> No.19632397


They get scanned pretty quickly.

>> No.19632473

should I walk an hour at 4 or should I just first train at 530

>> No.19632494
File: 28 KB, 500x373, domo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19632523

Any decent Touhou fangames being released this time?

>> No.19632595

Michiking gets scanned all the time.
As a megane lover I feel you, taking care of the new type of glue that stains all the pages is too much work, unless you're so hungry you wouldn't mind phone scans.

>> No.19632710

It's already on panda.

>> No.19632756

the madotsuki cosplayer from day 1 was cute

can't believe there are still stands for yume nikki to be honest

>> No.19632781

Archive for AKA by REDALiCE is Password protected.

>> No.19632793

password is Nyaa.
That should be mentioned, I think.

>> No.19632798

Got any pics?

>> No.19632808

Where do I find cosplay pics online from c94? Specifically, I want upskirt photos.

>> No.19632851

Try #C94コスプレ

>> No.19633030

Don't you worry, there will be more tomorrow.

>> No.19633040

Where are coming from? Shinjuku? Osaki?

>> No.19633056
File: 261 KB, 930x684, ss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New lenfried set!

>> No.19633069

What is she, like 50 years old by now? The power of photoshop is amazing.

>> No.19633089
File: 1.64 MB, 1282x764, k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19633101

sadly not

>> No.19633103


There's a speed scan of the Michiking already uploaded. It's going to get a higher quality version too.

>> No.19633143


>> No.19633159

I don't think you can get there faster on foot. Rent a capsule in osaki or even at kokusai tenjijo for the night

>> No.19633211
File: 1.56 MB, 1282x764, t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, how do you get this game to run in fullscreen? There's something about it in the config files but it's not user friendly.

>> No.19633279

Probably late 30s to early 40s.

>> No.19633517

C94 RD-Sounds

Found this on a viet forum, I'm gonna assume its not on slowjin-style yet

>> No.19633546
File: 2.90 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0482[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with that?

>> No.19633615

rofl its out everywhere MORE THAN MONTH ago. "slowjin"haha

>> No.19633631

eh fujo shit is fine
what's really gay is bara doujins

>> No.19633652

Usually people say the opposite. But what if I like both?

>> No.19633669

then you're an actual faggot and i wanna suck your cock

>> No.19633738
File: 3.46 MB, 3024x4032, Day 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a girl, fag

>> No.19633751

If I wanna buy a set from a circle what would I say?

>> No.19633775

>O-Life JP
excellent taste

>> No.19633779


>> No.19633800


>> No.19633892 [DELETED] 

What's that X book? Something official?

>> No.19633908
File: 392 KB, 1862x1796, IMG_20180809_051349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm making my route atm, if you have a loli or /ss/ circle that's making some good shit with high chances of not getting scanned, drop their twitter link, I might consider it.

>> No.19633966
File: 1.69 MB, 1282x747, unknown (70).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and somehow, I got it to work too

>> No.19633978

Can anyone put up RD-Sounds in lossless .flac?

>> No.19634058

Awesome! Thanks!

I remember trying to translate the items and skills in the last game, but I couldn't find the appropriate tools to repack the unity files without breaking the game.

>> No.19634074

Just point at it you dumb eop.

>> No.19634084


>> No.19634086

Believe it or not anon, I'm the guy who tried to help you with that. I was hopeful on getting this method to work because it wasn't working on the older games

>> No.19634097
File: 137 KB, 340x340, 729.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone see that one fag waiting at the big saw by himself?

>> No.19634160

>Patchouli >Samurai

Is this going to be as silly as east chemblem?

>> No.19634169

Holy smokes! It's been a while eh? I did manage to find the tools to repack it properly, but not the time nor the interest to work on it anymore.

>> No.19634170

In this case, its more like "Samurai General" or whatever, just like the older games she's absolute ass at anything that isn't magic

>> No.19634182

Yeah, I think I did as well but I also gave up once I attempted to translate character names and the game not picking it up properly. Seeing the illusion games translated this way gave me a idea so I tried it out on the trial and actually got excited

>> No.19634252


>> No.19634315
File: 1.14 MB, 1282x747, Strategy meeting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt I'll actually translate the dialouge personally(though someone can easily do it themselves when I'm done making sure its playable this way) but it seems like it gets the gist of the situations automatically well more or less for some of this stuff

>> No.19634318

running against the dash

>> No.19634371

How did the meetup go? I heard there was a chink from Australia with a pepe wallpaper. Was it that awful?

>> No.19634380

It sucked because you weren't there.

>> No.19634508

Fuck you

>> No.19634840

Any photos of the otaku sweat cloud yet?

>> No.19634848


>> No.19635105
File: 37 KB, 640x480, 1364599362955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's no spreadsheet since doujinstyle moved to discord
What the actual fuck?

>> No.19635147

Well now there is, scroll up.

And if you're shocked about discord, it's 2018 and maintaining a forum is uncool these days.

>> No.19635250

I hope they know their channel can easily but shut down if someone were to just report it.
All it takes is one.
Three to make it a higher priority.

>> No.19635279

I wish it was that simple.
t. reported hundreds of channels on discord using dozens of proxies, only 3 of them got deleted

>> No.19635284

just say that doujinstyle has loli in public channels, that should get them disposed of pretty quick

>> No.19635286

Nah, loli is fine. The real problem is if they call someone else a jew.

>> No.19635323

Their NSFW channel specifically says no loli in the topic.

>> No.19635358

Can't make day 3, but it was fun despite how hot and sweaty it was.

Winter sounds much nicer and less wet.

>> No.19635394

it's not my business to actually know what goes on in doujinstyle circlejerk channels.

>> No.19635493

Just report them for piracy, which is against ToS.

>> No.19635496

why is discord so shit

>> No.19635502

its accomplished more than you ever could loser

>> No.19635509

It's not the platform that's shit, but the users that think it can replace a forum or even an organized spreadsheet where everything is easy to find. Like using a hammer to insert a screw.

>> No.19635656

>It's not the platform that's shit
That's wrong.
>made with electron
>terrible memes everywhere
>relatively frequent downtimes
>stores every post or call data

>> No.19635657 [DELETED] 

Syfruit - Identity https://mega.nz/#!mgURDIrL!_AN9VxMGJT3jNJ_HN_rcA4hUIW2wulrL2u6TTJ_QjBA

Demetori - 瑰狂鬱嵂 https://mega.nz/#!zx0iyYaB!dqvJWyxv6hrLO7tFmgjNRfkSZh3n5xwIASym3WzHOUg

Esquaria - Angel Gate https://mega.nz/#!69kTDBjL!XF3bSsSXt7PaXJjEtakKPsj9Mynf1JFuOIybxEYV57Q

No cues/logs because I'm shit and forgot to check the box next to "Automatically write status report after extraction
". But I tried to follow the EAC guide as best I could. Also no metadata because lazy.

>> No.19635665

>no metadata because lazy
aaaaaaaaa anon you could have done that at least
I'll edit it and reup it for anyone who's about to download this

>> No.19635683

I could delete my post I suppose.

>> No.19635685

Bless you anons.

>> No.19635697

>made with electron
It's a web app. What else are you going to make it in? Flash? Java? ActiveX?
>terrible memes everywhere
Agreed, and for this alone it should die in a gasoline fire.
>relatively frequent downtimes
Because they can't maintain their servers
>stores every post or call data
So does every other IM service. Unless you run the server yourself it's the price you pay for convenience.

>> No.19635862

how do you know what I accomplished and I didn't know it's a fucking person

>> No.19635908
File: 136 KB, 663x637, 1525909891569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dump some photo albums of the event anons
t.anon who couldn't be in natsucomima

>> No.19635915

Alright, here it is.
Demetori - 瑰狂鬱嵂 https://mega.nz/#!kRJzxIYJ!TbMn6cJxFNlRzKbDx4e5-DiGB15wuPFCzFjoiedXVtQ
Esquaria - Angel Gate https://mega.nz/#!UNYThQgZ!1LEy5BXEaGk_gslkZEgWqhXftbdQ9I1t4USjs6VVceo
Syrufit - Identity. https://mega.nz/#!oMAhHApa!6qEciaX2idcdqaVVz1yX8_XvIQ5ROBsSIqlbNG8YfCg

I hope I didn't fuck up anything

>> No.19635934

Next rinkai train is 540, did I miss the first train?

>> No.19635945

aaaaaa fuck I forgot to include album art in the Esquaria one
you'll have to grab it manually

>> No.19635952
File: 1.21 MB, 1036x306, 1520502120158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good enough, thanks anon

>> No.19635972
File: 694 KB, 1200x1200, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19635989

That Syrufit album is lit af, so glad I've bought it too

>> No.19635995

Lied, a train came at 515

>> No.19636059
File: 139 KB, 500x500, 1527994480095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19636216
File: 2.99 MB, 5697x2820, Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely stellar my ass. It sucks massive dick, like their last two albums. Go listen to Sukhavati again and tell me their newer shit is "stellar". Go on, do it.

>> No.19636240

I too think it's not stellar at all, but it's but it's a massive improvement from the last two albums, even if it's still not on par with old stuff.

>> No.19636245

first time went to East, hopefully I'll make all my east artists, not going to popular ones too

>> No.19636255

Ok, yeah definitely agree on that. Wow, came off really rude didn't I? Having a shit day so far...

>> No.19636261


Absolutely stellar were maybe wrong words, but it's still better than their last 2 albums even if it doesn't get near their peak.

>> No.19636331

Was there any spreadsheet for last M3? The discord interface is absolute cancer.

>> No.19636352

Final day stream: http://live2.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv314726586

>> No.19636411

Discord is cancer in general. Avoid it. There are collages for every doujin event on redacted, M3 and Comiket included, all nicely organized. Easy to subscribe for automatic updates too.

>> No.19636489

I would like to thank everyone who contributed to the spreadsheet so far, I was expecting to have to restore it from backup and link everything myself when I woke up today.

>> No.19636515

wtf is the spreadsheet?

>> No.19636525

So, today (day 3) is the hentai day?

>> No.19636533

Ehh, ratio is hard to get on [red], although I've got a few dozen freeleech tokens I need to clear before September hits.
Thanks anyway, anon.

>> No.19636535

all days are hentai days for me

>> No.19636543

isn't like
day 1 = videogames and music
day 2 = BL and yuri
day 3 = porn?

>> No.19636550

There was porn on day 1 and 2 too.

>> No.19636567

just minor stuff

>> No.19636588

Nah dozens of stuff.

>> No.19636622

any brave anon managed to get the album?

>> No.19636631

this first day was shitload of fate and some other popular porn, day 2 was gay shit, some normal stuff and cosplay stuff with real girls

>> No.19636639

lol anon girls are not real

>> No.19636649

Is there anything worth listening to? It's always the same shit.

>> No.19636670

>first day was shitload of fate and some other popular porn
What exactly do you think there will be today?

>> No.19636675
File: 1.16 MB, 2340x3120, IMG_20180810_134915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ano ne ano ne

Also wtf, I woke up earlier and got to the train station earlier as well and I'm further away from the entrance by a row or two

>> No.19636680


>> No.19636700

yaoi day should be today, right?
planning to get anything interesting?

>> No.19636701

Morrigan said something about Lily having to go to the hospital or something. Did he even go to Comiket?

>> No.19636707

yaoi day was yesterday

>> No.19636760

I hate it when everything gets uploaded except the one thing that I want.

>> No.19636790

post moar pics for us disabled anons who can't be there to witness it

>> No.19636794

I am going for original shit don't know about u

>> No.19636801

sorry, im not that guy in japan

>> No.19636809

You know, there's an easy way to guarantee you get a rip of the album you want.

>> No.19636816

Not exactly sure where you are going with that, but just because you don't buy them doesn't mean there won't be a shitload of FGO content there.

>> No.19636823

Which is?

>> No.19636852

Go buy it poorfag

>> No.19636861

Dude, I'm going to Japan in October. I won't pay the extra costs for the shipping and all if I can just wait until I'm there and I'd rather not have to wait until October for a single album either.

>> No.19636880

It's designed to encourage users to keep everything inside their private servers where they can have attention and importance. Discord is trying to compete against forums, spreadsheets, imageboards, and everything else.

Other IM services usually delete messages automatically.

>> No.19636893

I got here an hour and a half earlier than day 1 and ended up in pretty much the same spot. Guess I wont be visiting the YUA booth.

>> No.19636894

>Other IM services usually delete messages automatically.
Literally never seen any IM service that does this.
A whole part of their service is that previous messages can be searched and looked at, of course they store previous messages.

>> No.19636905

try cutting in line

>> No.19636912

I want to try to get some popular stuff for the first time but of my target is in aisle I

>> No.19636935

Then you've never seen another IM service before. Most services can't show old messages and most users on other services get angry if they find out other users are saving their messages without notice.

>> No.19636959

It's not like YUA will sell out or anything.

>> No.19636968
File: 450 KB, 1667x1646, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grabbed off red

[JSH009] VA - Japanese Stream Hardcore Vol.9

>> No.19637061

I currently have at least 3 wall circles that I want to get to, but I'm still not sure if I want to prioritize all of them or try to get to the smaller circles first.

>> No.19637067

How’s weather at the site today?

>> No.19637079

Really nice, no sun/cloudy with the ocean breeze.

>> No.19637091

It's better than the past 2 days. There is a overcast that's blocking the sun.

>> No.19637095

Are the circles at the walls the biggest? I saw that they always seem to have lines outside, also do I just join the back of the line?

>> No.19637096

Anyone got pictures of the public masturbator?

Also my friends are just getting ready, I hope Oyari doesn't sell out.

>> No.19637105

Public masturbator?

>> No.19637121

to my understanding, no, guess hakkin @ DS got tired of working on them sheets out of goodwill

>> No.19637132

good shit anon

>> No.19637134
File: 79 KB, 256x344, 135rt24353465435523423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19637137

Do you plan to cut in line or something? Of course you join the back.

>> No.19637171

If said booths have an exclusive and/or don't vend through Melon/Tora, then you should absolutely visit them first. Assuming you're camping out, of course.

If not I guess it doesn't matter, those booths will be hell by the time you get in the door.

>> No.19637218

so is it risky to bring loli into us

>> No.19637237

Yes, I always cut in, they get all confused and don't say anything cause im foreign, don't you guys do stuff like that? I like to embrace foreign privilege as much as possible

>> No.19637259

They tend to put more popular ones along the walls. You can usually just join the back, but once in a while they'll have someone with a sign saying it's a split line and they'll point at the real back.

>> No.19637308

It's probably one of the least risky countries desu.
There's some infographic about which states loli is legal in, though I'm not really sure how required it is.
If you want to be safe, you can always just ship all your shit to your house instead of taking it back with you.

>> No.19637328

it's just that info thing says cali is fine, but then I search it up online and everyone says different shit confusing as fuck

>> No.19637349

That's probably because it's a borderline topic and there are no court rulings on it.

>> No.19637381

I'm bring in doujins in my check in luggage from comiket but shipping 12 comic lo books home. For the check in, hide it under your clothes for it to be harder to find. I too have difficulty finding a concrete answer. NY btw.

>> No.19637425

I'ma try putting them in between all my big breasted milf doujins that I got
have like 30-40 of those and like 6 Loli max

>> No.19637427

Or you know, just man up, stuff it in your bag and hail Mary. That's what I've done. FL man.

>> No.19637428

I'm facing the same situation whenever I bring doujins home with me. I end up shipping all lewds to avoid any potential risks.

>> No.19637440

well I don't care if I get in trouble for my big titty ones, but for Loli they hate that shit in us

>> No.19637443

Is there cardboard boxes and shrink wrap at the post office?

>> No.19637464

It is confusing and attempts at banning it have been rejected as unconstitutional. Law enforcement likes to search for 3D CP instead of trying to charge over drawings. The main risk is getting questioned and thoroughly searched for 3D, which would be a big pain in the ass even if there's nothing to find.

I'd put it in the middle of lots of other books and papers in a bag, or just ship it. Having it under your clothes could get them asking questions if it's noticed.

>> No.19637484

The post office usually carries boxes/containers of different sizes.

I also gathered whatever else I needed at Tokyu Hands like tape and stuff.

>> No.19637534

I guess I'll go buy tape, shrink wrap, some paper (or find some free newspaper) for the package.

>> No.19637537

Boy, do I regret waking up at 5 in the morning.

The place I'm in now is at the bridge going to Odaiba. I can see the ferris wheel from here. Fuck.

I just want to visit the Yostar and TYPE MOON booths, damn it.

>> No.19637543

same here, after a certain point I just stopped giving a fuck

>> No.19637569

Yostar is good, Type Moon is shit.

>> No.19637582

I'ma try that out as I don't have much loli

>> No.19637603

Line is moving finally.

>> No.19637606

7 mins, godspeed anons.

>> No.19637609

be safe, and don't be assholes

>> No.19637612

fate everywhere

>> No.19637624

>chorimokki is a girl
holy shit.

>> No.19637647

Fuck. Forgot to check if Himura Kiseki is in.

>> No.19637656

How do you guys even get internet access while at Comiket. Every time I went, the sheer density of people made using mobile internet nearly impossible.

>> No.19637663

I bought a portable WiFi router with my Jr pass.

>> No.19637671

Portable wifi. Cuts out a bit in the initial line area and East, but otherwise it's solid enough.

>> No.19637676

Currently on a Y!Mobile phone plan.

>> No.19637701
File: 2.62 MB, 3036x4048, IMG_20180812_100331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help anons

>> No.19637707

so many wizards

>> No.19637725

I forgot my towel i'm so fucked

>> No.19637730

I haven't been with a towel the last 2 days, was fine aswell, hot but fine

>> No.19637731

Stay strong, brother. The gates are right ahead.

>> No.19637747

Can you buy a certain doujin for me?

>> No.19637752

Depends which one and how big the line is

>> No.19637764
File: 252 KB, 1000x1414, DkCInZAVAAEH3xH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one. In case you're serious I can send you the money via paypal

>> No.19637772

Should I add a kudasai to then end of that?

>> No.19637871


>> No.19637872

Day 2 is also stuff like Strike Witches and GuP

>> No.19637895

Where the hell is the big sight? I've been there before and I don't even know where you are, is the line really that long?

>> No.19637911

Anon, I can't see the end of the line, been here since 9:50 and still can't see big sight

>> No.19637915

It's on the right a ways forward. I remember this spot from last year.

>> No.19637916
File: 3.23 MB, 3456x4608, IMG_20180812_104756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NIGGer look where i'm at

>> No.19637924

Such foul language is NOT acceptable! Cease this behaviour

>> No.19637935
File: 1.34 MB, 3036x4048, IMG_20180812_105057-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha unlucky anon, the end is in sight for me

>> No.19637952

I'm currently in the Circuit. The line is steadily moving, but it goes on forever.

>> No.19637959

What does comiket smell like in summer?

>> No.19637971

Fat meets and shit, also like month old green tea like all Asians smell

>> No.19638004

Its m'y first Time am i going to die

>> No.19638007

I'm sure they will be gentle to you anon-kun

>> No.19638012

It's grossest when your arm rubs against someone's super wet, sweaty flesh, and you can feel it for like a minute afterwards.

>> No.19638013
File: 2.74 MB, 3036x4048, IMG_20180812_110329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unlucky anons, im the winner today

>> No.19638021

I'm the real winner as I am in the fatalpulse line

>> No.19638029


>> No.19638032

Winners don't read asanagi's doujins.

>> No.19638047

I wish a fireplane could drop over us

>> No.19638096
File: 217 KB, 821x615, 1451667389259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new Demetero AND Syrufit
Gonna have to take a look at this, thank you kindly anon.

>> No.19638164

Still in the queue that is moving away from the Tokyo big sight ;_;

>> No.19638179

Hello from /a/. Just dropping by because the threads are constantly being deleted at the moment.

>> No.19638185

Is there any Higurashi Rin? Or anyone good?

>> No.19638187

Saw that, feel free to stay.
Mods are faggots as usual.

>> No.19638194

New mods are still flaming faggots, what else is new.

>> No.19638197

Actually killed me inside. I guess it's time to hang out in /jp/ again.

>> No.19638225

/jp/ is so slow

>> No.19638235

So you're just going to lay down and take it?

>> No.19638242

that's what makes it so good.

>> No.19638252

it's comfy

>> No.19638253

/a/ banned our c94 thread

>> No.19638268

How long is it usually?

>> No.19638292

774 is sold out

>> No.19638305

if you do happen to buy it, please hit me up at jeangarcia85@hotmail.com so we can adjust the details and I can pay you back

>> No.19638326
File: 340 KB, 700x770, DkO-elCU0AAA3Xi.png:large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess who's back

>> No.19638332

I hope the success doesn't go to his head and make him milk Nagatoro into another Takagi-san.

>> No.19638342

I wish izurumi would come back.

>> No.19638347

I'll look later anon, super crowded today, gotta get my own stuff first

>> No.19638430

If you plan to queue okotanpeco get on the right lane, it's faster.

>> No.19638449

Anyone know where the femdom and footjob genres are mainly located? East 1-6 would be specific enough, I'll just look around the closet area

>> No.19638450

I've bought everything i need, i'm about to leave

>> No.19638504

Im finally out of this hell, i'm going back to take a good shower

>> No.19638511

I really don't want it to get an anime but it seems inevitable.

>> No.19638526

Quite the opposite. Current /jp/ is fucking fast!

>> No.19638535


>> No.19638539

threads can still last weeks, that's slow.

>> No.19638552

You're on page 10 in 8 hours. That's not slow mate.

>> No.19638560

and I was just in another thread that started in july 24th.

>> No.19638561 [DELETED] 
File: 141 KB, 852x1200, Dj_-s11UwAYIhd1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, he was selling an Ilya and Kuro doujin. Nothing related to Nagatoro.

>> No.19638562
File: 1.74 MB, 1280x720, 1512896163093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up
>no FELT
>go back to sleep

>> No.19638564

why is so many young Loli doujin artists girls?

>> No.19638574

Being Girls themselves, they Know the good shit

>> No.19638579


>> No.19638584

This thread lasted 2 days and it's a pretty active one for /jp/ since it's comiket.

>> No.19638585

fuck I ran out of money was about to buy me some preg ones welp

>> No.19638630

Im heading to the west halls now, was gonna go home but I got swept up with them so might as well go

>> No.19638652
File: 2.90 MB, 3036x4048, IMG_20180812_125904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me lads

>> No.19638660

That Was fuckin hell, legit lucifer level, good luck

>> No.19638697

Anyone doing big saw?

>> No.19638710

>Anyone doing big saw?
I'm going to kill myself after this.

>> No.19638715

Ah ok, same

>> No.19638723

I hope you guys bought everything you wanted.

>> No.19638730

where are you from? something's strange

>> No.19638732

Dump your shit on mega before you do please. If you don't want to do that, mail it to me.

>> No.19638752

UK why?

>> No.19638763
File: 131 KB, 400x300, here you go.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19638764

Almost at hôtel room, cant wait to get that subzero shower

>> No.19638768

André fuck that stupide french autocorrect

>> No.19638778

How long until everything you guys bought is published online for free?

>> No.19638779

can you post your loot on here if it's nsfw and has some Loli?

>> No.19638782

How long until you can download a physical copy and help the author while meeting them in person?

>> No.19638786

I dont Care i wanted that Murata art

>> No.19638794

Just spoiler it

>> No.19638796

WE will be doing a thread on /h i believe

>> No.19638799

I just wanted to buy the book of my wife that the artist won't sell on Tora for whatever reason

>> No.19638800

All the original yuri was day 3 though.

>> No.19638812

There’s original yuri?

>> No.19638813 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.94 MB, 4048x3036, 1534048089567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19638814

Looking forward to it

>> No.19638821

I hope they are double copies because you are scanning one.

>> No.19638839

what diametric tastes you have

>> No.19638845

Wow, the crowd is significantly bigger on Sunday?

I think the line took about 30-40min on Friday after arriving at the station at 10am. I arrived with little preparation and went to the commercial booths only. Expected to be able casually browse and buy. Quickly realized Comiket was about finding the end of the line outside the venue.

Saw some gaijin tourist families with young children that day. I'm sure they had a terrible NSFW day.

>> No.19638846

waiting for the eventful tokyo reporter note

>> No.19638851

so you like flat butts and tits

>> No.19638854
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>> No.19638860

chinman on the right

>> No.19638865

Yeah fuckin normies had no clue hahaha

>> No.19638872
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>> No.19638874

I like fat butts, thiccer women, and some Loli that look thic, just gota mix them in so I don't get fucked when coming back.
the skinny ones I bought for my friend, the second copies is for my other friend who has same taste

>> No.19638877
File: 46 KB, 531x514, IMG_20180812_104756_1~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinese Bogdanoff?

>> No.19638881

what got made? any yupiel/iinchou continuation would be swell

>> No.19638882


>> No.19638891

the author himself?

>> No.19638896


>> No.19638907


>> No.19638918

That's not what i expected him to look like.

>> No.19638919

Yeah! There's some scattered around in East halls but most in ち in west.

>> No.19638923

Did anyone see that one fag stood at the big saw?

>> No.19638930

Come say hello.

>> No.19638934
File: 12 KB, 368x194, foobar2000_2018-08-11_11-38-49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck doujinstyle for posting 192k

>> No.19638938

You mean the meetup? I wanted to, even though I didn't went to the comiket itself on any day yet. How do these meetup looklike usually. Would I stand out as a (comiket)virgin?

>> No.19638946

yeah i lmaod out loud and kept walking
poor guy

>> No.19638951

pazolite's song on hardcore syndrome 12 is the best i've heard from him in awhile.

>> No.19638965

also SPD GAR is a sick album.

>> No.19638970

Usually just a bunch of foreigners stood in a small cluster barely talking, last time everyone was super autistic

>> No.19639050

Where is there an ATM here?

>> No.19639056

How unprepared can you be?

>> No.19639064

too bad dude I ran out of money, the conbini guy said no ATM anymore and a triangle down didn't know wtf triangle down meant so I just went home

>> No.19639070

Are you still there?

>> No.19639071

*too bad dude I ran out of money too

>> No.19639076

Why the fuck were there cosplayers in the vendor halls!

>> No.19639086

Aren't they allowed?It's no pictures/photoshoots are allowed of them, or am I confusing that with another event like Reitaisai?

I know to do photos they have to go to other places to pose, but I think they can walk around just most don't.

>> No.19639089

Tfw I actually thought 30k yen was enough

>> No.19639094

>30k yen isn't enough

Taking it you were going for exclusive merch or something?

>> No.19639124
File: 84 KB, 698x357, 1365337225649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent it all on doujins

>> No.19639126

It was you wasn't it?

>> No.19639128

H-how many suitcases is that

>> No.19639142
File: 1.01 MB, 1484x1173, 1500795410783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was me.
>Calling someone a loser for being alone on /jp/
Fucking normalfag unvirgin

>> No.19639147

You know you go AFTER the event right?

>> No.19639153

What's the worst art you've seen at Comiket?

>> No.19639158

who are you quoting?

>> No.19639168


>> No.19639196

Not a lot since only smaller artists sell for 500

>> No.19639197

Is it then at 4pm?

>> No.19639213

ye the as109 CD was $20 alone and there a bunch for $10

>> No.19639240

Fair enough, most doujins I ever buy are like 5-800. Then again, usually into touhou shit so meh.

>> No.19639241

i need a quick rundown on this guy

>> No.19639243

Is that 1k yen or 10$?

>> No.19639249

1000 yen is about 10USD dollars anon.

>> No.19639261

10% is a pretty significant difference on a 30k budget scale.

>> No.19639275

Did you like not exchange through your bank and buy when the USD to Yen was favorable? Last time I bought 250k yen I was trading at like 1USD - 106 Yen. Besides 30 dollars really isn't THAT much.

>> No.19639297
File: 42 KB, 200x200, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19639305

>stupid gaijin can’t even embrace his own love

>> No.19639307

they must be used to it

>> No.19639309

It's their job. They probably had to deal with other people who did the exact same thing you did.

>> No.19639318

You have no idea anon. Business men do this all the time, doujins, tenga's etc are basically common things to them. Work in japan for just a while, catch some of the late trains enjoy seeing jap men pop open doujins on their way to Yokohama. First time in japan I take it?

>> No.19639330

We are too spaghetti to go to the saw jaypea

>> No.19639346

>USD/YEN was favorable
>currently it's 1 for 110
>last time was 1 for 106
Did you get it wrong anon? Anyway, I don't use USD so no, I'm not following the USD/YEN exchange rate.

>> No.19639348

the only reason why I can't fully embrace is is because loli is gray area in us, but the country they wrote constitution for it's fully legal
why is Japan more free and capitalist than burgerland?

>> No.19639359

Soccer mums and jews

>> No.19639360

Your bank takes a cut usually some %, when I bought the yen was 1 USD to 116 Yen. I bought and got favorable returns out of it. Even if you get out at 711ATM or whatever there is a fee + % taken on most banks unless you do the charles shwab thing.

>> No.19639365

>why is Japan more free and capitalist than burgerland?

Work here and pay taxes then, also try to have a wife keep a job after she is pregnant, and get assistance from the government. Lmao quit kidding yourself working in Japan is some of the most annoying shit anon, but hey contracting work pays fucking well.

>> No.19639388

First timer here.
As expected, the popular artists get wiped from the get-go, like Asanagi, Himura Kiseki and Nakajima Yuka. Some are still ongoing but I don't have the energy to line up again outside.

Considering that my sole original goal was just Yostar's booth, everything else is just gravy.

Cheers, guys.

>> No.19639394

Just go to akihabara and shop around, most stuff is in excess, you'll just be paying a 100-500 yen mark up depending on how popular it is

>> No.19639401

I kinda expected Napata to be more popular, but I just went up to his table and forked over the 500 yen and called it a day.

Also, I got a picture of Creayus for that one anon that wanted it.

>> No.19639404

like >>19639394
anything from the wall booth, just wait trm and go to akiba instead

>> No.19639408

>page 10
make a new thread.

>> No.19639437

Which daki did you get?

>> No.19639456

Unicorn from Azur Lane. (They ran out of St. Louis AGAIN.)
Es from BlazBlue.

You might notice a pattern.

Also, gotta get out of here before the closing rush to the train station gets even worse.

>> No.19639458

Did any of you guys go to Alp’s?

>> No.19639468

Excellent taste.

>> No.19639541


>> No.19639568

Were is the flood of doujinshi i was promised?

>> No.19639585

Are the fags before the saw you guys?

>> No.19639593

Did anyone else see the 6ft German guy arguing with some Japanese dudes and a comiket attendendent in the line for some milf doujin? It was around 11

He was shouting and really raging

>> No.19639599

What was he shouting about?

>> No.19639601

It's officially over. Congrats to everyone there.

>> No.19639605

Anyone got an extra copy of Raita's mahou shoujo they wanna sell? I regret not buying it today.

>> No.19639607

His place in the line I think

>> No.19639610

Used to be slower.

>> No.19639616

They scanned your shit and leaked it, anon.

>> No.19639620

Mission's not over until we get home.

>> No.19639623

probably took photos of it and mocked at him on social media

>> No.19639631

Godspeed anon.

>> No.19639635

But I'm already home.

>> No.19639641

Anybody else have some slight buyer's remorse?
>accidentally bought a non H doujin from an artist I love when I wanted smut.
>the other one is a non canon NTR spinoff a series of his I loved

>> No.19639661

Nah. That sounds like a terrible career move.

>> No.19639667

k shit was it tanishi one and the one near him, I got there early but then noticed huge likes for both was insane

>> No.19639669

You should feel good about supporting authors you like instead.

>> No.19639670

I always end up flicking through stuff, realising it's trash and buying it anyway because of guilt and looking like a tight arse

>> No.19639674

nope only remorse I have is that I ran out of money

>> No.19639684

I just put that shit down and walk away barely mumbling out a masu.

>> No.19639688

Any Meetup today?

>> No.19639697

Meet up in the park nearby when?

>> No.19639703

gonna go Akihabara and buy the asanagi doujin as I missed it

>> No.19639705
File: 523 KB, 2048x1574, IMG_20180812_143735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big meetup is in akiba at 6pm, dengeki exit if I'm correct.
I imagine someone will make a post around that time. You better get there early or 15 minutes before, because counting heads and reserving is annoying as fuck

>> No.19639711

please take lewds of the meetup

>> No.19639713

How does this even happen? If i ever went i would take more money than i could concievably spend. Fuck budgets for a pilgrimage.

>> No.19639717

>he doesn't plan out his routes and everything he intends to buy the week before comiket starts
Fuck off casual.

>> No.19639723

I had money in bank just didn't realize how much of my cash I have used on restaurants and shit, also thought 20k should be fine

>> No.19639734

You spent 20k$? What did you do?

>> No.19639735

If you really wanted to save up money, you should have gone to konbini stores.
Granted, there are some cheap restaurants in Tokyo but still.

>> No.19639736

Thank you very much for Demetori!

>> No.19639737

20kyen? Or freedom bills?

>> No.19639740
File: 386 KB, 1152x2048, 1534043293919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any idea who is author is?

>> No.19639745

I’m more curious about the one in the back.

>> No.19639746

Still no-one to rip the NEETs albums?

>> No.19639752

>Uzura no Tamago
From the /a/ thread.

>> No.19639753

Easy just look up his section number.

>> No.19639755

I did. They were just brand new books with no teasers because the artist hardly goes on social media. I basically just went and bought all the new stuff I don't already have without looking, and expected things to be a little different is all.

>> No.19639756

anyone get ksp?
we just threw something at the sun and it really makes me want to play it

>> No.19639758

Of course that would work. I'm sorry for being an idiot.
