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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1950174 No.1950174 [Reply] [Original]


Oh for fuck's sake. Can the Internet get any more cancerous?

This is just one step away from an English language Nico Nico Douga with "LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL" and "KAWAIIIIIIII ^____^" comments.

>> No.1950185


You answered your own question.

>> No.1950190


That's nice.

>> No.1950192

>English language Nico Nico Douga with "LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL" and "KAWAIIIIIIII ^____^" comments.

>> No.1950202

I know. I just want there to be something good for once. An Internet without cancer.

Obama's the fucking President. He should do something about this.

>> No.1950208


>> No.1950215

Ignoring sankaku sucking, that embed code is pretty interesting. They say they're the first English site to get it, but I haven't seen Japanese sites with actual embedded video either. Aren't they usually those little boxes with information / an external link?

>> No.1950216

nico nico is not your secret club

>> No.1950219

No it's not, but it's not daycare for narutards either.

>> No.1950227

Also someone posted in this the forums that the article linked.

>Seriously, Nico needs an English version already. (even though the German version has an English interface)

True, or? Oh well I still use that random OS X external nico application thing anyway.

>> No.1950228

You really aren't as far above them as you think.

>> No.1950251

Besides the usual sanakakucomplex faggotry, I would approve of a leak of mentioned api.

>> No.1950256

Well I'm not polluting the net with stupid shit like yaoi fanfiction and telling others how I can walk on water using some ninja technique, so I'd say there's a gap of considerable size between us.

>> No.1950264


I'm starting to think you are just as bad now.

>> No.1950275

As long as they're not commenting, I don't care.

>> No.1950277

you do know its all HUEHUEHUEH on there with the spanish and german versions?

>> No.1950280

That's nice.

>> No.1950284

They're not able to comment... yet.

>> No.1950291

do you think someone could ever figure out the embedding? If sankaku can do it, couldn't anyone?

>> No.1950296

When nice things get ruined, it's time to move on to better things. You can start by learning the language.

>> No.1950300

Spanish version has an English video interface too, but the rest of the site is in Spanish. No idea what's up with that.

>> No.1950302
File: 13 KB, 294x331, 1232516574680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1950305

Verification is http referrer based. If you could fake the header information some how...

>> No.1950319

Can anyone explain to me why Ronald McDonald is so popular in Japan?

>> No.1950323


>> No.1950325

because ランランルー

>> No.1950337

Why is ランランルー so popular?

>> No.1950353

How do you access it?

>> No.1950354

i agree man. fucking cancerous newfags don't know about rules 1 & 2 of niconico. we should raid sankaku.

>> No.1950401
File: 546 KB, 2336x3504, 1232518423704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1950420


>> No.1950428

Q: What is RanRanRoo?
Q: らんらんるーって、何なんだ?

>> No.1950434

I still find it strange how they delete English comments on Nicovideo.

I think it's fine though if you comment in say, Spanish.

>> No.1950452

Correct me if I'm wrong, because I don't browse it in other languages, but things like Spanish and German have their own commenting system for the same videos, right?

Or are you talking about Spanish comments that show up along with all the Jap ones?

>> No.1950453

That may be because they have a Spanish site

>> No.1950461

Probably because the english comments are like "james waz here fuk u japs"

>> No.1950584

Fukken sweet. Bilingualism, don't fail me now!

>> No.1950606

I recall watching a Touhou related video and along scrolls the line "why don't you japs play a real game like halo"

>> No.1950662

To OP, we are not totally screwed, yet.

People who frequently say LOL KAWAII XD aren't the ones visiting Sankaku.

>> No.1950669
File: 16 KB, 483x120, 1232521394365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1950668


>> No.1951047
File: 40 KB, 452x534, 1232525571071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1951064

It's clear you can't read a single word of Japanese if you think nico is a bastion of intelligence. Very often, it's worse than youtube.

>> No.1951066

Same reason why the Burger King is an Internet meme.

>> No.1951077

ITT people think wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww is better than lolololololololol because Japanese people do it.

>> No.1951081

maybe they're ironyposting?

>> No.1951089

>worse than youtube
Is that even possible? I can't even begin to fathom how horrible that would be.

>> No.1951095

>Let us choose to believe it is because they are old that they dominate so…
They did NOT just put down "Princess Bride"... Thats the best shit ever.

>> No.1951100
File: 35 KB, 424x188, 1232526598341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think "worse" is a bit of an overstatement on his part. They are pretty equal in their stupidity.

>> No.1951117

what game are they posting about? dote up a CATS?

>> No.1951124

www is accepted everywhere in the japanese internet community.
lololol isnt.

>> No.1951130


>> No.1951132

>>1951124www is accepted everywhere in the japanese internet community.
No, it isn't. Some people will take you for a moron and stop talking to you. Many prefer you use 笑 instead.

>> No.1951141

Many prefer you use 笑 instead(笑)


>> No.1951144

>Can the Internet get any more cancerous?

you are posting on 4chan.

in /jp/

>> No.1951145

       / \  /\ キリッ
.     / (ー)  (ー)\      
    /   ⌒(__人__)⌒ \    
    |      |r┬-|    |      No, it isn't. Some people will take you for a moron and stop talking to you.
     \     `ー'´   /       Many prefer you use 笑 instead.
    ノ            \
  /´               ヽ              
 |    l              \
 ヽ    -一''''''"~~``'ー--、   -一'''''''ー-、.    
  ヽ ____(⌒)(⌒)⌒) )  (⌒_(⌒)⌒)⌒))

        /_ノ  ヽ、_\
 ミ ミ ミ  o゚((●)) ((●))゚o      ミ ミ ミ

>> No.1951153

Nico Douga = Jewtube


>> No.1951155

I, for one, will enjoy seeing discussions on the relevance of Japanese technology in the modern world scrolling over my Miku videos.

>> No.1951439


      ,, -─‐-、,,-─-,、
     /        ,'⌒ヽ\
    〈  ,‐-⌒-、ノ,,,  |.  \
    /, ミ、Vヽl〉| | |,,,  |.   \
     '|\Nヘ「ヽ||_|__,|.     \
              |L.|  |       ヽ、
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            i´^^i´ ̄~    ̄ ̄ ̄~i‐⌒ヽ,

>> No.1951493


>> No.1951508

Yes, when the Elevens post the Japanese equivalent of lololol they're being profound and their comments are worth reading. Thank you for showing me the light.

>> No.1951509


>> No.1951513


>> No.1951515

What's so bad about sankaku complex? I prefer browsing it over an imageboard full of tasteless Americans who have yet to discover their own impotency.

>> No.1951520

You know, some of us are Asians or Europeans who have yet to discover their own impotence.

>> No.1951524


>> No.1951527

you fucking kids need to stay in /a/

>> No.1951537

>This is just one step away from an English language Nico Nico Douga with "LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL" and "KAWAIIIIIIII ^____^" comments.

Those baka gaijin ruin everthing, huh? I hope the intellectual Japanese commentry such as "あああああああ!" and "BGMwwwwwww" manages to stick around.

>> No.1951538

But it's in Japanese so it's cool!

>> No.1951539

But they can't understand it so it wouldn't bother them

>> No.1951540

Fuck you OP. What makes you think you're any better than us? Japanese second rate animation and fanmade AMVs of touhou shit are not for the "intellectuals" only.

Fuck you

>> No.1951558


>> No.1951570

Noone but you sagers said a word about intelligence here. Is that a sore point, or something?

I've had enough of this mixing up isolationism with elitism. Usually complainers who do that are themself elitists who just happened to be late to the bandwagon.

Every fucking article it produces gets spamlinked here.

And then the fact that whoever writes it is an idiot doesn't help matter.

>> No.1951580

still not as much fun as leaving LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL, KAWAIIIIIIII ^_____^, and SUGOI!!!! comments in nico nico douga

>> No.1951582

Sankaku Complex, like Youtube and Nico, is only decent if you don't read the comments. Also, lol intelligent Japanese community.

>> No.1951590

>>1951570 Noone but you sagers said a word about intelligence here

I don't see a sage in that post.


>This is just one step away from an English language Nico Nico Douga with "LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL" and "KAWAIIIIIIII ^____^" comments.

implies that the comments currently there are superior to those you give as (strawman) examples. The obvious defect of the examples given is their intellectual content. Hence, you imply that the current comments have a greater intellectual content.

You do not have to literally say the word "intelligence" in order to be discussing it.

>> No.1951592

>Anonymous of Bangkok
You aren't from Bangkok, people in Bangkok don't call it Bangkok

>> No.1951593

>English language website

>> No.1951596

>maybe they're ironyposting?
. . . as >>1951064 said A LOT of comments are just as/more fucking stupid on Nico Nico Douga as on Youtube. Wanting me to believe all or the vast majority are ironyposts is just as stupid as telling someone all the KAWAII XD youtube posts or every Gaiafag who wishes Naruto was real are ALSO irony posting.

>> No.1951601

ITT it's better if it's Japanese

>> No.1951609

He took stereotypical NicoNico comments and translated them to their english equivalents. Looks kinda obvious if you go there regularly.

You somehow assume... no, I can't even follow your trail of thought here, so I can't tell what it is you're actually assuming.

>> No.1951632

>Sankaku Complex

Ha ha ha oh wow. It's written by a moron who mixes fact with his own special blend of opinionated fiction and feeds it to the unwashed masses.

>> No.1951643

I've only read a few articles there. The few I read seemed to have a sarcastic edge to them that I thought was amusing. If you don't like it, though, that's fine, but I think you're getting it mixed up with a srs news site when it's really just a blog.

>> No.1951653

The problem is that he presents it as a "srs new site" and not as a blog.

>> No.1951655

Being elitist is cool right? Stupid fucking American.

>> No.1951662


Half of the posts there are futa/idol/trap galleries or about nude filters or MADs. It's very obvious what is is.

If anyone considers it to be a real news site with shit like this there then they're fucking idiots.


>> No.1951672


>> No.1951681

We should ban Chinks from 4chan

>> No.1951686

You have something mixed up here.

"You stay on your turf, I stay on mine" == isolationism

"My opinion is always correct and universal, I have every right to go everywhere and speak truth to people even if I'm not wanted" == elitism.

Of course the guy you replied to was wrong, /a/ hates sankakucomplex too.

>> No.1951705

Still, I don't see what's so wrong about Sankaku besides the comments.

>> No.1951708

There's nothing wrong with elitism. It's something that should be supported, not shunned.

>> No.1951723

Nothing, really. People either miss the intended humor and get mad that it isn't serious or they read the comments, which are beyond awful. A lot of people seem to let the fans of a certain thing ruin their own enjoyment of it as well for some reason.

>> No.1951739

Once again: We hate sankaku because each and every goddamn article from it gets spamlinked here. The fact that it's written by an idiot and a troll is secondary to this.

>> No.1951746

If you can't see it, fine for you. But the guy is pretty misinformed in certain aspects, most of the time people correct him in the comments which is kinda funny, also he takes 2ch comments as the truth and makes his own ignorant opinion based on those.

>> No.1951750

Ah, I see. I don't read the site very much so I'll admit I'm basing my opinion off of limited experience.

>> No.1951761

This alpaca gallery is pretty nice.

>> No.1951779
File: 43 KB, 328x509, 1232544570801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why would anybody care about that when KnJ is really starting to go places! It's like the prior volume was just a warm up.

>> No.1951780

metatron wrote:

This is so much of an epic win!

We love you so much Sankaku Complex!

>> No.1951784

Nico Nico video is for Japanese people, you guys shouldn't even be on it. why do you care?

>> No.1951788

haha look, Im on a Japanese video site, its like Im really japanese! I'm conversing with the people! I am apart of their culture! wwww

>> No.1951796

Because they're all being inadvertently trolled. The only people that those BAKA KAWAII XD people make look stupid are themselves. Getting mad over it is idiotic.

>> No.1951800

Which doujin is that?

>> No.1951801

You can identify yourself non-eleven on your profile, so they do realize that part of their user base is not Japanese.

>> No.1951804

New chapter out on Saha ?
