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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 50 KB, 1280x720, noob thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19450297 No.19450297 [Reply] [Original]

This is a Japanese language learning thread (デジット) designed by and for those interested in traditional weeaboo media such as anime, manga, light novels, and Japanese video games.
If you have no interest in weeaboo media or want to request a translation, this is the thread for you.

Read the new and improved guide before asking good and great questions.
https://nihongobyjamal.neocities.org/ (under construction!!)

read the old busted shit that teaches no one anything here before asking the traditional djtらしく stupid questions:

前のエピックスレ >>19436007

>> No.19450331

you fucked up james i was going to make a real subversive op that railed on the ジット達

>> No.19450341


>> No.19450351

by the way only my mama calls me james

the names ll

>> No.19450356

So uh, is /djt/ an actual credible place to learn from and has helped those who have gone far in their studies to be near native-level fluency whether for academics, work, or as a hobby Briefly followed the last thread and it devolved into people becoming more concerned about arguing/shitting on others' methods of study and YouTubers.

Was going to ask for advice on how to continue with self-study after two semesters of uni electives to knock out art credit requisites. Which was essentially completing Genki I at a snail's pace. If /djt/ is any indicator then all I've done so far is worth shit? Is there still merit in learning to write kanji or is it just taking away precious time that could be spent learning other things? I'd like to be able to at least fill out paperwork or whatever if need be if the opportunity to visit or work in Japan ever comes up.

>> No.19450377

no to first question (but it could be yes.. 嗚呼いつか・・)

second question just do what you wanna do and hang out with the japanese you like and hang out with it a lot

you can learn to write and spend a lot of time learning nihongo its just all up to you and actually the doing of the learning of the nihongo

>> No.19450455
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>> No.19450456

>is /djt/ an actual credible place to learn from and has helped those who have gone far in their studies to be near native-level fluency whether for academics, work, or as a hobby
No, and I'm not just saying that ironically. No one proves their alleged skill.

>> No.19450486

basically after a particular youtuber made his patreon debut this has become a thread primarily for beginners to argue about beginner methods, thanks in part to a large influx of people who have not started learning japanese but just watched a youtube video on how to do it
for context you may have missed on that particular episode, no one gives a fuck what you do as long as you don't tell beginners that it's optimal
the answer to your question depends on what your primary goals are, but either way the center of it is read more, read at least 1-2 hours a day of lns or vns that are somewhat challenging for you using a vocab dictionary and occasionally a grammar dictionary as reference
don't get stuck on a sentence, move on and focus on the sentences you can figure out

>> No.19450550


>> No.19450560

I know all the hiragana but I don't know any katakana.

>> No.19450563

this can be solved by learning kanji

>> No.19450583

Thank you for this oh so precious information.

>> No.19450585
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>> No.19450596

I know all the kanji but I don't know any Japanese.

>> No.19450600

this can be solved by learning nihongo

>> No.19450605

You sound like a girl

>> No.19450607

btw i found a girl that absolutely wipes the floor with matt and britt but not brett or dogen



>> No.19450631

Is she a Zainichi or what?

>> No.19450638

He's definitely that one lowercase autist who keeps posting shit youtube videos no one cares about and being a dumb motherfucker for hours on end. My guess was that he's severely underaged, and this recording seems to prove it.

>> No.19450650

im twice your age prolly i just have the same disease andy milonakis does

>> No.19450658

you are ready start arguing about beginner learning methods
in fact it is possible that you have learned too much

>> No.19450664

if anyone tries to legit argue while im here im gonna fuck them up so dont even try uppercasers

>> No.19450671

i have no idea what she does i just picked a random video about learning japanese off of yt and frankly she had me at konnituwa

>> No.19450674

everyone knows that, also did you know that through the miracles of modern technology you can digitally alter your voice
based james, please don't leave us ever again

>> No.19450676

You're a fat retard?

>> No.19450679

yes but only slightly less fat and slightly less retarded than you

>> No.19450686

actually its not digital im using analog equipment lol

>> No.19450695

I've noticed that on average females tend to reach an overall higher level of proficiency in foreign languages largely due to their social nature which presents them with more opportunities to utilize their target language as well as the ability to appreciate said opportunities completely unrestricted by fear of embarrassment since they can play off their mistakes by using their cuteness to garner sympathy and ward off true criticism.

Thus, I'll cut off my dick and become ペラペラ

>> No.19450704

you wont become cute by decapping your peep

youll just become even more hideous and then likely suicide (statistically though i wish it werent so) by around age 30

if think the real reason women might do better with language is because by default most women are a bit more social whether by their own volition or not and that makes for a better time with language

>> No.19450706

if you think you need to be cute to overcome fear of embarrassment you're not gonna make it
nonetheless you're welcome to try

>> No.19450707


>> No.19450720

i'd love to see my spiritual father's shitposting setup

>> No.19450728

Do you guys value listening practice at all in the beginning? How did you start to incorporate it into your routine? How much do you listen per day?

>> No.19450733

10000 hours of anime subbed in your native language before even trying to do anything else or your gay

>> No.19450737

I don't read, I just watch tv shows.

>> No.19450742


I watch that 24/7 Japanese news stream once a day. Good way to practice listening and reading at the very beginning.

>> No.19450764

VNs have voice acting, does that count?

>> No.19450867

in my opinion, listening is less efficient for progressing your general comprehension than reading is, and so you should not rush into listening to media that you wouldn't be able to keep up with if you were reading captions. when you're at the point where something basic that you can get a lot of like anime fits that criteria, 1-2 hours a day is good, you can do more if you really want to focus on listening.
a possible exception is if for some reason you've heard very little japanese in your life and don't even have a rudimentary mental model of what it should sound like.

>> No.19450891
File: 40 KB, 797x450, eosd cirno pun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you translate Reimu banter with Cirno into English without losing the hyouteki/kyouteki pun?

>> No.19450895

This. When I have a kid I'll make that little fucker read at least 4 hours a day.

>> No.19450913

if this is a joke i didn't say listening wouldn't work, i said it's less efficient, considering the knowledge you already have as an adult and the styles of approaches used in djt.

>> No.19450914

That's a good way to get your kid to hate reading and never do it when you're not around to force him.

>> No.19450991

the correct learning order is
>hiragana + a bit of katakana
>tae kim
>then get two version of a manga (en/jp with furigana) and try to translate every sentence.
>repeat until you git gud
>never use anki
this is objectively true and everything else is more complicated than it has to be.

>> No.19451004

>Read the new and improved guide before asking good and great questions.
>https://nihongobyjamal.neocities.org/ (under construction!!)
>in my personal opinion the reading of the word is all that matters in anki, definitions can be left to exposure and checking the dictionary enough times
Holy fuck, this is a brilliant idea. Why did I never think of it?

>> No.19451006

stop posting jamal's troll website

>> No.19451008

>never use anki
it sounds freeing but it just feels wrong to cast aside SRS

>> No.19451015

anyone who thinks this is a real pun doesn't know japanese
you might as well say that it's a pun on 少敵

>> No.19451017

is what that guy wrote trolling i still havent read it btw

>> No.19451021

like 10% of it is legit and the rest is trolling
the new guide site has a guide that has the same philosophy as that 10% anyway

>> No.19451033

ok ill replace it with the real shit

>> No.19451036

It's not retarded advice in itself but it's presented in a retarded lowercase troll style so it's hard to take seriously.

>> No.19451037

dont you want to have FUN all the time instead of reading tons of random unnatural, out of context shit that contains tons of words youll barely ever need to understand your basedboy cartoons? BUT WHY?

>> No.19451038

i can't tell if this is a shitpost because there's only one thing wrong with it

>> No.19451044

by the way the one thing that's wrong is ever looking at english manga translations after you start learning japanese don't do that

>> No.19451047

this be some reddit mentality right hurr

>> No.19451057

i write all my cold hard truth in lowercase troll style to shake your foundations

>> No.19451074

it's sort of two-fold, also don't translate, but that's what i was getting at yeah

>> No.19451087

Call it what you will, but it's a bit of wordplay that's lost in a literal translation.

>> No.19451094

>the new guide site has a guide that has the same philosophy as that 10% anyway
The proper DJT guide has some decent advice/info, but there's no much trash mixed in with it. Allowing the guide to be edited by random beginners was a horrible idea.

>> No.19451095

Not really.

>> No.19451100

yeah like more than 50% or 75% of the old guide is stuff that doesn't matter and there's maybe a couple sentences dedicated to what you actually do when you start reading

>> No.19451101

>no much
*so much

>> No.19451105
File: 7 KB, 497x140, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This card and several others appeared as new cards yesterday and I finished all reps that day (the new cards turned into Learning). For some reason, the cards appeared as new cards again today. What could have caused that?

>> No.19451111

Looks like a bug in Anki or some addon.

>> No.19451125

if i say "i'm looking for some fights" is it clever wordplay because it sounds like "i'm looking for some tights" like i'm looking for fights but i only want to see them so i can see some dudes in tights

>> No.19451142

Vanilla Anki with no addons and I haven't messed with the deck or cards in question, it's really strange.

Tried rebuilding database and media (had a lot of unused media files). Maybe it'll help or maybe not.

>> No.19451160

Uh, it's literally playing off how the words sound similar, with Reimu pretending to have misheard her. How is that not wordplay?

>> No.19451171

Did you not see Cirno's previous line in the transcript? Cirno says 強敵 and Reimu turns it into 標的.

>> No.19451177

They probably didn't read the conversation and just zoomed in on the TL note, how embarrassing.

>> No.19451189

first person isn't me but yeah i didn't actually read the top half of the image at all

>> No.19451221

Most manga translations are full of errors. Amateur translators know well their audience will never know, so they're quick to make guesses when their level of Japanese is not good enough.

>> No.19451223

this is why to translate you need to be a writer in the target language, you have to take a lot of liberty and likely deviate from the meaning of one of the two original words

>> No.19451253

Just got my kindle and am ready to read my first book in Japanese! What do I start with /jp/?

>> No.19451278

kino's tabi
most light novels are fine

>> No.19451357


>> No.19451396

What's with all the people calling /djt/ /jp/ lately? /int/ tourists?

>> No.19451397


>> No.19451399

Is Aikatsu good for beginners? Has anyone watched it?

>> No.19451428

Just watch whatever you want

>> No.19451459


>> No.19451497

ill give you a cookie if you can make that sound not retarded

>> No.19451512


>> No.19451555

Akari is a literal goddess, she'll teach you all you need to know

>> No.19451578
File: 304 KB, 1920x1080, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NHK Easy articles contain definitions which would be perfect as baby's first J-J dictionary.

Do they use an external dictionary which I can download myself, or is this something that they write specifically for each article?

>> No.19451590
File: 291 KB, 1920x1080, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19451639

can u disable furigana on nhk easy?

>> No.19451640

why are you attwhoring like this retard

/a/ is two blocks down

>> No.19451641
File: 30 KB, 740x428, 3892u518j4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that learning Japanese is fun.

>> No.19451661

haha no the fuck it's not. maybe when you get to an intermediate stage where you can comprehend shit so that you mostly know what's going on and make progress at the same

>> No.19451665


You can on TangoRisto, which if you have a mobile phone is something I'd recommend instead.

>> No.19451682

What are you doing that is unfun?

Have you tried eroge?

>> No.19451686

Yeah, click the button that says 漢字の読み方消す

>> No.19451702

Seconding kino. It's tough at first especially the prologue which has some introspective philosophical stuff in it but just push through that

>> No.19451708
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You can specify what your N1-N5 level is which determines which words have furigana or not. You can also outright turn off furigana.

>> No.19451718

If I know 1200 words and have taken a first pass through Tae Kim can I do it?

>> No.19451752

There is only one way to find out. Force yourself to read the prologue and then decide if you think you can read the whole thing.

>> No.19451767

If you read it remember that エルメス is the motorcycle. It was the first light novel I read and that confused me a little. Also I did not like it that much there was some chapters I liked but overall it was not the best.

>> No.19451768

but I've never read anything before

>> No.19451769

1200 words? That's dictionary mining territory.

>> No.19451778

That is a compelling argument. If you have never read before, you should probably never start.

>> No.19451810

what do you mean?

>> No.19451827

By proper you mean this one?

>> No.19451839

that guide was written entirely by one person in a single go so I'm pretty sure they mean the djtguide guide

>> No.19451967

No, was referring to this one:

>> No.19452019

Ah, okay. Thanks.

Might wanna think about changing the link styling. Seeing grey rectangles everywhere while viewing the guide is kind of an eye sore.

>> No.19452029

post it on the feedback page

>> No.19452099

Then read some NHK easy web news articles. I jumped right into VNs and LNs and got my ass handed to me, but by continuing to just go for it and regularly revisiting grammar references I got a lot better.
The first few things you read are gonna be a struggle no matter what, though.

>> No.19452101

>The first few things you read are gonna be a struggle no matter what, though.
What if I don't want them to be?

>> No.19452108

It's just not possible. Jump in, get your ass kicked, and stand up again.

>> No.19452110

So my desires count for nothing?

>> No.19452115

You're gonna get fucked either way, would you rather learn 6k words, complete however ammount of grammar books you want and get ultra dissapointed or you can just go in expecting to get your ass kicked.

>> No.19452116

what does までの mean here?


>> No.19452119

Then fuck this. I'm gonna go play a game.

>> No.19452129

Is it possible to finish reading a basic grammar guide and then learn Japanese purely through thousands of hours of input without ever consulting a grammar reference?

>> No.19452130


>> No.19452133

hope it's in japanese

>> No.19452134


No. Dumbass.

>> No.19452135

Literally just まで + の
Review your basic grammar, anon.

>> No.19452140

Why not? Krashen seems to think so

>> No.19452150

I bet you definitely could but quickly glancing at a guide/reference so you vaguely know what you're looking at would be faster I think.

>> No.19452153

You can do it without reading a grammar guide

>> No.19452187

minna genki?

>> No.19452221

Maybe. But why would you do that to yourself? If there is a grammar point that would take 10-1000 hours to learn by immersion, but it would take 5 minutes to learn it from a grammar resource, why wouldn't you do that?

>> No.19452225

Before I dive into native materials, is it OK if I spend 2 months mining Tae Kim like this guy? Or should I get it done in 1 month?


>> No.19452227

one month is a little slow

>> No.19452233

how do I start learning pitch accents?

>> No.19452237

oh great its another neckbeard faggot in his bedroom rambling for 20 mins about absolutely nothing involving nihongo whatsoever lmao

im starting to think westerners that intentionally try to learn japanese are actually legit mentally ill

>> No.19452240

because looking up grammar is mentally draining and takes me out of enjoying compelling content

>> No.19452247

You know what else really kills your enjoyment of compelling content? Not understanding anything.

>> No.19452258

if it's draining you're doing it wrong

>> No.19452259

not really, as long as I understand the basic gist of it

>> No.19452267

isolate the grammar point giving you trouble, google it, read an explanation in Japanese. None of this is fun. I would rather continue reading compelling content instead

>> No.19452268

if you watch 10000 hours of anime your can prolly figure out how to enjoy shit

>> No.19452269

if it's not easy to search for in HJGP then you don't need to look it up and should just learn it through exposure

>> No.19452278

That's what I usually do, but if the sentence is important then I'll look up the grammar.

>> No.19452300

what's a good grammar resource i can easily ctrl+f or use built-in search instead of scrolling through PDFs

>> No.19452307

right here my man


>> No.19452315

Seriously guys, stop memeing and give it to me straight. I'm doing a bit better than that other guy, but I'm only 1500 into core6k. I've read Tae Kim and written my own summary for easy reference. What do I do now? Manga is a pain in the ass to look up words in and LNs and VNs all seem super intimidating.

>> No.19452318

Read manga with furigana and don't look anything up. Once it stops being hard you can switch to VNs and they won't be intimidating.

>> No.19452322

>and don't look anything up
What the everloving fuck?

>> No.19452326

Yeah you can look stuff up once you switch to VNs.

>> No.19452330

like matt says

>> No.19452338

i think you're confusing what matt did for what he says to do. actually he still looked stuff up. said so in one of his interviews.

>> No.19452339

>LNs and VNs all seem super intimidating.
What's with people and that retarded fear of opening up a bunch of reading material to see if they might be able to read it?

>> No.19452349

who can help me practice japanese? im not in kanjis, im supposed to be able to do average on an n4

>> No.19452353

こんにちは わたしはゲイ


>> No.19452355

Is it normal to have to look up most words when you start reading? I've gotten through two lines of GJ in 10 minutes so far.

>> No.19452357

The very first thing you read is always going to be orders of magnitude more difficult than it seems like it should be. It gets a lot easier, very fast.

>> No.19452358


>> No.19452363

How do you translate that? "He noticed being told"?

Fuck I don't think I can learn this language

>> No.19452369

notice when told

>> No.19452374


>> No.19452399


So is the general gist of this text that there is a character named Necktie, he's sitting with some people at a club table, Kyoya pokes him, he acknowledges someone is speaking to him, notices his necktie is loose, and then remembers it was hot during fifth period?

>> No.19452413

Fuck I don't get it, can someone break this sentence down for me?


When I plug it into google translate the meaning makes sense, but I have no idea how to get there based on each word.

>> No.19452422

are you trying to be offensive

no you gotta do the breaking down or いっぺんほどいて as it were

>> No.19452427

>LNs and VNs all seem super intimidating
They will continue to be until you read one. Even if you know 10,000 words and completely memorized every entry in the DOJG, reading your first LN/VN will be hard. You just have to do it.

I'm on my 4th VN and I'm still shit. Waiting for the good times to come.

>> No.19452434

I seriously don't know where to go for help. This is my first attempt at reading. I earnestly want to learn this language but don't know where to ask questions.

>> No.19452453

Which of the two posts quoted is yours?

>> No.19452461

だまらしゃい would be something like "Be shilent" right? The character misspeaking 黙らさい?

>> No.19452462

heres the epic answer its both

>> No.19452464

Am I supposed to be taking notes as I go through grammar for the first time, or is it expected to passively absorb everything? Wouldn't retention be a problem and your first reading, unless you have an OD memory, you'd be taking a look back at references every other sentence?
Or is that all according to plan?

>> No.19452470

is it me or are these idiot fakeposts just incredibly seethrough

>> No.19452471

They are both mine yes, I'm reading GJ vol1

>> No.19452480

not like that youre not

>> No.19452481

they're not all fake djt is just on the front page right now

>> No.19452484

部長 poked Kyouya with his elbow and told Kyouya to fix his necktie

Untie it and then tie it again

>> No.19452486

What are some of your recommended live action Japanese films to watch? Not necessarily for the language learning aspect but just because they're good films.

>> No.19452494

It's my first book ok anon? I'm trying my best.

>> No.19452496

生きる by 黒澤明

>> No.19452504

Departures. Can't remember the Japanese name of it. I also liked Swing Girls, but I only watched it because it had the actress from Nodame Cantabile.

I've watched some other movies but I didn't like any of them and can't remember their names.

>> No.19452506

boys on the run

>> No.19452511

I second this

>> No.19452513

also 四季即ぜねれいしょん

>> No.19452523


Can someone break down the middle part of this?

I know the first part is entering high school and the last part is I haven't gotten used to it, but I'm not sure about the middle. Something about entering a gate and a knot, but that doesn't really make much sense.

>> No.19452527

i mean look at this shit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGLMEjELQF0#t=132

>> No.19452552

Slang for こんなもの, this kind of thing.
Causative Passive, was made to tie

When I entered high school, for the first I was made to tie this kind of thing (a necktie) and I never got used to it.

Something like that.

>> No.19452564

you can tie a boys neck tie for him

or you can let him fuck with it a buncha times till he figures it out

>> No.19452588

I read for a year after finishing core 2k without mining, I had fun but I didn't improve for shit.
Kill yourself along with your meme.

>> No.19452594

How many hours did you read per day?

>> No.19452602

God damn, it took me a whole hour to get through a page and a half of GJ vol1.

>> No.19452603

Ten minutes.

>> No.19452611

skip sentences you don't understand until you find content that is i+1

>> No.19452618

dude hes gonna be at the back cover in notime cause he skipped all the pages

>> No.19452625

how many hours of anime have you watched lifetime

>> No.19452627

Yeah I'm not gonna skip anything, I need to actually learn

>> No.19452631

then pick up a new book and keep going

read krashen

>> No.19452635

Can't get easier than GJ desu

>> No.19452643

post the first page

>> No.19452647

one 1st page comin right up


>> No.19452684

be honest shitposters, how many of you came from discord?

>> No.19452686

Look at like the first few lines http://djt.netlify.com/b/[新木伸]%20gj部/[新木伸]%20gj部%201/

>> No.19452710

Not that guy, but serious question: How do you know if you're understanding the sentence properly if you don't have some way to tell if you're right or wrong?

>> No.19452718

I'm assuming you're the same guy so I'll reply respectively.
It doesn't matter how many hours I did because japanese is not a brainlet language like english, there's these things called kanji you know, you can't just memorize these at a glance, or another glance after 2 days like you suggest. These little fuckers have multiple readings and several meanings, much more than any english word, and then they combine with several other kanjis like the sluts they are making infinite amounts of fucking words. It's already easy enough to confuse kanji you're not familiar with by doing srs and you want to go without it?
Go ahead and have fun but don't fucking say you're actually learning the language because that's a fucking 嘘 that will only result in more jamals being made.

>> No.19452724

oh it really is easy
you don't and you don't have to worry about it

>> No.19452727

You don't
That's the fun part of learning japanese
The mistery

>> No.19452728

It's self correcting, you can only interpret something incorrectly so many times before contextually your interpretation doesn't make sense and you realize that the word/grammar means something else.

>> No.19452730

also automatic self correction of natural misunderstandings is one of the best ways to build a strong memory of what it actually means

>> No.19452732

I think you have a 頭脳 disorder
I'm very sorry

>> No.19452737

reading is eating

>> No.19452738

Yeah because I'm actually learning japanese.

>> No.19452740

Answer my question, how many hours of input did you get in that one year?

>> No.19452744

Why are you shitposting on the /d/j//t now then? lol

>> No.19452758

What are you talking about? That was a good post. The definitions on NHK Easy, when they have them, are typically really easy to understand -- more so than what I've been able to find online.

>> No.19452762

About 2, the point is it only solidified the words I already knew and some grammar. Words I looked up would fly out of my brain 2 minutes later.
Just taking a breather from my incessant nihongo learning.

>> No.19452766

Hey look guys the /int/ thread is up >>>/int/92351318
No need to shitpost here now. Go on, your shitposter family is waiting for you.

>> No.19452801

SGJL, will it take me to N1? I have the Core 10K deck and have been using 2 memrise courses that Nukemarine provided me. I was just wondering what level these decks go to.

>> No.19452802

SGJL will take you to N3 and in a longer amount of time than just forcing yourself to read

>> No.19452805

>About 2
I'm assuming you mean per day. You're telling me you read 760 hours after finishing core2k and didn't learn anything? I don't believe you.

>> No.19452808

I don't even know what the fuck SGJL is but I'm guessing it's some e-celebrity shit like mattat so probably not

>> No.19452819

Should I learn Japanese, or learn programming?

Which is more likely to improve my life in a meaningful way?

>> No.19452825

japanese because it's harder and better for you to start earlier
anyone can learn to "program" the moment they have a need to do it and a week or two to practice

>> No.19452826

>Which is more likely to improve my life in a meaningful way?
Learning to think for yourself

>> No.19452827

I'm already 30 is it too late?

>> No.19452828

the only things you can be "too late" to start are physically strenuous things that your body has to grow around or be broken into like gymnastics, because at a certain age your body injures too easily

>> No.19452832

Official guide on how to learn nihongo (approved by nihongo master)
1- don't do ajatt
2- don't do core after 6 months
3- don't do ajatt (IMPORTANT1!!!!)
4- dont do genki
5- don't do rtk
6- don't take university japanese classes
7- read
8- read more
(your almost there!)
9- don't give up
10- ???
11 - profit

Congrats you learned nihongo. This guide is certified by the nihongo master so it's 100% failproof, you have nothing to worry about as long as you follow it.

>> No.19452833

not too late
brains are flexible

>> No.19452839

Yeah, I'm sorry but you can no longer learn nihongo

>> No.19452847

good post but where are the amphetamines?

>> No.19452849

It didn't, outside of some autistic onomatopoeic words and some extremely easy words I didn't learn anything. I improved my reading speed a lot but I could've done that along with mining.

>> No.19452851

It's an optional step. I know many people have weak hearts so amphetamines might actually hinder their nihongo progress. I can't recommend them to anyone.

>> No.19452852

understandable have a nice day

>> No.19452853

as a supplement heres a little test to see if you (not ((you)) know nihongo


dont complain that its a song its slow and articulate : )

>> No.19452859

Are these really necessary? I asked my doctor to prescribe me some since I want to learn Japanese but he refused

>> No.19452862

no they just help if you can handle them

>> No.19452868

maybe last year but one you hit 30 it becomes impossible. sorry, maybe try golf instead

>> No.19452874

you should have invoked the comedy option on your doctor and asked him if he knows japanese

>> No.19452878

it depends have you watched 10000 hours of anime yet (this is not a joke in fact this determines your life and death with nippongo right here right now)

>> No.19452883

alternatively are you a wizard (魔法使い)

>> No.19452887

I've watched only 1600 hours according to Taiga... Give or take a hundred or two from before I started using the program maybe...

>> No.19452899

its not lookin good for you but ill give you possibly the best advice you can be given in this thread of noob madness

throw out the notion of trying to learn japanese and just go have fun with japanese games or whatever shit you wanna do in whatever manner you can without "trying" to "learn" """japanese"""

its gonna be hard because youre a thinkin adult with goals and a self assessed ability to do things but the truth is you cant

the only way youre gonna learn nihongo is when you stop trying because as you can see from 2000 of these threads the harder they try to learn japanese the more impossible their dreams become which leads to a completely fucked up mental state where they are telling people to do billions of flashcards and take actual narcotics and take a 20 year old who pees in jugs seriously when it comes to nihongo

think about it and then when youre done thinking about it stop thinking and just have fun like youre that 12 year old that i know still lives on in your heart

good luck sir

>> No.19452922

Manga isn't reading though.

>> No.19452925
File: 146 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manga is eating and eating is reading.

>> No.19452952
File: 78 KB, 938x894, 1529947773867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19452962
File: 125 KB, 938x894, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19452969

it's definitely not misspeaking but I don't know enough to say where it came from

my guess is it's the same as the しゃい(しゃる)as いらっしゃい, making it a polite imperative (and amusing because the phrase itself is not polite)

also you're thinking of 黙りなさい, 黙らさい is unconditionally incorrect

>> No.19452973

fuck, kanji koohii went down as soon as I was about to start learning new cards.

I can't study now.

>> No.19452989


>> No.19452994

Would "Please shut up" be a good way to think of it, then?

>> No.19453003


What's the function of "のに" in those sentences? To connect to different idea/to contrast these two condition?

>> No.19453011

I would just go with Silence! or Be silent!

I've only seen だまらっしゃい in joking contexts and "please shut up" sounds like you're picking a fight

then again I don't read a lot (especially not old shit) so maybe it was used seriously in the past/certain dialects

>> No.19453034

>"please shut up" sounds like you're picking a fight

The character who said it kind of is, even though the situation is being played as a joke. She's the emotionless type who talks politely and in this scene is uncharacteristically getting angry at the MC due to them being late.

>> No.19453037

In modern usage, it's old women's way of saying "shut up!"

>> No.19453040

how about you all just use google

>> No.19453044

Aight, I understand now. Thanks for the help.

>> No.19453053

You waited over 2 hours for people to find an answer your retarded question because you're too lazy to use google
I wonder if you even have a brain

>> No.19453054

Never mind.

>> No.19453059

Or I couldn't find the answer when I googled. And I wasn't only in the thread for the answer to my question. That's a possibility.

>> No.19453076


Could I translate this as "there's no way (subject) would be popular"?
What's difference with "モテるわけない"? Is it interchangeable?

>> No.19453079


>> No.19453347

Is there some sort of online test I can take online to grasp my current skill level? I'd like to figure what my level is to select reading material adequate to my level.

>> No.19453370

which words do you know how to read and the meaning of
answer honestly and i'll calibrate your reading level


>> No.19453387

didn't know anything starting from 盛況

>> No.19453422
File: 1.06 MB, 2048x920, it's real.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pick anything that's a 3 to 5, 6 if you like using a dictionary a lot.

You can guess if something is a 1~2, 3~5, or 6~7 based on the hardest words the vndb screenshots use in dialogue.

>> No.19453472

I am on my phone right now so please bear with romaji

犬 - inu, dog
木 - ki, tree
事 - koto, a thing or event
腹 - hara, belly
瞳 - hitomi, eyes
靴 - kutsu, shoes
永遠 - eien, eternity
距離 - no idea
理性 - risei, reason
盛況 - no idea
丁重 - I don't know, but I'd wild guess it reads "teijuu"
案件 - no idea
金気 - no idea, kaneki?
質屋 - some kind of shop
側室 - no idea

>> No.19453481

2 to 4 for you, maybe 5 if you like using a dictionary a lot.

>> No.19453513

I hate this piece of shit

>> No.19453520

Thanks mate, I think I'll go with Aokana.

>> No.19453549

Because it reminds you of how fat you are?

>> No.19453568


I'm kinda thrown off by the use of なっていない in this. Does the protagonist not have a very good reason for 'going wild'?

>> No.19453579

Doesn't it mean the protagonist doesn't go wild without a reason?

>> No.19453581

>read 瞳 as わらべ

I can't learn kanji

>> No.19453582





>> No.19453586


>> No.19453588

That was my first impression, but I ended up overthinking it then because Jisho's definition of なっていない threw me off. Thanks for steering me back on the right path.

>> No.19453638

Hell is out there...

>> No.19453641

Hell is in here.

>> No.19453777

This is good, is there a more comprehensive list?

>> No.19453778





>> No.19453900

more comprehensive lists are lower quality
this should have enough options to last you until you shouldn't need a list and can make your own judgments

>> No.19453915

主人公 person again, sorry. Just want to double-check something.


So the protagonist has tattoos, but they also know a mysterious person with tattoos. In this interview, does it sound like the interviewee nicknamed the character Tattoo and is talking about their relationship with the protagonist?

The alternative reading is that they're talking about the protagonist's tattoos, but wouldn't they use something like 意味 or 大事 rather than 関係? The latter sounds like it's describing human relationships, but I could just be bastardising Japanese.

>> No.19453932

まくる adds emphasis. (verb[ます-form]+まくる)
"there's no way (subject) would be very popular"
(perhaps (subject) may become popular moderately)

>> No.19453976

the relation of the tattoo with the protagonist is a mistery

>> No.19453979

>The latter sounds like it's describing human relationships,
haven't you heard 関係ない? jisho's tatoeba sentence search feature can sometimes help with things like this

>> No.19453980

Studied 1484 cards in 282 minutes today

>> No.19454000

nice, what kind of cards

>> No.19454003

Even one picture with few lines has such a charm, anime that cannot make effective use of the charm of pictures with many lines is too miserable.

>> No.19454014 [DELETED] 

I understand. I'm just wondering if, in Japanese, it's plausible to talk about the 'relationship/connection' between someone and their tattoos, or would this be better facilitated by words like 意味?

>> No.19454015 [DELETED] 
File: 531 KB, 1920x939, できないno more.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this comprehensive enough for ya?

>> No.19454024

this list is super bad and lists hard games as easy and vice versa please don't post it

>> No.19454039

Literally deleted it 3 seconds after posting. I need double check what I keep in my folders nowadays

>> No.19454044

i feel bad for the people who made it, it must feel bad looking back on it in its unfinished and error-riddled state

>> No.19454050

Why do you consider the list so bad?

>> No.19454059

>Twinkle Crusaders
>Good idea for a first read? yes

>> No.19454063

>Aiyoku no Eustia
>Good idea for a first read? Yes

but why

>> No.19454076

yes, in addition
is a little out of the way because 結ぶ should change into 結ばせる(causative), 結ばせられる or 結ばされる(causative passive).

godan verb -> 飲む 飲ませる 飲ませられる or 飲まされる
ichidan verb -> 食べる 食べさせる 食べさせられる

>> No.19454120
File: 2.42 MB, 3456x4608, Kafū_Nagai2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When do you plan on moving to literature aimed for adults?

>> No.19454135

When I've finished reading all of the otaku media I want to because it's much more difficult to tell when literature is going to be garbage or not in comparison.

>> No.19454141

I'm reading a porn game right now, does that count as literature aimed at adults

>> No.19454146

Is extensive reading a useful method of learning?
Anyone here do it? how do you actually learn from just reading.

I was reading a university guide to it and it said to avoid using the dictionary.

>> No.19454154

This is a reddit repost.

>> No.19454160
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read as long as you can.

Avoiding using the dictionary is for paper books or manually googling words, where dictionary lookups take up so much time that they take you out of reading. If you have a mouseover dictionary there's no reason to avoid dictionary lookups except to keep yourself from looking up words you already know.

>> No.19454196

Why did you spend nearly five hours reading stupid fucking cards you dumb autist.
Let me guess:
>>>>core2k/6k nihongolet

>> No.19454209

I'm reading at as my second after Axanael and while it's comprehensible the formal speech in it is still kicking my ass.Wondering if i could just move on to something easier but i'm still following along and having fun too so I guess i'll stick to it.

>> No.19454216

You just internalise grammar and vocab by exposure?

>> No.19454222

So the easiest, most basic vn out there that is not for kids is Flyable heart? Why is it so simple?

>> No.19454223

You misread my post.

>> No.19454230

No idea. Here, have the first few lines.


>> No.19454241

Holy kek, even I can read all of this and I've been studying for a month.

>> No.19454245

how impressive, well done have a gold star

>> No.19454252

Thank you senpai

>> No.19454257

I can read it and I've been studying for 2 days, bitch. Get on my motherfucking level.

>> No.19454266

I've never studied before and I can already read it. You are like a little baby.

>> No.19454271

I couldn't tell what 唐突 was and I've been studying for years.

>> No.19454274

I'm so sorry.

>> No.19454276
File: 1 KB, 65x24, 無題.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already do

>> No.19454293

>T'ang + Stab = sudden
Thanks to RTK this was clear as a day

>> No.19454301

I don't think it is anon, I can't find it.

>> No.19454354

You learn through comprehensible input you fucking mong.

>> No.19454418

listen dude if he wants to stare at sentences that are above his level for hours and shit up the thread with translation requests that's his choice
it's not your place to tell him to learn japanese instead of wasting time

>> No.19454495

How many total hours have you guys got on anki and how good are you? I've got 84 hours, almost monolingual

>> No.19454514

16 hours but that's just from my mining deck and I've deleted it once before

>> No.19454525

What deck(s) do you have?
Anki won't teach you Japanese, it will (maybe) make the task easier on yourself.

>> No.19454526

224 hours, almost monolingual.

>> No.19454547

Only premade decks I have are a Japanese-prefecture-kanji-reading deck and my rtk deck. Other than that there is my sentence mining deck (at ~2000 cards)

>> No.19454549

I was at around 300 hours of KKLC kanji and vocab before I deleted my decks and started mining, almost monolingual. That's not counting another 200 hours outside of Anki preparing cards.

>> No.19454555

It's not very hard. My first "full" read, and it has been going pretty smoothly. Granted, I have N1. There is a good number of difficult words, but the grammar could hardly get any simpler.
And you should know the basics of keigo before you start reading. Those parts won't stump you too hard if you know your around the foundations.

>> No.19454556

Unsubscribe Matt right now.

>> No.19454558

How the hell do you manage to do so many things wrong

>> No.19454563

if you got n1 before you started reading there's something very weird about how you learned japanese

>> No.19454564

I've been using anki about 2 hours every day for 54 days. I've gotten to 1325 kanji in RTK with a retention of 90% so I can write out roughly 1200 kanji after seeing a keyword. So I'd say I'm pretty good.

>> No.19454569

>300 hours of KKLC kanji and vocab
How much of that time was spent on handwriting kanji? I didn't do that and feel bad for it now. How many words?

>> No.19454573

Yo let's not start this discussion

>> No.19454577

Explain please

>> No.19454582

But when will you start learning Japanese?

>> No.19454583

None. 1800 words. I can't count how many things I did wrong.

>> No.19454584

This is ground control to major tom

>> No.19454586

Already told you in about 1 or 2 months.

>> No.19454591

If you can't see what you're doing wrong by yourself there's no point in me explaining

>> No.19454593
File: 106 KB, 720x1021, 0006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time I read a manga and understand everything. Easy vocab and cute story, please check it out :)

>> No.19454597

That's some really weird logic

>> No.19454599
File: 417 KB, 1916x970, Screenshot_2018-07-18 日本語 - Wikipedia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Using Linux. How should I improve my font rendering? Recommended settings for fontconfig?

>> No.19454600

Here's some advice
- Drop the prefecture deck entirely, like don't even question it nigga
- Either do RTK right now, later or never. Don't do it at the same time as learning other shit if you're a beginner
- Do you mine every single sentence you don't fully understand or something? I don't like mining sentences but even I know you shouldn't have anywhere near 2000 sentences if you don't know nihongo. Either drop your sentence deck or considerably reduce the number of cards.

>> No.19454608

That's as good as it's gonna get, unless you just want to install new fonts and override them in your browser.

>> No.19454611

Contrary to the popular sentiment here the combination of ankidroning core decks, studying individual kanji and reading proper grammar books can get you pretty damn far, if you can actually stick to it. I probably had less than 50 hours total of reading content aimed at natives under my belt when I passed it.
Doesn't take you all the way through though, which is why I've started reading more actively.

>> No.19454612

No it's not because if you're not smart enough to be able to figure out your own obvious mistakes you also probably won't be smart enough to be able to understand my explanation of what you're doing wrong

>> No.19454616

Seems like it would work better for languages without chinese characters

>> No.19454619

>- Drop the prefecture deck entirely, like don't even question it nigga
It literally only has ~40 cards that I'm just reviewing now
>- Either do RTK right now, later or never. Don't do it at the same time as learning other shit if you're a beginner
I'm done with rtk (not handwriting tho), just reviewing
>- Do you mine every single sentence you don't fully understand or something? I don't like mining sentences but even I know you shouldn't have anywhere near 2000 sentences if you don't know nihongo. Either drop your sentence deck or considerably reduce the number of cards.
i+1, only started after finishing rtk.

>> No.19454623

But how many years did it take you to pass?

>> No.19454625

>Either do RTK right now, later or never.
preferably not right now
>I don't like mining sentences but even I know you shouldn't have anywhere near 2000 sentences if you don't know nihongo.
sentence miners have approximately one new word per sentence, this is equivalent to 2000 words, this is not a lot
but it's probably a lot of time reviewing compared to an equivalent deck of 2000 vocab

>> No.19454627

Yea but why would you do that instead of the more fun and far more efficient process of reading.

>> No.19454629

excuse me, i meant to say, a lot of time reviewing for a lower level of comprehension in spite of a higher "retention", that part is important

>> No.19454630

>but it's probably a lot of time reviewing compared to an equivalent deck of 2000 vocab
but grammar

>> No.19454631

I see. I'm good then.

>> No.19454632

Good for you but manga isn't reading.

>> No.19454633

you don't learn grammar through flashcards, you learn grammar through hundreds of examples in different contexts

>> No.19454639

Literally what sentence mining is

>> No.19454640

or you frontload it via sentence cards and acquire it much faster??? that's pretty much the whole point of SRS????

>> No.19454646

>It literally only has ~40 cards that I'm just reviewing now
Well I guess that's okay, don't go full autist and add every single proper noun you come accross.
>I'm done with rtk (not handwriting tho), just reviewing
How many reviews/day on average?

>> No.19454647

i think you're mistaken, that's what reading is, note that i did not say anything about repetition
that's the intent but not the result

>> No.19454652

this is not true

>> No.19454655

i'm about to drop some hot knowledge on you kids
i'm sure all of you have watched matt's video on quitting anki because you gotta keep up with the wisdom
you remember the part where he said that srs fucks up your mental understanding of what is common and what is not
this doesn't only apply to rare words, this applies to sentence cards for beginners
by repeatedly exposing yourself to whatever sentences happen to be relatively easy for you to understand, you are fucking up your mental understanding of what grammar patterns and wording is the most common way to communicate something

>> No.19454658

Doesn't it get boring having self-proclaimed Japanese experts doling out one best ways to learning all the time.

I miss these threads on /a/, they at least had enough actual content and people ripping and giving access to different resources, its now /jp/ shitposting and smug.

>> No.19454664

I ripped things since /jp/.

>> No.19454665

>that's the intent but not the result
i think you're phrasing yourself poorly since you will better remember something through repeated exposure, and SRS "overexposes" things to you that you don't encounter frequently enough in text for whatever reason. what you probably mean to say is that investing effort into SRS is really boring and you can learn through reading. and sure, you can but it's not going to be as fast because the exposure won't be as frequent. and by the way SRS is always used as a supplement, obviously you read a lot every day and you only mine shit that you're seeing enough that you think it's important to remember but feel take too long to acquire through natural exposure.

>> No.19454672

Around 3 years. N3->N2->N1 transitions took a year per level. I'm not a NEET like many here, so I've only studied in my pretty limited spare time.
I find having to look up every other word and grammar pattern anything but fun. Reading only became somewhat tolerable at around N2.

>> No.19454673

Take your esl ass back to /int/ if you don't like it.

>> No.19454674

>this doesn't only apply to rare words, this applies to sentence cards for beginners
yea but there's a whole spectrum inbetween and you're more likely to be SRSing stuff that is frequent enough that it's useful to know, but isn't frequent enough that you'll acquire it as quickly through reading.

>> No.19454676

>>I'm done with rtk (not handwriting tho), just reviewing
>How many reviews/day on average?
About 20. I'm forgetting more and more of the exact keywords (not the meaning), though so I might delete it soon

>> No.19454680

Which is why you don't output as a beginner

>> No.19454688


About 43 hours averaging 48 minutes a day on a few decks. Just hit the 500 vocab threshold on core. Feels good. I can even read a little bit.

>> No.19454700

Good job, now you're gonna gave to go through the absolutely intolerable experience of reading words anyway, the only difference is that you'll have a harder time than someone who read from the beginning since you're not used to it, on top of having to do it with an artificial vocabulary instead of a naturally built one

>> No.19454705

are you talking about beginners or advanced here
beginners encounter every bit of grammar they need to learn frequently enough and can use vocab srs to help with reading words written in kanji
i did not mean to say that it is boring although it is, i meant to say that it is not an ideal use of your time
yes it is a supplement but it is a supplement that easily gets out of hand and drastically cuts into reading time when people do it for 1-2 hours a day
it is a far bigger issue in sentences than in vocab, your defense of srs applies to vocab just fine
the effect of years of sentence card srs before you start outputting is still there

>> No.19454712

And then end like mattato? lol no thanks

>> No.19454723

>frequently enough
such that they will eventually learn it, yea. but they could learn it faster with SRS.
>and drastically cuts into reading time when people do it for 1-2 hours a day
so then just warn everyone to maintain a reading/anki ratio of 3:1 or something. or reduce daily new cards until their reviews dip below an hour.

>> No.19454725

I already read shounen.

>> No.19454732

>And then end like mattato?
You don't want to be confused for a native over the phone?

>> No.19454741

Oh yeah I'd love to have loyal fans to suck my dick
Don't wanna end like mattato though, not mattato

>> No.19454743

Okay munchkins settle down it's too early for this. How about we all just sit back and crack open a nice manga to watch.

>> No.19454745

rm all the hinting bullshit and install sazanami

>> No.19454746

Does anyone know of a source for children's shows to use as listening practice?

Japanese Sesame Street and the like.

>> No.19454747


>> No.19454760


>> No.19454761
File: 276 KB, 918x669, 1521750341555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add this to your /etc/fonts/local.conf (between the <fontconfig> </fontconfig> tags)
Note for the rgba property, your screen probably has a rgb subpixel layout but do this test to make sure: http://www.lagom.nl/lcd-test/subpixel.php ; if it doesn't simply swap "rgb" in the config file with whatever subpixel layout your screen uses.

You can also use premade rules: make a symbolic link of the rule you want to add from /etc/fonts/conf.avail/ to /etc/fonts/conf.d/.

>> No.19454763

Except core includes most of the common vocab either way, and I can guess the meanings of the majority of words I don't know just by looking at the kanji because I haven't fell for the "studying kanji only through vocab" meme.
But it is totally a worse experience compared to stumbling through the text while spending most of the time looking shit up.

>> No.19454764

>but they could learn it faster with SRS.
let's try another angle
matt endorses that you make tae kim sentence cards before you mine, aside from the argument of if this in itself is a good idea or not, that will cover a large amount of beginner grammar
why should anyone continue sentence mining for the few grammar examples that continue to pop up in the future instead of focusing on vocab mining which is more effective for vocab
>so then just warn everyone to maintain a reading/anki ratio of 3:1 or something. or reduce daily new cards until their reviews dip below an hour.
if i consider vocab srs to have less flaws than sentence srs then that's going to be part of my warning

>> No.19454777

Disabling autohinting will break very many fonts.

>> No.19454793

You shouldn't be using fonts with bad/inexistent hinting information in the first place.

>> No.19454794

What you on about?
Precure is a complex show with complex themes.
Heartocatchi speaks to my heart.

It isn't for beginners.

>> No.19454795

>But it is totally a worse experience compared to stumbling through the text while spending most of the time looking shit up.
if you haven't experienced this yet you aren't reading, have fun with your graded readers

>> No.19454799

>why should anyone continue sentence mining for the few grammar examples that continue to pop up in the future instead of focusing on vocab mining which is more effective for vocab
Not only to reinforce grammar but also to reinforce vocab. A word you learn in one card can appear on cards with new words

>> No.19454810

if it appears on cards with new words then it appeared, probably multiple times, in your actual reading and there's no problem to be solved with sentence cards in the first place

>> No.19454817

犬 いぬ ケン dog
木 き ボク モク tree, wood
事 こと ジ matter, work, service etc
腹 はら フク belly
瞳 ひとみ ドウ pupil of the eye
靴 くつ カ shoes
永遠 エイエン eternity
距離 キョリ distance
理性 リセイ reason (rationality) or something like that
盛況 セイキョウ vibrant state (like 状況, not 状態 come on I don't even know English)
丁重 テイチョウ polite and solemn
案件 アンケン basically the matter at hand
金気 ? ( I can't even begin to guess the reading with both of these kanji being gay ass fuck) the meaning must be either something related to money or that something contains metal in some partial way, but I don't remember ever seeing this word.
質屋 シチヤ the place where you go to get a loan for a thing. No, I don't know what it's called in English.
側室 probably ソクシツ, and it's probably not "side room" as that would be trivial. Either some gay ass shit from traditional japanese architecture or a metaphorical court expression (also gay ass fuck). I don't know.

Sorry for the Tourette's, just would like to get fucking graded.

>> No.19454819
File: 659 KB, 1280x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19454822

Honestly you should just drop RTK by now. The whole reason why you do RTK in the first place is making the tast of learning vocab easier, not being able to associate keywords (which are more often than not arbitrary or straight-up wrong) to characters.

>> No.19454832

Actually, are there more NEETs that students over here?

>> No.19454838


Honestly Kanji Radicals + Kanji Through Vocabulary is a pretty viable mix. If you're not in a rush to write, it's not a bad way to start. Then when you hit the point where you're reading you can work on writing as well to take notes.

>> No.19454844

The fact that you think what you did was more time efficient is stunning.

>> No.19454850

I've been making a list of all my keyword changes to rtk as I go through and check each keyword and also choose a japanese keyword, I think there's probably just 30 or so that benefit from a change and it's easy enough to do

>> No.19454859

Man memorizes the Japanese dictionary, doesn't speak Japanese.

>> No.19454865

Can you post it here?

>> No.19454876


My biggest issue with RTK was some of their really odd keywords. I'd rather move to KLC or something else at that point.

>> No.19454881


>> No.19454885

What is RTK?
What is matt?

>> No.19454887

I'm only about 800 kanji through right now, but when I finish I definitely plan to put the list on github/koohii/here, along with the japanese keywords I have chosen

>> No.19454890

I'm about to cry.

Might as well correct myself now that I've been outed:

>質屋 シチや

>> No.19454899

There's only like a few hundred that have odd keywords out of 2200 and the reason they're different is to reduce synonyms. There's already similar keywords that people confuse and Heisig wanted to minimize that.

>> No.19454901

>The whole reason why you do RTK in the first place is making the tast of learning vocab easier,
As someone who did RTK, does anyone actually find that it helps them pick up words any more complicated than 水銀? When I encounter a word I don't know, and I don't already know words relating to it, the kanji does nothing for me. I think "oh, it's that one" without any recollection of what keyword I associated it with.
It's likely that thinking "oh, it's that one" helps a bit with distinguishing words from one another, but that's all, and I don't think that's any more valuable than if I had done a radical deck. I figure out new words immediately when I know similar words, not the kanji. It's possible that this applies to 水銀 as well now that I think about it.

>> No.19454908

Ever looked at an opentype font?

>> No.19454910

I believe you are mistaking me for someone alse as I am an unrelated anon who didn't participate in the discussion above at all.

>> No.19454912

were you trying to mark all of the readings as kun or on? for what purpose did you learn this?

>> No.19454923

this post made me realize this is a good grading list I came up with, thank you for confirming
金気 has three readings across two different senses but only one is particularly normal

>> No.19454938

I used KKLC, not RTK, but I have found it helpful for quickly classifying unknown words. It's obviously not the case all of the time but looking at 土砂崩れ for example I could tell right away that it's a landslide.

Having said that, I think the intent behind these kanji books is not in the keywords but in the ability to recognize and differentiate between the kanji. To be able to look at a piece of Japanese text and say "I recognize this, and this, and this" is heartening and makes the vocabulary stick. Also, there are some particularly nasty look-alike kanji like 末未朱失夫 that I imagine would be a chronic stumbling block without particular effort made to distinguish them.

Whether the time investment is worth the returns is another question, but I don't feel like I got nothing out of it.

>> No.19454945

The nice thing about KKLC is that if you drop it part way in you still as much of a benefit as the time you spent on it, because of the sensible kanji ordering and the fact that it exposes you to vocabulary (this is good even if you do not memorize them). This is not true for RTK, which has a really fucked up kanji ordering (人 of all kanji is introduced late for no reason) and only teaches you keywords and stroke order.

>> No.19454951

I felt the urge to approach the individual kanji as individual kanji, so I listed the common readings for them that I could remember and separated them by on and kun as that felt natural. I avoided め for 瞳 because it's not in the dictionary. I suspect that 腹 doesn't translate as "belly" very well for some compounds, but I had trouble remembering the English word for belly and decided to leave it at that.

>> No.19454966

Can anyone give me some japanese curse words?

>> No.19454967

>but it would take 5 minutes to learn it from a grammar resource
There's a difference between knowing something as a fact and having an intuitive understanding of something. That intuitive knowledge of grammar is something you can only get from immersion. The factual knowledge from your grammar guide might aid you in gaining intuitive knowledge more quickly, but that's all.

>> No.19454976

i have been using a different order (a hybrid of frequency-based and "primitive"-based) for rtk and it's working very well for me. it was a bit of work at the start but once i had a graph of kanji dependencies and their components i was able to take subsets of rtk and study them with their components and then move to the next most frequent subset, etc

>> No.19454979


>> No.19454984

this would probably be a pretty good solution if you also stop somewhere between 500 and 1000 kanji

>> No.19454985


>> No.19454986


Having a factual definition means you'd need to spend less time bashing your head against a wall to get to the intuitive definition. Fuck off Ajatters.

>> No.19454987

Nukemarine already did this. I'm doing it in Heisig's order since I want to knock them all out.

>> No.19454988

Marikon - faggot
Puta - Bitch, whore
Kaka - Shit

>> No.19454989
File: 972 KB, 1030x605, 1515263961061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19454991

got what you need right here


also this ftw >>19454989

>> No.19454992

you're actually on the ajatt side of the argument, they support grinding grammar definitions

>> No.19455000

>they support grinding grammar definitions

>> No.19455003

PS the reason I know this is because I'm super shit at guessing words from context so I need a dictionary for almost everything. Also, recently I wrote out by hand the entire Jouyou list while confirming that I could remember every reading and meaning on kanjipedia (otherwise learning them for the first time), which gave me a bit of a boost. I did so in the hope that this might boost my ability to guess the meaning of new words composed from known kanji.

>> No.19455004

yep i got to 500 first and that made a massive difference to my comprehension (includes something like 80% of kanji in normal text or something), but was enjoying the process so decided to go to 1000 and then re-evaluate
the best thing is that after 500 i was able to actually start reading things and learning new vocab so i'm now currently doing both simultaneously, which is helping me build connections between the two as i go. much better than the default order

>> No.19455009

you guys still talkin bout ashatt lol


bring me some cool shit muppets

>> No.19455014

Here we go, the usual thread ruiner has arrived!

>> No.19455015

have you not even sucked matt's dick yet, he's all about tae kim anki cards

>> No.19455020

Depends on what you mean by better. It's less efficient but you can read earlier which is more fun.

>> No.19455021

Am I the only one who started with literally only tae kim for grammar and memorizing the kanas and then reverse engineered the entire language through reading without ever studying any vocabulary or kanji and "higher" grammar forms?

>> No.19455022

nukemarine gave me the idea, but his method doesn't take any consideration of components and primitives. for example 皿 is not in the most 1000 common (by my frequency source) but is used as a component in the top 500 kanji so you may as well learn it as you go because you will be using it as a component anyway

>> No.19455023
File: 155 KB, 500x317, mattato.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok here you go

>> No.19455027

>It's less efficient
imagine unironically thinking this is true
this dude may have actually found something more efficient than both rtk and no rtk: some rtk and the right rtk

>> No.19455034

how is it less efficient? i want to be able to write the kanji anyway
i tried skipping and doing core first, but found that after about 1000 cards I was just guessing from the rough shape because I wasn't actually recognising the differences between very similar kanji

>> No.19455036

You mean Nukemarine found? And I mean efficiency in regards to learning to write all the kanji, not to the more important matter of reading.

>> No.19455039

>efficiency in regards to learning to write all the kanji
it is most efficient to do this when you know japanese, and if you think otherwise you are brainwashed

>> No.19455043

nukemarine did not choose this subset, this is my own and is honestly much better than his (credit to him though for the basic concept)

>> No.19455047

Who the fuck actually writes kanji by hand? That has to be a meme.

>> No.19455049

>(credit to him though for the basic concept)
Yea, correct.

>> No.19455050

You mean that Heisig found, or at least made popular?

>> No.19455052

i want to do my postdoctorate in japan
it will mostly involve typing but i want to be able to take notes by hand too

>> No.19455055

who the fuck doesn't write their feelings with 書道 before a zen meditation and 茶道

>> No.19455060

No, because we're talking about Heisig's method mixed with kanji frequency.

>> No.19455063

i think you are having trouble following the conversation so let me help you out:
we are talking about doing some of rtk but not all of rtk, in an order that is conducive to doing some of rtk and not all of rtk

>> No.19455077

the main problem with the standard rtk order is that it can be a real motivation-killer. i tried it about 9 years ago and gave up around kanji number 600 or something because even by that point it had not really made any impact on my reading ability. this time by studying the most common 500 kanji first i was immediately seeing noticeable improvements in my reading which gave me a lot of motivation to push on

>> No.19455084

>In Japan
For what purpose?

>> No.19455087

I'm 1600 kanji into RTK and my motivation hasn't been killed. Ask me anything.

>> No.19455088
File: 79 KB, 1280x720, ashatt sux.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry you cant call me the thread ruiner when ive arrived at a ruined thread

sorry its clobberin time on yall busters

no here u go

>> No.19455093

Good job but when are you gonna learn Japanese?

>> No.19455097

i am still looking for a job/postdoctorate in my home country
but the japanese government has a generous postdoctorate support program for international researchers. i applied last year and nearly got in too (just missed the cut off by a few places)

>> No.19455106

what kinda ninja has a phd and posts itt lmao

>> No.19455109

So he "found" this method which consists in doing someone else's method but not quite? What a genius inventor, can't believe anon is stealing this guy's """findings"""

>> No.19455119

What are you crying about? Yea he did the easy task of reordering Heisig's kanji by frequency.

>> No.19455120
File: 358 KB, 1916x954, Screenshot_2018-07-18 日本語 - Wikipedia(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My monitor is RGB. It looks more crisp, but some complex characters are going black. Also, the font feels wrong in a general way. In the first place, I chose IPAexFont because the proportions were so delicately balanced. I think I'll have to go with hintslight if I'm going to use this font.

>> No.19455121

>he hasn't studied 長 yet despite being in the top 200 most common kanji, because heisig decided to put it in 2070th place

>> No.19455124

why do you even need to study that kanji in the first place

>> No.19455126

I wish I could go back time to the Heisig days and rip his face off and leave him to bleed out while he screams in agony.

>> No.19455128

I'm learning to write all the joyo kanji at once. I don't care about frequency.

>> No.19455132

its not heisiggys fault yall use his book like a buncha millennial retarts

>> No.19455134

i don't care who gets credit, only that it isn't heisig because heisig endorses spending months on kanji in isolation under the delusional idea that you should "get them all out of the way up front"

>> No.19455140

I'm crying about how stupid you are and rightly so, nukemarine didn't invent shit

>> No.19455148

what i did goes well beyond nukemarine's subset, which wasn't even his subset anyway (just take the top X from 2001KO)
but you're retarded so i'm not going to bother trying to explain

>> No.19455149

He was the first to apply Heisig's method to blacks of the most frequent kanji. You can say it doesn't matter or that he's a dumb dumb or whatever you want but it doesn't change that. I still don't understand why you're crying?

>> No.19455156

nukemarine invented the "haha jokes on yall im gonna be frankly fluent as fuck in the next life" mehod

>> No.19455167

why the fuck does this retard spend hours a day trying to work on his "teaching" material instead of putting in the initial legwork of actually learning what the fuck he's teaching

>> No.19455170

i think the saying goes those who cant do teach

>> No.19455171

as i said i give nukemarine credit for the initial idea, and honestly a lot of credit also needs to go to a user on github whose blog helped me find some good methods for breaking down kanji by component, but all the programming to collect the data, choose unique and common japanese keywords automatically, and analyse the component graphs and create sensible subsets from rtk was all my work

>> No.19455174

you dont need any of that shit to learn nihongo tho?

>> No.19455178

nobody is interested in commending you for your effort. we were talking about whether or not your idea was unique.

>> No.19455184

because japanese is the hardest language on the planet and he has to optimize it before he can possibly be expected to learn it
are his loyal fans supposed to wait actual decades for him to learn japanese before he shares his results

>> No.19455186

i plan to open source the scripts i used to create the subsets so that others can help improve on it. the goal would be that this work can be done once and then then the subsets can be a useful tool for anyone who wants to use them

>> No.19455188

nukemarines gonna be on his death bed from his fail aids and his biggest regret is gonna be that he didnt take better care of himself to live another 20 or 30 years so he could learn japanese

>> No.19455191

his final thoughts will be "maybe i should have started with kklc"

>> No.19455192

if i wanted commendation i would start a patreon and make vague blogs where i say for just 20 dollarydoos a month you can know my secret kanji subsets and learn to be as fluent as me

>> No.19455198

frankly you should do this theres nothin wrong with sellin out as its subtly hinted at in this post

>> No.19455200

he thinks kklc is inefficient disgusting pointless garbage (it is) hence he did heisig order on the most frequent kanji

>> No.19455201

so basically this thread is for intermediate people to argue about the best way to start preparing for starting to prepare for learning japanese and also for the same intermediate people to be as unhelpful and snide to beginners as possible. is that right?

>> No.19455206

>so basically this thread is for intermediate people

>> No.19455207

So at what point does AJATT recommend adopting a Japanese child to teach you Japanese?

>> No.19455209

he's on to us

>> No.19455211

i think the humor is going over your head

>> No.19455212

its for beginners who think theyre intermediate and beginners who hold n1 papers who think theyre advanced to do all those things yea because they dont know japanese and those who cant do try to tell others how to do


>> No.19455213

that in itself is fine, it's how these intermediate people are using it

>> No.19455216

Matt recommends adopting a parent 3 years in. I don't know about child.

>> No.19455218

honestly if you've ever read japanese before you're too advanced to be here
i wonder if the mods would let us split djt into daily rtk thread and daily reading thread

>> No.19455219

What's kklc?

>> No.19455220

I'll take my leave then.

>> No.19455223

its truly for the best

>> No.19455225

i read that out of context and thought you were talking about the existing child of the parent you adopt
maybe you can do a two for one

>> No.19455227
File: 80 KB, 1200x896, 1372546559176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many piss bottles it takes to become fluent

>> No.19455228

Yes, If you no longer get amusement from it you should leave 4chan because this is basically 4chan now.
Its the same shit all the time and apparently hilarious.

>> No.19455229

i stopped drinking water, now i barely need to piss at all

>> No.19455233

I'm really confused about where you think you are.

>> No.19455237

it depends how hard you're going, if you hydrate yourself enough to fill more than one piss bottle that size in a week then you're not immersing enough, but if you're doing that right then you've got about 30 bottles to high-level fluency

>> No.19455241

t. newfag redditor

>> No.19455247
File: 369 KB, 1644x998, 1517652035864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah this is definitely wrong. I would advise you use Noto Sans CJK (jp) hinted with no autohinter, but feel free to use another font. As anon mentioned, make sure your font has enough hinting information if you're not gonna use autohinter.
For science ere's what my wikipedia looks like with autohinter and subpixel rendering on...

>> No.19455248 [SPOILER] 
File: 375 KB, 600x450, 1531925716442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also remember to start fasting, preferably have this figure for maximum efficiency.

>> No.19455249

how do you pee in such little bottles

do you just stick your head against the top of it like wtf

>> No.19455253
File: 145 KB, 1280x720, tyu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also remember to start drinking lots of milks preferably have this figure for maximum efficiency

>> No.19455254

What the fuck are you smoking? I can fill a piss bottle like that in a day.

>> No.19455256

Probably because of something that has to do with this video's title

>> No.19455260
File: 361 KB, 1644x998, 1523361864777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(I meant NO autohinter in my previous post)
And here's what it looks like with autohinter (and thus no subpixel rendering).
Notice how some characters (such as 覧) look noticeably worse.

>> No.19455281

unless he has a really narrow dick im just pretending hes at least civilized and uses a proper funnel instead of jamming the top of a bottle against his dick

>> No.19455285

but that's because you drink fluids
see also >>19455248
shit really kicks your focus into overdrive

>> No.19455293

if you fill fewer than four per day you're not consuming enough water. ideally you want to be filling six or more.

>> No.19455300

also check this out its basically a typical day for me at the djt


>> No.19455303

Using a funnel defeats the purpose of piss bottles.

>> No.19455304

if you think jamming it against the bottle is a problem you've never done it

>> No.19455311

I'm taking estrogen, glad to know it'll help my nihongo

>> No.19455318

> guy posts about AJATT
> get gets shit posted to oblivion

Man I love you guys.

>> No.19455326

post about ashatt and everyone dies

>> No.19455329

well you can tell hes not doing too good because the piss is actually yellow

proper healthy urine should be basically crystal clear

>> No.19455334
File: 199 KB, 360x370, ashatt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19455340


>> No.19455343

that celebration when he finally nails a kanji and all his friends that don't know japanese are hyped up by his stunt

>> No.19455345

Piss yellows with time
I usually have crystal clear urine but it gets yellow if I leave it in the bottle for too long

>> No.19455347

i mean the only time i ever did it was on a long drive and i used a proper large milk jug and frankly i did stuff my dick into it

heres what happens when i catch you doin ashatt


>> No.19455350

daily reminder, if there is enough light coming into your room to be able to see the color of your urine then you need to do a better job of boarding up the windows

>> No.19455355

well if you're driving it's probably a safe call because you're distracted
just as you would be if you were immersing properly so i see your point
that must be why matt's piss jug is so big

>> No.19455367

daily https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjapSF94eCc thread

>> No.19455373

it should be nearly clear, only slightly yellow, when it first comes out of your body
it does indeed yellow with time

>> No.19455375

I've been studying Japanese for 6 months and my katakana reading speed is still trash. What the fuck.
Even my kanji reading speed is better.

>> No.19455379

>it should be nearly clear

>> No.19455388
File: 224 KB, 800x500, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

writhe in pain scrub

>> No.19455389

read something with more 宇宙人と外人

>> No.19455397

if your piss is very yellow when it comes out you are probably consuming too little water
it is not a fact, it's a rule of thumb

>> No.19455406

My thumb isn't the boss of me.

>> No.19455407

what did I just watch

>> No.19455413

Kanji reading should be faster than hiragana though

>> No.19455415
File: 562 KB, 420x236, tumblr_niljolaQ5M1r45g3go1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how people use this book made by a guy who does not know Japanese.

Also daily reminder that learning Japanese is fun, and if you are not enjoying it then you are doing something wrong.

>> No.19455417


>> No.19455418
File: 24 KB, 500x500, 500ml-plastic-water-bottle-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to keep yourself hydrated. Always have a bottle of water you can chug on next to you while you're practicing your nihongo.

>> No.19455423

also if you have problems with overeating chug water first before eating if you feel hungry

>> No.19455426

2 liters of water a day or your gay

>> No.19455431

you're actually supposed to do more than that

>> No.19455434

if you just sit in your room jacking off and posting on djt 2 liters is pretty solid

>> No.19455436

not really it's like the minimum to stay healthy

>> No.19455441

The one with no autohinting renders so well! However, I suspect that the real secret to your screenshot looking better than mine is that your font size is set larger. I just tried Noto CJK JP, but the rendering quality is not significantly different and I miss the look of IPAexフォント. I should just buy a 4K monitor sometime. I've mostly been reading on my tablet anyway... Thank you for going out of your way to help me.

>> No.19455444

You actually waste water and nutrients when you jack off so technically you'd have to drink more

>> No.19455445

if you're a skinny girl you should be drinking 2.5 liters a day and it only goes up from there the bigger and more active you are

>> No.19455446

I have to jack off to more untranslated doujinshi if I eat junk food. Is this my body's way of saving me from my bad diet?

>> No.19455447

Bonus if it's a bottle you can piss in when you're done.

>> No.19455449

i literally drink 250 ml of water per day, i am fine

>> No.19455459


>> No.19455460

No actually it's your body's way of making your diet worse since you're lose protein not fat when you jerk off
So on top of being fat you also have no muscle, good job

>> No.19455462

All the junk food I eat is full of protein

>> No.19455464

also I'm underweight (by american standards, normal by other countries)

>> No.19455465

if you just jack off directly into your own mouth you dont lose fluid and gain protein

its a epic win win

>> No.19455466

did you mean centiliters

>> No.19455467

I disagree. It's only a waste if your idea of normal sexual activity is sex with 3D disgusting pigs or something similarly abhorrent such as being born asexual.

>> No.19455472

no i mean millilitres. 0.25 litres. like 8 fl oz

>> No.19455473

what the fuck

>> No.19455474

which is converted into fat since your muscles are underactive and you don't use them

>> No.19455475

have fun with your organ failure
pretty sure the body uses protein for more than building muscles

>> No.19455477

you ever know that guy who just never pees and if he does its like fuckin dark orange

thats this guy >>19455472

gl with your kidneys and overal health

>> No.19455478

he's leaving out that he drinks 8 cans of coke a day

>> No.19455481

There's no such thing as underweight by american standards, you dumb bitch. BMI is universal.

>> No.19455482

Try reading anything in hiragana only and you will see

>> No.19455485

Go fuck a goat, towelhead.

>> No.19455487

i get what you're getting at but why do you pay attention to when friends and acquaintances pee and what color it is

>> No.19455489

no i don't have any soft drink or milk
i just get the fluid that is in the food i eat or the one glass of water or so that i drink. some days i don't even remember to drink one glass
i really don't seem to notice any problems though

>> No.19455494

i have and it's not substantially harder
when you read mixed hiragana kanji text you read entire sequences of like 5 kana as a single "word" that takes as long to read as a simple two-kanji compound
if you haven't experienced this then you're a beginner

>> No.19455497

if you ever roomed with a dude who doesnt flush sometimes you know whats up

>> No.19455498

force yourself to drink more water if you want to live past thirty years from now

>> No.19455502

did you stop rooming with him because he didn't flush or because he died

>> No.19455507

is it seriously that bad? do you have any medical credentials?

>> No.19455512


>> No.19455516

life situation changed

>> No.19455519

Curious, what have you ripped?

>> No.19455521

Not telling, but not manga or anything like that.

>> No.19455528

well guys you've managed to quit talking about preparing for preparing for japanese but now you're just talking about piss bottles and urine

>> No.19455529

>Not telling
So nothing, okay.

>> No.19455531

they're probably the person who ripped kklc and hjgp

>> No.19455532

this sounds dubious

baby steps bro were gettin em there

>> No.19455534

My sheer fear of kidney stones is what motivates me to drink 2 liters of water per day

>> No.19455536

honestly it's a big improvement

>> No.19455537

if refusing to associate with being the first source for piracy is dubious to you you haven't spent long on the modern internet

>> No.19455539

dont fear it cause you wont be thinkin about all the fucked up fear you had when your body is literally wiggling a rusty jagged razor blade through your urethra

>> No.19455544

I don't really know why you'd lie about something like this. It's just a bit weird.

>> No.19455546

then why bring up that you rip anything at all retard

epic self own

>> No.19455550

same, that's also a factor in why i'm afraid of too much salt intake

>> No.19455552

why are you responding to me as though i'm the person who said he ripped things

>> No.19455560
File: 4 KB, 188x302, screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19455561

set up your three proxies so you can safely namedrop your contributions

>> No.19455563

because youre all the same person to me

>> No.19455567

Can someone tell me why anki is beneficial. I feel like I should quit it because I just want to read and listen. I currently have 3200 vocab cards.

>> No.19455569

you are disorganized as fuck and anyone can make a bunch of empty folders

>> No.19455570
File: 8 KB, 367x448, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19455573

its beneficial if youre doing something like drilling multiplication tables

its not beneficial if youre loading it up with 6000 flashcards of kanji or words or w.e

>> No.19455575

This doesn't really say anything, to be honest.

>> No.19455583

That's cool, you can pretend I'm lying if you want to pretend that nobody ripped anything since the /a/ ban happened.

>> No.19455584

I only use anki for words I really can't remember
So basically nowadays I only have to do like 10-20 reviews per day

>> No.19455586

look idgaf what you do but i hope people respectfully tried before they buyed

>> No.19455587

the only thing anki is good for is practicing reading kanji so that you can read faster and more comfortably without relying on shit like google translate handwriting or ocr or text hooking or yomichan
you should probably continue until 6k, and you should probably quit by 10k

>> No.19455598

Provide examples of what you've ripped for DJT. Titles of things.

>> No.19455604

nobody in their right mind would ever namedrop things they've ripped unless they're in it for the epeen

>> No.19455606

And if you're paranoid like me you'd always rip things in a different style.

>> No.19455613

whether this anon in question has ripped things or not has absolutely zero relevance to anything
either way he's an idiot for saying so
nobody in their right mind would ever say "i've ripped things" unless they're in it for the epeen

>> No.19455620

>I miss these threads on /a/, they at least had enough actual content and people ripping and giving access to different resources, its now /jp/ shitposting and smug.
>and people ripping and giving access to different resources

>> No.19455623

that does not warrant a response of "i've ripped things", consider "things have been ripped since the thread has been on /jp/"

>> No.19455628

Yeah font size definitely plays a big role, lower font sizes render like shit for proportional CJK fonts. At lower font sizes you can go with fixed/bitmap-capable fonts such as kochi gothic which are much crisper.

>> No.19455631

one of those is a lot longer than the other and considering the alternative short responses are things like "this is not true" i do not fault them for just saying they've ripped stuff

>> No.19455637

also at this point i'm pretty sure you're just samefagging

>> No.19455638

"things have been ripped" length as an argument is absurd

>> No.19455639

Who said anything about namedropping? All I asked for is the title of things you've ripped. There is literally no risk involved in honesty here.

>> No.19455641

"things have been ripped" is not natural english

>> No.19455643

>namedrop things they've ripped

>Who said anything about namedropping? All I asked for is the title of things you've ripped.

Bad English reading comprehension detected.

>> No.19455651

you don't know english
fucking bingo drinks are on me

>> No.19455652

not me dude try again

>> No.19455656

i am a native speaker of english with a high degree of literacy. if i don't know english nobody does.

>> No.19455663

>i am a native speaker of english with a high degree of literacy
same dude, and i wrote that sentence, turns out it's natural english

>> No.19455664

That isn't namedropping, anon. There is absolutely no epeen involved in being honest and saying what you've ripped, anonymously on 4chan.
It's painfully obvious the original anon was talking shit and hasn't done anything, but wasn't expected to be called out on it.

>> No.19455667

yes and saying "things have been ripped" as a complete statement (not part of a bigger statement) is unnatural
if you think it's not then you're bad at english or you have somehow managed to convince yourself that an unnatural statement sounds natural

>> No.19455672

the person who ripped kklc is extremely paranoid there is exactly zero chance of them ever saying they ripped it

>> No.19455688

this is a rather autistic argument for natural english in a shitposting thread
short responses that would not be used in proper writing are normal
they also occur frequently in casual spoken conversation
it is normal and common among literate native speakers, thus it is natural

>> No.19455693

Who the fuck even cares about KKLC? It's just another RTK clone and there is zero chance of legal hot water here. If that's the case, it sounds like some dumb normalfag who shouldn't be on 4chan in the first place.

>> No.19455694

"things have been ripped" is so many kinds of unconversational that your logic doesn't make any sense

>> No.19455697

Lowercase fags have singlehandely ruined this thread by arguing about English grammar and whether or not a guy actually ripped things. It's impressive how consistently you guys manage to do this.

>> No.19455698
File: 90 KB, 612x716, 1531651953723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>KKLC? It's just another RTK clone

>> No.19455702

if it was isolated and without context your argument would be valid
i'm glad you were satisfied with the piss discussion, one out of three aint bad

>> No.19455706

how about this
did you intend "have" to have heavy stress

>> No.19455708

Piss one seems to be over by now though so I didn't think it was relevant.

>> No.19455709

Yeah, this: https://www.amazon.com/Kodansha-Kanji-Learners-Course-Step/dp/1568365268
It's RTK repacked.

>> No.19455710

I have KKLC and it's not RTK at all. Being a kanji learning resource with mnemonics in it doesn't make something an RTK clone.

>> No.19455714

It's the same two autists who consistently show up at the same hour every single day to ruin the thread for everyone else. I wish they would fucking die.

>> No.19455717

I'm here at completely random hours though.

>> No.19455720

no i expected it to start medium on things and drop immediately with no real stress, but i'm okay with stress on have

>> No.19455725

Well you just capitalized the "I" in your post so you're probably not part of the issue.

>> No.19455729

if there is stress on "have" instead of it being basically flat, then that's the only way it would be acceptable, but also it would just kind of be acceptable

>> No.19455732

mixed case poster is worse than all other posters if that's him

>> No.19455734

yeah that's me
Th-thanks for recognizing me.

>> No.19455738


>> No.19455739

While you may or may not be part of the problem, you obviously aren't one of the lowercase posters I was mentioning.

>> No.19455740

i disagree but i'm willing to settle on calling us both autistic and shake hands

>> No.19455742

i am though

>> No.19455746

see i warned you about him

>> No.19455748
File: 1.77 MB, 658x568, 839057-34l.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just uninstalled anki.


Time to enjoy reading without thinking about mining.

>> No.19455752

Have fun reading man

>> No.19455755

how many words my man also enjoy freedom

>> No.19455768
File: 1.30 MB, 382x212, 1505375741330.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what to do then.

>> No.19455771

Currently I am trying to study both hirigana and katakana independently. I have tried repetition, index cards etc. and yet I struggle to commit them to memory. I was curious if there is and sentences that contain all hirigana, as I'm a very auditory learner?

(I do understand hirigana isn't used exclusively however it is the basis of learning so anything helps. I do have genki textbooks and other books for memorization...)

>> No.19455773


>> No.19455777

i guarantee you that guy posts uppercase when he's not copying from reddit

>> No.19455779

Might as well ask the stupid question, what's the real difference between Sazanami (>>19454745) and Kochi Gothic? What leads to you use one over the other?

>> No.19455782

How long have you been at it? I just used the DJT Kana section to practice and retained it after learning them by reading.

>> No.19455795

Don't use either of them. The IPA fonts, Noto CJK fonts, and Hanazono render them obsolete.

>> No.19455799

Where to buy cool kanji tshirts?

>> No.19455800


Well I had only 3200 words with a kanji grid of 2100. I just hated when reading how I would be thinking more about mining and I would stress if I could not find my 10 words a day. I have been studying for about 1 year and I am not fluent But I now about 90% of the words of whatever I would read.

The worst part of anki was postponing doing it for too long and wasting the day away doing nothing. I am so happy to get rid of it.

>> No.19455817

I got my 風林火山 shirt from a japanese culture fair

>> No.19455830

sounds like it's a little early but if you end up wasting time because you hate anki then it was probably the right move, good luck

>> No.19455839
File: 22 KB, 500x427, smart_gaijin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wear this shirt whenever you go to Japan.

>> No.19455868

Kochi Gothic is one of three Japanese fonts I know (along with Zpix and WQY Bitmap Song[although this one is a Chinese font IIRC]) that has embedded bitmap grids for specific character sizes, which arguably makes them the best for lower font sizes.
As far as I know Sazanami doesn't have this feature; but it's a TTF, which implies it's fully hinted and thus doesn't require autohint.

>> No.19455869
File: 15 KB, 480x360, w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also don't forget to have this tattooed preferrably somewhere everyone can see

>> No.19455873

My plan is to give it a month to see how things go and if my memory does not massively degrade I will keep not using it. I have a pretty big tolerance for looking up words, and I am not preparing for a test so I really do not care about anything besides just enjoying media.

>> No.19455874

if you wouldn't wear this in japan you have a bad sense of humor

>> No.19455880
File: 2 KB, 382x49, 1510556577440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and here's what it looks like at a decently big font size.

>> No.19455886


Is this useful

>> No.19455889


>> No.19455895

You might wanna look into AJATT if you wanna do useless shit like this, they have a whole lot of shit like this in their method.

>> No.19455900

Is RTK useful? No.
Is meditation useful? No.
Is AJATT useful? No.
Is "listening" to Japanese in your sleep in your sleep useful? Yes

>> No.19455903
File: 675 B, 99x31, 20180718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am I doing it right

>> No.19455907

If I were to listen a gaijin butchering japanese pronunciation while I sleep I'd probably have some terrible nightmares

>> No.19455915

Better than me, I'm still at 7k.

>> No.19455928

Sorry, I converted my caps lock to IM switch.

>> No.19455932

is there a equivalent to yomichan in english?
sometimes I'm very curious about the pronunciation of some words

>> No.19455936

Just install an english dictionary lmao

>> No.19455937



>> No.19455940

7k characters? I read about 10k characters an hour now (but it also depends on the material)

>> No.19455943

>Itsu kyu kei shimasu ka

>> No.19455945

i have never used caps lock before and i have typed sentences in uppercase before, you're not committed enough

>> No.19455950

Yeah, I'm the guy who started Eustia and I never read any fantasy so it's super new unfamiliar vocab for me. There's also the fact Axanael didn't really have much prose and I'm only now getting used to reading it.

>> No.19455958

i like that he wrote a long u and he says a short u, it adds to the quality even further

>> No.19455974

え? no, I would like something similar to yomichan that allow me to check english pronunciation, as far as I know yomichan just deal with 日本語

>> No.19455984

Ever heard of google

>> No.19455985
File: 23 KB, 326x110, 1531932777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done with anki for today.

>> No.19456004

i'd say congratulations but i can tell this is rtk

>> No.19456011

That's not really efficient

You can probably install an English->English dictionary on yomichan which would most likely allow you to check the pronunciation

>> No.19456012

Thanks, that's my mining deck.

>> No.19456031

why did you stop mining but not stop doing anki

>> No.19456030

That's probably a mining deck though

>> No.19456043

I didn't stop mining. Look, I added two cards today.

>> No.19456076

How long into reading until I stop feeling the urge to give beginner/bad advice?

>> No.19456112

do you know japanese yet

>> No.19456205

How much of this dump are you guys able to read?

>> No.19456235

Not really, no.

>> No.19456265

cant you just unruin the thread by the power of making good posts? of course you cant because youre part of the problem and a whiny baby on top of it who only blames others

>> No.19456275

All of it
I won't though because it looks boring and the body cell gimmick doesn't interest me

>> No.19456294


>> No.19456313

Yep. Then they make excuses and blame others even though they themselves contribute far more spam than anyone else.

>> No.19456315

>All of it

>> No.19456327

circlejerking about your big letters isn't any more productive than our enlightening discussion on piss

>> No.19456329 [DELETED] 

i ruined the thread yet when i showed up it was ruined with you retards arguing about rtk ashatt and all that retarded shit you retards do

so i made you talk about piss jugs and the thread was great

and now here you are back to being the retard you are instead of making good posts

how many times must i tan thy hide before thy 解るs it

>> No.19456343

Uh oh, the other one showed up!

>> No.19456356

the worst kind of trolls are the ones who pretend to care about the "community" while contributing nothing and make even more pointless off topic posts like >>19456343
than the "perceived" ""trolls""" who are here helping you with your nihongo homework every day and taking your weak attempts at abuse

you scrubs will never win at posting or nihongo

>> No.19456357
File: 427 KB, 428x693, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wish the quality from saving Kanji Grid to png was better.

>> No.19456407
File: 720 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Battle Girl High School - 08 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_19.09_[2018.07.16_02.51.52].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19456434
File: 38 KB, 567x479, rat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my progress.

>> No.19456448

what progress

>> No.19456452

What progress? You're doing RTK you haven't even started learning Japanese yet.

>> No.19456460

I've been reading 200 lines per night for about the last week, and it takes me around an hour. Your lines have a lot more characters than mine too, last night I was at 2700/199.

>> No.19456463

Yea rate my RTK progress please.

>> No.19456470

46/100 since you still have 54% of it left until you start learning Japanese.

>> No.19456472

I went from 200 to 500 per hour in a month, just read more

>> No.19456473

thanks man. I'll try my best.

>> No.19456475

Is 亡くなる a euphemism of sorts?

>> No.19456478


>> No.19456489

You're at the optimal point to give up on learning japanese

>> No.19456493

Is there a spreeder like tool for speed reading Japanese text? Probably be pretty useful for those starting to read.

>> No.19456494

It's a year or two away.
I don't want to.

>> No.19456504

46% progress in remembering the kanji, 0% progress in learning Japanese.

>> No.19456513

Same here.
They terrify me.

>> No.19456518

>I don't want to
But you will, once you realize your RTK fuckery was all pretty much in vain.

>> No.19456528

Is と used as "and" immediately after verbs? Kinda like in a sequence of events with て? Because I keep seeing it and grammatically it looks like the conditional と but the situations look more like a flow of events, not really emphasising the requirment/outcome thing.

>> No.19456529

in his defense when i realized my rtk fuckery was in vain i didn't quit i came back stronger and ready to learn some nippongo
but i also never did isolated rtk so that might have made a difference

>> No.19456530

No the worst case scenario with RTK is that it's completely worthless and you wasted a few months. Not enough to quit.

>> No.19456544

here's an example

>> No.19456547


>> No.19456548

any haruki murakami books worth reading?

>> No.19456556


>> No.19456561

t-thanks anon, I had looked at the grammar points but weren't convinced it was really that
since I'm more familiar with Tae Kim, is it the same grammar as here?

thanks again

>> No.19456570
File: 357 KB, 449x513, wageslave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meant that post >>19456561 to you

>> No.19456583

yeah, you should move up from tae kim because it's limited to the basics, not very easy to search through, and far more wordy than it needs to be. hjgp and dojg (which is what that page contains) are good.

>> No.19456593


>> No.19456656

does anyone has azw files of 天国に涙はいらない and doesn't mind to share with a poor pleb?

>> No.19456671


>> No.19456673

I guess I'd forgotten to ask just one more thing. What's the difference between that construction and flow of events with て? Is it that て is deliberate and in the control of the person perfoming the action and と is for things that 'just happen'? You can't use て for events that happen beyond one's control?

>> No.19456687

We need more e-celebs to meme about, the usual rotation is getting stale.

>> No.19456694

just post about me

>> No.19456706

You're not neurotic enough to be fun to post about though.

>> No.19456714

https://youtu.be/TlHpVs1_qRE this girl makes matt sound like a baby

>> No.19456733

It's over, I cannot learn Japanese

>> No.19456738

That japanese girl has a huge ass face, that's some strong jomon genes right there

>> No.19456744

How hard is it to learn the language without anki? Is there someone here who is somewhat good at the language and never used it?

>> No.19456745

Tyler Keem, read it.

>> No.19456747


>> No.19456749

you right

>> No.19456751

You have to be retarded to mix these up, so yeah, you definitely can't learn Japanese.

>> No.19456754

i never even heard of the idea of using several thousand flashcards as a means for learning japanese until i actually opened a djt thread and ive been laughing my ass off almost daily ever since

>> No.19456761


Anki is really useful for vocabulary for the same reason flash cards are. You don't have to use Anki, but it's good for memorizing stuff.

>> No.19456781

as far as i'm aware て can also be used for unavoidable consequences, but と is used for hypothetical actions (if ... then) and て can be used for chains of events that have already occurred, for describe the current situation, or for stating intended actions

>> No.19456793

Bro just fucking use google before you publicly embarrass yourself any further

>> No.19456802

to what end

>> No.19456803

You're confusing basic conversational fluency with input mastery.

>> No.19456808

10k, direction, strength, nine

Thanks RTK.

>> No.19456809

this would be an interesting argument if まあ様 had mastered input

>> No.19456812

how do you manage to say the exact same thing several times and not get tired of it

>> No.19456815

I will never understand the argument that repeated, artificial exposure to single words is somehow good but repeated, artificial exposure to words in the context of a short sentence is somehow bad.

>> No.19456831

neither are good for understanding japanese or learning the meanings of words
the former is good for learning the readings of those words so that you can read more
the latter is adequate but less efficient for learning the readings of those words so that you can read more
i hope this clears it up for you

>> No.19456834

thanks that makes sense!

>> No.19456838


If you're using a word in multiple different sentences you're strengthening your knowledge of the word. If you're seeing the same sentence over and over in a sentence deck, you're just learning what that specific sentence means, at most guessing at what the contents of the sentence are.

>> No.19456845

it's fucking impossible to mix up kanji for me now
I don't mean it in absolute terms, there may be some high-brow ones that aren't used at all that I could mix up - but I'm talking about the ones that are used in everyday life and media

>> No.19456857

i love me some high brow kanji

>> No.19456952
File: 1016 KB, 1280x720, thumbs up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's one of those days
>feel like you're failing all your reps
>in reality you only failed 15% instead of the usual 10%
>everything is gonna be OK

>> No.19456983


>> No.19457003

Coherent argument.
Incoherent, retard argument.

>> No.19457048

>everything is gonna be OK
Not until you actually start learning Japanese

>> No.19457084

my first reading after Tae Kim's were a bunch of Graded Readers, I've read nearly 20 of them in a few days, have written down unknown words too
was there more effective way to go round it? should i have started reading manga or something?

>> No.19457092


>> No.19457131

i have not looked into them but i would imagine that graded readers are not the most natural japanese, but it doesn't really matter for a short-term resource
you shouldn't care about efficacy to the extent of wondering if material that was at a reasonable difficulty and you learned from was the correct material to read, just read more

>> No.19457159


>> No.19457165
File: 440 KB, 2194x1638, 006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's an example page from the highest level (4)
I'm on lvl 2 and skimming through those there doesn't seem to be so much difference, maybe it's just about kanji taught in latter years at school being used there

>> No.19457223


>> No.19457232

I hate furigana so much

>> No.19457233
File: 56 KB, 583x435, 1517748702990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19457251
File: 422 KB, 466x657, exa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for some of them there are versions without it

>> No.19457270

i dont see anything wrong with these it seems like those books cut the fluff youd find in your more trendy young adult shit and just give it to you straight which is good

>> No.19457273
File: 7 KB, 583x435, 1142069420691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19457303
File: 679 KB, 1408x2101, onyomi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a pointless image that nobody should bother looking at except out of pure curiosity right?

>> No.19457308


>> No.19457350
File: 19 KB, 583x435, 1531948010906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19457370

now youre gettin it

>> No.19457690

what is that イっちゃ here?

>> No.19457696

She's tellin ya to stop comin before ya even stick it in

>> No.19457708


>> No.19457714

You don't know Japanese.

>> No.19457726


>> No.19457831


>> No.19457863

Replace formidable enemy/target with strong foe/longbow, or something similar. If you wanna keep the misheard word to be target so it's like Cirno is target practice or something you're gonna have to get more creative

>> No.19457885 [DELETED] 

dont cum in my ass so hard onii chan

>> No.19457939

That's right, they right place to dump your cum is your imouto's womb.

>> No.19457959 [DELETED] 
File: 324 KB, 466x510, clicky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19458114

where do I get this?

>> No.19458234

Manga isn't reading so no.

>> No.19458251

Lots of people get good without SRS but show me update videos/blogs of someone being able to comprehend 95% of written and spoken material after 12-24 months without using SRS. You'll only find this type of content from particular people employing a certain method. Strange, isn't it? Why don't their detractors ever put up? By no means is it an impossible feat and I'm sure a few have done it, but we should see more of it and the fact it's not really there should say something.

>> No.19458257
File: 29 KB, 633x195, rtk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What progress? You're doing RTK you haven't even started learning Japanese yet.

>> No.19458261

Someone post the screenshot of their lord まあtt saying you don't have to do rtk if you don't want to write

>> No.19458269

most more comments written by a furry

>> No.19458272

I posted it last time and I'll post it again
>if you can't be bothered to spend 3 months...
Why are people so bad at arguing.

>> No.19458277

>if you can't be bothered to spend 3 months on kanji what makes you think you'll be able to spend years on sentences?
Every time.
>If you can't watch paint dry what makes you think you can watch TV?
If you can't do boring task y, what makes you think you can do less boring task x?

>> No.19458288

Let me guess you gave M*tt 10$ on patreon and this is one of his followers shilling RTK on his patreon discord.

>> No.19458297

No. I got it from twitter I think.

>> No.19458349

>show me update videos/blogs of someone being able to comprehend 95% of written and spoken material after 12-24 months
you haven't seen this, you are putting your trust blindly in those who claim it to be true
>we should see more of it and the fact it's not really there should say something.
and how many would you honestly say have demonstrated the equivalent with SRS

>> No.19458409

concerning jōyō kanji - is there a list or way of knowing (by referring to some dictionaries?) when a particular kanji is only used in compounds? e.g. 椅

>> No.19458709

Good evening.

>> No.19458710

