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File: 452 KB, 840x525, A rock staring at rocks while being built like a rock and building rocks out of rocks before breaking rocks with his rocking rock powers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19426452 No.19426452 [Reply] [Original]


>New? Start here:
http://pastebin.com/vmW2qYkD (embed) (embed)

http://pastebin.com/HcTtYVsn (embed) (embed)

>E+ Changelogs:

>Elona Custom Release Thread:

>Omake Overhaul English release Thread:

>Previous Thread
>>19396988 (Cross-thread)

Current Version: Elona+ 1.78 (03/07/2018)
Latest Custom: E+C 1.77.1

Errors? Set the compatibility of the .exe to WINDOWS 7.

Probably did something wrong but goddamnit we are having Omake in the OP.

>> No.19426572

Started playing a few days ago. This game's pretty neat.

>> No.19426601
File: 443 KB, 803x600, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm doing a dw scythe playtrough, and i've been blessed with many strong scythes at level 8
now i just need scrolls of flight to make them light and actually use them

>> No.19426615
File: 465 KB, 665x305, you fucking what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see how we're supposed to keep potential high in E+. Even simply keeping farming high alone is hard to do. And by high I mean ''100%''. It goes down so fast despite claims it goes down slower and the costs increase at an absolutely absurd rate.

>> No.19426622

Eh will be hard to do, once farming goes up to tactics difficulty level or higher. Which won't take long at all.

>> No.19426643
File: 704 KB, 791x505, 2p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell are you doing?
All my skills have always been just 2p to train up. I usually get my potential to 400% on gardening before harvesting my crops for that dank sweet exp.

>> No.19426647

Ah fuck not E+. Omake Overhault. Where PP costs for learning skills start at 15 and go up by 3 per skill. Which is fine. But skills costing 5PP for 10% EACH by 20 skill is just fucking insane.

>> No.19426668
File: 49 KB, 645x729, pqafkb6d9ba01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing OO
You brought this upon yourself.
If you wanted difficulty, you could've just played E+C with a snail pianist.

>> No.19426689

1.79 custom when.

>> No.19426705

>Its a brainlet move to give a newly translated mod a fair shake instead of just assuming its bad
Okay. OO is fine outside of potential. Skill and stats. Not sure how exactly I'm supposed to keep my stat potential high without worshipping Kuriromi.
I wouldn't call OO particularly hard either. I've been diving Nefia since char gen with no issue outside of elemental hounds (because breaths are buffed so much in OO they're straight up not fair to fight). Having to grind more for the same game isn't really what I'd call a challenge. Its closer to tedium.

>pee pee wee wee XD when

>> No.19426807

>grind more isn't a challenge, it's closer to tedium

anon, i think this game just isn't for you...

>> No.19426813

I mean I've already beaten E+ twice, all 3 acts. But sure that means the game isn't for me because I think OO being slower than E+ makes it slower and not harder.

>> No.19426834

I don't think I can even remember what grinding plat for skills was like back in the old days.
Then again, I can't remember what it was like not having my food automatically uncursed when cooked.

>> No.19427014
File: 952 KB, 1608x1124, Goldenknight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is your wife for tonight

>> No.19427366

is there a fast way to gain fame in OO? the dude changed it so you need 10k fame to do paying bills but didn't change the rec for joining thieves guild. its the only guild relevant to my character and i want to join it :(

>> No.19427807

Fun fact: Animals hate you Minus Feat has Yowyn horses stampede you. Hahahahaha good thing I carry teleport rods. The Quest Board becomes a subtle death trap. Port to stable master for quest, have horse hooves shoved up your ass. Vanilla/OO's shortcomming is retard plat grind. Shit like this makes it fun though, loving this. E+ lacks interesting mechanics. I find it dull.

>worshipping Kuriromi
I'm going to try Inari since her food is like Kuriromi cept CHA is swapped for LER.

>> No.19427950

>E+ lacks interesting mechanics
It's a good point. I think a lot of things were added to E+ for roleplaying purposes instead of gameplay purposes. Like cigarettes so you could play as a smoker or run a tobacco shop, or the new thing with fish that lets you set up an aquarium.

>> No.19428003

OO is pretty nice. Mechanics wise, all I miss are the undead and gauge (for transformation via shift core). Which are the only interesting mechanics I can think of which are E+ exclusive.
Haven't really seen much in OO I'd consider very interesting mechanically though. You get penalized for heavy equips but that's pretty much just shifting numbers about. You can make gear, but E+ has a similar mechanic. The new feats are pretty much all either binary you can do this/you can't do this thing or + to numbers too.
And while I and I think others dislike AP in E+ its pretty neat at least.

I was gonna worship Inari myself but I'm not even sure she loaded into my game properly. The house thing crashed so I did the fix a guy said and now its just empty. Made a copy save to use wizard mode to summon her altar but it just makes an uninteractable altar. I can summon her, but not worship her.

>> No.19428102
File: 545 KB, 789x518, Beaten by a little girl, ha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My character isn't even capable of sex because of - feats outside of this. Fucking loli rape gangs.

>> No.19428233

What a bunch of monsters.

>> No.19428712
File: 275 KB, 608x385, Well shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't make blunt weps via black smithing. That was 4 feat points well spent making blunt weps stronger.

>> No.19428978
File: 168 KB, 317x400, 340260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any way to get unique NPCs as allies in OO?

>> No.19429009

Is there no astral light pen-like item?

>> No.19429220

Yeah the limited blacksmithing selection is kinda disappointing to me

>> No.19429263

I wouldn't mind if I just found a hammer earlier on to see this. Or it was mentioned in the changelog. I'm too invested in this character to start over to switch those feats but the entire point of the character and the primary reason I'm playing OO is to make my own gear and hit shit with it. Now if I use the wep I'm good at, its strong, but I didn't make it which is lame. And if I use what I make its weak. Probably gonna try and make a fairy ranch or something and hope they drop secrets.
Its such a weird thing to do, too. Make this new system for making your own gear and a ton of specializitation feats then just arbitarily not let you make a few classes.

>> No.19429374

You're not likely to get meaningful quantities of flying scrolls for another 20 hours or so. Probably a lot more since you aren't familiar with the game. If you really want to make something heavy work for dual wielding at this early stage, your best bet is to convert their material into something light. Griffin scale is probably your best bet. Ether is both lightweight and the strongest material in the game, but it will give you fantasy cancer so it's out. All other light materials besides that and griffin scale are unsuitable for weapons. For now just use your favorite scythe with a shield, or two hand it if you have the skill.

What you really want to do is get a living weapon and use it no matter what type of weapon it is. E+ living weapons are ridiculously overpowered and nothing except an act 3 artifact fusion weapon will even begin to compete.

Inari's special area didn't work for me either, though I haven't applied the latest update yet. I was still able to join her by finding an altar inside a zealot's dungeon. There are so many altars in those that it's a near guarantee you'll find the god you want. Protip: don't try to convert any of them.

Ha! I was wondering if the imouto rape squad could still get you even with the chaste feat.

>> No.19430001
File: 851 KB, 1446x905, fruit_developed_speed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm... it's a shame I'm poor scum, unable to ID stuff. I'm godless, I cooked this fruit that I took from a tree. This is the result.

>> No.19430037
File: 47 KB, 618x113, Lemon aid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had this happen earlier from a random fruit from a tree I bashed in a hunting map. I assume its OO's super blessed food.

>> No.19432072

The awful taste is because of your low cooking skill. The grape wasn't cursed. It raised your stats by less than an uncooked or well-cooked grape would, but it didn't hurt you. If you don't know the b/u/c status food you want to eat, drop it on the ground and let our pet try to eat it. They'll ignore cursed food.

That lemon was blessed by Kumiromi. Certain foods are generated that way, but the main way to generate them is to drop food on your god's altar and pray. You can do more than one stack at a time, so bless all the food in your inventory at once.

Most god-blessed food raises your potentials, and different gods do different things. Kumi gives moderate learning and a tiny bit of every other stat. If you bless the special steamed buns you get from innocent catsisters, they train your stats instead.

>> No.19432125

It could also have been blessed by Inari. Her food boosts all stats too.

>> No.19432433

>Camoflauged imp has a prostitute sprite
>Gets enemies to remove their clothes through brainwashing and gets them impregnated with aliens
What did they mean by this?

>> No.19432736
File: 48 KB, 654x39, owch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gl ever maxing any potential for any skill in OO. 2 PP skill, 98 PP invested, nowhere near. Once you get to 210-20 you start to gain like 2-4% per investment.

>> No.19433207

What I wanna know is, If you go from 255% -> 50%, how many LVs did you gain?

>> No.19433323

200%+ you lose about 20% for a level, below about 10%. Which seems good. But the cost of skills goes up by 1 PP per 5 levels. So it quickly becomes insanely expensive to even get things to 100%. The claim that they're ''harder to raise but stay high for longer'' does seem to be true... if your goal was to only level a single skill, maybe two. Any more and you gonna be pretty much always below E+ in potentials because you simply do not get enough PP to raise everything to even mediocre levels consistently. The little cat girl who pops up in town and gives PP helps a little but she's not reliable as a source of PP and my tactics skill at level 25 already costs more than what she gives to increase potential by 10%.
Also for some reason my pet refuses to pick up money off the ground in OO. Dunno why. Performing isn't high enough to get many gems for it to trade for cash so its potentials are just dead.

>> No.19433572

Do blessed potions of potential exist in that mod?

>> No.19433666

yea, they always did. if you mean +'s 2 uses from 0 stat potential to max ones, no. they're very underwhelming in vanilla/oo. closest thing oo has is kumiromi/the new fox god/custom gods if set the same way being able to super bless food to give all stat ups. which with kumiromi's super ability is pretty comparable in effect. but means spending prayer level god points blessing the food then waiting then spending even more than that to use the ability, on top of being locked into one of those gods and specifically kumiromi if you want the super effect
i think blessed pots in + are far too good and trivialize potential way too easily but oo's options feel far too bad instead. a happy medium would be nice

>> No.19433850

I love my golden knight wife!

>> No.19433866

If kumi is the best god who is the WORST one? i say lulwy because who the fuck plays an archer in RPG? and her speed fervor requires too much investment to see a noticeable increase at all

>> No.19433941

Lulwy's Trick makes her pretty decent in my book.
I'm gonna go with Itzpalt as worst. A rod of mana is better than Absorb Magic.

>> No.19433981

Here's the objective tierlist:

>Sexy fox god: Sexy. Good personality. Her weapon makes you immune to fucking everything. Strongest god power in the clone thing. Neat pet. Strongest god food, being Kumiromi's witha more powerful primary stat given how OO is domiated by cash.

>Yacatect: Money is the most powerful resource. She's the god of money. She also gives you free PP. She is a cute. Kind, loving personality.

>Opatos: The only god who gives a weapon relevant to people who want something with a bit more finesse than shoving ponty things into things. THE BEST personality. THE BEST design. THE BEST pet.

>Kumiromi: Probably the best first god for any given character given how easy farming quests are and how he sets you up to simply buy gifts for almost all the others. Little bland. Okay design. Boring pet with a tedious gimmick. For some reason always gets given really stupid bs upsides no other god can compare to for staying with him; recyling food into seeds in vanilla, being one of the only ways to boost stamina regen in E+ and super AND super SUPER food in OO

>Lulwy: Speed is the strongest stat in the game. Outside of E+, its very hard to raise. She helps you do stuff fast despite that, making you better at literally everything. Fun personality. Bland design. Lame pet. Wep is pretty underwhelming as a result of how underpowered ranged is compared to every other playstyle. The hardest god to raise faith in as there is no dedicated vendor for bows.

>Jure: Take her via noyel, dump your stockpile of rocks in her altar, dump her. Good personility, design and pet. Bad wep. Just learn healing magic.

>Ekhatl: Pet has a neat gimmick that barely works. Fishing is boring. Meh wep in E+ because of the changes to flying scrolls, decent otherwise. Annoying personality. Take her for the trait item, dump her.

>Itzpal: Worst personality. Talks like a retard for no apparent reason. Neat pet. Special ability is worse than magic rods which you can mass produce. Worse than ''it absorbs mana'' ether mutation in OO too. Best part of him is the resists on his weapon.
Dannylin: Neat idea for a gimmick but infecting myself with a more annoying status effect for immunity to things I'm already immune to by the time I find the altar is pretty bad. Dim aside, offers nothing of real note.

>Mani: The blandest god in the game. Ranged sucks, so his wep sucks. Gem stone of mani is a 24hr cooldown common rod. Satelite does no damage. God pet doesn't even have any traits. Feels like they didn't care when adding him or he's not finished.

>> No.19434017

>fun personality
Excuse you

>> No.19434028

>yacatect second tier
>opatos above kumi

>> No.19434034

Yacatect would be top tier if it was an E+ list. But sexy fox god is just plain best.

>> No.19434060

Yacatect isn't in OO, and half your complaints are based on +.

>> No.19434067

No shit she ain't. Never said she was. Never said I was making a ''just OO'' or ''Just +'' list either. Its an objective overall best god list. And fox god is best. And sexy

>> No.19434092

Opatos and Jure fourth tier rewards are the only good ones,prove me wrong

maybe mani if you are a tank?

>> No.19434110

Why would mani help with tanking? His reward is a rod of alchemy or a weak screen wide nuke

>> No.19434115

the fourth tier reward you silly,the restricting armor

>> No.19434117

Mechanical Binder

>> No.19434121

oh didnt notice that had pv

>> No.19434159
File: 1.55 MB, 800x744, face1 (7) - .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a portrait pack that actually modify all the portraits? I fucking hate inconsistent art style.

>> No.19434237

oh man, that word. let's go over this tier list real quick.
>Inari - T1
I agree with the artifact being good, along with the ability. But charisma is hardly the most potent stat unless you're playing a performer or pet mancer.
>Yacatect - T2
Terrible past early. Gives less money than running a shop, her per month plat can be gained from doing a handful of town board quests, and her pet's only upside is platinum song evolution. The coin is a nice sage's helm alternative though.
>Opatos - T3
Golden knight is an okay early tank, but not much more than that. E+ has better tanks, OO doesnt support pets much to begin with so she might remain relevant longer. The hammer is a forgettable weapon without anything special, though the hero+abs pierce can make it a good early blunt weapon
>Kumi - T4
Literally top tier in both games. Stamina regen too good, OO food broken. Fairy is meh, but good for min/max autists that want to ranch it.
>Lulwy - T5
Idk which game you focused on here, but you got both wrong. Pet is great mount in E+ due to lulwy's trick + speed on evolve making her easily the fastest thing for a long time. In OO ranged is absolutely powerful, with weapon feats, a tohit feat and a ranged attack boost feat. Perfectly viable in OO, pump and dump for pet/weapon in E+.
>Jure - T6
Agree mostly but no reason for her to be above the others aside from Ehekatl. Spact is good for nil magics, and if you have emission in E+. Has one of the best 4th gift's in e+ next to fetters
>Ehekatl - T7
Agreed pretty much. Lackluster stat, mediocre weapon (but serves as a good sage's helm replacement again), lackluster pet.
>Itzpalt - T8
Absolutely higher. His feat is invaluable for casters. Pet is a great mage in early E+, and can be grown to fit in other acts. Weapon is great, with early resists, and can be thrown on a melee pet for free elemental scar casts. Not as good in OO due to taking staves, but remains a strong mage pick.
>Danalin - T9
Not much to say since I haven't used her, but the point of the status immunities is that you dont need the immune gear. She makes the choice between immunities and other enchantments much easier.
>Mani - T10
His weapon is one of the best early game ranged weapons. Reusable rod of alchemy is good in OO for rerolling suff. God pet has a good bitflag in E+. Understandable in OO, less so in E+

>> No.19434245

Objective tier lists are the best ones. Objectively.

>> No.19434263

>Reusable rod of alchemy is good in OO for rerolling suff.
What changed in OO to make rerolling items worth bothering with? Feels even less worth it than in E+ because of how good even moderately invested vendors are in OO.

>> No.19434304

The fact that it's reusable. So instead of getting rods and sitting there rerolling stuff, you can just offhandedly do it every 24hr, especially if the equipemtn is bad enough that selling wouldnt get anything. Simply doing it on a piece of equip you find every 24hr can help in getting better gear.

>> No.19434318

Never thought to use rod of alchemy on equips. Good idea. Its reroll them or eat them I guess.

>> No.19434549

Blunt weapons are so under-represented,at least not as bad as guns or claws/tonfas i guess

>> No.19434581

Tbf, outside of E+, martial arts is mostly underrepresented as a whole, explaining the lack of unique claws. E+ has a much higher focus on MA so they got the tonfas.

Blunt got a nice feat in OO with the chance to dim but I agree that in general they get ignored alot.

>> No.19434585

Yea I was gonna do blacksmithing to simply make my own awesome wep but that system just misses tons of options including blunt weps as a whole which is really weird.

>> No.19434653
File: 462 KB, 666x406, Hmmmst.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any idea how to fix this? It seems Inari uses a different type of japanese or something. And my PC doesn't like that.

>> No.19434718

Elona+ 1.77 Google drive is dead link and the Bloodyshade backup has bad certificates and won't connect. Is there no Mega for E+ 1.77? Why use google drive in the first place when Mega exists

>> No.19434884

You can connect with bad certs, you just have to navigate those scary warnings and advanced options.

>> No.19434890

reddits link works.

>> No.19435541
File: 402 KB, 1421x877, inarichan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unpacked vanilla1.22. Unpacked OO untop of 1.22. Unpacked 20180712_Patch next. Finally, I deleted god, item, and npc folders then unpacked user.zip from https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/410208644379049994/465543698193580044/user.zip.. The following error occurred when I entered the show room (and closed game/crashed).

Line -1 HspError 12 WinError 2 Ver 1220eoo215 Mode 0
efId 0 efP 0 Area 4/1
ci 0#19 ti 0#19 cc 0#0 tc 0#0 rc 0#0
3. ctrlFile:game0:evs ct:0
2. ctrlFile:game0:end ct:0
1. ctrlFileospelldatan/end ct:0
0. showRoom_update:2 ct:0 dir:C:\Games\Elona\elonaOO\user\god\omake_overhaul\ file:üyìaé¦âCâiâè ɦÆnüz.eum
* error in function:screen_draw:5

OK, I see a garbage file name meaning jp file not using jp characters. Navigate to C:\Games\Elona\elonaOO\user\god\omake_overhaul\. Delete the files with bad names. What's in the pic happened next.

>> No.19435636

It's probably just an encoding difference, or when you grabbed the file there was a screw up somewhere. Generally if you're going to use any of the custom gods, especially the ones in repository, you should go through the process in Japanese.

Ideally, you get a fixed version of the eum file, but even right now you should be fine playing in English still.

>> No.19435684 [DELETED] 

I don't get it. You say delete god, item, NPC. Then you say go into god (which we deleted) to delete some other stuff.

>> No.19435724

Doing this let me in store house but kept the fucked up text, but patching it again after doing this fixed it. Seems either they released another patch after crash fix I never noticed or the patch just didn't stick right the first time. Thanks.

>> No.19435811

Redpill me on OO. First glance and it seems like shit

>> No.19435858
File: 26 KB, 750x474, 55158b087cef5b6b59041ff97225b4e5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>give my pet loli a lightning scythe
>now and again hear things being electrocuted in the distance while I loot shit
Children are scary

>> No.19435925

I been playing it a lot so sure. You get rewarded more for dungeoneering because its before + nerfed that and its easier to do so earlier because of the ridiculous +100% damage on X feats. I feel very strong for my level and I only have +30%.
Early game is a bit harder because if you get cursed before finding uncurse scroll it could just make the character so unfun its not even worth continuing with it. Identification is also more expensive.
Farming quests (which rarely if ever give seeds, making kumiromi feel nescessary if you want to run a farm), walking around the place (with 7league) and hunting all feel equally viable early game options for money. It really doesn't take long for identification to become trivial.
A big issue I've found is that I cannot get my pet to pick up gold from a broken kitty bank. At all. And you have to train your shopkeeper this way; the medal method is a + thing. So until I get performer high for easy gems my shop is essentially dead. My pet isn't good enough and I can't make it better.
The blacksmithing system essentially means equipment going below 0 is meaingless; at 0 skill you can fix them for free consistently. Not sure why he didn't just remove enchant levels below 0. Making weps and armor is pretty fun but also annoyingly limited. If you don't want to stab things with a stick, fuck you. If you want to pick armor type, fuck you.
Its overall very easy, relaxing, and not that much slower paced than E+... At first.

The biggest problems with it are both in potential; if you place food on am altar and pray, it super blesses it. This gives potential/trains stats depending on the food. For most gods this works for 2 stats. For Inari and Kumiromi this works on all. Give how much food you can bless at once, the other gods feel like overkill, while Inari/Kumi are just plainly better and it feels like the potential system was designed specifially with them in mind. And this isn't even getting into Kumi's absurd super food buff. You can somewhat bypass this by worshiping one, going to your food vendor, converting him and raising his investment levels. But the Super Buff is Kumiromi exclusive no matter what.
The other, far bigger issue is the rate at which patinum costs scale. It seems to be +1 pp for an investment per 5 skill levels. This is pretty fucking insane. You can end up in situations where you are doing 11 quests to raise a skill 10%... but lost 10% or more doing those quests. And lost potential on other skills, too. Well not you 'can' end up in this situation. You will. That's just how it works. Its supposed to have slower skill decay but it really doesn't feel like it; maybe its true at higher levels, but at 100, its pretty complarable to E+.

Thest best part of it are the custom races/classes/gods and blacksmithing. You can just tweak things to be closer to how you want things to be and make your own ideal equipment... provided you like pointy sticks.

I've been having a lot of fun with it and will keep doing so probably until platinum costs simply become unmanagable. I absolutely wouldn't rec it over E+ though. For all the hate E+ gets, its QoL additions made Elona a better game

You can also make pets work in towns which is kind of neat since usually I just dump one in a shop, maybe ranch a few and never touch them. Notw I can do that without buying the ranches.

>> No.19435953

Speaking of custom races and classes, aren't there only like 2 new races and 4 new classes? Seems pretty lacking if you ask me.

Potential fuckery seems like such a drag too and a complete buzzkill.

>> No.19435961

1 new race. Although I'm not sure if it has anything tha makes it more noteworth than the optional races like god or whatever. It has a feat ''you are cute''. But no one seems to know if that feat actually does anything
19 new classes.
And some changes to existing ones like claymore getting boost.

>> No.19435988

Oh jeez, there's a second page. How has the claymore been boosted? I always liked trying fairy claymore.

>> No.19435995

I mean it has the boost special art. Enemy claymores also have it and can transform apparently. Supposedly a reference to something they did in the manga or anime or whatever

>> No.19436052

>ywn scream daddy while opatos chokes you

>> No.19436114

You can make whatever race/class you want, so it doesn't really matter how many "base" additions there are. It's very easy to reformat a race, or start a race with maxed stats across the board. Custom races can make OO even "easier" than E+, to the point where potential is pointless because your stats are already maxed to start with.

>> No.19436117


Good rundown. Not the one who asked for this, but thanks.

>> No.19436220

thanks for the info anon! much appreciated

>> No.19436307

Reposting from an earlier thread:

Omake Overhaul feels much more like vanilla Elona than Plus, but the changes are fairly unambiguous improvements compared with the two steps forward, one step back changes you see in Plus. Plus mostly emphasizes combat and fast character growth, while OO emphasizes sandbox elements and NPC interactions.

Your character's growth is much slower in Vanilla/OO, it's much harder to keep your potentials up (though potential also drops by less as well). There's no AP either, so your speed won't see the explosive growth you get in Plus. It's also much harder to equip your character with quality equipment since there are much fewer precious items and it doesn't have Plus's increased rare drop rates. Skills take much longer to learn, with your first skill costing 15 platinum and the cost increases by 3 each time. The cost of training potential is higher as well. Lastly, gold is much harder to come by in Vanilla/OO than in Plus.

You don't need to be as powerful in the first place, since there's only one act and enemies go up to around level 50 instead of 200, but the slower pace can feel a bit tedous, especially in the beginning. I like that Vanilla/OO encourage you to specialize your character rather than becoming good at everything, though I don't think the huge platinum costs are a good way to go about it.

Omake Overhaul makes big improvements to NPC adventurers and random nefia dungeons. Adventurers can now be encountered inside of dungeons, which can be fun and helpful and enables all kinds of shenanigans where you try to get high level adventurers killed for their loot. NPCs tend to carry much higher quality equipment, but because you don't become stronger than every guard and adventurer in the game after 10 hours, you can't always just take it from them. They form parties and travel together and are overall a much bigger part of the game. There's also a rival adventurer character who will eventually show up, and every time you defeat her, her opinion of you improves and she levels up.

The random nefia dungeons are much better too. Most of them have fun gimmicks now. There are thief dungeons full of traps and treasure chests, where all hostile NPCs are some sort of thief. There are "lonely" dungeons where pets can't enter, no-magic or magic-only dungeons, dark dungeons, and all kinds of stuff. NPCs are now all divided into different factions and will fight against each other. There are also more special encounters on the world map, and existing encounters like the rogue bandits tend to be more dangerous and rewarding.

Towns don't see as many improvements as dungeons, but there are still some new events like the three different guilds will sometimes invade each other, or you'll run into a friendly catsister in town who wants to play tag or hide and seek. Supposedly you can build your own town and recruit NPCs to live there, but I have not tried that yet.

Personally I think OO is overall better than plus. Your growth is slower, but I think it feels more meaningful and rewarding when becoming super powerful isn't a foregone conclusion. You need to actually respect guards and other adventurers, which is for the best. Gold is much more meaningful. I have more fun with the dungeons because of their various gimmicks and the presence of adventurers. Plus might be better if all you care about is the combat, but Elona's combat has never been any good.

My favorite encounter so far was when I entered a nefia dungeon called a zealot's dungeon. All of the NPCs were town NPCs, and they were all named (god) fanatic. Fanatics of opposing gods would kill each other, so like Jure fanatics would fight Lulwy fanatics to the death. My pets worshiped different gods than I did, but they didn't turn on me, though they would kill NPCs who worshiped different gods. The whole dungeon was a giant bloodbath of shopkeepers and arena masters slaughtering each other. I came across a younger sister NPC who was friendly but my little girl pet ran up and oneshotted her, and it turns out she was a "Nee fanatic." RIP imouto-chan. Anyway, the boss was a defender and I finished him off with the devour special action and when I did I got some red text saying "It's... eating the angel?!" and my little girl pet (who worshiped Jure) vomited at the sight of it.

You do lose some good things switching from Plus to OO. You don't get Plus's nice improvements to the game's visuals, you lose out on some quality of life features (if there's a way to set items as no-drop in OO, I haven't found it), and there is only one act. But I don't think any of that is as important as OO's improvements to Elona's NPCs, dungeons, and sandbox elements.

>> No.19436340

To add to this, the towns in OO (and vanilla) are more lively and unpredictable than they are in E+. NPCs break fight each other, the player, and your pets for much smaller reasons than they do in E+. Any enemies that wind up in a town never get cleared up over time either, so if a spiral king somehow gets summoned into town while you're low level, you might be stuck with him for a while. This can all potentially lead to very unfair situations - towns can get Ragnarok'd through no fault your own, for example - but I think it's worth it in exchange for making towns feel more alive.

One thing that sucks is that NPCs suffer more consequences from cursed equipment than they do in E+. Be ready to give out scrolls of uncurse to give to NPCs, or else have fun tracking down that blacksmith with curse-induced teleportitis.

>> No.19436360

Just play both E+ and OO at once

>> No.19436377

>Added an option in the settings to turn off waste matter generation.
NB: "Block dust generation".
When off, it stops the generation of vomit when vomiting, ranch animals no longer produce shit, and urine is no longer produced when Marking is used or a character wets himself.
This is for people who found it too gross even as a game.
It does not turn off their random generation, so guards will still want other people's shit by fair means or foul sometimes.

Did people ever complain about vomit and shit?

>> No.19436394

So the final boss is just zeome himself? it is hard to make a custom class or god? might try OO once i got time

>> No.19436410

No, people are only pissed about the piss, and shit is actually useful to fertilize your farm

>> No.19436491

I haven't kept up with these threads for a while, why do people hate the piss mechanic?

>> No.19436530

Apart from the fact that it was obviously added because of fetishes, it is a mechanic that is inevitable and as far I know it don't add any benefit

>> No.19436540

Gods are more complex since they generally require multiple files to be filled out, but there's a template and it's fairly easy to follow.

>> No.19436635

I am retarded,i did found the god template but not the class one,how is the file called?

>> No.19436647

Yes, but the removal of piss also removes vomit and shit that people never complained about

>> No.19436677
File: 322 KB, 630x235, Balanced stats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Custom classes are easy, races near identical, gods easy until you get to miracles which tbqh I couldn't be assed trying to understand at the time.

Because peeing when you get hit is super fetishy and creepy from what I understand. If you were to poo on hit it'll prolly be complained about too.

I'm enjoying the ability in OO to have a concept for a character and buff or nerf parts of them in respect to that. Pic related is my most recent attempt (after fucking up others either on char gen or via cursing). I wanted a simplistic dead chick too fucking dull and stupid to understand people or magic. And through - feats and custom race, I could have exactly that.
Probably wasn't the best idea to do something like this as one of my first OO chars since I usually rely heavily on healing magic, Hero and party time in +. But I got OP levels of HP so its prolly fine.
Its just a shame I can't combine this with E+'s undead.


>> No.19436783

Thanks anon,i will try figuring out how to make one myself for now and see what happens

>> No.19436853

>tfw you can praise eyth
>jew big sister wasnt implemented yet


>> No.19436880

>>tfw you can praise eyth
? someone made an eyth/?

>> No.19436898

in OO i mean

>> No.19436915

Yea so do I. Someone made an Eyth? He's not in the default OO list.

>> No.19436923

Oh I get it, you mean it displaying Eyth? That's actually weird... I'm under Inari to try and fix my charisma.

>> No.19436939

instead of yacatect its eyth on the holy grounds

>> No.19437084
File: 606 KB, 1030x793, 520145284185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this very funny

>> No.19437140

Good read, couple things.
>Not sure why he didn't just remove enchant levels below 0.
To catch people who refuse to pick up smithing. Dunno how to smith or refuse to learn it for whatever reason? Suffer the consequences. This is sorta like the plat system. Retard hard to "learn" new things due to cost scaling. I am convinced this is why the plat system is what it is. Think of this as forced roleplaying.

>Making weps and armor is pretty fun but also annoyingly limited. If you don't want to stab things with a stick, fuck you. If you want to pick armor type, fuck you.
This hurts! I decided my gobbie was going to DW clubs ... then that anon earlier found the terrible truth.

>The other, far bigger issue is the rate at which patinum costs scale.
Yeah. I am going to try figuring out cheat engine to give myself plat then distribute it fairly. Something like earn 100 plat legit, cheat it up to 500 then raise skills I want developing. Haven't thought too much on it yet. I'll scale this as I progress. Still going to earn the plat to buy new skills legit. The potential raising is a different story. Elona Foobar when so I can mod this myself.

On another note, some anon said they feel spact like sleep touch is cheap and avoids them. I really can't agree. My gob would sleep then club enemies. I barely came out alive. ONE crit could end me eventhough I started with 120 Life / 90 mana. That's like 33HP LV1 or something. I think a CC pet would really let me have fun. Missing E+C custom AI.

>> No.19437255

>Early game is a bit harder because if you get cursed before finding uncurse scroll it could just make the character so unfun its not even worth continuing with it.
Forgot this, I strip then sleep to avoid this. Tedious but better than new character. Shit gotta try Elona Extender with OO. Must see if gear swap works ...

>> No.19437308

I just stripped when random ID'ing scrolls early on, until I found uncurse in a shop. Now its like fuck it. Just keep a few curse scrolls and you fine... mostly. I tried to do the pyramid quest at a bit of a low level. And that was fine, I kick ass. But I left the place to buy food. And like half my gear had been cursed without me noticing, some doomed. Doomed is fucking annoying to fix in OO.

>> No.19437400

Thanks for the heads-up. Hey anyone know if bartenders stock water if you invest or is that only magic and goods vendors?

>> No.19437432

Just take the exorcist feat

>> No.19437606

>Give my little girl an axe
>see her rush into a door I just opened full of monsters
>see her murder the crap out of everything and decapitate everything as she smiles at me

I agree with your statement

>> No.19437674
File: 1.10 MB, 1595x991, OverpoweredPersonalClass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What triggered ragnarok? he was already in my stomach

>> No.19437714

fucking vore fags

>> No.19437730

hey i dont know how i got that ability,maybe from the claymore class? thats what i copy pasted to make mine

whats the srpt status effect anyways?

>> No.19437736

spry status effect*

>> No.19437739

Devour is an OO feature. The creator must have been a fucking vorefag. There's a mutation that lets you eat furniture and weapons
Spry means you have stamina above some threshold. Presumably 50, since 50 is when stamina gets fucky

>> No.19437749

wait,EVERY character will have devour?

so spry is a good thing? alright then

>> No.19437771

Tempting, but then how do I use curse scrolls if I need them? Cursed descent, flying, milk (roleplaying, reduces height I believe) etc. If thrower, cursed potions to debuff/damage enemies when thrown more effectively. You can't take a 1-size fits all approach to a RPG.

>> No.19437780

Can't you mix them with cursed water bottles?

>> No.19437862

Put it on

>> No.19437877

so itzpalt v denalin, which is the stronger mage god?

>> No.19437887

where is denalin? i only know the fox woman is at the show house as said here,also gods dont have descriptions when you are gonna convert to them,its just my game? (cant see their bonuses or what they accept as offerings)

>> No.19437897

denalin just appears in nefia sometimes. the god focussed are your best bet

see this convo on new god issues.

>> No.19437909

many thanks!

>> No.19437966

Assuming that item cursing works the same as it does in E+, Exorcist only adds a 2/3 chance to not be cursed on top of the normal Luck-based chance.

>> No.19438018

Is that discord user file need to fix the bug? i deleted all those files from my user folder and the japanese one from the god/omake_overhaul that was between brackets and it still goes wrong

>> No.19438076

>can get like 15 feat point start if you pick petless,godless,animals hate you,-impress,cant sex,cant marry,drink alot,eat alot,cant cast spells


>> No.19438229

Pretty sure it's needed since that's the custom stuff, made for EN users.

>> No.19438282
File: 810 KB, 806x629, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which version should I play? I last played in ElonaPlus 1.59. My strongest pets are a Defender and a Valkyrie.

>> No.19438333

A guy got drunk in a bar, accidentally drank a bottle of sulfuric acid and melted.

>> No.19438350

I'd suggest reading through the changelog on the wiki. Best not to be caught off-guard by stuff like equipment crafting being replaced with the Equip Making system.
Although, if you just want a recommendation, I'd say Elona Custom 1.75. The changes after that version have been largely unpleasant.
(If you play 1.73 or newer, be sure to get Itzpalt's Sculpture; it makes anything you cook uncursed.)

>> No.19438562

wait,what happened on 1.77?

>> No.19438586

The gravity special actions got nerfed.

>> No.19439123

Has the elona guy released his new RPG yet?

>> No.19439140

Elin? it's on hiatus since his artist friend died.
He released a demo though that's different from the final game

>> No.19439164

ah, darn

>> No.19439344

So, been away from Elona for probably a few years. Any Elona+Custom players able to tell me if melee is still the dominant meta build, or have archers and mages are competitive?

>> No.19439365

Martial arts is OP if you can get into it

>> No.19439432

What attributes/race should one focus on for a monk build at char creation?

>> No.19439442

I don't personally play a monk bulid so I would suggest looking at the guide at the pastebin (assuming it's not outdated)

>> No.19439557

Most of that stuff is uncommon enough that you can get by with using cursed bottles of water. If you have a ranch then you'll get cursed milk naturally. And exorcist shouldn't stop scrolls of curse 100% of the time anyway, you just need to retry a few times. The tiny conveniences of not taking exorcist are in no way a match for the ridiculous inconvenience of unequipping everything every time you sleep.

Yeah. Worth noting, though, is that it completely stops curses from dreams.

>> No.19440075
File: 635 KB, 1439x895, fuck_yea_elona_extender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elona Extender works! Weight displays over 50%. Bottom right shows active/completed quests. Gear swap, lewd sleep was never so easy! Stamina display. Seems Etherwind reminder doesn't work. Can change txt color of ID'd items. Spell stock/success rate too I think.

>> No.19440145

The only thing that ''really'' matters long-term from character creation are your racial feats and initial life, mana, and speed.

Yerles is always good for 110 life and extra skill points. Golem has a great life rating, a useful passive, and good starting stats for a fighter, just make sure to take riding to make up for their abysmal speed. Juere is nice for quality of life purposes, needing less food and gathering more materials, though food is a huge source of stat growth, so it comes at a cost. Dwarf has good stats for a fighter and their natural resistances are nice if not life-changing.

Fairies are arguably good in vanilla and OO but are snail tier in E+ since their biggest advantage, their speed, turns into a liability once you hit act 2.

In vanilla you should just pick the class that has the most skills you want. In OO you should pick the class that has the most feats you want. Ninja is also very good for its +10 to starting speed. In E+ you can change classes and skills are easy to learn so it really doesn't matter long-term. I'd recommend going for a class that has a class feat you like. Warmage is popular for its +5% to casting chance if you want to be a hybrid fighter/magic user. Predator is worth noting because it gives you +10 to your initial speed. This will be a big help in act 1 but will a small disadvantage from act 2 onward.

>> No.19440206
File: 486 KB, 803x626, Wut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the 2. time I saw this. Happens kinda rare. But I can continue just fine. What even is this?

>> No.19440221

Turn off "Network" on Options menu.

>> No.19440408

Jure is high tier in E+ just because defenders and their unique lay hand ability are so good. In vanilla and OO they don't scale up as well and most of the time your defender will die before you do.

>> No.19440562
File: 30 KB, 709x66, gold_eater_pet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A big issue I've found is that I cannot get my pet to pick up gold from a broken kitty bank.
Did you set don't pick up ores in Decide Strategy? I reversed that setting and got my pet to loot gold. It's gold/ores apparently.

>> No.19440796
File: 267 KB, 597x1014, ItsNotRapeIfYouEnjoyIt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why i should get elona plus custom 1.75 over 1.76 and 1.77? were the changes that bad?

>> No.19440892

Is the Arbalest worthy for a gunner or there's something better?

>> No.19440954

I use 1.77 modded to remove the Mutant nerf (along with a bunch of ported OO traits).

If you can remove the mutant nerf, Id say 1.77 is fine. Otherwise, 1.75 was the last vers i played before that

>> No.19440962

What about 1.76? thats where they added the three extra south tyris dungeons right? but kept the weird clock message

not sure if smoking bug was fixed in that version

>> No.19440970

No idea, I never played it when it came out. Just go find the changelogs on the forums and figure out which version has a feature/change you cant forgive ano for

>> No.19441016

>Introduced a damage-reducing combo system
>Corrected the danger level displayed for Fort of Chaos

>> No.19441032

So 1.76 it is,gotcha

Whats so bad about correcting the spooky forts levels

>> No.19441064

>Whats so bad about correcting the spooky forts levels
Nothing. Have fun with your Mutant.

>> No.19441086
File: 173 KB, 675x461, hahah oh wow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.75 is the version before this. Its only relevant if A: you are a mutant with a good few hands or B: You stack + hit items and use timestop.
Personally if I was smart enough to have actually read every changelog from when I stopped playing to when I came back (so about 10 of them), I'd have never moved past 1.65. 66 is when Nefia gold was reduced. I don't care about a single addition more than I do about that.

>> No.19441124

W-whos that sprite on the right?

>> No.19441128

<Metal Vesda> the fire machine. Beutify pack I think.

>> No.19441144

Many thanks!

>> No.19441422

Whenever I tab out of Elona+ Custom for a minute or so it freezes and stops responding for up to a minute. Anyone have the same issue?

>> No.19441473

So have we found a way to port Inari to + yet?

>> No.19441478

No. OO was the one made for gods to be added, not +.

>> No.19441494

What about Yacatect then?

>> No.19441505

No 1 likes her enough to port her jew-ass over. Unless her miracles were super cool she wouldn't really do much in OO; she's a good first/second god in + because for a long time 10 plat is 5 x + 50%. A few hours into OO and 10 plat is probably 30% on one skill, if even that. That item was really the most noteworthy aspect of her.

>> No.19441551

Dont talk about my big sister in such a ill manner! she gave me a old rusty coin as a birthday present!

>> No.19441638

How vanish work with a pet? I lose it if he use it?

>> No.19441773
File: 99 KB, 707x1000, sample-056ff246d302ca0dd7c4133260c546d9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>goddess of wealth
>never gives you a single gold coin ot any kind of "wealth"
>instead she gives you a trash collecting passive effect, a stupid pet that demands gold just to buff you, some old rusty coin, and some dumb worthless coins that are part of a massive scheme to manipulate and enslave innocent adventurers (meanwhile little girls have access to skill training with a ridiculously small gold cost and can sell ores/flowers at full price)
More like stingy goddess of cheapskates. At least Inari turns you into a traveling ninja merchant and have massive breasts as a bonus.

>> No.19441787

Anon, that's a wolf not a fox

>> No.19441838

The issue here is once again Kumiromi outclassing other gods. Farming is broken for making money, so he's the god of wealth thanks to being the god of farming.
Doesn't help that the same version which nerfed Nefia gain buffed crops growing rates even though they were broken before that.
If there was a way to make Yacatect have a miracle that increased PP gain for a while it'd be neat but then she'd instantly be the de facto best god because you can Kumiromi/Inari food via converting a shop keep and dumping cash into them until they sell it. Can't simply buy PP.

>> No.19441841
File: 625 KB, 578x818, b94b8349cd05c48c3538f7e50e9fe535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silly me, let's fix this mistake.

>> No.19441886

It was set to off for some reason. That fixed it thanks. Now I just need a reliable source of kitty banks. I can steal 1 in noyel but towns don't reset in OO so I don't think it'll ever come back. Vendors very rarely stock them

>> No.19441931

Does anyone know if E+ artifact fusion lets you fuse a jewel of tear of god into a non-weapon, and if that works? Like, could a martial artist put a Gravity Sphere invoke or the remote blow effect into a hat and have it work with martial arts?

>> No.19441939

dunno but cant you just sue continuous attacks if you want to punch people at range. its like 6-7 tiles in range

>> No.19441986

You can fuse them to not weapons. It works for absolute pierce. Never tried the other abilities.

>> No.19441996

Invokes only works when the equipment with said effect hits the enemy. Unless you somehow find a way to hit enemies with your hat, you can't use invokes as a martial artist.

>> No.19442047
File: 312 KB, 637x426, girdle (Range).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19442085

Anon wants invokes to proc on punching, not on throwing shit.

>> No.19442140

What I had in mind was something like "using hats as gloves to punch people", girdle throwing isn't really a martial art.
Then again, apparently OO considers two-handing claymores made out of paper a valid form of martial art (with the correct feats), so I guess even in combat anything can be considered art.

>> No.19442438

>Get cursed via sleep in OO
>Go into inventory
>Unmark item as undroppable
>Eat it

>> No.19442598

I decided to look up how Eye of Brainwashing works. When used on the player it's basically opposed dice rolls; 1dCHA for the enemy vs 1dWIL for the player. It's similar for pets, but instead of WIL it adds the pet's CHA and your CHA together while the enemy gets an effective bonus of 50 CHA for the roll. Also, any pet with the Tag Force buff is completely immune to brainwashing. (But only pets, sadly.)

>> No.19442718
File: 175 KB, 381x271, So many useful landmarks to base my guesses on.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not cool game

>> No.19442773
File: 198 KB, 962x619, northwest of noyel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen a lot of treasure maps over the years, but that one's probably the worst I've ever seen.
Still, I think there's only a couple of snowy areas that are that utterly devoid of landmarks. Good luck, anon...

>> No.19442781

Does anyone have a good ItemList.txt for E+ Custom?

>> No.19442784

I'll try around those areas thanks. Stupid thng is this is a blessed map and I'm on a lucky day and it gives me this shit. I could get an insanely good payoff if I get it in time since the anon who lucked at what luck does said it affects map drops.

>> No.19442895

The more I hear about OO the more I just want some of it's nicer features ported to plus.

The special nefia and town interactions especially would definitely add more flavor to the game.

>> No.19442987

Actually no need. Loaded game, exited map, used it again. Different layout. Exited game and did that again, different again. I guess it doesn't save the layout unless you save after seeing it so you could do this until you get a place you recognize.
Got some really nice shoes I'm just gonna eat probably because 7league too good.

>> No.19443094

What the hell is wrong with Wizard of Elea in OO? My bitch insists on close combat even when set on Defend Me. Also insists on NOT attacking my target but instead run solo to 3x gob shamen, to do 1 range magic casts ...

>> No.19443169

How does integer division work in HSP? I want to be immune to sanity damage, which means that I need mindresist / 50 > 10. Would 501 mind resistance be enough, or do I need at least 550?

>> No.19443229
File: 448 KB, 980x840, WAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where is my custom 1.80! piss, i want piss, pee pee poo poo mechanics in my game, translate it noow i want to pee in my gamee, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.19443249

Based pee pee wee wee fan.

I've noticed the Nurse's in escort quests are also pretty braindead; they just spam healing, no matter what, even on enemies

>> No.19443270
File: 582 KB, 1296x807, Wo4XJIs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Find Luxurious Spellbook
>Read it
>Find out it summons level 15-20 monsters
>Decide to spam read it in a Party Time! quest
>Sudden ring of fire appears and several dragons, giants and ogres appear
>Everyone dies
Jesus christ

>> No.19443289

Welcome to Vanilla Elona AI

>> No.19443296

>and have massive breasts as a bonus

Given how Elona has over time added prostitution, proper pregnancy, and even variable genders (futa/traps), I'm surprised breast size is still not yet a thing in-game.

>> No.19443300

The nurse is an Omake thing. He changed how those work via factions. I've never even used custom AI.

>> No.19443316

It will come with the lactation update.

>> No.19443322

That look more like Ragnarok

>> No.19443331

You know, it's funny. This game comes with a warning of sexual situations, but I can't think of any sexual situations besides sleep sharing and prostitution (Which as far as I can tell is just wasting turns with a heart over your head as I have never engaged in such an act from either side.)

>> No.19443356

Might have been, when I casted that something shouted "Its Ragnarok!"

>> No.19443370

Omake early game quest tierlist:

Ecologist: Gives gems which are the most reliable way to put cash in your pets since towns don't reset so you can't just keep stealing Kitty Banks from Noyel/thieves guild. No escort. Generally very generous times; often possible without 7league, even noyel is easy with. Tends to pay high too.

Book quest/Small Token/A present: Ecologist with worse rewards.

Hunting: Good pay, pretty easy if you take+ damage feats, but the way Omake makes these tends to just fill them 80-100% of one enemy so sometimes you may need to bail because every enemy just status locks you to death.

Escort: More annoying than ecologist and tends to pay worse. Bring teleport. Bandits are super common in OO.

Party time: Go to somewhere like the northeast corner of Thieves guild to grind performer and you'll make plenty of cash just getting ready to do this. Pays very well, fast, no real risk, can get precious items to eat. Would be higher if it wasn't for the fact you need pretty high skill for it to be possible and by that time you may consider yourself out of the early game.

Farming: Shit pay, shit rewards, rarely if ever gives seeds. Not worth doing unless nothing else is available.

Beuty and Beast: No. Too large a chance of fights you simply can't win. Doesn't pay enough to justify itself.

Give me thing missions are seperate to everything else because they're so binary and involve so little of anything. Either you have the thing or you don't.

7leagueboots are absolute first wish material, even more than usual (I don't tend to use them in + because I exit the point where they're relevant so fast).

>> No.19443376

Probably ''Whom Dwells in Vanity'' was in the crowd. He ragnarocks on hit because his sword is retarded.

>> No.19443398

Old vanilla elona had a problem with nurses consistently healing enemies as well, part of the same bug as summoners creating enemies rather than allies. Because OO runs off of a very old elona base, a lot of the AI quirks stayed in.

>> No.19443460


It would be easy enough to pseudo-mod in via feats, I guess. Like a +X% Cha, -X% Dex feat. Making it an actual statistic on the character window might take some work though.

Elona Custom devs, get on this!

>> No.19443469

You could just ask Ano himself since he apparently adding the peeing out of request and seems pretty open to anything that adds to roleplaying and doesn't make the game easier.

>> No.19443525

I see Vanity in there ... so that ends this mystery! Everyone had a hell of a good time!

>> No.19443536

Yea boi, got the Stradi by repeatedly stealing and killing the palmia dude.
Where can I find 'food vendors'? Not bakers. I can only find bakers. I want to pump gold into food vendors because apparently those are the guys who stock BLESSED food

>> No.19443549

>adding the peeing
He did what now?

>> No.19443562
File: 120 KB, 617x178, eewrwrew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Added pee pee wee wee XD mechanics
Also nice got this seconds after Stradi. Never even seen this before.

>> No.19443602

I think there's one in Port Kapul near the black market dude. I can't remember any others off the top of my head.
They stock seeds (including herb seeds I think), and also romias (which count as candy for October house guests).

>> No.19443607

Darn they sound really handy. Maybe I should move my house near Kapul instead of Palmia. Thank

>> No.19443629

So the pastebin says most of the image packs are for 1.76 or before. Did the later versions of the game (1.77-1.80) add any new monster sprites which would cause the sprite packs to break, or do they still work?

>> No.19443638

Should still work. They won't 'break' regardless. Missing things show up as a white square if I remember rigt

>> No.19443640

Does it do anything useful mechanically, or is it a need to be fulfilled like hunger? Or is it purely flavour text?

>> No.19443678

>Farming: Shit pay, shit rewards, rarely if ever gives seeds. Not worth doing unless nothing else is available.
Wrong. Farming is number 1. Easy plat. Near non-existent monster density. Regularly get rods in addition to money. Even for just quota I get rod + 3 items along witth gold/plat. Pretty sure you get even more for tripling quota.

Use the Eat menu to check stones of the fruit. Get your quota then hunt for rabbits/crabs for their rares. Smash pots for gear/money/gems/pots/scrolls. I passed farming quests with ease as LV1 w/14STR & LV1/50% potential Gardening.

>> No.19443704

I passed farming level 1 and I had no farming. I also passed hunting the moment I got a weapon my feats gave bonus damage to and got paid more for it.
Farming pays basically nothing. Gives 1 plat. Other things are as fast or faster, can be done low level (the non-escort 'go here' missions have 0 risk), pay more, give better rewards on top of that.
Farming is only top tier for people who can't adjust from it being top tier in +. Where it gives seeds all the time and seeds are ungodly broken because farming destroys the economy.

>> No.19443709

They also occasionally stock herbs, including uncommon herbs.

North Tyris: Port Kapul
South Tyris: Melkawn, Port Kurualm, Melugas, Valm, Ludus (Rain Festival only)
Lost Irva: Ol-dran, Eulderna blimp (<Aile> the attendant), Rust Plaza, Mirage Tower (second floor), Shrine of Guardian (once unlocked)

>> No.19443723

Guess I'm moving near port kapul then lol. The yowyn>palmia>yowyn farming loop isn't as profitable in this anyways. Only downside seems to be no blacksmithing tools nearby since they're too heavy to steal and will be for ages

>> No.19443758

OK so you wanna pass up easy plat, free rods, possible rabbit tails/Unknown Shell/scrolls/gems/potions/etc with minimal effort required. Yeah that's smart. Do your thing.

>> No.19443766

No, I'm taking easy plat from other quests that are just as easy and fast. And yes I'd rather get gems and spell books and armors and shit that sell for more tha rods than rods. And if I wanted to farm rabbits/crabs, I'd use ranches.

>> No.19443800

>No, I'm taking easy plat from other quests that are just as easy and fast. And yes I'd rather get gems and spell books and armors and shit that sell for more tha rods than rods. And if I wanted to farm rabbits/crabs, I'd use ranches.
You said this is for early game, ranch and balls/dominate staff ain't cheap. How is farming not fast? It's a forced 110 min. Hunting is about the same or faster, luck/enemy type major factors. Game likes to delay spawning foes sometimes too. I've had to circle maps 5~10 times to finish up.

>> No.19443825

I decided to look up what effects elemental resistances have other than reducing elemental damage. Here's what I was able to find:

Fire: Superb is the same as having a fireproof blanket.
Cold: Superb is the same as having a coldproof blanket.
Mind: Reduces or prevents sanity damage. Becoming immune to Eye of Insanity is easy for high-level characters (a couple Mind Discs would probably do it). On a semi-related note, did you know that being drunk slightly reduces sanity damage? (At least I'm pretty sure the thing it's checking for is drunkenness...)
Sound: Increases your chance to resist Death Song. Magic can block hexes, but Death Song has a spellpower of 70 million, so you need Sound resistance (and it's still a diceroll whether you resist it or not).
Magic: Blocks harmful hexes. If you have more than three times the spellpower in magic resistance the block rate is 100%.

I didn't see anything about high Sound resistance granting dim immunity or whatever, but maybe I overlooked it?

>> No.19443841

Its not particularly faster than hunting and is way slower than walking between 2 nearby towns. Often slower than walking between far away towns; world map travel is fucking fast. And walking, say, from Palmia to Yowyn for a ''before its too late!'' quest pays way more than farming. Farming pays the absolute worst of any quest type other than the give me shit ones.
If we talking about luck, farming can get pretty luck based once it goes up to needing 60+ to win and one side of the map has nothing but small shit while the other has big.
The game does not delay spawning foes. That's not even how it works. It instantly spawns all the enemies on creating the area.
Ranch can be bought pretty easily in the early game, if you follow my list. You get rich quick. Ranches are one of the cheaper things to buy. You get the balls literally for free from the strange scientist, same as in +.

>> No.19443856

Neat. Means me mutey is basically immune to everything, even the crap not listed in its 3 page long list of equipment effects. Explains why I've never seen it lose any potions or scrolls.

>> No.19443893
File: 838 KB, 861x981, Feats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am already used to start with 20k gold from overdose mode,this starting gold feels miserable

but hey at least i can roleplay better now!

>> No.19443901

>70 million
This made me laugh more than it should have.

Read this, taken from Elona's wiki comments. Might help?

I felt this should be mentioned somewhere, but I'm not sure where it would best fit, so it's going here.

For status effects that have an attribute attached to them, this process happens to decide if you will resist the effect based on resistance alone:

x = Your resistance value/50, rounded down.

y = a random number between the (strength of the effect)/2 to (strength of the effect)

z = y * 100 / (50 + x * 50)

If z is less than 40, and y is greater than or equal to 3, you will resist the effect. Dim status is based on sound, and theoretically you can gain immunity through it. For most forms of dim, 500 resist is enough. However, to gain complete immunity like the golem, you would need 2500 resist.
September 10, 2015 by AnnaBannana

>> No.19443942
File: 110 KB, 627x281, SerNerd Displaces.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand this guys fucking problem. I walked out of thieves guild, got attacked by some asshole, killed him. Tried to eat his corpse. And every fucking time this dude teleports on me and shoves me away.

>> No.19444015

It doesn't always crap out every monster, I do laps spamming (F)ire and find nothing. Couple laps later it appears. Not always like this but happens from time to time.

>Often slower than walking between far away towns; world map travel is fucking fast. And walking, say, from Palmia to Yowyn for a ''before its too late!'' quest pays way more than farming.
In real-time yeah sure. In-game time needs to pass for more board quests though. That's what hurts Yowyn <-> Palmia. Palmia <-> Yowyn ''before its too late!'' isn't common. You chose the best example. So, why not knock out farming from Yowyn then walk to Palmia for completion? That plat can be put to work sooner in whatever town you hit.

>farming can get pretty luck based once it goes up to needing 60+ to win and one side of the map has nothing but small shit while the other has big.
Teleport rod, I'm LV6 with 1 rod 19, other 17 charges. Also 60+ ain't early game.

>> No.19444030

It does.
And I forgot to mention earlier; you can take multiple escort/postal quests at once. And moving between towns gives chances for the cat sister to spawn. Both of which advantages over farming.

>Teleport rod, I'm LV6 with 1 rod 19, other 17 charges. Also 60+ ain't early game.
My current character is level 13 and has quests that hard to do. Its early game. Maybe I just progressed faster than you, since I was doing good quests, not the second worst in the game? Also bought a house at level 8.

>> No.19444040

>Might help?
Yes it did, thanks. It's the "*conCalc" subroutine that the "dmgcon" routine calls. What threw me off is that it doesn't actually check the sdata of any particular resistance; it checks "res@con", which is set based on the status effect.

Dark Resistance: Blindness
Mind Resistance: Confusion/Fear
Poison Resistance: Poison
Sound Resistance: Dim
Nerve Resistance: Paralysis/Sleep

>> No.19444087

Level has a non linear relationship with the state of the game you're at, since technically you can already finish the game at your level. Progression is generally measured in terms of either resources accumulated, grind cycles, fame (in Omake's case), or story progression (More relevant to E+).

>> No.19444110

Okay? Doesn't change the fact I can take 3 escort quests and 3 delivery quests at once and finish them in less time than it takes to do farming once. Unlikely you get that many, but I almost always take 2 escort quests and a delivery at once. That's 3 PP and usually about 5-7 times as much gold AND better rewards.
And that farming is far easier early than in + and pays more than farming.

>> No.19444121

Eh hunting is easier. Both because of the ridic + damage feats and the way it spawns enemies meaning you can usually just take 1 look at the first enemy and know if you can beat it or not becaus almost every other enemy will be the same one.

>> No.19444138

I have no opinion on the efficiency of quests in OO (or E+ for that matter). In both variants I don't particularly care for quests, and if I really wanted efficiency, I'd turn to reset grinding. My point is that level isn't the primary indication of game progression state.

>> No.19444173

If we started at the same time with the same playing frequency then wow I got butt blasted. Reality is we didn't and we don't. I do other things with my time than Elona.

I take any quest worth doing. Travel or whatever. Well aware you can take multiple escort/postal quests. That's luck based (has to be on board, right?)and CHA locked to max ally limit. Speaking of luck, I've moved between towns plenty and haven't had cat sister spawn. I don't focus on farming alone. That's just the luck of it all. You should know that, so that's a stupid point to make.

I'm aiming for a Cyber house. Having a house doesn't mean much if it's low tier. Saying you bought a house doesn't amount to much. I opted for a storage house by Palmia since it holds a good amount and is cheap. I'll get a house when I feel like it.

>> No.19444177

So can I take it that melee is still the dominant meta, and scaling NPC magic resistance still makes mages comparatively crap in the late game? And are archers still weak compared to melee?

>> No.19444190

All I'm seeing is you losing an argument and making up stuff about me so you can attack me as a person rather than my argument. And then talking about irrelevant crap. I don't care about your personal life, I don't care about your habits. You said ''farming is the best''. Its not. Your habits are entirely, 100% irrelevant, as is your life. And mine. Farming is objectively slower for getting gold than the other quests, slower or of comparable speed in getting platinum and gives no noteworthy rewards.

>> No.19444199

In E+ nothing's changed. Magic falls off sans buffs/meteor, ranged is just timestop/burst gimmicks, martial arts still best late game scaling. Except now dual wield is unviable due to the chain hit nerf

>> No.19444203

In E+ Kai makes it sound like magic is the strongest end game. But only for the player because pet magic is weaker somehow. Then martial arts for single targets. And guns suck.
OO apparently made you able to duel wield guns somehow so its supposed to be better in it.

>> No.19444206

with just TWO hands or 20+ hands?

>> No.19444213

>Except now dual wield is unviable due to the chain hit nerf
Its plenty viable because of continuous attacks. Its just boring because continuous attacks turns off so many effects. I hit nearly 400 times a turn with it but I have 0 fun.

>> No.19444217

>duel wield guns

uh? like,equip one on each hand AND the shooting slot? three gun weapons?

>> No.19444222

''### Now possible to equip variety of ranged weapons in "hand" and "shoot" slots

While a ranged weapon is equipped in the "hand" slot, melee attack with said hand will shoot instead.

When wielding multiple ranged weapons hit chance penalty can be minimized with dual wield skill.

Only one throwing weapon can be equipped at any time in any of the "hand" slots.

Same ammo is used for "hand" and "shot" slots.

However, please note the following ranged weapons below cannot be equipped in "hand" slots.

- Short bow - Long bow - Skull bow

Furthermore, NPCs will have ranged weapons equipped in "hand" slot instead if said ranged weapon (e.g. pistol or shotgun) is more effective at close range. ''

All I know is what the changelog says. I don't use ranged attacks.

>> No.19444229

Most people don't get to the point where the falloff becomes extreme. If your preparations are on point, you'll remain effective up until the God killing point. If you're asking for dominant meta at the Stat Cap level, it's not going to be the same as the dominant meta for OO "endgame" (Zeome) or E+ "endgame" (Act 3).

>> No.19444273

Is that database/gallery dedicated specifically to Elona PCC and character sprites still around?

>> No.19444283

If you mean ElonaUploader yea.

>> No.19444337

yes,its just hard to find things you want without a filter (pcc,item,single tile sprite,double tile sprite,etc)

>> No.19444385

>Maybe I just progressed faster than you, since I was doing good quests, not the second worst in the game?
What's this then? irrelevant crap. I made a point that you cannot measure us.

>You said ''farming is the best''. Its not.
At my fame level, 550~880 for farming plus rods which retail for about 1K or more plus anything else that can come by as mentioned above. Best hunting was 2300. That's not worlds apart when it takes about the same time to complete. I see more farming than delivery/combat when around Palmia/Yowyn. Party Time! just takes up space too. Other towns are a crapshoot because they have delivery but with unrealistic times and hunting may/may not be there. Ya know, the luck of it all. Yowyn is pretty solid for farming quests though. So easy to grab plat to push forward with is great. Sorry you don't agree.

>It doesn't always crap out every monster, I do laps spamming (F)ire and find nothing. Couple laps later it appears. Not always like this but happens from time to time.
Happens to me, and it's slow/dull. Did you know Space when on a blank tile tells you the direction of things? Either East or Bloodlust from the east? Well I do and use it. It says nothing when the above occurs. Going slow when it's out of your hands isn't fun.

>> No.19444438

Not sure how the speed I progressed isn't irrelevant since that's a result of how good the quests are.
Yowyn has consistent farming, Palmia/Kapul have consistent party time and Palmia/Kapul/Derphy all have have consistent delivery/escort quests. I have never, not even once, even vaguely struggled to find those quests because moving around refreshes them. Noyel also has them but is unrealistic without 7league boots. Vernis to Palmia is about as far as you can do pretty consistently without boots and Palmia to Yowyn and Vernis are both very common and can be stacked.
Farming is the second most limited. Hunting is first, unless I'm missing a town that spawns it a lot.
Rods also don't sell for more than gear or books really. And that's assuming you have a shop that gives you full price on them; you called a ranch expensive earlier but a shop costs far more. And you'll be wanting to do party time or ecologist if you do have a shop because unless you are cheating via town resets you can't consistently get kitty banks and these quests are the most consistent way to get rocks for your pet to sell. Vendors tend to just sell them 1 at a time which is pretty bad.

>Going slow when it's out of your hands isn't fun.
Same could be said for farming when the bigger crops aren't in the direction you went so you need to spam teleport or walk over to the other ones and see if they are then possibly fail; something that never happens in hunting because it has no timer.

>> No.19444461

If you don't like quests it'd make more sense for you to care so you can get them over unless you got some other non-cheaty method for fast plat in OO.
Do you? Because otherwise they're a very nescessary evil.

>> No.19444620

its Atheism and Monoteism feats the same?

>> No.19444655

I didn't give a shit at all about growth or developing parameters in OO. Just played it the same way I beat vanilla the first time, didn't bother with potential, didn't bother with optimization, just did whatever the fuck I felt like whenever I started a session. Still got through it fine.

I also don't give a shit about what people consider cheating. It's a game, and a single player game at that, I play it to fuck around, not to feel some sort of accomplishment. Sometimes I'd rather hammer the same bosses over and over again, sometimes I just feel like wandering around through dungeons. Very rarely do I care for quests. Again, I've done full reset farm grind characters. If it was a question of efficiency, I would always default to that. Even at its worst, the Pyramid Farm cycle is faster.

If the idea of a "necessary evil" is because there's a grind involved, frankly I don't share that opinion. The grind in elona doesn't bother me at all. I used to grind Korean mmos excessively, repeatedly maxing out characters only to delete them and start over. Base elona's grind isn't all that bad from my perespective.

>> No.19444659

No. Aetheism locks you into Eyth. Mono locks you into the first altar you take. Its for if you want to roleplay as a devout of a specific god while the other is if you want no god. In either case you lock yourself out of a lot of content permanently for 1 feat so you best be ready for that.

>> No.19444689

the only god i need in my life is the fat fox

>> No.19444698

>>I didn't give a shit at all about growth or developing parameters in OO. Just played it the same way I beat vanilla the first time, didn't bother with potential, didn't bother with optimization, just did whatever the fuck I felt like whenever I started a session. Still got through it fine.
Fair enough. In + I rarely ever quest once I've got yacatect and musem up for free plat, although really just because I get bored of characters before that stops being good enough

>> No.19444839

>Not sure how the speed I progressed isn't irrelevant since that's a result of how good the quests are.
That should be "is irrelevant" actually. Anyway, you take a swing at me thinking it's a veiled insult. Irony, you say this first then claim what I said is irrelevant and I'm personally attacking you.

Your progress is part luck, part choices. One thing is sure though. You're not getting rich quick by ignoring farming and doing all else when the difference between raw money is so tiny in the beginning.
>I have never, not even once, even vaguely struggled to find those quests because moving around refreshes them.
If those quests are actually around, frequency/slanted toward a type is just that, it's no guarantee. Also...
>Other towns are a crapshoot because they have delivery but with unrealistic times and hunting may/may not be there.
There's a chance the timer is bad so you take it at your own peril. I never said any quest has a drought. I stated what I see for farming and hunting at my fame as I check ALL quests that come about. I pointed things out that can muck them up, as did you.

As for gold/plat, they're close enough and what you really want to buy is new skills/grind potential. I'll tackle what gets me that. Gold isn't really even a big deal, use a god to work toward/fix that.

Using shop as a point is a bad idea. You say other quests give better gold and other rewards but often it's blah and the time difference small. You have to sell it, store it, or use pet shop. Doesn't sound fantastic to me. You're the one that said aiming for a shop is even more expensive. At least I can ID rods and use them either for experience or save them if they're special.

Party Time is crap and takes up space as I said. The delivery quests are great but often I see stupid travel times, so I can take say 1 instead of 3 or 2 instead of 3. Same for Escort/Before it's too late, which is CHA locked and sometimes has crap pay. You get paid for walking though so I don't mind that. Hunting is just everywhere, and when it's there it's either a good presence or little. So a great deal of time is potentially lost or gained due to RNG. Farming is pretty stable. Carries little risk to someone just starting provided you have the STR. Like you said, you had no Gardening. If you're built for combat you have more options, that's obvious. Farming just wants strength which makes it much more friendly to many styles. So long as that person can lift. I've gotten farming in Kapul, to my surprise, btw.

Well enough of this.

>> No.19444917

Difference in raw money on a fresh char is about 900 gold v about 1500. That's nearly double lol. I suppose if you just go ''farming is better because I don't care the other quests give more of one of the games main resources and better items'' then that's true. If you ignore all but 1 point farming at best ties on, its not quite as outclassed.

>> No.19444918

Is there a way to hide (your own) character equipment for when you're using custom PCCs?

>> No.19444928

Use dressers on yourself. The King and Queen have one.

>> No.19444947

To add to this, I believe pressing C then P can bring up a menu to hide your mount, if you're mounted.

>> No.19444952

Oh Port Kapul has a dresser by the black market somewhere

>> No.19445099

I just delete all the pcc files and put my own (all full body replacers)

>> No.19445146

Does the game have a cap on the amount of skillpoints, or can you (with enough time and effort) become a master in basically everything?

>> No.19445219

Level cap basically is the skill cap, since you only get skill points when you level up. You can buy skill points with AP in E+, but AP also have a cap.
But you can max every skill in the game without skill points, you just have to constantly use all skills you want to max and maintain your potentials with platinum coins.

>> No.19445506

Technically you can wish for potions of descent, and wishes are renewable.

>> No.19446037
File: 41 KB, 450x525, 1396970609604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just me or we are getting a lot of new posters around here lately?

Did something happen to get Elona some new attention?

>> No.19446067

Probably /rlg/ people coming here

>> No.19447069

An English version of the Omake Overhaul mod came out.

>> No.19447591

guys GUYS,think about it harem of golden knights

>> No.19447776

So is there a title list anywhere? All just say ????????. It'd be cool to know what the reqs are and try to get them. All I have is ''Search of mother'' for ''Travel more than X miles''.

OO. Then probably choosing to play plus instead after reading about how its the less grindy, more beginner friendly variant.

/rlg/ people have always cross posted here and /rgl/ since /elona/ gets brought up pretty often when Elona is mentioned on /rgl/ as the better to place to discuss it since trying on /rgl/ itself just gets ''not a roguelike'' shit posts.

>> No.19448390
File: 152 KB, 375x750, __defender_elona_drawn_by_harusame_rueken__54262bcf8ac5c1c92cdd5f6f3e9f5c4c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>harem of weight-lifting weirdos
No, thank you. I want a harem of strong and handsome Defenders to Lay Hands on me on night long.

>> No.19448411

Why not female defenders?

>> No.19448505
File: 75 KB, 347x286, i fucked up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i fix this lol it wont stop burning

>> No.19448529

Water, like natural rain or potions. I heard that Alchemical Rain spac also works, but I don't have bad habit of setting random cities on fire so I never really tested it.

>> No.19448535

Its OO so I don't think alch rain exists. I'm worshipping inari so I guess I just wait for her rain to kick in.

>> No.19448539

rod of web, you'll need plenty of charges ...

>> No.19448607
File: 57 KB, 599x479, eb0aaea675a596d1f4a1b92f688a39ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think a harem of overprotective and possibly "tsunderish" big sisters competing for my attention would trigger a chain reaction of lay hands for all the wrong (and painful) reasons.

>> No.19448810

Can you cast Web or Acid Ground? Anything that changes the terrain status will overwrite "on fire".

>> No.19448995
File: 409 KB, 1067x720, YesAnd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly! do even having several defenders do anything? having 3-4 ress sisters sounds kinda broken if they stay far from danger

>> No.19449032

They'd all just be +1 lay on heads since its a once per rest thing.
I wish knockout wasn't an E+ only thing. Devour is fun when you can do it but it feels even more finnicky than capturing with a ball. Getting enemies to be almost but not quite dead is often just not possible.

>> No.19449195

Yeah, I think a big group of defenders is the best team you could have in E+. You'd have a huge amount of warning before ever being defeated by anything.

I like devour as is. It's a fun and rewarding little thing to shoot for as you go through dungeons. With knockout you'd be able to do it at will and I think it'd feel like less of an opportunity and more of an obligation.

>> No.19449200

But it'd be fun to eat everything :(. Also help mages since eating enemy mages gives you spells.

>> No.19449219

Say i got 3 defenders,will all of them use lay hand at the same time to prevent me from dying or one will trigger,then the other once i die again?

>> No.19449780

Any reliable way to get grenades at the start?

>> No.19449863

Apparently Scroll of Dungeon dungeon in Omake is a warp point. So anyone who wanted 1 more up to the player warp point for mage guild or similar probably wants to wish for one.

>> No.19449962

It's a return point because it's supposed to be your own little town. You can recruit NPCs to live in there.

>> No.19450197

I have better luck getting them from blacksmiths than dungeons. Nothing 100% reliable though. Could try investing a bit maybe.

>> No.19450876
File: 351 KB, 575x354, neat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you do. Nifty. Hopefully they can get food vendors

>> No.19450884

Oh she won't join me :(. She says she's never heard of the town. How do I make her hear of the town when the town does nothing with no one in it?

>> No.19451023
File: 177 KB, 1443x262, meal_fit_4_a_king.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Xabi I missed a piece can ya grab dat? Well damn if you're that hungry

>> No.19451069

You need to kidnap people

>> No.19451828
File: 281 KB, 640x699, 69491460_p5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So is there a title list anywhere?
And Overhaul adds 4 new titles. https://wikiwiki.jp/elonaval/overhaul/TIPS

>> No.19452246

Any idea how to use higher resolution portraits in omake overhaul? I've read that it's possible but I don't know how to make it work.

>> No.19453928
File: 2.37 MB, 1282x1654, OO-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for the shortest Elona run ever

>> No.19454036

So I accidentally turned down the god pet from Kumiromi, I got the other rewards just fine, tried abandoning him and going back, grinding the favour up again but he doesn't seem to be offering the pet. Have I boned myself? I really want that cute fairy

>> No.19454308
File: 1.63 MB, 1280x1476, Frustration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Way ahead of you on that one.

Really high charisma + sex feats are broken for early game cash. I got between 4000-5000 gold on fresh vendors after each laying.

>> No.19454317

>sex feats
how is that any different than fucking the NPC yourself? you still get sick and lose SP right?

>> No.19454332
File: 149 KB, 630x560, x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are some options related to sprites on EX Setting 1 and 2, but I still don't understand how they work.

If you abandoned your god pet (instead of leaving it in some city), you have to "reset" your progression with your current god by following a different god. The punishment debuff can be quite annoying, but you don't really have a choice.
There is no "cooldown" or any sort of limitation, so you can just go to Truce, pray to a different god, and then immediately pray to Kumiromi again. You will be able to summon the cute fairy normally after you get enough favor again.

>> No.19454357
File: 273 KB, 840x525, __golden_knight_rueken_s_elona_player_character_and_younger_sister_elona_drawn_by_harusame_rueken__b59c3896c1dd1c516b15664fdd8e79c8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex feats improves your "performance", and apparently you can become immune to STDs in OO after having sex 1000 times.

>> No.19454360

those are tall fairies

>> No.19454364

golden knight looks like a caring mother


>> No.19454400

that sounds like those old pokemon tricks to get mewthree,i believe you though

>> No.19454411

If you being serious, how. If not, does anyone actually know what you do to make them not just go ''lmao ur town is a shit''.

Its listed in this. Also thanks for posting this anon, very handy.

>> No.19454440
File: 144 KB, 1445x193, om_nom_nom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A delicious start.

>> No.19454456

It's part of the Omake's title system. Certain titles will give you bonuses.

Recruitable NPCs for your town can be found in Nefias. Deeper floors will increase the spawn chances.

>> No.19454462

>>Recruitable NPCs for your town can be found in Nefias. Deeper floors will increase the spawn chances.
Yes, I know. I said I ran into one and she outright refused to join my town. I was asking how I make them not do this.

>> No.19454562

I admit I haven't tested the town feature yet, but maybe it have something to do with decoration (similar to your house rank) or your fame (since everything is about fame in overhaul).

>> No.19454576

Probably fame. Or some NPC's need to be recruited first and others will only join when you already have a ton. Or some simply do not join and exist just to fuck with you.
The dudes are so rare its hard to tell if I should be diving nefia for dudes or doing quests for fame. I don't really like quests so I'd rather just keep doing Nefia until I really need plat

>> No.19454994

That's real helpful, thanks anon!

According to that, god-blessed food works better the hungrier you are, at least for the player character. My understanding is that normal food's nutrition stops going up after "hungry" status, so that's good to know. It also says that blessed food is primarily there so pets can keep up with the PC. Has anyone tried raising low-level pets to high levels with lots of Kumiromi/Inari food yet?

Inari's 2nd reward passive apparently also increases 1) the amount of gold in piles, 2) ores found in treasure chests, 3) small medals in chests, and 4) platinum rewards for clearing nefia. That sounds really good, I wonder if you keep it after abandoning her, or if it's like Opatos's damage reduction.

>> No.19455127
File: 37 KB, 626x86, Inari.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inari on my shop keeper. In comparison, did basically nothing to my own character; don't think I leveled a single stat after eating 4 of them. But my potentials are pretty much all terrible at this point. I need to find good, non-perishable, edible in dungeon food to bless.

>> No.19455231

Wouldn't that be flour? Makes breads .5s, train 4 stats.
>Bread items in Elona do not rot. Eating bread trains STR, CON, DEX, and LER by an equal amount.

Candy doesn't rot, hassle tho. Not very filling either.
>Like bread, they do not rot. Eating candy trains MAG the most, but trains DEX and LER to a lesser extent.

>> No.19455246

That'll work thanks. Then its just a choice between using the tons of decent equips, enemies or bread to fill hunger. If devour was less of a pain to use on enemies hunger would actually be a really interest mechanic in OO with multiple viable ways to fill yourself while getting varied benefits.
Also, is there a way to amass broken swords faster than repeatedly entering and exiting forest tiles? I've got about 10 ores just from bosses before. Even more from chests. Swords bottle neck production

>> No.19455267

As far as I know, just the forest. Though, I've never kept my eyes open for other sources. Could be cheaty with a user map littered with swords, haha. That's all I can think of.

>> No.19455277

If you bless the flour, will that transfer to the end product?

>> No.19455430

Probably, I think on izaplts statue removes curse/bless status.

>> No.19455455

A shame. Makes blacksmithing weapons much slower than armor.

>> No.19455491
File: 137 KB, 597x238, shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually nah don't think that'll work unless I can bless all this shit at once and its not just 1 stack. Flour turns into like 5 different variants of bread which don't stack and even the ones of the same kind fully identified inexplciably don't stack right

>> No.19455495

Thanks for the advice, I never actually received the god pet though, my party was full when it was gifted and a prompt asked me "Really reject this gift?" I absent mindedly pressed yes. I tried what you suggested, reseting progress by following anither god then switching back to Kumiromi but it didn't work.

>> No.19455540
File: 221 KB, 628x314, Nice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually that does work. They aren't marked as ''BLESSED BY INARI'' like the changelog says they should be but they work. Raising faith up to the point where you can bless by running between Vernis and Palmia (both have bakers; upgrade to 25 and buy Udon and Noodles) takes very little time, costs very little. Its just a shame unless you worship two very specific gods its not gonna do anything for most stats.

>> No.19455789
File: 327 KB, 568x333, well fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inari is weird in general. She also doesn't seem possible to set NPC's to. Tried twice via blessed faith scroll, keeps setting him to Lulwy. Was gonna switch off her but still use him for the general food.

>> No.19456384

Cargo seems to be the easiest way to make a lot of money in a hurry in OO. One thing to be aware of in is that increasing your cargo limit reduces the chances of rogue bandits. I got mine up to 320s and it's been frustrating trying to get capsule drags to recruit the kaneda bike.

You can bless as many stacks as you want in a single prayer. I don't even have the cooking skill, I just buy every bread item from Palmia and Vernis and then bless them all at once.

The "blessed by inari" will be listed among the food's attributes if you examine it. And yeah, it does seem like Kumiromi and Inari are overall the best gods, the fact that others can raise exotic stats like life and speed means they still should be worthwhile.

>> No.19456449

>One thing to be aware of in is that increasing your cargo limit reduces the chances of rogue bandits.

Huh. That seems backwards for both balancing and "realism". A larger and more valuable cargo load should be riskier.

>> No.19456581

Yeah. I mean, you can justify it by saying that a larger wagon is probably a better-defended target, but it seems off to me. I was able to eventually get the last capsule drag by overloading to >500s though. It's mostly just something to watch out for if you want the bike, since high speed pets are good again.

>> No.19456605

Has anyone here gotten smithing up to a high level? Are player-crafted items any good? It seems to me that the main benefits of smithing are free enchantments up to 1/7 of your hammer's level and artifact fusion.

>> No.19456646

You now have Thirst to deal with alongside Hunger. When thirst is high you regen stamina much slower.
When un-thirsty you can now use piss special actions on enemies.

>> No.19456712
File: 61 KB, 601x99, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had it pretty high but for some reason its changed into... whatever the fuck this is. And can't be used for smithing anymore. And has no info on what it is. And can't be identified or investigated. What the fuck?
As for smithing itself, it feels more like the basis for a cool system than a cool system in and of itself.
Gloves almost always make the same gloves with a dif of one more or less PV and whatever the mats do.
Helmet makes some pretty decently strong ones, but nothing special.
Armor has made some really nice shit but I found a 30 PV light armor on the floor that out classed them all.
Shoes ain't worth making because 7league outclasses them.
Shields ain't worth making because shields are bad.
Can't make anything else.
Weapon wise, its annoying because the selection is limited and the need to go into fields to run around and grab swords just sucks the fun out of it. Making armor feels like a very natural process; you do nefia/hunting missions, you go into town, you make armor out of what you got. Weapons adds the extra step of ''rummage around fields for 1 or 2 swords if you lucky for the 30 gems you got in that last nefia''. Its just not very fun. The weapons are nothing special either. Its a nice way to sell skins at a profit in your pets shop at least.

>> No.19456743

Oh lol I opened Elona.exe not Omake. That's why. Impressive it doesn't simply crash.
I think Smithing is A: A way to upgrade **** without relying on rare scrolls (you can't simply pay an NPC blacksmith; that's a + feature), a way to fix your broken **** for free, a way to turn skins into profit or a thing you build your character around for fun. I took all 3 blacksmithing feats so my kind of meh equips are presumably better than what most will get.

>> No.19457279

For pets, is it generally a good idea to splice in all the skills you can, or keep as few as is practical based on their specialty?

On one hand, more skills means more potential for attribute gains. On the other, fewer skills means a better chance of random sleep events boosting a useful skill and not a junk one (I think?).

>> No.19457297

Any they gonna use. No reason to add even the useless shit. Pets are broken and just get 400% potential in everything for super easy to get gold. Sleeping can't compare to that.

>> No.19457328

How do you convert gold into pet potential, is there a special method unique to them specifically?

>> No.19457346

Take them near trainers and they just convert money into potential. In OO they can do this anywhere. They also sell gems for absudly inflated prices.
This is for skill potetnial. For normal potential they work like you do. Maybe a bit different in E+ but not sure.

>> No.19457591

Pets don't get sleep events

>> No.19457839
File: 124 KB, 466x500, 1520279831046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I give my allies a unique sprite in OO?
Something like shape change in plus.

>> No.19457867
File: 1.21 MB, 999x864, woah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is gwen murdering walls like picking berries normal?

>> No.19457878

If she thinks she’s under attack by something, she goes into combat mode. Which lets unique NPCs smash walls.
However, her combat AI is still just following you around.

>> No.19457888

I killed gwen

>> No.19457897

absolute newb here. I'm in the tutorial on a fresh setup of Elona+ and I can't use the fucking scroll on the goddamn gold bars. It just isn't showing up in my inventory right or something

>> No.19457912

Interact with the pet, the choose Appearance. The charachip option is the one you want, but I still haven't figured out the correct name for the custom bmp files. You can use PCC files normally, though.

>> No.19457976

It's been a while since the last time I played the tutorial, but you don't need to uncurse the gold bars (you actually don't need to di anything, you can just choose the "I did it already" options and the tutorial will continue normally). The uncurse scroll you get is for the ranged weapon, since he gives you a cursed one and the only way to remove a cursed equipment is by uncursing it.

>> No.19457996

Also, if you're playing E+, you might as well get the Elona Custom patch for it. It fixes a lot of the wonky translations to English, and adds a few more quality of life upgrades.

>> No.19458057

Is there any way to check my god loveness in OO? I've just been saving before praying but its a bit tedious

>> No.19458320
File: 93 KB, 892x600, custom pics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally figured it out, it's just like E+, there is an area in the character.bmp file reserved for custom images. E+ lets you use individual pic_O.bmp files as a way to use this reserved area (like the default chara_O.bmp for specific NPCs), but I don't know if this is possible in Omake, so you have to put all your unique sprites directly on the character.bmp file.
Pic related, you are supposed to put the custom sprites in the selected area, there are 32 slots.

>> No.19458334

Ate about 15-20 Inari blessed bakery items. Not one stat went up a single tier in potential. Hopefully if I eat a bunch more it'll be possible to get it up and keep it up provided I just keep eating them 'cause I really don't want to have to go with Kumiromi just to maintain potentials.

>> No.19458355
File: 9 KB, 100x126, solution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I just have to use the default chara_O.bmp, silly me.
The first "Charachip" slot in the Appearance menu is 661.

I guess blessed food is is mostly for pet training, something like E+'s crazy pet EXP bonuses but a lot easier to control (so you won't accidentally create a god-slayer putit by letting it solo a few nefias).

>> No.19458513
File: 71 KB, 300x500, face2_H.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any custom imagesets for talking to pets in E+Custom? The only two sets seem to be the slime and fox brother (pic related). It'd be nice to see some female ones too.

>> No.19458559

That or the Kumiromi bonus is the only way to make it work. Or it sort of evens out eventually. If it doesn't, not sure how I keep my potential good in this without being locked into 1 specific god.
I did see a crab drink a potential pot in farming once and the message said potential of all increased.
There's no mention of pots of potential being changed at all in either changelog though.

''The higher the skill level, the lower the amount of potential gained for respective skill when trained ''
This also has me worried. Sounds like artificially increasing the grind... when the game already does that at an absurd pace. When you start off gaining 10-2% (because the amount gained per plat goes down at 200+% anyways) how much lower can it go. I don't really want to end up spending something ridic like 15 PP to raise 4% of a single skill just so pets I'm not even using can keep up better... nerfing the player so they keep up is just silly

Its a shame OO does potentials so badly when everything else is either really nice or at the very least a good idea that just needs some more work (blacksmithing being the main example of that, being both super slow and boring with weps because of broken swords and lacking tons of options)

>> No.19458568

Wait that's a dude? Well shit I'm gay

>> No.19458604

>fox brother

>> No.19458608

I've only ever seen it as that image. I didn't know what it was an image of other than a cute anime

>> No.19458625


Yeah, unless you use the awesome monstergirl tileset which turns basically every monster into some form of girl, the only in-game fox person is the Fox Brother.

>> No.19458667

Whoring is busted in OO,i am getting 3-5k a pop per merchant on derphy and they even give the average same amount after several fuckings

>> No.19458675
File: 171 KB, 850x1063, __young_lady_elona_drawn_by_ba_kuro__sample-b89776d999f5f0b8c3065931d4061fa6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay, anon. Just call it a trap, and since traps aren't gay, you'll still be in the clear.

Also, I'm shocked there hits actually came up hits for Elona fanart involving crossdressing.

>> No.19458689
File: 888 KB, 1248x1810, 69636500_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blessed potions of potential will increase the potential of all attributes, that is how it works in vanilla too.
To be fair, Omake Overhaul is just vanilla with fancy new features. This isn't Plus, where "lightspeed vegan godslayer" is the only viable way to survive because of the crazy high speed and stats in general when you reach higher level content in Acts 2 and 3 (most of Omake's skill-related titles are unlocked at level 100, for example). Some features appears to be balanced around the +potential feats and the whole focus in RP and build specialization rather than pets' leveling progression. For now I'm still mostly testing things and messing around with the custom stuff (trying to figure out custom classes now), so I still don't know much about how progression "feels" in higher levels.
I haven't fully tested blacksmith yet, but I agree that the limited crafting menu is really disappointing.

The amount of Kumi porn in Pixiv is pretty crazy too. I was expecting more Lulwy or Ehekatl.

>> No.19458753

lulwy is already naked and ehekatl is just a greek bimbo

>> No.19459027

I don't play OO, but what's the problem with eating furniture and weapons?
You literally do that on E+ as well, by using scrolls of inferior material until it's raw.

>> No.19459072

My guess is, he wants OO to look bad in a similar way to E+ piss. Fails to realize Devour is a choice, piss not so much.

>> No.19459144

I don't understand why you double niggers keep complaining about the combo nerf. This shit only triggers after the 50th attack in a single turn. What the FUCK are you doing that attacks so quickly anyway?

>> No.19459241

Blessed food doesn't do much for your potential. You still might as well bless your own food anyway, but it's mostly there for pets. For them it adds huge amounts to their stats and potentials.

>> No.19459371

Can anyone maybe take a look at why this attempt at a custom ranged AI override seems to be failing?

>If target distance < 2, move away.
>If target distance >= 2, fire weapon
>If player distance >= 2, move towards them.

Assuming the rules trigger sequentially, I'm not sure why I keep getting "The pet's AI doesn't know what to do!" messages

>> No.19459395

OO potential is fine. Your skills are going to be around 50-100 instead of 200-400, but you don't need to reach levels as high as you do in Plus, so whatever.

It's relevant if you're using time stop or have more than two hands or if you're using a big mob of pets. It's not world ending for anything but multi-hand mutants, but for me at least, what's annoying is that he released a new mechanic specifically to shut those builds down. It's a really inelegant solution and it adds nothing positive to the game.

If Ano wants to balance the game there are far worse culprits he could go after, most of which were his own doing. Living weapons are absurdly superior to everything except maybe a top tier artifact fusion weapon. Even as defensive stat sticks, living weapons outclass most types of armor. Herbed food renders every other source of stat growth obsolete. String assassin and violent garden turn act 1 into a joke. But he'd rather go after a random gimmick build instead.

It's not just one isolated thing either. He already nerfed clearing nefia out of being a viable source of income, then he implements this combo system, and apparently the upcoming update will spawn an overleveled monster to kill you if you grind the wrong way.

>> No.19459428

>will spawn an overleveled monster to kill you if you grind the wrong way.

how overleveled we are speaking of here,i am behind karata and 14 defenders

>> No.19459439
File: 39 KB, 870x558, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i am behind karata and 14 defenders
not good enough.

>> No.19459442
File: 10 KB, 710x194, 321123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine 4 of these at level 3000

>> No.19459463

Who spends 9999 turns killing something?

thats the highest one right? beside the chaos thing that spawns on act 3 after killing enthumesis,i wonder if it will be able to astral pen

>> No.19459470
File: 235 KB, 300x500, face7_H.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's some in the mod pastebin, but if that's not enough just look up character sets with the doujin tags you want until you find something usable. I always end up making my shopkeeper a Tanuki.

>> No.19459478

>If target distance < 2, move away.
>If target distance <= 5, Range Attack
E+C capped this to 5, can't enjoy sniper rifle or any other 5+ range wep
>If player distance >= 2, move towards them

I use If Buff Boost is not active then move forward as my last line. Should work but gets wonky sometimes. Once it starts working, it sticks. I usually set AI then save->exit->reload. Oh you did switch the pet to use custom AI right? Default is always on, player has to swap it in pet's AI menu.

>> No.19459493
File: 80 KB, 460x779, WEBPAGE_20180719_013549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is this enemy still incomplete or what happens during the battle?

>> No.19459524

Noice. I hope I'm not asking too much, but any chance you could zip up your [game]/user/graphics2 folder and throw it on a megaupload or something? If you can save not only me, but perhaps even other players from having to slog through and manually rename 200+ images, that'd be fantastic. The download link could even get added to the pastebin.

>> No.19459610

It’s after the 50th attack from anyone or anything before their next turn.
If you have pets, if there’s a speed difference, if you’re using time stop, that all counts against you.
