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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 208 KB, 810x1280, JUFyu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19408103 No.19408103 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't these exist anymore?

>> No.19408218

Cheaper to make unisex shorts and track suits. Just get into female volleyball or track team.

>> No.19411630

Herbivore men took over japanese industries.

>> No.19412034

Are those even comfortable to wear?

>> No.19412053

most female clothings looks super uncomfortable to wear, skintight jeans and such

doubt these are any better

>> No.19412059

Only thing I know for sure: those are rather comfortable to look at.

>> No.19412084

Japan sucking up to the West. They have continuously abandoned a lot of their cultural identity and habits to appeal to America. The US had the biggest clamp down in 1990 when they pressured Japan to ban underage nude modeling. About 6 years ago, amazon.jp stopped selling all underage erotica at the outcry of one single person (yes, that's right), an American mom stumbling upon some idol DVDs by accident. About 2 years ago, they pressured them into shutting down almost all major junior idol production companies who endorse gravure, with police arresting the staff members and individual parents of the girls. By 2020 Olympics it is assumed that all possible main stream sexualization of U18 females is gone. Japan is afraid shitless of Western normies visiting for the Olympics and discovering a print magazine stand in some grocery store with underage girls in bikinis on the cover.

Just as a fun fact side note: Statistics show that child porn distribution has increased dramatically in Japan over the last few years, congruent with every major crackdown on underage gravure stuff. The demand for prime girls will never cease. It's natural. If you can't get your fix in the open, you get it underground, effectively putting real criminals in power.

>Cheaper to make unisex shorts and track suits
I can't imagine that. Having two separate production lines is not much more costly, especially considering how many schools insist on their own uniform designs etc.

>> No.19412124

>If you can't get your fix in the open, you get it underground, effectively putting real criminals in power.
I can imagine it going back to 80s Comiket when this kind of material was very underground and not open to many people.

>> No.19412146
File: 40 KB, 400x384, 1406331737194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please be ironic

>> No.19412159

The only thing that should be ironic is people believing that mainstream sexualization of underage girls will die out by 2020.

>> No.19412222

It's all PD and dark net now. Don't forget that the US also outlawed the possession of CP not too long ago, which was technically legal in Japan before. I haven't heard of any store in tokyo left which still sells junior idol DVDs. They took down all shelves and even huge companies like Moecco became VERY careful who and how to photograph.

It's sadly ironic really. In Japan, underage models and especially junior idols used to be in an extremely safe and professional environment. They were treated like stars + they made a ton of money which they could use for college and uni later on. These girls knew exactly what they were doing too. Now the US is actively putting power in real CP producer's hands. People who do not hesitate to abuse and exploit poor kids.

You will always see AKB and the likes in skimpy clothing and the usual local JK girls handing out flyers in the street and such. It's just a really difficult time knowing that millions of Westerners will storm the country in 2020 with their twisted mind sets and the need to shove their 'values' in other people's mouth.

>> No.19412262

You cannot hide your genuine defense and advocating for legal softcore child pornography behind the flag of /jp/ culture.
Burn in hell, pedo.

>> No.19412278
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Can't wait for 2020 to just happen and end. They shouldn't care about catering to the international community, they should just say "either accept our culture as it is, or stay at home and watch it on the TV", but no, gotta appear as progressive, advanced, and modern as possible, impress Al the U.N. officials and business people. Hey, at least those types are going to get some Jap pussy (lucky bastards) while they're over there, but they should just suck it up and deal with the fact they're in a very different culture than their own. It's like going to rural Africa and expecting them to abandon all their cultural customs, traditions, and creative/productive output just because you're visiting them. It sucks that, if it's like you say, these types are going towards illegal, underground, potentially exploitive sources to deal with their sexual interests. It also sucks balls that we might very well see a decline in the production of deviant/fetish hentai, lolicon material, ecchi shows, and otaku catering products, depending how far or extreme censorship gets in preparation for 2020. For all we know, they could put studio Ghibli and "non-risque" shows on 24/7 in place of the regular anime broadcasts, and prevent foreigners from A) seeing more diverse and niche shows, or B) preventing them from getting upset if something that hurts their fee-fees. This is all really just speculation or possibilities, but it wouldn't be suprising to see this shit happen. Worried.

>> No.19412279
File: 44 KB, 227x217, 1530031055249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

promptly leave this board and off yourself, norman

>> No.19412298

Yeah, I can imagine this kind of reaction >>(19412262)

Have to say that, Japanese know better and they definitely don't want to loose money, hopefully they will be more cautious about this for the time of Olympics.

>> No.19412355

Did you read what they posted? They're advocating safe, softcore, legal and non-expoitice or harmful cp over exploitive, illegal, abusive, and harmful, psychologically and physically, for those involved. You can't just expect people who want those things to just dissapear, and their'll be a demand for it. It doesn't have to be some big "us vs them, good and right vs evil and wrong", if you can even view this as a "lesser of two evils situation", one is good and safe, the other is objectively wrong, since pedophiles will never cease to exist, think in terms of "solving the issue with minimum harm and minimum hassle".

>> No.19412356
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>> No.19412415 [DELETED] 

Kill yourselves pedos.

>> No.19412439

They are fucking ugly

>> No.19412475
File: 151 KB, 1200x900, 45645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, your favorite word.

Just for the record, 95% of all girls were between the age of 12 and 17, which is not pedophilia.

Also to put things in perspective, literally NONE of them regretted their career because it catapulted them into media or at least gave them a very comfy start in life without having to worry about money. Some became singers, some became actresses, some became newscasters and their careers still go on to this day.

The girl in this picture is in her 20s and leads a successful happy life by basically doing nothing, because her fans (pedos according to you) still support and vote for her in contests ever since she was 12. Meanwhile people like you sit in their mom's basement with a bible in hand, yelling 'pedo' at anyone who's not afraid of their attraction to women in their aesthetic prime and fight for putting power in the hands of people who threaten, abuse and violate actual children for their own profit. I won't argue this any further, but maybe rethink your stance in life and to respect other people's lifestyles who differ from yours.

>> No.19412526 [DELETED] 

Shut up pedo.

>> No.19412537

>Japan sucking up to the West.
Buruma stopped existing large scale before the 90s.

>> No.19412592

Hey guys I love shotas aged 12-17 and I'm glad you support me, we are /jp/ culture and we will not be attacked by normalfags!

>> No.19412630

I'm not sure if they'd be that uncomfortable. They may be tight, but they're still pretty elastic. Probably a one size fits most kinda deal

>> No.19412637

I don't really agree with sexualization of girls under 16, but I'd say that 18 is an unreasonably high age of consent. The drinking age in Burgerland is also absurdly high because American young adults are literally to dumb to do anything responsibly. Japan isn't like that.
t. Americunt

>> No.19412716
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>> No.19412766

What is your point? Japan has been sucking up to the West since September 1945.

>> No.19412822

>They're advocating safe, softcore, legal and non-expoitice or harmful cp
A contradiction in itself.

Most women in Hollywood were quite for decades despite having been abused by producers and directors in exchange for roles. Just because they aren't speaking out, especially being in a pornographic industry (which in Japan, surprise surprise, has links to organised crime) doesn't mean they're fine and glad they did it.Sexual crime is insanely underreported in Japan for various cultural reasons, and thinking that the reason Japan is getting more stringent on the sexual abuse of women and children is because of "muh big bwad ewil whypipo" just shows you yourself have a flawed understanding of the culture. You won't argue this further because you have no way to prove that, and I quote
>literally NONE of them regretted their career
You're trying to use assumptions of monetary gain as proof that these girls are all mentally happy and satisfied.
By resorting to reducing the entire issue of sexualising children in their "aesthetic prime" to a matter of monetary gain completely dehumanises them and proves that you are a psychopathic freak. An inability to tell right from wrong.
Instead of empathising with the girls and trying to come to terms with the decades of clinical evidence that reinforces how damaging any kind of sexualising activity can be to developing children (and no, it's not "society telling them its bad is what causes the damage!"), you view the entire situation like a cold machine. Just as a surface level "cost/benefit" analysis. You should be kept away from children and sterilized.
You are unironically making an argument that is just a few steps away from the classic pedophile "What's the big deal? The girls enjoy it too." You most likely have a brain chemical imbalance and are a danger to society. Seek help.

>> No.19412843

Retardation: The Post

>> No.19412850

the co-opting of the term "dehumanization" to replace "objectification" is a rhetorical tactic designed to prop up non-arguments by equating their opponents with the architects of genocides

>> No.19412875

You are more of a danger to society and if you don't see it you need help the most.

>> No.19412888

Bloomers don't exist because they're not in fashion any more. That look was just a temporary phase of gym shorts. It's not some historic ancient Japanese ceremonial training wear that USA marched in and made them stop wearing in 2000s, it's just a super short shorts that were popular when old men where in school. They were longer before that period and they're longer now.

>> No.19412934
File: 63 KB, 630x420, 565476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre so stupid and dont even realize. have you ever seen meet & greet events with those girls? their fans are super protective of them and they support them religiously and freak out if they end up in anything sketchy. yes they they show their ass & feet to a camera and these guys jerk off to them, but that's about it. this is quite the opposite of the weinstein picture youre drawing. you clearly dont understand idol culture.

>> No.19413158

>a contradiction in itself
Fucking how? Even if you could consider it "exploitive", it's still a lot better than the alternative. It works, and it's not hurting them. They aren't being forced into it, they aren't being brainwashed, they aren't being prostituted off to psychos, and those things would have the negative effects that you see in victims of sexual abuse and sexual predators, not idols.
>an inability to separate right and wrong
>should be sterilized
>cold machine
>a danger to society
Different anon,
1. no u. If you think that you have the right to make those decisions for others, to apply a one-sided-fits-all solution, to decide their future for them, you are the danger to society.
2. >inabilityto separate right from wrong
no u. Again, refer to one, you're are judging these people as if they are all the worst of the worst, and wanting to punish them for it. If you were able to judge right from wrong, then you would understand that one size fits all solutions don't work for everyone, you need a balance, you need to cater to every possibility, not matter how uncommon or unlikely, and instead of thinking "well, these people seem like they have this issue, so instead of immediately lashes out at them, i should instead consider a method of approach, solution, or treatment that is not detrimental, or unfair to them, harmful to them, minimizing harm, minimizing hassle", you think "lol untermensch cleansing now!". Fuck you.
3. >sexualization damaging blah
It is very much related to the society and culture they are in. They would be ostracized in america, they'd be condemned by the public, victimized, their employers and family demonized, while in their own culture, it's not that way. Maybe what you are talking about applies to america and europe, but we aren't very open-minded about these topics.
>unironically making
Hi underage!
>classic arguement
These girls aren't actually being penetrated or fucked. That's a big fucking difference. Just because they disagree with you, doesn't make them insane. Their views aren't conforming to their culture's, sure, but that's not insane. They weren't seeing it as coldly detached at all, they were providing what they believed to be solid evidence and points for their arguement. Not everyone who defends pedophiles are pedophiles, if they defend pyscho-predator killers maybe so, probably insane, but otherwise, not nessesarily.
no u

>> No.19413180
File: 414 KB, 752x1062, __fubuki_kantai_collection_drawn_by_nakamura_sumikage__7ae93241b5041c8a4dfd3eefda45d4fe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heard that before, that it's more a nostalgia thing now, for guys who were teens when they were in style. Damn, if they aren't lingerie-tier, though.

>> No.19413429
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It'd more reasonable if the age of consent was 17 across the board, 16 with either parent consent or if the partner is less than 5 years older than them, and 15 if their partner is within is less than 5 years older than them. 14&under would have to still be a no-no. Age of drinking should be the same as age of smoking and minimum age of enlistment. Maybe a balance would be to allow some types of alcohol below 20, but have the very potent kinds be unavailable till age 20. These all sound reasonable, no? Gov't would never go with it though, and they'd think anyone who pushes it is a "pedophile" or actually wants to have sex with people under the current age of consent, not just wanting a better, more sound system.

>> No.19413461
File: 123 KB, 638x1028, 1414164248517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Damn, if they aren't lingerie-tier, though.
That's because anime draws them to look thin like panties, and even more because shirts tend to hang over them rather than be tucked in so you get the impression they're panty shaped and not like this.

>> No.19413463
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They aren't exactly all that flattering to me. But then anime makes even shitty spandex shorts look good.

>> No.19413505
File: 148 KB, 960x1280, 6da3490ad228d4c4f83672f04654cc96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You see girls sometimes in anime, probably happened in real life, wearing them under their clothes so you can't see their panties. In that kind of style, you wonder what the difference is, but when you really see them, you understand why. They really are just unerotic shorts. They are kind of nostalgic because of anime though.

I never got what people saw in those really, really old swimsuits however, the ones with the holes in them. I always thought they were unflattering to the point of being uninteresting.

>> No.19413506

>14&under would have to still be a no-no
14 is legal where I live and nobody gives a shit. Even in America it wasn't too long ago when 11 year old girls were getting married to guys in their 20s. It's all a really skewered concept of 'age of consent' which is in place nowadays.

>> No.19413510

>dat whale left of the guy
At first look I thought she had some food in her hands too

>> No.19413517

Japanese girls have these stumpy sturdy legs but for some reason they still look nice. Maybe because they don't have cellulite.

>> No.19413548

Quit being scaredy fags. It should be 14 for sex, 16 for alcohol and smokes. It doesn't mean they're going to be fucking right on the day of their birthdays, nor that they aren't going to be fucking all throughout highschool.

>their partner is within is less than 5 years older than them
Why does it even matter? There's already rules about authority figures abusing their authority if that's what you're afraid of.

>> No.19413565

Moralfags VS Historyfags: the thread
People who were molested as a child VS People who debate with intelligence: the thread

>> No.19413566

She has a fat face, but she appears thinner than the teacher. Not much of a whale.

Height largely comes from legs, so being short makes their legs look wider since they're shorter. It's not fat.

>> No.19413569

>It doesn't mean they're going to be fucking right on the day of their birthdays
Kids are having sex with eachother in schools earlier than that age anyway.

>> No.19413604

More like investment banker and !pedo the thread.

>Even in America it wasn't too long ago when 11 year old girls were getting married to guys in their 20s.
I don't think that really happened that much and I don't think that's actually illegal in many places nowadays. Sex is what's illegal, not wholesome marriage. Check your local laws for what the actual age you're allowed to be _married_ is.

I was going to say something about a some US state and Canada I think used to be 14 a few decades ago? But instead, I'd rather ask what is even the point of complaining it's too high? You're not going to fuck a 14 year old. AoC isn't going to be removed and even if it was you're not going to fuck a 10 year old either. If you were going to fuck back in school, you would have fucked in school age days and not gave a fuckdamn about the law. So why does it even matter?

>> No.19413642 [DELETED] 

Pedo scum will deny this.

>> No.19413683
File: 210 KB, 1162x1715, 91828f74c2ea54fc8e8c35bd1af8166c1fa1e25ed06b7e06a8017ff1cfd40d25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened /jp/? I made this exact same thread last year and it was quite comfy.

>> No.19413698

Why do you think you should make the exact same thread and get the exact same experience? This isn't flanfly daily dose spam thread.

>> No.19413715

>those tights on the right girl
hnnnnnnnng, you can't tell me god didn't create this to look attractive

>> No.19413718
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I just am wondering why there's so much hostility towards buruma.

>> No.19413729
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>> No.19413747
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We're not talking about it being removed, friendo, just lowered. Fucking kids should be illegal, but it's natural and compliant with human nature for a 14+ to engage in sex, which you even admit with your "they fucked back in school" thing. As another anon said, they wouldn't be fucked on the day of their birthday, and there'd definitely be time until that. Personally, 15 is the lowest i'd feel comfortable with being legal, preferably 16, but as another (presumably eurofag) anon pointed out, we americans have a weird perception on that.
>why complain about the aoc
Maybe because there's people who think it should be lowered, or ephibiophiliacs who would like to be able to have a legitimate relationship that won't put them in jail? Could be anything, doesn't have to be some badwrongfun reason.
Do you really think everyone who disagrees with you on this is a pedophile? Even an ephibiophile? It's just trying to be open-minded, not acting like some activist #resistoppressionmurderminorities (just making this up, but it wouldn't be suprising if this was an actual thing) shithead.
>investment banker
That's not what they were acting like. They didn't read as impersonal, detatched, or machine-like at all, it seems like you're just latching onto their use of money-making in their arguements. no u, shit-for-brains.
>wholesome marriage
Marriage generally includes sex, anon.

>> No.19413751
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>> No.19413756
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Are people only allowed to be in love with them or something? Not that there's much talk of bloomers anyway. You should also accept people are into spandex pants and other stuff nowadays. Just like how blazers are preferred over sailor shirts.

>> No.19413776

>That's not what they were acting like. They didn't read as impersonal, detatched, or machine-like at all, it seems like you're just latching onto their use of money-making in their arguements. no u, shit-for-brains.
Dumb newfag


>> No.19413778

>It should be 14 for sex, 16 for alcohol and smokes
That's exactly how it is where I live, except hard alcohol like vodka and whiskey is 18. I think it's perfect because you need to consider some girls are very mature even at 12, while some are really stupid and retarded, even at 20 and older

I like how the cord wraps around her neck like a choker. Nice feet too.

>> No.19413780
File: 216 KB, 833x1280, wpid-96060f0cfeefab4d8cc21d84fd23e673_2521755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are people only allowed to be in love with them or something?
I never said that, just don't the see the point in getting so upset over it, especially on /jp/.

>> No.19413790
File: 93 KB, 850x988, __boshuu_chan_original_drawn_by_ragho_no_erika__sample-88f5a8925456f37866ab19a1d1dc966b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't seem like hostility towards them, directly, really just the whole thread derailed into a hostile environment. A few folks didn't like them, but we're still sharing pictures, got to count for something.

>> No.19413808
File: 1.71 MB, 2145x3000, 1ba16e766cee7b1ccbd93ef656e20fb2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I be upset at you making another 3d thread then?

>> No.19413834

>we americans have a weird perception on that
>Maybe because there's people who think it should be lowered, or ephibiophiliacs who would like to be able to have a legitimate relationship that won't put them in jail?
I'm >>19413778 and 14 is legal here. That doesn't mean these girls start selling their ass to older men right on their 14th birthday. At the risk of sounding like a typical America basher, but I truly believe that Americans have developed a really weird culture of maturing. For instance a 14 year old girl over here is preparing for school (which is really difficult and intensive here in comparison), often helps her parents in their business and/or helps take care of the household and her siblings, maybe a part-time job in addition. 70% of them (careful estimation) already drink, smoke and fuck. A person who takes so much responsiblity for herself and others is not capable of deciding who to fuck? To be perfectly honest, most of these girls already know exactly their worth on the 'sexual market' and they only bang the hottest, richest and most influential guys IF they decide to bang older guys. The craziest I've ever seen was a girl I'd guess around 14 sitting on the lap of some super sleazy looking guy in his late 30s/early 40s with gel in his hair and a suit and tongue kissing in public, while he fondles her ass. But such things are very rare.

Meanwhile in America, a girl of the same age lives a sheltered life and collects posters of their favorite pop-stars to decorate her kids room with and practice for her cheerleader tournament or something. It's just a very different society to me.

>> No.19413848
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>> No.19413873
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>all those feet

>> No.19413940
File: 51 KB, 259x259, 61b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those slight tan marks on the middle one
>those thick tights
please god forgive me, the devil knows my only weakness

>> No.19413946
File: 63 KB, 433x1000, 67912912d9e526d5d9d572c150c3a1d2--pretty-anime-girl-manga-girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, bash america all you want, nothing wrong with that. It's ingrained in us that under 18 means "incapable of making independent desicions, or smar or safe ones" on the topic of sex and relationships. The girls in middle and high school? If it wasn't against the law, and there wasn't a taboo associated with it, it probably wouldn't be much different from your country in that regard. A lot of the issue comes from it being taboo and illegal, law-abiding citizens aren't going to chase underage skirt like they do with of-age skirt, so the people who would break the law and seek sex with them are going to tend towards the weird, predatory side, potentially. If there was nothing wrong with it, than they would be just as much an outlier as they are in adult relationships. It really is a cultural thing. An anon over on /v/ said something about this, "my cousin is in middle school, and her friends are much cuter than girls my age or older". That anon didn't read like some kind of predator, just someone who's wiring found younger girls more appealing than older girls. Very interesting topic.

>> No.19413952

Yooo #1 is a dude, look at that face

>> No.19414032
File: 87 KB, 644x583, 1470455970290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But America loves sexualising underaged girls.

>> No.19414056

>Just as a fun fact side note: Statistics show that child porn distribution has increased dramatically in Japan over the last few years, congruent with every major crackdown on underage gravure stuff.
Got a citation for that?

>> No.19414077

That feel when after 2020 loli manga will be more legal in American than in Japan

>> No.19414108

The only place in the US I'm aware of that loli content is actually legal is Oregon. Everywhere else it's illegal under the Protect Act, it's just rarely enforced because the police obviously have more important crimes to deal with.

>> No.19414212

Because of the types of people who make these threads and take pictures of school kids wearing them.

>> No.19414231

They mostly stopped existing before the internet became open to the world

>> No.19414237

I know. I'm just giving OP a hard time.

>> No.19414404
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>> No.19414409
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>> No.19414415
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>> No.19414445
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>> No.19414462
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>> No.19414494
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>> No.19414504 [DELETED] 

Reported for posting selfies.

>> No.19415137


>> No.19415564

Jesus 3d jap girls are unattractive. Not a single pleasant looking one in these pictures.

>> No.19415663

wait a minute spats and bloomers are banned ;_?

>> No.19415687

I bet we can relate Japan's declining birth rates to the abolishment of bloomers.

>> No.19415905

I actually prefer them tucked if the girl has a nice body. Problem is Japs have no ass so they always look like shit.

Also red > green > shit >>>> blue

>> No.19415963

I was in Book-Off one day, and saw for the first time, one of those "junior idol photoshoot" DVDs. They were right there, sitting next to the Naruto DVDs as if nothing was wrong with it. It was disgusting. Taking pictures of 11 year old girls in erotic poses and selling it under the idol label is truly debased. Japan is disgusting, and you're a filthy pedo.

>> No.19416079

I'm American and teenage girls were fucking all the time in HS, I overheard two bragging about how they fucked guys in their 20s to get weed even.

>> No.19416232

Except burumas were not only a western invention but actually pushed into Japan by western post-war politics. Just like hakama and kimono, barring a few differences unisex clothes were the standard in Japan before any westernization, so if anything this is dewesternization. Dumb pedophile.

>> No.19416237

It's not so much a dewesternization as it is an update of the westernization

>> No.19416476
File: 66 KB, 720x588, r68g0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Burn in hell, pedo.
>Seek help.
>Japan is disgusting, and you're a filthy pedo
>Dumb pedophile

>> No.19416514
File: 2.99 MB, 1024x576, 1520865773492.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these normies invading /jp/
disgusting, this place is not meant for you

>> No.19416551

Who are you quoting?

>> No.19416567

Racist bitches

>> No.19416612

>hurr, racism is bad
fuck off

>> No.19416631
File: 30 KB, 680x510, 013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ this is not a place for korean bitches either.

>> No.19417052

Who are you quoting?

>> No.19418411


>> No.19419230
File: 609 KB, 888x1280, 20120321_150631_yfrog_twitpic_289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19419238

they are stinky I think

>> No.19419268
File: 123 KB, 1190x798, cdc980fec27f89556f87bd7bb903b2f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19419347

Fundoshi is worse, and that still exists.

>> No.19419352
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>> No.19419359
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>> No.19419705

Meanwhile back in the States:


>> No.19419789

The US can definitely be weird on this topic. No shortage of people for whom the thought of a 17 year old who looks 20 crossing your mind is sick, but this (>>19419705), cheerleading, gymnastics, loli pageant culture etc. all in full adult makeup and dress, or tween shows on Nick and Disney filled with innuendo and fetishization, is all tolerated.

>> No.19419837
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>> No.19419918
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>> No.19419928

Good, for once a thread that is not Touhou or Idolshit.

>> No.19419931
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>> No.19419937



Yeah the idea of the US as a puritanical society filled with SA style religious police forcing everyone to cover up is one that is about as reality based as flat eartherism.


>> No.19420430
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>> No.19420437

>Implying pedos here are not homophobic

>> No.19420441

Go back to America

>> No.19420627

America, Japan, and wherever this faggot is from >>19412084

should be fucking showered in missiles.

The hell is wrong with you all ?

>> No.19420660

It depends on where you go.

>> No.19420661

What is your problem, exactly?

>> No.19420680

Teenage girls are retarded pure children who's bodies bear no resemblance to sexually mature adult females and who must be protected from the life-destroying menace known as "dick"

>> No.19420706

Please post belly buttons.

>> No.19420709

you forgot to add "also my asshole is still shaped as my uncle's big ol' hairy dick"

>> No.19420712

That is true I guess. I was traveling and was amazed how many women and children in full burqas I saw in the US. I read somewhere that is a fairly recent phenomena due to the importation of a large number of social conservatives.

>> No.19420716

God Bless America.

>> No.19420718
File: 2.20 MB, 640x800, 31570191_387050918461975_265148350024646656_n-[00.00.000-00.08.300].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I respect your opinion but I disagree with it.

>> No.19420734

>He thinks I'm american

You can't argue with the pedos here. They will pull up some mental gymnastics to justify their gross behaviours.

>> No.19420776

"what do you I can't lure that 12 yo into an harmful and mentally straining relationship with a deluded virgin like myself, she got pubescent hips, dresses in shorts and all that. She's obviously mature enough. It won't make her miserable to look back at her youth errors. It's part of growing up amIright. It's a formative experience :DDD"

>> No.19420786

Nice strawman you got there, good job representing the opinion of approximately no one in this thread.

>> No.19420807

yeah sure.
*masturbates to teen photo set and possibly harasses her on social media*

>> No.19420812

I like this ultra beta "possibly", you can't even accuse him of something properly.

>> No.19420821

Is this projection? Is this what you do regarding girls you fap to?

>> No.19420827

>but it's a deterrent for pedophilia
Public castration is

>> No.19420856

Who are you quoting?

>> No.19420884

someone said I wasn't representing the opinions in the thread

>> No.19420925

Your post still made no sense in the context of the post you replied to.

>> No.19420954

Fun fact. Two countries legalized child pornography in the 1990s (Japan and Czechoslovakia) and both saw a reduction in the incidents of child predators.

In ALL cases where pornography has become legal incidents of sexual crime drop.

>> No.19420958


Sez the guy who saw op's pic and clicked instantly. ^____^

>> No.19420964

made an error :DDD

>> No.19420978

Actual CP involves the victimization of children.

>> No.19420982

how dare you use facts against people who argue based on their feelings

>> No.19421047

I can smell the lard that made this post. I can also tell you have copious amounts of CP saved somewhere. Better get rid of that before they catch you. You people are the most hated in the planet and nothing will change that.

Pedophiles are considered the lowest of all scum and that will never change.

>> No.19421071

I think most people in this thread have issue not with CP ban as such, but with American definition of CP, where anyone younger than 18 is a "child" somehow.

>> No.19421113

Why are these people always so irrational and prone to extreme projection?

>> No.19421317

Holy fucking roastie, batman!

>> No.19421542

Give me your entire buruma folder, dude

>> No.19421646


>> No.19421673

I wanna punch that dumb slut's face in.

>> No.19421698
File: 1.71 MB, 640x800, 1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too, preferably with my dick lol

>> No.19421726

spats are better

>> No.19422277
File: 177 KB, 500x300, 1531349906306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.19422285

Who are you quoting?

>> No.19422364

S.Koreans and Kpop artist are openly racist than Japan as a whole.
Let that sink in....

>> No.19422566

only acceptable racism on the big Jay is anti-corean racism

>> No.19422592

It's not. Seriously fuck off.

>> No.19422680

It actually is though

>> No.19422692
File: 81 KB, 640x1024, Dc_-yA8VwAIjoIp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard they ban u18 nude in 1999
Did i remember the wrong year?

>> No.19422819
File: 186 KB, 1200x1167, 467567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pedophiles are considered the lowest of all scum and that will never change.
No one in this thread is a pedophile you insufferable sperg. Nobody here advocates actual children being penetrated or in any other way exploited.

American logic:

One hour later: Look at this fucking cum slut. I'll rape the shit outta that ass, slap and choke her and then drench her in jizz like the cheap whore she is!!

Go read your bible or something.

The woman you see in this picture is another one of those 'poor exploited children' according to you. She posed for slutty bikini pictures while still going to school, earned a ton of money, went on to have a super successful career as a teen singer (while 'pedophiles' still jerked off to her), then was married by some super rich dude and she now has a daughter and lives a life in wealth without ever lifting a finger in her life, because those same 'pedophiles' still support her everywhere she goes, even 20 years later. Another tragic case of a young life forever ruined by lustful men.

Idol culture is not what you imply. Yes, people are jerking off to early teens posing slutty, deal with it. It's just a small part of a bigger picture and you'll never stop this from happening.

>> No.19422838

That was in 1990.

>> No.19422844

this shit fell out of fashion decades ago, it wasn't because of the Olympics

jesus you people are dense. this thread reeks of rampany idiocy and crossboarding, why is it on /jp/?

>> No.19422948

He's quoting himself because someone called him a pedo and now he's triggered.

>> No.19422957

Chiaki Kuriyama did some nude she look 14ish in those set and she born in 1984
Pretty sure they ban nude in late 90s

>> No.19423037

Looks like that supreme gentleman guy who offed himself. Creepy.

>> No.19423261

Thanks for assuming I'm American you fucking idiot. It makes you guys look pretty obsessed. I don't understand how a simple fact can trigger you that hard. Pedophiles are the most hated people on Earth. Deal with it.

>> No.19423622

I too agree than men jerking it to risque pictures of 14 year old girls are worse than serial killers.

>> No.19423631

The Punisher is a hero, The Pedophile is not.

>> No.19423638

>why is it on /jp/?
The op wanted people to post images of buruma. People argued with fake anger and fake arguments instead because /v/ showed up. The thread can still be saved by posting images of ancient buruma though.

>> No.19423641

Well you have the mindset of most 1st world people. Good on you!

>> No.19423652
File: 130 KB, 1224x849, 1500166393700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I meant by ancient

>> No.19423696

>thinks all killers have a "just" cause

>> No.19423738
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>> No.19423743
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>> No.19423746
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>> No.19423759
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>> No.19423762
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>> No.19423770
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>> No.19423794
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>> No.19423797
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>> No.19423833
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>> No.19423836
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>> No.19423841
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>> No.19423847
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>> No.19423858
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>> No.19423877
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>> No.19423880
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>> No.19423923
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>> No.19423938
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>> No.19423988

Fucking based. That guy got roasted hard.

>> No.19424642

>scarcity exists and yet retards like this guy are mad about pictures
Barbarism. I unironically hope you die horribly like the lemming you are.

>> No.19424919

p u f f y

>> No.19424927

oops meant to reply to

>> No.19426588

Sexual abuse is fine as long as it's done by rich old men in Hollywood, am I right America?

>> No.19427379

Anything is fine as long as it's not done by creepy looking people.

>> No.19427395

Can confirm that things like these are extremely uncomfortable. It's not that they're tight, it's just that they ride up like a bitch.

>> No.19427409

>Statistics show that child porn distribution has increased dramatically in Japan over the last few years, congruent with every major crackdown on underage gravure stuff.
This is just because the actual laws defining child porn have broadened. I'm pretty sure there are natural barriers to fucking young teens in place for a reason (ie she's hot but the moment she opens her mouth you want to run).

>> No.19427436
File: 635 KB, 800x1100, __original_drawn_by_nonaka_ritsu__588491bd2990741e5e4ff4158f551894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you mind 2d girls as well or just 3d?

>> No.19427483

Ironic about what? It's sexy stuff.

>> No.19427493

Come on man, do you even know what /jp/ stands for?

>> No.19427499

>she's hot but the moment she opens her mouth you want to run
Not always true

>> No.19427625

This whole "sex revolution" bullshit is the only reason we aren't allowed to fuck delicious JCs and JKs because free sex poses a real danger to them since they don't know any better and just fuck around and get pregnant from runaway dads.

There is absolutely nothing inherently wrong with both sexual attraction and actual sex with females who are old enough to bleed if you are living in a society that values stable monogamous relationship.

In fact even biology itself points at that making the girls who live in a stressful environment start bleeding early at 11-13 years old just so that they can get under male protection and/or give birth and rise kids before possible early death.

>> No.19427627
File: 157 KB, 740x842, 1499646848902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not OP so I don't care if you post or not. However, personally I can search a booru or something for 2D. I was asking for the even older style of short buruma like in >>19423652 however, regardless of 2D or 3D. It's kind of hard to find.

>> No.19427700

>I'm pretty sure there are natural barriers to fucking young teens in place for a reason
Technically AOC is possibly at 13 in Japan
>ie she's hot but the moment she opens her mouth you want to run
this applies to most women regardless of age *antoniobanderas.jpg*

>> No.19427748

You know what's weird? I know it's anecdotal but I have never been into girls of my age or younger ones. To the point of disgust almost. That is until I got independent and slowly stopped caring about my partner being more mature. Now I just want a lovely thing to hug and dick that would love me back and suddenly I started finding 13-18 y.o. girls attractive. I'm not really fixed on them eitjer but still... I guess this old chikan stereotype exists for a reason.

>> No.19427762

Why do young Japanese girls have such incredible thighs?

I can't recall other Asian nationalities have them so thick and plump, yet firm and smooth. You can tell just from the pictures how toned they are. I just want to use them as a pillow. For example African girls have thick thighs, but they're also flabby with fat tissue. Meanwhile Korean girls have smooth and firm thighs, but they tend to be thinner. These Japanese girls have such super thick, muscular thighs but they're so feminine at the same time. Is it because they're required to do a lot of sports in school? Diet? I really wonder.

>> No.19427776

Stubby short legs combined with the fact that very few of them (unlike white and black girls) are actually fat. This type of legs doesn't look nearly as good with any other type of clothing that does not explicitly exaggerate them as much.

>> No.19427781
File: 3.37 MB, 2800x1867, xk1-34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really only tangentially related to the theme of this thread but I got part of a photoset I can dump

>> No.19427793
File: 3.41 MB, 1867x2800, xk1-42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or maybe not since most of these files are too big

>> No.19427806
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>> No.19427820
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>> No.19427831
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>> No.19427842
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>> No.19427848

American brainwashing. It's sad, really.

>> No.19427853

11-13 is early?

>> No.19427854

This looks like a 3d modeled scene so much that I don't know what to do

>> No.19427873

11-12 is definitely on the early side. A lot of girls don't ripe till 15.

>> No.19427881

13 is pretty much the average though

>> No.19427919
File: 110 KB, 800x530, b0190540_21274599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't they call it something like 'white radish legs' in Japan? 大根足 (daikon ashi) I think it's sort of a derogatory term though.

IMHO >>19423841
and >>19413848
is best. Sun tanned, juicy and cute feet. I'd love to have a job where I just oil massage school girl legs and feet all day. For medicinal purposes of course.

>> No.19427943

Case in point, Japanese girls in long skirts look pretty fucking bad because those make them look even shorter whereas bloomers show 100% of the leg which visually elongates the leg. I think that's why japaense have such a hardon for shirt skirts and one piece swimsuits in general.

>> No.19427964

>A lot of girls don't ripe till 15
Hell no dude. Most girls already look like in their 20s at that point, including lard ass and saggy tits. My sister started her menstruation when she was around 12. I remember being sad that day, because she wasn't the little kid I played on the lawn with anymore and her interests would soon shift. I miss those times when I carried her on my shoulders and we went to buy ice cream in summer. ;_; Now the only thing she's slurping is dick juice.

>> No.19427989

Most girls already menstruate by the age of 15 but girls who don't aren't much of an anomaly. Again, things like stress may also factor into that.

>> No.19428028

Even cramps are a biological mechanism designed explicitly to put girls into vulnerable position which nurtures desire to dic and protec them.

>> No.19428133
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>> No.19428149
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you're right, these are quite hard to find.

>> No.19428174
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>> No.19428175

>Most girls already look like in their 20s at that point
Not really, depends on where you live.

>> No.19428179
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>> No.19428185
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>> No.19428194
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>> No.19428234
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I'm pretty sure bloomers were popularized because of the Japanese volleyball team that won at the 1964 Olympics.
So it's quite ironic that you guys are now saying the Olympics is a threat to this "value".

>> No.19428265
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>> No.19428289
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>> No.19428298

This dude has the best profession in the world.

>> No.19428339
File: 145 KB, 969x768, D5032715-7596-45ED-ABFB-4F9583EAB070-341-000000C93641118D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19428372
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>> No.19428377
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>> No.19428387
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>> No.19428399

It really is sad. They don't even realize it too. I wouldn't care if they just did it in their country, but no they must export their """morals""" to the rest of the world. Its cultural imperialism

>> No.19428429
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>> No.19428447
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>> No.19428452

How the fuck does one even rationalize that? Production of CP is a sex crime in itself and freedom of possession would create more incentive to produce it. Like I'm not even arguing that people seeing CP would magically turn them into practicing child molesters but this shit is just basic grade school economics.

>> No.19428467
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>> No.19428472
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>> No.19428500
File: 201 KB, 912x942, images?url=http%3A%2F%2Ff-father.com%2Fai%2Fmomoe%2Fmomoe0026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19428522
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>> No.19428525
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>> No.19428531
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>> No.19428538
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>> No.19428542
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>> No.19428549
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>> No.19428551
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>> No.19428555
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>> No.19428558

>Pedophiles are considered the lowest of all scum
Unless they are women.

>> No.19428576
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>> No.19428588
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>> No.19428591
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>> No.19428600

There's no rationalization. It's hard data.
The world doesn't work according to your brainwashing, sorry that you had to find out this way.

>> No.19428604

This thread is giving me thigh overload.

>> No.19428618
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>> No.19428619
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>> No.19428635
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>> No.19428646
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>> No.19428682

Production of CP isn't a sex crime?

>> No.19428882

It's one of the basic principles of brainwashing to consider the induced state as the norm. Nothing can deter your views from the perception system you've been conditioned to. Just look at radical islamists. People literally willing to die for some 'sorcerer in the sky' fairytale, but in their minds it's the only possible reality and nothing could ever change that.

>they must export their """morals""" to the rest of the world. Its cultural imperialism
Mongolians, Romans, Spanish, British, all major empires imposed their will on the conquered cultures. Not new. America is just a special case because their moral construct is so heavily skewered. Things like violence, murder and militaristic coercion culture is downplayed or even embraced, while in terms of sexuality it's near inquisition style, which clashes horribly with Japanese sex culture. Japanese have always worshiped young teen girls as their cultural center point. Youth and health is their main focus, while in America the media is centered around comparatively masculine defined women in their 20s and 30s, which is considered rotten meat in Asia anyway.

>> No.19428959

>tfw you will never travel back in time and go to Japanese school
>tfw you will never glimpse at your secret crush in sports class
>tfw you will never sneak a love letter into her locker before graduation and never see her again
>tfw you will never think about her for the rest of your life and dream of what could have been

Instead I went to a school full of orc looking manly bitches, lard asses and pimpled sluts. Fuck the world.

>> No.19429025

Who are you quoting?

>> No.19429062


>> No.19429211

Stop being retarded. Literally everyone uses meme arrows like this.

>> No.19429356

This poster's text, man

>> No.19429450

how does she know the idol is actually a minor

>> No.19429538

>meme arrows

>> No.19429552

Please get out from /jp/.

>> No.19429554
File: 837 KB, 960x720, [EG]Mobile_Suit_Gundam_28_BD_V2(720p_10bit)[3E141FE1][00:12:35]001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meme arrows.

>> No.19429645

Aussie logic: If she is a B-cup or below, she's a minor.

>> No.19432226
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>> No.19432230
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>> No.19432232
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>> No.19436065
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>> No.19436161

>zero ass
How tragic

>> No.19436369

I mean, they're kids and japs, on top of that.

>> No.19436994

This thread is destroying my dick.

>> No.19437162


>> No.19439139
File: 177 KB, 834x1102, 247166-66262-0-178593-pc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19440134

Who are you quoting?

>> No.19441706

I hate how I can´t tell the age of these girls.

I am fine with fapping to high schoolers and MAYBE middle schoolers, but elementary schoolers is were I draw my line.

>> No.19441715

You don't belong here. Get out.

>> No.19441825

You can't be serious.

>> No.19441885

Based lolicons

>> No.19442659

They're obviously not elementary.

>> No.19443224

>they censored no. 5s nipple

damn westernization of mahpan!

>> No.19443938
File: 2.68 MB, 1280x720, Miyawaki Sakura 1st Solo Photobook Making Video-[16.30.222-16.37.329].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19445248

I think they just censored her name.

>> No.19445258
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>> No.19445274
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>> No.19445276
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>> No.19445280
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>> No.19445283
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>> No.19445292
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>> No.19445297
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>> No.19445306

Oh gosh.

>> No.19445308
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>> No.19445313
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>> No.19445315
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>> No.19445323
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>> No.19445332
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>> No.19445334
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>> No.19445336
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>> No.19445337
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>> No.19445343
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>> No.19445347
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>> No.19445375
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>> No.19445381
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>> No.19445384
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>> No.19445387
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>> No.19445391
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>> No.19445395

god bless you bloomer poster

>> No.19445398
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>> No.19445402
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>> No.19445404
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>> No.19445409
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>> No.19445415
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>> No.19445421
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>> No.19445436
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>> No.19445445
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>> No.19445452
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>> No.19445464
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>> No.19445467
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>> No.19445472
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>> No.19445482
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>> No.19445488
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>> No.19445494
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>> No.19448017

I just want to know, who the hell made those photos and how.

>> No.19448143

Teachers, students, random observers at meets, and with a camera, of course.

>> No.19448255

Glorious unsung heroes of time, with incredibly foresight and ambition to preserve one of Japan's cultural treasures for the world after.

I love how these pants tend to pronounce the shape of their pussy bulge.

>> No.19448283

Most of these are obviously taken at sports festivals. There is nothing wrong with schools documenting their own events... And as such it's a breeding ground for perverts to take creepshots among the reghla rones.

>> No.19448359

These are breeding grounds alright.

>> No.19448413
File: 321 KB, 640x603, 1593014507-abubanter440118257201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine having to be the teacher.

I wouldn't be able to keep composure at a place like this from the visuals alone. Then add the glaring summer heat and how their sweat evaporates, creating this giant, all-encompassing pheromone cloud you can't escape, even if you wanted to. I'd just go to the toilet and jerk off real quick, then go to the vending machine and buy an ice cold drink and return as if noting happened.

>> No.19449903

Eh, they're too old.

>> No.19450449

it was the norm back then, the glorious past
