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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 46 KB, 256x294, Aokana getting localized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19321489 No.19321489 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is a continuation of this week's Visual Novel translation status:

Midweek news:
>Omega Labyrinth Z was rejected on Sony platform for "sexualizing" children. (not related to VN but worth mentioning)
>Venus Blood Frontier Prefundia page up
>Doddler accidentally leaked that the Baldr Sky translation is only half finished.
>Sprite halts all projects, but also hits a possible localization for AoKana.
>Evenicle released.
>MG sneak updated their Project Status page.
>Maitetsu release today, Fakku promised an uncensor patch for the steam version.

>> No.19321520

how is straight up telling someone that the translation is only half way done "accidentally leaking"

stop trying to make it more exciting than it actually is

>> No.19321530

>he still doesn't know enough japanese to read VNs
this is just SAD

>> No.19321617

Who are you quoting?

>> No.19321667

When the official position is that it was halfway done five months ago, that's fucking up.

>> No.19322057

Here waiting for Maitetsu release. Do I get to shitpost about how much Sekai project and Fakku suck, or do I actually give them fucking money? How exciting.

>> No.19322064

Depends on how the translation turns out (it'll be shit) and whether any content has been edited or not.

>> No.19322072

Oh, Im fully expecting shit. But in the strange miracle that it isn't, and they really kept their promise and it is uncut, I have to give them credit.

>> No.19322184

It seems to be a sad to thing to say that a company not cutting out content deserves credit, versus being the norm. Of course the release being shit is also terrible, no matter which company its from.

>> No.19322282

It is sad. Thats no way any company should run its business, nor treat its potential customers. That being said, its also why its important to reward them when they finally do something right.

If all we do is shit on them, no matter the quality, We effectively remove ourselves from their customer pool, and they have no reason to listen to our complaints, no matter how valid they may be. If one release they put out have bad sales, and the community speaks out about the poor quality of the game, they (should) listen and try to improve. If the actually put forth effort and release a quality product, sales should reward them, and hopefully get them to continue a trend of higher quality work.

That being said, the Western VN business model is fucking weird.

>> No.19322345

>That being said, its also why its important to reward them when they finally do something right.
We've been waiting for SP to do that ever since they first began operating.

>> No.19322366

The problem with Maitetsu is that it's a release being made with the ironic weeb fanbase on Steam in mind; which is to say that they priced it at 15 dollars because they're trying to recapture Nekopara's success. I think its success, no matter its quality, is guaranteed, so purchasing it as a "reward" is a bit pointless since they wouldn't be able to differentiate loyal customers from random ironic weebs on Steam, after all, they aren't even trying to. If anything Maitetsu's price pretty much tells me that Sekai has no confidence in it as a quality product, but wants to rekindle the meme market on Steam with a flashy, high-resolution release that's priced reasonably enough to attract Steam babbies (the high price of visual novels being amongst their greatest complaints) who will buy it, read it briefly, and then let it sit -- after all, their attention span isn't going to withstand the barrage of infodumps that the visual novel offers, whereas Nekopara was short, mindless drivel (and extremely poorly translated at that)

I'm all for rewarding a company when they do everything correct, but with Sekai and this release in particular, I don't know if I should. My voice doesn't matter here. Also, they're incredibly inconsistent. They'll usually do one good thing a year and then screw up for the rest of the year, do a AMA on Reddit where they talk about how they're improving and how they're sorry, and then rinse and repeat. So I've pretty much decided I likely won't give them any money until they can get through at least 2 years without any major screwups (small mistakes, delays, and various other minor quibbles aside)

>> No.19322394

While $30 for the 18+ version is still ridiculously cheap, they deliberately created a huge price disparity between the all-ages and 18+ version. Likely to create a statistic for themselves that 18+ is not wanted by their audience.

>> No.19322434

Did anyone get the R18 Maitetsu here? Can anyone confirm if it's the full game with all the additional H scenes, patches, and content added into it or is it just the standard version?

>> No.19322443

I imagined it more as being them trying to gauge how far they can push the disparity before people get pissed. The uncensor patches started at $5 with the first Nekopara, as far as I'm aware. Then later they shifted to $10 patches, with Nekopara 2 being $10, so the games were the same price but the patch got more expensive. Now we're looking at a $15 game and a $15 patch.f If Maitetsu proves to be successful I can see them releasing something else down the line with either a $10 censored price and $15 gap for the uncensor, or a $15 game and $20 gap.

>> No.19322447

It's still not out for another 2 hours.

>> No.19322460

ah yes the "Full game" just like how the JAST release of Subahibi is the "full game".

I thought people just pirated the restoration patch since needing to create a new account on a new website and buying it is a much bigger pain in the ass than just pirating it.

>> No.19322467

You mean FW.

>> No.19322475

I would honestly be surprised if it was not the full game. They've made such a big deal out of it being "uncut" that it would be a major PR blow to them if it ended up being a lie. I just get a feeling that they're probably telling the truth this time. I fully expect the translation to be shit, however.

>> No.19322498

Frontwing did the exact same thing with the JAST release of Subahibi. I genuinely wouldn't be surprised if they cut something or rewrote something.

>> No.19322507

Considering the sheer amount of "DLCs" Maitetsu has I wouldn't be surprised if they missed one or two of them.

One of the major additions was this which anyone can buy: http://dlsoft.dmm.co.jp/detail/bmnt_0005/
but aside from that they also added some only available to their Lose club members.

>> No.19322522

I really hate this artwork.

>> No.19322538

If they translated most DLC but missed one or two, then at least they had good intentions and didn't remove something just cause they felt like it. They might add the remaining DLC in the future.

>> No.19322551

I really really love it

>> No.19322590

>uncensor patch for the steam version.
Does this mean they're just placing the R18 back with that patch? Or will it be a real uncensor patch? (No mosaic)

>> No.19322608

I wish DMM would stop with the region blocking already.

>> No.19322854

It's out.

>> No.19322974

Its out on Steam, and on sale at that. only $11.99. They really must want to get as many sales as fast as they can.

>> No.19322993

I have a bad feeling about this

>> No.19323073

they release both the censored version on Steam and the full game on Fakku but not the patch


>> No.19323077

So, apparently Chaos;Child is out?

>> No.19323156

Not yet. It will be out today, though.

>> No.19323324

>Making a new thread rather than just waiting a day
Are we being invaded by /vn/

>> No.19323363

Lots on VNs coming out today. makes sense to have a thread up to talk about all this stuff at once, rather than waiting a day.

>> No.19323392

>only 19 players
Was expecting a stronger launch for Maitetsu, honestly. That's pretty middling as far as numbers go, even fucking Fata Morgana's fandisc did better than that.

Perhaps it's a release in which the majority are waiting for the 18+ version first? I'd be pleasantly surprised if that were the case.

>> No.19323399

I'm finding lot of untranslated lines in maitetsu nice quality there

>> No.19323404

It's been out for an hour.

>> No.19323409

From the look I've taken at /vn/ everyone seems to be torrenting it. Probably because of lolige, and certainly there are a lot of people waiting for the 18+ release.

>> No.19323414

And usually within an hour or two you see the most numbers for any game.

>> No.19323531

>everyone seems to be torrenting it
That's just business as usual.

>> No.19323558

how does sekai manage to do it every time

>> No.19323567

Post screenshots.

>> No.19323646
File: 171 KB, 1553x1032, append.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like the fakku version has the append data, just going by the file names.

>> No.19323675

Having people throw money at everything without paying attention to the company itself. A normal company would improve from mistakes, but Sekais consumers willingly reward them for spitting at their face almost every release.

>> No.19323779
File: 358 KB, 1271x717, culture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is alright.

>> No.19323784

Post caps

>> No.19323805

Wait, where's append 2?

>> No.19323895

Is it too early to start shouting censorship?

>> No.19323916

I find it odd they would censor one append out of all the lolifucking there is. As far as I'm aware, there's not bestiality or anything either so I'm not sure what it would be. Could just be SP fucking up and not bothering to actually check if they got all the appends in the first place.

>> No.19323958

Is there a torrent for Maitetsu? I'm getting brutal speeds from the Fakku servers.

>> No.19323978

some nice guy on infinite chan is uploading it on mega

>> No.19323984

Thank you. If I'd known there would be a DLC patch I would have bought the base game on Steam. Didn't expect to drop to 100KBps on Fakku in any case though.

>> No.19323988

No one noticing that a number was missing from the list of append files they had sounds exactly like SP's brand of incompetence.

>> No.19324003

Yeah I'm going with them being incompetent over outright maliciousness. Cutting them no slack on untranslated lines at this point though. They should know better and it's a clear sign it never had a single proper QC pass outside of throwing a rock on the ctrl key.

>> No.19324018

They do know better than to have untranslated lines. They just have no incentive to care considering people will buy it either way.

>> No.19324044

Maybe append 2 data is included in 3 or something like that. Or it's some sort of store exclusive deal.

>> No.19324056

Still hovering around 20-22 active players with a peak of 26. That's pretty weak for a big license like this, and such a cheaply priced game. I'm surprised. I was expecting at least 50.

>> No.19324063

I could see that. I'm not sure what exclusives VNs get but I know monster hunter gets DLC stripped out even when it's something like a deal with 7/11 which is pretty much world wide.

>> No.19324078

I don't know how many are in my boat but I didn't buy it on Steam.

>> No.19324092

If you mean Maitetsu, I bought the superior R-18 version.

>> No.19324115
File: 144 KB, 1301x731, IMG_20180629_192108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

High quality QA there!

>> No.19324116

The only superior thing here is your retardation lmao

>> No.19324126

Maybe people are finally getting fed up with them. Or maybe the people into lolige have higher standards. Maybe Sekai Project will learn that trying to get the Nekopara audience interested in a lolige was a stupid idea.
I'm personally conflicted anyway. Do I buy it and support the localisation of more unaltered lolige in the west? Or do I not buy it because it's Sekai Project and their translations are always sub-par and full of QA issues, and I disagree with them pricing the censored and uncensored versions differently? It's a hard call.

>> No.19324131

Try switching to a different font. That looks like a font issue to me. Specifically try MS gothic/ ゴシック

>> No.19324132

Have you checked to make sure that's not actually a meatball?

>> No.19324150

Which font and version is that from?
Default font on the Steam version and I didn't have an issue there.

>> No.19324224

Only buy and support it if they do a good job. I want more lolige in the west, but not if its the usual shit we get with Sekai Project.

>> No.19324238

Anyone purchased the patch for Maitetsu yet? I got the steam version at already stupid low price because of my country so I want to keep it as low as possible.

>> No.19324239

Maitetsu isn't a lolige tho

>> No.19324241

200KB/s here

>> No.19324265

It went up to 2MB/s for me and just finished. Best of luck.

>> No.19324269

Why did you buy it

>> No.19324287

Because I take the market as it is, not as I'd like it to be. Pirating it is just a good way to make sure nothing from Lose gets localized in the future. No disrespect to anyone who won't buy it on principle with respect to the translation quality or Sekai's business practices though.

>> No.19324288

They didn't lied about the content >>19323646

>> No.19324305

>Do I buy it and support the localisation of more unaltered lolige in the west? Or do I not buy it because it's Sekai Project and their translations are always sub-par and full of QA issues, and I disagree with them pricing the censored and uncensored versions differently? It's a hard call.
I feel that catch-22 man. Maybe someday they'll put out a release that's widely praised for its quality and I'll be willing to give them another shot. Till then, I go look at that dovac discord screenshot and let my rage make the decision for me

>> No.19324496

How the hell are you defining a lolige then if Maitetsu isnt one?

>> No.19324503

>has an all loli cast
>focuses on lolis
>all lolis talk and act like lolis
>lolis are aged appropriately
Maitetsu fails on all 4 counts btw

>> No.19324522

>has an all loli cast
Can't fault you on that, but the majority are lolis.
>focuses on lolis
MC and most of cast are lolis
>all lolis talk and act like lolis
Haven't played it yet, so I can't comment, but I imagine this is very subjective
>lolis are aged appropriately
Irrelevant in 2D. don't want to argue with you on this as theres no winning a loli is age or bodytype argument.

You may say Maitetsu is not a lolige, I say it is one.

>> No.19324554

He gave the public tracker number, numbnuts

>> No.19324556

Half of the cast is loli. And it's not really subjective in how a loli should speak, they certainly shouldn't be Grandmas like Suzu is. Anyway, Maitetsu spends far too much time on its universe and world-building and the lolis are mostly just decorations for it; the text of the visual novel is primarily focused on infodumping trains, politics, and economics, not to mention various other topics. I wouldn't go so far as to call it a plotge, but it's somewhere inbetween a plotge/charage (even though these terms are pretty silly to begin with). I mean, just compare it to any other lolige, like 通心ぼ, and you'll immediately see how different they are.

>> No.19324584

Ok, I'll give you credit for this on the world/trains thing being more important. So, not really a lolige, but its still game with loli heroines in an important role.

>> No.19324602

That's true. My main point for this, though, is really I don't think any of the main publishers are brave enough to tackle any actual lolige. Unless they have huge "She's 18 folks!" signs going everywhere (pretty much most lolige are vague on ages, but some are way more "subtle" about it than others) Maitetsu is lucky. Lolis are not the focus and therefore it got a free pass. Monobeno? Well, it might get a free pass too since it's similarly setting-driven, but it's also a lot more explicit when it comes to the age of its main loli heroine, and she's like 10. And acts like it. Very accurately. I'm not sure if any Western publishers will want to touch it, but I could be wrong. I am, however, confident in the unlikelyhood of the more raunchy lolige out there ever coming to the West. Certainly nothing like the Tanuki Soft titles, that's for sure.

>> No.19324634

>its also why its important to reward them when they finally do something right
Has this ever actually resulted in any positive change? I feel like there's only ever been cases where people try to reward competence and end up getting burned later when the company shows that it actually does not give a shit and any improvements were either coincidental or at worst an actual ploy to get people to give them money.

>> No.19324669

I am hoping that they keep their word and have all of these scenes.

>> No.19324721

Read the rules.

>> No.19324735

well steam sale just happened soo

>> No.19324739
File: 10 KB, 394x186, 1530332912144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(((full game)))

Jacob doesn't even try to hide being a jew

>> No.19324753

Speaking of which, some Fakku employee on Twiter got mad at /v/ earlier for saying that they were shilling for Maitetsu on there and claiming that they would never give money to Fakku. Looks like his boss chewed him out, though, so they removed the tweet.

>> No.19324790

Maitetsu R-18: https://mega.nz/#!DO43xaAR!AUN9FCUcLpwZ1fv21yqFYIzworCy0ZR8FvTYlsvOOS8

>> No.19324796 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.80 MB, 1763x981, 1530335140651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I'm already feeling like a train operator already. Look at all those controls!

kek, they're calling a shill pretty much anyone who doesn't immediately shit on a given game

>> No.19324803

stop bullying dogrunes!

>> No.19325062

Remember that piracy is always a constant and is very rarely the primary cause a videogame doesn't sell well. Heck, the download link for Evenicle was up within a couple hours.

>> No.19325091

EU ordered a study for this recently, and then didn't publish it when it showed unfavorable results (meaning the study showed that piracy has low influence on sales).

>> No.19325129

I don't get it.

>> No.19325178

The former. The dick mosaic moving on its own even when I'm not advancing is funny yet distracting.

>> No.19325190

theres prob as many as study for both sides, its just pick and choose which one agrees with your point of view

>> No.19325195
File: 22 KB, 629x106, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capitalization is hard, okay?

>> No.19325197

this study didn't account for small companies like Sekai expecting to sell 50k copies at most, which piracy hurts them the most (unless the piracy gives them exposure because fuck marketing)

bigger companies have hordes of braindead consumers that constantly buy their games, play it for 2 hours then never touch them again or pawn them for 5$

>> No.19325202

this is atrocious I'm refunding my game right now

>> No.19325219
File: 799 KB, 3341x1497, 20180629_233523-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19325248

No hyphen in onii-san? This is literally worse than Sentai.

>> No.19325264

it said Sotetsu-oniisan's pee-pee or something. i just cropped it when i posted it to a friend.

>> No.19325270

i think Fukami and Nagi's Hscenes are the only ones where they decided to say pee-pee instead of dick or cock. I'll need to finish watching the others scenes to compare

>> No.19325385

>the r18 release is the same all ages version with the h-scenes slapped into it.

Why, is this shit ever going to get fixed?

>> No.19325396
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>> No.19325414

i was too busy fapping the hscenes to even notice that what the actual fuck

>> No.19325417

Wait, what? So the 18+ version is still censored?

>> No.19325420


>> No.19325508
File: 654 KB, 2549x766, 1530342667839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another example. /vn/ is finding this stuff.

>> No.19325558
File: 876 KB, 1280x720, maitetsu画像_20180630_173553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sure is.

>> No.19325576

Well if it's just the images, while embarassing it's a relatively easy fix as long as they can patch it quickly. But what if the actual script differs? Then it will be an incredible fuckup.

>> No.19325583

How do you not notice this while testing?

>> No.19325584

What the hell, is it just few CG's not having nipples and pantsu, or are some parts of the script different as well?

>> No.19325586

Well at least they're not cutting scenes outright. No malice yet, only incompetence.

>> No.19325589
File: 40 KB, 668x296, 1530323178310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sekai Project
Pick one and only one.

>> No.19325594

>No malice, only incompetence.
That could be SP's slogan at this point.

>> No.19325595

Well, you'd think someone from FAKKU would test it too.

>> No.19325601

Comparing the quality of release between Maitetsu and Evenicle is almost shocking honestly.

>> No.19325604

Maitetsu will be fixed once they unfuckup the CGs. Nothing can fix Evenicle's shitty localization.

>> No.19325605

Piracy is the way all the kids get their games and become VN buyers when they grow up. So it is a long term positive.

If people started to price eroge at 10 dollars and sell to kids... well, piracy would probably drop by 50%. But nobody would ever do that.

>> No.19325611

more like lazyness, hope fakku fixes that soon

>> No.19325617

Fakku are just publishing it, they didn't work on localising it. They probably have no clue anyway.

>> No.19325621

If I'm publishing something done by people who are known to be incompetent, I would check first to see that it doesn't ruin my rep.

>> No.19325624

Fakku has a terrible reputation.

>> No.19325626

If I cared about my reputation, I wouldn't agree to publish something from a company known to be incompetent in the first place.

>> No.19325627

Not with normalfags.

>> No.19325632

Being the sole publisher for something that no other company is willing to do because of the contents can give you a lot of points. High risk high reward.

>> No.19325637

>something that no other company is willing to do
Says who? DLSite is an obvious option that wouldn't shy away from it.

>> No.19325639

If normalfags don't know about all the things that give Fakku their bad reputation, they're not likely to learn about this at all.

>> No.19325652

Isn't DLSite more jewish than Steam in terms of how big a cut it takes form sales?

>> No.19325653

Have you been playing both of them? Maitetsu's TL isn't very good, it's censored with both mosaics and all ages main script, and doesn't translate any signs or in game images. Not out of the norm for a sekai release, but still disappointing.

>> No.19325654

>Nothing can fix Evenicle's shitty localization.
What's wrong with it aside from them localising the honorifics?

>> No.19325655

I forgot DLSite EN even exists. That's how unimportant it is.

>> No.19325657

>all ages main script,

is there a difference?

>> No.19325660

I said localization, not translation, so of course that's the thing which matters. Also Archfiend.

>> No.19325667

No one's sure yet... given that sprites go from being fully nude to covered up, it would be weird if there weren't at least minor differences in text.

>> No.19325671

From what I was told, sex is referenced outside of H-scenes. I think it's pretty safe to assume that's not the case in the all-ages release.

>> No.19325674

Japanese DLSite takes 30%, same as Steam. English DLSite takes 50%. English DLSite also recently killed the points rewards system that JP DLSite still has.
No idea what EN DLSite is doing really, just trying to make no one want to deal with them I guess.

>> No.19325676

>and doesn't translate any signs or in game images
Business as usual.

>> No.19325677

I don't think sex happens at all in the main routes. It always takes place after route endings and I can confirm this as I've played through Hachiroku, Hibiki and Kiaski's routes.

>> No.19325678

It would be easy to check since you can display both english and japanese at the same time in the Fakku release. Compare that to the same scene in the japanese release and see if any line is different.

>> No.19325679

So basically nothing and you're shitposting because it's nowhere near as bad as Maitetsu?

>> No.19325681

Censorship is still fucking censorship. fuck them. glad I waited to buy this, they sure as fuck arent getting my money.

>> No.19325682

I said "Nothing can fix Evenicle's shitty localization". How is this statement not true?

>> No.19325683

If they're using the all-ages script, the japanese is be censored as well.

>> No.19325685

That's not censorship though.

>> No.19325688

I doubt they would be since the translation was announced a few weeks after the Japanese PC release and was finished in March 2017 IIRC.

>> No.19325692

The CGs are different than the 18+ cgs in Japan. That is not what I was promised.

>> No.19325694

Which is why you compare the japanese in the fakku release to the japanese in the japanese release.
If the two are the same then it's not using an all ages script, but if it differs then it does.

>> No.19325701


>> No.19325702

Apparently it's SP.

>> No.19325732

Because if your only problems with it are that the honorifics have been removed and they used a name you didn't like then it'd actually be pretty easy for someone to fix.

>> No.19325742

No, honorifics are easily removed, but very hard (time-consuming) to restore. You have to compare every single line in the script to do it.

>> No.19325756

He only said it was referenced. It's pretty fair to assume that some dirty talk was censored in the all ages release, and the Fakku release appears to have the same script.

>> No.19325767

No, I actually thought H-scenes happen throughout the route and you get a pop-up every time a new H-scene is available. If you finish the route and open up 9 H-scenes (taking Suzu as an example), then that's really bad.

>> No.19325782

>No, I actually thought H-scenes happen throughout the route and you get a pop-up every time a new H-scene is available
That's how Monobeno worked but Maitetsu's sex scene are all exclusively set after the endings.

Lose was aware what this meant and added a nice button on the main menu to unlock all the sex scenes right away, even before you begin the story proper.

>> No.19325789

From everything I've heard at least the first h-scene for each heroine takes place during their route.

>> No.19325795

So is it perhaps 1 sex scene mid game, 1 end, and then DLCs? Because I could swear that was how most old VNs were designed in the past.

>> No.19325796

Kek, no. Hibiki doesn't even kiss you until the very last scene of her route (it's also the final CG on her route, that became her title screen CG).

>> No.19325798

This is not a moege.

>> No.19325814
File: 269 KB, 1750x920, maitetsunovoice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first group bath has the text play the same as the original japanese. Actually it's amusing, even though all the sprites are nude in the original, the text is written as if they're all wearing towels. However, I did notice one line is missing voice, and it feels like it would be a candidate to be edited for all ages, which is pretty weird.

>> No.19325825

You have the all-ages JP script, you dumbass.

>> No.19325826

Are you comparing it using the inbuilt dual language feature? If you are it might be using the console version script.

>> No.19325833

I have the jp original I'm comparing with, I just have the jp text showing so I can make sure I'm matching up the right lines. What I'm just showing here that the last line has no voice.

>> No.19325885

Im honestly amazed that Fakku even acknowledged this issue, and even more so, that they claim they will try to fix it.

>> No.19325893

Well, everyone was spamming their twitter saying that they are lying cunts with a cut release.

>> No.19325898

Why? They can put all blame on Sekai so there is no issues on their end to admit to someone else making a fault.

I don't know much about Fakku but I suspect if they would dodge any responsibility issues, it would probably be for their own screwups.

>> No.19325902

It isn't that surprising, they have every incentive to make a good first impression with a major VN release they are publishing as get their games platform up and running.

>> No.19325912

fakku has a pretty bad reputation, which they've been trying really hard to shed the last few years, so this kind of stuff must bother them a lot. That's some pretty strong language in that tweet...

>> No.19325932

>What I'm just showing here that the last line has no voice.
The last line seems to be internal dialogue - is that kind of stuff voiced otherwise? If yes then that seems like another fuckup.

>> No.19325936

I don't think I've read a single voiced VN where the heroine's internal monologue would be unvoiced.

>> No.19325939

>Monmusu - 2018 release
Was released month or two ago.

>> No.19325944

>That's some pretty strong language in that tweet...
I like the "This is unacceptable and not to our standards." part, since it implies that Fakku's standards are higher than Sekai's.

>> No.19325976

Not a VN.

>> No.19325986

Yet present in OP list.

>> No.19326043

I suspect this will cause Sekai to avoid releasing games through Fakku in the future, because they can't get away as easily with their bullshit as they can with Nutaku and the like.

>> No.19326085

If it ever reaches the legal phase and fucks them hard enough legally though it sets a precedent for past and future distributors. The legal costs alone from having like 5 distributors claiming lost sales due to inferior products would probably bankrupt them. And I know that fakku sure as hell isn't lawyer shy.

>> No.19326099

Fakku is liable to 1466A charges though, despite the all characters 18+ disclaimer Miller can still fuck them. It's just a matter of when the nearest soccer mom or prude picks up on this.

>> No.19326168

Evenicle is also not a VN yet it was listed

>> No.19326175

Evenicle = 30% gameplay, 70% text
Monmusu = 99% """gameplay""", 1% text

>> No.19326195

Depends on where Fakku is located. In some states all non-realistic forms of obscene 2D porn are legal. I'm pretty sure they have a legal disclaimer somewhere that states customers need to verify that what they're purchasing and downloading is legal in their state.

>> No.19326204

Take Kamidori, it's also listed as VN but have 90% gameplay.

>> No.19326205
File: 124 KB, 680x680, 123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monmusu arguably has more text to gameplay rate than evenicle considering it only take a seconds while evinicle makes you spend most of the time on gameplay.
Anyway, I only ever mentioned it because I've been checking OP list, I don't even care about the game.

>> No.19326213

I played both and I just told you the ratios, you don't need to act retarded.

>> No.19326227

Glad there's reasonable individuals such as yourself in this thread.

>> No.19326246

That's an ideal scenario, but I highly doubt it will ever reach that stage. I can just see Sekai fixing the assets in a week or so and calling it a day. The all-ages version of text/dialogue and untranslated lines will still remain in the "fixed" product but nobody will cause a massive shitstorm as long as they have their uncensored train porn.

>> No.19326301

Fakku is located in Oregon, which they chose specifically because of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_v._Henry

They're also corporate sponsors of CBLDF, so they've definitely paid attention to the legal side of things

>> No.19326349

>that link
Fucking based, why haven't we abolished obscenity laws nationwide? Also how does state decisions magically protect them from federal obscenity laws?

>> No.19326374

It should at least mean that no-one can bring an obscenity lawsuit against them in Oregon, which I guess is where one would have to sue them since they're based there. No idea for sure though, you'd probably need a lawyer for any better info.

>> No.19326416

because people are tried where the crimes are committed. So sure the feds can roll up and make some arrests, but can you guess who gets to do the sentencing? Oregon judges of course! Can you guess what laws they're going to use? Oregon State laws! Because they're judges of the state

correct, unless they knowingly sell to another individual who is in an area where the content is outlawed.

>> No.19326428

Chaos;Child when?

>> No.19326430

>Fakku is located in Oregon, which they chose specifically because of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_v._Henry
That's interesting, but I wonder if it protects them from the offence of selling obscene materials to other states, or more specifically transporting obscene materials through chambers of commerce (ie the internet).

>> No.19326546


>> No.19326622


>> No.19326639

Yeah I'd say it is pretty much confirmed to be today since they had the countdown on their twitter and everything. Also they said it is 100% releasing this month and today is the last day.

>> No.19326668

When we will get Tayutama 2? I want to [x] touch the fluffy tail

>> No.19326679

Trust me. You don't want the translation we are going to get, you might as well just MTL it now.

>> No.19326752

Wasn't Tayutama 2 a cash grab?

>> No.19326760

I haven't dealt with Fakku 'till now. Why do they have that bad reputation? I keep hearing about it every so often, but never heard why.

>> No.19326771

They took my porn hostage

>> No.19326776

So putting aside all the Maitetsu drama, Nekonyan put up an update on their blog
Short summary:
>Hello, Goodbye delayed to november
>2 big titles will be announced in august
>Sanoba Witch releasing on the 26th of october
>Complete edition of Fureraba will be released, including the fandisk and Vita content. Will be available as a free update

>> No.19326792

Not to sure, I know I hate 'em because they promised their market would be completely uncensored but a month or two after announcing it, they retracted that statement and said something about 'striving to make sure as many of our titles are uncensored as possible'. I'm not the kind of person who likes half-measures.

>> No.19326801
File: 522 KB, 1152x1408, 1513999309673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't 100% remember but
>Used to be a doujin pirate site
>Decided to go legit
>Started DMCAing all other doujin pirate sites
also this >>19326792

>> No.19326807

Most of it boils downs to Wani takedowns, which ironically Fakku didn't have anything to do with. Either way it's a stupid thing to get upset about because nothing was lost as long as you weren't limiting yourself to a single source for pirated porn to begin with and now we have a shitload more high quality uncensored translations than before.

>> No.19326810

Hi Daiz.

>> No.19326823

Wanimagazine is the company that started DMCAing everyone and they did it before Fakku even went legit. They're the only publisher doing it too, like Girls ForM was licensed by Fakku around a year ago and no takedowns have been sent for it anywhere, all the raws and scanlations are still on panda. The only thing Fakku actually DMCAs is uploads of their own releases.

>> No.19326906

I'm still trying to find a doujin I had bookmarked that got taken down in that :(

Do I have to find my copy of the JP and rip the scripts/images and compare them.. and maybe make a patch if it isn't a pain in the ass? What are the chances of Sekai actaully fixing things when past experience shows that they care more about shoving tons of OELVN and Nekopara out instead of producing quality translated works.

>> No.19326919

>I'm still trying to find a doujin I had bookmarked
If you remember the name or artist you can try looking for it on panda.chaika.moe

>> No.19326977
File: 432 KB, 1920x1080, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't piggyback ride when you carry someone on your back, holding their legs while their hands are around your neck (負んぶ). While 肩車 (said here) is when their legs are around your neck. It's pretty clear when she mentions that she's super high up.

>> No.19326997

I'm pretty sure piggyback works for both, I can't think of another word you could use for carrying someone on your shoulders.

>> No.19327008

so this is what JOP's mean by 'bad translations'

>> No.19327009

Another problem with the scene that Gurigura jumps in and asks for 負んぶ - piggyback ride while Riche is riding on his shoulders. He's carrying them both after that.

>> No.19327054

Does the one on the back have their face in the one on the shoulder's ass?

>> No.19327080

Not that person but god bless you.

>> No.19327100

Maitetsu is a big game. If Sekai really doesn't have the +18 version then a fan patch is going to take a very long time, in the event that anyone steps up to the task.

>> No.19327253

>Sekai fucked up again
>Even Fakku are mad about it
Can Sekai do anything correct?

>> No.19327295

They can take your money. That's the part they do flawlessly.

>> No.19327298

Not mine~

>> No.19327391

So, are there script changes in the 18+ version?

>> No.19327410

The 18+ version is supposed to have a different script because the all-ages version has a censored script to remove the lewd parts of the non-h scenes. The 18+ version on fakku has the censored script from the all-ages version because Sekai are fuckups and just pasted the h-scenes into the all-ages version.

>> No.19327429

I hope that shill Kiriyaaoi is eating his words. Spent months telling us that, "Oh no, I spoke to Sekai personally, and they promised me they're going to put out a completely uncensored, untainted version of Maitetsu." Dumbass.

>> No.19327449

holy shit anon fucking delivered

>> No.19327459
File: 183 KB, 860x940, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what's fucked up? I took a peak at reddit and Maitetsu has almost more upvotes on reddit in less than a day than Evenicle despite all the fuck ups.
The shilling and denying that Sekai Project didn't do anything wrong is so strong, it's sickening.

If you want an example why Sekai Project still earns a shit-ton of money despite almost every big release being a fuck up here's an example.

>> No.19327477

SP's a good boy.

>> No.19327486

That guy is fucking braindead. I don't think he's working for SP or anything, so he's just a fucking hopeless case.

>> No.19327487

I hate that shill so much. The good news is, though, that Maitetsu doesn't seem to be doing too well on Steam at least, considering its peak player count being far below Fureraba and various other releases.

>> No.19327494

Damn that faggot is shilling hard today

>> No.19327498
File: 278 KB, 576x672, ベオ02d(近).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that damage control

>> No.19327507
File: 1.95 MB, 1200x900, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Him and his group of friends have been shilling since the game was announced. (Feat. Bonus Chuee)

>> No.19327555

Wow, people in a visual novel subreddit is more interested in Maitetsu than a random JRPG...

>> No.19327571

I smell a plebbitor.

>> No.19327586

Fuck off

>> No.19327718

With the negotiating with Smee for the extra Fureraba content, it wouldn't be all that surprising if they picked up another Smee title with those negotiations as well.

>> No.19327952

>He [SLC] rewrote the entire text rendering... among other things. Actually he re-encoded all the audio as opus, and all the images as webp, and implemented their loading into the game via hooks, making the english version half the size of the jp release.

It really amazes me how much work SLC puts into his releases. Mad respect to the guy.

>> No.19327965

A shill is a shill. The only thing to hope for is that for every fuckup that Sekai does, a few people stop buying from them. Not that I have a way of knowing if that's the case. At least, its completely delusional to expect Sekai to do anything but fuckup in some form with every release. Not that it matters when the majority of their customers are morons.
This is really sickening >>19327459

>> No.19328024

Any news on Sharin no Kuni for Steam? Last I heard it was due for a May release, then got delayed to June.

>> No.19328127

Reducing file size is especially important for non-Steam releases since the MG store seperates files larger than 2GB into multiple parts. The new 1.3GB size of Evenicle makes things much more convenient.

>> No.19328167

Aokana possibly?

>> No.19328179
File: 298 KB, 935x873, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there weren't any changes to text or voice data apart from the H-scenes themselves
Resident plebbitors, you go and tell that shill that he's fucking retarded. Check my comparison using >>19325814's pic for EN version. Hibiki's lewd line is unvoiced in EN, voiced in JP. So there are changes to audio.

>> No.19328183

Stalled a bit due to issues with bugs. No specific date.

>> No.19328187

Aokana has nothing to do with Smee and even if it did Nekonyan wouldn't be able to afford the license.

>> No.19328232

To be fair, I think that guy is a actual SP shill that nobody likes. I've seen caps of him before whenever SP does something wrong

>> No.19328250

I haven't really been following the VN localization scene that long. Is Sekai basically the NISA for visual novels?

>> No.19328270

They aren't quite as bad as NISA in practice, but they are still extremely bad. Unlike NISA, it's well known that Sekai hates the guts of its customers, which arguably makes them worse.

>> No.19328272

They're are worse.

>> No.19328284
File: 59 KB, 627x691, 1514692789935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Sekai. This is what their defacto CEO said after it was unveiled that they released two visual novels with horrible bugs, untranslated lines, and bad grammar.

>> No.19328341


I would say they are worse than NISA.
Sekai Project sits on so many visual novel licenses with even more future ones.
They bought out and killed so many fan translation groups, including Aroduc.
They buy fan translations no matter if they are good or not, copy paste it and release it as an official release without any effort, QA or testing at all.

>> No.19328500

adult.xp3 changes none of the main scenario scripts at all

I don't have an easy way to compare the scripts because PSB tools are rather lacking. Right now I'm looking at a diff of two 15 MB JSON structures and see things like:

< "file" : "ポーレット_頭b:ポーレット_裸:ポーレット_タイムライン.psb",
> "file" : "ポーレット_裸:ポーレット_タイムライン.psb",

But I also see a lot of the emote values changing too so it might not be as simple as switching the image files back.

Just that one line 「(良かことないばい、ほんとは、絶対。私、学園で習ったけん。――性は生、そのものやって)」 is ~450 lines in the decompiled version and the English has no reference to a voice clip for it with the diff itself being 222 lines.

>> No.19328507

Is it too much to hope that Sekai has two different versions translated, one being the complete 18+ version and the other, the all-ages version, and this was just a simple mistake?

>> No.19328544

>simple mistake
It is quite a mistake to also have the ages CG inside the 18+ version of the game which makes me doubt it is so simple of a mistake with the script.

>> No.19328626

Shoulder ride.

>> No.19328699


>> No.19328705


lol, Maitetsu is still censored.

Not surprising though considering it's Jew Project we're talking about.

Plus they've made it quite clear they hate loli content before, which is probably why the HCG are still mosaiced.

"Just tell them the devs said no or something because fuck them, that's why."

>> No.19328707

If only.

>> No.19328733

Did Jacob go over and roll their heads or something? If Dovac thinks he's getting fired this is a huge fuckup.

>> No.19328735

Welcome to 8 hours ago.

>> No.19328751

Please. At least replace him with someone who pretends to care about their customers. Not that I'll buy from them anyways unless they improve nearly everything with them now.

>> No.19328763

Why does Sekai always fuck up right before a con?

>> No.19328771

Dovac hate aside, does it really matter if he gets fired or not?
Don't get me wrong I hate him as much as all of you, but I think firing him won't change Sekai Project much. Most of their stuff is incompetent and straight up hates visual novels just like him, if you think that with him getting fired will make Sekai Project good for some magical reason you'll be disappointed.

>> No.19328780

They fuck up nearly every release, don't they?

>> No.19328785

>does it really matter if he gets fired or not?
Nah, obviously not. Sekai's issues run far deeper than just Dovac, but nonetheless it would feel good to see that sad sack out of the industry.

>> No.19328792

The short answer I have is that they arent impacted in any meaningful way since they have more than enough money. This is 100% true though. >>19328780

>> No.19328814

Nice "paragraphs".

>> No.19328818


It doesn't matter what kind of release Sekai Project produces at the end of the day they will still earn money, be it from some random kickstarter, reddit or steam drones which will keep them afloat for a few additional months until we get another bad release.
Then you also have people like this >>19327459
who think that Sekai Project is a gods gifts and that all the shit they pull is still better than any fan translation out there.

>> No.19328823


>> No.19328847
File: 26 KB, 465x246, 61b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was one of the faggots counting down the days till it's release but after this shit my enthusiasm is gone.
I haven't even torrented the fucking thing, I'd rather not play it at all then play a Frankenstein's monster amalgamation of the all ages and the 18+ versions

>> No.19328881

Its funny how this was actually worse than what I was expecting.

>> No.19328891

Apparently the script is unchanged, so it might not be such a big deal.

>> No.19328892

Ever since Sekai announced it, I hadn't really had interest in it. Aside from the story not being terribly interesting in the first place. Like others have said its a given that they'll fuck up with every release, but exactly how is the question. At least FAKKU seems to be applying some degree of pressure. Id guess its becsuse Sekai's fuck up this time makes FAKKU look bad because of what they promised.

>> No.19328896

Go away shill, people how proven that there are changes in the script.

>> No.19328951

I haven't seen any proof of changes to the script, only a missing voice line, that sounds like the 18+ script is translated but they didn't bother checking if it was working correctly.

>> No.19328977

>I haven't even torrented the fucking thing
Where's torrent?

>> No.19328980

There's a DL link on infinity chan, but the website they're using has really shitty download speeds.

>> No.19328986

On AB.

>> No.19328991

1 missing voiceline likely means that all the voicelines which are not present in the all-ages version are missing as well.

>> No.19329002

The missing voice line is also missing in the original (18+) Japanese game, I don't think that one is a localization issue.

>> No.19329008

>current year
>still buying anything sekai project touches

Reap what you fucking sow.

>> No.19329009

It is not. I posted the screenshot here >>19328179, moron.

>> No.19329046

In the original version if you click on that speaker icon nothing plays. It's simply unvoiced in the original game for some reason.

>> No.19329047

God I hate working with vns/vn tools.

It has to be slightly better with official support, but I really feel for Doddler whenever I deal with this crap.

Haven't managed to find the signature check in the English version because one tool crashes on the xp3 (but kind've works) and the other reads them corrupted...

It might be easier to just put the English in the Japanese version but it looks like it reads several data directories, but doesn't? and when I tried to make a xp3 it didn't like it.

>> No.19329058

I am literally listening to the voice line right now. Downloaded from https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/1971981.. Do you want me to upload the sound or what?

>> No.19329094

Odd because that's the case with my Japanese install. Then again I have the original base game that's never been patched for two years, maybe it's a leftover bug from that version and SP based their translation on that bugged version.

>> No.19329108

So that you can see I'm not spreading baseless rumours about glorious Sekai Project.

>> No.19329128

Hachiroku killed Soutetsu's parents.

>> No.19329160
File: 259 KB, 305x320, arQde23K_700wa_0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So... We have a missing voiceline, some questionable translations acording to some people and a +18 patch/version which is still censored... Fucking great. I was about to buy the steam version and just pirate the patch but seems like not even that.

>> No.19329167

Do not give SP money.

>> No.19329172

>even considering giving SP money

>> No.19329180

Probably because they have to modify the engine and other files so that people don't need map local to play.

>> No.19329182

The feds usually don't bother unless if the case is going to be a clear-cut victory. They leave it up to the states to risk their money on grey area prosecutions. With obscenity not being acknowledged in Oregon, the feds aren't going to take notice until fakku becomes really massive

With obscenity being so subjective, and anime so popular, there's probably going to be at least one guy who will hang a jury over whether valinna lolicon (with a characters over 18 notice) is obscenity. The only successful prosecution of obscenity in the modern age have been for stuff like bestiality and vomiting

>> No.19329191

I tried the Reina append H-scene and some lines where only half translated, though it might just be me since I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere else.

>> No.19329199

Is tropical liquor worth downloading just for the H content?

>> No.19329202

If you give them money for their incompetence, you deserve to get more shit releases from them. Not like they can release something without fuck ups anyways. Hoshimemo was a special kind of fuck up, and was made even worse considering the kickstarter.

>> No.19329206

You can see it on sadpanda.

>> No.19329210

Which one?

>> No.19329229

Of course I can, but everyone knows text makes it better.

>> No.19329234

Not really, the writing is really bad. They shout orgasmic sounds 2 lines after insertion.

>> No.19329239

Then say that in the first place.

>> No.19329244

But I'm sure Baldr Sky will turn out perfect in all ways!

>> No.19329267
File: 2.16 MB, 1282x772, 2018-06-30 14_35_41-Maitetsu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one with Reina wearing a red hood.

>> No.19329271

Ditzy Demons soon lads

>> No.19329273


>> No.19329287
File: 274 KB, 1305x784, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I'm getting that too. That is sad.

>> No.19329322

This is some Duwang shit lul

>> No.19329343

Should be a simple fix though, if the line is actually fully translated and just not showing up completely, I hope someone who actually bought the game notices and tells them.

>> No.19329395


>> No.19329405

>A Simple fix
That's only about 3 months in Sekai time!

>> No.19329408

>some assets

>> No.19329448

Remember when Aroduc released an entire game that fused together a port of a PS2 version with the PC version? And it worked perfectly?

>> No.19329451
File: 376 KB, 654x712, SP_IS_A_FAG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19329462

But it had no honorifics.
But it does have cuts. That's funniest thing about it.

>> No.19329468

Now they're not the publishers? I remember spouting some shit like they were the proud publishers or something. They sure change their tune to shift the blame of being as irresponsible as sp

>> No.19329471
File: 54 KB, 459x370, Dg9eqaBWAAAfhmz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reason three: Sekai Project didn't bother enquiring

>> No.19329483
File: 36 KB, 639x570, dasgag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops, wrong image.

>> No.19329500

>$12 for a 30-50 hour game
>people still find a way to bitch

>> No.19329510

Hello Dovac.

>> No.19329530

Who cares about the all ages version, people want the full game

>> No.19329536

>Thread hit bump limit in one day
How I love Sekai Project releases.

>> No.19329550

Anyone else got any other examples of Sekai Project acting like Jews or fucking up royally?

>> No.19329553

Okay, then

>$27 for a 30-50 hour game
>People still find a way to bitch

>> No.19329556

I'm sure you can find dozens of examples yourself, there is no shortage of them.

>> No.19329563

Not the full, uncensored version we were promised, so of course people are going to bitch.

>> No.19329565

Why do people see it as charging more instead of a discount for those that don't want 18+ content? If the patch were free then the all ages version would likely just cost $30.

>> No.19329567

They promised a fully uncensored release, I'm not buying anything until the fix that shit

>> No.19329573

I hope he gets fired out of a cannon into the sun.

>> No.19329574

Who are you quoting?

>> No.19329590

It's not even the full game. There are a fuckton of errors, missing content and a lack of translations, even in the "uncensored" release. People are in their right to shit on an official yet unfinished product, and "$27 for a 30-50 hour game" isn't really an argument as it's not an exception among visual novels, much less among video games as a whole.

>> No.19329592

I'm not sure where to look though, that's the problem.

>> No.19329616

>"look at me, I'm looking for excuses to never pay money for it"

>> No.19329626

I won't even torrent it, because it's a half-done job. Fuck off, shill.

>> No.19329631

I don't even care about lolige. And yes, there are reasons why people might not want to buy a game, especially if the service is shit. I'm sorry if you lack criticism and don't care that companies shit on your throat.

Also, who are you quoting.

>> No.19329636

Please return to wherever you came from, and whoever posted the thread on that twitter post can kill themselves, along with you.

>> No.19329649

Who the fuck are you quoting?

>> No.19329685

This is my second favorite.


But it's only about the seventh time something like this happened.

My favorite will forever be WAS. Dovac threw a giant tantrum prior to the Kickstarter when people pointed out that it was for literally nothing. In the end, they defaulted on almost everything after lying for literally months about having physical goods in hand. They made updates saying that they had gotten goods in the warehouse and were in the process of shipping them out before turning around and saying that they had never been created in the first place and no work had ever been done.


>> No.19329689
File: 16 KB, 358x121, chrome_2018-06-30_15-34-29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking retarded shill has errors pointed out right to him and yet he refuses to believe it. Fucking kill this retard, already. The unfinished lines are for anyone to see, I just tested it myself just to make sure, and they're there.

>> No.19329692

Whoever this faggot is, please kill yourself.

>> No.19329719
File: 1.98 MB, 1280x720, Maitetsu_2018-06-30_15-35-34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's the proof that it's on my end as well. I even stopped reading and unlocked the H-scenes on my end just to prove it. Moron.

>> No.19329735

I never said I wasn't going to buy it, I'm very interested in the game actually, but hey, SP fucked it up and there s no fix yet

>> No.19329783


>> No.19329788

At least he knows he's a shill from his twitter description.

>> No.19329797


>> No.19329813

I hope you aren't taking that post seriously and think that is really him.

>> No.19329818

Weak. We know Dovac's style, he used to post here, that isn't him.

>> No.19329948

Reminder not to buy or even play localization on release even if you've been waiting for them for a while. This goes 100x if the company has a bad record with the initial state of their releases.

>> No.19329970

>Daiz will soon assassinate Dovac
What a world

>> No.19330160

You guys reading teenage stories are so old...
I know eroges are 18+ because "sex" but still

>> No.19330202

Oy, I'm in my 50s mate.

>> No.19330226

26 is still young, right?

>> No.19330236
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Totally didn't expect this thread to hit bump limit when I made it.
I just wanted to discuss some of the midweek news like a possible Aokana localization and the C;C patch.
SP fucking up again is nothing new, but didn't expect it to be THIS bad.

>> No.19330255
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>> No.19330256

Thats why people complaining about making another thread a day early were dumb. of course shit would happen, and of course we would want to talk about it.

>> No.19330274

Old hag.

>> No.19330279

Holy shit, is this nigga serious? There are half-translated lines. Get the fuck out of here

>> No.19330282

I'm almost positive that was KiriyaAoi.

>> No.19330290

Wew even the twitterfags are having a fit about this.

>> No.19330347

It goes deeper than that. A lot of this is just all around incompetence. Not even I would want to be the CEO right now.

>> No.19330363

KiryaAoi and all of his Sekai shill friends (>>19327507) privated their twitter profiles.
One of the few good things to happen from this.

>> No.19330369

>if you think that with him getting fired will make Sekai Project good for some magical reason you'll be disappointed
It's a good first step in what would be a very long process.

>> No.19330379

Basically this just confirms everything. I can't wait for Hapymaher right now from MG.

>> No.19330393

Dovac is the only thing keeping SP from getting filled up with even more incompetents.

>> No.19330408


When the game you released is so bad, you rather promote another company's recently released game.

>> No.19330433

Wow. Thats bad. It seems that Fakku really did no research about their "partner" With tweets like this from the CEO, I bet this relationship is over.

>> No.19330438

Bet he just wants to get his grubby paws on mg's games

>> No.19330441
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>> No.19330445

So is he admitting Sekai Project is a scam?

>> No.19330447

How can he enjoy his MMO spaceships he spent thousands of dollars on while he has all this made up persecution to deal with?

>> No.19330451

Jacob is a victim in this. I feel bad for him, really. And I got some respect that they were so eager to admit that the released got fucked. Sekai would have dragged their heels and did some passive aggressive AMA.

>> No.19330455

Cant wait for their AX panel.

>> No.19330459

I'm happy they got fucked too, to be honest.
You can't get enough of bashing him and his shit company.

>> No.19330465

>bitches about hating his job constantly
>can't quit because he has no marketable skills
I just feel bad for him.

>> No.19330508

I don't, I hope he kill himself one day

>> No.19330514
File: 125 KB, 500x522, _l-keep-screaming-but-god-doesnt-hear-me-31458472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where the fuck is the Maitetsu torrent

>> No.19330521

>wanting to play a censored unfinished mess.
Wait a few days/weeks.

>> No.19330526

Superelmo and girlcelly are probably waiting for the fixed version before uploading.

>> No.19330527

AB. Infinitychan thread also has a direct link.

>> No.19330565

Because if you didn't want 18+ content then it is a service they are offering to sell you a special version.

It is like getting a 2 bed room hotel room and requesting them to both remove 1 bed from the room, and then give you half price. You can argue all day that "But that means I get fewer beds in my room so it should be cheap". You still forced someone to do additional work and to sell you the same room.

>> No.19330570

As much as I hate the guy, I don't agree with doxxing anyone and sending shit to their house.

But Dovac is also a notorious liar, so I don't really believe him either. Hmm.

>> No.19330575

Sells all all-ages games for 10-15 dollars while paying 30% Steam fees, then complains on people not willing to pay 100% additional porn tax directly to Dovac's pockets.

Maybe Dovac should try holding his all-ages crowd accountable for profits for once. Make them pay the value of the game instead of getting games for free with Sekai earning zero dollars per sale.

>> No.19330619

We're uploading the C;C patch right now.

>> No.19330639

All-ages kusoge.

>> No.19330647


>> No.19330649

The Chaos;Child patch is out. https://twitter.com/CommitteeOf0/status/1013195391246925824

>> No.19330680

I agree, he deserves much worse.

>> No.19330686

S-Should we make a new thread?
This seems to be the gift that keeps on giving

>> No.19330692


>> No.19330698


>> No.19330702

Finally I can play this.

>> No.19330708

thread isn't even halfway down the catalog.

>> No.19330712

New one will be made tomorrow at the usual time.

>> No.19330713


>> No.19330731

Tomorrow's a Sunday so there will be a new VNTS up in about 10-12 hours or so.

>> No.19330738

Product-wise, is there anything egregious about Fakku and their H -mangas? Beside buttfucking the fanTL community and the DMCAs. The last I can recall, they were at least trying to produce good quality stuff. Better than Project-H's stuff.

>> No.19330752

My impression is that the only flaw I see with FAKKU is that a lot of it seems to be paywalled behind a monthly fee. At least they didn't make it easy to find some selection of free comics.

And with Nutaku around, they just automatically become awesome because they are not Nutaku.

>> No.19330753

Should have seen how they tried to fuck over the honey select community back in /h/, they're the same shitheads as ever, don't be fooled for a second.

>> No.19330831 [DELETED] 

vita scripts: https://my.mixtape.moe/purcdw.zip

>> No.19330836

Ops, meant to >>19330649

>> No.19330842
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>> No.19330851

He's referring to someone Twitter saying that Sekai should be put in a cannon and shot into the sun.

>> No.19330852

Hilarious coming from a "company" who thinks anyone who likes loli should have a bullet put in their skull.

>> No.19330855

>"Gnyaa gimmie the loli porn or I'll kill your family!"
Sorry, but I don't believe him.

>> No.19330856
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these are much better he's spiralling into another depression fit. Wonder how long this one will last

>> No.19330862


>> No.19330864

>Yes I'm not nice.

ftfy, dovac.

>> No.19330867

No, I read the following tweets and I think it's referencing sanahtl's one. Pretty funny.

>> No.19330868

Was just trying to get their attention as I only saw them mentioning the swapped assets.

>> No.19330874

>wow why am I so unpopular, i've only been shitting on the industry for the past 5 years and telling people to fuck off if they give me criticism.
>wtf stop death thretening me!!!
Is this nigger for real? Dovac, pls

>> No.19330875

What a sad person

>> No.19330885
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He is quite depressed and pitiful. If only he weren't a gigantic asshole as well, the pity party might actually work.

>> No.19330889


>> No.19330892

That's even more pathetic and less of a death threat.

>> No.19330898

Why am I not shocked that Dovac's another redpill libertarian both sides nutjob?

>> No.19330907

he's right on that account, though. you polarized americans are fucking bananas with your politics

not really the time or the place to discuss it, however. just point and laugh at the "victim"

>> No.19330933
File: 32 KB, 120x116, o.o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What, that's it? That's not even a death threat. Dovac you are a fucking idiot.

>> No.19330940

Realize that American is fucking huge and the polarized ones are the only ones that get any media attention and the majority have some semblance of rationality (who also don't vote btw)

>> No.19330956

fair enough. i don't want to derail into gay politics, so i'll concede and end it here

>> No.19330960

>Nekopara was short, mindless drivel
And Maitetsu is some kind of literature masterpiece? I don't really mean it as a jab or something, I genuinely curious is the story good or not.

>> No.19330963

He's British.

To all Brits, mean comments = death threats.

>> No.19330968

Dovac is American as fuck. He's not British at all.

>> No.19330975

Maitetsu is long, purposeful drivel. whether or not you enjoy it depends entirely on how much of a train boner you have, but there are other things like politics and economics as well. i wouldn't call it a literary masterpiece but it does tackle subjects that few visual novels often do, and it does so in-depth (even if it isn't necessarily *good* in a lot of areas, especially the politics where it can get quite cringeworthy with its naivete).

>> No.19330981


>> No.19330991

People are probably scared of buying loligame. It's one thing to buy something like nekopara which is a meme on itself and has somewhat adult-ish characters and game with blatant 8 yo getting fucked

>> No.19330992
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Pictured here. Seems like Dovac fucked up pretty bad.

>> No.19331005

So the moral of this story is that death threats work?

>> No.19331021

>If you're rude to me, I will be rude to you.

Yeah, so he does see himself as a baby Trump.

>> No.19331022

>Online I pretend to be an asshole

Stopped reading there.

>> No.19331026

If you're always an asshole online, then you're not pretending. You're just an asshole.

>> No.19331038
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Trump acts like a bombastic troll because he's a reality TV star. Dovac acts like a pathetic baby whose passive aggressiveness is only matched by his incompetence. Frankly, I find the former more easy to deal with. Dovac is just annoying and inconsistent. And he's always complaining about something.

I'm honestly conflicted. I want to believe that he's sincere about the apology, but we've done this song and dance so many times, more times than I can count in the last 5 years. I was here in /jp/ back when he posted still. He was an ass even when no-one was attacking him on anything. I'm sorry, I just can't buy into this pity party. Good on him for coming out and admitting how much he fucked up, but I'm incapable of feeling bad for him at this point.

>> No.19331040

>Where do I start to make amends?

>Talks about how big an asshole he is.

>Never mentions making any amends.

Peak Dovac.

>> No.19331052

Surprise someone at Sekai HQ still hasn't pulled the plug on Dovac's online accounts again like his last big meltdown. All he is doing is fanning flames now.

>> No.19331053

Holy shit

>> No.19331064

Okay, a wannabe Trump. And I don't see how he's inconsistent. You can always count on him to lie, shit out something of substandard quality, and then complain about being persecuted.

>> No.19331066

they did once

>> No.19331071

What is monmusu? MGQ? It's getting official english translation?

>> No.19331080

He's inconsistent because one month he's, "Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean it! I'll improve!" and the next time it's "Fuck off retards stop telling me how to do my job."

A bit of hyperbole, but he's done that a few times within the past two years. I suppose in a sense, he's consistent about his inconsistent attitude.

>> No.19331091

Mgq already got an official translation on the English desire. Monmusu is a clicker hero's type game from nekopara's artist basically and is already out.

>> No.19331093

That is why I said "again". This is pretty big since he is outright saying how fucked the project is without it going through an official PR channel which I imagine the company is going to be pissed over.

>> No.19331098

let's not be elitist here

>> No.19331117

Remember how the translation community blacklisted someone for refusing to work with Dovac?

>> No.19331121

So my understanding is that they had 2 code branches going on at the same time, had them merged at one point, and now they don't know what broke what?

Absolutely brilliant project management there, dovac

>> No.19331132

>train boner
By that you mean boner for lolitrains or actual real trains?

>> No.19331138

>trying to avoid the blame
>half-hearted apology
>throwing the Japanese company you worked with under the bus
>misinterpreting jokes are threats so you can be a victim yourself

Yup. Typical Sekai fuckup.

>> No.19331145

both, i guess. though personally i found the H-scenes to be kinda "meh." the writing especially is a bit of a snoozefest for them, i didn't feel like the writer really cared about ero.

>> No.19331152

Why are you so mean? ;_;

>> No.19331164

Way to pick the right side, Doddler.

>> No.19331175

At this point, if they release Baldr Sky and it doesn't reformat your HDD, it'll be hailed as their best work yet.

>> No.19331188

Man I was looking forward to it but I wasn't expecting it to be this fun.

>> No.19331190

Christ, we get it. Stop bringing your ex-girlfriend up every thread.

>> No.19331192

Was he expecting people to suddenly be nice? He would have been better off staying silent through the whole thing honestly. It is like he wants to paint a target on himself every time.

>> No.19331198

He just wants that hatesex.

>> No.19331200

Wew, so it's mostly some economy politics shit? Sad, I want proper loli game. Are there at least many h-scenes?

>> No.19331223

tl;dr someone summarize

>> No.19331228

there are, like, 40 H-scenes, and around half are of lolis, yes.

>> No.19331235

>guys i am only pretending to be asshole
>no bully
>btw i made a fucky wucky and screwed this whole thing up, and wasn't paying attention during my job because i dont care about this game, so yeah, somehow the 18+ and all-ages shit got merged in the development branch down the line. no easy fix! oh well, just another fucked up release :)

Basically we will have to wait for Lose to fix this shit.

>> No.19331238

the fix is actually easy they just need lose to tell them they're allowed to do it

>> No.19331240
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On another completely off topic note, the Tayutama 2 translation looks godawful, surprising no one.
And I still have no clue why they are translating the sequel first.

>> No.19331244

Project was originally split and then they merged it at some point which caused the mix in assets. They have some agreement with the original devs that only they can touch the text so they need to negotiate with them to fix up the mess.

>> No.19331250

I hope you're right.

>> No.19331266

well, fuck

>> No.19331287

It's probably so fucked at this point that even if lose does or lose made it their top priority to fix it on their end it's still a two week+ fix I'm sure.

>> No.19331347

Who are you quoting?

>> No.19331351

Have you not read a single other post in the thread?

>> No.19331354

Let me get this straight.

He starts off his apology not by apologizing, but by saying that he's an asshole and has always been.

He then says that he skipped out on doing any of the work that he was supposed to do because he didn't give a shit about the game.

And then says that they're not going to fix it and are waiting on someone else to.

Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.19331358
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Moar Dovac

>> No.19331360

Why does he keep saying that he didn't bother doing work like that excuses it?

And fucking proofread your shit.

>> No.19331363

>translating images
This is how you know the entire thing is a lie.

>> No.19331365

Holy shit. This is unprofessional as fuck

>> No.19331366

If he doesn't manage his teams and doesn't q.c. anything they give him then what the fuck does he do?

>> No.19331367

>All the worst fuckups were projects he personally led

>> No.19331375

It's okay though. He said that he's always an asshole.

>> No.19331385

he's only pretending :^)

>> No.19331404

It's okay for him to pretend to be an asshole online. It's not okay for other people to pretend to be an asshole to him online.

>> No.19331447

And shockingly the entire tlwiki cartel is completely silent on this.

Perhaps they don't really give a shit about translation after all and just care about stroking Dovac's ego.

>> No.19331457

And shockingly the entire vnts cartel is completely

>> No.19331468

Did the cartel get you anon?

>> No.19331481

I don't come here often
What do you guys think of Trip And Irru?

>> No.19331488
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in regards to their work? They do a great job but they both have shit taste in regards to the titles they choose to translate. Regardless they put a lot of work into their releases and outside a handful of typos there hasn't been any issues in either of their releases.

>> No.19331500
File: 136 KB, 1280x720, cg1038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought JOP's liked Hoshi Ori?

>> No.19331505

Well Jewcob at the least knows a good game when he sees it. Still mad at him for trying to monopolize everything though.

>> No.19331506

pls dont fuck up baldr pls dont fuck up baldr pls dont fuck up baldr...

>> No.19331515

Aren't NekoNyan just a break off of SP?
Because they already look 10 times more competent than SP ever did

>> No.19331520

They did steal translations and used lawyers to DMCA the originals. Also there was the huge Honey Select controversy in which the promised DLC was not in the game and certain things were not translated.

>> No.19331521

Pretty much yes.
10 times more is a big overstatement, their first release was pretty shitty.

>> No.19331524

I strongly doubt they ever stole translations. Doujinshi fan translations are universally terrible, and there's so little text that someone actually competent in Japanese could translate one in like half an hour.

>> No.19331592
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Welp. That was way more entertaining than I ever thought it would be. I was actually in the crowd of, "surely nothing will go wrong, this is a big release and they want to look good to Fakku," but they managed to turn out an absolutely enormous shitstorm. Bravo Sekai. Bravo. You never fail to entertain.

>> No.19331604

Now just give me the game and vita scripts and we are golden.

>> No.19331606

>Let's talk about WEE


>> No.19331613

That's true but he still did that on the older stuff and they have shoddy translation.

>> No.19331651
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>> No.19331655

That's pretty fucking funny.

>> No.19331660

Probably needs it actually.

>> No.19331664
File: 3.75 MB, 1723x4800, 1530410488942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys will probably enjoy this. I did.

>> No.19331692

Holy shit

>> No.19331698

I'm loving this thread

>> No.19331720

Lol he needs them.

>> No.19331722

Now explain your behavior with Baldr Sky, you shit eating twat.

>> No.19331735
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>> No.19331740
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>> No.19331744

If you're wondering how the SP defense squad on Reddit is handling this, the mods are deleting posts about it.

>> No.19331746

None of these made me uncomfortable though

>> No.19331757

*Snaps* This is going in my Dovac cringe compilation.

>> No.19331769

As seems to be the usual whenever there's a shitstorm about Sekai.

>> No.19331778
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>> No.19331782

Well, I mean, he did say he was fired. He probably just wants to help!

>> No.19331798
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>> No.19331817

So is this gonna end up with him deleting his account again?

>> No.19331819


>> No.19331822

God willing.

Then he'll emerge to take credit for stealing Baldr Sky's script.

>> No.19331860

The guy is just pretending to be an asshole haha

>> No.19331868

My fucking sides

>> No.19331874


Just a little bit of clarification: You're telling me if I bought the 18+ version from FAKKU (not the Steam patch), I'd be getting an all-ages game with H-scenes plastered on top of the all-ages scenes?

How does a VN localizer fuck up like this?

>> No.19331876

Ask dovac

>> No.19331881

>How does a VN localizer fuck up like this?
Is this your first Sekai Project release?

>> No.19331938

Is there nothing cut or wrong with MG's release of Evenicle? Why are the file sizes so small, especially the voice file is a third of the japanese version.

>> No.19331953

SLC used a different encryption method instead of Alicesoft's extremely inefficient one.

>> No.19331973

Now Dovac's complaining on Twitter that there's no way to tell if people are able to do the job you're hiring them for before hiring them.

>> No.19331974

I've only heard minor complaints such as:
It's a very fun game.

>> No.19332016

What the first response said. SLC is someone the industry needs more of. He managed to cut the size of the game in half IIRC.
Evenicle isnt the first game he worked his magic either. He did something neat with Rance VI, but I can't specifically remember what.

>> No.19332019

What is his email address anyways.

>> No.19332021


fianlly someone competent actually making use of these god-tier compression formats

>> No.19332045


>> No.19332072

Very impressive. Hackers(is it still hacking if it's official?) don't get the credit they deserve most of the time when they do amazing stuff like this. Wonder if Alicesoft themselves will reach out to him for help when they work on their next game to help out from the get go.

>> No.19332095

Very little wrong with it, unless you get triggered by some of Arunaru's localization choices, but a grand majority don't have issues with it so there's a good chance you won't either.

>> No.19332184

he's making the death threat shit up to garner sympathy right?

>> No.19332187

No he just hilariously misinterpreted a SZS joke

>> No.19332195

Yes. Someone posted a screenshot of SZS where a character says "I should end my life," and wrote that it should be SP's new mascot.

To Dovac, that's a death threat.

>> No.19332212

webp is actually awful though because it has to avoid the state of the art because of patents

if it weren't for patents no one would use that shit

>> No.19332216

He's retarded yeah

>> No.19332914

That's why you make your own company. So that you can fuck up without anyone firing you.

>> No.19332924

Downscaled from 1080p to 720p
Who made you everyone's representative?

>> No.19332950

I am.

>> No.19332951

The downscale thing isn't true, the edges were rough due to a bug that caused anti-aliasing to not work, and it's already been fixed in a patch.

>> No.19332963

they are not testing their games before release?

>> No.19332968

Thread is at the penultimate spot of last page, hope it last until next VNTS gets set up in 2-3 hours.

>> No.19332984

It's not super obvious it's missing without comparing, and I don't think testers will find something like missing MSAA without also playing the original. The bug also was present in the Japanese version, but much more prevalent in english. It still got fixed within 24 hours of release.
