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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 186 KB, 500x344, bedmaidcafes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1927692 No.1927692 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here ever been to a maid café?

Personally, I wouldn't go to one as I find them a little creepy and a little condescending.

>> No.1927697

They're alittle too 3D for my taste.

>> No.1927703

Oh god, not this again. Last time I posted a thread, y'know, actually about Japan /jp had a shit-fest essentially because it wasn't fail enough for their taste.

>> No.1927716

3D pig disgusting etc.

>> No.1927730

They didn't seem all that appealing. I don't have a maid fetish, they probably aren't good value for money as cafes, and I don't speak enough Japanese to get much out of it.

>> No.1927728

He has a point though. Compare your picture to just about any 2D maid and it's no question which one is superior.

>> No.1927732

He has a point though. Compare your picture to just about any 2D maid and it's no question which one is superior.

>> No.1927737
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3D thread.

>> No.1927742
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>> No.1927746

Well, yeah, but that's not the point. It's there for illustrative purposes. I just want to know has anybody been to one. Ignore the pic if you must.

>> No.1927757

Those girls aren't pretty.

>> No.1927759

1. It's a thread that's actually about Japan.
2. Why waste your time reporting here when some idiot is trying to convince us /b/'s invading?

>> No.1927768

I tent to the shitty Cantonese rip-off one in Toronto, that's now bankrupt.

Shit sucked, food sucked, maids weren't moe enough.

>> No.1927779

Haha, damn. But it was in Toronto so of course the girls would be Chinese or Vietnamese.

Maybe one in Vancouver would work.

>> No.1927782


>> No.1927783


2D is purposely drawn as an idealized form. Of course there's no competition, if you draw comparisons from pig-disgusting real women. That's not to say that you can't have both, just that 3D is much more prone to being ugly most of the time.

>> No.1927788

Just Google'd it. Took first one I could get. Don't have pics of this stuff on my PC, y'know.

Isn't there another in the US somewhere?

>> No.1927807
File: 11 KB, 131x225, 1232146488755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>1. It's a thread that's actually about Japan.

So it's /trv/ content then. How nice.

>> No.1927831


Never been to the east coast yet, but I'm sure the Japanese immigrants there want nothing to do with maid cafes or any otaku culture at all. Leave it to the Chinese to export Japanese crap to the western market.

>> No.1927850
File: 328 KB, 1024x680, 1232146763432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Harem end

>> No.1927859

So YOU'RE the faggots clogging up MY /trv/ with shitty /jp threads. Go fuck yourself, you otaku piece of shit.

This is /jp/. JAPAN is conspicuously in the title. Get used to real world, you backward faggot.

>> No.1927864
File: 232 KB, 1600x1200, 1232146958572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, this is /jp/ - Touhou and Visual Novels.

>> No.1927865

>shitty /jp threads
/trv/ is filled with Touhou and idols?

>> No.1927868


>> No.1927874

>/jp/ - Japan/General
>All things Japanese welcome!

Yah, enjoy that.

>> No.1927875


We were never bros, /trv/. Enjoy your discussions about Japan and its culture.

>> No.1927877

/jp/ - things that Moot kicked out of /a/ and /v/ doesn't want.

>> No.1927882



>> No.1927886

Now, everyone, you'll notice that this thread is a fairly good representation of the make up of /jp/, now any questions....

>> No.1927885
File: 158 KB, 699x1000, 1232147202400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know guys, Maids kinda fit into /jp/, just not pig disgusting 3D ones.

>> No.1927887
File: 79 KB, 340x455, 1232147219506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to /jp/. We are currently doing our best [sic] for you to have a nice [sic] stay.

>> No.1927888

tripfags - official /jp/ trolls, learn it already.

>> No.1927889
File: 45 KB, 608x480, 1232147260156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. See, my question has nothing to do with travel. I don't intend to travel to a maid café, I have no interest in them except to hear some anecdotes about them.

So this really doesn't belong there. Get used to 3D, faggot.

>> No.1927890

Maid cafes are crappy.

This thread is within board rules, deal with it.

>> No.1927894

Once I get my license, I'll post a Honda thread on /jp/.

>> No.1927902

I don't see any trip trolling in this thread. I see a lot of shitty (mostly Anonymous) posts, though.

>> No.1927905
File: 96 KB, 640x480, 1232147527715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make it a Supra, brother.

>> No.1927909

Yeah, I don't know what that is. Well, I have time to research until then...

>> No.1927913

underage b&
And Honda's aren't that hot anyway. Fucking cops stopped me for no reason every two months when I had one, but now that I drive a Volvo they don't even glance at me. Conclusion: Honda==nigger ride

wassup, zun?

>> No.1927914

Yeah, they are a stupid idea and incredibly fucked up.

>> No.1927918 [SPOILER] 
File: 154 KB, 800x1246, 1232147709818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Compare your picture to just about any 2D maid and it's no question which one is superior.

>> No.1927919

What? Just because I don't have a license doesn't mean I'm underaged. I'm just a failure in life.

>> No.1927922

ugly girls are ugly

>> No.1927927


>> No.1927931

See, that's what I think. Now, it's not so much the idea of women waiting on me hand-and-foot that bothers me but rather the whole moé thing.

I mean, I'd be more than happy for a bronzed harem of middle-eastern women to fan me with tropical leaves and feed me grapes, but when an urban chick from Tokyo's doing it...it suddenly becomes all kinds of wrong, especially when she pretends to be clumsy, or shy or whatever else moé chicks do.

Honestly, I thought /jp/ would love this shit.

>> No.1927946

Most of /jp/ is scared of real women (if you count "maids" as real women).

>> No.1927954

Bah, maids are half-people.

Anyway, most of the guys who go to maid cafés are afraid of women. I should know, I watched a show about it.

>> No.1927957
File: 30 KB, 500x350, 1232148171284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am much more interested in a miko cafe. Maid cafes are for losers.

>> No.1927971

no but i'd go to a tsundere cafe

>> No.1927981
File: 102 KB, 265x350, 1232148457805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once visited Cafe with Cat in Akiba, where the girls dressed as catgirl maids and spoke like catgirls nyan~

It was fun but rather awkward sometimes because of my limited moon runes knowledge.

>> No.1927983

"Eat your food, dummy."
"Drink it or it'll get cold, idiot."
"Leave now, buffoon."

yeah, sounds like a hoot.

>> No.1927995

i went to a imouto cafe and a school room cafe

>> No.1927996

Were they confused by the foreigner guy? I suspect they would be. Can't get that too often, right?

>> No.1928000

I've been to @home and Mai;ish. Mai;ish was the maid cafe that was in the filler episode of Kannagi so I had to check it out. Mai;ish wasn't that great, the maids were just like regular waitresses, really. Then again, I went on kimono day or something. @home pushes the moe thing pretty far, but it was kinda fun and awkward. Especially their faces when ENGLISH was spoken to them. Although, I got lucky with a cute maid that was trying with my english.

>> No.1928004
File: 52 KB, 666x999, 1232148735514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1928005

Only cafe I've ever thought of hitting up would be an imouto cafe. Though I imagine it'd be extremely awkward.

>> No.1928008

azn people are almost all ugly on caucasian standars thats why they draw themselves like white people

>> No.1928015

>I got lucky with a cute maid that was trying with my english.

Story time please. How did you do it? Got any technique tips?

>> No.1928018
File: 60 KB, 438x623, 1232148873220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Know what would be badass? A Victorian style gentleman's club with maids and butlers.

>> No.1928030

Now THAT would be cool. Base it in London and call it the Diogenes club, after the club that Sherlock Holmes went to.

>> No.1928032

Are a lot of the girls in maid cafes fujoshi?

>> No.1928039

>Although, I got lucky with a cute maid that was trying with my english.

What do you mean by got lucky? You've had sex? What are you doing here?

>> No.1928046

A lot of people go to maid cafe
Its not that special contrary to what you might think

Sure there are otaku that go there and play games with the maids (and pay for it) but there are quite a few normal groups that just go there to eat or relax

>> No.1928048
File: 108 KB, 700x525, 1232149480499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sluts, etc.

>> No.1928056

lol awesome

>> No.1928065

You know, some people here suspect you have too.

>> No.1928067

I meant that the maid that was tending to me was pretty cute and nice enough to try to work with my english. I know I stayed longer than her shift was and the maid that came after her was a bitch that didn't even try; she even roller her eyes at me when she heard english.

>> No.1928085

You sure she wasn't playing tsundere?

>> No.1928088

Got lucky as in luck of the draw. Stop thinking about sex. Noone on /jp/ does it.

>> No.1928095

I live in America and I have to deal with that kind of shit here anyway. I'm pretty sure that's not tsundere unless you think 3D girls are all just tsundere.

>> No.1928105

Well, it was a maid café. She could have been pulling a moé.

But, hey, if she was being a bitch she was being a bitch. I wouldn't have stood for it, personally. I'd be giving her SUCH dirty looks. Maybe even...a scowl.

>> No.1928109


That's hardcore bro, I think I just would've sent them an angry email after I left.

>> No.1928117

Wow, why are fujoshi such sluts??!

>> No.1928113
File: 143 KB, 1536x1152, 1232150347322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know what "nomihoudai" mean't back then......

>> No.1928121

Shame on you.

>> No.1928122


They are lonely and want attention.

>> No.1928123

'Cause in Japan, women know their place. :3

>> No.1928125


Yeh but we are lonely too.

>> No.1928130

Went to that big maid cafe in akihabara, the 3 floor one. All the maids were incredibly cute and I didn't feel so weird being a female in a maid cafe because thee were more girls there than guys. They did karaoke and stand up which was even more cute.

I didn't expect much from the food but it was possibly the best I have ever had, I felt like an American because I wanted a second serving of it, but I didn't ask.

>> No.1928133

>I didn't feel so weird being a female

Jesus fucking christ.

What have you DONE?!

Asides from sleep around

>> No.1928137


Did you want to dress up in a maid costume for fun?

>> No.1928140

Hey athens, when you're drunk, you should post anonymously.

>> No.1928145

> Hey athens, you should kill yourself.


>> No.1928146

I actually bought one while I was over there. I totally suppressed my power level except for the day I was in akihabara. Every other day I was a normal tourist.

I went with 2 really fat chicks too, to make myself look better! Shit was amazing.

I did what you wish you could do, go to Japanland.

>> No.1928147


Same girl.... Are you that same girl who posted a pic of her tattoo a week or so ago?

>> No.1928152


Haha, you ARE that same girl who posted the pic of her tattoo! You slut!

>> No.1928153

Would rather not destroy my body with stupid artwork I will be tired of in a year.

>> No.1928157

slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut

>> No.1928162

/jp/ - Japan/General

>> No.1928164


Quite true anonymous.

>> No.1928165
File: 49 KB, 469x600, 1232151356483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

▄█▀ █▄ █▄█ ▀█▀

▄█▀ █▄ █▄█ ▀█▀

>> No.1928166

are there any females who aren't sluts in your book?

>> No.1928167


I know what you mean, fat chicks make good friends and make you look better by comparison. How much was the maid costume? I'd like to pick one up for myself.

>> No.1928173

Virgin ones!

>> No.1928175


Where the hell is the real Remilia Scarlett?

>> No.1928185

You called?

>> No.1928178
File: 240 KB, 875x720, 1232151548571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Gensokyo.

>> No.1928188

Why would you care? That person contributed nothing to this board, there's nothing to miss.

>> No.1928190


She posts as Anon now.

>> No.1928195


same person?

>> No.1928202


Probably, they're both sluts.

>> No.1928204
File: 24.00 MB, 1680x1050, 1232151808809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1928211

Fuck you bastard!

>> No.1928215

i went to mai'lish in akihabara
and i was the only person under 25 there

>> No.1928217

I'm joking. You're bad, but you're not as bad as that girl who went to the maid cafe. I've seen her posting here before, always with that same damn anecdote, oh, and she posted about it on /a/ once. And said she fucked 4 guys while there.

That's the only reason I called her out, it wasn't entirely random. I just recognized the ancedote.

>> No.1928222

I went to one, it was more amusing than it should have been.

I almost had to dress up in a maid costume for work once.

Hmph. When I went, the only place I ever remember seeing females was in the imouto cafe.

>> No.1928228
File: 4.00 MB, 1680x1050, 1232152144127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>You're bad
In what way?

>> No.1928229


I'll fuck you, I bet you're cute.

>> No.1928231

>And said she fucked 4 guys while there.

You're kidding right?

>> No.1928233

Athens, we know that you are most of the "femanon" that reply to you and that we have been trolled constantly.

>> No.1928234


Retarded imagedumps, inability to hold a conversation without datass.jpg, other general faggotry. Kinda like sion`.

>> No.1928239

You're not actually, figure of speech.

You're a man, dude.

>> No.1928242

Been scouring the damn /a/rchive of /a/ for that thread in which she mentioned it and I can't find it anywhere. I assure you however, I'm not bullshitting. I remember this clear as day.

>> No.1928241


What's wrong, too uncomfortable with your sexuality to experiment? I'll be gentle~

>> No.1928245
File: 3.00 MB, 1680x1050, 1232152420901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When was the last time I posted datass.jpg?

>> No.1928246

At least this time athens derailed a thread that was already shit.

>> No.1928248

Vancouver has one, but I heard it was full of fail and elitist Mandarin-speaking waitresses. The Japanese girls who come here to party or to go to school (sometimes the both) are not about to go work at a maid cafe, since they're here to experience a 'Canadian lifestyle'.

>> No.1928252

>Canadian lifestyle

Drinking syrup and eating moose?

>> No.1928253

He meant kissmaiass.jpg, I'm sure.

>> No.1928258

Needs more smackmaiass.jpg.

>> No.1928262

hey athens, who don't you go and shit up /a/ for a while.

>> No.1928266


>> No.1928271


Because you're a terrible poster and a shithead. /a/ appreciates those qualities.

>> No.1928273

I like you, Athens. You're bumping my thread and sticking it to the anti-3D faggots.

>> No.1928276

so that we won't have to deal with you for a while at least. now go.

>> No.1928277 [SPOILER] 
File: 133 KB, 1063x900, 1232153010289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1928278


2D is legion XD

>> No.1928279

Not really. I'm neutral but I fucking totally support H!P bros and Dedicated Hirano Aya Sama Fan.

When I spot a self-admitted slut from other threads though. I feel the need to intervene.

>> No.1928281

Yeah, sluts are annoying. They get sex simply because their female while I, as a male, would have to work for it.

Shit sux, i agree.

>> No.1928284


God, I want Flan to suck my dick.

>> No.1928289

Well your slut-detector returns a lot of false positives. You've accused men and perfectly respectable girls of being sluts more often than you've been correct.

>> No.1928294

Enjoy not having a dick. Or a lower body for that matter.

You know what? Just enjoy being spontaneously combusted.

>> No.1928298


I'd smack th- wait... this is the third time you're posting stuff from straight porns.

I'm on to you, Remilia. ಠ_ಠ

>> No.1928299

>Just enjoy being spontaneously combusted

Cool, threesome with Mokou?

>> No.1928300

I was right with >>1928146.

>> No.1928305


No you weren't.

>> No.1928308

Yes I was.

>> No.1928309



>> No.1928314
File: 96 KB, 478x409, 1232153769087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to crop parts I find cute or just plain hot like >>1928277 You can't deny that's a hot view of Flan.

Flan sure has a nice ass ;_;

>> No.1928315

You'lll have to take me on my word, but I assure you there was an exact same girl with the exact same anecdote with a thread on /a/ about maid cafes who said she had slept with 4 guys while there.

>> No.1928321


I still don't believe you. You tend to post a lot of retarded garbage, so I have no reason to.

>> No.1928341

ZUN !bar

My favourite tripfag

>> No.1928395

i was the maid

>> No.1928412
File: 16 KB, 388x291, 1232155021788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A lesbian who also enjoys downloading straight porns, huh. ಠ_ಠ

I can tell that you're a straight or bisexual female. I can feel it in my bones.

>> No.1928415


He's not a girl. You're gullible.

>> No.1928435
File: 279 KB, 1063x1518, 1232155322552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I didn't download straight porn then I'd miss stuff like this.


>> No.1928453

It's not actually that unusual or un-lesbian to have het porn.

>> No.1928504

Remilia is mai waifu ;_;

>> No.1928511
File: 83 KB, 460x852, 1232156586678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ugh, I forgot one of the Ten Commandments of /jp/:

"Thou shalt masturbate to all forms of 2D, and what thou fappest to does not indicate thine true sexual orientation."

My apologies, Remilia; I am wrong. This law is why even most of us also enjoy 2D traps.

>> No.1928515

Sorry was watching a movie, totally NOT the chick who has a tattoo. I wish I was as cool as the time traveling shoulder blades guy though.

inb4 slut which actually translates to "you lived the dream I fucking hate you"

>> No.1928534

Yeah...I didn't post that on /a/ and when I do post on /a/ its most likely way after his bed time.

I got the maid outfit with socks, dress, and hair band thing for about $300, wasnt too bad considering how cute it was. I also got to dress up like a Geisha which made me feel like a total faggot but it was cool anyway.

>> No.1928536

We'll actually forgive you if you say that you are a virgin. And we'll probably ask for your email if you say you've never kissed a man.

>> No.1928540

what the fuck up niggers

>> No.1928545

I'm a slut slut slutttttttttt

>> No.1928547

Your forgiveness means nothing!

>> No.1928549

I'm pretty sure you can actually get all that for cheaper if you want (more like $80-$100). It depends on the style, the quality and where you buy it from.

>> No.1928550


Were you watching with your boyfriend?

>> No.1928553


>> No.1928554

Sage for shit thread

>> No.1928558

Its incredibly good quality and was made to fit me, totally worth it. If you're on vacation why not spoil yourself? I left with money left over so it wasn't a huge thing.

>> No.1928566

Oh, so you admit that you are a slut?

>> No.1928567

So ronery, no one to cuddle and watch stupid movies with. Only my cousin and her roommate.


>> No.1928571

Yes I sucked crazy jappo cock when I was in Japanland and loved every second of it.

Are you fucking crazy? The STD rate there is so high I was afraid I would catch herpes by even LOOKING at someone.

>> No.1928575

Mm. Though a maid uniform doesn't represent my idea of spoiling myself, it wasn't a criticism. I was just trying to clarify the price range, for the benefit of others.

>> No.1928577
File: 35 KB, 598x395, 1232157577040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made it with one of the girls who work at a maid cafe

>> No.1928581

Sorry, didnt mean to make it sound defensive. I rarely ever buy myself anything so it was my one present haha. That and a crepe, those things are so fucking good.

The maids at the cafe actually noticed my shirt and talked about TTGL, it was hella cute. She made a crying face after saying Kamina.

>> No.1928585


That's too bad. I wish I had a girlfriend to watch movies with. I'd lay my head in her lap and she'd stroke my hair ;_;

>> No.1928592

Instead of a boyfriend I had a siberian husky on me lap trying to steal my candy ;_;

Kept me warm at least:

Feels Like

>> No.1928600

She was watching with all 3 of them.

What the shit are you going to use it for though? I think the point here, jokes aside, is that you buy a maid costume when you work in a maid cafe or if you want to do a cosplay. Otherwise it's kind of pointless.

>> No.1928607

Maybe one day when I find a boyfriend he wont mind the outfit and find it cute. Then again, I wouldnt ever date someone with the same interests as me because I am incredibly fucked up. Chico is the only man(boy) for me.

>> No.1928611


It's -14° F here, I wish I had a nice warm body to warm me up. Turning up the thermostat to blast furnace levels will have to do.

>> No.1928613

>because I am incredibly fucked up.

Livejournal fucked up or genuinely fucked up?

>> No.1928623

athens is a troll

>> No.1928627


I'd like a girl who would be willing to dress up in a maid outfit, it would be a fun way to get intimate. It's weird, I like kinky outfits but I only like vanilla sex.

>> No.1928640

I enjoy vanilla sex to and enjoy the cute black and pink sets from trashy.com but I would only share that with someone I trust and...well...humans are untrustworthy! 2D is my only love.
Like I cant tolerate other people fucked up. This one kid started to like me and thought I was his ~*dream girl*~ but got a rude awakening when I called his favorite band shitty resulting in him calling me a bitch, resulting in me kicking him out of my house without a ride home.

>> No.1928642

No problem, just wanted to make myself clear.
Not sure how you can go to Japan and only buy a maid outfit and a crepe though, and then come home with money. I always end up spending way too much money when I go, and come home with absolutely no yen left.

>> No.1928649

>I enjoy vanilla sex
>I like vanilla sex

Why are virgins talking about enjoying different kinds of sex?

>> No.1928659

I bought other stuff like figs and stuff but I never spent more than $20, just small things. I also went drinking in Osaka and such. Most of the fun stuff in Japan is actually free. I enjoyed just walking around, I actually got lost on Kyoto for a good 3 hours because I went into an arcade and got turned around. I couldn't remember which way the river was and seeing how my hostel was next to said river, it was pretty scary. It was fun getting lost though because I never felt any REAL danger, even going to the 7-11 at 3am.

>> No.1928662

>>1928640 here.

I've never had a boyfriend but I've had quite a few flings before. So I'm not a virgin.

>> No.1928667

I am not a virgin but didn't enjoy the sex I had because it was with the wrong person.

>> No.1928671

The maid cafe in Toronto closed? Since when?

>> No.1928675

Stop pretending to be me faggot.

>> No.1928683

Troll or not, go away. You can't pretend to be like us saying 2d is your only love when you've had sex and boyfriends. If you've had sex you aren't ronery, so you can't use that descriptive terminology about yourself.

Cease using it.

>> No.1928687

That sex was four years ago and my only boyfriend. I haven't even so much as kissed a boy since him and he was my first kiss.

>> No.1928689

Has this derailed into some sort of normalfag hookup thread?

>> No.1928690

No, just an angry athens thread.

>> No.1928694
File: 10 KB, 350x332, 1232159501987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I draw the line at one athens post.

Dear Athens. Yes it is true that females aren't as lonely as males. You were correct in your assessment, however you never managed to understand why males are more lonelier than females.

Give up? I'll tell you. Women can attract men easier than men attracting females. Males are too slutty. They'll fuck anything that has a hole in it. And it's not just like this for Homosapiens. 90% of male animals are the ones that initiate and/or search for sex. Males on average masturbate 2 times a day while females on average only masturbate once or twice a week. Because females don't have the powerful testosterone hormone, they don't get the same sexual urges as us males. So when it comes to finding a mate, all a female has to do is ask a male to date her, and said male will do everything in his power to get her naked. Meaning, the only reason why females have it easy is because males are such sex addicts. Put yourself in the same situation as a female and you'll see what I mean. Try being lonely, when everybody around you wants to stick their cock in you.

tl;dr Males are such sluts....

Warning, if this topic doesn't change back to the op's topic I'm going to report and sagebomb this thread.

>> No.1928695

Captain Obvious to the rescue.

>> No.1928699

I never said you weren't lonely, but you aren't _ronery_

They ARE two distinct concepts, whatever normalfags want to say. Ronery = Zero intermittent relationships, one night stands and so on.

>> No.1928706

>Warning, if this topic doesn't change back to the op's topic I'm going to report and sagebomb this thread.

>> No.1928709

It's an amicable arrangement. Both parties agree to put the physical above all else. I dont agree, but look at how men can become more attractive in women's eyes based on sleeping with more and more men.

>> No.1928710

I like how athens is in charge of policing the official definition of 'ronery'. I don't recall it being that specific when it was first used.

>> No.1928714
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I wish I could have a one night stand, I was a total NEET for the last 3 years until my Brother finally pulled me out and has forced me to become social. It kind of sucks tbqh!


>> No.1928716

Seriously. When did it become more than "ohoho I am saying 'lonely' in a humorous Asian accent"?

>> No.1928717

Sorry, what I meant to say.

The more women a man sleeps with, the more elligible a partner he is.

A woman would rather have a 10% share in a first rate man (physicality I mean) than a 100% share in a 2nd rate man.

>> No.1928718

I don't either.

>> No.1928721


I know what you mean, I had sex with a girl who was a self-proclaimed lesbian and she said she wanted to experience what "she was supposed to do". She was a nice girl but she had a lot of emotional problems. I knew it was dumb but I enjoyed the sex anyway. It felt good and I was leaving town to go to university soon anyway. I haven't seen her or anyone else from high school since then. Although I think about the one girl I had a huge crush on sometimes.

>> No.1928722
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Pic spam time.

>> No.1928728
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The girls dressed up for the little maiko show were so cute.

>> No.1928730

When the people who started using it in /a/'s old ronery threads used it to describe being a 20something virgin rather than a 'my boyfriend left me' type situation.

Come on. Unless you fall into the latter breakup lonely category. You must agree to this.

Of course, you are lonely. But you aren't ronery. You know what it means to cuddle on a couch and stuff like that, you know?

>> No.1928735

Can't you women who HAVE had boyfriends and sex just accept you aren't ronery? It's not too much to ask that you dont try and take that last thing away from us, is it?

>> No.1928737

What does that have to do with the post?

The post explained why males are more lonelier than females.

Why do you blame females? Why do you call females sluts? Males are the reason why females aren't as lonely. Shouldn't you be saying males are sluts?

>> No.1928741

Shut up with your "ronery=/=lonely" bullshit, Athens.
They're the same thing.

>> No.1928742

Your reductionalist logic doesn't work. I make observational statements, not positive subjective analysis.

And I dont blame women for anything. I just wish they wouldn't say they were ronery, there are ronery women, but come on, if you've had a boyfriend stop it... You're being foolish.

>> No.1928743

No, you faggot. I was there too, and the people who made up those threads were not only 20something virgin males. There was plenty of ronery coming from people who had previously been in relationships.

>> No.1928745

Shut up you stupid bitch. They've become detached enough in the vernacular of 4channers to constitute different definitions.

>> No.1928747

You seem so offended by the fact that people have had sex and didn't instantly turn into a social butterfly who is a total whore.

Yes, you can become SO RONERY after those events. I may know what its like to cuddle on a couch with someone but not someone I am head over heels for and would rather spend time with them than play dota or some faggot current MMO.

You never cuddled your parents on the couch? That's knowing what its like to cuddle.

We are not trying to downplay your sad pathetic life, we are just saying you aren't the only one, you're not a special snowflake.

>> No.1928750


But they aren't cute at all!

>> No.1928751

No they haven't.
And this is maybe the 12th time you've called me a girl.

>> No.1928754

Lonely are ronery are different. You fags need to get the fuck back to /r9k/.

/a/ ronery threads were about ronery, not lonely. Normalfags were mostly trolls.

>> No.1928756

Shut up, Athens.

>> No.1928758

Athens has always blamed females for every problem in his life and insists they cant be ronery because they are FEMALES. They can get it ANYWHERE. If girls actually take the bait suddenly they are dirty little sluts to athens. Its a lose lose situation.

Thing is, a lot of girls don't want just any sex, they want actual loving intimacy.

>> No.1928764

>Yes, you can become SO RONERY after those events. I may know what its like to cuddle on a couch with someone but not someone I am head over heels for and would rather spend time with them than play dota or some faggot current MMO.

Then that's your own fault. You aren't ronery, you just made a mistake in character judgment.

>We are not trying to downplay your sad pathetic life, we are just saying you aren't the only one, you're not a special snowflake.

When did I ever say I was the only one or make any pretensions to that? Dont put words in my mouth. I claimed that you weren't ronery, you've had a boyfriend and sex and so on. That sets you apart.


Not the ones I remember. Don't try and tweak history that is impossible to empirically check. Everyone knows more normalfags, both male and female, have come to 4chan since then.

Ok, I’ll lay it out for you all: if you've been in a relationship in the past or are in one now? You're incapable of being RONERY. You might feel LONELY, but it isn't the same thing. At least once in your life you’ve had an actual emotional rapport with someone. A RONERY man will never have that; a RONERY man wishes for that more than anything else. Someone who would take a fuckbuddy over a relationship is just misconstruing being horny with being RONERY.

>> No.1928766

Sex also isn’t a MATURE ACTIVITY for MATURE PEOPLE such as MYSELF you goddamn femanons. Society has gone far beyond just putting sex on a pedastal: it's glorified and worships hedonistic self-gratification with sexual conquest being "measure of a man". This belief signals a dangerous moral and intellectual degeneracy. You say virgins send up red flags and are just like innocent little boys because they haven’t gotten their dicks wet? Gtfo you slut, having 30+ cocks jammed up in you clearly hasn't done anything to MATURE you. Maturity is the ability to exercise self-control and good judgment--something FUCKING INDISCRIMINATELY proves you don't possess.

>> No.1928767
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One thing I do miss about japan : Terriyaki burgers. Oh my god they were SO good and Red Robin just cant recreate the taste.

>> No.1928772


You seem to be confusing ronery with an actual word instead of a joke, which is what it was.

>> No.1928774

Here we go. Athens always resorts to "SEX IS TERRIBLE AND YOU'RE TERRIBLE IF YOU WANT TO HAVE SEX" every time this time of conversation comes up.

>> No.1928775

I don't buy the whole 'men care more about sex than women' argument either. It's patent bullshit. Sure, there are a lot of decent women who AREN'T like this, but the majority are far, far more sex obsessed than men and the gargantuan prevelance of female sex toys and shit like that in recent years is testament to it.

When did you ever hear of a guy dumping a girl because the sex wasn't so good? The vice versa happens all the time however.

I simply don't buy it. Added on to the fact young women have more sexual partners than men. I'd say women care more about sex these days (generally speaking, not all of them) than men do.

>> No.1928776

>Not the ones I remember.
Oh, and when are those from? This woman-hating, narrow-minded view of 'ronery' has sprung up rather recently, from my point of view.
>Don't try and tweak history that is impossible to empirically check.
And what exactly is it that you're doing?

>> No.1928778

>RONERY man wishes for that more than anything else
Nah, many of us have come to terms with it. Ronery but not lonely.

>> No.1928780


I don't think that's true at all. If anything, I'm ronerier now because I had a brief relationship because I know how good it felt and I want to recreate it, but at the same time I don't want something hollow.

>> No.1928783

Is it possible, beneath that pigheaded ignorance and willful refusal to grasp fact that you could understand the concept of etymology for a moment? Neologistic words aren't fashioned out of a fucking furnace, they come about as a result of centrifugal influences and factors. Whatever the context, whatever the place.

>> No.1928784

May I ask where the Touhou GTASA mod came from?

>> No.1928786

I take pride in the fact you need to twist my words to such a massive extent as is evident to everybody to form a rebuttal.

Silly girl.

>> No.1928789

Somebody's in denial.

>> No.1928793

>Ronery = Zero intermittent relationships, one night stands and so on.
Who died and made you the spokesperson for our memes and ideals?

I've been posting in ronery threads long before you appeared on /a/. Back in those days you were a little known troll on /b/ and /r9k/. You didn't start posting on the worksafe boards until your post wasn't getting enough attention on /r9k/.

When I was 12 I kissed a girl that was 3 years younger than me. When I was 13 a girl flashed me showing me her vag00 and flat chest. When I was 14 I hugged and kissed a girl on my trampoline. A few days later I had phone sex with said girl. Does this mean I can no longer post in a ronery thread? Oh wise athens, please answer my questions.

It's quite ironic that you would even say you know the definition of the word ronery. You weren't even around back in those days.

Now that I think about it, I do recall seeing you make one thread about your favorite animu Full Metal Alchemist, or am I confusing you with somebody else? You were such a quiet tripfag back in those days.

>> No.1928796

There are more sex toys for women because we cant find a man we like enough to have sex with! Are you stupid? It is also much harder for a woman to orgasm by herself without added assistance of SOMETHING than it is for a man.

Also, please show me sources for more young women having more sex partners than young men. If it is indeed true you could easily relate it to how society pressures women in a sexual manner and they think that any form of attention is assurance that they are worthwhile. That's not being a slut, that's being pressured every single day.

Also, let me quote one of my friends blog post about a recent almost break up :

"One thing was the sex thing. We still haven't had any, and he's a young adult male so it really frustrates him, which I can understand. And I guess he thought I wasn't really concerned or trying but I am. It's not that I don't want to, I mean if I have sex with anyone in the world it will be him. It just makes me really nervous still, I don't know why. But if I need to get over it to avoid losing him I can. He wouldn't want to scare me into it, but it's not like that either. I would just do anything for him because I love him so much. It's not like I can just jump on it tomorrow, but soon."

Yay for generalizations?

>> No.1928798

In denial about what exactly? This is what annoys me about a lot of women, they seem to think just spouting out stock responses constitutes rebuttal. It doesn't. Nor does resorting to any number of the logical fallacies you've invented over the years.

Your post reeks of female debating, where irrationality and shrieking take the place of logic and reason.

>> No.1928803

athens has been around since before /r9k/ but he is a troll

>> No.1928811

Hahaha, I love how its always an insult followed by the word "female", love it. Its a HUMAN thing, not gender related. Hurrrr.

>> No.1928819

stop being a butthurt slut.

>> No.1928823

>athens has been around since before /r9k/ but he is a troll
Yeah, a few months before /r9k/. I honestly don't remember him that much.

>> No.1928824

Stop being a butthurt male.

>> No.1928826

I remember him on /a/ but his posts never got attention so I guess he moved. Its good I guess considering /a/ is overflowing with faggotry lately anyway.

>> No.1928828

>Also, please show me sources for more young women having more sex partners than young men.


>If it is indeed true you could easily relate it to how society pressures women in a sexual manner and they think that any form of attention is assurance that they are worthwhile.

That's what your feminist forebears wanted. That is what you wanted, you wanted to be treated like a piece of meat for fuck sake. It wasn't men who forced it on you. It was your own movement!

You wanted to be 'liberated' from the 'shackles' of marriage and monogamy, and you have your freedom now, freedom to lie, cheat, intrigue and whore. Those are your 'freedoms'.

I mean what do you expect? Is it men who force women to dress up in skimpy clothing? And if you talk about societal pressures how about the fact men are EXPECTED without hesistation to be natural born leaders who never show any pain physical or emotional and women call a man a 'wimp' if he doesn't fall into this 'hero' archetype?

Women are a riddle rapped in an enigma. We men have no 'men's movement' (of note or worth anyway) to 'help' us get through these 'problems', we suck it up and get on with it, and you call us WHINERS for using a fucking anonymous imageboard as our vent? For the most part IRL we all get on with our jobs and studies here without complaint. We certainly dont have damn livejournals.

>That's not being a slut

Yes it is, by definition being a slut is promiscuity.

>> No.1928832


Maybe it's just me, but I would never get upset if I never had sex with a girl that I loved. It's nice and all and a way for couples to get closer, but I find an emotional bond is more important.

>> No.1928833

I'm not male.

>> No.1928842

>You weren't even around back in those days.

I've been around long before your beloved /r9k/ sprang up. LONG before. And /b/ had forced fucking anon before then, I have NEVER posted as athens in /b/.

And I didn't start posting with this trip until late 2006 anyway, where I began in /v/, admittedly I only lurked on /a/ up until that point and started posting (anonymously) a few months later). But there are a couple of the old guard from old /v/ still around (Conan for one) who would remember me if it matters that much to you.

>> No.1928843


>> No.1928846

Yeah, you're Anonymous. A sad, genderless piece of shit that could take any position only to further it's own bullshit.

>> No.1928848

>I don't buy the whole 'men care more about sex than women' argument either
Now you're just trolling. Spoilers: athens, most of the people posting in this thread are guys. We KNOW that men only care about sex. We also know that females don't have the same sex drive as us males. You're only lying to yourself.

If females had the sex drive of males, NOONE on this planet would be a virgin. We'd be fucking like rabbits.

>> No.1928851

Conan was actually cool though.

>> No.1928856

This is anecdotal, but I have never heard of a man breaking up with a woman over bad sex. I've heard of it with women breaking up with men over it though.

>> No.1928857

Sorry but I am a US fag, not a UK one.

The rest of your post...wow. Lol. I know you will toss a "LOL UR FIGHTAN LIEK A FEMALE" but that's ok, youre fighting like an athens. I wish I could actually think something up to respond to your ignorance but its so far out there I cant even put myself in that position.

>> No.1928863

Hey athens, I've got a question for you.
Why do you think that there was a streak of ronery threads started under the pretense of being a discussion of 5cm/s? Evading deletion, yes, but why specifically 5cm/s?

>> No.1928866

I think I love you, give me your email.

>> No.1928869

At least offer something, feigning disinterest is so damn transparent.

Would you not agree that women are the architects of their own downfall as far as being 'sexually objectified' goes? What is the standard nom de guerre of the feminist battalions these days if not 'slut' as a term of endearment? Truth is, if you gals want to pursue only sex, then you are going to be viewed as sex objects by the sex that does the pursuing in the first place (males).

Men have far more to live up to than women. Far more.

>> No.1928871

What about the hundreds of old men that dump their wives for super models?

Let me just get this straight. Are you actually saying females have a bigger sex drive than males? Are you honestly this stupid?

>> No.1928874

I don't understand. How come there are still people stupid enough to fall for this?

>> No.1928881

Childhood friend experiences maybe?

I actually asked in one 5cm/s thread once because I was puzzled myself how many people in them had actually dated a girl. And the general trend by far was a childhood friend or crush whom they had unrequitted affection for.

>> No.1928884

I'm saying it's harder for a woman to get off so they care more about the sex than men do. The actual sex, not the frequency of it.

>> No.1928892
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>And /b/ had forced fucking anon before then
Spoilers: /b/ has went back and forth from forced anon and non-forced anon, but you probably weren't here long enough to realize that.

>> No.1928908

Because the Remilia Scarlett tripfag with the old trip and some anons decided to entertain that girl whereas the thread should have ideally been left to die.

>> No.1928919

You specifically stated.

>I've been posting in ronery threads long before you appeared on /a/. Back in those days you were a little known troll on /b/ and /r9k/.

How could have you known this if there was forced anon around the time /r9k/ launched along with a significant time prior to it.

And stop the dickwaving, this shitstorm has many facets, this has got to be the most fruitless and ridiculous of them all.

>> No.1928924


Then why are you still arguing?

>> No.1928930

2006 /b/ spent most of the time in forced anon mode, though.

>> No.1928938

>I'm saying it's harder for a woman to get off
Hmm, that's weird. Last time I checked, females can masturbate without watching porn. Males on the other hand cant fap unless they are viewing porn. I've heard stories of girls as young as 12 getting orgasms from scrubbing their vag00 in the shower.

But I guess what you're saying is semi true. Females don't get as much perverted thoughts in their head during sex.

>> No.1928945

I like Athens cuz he's entertaining. At least he provides something different from the usual stuff posted on /jp/

>> No.1928951


Shits up the board, though. Lighting your lawn on fire is entertaining too but it sure makes a mess.

>> No.1928955

Because the spark lit a fire that I wanted to stamp out. Specifically the kind of shit >>1928796 comes out with.

I won't listen to a 'blame males' attitude from women anymore. I'm sick of it. You are the architects of your own fucking downfall, you CHOSE to be viewed as sex objects, stop fucking complaining and decide what you want. To be sluts and as a result be viewed as pieces of meat or to not be sluts and be viewed as human beings.

Because you can't have it both ways.

And it was NOT men who did this. You did it to yourselves with your incessent tu quoque bullshit about how the only true 'equality' is to be equal to the lowest and more loathesome men imaginable.

Whatsmore, men have a much harder life than women. Men are either 'heroes' or 'wimps' in a black and white dichotomy women create and so on.

Yet a woman's standard response whenever this is raised as a rebuttal point is 'stop whining'.


Are we to assume that women are allowed to complain about their lot but men have to suck it up?

>> No.1928956

>Males on the other hand cant fap unless they are viewing porn.

You are fucking stupid....

>> No.1928963

so athens, since all women are sluts you should turn gay, shouldn't you.

>> No.1928964

Most females can not orgasm from penetration alone, they need to hit 2 maybe 3 target spots at once depending on the female. Girls do orgasm at a younger age from grinding on furniture or water etc but thats only because its so sensative. As we get older it becomes desensitized and thus harder to orgasm.

It has also been proven that girls think about daily life much more than men do during sex, making it harder to concentrate on the situation.

>> No.1928969



>> No.1928976

>Males on the other hand cant fap unless they are viewing porn.
Not true at all.

It is fun to watch him and the retards who argue with him. The problem is that they always highjack threads to do it (although this thread wasn't any good to begin with).

>> No.1928983

relax man, i'm just a bro worried about you, don't want you to end up alone.

>> No.1928988

As I said, blame the fags who swarmed around that girl when she started posting again, this thread was as good as dead then.

>> No.1928999

How is your "blaming females for everything" attitude any different? I remember in a few threads you've stated that females rejected you and made your life hell, which explains why you are so angry and bitter about the entire thing.

>> No.1929000


I admit, it is interesting to see just how out of left field athen's ideas are. This must be what it's like to visit a nuthouse.

>> No.1929002

He's Greek, he's already gay.

>> No.1929014
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Newfriend detected.

I liked /a/ back in the days when we only had good tripfags like Anonymous of Germany and AoRF. The only good tripfag of 2007-2008 was Cirno.

One question, why did you stop posting on /b/ and /r9k/?

Also, pardon my newfriend insult. Anybody who hasn't been here longer than 4 years is a new comer in my book. I should create a list for the 3 generations of 4chan. The 3rd generation (e.g. your generation) by far was the worst.

>> No.1929012

that's true.

>> No.1929022

Ok then. Here's a serious response:

You can't, contrary to the 'fashionably bi' brigade of women, turn sexuality on or off.

I feel no sexual attraction towards men. Nor do I feel any particular intimate desire in the same way I think about women.

Finally I don't think all women are sluts.

This pisses me off because when I actually go out of my way to distinguish between the kind of annoying women in >>1928796 and women I don't have a problem with. Nobody pays it any attention and assumes I'm tarring all women with the same brush.

That's what sluts WANT you to believe. Sluts want an attack on sluttiness to be an attack on women, to be equal to misogyny, but it's not true. If you attack promiscuity you do it neutral of gender.

It just so happens slutty women have read a few feminist pamphlets and convinced themselves with the aid of confirmation bias that they are social revolutionaries.

>> No.1929034

when have you not had a problem with a woman?

>> No.1929036

I've never said that, I've never asked a girl out. And I have no feelings of hatred for them. You are just making shit up now, both you and I know that.

>One question, why did you stop posting on /b/ and /r9k/?

I never posted on /b/. The fact you actuallly lurk /relationships9000/ and lay claim to the title of oldfag is pretty funny though.

Same girl.

>> No.1929039

Make your choice, either an attack on your promiscuity is an attack on your entire gender, or more realistically, it's an attack on your own lack of self-control.

Make the choice.

>> No.1929045

so you do know some decent women?

>> No.1929051
File: 35 KB, 300x216, 1210693624642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mind if I test you? Name 10 tripfags from pre-2005 /a/ or /v/.

>> No.1929056

I do, which is why I get especially pissed off with the bitches in this thread who think that calling them sluts is somehow an indictment of all women.

It's not, it's an indictment of sluts.

>> No.1929061

where would one find decent women these days?

>> No.1929063

>If you attack promiscuity you do it neutral of gender.
You don't really do this though. I'm not even sure why you care so much about people sleeping around, no one is obligated to conform to your sexual morality. Oh that's right, you're a troll.

>> No.1929065

I came here in early 2006, when the fuck did I ever say I came here in early 2005? You're attacking strawmen here because you want to beat off to your own sense of 4chan elitism and this is your own possible entree to do that.

>> No.1929094

There we go again... putting words into my mouth. When did I say people were obligated.

The expectation of postmodern age is promiscuity, it is only right one should question that. If you feel my criticism of the zeitgeist's standard that instant gratification is the only way to happiness is too much and causes you to question your own beliefs, you airheaded promiscuous fool, then that's not my problem.

But don't say that I am 'obligating' you to do shit, I am free to criticize the sacred cows of relativism as much as I want however.

Pretty much anywhere, admittedly there were a lot of sluts in my first year of university for example. But there were also a lot of ok people, both male and female in halls.

>> No.1929098

women admit they can't be lonely, athens admits he's a newfag

>> No.1929109

so do you think only sluts go online cause we rarely see decent women here.

>> No.1929112

News flash : theres like 800 people responding to you, its not all the same person.

Femanon who went to a maid cafe has some IMPORTANT MMO BUSINESS to attend to, so no more posting for me :(

>> No.1929126


What do you play? I'd like to talk to you again sometime.

>> No.1929127

>putting words into my mouth
>causes you to question your own beliefs, you airheaded promiscuous fool
hurr durr. At least you didn't call me a woman this time. I never said that promiscuity is right, I just don't understand why you are so vehemently against anyone who doesn't prescribe to the same beliefs as you. I happen to share a lot of your views but I don't spend all of my time bitching about it on 4chan because I realize that other people are entitled to their own opinions.

>> No.1929136

Perfect World. Have 5 territory wars this weekend ( I think? ) :(

>> No.1929144

>Please let me fuck you.

>> No.1929150

There are a couple of decent women who post here. I can assure you of that. But generally yeah, I don't know why but this site as a whole seems to draw sluts to it like flies to shit. Camwhores, consluts, sluts in general.

I honestly cant put my finger on it. But you wouldn't expect it from /jp/ anons I guess.

/r9k/ is the worst board as far as that kind of thing goes. Full of whores.

>> No.1929156

>I can assure you of that.

i'm gonna need details. how many would you say?

>> No.1929159

When I am stripping people of their right to hold opinions? What you seem to be intimating is that I am judge, jury and executioner of everything and with a single word can strike down views I don't agree with.

As much as I like this scenario, it doesn't exist.

Your average 20 year old is such a defacto standard social liberal and moral relativist. They NEED to be shook up and forced to question their beliefs.

>> No.1929161


Ah, I don't play that one. Have fun though.

>> No.1929167

I'm _not_ going to say for obvious reasons. I chat to a few people from 4chan, guys and girls. And there are girls who hate the kind of loathesome scum like that maid cafe femanon too. But the old adage is true, they don't pipe up about it because they don't want to be seen as attention whores.

>> No.1929171

Drop your aim/email/gmail/msn.

>> No.1929174

still how many are we talking here, roughly?

>> No.1929178

What did femanon who went to the maid cafe do so wrong? I feel like you are taking all anon replies like they are mine.

>> No.1929180

Across /a/ and /jp/? I speak to three girls and fours guys.

Three girls are exactly like I said. The guys are the same, though that didn't really need to be stated. .

>> No.1929191

I don't think 3 girls would speak to you, enjoy your guys.

>> No.1929192
File: 35 KB, 1024x881, 2623861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're attacking strawmen here because you want to beat off to your own sense of 4chan elitism
Nah bro, I'm just messing with you. Give up being a tripfag. Trust me, it's not worth it. No matter how much you post, your post will never make a difference, nor will it be remembered. The second you stop posting, Anonymous will forget about you. And if you think your constant offtopic trolling will make a difference, all boards will eventually collapse upon its own weight like /a/, /b/, and /v/.

I notice that you only seem to post on slow boards. On faster boards your threads don't get enough attention because it gets bumped off the front page too fast. Let me let you in on a little secret, /jp/ is no different from /a/ or /v/. Two years from now /jp/ will be moving as fast as /a/. It took /a/, a few years to get to 1.9 million post. /jp/ is moving very fast for a board that has only been here for a few months. Even you should know your post wont MAKE A DIFFERENCE on the Internet. So why do you post with a trip? I could understand why one would use a trip if they were a contributor like the various tripfags of /jp/ like Croatia, ZUN, or AoRF. But you never contribute to any thing and your post aren't very funny, clever, or interesting. All you ever do is whine about social events that bothers you. Sometimes I think you believe /jp/ is your blog. Not only that, but you have zero interest in the board's topic. I've only seen you make 2 threads that were /jp/ material. One of them being a thread about Japanese literature.

It appears to me that you're only posting to create shitstorms.

tl;dr Drop the trip and start contributing to our community, or get back to /r9k/ where your off topic remarks belong.

>> No.1929194



>> No.1929198

now, how many girls are from here?

>> No.1929199

She resorts to stupid fallacies whenever she loses an argument. That's just one example. She was also a slut and... ugh, I can't stand anyone who says that men are responsible for women being viewed as sex objects.

>> No.1929208

In all honesty? One.

Make of that what you will, I just think the reason we hear more from the sluts like in this thread is because they're louder and more shrill.

>> No.1929213

Oh my god you are hilarious. 10/10.

>> No.1929215

so you're saying it's more probable to find decent girls on /a/? what are they like by the way?

>> No.1929217

Ugh, you're probably one of those buffoons from earlier on aren't you?

>> No.1929235


>> No.1929237

I would guess so, maybe that's' because /a/ is a bigger board?

As for what they're like: They're ok I suppose, the one I chat to the most I chat to because we share pretty much carbon copy similar interest in literature but with enough difference to bounce recommendations off each other (as we are quite fast readers also). It's fun to have someone to talk to about books, I've never known a girl to be so into reading.

>> No.1929247

Anonymous of Germany and Toneberry king stopped posting for a few months, now noone remembers them. Cirno Anonymous of Gensokyo had the highest post speed of any tripfag to ever post on 4chan, plus the man never went to sleep. Some tripfag created a script that counted the post count of all the tripfags and Cirno's was the highest. But he stopped posting towards the end of 2008, now noone on /a/ remembers him.

Athens, because you've only been on here for 2 years you're going through the first stages of a channer. I went through this too.

1.You discover 4chan.
2.Start posting as a tripfag to build some type of Internet reputation.
3.You throw away your first tripcode/name and regret all of your mistakes.
4.Then you create a new tripcode/name. However you get tired of being a tripfag so you become an Anonymous.
5.Then once you're an Anonymous you start to think your various anonymous contributions will MAKE A DIFFERENCE on the Internet. You begin to think you're posting for a higher purpose and your words can make a difference. Then you eventually realize that you're a deadbeat posting on an Anonymous imageboard that is destined to collapse upon its own weight from the constant influx of new comers.

You're still on step #1.

>> No.1929248

dude, that's a little too good to be true. are you sure it's not a trap?

>> No.1929249

The one male I talked to outside of /a/ ( besides all my #/a/ buddies ) turned out to be a gigantic douche who just wanted in my pants and failed to take no for an answer when we finally did meet at a con.

>> No.1929262

i've been next to one on many occasions, never entered...

on the other hand ive been inside a gothic lolita clothing shop


>> No.1929264

I'm sure. Very enjoyable person to talk to. Not a slut either.

Normalfag probably. I bet he came across as a lot more confident than the average anon.

>> No.1929272

He thought his aussie accent made him cool. He was also one of those HURRR AGAINST SCIENTOLOGY faggots, so I guess its to be expected. However the guys from /a/ I met at the con were chill and I love them all to death.

>> No.1929273

310 posts Jesus.

>> No.1929275


>> No.1929276

Hey, by the way, you dont hang around on that faggoty /a/ steamgroup Team Weeaboo do you? Such a bunch of circlejerking fucks.

>> No.1929278


Jesus god almighty, why did you meet with him in the first place?

>> No.1929283

Oh it's because girls are talking, I see.

>> No.1929286

have you tried hooking up? man, i'm heading to /a/.

>> No.1929288

Shut up, ponpo.

>> No.1929290


Jesus god almighty, why did you meet with him in the first place?

>> No.1929292

i've been next to one on many occasions, never entered...

on the other hand ive been inside a gothic lolita clothing shop


>> No.1929293

We live quite far apart, though both in Europe. Also, even if we -did- I wouldn't want to meet under the auspices of anything but being friends hanging out. The thought of meeting as anything more scares me a lot.

>> No.1929294

Anonymous of Germany and Toneberry king stopped posting for a few months, now noone remembers them. Cirno Anonymous of Gensokyo had the highest post speed of any tripfag to ever post on 4chan, plus the man never went to sleep. Some tripfag created a script that counted the post count of all the tripfags and Cirno's was the highest. But he stopped posting towards the end of 2008, now noone on /a/ remembers him.

Athens, because you've only been on here for 2 years you're going through the first stages of a channer. I went through this too.

1.You discover 4chan.
2.Start posting as a tripfag to build some type of Internet reputation.
3.You throw away your first tripcode/name and regret all of your mistakes.
4.Then you create a new tripcode/name. However you get tired of being a tripfag so you become an Anonymous.
5.Then once you're an Anonymous you start to think your various anonymous contributions will MAKE A DIFFERENCE on the Internet. You begin to think you're posting for a higher purpose and your words can make a difference. Then you eventually realize that you're a deadbeat posting on an Anonymous imageboard that is destined to collapse upon its own weight from the constant influx of new comers.

You're still on step #1

>> No.1929295

Is it possible, beneath that pigheaded ignorance and willful refusal to grasp fact that you could understand the concept of etymology for a moment? Neologistic words aren't fashioned out of a fucking furnace, they come about as a result of centrifugal influences and factors. Whatever the context, whatever the place.

>> No.1929298

I tent to the shitty Cantonese rip-off one in Toronto, that's now bankrupt.

Shit sucked, food sucked, maids weren't moe enough.

>> No.1929299

I needed a filler for my room and he was the only one I could get on such sort notice :(

>> No.1929300

Did I say something to anger you? Are you schizophrenic? Calm down.

>> No.1929301

Yeah...I didn't post that on /a/ and when I do post on /a/ its most likely way after his bed time.

I got the maid outfit with socks, dress, and hair band thing for about $300, wasnt too bad considering how cute it was. I also got to dress up like a Geisha which made me feel like a total faggot but it was cool anyway.

>> No.1929303

>The thought of meeting as anything more scares me a lot.


>> No.1929304

>I'm saying it's harder for a woman to get off
Hmm, that's weird. Last time I checked, females can masturbate without watching porn. Males on the other hand cant fap unless they are viewing porn. I've heard stories of girls as young as 12 getting orgasms from scrubbing their vag00 in the shower.

But I guess what you're saying is semi true. Females don't get as much perverted thoughts in their head during sex.

>> No.1929306

Well, yeah, but that's not the point. It's there for illustrative purposes. I just want to know has anybody been to one. Ignore the pic if you must.

>> No.1929308

>You weren't even around back in those days.

I've been around long before your beloved /r9k/ sprang up. LONG before. And /b/ had forced fucking anon before then, I have NEVER posted as athens in /b/.

And I didn't start posting with this trip until late 2006 anyway, where I began in /v/, admittedly I only lurked on /a/ up until that point and started posting (anonymously) a few months later). But there are a couple of the old guard from old /v/ still around (Conan for one) who would remember me if it matters that much to you.

>> No.1929310

No problem, just wanted to make myself clear.
Not sure how you can go to Japan and only buy a maid outfit and a crepe though, and then come home with money. I always end up spending way too much money when I go, and come home with absolutely no yen left.

>> No.1929311

I bought other stuff like figs and stuff but I never spent more than $20, just small things. I also went drinking in Osaka and such. Most of the fun stuff in Japan is actually free. I enjoyed just walking around, I actually got lost on Kyoto for a good 3 hours because I went into an arcade and got turned around. I couldn't remember which way the river was and seeing how my hostel was next to said river, it was pretty scary. It was fun getting lost though because I never felt any REAL danger, even going to the 7-11 at 3am.

>> No.1929309
File: 79 KB, 640x480, akagi-what-the-hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1929314

Hahahaha, this is awesome.

>> No.1929315

Did you contributed to this shit? No. Just remain silent. Quiet. Shhhhhh

>> No.1929317

Hi athens.

>> No.1929321

Did I say something to anger you? Are you schizophrenic? Calm down.

>> No.1929323

Because that's what we are at it's root, friends. Plus it may sound wierd coming from me but I don't really have a problem with being 'just friends' with a girl.

>> No.1929328

>The thought


>> No.1929331

Captain Obvious to the rescue.

>> No.1929336

Rinnosuke sighed as he looked around his empty store, frowning as he saw layer after layer of dust on what he considered some of the most precious artifacts from the outside world. It was depressing. Even after he had gotten some brand new objects from the outside world, he still hadn’t gotten any more sales. He even had what they called “next-gen” systems, like the PlayStation 3 and the oddly named Wii. At this rate, he would have to give some of his items away, just so that he could make some more space in his storage room. Besides, he reasoned, if they found out how great hi

>> No.1929337

Because you are terrified of women and are too afraid of having anything more than a female e-friend.

>> No.1929338

stuff was, maybe they would actually buy things from him.

Heartened with this thought, Rinnosuke tried to think of a way to give his gifts away. While some people, like Marisa, wouldn’t mind something new, others would probably kill him on the spot. He wasn’t really happy with the prospect of dying, so the silver-haired shopkeeper tried to think of a way to give gifts without receiving a seal, laser, fireball, knife, suppository, or whatever in the face. He briefly thought of just mailing the gifts, but he dismissed it on a couple of factors, like the fact that there was no mail service in Gensokyo and chances were that some of the girls would destroy the gifts.

>> No.1929339

It was then that he remembered a strange custom he had heard of from the other world. Yukari had explained it to him, but he had never really given it much thought. In the other world, during some time of the month in December, relatives and friends would exchange gifts to further strengthen their bonds. Or something like that. And there was a legend about this old, fat man who gave presents to all of the children. Rinnosuke smiled. He might not be old or fat, but he was a man and that was good enough to replicate this legend in Gensokyo. He would, during the night, give gifts to all of the girls of Gensokyo, thus getting rid of his storage problem and, hopefully, getting more business for himself. It was like killing two birds with one stone, to borrow a phrase from the ice fairy, Cirno.

>> No.1929340

Pretty much.

>> No.1929342

Now that that problem was settled, Rinnosuke began to wonder what kind of gifts he should give each of the girls. He doubted any of them would appreciate the “next-gen” systems, since nobody knew how they worked, although Yukari gave a vague reference to electricity and TV when talking about them. He decided to get them practical things, since he knew that however common an item was, if it was useful, then it would always be appreciated. Adjusting his black-rimmed glasses, Rinnosuke went to business.


>> No.1929344

This is going to be harder than I thought.’ Rinnosuke thought to himself as he stared at the large sack full of gifts he had. While he, probably, could carry them to every single house in Gensokyo, the fact remained that it would take too long and the sun would be up before he finished. ‘If only I could fight and get myself some of those time orbs…Well, maybe some of stuff in my store could help me.’

>> No.1929350

He walked into the back room of his store, where a looming tower of random knickknacks and doodads sat at a corner. He needed a weapon…one that wouldn’t kill him if he did something stupid. Since he had no fighting experience, he wanted to pick something that he couldn't stab himself with. Spying an ornate lance lying against the wall, Rinnosuke picked it up, shrugging as he did so. It was over eight-feet long in length, so there was little chance he could stab himself with it. And if he didn’t need to use it, he could tie the bag to one of the ends and carry it using the lance.

>> No.1929351

you wouldn't want anything more? sorry man, this is getting pretty weird but i'm kinda interested.

>> No.1929355

Thank you for finally admitting you have a terribly irrational fear of women. Everything you've said in this post looks even more ignorant now.

>> No.1929352
File: 211 KB, 1024x576, papertowels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1929358


>> No.1929360

Google 'poisoning the well'.

>> No.1929363

Thank you for finally admitting you have a terribly irrational fear of women. Everything you've said in this post looks even more ignorant now.

>> No.1929365

Wow, I hate you.

>> No.1929366

I fucking knew it was you. Samefag bitch.

>> No.1929368

>and that's why
Why are you called athens, again?

>> No.1929369

I like you. Let's be friends.

>> No.1929370

Hmm no. Not really. We're both pretty timid people.

>> No.1929371

Its a mystery.

>> No.1929372

>Are sluts.
How about this. Both men AND women are sluts

>> No.1929378


Jesus, I was busy.

>> No.1929380

You are even more worthless than I first thought. Probably conslut material.

>> No.1929381

>the difference between males and females.

I don't know what you're talking about. Maybe if I wasn't jamming this soap up my ass I would

>> No.1929384

This is how females act, right athens?!

>> No.1929386

if she took the initiative would you take it?

>> No.1929390

Lol, I'm a horny little girl XD. Want 2 meet up with me?

>> No.1929391


>> No.1929392


A clean ass is important, though.

>> No.1929393

Not really, it's mild exasperation, a pretty common thing exhibited by all people.

I honestly have no idea, it seems wierd to debate such hypothetical nonsense anyway. I'm happy enough now.

>> No.1929394


Jesus, I was busy

>> No.1929398

>and that's why
Why are you called athens, again?

>> No.1929405

>Hmm no. Not really. We're both pretty timid people.

>> No.1929406

you wouldn't want anything more? sorry man, this is getting pretty weird but i'm kinda interested.

>> No.1929410

You are even more worthless than I first thought. Probably conslut material

>> No.1929412

I fucking knew it was you. Samefag bitch.

>> No.1929413

what about the other girl? fuck man, how do you even meet girls like that here?

>> No.1929414

Thank you for finally admitting you have a terribly irrational fear of women. Everything you've said in this post looks even more ignorant now

>> No.1929419

Not really, it's mild exasperation, a pretty common thing exhibited by all people.

I honestly have no idea, it seems wierd to debate such hypothetical nonsense anyway. I'm happy enough now.

>> No.1929474
File: 114 KB, 326x489, 1220351047264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey athens, did you enjoy this little treat?

If the mods and Janitors fail to do their jobs I'll step in and finish you off myself. This is the way it's going to be for now on. If you're going to talk about how "women are sluts xD" then make your own thread about it and I'll ignore it. I just don't like it how you turn semi decent threads into /r9k/ shitstorms.

I encourage you to report my IP. That way the Janitors and moderators will know where you are. This is a win-win situation for me. I repost your own words and use them against you. So even if a mod or janitor notices what I'm doing they'll also notice YOUR off topic remarks. And a byproduct of this tactic is confusion and anger.

Had you been here longer than 2 years you would have known about these advanced guerrilla tactics.

You didn't quite listen to this post. >>1923083 Wow, you are too easy.

Here's the real post.>>1928694
>Warning, if this topic doesn't change back to the op's topic I'm going to report and sagebomb this thread.
Did you think those were just the words of a mad man? You do not want me as your enemy.

>> No.1930159

So... So much work, for such a pointless reason.
Also, bump for athens.

>> No.1930826

Oh god, 376 posts, I can't let this die.

>> No.1930826,1 [INTERNAL] 

no slut

>> No.1930826,2 [INTERNAL] 

Please don't bump athens threads. That chapter of /jp/ is over, and good riddance.

>> No.1930826,3 [INTERNAL] 

Athens was one of the more interesting shitte posters. Shame he went to law school or whatever lol
