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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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19225399 No.19225399 [Reply] [Original]

Why is tōhō suddenly becoming mainstream? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Usp72iAWamo

>> No.19225415

I think we can safely blame Nintendo for this. Normal faggots have been all over Nintendo as of late. Just look at how much Splatoon porn can be found on Plebbit. I don't really know when exactly plebs moved on from shitty console shooters and GTA to Nintendo, but it happened.

>> No.19225422

Isn't touhou mainstream already?

>> No.19225434

More mainstream is more welcome than getting drowned out by gachashit.

>> No.19225448

Not in the west.

>> No.19225452

Nice attempt at muh sekret club, touhou is as mainstream as it gets though.

>> No.19225453

It's getting there. Touhou has been protected since Normals haven't been interested in bullet hell games and the anime/manga aesthetic. Also Doujin culture is generally pretty difficult to get into, especially for those in western countries. I guess most people think it's too much effort to scour the internet to find content related to something they're only slightly curious about it, and Normals all seem to collectively have an allergy towards anything involving Lolis or Lolita culture so there's that too. The Touhou fanbase can be pretty embarrassing too, so it's only a matter of time before cringe culture gets a few laughs at our expense before they move on to whatever else is still sacred.

>> No.19225488

Sony’s fault for putting touhou on stage at E3 a few years ago.

>> No.19225604

I think Vinny and Joel both pretend to know less about 2hu than they actually do. They probably get e-mails asking them to play the games constantly and are likely annoyed by it. It's very difficult to not at least know of 2hu since its fans have been spreading the gospel all over the Internet for over a decade.

>> No.19225641

Joel plays/has played touhou, although he isn’t a huge fan. He was naming characters in the chat during the stream. Also, Joel will soon be running the official Sweden twitter account soon.

>> No.19225884

Joel also knows stuff like gachimugi which did make itself more well know thanks to aniki dying in March. I expect touhou to come soon but who knows. It’s a surprise how this franchise is pretty not known to much aside from the porn and some weird memes on the internet

>> No.19225898


>> No.19225995

Touhou has been mainstream in asian countries for a long ass time now, and while its been somewhat mainstream in the west for quite a while its not really going too get any bigger than it already has here. I understand this fear of "if it becomes more mainstream normals will ruin it for the rest of us western fans" but thats stupid. That implies that hasnt been the case for years and that our culture is that fragile. Alot of us act scared of "Normies" but really we should take up the task of setting them straight and actually try and make people understand and have actual investment. At the very least is better than treating them like a boogeyman and seeming weak.
Also its not like youtubers doing videos related too Touhou is anything new. Its nothing too lose your shit over.

>> No.19226113 [DELETED] 

>tfw no reimu in smash
I'm quoting ur mom lamo

>> No.19226167

You'd be waking up to screaming nighterrors if that were a fact boyo.

>> No.19226234

good post.

>> No.19226342
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>I don't really know when exactly plebs moved on from shitty console shooters and GTA to Nintendo, but it happened.
Because of the normalization of nerdy things and bullying being illegal in schools as well on normalfag social media, or total shame if it is not bannable or illegal. As well Pokemon becoming really popular within normalfags with Go.
BUT, it is still shameful to do nerdy things in non-white/asian communities desu.
Its fine, also adding the fact that normalfags won't last 2 weeks playing EoSD, but the fighting games could become popular though.

>> No.19226501

Touhou has always been known to anyone that's into manga or anime. Fanart is absolutely everywhere, the music has always been popular, and the games are some of the best known of the genre. But don't worry, normalfags won't ruin it.

>> No.19226592

I can’t see them going big anyway with those memes since they’re so vapid. It’s like once they’re made, they last one day and that’s it. Touhou can live past that, and normals would just move on.

>> No.19226791

That's what I was getting at. It won't be the next big thing, but there's no use pretending it's some super obscure series known only be the most dedicated weeaboos.

>> No.19226896

And then again, your not gonna see much of the “haha look at weebs” stuff because touhou in the west is pretty much it’s own thing. Some of it is prevelant but the so called “cringe” isn’t as deep as other communities

>> No.19227146

> complains that Touhou is reclining
> complains that Touhou is getting more mainstream

Decide in just one, motherfucker

>> No.19227184

A niche community remaining small is always better to it being overcome with newcomers who have little to no interest in how the community operates.

>> No.19227195

Exactly. But I like a balance. I like when a few new people enter because it shows there’s people who care. Not a complete wave of people that go “huuurrr sakuyas pads XDXDXD”

>> No.19227504

a god was interested. The effect shows it all

>> No.19227520

Go back there, kudasai.

>> No.19227575

I don't think normalfags are the primary consumers of cartoon porn.

>> No.19227654

they are

>> No.19228940


>> No.19230230

Not counting hentai, they are.

>> No.19233659
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>They only notice EoSD

>> No.19233934

Someone will recommend everyone who listens 13.5 and soku

>> No.19238729

Can't wait for this board to get flooded with even more newfags who then gravitate towards 3D posting and greentexting.

>> No.19238841

why do you still stay in this shithole?

>> No.19238906


Ah yes the big three of youtube. Pewdiepie Jacksepticeye and this other channel with less than a million subs

>> No.19239748

Touhou fans are lot like vegans. You don't need to ask them are you into it because they will tell you... They will tell you and then hit you in the head with the fact until the only thing you can do is to scream in agony.

>> No.19239796

Mainstream? Really now?

>> No.19243878

i cant wait till pewdisepelier plays toowho 15 and clownpiss becomes the nobies fav 2hu

>> No.19243980

why is the music the music from my slave brothel? is that on purpose?

>> No.19244202
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Reimu play geimu!

>> No.19248300

all those weird high school kids grew up and started youtube channels so make everything normie af

>> No.19248309

Touhou is never going to become mainstream. At best, a few more people get into Doujins/fangames/music. Both the games and the print works, are going to remain niche as fuck. Even on this very board, most people don't give a fuck about either one of those.

>> No.19248377

bad post

>> No.19248448

1. It's not and will never be mainstream
2. That video is painfully unfunny and embarrassing

>> No.19248967

Maybe we should nuke Brazil?

>> No.19249002
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Assuming youre talking exclusively about the West: Its a combination of an increasing number of nintendrones, normalization of anime/manga in the west, getting published to Steam, and the increasing popularity of bullet hells (example: Undertale). Ive heard Touhou mentioned or discussed a shitload in the past year. Could be a good or bad thing.

>> No.19249456

No, I genuinely think Vinny is pretty ignorant about most of the touhou shit. He barely knows the names of the most famous and mainstream touhous that he heard from those old fan videos.

I fucking hate his demeanor about anime in general.

>guys i dont -hate- anime, i am just not familiar with japan and their culture
>only be exposed to absolute garbage and nothing else
>continues to make fun of anime and make stupid comments about it
>guys what if we just did a stream of gal gun 2 as tourture haha, no one actually likes games like that right? man japan is weird XD

>> No.19249464

> running the official Sweden twitter account soon
So he is going to be bombard with tweets about muslims raping and destroying his country?

>> No.19249625

Still dont know why anyone is attributing anything too the Steam releases. Like 2/3 of the Steam sales came from China, and the majority of westerns who bought those releases are already fans. Other than the official releases its not like fangames have really taken off on Steam, except the one which again got most of its sales from China.
Also I wouldnt say Bullet Hells are getting more popular. Just because Undertale was big doesnt mean a whole lot. Its not like the bullet hell gameplay is really what made that game stand out anyway. You can certainly make an argument here but personally I feel that the genre hasnt really been on that big of a rise.

>> No.19249967

Good idea

>> No.19251740

>Not counting hentai
I mean, by "unspoken truth"(mass opinion) it's implied that hentai IS cartoon porn.
Masturbating on western style cartoons was always considered to be degenerate ,on contrary to eastern "it's drawn porn but without sex" stuff in west,"chinese porn cartoons" and all.Or am I that out of touch?

>> No.19252233
File: 229 KB, 1128x1083, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from my native spicland
>"Chileans prefer them DRAWN"
>After doing an stadistic, the top search in the site Pornhub was "Hentai" leading the ranks between the consumers of triple X in our country.

>> No.19252265

>Arcade playstyle
I'm not sure, but i think normies don't play arcades, when i go to the arcade saloon i see a lot of oldfags like 25-35 range (Mostly playing King of Fighters).

>> No.19252300

That’s what happens when people start realizing how poor the slags are compared to drawings

>> No.19252390

Every kid fapped to Ranma 1/2 uncensored tits in the 90's/early 00's outside muricah.

>> No.19252436

This sort of willful ignorance people have is less annoying to me, more eye-rolling. Like, they don't want to admit some things can be good. Touhou definitely gets this the worst. People see meme bullshit and assume the source material is just loli filled generic lesbian crap.

>> No.19252712

And then everyone goes “ZOMG youz a pedophille for liking 2hu XDXD”

>> No.19252761


>> No.19253073

reactions i received when i showed touhou to a normie friend.

-Is touhou an anime?

>Touhou 12.3
-This is really good, it´s like guilty gear.
-Why they´re all girls?
-Get frustrated against CPU and begin sayin "fuck you bitch" a lot, and giving sexual tone/joke at everything in the game.
(So for normie loli=flat chest anime girl.)

>Touhou memes
-This is cancer, i can´t endure this shit.

>Touhou 6
-"This is good, can i play it in my phone?"
>dies, get frustrated and start spamming bombs against Cirno, dies against Mei Ling.
- "I give up, it got me nervous, is un-comfy."

I like it, t's like megaman x music.... Ok it´s enough.
>Oh, it have japanese lyrics? change music and play:
Full metal alchemist OP
Digimon OP
Death note ED

>Do you think anime girls are cute?
-"Lol no, just league of legends girls"

>> No.19253117

who are you quoting?

>> No.19253134

It's backwards
Green black ones.

>> No.19253160

Wanted to quote "friend" but dyslexia and not correcting the text happens

>> No.19254986

Touhou seems to be very popular with teenage boys nowadays...

>> No.19255058

>implying touhou isn't already pretty mainstream

>what is the awoo meme
>what is momiji
>what is cirno

>> No.19255083

>implying vinny is mainstream

Joel might be but no way vinny is.

>> No.19255110

Is it really a suprise when the lore is so difficult to understand for your average normalfag?

>> No.19255131

The lore is not just difficult to understand. It's intentionally difficult to understand. And it ultimately exists only as inspiration for different people.

>> No.19255138

>bullying being illegal in schools

Lolwut? Since fucking when? School personnel are too pussy to actually discipline and teach asshole kids a lesson. They only tell them to say "sorry" and then expect them to actually stop.

Also technically it's usually normalfags who are the bullies, and the ones who do get bullied tend to become contrarian and hate normalniggers for being such faggots. Think about it, why did the columbine shootings happen? Because Eric and Dylan were bullied by the normalfags to such an extent where they finally snapped and had enough of the normalfags.

>> No.19255160

This, and it's also the main reason why normalfags haven't fully latched on to touhou and depleted it of it's last remaining life force.

>> No.19255175

Most normal people with a interest in Touhou would just go read fan Doujin's anyway

>> No.19255243

Your meaning of normal fag is too broad.

>> No.19255322

It's really simple: Average person that can't think for himself, follows everything popular and jumps on the bandwagons of anything popular, be it popular memes, games, movies, etc, also your average person that probably browses reddit, is extroverted and social, and "has a life".

>> No.19255329

Ofcourse, normalfags can also include the normalfags who think they aren't normalfags, aka people who like less popular stuff then your average normalfag, but still likes popular stuff and has shit taste, thinks he is "cool" and contrarian and not a normie like actual non-normalfags , but is infact still a reddit normalfag.

>> No.19255396

>Average person

>can't think for himself
>follows everything popular
>jumps on the bandwagons of anything popular
>browses reddit
We are discussing at least 10 different, potentially self-excluding groups of people in here. Are you sure it's not just your definition of "them" in YOUR little bipolar world?
>normalfags can also include the normalfags who think they aren't normalfags, but is infact still a reddit normalfag
And at this point it's just a sect mentality.

Also your obsession with reddit disturbs.

>> No.19255820

They have the same amount of average views

>> No.19257695

>Pokemon becoming really popular within normalfags with Go
pokémon was always popular.

>> No.19258408

this was embarrassing, please don't post this to /jp/ ever again

>> No.19259629 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting?

>> No.19260635
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>normie friend.
He won't be your friend for much longer.

>> No.19264575

Touhou reclining anyway so that doesn't matter.

>> No.19264806

ZUN will keep making Touhou content. It really doesn´t matter.

>> No.19265642

gachi and twitch?

>> No.19269553

Can someone explain to me?

>> No.19270682

ZUN allowed some shitty fangames to be published on consoles so now normalfags think Touhou is a shit series with shit gameplay. That's good though. It slows the entrance of new secondaries.

>> No.19272373

angry reddit normalfag detected

>> No.19274182
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Kuso thread, I curse you all to die

>> No.19279924

this is a great thread

>> No.19284794

how did you figure me out?!

>> No.19285446

As much as I like Vinny, e-celeb shit does not belong here at all.

>> No.19286073

I live here and agree, whatever is the reason

>> No.19289591
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I'm not afraid of normies getting into Touhou, I'm afraid that if it becomes mainstream in the west it will be politiced like video games and comics to the point that it'll be impossible to have a discussion on whch 2hu wud u fug without SJWs complaining about objectification of women or a Momiji thread without /pol/ derailing it.

Fuck the west for trying to ruin everything fun with politics.

>> No.19290525

I think you'd be surprised

>> No.19290554 [DELETED] 

*snap* xD
