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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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19107469 No.19107469 [Reply] [Original]

This is a Japanese language learning thread designed by and for those interested in traditional otaku media such as anime, manga, light novels, and Japanese video games.

Read the Guide linked below before asking how to learn Japanese:
Check the Cornucopia of Resources before asking where to download X or Y:
Previous >>19098226 >>19082369

>> No.19107493


>> No.19107525

I don't think we should continue DJT while jamal can still post

>> No.19107547

I'm having trouble with some words and no resource to check, if anyone's gotten an offline easy to search J>J dictionary that won't rape data...

otherwise please help me with these.
Are 支障 and 障害 about the same?
I can't figure out what 何様 means,
and is 筋書き the only word for 'plot' in story context? I see it used as an Eng translation for stuff like 構想

>> No.19107597

epwing pack in the cor has plenty of j->j dictionaries

>> No.19107605

Does anyone have a digital copy of 太陽と鉄 by 三島由紀夫?

I have a physical book, but I'd really prefer an e-book.

>> No.19107607

>Are 支障 and 障害 about the same?
Mostly yes, but I would be careful with 障害, because that's what they use for physical/mental disabilities.
It's some kind of "who the fuck do you think you are" kind of question

>> No.19107630
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支障 is more for literal obstacles like pic related
障害 is for mental and physical disabilities like that other anon said.

>> No.19107661

thank you, and I'll get it asap

>> No.19107784 [DELETED] 

>mfw trying to learn Japanese

>> No.19107962
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I think I'm in love.

>> No.19107971

honestly, FUCK people who make shitty blurry scans with stone age equipment

>> No.19108000

Sorry for dumb question but is there any ebook store with manga where you just pay for the book and can directly download the masterfile in some regular format and handle it as you please (reader, CDisplay, whatever)? Every ebook store I know demands you buy it through some retarded app you also have to use for reading it or through kindle. Is there seriously nothing like Bandcamp for manga where you pay for an album and can download FLAC, mp3 or stream it as you like? Like buying a volume and the deciding whether you want to read it through the shops app or download 2400px/1800px/1200px cbr file whatever you want.

>> No.19108021

Nope. Welcome to DRM. Kindle's is the easiest to strip.

>> No.19108045

This is the future you chose.

>> No.19108137

Is there a good quick OCR app for Windows / browser? I really like how I can scan just about anything with something like Google translate on my phone. Wish I could do the same on PC.

>> No.19108148

How does one type in a person's name that has only kanji and is not that common?

>> No.19108156
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>> No.19108161

The same way you type every other word?

>> No.19108163


>> No.19108166

But the name won't pop up in the IME's menu.

>> No.19108172

type words you know that contain the kanji and delete the rest

>> No.19108182


>> No.19108190

Then you type in other words using these kanji and delete what you don't need

>> No.19108208

I know that feel, Yotsuba's adorable.

>> No.19108238



>> No.19108239

Why are you helping this man, if he can't figure something this easy out by himself, he won't be able to learn Japanese in ten lifetimes.

>> No.19108242
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do you listen to music when doing reps?

does it distract too much?
does it make the reps more comfortable and thus efficient because more relaxed?

what do djt?

>> No.19108244

Capture2Text is solid. Read the guide, anon, it's all there.

>> No.19108255


>> No.19108263 [DELETED] 


>> No.19108266


>> No.19108269 [DELETED] 

chingchong ping pong ni hao ma

>> No.19108281


>> No.19108287

>can't remember some card for the life of me in anki to the point of it becoming a leech
>encounter it while reading and remember everything about it
At this point I've stopped giving a fuck about anki and just click easy or hard on things I didn't guess.

>> No.19108298


>> No.19108343


>> No.19108354


>> No.19108362



>> No.19108375


>> No.19108396

I was actually already doing it that way but I was hoping there was a smarter method.

>> No.19108398


>> No.19108433

The smarter method is adding the word to you IME's user dictionary

>> No.19108520
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>> No.19108529

>Like buying a volume and the deciding whether you want to read it
Manga isn't reading though.

>> No.19108537

fuck off retard

>> No.19108548

Write them an angry letter and tell them to stick their shitty formats up their asses.

>> No.19108645


Has anyone tried "Tanoshiku Yomou Read Japanese"? Seems nice.

>> No.19108679

No. Read compelling content, not textbooks trying to imitate japanese.

>> No.19108696

I haven't found any content compelling lately, in any language :(

>> No.19108704

Then why the fuck are you learning japanese?

>> No.19108753


>> No.19108853

Content that you can barely understand just ruins the experience and makes a later rewatch or reread shit.

>> No.19108916

Buy it from Rakuten, download it via the desktop Kobo program and use Calibre to strip the DRM.

>Kindle's is the easiest to strip.
Rakuten DRM is incredibly simple, there's even a Calibre plugin for it. It's similar to stripping Kindle DRM but quicker and easier. That is the reason why I stopped with Amazon for manga and use Rakuten instead. The desktop Kobo app isn't great but either is the Kindle app.

>> No.19108946

みんなゲンキ ?

>> No.19108948

I am almost 25 and I feel old. Is there any hope for me to learn Japanese from scratch till I get to 30? I already know two languages and kinda scared that it'd take forever.

>> No.19108970

>Is there any hope for me to learn Japanese from scratch till I get to 30?
Sure. Unless you stay in this thread that is.

>> No.19108992

I'm almost 25, feel old and know two languages too. Don't give up, dude.

>> No.19109035
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>finally getting familiar with kana input instead of fucking around with romanji

There is an English speaker in everyone's mind. Your goal is to kill him.

>> No.19109045


>> No.19109056


>> No.19109073

>using romaji at all

>> No.19109106

What other languages do you know? And do you have enough free time to dedicate 4 hours a day to Japanese while leaving time for your other hobbies?

It's definitely possible, you just have to make up for the lost time by being really hardcore (not to the point of being overwhelmed, that actually worsens your memory).

>> No.19109142

>you need to study 4 hours per day to learn Japanese in 5 years

>> No.19109212


>> No.19109221

Not necessarly 5 years. If you study hard and don't slack off, you can be almost fluent in 3 years max.

>> No.19109247
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What's the kana on the right?
It looks like た, but it has a handakuten mark so it can't be it.

>> No.19109266

>learning Japanese

>> No.19109272

を よりあほっぽく 書いているんだと思う
(sounds more flatly)

>> No.19109280


>> No.19109303

Is there a way to import an ordered list of RTK Kanji from a text file into a deck I've been making? Specifically such that the Kanji are put in the "back" field of that deck?

>> No.19109331

>What other languages do you know?
English and one other slav language.
>to dedicate 4 hours
Well I can't force myself to study for 4hrs straight. By studying I mean grinding grammar rules and vocab deck shit. Though reading with dictionary seems more enjoyable and I can see myself spending a lot of time in the future doing that.

>> No.19109393
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>> No.19109409

Post a more beautiful kanji.

>> No.19109417

>> No.19109485

>> No.19109500

What's the difference between 少 and 小 and when should I use each one? They sound identical in compound words and apparently mean the same thing.

Why do 少女 and 小学生 use one and not the other?

>> No.19109515

What's the difference between 物 and 者 and when should I use each one? They sound identical and apparently mean the same thing.

>> No.19109528


>> No.19109593
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> There is an English speaker in everyone's mind.
Anglocentric scum.
Unless by "speaker" you mean it in a more general sense. And if so, your statement is wrong. The goal is to develop a Japanese speaker within your mind, without doing any damage to your knowledge of other foreign languages.

..."other foreign languages", who the fuck am I kidding, you're obviously a filthy EOP.

>> No.19109596

I've only seen 者 used for eople, such as 若者 in the core 2k deck

>> No.19109622

You should try to get away from the idea that kanji have meanings on their own that you can compare.
Kanji are used to write words. Those words have meanings. Sometimes you only need a single kanji to write a word, but the thing that has the meaning is the word, not the kanji itself.
So...what's the difference between 少し and 小さい?

>> No.19109662
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muh /jp/sies.私は日本に行くつもりです。妓院で初エッチのために。7月だけできる。相手/友達と日本に行脚しなければならない。お願い!!!ここで誰でもは日本もうすんでいますか?

>> No.19109691

"muh /jp/sies" and です/ます don't fit together. Decide whether you want to be polite or casual and stick to it.

>> No.19109706

Never mind. In case someone else ever searches for something like this, I found a couple solutions. The first solution, and which is probably the easiest, is that you can google search for spreadsheets made from people on koohii that already have the RTK Kanji formatted appropriately, with columns for the keywords and other additional information. Then google how to import spreadsheets/excel files into Anki, using column headers in excel to import those columns into appropriate fields in your cards. There's a tutorial for this on youtube.

I found another solution after I discovered the existence of csv files. I googled some site that converts txt to csv. I copy pasted the list of Kanji and the site automatically placed commas between all the Kanji. Then using libreoffice writer I used "find and replace" to replace all the commas with "\n" without quotation marks, and with "regular expressions" enabled. This put a line break after every Kanji, which placed the Kanji into a column instead of across rows. Then I opened the columned list of Kanji in excel and moved them under the header for the field I wanted them to be. Figuring this out wasn't worth it so fuck me.

>> No.19109743

Do sentence cards

>> No.19109748

You know what's better than sentence cards? Reading more.

>> No.19109757

Thank you, based mattat.

>> No.19109776

How can one kanji be this aids to write?

>> No.19109813

it's not the prospect of memorizing thousands of kanji i'm worried about it's the prospect of the monolingual transition that has me terrified

>> No.19109816

You mean the 廿 radical?

>> No.19109827

Yes, how it fits in with the rest. I always fuck up the spacing between the two top horizontal lines as well as their length. Maybe I'm just writing too big.

>> No.19109837

In English you cross your t's. You draw the vertical line and then cut it with the horizontal line. With Kanji the proper stroke order is to draw the vertical cutting line last. It's interesting how backwards the Japanese are.

>> No.19109841

Just practice with 事 and everything'll become easier.

>> No.19109851

i mean manga is ~*~*~*~**~read~~*~*~**~ right to left so

>> No.19109876

No, and I doubt one exists, it doesn't even seem to be possible to buy digital editions of Mishima's books. There is a digital copy of Kinkakuji in the CoR though, whoever created and uploaded that is a hero.

>> No.19109933

No it's not read. Manga isn't reading.

>> No.19109961

yea it is

>> No.19110018

You have to learn the logic of Japanese.

As far as I know, 少 is normally used to refer to small quantities, while 小 is for things that are physically or metaphorically small.

The logic must be that a 少女 is not a full woman (her level of "womanness" is small compared to an actual 女), while 小学生 is a student of a "little" school, a school where they teach elementary level shit. It's really weird, though.

>> No.19110036

Is manga reading?

>> No.19110069

brb, playing manga

>> No.19110122

I gave up on stroke order almost immediately. As long as I know how many strokes it is and where the strokes go, it works. I ain't no calligraphist.

>> No.19110300

see >>19109933

>> No.19110322


>> No.19110408

琵琶 びわ
枇杷 びわ

>> No.19110437

why not?

>> No.19110482
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>> No.19110891
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>> No.19110968

You get a star for trying.

>> No.19110979

I took a break from Japanese to learn Korean for a month. It was interesting but I made very little progress. If anyone else wants to learn it, I recommend the Korean From Zero website. It is free and every vocabulary/dialogue has 2-3 audio recording from native speakers that are easy to replay.

Taking a break from Japanese and DJT was nice, but I'll probably be back in a couple more weeks.

>> No.19111006
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>> No.19111023

i dont wanna learn korean from a zero

>> No.19111037

Korea is antithetical to the 和. A true yamatodamashii is incapable of feeling anything but contempt for the subhuman Korean language.

>> No.19111056

I am too retarded to know how to use が and は

>> No.19111061

は for what youre talking about が for everything else

>> No.19111066

this is beautiful japanese onna

>> No.19111077

は adds things to the context, が marks the grammatical subject of the sentence.
They do completely different things, it just seems like they're similar because you can omit the subject if it's obvious from the context.

>> No.19111090

She uses pretty lewd examples something.

>> No.19111165

That would explain my innate hatred towards koreans.

>> No.19111168

何様 is kind of like a way to say "who are you?" (何様だよ?) but in a bothered way. i.e. "Who do you think you are?" (自分を何様だと思っているんだ)

>> No.19111201


>> No.19111211

Japanese isn't English. I know what you're trying to say, but you're not saying it right.

>> No.19111218


>> No.19111222




>> No.19111253


>> No.19111283


>> No.19111293


>> No.19111304
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>> No.19111311

>I recommend the Korean From Zero website
Not planning to learn Korean in the near future (already putting efforts on learning German and enjoying Japanese beyond N1) but I am still curious about the basics of this language

>> No.19111321

Stripping kindle DRM is just a calibre plugin too.

>> No.19111336
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Isn't こんなに the adverbial form?

>> No.19111340
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>> No.19111349

it means that it doesn't replace な with に for its adverbial form like actual な adjectives do

>> No.19111413

Should I give up? 2000 Kanji which Japanese learn over the course of 10 years seems impossible. So far my progress has been good but this is utterly discouraging, especially when everyone of the kanji has 2-8 readings

>> No.19111424

>Should I give up?

>> No.19111436

>when everyone of the kanji has 2-8 readings
>learning individual kanji readings

>> No.19111442
File: 265 KB, 1915x929, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i desperately want to learn nihongo with anki but i keep getting this error when i try to install it on knoppix

>> No.19111443
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>he thinks it's only 2000 kanji

>> No.19111452

2000 essential, dumb weeb

>> No.19111461

>Should I give up?
Yes, but unironically. If you don't enjoy the stupid difficulty curve of the language, perhaps it is not for you. I'd compare it to how touhou games are attractive for the autists because the challenge is satisfying.

>> No.19111466

more like nihongo is like a shmup except that you want to get hit by all the things as much as possible all the time

>> No.19111477

As long as you keep studying you will eventually learn Japanese. The only way to fail is giving up.

>> No.19111478

Did anyone learn Japanese without reading Yotsuba as his first material?

>> No.19111483

yeah anyone who wasnt a dork that came to this thread before learning nihongo lol

>> No.19111492
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if you ever plan on reading something besides manga you'll need a lot more than that

>> No.19111504

You don't "read" manga though.

>> No.19111506

kanji isnt a big deal when you have a computer connected to the internet

learning nihongo on the other hand.. ┐('~`;)┌

>> No.19111509

it's always hardest at the start. my advice is to try your best to read kanji in context as early as you practically can (even better if you can listen to a native read the text).
your rate of learning kanji will go up exponentially once you figure out the general rules and patterns they follow. and even using your rough numbers of 2000 kanji / 10 years, that just boils down to less than 4 kanji a week. not difficult by any means. I'm sure you can learn much faster than that.

>> No.19111530
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You can do it in two years, easily.

>> No.19111627

Should I take a quick read of Tae Kim grammar over a couple of days and rush reading rather than spend copule of months going slowly over every lesson and grinding flashcards? I never liked learnming words out of context anyway.

>> No.19111652


I need your help for studying Engrish.

>> No.19111664

You won't learn Japanese without taking some classes to get a solid foundation. Ignore /djt/ memes. Look at the facts. The people getting jobs in embassies or localization companies are the ones who took college classes. The people sitting at home in their parents' basement are the ones recommending the /djt/ method.

>> No.19111672 [DELETED] 


>> No.19111687

>The people getting jobs in embassies or localization companies are the ones who took college classes.
I can't say anything about embassies but it's absolutely not true about people working on localization companies.

>> No.19111696

That's because weebs sitting in their basement have no interest in linguistics. They want to know nihongo so they can watch anime and pretend to be Japanese.

>> No.19111700
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>> No.19111713

>college classes
My acquaintaince picked "Japanese language" during for his college course, that was the moment me and yet one more guy decided to pick up Japanese as well, basically "we'll learn alongside you". Two months later we were by far outpacing him with our self study, and after the semester ended he stopped learning while we persisted. He no longer remembers hiragana while I aim to pass N1 next year. So there go college classes.

Japanese studies/Japanology are a different thing, people studying it do get really good grasp of the language at the expense of being absolutely worthless at anything beyond speaking chink tongue.

>> No.19111717
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>> No.19111724

>look at the facts
>followed by a sweeping generalization that can in no way be construed as a fact

Put some effort into it at least

>> No.19111734

is 数十分 a literal 10 minutes as 十 suggests or is it dozens of minutes?

>> No.19111737


>> No.19111739


>> No.19111740

Do you people have a few reddit pastas at hand so you can always reply accordingly?

>> No.19111745

t. Nissin

>> No.19111754

The subreddit is honestly so fucking atrocious that you can go on the front page at any time and find some.

>> No.19111760

>If you are struggling, consider taking an online therapy session with BetterHelp. Because you are worth it.

>> No.19111763



>> No.19111774

Whenever you feel discouraged, or you feel like giving up; if you feel like you can't learn japanese remind yourself of the fact that Stephanie Joosten was able to get N1 Japanese Language Proficiency. If that woman can do it so can you. (She started learning at age 15 or so though)

>> No.19111791

anyone know where i can get tokage by yoshimoto banana? it's not in the cornucopia of resources

>> No.19111793


>> No.19111797

Do japs chinks and gooks hate each other and vice versa?

>> No.19111799

check out a nearby book-off for epic win

everyone actually likes each other and lives in harmony

>> No.19111819

Yeah, you should be able to buy it on amazon.co.jp.

>> No.19111828

You can't learn japanese without watching terrace house

>> No.19111845

outta here with that normalfag shit bye

>> No.19111846

you cant learn japanese unless https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kw8R2AUuz5w#t=1300

>> No.19111899

Reading more is epic and all, but what about listening more?

>> No.19111904

that works too

>> No.19111913

I'm not really anywhere close to being good enough for output so I was just fucking around.

>> No.19111919

hkbk only has a couple episodes left before they're done. what will i listen to when the time comes? i'm scared.

>> No.19111922

Anime isn't listening

>> No.19111924

I don't get it, に can be used as "by"?

>> No.19111925


>> No.19111934

"You" isn't "learning"

>> No.19111937


>> No.19111942

人による・よって (depends on the person)
場合による (depends on the case) and 状況による (depends on the circumstances/situation) are also very common
in your context: 音楽の趣味(性癖)は人による

>> No.19111950

With passive verbs に works as a "from" instead of a "to"

>> No.19111954


>> No.19111963

It's one of those things I know, but can't explain. Feels good.

>> No.19111964

Does tae kim ever mention it?
Thanks a lot.

>> No.19111965


>> No.19111969

Anyone else have easier time remembering rules + grammar more than the vocab itself?

>> No.19111973

Yes. Learning to understand grammar is by far the easiest part of learning Japanese, at least if you intend to get very good at it.

>> No.19111988

listening is also best served with seeing

>> No.19111994


>> No.19111997

You aren't learning Japanese.

>> No.19112023
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this is how reading katakana feels sometimes

>> No.19112030

>even better if you can listen to a native read the text
I wish there were a repository for this kind of stuff. I think lingq has a ton of text that is accompanied by audio but I'm assuming it's all behind a paywall.

>> No.19112032

Ok, but katakana isn't reading.

>> No.19112034

Just watch kizuna ai doki doki playthrough my dude.

>> No.19112045

okay but djt isn't reading

>> No.19112054

Learning Japanese isn't learning.

>> No.19112056

i wish djt wasnt posting

>> No.19112057

yeah, there are plenty of ways to get that "reading along" feel for casual conversation (variety shows, youtube, eroge) but not much for more formal prose.
LibriVox has public domain audiobooks in several languages, and Japanese is one of them.
besides that, maybe close-captioned news?

>> No.19112064

>I wish there were a repository for this kind of stuff.

>> No.19112086


>> No.19112106

>I think lingq has a ton of text that is accompanied by audio but I'm assuming it's all behind a paywall.
All the content on LingQ is available for free. You only have to pay if you want to use their system.

>> No.19112261


>> No.19112265

At what of unique kanji did you guys stop seeing new kanji frequently?

>> No.19112272

over 9000

>> No.19112276

tree fiddy

>> No.19112306

rough guess, but I probably know from half to maybe 3/4 of joyo kanji. reading manga's usually fine (look up kanji once every several chapters) unless it's chuunishit or talking about something technical and specialized like science, engineering.
if it's something like news, blog posts, or other writing for an adult audience, there will likely be at least a couple unfamiliar kanji in each article

>> No.19112314

that's retarded, I know 1600 kanji and I have to look new ones up every page when some 肥 type shit shows up

>> No.19112316

Imagine needing over 50k symbols to represent your language when you only actually need 26.

>> No.19112321

>over 50k

>> No.19112323


>> No.19112324

imagine being able to read 5 times faster in an efficient language such as nippongo as opposed to the inefficient english language lmao

>> No.19112331

imagine writing unintelligible sentences with syllabaries when you could only use efficient, beautiful hanzi

>> No.19112333


>> No.19112339

imagine your name being 18 letters when it could be 4

roman letters was a mistake

>> No.19112343

"manga's" isn't reading.

>> No.19112344

it just depends on how well your set of known kanji matches up with whatever you're reading. text "complexity" and the number of learned kanji are just rough estimators. I'm familiar with nautical/military terms and can read kancolle stuff more easily than, say, a medical drama.

>what is information density

>> No.19112345

>Hur dur kanji disambiguates it
掛ける has about a billion meanings.

>> No.19112347

I'm this guy here >>19111530
I very rarely see new kanji. If I get confused it's usually in rarer kanji that I've only mined once or twice.

>some 肥 type shit
肥沃 came to mind.

>> No.19112359

>18 letters=30 strokes (or 3-4 strokes in cursive)
>4 "letters"=54 strokes
Yeah, no.

>> No.19112377

and god forbid you have a 3 kanji name

>> No.19112378

How do you say fuck and fucking in nihongo

>> No.19112385

I've been watching anime raw but I would say over 75% of the shit goes over my head. How many anime do I need to watch with shitty comprehension before I can finally understand what's going on?
My thought is that I am learning words while reading and as I introduce more words via reading, I will start picking up on them as I hear them such that it is not necessary to actively study the dialogue of the anime I am watching.
Should I be actively studying the dialogues? I'm so tired.

>> No.19112386

クソ and クソが

>> No.19112390


>> No.19112392


>> No.19112393

poop and pee

>> No.19112399

that's shit not fuck

>> No.19112408

your post is shit not fuck

>> No.19112416


>> No.19112458

That's what it's called? What the fuck? I've always written by connecting all the letters with small lines, rarely separating the pencil from the paper. I didn't write the letters at a weird angle, though, so I didn't consider it cursive.

Do people actually just put a space between the letters without actually connecting them? What the hell? Isn't it awkward to have to make sure that the spaces between letters are small enough so that they can't be confused with the spaces between words? I don't have enough precision to do that after every single letter.

>> No.19112468

haha let me guess, you're still not studying Japanese solely in Japanese?

>> No.19112477

I don't have the confidence to jump into jp-jp dictionaries yet, give me 3 months.

>> No.19112479

If I could study anything in Japanese, I wouldn't need to study Japanese anymore.

>> No.19112481

ンシ - If you draw a horizontal line at the top, it will only connect with one of the dots.

ソツ - If you draw a horizontal line at the top, it will connect with all the strokes.

There, I solved it for you.

>> No.19112483

>Do people actually just put a space between the letters without actually connecting them?
On most legal or governmental form, you have to write the letters separately to ensure optimal legibility, and those forms ask for your proper signature on the same form anyway. But otherwise, no real reason to write in separate letters unless you're simply that bad at cursive.

>> No.19112484

shit son

>> No.19112485

the cursive they teach anglos in schools is one of the worst forms of cursive that exists

>> No.19112495

what's wrong with it

>> No.19112500

One pair has all strokes starting at the top, one pair has all strokes starting at the left, why are you overcomplicating this?

>> No.19112515

I find it easier to recognize them quickly if I imagine a line on top and see if it touches the strokes. It's like playing sudoku and imagining the numbers shooting out lasers in all four directions, leaving only a single safe space for you to put that number.

>> No.19112519

I just look at what direction the smiley face is looking

>> No.19112526

How do you deal with these one-eyed minion-ass motherfuckers? ソン

I can't see them as faces.

>> No.19112535

just see them as little mike wazowskis

>> No.19112541

they're sideways faces with only one eye visible, as if you're seeing them in profile.

>> No.19112545

Your Jewish landlord?

>> No.19112547

ソ is looking to the left because the mouth thingy is like a wall blocking the view to the left. ン is peeking over the thingy, so he can look to the right.

>> No.19112549

he's polish actually

>> No.19112551

*blocking the view to the RIGHT

>> No.19112560

I have never watched a raw episode of anime. So I am going to commit to watching 60 episodes by the end of June. About 2 per day. I'll report back if I notice any difference in comprehension when I finish.

>> No.19112594

Thank you. I can only manage one a day and it hasn't gotten better. CGDCT/SoL is all I can comprehend.

>> No.19112596

>About 2 per day
Make it 10 per day

>> No.19112616

how many radicals of a kanji should i learn per day

>> No.19112634

All of them every day

>> No.19112657

how many episodes of naurto do i ahve to watch to become real ninja

>> No.19112659

SMART goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. I don't think is 10 per day is achievable for me right now, so I'm starting at 2. A reasonable goal that you reach is better than an overly ambitious goal that you give up on.

>> No.19112669

Keep it up for 5000 days and you will reach the 10000 hours required for fluency

>> No.19112670

N3 by end of October
Is it possible?

>> No.19112676

For you? No

>> No.19112681

For you? Yes

>> No.19112687

For me? Yes

>> No.19112692

probably just the chuunin arc

>> No.19112697


1000 hours / 157 days = 6.36 hours.

If you put in the time, sure.

>> No.19112701

So, everything after the chuunin exams?

>> No.19112709

Those are classroom hours, so the actual requirement is closer to 1 hour per day if you are actually studying and not just repeating watashi ha amerikajin desu after a teacher.

>> No.19112722

>students residing in Japan

>> No.19112753

Wee I started memorizing hiragana today and I pieced together some easy stuff people said in this thread. This is a nice feeling.

>> No.19112755

if youre sick of all the bull shit in these threads and just really want to learn nihongo this is for you


>> No.19112754

白痴妹's deranged ramblings aren't reading.

>> No.19112764

>Korean From Zero
thanks anon
i've been interested to start learning

need a break from japanese too

>> No.19112767

what's this why doesn't yomichan pick it up

>> No.19112770

dont read the shit japanese of the morons in this thread

>> No.19112772

thank god for thumbnail previews

>> No.19112787

nice self own

>> No.19112813
File: 66 KB, 439x576, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rikaichan is a much smarter girl

>> No.19112825



>> No.19112863


>> No.19112877

So there's this song called 空気力学少女と少年の歌 but I'm not sure how to interpret it
>the song of the aerodynamics girl and the boy
>the aerodynamics song of the girl and the boy
>the song of the aerodynamics girl and the aerodynamics boy
>the aerodynamics girl and the song of the boy

>> No.19112887

man what the fuck

>> No.19112888

The need to read more of anon

>> No.19112917

空気力学 modifies 少女, の歌 is ambiguous whether it belongs to just 少年 or the whole phrase 空気力学少女と少年 (this kind of ambiguous possession is common. you can usually figure it out through context, and if not, then there's a chance the ambiguity is intentional)

>> No.19112920

Alright, that's more or less what I figured. This stuff is annoying in places like song titles where you can't really figure it out from context.

>> No.19112925

It kind of implies that the boy and girl "studied" the thing, even if it's not explicitly stated. The word mathematics (数学) uses the same 学. It's like "the study of..." but it's actually part of the word itself.

>> No.19112928

Have you tried reading the lyrics?

>> No.19112936

it could easily be「 空気力学少女」と「少年の歌」depending on the lyrics

>> No.19112937

Why does a noun modify another, though? Is there an indication? Is a particle being dropped?

>> No.19112949



>> No.19112951

I think I couldn't find them, or that might've been another song from this OST. Pretty sure the lyrics are just mostly nonsense, though.

>> No.19112955


>> No.19112957

Japanese nouns modifying other nouns is similar to how it works in English. "non-competition clause" "car battery" "weapon emplacement"
again, similar to English. you see two nouns next to each other and the whole phrase doesn't have a dictionary entry, it's probably noun modifying noun.
>particle being dropped
I guess you can view it like that for some cases (such as an implied の), but not all cases will abide by that rule. it's better to think of it like the English examples above.

>> No.19112964


>> No.19112974


>> No.19112988

天使の科学 空気力学
屋上の縁にたち 見下ろす世界は
消えてなくなる 言葉に溢れてる
さあ 飛び出せ 羽ばたけ 私の翼よ 今

神様の声 空気力学
ギリギリの場所に立ち 見上げる世界で
生まれた言葉 空を埋め尽くすよ
さあ 吐き出せ 世界を 創り直すんだ 

空の青 水に変わり 溺れる人々
世界が沈み 私は輝く翼で
水を掻き分けて 行くんだ
あなたに届く力で 飛ぶんだ 沈んだ世界を 今

少女の夢は 空気力学
好きな人 傍に立ち 見つめていたいの
言葉少なく 空気のように ただ
さあ 吐き出す 勇気を 好きという言葉
だから 今だけは 空気力学少女と少年の詩を 聞かせて

飛ぶんだ ただ ひたすらにね
きっと 届くはずさ 今

>> No.19113002


>> No.19113016


>> No.19113053


>> No.19113060


>> No.19113061
File: 35 KB, 704x396, ichigo_mashimaro_encore02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.19113062
File: 37 KB, 490x297, yd_jal2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fly go machine

>> No.19113068

Are the stories on NHK Easy even real?

>> No.19113080


>> No.19113088


>> No.19113113


>> No.19113116

Posting rap videos should be a bannable offense.

>> No.19113118

they're called "stories" for a reason

>> No.19113120

you should just learn nihongo instead of complain

>> No.19113190


>> No.19113197

I believe this 行 has an 行う nuance, not 行く.

>> No.19113203

>banning lowercase shitposter
This thread would become another /r/learnjapanese.

>> No.19113252

I think I'm getting depressed. Started in April and was feeling really good about myself and really happy with my progress. I got to May and have been spiraling down. I can't tell any of these kanji a part, they all look the same. I'm basically just guessing at words in core until I get the card right. I'm a stupid American who has never accomplished anything and has no idea how to learn a language. I just want to actually do something for once.

>> No.19113271
File: 17 KB, 244x222, press 2 make ur yumes come true.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19113282

I believe you're talking out of your ass

>> No.19113285

You actually came here asking for motivation?
You're not gonna make it kid go bad to reddit.

>> No.19113289

sounds like you need a break from the flash cards.
do other exercises like listening, simple sentences, reading comprehension. lots of the online resources will have workbook-style stuff to go through. if the earlier exercises seem too easy, then congratulations: that's a sign of your progress so far.
get a native-speaking pen-pal. if you're not good enough to talk in Japanese, look for someone looking to speak English--there are plenty out there. in fact, from experience, there are probably more who want to converse in English than in Japanese.
dont give up, anon

>> No.19113290


>> No.19113295



>> No.19113297


>> No.19113300

You don't know Japanese.

>> No.19113303
File: 675 KB, 1630x1200, KarakuriCircus01_000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19113319

even beginners can tell you're wrong

>> No.19113323


>> No.19113326

You don't know Japanese.

Manga isn't reading.

>> No.19113327 [DELETED] 


>> No.19113328


>> No.19113333




>> No.19113347

So cut the new Core cards way down and actually learn some stuff from another source while just maintaining your reviews. Read some Tae Kim/Imabi/Genki/JtMW/whatever. Take notes (using kanji, including those you haven't seen in flashcards) by hand and study some grammar.

You suck at Japanese, you will suck at Japanese a year from now too, but that doesn't mean you should give up. No one ever learned Japanese in 2 months. If you don't want to be a stupid American who never accomplishes anything you need to stop deciding you're okay being a stupid American who never accomplishes anything whenever something isn't easy instant gratification.

>> No.19113352

Then please tell me how I'm wrong.

>> No.19113360

I don't know what frequently for you but after 5k kanji I meet 0-10 per book, I could say it's frequent enough. If I had read a book every day as I used to do in my native language, I would have seen dozens of new kanji every week.

>> No.19113365
File: 524 KB, 1532x1200, KarakuriCircus01_017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19113370

So what you're saying is that the ride never ends?
I just want to get good enough at Japanese that I will have time for other hobbies ;_;

>> No.19113380



>> No.19113381
File: 285 KB, 841x1200, よつばと!_2_060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please help me decipher this.
Did she misspell something?

>> No.19113394
File: 40 KB, 1874x990, kankan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I very rarely see new kanji. If I get confused it's usually in rarer kanji that I've only mined once or twice.
Start reading. 2.5k kanji is like nothing for reading. One time kanji from visual novel I read, for example.
No, just sometime you realize that the really important thing is knowing words. It's not a burden at all to look up 20 new words with new kanji but looking up 500 or more words per novel really is.

>> No.19113402


>> No.19113403

飛んで行く機械 → 飛行機

please share how you'd interpret it using 行う

>> No.19113406
File: 40 KB, 1870x992, kankan1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And last book.

>> No.19113417

This language has no reason to be as fucking complicated as it is. Jesus.

>> No.19113425

But it is the way it is and there's nothing you can do about it, so better get used to it.

>> No.19113457

2.5k isn't nothing, it's at least halfway there

I'm around 4k and the only ones I'm sure I've never seen are 櫺 and 頤

>> No.19113464

It's not complicated, just different.
Learning European languages seems easier because they all have a lot in common.

>> No.19113471
File: 41 KB, 1753x988, kankan3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you can clearly see that there are pretty rare kanji that appear more than once and a lot of really common 常用 with only one occurrence. You can encounter literally anything while reading.
4k is okay if we don't count unsimplified forms.

>> No.19113479

Are writers just being pretentions assholes when they use kanji that half the people reading the book have never seen?

>> No.19113481

if there's a near-synonym which uses jouyou kanji, yes

for some nouns and shit it can't be helped

>> No.19113491





>> No.19113494

writers are pretentious assholes regardless of language used

>> No.19113503




>> No.19113504

Who else really bad at learning words here? About 800 words in, still stuck at 55% retention.

>> No.19113511


>> No.19113513

You can't "learn" words.

>> No.19113518

Where have you seen 迢か, 怕れる, by the way?
Nah, imagine there are just words without kanjis. Any language has tons of synonyms which are more or less popular, if there happens to be kanji for a word writers want to use it's not their problem, there is furigana on most words with really rare kanji when they have doubts some people won't be able to read it. It's just that furigana exceedingly helps native speakers with obscure kanji since they know words while we gaijin will most likely see the words first time in kanji variants, so there is no point for us to learn it in kana first. For example, I had no clue what the fuck 縢る meant even with furigana as かがる because I had never seen this word.

>> No.19113531


>> No.19113545







>> No.19113552

learned individually, never seen it in text. If a kanji has a low number of strokes sometimes I just pick it up and it usually takes minimal effort to remember.
extremely common hanzi in chinese, not hard to guess the reading based on okurigana
one of the main characters in psycho-pass is named this

>> No.19113583

It's strange that you didn't remember 頤 then. It's a pretty common kanji for あご (there are really lots of them, I wonder why chinese and japanese love jaws so much)

>> No.19113794
File: 448 KB, 1280x720, [AnimeKaizoku] Nisekoi 16 [720p][BD][dedsec]_[00:16:15.098].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 親切

> 親
> 切

That's one fucked up definition of kindness.

>> No.19113802


>> No.19113808


fucked up indeed

>> No.19113811

Because the thinks that kanji have a single meaning, and learned "cut" for 切

>> No.19113822

No, because I'm trying to be funny.
I should probably stop posting.

>> No.19113829
File: 193 KB, 688x1024, 053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate katakana so much.

>> No.19113847

Well buckle up that asshole buddy since a train is coming loaded with it if you want to learn this language

>> No.19113928

It's going to get worse if you don't do something about it. Leeches and non-mature cards in general snowball and your reviews get longer and worse. Reading is more important than anki, I drastically cut my pace to put more time into reading and I'm better at reading. Don't obsess over deck progress and numbers, anki doesn't measure how many words you know, it measures how many words you are intentionally reviewing through anki, that is all.

>> No.19113973

>anki doesn't measure how many words you know, it measures how many words you are intentionally reviewing through anki, that is all.
Huh i swear it was more useful than that

>> No.19114019
File: 332 KB, 844x1200, 008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I don't even keep a record.
I know the words but I have no idea what this is trying to say. "If I had a healthy body"... what?
The rest of the page I understand.

A scanlation translates the whole panel as
>"I don't use it to check my health,
>but I keep using it regardless."
I don't know how they got that from the original text.

>> No.19114055

As long as I am healthy / stay healthy
I don't mind doing it over and over again

>> No.19114062



>> No.19114110

Intentional review can be useful, but actual language exposure is far more important. If it you do more anki than reading, or you end up so drained that you don't read at all, then it is being harmful to your learning. Anki can help, but it isn't a replacement for input.

>> No.19114111
File: 151 KB, 1280x904, 1514081922227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I LOVE katakana. If you learned Hiragana it shouldn't be hard to learn Katakana.

>> No.19114141


>> No.19114147

Has anyone using yomichan noticed that the Katakana audio is broken? It's always just the sound of a key clicking, almost like the person recording it was accidentally recording the entire time and clicked it off when he was going to speak.

>> No.19114169

That click is just the "no audio" sound. It's not exclusive to katakana.
Try it on names (for example 鈴木) or really obscure words.

>> No.19114185

is there some specific name for one-kanji words? like 火、日、兎、車 etc.

>> No.19114256




>> No.19114285

>Start reading.
I've been reading for years dude. I don't read visual novels though.

>> No.19114317


>> No.19114343


>> No.19114395
File: 354 KB, 803x790, 1526556896635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been going through RTK but I don't think it is what I'm aiming for. I want to be able to speak Japanese too, and RTK doesn't include the kana pronunciations. Is it too much to try remembering the kanji symbol + meaning + kana at the same time?

>> No.19114399

there are too many readings for you to learn them with each single kanji
how many kanji have you gone through? come back when you've completed vol.1 and 3 of RTK

>> No.19114404

kanji readings are just a way the government systemized whether furigana need to be included on certain words in certain publications without listing every single word in existence

learn readings from words

also drop rtk

>> No.19114423

>someone who has actually learned Japanese tells me to use the RTK
>someone who's still learning Japanese and isn't even half as good as the other guy tells me not to use the RTK
hell, the dillema of deciding who to trust...

>> No.19114429

I hope that by "someone who has actually learned japanese" you don't mean matt

>> No.19114440

are you literally saying he can't speak Japanese?

>> No.19114441

the people i know who learned Japanese that recommend rtk outnumber the ones that don't by zero to hundreds oh wait

>> No.19114443


>> No.19114453

Did you not read the introduction that tells you what RTK is for? Or even the front cover? It's very specific about what its purpose is.

>> No.19114462

how come you think that he can't speak Japanese if I saw a video of a Japanese person saying in English that Matt's Japanese is superb? and how come I saw a video of Matt talking freely with Japanese students in Japanese?
are these all proofs that he can't speak Japanese?

>> No.19114464

oh so it doesn't teach you Japanese that's funny i thought this was a Japanese learning thread

>> No.19114473

learning kanji and how to write it is part of the Japanese language retard, just like Latin script is part of yours

>> No.19114478

まあ you see まあ for someone まあ that まあ doesn't まあ know much まあ japanese まあ matt's japanese まあ might seem まあ pretty good まあ and that まあ is まあ also まあ the main まあ reason why まあ he まあ has so many まあ backers まあ on patreon まあ

>> No.19114479

pretty sure English exists even if you're not handwriting it

>> No.19114488

pretty sure a language exists also when you do handwrite it

oh, so you're just a bitter troll, have fun with your frustration, loser

>> No.19114489

Correct. It teaches you
>How not to forget the meaning and writing of Japanese characters
Which in itself does not teach you any Japanese. Again, this is literally on the cover.

>> No.19114497

hey matt nice to see you here are you enjoying scamming peop- I mean those hard-earned patreon bucks

>> No.19114502

>I-I won't learn how to grip a pencil firmly in my hand in order to write out words, because it doesn't directly teach me any Japanese

you make a fool out of yourself, logic is not your best friend

>> No.19114506

wow, so you are mad at him that he makes money you loser xD you believe in hard-earned money yet you pirate manga and visual novels, you double-faced troglodyte

>> No.19114513

^ all that I could understand from your post keep sucking that matt チンポ my brother (チンポ means dick btw)

>> No.19114514

>some relative wants to give him $9000000
>n-no I won't take this money, I believe in hard-earned currency
>I-I will make money with my shitty Japanese

>> No.19114517

ok so why are you recommending it for people who want to start learning Japanese

>> No.19114520

that's about the peak of your 'Japanese'

>> No.19114521

I buy my manga fuck off and die

>> No.19114523

now in nihongo どうぞ

>> No.19114526

>he pays for manga
what a cuck, next thing you'll tell me you've never kissed a woman

>> No.19114529

I mean I'm gay so

>> No.19114532

that goes without saying, kinda like implied state-of-being

>> No.19114550

Me? I'm not.
It's not irrelevant, as being able to recognise kanji is obviously useful for reading Japanese. Whether it's useful enough to warrant the time commitment is another matter, and pretty hard to judge.

I think the biggest problem is the order of the characters which tells you not to read anything until you're done with it, rather than working through it while you start reading simple texts and recognising common kanji in the wild.

>> No.19114552

Because knowing how "How not to forget the meaning and writing of Japanese characters" is a useful skill for people who want to learn japanese.

>> No.19114560

if you want to get good at reading read
if you want to get good at conversations then have conversations
if you want to get good at writing then write
you don't need or want guidebooks written by people who don't know or care about the specifics of your life
radical freedom

>> No.19114563

>the only way to acquire this skill is to spend months on not learning Japanese

>> No.19114570

maybe if you already started learning and know you have problems
not if your haven't and don't know

>> No.19114575

also even in this case rtk is legit one of the worst possible tools for the job and Matt's argument that kklc is worse is wrong and lies about kklc's contents and method

>> No.19114588

I did not say that.

>> No.19114590

kklc is a clusterfuck with readings and sample words
RTK is simply and in this simplicity lies the power

>> No.19114601

okay then ignore the readings

there are no values arguments against sample words, they tell you what the keywords are trying to convey (you don't have to review them!) and being passively exposed to them makes them easier to learn

>> No.19114606

sorry tried to say valid but my browser autocorrected it because of a typo

>> No.19114609

>and being passively exposed to them makes them easier to learn
idk, it's not like you can prove that
and even if it did help would the difference warrant going for it and navigating through the complex layout instead of going for the RTK?

>> No.19114615

oh ok then please prove that rtk helps with learning Japanese lol

>> No.19114628

prove that it doesn't

>> No.19114631


Lads you are literally having a reddit tier discussion right now

>> No.19114634

so what the hell is a good resource for actually learning japanese, such as how to speak it, common everyday phrases, etc.

>> No.19114639

KKLC's layout is not complex. It's just orderly, unlike RTK where frames can span pages for no good reason. It has more information for people who want to make more/different flashcards but that's irrelevant to actually using it.

>> No.19114642

I learned 25 kanji a day with RTK in what was less than 3-months-time + I watched raw shows and read news in Japanese
idk what those shitters are talking about with RTK being such a time waste

>> No.19114644

If only there was a guide that told you these things

>> No.19114645

don't need to

>> No.19114647

Mate you don't understand the concept of burden of proof, you can't learn Japanese.

>> No.19114652

3 months is almost 2000 words at 20 cards a day

You got memed

>> No.19114657

>how to speak it, common everyday phrases
A tourist phrase book, I guess? Those aren't things I'm interested in so I wouldn't know.
Otherwise use a grammar guide like Tae Kim to get you started and read books in Japanese. Consider tools like Anki and RTK based on what you have trouble with.
Get enough exposure to Japanese in a way that you can make some sense of it and you'll learn the language. But "enough exposure" is quite a lot, so be patient.

>> No.19114684

3k kanji is more useful than 2k words in the long run

>> No.19114691

You don't know those kanji though.

>> No.19114692

only if you actually know them

being able to recognize a kanji and write it does not constitute Actually Knowing it

>> No.19114727

you don't know those words either retard, because they have dozens of meanings and uses and you only know the most shallow one - that's not 'knowing' the word either, you need a lot of practice and knowledge of when to use it and how to say you know the word

what constitutes Actually Knowing kanji then? also don't forget some of the same kanji are being used in Chinese and just because I don't know their readings in either (or both) language doesn't mean I don't know the kanji and cannot recognise it/approximate its meaning

>> No.19114730

so the correct way would be to learn the kanji and also the kana that goes along with it. it would be a lot slower but youd be covering a lot more ground, so to speak

>> No.19114733

Didn't check the guide for ages, but is it possible the some old resources are completely removed?
Like kana invaders and realkana for example?

I liked them.

>> No.19114738

readings in isolation are meaningless (as a beginner)

just learn words

>> No.19114741

>so the correct way would be to learn the kanji and also the kana that goes along with it.
yes, learn 10 readings of a kanji to be 'correct'
nobody actually learns a language like that just like you don't learn every single word in the dictionary to be sure that you know the alphabet

>> No.19114747

you can "approximate" like 85%ish of kanji based on either the left most or bottom most component, that's not real knowledge

>> No.19114754

>you can "approximate" like 85%ish of kanji based on either the left most or bottom most component
source for that?
>that's not real knowledge
the bloody mental loops you go through to prove your point are outright pathetic

>> No.19114769

Why are you sitting at 4chan right now instead of reading?

>> No.19114773

do you know what semantic components are lmao did you not notice them doing rtk

>> No.19114777

I'm sick and in bed

>> No.19114782

yes, Matt made video on that
it's not what I was talking about retardo, I know that fire will have the same kanji in both Chink and Nip

>> No.19114785

you're going really far off topic here dude

>> No.19114793

>you went off topic because you proved that I'd steered off the topic in the first place by mention some unrelated shit

>> No.19114797





>> No.19114799

that didn't happen also who are you quoting

>> No.19114909

>I've been going through RTK
stopped reading there

>> No.19114936


>> No.19114941


>> No.19114953


>> No.19114983


>> No.19114990

の う

>> No.19115004

Why are there SO MANY shitty resources on the internet that teach you wrong?

>> No.19115027


>> No.19115030

>tfw 5 months in
>know enough Japanese I can fool people into thinking I actually know it
I think this is where I stop.

>> No.19115036

Actually that's where you begin for real.

>> No.19115050

Normies aren't people.

>> No.19115139

You need to go back

>> No.19115160
File: 16 KB, 400x209, y-tho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to pretend he's a normie on a thread about learning a language to molest schoolgirls.

>> No.19115176
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>> No.19115185

Are you retarded? 飛行 is a Sino-Japanese noun imported from fucking China. It didn't originate from 飛んで行く, you moron.

>> No.19115221


>> No.19115262


>> No.19115281







>> No.19115283
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Based nihonghitos

>> No.19115286

what the FUCK is the difference between は and が

>> No.19115298

minna genki

>> No.19115312
File: 205 KB, 938x716, 1508465558296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the sample questions on JLPT a good indicator of where you're at?

>> No.19115315

if you cant ask that question in nihongo youre actually sub n5

>> No.19115329


>> No.19115400


>> No.19115426


>> No.19115430
File: 531 KB, 1080x815, 20180528_101722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh. All this time and I had no idea.

>> No.19115456

if you cant process nihongo in your head entirely with other nihongo all the time you are sub n5 period

>> No.19115503

but what if its が dude

>> No.19115506






>> No.19115526

Then it's not a valid sentence

>> No.19115531

i didnt mean for the whole thing i meant for the specific part in the box

>> No.19115549

Honestly, I don't know. I had always misunderstood that gurai was what made it mean "about" rather than the wa after it, so I'm not a hundred percent sure. For now, I would probably accept losing a bit of nuance and read onward rather than lose 10 minutes trying to figure it out on the spot, though.

>> No.19115580

The wa doesn't mean about, the gurai does.

>> No.19115590

i guess were back here boys >>19115286

>> No.19115595

Have you even given up?

>> No.19115618

You probably won't learn Japanese before you waste 6+ months following terrible advice someone gave you in /djt/ and then realize you were tricked and should have just read the guide.

>> No.19115642

ill make it real simple for yall

dont give up
dont read the guide
dont read this thread

thats it you do those 3 things you will learn nihongo and it will be epic

>> No.19115653


>> No.19115659

>mooom I posted it again

>> No.19115718

who are you quoting

>> No.19115727


>> No.19115845

mom わたしはゲイ

>> No.19115890

Does having good computer and higher fps help you learn Japanese?

>> No.19115892


>> No.19115924

no fap and /djt/ is the ultimate red pill

>> No.19115959


>> No.19115971

>look mom I posted it again

>> No.19115983

whats yalls issue tho for real

>> No.19115986 [DELETED] 

Stop talking like a nigger.

>> No.19115989

even a blaq poet man speaks better nihongo than you
and makes good music on top of that!

>> No.19115996 [DELETED] 

Stop posting videos of niggers.

>> No.19116004

>replying is broken again

>> No.19116009

you can delude yourself into thinking im your problem but your problem lies solely within yourself

>> No.19116014
File: 274 KB, 721x887, 1526503078429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you beverage of choice?

>> No.19116018

unironically some fine 天然水
ironically murasaki in a double cup

>> No.19116036

by the way heres some nihongo to absorb from please absorb from it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6bPFDFI5OCw

>> No.19116044

This is more obnoxious than what's being played in the us

>> No.19116050

i dont doubt that for a second

>> No.19116054


>> No.19116058

What heroine should I romance in the first vn I'm playing? not telling what vn btw

>> No.19116059


>> No.19116062

The imouto

>> No.19116064

the 親友

>> No.19116069


>> No.19116076

The tallest one. Womanlets a shit.

>> No.19116086

If you don't do every route it doesn't count as playing a VN.

>> No.19116091
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>> No.19116096

1人で instead of 一人で just made me mad maaad!

>> No.19116196

how much nihongo do i need to know to paly naruto ultimate ninja storm 4

>> No.19116202

literally none, isn't it a fighting game
just look up menu translations

>> No.19116212

i mean the robust and epic story mode

>> No.19116232

Probably not for that either, it's just men shouting nonsense at one another while performing acrobatics and chanting spells.

>> No.19116239
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>> No.19116245

Now post the one with original text.

>> No.19116261

i just want to really understand my ninjas and do jutsus and shit

as punishment for your shameful display you are hereby ordered to voice it and post on vocaroo

>> No.19116313

Tae Kim 4.6.5
> [有り得る] is very curious in that it can be read as either「ありうる」or「ありえる」, however; all the other conjugations such as「ありえない」、「ありえた」、and「ありえなかった」only have one possible reading using「え」.
I thought 得る is always read as うる, but the 未然形, 連用形 and 命令形 change the sound to え, because of the 下二段 conjugation used there. Does anyone seriously read that as 「える」in 終止形? Do Japanese really try to turn it into a 下一段 verb just in this one particular case? How common is it?

>> No.19116317

>shameful display
I have done no such thing and won't acknowledge this punishment

>> No.19116330

do it now or oshiri penpen is comin

>> No.19116333

You've clearly never seen Naruto. You should stop replying to jamal.

>> No.19116349

if you stop replying to me you guys are gonna start arguing about stupid shit again

>> No.19116356

Holy shit, get a load of this metalanguage nerd. Go fucking learn the language, you loser.

>> No.19116387
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>grammar theory is irrelevant

>> No.19116391

no no mother fuckers you stop that right now


>> No.19116400

You should learn to fucking talk and be spoken to before you delve into linguistics.

>> No.19116402
File: 9 KB, 244x207, 1456362059846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doing both is somehow bad

>> No.19116415

dont you care about the future of djt

its truly going to be canned soon if yall dont get your act together

>> No.19116423
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>> No.19116434

>its truly going to be canned soon
That's the point.

>> No.19116449

I hope you get canned in a coffin soon, gramps.

>> No.19116461

Then we can all spend our time learning Japanese instead.

>> No.19116495

can you offer me the eternal 休み i seek

>> No.19116637

any reason for past tense here?
"If you could paint us the picture"

>> No.19116654

Check the DOJG entry for ~た方がいい.

>> No.19116702

When you feel demotivated look up AJATTER vlogs to see their progress and remind yourself that everyone struggles at times.

>> No.19116735

Do you guys suggest learning kanji while beginning your hiragana/katakana?

>> No.19116736

when you feel down and lost and think everything is for naught just remember https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPGQjDG8pCw#t=44

>> No.19116738

No, we suggest reading the guide

>> No.19116765

Manga isn't reading though.

>> No.19116772

manga is reading and its for the mother fuckin win if you read a nice one

>> No.19116791

If you know only 2.5k kanji and almost don't see new ones it just supports a thesis about manga not being reading.

>> No.19116801

im gonna read epic manga sometimes and you cant stop me

>> No.19116819

How many unique Kanji does a work require in order for someone to be considered "reading" it, and what makes your definition better than the definition used by the majority.

>> No.19116833

over 9000 and tree fiddy give or take about 69

>> No.19116845


>> No.19116851


>> No.19116854


>> No.19116864

Manga isn't reading but not for the reasons you think.

>> No.19116867

is the object of
learning/taking lessons in/studying?

>> No.19116873

Does vndb have stats on how many lines, letters kanjis one vn have?

>> No.19116874


>> No.19116898

why dont ya fuckin check what kind of question is that?

>> No.19116911


>> No.19117062

夏目漱石 is really hard to read. I finished 坊っちゃん and it wasn't too bad although I still had to re-read most paragraphs 3 or 4 times, but now I'm trying to read 薤露行 and I can barely understand anything.

>> No.19117097

What about こころ?

>> No.19117099

What is with this meme? There's nothing different from the average VN in this https://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000148/files/752_14964.html or am I looking at a remade version that makes it easier?

>> No.19117127

Well, the average VN is relatively difficult to read when you're still learning, isn't it? With reading aids it's doable, but it doesn't make it effortless.

>> No.19117128

Did you try actually reading it instead of just glancing at the first few lines? It's significantly more difficult than "the average VN."

>> No.19117158
File: 227 KB, 1438x808, epic hentai game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of visual games

i load up the summer pockets demo because i felt like getting aids and sure enough first screen im instantly taken back to a simpler time

its gonna be one of these isnt it

>> No.19117200

Yes I looked at quite a bit a few months ago and just scanned through again now. I should've said average non-moe VN because that's what I meant.
I often see Souseki described as very difficult Japanese, usually in comparison to visual/light novels, and I was commenting on that.

>> No.19117220

The difference between a novel and a visual novel is immense.
But don't take my word for it. I'm only a novice.

>> No.19117235
File: 105 KB, 600x600, 1478379109001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you build up stamina to study/read all day? I want to put more hours in but my mind starts to get fuzzy and I take a break for the rest of the day sometimes. How do you do it?

>> No.19117245

I really have to know how the battle unfold and what plot twist is going to happen next, so I keep reading. Shounen is the best genre after all.

>> No.19117257

if somethins good you read it but like halfway through most visual games i bet bored of the small talk and want to get to the "good" shit and start making liberal use of the ctrl key

>> No.19117274

私 聞く to 飯田浩司のOK!Cozy Up! 毎朝 and 予想 I'm a 本当 日本社会人 通勤 when I'm actually just a sad ニート白人

>> No.19117294

ve been using Japanese for dummies and an app called Lingodeer to study. It's great, but my japanese feels so...synthetic? I can say a semi complicated sentence like 私の猫はあんたの部屋にいます (My cat is in your room) or これカバンは鈴木さんのだ (This bag is Mr. Suzuki's)

But you can see how this is.. artificial. Realistically speaking I would probably never say this stuff. I want to learn more relevant and pertinent things. How can I do this while still being a very low level?

>> No.19117301

By not being a bitch.

>> No.19117304

More input of authentic japanese

>> No.19117305

stopped there
stopped there

>> No.19117310

You can start by reading more instead of reposting reddit

>> No.19117316

Everybody starts like this. You will just have to go on and learn one grammar point after the other. I e.g. started to learn English with sentences like "Bob has a hat."

BTW: これカバン should be このかばん

あんたの部屋 is questionable, you should use the name of the person instead.

>> No.19117317
File: 1.60 MB, 1437x806, その気持ちよくわかるよ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it really does know what im thinking

>> No.19117336

>This bag is Mr. Suzuki
I like this pasta.

>> No.19117342

Imagine being a 50 year old fart that listens to shitty Japanese rap music.

>> No.19117344
File: 222 KB, 1132x798, here u go player.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you werent supposed to take this seriously it was a joke

>> No.19117346

imagine being so dope that people cant stop thinking about you 24.7

here flop your titties out ill sign em

>> No.19117351

Stop using shitty street lingo gramps, it's about 10 years out of fashion.

>> No.19117353

How can people stop thinking about you when you're here 24/7?

>> No.19117357

you mean its not dope or sick to say phat anymore ?

thats your problem dude

>> No.19117482

You should be consuming Japanese content for 1 or 2 years before trying to speak, or it leads to issues like yours where all you can do is regurgitate meaningless sentences while being unable to understand and communicate with a nip. Others are saying this is reddit but I responded in case not.

>> No.19117526

important to note its 1-2 years of real ninja shit such as https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9uxpYsW4-s

>> No.19117588


Does め have a special grammatical role that I can apply to other things, or is 濃いめ as a whole its own word?

>> No.19117639

I can't remember words on cards, especially while not knowing kanji. At some point, my brain just sees all words as random symbols + kana. Should I say fuck it and start reading basic shit or should I still grind to 2k first?

>> No.19117660

The first one.

>> No.19117680

the more you sweat learning nihongo the harder it is

its like a river

its hard to swim against it but its smooth sailing if you just get in it and go with it

>> No.19117687
File: 229 KB, 2560x1440, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you.

>> No.19117704
File: 838 KB, 1000x1485, RK1-6th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not knowing kanji. At some point, my brain just sees all words as random symbols
It's time bro. It's time.

>> No.19117731

Even though I've tried RTK 6+ times and gave up every time, I keep thinking about trying it again. The idea of it just seems so efficient and the mnemonics are better than KKLC.

>> No.19117748

If you want some of the best possible mnemonics when you're too lazy to make your own, koohii has community-upvoted mnemonics for every every Kanji for the 6th edition of RTK.
But I would consult the book first for each Kanji anyway.

>> No.19117763

>mnemonics are better than KKLC.
I'd argue with that.

>> No.19117778

I used the deck that had the top 2 stories from Koohii, and sometimes I had to go look for a better one if the top 2 sucked. I usually didn't make up my own. I always read the book first, then did the new cards.

I only did up to about 50 in KKLC, but I wasn't impressed with them. Maybe they get better with more difficult kanji.

>> No.19117830

Listening more is so much more fun than reading more.

>> No.19117843

Is there a search function in the library? I remember getting recommendations and being able to find them but i can't seem to find them again

>> No.19117848

Neither of them are fun. I just watched 2 episodes of DB not understanding a word being said except "anta baka" and "anata" and "watashi". Then I stared at symbols not knowing what they mean either. Fuck this language.

>> No.19117854

how much subbed anime have you watched lifetime

>> No.19117866

Only like 20 series total probably.

>> No.19117883

it's a reddit pasta

>> No.19117893

add a couple extra 0s on the end of that and try again

>> No.19117924

It's not.

>> No.19117958

huh.. oh well..... I don't know what to say, my condolences dude......

>> No.19118087

if you understand this you understand nihongo


>> No.19118167

Ban yourself.

>> No.19118227


>> No.19118272
File: 85 KB, 475x640, 1504537923259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't I just know Japanese? Why do I have to learn things?

>> No.19118288

its amazing the things that you learn when youve never been taught

>> No.19118297

You've been fooled, man. There is no need to actually study japanese in order to learn it. All you have to do it is eat a japanese person, and you'll acquire it instantly. Why do you think matt only learned japanese after going to japan? He had to gather japanese people for his sacrifice.

>> No.19118317

matt pisses in jugs i doubt he ate anybody from japan

>> No.19118327

What did he mean by this?

>> No.19118330

Holy fuck reps at 2 AM never again. Had to essentially approximate which cards I would know if I was of normal mind to not press again on 40% of them.

>> No.19118334

why do people do this to themselves

>> No.19118382


>> No.19118390

I know this feel that's why I've been doing them first thing in the morning since forever now.

>> No.19118480

clear your throat man, no its ok

>> No.19118511

So if I diablerize an eleven I'll be able to speak to and get a Jap gf immediately?

>> No.19118527

why not just learn nihongo normally and get a girlfriend cause youre a cool guy who can attract all sorts of women

>> No.19118532

No no man you've gotta swallow them completely, like a boa constrictor and a goat. Like a sock and a dick. Otherwise there's no point.

>> No.19118538

wash your crusty ass yellow tinted socks

>> No.19118544

>cool guy
>jerks off to animated analogues for children

>> No.19118560

you can be cool and still jack off to whatever but if that bothers you then just stop jacking off

>> No.19118605

So on the recommended dictionary apps or programs in the corncucopia, is there one that can read how names are supposed to be pronounced? The dictionaries I'm using, Kenkyuusha and Jsho, doesn't have the name-reading feature.

By 'name reading' I mean it being able to read 七瀬 as "Nanase". I have to go to Jisho to do stuff like that unless the thing I'm reading tells me how to read the names.

>> No.19118635
File: 1.83 MB, 334x354, 1521120122977.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, nah. Just look up every possible reading and piece them together until it sounds good. If you can't figure what sounds good, listen more.

>> No.19118636

You'll figure it out eventually man just keep rackin that noggin lol.

>> No.19118642

I have fear I'll have to do that with names.

>> No.19118650

names are names for a reason

luckily if you know your kanjis with regards to naming a lot of kanjis are going to read generally one way

its all gonna come down to experience really so get busy learnin that nihongo yung buck

>> No.19118653

I read mostly novels though.

>> No.19118687


>> No.19118721

>all you have to do is consume so much [x] content that you encounter every name that's ever existed, then there'll be no problem

Man, my hearing is shot

>> No.19118722

>day 3
>only into the 80s
At this rate I'll never finish RTK.

>> No.19118728

watashi no namae wa jeff

>> No.19118755

City pop is the shit.

What are your favorite city pop songs?

>inb4 plastic love and stay with me

>> No.19118759

there's a whole board that shit bro

>> No.19118775

watashi no chinpo wa omae no manko ni iru

>> No.19118779


>> No.19118783

Hiragana words in Anki make me want to shoot myself

>> No.19118789

heres one of my faves https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXr-M1E9sR8

>> No.19118798


>> No.19118808

work on ur listening

>> No.19118819


>> No.19118868

Why do Americans sound like such faggots when speaking English?

>> No.19118874

>not ninja council
What a cock-slurping faggot.

>> No.19118894

You can do it dude. Just keep watching lots of unsubbed anime

>> No.19119161

Starting from scratch, right now learning Hiragana.
I have been spamming DJT Kana like an autist repeating the same characters for hours, is this the way I should do it? Or by writing in romaji am I making things difficult in the future?

>> No.19119172


>> No.19119185

I read Kokoro on http://sosekiproject.org/kokoro/index.html

One of things I noticed checking the translations is that I would often make serious interpretation errors on the grammar without even realizing it. It's a good reality check.

>> No.19119193

forgot about that one it's good though

>> No.19119223

write in romaji only once ever (idealy never) to use as reference then write the entire alphabet (up to whatever consonant row you know if you're learning bit by bit) until you remember

>> No.19119224

I told you. Don't read GJ部

>> No.19119229

i also told yall not to read that rubbish

>> No.19119230

Write on a piece of paper?

>> No.19119255

yeah on paper. I assumed you were learning to write kana (which i highly recommend because it doesn't take long to learn on its own) because you were writing romaji but if you're writing romaji multiple times for a character then just drop it

>> No.19119363

>did RTK for about a month
>eventually tried to memorize 100 kanji per day
>got up to 1000 kanji
>forgot everything
Take RTK out of the guide. It fucks over too many people.

>> No.19119381

It fucks over too many people that don't use it like it explicitly tells you how to use it. It's a supplementary tool if you're shit with kanji, nothing more nothing less.

>> No.19119393

It doesn't matter how it tells you to use it, it's obviously bad for people.

>> No.19119401

RTK is the only way to learn writing.
If you don't want to write, fine. Don't do RTK, someone might want to do it though.

>> No.19119406

Goddamnit I've been reading for a few hours a day for 2 weeks now and I still have to look up entire sentences in jisho. Will I ever make it?

>> No.19119410

It's bad for stupid people, it's helped me and a shitton of other people who read the god damned first chapter before thinking it would magically ignite your yamato damashii.

>> No.19119412

You'll make it, don't worry. I believe in you anon.

>> No.19119424

RTK is definitely not the only, nor the best, way to learn writing. RTK teaches you to write characters in isolation. Writing characters in isolation is not "writing Japanese". To get good at "writing Japanese" you have to do long form writing, like essays, like natives do during schooling.

Even if you just want to learn to write kanji in isolation for some fucked up reason, RTK is nowhere near efficient; it has you doing lots of very simple characters and components over and over, doesn't care about how frequent the kanji in it are, and doesn't focus on hard kanji.

Most people who do RTK do not do it to learn how to write. They do it to learn Japanese. Because RTK is for people who don't know the kanji and can't read.

You're at the time where it's about to click. Keep pushing, man.

>> No.19119429
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>> No.19119434

The gains seem worthless until you reach a critical point but you ARE progressing, it just feels like shit.

Writing and composition are different m8.

Also are you seriously arguing repetition is bad for learning when everyone has a massive throbbing erection for anki? The point, as it tells you, explicitly, is decomposition and mnemonics to jog visual memory, nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.19119441

you still haven't finished reading that? for shame, man

>> No.19119447

>Writing and composition are different m8.
I didn't say they weren't. Composition is a form of language production, writing isn't. You don't have to compose what you're writing out by hand to be writing out long form writing, you can copy it from a screen or something.

Writing out word after word in a coherent order that happens to form a sentence, even if you didn't compose the sentence, is a completely different skill than individually writing all of the characters in those words.

>> No.19119450

yusaka best girl

>> No.19119452

I'm not even reading it lol

>> No.19119458

I don't blame you, it's not like you know enough nihongo to be able to in the first place

>> No.19119459

So again, you're missing the god damn point and assuming it's a long form writing tool, which it, EXPLICITLY, tells you it isnt. If you read the first chapter you wouldn't be so butthurt.

>Writing out word after word in a coherent order that happens to form a sentence, even if you didn't compose the sentence, is a completely different skill than individually writing all of the characters in those words.

Agreed, again composition vs. handwriting. How many extra chromosomes do you have?

>> No.19119461

no, I could read it easily if the subject matter didn't bore me to tears

>> No.19119462

Why does impatience leading to overambition leading to failure say anything about any study method at all? You could even overwhelm yourself with reading if you are dumb enough. Guess we better take reading out of the guide, it's a dangerous tool in the wrong hands.

>> No.19119463

What reasons/excuses do you all give people for learning Japanese?
I am attempting to come up with a reason that will A) not make me sound like a weeb, and B) not lead back to the actual reason (to read VNs). Or am I just going to have to hide it or own it?

>> No.19119464

>you're missing the god damn point and assuming it's a long form writing tool
No I didn't.

Read my posts. Stop projecting.

>> No.19119466


>> No.19119467

You don't know Japanese.

>> No.19119475

>stop projecting

What is your point then? That RTK doesn't do what it explicitly tells you it doesn't? Does it say it's for composition anywhere? You just assumed it was a magical bullet. Because you have down syndrome.

>> No.19119476

I tell them loud and proud, I like big anime tiddies

>> No.19119479

I was actually using JALUP which tells you to write the characters, and was pretty good, shame that its paid for anything other than Hiraganas.
So basically the only choice now is associate Hiragana to the sound, and not to the romaji then?

>> No.19119480

My usual excuse is "I like japanese history", since nobody in my country knows shit about japan they usually don't follow up on it and just leave me alone

>> No.19119481

give me an estimate, does it take about 50 hours of reading until things start to click

>> No.19119484

Here, let me distill my argument for you because you have the attention span of a goldfish.

>RTK is definitely not the only, nor the best, way to learn writing
>RTK teaches you to write characters in isolation
>Writing characters in isolation is not "writing Japanese".

>you can copy it from a screen or something
>Writing out word after word in a coherent order that happens to form a sentence [...]
>is a completely different skill than [writing isolated kanji]

>> No.19119485
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Man of taste.

>> No.19119492

Also thank you for taking your time to respond, I actually thought about learning Japanese for 2 years but only now started, I don't have a fulltime job right now so I have time

>> No.19119498

No, but I know 2000 kanji. I tell people not to do RTK if it makes you feel any better, that's just a shitty argument.

>> No.19119501
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get out, this is a DFC thread

>> No.19119504

Maybe once you start the main stretch of learning Japanese you'll understand why the way the guide is structured is bad. Until then, try to keep your nose out of arguments about it, at least so that you don't embarrass yourself looking back on what you used to say.

>> No.19119510

DFC sounds like a shortening of "defecate".
Big anime titties > mosquito bites

>> No.19119515

Is this about the guide being structured badly? I thought it was about an AJATT video being used as anecdote against one single item in the guide. Maybe post what you actually mean.

>> No.19119516

Cowtits by itself already sounds disgusting, I don't even need to make up some bullshit in order make it sound bad

>> No.19119517
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>> No.19119518

I got reading down. What's the best way of learning how to speak japanese? Replying to people in that /int/ thread?

>> No.19119519

In this particular chain of responses it's about
>Take RTK out of the guide. It fucks over too many people.

>> No.19119520

>RTK is definitely not the only, nor the best, way to learn writing
It's a very good method to learn how to write the characters and to decompose them. You just instantly assume everyone means composition when they're talking about writing because downy.

>RTK teaches you to write characters in isolation
Yes, which, in fact is the best way to learn to write characters if you're having trouble. In fact it's how nips learn it too, which you had a throbbing erection for their learning style when it came to composition.

>Writing characters in isolation is not "writing Japanese".

Agreed, again you're missing the point. It teaches you how to write the characters which is NECESSARY for composition in japanese.

>you can copy it from a screen or something
If you want a shitty inefficient method, then yes. Repetition is a good thing, especially if you're having trouble with certain things, banging out half hiragana half random kanji wont help you do shit.

>Writing out word after word in a coherent order that happens to form a sentence [...] is a completely different skill than [writing isolated kanji]

Agreed, but if you can't do the latter you sure as shit can't do the former. Next time read the first chapter before wasting months on a tool that you imagined did something it explicitly tells you it doesnt.

>> No.19119521

Stop pretending to know Japanese sakubi you lame fuck.

>> No.19119523

learning your 3000th to 20'000th words is by far the hardest part of learning japanese, and nothing, not rtk, core, kklc, or graded readers, will speed up that part of the process

the best thing you can do is to get to that point (we like to call it "intermediate hell") as quickly and/or easily as possible, and in as good of a shape as you can be in to learn and relearn words from immersion

>> No.19119524


>> No.19119525

What does the smiley face mean

>> No.19119526

too big
too small

such is life

>> No.19119527

Who's that?

>> No.19119531

that youre ゲイ

>> No.19119532

I don't know 大将 maybe speaking it to someone (preferably who also knows nihongo) will do the trick

>> No.19119534

It's the loser who has spent three years having the same dumb arguments on DJT everyday instead of learning Japanese.

>> No.19119535

So yes?

>> No.19119537

Still better than nukemarine, it's been what, 10 years and barely N2?

>> No.19119539

Considering the entirety of that post, the discussion seems to be about RTK moreso than the guide. Which is fine, I don't love RTK. I just don't like bad arguments.

>> No.19119540

Cowtits only sounds disgusting if you're gay.

>> No.19119541

thanks, I'll keep at it then.

>> No.19119544

Cowtits only sounds good if you're a toddler.

>> No.19119546


>> No.19119548
File: 41 KB, 450x338, anime-baby[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real men prefer toddlers.

>> No.19119549

>It's a very good method to learn how to write the characters and to decompose them.
This is a valid opinion the way you stated it.

>You just instantly assume everyone means composition when they're talking about writing because downy.
I have specifically detailed that I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT COMPOSITION. You're fucking retarded.

>Yes, which, in fact is the best way to learn to write characters if you're having trouble.
This is not what it is recommended for, not what you recommend it for, and you are arguing in bad faith.

>In fact it's how nips learn it too
Japanese natives learn the kanji by frequency, by applying them to words they already know, and by sentence/esssay writing practice.

>It teaches you how to write the characters which is NECESSARY for composition in japanese.
Just like it's "NECESSARY" to learn how to grind beef to flip burgers, right?

>Repetition is a good thing,
You can apply repetition to any method.

>especially if you're having trouble with certain things
RTK is recommended to people who have not yet even begun to learn Japanese. Especially in the context of this conversation. It is not recommended with a massive warning that it's for people who are having trouble.

>Next time read the first chapter before wasting months on a tool that you imagined did something it explicitly tells you it doesnt.
I never used RTK because I read the first page or so of its introduction and concluded that Heisig was delusional when he designed it.

Also you don't know Japanese.

>> No.19119554

I'm not convinced, this place is anonymous, I get blamed for things other people do and vice versa

>> No.19119555

still waiting for this

>> No.19119558

Longposters fuck off

>> No.19119559


>> No.19119560

At 1000 words you should start making the transition to jpn->jpn dictionaries. After studying dictionary words for a month or two the intermediate phase becomes a joke.

>> No.19119561

sorry that page of that childrens book has no immediate good rhymes

>> No.19119563

That's what I'd like to avoid, but I admire your forthrightness.

This seems like a possible excuse. I'll need to see if I can make it into something that will prevent people from thinking too carefully about it.

Thanks for your input.

>> No.19119564

>At 1000 words you should start making the transition to jpn->jpn dictionaries.
the transition to j-j dictionaries is irrelevant to what stretch of learning japanese you're in
>After studying dictionary words for a month or two the intermediate phase becomes a joke.
this is simply not true at all

>> No.19119565

My post was a joke guys. The black man did RTK wrong. You don't have to argue about it.

>> No.19119567

call matt here and maybe he'll read it after chugging on his water bottle and rehearsing it 15 times

>> No.19119570

>I have specifically detailed that I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT COMPOSITION. You're fucking retarded
Also you
>Writing out word after word in a coherent order that happens to form a sentence [...] is a completely different skill than [writing isolated kanji]
Do you know what composition is?

>This is not what it is recommended for, not what you recommend it for, and you are arguing in bad faith.
When did I say otherwise? You love your assumptions.

>Just like it's "NECESSARY" to learn how to grind beef to flip burgers, right?
Are you seriously arguing you can write sentences without knowing how to write kanji?

>You can apply repetition to any method.
But it's inefficient to do sentences if you can't into kanji

>RTK is recommended to people who have not yet even begun to learn Japanese. Especially in the context of this conversation. It is not recommended with a massive warning that it's for people who are having trouble.
It is if you read the first chapter of it.

>I never used RTK because I read the first page or so of its introduction and concluded that Heisig was delusional when he designed it.
Fair enough, different tools work for different people.

>Also you don't know Japanese.
None of us do, it's why we're here

>> No.19119572

and inserting about 2 まあs for each sentence that has a remotely uncommon word

>> No.19119573

Get used to it, there are a lot of delusional fucks who can't imagine that anyone who would disagree with them isn't a professional troll.

>> No.19119574

Please stop with the reddit spacing

>> No.19119576

Is Matt actually bad at Japanese or are people just nitpicking a few bad things he's done in a video or two because he's acted smug in the past?

Is anyone in this thread more fluent than him?

>> No.19119582

You're the one who brought the word "composition" to this conversation. Every time you did, I told you that it's not what I'm talking about.

Stop arguing with a strawman.

>> No.19119583








>> No.19119584

1000 words is the earliest I've ever heard anyone say. Did you do this? I'm somewhere around 1500-2000 and would like to go to jp->jp but hesitant.

>> No.19119585


>Please stop with the reddit spacing

This please

It's really annoying

Needless blank spaces bother me

>> No.19119587

the former option in the first sentence

>> No.19119588

reddit requires quotes to be followed by a blank line

>> No.19119589

way more than that. the first game I played through took me months of reading every day

>> No.19119598

matts ok enough for what he is
the problem is his gimmick where he tries to sound smarter and more experienced than he is

>> No.19119600

No. I don't know a single word. I'm just saying shit in a defiant manner because I'm more likely to get useful information than if I ask a question.

>> No.19119602

I'm also at 1800 in core, I tried looking up something in j-j but could barely understand anything and had to basically lookup half of the words in the explanation in jisho.org
I'll give it a month or two before trying again

>> No.19119608


let's calm down and enjoy japanese 卓球 comedy videos

>> No.19119614

The topic of this thread is dekinai shouting dekinai. Nobody knows if matt is good because no one here is good. He could be shit. He could be great. He's probably better than nukemarine. All we know is that saying まあ and going bald makes him inferior to us, which makes us feel good in spite of us being dekinai.

>> No.19119617

literally anyone is better than nukemarine

>> No.19119623

he's the free space on the bingo card

>> No.19119624

matt is worse than the likes of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PGgeIh18_A and i would hope you can tell immediately if youve been at it for any length of time

>> No.19119629

You're confusing the ability to speak well with the ability to comprehend a lot. Matt comprehends more than anyone else. He's just not used to actually speaking Japanese (comparatively).

>> No.19119634

matt misreads words at a rate higher than someone who learned to read from nothing but porn

>> No.19119639

sorry i can only go off of what i see and what i see is a balding young man who pisses in jugs and makes farm animal noises

show me some demonstration of the comprehension or whatever shit

>> No.19119671

>So basically the only choice now is associate Hiragana to the sound, and not to the romaji then?

>> No.19119679

do people actually see kana and think of english letters

>> No.19119695

beginners probably do especially if they use romaji while studying

>> No.19119696

At the start but not anymore. I get a little weirded out when I see words in romaji too

>> No.19119709

if theres a reason the anime 10k is important its prolly this holy moley

>> No.19119740
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Composition is the sentence writing you were explicitly talking about.

>> No.19119748

Composition creating a written text.

If you're transcribing it, it's not composition.

You can practice writing texts by transcribing them.

>> No.19119768

My mistake, i assumed you had at least something of a point and operated under that false assumption. What possible use do you think that has? It's deliberately repeating things you already have completely down instead of things you are trying to learn. It would be difficult to get more inefficient.

>> No.19119772

for the love of kami

>> No.19119777

I see it repeated a lot, but why isn't manga reading?

>> No.19119780

Not an argument. Literally.

>> No.19119785

if you don't have experience writing out "この先まで" by hand then transcribing something that has "この先まで" in it will certainly give you more experience writing out "この先まで"

>> No.19119853


>> No.19119871

>the grammatical subject of the sentence
And what's that?

>> No.19119877


>> No.19119888


>> No.19119906


>> No.19119925


>> No.19119972



>> No.19119979


>> No.19120061

only with ん to be honest

>> No.19120068

Reading LNs up to down is such a pain

>> No.19120082

I like it. It just feels comfy for some reason.

>> No.19120088

For God's 酒, stop impersonating me.

Also, manga isn't reading and you don't know the japans.

>> No.19120090

is this girl notorious for something or did you just pick a random one

>> No.19120095


>> No.19120129


>> No.19120138

How to mine a VN for its first chapter's vocabulary?

>> No.19120141

By reading it and mining the words you had to look up from it

>> No.19120161
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>> No.19120175


>> No.19120176


>> No.19120200


>> No.19120204

