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19085801 No.19085801 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>18978638
What patterns do you find yourself practicing a lot because you enjoy them?

>> No.19085808

Also, DDC SpoilerAL for those who are interested.

>> No.19085958

Cats walk

>> No.19085982

I grind VoWG for fun sometimes.

>> No.19086033

Mountain of Faith and other cards that involve a lot of movement.

>> No.19086237

Just like >>19085982, even though the game itself is boring

>> No.19086640

devils recitation and illusionary dominance (DS) are fun.

>> No.19087451

Any new hacks out?

>> No.19087636

I managed to get to DR on a run that wasn't meant to even get to stage 6. Almost captured it, but it's fun.

>> No.19090018
File: 14 KB, 645x410, chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help, how do I clear PoFV. I feel like I'm banging my head against the wall vs Shiki Eiki and not getting any close to beating her. I don't think it's "luck based" enough to prevent me from clearing normal, so there has to be something fundamentally wrong about how I'm playing the game.

>> No.19090034

>Help, how do I clear PoFV.
Get lucky.
>I don't think it's "luck based"
You think wrong.

>> No.19090037

How long have you been playing it for? It takes a while to really get use to but you should get the hang of it soon enough

>> No.19090138

Play it on easy to unlock all the characters first, then use Aya or Medicine to cheese the game (you could probably even go straight to lunatic). Once you get a better feel for it move to shots like Eiki, Komachi, Reimu and Marisa. Ignore the other shots unless you're a completionist or think you've figured the game out. Eventually it does get very consistent but it takes a different mindset than the rest of the games. Just don't be like >>19090034 repeating the same already-refuted arguments thread and thread again just because he can't beat the game.

>> No.19090142

Still waiting for those SA scores dude.

>> No.19090191

"no it's not luck-based because uhhhh" doesn't refute anything. Especially when one can just play the thing (which I doubt you've done) and notice that yes, it is luck-based as fuck.

Still waiting for an argument, dude.

>> No.19090256

>"no it's not luck-based because uhhhh" doesn't refute anything.
If that's all you picked up from the last two threads then so be it. No point trying to convince someone who refuses to even acknowledge the opposition. Stay ignorant.
>which I doubt you've done
Here's all the shots on lunatic. There's even an Aya NB in there for fun.
Still waiting on an SA replay, dude. I still want to see your dazzling skills in action.

>> No.19090532

>No point trying to convince someone who refuses to even acknowledge the opposition.
That's hilarious coming from someone taking a random example I pulled out of a hat (I could have fucking said MoF and it wouldn't have changed anything) and pretending it's some sort of lynchpin for the entire argument.

But have it your way. [random non-3 non-9 mainline Touhou game] is skillful because it has a consistency that allows you to learn it, and if you can learn something you can master it. You cannot learn randomness, it's in its very nature unpredictable and without rules. The aforementioned game has randomness, yes, but applies rules of consistency to that to make it a surmountable, fun challenge rather than playing videogame Russian Roulette and just plain hoping you make it. Imagine your favorite bullet pattern in the whole series. Now, I don't know which one that is, but I know something about it: It won't randomly chuck vomit your way that you had no way to predict and that may force you to lose or waste sorely needed resources. It also won't vary itself to the point of unrecognizability, it'll follow certain parameters that makes it its own purposefully built entity. That's what makes it a pattern, you fuck. And patterns are what make the games learnable, and therefore skillful.

Well, most games, anyway.

>Stay ignorant.
At least you practice what you preach.

>> No.19090665

I was going to repeat the fact that plenty of people can clear PoFV pretty much as many times in a row as they wanted to which destroys your argument completely but you're just going to say we're collectively "getting lucky" over and over again, aren't you? This is the real linchpin. You're attributing you not being able to learn the game to be a fault on the game's part and then calling other people's success flukes. If you can't see how stupid this is, you have issues spanning much wider than not being able to beat a niche shooting game.
Can you post any decent replay from any game? I'm still suspicious that I'm talking to a normal player just starting out who's getting pissy he can't figure out PoFV. We all start somewhere dude just stay humble and get better.

>> No.19090855

How do you "learn" randomness, you moron? Oh do tell, I want to win the lottery every single time.

And just like how I called you and your ilk out before, you're not explaining exactly how is the game not luck-based. If by pure happenstance I won the lottery 5 times in a row, would that make it not luck-based anymore? If I got the same invincible hand while playing card games 5 consecutive times by sheer coincidence, would that make said card game not inherently luck-based anymore?

>b-but replay
Suck a chode. If the only way you can tolerate someone saying PoFV is bad is pretending they must be a lesser player than your glorious fucking ass, you have issues spanning much wider than not being able to take criticism of a niche shooting game.

>> No.19090892

Is this MaZe?

>> No.19091069

>If by pure happenstance I won the lottery 5 times in a row, would that make it not luck-based anymore?
Are you serious right now? If that happened, the legitimacy of the lottery would be called into question and a police investigation held. Similarly if you got royal flushes even two times in a row at an actual casino you'd be immediately kicked out if not outright arrested. Do you know fucking anything about statistics? Do you flip heads 1000 times on a coin without suspecting that maybe the coin isn't actually fair? Are you that fucking stupid? If yes, I have plenty of "random" bets I'd like you to make with me.
Don't even talk about RNG again until you take an introductory course on probability. Particularly the concept of variance and what is modeled by a binomial distribution. You're far more clueless than you think you are.

Also, so you can't post anything. Good to know. If you do get better one day, you'll see your opinion change. Until then, please stop embarrassing yourself.

>> No.19091083

not that dude, but PoFV just isn't fun to play in my opinion

>> No.19091089

The biggest thing is using gauge well.
You can accrue a heafty score with level 2 ping pong, giving you extra lives for when you have to ram into Eiki.

>> No.19091120

Oh and hypothesis tests. Please also look up hypothesis tests. As an exercise, find what the p-value is for testing whether a coin is fair after 50 observations of all heads and make a conclusion on the fairness of the coin. Then subsequently find the p-value for testing whether PoFV is random for a skilled player(for your choice of the null value, but lets say 50%, because a 0% win rate would also not be random - you'd know this if you know what variance is!) after 10 observations of all wins and make a conclusion on just how wrong you have been.

I don't even like the game that much myself but if this guy wants to talk about randomness I want to put my minor in statistics to use and drill some points home.

>> No.19091152
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Ah, it's the good ol' "reading way too far into a mere comparison to disguise your lack of arguments". Congratulations on your degree anon, just don't go and quit your day job.

>Also, so you can't post anything. Good to know. If you do get better one day, you'll see your opinion change. Until then, please stop embarrassing yourself.
Not an argument.

>> No.19091176
File: 198 KB, 640x480, FirstHard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes! I'm so happy!

>> No.19091246
File: 239 KB, 850x1202, __patchouli_knowledge_touhou_drawn_by_kanno_kengo__sample-f31832024306cb103319146d31e72d77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you bother arguing with someone who repeats the same "It's rng because I say it is" argument when he's just ignoring all counterarguments anyway?

>> No.19091349

It's not luck based. Worst. It is timer based. Stage bosses die after after a set time. Stage 7 characters last around 5 minutes the first time. After you die once it goes down to 2 minutes. Shiki's first try is like 30 minutes and then I can't remember her time after the first death. If you are good you can beat her after the second death on her.

>> No.19091441
File: 696 KB, 800x600, 1517574762155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you bother arguing with someone who repeats the same "It's not rng because I say it isn't" argument when he's just ignoring all counterarguments and the game itself anyway?

>> No.19091457

It's luck based idiots. You will randomly score +/- 50-200% of the expected per stage.

>> No.19091461

Why would you score run PoFV? It's like score running Street Fighter II.

>> No.19091478

You should stop that "copy the sentence structure and just change a few words around" thing you've repeated 3 times in this thread already. You're going to make me want to immediately dismiss any poster using this style in this thread from now on because I'm going to be reminded of your dumb ass.

>> No.19091479

it's either that or versus mode

>> No.19091488

Well, no shit vs. mode is the highest level of play PoFV presents, it's a versus shmup.

>> No.19091500

versus mode is super random too
almost everything you can imagine, and more things if you havent played versus mode much, is luck based.

i just mentioned scoring cause it's particularly stupid

>> No.19091511 [SPOILER] 
File: 533 KB, 639x478, 1527194511640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got a sneak peak at the next game.

>> No.19091515

I play vs. very often, actually, and I invite you to play later if you would like to put your money where your mouthis for a change.

>> No.19091541

Someone master PDH with Marisa though.

>> No.19091672

Then do it. Spare people from your shitty arguing style consisting of pretending to have an argument then telling them they're bad at the games because they don't agree with you.

They'll never admit it. I wonder if it's better this way, they stay contained in discussions of their kusoge and all the actually skilled players can talk about the other games in peace.

>> No.19091705
File: 480 KB, 1000x1000, __doremy_sweet_touhou_drawn_by_yasui_nori__d595f7eb3cab67853c8d41e9840cbbff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He puts in a lot of effort for a one-note shitposter, I'll give him that.

>> No.19091728

Anyone want to play some PoFV quick?

>> No.19091730


>> No.19091865

Haha, I feel bad for you guys, this guy is obviously trolling and trying to waste your time and you all fell for it. Maybe now would be a good idea to reconsider your life and stop being a touhou elitist.

>> No.19091904

post your ip i can't host

>> No.19091940

Only a few matches.

>> No.19091948

sorry if the match is laggy, my internet has been shit lately

>> No.19092034

i think you are mixing me up with the other person.
whats ur identity? if you play very often, we've probably played b4

>> No.19092043

Sorry for cutting off like that, something just came up.

>> No.19092049

It's fine anon wouldn't mind playing a few more later

>> No.19092770

Not even trying.
The pofv breakdown video should be the first or second jewgle result if anyone actually wants to look for it. The short version is the ai plays perfectly for x amount of time before it can take a hit barring certain circumstances, the only important one being Eiki having an infinite timer for the first round so unless op's being an idiot and restarting on the first death as some form of misguided "practice" he shouldn't be having any problems beating the game on any difficulty.

>> No.19092797
File: 502 KB, 1027x731, 1516384137825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you just have to die and the game becomes beatable!
Nice game you have there, lads.

Guess I'll just have to stick to SA like the scrublord I am.

>> No.19092813

Is there a fangame where the bosses have a normal Z shot?

>> No.19092817
File: 89 KB, 256x320, 090_reisen_p2_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are your favorite characters to play in PoFV?

I'm a personal fan of Reisen.

>> No.19092903

Play better shots :^)

>> No.19093030

Marisa because I love her.

>> No.19093042

Yuuka for some reason.

>> No.19093537


I must go fast.

>> No.19094228

>new thread starts
>Immediately goes to shit

I like it! Yeah pofv is pretty shit, fangame tier desu. Never even installed it! Same for pc98, it looks like shit so I don't play it. Also pc98 scoring is shit too, capped graze at 999 wtf??? Skill ceiling where???

>> No.19094233

>and pretending it's some sort of lynchpin for the entire argument
Except they aren't. They want you to put up *literally anything* showcasing any modicum of skill; you just used SA as an example so it's appropriate to call you out to play SA. Your complaints reek like someone that's just bad, and if you are just bad, that explains why your complaints sound like someone that's bad. You continually trying to shirk from doing this very simple task only supports that guess. If you wanted to be taken even somewhat seriously all you would have to do is prove you aren't just bad. This wouldn't make your argument any less ridiculous but it would mean that your problems with the game lie deeper than just being bad, which literally anyone reading this thread is just going to assume is the case. Putting anything up would *benefit* you because it means other anon can't just resort to saying "ur probably just bad" anymore. The only clear reasons you wouldn't give evidence you aren't bad are 1) you actually are bad, or 2) you're an idiot.

>> No.19094440
File: 1.03 MB, 1024x768, Meilinggun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t looks like shit so I don't play it
You might be joking, but I'm still going to take your lunch money for this you fucking nerd.

>> No.19096507

You're not supposed to actually tell him that he has no clue how to respond to counterarguments. Next you'll tell him that he can't just say "you're reading too deep man" every time his examples are scrutinized and/or torn down and that "not an argument" isn't actually the ironclad rebuttal that he seems to think it is!
Who even gives a shit about the content of the PoFV argument? I just want to watch that monkey - so strong in his convictions yet so clueless in defending them - dance.

>> No.19096967


>> No.19097275
File: 21 KB, 321x315, 1452962361729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ain't gonna and there's shit you can do about it.
If there was any argument left for you to use, you wouldn't be resorting to attacking the opponent himself (ie the ironclad "u-ur just le bad player!!!!" rebuttal) in the first place. Notice how I didn't.

>haha, m-monkey!
Not an argument. For someone that claims not to be interested in this argument at all you sure seem to be emotionally invested enough to comment to the side just to insult me. Surely you could prove me wrong already, right?

>> No.19097337

Looks like him. That writing style is way too similar, you can't just copy that shit.

>> No.19097440

A lot of things suddenly make sense now. Come to think of it I think I even recognize some of those reaction images.

>> No.19097501

>muh ad hominems
If you're not going to approach this argument with proper methodology then why should anyone else? Seems like you've made a name for yourself around these threads too, enough that your posting style is enough to identify you. I know not to entertain your silliness now at least. Take care now, monk- pardon me, MaZe, as you apparently go by.

Do learn some statistics for your own sake though. You don't have to tell me you did, just do it for yourself.

>> No.19097570

You're still replying and you're still avoiding giving any actual counterarguments. What's wrong? Did I forget to you another comparison that you can blow out of proportion, then whine that it doesn't line up 100% even though that's not the point, and then use that as a substitute for an argument? Not too shabby for someone who's supposedly above this conversation anyway.

Oh well, I'm not really expecting you to put up now that you can give yourself another excuse not to (that being, "u-ur this namefag!!!!"). I guess you lucked out of putting in any effort once more, PoFV player.

>> No.19097753

Anyone want to play PoFV later?

>> No.19098050

Sure if you want to host. Not too sure how my net's going to hold up but I do want to give it a shot.

>> No.19098200

I'm not joking at all. I've never played pc98 and I won't, because they look like shit

>> No.19098495

What do you fags use for input? I've been using a keyboard with blue switches for a long time, thinking of switching to one with browns when this one dies.

>> No.19098580

Red switches

>> No.19098708
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>> No.19098716

He doesn't need counterarguments, you haven't given one yourself.

>> No.19098875

red = brown >>>>>>>>> black (almost unusable) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> anything else but blue > blue

the exact words from the man who has fought vampires and received grave injuries that he still has not yet recovered from

>> No.19098906

I've written up a full paragraph about why PoFV is a not a skill-based game. I'm sure you'll find it if you look for it in this thread, it's that big block of text that's above your reading level.

Meanwhile, all that was said to counter it was "your comparison is dumb SO THERE".

>> No.19098910

and rubberdome?

>> No.19098919

define "random" then nigger. if you win lottery 99 times out of 100, maybe it's not that "random" (or rather has low std. deviation)? does EoSD take no skill then because your run is affected by RNG especially on Remilia's wallshit?
if by your definition a static automata where you can literally memorize the input sequence resulting in a win is a better game than one where you have to employ your dodging skills everytime to win consistently, then you're hopelessly retarded.

>> No.19098926

Highscore Spreadsheet! (If you want to submit a score, use the term 'score' somewhere in your post)

>> No.19098965

Probably the only game on which I enjoy playing with Marisa

>> No.19098987

No, you only said that the game is all about getting lucky, and that not only true but not even an argument. You have been proven wrong several times as well.

>> No.19098992

your response to >>19090665 was said dumb comparisons so the argument stopped there. if you want to argue anything, refute >>19090665 first.
"people can repeatedly beat pofv therefore it can be learned and at that point it's not random."
refute this. do NOT goalpost shift into "you have to die to win lol nice game". refute the randomness aspect (or rather, lack thereof) and the randomness aspect only.

>> No.19098997

The guy said rubberdome was "trash"

the guy also says playing 4.9 feet away from the monitor is also the ideal way to play touhou, but you can imagine any reasonable response to that, still, his results speak for itself

>> No.19099131 [DELETED] 
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I play on a TV with my face like 10 inches away from the monitor.

>> No.19099215

pofv is more about unfocused dodging desu, non-stop level 2 spam before 6 stage for more score and then trying to survive until timer (~3min is enough usually) in real shit (tm) stages. If you can do one of those without wasting a life then you'll have enough to battle Yamaxanadu. Smart spell usage is also a key to victory, it's often "press x to be overwhelmed on the next wave of danmaku". Also wait for fairy wave to spawn fully to get better chain score. And activate & blow up nearby spirits to remove smol bullets around you 24/7. Staying at the top and spamming lvl 2s is a viable tactic.
try it with easier shots like reimu or marisa and soon you'll do it with all shots.

>> No.19099410

Probably most comprehensive advice post so far, thanks anon. I'm trying and eventually I'll probably get it, but the game gets fucking annoying. My last attempt was after losing two lives to Shiki and then dying after 3.5 minutes of struggle. I'm playing with Reimu/Marisa exclusively until I start 1ccing Normal.

Honestly, I feel like the game is afterall "luck based" until you're around Lunatic level (and I'm talking of regular games). At that point you're good enough to dodge most bullshit the game throws at you anyway. Before that point, it's a matter of whether the game is merciful for you by spawning enemies just so that they destroy the extremely hard bullet formations or by having Yama die in 2 minutes (too bad it was after a continue when it happened to me).

>> No.19099418

>an instance of RNGshit is the same thing as a whole game of RNGshit
Speaking of hopelessly retarded.
Why do the other games not need you to employ your dodging skills every time to win consistently? They have their RNG too. The difference is that they use it to create results that while different, will still follow certain rules, thus forming a pattern, thus attaining consistency, thus becoming learnable, thus becoming tests of skill you can master with practice and experience. I already fucking explained all of this.

Shit that never happened. And if it's so not true like you say you're free to argue why.

Being lucky enough to beat RNG repeatedly does not automatically make something not random, why the fuck should it? That was the point of the comparison and anon knew it, that's why he had to go full retard and start pretending he won the argument. Sorry I underestimated how stupid some people could be, though.

You must be the Japanese Touhou Grand Master, right? The one that can evade anything under any situation. So tell me you perfectly-dodging knucklehead, does your skill level make Eternal Meek any less of a random pattern? It doesn't, does it? The bullets will come out in random directions at random speeds and at random times. Being a normal-modo shitter won't change that, being a Lunatic elitist won't change that, being a Japanese Touhou Grand Master such as yourself won't change that. And yes, this isn't a 100% comparison - like I already said, this is just one randomized attack, PoFV is a whole randomized game. So you can spare me the analysis and actually refute this for once.

>> No.19099527

show me your marisa B UFO lunatic

>> No.19099532

>Being lucky enough to beat RNG repeatedly does not automatically make something not random
for the laymen's definition of random, yes it does. if a thing happens over and over again it isn't random any more. or if you want to be technical, has a lower variance (PLEASE look this up we're not on the same page if you don't) and therefore not AS random. if you lose the lottery 100 times in a row (as you're EXPECTED to do), you wouldn't say "i beat the rng of the lottery a 100 times in a row." NO. the lottery is not (very) random. you're expected to lose almost all of the time and you do lose all of the time. if almost every time you play the lottery, you lose, and that i can say with near certainty that you lose every time and be right, it means it's not random. again, variance. a pattern exists: lose lose lose lose lose lose lose...
do NOT try to refute this before reading about variance because you would be wasting both our times

NOW. if all you want to say is that "there's still a CHANCE you can lose, however small, so by definition it's still random", then youve wasted a lot of time for a lot of people with this meaningless statement. theres a nonzero chance you die before you can respond to this post, but nobody would say that you beat the rng if i do see a reply. so i hope this isnt the case

funny you talk about eternal meek since that has a safespot and so it's learnable and consistent


>> No.19099664
File: 2.97 MB, 720x450, PoDD.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19099674

You are trying so hard to explain that PoFV is random, we don't need this, that's already obvious, how does the randomness make it a bad game? Considering you don't really have to dodge the patterns.You strike me as someone that wants to play GFW but without using freeze and then complains that the game is overwhelming.

>> No.19099718


>> No.19099733

>Eternal Meek is not random
I believe there's nothing more for us to discuss.
>b-but if you cheat

>we don't need this, that's already obvious
It wasn't obvious for certain people.

I'm just saying PoFV is luck-based due to randomization-heavy nature, that's all. I do think PoFV is fucking shit (danmaku games shouldn't be fucking two-player slot machines) but that's separate.

>> No.19099760
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hi, hello, are you ignoring this entire section and cherrypicking one sentence to start some other discussion? please respond to the circled section. i will have to assume you concede if you don't. if youre okay with that dont respond at all. i hope you learned today that the sun rising every day isn't actually random.

>> No.19099827
File: 186 KB, 732x944, list of shame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meek safespot is cheating
You're just full of these hot opinions aren't you? Check out all these cheaters guys!

>> No.19099840

>b-but if you cheat
Holy it's that guy that thinks that safespots are cheating. Case closed guys, nothing to see here.

>> No.19099842

i'm on that page

>> No.19099848

safespots are unironically cheating though.

>> No.19099983

>are you ignoring this entire section
Yes. Pretend you won, I don't give a fuck anymore, if you're going to say Eternal Meek isn't random then you simply have no brain.

Truly, it takes a PoFVfaggot to seriously believe this type of thing is an intentional design feature.
>y-you're this person i don't like!
I thought I was MaZe, make up your mind.

>> No.19099991

That's debatable. The point is that guy completely lacks any knowledge and it's obvious that he's orbiting around normal difficulty. If you want to still argue with him be my guest.

>> No.19099995

>randomness making a game bad

If anything staticness makes a game bad. What's impressive about memorizing an entire game? That's not skill, that's monkey. So pofv is actually one of the best touhou games.

>> No.19100005

Please stop replying to the crossboarder, this argument never goes anywhere

>> No.19100037

Fuck me. You did what I couldn't do for 3 threads in 3 posts. I fucking love you anon.

>> No.19100379
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>The point is that guy completely lacks any knowledge
And you still got destroyed several times in just one thread.

If you like your luck being rewarded over everything else then I hear Kancolle has plenty of that. That must be why 2hu is reclining.

>> No.19100443


Like I said

>> No.19100814

jesus christ

>> No.19100837

>at any given point in a game either it is completely consistent and memorizable or it is entirely up to pure luck whether you succeed or not

quoting you

>> No.19101296

UFO not letting you practice stages until you beat them (and continues restarting you) is shit design.

>> No.19101781

I fucking hate Byakuren so much.

>> No.19102218

I love Byakuren! What happened?

>> No.19102370

She shot me dead.

>> No.19102370,1 [INTERNAL] 

By the way, since many people do not seem to know this, the bullets you can reflect in PoFV are, for the most part, aimed around you. While it is still random, you can survive by basically moving a lot across the screen, and then you can use a lvl2 charge to restream. You can also control the density of these bullets by letting them exit the screen or erasing them with a charge attack instead of a fairy explosion.

So yes, the game is quite random (more than your average Touhou game at least), but it's randomness you can deal with. It's nowhere near lottery like some person tries to make believe.

When it comes to survival, there are many things you could blame on yourself before blaming it on the game, and even if you get hit by a stray, random bullet, the fault is still on your dodging skills ultimately.

>> No.19103108

By the way, since you and many others do not seem to know this, the bullets you can reflect in PoFV are, for the most part, aimed around you. While it is still random, you can survive by basically moving a lot across the screen, and then you can use a lvl2 charge to restream. You can also control the density of these bullets by letting them exit the screen or erasing them with a charge attack instead of a fairy explosion.

So yes, the game is quite random (more than your average Touhou game at least), but it's randomness you can deal with. It's nowhere near lottery like some person tries to make believe.

When it comes to survival, there are many things you could blame on yourself before blaming it on the game, and even if you get hit by a stray, random bullet, the fault is still on your dodging skills ultimately.

>> No.19103193

it's like that in every post IN-game, not unique to UFO.

>> No.19104084

Yes, anon. It's my fault that I got walled in at 0:40 in the match. So I just have to not go to the place where the wall appears then, right? Whoops, next life, got walled in at 1:30. Oddly, the other wall didn't show up at 0:40! Wonder what that was. Ouch, got walled in again at 0:55. Didn't see that first wall this time either. Maybe it is safe there now? Next life, got walled there again but this time at 0:30! Well fuck this kuso game, I'm just gonna throw my last life away and intentionally get walled. Wait, the wall of 0:30 didn't appear! Nor the one at 0:40. Or 0:55. Or 1:30. Or-- wait, I won? Truly, it was my danmaku skill that repelled those walls and not pure luck. Like how you can use raw skill to make the lasers of Devil's Recitation not activate. Thanks for making me see the light!

Oh, and "not an argument". Since I can tell there's someone reading this who'll want to criticize the examples because they ran out of arguments, like it happened twice already.

>> No.19104167

If only there was some way to make the walls go away.
Nah you're right, just run into them.

>> No.19104197

Oh, and next you'll say, "what if there's like 5 walls in a row?", right?
If only there was some way to quickly refill the thing used to make walls go away quickly like they do in https://youtu.be/loXOzhXnJvk and make walls go away for 3 whole minutes.
Nah you're right, just run into them.

>> No.19104211

literally wrong
other cards unlock spellcard practice as soon as you see something.

>> No.19104234

lmao holy shit what a shit game

>> No.19104310

No. First, spell practice is not practice stage, second IN needs a 1cc to unlock spell practice, dunno about the other games that have it tho.

The combination of unlocking stages only by beating them and continues that restart the stages is indeed bad design, not only for UFO tho, MoF and SA also have this problem.

>> No.19106153
File: 577 KB, 640x480, th004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got back to DS a couple days ago to play with Hatate, and now that I cleared all the scenes I realize how good she is, this and maybe a couple others were the only bitch scenes, this one in particular took the most photos.

>> No.19106257

ya her charge rate is pretty OP, more than makes up for her reduced range and area.

>> No.19108349
File: 9 KB, 640x400, rt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did it!

>> No.19108405

<span class="sjis">YOU DID IT!

Your reward is...

that you beat the game on normal!



>> No.19109956

Man I can't beat Flandre, for some reason the 恋の迷路 spellcard really fucks me up. When I focus I feel like I'm too slow and when I don't I don't have enough control to navigate the spell. I feel like a fucking failure because there is a clear cut way to do this spell, I just can't do it.

>> No.19110004
File: 1.76 MB, 640x480, 2018-05-27 13-35-50.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to learn how to smoothly switch from focused to unfocused and back. Until then try this strat. Bomb once or twice if you need to.

>> No.19110139

Yea I suppose that's an option, but I really don't want to waste resources on that spell. I suppose I'll try practice more.

>> No.19110187

Get good.

>> No.19110375

One thing I recommend is geting SpoilerAL to practice it. Fuck practicing it "legitimately". Another thing I recommend is diagonal movement. Stay unfocused and move almost only diagonally, in small bursts of movement synchronized with when Flan fires bullets. I find it easier to circle around that way.

>> No.19110571

If you think that's an argument at this point then PoFVfags are truly lost.

>> No.19111884

>waste resources
It isn't wasting resources if you're using them on trouble spots. Good that you want to just learn it so you don't have to, but thinking about it as though it's a "waste" to use them there is not good.

>> No.19112564

Still trying for my first 1cc

Listening to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=He3A35OIeC0 to try to hype me up

>> No.19112711

I'd like to see a replay of you aswell as you showing us those epic walls you are talking about just to check if you have a cursed edition of the game

>> No.19114070

I thought PoFV gave me cancer already, then I played against Medicine.

>> No.19114621

She is definitely the least fun to fight, but I never found her particularly hard to beat.

>> No.19114996

So is there already a website where you can do something like make an account and keep track of your touhou 1cc's?

If not I might make it sometime. To me it would be more convenient than editing that chart in MS paint which always gets posted here

>> No.19115020
File: 605 KB, 640x480, th002c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dabbled a bit in UFO scoring recently. Really fun game
Should I try to get an actually good score though or move on to some other game?

>> No.19115436

do you really need the attention?

>> No.19115452

There is http://replays.gensokyo.org/ which is for uploading replays, up to TD only, sadly.
Then there is https://www.touhouachievements.com/ which is garbage and made by a bunch of retards, don't bother.
If you want to do something cool, I would say a site like gensokyo but that supports all the games.

>> No.19116552

what are the most difficult characters to play against in PoVF?

>> No.19116844

TD and DDC have it already unlocked, see a spellcard once and it is unlocked there.

>> No.19116915

Reimu, Eiki.

>> No.19117368
File: 193 KB, 640x480, YES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1cc'd Lunatic EoSD with Reimu B

>> No.19117392

Good stuff good stuff. What's next on the list?

>> No.19117432

Reimu A, then go after Marisa A and B, finish the extra stages and then move to Lunatic PCB. Playing PoFV really does make you improve.

>> No.19118134

Went against Lunatic Byakuren with five lives and lost with 10% HP last on last card

>> No.19118489

Tatum and the celtics last night, damn, can't shoot a single 3 to save their lives at the end, choking just like me at the ends of runs.

>> No.19118660

I'm so mad at myself.

>> No.19118790


>> No.19118921

damage racing is cancer

>> No.19119250

Also excitement!

>> No.19119277
File: 290 KB, 1282x987, fucking finally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah there we go.

>> No.19119404

Congrats, anon. No-item is brutal indeed. What scene took you the most attempts?

>> No.19119530
File: 115 KB, 566x1178, progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I can finally update the bit on my chart where Remi bullies me.

10-4 took the most at 1314. 10-7 was a close second at 1252. Nothing else even came close.

>> No.19119991
File: 432 KB, 640x480, Mokou clear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, my first EX clear.
Now to finish MoF or do HSIFS

>> No.19120081

Nah don't bother, you should score an actual good game, like IN. seems like a waste to score a bad game like UFO

>> No.19121674

God forbid the scoring take any effort

>> No.19122211
File: 16 KB, 552x627, 1cc_chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's pretty good, at least to me. Both 10-4 and 5-2 took me over 3,000 attempts.
Granted, I don't have nearly as many lunatic clears as you, so I suppose it's natural it took me a lot more attempts.

>> No.19122934
File: 1.97 MB, 1000x1480, Yuyuko (1314).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big congrats anon! 1314 is an excellent number for that nightmare of a spell. At this point your chart is pretty much done, this is amazing to look at, have you thought about going for LNN(N) in one of the games? If you are not already working on that, I mean.
Good job anon, that's a really nice first you got there.

>> No.19123001

Congratulations dude. I'm still working on the with-item run of that card.

>> No.19123011

HSiFS is a fun, if easy, game. You should give it a shot.

>> No.19123456

>have you thought about going for LNN(N)
I have, but I'm not consistent enough nor do I really play enough to grind one out right now. My SA 1MNB was a fluke I did 2 years ago and the closest I've come since then is a 3miss haha. I'm just casually grinding UFO LNB right now. And maybe LoLK LNB after.

Thank you! Here's a very cheesy strat for 10-4 with items if you're interested.

>> No.19123680

For whatever reason that link isn't working for me, but I appreciate it nontheless. I've been going with tanuki, though I think I might try to lantern/doll it like I did for almost everything before day 10.

>> No.19123782

You'll want lantern/mallet to get exactly 12 seconds of invincibility for the "12 second nightmare". Survive up to the start of the spin, pop your lantern, move close to Remi to get all 4 streams of bullets hitting her, and just survive a little longer afterwards.
Here's the replay: https://mega.nz/#!tLh0kaBT!TpqewqRkC9Wgo1Y1TRjl6bfnWm_2MVCYps7MNVOTv14

>> No.19123812

Thanks, i'll try that when i get around to finishing isc

>> No.19123869

Score instead

>> No.19124640

Finally beat UFO on hard. Never touching that game again.

>> No.19125033

I beat it without any problems.

That said the extra was bullshit for some reason and I just gave up.

>> No.19125078

I've been playing it exclusively since that post. Still no good. I've gotten better but whether normal or lunatic, Shikieiki just won't fucking die and I cannot endure past 3:30. I'm about to unlock Aya who will hopefully be easier to easier to 1cc with for a morale boost.

>> No.19125382
File: 916 KB, 914x683, 2018-05-30_04-12-31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no . . . I'm not feeling so good

>> No.19125533

Post replay.

>> No.19125618
File: 1004 KB, 957x720, 2018-05-30_05-06-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In fact I feel really bad . . .

>> No.19125712
File: 336 KB, 635x472, 41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19125748

A thrilling trilogy.

>> No.19125750

Congrats dude.

>> No.19125771

By the way can someone tell me the front in this? There is a link in the template but it doesn't work.

>> No.19125778

I mean the font of course.

>> No.19127188
File: 531 KB, 492x638, areyouawizard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since I used continues, I had no replays. I launched PoFV to make one, died on stage 5, decided to start from scratch and actually earned my first 1cc. Huh.

Other than Shikieiki I died on Aya (walled in, failed to dodge) and Yuuka (ram into bullet myself derp death). For Eiki I feel like I got extremely lucky with the timing of boss/lily spawns. If you have the time, please check the replay and point out where to improve: https://a.safe.moe/Qyn8KdM.rpy

>> No.19128549

It seems you completely missed this guy's post >>19099215
Learn to play unfocused and etc what everything he wrote that. You're using level 4 attacks to counter low level spellcards that you can easily dodge not to mention it is much more efficient to spam level 2 attacks to trigger 300k or 500k auto bomb.

>> No.19130717

I was under the impression that using level 4 to get rid of the boss on your side earns you more points, but I now tried a game trying not to use anything above 2 and I think it gets more score and is overall better but harder to pull off. Got lunatic 1cc with Aya by the way, she really is much easier than others.

As for staying unfocused: the point is to macrododge rather than micrododge, right? There isn't any actual benefit to staying unfocused other than avoiding activating spirits accidentally?

>> No.19130778

Focusing causes fairies to spawn less frequently which will lead to you breaking chains.

>> No.19130789

Ooh, interesting. I'll try focusing less then, though so far it mostly leads to me ramming into everything.

>> No.19130870

Aya and Medicine aren't making game easier. they literally breaks AI.

>> No.19130895

yeah, Aya/Medicine doesn't really count as 1cc because AI just dies instantly to them.

>> No.19133231
File: 467 KB, 640x480, 2018-05-30_19-48-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally cleared this dumb game

>> No.19133338

With extra life I see.

>> No.19135113

Can you blame him? It's either 9 consecutive slot machines, or just make it easy on himself. Hell, a lot of the advice on this thread is "just break the AI dude lmao"

PoFV is such kuso, holy shit.

>> No.19135209

Look at the score, retards. It's the same "lol hey guys check out my first clear of this game that just happened to have this world class competitive score!!" faggot.

>> No.19136096

though this has been somewhat answered, but:

1) you spent 95% of time in focused mode as slow-ass lyrica which was funny.
There will be less fairy waves if you're focused. Use your focus to just charge up spirits quickly and in clutch dodging and that's it.
Less fairies = less score & you'll break your score.
Less score = less life resources.
You barely reached your second extra life on the last stage, usually you'll get it at about stage ~8.
Learn to play unfocused.

2) there have been some situations where you channeled a lvl 4 instead of lvl 2 without any neccessity. if you're not being raped by boss danmaku spam then use lvl 2s as they're faster to cast and you'll preserve more spell charge.
3) you pressed X more than you should've desu, if you see that you probably won't dodge that incoming wall, then charge ASAP.
3?) personally I wouldn't cast a lvl 4 on first enemy boss, as it's too easy at the start of the round.

>dying before stage 6
>slot machines where F(t) reaches 1 in 3 minutes

>> No.19140676
File: 38 KB, 362x346, anime girl with a question mark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this how it feels to finally enter The Zone?


>> No.19140742

>been trying to get into bullet hell games for 2 years
>still horrible and cant beat the easiest touhou games on normal
>been playing fighters pretty much all throughout my life
>still shit and cant string combos
I just wanted to enjoy 2hu with /jp/, should I just give up?

>> No.19140789

Just be a secondary and read Zun stuff

>> No.19141057


>> No.19141176

You should stop greentexting. Maybe that will help.

>> No.19141490

Fight us in Hisoutensoku and embarrass us dude.

>> No.19143899

In HSiFS can you wait out Okina's final spell card in it's first phase? I'm working on my first 1CC and play best with summer Cirno, but fuck I can't dodge her final spell card once it gets to its final phase. I could easily dodge the first phase for 99 seconds.

It's super frustrating because no matter how well I play I'm always down to my last life and no bombs at her last spell card. It does not matter how many lives I enter the stage with, I'm always at my last one by that point. It's super weird and annoying.

At this point I don't really care about cheesing it, I just want to get my first 1CC.

>> No.19143915

No but summer Cirno can get close. If you wait it out each phase will be 30 seconds. So you'll only have 30 seconds of her final phase, which equates to about 5 bombs if you bomb without delay between them (And you will have delay between them) so in practice you can take 30 seconds down in 3 bombs.

>> No.19143932

If I kill her earlier phases in less than 30 seconds, does the clock also decrease? So, if I somehow made it to final phase with 50 seconds left would I have to stall for 50 seconds or just 30? The reason I ask is there is no point in just dodging in the easier phases if the time I have to stall later on is the same, might as well get through the early phases quick to lower my odds of being dumb and bumping into something.

>> No.19143955

>my first 1CC
Oh boy.

>> No.19143996

No, it won't. You either treat it like a normal card all the way through or treat the whole thing like it's survival.

>> No.19143999

Hey man, HSiFS was my first 1cc. It's probably the easiest game in the series.

>> No.19144002

What do you mean by that? It's the easiest Touhou game I've played.

Ah ok, survival it is

>> No.19144051

I use that strat for fall, but I never had much trouble with summer.

>> No.19144271

I don't understand how you all beat Okina. I literally cannot see her green bullets on the green background. I've literally taken a screenshot and looked at the still image and quite literally am unable to see the bullets.

>> No.19144325

Release and bomb

>> No.19144599

Release mechanic was a mistake

>> No.19147229

I'd be curious to see a full run of yours if you have one

>> No.19147526
File: 321 KB, 640x480, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Story of my life as a noob. Getting past Patchouli without losing my first cc is possible at this point but I start losing so many lives at Sakuya's stage.

Is there some easy little tip I can get on how to deal with the places on Patchouli's and Sakuya's stages where dolls come and fill the screen with blue bullets? I've never been able to survive them without bombing

>> No.19147822

What do you mean?

>> No.19147882

People keep saying HSiFS is the easiest one but I already 1cc'd most games or at least reached Stage 6. I'm still stuck at Stage 4 in HSiFS.

>> No.19148121

Just got my first 1cc! HSiFS with summer Cirno!

>> No.19148377

And I'm getting my shit rekt by Extra Okina. Once she moves to the bottom of the screen I'm not sure how to handle her. My butt shots don't deal hardly any damage and Extra doesn't give out enough lives to just mash bomb.

>> No.19148511

I had a lot of trouble with HSiFS as well when it came out despite having all Normal 1CCs in other games and most Extra clears. My problem, and I assume yours as well, is how heavily HSiFS encourages risky play by how much it rewards it with snowballing score giving you more lives. You’ve just gotta learn how far you can comfortably make it into the game by greedy with your releases, and then hard-shift into only using them (and your bombs) for survival purposes only. For me it was the beginning of stage 4, once I was able to get past my mental block and liberally use releases for survival the 1CC came easy.

>> No.19148516

lol just use Reimu, she’s ridiculous. Turns Okina from a pretty hard extra boss into by far the easiest in the series.

>> No.19148934

>implying I'm able to 1cc with anyone other than summer cirno

>> No.19148966

How is the pro controller for touhou? Heard the dpad is absolute trash

>> No.19149031

Better learn Reimu if you want that Extra clear, boyo.
I’ve found summer makes any character pretty comfortable. Stage 4 will become the hell it’s meant to be, though. For some reason Cirno!Summer destroys stage 4.

>> No.19149108

hold shift for focused movement

>> No.19149137

I already do that.

>> No.19149253
File: 5 KB, 276x94, HSiFS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I save all of my 1ccs so pick one

>> No.19149326
File: 357 KB, 600x450, __komano_aun_touhou_drawn_by_pote_ptkan__a70c2da358ee8e864c60d8018e7ac8d7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep headbutting bosses, but the way autumm releases trivializes spellcards is addicting.

>> No.19149368

The Dpad is fine, I don't like Dpads in general tho, I use the joystick.

>> No.19149468

>moving three fingers is faster than moving one thumb

>> No.19149495

Pretty much this. For me HSiFS isn't the easiest 2hu, because I don't like spamming bombs or even releases, instead trying to cap as much stuff as I can. And dancers feel more mind-fucky than Shou.

Once the fairy waves fire, strafe aside a bit. They're aimed in some way. The triple fairy wave is done by waiting for the second wave to fire instead, then dodging your way.

>> No.19149503

Someone recommend me a second Touhou game. Got my first normal 1cc on HSiFS, can't play as any character that isn't Cirno because the game rewards her bomb way too much. What would be a good, "real", Touhou game to transition to?

>> No.19149548

winter is even better to be honest

>> No.19149556


>> No.19149564

youll have to play EOSD at some point, might as well do it now. It'll build up your basic random dodging skills for later games.

>> No.19150780

If he doesn't use the hitbox cheat patch, maybe.

>> No.19150792

Correct, the hitbox patch should never be used.

>> No.19151068
File: 226 KB, 1280x720, 1526749533030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me anon. What do you see?

>> No.19151282

Not him. 12, 2, nothing, nothing (maybe a 6?), nothing.

>> No.19151304

Also not him, but 12, 2, 42, 74 (Possibly 71), 6.

What do I win?

>> No.19151975

why does UFO marisa B exist? i have yet to find an answer.

>> No.19152129

Hitting the boss's hitbox.

>> No.19152519

Because she’s cute.

>> No.19153095
File: 1.13 MB, 1334x750, IMG_7929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems there's a bit of a PCB scoring race going on.

>> No.19153375

Mino’s been discovering new strats lately.

>> No.19154534

It's 74.
Still doesn't change the fact that zun fucked up with a lot of the colors this time around.

>> No.19154620

I never had a problem with her nons.

>> No.19154664

I support this post.

>> No.19154667

Just got my 2nd 1cc! Reimu normal HSiFS!

>> No.19154697
File: 141 KB, 2522x1368, MarisaA-1.13.03 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got my first non-phantasmagoria 1cc today

>> No.19154707

Where are those clears man, post them.

>> No.19154841

What am I supposed to post? I saved replays

>> No.19154864

Your clear screen. Like that guy under you.

>> No.19155176

God fucking dammit extra mode Okina is bullshit. This fight isn't even hard, I just keep getting clipped by bullets and Okina keeps fucking running into me. God fucking dammit I've wasted so many lives without even getting to bomb once because motherfucking Okina fucking headbutts me. God damn.

>> No.19155209
File: 1.19 MB, 1278x959, hard Clear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The end-game screen, like this.

>> No.19155390

If you don’t go near the boss, the boss can’t headbutt you.

>> No.19155457

Okina's not that hard, that game has spell practice mode so just spam it.

>> No.19155738

ive wondered this also, i thought about clearing every extra with each shot type but then realized id have to do things like UFO Marisa B or LOLK Marisa.

it amazes me that ZUN actually thought Marisa B belonged in UFO. it would take anyone five minutes to play the game and quickly realize how fucked up the balance is.

>> No.19156158

Kind of like how Aya's HSiFS shot is a piercer in a game where piercing doesn't help. Marisa B would be bad in any game though, her back shot does fuck all damage.

>> No.19156221

aya in HSIFS is a piercer? I thought it was supposed to be but I don't think it actually 100% pierces like UFO Marisa A

also i just cleared Nue with Marisa B, its not bad at all because I forgot how easy Nue is.

>> No.19156253

Her options pierce when she's focused.

>> No.19156319

same :/

>> No.19156365

what's up with choosing starting lives?

>> No.19156372

you use the default or its not a 1CC

>> No.19156757

You can add more lives but it gives you a score penalty and nobody will respect you.

>> No.19156779

Can someone share the blank 1CC chart, including the PC98 games? I want to start tracking my runs.

Also, how does one run the PC98 games?

>> No.19156823
File: 14 KB, 800x639, chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emulator. T98 or Neco project. Try both and see what's better for you.

>> No.19157830

We don't chartpost much anymore, unfortunately. But they're still fun to keep up with. Helps see ones' progress.

>> No.19158090

When did piercing ever help?

>> No.19158232

never, it doesnt matter very much because fairies are rarely vertically stacked and they have little HP anyway.

>> No.19160096

What if i set them to 1

>> No.19160274

IN, if you use MAlice cannon. It takes down familiars really quick, even if they're all lined up like Eirin's last spell. Plus it lets you attack all of Mokou's hitboxes with pierce. It would have been useful in TD as well, due to stage 4's boss. It's also useful against Sagume, crippling her little enemy-shield thing.

>> No.19160281

Well now you're just showing off.

>> No.19160343

Youmu is fucking trash in TD besides scoring
I don't even want to touch Extra with her. She has by far the worst stage portion and if you lose power your focused shot can't even reach the boss

>> No.19160539

Not the guy who asked original question desu

>> No.19163754

People often criticize UFO for the randomness of every pattern but my main critic is how unbalanced it is. I can have enough fun with Sanae B or Reimu A but if you pick anyone else it's pure hell because they have no advantages whatsoever.

>> No.19163810

>People often criticize UFO for the randomness of every pattern
Have they? Everyone complains about the UFOs as far as I know. It's sure what I bitch about.

>> No.19164257
File: 14 KB, 192x224, Th12SC073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

many people bitch about king kraken strike or kogasas second card or curvy lasers, or just the fact most spellcards are RNG-heavy.

UFO doesnt have many static patterns and the ones that do exist (like pic) are horrifying

>> No.19164278

That one I wouldn't call static either. The bursts are RNG.

Granted it can't really wall you ever but it's not like you can just copy the same path every time. The RNG on that does matter.

>> No.19164299

you really have to think to find any static patterns in UFO. I think Murasa's timeout counts.

>> No.19164312

Vajra is literally static, the green lasers are aimed sorta. The jellybeans are static, you can make the same dodges Everytime.

>> No.19166483

Tell me why do I do better without the hitbox. I used the no hitbox patches and I feel I've been doing better.

>> No.19166648


>> No.19168930

Nearly beat UFO today. Got to Shou with max lives, got to Byakuren with five extra lives. Died twice to Makai butterfly for some reason (Lost attention the first time, not sure why i didn't move the second), and then to the non directly after. Ended up game overing on the second to last card, if I had just bombed twice instead of dying I would have won.

This is honestly the most upset I've been at a game in years.

>> No.19169090

Chill anon. UFO makes me mad too, so I know how you feel. The patterns seem to be designed to irritate you, kind of like LoLK except on lower scale.

>> No.19169271

Why didn't you just press x on every Shou and byakuren attack, that's like clearing with 4 lives left guaranteed

>> No.19171568

I don't know. I capped Makai Butterfly on my first try so I thought I didn't need to.

>> No.19172300

Patchy is more difficult than sakuya
what did ZUN mean by this

>> No.19172324

Probably that he personally has more trouble with patchy than Sakuya.

>> No.19173294
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I can't beat EoSD on Normal.
Sakuya is just a huge bully I hate her.

>> No.19173627

Save up lives
Master stage 4
Watch replays
Bomb a lot

>> No.19174370

Not the complaining anon, but how do I dodge Misdirection? I died twice to that card earlier, even with bombing, on Marisa A. I feel like I'm missing something big.

>> No.19174639

>using bombs

>> No.19174992

On normal everything is perfectly aimed at you, so you just need to make small taps.

>> No.19175033

Really? I tried that, so I guess I just didn't do it right.

>> No.19175279

marisa's hitbox in MOF is fucking gigantic what the fuck

>> No.19175370

Who are you quoting?

>> No.19178218

I play tons of EoSD so to me it feels more natural. Also seeing the hitbox makes me play like a pussy.

>> No.19178245

Harder stage = less bombs for boss and Reimu Patchy is bullshit

>> No.19178274

The only really difficult spells to capture are Emerald Megalith and Bury in Lake. All the others Patche spells are weaker than Killing Doll or Eternal Meek.

>> No.19178861

Eosd stages are literally free anyways, if you spend like 10 minutes routing them

The only stage remotely complicated to route is s4, and it's pretty light compared to other games.

>> No.19178948

how do I route books pls explain

>> No.19179748

How do I get good at Hard and Lunatic? I've 1cc'd HSiFS with every character and season on normal but get absolutely rekt with literally anyone on hard or lunatic.

>> No.19179874

Master releases, play other games and practice your technical skill.

>> No.19179884

she's fat.

>> No.19179895

the first game I beat on hard was EOSD
I think that's the best for building the fundamental skills you need to win, since you can't abuse mechanics in that game besides a good amount of bombspam near the end.

>> No.19180020

Extra mode Okina is some top tier bullshit. The only way to deal decent damage with Reimu is to stay above her and she keeps headbutting me. I keep losing so many lives to her stupid diagonal line shots between spell cards because I can't fucking judge the positions at all because lol diagonal. I have not once managed to make it past her spell card about halfway through where there is just red everywhere. I have to bomb and burn through all of my lives and still can't make it. This is such an unfair fight. Literally impossible.

>> No.19180192

Why is Sakuya so baaad?
Shit focus speed, next to no deathbomb frame window and her bombs are garbage, way to ruin what could have been a couple good survival shots ZUN.

>> No.19180268

HSIFS Reimu Extra is the easiest extra boss in any game. Yes, even easier than Raiko Marisa B

HSIFS also gives you 3 bombs per life so you have more than enough bombs to bomb every non-spell

>> No.19180272

Sakuya A and Sakuya B are both excellent shots in PCB. In TH8 she and Scarlett team are shit, no argument there. In TH14 Sakuya A is the best shot in the game.

>> No.19180283

Are you talking about PCB? Because SakuyaA is by far the easiest shot for a first clear and SakuyaB is probably the 2nd easiest if not THE easiest shot for LNB.

>> No.19180527

Yes yes but as long as she has bad focus speed and bad deathbomb frames then she is shit everywhere no matter what with the sole exception of SakuyaA in DDC because that's just too much good things for a shot.

>> No.19180591

you're completely wrong about PCB. Sakuya A is the best shot for survival (decently strong homing shot and 4 bombs per life). And Sakuya B is arguably the best shot of a LNB.

Having 4 bombs per life is a huge advantage that outweighs her focused speed weakness, and in no-bomb runs the awesome shot of Sakuya B more than makes up for it.

>> No.19180597

That was already said, and you are ignoring what I said, conveniently.
Having 4 bombs per life doesnt mean shit if you cant DB or if they do jackshit for damage (A) or no damage (B).
Sakuya sucks.

>> No.19180761

Deathbomb window doesn't mean shit outside of maybe IN, where you can actually use the on raection. other than that 2 frames less make no difference. If you plan on using bombs in a survival run you can route most of them anyways or use them liberally.
Sakuya B in PCB is the highest scoring shot.
Also Scarlet Team in IN is a good shot type.

>> No.19180971

>highest scoring shot.
>other than that 2 frames less make no difference
Wrong, every fucking frame counts. Even if you bomb in advance and get hit you still die as Sakuya, she sucks that much.

>> No.19181790

>Even if you bomb in advance and get hit you still die
That's not how the code works you retard. You die if you bomb too late, that's it. You can't reactionary deathbomb outside of IN anyway so those 2 frames don't matter because you should bomb when you think you're about to die, not when you've actually died. If you can get any advantage out of 2 fucking frames you'd either already be playing LNB where bomb's don't matter or scoring where bombs are already planned.

>> No.19182331

Sakuya A's bomb does enough damage. And you get four of them, that means you can bomb anything that is remotely threatening. And her shots are the best for both stages and bosses.

>> No.19182340

Junkos midboss nonspells in the Extra stage. Are they supposed to be physically possible with anyone who isn't Reimu?

>> No.19182374

Sakuya A's bombs outdamaage Marisa when you consider Sakuya gets double the bombs, double the screen clears, double the invincibility frames. There is a reason her shots are rated so highly in PCB

>> No.19182585

>can't make it past stage 4 if EoSD on normal
don't think this semen slurping franchise is for me lads

>> No.19182939

Who are you quoting?

>> No.19183085


please get gud yuyukofag

>> No.19184059

4 bombs a life is a shitton, you can literally afford 5 misses per life. sakuya A's bomb dmg is alright, sakuyaB's bomb power is in its duration and extra bullet cancel for super survival.
and sakuyaA shot is amazing for both stage clears and boss dps. sakuyaB's shot is also good.
if you don't know that bombs deal ~0 damage on non-spells then you shouldn't have an opinion on this topic.

her only real downside is lighting-fast focused speed, which makes you ram into bullets more than you should.

>> No.19184190

You can't ragefap without rage.

"x sucks and damn all evidence" is trolling.

>> No.19184395

But I need the bombs to make it through the spells, and only make it to her with 1 bomb left on that life

>> No.19184547

Just keep at it and you'll win. You being bad doesn't make the franchise bad.

>> No.19184588

I'm literally crying. I got to extra Okina's second to last spell card and lost. I can't fucking do this.

>> No.19184898
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>for super survival.

>> No.19187767
File: 127 KB, 690x800, 34441768_2076745789279788_7775716506163216384_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone wants to play PoFV or any fighting game?

>> No.19187823

PoFV if you host

>> No.19187920
File: 321 KB, 1000x1412, 1510399228525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok but how do I play online though?

>> No.19187943
File: 1.99 MB, 1367x4101, 1412203455436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

old pic but should still be relevant

>> No.19187944

That's not shrek.

>> No.19188064
File: 120 KB, 311x376, 1527605922830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

adonise closes immediately and shift+right clicking the folder doesnt give me the open in command prompt option.

>> No.19188161

try using adonis2.exe. just double-clicking it opens it fine for me as long as adonis2.dll and the .ini file are in the same folder

>> No.19188328

It opens,but there are a lot of ?????s in the prompt window.

>> No.19188349

that's probably Japanese
try temporarily changing your pc's Format to Japanese from the 'Region or Language' window or otherwise download and use Applocale to open adonis2.exe

>> No.19188970

Extra Okina is bullshit

>> No.19189144

She's the easiest extra in the series.

>> No.19191102

Can someone explain the PCB and IN mechanics to me?

>> No.19191117

Dodge the bullets.

>> No.19191520

How the fuck do you beat Marisa in IN? I get to her with 5 lives and finish her fight with no lives left and no bombs.

>> No.19191604

Press X on her first and last spells, fire unfocused during a few of her nons.
