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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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18851521 No.18851521 [Reply] [Original]

This is a Japanese learning thread with a focus on anime, manga, visual novels, and similar media.
If you have no interest in the above, you may be better served by the Japanese threads at >>>/int/djt. Do NOT post translation request in this thread.

The DJT guide to learning Japanese, along with an abundance of learning resources, can all be found at the following link:

Previous thread: >>18842023

>> No.18851535


>> No.18851540

Can we stop linking the /int/ DJT threads in the OP already? They're basically perpetually dead.

>> No.18851566

Do you really need to study Japanese? If you just read manga with furigana and translate words you don't know, you figure out the rest eventually right?

>> No.18851570

Hey, don't ask questions pretending to be me, especially if you're gonna say things i did not say.

>> No.18851572


>> No.18851612


>> No.18851703
File: 1.62 MB, 1324x1909, [HorribleSubs] Alice or Alice - 02 [1080p]_[00:02:33.403].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I just found the perfect anime for beginners.

>> No.18851739

Doing RTK and I'm on frame 983 稽 (training). The koohii story has the top right portion as "understandably", but it's not a kanji or primitive in the book. Am I safe to make that the primitive for understandably?

>> No.18851758


>> No.18851765
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How the hell did they manage to find Japanese people who sound so close to the Canadian voice actors???

>> No.18851773

Did jap kids actually watch it?

>> No.18851777

only 75+ year old fusuma repairman watch that shit after a hard day of work

>> No.18851793
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Can I learn Japanese?

>> No.18851798

Yes, but you need to actually work for it. It won't just happen on its own with this ~one simple trick~

>> No.18851807
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How different can Japanese dialects get?

>> No.18851812
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>> No.18851815

From what I've seen, there isn't too much difference. I think Osaka or further south say や instead of です and stuff like that. I can hear Majima say it like that in Yakuza Kiwami

>> No.18851831
File: 2.16 MB, 1350x2040, ふらいんぐうぃっち_1_065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>From what I've seen, there isn't too much difference.

>> No.18851832

teiru can be "haru" in Kansai

>> No.18851834

Is Okinawa dialect as weird as it sounds?

>> No.18851836

should I care at all about whether ぢゅ is ju or dju, and whatever similar cases?

>> No.18851844

ぢ and づ can sometimes come up due to etymological reasons, but they're the same as じ and ず in spoken Japanese, just like in おおさか. つづける is probably the most evident example of such a word.

>> No.18851847

What's the fucking point of learning Japanese anyways?

>> No.18851848

What's the point of doing anything at all?

>> No.18851851
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>> No.18851855

I fap because it feels good!

>> No.18851856

>EOP wondering why he shouldn't just bomb/shoot everyone into speaking his language

>> No.18851860

It's considered difficult, and is thusly satisfying to learn. The quality of media and speakers is high, so it's worth learning for those reasons too.

In contrast, learning Spanish would be piss-easy, but the quality of Spanish media is not as high (mostly just dubs of media in superior languages). Also, the average Spanish speaker would literally rather attempt broken english than be spoken to in spanish by the average Gringo

>> No.18851861
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How did you know exactly what made me ask the question?

>> No.18851865

im in your house

>> No.18851871

please cum in his underwear drawer and post results

>> No.18851877

The average Japanese would also rather attempt broken english than speak to a gaijin in Japanese.

>> No.18851886

Just saw some people use 「ないスパ」while watching a stream. What the fuck does this mean?

>> No.18851900

Was it a sports stream?

>> No.18851917
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>> No.18851920


>> No.18851923
File: 181 KB, 617x311, Screenshot 2018-04-19 at 02.42.43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw this in a ゲームセンターCX episode, but it was used literally to say "Nice par!" in a golf vidya.

>> No.18851937


>> No.18851953

Monster Hunter World

>> No.18851955

何が分からなかった? お兄ちゃん

>> No.18851961


>> No.18851963

Shit. How do I tell the difference?

>> No.18851967

Context, pretty much.

>> No.18851969
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>> No.18851978



>> No.18851982

Need four more commandments for the official Ten Commandments of DJT to be complete.

>Thou shalt not post without reading the guide.
>Thou shalt not copy-paste posts from reddit.
>Thou shalt not do RTK.
>Thou shalt be ゲイ
>Thou shalt read more.
>Thou shalt not write.

>> No.18851985

RTK is a useful tool

>> No.18851999

>Japanese sentence structure is literally the opposite of logical, you have to finish the entire sentence before the actual meaning is clear

Is this why everytime I see a Japanese person speak they say eeehhh... umo... etto.... for like 20 seconds?

>> No.18852003






>> No.18852005

post an example

>> No.18852014



>> No.18852025

Somehow I doubt Japanese would be any easier if the sentence structure was more like English.

>> No.18852046

My first Japanese teacher, an old Japanese woman: "You can basically move around all parts in a sentence as much as you like. Put the object to the front, subject to the back, it doesn't really matter."

To this day I'm not sure if that's true. I'm sure she'd still understand us, but I still haven't heard anyone not use the verb at the end.

>> No.18852048




>> No.18852051
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Is おいてく a shortening of 置いて行く?

>> No.18852054

Anki was a mistake.

>> No.18852055



>> No.18852056



>> No.18852064

Women can't speak Japanese

>> No.18852071






>> No.18852077
File: 273 KB, 963x1400, よつばと!_1_124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Koiwai asking Fuuka if it's his attire is okay? It's his house. Also why does he change, doesn't she say "it's all right"?

>> No.18852080

Japanese people, like Yoda they talk.

>> No.18852083

Because he's in his underwear in front of a highschooler.

>> No.18852084

He's an adult man wearing boxers and a wifebeater with a teenage girl visiting his house.

>> No.18852085

Where should people learning it for professional use be directed then?

>> No.18852088

She doesn't say "it's alright", more like "y-yeah (please do)"

>> No.18852094

fuku kita kata = the way i've put on my clothes
fuku kita hou = putting on clothes

you've read it as "are my clothes okay?" but it's actually "it would be better if I put on some clothes, huh?"

see: 方が, 方が良い

i'll give the people who replied to you the benefit of the doubt and assume they didn't notice the source of your misunderstanding

>> No.18852096

or maybe i'm actually the one who misunderstood something here but if that's the case i'll give myself the benefit of the doubt and assume you're an awful communicator rather than that i read something that wasn't there

>> No.18852098
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>> No.18852099

When it says ほう in furigana right next to 方, you wouldn't think someone would be dumb enough to mix it up.

>> No.18852101

I don't care if they come here. At least they're not shitposters.

>> No.18852104

I mean the guy is reading yotsubato so who knows

>> No.18852106
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Oh, that makes way more sense

>> No.18852110

i sympathize with people who make retarded mistakes because when i was first starting out i made definitely mistakes equally or even more retarded

plus he put a good faith effort into explaining how he (incorrectly) parsed it unlike the fags who just dump a sentence into the sentence and expect us to diagram it for them or something

>> No.18852114

Not him, but I didn't know ほう and かた differed in meaning like that.
I'm still just a beginner too though.

>> No.18852116

Reminder that these are joke recommendations you aren't supposed to actually read.

>> No.18852120

Hanahira is easy though and doesn't have the slang of yotsubato

>> No.18852121

there's literally nothing wrong with yotsubato as a learning tool

>> No.18852122

Why not?

>> No.18852123

Fuck you, yotsubato is omoshiroi.

>> No.18852124
File: 236 KB, 900x1280, 07_057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay mate, I'm also reading super interesting manga on the side

>> No.18852125

is there VN equal to Hanahira's level that does not have lesbians in it

>> No.18852126

is this porn?

>> No.18852127

Holy shit, hanahira looks cute as fuck. Thanks oniichans.

>> No.18852129

Manga isn't reading though.

>> No.18852132

Why is this not coming up in jisho?

>> No.18852136

>reading isn't reading

>> No.18852138

>looking at pretty pictures isn't reading

>> No.18852139

We can't all start with the Kojiki. Some of us have to read retard materials for small children so other people don't have to.

>> No.18852143

It's almost like manga have words in them. Obviously reading a manga isn't the same level as a novel, but it's not that easy when you're a beginner and will show you a lot of common words/phrases/grammar structures and etc.

>> No.18852144

This is what your first read needs to be. A classic.

>> No.18852145

Am I the only one who enjoys reading "retard material"?

>> No.18852149

Nope, it's キャタピラ

>> No.18852150

Yes. Nobody on 4chan, or for that matter in Japan, has ever read a manga and enjoyed it.

>> No.18852153

It's written entirely in kana, so it's even more suitable for beginners than Yotsubato is.

>> No.18852156

fuck off retard

>> No.18852164

Obviously, since it's not possible to read a manga.

>> No.18852171


>> No.18852175

What's the word for 'consuming' media in form of static set of pictures? We don't 'watch' photos, but 'seeing' seems too simple, as there are some interpretations involved. Interpret is too broad.

>> No.18852180

Masturbating to?

>> No.18852195

fuck off retard

>> No.18852198

Appreciating fine art

>> No.18852202


>> No.18852204


>> No.18852206


>> No.18852212


>> No.18852217
File: 537 KB, 1328x944, 201107000554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Harem Manga

>> No.18852223

Literally just pictures

>> No.18852236
File: 7 KB, 404x70, 1518281613244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of radical is that on the right? looks like 子 with the line taken out. What the fuck?

>> No.18852250






>> No.18852256

radical (hane-bou or kagi)

>> No.18852359

Is 女 ever 2 strokes or is it just the font?

>> No.18852373


>> No.18852378
File: 60 KB, 480x480, 11850343_851196608311796_582967974_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

く + ノ + 一
3 strokes

>> No.18852389








>> No.18852399

>, but they're the same as じ and ず in spoken Japanese,
It actually depends on dialect, they are distinct in some areas. And further more, in certain dialects じ、ぢ、ず、づ all sound alike.

>> No.18852445

Do people here do their reviews and new cards separately or together? I've been thinking about it and at first I thought mixing them together would be more challenging and thus make you concentrate more but the more I mull over it I feel like separating the two would give better results.

>> No.18852447


Is this the easiest word block on core 2k? Please tell me I have more of these to look forward to.

>> No.18852460

I do my reviews first around 3 pm and then my new cards around 8-9. I feel like it's better both because it's less overwhelming and because the time between when you learn the cards and the first review is shorter.

>> No.18852462

You have more of those to look forward to.

>> No.18852479

Why does /lang/ no longer exist?

>> No.18852482
File: 391 KB, 1280x1280, NiaOhayou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mfw a word is a literal translation of a word of my mother tongue

>> No.18852488

Give examples, please, I'm interested.

>> No.18852492



>> No.18852493

歯車 = Zahnrad

>> No.18852519

Unrelated to your question, but you're using a chinese font, fix that

More examples that wont show up correctly on your PC:
刃 直 今 次  骨

>> No.18852528
File: 68 KB, 638x479, 3-14-638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

エネルギー Energie
ベクトル Vektor

>> No.18852529

Those are English words, dumbass.

>> No.18852541


If the 車 in 歯車 could mean 'wheel', then in Indonesian, my native language, 歯車 is translated as "roda gigi" or 車 + 歯.

>> No.18852562

No, they were translated from Germany.

>> No.18852604

They were directly taken, not translated

According to Jisho, 車 can also mean wheel, look it up.

>> No.18852627

Oh shit you're right. Fixed it now.
Kanji is also a LOT more clearer now with the new font. Thanks oniichan.

>> No.18852631
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>> No.18852636




>> No.18852662


>> No.18852670


>> No.18852673

I need dekinaichan to tell me `ganbatte`

Plz dekinaichan ;_;

>> No.18852675


>> No.18852677


>> No.18852710

What is this manga

>> No.18852730


>> No.18852745

Did you guys start reading after doing core2k? I am still doing it but it's pretty hard for me to read anything

>> No.18852755

>just realized that the word "ecchi" is just the Japanese pronunciation of the English letter H for the Japanese word "hentai"
Guess we need to merge /e/ and /h/ then.

>> No.18852756


this is.

>> No.18852766

Depite the memes, hanahira is not, in fact, abnormally easy. What it IS is abnormally short.

>> No.18852773

Hang on, there's no onee-shota sex here!

>> No.18852793


>> No.18852797

Anyone find the Tae Kim book helpful enough to read?

>> No.18852844


>> No.18852881

Reading anything will be hard no matter how far through core you get. Just power through it.

>> No.18853067

minna genki?

>> No.18853104

genki de wa nai desu wa

>> No.18853106

yeah you can do whatever as long as the verbs at the end you prolly just forgot that part

>> No.18853126

because english is much easier than their shitty language

>> No.18853170

Occasionally you will see the verb somewhere not at the end, but it's usually done to achieve a certain effect using intentionally incorrect grammar. In essence its "naturally unnatural" usage.

>> No.18853175

genkidenakya imi nankane


it because people say things that actually make zero sense see the 場合 fiasco at the end of the last thread

average nihonjim at least has some english exposure and understanding even if they cant communicate easily with it so its just easier

>> No.18853273





>> No.18853293


>> No.18853308

I'm pretty sure an average nihonjin doesn't understand English at all

>> No.18853335

20 years ago this was prolly more accurate

not now

>> No.18853342

>tfw too autistic to comprehend how learning through speaking/improvement works

>> No.18853363

it doesn't work so yeah

>> No.18853367

Anybody tried Dogen’s pitch accent course? It’s behind a paywall.

>> No.18853371

the parts that are actually worth watching aren't paywalled

>> No.18853427
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>> No.18853459

How do you know the others aren't worth though? Those parts you mentioned sound like a good course though. At least he put more effort into pronunciation than 99.9% of all Japanese learners. As if I wanna talk though

>> No.18853464

they're just unlisted, people link them sometimes

>> No.18853583









>> No.18853597




>> No.18853600

Do they use じるない instead of しない in certain regions? Like for example saying 心配じるない.

>> No.18853611

The japanese postal address format is so annoying...

>> No.18853631
File: 48 KB, 850x214, Screenshot from 2018-04-19 17-14-34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When the dictionary tells you you suck

>> No.18853641

do you have what it takes to battle lick-g


>> No.18853672



>> No.18853871



>> No.18853924

That makes me wonder, is there a way to add other dictionaries to kanjitomo? Kanjimoto uses a plain text file, while yomichan kireicake dictionary is .json

>> No.18853930

は was a mistake.

>> No.18853937

i can't figure out. what context?

>> No.18853939

>"usually written in kana alone"
why the fuck even have Kanji then?

>> No.18853953

all of japan should switch to using ゑ for a topic particle, just keep pronouncing it わ and there's no difference.

>> No.18853954

>I don't understand how a language evolves

>> No.18854057
File: 9 KB, 223x199, 1524156367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does this say? specially the line about step 63

>> No.18854076

looks like 線 to me

>> No.18854178
File: 162 KB, 1813x915, chrome_2018-04-19_12-06-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

G-guys they're making fun of us!!

>> No.18854187

Fuck off, reddit faggot.

>> No.18854200

After over 5 years of studying, I wanted to give something back to the community. Pretty much all of the answers I gave to people in the last few weeks have been proven wrong by others. Should I just stop giving advice?

>> No.18854208

A beginner shouldn't give advice

>> No.18854214

How different would the routes between learning conversational Japanese and being able to read/comprehend Japanese be?

I'm far more interested in being able to communicate with people than I am being able to consume media.

>> No.18854227

Consuming media is the best way to give yourself a solid base for production. Otherwise you'll just be parroting what a textbook tells you without a solid base for natural production, which comes from internalizing grammar via lots of input. I'm in the minority in this thread of wanting to be conversational, and although I have the opportunity to speak japanese on a daily basis right now my focus is mainly on reading, expanding my vocabulary, and listening.

>> No.18854235

Sounds like conversation might come as a byproduct of being able to consume media, then. Alright, thanks!

>> No.18854245

>open thread
>immediately lose all motivation to learn Japanese
Every time

>> No.18854247

No matter what, you can't speak unless you know vocab.

All roads lead to some form of dedicated vocab study, whether that be anki grinding or what have you. Both methods eventually become their own form of vocab study/acquisition, but you'll need 1000+ some odd words under your belt before that is possible.

>> No.18854252

Well it's a separate skill you still have to develop independently. The best way to get better at conversation is by conversing, but you need to have the vocab base and listening skills before you can do that

>> No.18854268
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>> No.18854278
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>> No.18854280

if the threads so bad dont come here with your specific question and ask on reddit instead : )

>> No.18854288


>> No.18854348

I set everything up but Yomichan won't add any Anki cards to my mining deck. Are there any common issues?

>> No.18854377

export to plain text and import into anki

>> No.18854379

go back to where you came from

>> No.18854381

Why are there so many homonyms in Japanese when there are so many unused combinations of hiragana?
Instead of the next word with しょう and こう, here are some words that I created that are not in the dictionary:
Japanese people, feel free to start using them.

>> No.18854383

1 Because they sound dumb
2 Who cares

>> No.18854387

Why use your weird combinations when japanese will be 50% english in a few years

>> No.18854394
File: 77 KB, 960x960, 1494288050956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18854398

trust me youre not creating words here you sound like a disabled person

>> No.18854520

I just can't get over how much sleep impacts memory. Had a few hours more sleep than I usually do and all my reviews excluding cards from yesterday felt so easy. Even cards I've repeatedly had problems with popped into my mind instantly. Kinda tempted to up my new cards to 30 for today to take advantage of it.

>> No.18854569

whens the part where you tell me about how much nihongo youve learned

>> No.18854583

That's not what he says, and that's not what she says.
>It'd probably be better if I changed, huh?
>Yeah, I suppose so

>> No.18854587

New advice from nukemarine, make sure to check it out! It'd be a bad thing if you were incorrectly sub-vocalizing while you read!

>> No.18854599

thats not what he says and thats not what she says
"i should prolly put some clothes on"
"yah you prolly should"

>> No.18854600

When's the part where that's any of your fuckin business mr lower case faggot

>> No.18854604

what reason is there for you to get defensive and name call

>> No.18854608

Buddy a toddler can see through the intentions of your posts.

>> No.18854613

whatever you say dude gamba

>> No.18854770

Concerning the whole ''manga isn't reading'' argument constantly going on, here's a thought exercise for you guys. How much would you laugh if when asking someone ''What do you read?'' and expecting the person to name an book author or genre, they replied ''comic books''. That's how retarded manga readers sound like when they try to convince people that manga is reading. Comic books are for children and certainly not proper reading materials. Man-children have even tried rebranding comic books as ''graphic novels'' in order to make it sound more adult. You will always be seen as children, I'm sorry.

>> No.18854777

reading material for children is a good idea though

>> No.18854778

>How much would you laugh if when asking someone ''What do you watch?'' and expecting the person to name an series movie or genre, they replied ''anime''.

Why are you using 2 ' instead of "? is this your first day on a computer?

>> No.18854780
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>> No.18854785

In Japan, the whole 'comic book' scene isn't seen as some sort of man child cuck hobby like in the west. They see it as partbof their culture and even businessmen are known to frequent manga shops

>> No.18854793

You're not Japanese though, and you never will be. In other countries, you're seen as man-children. And you're making a blanket assumption. More adults read comics in Japan, but a lot of Japanese consider it to be a childish hobby too.
Nice rebuttal.

>> No.18854804

but who cares

>> No.18854818

Your entire point is reliant on a manga reader giving a shit if people think their hobby is stupid. I see no reason why anyone would care about that so it doesn't really matter whether you think it's childish or not.

>> No.18854825

You care enough to post. Don't forget, potential employers like getting calls in the days that follow you giving them your CV. It can even bump you way up in the list of potential hires! 頑張って!

>> No.18854835


the kid trying to get cute is on the left and im on the right

>> No.18854850

Many manga readers cared enough in this thread to get into a long argument in order to convince people that reading comic books is actually proper reading. You can't come back at me with the argument that ''manga readers don't care about others' opinions!'' They obviously care, and they wish so badly to not be seen as man-children. Just look at this guy >>18854785 saying ''b-but they do it in Japan! Why can't I?!''

>> No.18854863

>They obviously care
Sure, I'm just saying that they shouldn't. What's more odd to me is the degree to which you seem to care. Why is that?

>> No.18854878

maybe you missed this post >>18854780 but it doesnt get anymore straightforward than that

you better come up with some good discussion topics quick before this guy ruins the thread

>> No.18854880

I'm just trying to help these man-children to grow up, sort their lives out and get jobs. That's the true key to learning Japanese.

>> No.18854888

Being honest about social truths like ''manga readers are seen as man-children'' is baiting now? Stop being a safe-space snowflake and see the truth for what it is you delusional fuck.

>> No.18854892

If they sorted their lives out and got jobs, they would never learn Japanese.

>> No.18854896

You need to be more subtle my friend, this reeks of bait.

>> No.18854901

Just because you're reading something childish doesn't mean you're not reading.

>> No.18854912

Yeah but you don't see adults walking around with Disney books saying ''hey reading is reading!'' To develop properly as a person, it's better to read material that concern adults, not ''lulz Yotsuba is chasing t0nb0s''.

>> No.18854917

actually consuming manga is playing, just like with vns

>> No.18854925
File: 17 KB, 640x480, 1522457313989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but you don't see adults walking around with Disney books saying ''hey reading is reading!''
I guess I shouldn't be surprised someone posting on /jp/ is unfamiliar with the current state of the world.

>> No.18854928

Reading manga and traditional literature are not mutually exclusive. Also, reading manga for the purpose of learning makes more sense than reading a book and if you can't grasp why then I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.18854933

>manga reader
that's an oxymoron

>> No.18854939



>> No.18854940

I've never seen an adult lugging around a Snow White book. You're delusional if you think the world is that far gone. Get off the internet and step outside, you'll see thing aren't that scary.

>> No.18854955

Yeah for learning purposes it's fine. But you have a lot of people in this thread putting manga reading on the same level as proper reading.

>> No.18854981

I think most people here were under the impression that you're against it for learning purposes though. Otherwise, yes, novels being superior to manga is common sense and as such I can't really imagine that anyone was even attempting to deny it

>> No.18854995

I actually seen people on here direct some anons to the /int/ thread when they said they wanted to read real novels instead of manga, because novels are ''normie bullshit''. People here are a lot more insane and autistic than you think.

>> No.18855008

i mean have you read the "guide" and then seen what the outcomes of people who actually try to learn the way it tells you are

its really beating a dead horse to throw around the a word in these parts my ninja

>> No.18855022

The guide:
>spend a few months (or don't, literally says this) building a vocab base while learning grammar and then transition into reading native material

>read from the start

>> No.18855027

>I've been thinking about it and at first I thought mixing them together would be more challenging and thus make you concentrate more but the more I mull over it I feel like separating the two would give better results.
Did you not bother to think this through at all? Just because your retention stat is higher, doesn't mean you're actually better off. What you're talking about is simply false retention.

>> No.18855034

>What you're talking about is simply false retention.

>> No.18855050


Think for about two seconds before you start rolling your hamfists across the keyboard, fuckwit. After the first day those new cards will be mixed in with the rest, so how could this lead to "false retention", whatever that means? Ever consider that possibly there are separate processes for trying to learn something for the first time and trying to remember something you've already started learning? Ever heard of context switch overhead?

>> No.18855059

Because you remove the possibility of mistaking a new card for an old one and vice versa. You automatically know all you're dealing with are new cards and are doing yourself a disservice. If it's "easier", chances are there is a reason for that.

Besides, they end up getting mixed the next day anyway, so you're just giving yourself one easier day with those cards.

>> No.18855084

>Besides, they end up getting mixed the next day anyway, so you're just giving yourself one easier day with those cards.
Were you trying to negate your own point? Precisely for this reason it doesn't matter. You don't fully remember new cards on the first day anyways, that happens through spaced repetition, during which those cards are indeed mixed in.

>> No.18855139

>After the first day those new cards will be mixed in with the rest, so how could this lead to "false retention",
Lead to? It is false retention. You add a hint that eliminates many other possible answers.
>Were you trying to negate your own point? Precisely for this reason it doesn't matter.
I never said it permanently gimps your retention of those cards, just that it's false retention for the sake of "ease". The fact that you're only doing it for one day (everyday) doesn't change that--just makes it more weird.
>You don't fully remember new cards on the first day anyways
Maybe not you or me, but some autists get pretty close unless they're editing their stats.

>> No.18855162

Honest question, why does a majority of 4chan think Genki is bad?

>> No.18855172

Fuck off back to you know where.

>> No.18855180

It's designed for use in a classroom setting which makes it less ideal for self-teaching than other resources. It covers less material than the things people here tend to recommend. It places a huge focus on output exercises, which most people here think is bad.

>> No.18855191

Don’t get me wrong. I like Tae Kim, I prefer it over Genki. I’m just curious on why people around here don’t like it.

>> No.18855194

99% of people don't like it because they are elitist fucks that hate anything that the people on leddit like. Some have actual reasons like >>18855180
but the first reply you got is quite telling to why the majority hate it.

>> No.18855209

Tae Kim is shit too. Imabi is better in every way.

>> No.18855216

Genki covers less grammar than people think it does, has omissions that the instructor is supposed to fill in, and has lots of useless fluff designed to slow you down and force you to process what you've started learning, because you have to recall it by rote for exams. It's probably the least bad textbook, but there's certainly no reason to teach yourself Japanese with it.

Imabi is literally unusable unless you already know quite a bit of Japanese.

>> No.18855218

Alternatively, people have gotten tired of replying to you retards.

>> No.18855225

I told him to fuck off because he's a retard too stupid to use the archive if he wants his answer to his idiotic question.

>> No.18855227

>unless you already know quite a bit of Japanese
That's what Sakubi is for, right?

>> No.18855233

No, just read Tae Kim.

>> No.18855281

>Not paying a visit to Mr Lammers' wild ride for your introduction to Japanese
Never going to make it.

>> No.18855291

wayne p lammers the greatest nihongologist to ever live

>> No.18855357

Manga is reading.

>> No.18855364

no one disputes that

>> No.18855366

It's not though.

>> No.18855368

You don't know Japanese.

>> No.18855372

yea and then you attempt to read novels and get btfo by new vocab

>> No.18855380

learning new things isnt getting btfo

and its not vocab that bftos ppl itt

>> No.18855394

You could say you would prioritize quantity over quality a little when learning vocab, so you'd skip some kanji at first and concentrate on vocab. That doesn't mean you skip them entirely, I'd still recommend learning them sufficiently

>> No.18855403

Depends on what you read. Of course inner monologue will have different vocab than speech. But it's not that harder or easier. Medaka Box was about as hard/easy as Konosuba for me

>> No.18855507

as far as I can tell Konosuba seems to be Kino's Journey-tier so it's not that far away from manga I guess

>> No.18855511

Because those sounds sound unnatural, just like how English doesn't have "pf" sound or "tg" sounds. Language isn't an ideal construct.

>> No.18855599 [DELETED] 

Reading doesn't imply that you're consuming literature, it literally means "the action or skill of reading written or printed matter silently or aloud.
"suggestions for further reading". Manga has printed words for your brain to interpret, so you read it. This is like saying people don't read restaurant menus.

>> No.18855608

This thread is focused on otaku materials, generally. Nobody would care if you were reading an LN or VN, which aren't exactly literature but they're closer to normal books than manga is at least.

>> No.18855641

what pray tell is a "otaku material" lol

>> No.18855647

Are you stupid?

>> No.18855655

You can read whatever you want but if you're going to high-handedly assert that anime/manga/LNs/VNs/etc are trash and how you're a hyperintelligent big-brained person who can only be satisfied by real literature, then you can and should be told to fuck off to /int/.

>> No.18855656

yeah dude help me out onegaishimas

>> No.18855664

>light novels
>visual novels
>any media that's meant to appeal to otaku fags in japan
It's not rocket science.

>> No.18855667
File: 6 KB, 333x189, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where the fuck do they even get these sentences

>> No.18855675

Are you? Why are you replying to him?

>> No.18855682

and what pray tell is a "otaku fag" lol

>> No.18855688


>> No.18855700

If you want to be particular about it around here it's basically all forms of Japanese fiction or entertainment that aren't mainstream movies, television, music, or literature.

>> No.18855709

Japan probably has some weird hipster shit that wouldn't qualify as being otaku stuff though.

>> No.18855713

Looks okay to me.

>> No.18855714

50点 but i still dont understand

so then is otaku actually a loanword in practicality in western net culture like how nihongo has eigo loanwords that dont mean the same thing in both languages

>> No.18855725

>ask for sex
I bet she was surprised when all she wanted was a Starcraft 1v1.

>> No.18855735

Otaku is used in japanese to refer to anyone who's super obsessed with a particular subject, you can be a train otaku etc, but its most commonly applied to people who are really into anime, LNs/VNs, certain types of manga (a lot of manga is mainstream enough that reading it isn't weird). Might be derogatorily applied to anyone who shows to much interest in that stuff, since if you like anime Japanese society also considers you a useless manchild. The only difference in the west is that it only applies to weeaboos and not other subjects, and is less of an insult.

>> No.18855745

It's the same general concept but the category is slightly different because in the West it's specific to Japanese interests and what's considered mainstream is different. In Japan, someone who plays Call of Duty all day would be an otaku and someone who regularly watches Taiga dramas wouldn't but it's the other way around here.

>> No.18855749

Stop replying to the fucking troll you autistic fucks

>> No.18855754

Troll or not, he asked a real question.

>> No.18855762

A real stupid question.

>> No.18855764

I thought he was a troll but the persistence is making me lean towards him just being low IQ.

>> No.18855768

the only thing stupider than a stupid question is a hater

>> No.18855774

"What constitutes otaku media" is a legitimate question both in the context of this thread and in the context of Japan.

>> No.18855779 [DELETED] 

Ah, nothing like newfags getting baited by Jamal.
Keep it up guys great thread so far.

>> No.18855784

I often find myself wondering if there exist very cheap discount keyboards which consist only of the bare 26 charters in the English alphabet about which I don't know.

>> No.18855786 [DELETED] 

Nothing like smug assholes talking about how they're the only one not shitting up the thread whole shitting up the thread

>> No.18855804

honestly the threads doing well we quelled the "manga isnt reading" actual troll fairly quickly and now weve opened the channel for discussing what exactly otaku means

the skys the limit from here just dont talk about flashcards

>> No.18855810 [DELETED] 

I never said that. There is no longer any hope for this thread, that's why I said to keep it up. DJT declined to the point of no return quite some time ago. All that's left is to marvel at the decayed remains, which is entertaining in its own right.

>> No.18855815

How many sentences do you mine per day?

>> No.18855819

69 approximately

>> No.18855823

flashcards can't ㍍つ steel beams

>> No.18855837


>> No.18855844 [DELETED] 

how does he avoid getting banned? genuinely curious

>> No.18855851 [DELETED] 

キミは知ってるかわからんが every post in this thread is breaking the board rules

>> No.18855864 [DELETED] 

>how does he avoid getting banned?
He doesn't avoid bans, just evades them.

>> No.18855869 [DELETED] 

ah i thought so
hes never posted a single thing of value so I imagine the report count was quite high, but evidently not as high as his vpn list

>> No.18855871

todays nihongo word of the day is 根刮ぎ

check back tomorrow for the next nihongo word of the day

>> No.18855891 [DELETED] 

Nothing of value has ever been posted in this thread.

>> No.18855893

Kyou's nihongo word of the nichi is 尻馬

reply to this post or your mother dies in her sleep tonight

>> No.18855899

The guy who used to post pages of Toradora needs to come back to save us.

>> No.18855905

Sorry, too lethargic to do anything.

>> No.18855911
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>> No.18855913

What would you have done differently if you were a beginner again?

inb4 lower case

>> No.18855915


>> No.18855918

Fuck this word, it's a leech in my mine deck.

>> No.18855919

Surely there are a few people that aren't complete beginners

>> No.18855925

I would have done the SGJL and signed up for Nukemarine's patreon

>> No.18855930

>following the guide of someone that is a self-admitted current N3

>> No.18855934

>taking the advice of an anonymous Brazilian that set up a neocities page with no evidence he knows any Japanese

>> No.18855938

well ill help you out dude https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYbGjW6aJrs now youll never forget it

there are but they arent the kinda people that are gonna take that question seriously

no racism dude this is a barrier free zone

>> No.18855939

Read more.

>> No.18855947

Whoever runs (or, well, ran) the current site in the OP knows enough Japanese to criticize grammar guides accurately, so they're certainly onto something.

The actual guide is shit though.

>> No.18855954

Not waste my time

>> No.18855966

>Brazilians are a race
absolute state, etc.

>> No.18855974

you can learn japanese through literally any method that forces you to occasionally learn new things if you stick with it long enough, whether it's flashcards + reading, textbook learning + reading, either of the above + kanji study

i'm pretty sure you could unironically learn japanese just by using google translate on simple sentences and letting years of reading iron out your stupid mistakes after the fact

>> No.18855980

Learning japanese is literally and unequivocally IMPOSSIBLE if you use flashcards my man xD

>> No.18855986

Well what would you change to make it not shit?

>> No.18855987

What is shit about it?

>> No.18855991

irony instead of proof to the contrary is a good way to go i employ it a lot

>> No.18855996

Replace it.

The people who wrote it didn't know Japanese and wasted the majority of its length rambling about things that don't matter.

>> No.18856003

We will replace it with your guide. Post it, please.

>> No.18856009

I don't have one.

>> No.18856013

The burden on proof is on the one making the claim, which is you, fagboi.
Do you have a phobia of specifics?

>> No.18856015

sorry western net culture taught me that all "brs" are the same and connect to the internet via wooden computers pardon my ignorance and thanks for the insight if there is one good thing to come from this thread it is that i have gained some more worldly knowledge domo aligato

proof: everyone that ever posted itt since the inception

>> No.18856044

This thread should be retired and replaced by a thread where people ask questions specifically about Japanese instead of "how to learn Japanese."

Nothing good has ever come from the latter.

>> No.18856049

Why is suru at the end negative? Why does it mean 'have to study'

>> No.18856055

That's pretty much the /int/ thread but it dies at 70-100 posts every time, if that. Face it, for djt to exist shitposting is a necessity.

>> No.18856056


>> No.18856083

this is standard way of expressing this idea and you will see it everywhere in everything get used to it

>> No.18856158

Not quit. I could have been fluent 10x by now if I didn't quit so many times.

Another thing would be to not give up on reading so quickly. I started Hanahira/Flyable Heart multiple times, but always gave up after just a few screens thinking I wasn't ready yet. Forcing myself to finish them really helped.

>> No.18856239

oh my god all of the official touhou manga has full furigana what dream world is this

>> No.18856244

scratch that 月のイナバと地上の因幡 doesn't

>> No.18856276

>can also mean 'thoroughly'
>根掘り葉掘り, also with 'root' in it, can also mean 'thoroughly'.
Another one of those little things that is kinda interesting about another language, I guess. English have 'no stones unturned', Japanese has something like 'scrape even the roots'.

>> No.18856285

>read as かん
>means a can
fuuuck yes, I love Japanese

>> No.18856299

o tatakau
a t tak

>> No.18856332


>> No.18856335


日本語はまた読みにくいけどI must go on!

>> No.18856344

>means apple
>The Beatles, who had Ringo Starr as a band member, were on Apple Records
fuuuck yes, I love Japanese

>> No.18856350

>means tsunami
i fucking love japanese

>> No.18856373

this isnt a language barrier, its a social etiquette barrier.

>> No.18856385

>a social etiquette barrier.
Absurdly insurmountable for a neet.

>> No.18856400

>Comparing anything western to anything Japanese
Also, look where the fuck you are. Fuck off m8.

>> No.18856481

>Comic books=Drawings with speech bubbles
>Manga=Drawing with speech bubbles
Yeah, there really is a world of difference.

>> No.18856519

Very basic question, but how do people type in furigana in Word processors? Especially those with furigana that are not the same as the kanji, like め for 瞳, ミルク for おっぱい汁 or マッツVS日本 for 糞男?

>> No.18856525

i'm trying to learn japanese. right now i'm trying to memorize the hiragana. it's a little hard. i still get some mixed up with eachother. i want to move to japan. is that a bad idea, to make japan my passion?

>> No.18856568


>> No.18856597

hello to you too.

>> No.18856602

minna genki?

>> No.18856606

minna tae kim?

>> No.18856626
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>> No.18856627

minna ni genkijakunattamoneyo

>> No.18856651

>to make japan my passion
Being obsessed with a country other than your own is sick and twisted, moving there indefinitely or actually identifying with the country is even worse.

Real reasons to learn Japanese:
>to say “oh yes, I taught myself the second most difficult language for fun, what have you been up to”
>more hentai
>watch anime 20 min earl
>fallback jobs available
>literally makes your brain bigger

>> No.18856665

>second most difficult language
what's the first?

>> No.18856666

>muh nationalism
>immigration is bad don't do it kids ;)
Are you a time traveler from the 19th century

>> No.18856668

how is that sick and twisted? i hate america. i think japan is an interesting place though i have to learn more about it and it would bring me out of my comfort zone too.

i don't look at hentai and i'm not that into anime. so those reasons sound abysmal.

>> No.18856675


>> No.18856689

>second most difficult language
Citation? I thought Japanese is now on its own class of difficult languages, surpassing even Chinese.

>> No.18856703

I really doubt its harder than chink

>> No.18856706

chinese isnt even hard cause you can learn it in just english letters if you want to

>> No.18856709

Japanese is actually really easy, american linguists are simply just stupid

>> No.18856720

It's relative, you can't say that a language is the easiest or the hardest. It always depends on what/how many languages you already know.

>> No.18856741


>> No.18856746

Go ahead and post any form of proof that you are competent at this really easy language then.

>> No.18856752
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mosikasite anonkun ga boku no otintin suitai?

>> No.18856755


>> No.18856761 [DELETED] 

ching chong falala dingdong Zhang Fei Zhou Yun son goku!! Sarada Toyota.

>> No.18856794


>> No.18856816


>> No.18856826

>mention that you're learning japanese
>*pulls out buddhist scripture from the 800th century*
>haha can you read this

>> No.18856830

Serves you right for thinking that manga is actually reading.

>> No.18856834

i didn't know Buddhism was still around that far into the future, i need to reread akasha

>> No.18856882


>> No.18856961

Well you're on the wrong board. Get out.

>> No.18856982

Which guide are you talking about

>> No.18856992

prolly the guide linked to in every op of every thead you know the one that sucks epic ballz

>> No.18856996

manga is reading you dumb cunt

>> No.18856998

If manga isn't reading, then what verb do you use for consuming it? "I view manga"?

>> No.18857007


>> No.18857012
File: 95 KB, 383x499, B03AFCB1-619C-4ADB-BA8E-5EF884003EDD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this book any good?

>> No.18857016


yeah, its on the CoR so just read through it and decide for yourself

>> No.18857017

Well you know what time it is then. Time to show you how manga is unanimously not considered actual reading!

>> No.18857021

one of the best by one of the best

>> No.18857032

Is reading instruction manuals or street signs not reading? Reading is reading anon. There's no special "real reading". If your brain is interpreting a string of characters to derive a meaning, that's reading.

>> No.18857034

why don't you create a poll about gravity, or the earth being flat, or MMR causing autism my delusional friend

>> No.18857040

Yeah but when asking someone ''do you read?'', it actually means do you read proper material like novels, not fucking street signs. This is indefensible.

>> No.18857043

shut the fuck up.

>> No.18857047

Go back to /int/ please

>> No.18857050

No you

>> No.18857053

What did you read, means media in general. In normal social circles you wouldn't say you read manga because you don't want to alert everyone that you're a filthy weeaboo, but if you're talking to a friend who also reads manga, "hey, what manga have you been reading lately", is a perfectly acceptable phrase. How else would you even say it? Manga isn't hard reading, sure, but it's still a story told through words. Kids read storybooks, and those are even easier, etc.

>> No.18857057

You guys came up with all sorts of reasons to not study, and I'm the same as all you fuckers.

>> No.18857072
File: 1.57 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180420-133824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's that kanji?

>> No.18857077


>> No.18857078

Yeah, you also ''read'' comic strips in newspapers, and that's 3 pictures with barely 2 words written in each one. I wouldn't put those in the same category as reading novels or even the news articles in that same newspaper, even if the verb ''to read'' is used to describe the action of perusing them. They take as much effort reading as street signs.

>> No.18857093
File: 24 KB, 500x286, ed557f6f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one autist hates manga so he wants everyone to acknowledge that its not 'real reading'

>> No.18857100

My 'real reading' are those hentai novels I got from sadpanda! There's one where I fuck my own three sisters!

Reading, for real.

>> No.18857105

For real, though, are those any good? I run into them every once in a while when searching for stuff, but I've never bothered.

>> No.18857106

Is it about length then? What if you read 100 chapters of 50 pages each of one? That shit takes up time. Manga can be pretty word dense per page, depending on the manga. If you're fluent in a language no book that isn't antiquated should be difficult to read anyway, it's just that sitting down a book generally takes longer than reading a manga. To a new learner of a language, even manga would be fairly difficult reading, so either way I don't see difficulty being much of a factor.

>> No.18857109

>Do I know Japanese?
>Well I can't really talk about the weather or everyday events, but I can explain dozens of different sexual fetishes and acts in frightening detail.

>> No.18857113

>Reading hentai
>Not just staring at the drawings

>> No.18857116

>poll is 3 vs 4 for ''manga is not proper reading''
>still claim only 1 person holds this opinion
You're delusional you manchild.

>> No.18857117

I don't see a problem with this.

>> No.18857128

yeah, its just you mate
feel free to stop posting anytime

>> No.18857139

Length does have something to do with it. The same way saying ''Hi, how are you?'' and nothing more isn't a conversation, but rather simply an exchange. When is gets long enough or reaches enough depth, the exchange becomes a conversation. When written text gets long enough or reaches enough depth, it turns into proper reading. Also, manga can exist without words. Case in point, you can have many pages in a row without words, yet still be reading it and understanding what's going on thanks to the drawings. Therefore, the drawings are the foundation of comic books and manga, not the text.
To give a reverse example, you can take away the picture in a news article, yet still grasp the news with the written text. But take away the text only leaving the picture, and not much can be understood from only that. Therefore, written text is the foundation of newspaper articles, not the picture.

>> No.18857143 [DELETED] 


>> No.18857145

They're...porn. Their qualities differ significantly, as you probably expect. I would say they're decent to middling on quality scale.

>> No.18857149

Am I the only one having difficulties reading text which doesnt have any kanjis at all?

>> No.18857157

yes but i guess its normal because you dont intuitively know nihongo yet

>> No.18857162


>> No.18857165


>> No.18857166

Why would you start with stuff like that? You aren't a Japanese child.

>> No.18857169

Manga can exist without words, but it often has words, and can have quite a lot of words even. Just because some mangas employ wordless storytelling doesn't mean words are superfluous in all manga. There are quite a few manga where removing the words would cause it to make very little sense.

Since you didn't refute it, if a particular manga has a large word count and you read many chapters of it at once, it becomes reading?

>> No.18857171

by this logic why would you learn japanese youre not japanese

dont listen to こいつ

>> No.18857172


>> No.18857189

For your first point, what I meant is that if you remove text, it's still a proper manga. If, like you say, there's a lot of text in a manga, you can't remove the images because then it stops being a manga. The base element of a manga is the pictures, not the words.
For your second point, it would be difficult for a manga to reach the same amount of words as even a short novel, but I guess it wouldn't be impossible. But you're talking about 0.01% of manga out there at that point, and it isn't the type of manga people in here read anyway when arguing that manga is proper reading.
The votes are now 4/4, so it seems like ''manga isn't proper reading'' is an opinion as common around here as ''manga is proper reading. The debate remains open, maybe someone from either side will convince the other side someday, who knows.

>> No.18857195


>> No.18857199

As far as being an "experience", I'd say it can become similar to a novel in regards to both time needed to read it and immersion into a story.

>> No.18857204

before pressing the post button consider removing all of your words from your post

>> No.18857209


>> No.18857211

Immersion isn't a factor, because then watching a movie with sparse subtitled dialogue because of a foreign character could be consider reading. Time needed depends, you could imagine some artsy manga artist to come up with a 500 page manga that takes a while to get through, yet only contains 3 words. I reckon length of text to be a better determiner for proper reading than time taken.

>> No.18857485

Is there anyway to get my hands on weekly shonen jump without breaking the bank?

>> No.18857575

It's not reading, don't bother

>> No.18857610

it is, fuck off retard

>> No.18857619



>> No.18857650

Is it just me, or is Maria Holic difficult listening material?

>> No.18857653

>graphic novels
you've clearly never read something like Watchmen. There's more text in those 12 chapters than there is in 12 volumes of most Manga I've ever seen. There's more reading involved than entire books I've read.

>> No.18857664

That's because westerners suck at visual storytelling

>> No.18857669

t. brainlet
Listen, I've already said that manga and comic books can have a lot of words. But don't sit here spewing your bullshit trying to make it sound like you're reading fucking Crime and Punishment. You've clearly never read a proper book if you're saying reading manga has more reading involved than a proper book.

>> No.18857753

Which ones

>> No.18857757

I'm having the same problem with my font. how did you fix it.

>> No.18857758

To be fair, the watchmen has excellent narrative AND visual story telling. It just uses both at the same time.

>> No.18857764

>Watchmen wordcount: 136,000
>average novel wordcount: 80,000

Yea, reading more than the average novel is definitely not "more reading than a proper book"

Yea, your shitty Russian epics have 211k words, good for you, but dismissing a book just because it happens to have picture panels along with the dialog is fucking stupid.
The only difference between novels and manga/graphic novels is that Novels will use a lot more descriptives and past tense. If Watchmen was a purely textual novel it would be longer than your Russian bullshit.

>> No.18857769

Sites like bszip if you don't mind the low resolution and watermarks.

>> No.18857787

If someone asks you まどかマギカは、好きですか

can you just say はい, or is it only correct to say 好きです?

>> No.18857786

Basically this, what pictures can convey can drastically reduce the word count. Not because it needs to though, it just can. For an example in English, there's Infinite Jest where a single description can take anywhere from a single paragraph to multiple pages and it's word count is upwards of 500k.

>> No.18857797

Correct me if I'm wrong.

>> No.18857798

The correct answer is always まあまあ

>> No.18857807




>> No.18857811
File: 229 KB, 849x1188, 1518687224370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's good enough for me.

I know at least 20 kanji!

>> No.18857814

I know 4800 kanjis and I came across 8 new yesterday. Wish you good studying with RTK, gayz.

>> No.18857816

Actually, the correct answer is ほむらが一番最高の少女です

>> No.18857821

That's too advanced a consideration for me senpai.
I will try and remember that.

>> No.18857880

>tfw the AJATT kicks in and you notice you're thinking more and more in Japanese without ever learning Japanese

And it isn't even forced production abomination because I'm not trying to come up with things that I don't already know

Wow, AJATT MATT wasn't lying

>> No.18857957

>you notice you're thinking more and more in Japanese without ever learning Japanese
Not, that's an illusion. I was regularly in delirium, babbling sentences and collocations in the middle of my nocturlan slumber even when I almost didn't know any japanese. If all, it's a warning knell that something is not right with your nerves. Do you listen to japanese while sleeping as a certain person recommends?

>> No.18857989


>> No.18857992






>> No.18858113


>> No.18858127


>> No.18858131

the voice of your yamato damashii isn't an illusion

>> No.18858162

Here's some Hokkaido Loli giving examples of Hokkaido-ben

>> No.18858175


>> No.18858185


>> No.18858219

It's not hard by itself, it's just uncommon with English and has the most fucked up writing system.

>> No.18858221



>> No.18858227

I love manga, but still I admit it's not 'real reading'. Meaning that reading something with the proper sentence structure and size, even VNs, is way harder on average. Manga is a good way to practice reading when VNs are still too hard for you, though

>> No.18858232

Manga is literature

>> No.18858235

Yes it is, but we're speaking about learning Japanese, not artistic value.

>> No.18858238

Japanese isn't that hard.

>> No.18858243

>look at translation of a manga I've been reading
>so many places where they got simple shit wrong or clearly just gave up on trying to translate and wrote random shit they figured would make sense
Things like this make me glad I started learning Japanese.

>> No.18858257

How many words until I'm not looking things up every page?

>> No.18858259







>> No.18858270


>> No.18858275


>> No.18858286
File: 289 KB, 1392x805, Fgm6ma8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depends what you're reading

>> No.18858291



>> No.18858357

See, I did Core2k, and by that I should be able to read a bit more than 80% of books, magazines and newspapers, but I don't, actually. I still have to look things up like five times a page.

Oh well, time to learn more words!

>> No.18858383


>> No.18858389

Is it a page of a book? In that case five words per page is pretty good.

>> No.18858399

No, not books yet. Comic books, so not real reading.

Light novels I think had about 10-20 words I need to look up per page. I can guess at their meaning, but nah. Sometimes there's a simple page where I only need to look at 5, sometimes there's a difficult page with the big words 'YOU CAN'T LEARN JAPANESE' on it

>> No.18858404

>I should be able to read a bit more than 80% of books, magazines and newspapers, but I don't, actually. I still have to look things up like five times a page
Where's the contradiction?

>> No.18858457

Not 80% of books, but 80% of words

>> No.18858476
File: 947 KB, 649x560, Kanjinigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18858489



>coup d'état



>> No.18858548


>> No.18858552
File: 24 KB, 507x473, 1429917264865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ankidroid became slow as fuck all of a sudden
>cards take up to 5 seconds to load
How do I fix this? I only have 2 decks and tried cleaning my phone to no avail.

>> No.18858570

Get a bigger sd card and/or delete all but the last backup

>> No.18858591




>> No.18858715

Free yourself from anki's chains of oppression.

>> No.18858881

>extensive reading
does this even work for Japanese? You don't know how your unknown word is supposed to be read, and it seems like it would be a lot harder to recognize a previously seen unknown Japanese/Chinese word than it would be in other languages.

>> No.18858887

>it seems like it would be a lot harder to recognize a previously seen unknown Japanese/Chinese word than it would be in other languages.
I'd argue the exact opposite.

>> No.18858890

>your unknown word is supposed to be read
I mean, from the examples of "not English" words they gave:
>befourn assengle
You don't know how to read any of these.

>> No.18858912

I can guess with some degree of reliability.

>> No.18858932

I have a good idea of all but one or two of them, and if I'm wrong I'll hear it in a podcast or movie sometime. With Japanese it could be anything, and they're all wildly different. If I hear the correct reading later on, would I even realize it's the same word?

>> No.18858935

I know how to read these. There's only one or two that are ambiguous, and if the rest are pronounced differently than my expectations, then they're spelled wrong.

>> No.18858967

Reading isn't particularly relevant in that sense. You'll always have rikai or OCR to find it in a fraction of a second.

>> No.18858983

>do WaniKani anki deck
>get like 1k vocab words in
>confusing nin for jin and vice versa for 人-ending words
>tons of other kanji readings are confused also
I have to delete a huge amount of this deck to unfuck my brain. I'm switching to RTK

>> No.18858990

Try Check Database and Check Media

>> No.18858991

have fun not learning japanese

>> No.18859000

I don't want to learn Japanese right now I want to learn Kanji.

>> No.18859012

Yes, RTK is definitely going to help remembering when to use nin or jin readings.

>> No.18859013
File: 212 KB, 1440x1584, 1509092697487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do Wankikani

>> No.18859017

yeah have fun with that

>> No.18859018

>RTK will help with readings

>> No.18859027

That's the path of the 出来ない. Seriously, learning words is literally the only way to learn proper kanji pronunciations when they are ambiguous. What the fuck do you not like?

>> No.18859049

It actually will since I'll forget all the wrong readings I learned while I'm doing RTK. I'll learn the readings correctly from reading them in words in context later.

>> No.18859064

>Seriously, learning words is literally the only way to learn proper kanji pronunciations when they are ambiguous.
This is implied by RTK not teaching readings. I'm not sure what your argument even is here.

>> No.18859070

How did you manage to memorize the wrong readings? Does wanikani deck not have readings on a card?
>I'll learn the readings correctly from reading them in words in context later
Oh no you won't

>> No.18859105

Learning the Kanji with readings has me recalling a list of readings from seeing a Kanji, then I have to think of the right reading that goes in that word. When you're learning like 10 words with that kanji it's pretty difficult to remember which reading goes with each word.

>> No.18859121

That's why you don't learn kanji and words with them; you learn words. RTK, lacking readings, is hot bad, but mostly just a waste of time. Why learn some made-up meanings for kanji when you can learn words these kanji are in.

>> No.18859130

>RTK, lacking readings, is not bad

>> No.18859166

RTK is useful if kanji are skullfucking your brain, mostly for helping you decode things into primitives to remember them easier

>> No.18859204

To decode kanji into primitives you should write kanji with proper stroke order at least several times per newly seen kanji.

>> No.18859206

I did ~1500 of Core and mined ~300 words, and I can read the words if I see them while reading, but I cannot visualize the word in my head at all. I think writing out all the kanji will help me there.

>> No.18859240

RTK has the advantage of having the Kanji in an order so that what you've learned builds on itself, which you don't get from writing new unordered Kanji you see while reading.

>> No.18859266

Around 15000 unless you only read moege.

>> No.18859326

I think doing a few hundred kanji from RTK is useful in sort of helping your brain "get" kanji, but that doing the whole thing is probably a waste of time (unless you want to be able to write by hand, I suppose). Only problem with doing this is that RTK frontloads a lot of useless shit.

>> No.18859327

actually the correct answer is オマエも

who gives a flying farfoofle about this fossit you befourn assengle

>> No.18859336
File: 24 KB, 320x213, 221f219d[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ackshually it's お前はもう死んでいる

>> No.18859351

oh you mean like this http://youtu.be/IOetnPqPinI#t=108

>> No.18859380

I can taste the autism

>> No.18859430

Can anyone recommend Hakase 1?

>> No.18859455

why read a book called hakase when you can just become the hakase

>> No.18859464

Just read with OCR/rikai like god intended

>> No.18860059

I have a couple of Japanese colleagues. I wished them Ohayoo Gozaimasu today. Is it a norm/something you can wish?

>> No.18860064

I wish you a Gomennasai for your existence

>> No.18860065

Why are anons paraphrasing posts from the other site?

>> No.18860083

Maybe redditors are the ones paraphrasing posts from here

>> No.18860091

23k words are probably enough for 99% comprehension of any japanese literature nowadays. I think last novels when this level was bellow for me were 草枕 and 黒い雨 but I deliberately choose works above my level. But my definition of word differs.
