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File: 282 KB, 1323x1520, __kazami_yuuka_touhou_drawn_by_aka_tawashi__700fb856466a1fd5dd81a8a08e769c97[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18543002 No.18543002 [Reply] [Original]

I stole Yuuka's clothes. Run!

>> No.18543018

haha pathetic Youkai

>> No.18543032

Hahahaha she's being bullied like a FUCKING h*cking dork!

>> No.18543903
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>> No.18544581

A great, long time ago, a time more than days, months and years, more than decades, and more than centuries in the past, when the world hung from the sky by four great ropes, before there were any people, the land as it was belonged to the great spirits of the world - those of the animals, and those of the plants, and the higher beings who lived on rainbows and looked down at the world below.

When the first people arrived in this land, they were mindful of the domains of these spirits, and paid them much respect. In return, the spirits let the people live amongst them, sharing their land, and their hunting grounds. Those who spoke with the spirits learned of strong medicine and powerful magic, which they brought back to the people in all directions.

Sunflower was among the bravest of the spirits, never afraid to look into the sun, even when it was directly overhead. From all this time looking into the sun, the spirit learned of many things that others could not, for few could look into the sun this way without burning their eyes. But Sunflower did not often share its medicine with people, for it had a rough manner and many found its stare to be intimidating.

But so long as the people remained respectful of the spirits, and the spirits remained benevolent; hunting was easy, and nature was comfortable. When people wronged the spirits, however, or did not take care to observe their ways, retribution was always swift. Even when the spirits were angry, however, Sunflower did not seem to share their displeasure. But where the other spirits concerned themselves with the events of the day, Sunflower would simply laugh and say “It does not matter what will happen! The same sun will rise tomorrow.”

But the spirits saw something, growing in the hearts of the people, and they became concerned. So all the big old spirits got together and decided that the people should be given something to fear, so that they would keep their respect and not lead careless lives. But the spirits, being kinder than people, did not want to do such a thing, so they sent Young Hawk to go and look for any who would. When Sunflower, who was always brave, heard of this, they responded immediately “I will do it. But only on two conditions.”

“The first is that only I will go, and my children will stay and watch the sun in my place,” - and this is why sunflowers are still good sources of food, dyes, and medicine to the people. They do not take sides and can be used by anyone, even the spirits, as long as some of them are left to watch the sun the following day.

“The second is that if I go, I want all of you to give me something for my journey.”

The spirits all agreed, and so Sunflower went to each of them in turn, asking for a bit of their power, only a handful, so that they could be safe in their travels. None of the spirits saw anything wrong with this, and so they all agreed, except for Rabbit, who argued “You have already taken power from so many strong spirits, and I am small and weak. There is no need for you to take power from me as well.” Sunflower agreed, and taking all of the gifts from the other spirits, went high into the mountains to prepare, which would take many, many years.

When Sunflower came down from the mountain, they brought with them great tribes of evil spirits, anisgina, which ran wild and attacked all the people of all the nations. As they were made from the powers of many other spirits, and carried powerful medicine of their own, the spirits were unpredictable, and threatened to overrun the entire world, from one ocean to another. But Rabbit had not given his power to Sunflower, and so he could avoid these spirits, and went to bite down many of the sunflower plants. Sunflower heard about this and rushed back home to chase Rabbit away, and without leadership, the anisgina scattered in all directions, and were no longer a threat to the world.

>> No.18544584

Despite the rampage of its followers having come to an end, all the people in that part of the world had begun telling tales of the many terrifying creatures that had terrorised the land. These tales became myth, and myth became legend. Ultimately, legend became the basis for fear, and this fear began to change the nature of the old spirit.

Having watched for many generations, the lives of people, from its home in the mountains, the spirit had noted every transgression and case of disrespect against nature - the exact thing that the spirits together had sought to prevent. Although these cases were somewhat few and far between, they irked the spirit ever more. So, for a long time, the spirit watched, and drew in ever more of the fear that had come to be directed at it.

Eventually, with almost nothing of its original nature remaining, the old spirit left home, walked to the edge of the cliff, and raised their hand, drawing in the power of the sun, that they had watched for so many centuries, and focusing it into their palm, distilling it to its purest essence, before throwing it down at the world below. The light struck as a pillar of searing heat, shining brighter than the sun itself, and in the blink of an eye, and entire village was scoured from the earth.

This time, the spirit did not rely on an army of followers, but struck out directly, slashing across the sky with its strange new power and carving scars into the face of the world. A few of the other old spirits set out to confront the person that had once been Sunflower, but none of them could so much as get close, so they called for Winalagalis, a powerful warrior spirit, who travelled the world making war on all lands. He spent one day in the company of each of the other spirits, asking them about the one he was to face in battle. With all the knowledge he gained, he chose the time and place, at the end of a long winter, and upon a vast open plain. To prepare, he carved a spear from the trunk of a red cedar tree, and imbued it with potent supernatural powers. Thus ready, he set out for the battlefield he had chosen.

The spirit of the Sunflower, showing the same courage as always, did not shy away from the confrontation, and made their presence known in a terrifying display of raw magical power. But Winalagalis had prepared for this, and threw his spear from far away, knowing that it would not be possible to approach. Much to his surprise, however, his opponent caught the spear in mid flight, and broke it in half despite the power imbued within it. Holding one half of the broken weapon up, the newly born Youkai poured her own power into it, and watched as a large flower bloomed from around the spear’s tip. Winalagalis, realising that his would-be opponent had changed into something quite different, quickly retreated, and the Youkai of Flowers left the battlefield without a further thought, her original mission already long forgotten.

>> No.18544587

Having abandoned the original purpose of keeping humans in line, the Youkai of Flowers tore a path of destruction across the continent, purposefully seeking out the powerful, the proud, and the arrogant, seemingly delighting in their destruction. Many of the humans’ most skilled warriors purposefully sought her out, but few managed to stand against her for even a moment, with most being vaporised almost instantly by the immense power she had developed.

The old spirits of the land watched on, horrified at what they had, indirectly, unleashed upon the world. For a time they considered opposing the Youkai, but although they remained powerful, she had become something akin to nature incarnate, and even together, they would have little chance of defeating her in a direct confrontation. So instead they petitioned the greatest order in existence - the Celestial Bureaucracy, for aid. To this empire of gods, Youkai were nothing particularly new, but even they were surprised by how powerful this one had grown in such a short time, and acknowledged that a battle would be exceedingly costly at best. Instead, they set into motion a course of events which, was hoped, would make facing the Youkai directly unnecessary.

Playing on the Youkai’s penchant for battle, they slowly lured her across the globe, placing one powerful opponent after another in her path, while instructing their servants in distant lands to prepare for her arrival. This plan at first seemed to be working - much like water running downhill, the Youkai rushed to meet every challenge that the Celestial Bureaucracy set out.

However, the one thing they did not account for was the effect this would have on the Youkai herself. With some part of her still being a spirit of nature, she was far more in tune with the natural order, and so developed far more quickly than most Youkai would be expected to. Long before reaching the destination intended for her, she had already formed a fairly powerful sense of self, giving herself the name “Yuuka” shortly after arriving in Japan.

With the promise of yet another strong opponent, the Celestial Bureaucracy drew the Youkai to the shores of a crystal clear lake, high in the mountains. It was here that they had assembled a force to confront, and hopefully seal her away - more than a thousand warrior monks, dozens of Oni and Shinigami, all led by one of the generals of heaven’s army - Xin Xing, awaited her. A force this size should have been more than a match for almost any Youkai, but even so, they weren’t taking any chances. As soon as the Youkai of Flowers arrived, General Xin raised a powerful barrier, effectively sealing off the lake and its immediate surroundings from the rest of the world. As none there harboured any fear of Youkai, this should have drastically reduced her power.

It did not.

Yuuka hesitated only for the briefest moment, unaccustomed to the sensation of existing purely on her own merits, but she recovered far more quickly than any normal Youkai, and acted with staggering ferocity. In a single outpouring of magical energy that nearly shattered the barrier, half of heaven’s forces lay dead, and in the minutes that followed, the Youkai of Flowers methodically slaughtered her way through the rest, until only a handful remained. It was at this point that one of the greater gods intervened directly - Leizu, also known as the Perfect King of Universal Transformation, descended from the sky and unleashed a lightning bolt of immense power.

Yuuka responded in kind, raising the strange parasol she had carried for several centuries now, and concentrating the very essence of sunlight into its tip. For a brief moment, she matched the power of a god thousands of times her age and experience, but she was still just a Youkai, a few thousand years old, standing against a god that predated the very world she had been born on.

Leizu’s attack was powerful enough to shatter the barrier between reality and the dream world, and it was into this strange space that he forcefully cast Yuuka, before trapping her there. In the aftermath of the battle, the blood of the many dead flowed into the once-clear waters of the lake, permanently colouring them a deep crimson. Despite the great cost, one of the most violent and destructive Youkai of recent eras had been sealed, and so Leizu and Xin Xing collected their remaining forces and departed.

>> No.18544602

hahaha post the insect doujin haha

>> No.18544618

Yuuka best incubator.

>> No.18544629
File: 31 KB, 1600x1000, yuuka pod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proven fact.

>> No.18544652

Nice Yuuka origin story

>> No.18544655
File: 746 KB, 1280x1315, 021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is also the best pet

>> No.18544664
File: 361 KB, 689x832, yuuka is a dog2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a very multi-talented individual.

>> No.18544671

I hope you have paid your health insurance cover? I have a strong feeling you will be in need of it's services real soon!

>> No.18544697
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>> No.18545270

Alice is the best insect rapee.

>> No.18545295

does yuuka realize how much she could make running a sunflower seed business

>> No.18545674
File: 491 KB, 600x808, 35927785_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A chilling tale, storyteller. Is it your own original content and not a remake of any folk tale?
May you be rewarded with eternity for it.
