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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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18331890 No.18331890 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>18316554

Read the guide before asking questions:

>> No.18332006

Any place to get free audiobooks for listening practice?


>> No.18332013

check the cornucopia of resources, there should be some listening stuff to download there
if not then check youtube or something

>> No.18332015
File: 592 KB, 600x848, 1489538430494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't do your reps

>> No.18332020

Nothing in cornucopia and can't find anything on YouTube :(

>> No.18332027

Read more

>> No.18332045


>> No.18332234
File: 83 KB, 500x600, 3b7f187e6de38012233d006a1cc7963c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how difficult is nekopara to read?

>> No.18332253


>> No.18332481

Does anti-Dekinai actually want me to learn Japanese?

>> No.18332490

Very difficult. The language is easy but it's so bad

>> No.18332542
File: 20 KB, 1112x392, 2018-02-02 16_10_19-ATOKイミクル.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If any of you are interested in an offline J-J dictionary program you might want to check out ATOK since it comes with a dictionary you can activate by highlighting a word and tapping CTRL twice.

I don't like it as much as google ime, but you can still use the dictionary even if you keep google ime as your default.

>> No.18332640

I'll try to make this quick.

When I do my reps, I make sure to write down all words given to help retain them in my memory. Though after a year of doing this, my notebook is getting pretty full and has never been organised since I started. I'd like to organise them in a way that's both effective and efficient but am not sure how to go about it.
I was thinking of just sorting by Noun, Adjective, Verb.. etc. But as I started sorting them out, I realised that this method would cause me to flip between categories frantically when I want to look up words that use a specific kanji. So then I started going by first kanji used. Then of course right off the bat I realised that words that use the same kanji in different orders like "会社" and "社会" would be too far apart from each other to quickly look over and compare.
I know I shouldn't focus on this as much as I should just keep practising, but it's difficult for me to flip through my notes when I want a quick refresher.

>Just use a dictionary
Not quite the solution I'm looking for. When struggling to remember new words from memory, going through my notes is a lot easier than trying to remember which kanji were used, or how the whole word is pronounced.

Sorry for the wall of text.

>> No.18332647

I missed a day of Anki and now want to die.
How often do you anons miss days?

>> No.18332650

I forgot to mention that I was seeking for advice if that wasn't obvious. Any help is appreciated.

>> No.18332665

How much would you say writing the words from Anki help? Do you just write every word you get incorrect?

>> No.18332683

Read more

>> No.18332691

About one day every two months or so, usually happens because I didn't have time to do them during the day, and then fall asleep before getting the chance to do so. It doesn't affect much except for double reviews the next day. I wouldn't recommend skipping more than a day in a row though, because than can start fucking with your intervals.

>> No.18332692

Usually when I have exams and essays in uni and I need to use that hour for cramming, I usually try to avoid that by halting new words which makes me like twice as quick over a week but sometimes it happens

>> No.18332726

I read this post several times and I'm confused because it almost sounds like you're creating your own dictionary in a notebook and you somehow believe this is more efficient than using an actual dictionary.

>> No.18332739

I write them all down in the order given. Then when they come up again in the review, I'll answer based on memory. The ones I have trouble with I'll mark down on my notes. I do this until I finish my reps for the day and go back to my notes to write down the ones I've struggled with at least 10 times in a row. Then once I've finished doing that, I'll go through them again without checking the definition to see if I've learned it well enough. if not, I'll go over it again another 10 times. Depending on my mood, I'll keep doing that until it's for sure stamped to memory, otherwise I just end the review there.
I'd say writing them down helps a lot for me. In my spare time I'll try to write down what I know from memory. Helps give a visualisation as to how well I'm retaining what I've learned, and a good reason to look up words I know, but have forgotten kanji to when going over them again in my head. That's sort of why I'd like to better organise my notes. So I can quickly find what I was looking for in these situations.

I haven't studied ANYTHING along the lines of sentence structure, verb conjuration, or tenses. Anything I read I'll just try to interpret based on context. Not really a solution to my problem though.

You aren't wrong I guess. It's just that this "dictionary" helps me keep track of my progress as well. So anything I've learned recently I can easily look over. Using jisho alongside this seems pretty inefficient if I cant remember pronunciation or kanji. Just going by translation is also hit and miss. I guess I just find this way works better for me.

>> No.18332743

He's one of those people procrastinating from learning Japanese by making up these little ''side-projects'' that he can flaunt to friends to look cool and make believe that he knows a lot more than he does. Disregard him.

>> No.18332745

About 5 times in 4 years.

>> No.18332756


>> No.18332773

There are various tools that make looking up words very easy in the guide resource list. I can't imagine you're reading very much if you believe this ridiculous project is a worthwhile use of your time. If you intend to learn Japanese in this decade you should follow the advice in the guide.

>> No.18332821

once every couple weeks; i have a delayed sleep phase disorder or something

>> No.18332833

a sleep cycle that insists on shifting over time is called non-24 and it's supposedly absurdly rare but that's just underdiagnosis

>> No.18332845

Yeah, I sleep an hour or 2 late every single day, it sucks, but also kind of nice if you're a NEET. Get to experience everything. NEETing is probably what caused it though, actually.

>> No.18332855

I'm a NEET because of it instead of the other way around. It started happening early on in highschool and made it so I couldn't function at all. It wasn't until I gave in and left school that I started acting like a human being again instead of a zombie.

>> No.18332857

i usually forced it down with sleep aids when i was working, but sometimes it stays in place, so i think my lack of shits to give has just brought it back out.

>> No.18333000

I've just started "learning Japanese" (I already know phonology, simple grammar + about 200-300 words from being an irredeemable weeaboo) using Anki and writing down kanji as I encounter them during that. Been doing it for about a week now.

It's a great method! I really like the way Anki organises the learning process for you so you don't forget things easily. I wish I had known about it for my other subjects in secondary school, I probably would have done a lot better on my GCSEs.

My question is, once I'm a few months in and I have lots of reviews each day, if I spend about 15-30 seconds (including writing stuff and what it means & the kana before I see the definition) on each card, how much time is it going to take up each day?

>> No.18333007

You're gonna see each card at least 5 times for reviews before it's "mature" so do your own math based on that.

>> No.18333017

>>18333000 (cont.)
I should say, I have a pretty good memory so I'm marking things as easy about 1/2 of the time, and I know a lot of the basic vocab that's showing up early on as well.

Also - wow. I got lucky with those digits.

>> No.18333156

go back to r eddit

>> No.18333184

don't worry, he will once he realizes there is no meme points here and any use of identity will get him filtered

>> No.18333542

Oh shit, that reminds me. I gotta optimize 6k again

>> No.18333564

The 時に here is talking about time in general right? "habit (性癖?)born from the times when ~"?

>> No.18333771

Can anyone explain what meaning does "という" have in:
そうか。 お前も武器を手にして

>> No.18333992

You've just said (1)directly or (2)indirectly "I'll fight against ~."
I guess (2) is very likely in this line.

>> No.18334021
File: 932 KB, 258x258, 1463015869241.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please recommend to me a manga that will keep my interest.

>> No.18334028

What do you like?

>> No.18334083

The guide no longer mentions leech settings, either suspend or tag only.
Does this mean its fine to set them to suspend? I really don't feel like I'm learning them

>> No.18334131

I wouldn`t suspend them. Maybe search for an example sentence or try to add a picture if you can. I didn`t do it before but this is the aproach i`ll take now that im back to learning. Or you could just suspend them if you feel it doesn`t make any difference.

>> No.18334177
File: 646 KB, 2600x3600, 1510715729356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats probably a good idea. I suppose on a value scale of 'how bad I feel when they are suspended indefinitely' vs 'these few are eating heaps of your review time unnecessarily' the former is more painful, my time is not that precious.

>> No.18334228

I assume this guy's talking about this girl's dark pupils, but I'm confused as to what the function of がちな is supposed to be.

>> No.18334429

I get the gist of what he's saying, but how is 退こう read?

>> No.18334440

Stopped reading there.

>> No.18334489

>Nothing in cornucopia
Japanese !L-R

>> No.18334492

>When struggling to remember new words from memory, going through my notes is a lot easier than trying to remember which kanji were used, or how the whole word is pronounced.
That's not good. Your mind has associated the recollection of these words with the action of going through your notes rather than the sight of the word itself.

>> No.18334516

Move aside: どく
Retreat: しりぞく, ひく

>> No.18334528
File: 115 KB, 1346x1056, EBwin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EBwin handles catalog files, meaning any of those monolingual dictionaries from the CoR can be loaded into it. Pic related.
These dictionaries, btw
It is offline, in case it wasn't clear. EBwin
Direct download page

>> No.18334788

I like a good romance (not a big fan of ecchi, though I'll put up with it if it's not the main focus). I'd prefer something with minimal furigana, some is fine, I just don't want every kanji to have them.
I passed the N2 in December so as long as it isn't something notoriously difficult don't worry about that.

>> No.18334797

I guess I'm sticking with しりぞく then.
For context, he's, uh, had his arm pinned down by his sister's butt and is thinking it's now or never, basically

>> No.18334825

I also really enjoy the works of Kiyohiko Azuma, so a comedy as good as Azumanga Daioh would be great.

>> No.18334881

Comedy is pretty subjective. Do you prefer four panel manga or freeform? What about selecting the without furigana and comedy filters on mokuroku.neocities.org and putting together a shortlist to read the first chapter or two of?
I found ゆゆ式 and ご注文はうさぎですか? hilarious at times but, yeah: subjective.

>> No.18334963



>> No.18334980
File: 168 KB, 856x480, Baka na Imouto o Rikou ni Suru no wa Ore no XX Dake na Ken ni Tsuite_01_[F2A5991E].mp4_snapshot_02.52_[2018.02.03_10.47.21].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18334991


>> No.18335045

I've lately gotten really sick of the Cute Girls Doing Cute Things genre, because it was all I watched/read for six months. Maybe it's not the genre itself, but the sickly sweet feeling of it, like when you eat too much candy. I want something that will make me feel something other than comfy and fuzzy.

>> No.18335059

That's why you watch 30 shows per season so you get that variety

>> No.18335064





>> No.18335177

What did you read? A list, post it.

>> No.18335201


>> No.18335205

>I guess I'm sticking with しりぞく then.
I think ひく is used a lot more? Like every time I hear this word pronounced it's ひく, but しりぞく

>> No.18335219


>> No.18335223

Yeah you're supposed to balance it
i use CGDCT after a particularly sad series, or just one that was massive and fun, and I feel sad that the ride is over

>> No.18335227


>> No.18335234


>> No.18335235

This is the dumbest fucking meme phrase. It doesn't mean anything; it doesn't describe anything beyond the most superficial of elements. Both /a/ and /jp/ would be a lot better off if trying to post this trite triggered a 24 hour auto-ban. Do you also call things "shounen"? Don't answer that.

>> No.18335240
File: 284 KB, 900x1280, 09_003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having some (a lot of) trouble with the last two panels on this page. It starts with "According to our tactics, I understand why we're going together, but is it really okay to pair up those two?" After that, I basically have to guess several things:
1. "なんとかライダー?" なんとか doesn't make sense to me here, is it short for なんと言うか, as in "are you talking about Rider?"
2. "どうとかで" according to Google it means "by any means" but I don't understand what it has to do with the following sentence "(he) brought Riokku down with a kick". Something like "in his case, anyhow, he brought Riokku down"?
3. What's "倒したりしてました" doing there? How is it different from "倒しました"? The only use of たり I know is to list multiple verbs, guess I'll have to check DoJG
4. "あいつにしてみりゃ" then on the next page "親みてえなもんだろ". From what I'm reading (http://selftaughtjapanese.com/2013/12/24/common-japanese-abbreviations-intermediate-advanced/)) りゃ is either short for れは or れば so the whole line must mean something like "This guy is trying to be like a parent" but I'm purely guessing at this point

>> No.18335241


>> No.18335248
File: 191 KB, 1680x943, 1469015328815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18335251

Forget the first question, now I realized that since it's the same person speaking it must be something like "What's his name, Rider?"

>> No.18335265



>> No.18335274


>> No.18335300

Something Rider, she only remember the Rider part of someones name
どう とか で
Not sure how to explain this but リオック got kicked because of something to do with rider, would be easier if I knew what was going on
>あいつにしてみりゃ" then on the next page "親みてえなもんだろ".
From his point of view (someone) was like a parent to him

>> No.18335303

>how something is (e.g. I don't really care how your dog is doing)
I got the above from the KireiCake dictionary.

>> No.18335359

Thanks, haven't seen みたい shortened to みてえ yet.
Also, about 倒したりしてました, I assume たり is there to indicate that things other than kicking the guy down were done.

>> No.18335369

To me it sounds like she saw it when it was happening but didn't see it all the way to the end so there might have been other things happening aswell

>> No.18335378

Honestly you're clearly too bad at japanese to start reading now. Finnish tae kim then come back.

>> No.18335489


>> No.18335495
File: 42 KB, 766x272, fart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18335508









>> No.18335509

〜しようという = 〜するつもり
〜しようという is used only from the third person point of view.

>> No.18335512

I did and I'm doing all right, thank you

>> No.18335522


>> No.18335543

Is there software that will make *vocabulary* (not voice line-based like most seem to offer) decks out of srt files, sorted by frequency?

>> No.18335593

I want to try reading ふたつ屋根の下 and あなたを大人にする○つのこと for kanji practice but I can't find them on Nyaa or anywhere I usually look, am I fucked?

I also tried looking for the magazine they are published in 電撃だいおうじ on Nyaa but I can only find the parent label 電撃だいおう. I can find 電撃だいおうじ on CDJapan but I don't know what volumes the debut chapters are in.

Does anybody know what volume the first chapters are in or maybe where I can download them?

>> No.18335600

Yeah, but those don't have the up-to-date versions of those dictionaries that ATOK has. If I want daijirin 3 or daijisen 2 I have to use kotobank.

>> No.18335630

That would be pretty slick. The only thing I can think of is to export the srt file as html and then use rikaisama/yomichan's anki import to make your own cards.

>> No.18335726

何も間違っていません t.native

>> No.18335743

you can read Ep1,2,3,and 9.

you can read Ep1,2,3,and 6.

>> No.18335792

what the actual fuck. why do I have to install SIX (六) extra third party dependencies

>> No.18335863
File: 460 KB, 472x419, 1451769263658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, you don't have to do any of that

>> No.18335954
File: 66 KB, 295x197, 1513892816631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it always such a pain in the ass to get Japanese subs to work with anime?

The timing is never right and I have to waste a lot of time on each episode just to sync it up and then half the time it will fuck up again in the middle of the episode and I have to sync it again.

>> No.18335980

I initally thought kanji subs were a good idea, but VN into no subs is actually better
its painful at first but then again so is reading to begin with

>> No.18335998 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 128x128, 9066302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roughly how much kanji/vocab should i know before reading simple books becomes useful?

Doing wanikani/anki/duolingo/lingodeer a couple hours a day is manageable and i'm def making progress but i'm kind of wondering when i'll be tall enough to grab that bottom rung of the ladder and start fuddling my way though simple books. Last time a tried i was spending so much time looking up words I just got frustrated. My speaking and listening are passable for my level of study. Any idea when I can be expected to play simple games or read simple books?

>> No.18336019

This is kind of a newb question but:
I got the sentence 家に遊びに来てください and i dont understand why they used the word 遊び here. I understand it's probably some sort of customary phrase but where does it come from? I feel insecure not understanding

>> No.18336032

Anti-Learning (So Bad, it's Good)
Here's how it works:
>Uninstall anki
>Never study grammar
>Just read and listen to Japanese stuff

If you do this you'll be fluent in a couple years, and it'll be fun. Thank me later.

>> No.18336033

what's a good card to add to core6k? having 5999 cards is deeply unsettling me.

>> No.18336037


>> No.18336042


>> No.18336061
File: 9 KB, 183x221, 2018-02-03_12-53-22-sel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which of these J-J dicts is the best one?

>> No.18336068
File: 59 KB, 312x330, tR-Blog-Polyglot-Steve-Kaufmann-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you still remember the face of your God?

>> No.18336093

thats a set phrase

>> No.18336095


>> No.18336106

Meikyoukoku is my favorite. I'll sometimes use Daijirin or Koujien (in that order) if the explanation doesn't immediately make itself clear. Shinmeikai is trash honestly. Never used Daijisen.

>> No.18336126

Just use weblio or some shitty online dictionary you fucking autist

>> No.18336139

>what the fuck is this retard talking about Katakana is so fucking easy
>3 years later
>steve is always right, fuck katakana

>> No.18336145

I want to use it with yomichan though.
I hate using J-E with all their shit inconsistencies and there is no J-J JMdict.

>> No.18336153

what does he say about kata? i've never bothered to watch his videos

>> No.18336154

Wow do you actually use yomichan to learn words? Are you that lazy?

>> No.18336156

if you want to invite someone for a special purpose, you can change the 遊び to the other verb(ます-form) . (遊び implies no such purposes)
e.g. 家に夕ご飯を食べに来てください

~に行く works in the same way.

>> No.18336161

did it get harder or is it just the only thing that remains consistently mildly annoying even after learning everything else pretty well?

>> No.18336173

No I used weblio and jisho before and want to test how it works.
Seems pretty good but the window it shows you is a clusterfuck and way too small.

I mostly read from real or e-books so yomichan won't help me anyway. Just playing around a little.

>> No.18336200
File: 481 KB, 344x844, 67567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18336303


>> No.18336355

Why is DJT so opposed to writing/production?

>> No.18336417

I've had my fair share of americans who think they're hot shit because they've read genki 2, when they actually don't even know how to put up a conversation
It's better if it stays like that

>> No.18336474

Most of us here never intend to live there, nor speak to anyone that we don't have to
it makes learning the skill of production/writing the only time we would ever use it

>> No.18336636

My retention is so fucking bad. Curse my brainlet ways.

>> No.18336652

Just keep practicing, maybe try a new way of memorizing things like writing them down or saying them out loud

>> No.18336659

Thank you anon. I will cease my bitching and continue.

>> No.18336676

If you're just starting it will get easier. When I started doing core 2k/6k I would get ≈55% correct, but after a few weeks it would go to ≈85%.

>> No.18336699

Why are racial slurs in japanese so tame?
アメ公 = american boy
露助 = russian guy
ちょん = don't even know what this means but probably some onomatopeia or imitation of korean sounds

>> No.18336720
File: 79 KB, 248x262, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have you accepted that Kahen Rider doesn't exist?
>He exists
>Please think a little
The question is, what's 先ではないですか supposed to mean?

>> No.18336745

>Firstly(先では), you should accept that Kahen Rider doesn't exist, shoudn't you(ないですか)?

>> No.18336778

> 「この辞書でのえんきょく表現」って、そんな語釈、反則です。

Holy shit this made me laugh.

>> No.18336788

I'm 20% into core with a true retention of 76%.

Is this acceptable?

>> No.18336802

If you have less than 20 new words then it's shit

>> No.18336816

You have good taste!

>> No.18336857

Alright then no more lapses from now on.

>> No.18336977


>> No.18337011

Thanks, man. It's very time consuming looking up individual kanji but I feel like i learnt quite a bit from just a few chapters.

Where else can you find lesser known manga if it's not up on Nyaa? I'm mainly thinking of individual chapters.

>> No.18337165

Is there anyway to make KanjiTomo text bigger? I have a 4K monitor and a full HD monitor as a dual set up. The KanjiTomo window doesn't work well with 4K and when I drag the KanjiTomo window to the HD monitor it doesn't resize properly and the text get very tiny and blurry.

Great program otherwise

>> No.18337226
File: 701 KB, 1080x1080, 1501709758921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to do isolated kanji study for words that hit leech threshold (hiragana only words aside). Is there any way I can create a new deck with this in mind with relative ease? As in, not having to make each card individually?

>> No.18337257
File: 36 KB, 790x388, Unbenannt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was trying to translate a Tweet but I could barely make sense of the sentence.
What does ボロボロにしてる mean? And according to jisho 草 means lol in slang, is that true?

>> No.18337264
File: 21 KB, 796x178, aaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy, I'm retarded and posted the wrong picture. Way to make an ass out of myself.

>> No.18337288

It says ボコボコ, not ボロボロ (it means beaten up)

>> No.18337305

Ah, thanks. That makes more sense now but I still don't understand who got beaten up by who.

Does he call Leo a monkey? ベヨ most likely means Bayonetta.

>> No.18337532
File: 120 KB, 440x548, ap 550x550 16x20 2 transparent t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could anyone tell me what this says?

>> No.18337537

Yes, the people over at >>>/wsr/

>> No.18337550

I thought this thread was for helping with Japanese?

>> No.18337559

It's for Japanese learners. It's not a translation service.

>> No.18337566

I am trying to learn Japanese, that's why I'm asking

>> No.18337569

Has anyone used TangoRisto on android? Is it worth a try?

>> No.18337577

Learn kana.

>> No.18337658

the pleasure of being cummed inside

>> No.18337864

What does ("Name"+達) mean? Something like "Name's crew or group"?

>> No.18337890

I don’t know?

>> No.18338008

>"Name's crew or group"
technically yes, but often you could just translate it with "they"

>> No.18338045


>> No.18338119

I guess I worded that wrong. Of course, I still try to remember what kanji were used, but when I'm absolutely stumped I'll check my notes for a refresher. I don't think I'm associating the word with flipping through my notes. Again, I'm trying to write from memory not read from it. Obviously when I read the word I wont need to look for a translation. It's just that due to the complex nature of kanji itself, when I'm trying to write it from memory I may need a refresher to make sure all the strokes are in the right places. I see what you're saying though.

>> No.18338181

Yep 草 means lol.
笑う (to laugh) > 笑 (shortened to just the kanji) > w (shortened again) > wwww (it kinda looks like grass) > 草
That's how it was explained to me, not sure how legit that is but there you go.

>> No.18338518




>> No.18338546


>> No.18338606
File: 46 KB, 197x162, 1448921957920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18338652
File: 99 KB, 1000x714, ay_103134877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the weak are meat the strong do eat

>> No.18338671
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>> No.18338695
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>> No.18338731


>> No.18338775

Need a good ecchi or lewd manga to motivate me to read. Does anyone have a suggestion?

>> No.18338832

Prison School

>> No.18338839
File: 314 KB, 1022x718, its not butter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18338944

サワー = sawa- = sour
Guess it's a sour drink.

>> No.18338954


>> No.18338958



>> No.18339025

A while ago I read that all fundamental Japanese words fall into one of four pitch accent categories. Someone said they color their anki cards according to which category the word is in. I know that one of them is the "accentless" category and one of them is the "downstep after the last mora" category, but what are the other two?

>> No.18339094

who here has trouble with understanding the usage of koto and mono no matter how many explanations they read. it just seems extra to me most of the time.

>> No.18339099

Just download the subs from animelon

That's what I did anyway

>> No.18339141


>> No.18339147


>> No.18339168




>> No.18339283

Is there anyone here willing to do English to Japanese translations?

>> No.18339292

how much are you paying

>> No.18339309

I've done it before, it's a lot harder than J-E translation, wouldn't recommend it

>> No.18339317
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I tried it once for the Made in Abyss threads on /a/. It sucked so I won't do it again.

>> No.18339548

Why is マ〇コ even a thing?

>> No.18339572

Why is f*ck even a thing?

>> No.18339580

But in porn?

>> No.18339598

I think I've seen it before. As for it being much more common over there, they also censor everything, maybe it comes with that mindset.

>> No.18339613 [DELETED] 

Why is ゴブリ even a thing?

>> No.18339617


>> No.18340130


>> No.18340134

>Studied x cards in y minutes today.
What is a healthy amount?

>> No.18340233
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>> No.18340424

I don't know, I have never done this before.

I'm trying to commission someone for some art, so the gist would be the general introduction, the meat of it would be the picture description, and the rest would be odds and ends about any details that might need to be changed.

I was hoping someone had done this before.

>> No.18340428
File: 481 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot (108).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not quite understanding his explanation for what he's doing in the classroom. I understand that everyone from class A is in the middle of something, but what does あがるさ mean here?

>> No.18340655

上がる(be raised to a higher status) さ

>> No.18340696



>> No.18340729

So I saw this
and this
Both say you learn best if you don't use a dictionary...
Should I not be using a text hooker for my VN's? Is a text hooker different, considering how easy it is to use?

>> No.18340733


>> No.18340746

If you need to use a dictionary to understand the story then you just need to use a dictionary, no matter what anything else says.

Anything other than that is subjective.

>> No.18340777

ヨコハマ買い出し紀行 is great

>> No.18340850
File: 380 KB, 1525x1026, 932ea936d243b7d068ad5c74e66218be[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reading Harry Potter in 3 hours
Is this real life?
Also, aren't these electronic dictionaries on their desks? (This picture was taken from tadoku.org)

>> No.18340877

You can read Harry Potter in English in like 5 hours if you have middle-school level WPM, if you're skimming at the 1k WPM mark you can read that shit in like an hour.

>> No.18340929

I hate videos like this because they remind me that I could have spent my childhood learning other languages and picking up valuable skills instead of squandering it on video games.

>> No.18340937

Unless you want to get into professional sports, it's never too late to start.

>> No.18340941

British version of harry potter book 7 has 600 pages (american version has larger font / wider margins so it's ~750 pages).
so that's >3 pages per minute which is like "book report due tomorrow" reading speed.

>> No.18340961

Certainly. That's why I'm here in the first place. I also hope to teach myself several programming languages, but balancing that with my habitual Japanese learning will be tough.

>> No.18341013




>> No.18341037

You learn best if you read things that you can understand without a dictionary. Trying to read something difficult without using a dictionary would be a waste of time.

>> No.18341044

>you learn best if you don't use a dictionary
You don't learn anything if you don't understand at the slightest what you're trying to comprehend.

>> No.18341067
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>> No.18341070

How can you read with this speed and still enjoy what you're reading? I can read very fast if I skim through pages but I don't understand why I would want to do it. I learn a lot from books even in my native language.

>> No.18341078
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My reading is so good but I can't get good at listening even though I'm watching so much shit

>> No.18341079

this only work if you buy their grade reading crap full of furigana

>> No.18341081

You just need to listen more, maybe. I really wish we had a collection of drama cds like we do with manga and novels.

>> No.18341136

Stop translating. You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about your translations are wrong for the parts that you think you know.

>> No.18341154

Because DJT is retarded. Most people who never learned to output kanji ironicaklly tend to be bad at reading (because they can't recognize similar characters) are slower are memorizing new words. They also generally can't infer unknown words based on their composition.

>> No.18341161

I'm not "translating", I just want people to point out exactly where I'm wrong.

>> No.18341162

>for the parts that you think you know.
I'm pretty sure he was aware that he didn't understand the meaning based on his first paragraph and he what he thought to show that he was making an effort to try and understand such that people would be more inclined to help him.

>> No.18341177

How do you guys read stuff on a 3DS? I tried Dragon Quest XI, but the Kanji are impossible to read.

>> No.18341183
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I don't know about 3DS, but I use an emulator for DS games and just man up. I'll either draw unknown kanji in google or use jisho's radical lookup.

>> No.18341204

If you have a good grasp on radicals, you can kind of guess. I want to say handwriting can help too, since bad handwriting looks like chicken scratch, just like the bunched up bullshit in some DS games, but some people will get pissy because production is evil.

>> No.18341265
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I got through Sonipro and MHXX with no problems. Doesn't DQXI have furigana, anyways?

If you're having that much difficulty reading text turn on the 3D mode, as that makes it clearer, although most 3DS games use pretty common kanji that's hard to misread or misunderstand, especially given context. MHXX's skills aside...

>> No.18341292

I can't substantiate a claim that production and reading has any overlap
however I can read just fine, so whatever small efficiencies your claim has are outweighed by the uselessness of the production learning process anyway

>> No.18341307


>> No.18341312

most people who learn to "output kanji" are ironically still shit at writing actual words

>> No.18341317

>because they can't recognize similar characters
Not everyone is as stupid and incapable of properly remembering characters and their distinctive radicals without writing them down 100 times like you are. Just saying.

>> No.18341323
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>> No.18341338




>> No.18341343





>> No.18341349

I couldn't write a single one of these in if I tried, and I started out by writing down kanji. 3 years is a long time, and if you don't keep up with this shit for 15 years like most nip kids do, it'll all disappear from your head when you stop doing it.

Production is the biggest fucking meme.

>> No.18341351






>> No.18341357



>> No.18341366
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>> No.18341370


>> No.18341375



>> No.18341392

good but depressing post
I always tell people "don't spend that much time learning to write until you already know japanese" but nobody ever listens

>> No.18341406
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kanji is fun!

>> No.18341495




>> No.18341504

besides the reading, is there any meaningful difference between 狩 and 猟?

>> No.18341510


>> No.18341523

look at their kanji entries on https://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/

>> No.18341536
File: 187 KB, 900x584, 09_191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Despite consulting both TK and DoJG on the subject of おく, I still don't quite get the third bubble. The character is talking about a big weapon her opponent pulled out as a last resort
>This is pretty big, isn't it?
>irritating me greatly for further convenience (I don't get it)
>still, I can't see it as anything other than a big piece of iron
>how is it different from your previous weapon?
I'm also not sure about grammatical purpose of the last と. Is it used for an indirect quote, as in "Speaking about your previous weapon"?

>> No.18341548

look up とっておき, your first translation is wrong

>> No.18341563

also you're misunderstanding the placement of ただ in the next line

it's not 「ただ、(rest of the sentence)」 but 「ただでかい」

>> No.18341580

12 (補助動詞)多く動詞に助詞「て」を添えた形に付く。

>>the last と

>> No.18341584

also you're completely overthinking the と given that your intuition (and translation) in this case is correct

I'll respond to your question with a question: what particle would you possibly suggest if not と?

>> No.18341635


>> No.18341647


>> No.18341687


>> No.18341701

Just set a moege to auto read and turn your screen off.

>> No.18341788
File: 1 KB, 69x33, 1506653765098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is the first kanji friends

>> No.18341805


>> No.18341817

Got it
I can't really think of anything, the problem is that there's technically nothing being quoted which confused me
So, if it's そのままにする, then the sentence would be "it keeps irritating me greatly", followed by the next sentence which specifies that she's irritated (confused? I'm not sure about this word) because the trump card is nothing but a huge piece of iron?

>> No.18341838





>> No.18341900

I think the more accurate statement is that reading material where you can get by with minimal or no dictionary use is optimal use of your time. But as far as starting out that way as the first link suggests, I doubt it's a good idea, they're simply trying to sell you graded readers. My personal opinion is that graded readers might be an okay idea if they had a hell of a lot more material in them, and cost a lot less considering how many you'd need to buy.
It should also go without saying, motivation and interest are more important than efficiency. If you are enjoying what you're reading even if you are stopping constantly to look things up, it's probably better than switching to something easier which you don't enjoy. Within reason, of course.

>> No.18341964
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I just remembered to check if jlpt results were out yet. We did it rebbit

>> No.18341990


>> No.18342034

>did it

Seems you didn't aim too high.

>> No.18342049

for what purpose?

>> No.18342080

Good job anon. I passed the N2 as well but you got a much better score than I did.

>> No.18342087




>> No.18342137

What do you mean, it's a low score? I expected to fail to be honest.
I dunno I just wanted to see if I could pass it and I don't think there's any way I would've passed n1. First time doing jlpt. Also can't you work in nip with n2? Not that I would ever give up hikiNEET life.

>> No.18342199 [DELETED] 
File: 120 KB, 572x967, asd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went to my local Vietnamese place and saw this group of middle aged Japanese women. They talked about their children how well they do in school. I was surprised I understood them so well, yet I felt a little nervous. I wonder if they are a club of stay at home moms, it was afternoon.

>> No.18342215

should have striked a conversation and NTR'd one of them

>> No.18342232

だって漢字は表意文字 ideographs, not phonetic characters なんだもん
>>/int/中文(Chinese) から適当に拾ってきたけど




>> No.18342252

>What do you mean, it's a low score? I expected to fail to be honest.


>> No.18342297

Not directed at anyone in particular but one thing I've noticed in these threads is a lot of anons posting often highly off topic, blog worthy and otherwise dumb sounding shit in Japanese which wouldn't be tolerated in English. My question is to those who routinely do this: why and for what purpose?

>> No.18342299

Sure and I'm not disagreeing with you but don't people often say "I did it" as in "I passed the test"? I don't see the problem.

>> No.18342376

>posting often highly off topic, blog worthy and otherwise dumb sounding shit in Japanese
about the only one that might do this on a regular basis is imouto
and hes a native who provides considerable assistance
but otherwise you're tilting at windmills

>> No.18342492

reminder that if someone can't read a whole volume of manga within a single day and only a few hours spent actually reading then their Japanese skill level is too low to trust them for any advice or help

>> No.18342504

whys that

>> No.18342506

Feels really weird when I hear spoken Japanese IRL. Not many Japanese in southern US.

>> No.18342513


>> No.18342515

i don't know Japanese and i can do it, so if anyone can't then their Japanese is far too bad to be considered

>> No.18342526


>> No.18342531

what if people spend longer than others just looking at the artwork
doesn't that throw off your time scale while their ability with the language maybe proficient

>> No.18342538

Yeah, the point was that you should take less than an hour for a volume of manga.

>> No.18342541

i already analyze the artwork deeply
also it was about capability, not their actual habits

>> No.18342545

This was never about that kind of thing. They were clearly stating a level range where they personally knew people couldn't be taken seriously.

>> No.18342549

Yeah, and I'm telling you that "more than one hour for a volume of manga" is within that range.

>> No.18342556

No, you're flaunting vague superiority without actually saying anything. Neck yourself.

>> No.18342561
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I can't even pay enough attention long enough to read a whole volume in English, let alone Japanese.
I did it when I read Wingman, but I really had to force myself to read.

>> No.18342563

i never implied that a few hours a volume was a fluent reading speed
work on your English maybe?

>> No.18342576

You implied it was enough to take someone seriously.

>> No.18342583

in fact i started the opposite

>> No.18342592

>i don't know Japanese and i can do it,
obviously you can't take advice from someone who doesn't know Japanese

>> No.18342623

So was the original poster.

>> No.18342626

Don't take advice from anyone bragging about their reading speed.

>> No.18342640

posting crappy reading speeds isn't bragging, but insisting other people are pushing low standards is

>> No.18342644

They actually said something: don't trust people who ___. All you did was greentext something out of context in attempt to suppress your depression by shitting on it. Get over yourself.

>> No.18342651

don't (you) them if it's like that

>> No.18342659

That was my first post in this thread. It came off like bragging to me too.

>> No.18342663

Flashbacks to reading threads on Reddit where established, respected community members who give help and argue all the time took like a week to read a volume of manga that had furigana because of looking up words (supposedly).

>> No.18342673

Work on your English communication skills. Setting a loose baseline based on their own ability isn't bragging. If it sounds like it then your mental framework for social behavior is very fucked up.

>> No.18342679

Sure dude.

>> No.18342682

>If it sounds like it then your mental framework for social behavior is very fucked up.
this is 4chan, everyone is an attention whore or has a mental illness, no normal social interactions allowed

>> No.18342699

Never again. Don't trust anyone who doesn't qualify for actual fluency and literacy. Knowing what someone who isn't fluent is capable of (how little) is important - I know people who know very little Japanese who translate doujinshi faster than I can read them (work my bad Japanese, but I always assumed even worse than them), and guess what, turns out they use machine translation. Same with a VN blogger I followed. Never again.

>> No.18342702

works faster than my bad Japanese.

Dropped a bit there.

>> No.18342750

>but otherwise you're tilting at windmills
Scroll up and see it yourself. Clearly you are one of these people and don't like feeling called out, but this shit is annoying for those of us who use this thread for its intended purposes. Why don't you go to a site like 5ch or something and mindless shitpost there? No one benefits from this activity, the least of all from the imouto clown you have decided to white knight for (which may be you for all we know).

>> No.18342758

This isn't healthy. Get a hold of yourself.

Four short sentences or less. Otherwise you're leaking personal problems.

>> No.18342795

>Same with a VN blogger I followed.

MDZ? Kiva?

>> No.18342800

Or Clephas? Then again, why would you follow Clephas?

>> No.18342803

I don't even remember anymore. It feels like decades ago.

>> No.18342807

Rings a bell but I never followed them.

>> No.18343263

Does anyone have some feedback on the language schools Osaka ARC Academy and OBKG (大阪文化国際学校)?
Both seem decent and cost about the same. I just passed JLPT N3 and I plan to study in one of these schools for 3 or 6 months.

Note: I know it's probably not worth the money but I still want to give it a try.

>> No.18343356

Does AJATT work?

>> No.18343391 [DELETED] 

>Japanese immersion. But on steroids, times 100.

>> No.18343404

All roads lead to Rome anon. As long as you stop stopping after one kilometer and turning back.

AJATT is pretty much immersion on steroids times 100, if you read and listen daily there is no reason you wouldn't make it.

>> No.18343434

Is there a good site for Japanese etymology? I always find Kanji and words origin fascinating.

I'm also looking for a "complete" folklore storybook for children in japanese. Do anyone know about such a thing?

>> No.18343469

So the kanji for bug/insect is 虫, but the version used in the title of mushishi is 蟲. Google searches for the difference turn up a bunch of discussion threads saying how pretty much the latter is only used in manga so I assume it might be an outdated usage. However whenever a kanji is outdated usually the dictionaries I use say that, but they don't in the case with this. Anyone have some insight?

>> No.18343572

strictly speaking, 虫 and 蟲 means the different things.

See here:

>人間・鳥類・獣類・魚類・貝類 shellfish 以外の小動物 small animal を意味し、特に昆虫に使われます。
*don't overlook "以外"

>「蟲」は、昆虫や爬虫類 reptiles、ねずみなどの小動物、魚類などの生物全般を意味します。

>> No.18343595

Or try "蟲 虫 違い"

>> No.18343609

As I'm learning Japanese I really like to translate stuff in my amateurish way, but the tools I use are very crude - just a notepad. Are there any simple tools you'd recommend for someone who wants to translate stuff? I mean editing tools, something that shows you the original text as you translate/progress etc.

>> No.18343610

I know I can look up 違い but I'm at that stage where I'm sluggishly getting through yotsubato so native explanations are kind of above my skill level although I'll try making sense of the article anyway, thanks.

>> No.18343631

>start learning japanese
>learn how to say the most basic useless shit, but it gets me into the language
>get to a high-beginner level
>can say a decent amount of shit, but still very green
>get to an imtermediate level of japanese
>can say and understand a respectable amount of shit
>continue getting better and better, and learning more and more
>always ask myself for fun "how would I say ____ in japanese"
>no matter how good I get or how much I learn, the answer is "I still can't"
How can I learn so much and know so little? when does this suffering end?

>> No.18343660

maybe your standards are too high

>> No.18343699

So basically what I'm getting is, 蟲 is used for large, reptilian-like non-mammals and slithery things like centipedes that people tend to be freaked and grossed out by, while 虫 is more for smaller insects like fleas and less "gross" or scary ones like beetles?

>> No.18343700

At least you're able to say anything in Japanese. I'll never be able to be conversational at all because my social retardation won't let me.

>> No.18343702

those articles are not easy to read because most natives are also confused...
i support your motivation.

>> No.18343747


because you haven't worked on that at all. find a speaker to practice with.

>> No.18343870


>> No.18343886

Anyone got scans of cardcaptor sakura of volume 1 that are readable?
I got some but they're too low res.

Other volumes I found look decent

>> No.18343958


>> No.18344017
File: 299 KB, 446x393, 1486960668450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, but you're wrong. The versions for the most popular EPWING dictionaries in the CoR are as follows:

Daijirin - 3rd Edition

Daijisen - 1st Edition (revised version)

Kojien - 6th Edition

Kenkyusha (J-E) - 5th Edition (the 6th Edition is also in the CoR, but that's E-J, not J-E)

>> No.18344023

蟲 is just an old version of 虫 which is still ocassionally used. There is no difference between them aside from the fact.

>> No.18344060

Kojien is to Japanese what the Oxford Dictionary is to English. Daijirin is Kojien's main competitor and is also good. I recommend using both.

>> No.18344099


>> No.18344306

Is there a way to erase any furigana from aozora books on their site?

>> No.18344503

anki data keeps increasing .2 mb per day

the question is, for how long does it keep journaling?

>> No.18344666

It's a botnet that keeps saving your personal info and sending it to Dekinai-chan

>> No.18344803
File: 124 KB, 1037x649, muv luv alternative.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this two typos in a single sentence? I can't imagine rice bowls are a very important component for gigantic fighting robots, and I'm pretty sure in this case Takeru meant to say 関節 instead of 間接.

>> No.18344854


>> No.18345243
File: 16 KB, 640x480, 1513721781698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Reproduction doesn't matter" - The eternal N3

>> No.18345279


>> No.18345291

More like it's pointless to try and produce if your main goal is just to consume since by consuming large amounts of native media you will naturally build up knowledge that you can use to more easily produce sentences than someone forcing production like some textbook exercise rigidly adhering to a set syntax. Even Steve-sama says this; I remember him saying something along the lines of "I've talked to people who said they read but they have trouble producing sentences, so I ask them 'what do you read?' and they can't answer that. I tell them that, in order to be able to produce, you need to read more."

>> No.18345311

Do Chinese-derived compounds have a fancier connotation to kun-reading terms with the same meaning?
清涼 and 涼しい, for instance.

>> No.18345313
File: 492 KB, 250x188, 1498316009226.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I read to prepare myself for the N1 next December?

>> No.18345329

From my experience compounds tend to be more literary.

>> No.18345336
File: 18 KB, 93x275, kanji7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In picrelated, is the い in いクラス a 異 - so it means something like "different class" - or am I misunderstanding something? Otherwise the みたいにい doesn't make much sense.


>> No.18345379


>> No.18345394

They can but it depends on their frequency.

>> No.18345399

I'm having trouble understanding what it says after に。

>> No.18345429
File: 23 KB, 200x300, 1510866841433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I stop myself from looking at furigana?

>> No.18345443

Read things that don't have furigana.

>> No.18345446

>largely based upon
>largely due to
Did you try looking any of that up? I imagine による at the very least would show up in grammar guides.
Hold the text farther away from you and do you very best not to look at it by keeping your focus towards the left side of the characters.

>> No.18345481


>> No.18345498

There's nothing wrong with looking at furigana. It's what they're there for. Just make sure you look at the kanji first.

>> No.18345543

graduate from baby shonen manga to seinen

>> No.18345638


>> No.18345690

just read hentai

>> No.18345696

I made it through middle school and high school with like 0-3 hours of sleep every night because I HAD to wake up at 6:30 to make it to school.
Spent 3 years as a neet, my rhythm went full circle probably every two weeks. I'm in uni now and it's still doing it, mandatory attendance this semester is wreaking havoc on me though.
I've never met anyone that does the same so I thought I'm just crazy, my shrinks never mentioned it as any specific condition.
It ruins my anki reviews because every few weeks my sleep rhythm passes the reset time threshold so I do double reps but anki says I missed a day, it's annoying

>> No.18345701

yeah this is almost to the dot how it goes for me, not counting attendance responsibilities

>> No.18345763

>but anki says I missed a day
If the scheduling starts fucking you over, you can always turn back your clock before you do reviews.

>> No.18345793

Kanji was a fucking mistake.

>> No.18345810

How much does writing down words actually help you to remember them (the kanji parts).
As in just writing them down, not looking back on them or anything.

>> No.18345848

It was, but there's no use complaining about it. It's too late to get rid of it now, so if you want to learn Japanese then you'll just have to deal with it.

>> No.18345860

It was, but it isn't anymore.

>> No.18345881

Less than learning radicals. More than just seeing them.

>> No.18345884

It forces you to spend more time with the information and thus artificially increases your chance of remembering it.

>> No.18345897

It forms a tactile memory. Particularly if you consider the radicals while writing. >>18345884 too.

>> No.18345899

I like kanji, it's a good pleb filter. In fact, we should use 万葉仮名 again to make Japanese even more intimidating to weed out the true EOP's

>> No.18345900

Yeah but I still don't know the most efficient way to learn it.
Right now I'm doing the 2/6K vocab anki deck, but pretty much 99% of my Again's are due to not being able to recall the kanji and their reading, and it certainly doesn't fucking help that each kanji have different readings depending on which word they're in and how many of them there are. And even if I do learn them, I'll just lapse like crazy a few days later.
Meanwhile my hiragana is almost perfect.
I did get about 25% through a radical deck but I didn't really think it was helping, and it might've just made things worse for my memory. Should I pick it back up?

I guess you really can't learn Japanese.


>> No.18345902
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>> No.18345907

Don't think of ways how to learn it, just learn it you fucking autist.

>> No.18345909

It takes time. More exposure time. Thats it

>> No.18345915

sorry you're a brainlet

>> No.18345923

>my hiragana is almost perfect

You can't learn Japanese, just leave before you start feeling the sunk cost you peanut brain

>> No.18345934

Reminder that starting with kanji study before you have any other fundamentals is a very bad idea. Kanji study is not useful if you do not have a basic understanding of the language or how Japanese written text works, and even worse, you spend a lot of time worrying about things that don't matter at all, and you're going to be building misconceptions that will take months to dissolve when you start actually reading. Time spent early on on kanji study is better spent doing almost anything else, even just sitting around relaxing. Once you reach a basic level of vague competence this stops being the case, but that's where everything becomes subjective and learning advice outside of "read more" is useless.

>> No.18345946
File: 2.41 MB, 4032x3024, 66E734E8-7654-47B0-9A1F-BF05D9CAC46F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, did he just say he killed both his parents? In the very first panel of this manga?

>> No.18345949

Damnit, how does this keep happening.
Also scratch that, I’m a moron with reading comprehension issues

>> No.18345951

anyone this one?

>> No.18345973

I mean there probably are, but trying to translate with a notepad is how my Japanese learning started to really accelerate. I think as long as you approach it systematically (like transcribing the original text first for instance), a notepad should be fine, and more helpful for you as a learner.

If you’re talking about actual scanlating, that’s a separate matter obviously.

>> No.18346100

sounds like a shitty idea unless you have someone/something to check the accuracy of your translations

>> No.18346109
File: 31 KB, 774x707, 2018-02-04 21_39_06-三省堂 スーパー大辞林.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It literally says 第2版.

>> No.18346130

異クラス seems to be correct

I admit I've never heard it before but it looks real and used

>> No.18346152
File: 26 KB, 659x237, 1500241718812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is this picture from?

The EPWING dictionaries in the CoR all come from a torrent on RuTracker and there the Daijirin EPWING dictionary is listed with the 3rd Edition's ISBN number and release date.

>> No.18346159
File: 19 KB, 567x533, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a screenshot of the contents of the epwing dictionary.

>> No.18346197
File: 45 KB, 645x264, 1488977156914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I didn't know you could view an info page like this but I just had a mess around and figured out how to do it in the program I use.

It seems you are indeed correct. Sorry in that case. The original torrent description must be wrong.

What is the program in your screencap, by the way?

>> No.18346202

in mine >>18346159 it's ebwin also I'm not >>18346109

>> No.18346244

Question here, since I'm not good at messing with Anki outside of doing daily reps. I didn't have access to my Anki for several weeks, and I don't feel comfortable leaving off where I was without doing some review of the Kanji that I've 'seen' up to this point. I noticed theres an option for custom study, but is there a way to review the first 400~ kanji at a time?

>> No.18346288

So I'm having trouble understanding this sentence, I'm a novice so bear with me please.

They way I got to it was 秋の訪れ which is Autum's visit, then 告げる 冷えた風 I assume it's "cold wind informed"
However I can't get into 乗って

>> No.18346305
File: 139 KB, 1066x838, 1517713999293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the cold riding on the wind signaled autums coming? i guess

>> No.18346310

When I started learning words I got about 150-200 in just by using the flashcards and not writing anything. By that point it became very frustrating and hard to recall or retain a lot of the words.

Since then I started writing them down every time a new one showed up. If I got one wrong enough to know "I keep getting that one wrong", I write it again. Ever since I started writing them down, I've made it up to almost 1000 with pretty consistent recollection and retention.

Its probably different for everyone, but writing has been a huge help for me.

>> No.18346334

>but those don't have the up-to-date versions of those dictionaries that ATOK has
1. does it matter?
2. if so, use the catalog files for those dictionaries.

>> No.18346355

anons please guide me, I went to Japan to study for 4 weeks some short course in iidabashi tokyo and I'm really into it. however I cannot afford to study at uni and private schools. can someone recommend a short basic guide to get to n2 level? I really want to work my way up there to hopefully for a career.

>> No.18346365

Read the guide before asking questions

>> No.18346376


>> No.18346386

Riding the cold wind which signaled autumn's arrival.

>> No.18346407

sorry anon I meant like a time duration to get to n2. something like this >read genki---> anki---> vn's----> socialise,etc

>> No.18346427
File: 87 KB, 1280x334, migu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came across a nice font called Migu 1C.


It's basically the M+ font with modifications maid to aid readability by, for instance, making the handakuten mark way easier to distinguish from the regular dakuten mark even at small sizes. I hate having to press my face up against my monitor and squint to tell the difference so this is a very welcome feature for me.

The only problem is, while it's supposed to use the IPA font for kanji instead of using the M+ kanji glyphs, it seems to just be using the regular M+ kanji glyphs for me...

Oh, and there's also another version called Migu 1P, with the major difference between it and Migu 1C being that Migu 1C uses proportional kana while Migu 1P uses fixed (width) kana. There are some other small differences, but that's the main one. Then there's Migu 1M which is a totally fixed font (though the Latin glyphs and Japanese glyphs have different widths so it's not really monospace).

>> No.18346442

There's not really any right way to learn japanese (unless you're a redditard, then you're probably doing it the wrong way)
Anyhow it'll take at least 2 years to get to that level, this is coming from someone who actually took the test. There are no shortcuts in language learning. The more time you spend immersing yourself in it, the faster you will learn.

>> No.18346451

Thank you

>> No.18346464

How does reddit learn japanese?

>> No.18346470

thanks anon, can I ask what pathway you took? I'll try put 4 hours a day into learning japanese, considering thats how long the classes were back then.

>> No.18346471

>The only problem is, while it's supposed to use the IPA font for kanji instead of using the M+ kanji glyphs, it seems to just be using the regular M+ kanji glyphs for me...
Yep, just tried replacing the version from my distro's repos with the version from the site itself and I'm still getting M+ kanji glyphs with it for some reason.

>> No.18346499

Genki, DuoLingo, cloze cards

>> No.18346522
File: 140 KB, 635x476, i dont.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get it

>> No.18346526

I read genki I, realised it was shit and dropped it in the early pages, started reading yotsuba, also dropped it because it's boring, read Tae Kim and stopped half-way through, only using it for reference as I read manga, started core and stopped later at 1k or so words, started browsing aimlessly the japanese internet, bought all 11 suzumiya haruhi books untranslated, started a mining deck that's still active today although I rarely use it anymore (right now it's at 136 reviews and still counting, it used to be more but I reviewed them all)
This is all in the span of one and a half years (I started in september of 2016). I also read a lot but I'm too lazy to list everything I read

>> No.18346532

how much did you do in those 4 weeks?

>> No.18346533

wut. I've been at this for almost two years and I don't get it either. Is that right?

>> No.18346541

How do you even learn japanese from anime is beyond me

>> No.18346542

What do you not get even?

>> No.18346544

Is it because 私 is the subject twice or something?

I don't understand why (b) cannot have も before it and be constructed in the same way (a) can be.

Thank you for any help!

>> No.18346556

>reading that thick ass book in three hours

>> No.18346557

Why can (b) not be constructed as (a)?

>> No.18346570
File: 60 KB, 631x479, this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18346574

Oh, if you think of も meaning "also", you need to tack it onto 大学院生 and not 私 because you're saying that in addition to being a 教師, you are also a 大学院生. In the first example you're saying it such that it's emphasized like "I also am a 大学院生"
I just didn't get why で is thrown in there but that's because I guess I'm not exposed to polite Japanese that often.

>> No.18346591

で is a fundamental part of the expression である (unless you're chinese)
I basically interpret it as "I exist as"

>> No.18346603

I never thought a white American with a terrible accent would try to convince me to learn japanese a certain way

>> No.18346605

>In the first example you're saying it such that it's emphasized like "I also am a 大学院生"
Just to expound on this, the first example can be thought of "in addition to Keiko..." whereas the second example it would be thought of as "in addition to being a teacher...".
I always thought of it as ある, you just blew my mind. Thank you.

>> No.18346610

New to Japanese so I might sound stupid but why is sushi sometimes zushi sakura sometimes zakura and kami sometimes gami? Why are numbere like 7 sometimes read as shichi instead of nana? What exactly are the rules for this?

>> No.18346617
File: 99 KB, 600x600, 4437383i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What exactly are the rules for this?

>> No.18346630



>> No.18346631

How many times do people have to explain this for you all to get it?

>> No.18346646

Great Cheers anon, I really needed the small pointers. its if not working try something else. always seem to think that the recommened school books like genki and nakama didn't work out for me

>> No.18346658



>> No.18346666


>> No.18346670 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18346712

because it rolls off the tongue better.

>> No.18346733

Ah, I've figured out the answer to why this is the case. The IPA glyphs in Migu are a SUPPLEMENT to the M+ glyphs, not a replacement (except for a few cases). Where M+ glyphs were missing (or - here's the exception - incorrect due to being based on a pre-JIS2004 standard), they glyphs were taken from IPA instead.

>> No.18346739
File: 66 KB, 600x450, 091032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18346744

MattvsJapan made a few videos bullying this guy.


>> No.18346757

>why is sushi sometimes zushi sakura sometimes zakura and kami sometimes gami?
It's common for the initial consonant of the second part of a kanji compound to become voiced or semi-voiced (e.g. 前髪). It can also happen after glottal-stops (e.g. 真っ二つ).

>> No.18346776

Just started learning Japanese mate dont be so angry. All I wanted to know is when exactly do words like kami become gami. From what ive gathered online, kami becomes gami whenever it is not the first word of the sentence. Does the rest also follow this same rule? What about numbers? Read that numbers like 3 can be read as mitsu or san whenever you want. Why cant japs stick to one reading for a word?

>> No.18346788

Lurk more. Eternal stupid ass New Years Resolutioners in here, just fuck off. You can't learn Japanese

>> No.18346794

Stationed in Okinawa for a full month already not new year anything

>> No.18346796

>1 month ago was literally january 5th
great going buddy

>> No.18346799

I don't even have anything against anime, but this guy is just a faggot. I know enough about him to say that.

>> No.18346811

Have you raped any women yet?

>> No.18346836

We are all confined to base because the ungrateful locals hate us so no.

>> No.18346840

Well maybe you all should stop raping their women then.

>> No.18346848

I've been watching MattvsJapan and I feel like I should quit doing core so I can focus on mining words and reading. If the remaining 3700 words only have 500 new kanji there's probably no point in going through it when I could learn words in context while reading, right?

>> No.18346852

So it only occurs when individual kanji are paired with another?

>> No.18346858


>> No.18346877


>> No.18346880

It also happens after glottal-stops, as I said.

And not always, only sometimes. There are plenty of kanji compounds where it doesn't happen (e.g. 人口). Same with words with glottal-stops (e.g. 真っ暗).

>> No.18346888

I feel really tired after reading in Japanese for 1-2 hours, yet I can read stuff in English for the entire day. Is it because the former requires a lot more energy since I'm straining my brain to understand the sentences?

>> No.18346899

What are you even expecting me to answer? Yeah? No? I don't fucking know, man. I don't know how your damned brain works, why should I know?

>> No.18346910

>>ungrateful locals
>*drops atomic bombs on civilians*
>*rapes women*
>"fucking say thank you, greedy slant-eyed cunt"
>"in AMERICAN, chink"

>> No.18346911

Not sure what that means. Is it when you stop the voice like how the scots pronouce 'water'?

>> No.18346933

If you're past 2000 words in core, there is no reason to continue core unless you're a filthy completionist. Mining is more effective, in more ways than one. You have been properly exposed to mined words so you will get them down faster, and they are more likely to be words you will actually encounter again, as they are from the kind of material you are reading.

>> No.18346942

Yep, that's it.

>> No.18346948

These kinds of questions are covered in any half-decent beginners resource in the same section that they introduce kana, before beginning grammar. But yes, that is what a glottal stop is.

>> No.18346949

I can't think how Scots say "water" off the top of my head, but if you've ever heard a Yorkshire accent it's what's used there in place of the article "the". From your description, it sounds like you're thinking of the right thing.

Hover over the following words with Yomichan and click the audio button:


>> No.18346955

Not really. Words are words.

>> No.18346956

Okay thanks a lot friend.

>> No.18346962

Retarded. Go ahead and memorize a frequency list backwards and see where it takes you. Good fucking luck.

>> No.18346965

I also want to know this. Currently reading ラブひな and enjoying it despite it being too easy, and ヨコハマ買い出し紀行, and I'm playing through 鎌鼬の夜, which I think is the perfect level of difficulty for me at the moment.

>> No.18346989

What are your thoughts on grammar cards for anki? Are they something worth doing, or should you just cement the concepts by reading and writing and leave it at that?

>> No.18346991

I've got 7,000 words mature in core and I'm pretty happy with where it's taken me. :^)
Planning on moving on to the list I've been mining once I finish off 10k.

>> No.18346999

If learning a language was as simple as reviewing a few hundred flashcards, everyone would be a polyglot.

If your Anki cards are any more complicated than Japanese word -> English word, you are doing it wrong.

>> No.18347009

>grammar cards for anki
It's the closest way to do a sentence deck without actually having a sentence deck

>> No.18347012

Say uh-oh for me.
Now try and say it without the glottal stop. Its unintelligible

>> No.18347024

Glass o wa'er

>> No.18347028

you will only remember grammar by reading

>> No.18347030

I have that DoJG deck and leisurely review 1 new card a day, it has lots of example sentences which is nice for understanding certain not-so-obvious grammar items and it's also another source of new words to mine from time to time. It's just a supplement, though, I wouldn't rely on it for learning grammar.

>> No.18347031

>>18347028 >>18347009 >>18346999 >18347030
That's about what I figured. Thanks, anons.

>> No.18347033

Do you anons have any advice for learning "hiragana words" (I don't know if there's a name for them).

The Kanji words have actually been pretty easy for me to learn so far. But the ones I suck at recalling are the random hiragana strings, which I can obviously ready very easily, but can almost never recall what the word means because the way I've done mnemonics is usually related to kanji and doesn't really work for hiragana stuff. I can't keep all these hiragana words straight

>> No.18347035

there is no way to do this without sounding like a downy

>> No.18347041

Why should anyone care about the opinions of a random American Youtube blogger? Does this place look like Reddit to you?

>> No.18347059

If switching to mined vocab truly makes zero difference in your efficiency of learning words, you have stellar memory and are not representative of the majority of learners. But considering you apparently haven't tried it yet, it's pretty obtuse of you to say that there is no difference. Why would you comment on the efficiency of something you haven't done? Oh, right, DJT.

>> No.18347069

Words are words and everything in Core is common as fuck. Irrespective of whatever approach you take you are going to learn everything in the Core decks sooner rather than later.

>memorise a frequency list backwards

>> No.18347077

how does one find a speaking partner?

>> No.18347083

>Words are words
>everything in Core is common as fuck
Core containing only common words does not mean that all common words are contained in Core.

>Irrespective of whatever approach you take you are going to learn everything in the Core decks sooner rather than later.
Eventually you're going to learn every single word, so why not start with the ones that are the least common in what you're reading? Oh, just start with the back of any random frequency list, those are obviously perfectly fine if you don't care about learning all the words that are used in what you're reading, you'll learn by reading anyway! Just spend all that fun memorization time on the rare words, since you're never going to see them while reading, right?

>> No.18347087

Reading feels so futile when I don't understand something and I don't even have a way to verify whether I understood things I (thought I) understood were correct

>> No.18347089


>> No.18347091

If there are no japanese people in your area just give up

>> No.18347097

Different anon but I have way worse retention in my mining deck, I think it's mostly because I mine cool words I see like >>18347089 that I don't see or hear even every week and that have all-new kanji for me

>> No.18347105

After a couple of reviews of the word it makes little to no difference. I couldn't tell you which words in my vocab deck were mined or not, unless they were rare kanji from animal names, etc.

As long as the cards are being graded honestly, Anki handles everything else.

>does not mean that all common words are contained in Core.
Isn't that kind of 'well, not shit' thing?

>Oh, just start with the back of any random frequency list, those are obviously perfectly fine if you don't care about learning all the words that are used in what you're reading, you'll learn by reading anyway! Just spend all that fun memorization time on the rare words, since you're never going to see them while reading, right?
What a silly strawman. If you have no intention of being intellectually honest, don't post. Fucking troll.

>> No.18347108

Hey man, I'm not the one being intellectually dishonest here.

>> No.18347110

t. core drone
Delete Anki.

>> No.18347119

this is why adults suck at learning languages and they always say children are better
its nothing to do with the brain development, if anything children are worse off
but they just dont give a fuck if they fail

>> No.18347121

>If you have no intention of being intellectually honest, don't post.
Holy shit, I think I found the biggest jackass in this site.

>> No.18347124

Most of the "hiragana words" actually do have kanjis so learn them. Then you have loan words from eastern languages, it's not a problem either. Slang, onomatopoeias - well, this is where shitshow starts because they usually have lots of different meanings and nuances to them but the core of memorizing them is to know where they derive from. Like ぬるぬる from 濡れる, どろどろ from 泥 and other staff. Everything else is just rote memorization for me.

>> No.18347131

embed the context which you found them in your memory

you're probably not, but if you are, stop learning them from vocab lists/premade decks

>> No.18347195

this can be answered by looking at the first page of google

>> No.18347255

what was up with that どうとかで?
Doesn't that mean とうなったことで or something?

>> No.18347279

any idea what the robot is saying in japanese? it says i am a PAC plane/plain? analysis computer in english

>> No.18347281

Hmm the recording is kind of bad but I'm guessing "the pleasure of being cummed inside"

>> No.18347289

sounds like spanish to me

>> No.18347308


i dont even get how to change fonts. nothing seems to make the default font on 4chan change for example

>> No.18347331
File: 167 KB, 710x948, kanjiQ-5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18347365

If they do that would be great but the kanji are no where to be seen on the flashcard. And even if I look them up on jisho it says "usually written with only hiragana" so it seems reasonable enough to assume it would be commonly seen without the kanji

That is the case though. They're coming up as words in my core deck so I don't have context to go off of (unless that shitty example sentence counts, but I don't really consider it much context)

>> No.18347397

Why is this so hard? What are the answers?

>> No.18347448

that whole bottom right corner can go fuck itself

>> No.18347457


It's similar to verb+とかで and maybe とかで means とかいう理由で like 彼は部屋を出て行きましたよ、煙草を吸うとかで(煙草を吸うとかいう理由で).

>> No.18347481

Kizuna Ai as study material. It's hard to understand her because she talks so fast, but she's cute.

>> No.18347490

You need to learn the kanji for "usually kana" words. Half the time I read, a word I already knew pops up, but it's written in Kanji, and because core 2k teaches the kana version instead of just giving you the kanji, I have to feel frustrated every time. Just learn them you'll regret it if you don't

>> No.18347491

Dumping ゆるゆり 第16巻 if anyone wants to grab it.

>> No.18347500

she talks at normal conversation level. normal angry spoiled brat level

>> No.18347502
File: 114 KB, 628x894, 628894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18347507

I totally agree

>> No.18347514

I won't tell you to drop core but you should seek context and start reading/listening more

I didn't participate in the mining discussion above but it's true that mined words have a stronger connection than packaged ones

here are some hiragana only words off the top of my head, along with where I mined them
ほっぽる - livestream where the speaker contemplated abandoning the stream as a joke
わんさか - Ys 8, the fat guy says this when you walk near a fishing spot
ほんわか - this word gets used at least 10 times to describe Shiromeguri-senpai
ろは - Revy from black lagoon talking about wasted bullets (the difficulty of this series kind of gave me PTSD desu)

The intervals on these words are months-long, I don't think I'll ever forget them, and it's not because I went out of my way to create a terrible mnemonic. They stuck automatically and permanently after I encountered them only once in a meaningful context.

>> No.18347551

For a dumb beginner like me, it seems fast, but hopefully by watching her videos I will learn to hear properly.

>> No.18347568

>normal humans would be scared down to their knees
my question is how is ませた defined in this sentence?

>> No.18347583

I really have no idea what that sentence is since there's no context, but I'm guessing that's 済ませた

>> No.18347587

It's not です, it's で すませた. "It would be ended with あの程度".

>> No.18347595

kanji really does save lives

>> No.18347604

Not really, you're never going to see です in the middle of a sentence like that.

>> No.18347629

I thought it was weird for です appear in the middle of a sentence. thanks for helping me.

>> No.18347682

its this correct?

I want to day that its winter but cold its ok for me

>> No.18347760

You don't even know English

>> No.18347805

and your life is bullshit

>> No.18347820
File: 60 KB, 600x550, 9ab57a8f76d4b123eb82de5830249537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

25yo is too late to learn Japanese

>> No.18347838
File: 589 KB, 806x681, 1451429266618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*any age

>> No.18347845

You can edit cards, and you shouldn't be afraid of doing so. The reason to learn kanji for words usually written in kana is that someday you're going to read something written by some pretentious fuckwit who uses kanji excessively, and they're all going to be something new to learn. Instead, if you learn the words using kanji and regularly review them in Anki, you'll still understand them when they are in kana, but when this inevitable situation arises you will not even need to look up the kanji.
You might as well get it out of the way now. It's not much more work to put the kanji on the card from day one, and in some cases the kanji actually helps you get it down faster.
By the way, pretentious fuckwit authors are not as rare as you might think.

>> No.18347847

Never too late to learn anything as a neet.

>> No.18347858

and i already solved my question, so fuck you and go back to your cavern stupid idiot

>> No.18347876

>By the way, pretentious fuckwit authors are not as rare as you might think.
This. I remember interrupting masturbation to look up 嗚呼 in a doujinshi, it was disappointing.

>> No.18347958

>I remember interrupting masturbation

>> No.18348033
File: 83 KB, 1280x720, 1517820374918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>動く - Move
>動き - Movement
>運動 - Movement/Exercise
>活動 - Activity
Ah yes, this must surely mean that the 動 kanji is related to movement and other movement relate-
>動物 - Animal

>> No.18348062

>moving thing
>animate object
Whoa. Amazing how both terms have the same basic root, and you're too stupid to grasp it.

>> No.18348105




>> No.18348131

How can I improve my listening skills anons? For reading, I can read slowly or use dictionary to get the gist of the text. But for audio material, or worse, real life conversation where people do not enunciate words properly (and with 1.5-2x speed faster than media), I can barely understand what people are saying. Any practice suggestions?

>> No.18348134

Read more. Once you actually know the words, it's far easier to fill in momentary blanks or slurs in conversation.

>> No.18348172
File: 36 KB, 512x512, default-512x512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watch Kemono Friends without sub? i'm serious.

>> No.18348220





>> No.18348262
File: 110 KB, 600x600, 6580408i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18348362

You have to do it in your browser settings.

There were instructions for Firefox in the last thread: >>18331275

If you're on Chrome, you need to install some add-on or other to allow you to change the Japanese font since it's not possible by default.

>> No.18348390

>moving thing
This is quite telling of how animals are perceived in Chinese culture (動物 comes from Chinese).

>> No.18348406

Yeah for sure, I am eager to start reading/listening more for the context. Even with some of the words I've learned now, some are things I've heard before or have some context and they have been the easiest to recall because of it. I just wanted to build up a strong wordbank first so that I'm not reading a dictionary more than the thing I'm reading. I decided that around 1000 (up to 800 atm) into core2k should be a safe place to seriously start reading. I last tried to read around 400 words in and it was just annoying and did more to demotivate me to want to learn than it helped my learning. As for listening I just kind of throw shit on while I fall asleep and can't really look it up and if I don't understand it I don't understand it.

I'll have to look editing cards then. If anything adding the kanji to the hiragana word would only make it easier to learn and recall.

>> No.18348504

Just listen more, you'll get there. Never use subs.
Focus on the things you understand instead of getting frustrated over parts you don't.

Soon you'll get into a state where you're so focused on what you're listening to you're not even conscious about it being in a foreign language.
Once you get into that flow you'll never want to read those dumb kanji again.

>> No.18348561



>> No.18348629

No wonder they eat dogs if they perceive animals as "moving things"

>> No.18348676

No. Absolutely not. There's a 63 year old woman in my parish who learned Mandarin over the course of a year so she could go on a mission trip to China. "I'm too old to learn a new language" is a bullshit excuse.

>> No.18348678 [DELETED] 

when im feeling a bit peckish, ill drop by my local dog shelter and pickup a freebie for lunch
bit of sauce and that pooch meat is deeeelicious

>> No.18348687

>kanji comes from China
Thanks for that stunning enlightenment. I though it was brought to Japan by the Moon People.

>> No.18348691

Not every word written with kanji comes from China. I was saying that 動物 is a Chinese loan-word.

>> No.18348728

I feel the same, but it's gotten a lot better.

>> No.18348796

>can't you work in nip with n2??
not to shit on your dream but you scored very poorly on what isn't even the hardest test.
you need to read more

>> No.18348816

shut the fuck up loser

>> No.18348823
File: 218 KB, 900x1280, 09_212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't quite get the meaning of the final sentence. Assuming アテ is a personal pronoun
>he's strong but kind
>so the rumored thing (that bad kids get killed) won't happen to me?
>I really don't think so
>kids that get sick, injured or good for nothing are killed by Kabutomushi なんて
Is なんて something like "what the hell are they saying"?

>> No.18348846

First off, the アテ means 当て. It's not a personal pronoun. I don't even know how you got that conclusion. I don't know how to explain なんて but it's an adverb, and it comes だ. It means something like "something like that". If you actually want to understand it properly google it, I'm no dictionary.

>> No.18348847
File: 419 KB, 782x569, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know about text hookers?
I'm using the ITHVNR + Firefox + Clipboard inserter + Rikai combo to read VN.
Problem is, it seems I have is I have to keep switching between this long list of memory blocks to find where the lines of text are going. The slot keeps changing, seemingly at random times. For example one sentence will go in the third slot, then the next in the 8th slot, then the next back in the third slot, and so forth.
What do I need to do to fix this?

He might be autistic but what he's saying is correct. We've had a couple DJT post photos of their 178/180 and 180/180 scores on N1. They both said the same thing: read a lot.
If your feelings are hurt, may I recommend a forum like reddit? They have a very nice, feelgood forum called learnjapanese where people clap each other on the back for passing N4.

>> No.18348857

Check that with Rikai

>> No.18348870

-> 噂は頼りにならない、信用できない
(written in katakana for readability, i guess)

-> 殺しているわけがない、はずがない、/殺しているなんて信じられない
2 (文末に用いて)ある事物を疑わしく思う気持ちを表す。

>> No.18348873

>I don't even know how you got that conclusion
https://www.weblio.jp/content/%E3%82%A2%E3%83%86 (三)若い女が自分を指して。
当て makes more sense though, thanks

>> No.18348878

When should one start reading?

>> No.18348908
File: 900 KB, 1280x720, there, there.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after you learned hiragana and katakana

>> No.18348970

I'm stuck in Japan with terrible Japanese. I need to find at least a part time job which means I need to focus on spoken Japanese rather than written. Should Anki + a grammar guide still be my first step?

>> No.18348986

How are you "stuck" in Japan? Did you get hit by a truck and teleported to it like some shitty isekai anime?

>> No.18349000

It's a family thing. Had no choice in the matter.

>> No.18349018

Oh wow. Just find a shitty unskilled job at a ramen shop. Don't let people see you work though, that'll disgust them and scare them away.

>> No.18349045

Enjoy the free AJATT route

>> No.18349048

Go speed dating, best method of learning a language when you're in any foreign country.

>> No.18349049

wasn't really asking for employment advice in /jp/ of all places but thanks I guess

>> No.18349062

Why would you date for the sole purpose of dating? Is that like a normalfag thing? Is this what normalfags do for fun? Fucking hell.

>> No.18349067


no later than 1000 words into core, if you do core

>> No.18349078

Speed dating is just you having a couple minute talks with as many strangers as possible.
You don't have to date anyone.

>> No.18349180

Seems like a pattern is emerging

Fuck you Japanese, I'm sick of your shit.
I don't wanna know how many words I'm reading wrong without even knowing.
I'm not gonna look up every new compound word I encounter just to be 100% sure I'm reading it right when the meaning is obvious.

>> No.18349226

>having to talk to a new stranger every few minutes
>they are all female too
Sounds like hell

>> No.18349277

Why would they be up for it though? feels like ugly women would be the only ones doing it

>> No.18349312

Yo, It's been a long time since I've visited but I remember getting this cool website here last year, where you could practice reading/measure how much you know, how many kanjis etc. I've checked the cornucopia but I don't think it's there... Would you happen to recognize the website I'm talking about? (Or maybe share something that sounds like that. At the time I didn't know SHIT about kanji but now I feel like I can try again)

>> No.18349330

>anon cannot into context and radicals
once you know shit like that you can literally workout the meaning of the word without looking it up.

>> No.18349338

I was talking about the reading though.
As I said the meaning is obvious so I don't bother looking up the reading if it seems obvious too but sometimes it isn't like with 雨上がり since all other words start with あま instead of あめ.

>> No.18349374
File: 13 KB, 400x250, 1505430012896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren't both readings fine?

>> No.18349398

My IME only lets me convert あめあがり and there's an anime this season which also uses that in the title.

>> No.18349533

i'm at 900 words in core and can't be fucked to make a seperate deck for mined words. is there any downsides to just adding them to core?

>> No.18349557

thank you for the helpful suggestion!

>> No.18349576

Just learned about FujiTV and their shitty patched exploit
Took me no time to figure out how to get around their shitty timer. Bless retarded Jap coders

>> No.18349578


>> No.18349588

>(d). このドイツの車の方があの日本の車よりいいんじゃない。もっとも、僕はドイツの車を運転したことはないけどさ。
>Don't you think that this German car is better than that Japanese one? I've never driven a German car, though.

where's the か? am i missing something?

>> No.18349638

Yes, the ability to not try and 1:1 Japanese with English

>> No.18349649

fuck off

>> No.18349678

>I'm not gonna look up every new compound word I encounter just to be 100% sure I'm reading it right when the meaning is obvious.
So you're not gonna learn japanese. It's perfectly fine.

>> No.18349681




>> No.18349698

What does it look like for a japanese to read chinese? Can they make out random kanji and make sense of it and the rest is just gibberish to them or what?

>> No.18349905

Fuck you, Japan. This makes absolutely no sense you literal backwards fucks.

>> No.18349949



>> No.18349955

so when yall read TK for the first time did you take notes like you would in hs or did you just read it like a normal book to put the info in your head then just refer to it when you needed to. i wasnt very good at taking notes and it feels like im writing the same stuff down

>> No.18350004

While the text typically appears in multiple memory locations at any given time, There should be at least one memory location where the text appears consistently. Perhaps try loading from a save and try hooking that line and the next from each memory location until you find one that receives each new line of text as they appear.

>> No.18350005

it's called discipline and will power. master both and you will learn japanese in no time.

>> No.18350033


>> No.18350140


>> No.18350149


>> No.18350181

No it's cool

>> No.18350184

it takes true discipline to study under all circumstances my friend. jk i know it's practically impossible to study with all kinds of noise and distractions going on. ganbatte.

>> No.18350254


>> No.18350267

Fucking why.

>> No.18350275


Sometimes when watching an anime or playing a game in japanese that is probably intended for kids or young teenagers, I see some words that seem just too complex or with weird kanji, like I don't know, Dragon Quest for example (last time I played this was a few months into learning japanese in 2016 though). Do these audiences actually understand all of the dialogue, or do they just gloss over a bunch of things they don't understand which is left for more adult audiences to understand? Maybe they use dictionaries or ask their parents all the time? Link related.

>> No.18350315

Different meanings

>> No.18350382

Wtf i hate Japan now

>> No.18350410

I heard Japanese higher education was a joke, but to this extent?

>> No.18350514

This guy sounds like the type of guy who failed college algebra like 3 time. Also he argues that Spanish makes kids smarter, then why is every spanish speaking country such a shit hole. I hate liberal arts retards.

>> No.18350541






>> No.18350544
File: 693 KB, 1280x720, 1517869575-dp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does 受ける translate in this phrase ?

>> No.18350556


>> No.18350576


The miracle ocurred in the past, we know this because he's narrating past events, so, how come he's using the dictionary form of 起こる there?
Does this mean "would happen?", as in, the future as seen from the past?

>> No.18350582

so she doesn't "get" the impression ?... meaning she doesn't appear to be ?

>> No.18350694

>This guy sounds like the type of guy who failed college algebra like 3 time.
>Also he argues that Spanish makes kids smarter, then why is every spanish speaking country such a shit hole. I hate liberal arts retards.
1. that isnt what he said
2. 50+ years of american destabilization of various governments in sa

>> No.18350717 [DELETED] 


>> No.18350731 [DELETED] 

im a white american 1%er

feel free to live your life in total ignorance I guess

>> No.18350738 [DELETED] 


>> No.18350746 [DELETED] 

hard to believe youre a real person

hope you get over whatever issues you have buddy

>> No.18350766 [DELETED] 

enjoy your ban dumbass

>> No.18350833


>> No.18350860

Think back to when you were a tiny kid. Did you understand everything that was geared towards kids?
I sure as hell didn't understand everything that was in the Power Rangers movie when I was around 10 years old.

>> No.18350863
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>> No.18350873
File: 2.48 MB, 3722x2794, 3C0E779B-248F-4A31-ACAE-381CD74B3ADD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turns out I bought this book for this specific purpose.

>> No.18350898

The narrator doesn't "get" the impression that it's really よかった because 川内野 said it 残念に

>> No.18350907

Oops 残念そうに*

>> No.18350913

138/180 = 76.67% = C = mediocre
back to plebbit please

>> No.18350914

Can this be read as ひょうして as well as あらわして?

>> No.18350988

>tfw i don't even get shitpuns
Explain either one of these please

>> No.18350996

You've never heard そんなバカな?

>> No.18351002

I have actually.. didn't know that was the idea

>> No.18351015

I didn't get it either, but I would if it it were voiced

>> No.18351021


>> No.18351049


>> No.18351113

She says (すう)ちゃんと, as in Suu-chan followed by と, then she says ちゃんと, the adverb, a bit later.

>> No.18351165

That's really terrible, wow.

>> No.18351231

I tried thinking about it that way but I honestly don't remember very well. I read books which I don't anymore when I was like 8-9 and I'm pretty sure there were a fuckton of words I didn't understand but tried to guess them from context. Then again those were books, I don't remember playing story oriented games nor did I watch TV so I don't know.

>> No.18351319

The entire chapter is about what to do when your friend has made a terrible pun

>> No.18351356



>> No.18351439


>> No.18351460


that looks to me like he's about to talk about another 奇跡 that happened, but maybe it's just finishing that idea above.

>> No.18351461
File: 260 KB, 620x640, 1506040215717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does KanjiTomo lack recognition capabilities for non-jouyou kanji or something?

I'm finding that it just doesn't seem to work at all on less common kanji, even when they're not particularly complex (especially compared to a lot of the more common ones it has no trouble with) like 咥.

>> No.18351525

'to overcharge' does this have a kanji?

>> No.18351528

use capture 2 text

>> No.18351541




>> No.18351746

Do you cram on Anki? If so, how often?

>> No.18351764
File: 24 KB, 500x286, ed557f6f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18351770

if I have free time and know that I'm going to be too busy tomorrow to do reviews

>> No.18351845

Yeah but he wants to say that "other miracle HAPPENED"(apart from alice being allowed to keep on living), yet he's using the present of okiru, that's what's got me puzzled.

>> No.18351878

I don't know if that's what's happening in your sentence but switching between the past and non-past tense is common when narrating past events. DoIJG (the PDF) covers this on page [35] of the preface.

>> No.18351923

Thanks a lot!

>> No.18351943 [DELETED] 

Jesus, humanists, or as they call them now "liberal arts students", sure think highly of themselves despite being mocked by everyone in the west, huh?

>> No.18351952

I didn't really read it, but how does the link have anything to do with your question?

>> No.18351962

Fuck off.

>> No.18351967

because of how he says they study the language up until high school and they don't have full knowledge of it until then, and it got me thinking. well, I've actually thought about it before but never thought to ask

>> No.18351968

someone who's only been learning japanese for barely over a year has little to no credibility in deciding what's "complex" and what isn't

>> No.18351969 [DELETED] 

You don't have to be /pol/ to laugh at retards.

>> No.18351974

But how does that make them retarded exactly? Are you just trying to shill your shitty blog?

>> No.18351981

How is Yasunari Kuwabata's or Yukio Mishima's prose for someone who just finished his first vn in japanese and struggled with it short as it was (just finished Saya no Uta)?
Is it too soon?

>> No.18351982

>just finished Saya no Uta
Congrats, you can read absolutely anything you want to as long as it's not like Mareni or something.

>> No.18352000

He didn't say that makes them retarded, he linked to a blog saying they're retarded because it was relevant to his question.

>> No.18352003

Woah, that's really encouraging, thanks.

What about さようならを教えて? Can anyone comment on that one's difficulty?

>> No.18352004

Post a dump of its script for me and I'll tell you.

>> No.18352010



>> No.18352016
File: 67 KB, 1196x332, received_1810356378977333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a shit language

>> No.18352018

Thanks for claryfying that up. That doesn't change the fact that the blog post itself is absolute trash, though.

>> No.18352021

pretty wicked hey

>> No.18352022

I don't think there is one, but thanks.
Do you have any recs on interesting vns that aren't Mareni hard?

>> No.18352028

that's a terribly difficult language to understand isn't it?

>> No.18352029

I haven't read Mishima, but if you search the Amazon reviews of his books for the character 難 you'll find lots of natives saying that his language is difficult to understand. That MattVsJapan meme guy also named him as one of the hardest. I have read some Kawabata and it was easier than Saya no Uta.

>> No.18352034



>> No.18352037

I've never seen 凄い being used as the first definition

>> No.18352045 [DELETED] 

Isn't humanities being flooded with slobs who end up working as cashiers kind of a big deal in 1st world countries? They only apply because they want a diploma and humanities are the easiest subject to pass without putting much effort into it. This problem is far from being exclusive to Japan.

>> No.18352047


That's not even an antonym, retard

>> No.18352048



>> No.18352053

I've always interpreted that as the second definition

>> No.18352057

かしゃ (華奢)

That's a better example of obtuse shit in nip.

>> No.18352067

what were you reading that had 華奢(かしゃ)in it?

>> No.18352068

That's awfully terrific.

>> No.18352070

read (pronounced as red)
to read in the past
read (pronounced as reed)
to read in the present

wOAH what the FUCK anglos!

>> No.18352074

Not this shit again.

>> No.18352077

I'd rather have more words with multiple contradictory meanings than so many words with different kanji that mean the exact same damn thing.

>> No.18352079

Right back at you, retard.

>> No.18352080



>> No.18352088


>> No.18352092


It means "very" and "very badly", not antonyms.

>> No.18352096

Saya no Uta, I'm the guy from above.

>> No.18352100

It probably had furigana above to be fair, though.

>> No.18352166

not doubting you or anything but I wish you had the full sentence

I think there's a non-zero chance of it being a typo

>> No.18352173

>demanding an antonym
it's "terrible" used as a synonym for "very", which is what's happening here.
read more.

>> No.18352184

This autist is awfully smart.

>> No.18352191

I don't, my bad.
You might be right.

>> No.18352228

I'm getting on the phone with a cute Japanese girl whose English is terrible in 7 minutes
Wish me luck, anons

>> No.18352230

Stop pretending these words can mean "good" and "bad".

>It is awfully bad.
>It is awfully good.

These are completely clear, and what distinguishes their difference is "good" and "bad", not "awfully" or "terribly". You CANNOT write a sentence where the meaning of "awfully" is ambiguous

>> No.18352235
File: 13 KB, 202x261, Evernote-Camera-Roll-20160205-145920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18352250

Is this even a word? What the fuck? I guess I don't even know English but I'll assume it means the person from which the inheritance is taken and then given to the inheritor, aka the heir. Is that about right?

>> No.18352261
File: 3 KB, 337x121, RaWQnqX[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ready to start giving japanese advice

>> No.18352277

The one who inherits

>> No.18352291

That's the problem; I don't feel like I know what it means to be the one who inherits. If I didn't come across this Japanese word I would think that to inherit something means that you would be the one who received the shit from the person who died. However, the other definitions for 被相続人 are "decedent" and "deceased" and the Japanese definition says:
...which makes me believe that it refers to the person who has died and left his shit behind to be inherited.

>> No.18352294


>> No.18352304

I mean, it's possible, but only in casual speech taken out of context.

>> No.18352328

The entry that translates it as inheritee must be incorrect then

>> No.18352331

I was awfully afraid that it could have dual meaning like 凄い. Thank you for the reassurance.

>> No.18352438

It really depends on what you're reading. First 1000 would be useful for SoL stuff, but if you're reading sci fi you won't see a lot of familiar words except for the most basic ones.

>> No.18352535
File: 1.28 MB, 836x733, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure i'm understanding this:


You'll catch a cold if you stay out here.

>ああー そっかそっか。

Oh I see now. You somehow don't catch colds, am i right?

Did I get this right? it sounds really pointless to me.

>> No.18352536

what (addon) is this

>> No.18352555

Looks correct to me. Maybe the joke is that morons don't catch colds?

>> No.18352557

Yeah, just found about that 諺.

>> No.18352568

Also, the final sentence is a bit different. もん is 者, so the kind of a person who as they say doesn't catch colds.

>> No.18352578

凄まじい、ぬるい、偉い while you're at it.

>> No.18352585

Isn't that もん the explicative もん?

>> No.18352606

yes, he's wrong

it's understandable though considering this shit is confusing as fuck >>18339094

>> No.18352615

actually I'm not sure if it's explicative or not (should've looked up that word before responding) but it's definitely not 者

>> No.18352624

Nah you're just stupid.

>> No.18352637

I'm trying to be polite but there's a limit to how far I can deal with someone who thinks that もん used that way means "person"

>> No.18352651

What about のだ and its relatives?
It's really hard to grasp for me.

>> No.18352670

All of these meanings shift over time in much the same way, it's something that happens in languages in general it seems. The word "terrific" can still mean "terrifying", but its most common usage today is "great".

>> No.18352691

>だ: [It] is
>の: (nominalizer of the verb before it)
I've kind of thought of it like "It's that [contents of the sentence]".

>> No.18352692
File: 4 KB, 220x153, okOmazZ[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18352693

they can make out words but the alien grammar makes most of it gibberish

I think you can blame the buddhists for that one


>> No.18352697

Yeah, that's how I think about it too, but sometimes that doesn't quite fit, at least for me.

>> No.18352737



>> No.18352746


>> No.18352781
File: 26 KB, 236x172, mako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So they can make games like this.

>> No.18352789


>> No.18352833

Can anyone recommend me some things to get into listening? I'd prefer if it were actual content and not 'educational material for listening' if possible. Something like audiobooks would be neat but that's probably out of my reach for the time being.

>> No.18352839
File: 158 KB, 379x440, 1460235856510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was telling her why I was studying Japanese and almost said 日本の女の子が好きだから instead of 日本の音楽が好きだから

>> No.18352843

>they can make out words
If it's simplified chinese then no, they can't. If it's not simplified chinese then no in most cases.

>> No.18352865

There is a collection of audio books and other such things in the Cornucopia of Resources, look for listening-reading.

>> No.18352869

japanese let's plays if you like video games

not every character has an illegible simplified variant but I get your point

>> No.18352886


>> No.18352890


>> No.18352977

am I just blind? the only audio/listening stuff I found there was textbooks and audio courses

>> No.18353017
File: 190 KB, 418x498, 1512431543938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is /int/ djt officially dead

>> No.18353027

So that's why the quality of posts is decreasing lately.

>> No.18353035

Is it? last I heard it was getting spammed like the jap thread.
Bad news if the normalfags have no where to go

>> No.18353068


>> No.18353074

if you want it just post it

>> No.18353111
File: 66 KB, 1601x750, 1451769263658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much damage does she take from just anki alone

>> No.18353113

She is immune to anki

>> No.18353122



>> No.18353124

>from just anki alone
She's winning.

>> No.18353144
File: 23 KB, 174x115, kanji8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this kanji here? I can't quite figure it out.


>> No.18353156

my guess is 秘

>> No.18353191




>> No.18353192


>> No.18353218

i did but last three or so threads have died like instantly

>> No.18353222



>> No.18353232

I made a lot of the last threads and you constantly have to watch over them or else they'll die
frankly, it became to exhausting... /int/ is just too fast for a split userbase

>> No.18353242
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>> No.18353254

are the ones you downloaded two pages per image? i checked AB but they have the same thing for volume 1

>> No.18353259


>> No.18353286 [DELETED] 

what does ほらいたでしょ mean here? i understand the rest of it

>> No.18353290
File: 1.31 MB, 963x1400, ほらいたでしょ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does ほらいたでしょ mean here? i understand the rest

>> No.18353304



>> No.18353305

ほら、居た でしょう?

>> No.18353311

I love hearing this in JAV 2bh

>> No.18353314

djt /int/ is banned or no one posts there?

>> No.18353327

why would a language general be banned on the "International" board

>> No.18353330

oh right. i'm retarded. thanks

just ded

>> No.18353334

This is wacky as fuck, are japanese people actually like that?

>> No.18353378 [DELETED] 

In general, all of the liberal arts fags are like that

>> No.18353408

I always had the suspicion that japanese colleges are a joke, but I didn't think it was this bad

>> No.18353427
File: 93 KB, 400x399, bullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That article has all the plausibility of your regular "I told off my student's bully and everybody in the hallway clapped!" story

>> No.18353433

that bullies name? Albert Einstein

>> No.18353447

I don't know, whenever I could catch a glimpse of what higher education in japan was like through media it made me ask what the fuck are they even learning

>> No.18353481








>> No.18353489
File: 50 KB, 600x516, e0035580_4b724a63f19eb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does you respond to this?

>> No.18353542


>> No.18353543


>> No.18353546


>> No.18353554

Fuck off /pol/tard.

Those are the insights of cynical failed educator/language blogger gaijin who writes decidedly over the top shit as a laugh. Just how keen are you to support your beliefs that you will take anything that confirms them?

The off topic crap in these threads really brings the daft fools crawling out of the woodwork, doesn't it? All of you, fuck off. This has nothing to do with the thread.

>> No.18353562


>> No.18353588

it's obviously meant to generate some lulz, but some of the things he mentions are completely possible
for example getting semi-good grades just by paying your tuition fees and being there is exactly how chinese exchange students get through university in australia
I always had the impression japanese college consists of simply recognizing certain terms and roughly knowing their definition, but nothing that would go into any depth.... even the japanese say it themselves that college is for partying and enjoying life before becoming a work slave

>All of you, fuck off. This has nothing to do with the thread.
you're absolutely right, let's discuss english grammar for the next 150 posts

>> No.18353620
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>> No.18353625


>> No.18353713

>I see some words that seem just too complex or with weird kanji, like I don't know
Because you heavily underestimate what natives, even children, know or you overestimate complexity of these words. Just because children "learn" 2100 kanji throughout school doesn't mean that they can easily read them pretty early. "Children can't read complex kanji" is a meme on top of "natives struggle with jlpt 1".

>> No.18353715

It's easy but you should save it for when you're better at japanese so you can notice how the MC's narration get more and more insane as the game goes on.

>> No.18353805


>> No.18353808




>> No.18353817
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>> No.18353819
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>> No.18353829
File: 164 KB, 1269x366, goblin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>01 05
Does anyone here have the rest?

>> No.18353884


>> No.18353903


>> No.18353939


>> No.18353940
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>> No.18354010

I hope to see scat art of her one day

>> No.18354129
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>> No.18354152
File: 76 KB, 1200x675, 1517895516185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a dream in Japanese last night. I was sitting at a bar and the waiter kept comming over, calling me an idiot, and telling me to pay my tab. I kept saying I would as soon as my fish gave me my money back. Then I woke up.

Is this a sign of progress or am I just slowly going insane?

>> No.18354214


>> No.18354236


>> No.18354258
File: 280 KB, 977x429, 1516214967155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank fuck I'm not alone in this
I have no idea why, I've tried to understand them but every single time I read them, I just get confused

>> No.18354285

koto: events, states, situations, ideas, generalizations, features
mono: objects, reasons
basically if you're not describing something that is a physical entity that exists before beyond labeled it's probably koto

>> No.18354298

alternately, koto are "about" things, including other koto, but mono are always things themselves

>> No.18354744

>These are completely clear, and what distinguishes their difference is "good" and "bad", not "awfully" or "terribly".
But 凄い is exactly like that.
Read more.

>> No.18354763

I thought it could be, thinking logically, but to me it just didn't seem similar enough.

I think this is probably it, thank you!

>> No.18354807

A Japanese friend of mine has a degree in English Literature from a Japanese college and he's never read even one English book cover to cover.

>> No.18354810
File: 95 KB, 640x480, 1317315988116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Due to some circumstances i can't explain, i've been out of reading, doing reps, listening, etc for almost a month. I remember i was finally getting this shit down (or so it would seem, because there's endless difficulty spikes depending on how far you want to go)

Well i'm back into the game, i don't know why i'm making this post but wish me luck

>> No.18355086

How to know which reading to use for stuff like 四, 七 etc?

>> No.18355101

I've had to see some example phrases there and there to get back into reading. My reading speed obviously fell, and most of the time was spent recalling words i already knew,
But after the initial "oh fuck what the fuck did that mean again" period it's been going a bit more smoothly.
Just making this post as motivation for some guys that burnt out or crashed.
You niggas can make it.

>> No.18355125

>But after the initial "oh fuck what the fuck did that mean again" period it's been going a bit more smoothly.
I was ill through the end of December and a lot of January and just started back reading again about 2 weeks ago.

I found it was pretty easy to pick up where I left off. Conscious knowledge fades but unconscious knowledge doesn't seem to go anywhere. Anything which you truly learned doesn't leave you.

>> No.18355154
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>> No.18355272

What site is this?

>> No.18355303
File: 16 KB, 400x400, 1512659163383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plenty of braindead Japanese majors, too.
I've heard that Japanese uni isn't taken seriously but writing fanfiction dialogue and claiming that Japanese people are intellectually stunted is still retarded

>> No.18355314

How should I approach making flashcards for names? Not even broaching the subject of given names, even something like 黒田 has
listed on Jmnedict.

I'm also wondering if くろた and くりだ are fairly uncommon readings.

>> No.18355332
File: 29 KB, 665x574, 47b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im going through the 2k deck rn and I am so fucking bad at remembering the kanji for the vocabulary. Most of the time my stats on anki are under 50% correct
Anybody got any tips on how to memorize this shit better? Starting to get discouraged here

>> No.18355355
File: 543 KB, 600x848, 60121-file3_s-original-1365645522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could:
study radicals
study kanji instead
write out the terms of paper for a while with proper stroke order to get a sense of them (probably less efficient than studying radicals)

it only gets harder from here

>> No.18355360

go do something useful instead

>> No.18355375

looks like you dont have a brain so you should stop wasting your time and just give up

>> No.18355376

Is 6k to 10k any good?

>> No.18355381

just mine instead

>> No.18355385

No time to be honest.

>> No.18355391
File: 129 KB, 314x278, 1486934034024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I do have a brain anon
I couldnt type this or go on about my day if I didnt

>> No.18355415

you will never learn Japanese if you don't read.

>> No.18355418

Start with listening and then go for reading once you picked up some vocab.
That's how I did it. Much easier to associate words to kanji when you already know those words.

>> No.18355422

Yea . . . so is it any good?

>> No.18355433

I do distinctly feel like I'm wasting my day here
How else do I read the names in this game though

>> No.18355434
File: 10 KB, 235x176, 14233173_1093941280660177_3299585813011017674_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start with listening in a language with a countless number of homophones

>> No.18355440

it never tells you how to read them at some point?

>> No.18355443

extremely diminishing returns beyond 2k.
I was not shitposting.
You can't learn a language by trying to memorize a dictionary.

>> No.18355448

I'm not in a hurry.

>> No.18355452

Your ears already know how to listen and you don't have to learn a new "listening system" to catch what is being said.
Why not start with something you can already do instead of spending months on kana+kanji before consuming content?

>> No.18355459
File: 20 KB, 510x382, 10440687_10203398627799343_8724998295442085249_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean if you really want to learn 10,000 words but still have no idea how to communicate then have a fuckin blast dude

>> No.18355464

>Why not start with something you can already do
but you can't already differentiate between homophones without prior knowledge of the vocabulary

>> No.18355466

Not the goal. You don't know how to communicate either. Also, go back to /int/.

>> No.18355474

if you don't want to read or communicate then what possible reason do you have for learning a language

>> No.18355480

I find Anki statistics to be aesthetically pleasing.

>> No.18355484

Is there a keyboard command to hot switch between language input modes for IME?

>> No.18355489
File: 15 KB, 400x300, 5038edc52a92bf2f6c3c0eee2071b7ae_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... 泥でも飲んでください

>> No.18355490

What exactly is the problem?
You type in the homophone in jisho and see one translation that best fits your context.

I started listening with zero knowledge of Japanese and never had a problem with a homophone.

>> No.18355495

Fuck, now I really feel like I've wasted my morning.

>> No.18355504

If you hit again for more than 20% of your cards something is fundamentally wrong with your studies and you should find out what it is.

>> No.18355509

on google ime it's alt+shift to switch to and from the IME
ctrl-caps to switch to hiragana when activated
alt-caps to switch to katakana when activated

>> No.18355512

Alt + Shift to change languages
Ctrl + Caps for hiragana
Alt + Caps for katakana
Alt + ` to switch between alphabet and whichever kana you currently have selected

>> No.18355603
File: 7 KB, 1203x692, 1515380408786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this word seriously used that way?

>> No.18355616
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>> No.18355628
File: 95 KB, 500x377, why the fuck am I learning this stupid half dead moon-language.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still in the process of learning the kana. I'm finding that, while I can easily recall what an already written kana stands for, I'm having trouble actually recalling the the kana in their "alphabetical" order. Meaning, I can read a sentence written out in kana (even if I can't understand the meaning) but if someone asked me to write out the 94 symbols in their romanization chart I couldn't do it.

Did anyone else have this problem? If so, what exercises did you do and/or what resources did you use to overcome it?

>> No.18355640

recall is always going to be easier than reproduction, youre wasting your time studying it since youll be using it in the future anyways

>> No.18355661

You could always use mnemonics to remember in what order the kana go. It's not like you have to remember the position of each and every kana. It gets pretty intuitive beyond a certain point.

If you're still really having trouble with it, Heisig's Remembering the Kana slowly teaches you the order of them. You can skim the learning the kana part since you already know them, and directly go to the parts where he walks you through their actual order.

>> No.18355680

"If you're new, read the guide." Did you ever even consider that maybe there's a reason that phrase is present in every single OP post, every single OP image?

>> No.18355685
File: 62 KB, 440x580, DGr_U2lWAAES6zl.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Somehow 700 cards disappear from my flashcard study
>Realize it 3k words later, 700 are unadded
>Add them all at once because I can't be assed, I know most of the kanji anyways
>Now I get like 5x more words than usual every few days

>> No.18355696
File: 78 KB, 312x268, 1480870341500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you think that reading necessarily involves a mining deck, or that Core10k and reading are mutually exclusive? I'm nearly done with 10k and I read every day, I can communicate with natives over text or verbally with little difficulty.

>> No.18355717

I'm unsure if you're primarily talking about the gojuuon order or the individual kana. The English wikipedia page for gojuuon has some shitty mnemonics if you want to memorize that. As for writing them, you can keep practicing writing but it doesn't take long to get to the point where the strokes are pretty easy as long as you remember the shape, and focusing on exposure to the shapes through reading and moving forward with your study will be more effective than trying to get perfect at kana now.

>> No.18355720

This, people always assume you can only study one thing at a time when you should be doing a bit of everything every day.

>> No.18355746

except writing

>> No.18355773

Unless you want to be able to handwrite.

Maybe someone wants to learn it for calligraphy or other purposes. I assume this thread isn't just full of neets that learn Japanese only to jerk off.

>> No.18355780

To clarify, its not necessarily the ordering I'm having trouble with, but rather the recall of kana from sounds and romaji. For instance, I can read こにちわ and understand it as ko-ni-chi-wa. But if someone told me to write out "konichiwa" in kana I would struggle.

>> No.18355804

Oh you poor innocent soul.
It's こんにちは

>> No.18355813

If you want to learn to handwrite (which is optional), grab a new handbook and write new words you learn in order of word-hiragana-translation. Remember to check stroke order before writing something down. If you find something harder to write, excercise it on a separate sheet or at the other side of the notebook.

You should learn to write hiragana fluently in no time, and having a notebook to review words from is nice when you're starting.

こにちわ even appears in the dictionary, though it also rustles me.

>> No.18355824

You assumed wrong and should go back to /int/ along with all the people posting facebook pictures in here.

>> No.18355856

The difficulty of remembering words in pre-made decks is significantly higher than in mining decks, in my experience.

When you've encountered a word in the wild and gone out of your way to specifically make a card for it, it sticks in your memory so much better.

>> No.18355864
File: 48 KB, 336x280, 1491369259539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does a degree in Japanese have any value at all, or is it a Women's Studies tier qualification?

>> No.18355877

no, proof of knowing another language is completely useless in life dont bother

>> No.18355888

The latter apparently. I heard it's possible to get a comfortable job if you have the right contacts, but it won't make you rich or anything.
Especially considering you can learn the language itself just as fast as an university graduate while learning on the side and getting a real degree.
Proof that you know Japanese can be a language certificate like JLPT. I certainly wouldn't bother with that kind of degree. Probably for people that really care for nothing but Japan.

>> No.18355946

Depends what other education you have. For instance a degree in business plus an N1 certification is gold.

>> No.18355976
File: 163 KB, 407x615, Fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy. Just kill me now.

>> No.18355989

Oh cool, didn't know we had this. Thanks

>> No.18355995

Wanna get English C1 and Japanese N1 this year.
Wish me luck!

>> No.18356007

Pretty much every single thing in the DJT Library is missing volumes and I haven't been able to find the missing ones in digitized form anywhere when I've tried looking. Some of the stuff in there is also not officially digitized and therefore likely riddled with numerous errors.

You're better off just getting scans from Nyaa and reading them with OCR instead.

>> No.18356013

Actually it's 今日は

>> No.18356110

I can't find a definition for the use of こと before nouns.
E.g: 'こと被虐に関しては…'

>> No.18356145
File: 6 KB, 351x208, 9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.18356156

Most books don't even have multiple volumes.

>> No.18356161

what's the actual best way of hammering in kana? I've been using a quiz app but I think I'm just matching patterns with my autism rather than actually learning the characters.

>> No.18356170

How do I say "Because my father was working in Tokyou during the holidays, my mother and me went there."?


Does this make sense?

>> No.18356228

>my mother and me
Maybe you should learn to speak English before you learn Japanese.

>> No.18356252

Why would he have to learn English to learn Japanese?

>> No.18356309

Too bad the DJT Library is mostly for VNs which do.

>> No.18356315

Thanks that's probably it.
I kept looking through definitions of 事 and 言.

>> No.18356319

Maybe you should learn how to not be a cunt, then you might one day have a gf instead of a 4chan pass.

sorry dude, no one here knows any japanese other than 200 kanji readings from anki they've done for 2 weeks 2 years ago, try the /int/ thread.

>> No.18356388

No? The majority of books there are not missing volumes.

>> No.18356447

What VN is this?

>> No.18356548

What's DJT's prefered method of typing on mobile devices? Romanized input or flick keyboard?

>> No.18356553

looks like sakura no uta

>> No.18356605


>> No.18356647


This article is dumb. It's basically a bunch of anecdotes and false equivalencies strung together to support an un-sourced/researched conclusion. It's pretty scary the comments are nothing but praise.

>> No.18356751

Flick, no contest.

>> No.18356761

Keyboard through Nox app player.

>> No.18357304


t. 日本語知らない人
