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18051186 No.18051186 [Reply] [Original]

▶ Ar Tonelico for Lazy People Pack

▶ EXA_PICO Visual Collection
info: pastebin.com/UzwjkAUY

▶ Miscellaneous Translations
Flash Cosmospheres, Ciel\Ar novel, etc: ar-ciel.unit03.net/
Ciel Nosurge Story Summary: unit03.net/view/Ciel_nosurge/Story

▶ Mega.nz Folder of Ar tonelico / Atelier goodies
Flash Cosmospheres, AT3 Yokkora fan disc and original /jp/ stuff.

▶ [FLAC] EXA_PICO Autistic Music Collection
Info: pastebin.com/Pc88NuEC

▶ [MP3] EXA_PICO Musical Collection
info: pastebin.com/aPxrK3zh

▶ Stellatram arrangement album (bonus CD)

▶ Firis Artbook
password: mybeautifulwifefiris

▶ [MP3] Blue Reflection OST

▶ Prepatched AT2

▶ Updated OP:

▶ Outdated links:

▶ Previous thread

>> No.18051228

Why is Kishida Mel still on Gust streams when he's not even working on anything for them?

>> No.18051260

why is she burning?

>> No.18051301

Uh what? I'm going to call [citation needed] on that.

>> No.18051302

Sophie's alchemy system with the cauldrons actually encouraged you to master it so you could make better items with the more advanced cauldrons' restrictions, which Firis completely threw out and instead tied being able to make better items to grinding out levels for each item type (bomb, ice bomb, thunder bomb, etc.). Also mass synthesis is a complete and utter chore and is probably the worst idea Gust has ever had in regards to synthesis.
Firis runs like arse and the open world design is just awful because they didn't have the budget to make it work, so it's full of huge empty grasslands and copy pasted forest areas and caves. Nothing about the open world is interesting, it just makes the whole game a chore to travel through. At least in Sophie all of the locations in the world were unique.
FIris' half-hearted attempt at bringing back the time limit was also poorly done because they just slap you with a big one year counter at the start of the game which does nothing to help you break up how much time you should be spending in each area and whether you should be rushing or have plenty of time to burn.
All of Firis' field music is completely ruined by the stupid time system, because some idiot decided that the music should change for every 30 seconds of walking and not play at all from 12AM to 6AM. Sophie did the same time of day thing but it only had two variations and slower progression so it wasn't as bad. I'd agree that Firis' soundtrack is better, but the horrible implementation mars it.
Firis' characters are absolute messes who all only interact with Firis and Liane and rarely anyone else in the cast, because of the stupid party system it has. Plus the writing in general is fucking retarded with shit like the entire waterspout scenario. It's also very easy to miss events with party members in general, when they even have any at all. I never saw anything other than the recruitment event of Drossel's in the whole time I had her in my party. Sophie had the same problem, especially with Harol, but it still wasn't as bad about it as Firis was.
The only thing Firis did better than Sophie was unfucking the battle system a little, but the special attack system in Firis is still awful.

>> No.18051672
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There's a possibility of another Blue Reflection, and I'm fairly sure he still does illustrations for Atelier Quest Board. On top of that he's a fun guy with strong connections to the series.

I'd like to see Mel and Yoshiku stay around for more secondary projects.

>> No.18051681

I'm hoping for a Blue Reflection sequel. The first game is very underrated.

>> No.18051754

Is there a collection of all the Quest Board art somewhere?

>> No.18052399

None that I know of, and it'd probably be a pretty big chore to get it all.
A lot of mobile games stream the artwork so you can't exactly just rip it.

>> No.18052428

Is this series worth getting into? Fr what I've read it seems like it's just forgettable

>> No.18052592

It ranges from great to bad depending on the games. The Arland games are generally agreed to be the best of the translated titles and I highly recommend you at least check those out. Play Rorona+ first.

>> No.18052597

Isn't this the Ar Tonelico thread?

>> No.18052604

I really want him to do the next Atelier saga, his style fits so well with the series.

>> No.18052611

It's the Gust thread, it says that in the subject line.
If you were talking about Ar tonelico then the first two games are both worth playing for the great setting, stories, and music. The gameplay is easy in them but not particularly bad, while the gameplay in Qoga is bad enough that you'd have to seriously consider if it's worth sitting through for the rest of the game.

>> No.18052632

>The Arland games are generally agreed to be the best of the translated titles
Ayesha isn't an Arland game.

>> No.18052655

Ayesha isn't generally agreed to be the best, and Dusk certainly isn't. But Ayesha is my second-favourite.

>> No.18052683

He's like their spokesperson or something and I'm guessing he's also friends in general with people there. Also, he did BR and probably is working on something else for them. Could be BR2 or maybe he will do Atelier again. Or maybe another new IP, who knows.

>> No.18052696

I liked qoga but honestly

>> No.18052755

when do you think atelier games stopped being good

>> No.18052759

Firis, which wasn't good but mediocre. Lydie & Suelle looks to be good again though.

>> No.18052764

E&L, which is not coincidentally the first game after the KT buyout.

>> No.18052786


After Mana Khemia 1.

Never got along with any Gust games after that. I don't know why.

>> No.18052904

Should I play Firis or Shallie+ first?

>> No.18052946

You shouldn't play either.

>> No.18052963

Assume I have to.

>> No.18052969

Shallie then Firis (assuming you already played Sophie).

>> No.18052977

I did, those are the only translated titles I haven't played yet besides Mana Khemia 2.

>> No.18053088

Why do you fake fans refuse to play the untranslated ones?

>> No.18053107

Don't you have a Neptunia thread to shitpost in?

>> No.18053117


>> No.18053152

I like atelier games because they are comfy but I am not a fan of yuri

>> No.18053227

What about yuri twincest though?

>> No.18053271

It's not like there's ever outright yuri in the games.

>> No.18053312

I feel like the girls being gay ruins the cuteness though

>> No.18053351

It makes them cuter you fag.

And stop trying to start shit.

>> No.18053354

But lesbians in real life are seldom all that cute

>> No.18053356

It does neither.

>> No.18053554
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Gust writes about forming strong bonds, and the results of relationships aren't typically part of the writing.

Girls being gay is only your interpretation.

>> No.18053785

I'm still learning Japanese, so I'll play them once I do.

>> No.18053877

Is it just me or does the new atelier game look kind of weird

>> No.18053928

I hope transferring my demo data doesn't make me miss out on chapter 1 and 2 complete trophies.

>> No.18053967

Does anyone else feel like this is a do-or-die game for Gust? If KT are willing to kill off Dead or Alive I don't think they'll tolerate any more underperforming Atelier games.

>> No.18054006

what if there was a gust game with lots of rape and pornographic sex in it?

>> No.18054051

That's called Kamidori.

>> No.18054059

Remind me, is L&S the 20th anniversary project, or is that next year?
Either way I gave up all hope for Mysterious after Sophie, and I've been waiting for the next series to start. If that one ends up being bad too then Gust is truly dead to me.

>> No.18054173

kamidori is pretty vanilla though

>> No.18054481

I'm new to these threads but is all this negativity common to fans of the series?
I like Gust games, they have the mood/aesthetics that most appeal to me in Jrpgs.
I could be playing Persona, Nier or even stuff like Dark Souls or Bloodborne which to be honest are all great games, but I choose to play Atelier and Blue Reflection.

>> No.18054555

No, videogame fans are just really whiny regardless of the series. What I don't understand is why they don't just go to reddit if they want to bitch and moan

>> No.18054936

>which Firis completely threw out and instead tied being able to make better items to grinding out levels for each item type (bomb, ice bomb, thunder bomb, etc.).

I don't like that either.

>Also mass synthesis is a complete and utter chore and is probably the worst idea Gust has ever had in regards to synthesis.

It's more realistic that way, having you have to gather a shit ton of materials to build your ship.

>Plus the writing in general is fucking retarded with shit like the entire waterspout scenario

What do you mean?

>> No.18054943

>caring about trophies

>> No.18055031

mass synth is basically the same as having to make a bunch of shit for the ship in totori

hell, i was actually happy to get rid of a bunch of shit i just had stuck in my container because i constantly filled it up

firis's alchemy has a lot more depth than sophie and it gets more interesting at the end of the game (alchemy dress) instead of becoming completely trivial (ultimate cauldron)

if they made it easier to get free trait transfers (instead of grinding) it would reduce a lot of the emphasis on catalyst/bonus lines--which would be less fun

>> No.18055191

I'm not being negative towards the games themselves. Save for Firis I think all of Gust's games gave been at least decent. I'm just pointing out that their last few titles haven't sold well, and with KT potentially killing one of their most iconic franchises it has me worried.

>> No.18055401

>soon Lydie's game will come out in Japan
>has to wait all the way until the end of March for the English version

Fuck I won't be able to resist the spoilers that long. Might end up watching some dude's playthrough on Youtube.

>> No.18055635


You'd have to be pretty stupid to want to miss out on the series finale and the songs associated to it if you already completed the first two games.

>> No.18055639

Ar tonelico 2 existed after Mana Khemia 1.

>> No.18055868

Whoa, did they seriously just kill Dead or Alive? I thought it was bigger and more profitable than everything by Gust combined.

>> No.18055888

They're just ending DoA5, not the series.

>> No.18056310

>What do you mean?
Firis goes to the port town and notices that everyone seems depressed, which is because of the waterspout, which has shut off their only access outside of the town and left them unable to send boats out for travel or trade. Illmeria comes up with a plan to remove the waterspout entirely, while Firis comes up with the idea of making a special boat that can travel through it instead. Illmeria actually completes her planned item, but drops the idea to help Firis with her boat for MUH FRIENDSHIP. So Firis then goes and makes the boat and uses it to travel through the waterspout and off to the other town. The boat then stays at port for Firis' exclusive personal use.
The story of the game puts a great deal of emphasis on alchemists using their abilities to help people and not themselves, and getting the other letters of recommendation are all tied to this. The waterspout scenario runs completely contrary to this, because they don't do a single thing to help the town or anyone in it, they make a boat that's purely for the protagonist's use, when they had the ability to remove the waterspout and allow anyone to pass through the area again and restore free travel and trade to the town.
It's a massive writer oversight and easily the single worst bit of writing in any Atelier game.

>firis's alchemy has a lot more depth than sophie and it gets more interesting at the end of the game (alchemy dress) instead of becoming completely trivial (ultimate cauldron)
You missed the point. Sophie's cauldrons gave you a risk and reward, with the cauldrons with time limits and no takebacks giving you better items as a result, which encourages you to master them. Firis might have more depth in the end, but it's just like E&L in that you can just back out of anything at the last step if it's not perfect, so you have no reason to master it because you can just trial and error your way to success with no punishment.

>> No.18056798

Surge Concerto 3 and Blue Reflection 2 with FF15 budgets when?

>> No.18056911

BR2 doesn't need a significantly bigger budget, just a longer dev cycle.

>> No.18057118

After a certain point I think increasing the budget size can be detrimental. When you're talking a certain amount of money being thrown around it kind of limits your ability to experiment and be creative since if your game winds up being a flop you just bankrupted your studio. Kind of forces you to stick to the same tried and true AAA game tropes that you know will move at least enough copies to pay your investment. While games on shoestring budgets have to experiment and be creative to work around the limitations of their resources or mask how cheap they really are.

There's probably a happy medium somewhere in there...

>> No.18057482
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>> No.18057621

That isn't a meaningful mechanic when every cauldron is right next to a save point.

>> No.18057655

Let's not pretend that there's no difference between needing to go through the tedious process of savescumming if you fuck up and not needing to savescum because you can't fuck up at all. It is a meaningful mechanic because as I explained, it encourages you to master the mechanics.

>> No.18057690

Savescumming is not really the intended way of playing the game anyway. I mean you could say stuff like hit percentages in Fire Emblem are not a "meaningful mechanic" for the same reason too, but they clearly are a significant one for typical playstyles.

>> No.18057702

I want Lydie to be my present.

>> No.18057925

Okay, Suelle.

>> No.18060036

Huh, so there are fans of the old Salburg era Atelier who thought Atelier was originally a game for girls but now had transformed into more of a game of men thanks to all the yuri shit.

>> No.18060047

>Firis goes to the port town and notices that everyone seems depressed, which is because of the waterspout, which has shut off their only access outside of the town and left them unable to send boats out for travel or trade. Illmeria comes up with a plan to remove the waterspout entirely, while Firis comes up with the idea of making a special boat that can travel through it instead. Illmeria actually completes her planned item, but drops the idea to help Firis with her boat for MUH FRIENDSHIP. So Firis then goes and makes the boat and uses it to travel through the waterspout and off to the other town. The boat then stays at port for Firis' exclusive personal use.

Did you miss the part where Sophie fixed all the other ships so they could go through the waterspout too?

>You missed the point. Sophie's cauldrons gave you a risk and reward, with the cauldrons with time limits and no takebacks giving you better items as a result, which encourages you to master them. Firis might have more depth in the end, but it's just like E&L in that you can just back out of anything at the last step if it's not perfect, so you have no reason to master it because you can just trial and error your way to success with no punishment.

But there are always been takebacks ever since the Arland series. Time limit shit only exists in Sophie.

>> No.18060870
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>> No.18060993

>Did you miss the part where Sophie fixed all the other ships so they could go through the waterspout too?
You're going to have to point out to me where this happened, because I don't recall such a thing being mentioned whatsoever. Unless it came later on, because I dropped the game shortly afterwards. But even if it did that's still an absurd waste of time and resources compared to shutting down the waterspout, and it's Sophie who went and helped the townspeople, not Firis.
>But there are always been takebacks ever since the Arland series. Time limit shit only exists in Sophie.
Yes, that's why Sophie's systems were good changes. Having takebacks in Arland didn't particularly matter because the act of putting the ingredients in wasn't any sort of involved process like it became in later games, whereas having takebacks in E&L trivialised the whole process.

>> No.18061388
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>> No.18061422 [DELETED] 

Amazon jp sold out of Lydie & Suelle PS4 the day I decided I wanted it. This same thing happened with 2 other things a couple days ago.

>> No.18061465
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>> No.18061473
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Really hope NOCO made a LydieSuelle one of these. There was one with Liane and Firis too.

>> No.18061491
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Only make sense to have a nice yuri LydieSuelle release illustration to complete the collection.

>> No.18061592

Do you think all the new atelier games will be Switch exclusive?

>> No.18061604

No. Why would you even ask this?

>> No.18061720

Gust has historically done poorly on Nintendo.
I think L&S will determine if Gust continues to Switch releases, YnK2 sold more on Vita than Switch. If there's a repeat it might not be worth the effort.

>> No.18061828

It's KT's decision, not theirs. YnnK2 selling better shouldn't be a surprise seeing as the Vita was a success in Japan and actually has a decent install base there. Plus that's where most of Gust's fanbase currently is. All we know is that KT were satisfied with their Switch game sales overall.

>> No.18063626
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>> No.18064854

No, Gust only makes Neptunia tier shovelware.

>> No.18065425

They brought back cool finishers. I'm legit hyped for this game now. God let it be first good mystery game.

>> No.18065775

Cute! They stayed true to her original design instead of using the milf Marie.

>> No.18065926
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>> No.18066060
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>holding hands

>> No.18066551

Confirmed they're not going to uncensor Blue Reflection. Poor Gust, being stuck with such an incompetent publisher.

>> No.18066600

Just import, dumb EOP.

>> No.18066643

I'll do that after I finish learning moon, by which point it will probably be out of print.

>> No.18066742

>6 fingers

Can we finally stop pretending the art of the Mystery series is any good? Hidari and Mel are gods compared to NOCO and Yugen.

>> No.18066782

It boggles the mind how such a thing can make it all the way to print with no one noticing.

>> No.18066797

It also seems to be a major advertising art piece. KT really needs to fire people in Gust. They are making horrible decisions.

>> No.18066810

You say that as though it's not KT's fault that Gust has gone to shit.

>> No.18066978

It is good. It sucks that they made a mistake like this but that happens as an artist sometimes. Surprised no one caught it though. I didn't notice until you mentioned it.

Yes, yes, Gust is literally the worst thing ever. Fuck off. I don't know about you but they're still the only good dev making "anime" JRPGs. Literally no other cute SoL games like this. I did think Firis was bad but the demo for LydieSuelle was good. I

>> No.18067014

>Gust is literally the worst thing ever
I love GUST, I'm sorry if I expect better from them. They set the standard with Violet, Rorona, Meruru, and Ayesha. anything below that missed the mark. Nothing in Mystery comes close.

>> No.18067046

This, sort of. I think the Xenoblade and some of the Tales of games are fine but there's nothing like Gust's games and outside Firis they've all been enjoyable IMO.

>> No.18067076

Firis's SOL scenes were not even good. Half of them were just about snacks. At least Sophie's had charm, like the first time Sophie tries to give Prafta a body. Or how everyone reacts differently to a talking book. As for no other game does SOL well, Xenoblade, Persona, Tales, Trails, Neptunia, Senran Kagura, and Disgaea all have great SOL scenes. What used to separate Atelier was the gameplay and music. Both of which suffered in Mystery.

>> No.18067080

its all nostalgia on why people always claim the older atelier games are the best. each atelier game is pretty much the same thing, just swap in a new cast of characters. mysterious is fine, theres no reason to hate on sophie or firis other than just hating on it because it isnt arland 2.0.

>> No.18067082

I played replayed Violet this weekend, it's still the best Atelier.

>> No.18067129

>Yes, yes, Gust is literally the worst thing ever. Fuck off.
Why do you overreact so badly? We can think that Gust has been going downhill without thinking the games are unplayable garbage and they're the worst developer to ever exist. Don't get so pissy over every little bit of criticism.

>> No.18067138

>What used to separate Atelier was the gameplay and music. Both of which suffered in Mystery.
Sophie's soundtrack was boring but Firis' was great, but Firis suffered from the awful implementation of music changing according to the time of day.

Or maybe everyone isn't stupid and can judge each game based on its own merits. I started with Iris but you'd never see me saying that lived up to the later games.

>> No.18067191

>Firis suffered from the awful implementation of music changing according to the time of day.

Yep, it got to the point where I turned off the music and just put on the ost via youtube. Kind of retarded that I had to do that at all. The worst parts of the night day system is it fucked up the music, lighting bugs are STILL a thing and it actually takes me out of the world instead of immersing me in it. All for nothing because it adds nothing to the gameplay.

>> No.18067193

>Don't get so pissy over every little bit of criticism.

Are you new? There's been tons of hate on Gust lately and it gets annoying always hearing everyone shit on them with all their doom and gloom. I should be the one telling you guys not to overreact.

None of the games you listed are even slightly like Atelier, anon.

I've listened to them both and I think Sophie's soundtrack is way better. I don't know what was boring about it to you.

>> No.18067197

I wasn't specifically talking about SOL stuff, but "anime" JRPGs in general as that anon mentioned. The SOL stuff is nice but Gust games have a relaxed and pleasant vibe that I never really get anywhere else. That's what I meant when I said there's nothing like them.

>> No.18067202

i agree that every atelier has its merits but mysterious has always been getting unfair treatment.

>> No.18067208

I don't think he was claiming those games were like Atelier. He just meant they have slice of life scenes.

>> No.18067230

You seem overly sensitive to valid criticism. People are shitting on the games because they care and the quality of the games are down. Not to say they are horrible unplayable games but Firis is still riddled with visual bugs, the whole half time limit system was a half assed attempt at satisfying time limit fans while completely botching the whole idea of why people liked time limits, Sophie was an incomplete mess, the character designs often clash, the music suffers because of the day and night systems, side characters hardly interact in an interesting manner, the alchemy and end game bosses is arguably the only thing Mystery improves on

>> No.18067234

I expecting a safe thread after being bullied by /v/. What happened.

>> No.18067236

Nah that belongs to Shallie.

>> No.18067238

>There's been tons of hate on Gust lately and it gets annoying always hearing everyone shit on them with all their doom and gloom.
I haven't been seeing any more hate than usual, but I have seen more people whining about negative things being said.

No, it really hasn't. The games have many issues that for some reason people don't want to acknowledge, and they absolutely aren't up to par with the Arland trilogy. Does that make them the worst games ever? Of course not. But people have every reason to be disappointed and every right to vocalise that disappointment.

>> No.18067249

Two artist system was a mistake. Hopefully one never to be repeated. Thankfully it's all over now.

>> No.18067261

You can blame >>18066978 for taking two throwaway comments and making a drama out of them.

I don't see the two artist system as much of a mistake, since Yuugen and NOCO have styles similar enough that it's not like their designs clash or anything. The only real mistake was hiring Yuugen, since his designs are easily the worse of the two.

>> No.18067277

Anon, lets review what happened here. The posts I quoted simply were stating that "Gust has gone to shit" and that "KT needs to fire people in Gust". These weren't valid criticisms so I just replied sarcastically with "fuck off". Nothing oversensitive about that.

I have a whole list of criticisms for Firis, believe me but I thought Sophie was good. Not defending Firis, just Sophie. And I can't respond to "clashing character designs" other than saying that I didn't think they clashed. Compared to a lot of other rag tag shounen shit JRPG casts, the characters designs were excellent and really didn't clash. I actually thought NOCO and Yuugen have done a good job of co-illustrating the games and making things work together but that's just me.

>> No.18067278


Since when is criticism fair?

>I have seen more people whining about negative things being said.

I remember when loli Rorona had people shitting all over GUST, people that like loli Rorona defended her but they didn't cry or tried to stop all criticism. Mystery fans are the biggest babies.

Atelier Shallie is my absolute favourite game in the series. I admit its faults and love it anyways. I can criticize it's shortfalls and praise where it does well. I don't go around trying to hush up negative comments about the game.

>> No.18067289

Yeah, I'll agree that it was my fault. Saw that shitty /v/ thread, scrolled threw a few posts and then hid it immediately. Then came here and saw more people shitting on Gust and couldn't resist responding. My bad.

>> No.18067298

Gust has been slipping up everywhere, Atelier are it's BEST recent games and even those are disappointing. To say nothing of BR/YnnK.

>> No.18067301

>Since when is criticism fair?
Beats me anon I never said it was.

>> No.18067303

> the characters designs were excellent and really didn't clash.
Whoa now, Mysterious' designs don't clash, but let's not take the jump of calling them "excellent". Mysterious has some really shitty designs in there, mostly as a result of excessive accessories.

>> No.18067304

Wrong. YnnK1 was better than Firis at least, and Blue Reflection is their best game since Ar Nosurge.

>> No.18067305

>relaxed and pleasant vibe
Bokujou Monogatari and Rune Factory

>> No.18067311

Rune Factory has a lot of drama in there, but not a whole lot more than what Ayesha or Totori had.

>> No.18067312

>Blue Reflection is their best game since Ar Nosurge

Not sure if this is supposed to be praise or not.

>> No.18067315

I literally didn't even bother replying to him. If you think Mystery has good art, you need to get your eyes checked. There are 3-4 good designs in Sophie/Firis COMBINED.

>> No.18067324

It's better than the recent Ateliers, is what I'm saying. It's also a good game.

>> No.18067326

Atelier always has top tier art and music. That's one of the main defining things. And you just prefer simpler designs if anything. The accessory usage isn't that bad.

>> No.18067329

I thought that Totori was the perfect balance of drama and sol in any game. Fuckinf masterful, unlike the drama in Shallie which was kinda forced.

>> No.18067330

While I agree with you guys this argument is about something 100% subjective.

>> No.18067332

Too bad about the rest of the game.

>> No.18067333

Okay, give me a recent game that has good designs and art.

>> No.18067338

Fire Emblem Echoes

>> No.18067344

But Totori was good.

>> No.18067351

Just because something is subjective it does not mean it's equal to all other subjective things. Taste is a matter of subjectivity but anyone but the most vulgar of people will tell you prime filet mignon is better than a cheese burger. Forgive the food analogy. Hiding behind "it's just your opinion" is a defensive mechanism of a defeated person, .

>> No.18067354

Yeah, Hidari is good. But so are Noco and Yuugen.

>> No.18067365

You are going to have to elaborate because while Totori is not as good as Meruru, it's miles better than anything in Mystery.

I hope L&S will make me eat my words! I HOPE with all my heart. It will make me look like an absolute bafoon. But I ain't betting on it.

>> No.18067366
File: 317 KB, 1570x842, arland knight and mysterious knight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really isn't. Maybe 50% subjective, but certainly not 100%. It's not pure coincidence that most people find Luso from FFTA2's design to be pure garbage.

>The accessory usage isn't that bad.
Yes it is. People don't just think "Sterk's design is nice because it's simple", people think "Sterk's design is nice because it's elegant, conveys his position as a swordsman working under an authority, and represents his rigid character". Julio's design is a fucking mess of unnecessary elements that doesn't even begin to tell you that he's a knight of the church, let alone represent his personality.

>> No.18067370

NOCO is passable. Yuugen is just shit.

>> No.18067371

>Hiding behind "it's just your opinion" is a defensive mechanism of a defeated person
Except it really is just your (and my) opinion. I don't care for most of the Mysterious designs either but there's no objective basis to claim they're bad.

>> No.18067373

>But so are Noco and Yuugen

They are not. Never even heard of them before Atelier, probably won't see them after either.

>> No.18067374

The House in Fata Morgana.

>> No.18067382

Sterk's design is generic as fuck. Both of those are bad.

>> No.18067391

Sterk looks like a knight who has lot's of administrative duties.

>> No.18067392

Please explain how Sterk's design is generic, and please explain how that somehow discounts the point I just made about Sterk's design representing his character and position, which is a common mark of good character design.

>> No.18067408

Atelier Online.

>> No.18067411

It's mediocre IMO. Outside of a few characters and the music the game isn't particularly memorable, despite it being my first Atelier. The structure sucks and most of the game just feels like busywork. In the others I always felt like I was working towards a goal, where in Totori I felt like I was working aimlessly just for the sake of working. It's definitely the weakest Arland game.

>> No.18067427

Sophie, Lydie and Suelle have good designs. Some of the side characters do too, although some are pretty bad. Arland and Dusk had about the same number of good designs IMO but the weaker ones were mediocre rather than being outright bad.

>> No.18067429

They're definitely competent and better than most other JRPGs illustrators. I'll agree that Mel and Hidari were better but I thinks these two are good too. You fags act like they're awful. I'm not defending every single design either, I think Drossel is terrible. But they can draw good expressive faces, their anatomy and proportions are competent enough, and they're coloring and other stylizations look good too.

>> No.18067444

Niggas can't even draw hands.

>> No.18067468
File: 310 KB, 1172x688, sabagebu consider.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The structure sucks and most of the game just feels like busywork. In the others I always felt like I was working towards a goal, where in Totori I felt like I was working aimlessly just for the sake of working. It's definitely the weakest Arland game.
I wholeheartedly disagree. The structure is my favourite part of Totori's design, and is what sets it apart from Rorona and Meruru. The structure is also largely revisited for Ayesha, in that both Totori and Ayesha involve a large interconnected world map with multiple towns to set up in as a base. Meruru sort of has the world map, but it's much less connected and goes out more in straight directions, while E&L is just a mess of a map that goes out in four straight lines from the only town.
Both Totori and Ayesha give you vague goals to meet over periods of time as opposed to the assignments of Rorona and E&L, and they give you more incentive to explore on your own to figure out how to best achieve those goals, which is supported by the map design. Another element of the map in them is that it actually benefits you to plan out a route to take to visit several areas and then return, particularly in Totori with the LP system. In Rorona this element is entirely absent.

I suppose the best argument is that it's one of preference; some people will prefer Rorona's more structured gameplay, while others will prefer Totori's more free gameplay. And Totori certainly had some issues that were ironed out when Ayesha went back to the same concept (the frontier village not having an atelier or being a warp destination as one of the most major ones), but I still love what it offers the most, and would say it's definitely the strongest Arland game, especially when you factor in the story and characters.

>> No.18067476

>and better than most other JRPGs illustrators.
No, not really.
>You fags act like they're awful.
That's because Yuugen IS awful.
>But they can draw good expressive faces, their anatomy and proportions are competent enough, and they're coloring and other stylizations look good too.
Funny, I've always hated the way they draw faces, and their style of shading. But that part at least is subjective.

>> No.18067503

I agree 100% but you wasted your breath on that knuckle dragger. Meruru is still best girl though. She needs another game.

>> No.18067509

It's funny because Ayesha is actually my favorite Atelier. In that game I never was without a clear goal like in Totori.

>> No.18067519
File: 1.02 MB, 919x1300, 54103981_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must just have shit fucking taste if you think he's awful. If you don't like his style then fine but the dude is competent.

>> No.18067533

Now that just confuses me, because when I played Ayesha I was often fumbling about just going between towns and areas with no idea of what the game wanted me to do to trigger the next set of events, which is a problem I never had in Totori as it was still mostly separated into clear six month intervals with your adventurer goals to meet.

Given that Yuugen is responsible for most of the bad designs in Mysterious, I will call him awful because he is awful.

>> No.18067534

Do knees work that way? Is she okay?

>> No.18067544

I think he's a decent artist and like his use of color. I just don't think he's a good designer. It's the creative side I find lacking.

>> No.18067548
File: 52 KB, 409x229, what the fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never mind the knees, I'm pretty sure her leg is broken.

>> No.18067566

She needs a doctor, holy shit.

>> No.18067615

Is Blue Reflection any good?

>> No.18067632

If you like cgdct yes, if not no. Thr gameplay is forgetable.

>> No.18067636

Sorry anon but what is cgdct?

>> No.18067639

Cool Guys Doing Cool Things.

>> No.18067658

That actually does work.

>> No.18067662
File: 104 KB, 1280x720, danshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only.

>> No.18067686

No, it absolutely doesn't. It's not just her calf sticking out, the whole bone sharply bends to the side and inwards and then back again. That is not how human legs work.

>> No.18067688

Yes as long as low difficulty doesn't bother you. Good amount of ability customization and a solid battle system, great bosses, likeable characters, and excellent art direction and music. The "dungeons" are extremely short (like one room, over in 10 minutes short) and repeated often but they get longer as the game goes on and I found it helped a lot with the pacing compared to something like Persona.

>> No.18067737

The general pose works. There curve of the leg and calf are exaggerated a bit but guess what; the manga art style often exaggerate or slightly deform the body a bit. The point is that's it's not THAT radically far off. You just want to be an autist and nitpick to hate on the guy. And technically she is a doll too if you want to get real particular about it.

>> No.18067753

>There curve of the leg and calf are exaggerated a bit but guess what; the manga art style often exaggerate or slightly deform the body a bit.
Artistic exaggeration does not excuse blatantly fucked anatomy. Do you defend Oyari Ashito's constant fuckups too, because it's just his style?
>You just want to be an autist and nitpick to hate on the guy.
No, I'm pointing out a fuckup because a fuckup was made, just like the other anon pointed out the six fingers. You're just looking for any way to defend them because you can't stand hearing a bad word said about them, for some reason.
>And technically she is a doll too if you want to get real particular about it.
A doll that doesn't normally have a broken leg, which only makes this stand out more, for it is not how it should be.

>> No.18067810

The entire manga style has blatant fucked up anatomy if you want to get technical about it. Six fingers is indeed an example of a severe fuckup but this leg isn't that bad. It's not completely bending backwards or anything in an impossible way. Go look in the mirror and bend your leg this way. I can get my leg close enough to this and I'm not as flexible as a slender young anime girl either. The style is based off reality but takes some liberties and stylizations as well. It's really not wrong at all.

>> No.18067824

It is absolutely wrong and I very much doubt your leg is able to bend anything like that, because bones do not work that way.
>The style is based off reality but takes some liberties and stylizations as well.
Yes, it is based on reality. That is why the characters still look human and attempt to be human and not amorphous blobs of nothing resembling human anatomy. Stop using this stupid excuse, it's just a fuck up, accept it and move on instead of being a stupid fanboy.

>> No.18067847

Given the shoddy translation of these games is it still worth playing?

>> No.18067867

Depends on the game, but for the most part yes.

>> No.18067872

How am I being a fanboy? It's not a fuck-up you fucking braindead piece of shit. Did you actually go look in the mirror and try this? He's not my top favorite illustrator and I do think NOCO is better but you're giving the dude shit for no reason. Are you a drawfag yourself or do you know anything about anatomy? This degree of stylization is perfectly fine. Six fingers is not fine though because it's impossible.

>> No.18068828

so how is l&s?

>> No.18068890

Probably to early to ask this since it literally just came out.

>> No.18069320

son, that's not even an option.
just learn your moon and stop sucking the faggy western santorum spew they call 'localization'.

>> No.18069333

But moon is haaaaaaaaaaard.

>> No.18070157

Not >>18067382, but I could mistake Sterk for any other bland anime MC. So yeah, both desings are lame because of the opposite reasons.

>> No.18070168

Hello. I came to see what people thought about L&S, but I can't believe only one post in the last five hours.

>> No.18070507

It's dead Jim.

>> No.18071348

Anyone has Atelier Firis OST in FLAC?

>> No.18071793

Amazon is being a shit, so I guess I'll just wait for A20.

>> No.18072318

Still need to wait a week for proxy shipping here. I'm playing Xenoblade 2, so it's not like I needed to drop extra money on fast shipping.

>> No.18072386
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>> No.18072674

So I started playing Ayesha on the vita, it was my first Atelier game wasnt aware there was a time limit and now I'm back at the start. I'm kinda bummed out, but I guess I gotta finish it since I was enjoying it and I want to play Escha & Logy.

>> No.18072683

Just play it normally and don't worry too much about the time, Ayesha isn't too strict.

Then play it a second time where you try to properly manage all the events.

>> No.18072753

Lydie's face looks like Suelle just touched beneath her skirt.

>> No.18072813

If only she actually did.

>> No.18073077

Are you saying you actually somehow managed to run out the time limit without ever noticing the game telling you how long you had left?

>> No.18073259

Yes, as I've said I didn't even know there was a time limit, I'm a completionist so I did all the delivery quests and explored every area I could I was coming back from the ice desert when the game suddenly ended.

>> No.18073298

But how did you not notice the time limit? I am genuinely dumbfounded here.

>> No.18073592

anon want to learn with me? we can get a group together

>> No.18073666

Idk either, maybe playing on a tiny vita screen didnt help.

>> No.18073766
File: 174 KB, 2048x1152, 25531982_1923760427638344_1850128701753297961_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished playing Blue Reflection, despite the kinda cheesy and cliche main plot (for someone who has watched a shit ton of mahou shoujo shows) I really enjoyed the game a whole lot. I think it might have my favourite soundtrack of any game I've ever played. I gotta say Kishida Mel's art kinda carries the game in some aspects, I would be lying if I didn't say I found the whole game just worth it for the art plus music.
The game suffers greatly from repetitive gameplay (particularly the sometimes pointless grind) and sometimes you wish there was a more "clear" goal in mind, but the boss fights were very entertaining.
But I feel find it kinda sad since that with a little more effort this game could've exploded in popularity, but it's GUST we're talking about, in my opinion they're famous for their "almost" very good games.

>> No.18073796

What grinding? Unless you are hellbent on doing every side quest (like me) there's little to no grinding required.

>> No.18073941

I only have a PC and never played Atelier but I want to get into it. Which game should I play first?

>> No.18074153

Emulate Marie if you can read Japanese confidently, otherwise just play Sophie first.

>> No.18074225
File: 53 KB, 162x177, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once you notice the hands you can never go back to unnoticing them. Fuck.

>> No.18074256
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>scene at 2:11:40


>> No.18074363
File: 113 KB, 470x878, Screenshot-2017-12-22 リディー&スールのアトリエ 〜不思議な絵画の錬金術士〜.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck designed this trainwreck of an outfit? It's not even about it being bad in a practical way (most Atelier outfits would be uncomfortable to wear), but it just hurts my eyes to look at. The side exposure isn't sexy because it doesn't match the conservative look of the rest of the outfit, it just looks weird and out of place. Even if they're going for sex appeal the visible bra straps cutting across her skin are distracting. And why do they lead downward anyway? Asymmetry can be cute but the long black sleeve looks more like part of an unfinished sleeve of an outer garment that was originally supposed to cover her shoulders but was just sewed to one side.

>> No.18074371

I like it.

>> No.18074462

Yuugen. This is why people were singling him out as being worse than NOCO earlier in the thread.
I agree though, Lydie is an absolute mess and one of the worst designs Atelier has ever had, not exaggerating in the slightest. Thankfully, Suelle is cute.

>> No.18074619

Cry harder. I think its cute.

>> No.18074669
File: 732 KB, 800x1025, d72307f7d5bd4997e73198ce24bbdb04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, who do you think has the best outfits?

Sophie's big coat is just too good.

Totori's is the most lewd.

>> No.18074703

Sophie and Ayesha.

>> No.18074719
File: 1.36 MB, 2000x2895, 125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every Arland design is 10/10 except Meruru's Sterk but my favourite is probably pic related.

>Totori's is the most lewd.
Young Totori is cute. But adult Totori is the lewdest.

>> No.18075201

I feel the exact same. Sophie's less over the top than some but just works so well.

>> No.18075255

I know it's not her, but Suelle sounds a lot like Yuuki Aoi.

>> No.18077105

If only, Lydie and Suelle's seiyuu are the whoest whos.

>> No.18077169

>Lydie and Suelle's seiyuu are the whoest whos.

Wrong, Maria Naganawa is one of the best up-and-coming seiyuu, she's cute, young, kinda new to the scene and hasn't had a million other roles before. Idk why people want 30yo sluts with 500 other roles to voice their games. The Otaku agree, they all want young and new seiyuu to voice their waifus, not used sluts.

>> No.18077219

>popular seiyuu are 30yo used sluts
Minase Inori just turned 22 and is one of the most popular female seiyuu right now. She's also super cute and pure and definitely not used.

>> No.18077257

Is that why you're upset? Because your seiyuufu wasn't cast in Atelier? I'm tired of Inori Minase already, pretty sure I heard her voice in 4 anime last season, her range is shit so she sounded the same in all of them.

>> No.18077279

She's already too popular to get the lead role in an Atelier game. She had her chance a few years ago but it's already passed.

>> No.18077293

I'll forgive them if they make Surge Concerto 3 because she'll be in as Casty.

>> No.18077495


That's assuming Casty even shows up in a future Surge Concerto game.

>> No.18077680

>future Surge Concerto game
That would be complicated unless you changed the setting completely.

>> No.18077801


Yeah. Ra Ciela's story is pretty much concluded with the way Ar nosurge ends.

>> No.18078270

Origa passed away, so Kanon cannot sing.

>> No.18078767

>tfw no Song Magic in our universe to bring her back

>> No.18078893


You have forgotten that Kanon had a singer before Origa came in for Ar nosurge, right?


Not like Song Magic could bring back the deceased, anyway...

>> No.18079047
File: 104 KB, 719x1280, photo_2017-12-23_11-37-40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Lydie and Suelle box is here!

>> No.18079054
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>> No.18079059
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>> No.18079102

Looks pretty cool, I would buy the limited edition too if I knew I would "LOVE" the game.

>> No.18079115

Rip that OST, please...

>> No.18079121

I'm aware, but the inclusion of Russian lyrics was something unique to Origa's talents, which became an interesting addition to Kanon's character.

I don't think replacing her would sit well with a lot of people, myself included.

>> No.18079376

Looks great Anon! Hope it's as great as I'm expecting it to be

Artbook Scan Anon found?! Would love to see the concepts if possible

>> No.18079563

Now tear apart that visual book and scan it for us.

>> No.18079881

>Not like Song Magic could bring back the deceased, anyway...
That's how Kanon came back.

>> No.18080981
File: 276 KB, 1920x1080, BLUE-REFLECTION_20171005000650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the Blue Reflection Soundtrack the GOAT?

>> No.18081092

No but it's really good. The game in general is underrated.

>> No.18081102


If by "replacing" you mean just going back to her original singer.


Because it was still possible to bring her back due to her soul being sealed in the Quasar. A death from disease or natural causes can't be reversed like that.

>> No.18081705

a lot of the songs had really good parts, but then had really shitty parts like wubwubwubs

also they got repeated way too much so they got old

>> No.18081720

But Tigar is the best song and it's filled with wubwubwubs.

>> No.18082266

Wubs are fine if used well. Blue Reflection uses them well. The OST is great although the second battle theme you get about 2/3 through the game is a downgrade from the first IMO.

>> No.18083372

Is there a time limit in Lydie and Suelle? I don't get the point of the calendar since it's never mentioned and assignments seem to be non-time limited. Is it ending related?

>> No.18083441

I want them to make an Atelier game where you can attack and kill NPCs.

>> No.18083451

Seasonal ingredients.

>> No.18083670

I want an Atelier without combat and more involved gathering. Maybe focus on avoiding monsters or using items to lure them away.

>> No.18084235

Please tell me this system isn't as stupid as it immediately sounds.

>> No.18084245

It's nothing new to the series.

>> No.18084863

sophie didn't have a time limit but still had a date
only was used for who showed up where and requests (sometimes)

>> No.18084878

I don't recall any of the games having seasonal ingredients.

>> No.18084891

I'm jelly anon.
I know my box should've arrived at customs warehouse around now, but Monday's public holiday, and they're normally swamped around this season, so they might release my shipment after new year.
At least I can finish xenoblade while waiting.

>> No.18084927

Dunkelheit is only during certain times in multiple games.

Are you sure you've even played an atelier?

>> No.18084989

Of the translated games that only applies to Rorona, and it's one single item that is one of the most valuable items in the entire game. Comparing this to L&S having a seasonal ingredient system in general is entirely disingenuous.

>> No.18085800

Are you or any other importers here playing it yet?

>> No.18086184

Total Command Akira Tsuchiya is a God. Merry Christmas, you guys.

>> No.18086346

I kind of got the feeling that the Sharl/Incarnate were gonna be proto-reyvateils but then they scrapped that idea at some point?

I dunno maybe I was expecting too much everyone said AnS was gonna be a prequel to tonelico series but it was much more tangential of a connection than I expected.

>> No.18086880


There was no way that was going to happen, as Surge Concerto ended just revealing that Song Magic existed in another planet long before Ar Ciel's sound science had been developed, and what the origin of the Teru (who themselves played an important role in the creation of Ar tonelico and the Reyvateils) was.

>> No.18086883


And of the soon-to-be-translated, it also applies to Marie and Elie.

>> No.18087873

>Lydie & Suelle just came out
>already on sale in the eShop
>not even in the top 15
>being outsold by Mom Hid My Game
Oh boy.

>> No.18088551


Yes and? The vast majority of the fanbase is on PS4 with a little still on Vita.

>> No.18088890

PS4 fanbase hasn't grown enough to compensate for how much the Vita and PS3 fanbase shrank. The Switch was the best bet to help make up for that but it's clearly not happening. L&S is going to sell even worse than Firis did.

>> No.18089128

Good riddance, I hope atelier dies after what they did with the series

>> No.18089219

Steam will make up for it

>> No.18089228

Be a faggot, I guess. Plenty of people still enjoy the games but I guess if you can't have your regurgitated Arland rehashes nobody should be happy, right?

Firis bombed hard on Steam. I'm doubtful L&S will do much better.

>> No.18089289
File: 88 KB, 459x640, DRBJeusUQAATxNM.jpg:orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This looks very interesting. Artist is here https://twitter.com/mikinosakazuki

>> No.18089840

I don't hope it dies, I hope the next series is good again. If the next series sucks too it can die though.

>> No.18090146

Kill yourself faggot.

>> No.18090317

How cheap is it on the eshop?

>> No.18090482

10% off.

>> No.18091510

What do you think about Ionasal kkll Preciel?

>> No.18092141
File: 93 KB, 629x884, 5efb0afab8b5d504836c8d677192ea59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think sexual thoughts about Ionasal kkll Preciel

>> No.18092179

I sometimes think I'm in love with her. I don't know for certain, though.

>> No.18092467

Anon, it's been 'on sale' since launch and it's fucking over 7000 yen, significantly more expensive than other Switch games.

>> No.18092611

It's also apparently a terrible port. Or at least a very ugly one. All of the complaints I saw were about graphics so maybe it's fine besides that, but it's not going to win the game many fans.

>> No.18092804

It's definitely a big downgrade but I don't think it looks that bad for a Switch game. It definitely came out better than YnnK2 did.

>> No.18093580

Doom I say DOOMED

>> No.18093707

Well least L&S wasn't downgraded that hard.

>> No.18093814

I don't play western kusoge

>> No.18096779

Dead or Alive isn't dead, just DoA5.

>> No.18096813

Is EXA_PICO series dead?

>> No.18096827

No, but it's in a spot that likely requires a lot of writing before getting anywhere new.

>> No.18096866

So now manga is canon a thing in the Mysterious world.

Well, it's not that weird since they already have bookstores.

>> No.18097068

The vita and ps3 fan base shrunk once the games went to shit. It only got worse once the series went multiplat, now they are making like 3 versions of the game which is a waste of resources.

>> No.18098121


There's a storyline thread they could pursue in Ar tonelico if KT and Namco-Bandai could do away with the legal nonsense they got the series into.

>> No.18098412

Didn't sales start the downward trend with Meruru?

>> No.18098576

I bought Nights of Azure and Nights of Azure 2 off Steam the other day.

I liked it. The music was so sex. I'm just playing Edge of Apocalypse over and over now. It's great.

>> No.18098590

I haven't played 2 yet but I thought 1 was pretty good. Very simple combat but it brought back memories of running dungeons in offline PSO.

>> No.18099653

It's not really downward, usually start of the series will get decent sales. So more like "let's try the series again, might be good this time!" but then "nah it still shit" and then the sales plummet.

>> No.18099929

But it was only shit with Firis. If quality meant something Ayesha would be the best seller.

>> No.18100194

>Meruru is actually taller than Totori


I thought Firis was the first to have a student taller than her master.

>> No.18100206

>let's try the series again, might be good this time!

So, you mean they thought the Arland trilogy was shit?

>> No.18100471

I mean she was tiny in her own game and looked like she barely grew in Meruru.

>> No.18101738

Media create numbers in approx 12 hrs.
Anyone want to make predictions on LydieSuelle sales?
I'm thinking 30k PS4, 12k Switch, 8k Vita.

>> No.18101858

I think you're vastly overestimating the Switch sales.

>> No.18102167

32k PS3, 400k Switch, 1 Vita

>> No.18102188

It's either 12k Vita & 8k Switch, or 12k Switch & 8k Vita. Based on my last visit to Japan in November, I'm leaning more towards Switch having higher numbers, but I could be wrong.

>> No.18102354

I hope they make more BR instead of Atelier.

>> No.18102392

No. I want another BR but not at the expense of Atelier. They should limit themselves to two games a year or, ideally, two games every 18 months.

>> No.18102600

I want to see 50k Switch, 30k Vita, 5k PS4 for what they did during Andrew House's tenure desu.

>> No.18102837

Is Mana Khemia/Atelier/Ar Tonelico all take place in the same universe?

>> No.18102902

35k PS4, 10k Vita, 4k Switch

>> No.18103004

They could be. What couldn't be a part of EXA_PICO?

>> No.18103009

Is Chaos;Child worth getting?

>> No.18104031


>> No.18104203

They don't. Tsuchiya emphatically said Atelier has nothing to do with EXA_PICO.

>> No.18104419

Battle music for LydieSuelle:


I think Disorder in Order portion of the video is... wrong. Otherwise, you get three versions of the two battle musics played out. Wonder what's the deal with that.

>> No.18104422

>13./00. [PS4] Atelier Lydie & Suelle: The Alchemists and the Mysterious Paintings # <RPG> (Koei Tecmo) {2017.12.21} (¥7.300) - 21.129 / NEW

>> No.18104472

Even less than what i predicted.

>> No.18104543

Hope at least they break 40k with the Vita and Switch numbers. At this point I'm afraid to see 8k Switch and 5k Vita once the top 50 chart comes out tomorrow.

>> No.18104567

Which ar tonelico game is best

>> No.18104568

It was a nice 10 years with GUST, RIP. Can't believe people defend the garbage that is the Mystery games. Going to replay all the Atelier games starting with Judie to pay respects to the dead. Also Atelier has historically done horrible on Nintendo, all super weeb games do. Why would that change now? People buy nintendo games for first party games, monhun and whatever atlus and SE decided to shit out with their b-teams. Fucck Mystery for killing my favourite series. Meruru/Violet were the best. I'm soo fucking pissed.

>> No.18104770

Switch seems not friendly with games that weren't developed by Nintendo itself.

>> No.18104884

Music is pretty great as expected. Only thing that irks me is that track length for battle music seems to sit at around 2 minutes and some are less.

I need my 3+ minutes for maximum enjoyment. It seems that started with Firis (and the bit rate on that soundtrack was low as well).

>> No.18105029

God it would be so shit if atelier ended like this. Not like this.

>> No.18105415

Atelier will be fine.

>> No.18105683

Stop being melodramatic. The series isn't going anywhere.

>> No.18106245

I really wonder what they're gonna do from here. It's been flop after flop for Gust. Even BluRef was considered a flop by KT despite decent sales. KT seems to have been struggling with underperformances this past year too, so being realistic we should be ready for the worst. Atelier Online could still save them though.

>> No.18106300

The worst sales the series has ever seen is reason for concern, I think.

KT was a mistake.

>> No.18106463

I still have a hope for the next series. RIP exa pico though.

>> No.18106609

What are the Switch and Vita sales though? Also, this isn't even a full week for the game since it came out on the 21st. Furthermore, i guarantee you that people are holding off until the DLC because of the 6 fixed party. Rusha will be added and it's ridiculous that she's not playable from the beginning. Also people want Plachta and maybe Corneria as well. A lot of fans don't want to be forced to use the guy party members. Finally, there's a PC release and although PC gaming isn't as big in Japan, I wouldn't be surprised if some Japanese fans were holding off this time for the PC release.

Fuck off, they're not dying.

>> No.18106917

gust needs to take a step back and actually put effort into their new games. 2017 was the year of rushed low quality kusoge and the sales numbers show it.

ehh who cares, ill buy the next gust game no matter how shitty it is anyway.

>> No.18106934

>What are the Switch and Vita sales though?
Less than 15,000 each, we don't have any more knowledge than that.
> Also, this isn't even a full week for the game since it came out on the 21st.
You say that as though every other Atelier game always launched on the first day of any sales week.
>A lot of fans don't want to be forced to use the guy party members.
Yurifags are the worst.
>Finally, there's a PC release and although PC gaming isn't as big in Japan, I wouldn't be surprised if some Japanese fans were holding off this time for the PC release.
The PC release of Sophie didn't even have Japanese text. Never mind the wait for what won't even be a good port. There's no way those numbers could be anything substantial.

>> No.18106970

the sophie pc launch was good because it wasnt full priced and it was a lot of peoples first exposure to the atelier series. you can see how steep the sales drops with firis though. people don't want to spend full price on budget anime games.

>> No.18106975

>people don't want to spend full price on budget anime games.
I think you mean PC gamers don't want to pay full price for anything.

>> No.18106980

The final games in the trilogies have always sold worse, and Firis was extremely poorly received by the fanbase. This isn't all that surprising. If word of mouth is good for this it should hold better than Firis did.

>> No.18106995

no they just wont pay full price on budget anime jrpgs. why would anybody want to spend $60 on a half assed title like blue reflection? theres doujin titles with more depth than the NoA series at the fraction of the price.

people had a taste of the series with sophie and then when firis came out they didnt like the series enough to spend the same cost as your typical AAA title.

>> No.18106997

It's not like people were put off of Firis by all the DLC or anything.

>The final games in the trilogies have always sold worse
Except that Meruru was the best selling Arland game by a significant margin.

>> No.18107012

>no they just wont pay full price on budget anime jrpgs.
Because most Steam users don't play games, they just hoard them.

>> No.18107020

>Except that Meruru was the best selling Arland game by a significant margin.
No it wasn't. Totori outsold Meruru.

>> No.18107050

[citation needed]

>> No.18107067

I didn't even say anything about yuri. It's not just yuri fans who don't want to use guy party members and in general, the roster is small for anyone. And the PC release was known about from the beginning this time too. Just saying that it's possible that some people are holding off for it.

Have you even played LydieSuelle yet?

Meruru had better first week sales but I don't know about lifetime.

Well it got good reviews at least and it seems like people like it on 5ch at least.

>> No.18107077

im waiting for the western release. its going to sell like shit no matter how "good" it is anyway.

>> No.18107100

Sorry for the interruption, guys. New anon here. I played some of the older gust games like Mana Khemia and Ar Tonelico for the ps2. I'm wondering what is Gust doing atm. I know for a fact that the Mana khemia spin off ended with 2, The Ar Tonelico series had a shitty final game for the ps3 and than they released a visual novel and a jrpg for the ps3. Idk if the series died after that game, haven't heard a single thing about the exa pico universe for... Idk... A year...?
The Atelier series had a shitty triology (only played sophie but I kinda regret buying it) tho I know nothing of the latest game since I can't read shit.
Also heard of the shojo game and the night of azure thingy but never touched 'em so idk if they are good or bad.

Btw, it seems like every time I find some niche japanese series the studio goes bankrupt. Rip Rune Factory and StellaGlow.

>> No.18107115

Who said anything about Gust going bankrupt except sales obsessed anons who don't have sales numbers?

>> No.18107119

Gust has nothing new announced yet. Their newest games are
- Atelier Mysterious Trilogy ( Sophie , Firis, L&S )
- Nights of Azure 1+2
- Blue Reflection

If you have a Vita I would recommend getting all the Arland and Dusk Plus games and playing through them.

>> No.18107183

Isn't Meruru the best selling Atelier?

>> No.18107266

As far as Media Create figures tell, yes.
Atelier Rorona – 43,243
Atelier Totori – 53,871
Atelier Meruru – 82,585
Atelier Ayesha - 60,548
Atelier Escha & Logy - 57,550
Atelier Shallie - 43,744
Atelier Sophie - 68,106
Atelier Firis - 43,525

>> No.18107276

Probably should've specified: The figures for Rorona are the original game, not Plus. The figures for Totori through Shallie are all the PS3 releases and not including the Plus numbers. The numbers for Sophie and Firis are the combined sales of all platforms.

>> No.18107295

Another doom-and-gloom anon who thinks AT3 was trash with absolutely no redeeming features.

>> No.18107310

>first week sales

>> No.18107321

If you have lifetime sales for all the games in question feel free to share them.

>> No.18107379

Just guess, it's about the same as Media Create.

>> No.18107407

Thank you for the worthless post.

>> No.18107441
File: 167 KB, 1200x1600, TOM05a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Totori is the lewdest alchemist.

>> No.18107650

15,372 on Switch, 13,428 on Vita.

>> No.18107655

Did you find the resetera link, or are you just reposting the numbers from vitagen?

>> No.18107692

Where's the source?

Neither of those sound particularly reliable.

>> No.18107731

Those numbers were pulled from a vitagen post, that claims it's from resetera, but I tried googling for the resetera thread claiming those numbers, and didn't find it.
> >>>/vg/199963925
> >>>/vg/199965179

Better wait until famitsu/dengeki does their weekly 30/50

>> No.18107734

Not bad. The PS4 version just did worse than usual.

>> No.18107774

Not real, more like.

>> No.18108036

If this is true then it didn't do bad at all.

>> No.18109092

False, poster pulled that number out of his ass.
Vita and Switch ver didn't even make it to top 30:

No 30 is Minecraft PS Vita edition 8,392 units. So Vita and Switch version each sold at less than that.

>> No.18109286

Nah, dude. Ya got it all wrong. I only played the ps2 games, I have no actual opinion on the 3rd game. I just said what I heard about it.

>> No.18109375

14. PS4 リディー&スールのアトリエ ~不思議な絵画の錬金術士~ 22,681
38. Vita リディー&スールのアトリエ ~不思議な絵画の錬金術士~ 7,806
41. Switch リディー&スールのアトリエ ~不思議な絵画の錬金術士~ 6,684

So around 37k total according to Dengeki

>> No.18109496

It had more advertising this time, but it's pointless if you're advertising to otaku who already know about the game. They should be marketing to girls more. They should also not release it the same week as Christmas, it just gets overshadowed by everything.

>> No.18109520

>They should be marketing to girls more
They tried making an atelier game for the otome audience in the past. I think it didn't even break 5k.

>They should also not release it the same week as Christmas, it just gets overshadowed by everything.
They shouldn't announce localization right after the Japanese announcement trailer. That totally destroys any intention of importing.
They should've waited for the Steam version to be released after they released the PS4 / Switch version.
That totally destroys any intention of buying the game at full price.

>> No.18109570

>They should be marketing to girls more.
They threw out that market when they hired the Mysterious artists and aimed for more sexualised otaku-pandering designs.

>They tried making an atelier game for the otome audience in the past. I think it didn't even break 5k.
And then they made the Arland games which won Totori an award in Japan as the "best RPG for girls".
>They shouldn't announce localization right after the Japanese announcement trailer. That totally destroys any intention of importing.
As if imports make up any significant number.

>> No.18109576

I mean normal girls, not fujoshi.
As for when they announce the localization, I doubt that has much of an impact on sales at all. Even if it did affect people's decision to import, they're still getting those sales from when they buy the localized version and hardly anyone imports in the first place. And some people are like me and always import games even if it's a simultaneous release.

>> No.18109603

>"best RPG for girls".

>> No.18109621


>> No.18109648

I just bought escha & logy, what should I expect? (played Ayesha already)

>> No.18109690

Improved combat and worse everything else. Hope you didn't like Ayesha's world map, because they threw that right out.

>> No.18110385

This, although I'd argue it's still a solid game.

>> No.18110440

How bad is it to play atelier on the vita (fps wise)? Talking about arland and dusk trilogy mostly.

>> No.18110529

>And then they made the Arland games which won Totori an award in Japan as the "best RPG for girls".
>They threw out that market when they hired the Mysterious artists and aimed for more sexualised otaku-pandering designs.
>implying Mel Kishida's art isn't sexualized

>> No.18110535

>marketing the last game of a trilogy

Kinda pointless if people haven't already been hooked from Sophie/Firis

>> No.18110554


lol Atelier threads could only reach the bump limit if they're shitting on the games themselves and Gust

This series is finished.

>> No.18110556

Go back.

>> No.18110591

That thread just shows how divided the fanbase is.

>> No.18110643

I just realized that Firis probably knows about making flying ships as well as Logy does. Look at all the shit she made in her game.

>> No.18110655

Is Mimi taller than Totori? Some fanworks portray her as such.

>> No.18110843

Alright, Nepfag.

>> No.18111332

You'd have to be retarded to think Mel's designs are anywhere near as sexualised as Yuugen's, or to think that they advertised the Arland games with key visuals of the characters' labias showing like they did with Sophie.

>> No.18111338

The frame rate isn't too bad, the bigger problem is the time it takes for NPCs and enemies to load in, which was taking up to 40 seconds in E&L.

>> No.18111429
File: 310 KB, 1280x720, 1399551159-atelier-rorona-artwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you save the Atelier series, /jp/?

>> No.18111528

>you got introduced to Firis with her having just slain a dragon on her own

That is badass.

>which was taking up to 40 seconds in E&L.

What? This never happens to me.

>> No.18111550

>What? This never happens to me.
Were you closing the game regularly? I think it might have been related to memory leaks, but I was getting the same problem in Rorona+, Ayesha+, and E&L+. Don't remember it ever taking more than a few seconds in Totori+ or Meruru+.

>> No.18111679

・Market to teenage girs and adult women
・Have longer development cycles and no more annual releases
・Get rid of sagas because people are turned away thinking that they have to play previous games to understand the story
・Have Kishida Mel do the character designs again
・Don't release it late in the year and have it compete with high profile Nintendo titles

>> No.18111714

Just wanna point out that I was interested in this series but all the shit flinging I've been seeing in all these threads made me lose interest, it's a shame though since cute girls "comfy" based games are really rare these days.
With the way things are going mobage shit games will end up being the only crap that comes out and sells, I guess I'll stick to vns for entertainment.

>> No.18111780

>Market to teenage girs and adult women
Agreed. Or pull back on the fan service and otaku pandering, at least.
>Have longer development cycles and no more annual releases
They said they can't afford to not have annual Ateliers. Instead they should limit themselves to no more than two games per year.
>Get rid of sagas because people are turned away thinking that they have to play previous games to understand the story
Maybe. I'd say keep doing trilogies in the same worlds but stop having characters returning for anything more than brief cameos.
>Have Kishida Mel do the character designs again
No. Keep using new artists. Mel can make BR2.
>Don't release it late in the year and have it compete with high profile Nintendo titles
Fucking this. Especially when it's high profile JRPGs.

>> No.18111793

Do you think the next Aterlier game will come on the VITA?

>> No.18111877

I hope not. They're gimping the games by forcing that compatibility.

>> No.18112363

No. Probably not Switch either.

>> No.18112564

For the love of god don't let these faggot hate flinging fests turn you away from the series. They're good, you should definitely play them. The threads on /v/ are just an excuse for all the moe hating and "weeb game" hating tards to crawl out of their cave and start shitting on them.

The games don't have much fan service or otaku pandering at all though. Sophie was one of the least "lewd" and "fanservicey" games actually. It's just that one illustration of Plachta that gets people panties in a bundle. I don't know why you want them to market to girls either. They're not shoujo games. Girls can enjoy them but the last thing I want is another EL. If anything Meruru had it right with TotoMimi. They should just focus on making good, tasteful games. That's why I like Atelier; they're not filled with excessive sexual fanservice. I get worried about you guys saying "market to girls" more. I certainly don't want them to "market to otaku more" either though. And the series doesn't need "saving", you guys are melodramatic as fuck. So it did just under 40,000. Not the best but almost about as well as Rorona, Firis, and Shallie. I still think there's a fair chance that some people are waiting for the DLC characters to buy it. Either way, I don't think they're in such a critical state as some of you guys keep going on about. The next series will be a fresh new start and we'll see how it turns out. And most of us here haven't even played LS yet so sales are one thing but the actual game is another. As for the next artist, I'd rather have Mel do Atelier again instead of BR. My other vote is ke-ta which would be amazing but impossible. I can dream though.

>> No.18112627

Touhou x Atelier crossover when?

>> No.18112696
File: 366 KB, 920x1280, 009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm telling you, he would be a perfect fit for the series. Touhou fans would obviously be mad though cause it would take him away from his usual work. But I would absolutely love to see him doing erotic yuri of the characters he could create for Atelier.

>> No.18112705

>Girls can enjoy them but the last thing I want is another EL.
E&L wasn't to appeal to girls, it was to appeal to the guys who wouldn't touch the series if they had to play as a cute girl instead of a guy.
>And the series doesn't need "saving", you guys are melodramatic as fuck. So it did just under 40,000. Not the best but almost about as well as Rorona, Firis, and Shallie.
The only mainline Atelier games to sell worse than L&S are Viorate, Iris 2 and 3, and the two Mana Khemia games. To put this further in perspective, of 19 Atelier games, L&S is the 6th worst selling, and it's the worst sales the series has had in 8 years.
How high does the water have to get before you'll admit that the ship is sinking?
> And most of us here haven't even played LS yet so sales are one thing but the actual game is another.
Which is why people are only talking about the sales and not the game itself.

>> No.18112707

I responded to the other anons suggestions. The series isn't dying but it is going consistently downhill in terms of sales. There's nothing wrong with thinking about potential ways that could change. Believe it or not many of the people here love the series just as much, if not more, than you so get your head out of your ass and stop being hypersensitive to any and all criticism directed at the games.

>> No.18112736

>It's just that one illustration of Plachta that gets people panties in a bundle.
Yeah, because for some reason whenever anyone points out that they used sexualised marketing for the game you have people getting butthurt and trying to say it never happened, as thought admitting they did would mean the game was the worst thing ever, when it's just a simple observation anyone could make.

But anon, you're only a fan if you love all the games unconditionally and never admit that the quality isn't as good as they used to be. No fan would ever like some games more than others, or not like some games in the series for their design decisions.

>> No.18112786

Let's admit it, we would all love an Atelier or even Blue Reflection 2 with the same production level as P5 or Nier:automata, unfortunately that will never happen. Gust isn't the kind of studio that can make something like that happen.

>> No.18112793

Anon, get it in your head that I'm allowed to defend a series I like. There's nothing hypersensitive about that, just giving my thoughts on the thoughts that you guys posts. And Sophie had really good sales too so I wouldn't say it's been consistently down hill. Better than any of the Dusk games sales actually. Actually, Yoru 1 sold really good too and BR didn't even do terrible either. I've said this before but the main fuckup was just developing too many projects at one time.

>How high does the water have to get before you'll admit that the ship is sinking?

Maybe I'm just optimistic? I don't know, the series has it's highs and lows man. If the next main game does under 30K across all platforms first week then I'll admit that all the doom and gloom is warranted. But like I said above, Yoru and Sophie both sold great.

And EL appeals to the fans you mentioned as well as girls. They did want the people who wanted to play as your typical shounen sword wielding MC but since Escha was also a protagonist, it also appealed to girls a lot too who wanted shoujo romance. Of course, there's never really full romance in Atelier games but the point is that EschaLogy became a popular hetero pairing.

>> No.18112837

It's just one illustration they used for a Dengeki cover and that's it. They didn't constantly push it either so it's not that bad. It's not like they were advertising groping mini-games or anything. Go look at Senran Kagura or some shit if you want true sexualized marketing.

>But anon, you're only a fan if you love all the games unconditionally and never admit that the quality isn't as good as they used to be. No fan would ever like some games more than others, or not like some games in the series for their design decisions.

I'm assuming you're trying to mock me here but I'd like to point out that this isn't true at all since I didn't like EL and Firis and sure as hell didn't defend them making the Yoru games despite being a yuri fan myself.

>> No.18113000

>It's just one illustration
You're already wrong because I can think of at least two pieces of marketing for Sophie that I would consider "sexualised", one of which being of Sophie from the front with her labia visible, and the other being Sophie showing off her butt from behind.
>Go look at Senran Kagura or some shit if you want true sexualized marketing.
We are quite clearly talking in comparative terms. It was a departure from Atelier's previous marketing. And yes, the game itself did end up being very tame, without even having a bath scene like Arland and Dusk had, but that just makes the marketing presenting it differently stand out more.

>> No.18113034

>one of which being of Sophie from the front with her labia visible
Do you mean Plachta? I don't remember any lewd pics of Sophie.

>> No.18113111
File: 3.84 MB, 3120x4160, 1514503820525714688337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The threads on /v/ are just an excuse for all the moe hating and "weeb game" hating tards to crawl out of their cave and start shitting on them.

That's bullshit, the "hate" threads on /v/ have more discussion on the actual game play than here. Sure it attracts some shit posting, but you can easily tell the shit posters that have never played the game from the people that have. The Mystery series is dog shit and has ruined Atelier. Just because you don't like the opinion doesn't mean you can just brush away all discussion of the series. There are serious issues with Mystery, like the horrible character design, how the day and night cycle fucks with the ost, the glitchy nature of firis, the incompleteness of Sophie, the dumbing down of alchemy from the cost system, the new focus on a never ending post game, the time gates in Sophie (kill x 100 times to advance the story), the grindy nature of Firis's alchemy, craft x 100 times to unlock the attribute you want, Firis' half assed time limit that means jack shit because you can get half the answers wrong, make a neutralizer out of water, do less than 100 damage to the puni, lose the fight and still pass the exam. The only good thing you can say about Mystery is the post game content was good. It fails at all other marks, Hidari and Mel are gods compared to Yuugen and NOCO. The music is worse because of the day night cycle making it so the melodies have to conform to two settings and the constant restarting of the music makes it so I just turn the music off and play the ost i downloaded. I can't see how anyone that cares about Atelier can like these games. They may not be bad game when taken on their own but as games in the Atelier family they are garbage.

Some of Firis's costumes are super cute though, like the dark blue sailor outfit.

>> No.18113122

Yes, I sure did.

>> No.18113133

I started on mysterious and I've been playing through the arland games and I still like sophie the most. The older games are incredibly dated and the time limit is not a very fun mechanic. I am glad the mysterious games got rid of it.

>> No.18113154

>The older games are incredibly dated
How so?

>> No.18113192

I don't really mean change the games to appeal to girls, I mean they should change their marketing strategy to try and appeal to girls more because it's a bigger audience than otaku. The Salburg and Arland games were quite popular among girls. I don't have any problem with fanservice. And for the sales, keep in mind that Lydie & Suelle sold that much across 3 platforms. If you only look at the PS4 version sales, it's about tied with Mana Khemia 1 for the worst mainline debut in he series.

>> No.18113193

alchemy/recipe sorting is a disaster. There's not much UI help in telling you what your next priority should be without having to cycle through multiple different menus. The games run like shit on the ps3. Synthesizing in mystery is a lot more fun with the tetris blocks.

I wouldn't say the games are bad but I don't really get the whole arland magic everybody nonstop raves about. The newer games have so many more gameplay tweaks that just make things convenient and not overly tedious.

>> No.18113225

>There's not much UI help in telling you what your next priority should be without having to cycle through multiple different menus.

Ah so you are one of those ADD nu-gamers that need markers on everything in order to not get lost because you cant juggle 3 things in your head at once. Rorona 1 button to see your objectives, same in Meruru, the left bumber. I do agree that Mystery runs better. Everything else you listed is very irrelevant.

>> No.18113257

i can juggle multiple things fine, there's just no reason to constantly have to go through different menus to check objectives. when you are at the cauldron why cant items have a little highlight or note next to them saying what you need and how many for an objective? Also having a single like of 50+ different recipes with no way to sort or filter them is terrible and nobody should ever defend this. Sorting traits is also terrible since it just drops everything into one giant list instead of categorizing any of it. The game is about complex crafting but it doesn't respect your time with terrible menus and organization.

Even the mysterious games have lots of problems with this but they are less tedious than older games atleast.

>> No.18113268
File: 151 KB, 1920x1080, 25075153_1912885242059196_1454906223269504877_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Blue Reflection the best looking Gust game?

>> No.18113271

>when you are at the cauldron why cant items have a little highlight or note next to them saying what you need and how many for an objective?

I'm 99% sure the games do that.

>> No.18113310

Looks like shit on my PC because of no AA.

>> No.18113333

>Also having a single like of 50+ different recipes with no way to sort or filter them is terrible and nobody should ever defend this.
What the hell are you talking about? You have a bunch tabs to filter different kinds of recipes.

>> No.18113353

the games dont tell you what you need in that menu. in meruru you can look at your book and click to craft from there while you are in the workshop but no other arland game has anything like that.

in mysterious games yes, but not in arland. i havnt played the plus games but normal ps3 has no such thing.

>> No.18113397
File: 233 KB, 1341x739, woooooooooooooow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in mysterious games yes, but not in arland. i havnt played the plus games but normal ps3 has no such thing.
Even original Rorona, which you have no reason to get when Rorona Plus is also on PS3, had tabs to filter recipes with. You're just an idiot.

>> No.18113423

Yes, I don't know why a new IP looks better than any game from their flagship series.

>> No.18113430

One reason, Mel.

>> No.18113461

Nice opinions faggot. Did you form those yourself? You're just regurgitating the same shit we've all heard. If you don't like Atelier anymore then fuck off. Also the character design and a lot of those points you mentioned are very subjective. Calling them garbage is extreme hyperbole. And those threads are in fact 99% shitposting and the same garbage as always but what can you expect from a shithole like /v/.

>> No.18113471

It would make sense that retard prefer the easier games with more flash and less mechanics. Anyone troubled with time limits has to have brain problems.

>> No.18113495
File: 124 KB, 1920x1080, 25074775_1911667085514345_5122716719883346077_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where did it all go wrong?

>> No.18113515

>I-It's just your opinion!

Yeah, all the visual bugs and glitchy shadows in Firis are just my opinions.

>> No.18113526

I like how instead of attempting to challenge anything he said at all you just resort to saying other people have the same complaints as though that somehow invalidates them, and say some points are subjective and fail to elaborate. Your rebuttal may as well be a child throwing a tantrum.

>> No.18113540

I don't give a shit about Firis. Yes Firis wasn't good but Sophie fucking was. Saying the whole Mysterious series is "dog shit" and "ruined Atelier" is what's bullshit and Lydie Suelle is supposed to be good too.

>> No.18113572

Are you new here? I don't attempt to alter my posting style. I've typed plenty of walls of texts on all this shit before and no, I don't defend Firis.

>> No.18113578

>Sophie fucking was
I disagree, but it certainly wasn't as bad as Firis.
>and Lydie Suelle is supposed to be good too.
What do you base this on?

>> No.18113582


>> No.18113597

But Sophie had those god awful time gates and no character ends, not like anyone would want character ends since half the cast have zero to do with the story and don't have storylines of their own. The world was also barren, a huge town with only 5 building you could enter and nothing to do in it, Sophie manages to be more incomplete than Shallie. Hell I bought Sophie day 1 and remember that when the game came out it had soo few areas that gust rushed out 5 new areas in a patch about a month in when I had already finished the game.

>> No.18113601

Reviews, 5ch, the demo, and what I've seen and know about the game from scans, etc. Either way you can't bash the entire series until you at least play the last game.

>> No.18113604

I'm not going to take your word that you've somehow rebutted all of this before and accept that it's all been debunked. Either challenge the arguments or shut up instead of being a whiny little bitch with nothing to say.

>> No.18113612

>Either way you can't bash the entire series until you at least play the last game.
Sure you can, even if L&S ends up being good it doesn't help the other two games being bad.

>> No.18113617 [DELETED] 

Even if L&S was goos Mystery would still be garbage on average.

>> No.18113627

>god awful time gates

Subjective. Never had any trouble advancing the games or "grinding". I don't judge the game simple on number of endings either. I don't see how that's a bad thing. And all Atelier games have barren towns with only a few building you can go in. They never have busy life-like towns. Go and count the areas or something because the amount of content felt the same as usual. And did you forget about the part where everyone contributes their own abilities to help make Plachta a body?

>> No.18113632

Even if L&S was good Mystery would still be garbage on average.

>> No.18113654
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If more Blue Reflection were to be made would you prefer it to be a sequel to the first one or something like "Red Reflection" set in the same universe with different girls and setting?

>> No.18113659

Okay so you're a newfag. The only whining I ever see is about how "awful the mysterious series is" and about how "gust is going bankrupt", etc.

>> No.18113674

Whether or not dog shit tastes good is also subjective you know. You can eat all the dog shit you want but I've had my fill. Having to kill bunch of punis to advance the story is just a retarded time sink GUST put in because they needed to pad put play. As for everyone helping to make Prafta's body, that is 1 scene in the game. After that every but Sophie and Prafta might as well not exist. Hell I forgot Julio was character in the story.

>> No.18113684

I'd prefer it to be fully fucking voiced.

>> No.18113695
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Sophie is seriously missing character scenes. I've been playing Judie for a while now and I'm still discovering new ones. Even if it's dumb cooking scenes. Hell even Firis managed to get that right.

>> No.18113696

>Shit, I don't have any arguments, better call him new, that'll cover me
I see more whining about people complaining about Mysterious than I actually see people complaining about Mysterious.

>> No.18113702

Sophie and especially Firis were underwhelming but calling them shit just makes your arguments as retarded as his. The games were massive disappointments but they weren't outright bad.

>> No.18113705

>Hell even Firis managed to get that right.
Dude, what? Firis was even worse about it than Sophie, especially with the horrid party system. I had Drossel in my party for about 6 hours and I never saw a single event with her after the recruitment one.

>> No.18113716

Now this is actually something subjective. You think they weren't that bad despite all their flaws, other people think they were. Whining about people exaggerating their dislike of the games because you think it isn't that bad isn't going to make anyone else think any better of them.

>> No.18113721

Are digital sales even included in first week numbers?

>> No.18113737

Firis was unplayable for me. I quit as soon as I passed the exam and saw I had to grind to do any of the post game stuff. That's MMO rpg tier game design right there. Not going to sit down to farm items to craft 1 item 100 times just to unlock it's attributes.

>> No.18113754

I'm not the anon you were arguing with. I like how everyone who disagrees with you is "whining". You're just as bad as him dismissing you as a newfag right away. Truly two peas in an autistic pod.

>> No.18113762

I called him out on whining because that's exactly what he's doing. He's not attempting to challenge any arguments being made about the games having issues, he's just whining about people saying the games have issues because hearing bad things said about the games triggers him. What would you call it if not whining?

>> No.18113763

Is this post supposed to be irony or satire?

>> No.18113775

Well he claims he has explained away all complaints ever made on Mystery so if you have not read them you must be a newfag.

>> No.18113799

I kind of figured criticizing you for being dismissive and then calling you autistic made it too obvious but >>18113763 gets it.

>> No.18113814

Mystery fag literally do not care. You can post an image of all your atelier plats and your LE boxes and they will call you a troll or tell you to leave if you hate the games. They also think anyone that has any complaint wants gust to die. It's talk about cute girls and stfu and buy the games if you have nothing nice to say. It's also worth noting that the Reddit Atelier discord people post here and they are of the same opinion. Talking anything negative gets you insta banned.

>> No.18113817
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>> No.18113821

Okay fine anon, what do you want me to challenge again because I'm pretty sure I mentioned some shit above. Art is subjective, I think it's fine. I think the music is good too in Sophie but not Firis. I think the "time gate" thing is bullshit because advancing the story is easy. That's how you advance shit in Atelier. You make an item, you kill an enemy, you do some sort of task; time limit or not. I'm calling you a newfag because I've literally typed about all this shit before. Firis was shit yes, but all the complaints I hear about Sophie I simply don't agree with. Character interactions were still good. I do believe Arland was the best trilogy yes, but Mysterious is still good. Just because it's not as good doesn't mean Gust is dying and the Mysterious series is trash. Fuck man, I'm getting too old for this shit. Going to go play some monster hunter instead of arguing with you autists. I forgot I'm not allowed to mention positive things about the Gust today because the hive-mind won't allow it.

>> No.18113841

My man you have both been acting retarded for over an hour now.

>> No.18113845

>Art is subjective
>6 fingers

Even when Yuugen draws the right number of digits his hands still manage to look like a crumped up paper towel.

>> No.18113857

We going to ignore Mel's long necks? All the artists had issues. He's right in that it's subjective.

>> No.18113871

>Mana Khemia 1 for the worst mainline debut in he series.

Wouldn't that title actually belong to Mana Khemia 2, which sold even worse?

>> No.18113873

>All the artists had issues.
Hidari was literally perfect though.

>> No.18113875

I want you to challenge the arguments made in >>18113111 instead of simply dismissing all of them and claiming you did it all before.
>Art is subjective, I think it's fine.
The art is subjective, though I think Yuugen's designs are trash. I don't particularly dislike NOCO.
> I think the music is good too in Sophie but not Firis.
I think the music is good in both games, and most people seem to agree. What people don't like is the way the music is implemented in the games with the time of day system, which causes the music to keep changing at far too rapid a pace to appreciate. The music isn't the problem, the implementation is.
> I think the "time gate" thing is bullshit because advancing the story is easy. That's how you advance shit in Atelier. You make an item, you kill an enemy, you do some sort of task; time limit or not.
I think you're full of shit because in Arland you were given time frames to complete specific goals, while Sophie restricts progression with "gain 100 points by doing [task] n times", which is a completely different style of progression which constantly fucks up the pacing.
>Character interactions were still good.
I do not agree because the characters rarely ever interacted with anyone other than Sophie and Plachta and the cast had hugely uneven amounts of events and focus. Harol gets fuck all events but a proper character arc, while Corneria gets far more events than anyone else. Meanwhile Julio has almost nothing and his only "arc" is about his friend (who I expected to show up again in Firis but didn't up to when I dropped it).
>Just because it's not as good doesn't mean Gust is dying
I haven't been saying Gust is dying, but you are in denial if you don't think the worst sales in 8 years are a bad sign.

>> No.18113897
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This is true but it blows my "it's subjective" argument wide open so I was trying not to say it.

>> No.18113900

Mana Khemia 2 sold better.

>> No.18113902

Hidari was almost perfect but his toe fetish was a bit too obvious.

>> No.18113905

>"time gate" thing is bullshit because advancing the story is easy. That's how you advance shit in Atelier. You make an item, you kill an enemy, you do some sort of task; time limit or not. I'm calling you a newfag because I've literally typed about all this shit before

Craft a healing salve
Heal 3 allies
Reach level 3
Defeat a wolf
Turn in 5 requests
Turn in 5 wood items to build houses
Bake a pie
Retrieve a special item

Same as

Kill 100 punis


>> No.18113914

His imperfection made him even more perfect! How can he be stopped?

>> No.18113920

>not just killing 100 punis without the game telling you to
Heh, effing casual.

>> No.18113928

Not to diminish your point or anything because I do agree that Sophie's system was often bullshit, but it was never "Do x 100 times", but rather "earn 100 points from doing x". So for things like "get 100 points from killing punis" you'd get 1 point from a blue puni, 2 from a green puni, and so on. But it was still always far more grindy than it had any right to be.

Except that you can't because it doesn't start counting them until the recipe idea becomes available.

>> No.18113935

Better than whatever terrible trauma and abuse lead Yuugen to fear hands. You can see his pen trembling once he reaches the wrists of a character.

>> No.18113945

>Except that you can't because it doesn't start counting them until the recipe idea becomes available.

He was obviously joking man.

>> No.18113949

After the posts in this thread I can't even tell anymore.

>> No.18113958

we can agree that no one is SAD to see NOCO and Yuugen go right? No one is mourning their loss right? They are gone right? GUST won't pull a fast one on us right?

>> No.18113964

I sure hope so.

>> No.18113979

I like whichever one designed Sophie and Suelle but not enough to be sad to see him go. Three games is plenty. I'm looking forward to the next (hopefully solo) artist.

>> No.18113992

>I like whichever one designed Sophie and Suelle
That was NOCO.

>> No.18114008

Okay, that one is decent. The other guy is okay on a technical level, and I like his use of color, but creatively he's kind of ass. I don't like his designs at all. Regardless it's time to move on I hope.

>> No.18114010

Yeah and Sophie and Yoru sold better first week than any of the Dusk games. As for the soundtrack changing, I never had issues with it in Sophie but it was more noticeable in Firis. When did JRPGS fans become such pussies about grinding too? I played the game normally, went to new gathering areas as they became available, did requests at the bar, made new items as I unlocked them and just played the game like any Atelier game and never once thought the pacing was fucked up. That's all I can say about that, I don't know what more you want from me. Uneven events isn't that new either. Arland does have better writing yes, but it's not that bad in Sophie. I didn't care about Harol or Julio as much so it wasn't a negative for me but they still did get events. And the post you quoted was the one that just dragged all the /v/ shit here and started this clusterfuck. Fine, I should've just autistically quoted it line for line from the begining, my bad I guess. But a lot of his "arguments" are just subjective bullshit. All I did initially was told an anon NOT to be swayed by all the goddamn hate and to give the series a try. I like this series and I don't like seeing new fans get scared away because you guys can't contain your hate boner for the Mysterious series. And again, I even agree that Firis is shit. I know for a fact a thread or two ago I wrote a huge essay on what I thought was wrong with it. Alright man, I've had enough of this shit for now and I think we all have. You can reply if you want but I'm done here. All it ever comes down to is subjective opinions really though technical issues like bugs are objective.

>> No.18114043

Every Atelier girl should be wearing open toe sandals.

>> No.18114103

The design choice to not have branching ends or time limits leads to new game plus being unviable. Meaning the game's play time had to be padded out artificially. If you look at most atelier games they are actually really short once you skip all the story scenes, there isn't much meat in any one particular area, time limits prevent you from seeing this because it keeps you moving forwards. Once you beat the game and you have your two extra years of fun you have a set amount of time to do post game, meaning you don't have time to just grind you actually have to learn the mechanics of the game and you don't have forever to do it. This is good thing because it's engaging, everyone knows the game the way a speed runner knows a game. Sophie's philosophy of play at your own pace inevitably leads to grinding, and slogging through the game, never fighting an enemy when it's actually a challenge. If you lost just go grind more till you win. Also you don't lose a valuable chuck of time or even the items you invested if you challenge something and fail. No risk ever. The game babies you like a child.

>> No.18114144

>Yeah and Sophie and Yoru sold better first week than any of the Dusk games.
And then the sequels bombed, yes.
>When did JRPGS fans become such pussies about grinding too?
When the previous games had a perfectly good progression system that was thrown out the window.
>I played the game normally, went to new gathering areas as they became available, did requests at the bar, made new items as I unlocked them and just played the game like any Atelier game and never once thought the pacing was fucked up.
I did the same thing and I thought the pacing was completely fucked.
>And the post you quoted was the one that just dragged all the /v/ shit here and started this clusterfuck.
No, what started it was the post it quoted, which whined about /v/ not talking about the gameplay, and then your response to it, which you've at least owned up to.
> But a lot of his "arguments" are just subjective bullshit.
No, they really aren't. And he didn't even mention the godawful new battle system with automated support mechanics taking control away from the player while the party turn system dumbs down the speed and turn order mechanics of older games.
>I like this series and I don't like seeing new fans get scared away because you guys can't contain your hate boner for the Mysterious series.
I like the series too, and I don't like seeing potential new fans being told to play what are generally agreed to be the worst games in the series, which would put them off by themselves. But more than anything I don't like seeing people who keep defending the Mysterious games' bad decisions and whining about people ever saying bad things about them. You are free to like the games all you want, but you are not free to say they're good games and expect that to go unchallenged, and you are not free to have a hugbox where no one ever voices a negative opinion about a game you like.

>> No.18114188

>Yeah and Sophie and Yoru sold better first week than any of the Dusk games.
That's not even true, Ayesha's first week sales were 75,874, and Sophie's combined first week sales were 68,106.

>> No.18114193

>No, they really aren't. And he didn't even mention the godawful new battle system with automated support mechanics taking control away from the player while the party turn system dumbs down the speed and turn order mechanics of older games.

I honestly completely forgot about that. It was fun and flashy until I realized I had zero control of the battle and 30% of the damage I was doing was automated.

>> No.18114810

Nothing is generally agreed you fuck. And stop labeling everything you don't agree with as whining.

>> No.18114835

>Nothing is generally agreed you fuck.
Except it is and polls have shown as such many times.

>> No.18114844

Sure thing, anon. Random straw polls with such massive sample sizes.

>> No.18114854

Sample sizes of 30+ to 100+ that coincidentally always have the Mysterious games at the bottom of most liked games and at the top of most hated. So yes, it is generally agreed.

>> No.18114892

Wow, such huge sample sizes.

>> No.18114896

There are 70 posters in this thread.

>> No.18114939

Yes and?

>> No.18114964

It is more than enough to be a representative sample and more than enough to provide a general opinion on the games.

>> No.18115100

Are you legitimately retarded? So you're saying apart from me, you somehow know the opinions of all other 69 posters and can speak for them. And even if that's the case, you think 70 faggots in the gust thread represents the "general opinion"?

>> No.18115119

I know people's opinions because people keep voting the same way every time a poll is made on the subject.
>And even if that's the case, you think 70 faggots in the gust thread represents the "general opinion"?
It represents the general opinion of this place, yes. What reason would there be to care about the general opinion of anywhere else?

>> No.18115218

How do you know it's not just a couple of dude voting multiple time? It's straw poll, anon. That's hardly a reliable way of gaining any kind of good information. And all I'm saying it's not generally agreed upon among fans that they're the worst. Pretty much nothing is generally agreed upon on the internet and the only opinion you should care about is your own after actually playing the games yourself. Just don't state it like a fact that everyone hates the games. You don't like them, fine.

>> No.18115227

Yes, I'm sure the same people rig the same polls the same way across both /v/ and /jp/ and even /vg/ over months. That is certainly the most believable option, and we should entirely discount the possibility that not liking Mysterious is a common opinion. It's not like the sales figures are supporting that idea or anything.

>> No.18115247

Do you have those sales figures? Do you seriously believe people don't browse more than one board? I don't know what you're trying to do here anymore. You don't like them, great. I'm not saying that the general opinion is that they're the best thing ever either. It most likely just varies. And Sophie sold great in Japan.

>> No.18115262

>Do you have those sales figures?
Yes, read the thread.
>Do you seriously believe people don't browse more than one board?
What does it matter?
>I don't know what you're trying to do here anymore.
Same thing I was doing from the start, telling Mysteriousfags that the games aren't liked by most people and they should stop whining every time someone says they don't like the games.
>It most likely just varies.
No, it's pretty consistent.
>And Sophie sold great in Japan.
Sophie had a whole lot of reasons to sell well, And Firis and now L&S have sold like shit.

Here is one set of polls in question, by the way.

>> No.18115296

It matters because it's likely the same faggots voting it as the worst. Random straw polls on fucking 4chan are not enough to form a general opinion either way. What about positive review on amazon, steam, etc? Do they not matter?

>> No.18115310

>Atelier Totori
All the reason I need to disregard those polls.

>> No.18115651

The point is that it's the best evidence you have, along with the same people saying the same things in every thread, and yet your only argument is "it's totally rigged man". Mysterious fans simply cannot stop themselves from throwing a tantrum whenever anyone says anything negative about the games, as you are displaying quite clearly.

>> No.18115698
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I'm going to receive my copy after new year holiday at this rate.

>> No.18115762

Why didn't you jist order from amazon jp, baka anon?

>> No.18116544
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New thread

>> No.18116571

where can I see more of this cute butt
