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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1793207 No.1793207 [Reply] [Original]

Futaba Channel's wikipedia entry was deleted because it wasn't a 'notable' web page.


is this awesome, Y/N?

>> No.1793218

The article was shit, anyway, they deleted about 80% of the content because it was made of "unsourced facts."

Good thing Shii is psychic and saved the Wikipedia article a million years ago.


>> No.1793223
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>> No.1793233
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>> No.1793239

are they running out of space or server money or what.
I thought they didn't delete articles.

>> No.1793246

no, it's just some maverick moderator who decided to delete it even tough the deletion vote was to keep the entry.

>> No.1793262

Too bad they'll keep the 4chan page.

Fucking wikinazis.

>> No.1793264

> The result was delete.
> I freely admit that numerically the "keeps" outnumber the "deletes" (even before you factor in the "TITANIUM" type modifiers).

lol wikipedia democracy

>> No.1793304
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>> No.1793315

One of the biggest websites in Japan? Not notable?

>> No.1793336


The only true Wikipe is a loli.

>> No.1793480

Gee, kinda shows how pathetic weeaboo wikipedos are.

Is this such a problem to find a few online news in Japanese? They don't have to be really revelant, just have have "futaba" somewhere in the article body, noone's gonna be able to read them anyway.

In fact, I'd recommend doing just that right now, restoring the page, and then claiming vandalism by admins.

>> No.1793516

why are so many weeaboos under the false illusion that 2chan is big in Japan?

it's simply not true

>> No.1793519

I lol'd at the userpage for one of the people arguing for deleting it.


>> No.1793522


You may now cite this post in Wikipedia as proof of Futaba's existence.

>> No.1793526

If 4chan qualifies as a notable website, then Futaba definitely does. Just because it's not 2channel huge does not mean it's not "big in Japan."

>> No.1793529

70% of Wikipedia's internal problems would be solved by banning underage people from gaining sysop or participating in AfDs.

>> No.1793548

4chan is the third largest forum (yes, forum, moot agreed don't email him death threats about it) on the entire internet

It's also in the top 1000 websites on the internet by traffic alone

2chan/futaba is neither of those things. 4chan dwarfs 2chan, and has had far more of a cultural impact.

Why futaba deserves an article on the english wikipedia baffles me. It has no english section and almost all of the traffic is from Japan.

>> No.1793560

"No geographical bias" is supposed to be one of Wikipedia's rules.

>> No.1793575

Some people seem to confuse Futaba with 2channel. 2channel (2ch.net) is still orders of magnitude larger than 4chan. Futaba Channel (2chan.net) is not.

>> No.1793580
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>This user has Asperger syndrome.

>> No.1793588

that's pretty tenuous, when it doesn't qualify for an article in any other senses than

- It's incredibly popular (which is false, by the way)
- It's got something to do with 4chan, which is incredibly popular

At best it deserves a footnote on the 4chan wiki page

>> No.1793593

why would wikipedia do that?
how are they suppose to document EVERYTHING if they delete articles?
if they don't plan on documenting everything in existence, then they have failed

>> No.1793616

ITT people who have never stumbled across one-liner articles.

"X is Y. This article is a stub blahblahblah."

>> No.1793624

If you ask me, a section in the 2channel article would be better.

>> No.1793630

The fact that Wikipedia is a massive failure is a new concept to you?

>> No.1793634


What the hell is she wearing? Looks like Chiharu's dress shirt turtleneck thing.

>> No.1795447

>This post is a stub. You can help 4chan by expanding it.

>> No.1795467


Because their moderators are total fucking morons. There's no other way to describe them.

>> No.1795474

Remember Wikichan? Yeah.

>> No.1795489

Ok, here's the situation. Kirk has blocked Me (WikiSysop), and one of my admins Moot from his knockoff website wikichan.org.

He claims that it is not a ripoff, yet, he is a member of etherchan and created his site during my downtime.

DQN, I think we should teach Kirk a lesson about impersonation.

His websites are http://wikichan.org/
and http://www.gametrash.com/

He bans based on faggotry, but, unfortunatly, you can't ban a site from itself, so, I guess that's an exception from the rules.

>> No.1795494

Things the Real Wikichan has that the imposter does not:

Anime Downloads: http://anime.etherchan.org/
Scripts that don't function correctly
Forums: http://etherchan.org/phpBB2/ (DQN:mittens)
Discussion Boards: http://etherchan.org/dis/
New features coming soon

>> No.1795490

You can e-mail Kirk at Kirk@Gametrash.com

>> No.1795493

Wow, I don't think Kirk realizes who he's dealing with. EtherChan.org's userbase is not limited to it's 290 registered users. There were 71,000 unique visitors to my site last month alone!

With a lot of those visits coming from /b/tards, I think we can expect to see a major invasion of wikichan.org in the near future, along with the release of Kirk's personal contact information.

NOTE: This is not my doing, nor my suggestion. Just a prediction, lol.

>> No.1795497

Dude, all of Kirk's sites suck.

It looks like he as a lot of time on his hands, and can't tell when his websites aren't going anywhere.

His wiki is a knockoff

And gametrash is, well... trash.

>> No.1795503

To be read in a snotty French accent:

Gentlemen, Wikichan has been fun, but your endless and amusing revert wars have caused the entire internet to overload and explode into candy. I will try to keep the wiki open as an archive, but I am afraid that editing is no longer a possibility until I get better hosting. Feel free to dump all wikichan shit into other wikis such as etherchan.info, wikichan.org, and wikipedia.org. This site will not die, but all great things must come to an end, and unfortunately, the only great thing on this site was the wiki (the rest sucked, except for the Anime, which is still here of course).

You guys have made it fun, but at least I get to leave knowing that my legacy is not lost. Kirk has made an imposter wikichan which sucks so much meaty man muscle that a George Zimmer joke wont even do it justice. However, they do say that imitation is the purest form of flattery, so Kirk, you're a tremendous faggot, but I am flattered.

Moot, Halcy, and even you Delayclose have made this site what it is and i hope to keep in touch and come up with some new, less SQL intensive ideas for this server. Until then, it is a discussion board.

>> No.1795499

Dear Etherchan Admin,

As you full well know, it only requires me reverting the MySQL database to fix all this. I really have no idea why you think using Tor clients to spam me is clever, but I digress.

What you have done is rather immature. The way in which you initially phrased your attack was inflammatory, expecting me to respond with "oh ok sure" is fine. To be honest, I had no intentions of stealing from your page- Wikichan is only named as such as a mixture of wiki and chan, not as a theft from you. You know full well it's not original, much as "4chan" is not too far removed from "2chan". Hell, I've never heard your site called anything but "etherchan".

Nonetheless, let me put it to you this way. You can be as angsty Myspace faggot about this as you want. Having a ton of users does not scare me, as I have full awareness of the situation, even with situations with 4chan. I have actually posted on 4chan "spam this wiki", so nothing is really far removed from what I expected. I don't mean to be crude, but the shit you caused really has no major lasting effect on me.

I will be frank with you. You may spam me as much as you want, but it really has no lasting affect. I will be the mature one in this situation and simply not respond with my own spam (as I feel it only shows weakness in the character of the person who starts it), I will tell you that if you attempt anything further, I will be glad to contact people relevant to this situation. I would never go so far as to go whine to some "attorney at lol", but do keep in mind that if you continue, I have no qualms in contacting your website hosts or using DNS to go further. I would like for this to stay on the internet, but if you find it clever to cause hell, I will be glad to reciprocate.

>> No.1795500

So then, I give you an ultimatum. I will be glad to simply revert everything and hook up with you. Hell, I actually wanted to contact you to see if you wanted to move stuff from Etherchan here and give you sysop. To be honest, I only wanted Wikichan as a kind of fun little hideaway, and I would be thrilled to have someone run it as the admin and simply let me manage the server. So, you have one of two choices- if you would like to remain a mature adult, then we can discuss things and possibly work together to make things more fair and equal for the both of us. Like I said, I have no qualms about actually letting you grab the reins on this website. Or, if you continue your vendetta, I have no issue with continuing it further, even though I would find that incredibly childish.

Anyway, your call. Either act like a mature adult or continue spamming something that is quite irrelevant. Either way, no problem on my end.

* Kirk

Ok, I find this offensive. I have 290 users, and 70,000+ visitors/month. He knocks off my site and thinks that the only person that would vandalize is ME! Well, it's not me. I tried to make an agreement with him, and he declined rudely. That doesn't mean it's me (which it isn't).

Thanks to whoever IS doing this, but it's probably a good idea to stop.

Still, the 2chan/4chan similarity is okay, I mean, there's no competition, one is in Japanese, the other in English. but two English sites, both called WikiChan that run off the same software and attempt to serve the same purpose is enough to call WikiChan.org a ripoff.

I am still offended by Kirks assumtion that I was the one raiding his site. I was the one watching his site get raided via the recent changes page, but that's just because it was amusing seeing the damage unfold.

>> No.1795505

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   `"゙|∥ | | ∧_∧| |      (´<_`  ) Anija, you haven't eaten a decent meal in weeks!
     ∥  | (# ´_ゝ`) |      /   ⌒i And there wasn't anything else in the house to cook!
        \    /      (__ニつ| |
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>> No.1795510

Wikipedia is always good for a laugh. An interesting thing to do if you have time to waste is to just go to a random article and then look at the discussion page.

>> No.1795523

Jeez, I hate wikipeadia so much. Almost as much I hate wiktionary. The whole site should be demolished for the benefit of mankind.

Information is not public domain for everyone to tamper with. Facts are not formed by democratic process for christ sakes. The whole wiki thingy is so full of wank and biased idiocy that it makes me vomit. And the wiktionary. Hay everyone, let's invent new words and grammar according your own personal preference and then popularised that crap some teenager come up with, shall we?

>> No.1795622

Wikipedia is actually reasonably useful for being able to look up virtually anything and get a decent rundown on what that thing is. Most of the problems arise from the contributors and editors thinking that the whole thing is extremely serious business and a scholarly affair. There's no reason to delete articles just because they're about something that's not extremely important or popular, and there's no reason to try and force everyone to use free use images for EVERYTHING either. It's not like there are issues with server storage for short pages like the Futaba Channel stub, and it's not like anyone (including copyright holders) cares if you use non-free use images for most pages. People just get caught up in their own personal preferences and try to force them on others.

>> No.1795645

Wikipedia has alot of faggot mods who want to turn it into encyclopedia brittania and delete anything not "notable"

/tg/ had a huge shitstorm over this when they started to delete Warhammer 40k articles, or replace them with shitty texts that a 5th grader could outwrite.

>> No.1795652

Exactly this. Thanks for putting into words what I couldn't.

>> No.1795656

Less Americans that know about Futaba the better.
This is how I feel and I'M and American.

...of pure french decent, but still, Derp.

>> No.1795660

How many people outside of Japan do you hear talking about 2ch?

For that matter, do you even know the difference between 2ch and Futaba Channel?

>> No.1795663

