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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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17828451 No.17828451 [Reply] [Original]


FAQ & Resources:

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Previous thread: >>17758302

>> No.17828456
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JP wikis:

EN wiki:

Official twitter accounts:

Downloads (game rips, scans, radio, etc):

>> No.17828493 [DELETED] 

A bunch of us /sword/ refugees set up a discord. You're cordially invited to the welcoming party.


>> No.17828508 [DELETED] 

Fuck off.

>> No.17828522 [DELETED] 

Where else do you want then, reddit?

>> No.17828526 [DELETED] 

/sword/ has been here for years, why are you only now having a problem with it?

>> No.17828536 [DELETED] 

>go to /vg/
>no /sword/
>latest thread died before it could ever take off

With a discord it gives tkrb discussion some much needed life plus we don't get lost in the shuffle with the other things in this general.

Plus it's a better alternative to the wiki server that's populated by tumblr trash.

>> No.17828547 [DELETED] 

When did this happen? There hasn't been a /sword/ thread since the anime ended, I thought people would just rather wait to make it again when Hanamaru S2 happened or something.

>that's populated by tumblr trash.
The discord doesn't look any better though.

>> No.17828549 [DELETED] 

>discord "discussion"
>much needed life
If that's really what you want then please go and stay go.

>When did this happen?
Probably some idiots on twitter or a pre-existing discord. I've always had the suspicion we've been getting linked from there for a while now.

>> No.17828568 [DELETED] 

I'm willing to give this place a chance if it means I can talk for days about my swordbando and not be judged for it.

>> No.17828578 [DELETED] 

>poster count didn't go up

>> No.17828618 [DELETED] 

poster count didn't go up either
what a circlejerk

>> No.17828629 [DELETED] 

t. assblasted discordfag

>> No.17828631

Speaking of swords, when will Kashuu get his kiwame update?

>> No.17828632 [DELETED] 

Go ask discord.

>> No.17828676 [DELETED] 

Just read a bunch of the chat and they don't seem like they're from here at all, just desperately trying to recruit people to their dead server because they don't fit in in another one.
>omg, lol, lmao, ?????? after every other message

>> No.17828828 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17828854 [DELETED] 

If the wiki peopel weren't prude with langauge and cringy tumblers, I'd suggest their discord server.
But I hope this one last longer than a thread.

Starters's date is a mistery, maybe for last or middle through, nobody knows.
I only want to know then the rest of the osafunes blades will return, I need to ends my revenge for disturbing my sword collection ratio, as well wasting lots of resources.

>> No.17828873 [DELETED] 

because literal 15 year olds are just so much better.

>> No.17828899 [DELETED] 
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Discords always generate trouble whenever they're brought up into any general or thread.
Even if the original poster probably had a good intention, I don't think it was a good idea to post it here. Specially after all the recent fuzz regarding /sword/ and also very early in a thread, which might catch mods attention (if it does at least).
It's likely it'll go undercover like most sekrit clubs do so if people join good for them. But it's better not to generate unnecessary problems so suddenly.

>> No.17828970 [DELETED] 

Yeah that explains it.

>> No.17829357

Pretty, but the OP kinda turns me off.

>> No.17829413

For the anon on the other thread :

I think fudanshi is the term for the male fans of BL.

>> No.17829473

The male equivalent of a fujoshi. Just like that short anime where the mc wasn't actually gay but loves yaoi and doujinshi revolved around it.

>> No.17829726

The starters swords will probably get their kiwame at the same time.

>> No.17829827

Hopefully soon then, i was a bit disappointed when i saw Yasu got one. Even though his is really good looking and all haha

>> No.17830394
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Do they show figures at AGF

>> No.17830446

I'm willing to bet the 5 starters will be the last uchigatana kiwames to get released.
It better be just as good as Yasusada's kiwame.

>> No.17830465

>It better be just as good as Yasusada's kiwame.
I wonder what will happen during Kashuu's kiwame travel.

>> No.17830484

Not sure during his travel, but i'm gonna guess he's gonna have a revelation that he is loved and wont be so insecure about that anymore.

>> No.17830490

I'm gonna be honest and say i will be kinda mad if the starters all get their kiwame last lol ;;

>> No.17830493

>lol ;;

>> No.17830521

I can't even picture him wanting to leave in the first place, so it'll be interesting to see what they do with him.

This is what I don't like about kiwame. He's already perfect and his insecurities are part of that so I don't want them to change it too much. But I don't want them to aggravate them either. There's no winning.
I'd rather his kiwame didn't happen at all.

>> No.17830538

>lol ;;

>> No.17830683
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>Events where you're allowed to get drunk on camera

Seiyuu must love Cocktail Prince

>> No.17830697

>Yamashita Daiki
Who are the others?

>> No.17830741

Minegishi Kei, Sawashiro Chihiro, and Masuda Toshiki

>> No.17830749

Chiharu, I mean.

>> No.17830966


>Vol. 1: actor x actress x boss
>Vol. 2: model x camerawoman x senpai cameraman
>Vol. 3: idol x manager x twin sister idol (male)

Might be cool, but threesomes > love triangles

>> No.17831031
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>twin sister idol (male)

>> No.17831810

>twin sister idol (male)

Come again?

>> No.17831868

At least it's a very fresh situation.

>> No.17831890

It says 男の娘. They are traps.

>> No.17831900 [DELETED] 

> threesomes > love triangles
agreed. A person
Trap idol's probably one of those onee types. The ones that are girly until they're overcome with love/lust.

>> No.17833892

Agreed. I feel a team-up is much more satisfactory than just a tired old fight.

>> No.17834021

Vol 3 is my jam if the other brother isn't too girly. I mean, I know it's a trap but at least fujo traps are a little bit more masculine.

>> No.17834264

Why? Why not a R18 publisher? There's a disturbing lack of p3 porn.

>> No.17835028
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Talking about 3P porn, I got that out of my backlog the other day.
Plot was nonsensical and had me laughing few times but the porn was pretty good.

>> No.17835911

Takuyo Himehibi 2 OP

>> No.17836137

Has anyone tried the Rejet idol mobage? Does it better than Live on Stage?

>> No.17836339
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>> No.17836442
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Retail when

>> No.17836714

Dark Night Princess was always like that. First CD is almost majority sex scenes with little plot in between. Then the rest of them go down the same routes other fairy tale erotic retellings go.

>> No.17836726

I didn't see the first one uploaded on the usual site. Is it available somewhere?

>> No.17836796

Hasebe and Souza's kiwame outfits turned good. Souza's almost didn't change.

>> No.17836870
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Two military commanders wanted a duel and she actually challenged them both at the same time, that absolute madwoman. Kan'u a best.

>> No.17836993

Souza looks really good, just need to level him now.

>> No.17837015
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It's an odd title, though. It's a very loose adaptation of Romance of the Three Kingdoms and it shows; most of the game consists of military campaigns and scheming. It's not exactly romantic in the usual sense.

>> No.17837871
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>Shun's new official icon

This homo

>> No.17837902

Indeed, it is.

>> No.17838032
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BanYaro is at it again. The silly event stories are always great.

>> No.17839410

Don't really like Souza's but phew Hasebe's is perfect.

>> No.17839738
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Gives me hope for Ookurikara and Ookanehira.

>> No.17839911

Ichu's menu redesigns look awful, I wonder what the devs were thinking when they did the upgrade.

>> No.17839969

Only the sex parts of it were on Soundcloud, and the site I got the CD from is long gone, so I can't help you there.

>> No.17840249
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>> No.17840544

Agreed. The only good thing about the new UI is the indicator that shows how much your card will level up by. Hope they change it.

>> No.17841110

Code for premium ticket in Ichu: zokuzokusasechau

>> No.17841177

Thank you.

>> No.17841342

>We want the Touken audience

Still looks generic but at least it's not idols or isekai, so good luck to them

>> No.17841370

I gave Rejet's mobage a try, but I've never played Live on Stage so I can't make any comparison.
That being said, Star Revolution is just another cute but generic idol mobage. Neither the guys nor the story interest me and the live gameplay is boring - which is a shame since the songs are nice. I can't see myself playing it for longer than a week, at most.

>> No.17841458
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Its hard mode is harder than LoS (not saying much) and I suppose it's more fun than B-project (also not saying much)

I dunno, so far the stories are not bad but they're bland and safe. I can't imagine many would drop their aidorufus for this.

>> No.17841549

>doM Sugita
sign me up

>> No.17841583
File: 2.03 MB, 659x2468, Screenshot-2017-11-1 Gift ONLINE SHOP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some /blog/ stuff going up soon

>> No.17841765

>GIFT Mitsutada plush
Oh shit oh fuck god damn it I thought GIFT canned their touken line.

>> No.17841785

Thanks anon.

>> No.17842266
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[house bassline plays faintly]

Don't normally like SolidS songs but the ED is nice.

>> No.17842303

Calling it now, bunny best boy.

>> No.17842941
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>> No.17844323

They all have the same feel to them. I'm somewhat happy that the art is nice but it feels so trite for some reason.

>> No.17844663
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>> No.17844929

Idolish7 is getting a Vita game

>> No.17845314
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Thank you!! is pretty sic. He always has some of my favorite songs, but is so annoying in the drama tracks that I keep zoning out

>> No.17845641
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>> No.17845658

Why is it always Alice in Wonderland

>> No.17845859

how many possible variations of AiW can they possibly do?

>> No.17845880
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Damn, the stellaworth exclusive is nice

>> No.17845894

time for you to hit that order button, anon.

>> No.17846466

>Idolish7 anime ep 1 and 2 supposedly can be streamed on some Japan streaming sites later today
I wonder if someone going to rip them.

>> No.17847019
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>> No.17847023
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>> No.17847058
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Gamer duo

>> No.17847063
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>> No.17847493

That tea party scene is too iconic to ignore I guess. We need that sweet Hatter loving.

gods sake do something else, like the Caucus race or Humpty.

>> No.17847508

Who's the guy on the left? Is he a smug bastard? I kinda like his design.

>> No.17847529

Apparently it's also out on CR now although it seems no one has ripped it.

>> No.17847557

I'd also have to ask how Anon describes him. I don't think smug is the best word. He can seem a bit standoffish though it's a front because he's no game no life.

I wonder if they won't continue duos and we'd get something like the wan wans next.

>> No.17847626
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He acts like a handsome princely salaryman at his day job but is actually a memelord who games all night. Literally /ourguy/

>> No.17847676

I like him already. Looks like that's one more thing to consider squandering my money on.

>> No.17847713
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the fuck

>> No.17847766

I like the art on the AGF Arcana Famiglia clear file.

>> No.17847981
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>> No.17847994
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>> No.17848575
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>> No.17848847

I fucking love A3. If you want to do some light reading, check it out. A few guys are a bit boring for me, but many of them are great and the stories hit that 4koma sol spot. Also, Taichi a best. I want to build a triangle paradise with Triangle-kun.

>> No.17849161
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>> No.17849450
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I won't have a problem buying it if it'd just stick to chibi, but it keeps abruptly changing to full size QUALITY and it's making me have second thoughts. That bit at the end of this episode was heinous.

>> No.17849469

Meant *hideous, but that works too.

>> No.17850486
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>desperately try cheesy flirting to impress your aneki, make an ass of yourself in the process
>turns out she has all the romantic sense of an ascetic warrior monk
Being Chouhi is suffering. No wonder he constantly loses her to guys who only think about war and training.

>> No.17850517

Are you actually playing it in that crappy stretched out quality? The sprites are all blurry.

>> No.17850634

I'm playing it on a small tablet, so it looks fine there. It's a 2D PSP game; emulator can't fix the internal resolution for those. Gotta choose between blurry sprites or a postage stamp-sized screen.

>> No.17850822
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Is it A3 troupe ranking time?

>> No.17851019
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>> No.17851138

Occasionally checking Otamart and YJA for AGF stuff. Prices can get pretty crazy right now so it's probably better if I wait for the hype to die down.

>> No.17851148

I don't know about other places but Hobigirls is putting most of theirs up online later. Check official sites first.

>> No.17851335

Really? Most of the stuff I'm after are prizes for lottery though. I doubt they'd add them on online stores.

>> No.17851340

evil incarnate

>> No.17851378

Do you guys put the VA's pseudonym or real name when tagging R18 CDs?

>> No.17851379

Yeah, I just saw a Tsurumaru keychain going for at least 10k-15k yen. Thankfully I'm no longer addicted to TouRanbu.

>> No.17851931

Thank god my swordbando isn't that popular.

>> No.17851942

The real name, with the alias in some other field like performer or something. Remembering all the alias is a pain.

>> No.17852316
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>Almost the end of 2017 and still no new news.

>> No.17853107

Was the complete web translation for Diabolik Lovers backed up anywhere? The link on VNDB is no longer available.

As terrible as it is, I kinda wanna read it.

>> No.17853169

Anyone know where I can find a download for Koezaru wa Akai Hana's repackage version that was released? I bought the original around a year or more ago but I'm curious about the extras they added.

>> No.17853330
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>consensual 3P
>shota route

>> No.17853359

That sounds super interesting.

>> No.17853591

>Nothing yet on usual English or Chinks sites
>Digital version doesn't seem to exist

>> No.17853653

Benibana is legit good. Nuanced, strong-willed MC, important female friends, decent world building, and non-stereotypical guys. Also, Naala/Touya are OTP.

>> No.17853668
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>> No.17853675
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>> No.17853741

see if something survived on here

>> No.17853825

Why'd they take it down anyway?

>> No.17853968

I haven't watched Dance with Devils anime yet and I saw the game for a fairly cheap price. Is it worth picking up?

>> No.17854380
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At first I was wondering what the fuck, but then again Mozart is in Ikemen Vampire

>> No.17854627 [DELETED] 

What are your favorite idolm@ster scales?

>> No.17854633

Wrong thread my bad.

>> No.17854900

Any good otome games for people just starting to learn Japanese?
Looking for something that won't be too difficult to read for beginners.

>> No.17854906

Tokimeki?SoL stuff.

>> No.17855047

What Anon said. Uta is a good one. So was Brocon for my sorry poor nip ass.

>> No.17855196

Anybody know if there's any secondhand shops where I can forward きゃらびぃ from or am I stuck with proxies?

>> No.17855220

have you tried looking at buyfags.moe

>> No.17855235

I already buyfag, I've just never gotten that before so I don't really know where to expect it. All I've found is YAJ and mercari.

>> No.17857823
File: 978 KB, 540x921, Screenshot_2017-10-30-03-32-50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need friends on Midnight Cinderella
Midnight Cinderella ID: F4CHbEcK

>> No.17857858

Are there any BL games where you self-insert as the plain faceless gay protagonist and live a comfy high school life and date hunky high school boys? Or are such games only restricted to otome?

>> No.17857863

the target audience of BL doesn't self-insert.
you're better off looking in another genre or in western shit.

>> No.17858368

Why are fujoshi so fucking useless? What a bummer.

>> No.17858379

at least they make the content they want to see. fags can only bitch and moan.

>> No.17858388

They are fujos, they want to see two guys fuck. Why would they want any self-inserting shit?

>> No.17858747

Make your own content then, literal fag.

>> No.17858761

Why do the Utapri scales feel underwhelming compared to Alter's other scales?

>> No.17858993

Why on earth would girls self-insert as guys?

>> No.17859028

There are those who do actually, you can look up psychological studies about it

>> No.17859058

You won't find many faceless MCs at all.

>> No.17859081
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I somehow missed that he's getting a figure.

For all the figures this game is getting, the poses are all really damn boring.

>> No.17859132

Yeah it's unfortunate. They could do a lot of interesting figues when it comes to swords but they choose to do the same standard in-game poses, it's getting stale. No wonder ALL the scales are binning.
I don't know if this is the fault of the sculptors choosing to do default poses or GSC telling them to do so.
I'm jealous of the treatment dmmd got, even though all of them were based off specific illustrations.

>> No.17859160

Is there a reason why specifically this game gets so many adventurous figures? I would guess Nitroplus connections but swordshit is also Nitroplus. Why isn't something like Luckydog1 for example getting shit at all when that's practically been the face of BL games for a while now?

>> No.17859171

I don't know why everybody is so scared of coming up with creative poses. Those Hanamaru scales with the default character design poses were an insult.
I want to believe in Revolve but it's probably not going to happen.

>> No.17859214

>Is there a reason why specifically this game gets so many adventurous figures?
Honyalala likes to do really extravagant(?) illustrations, it shows. And the main sculptor for her figures is pretty much a fan of the VN. But I'm sure it's because of the illustrations they're based on though, Original Aoba came from a calendar illustration and Gothic Aoba was from a kuji series.

>Why isn't something like Luckydog1 for example getting shit at all when that's practically been the face of BL games for a while now?
Tennenouji isn't exactly well known and they aren't an overtly commercial company like Nitroplus. Plus, Lucky dog designs aren't exactly flamboyant or unique enough to be translated well into figures. Also, personally I don't think it's all that popular. I think Mebiusline would probably have a better shot at getting figures but again the problem of not being an overtly commercial company is a problem.

Even if they made a good sculpt with a different pose the final product would be terrible since Revolve is pretty shitty.

>> No.17859253

Luckydog's Japanese fanbase is pretty prominent on twitter and it gets a lot of doujins. I'm sure Cool-B's bias/shilling of it makes it look bigger than it probably is too, but it's still pretty damn popular none the less.

>> No.17859390

I remember Mio Kouji mentioning earlier this year that she wants Kyouichirou to be made into a figure. I wonder if she'll ever succeed.

>> No.17859785

New Primula game is a mobage.

>> No.17859819

Play Gakuen Handsome.

>> No.17859868


>> No.17859879


Where does it say?

>> No.17859914

Oh fuck, seems like I dreamed things.
Sorry guys for the confusion.

>> No.17859931
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>> No.17859933
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>> No.17860578
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>Are there any BL games where you self-insert as the plain faceless gay protagonist and live a comfy high school life and date hunky high school boys?

Do you count Bara? If so, theirs the Riba series by Hanrangen. Theirs 3 titles currently (Dekariba, Dachiriba and Natsuriba). Just don't expect substance, they're porn with plot.

Natsuriba is the best one. You can get them from booth: https://funa.booth.pm/

>> No.17860629
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Vazzy, a band with a dangerous and powerful sound/appeal. This band consists of Tarusuke Shingaki (leader), Yusuke Kobayashi, Masahiro Yamanaka, Yusuke Shirai, Tsubasa Sasa and Shun Horie.

Rock Down is a band in which freedom and individuality are common. The band consists of Yukitoshi Kikuchi (leader), Yoshiaki Hasegawa, Takuya Sato, Taito Ban, Takuya Masumoto and Keisuke Koumoto.

>> No.17862900

Am I the only one who feels like they're making too many units and shit

>> No.17863039

Heh, that has been the nip reaction.

To be honest I was happier to hear about more SQ/Alive CDs and Tsukiutas coming out of the dungeon next year. Though it wasn't specified whether the new Tsukiuta project would be CDs or whatnot.

Guess I will wait to hear the music for this. Right now they just look more like rehashed SolidS than rockers

>> No.17863678

I just want some more dancy tunes with deep voiced guys.

>> No.17864045
File: 814 KB, 1120x630, proud ikemen father.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just give me more Papa Shu.

>> No.17865175
File: 29 KB, 256x300, 20774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forget what happens to her in different routes besides Slen/Suiren. Anyone mind refreshing my memory?

>> No.17865228

I'm playing the repackaged version right now and for the routes I've done (Nord, Cef, Esta), she didn't make another appearance sans the end of the common route. I /think/ she ends up the same in Naran's route as Sren but don't take my word for it.

>> No.17865893

She remains best friends with Naala in Touya's route.

>> No.17866899

Was this good

>> No.17870081

I almost forgotten she went insane.

>> No.17870137

More like went full yandere.

>> No.17870731
File: 55 KB, 352x500, DOFnJQoUEAAnGJl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This looks like it's going to be garbage.


Shitty adaptations aren't going to make anybody pick up the game. What the fuck are they doing? They even managed to ruin a simple chibi anime.

>> No.17870863

Figures, a new forum right when I got rid of the app because the other units were boring.
Who knows. Reminds me of that one low level bl OVA. It would have been better to just read the manga which listening to a drama CD.

>> No.17870941

Why that route first? Even the director recommended you do his route 3rd. Unless they spill everything for the first two routes it's just going to confuse secondaries, and I can't imagine it's aimed at existing fans at all.

>> No.17870987

If you look it up it seems they're doing all the routes separately. I have no fucking clue who this shit is aimed at.

>> No.17871000


Are there any BL VN to Manga adaptions that are actually worth reading? They always seem to be terrible adaptions.

>> No.17871059

Lucky Dog's manga seem to be doing alright. It's been recently updated too. There's still five untranslated volumes to go.

>> No.17871069

Nevermind, turns out I was looking at something else. I don't know what they're doing.

Here's the artist: https://twitter.com/yuyutaso

They seem to like the game. That cover is fucking ugly though.

>> No.17871082

Did it remove the homo? I recall some Japanese fans complaining that brought in a bunch of secondaries that get triggered when you talk about pairings.

>> No.17871109

>their fanart is better than their published art

>> No.17871175

>no homo
Looks like it from the available chapters. Still a good read despite that. The art style used goes well with the story. No idea how it'll go down in the last half.

Really? The characters were well-written so maybe those people got too attached. The prison scene where Bernardo plays along with Giancarlo to tease Ivan was comedy gold.

Shame there's no harem ending. Giancarlo's a good balance to those four.

>> No.17871193

Almost raged, but such sensitivity is really just hilarious.

>> No.17871216

>Why that route first?
Senge's the most fucking popular love interest from the game of course they'd do him first. It's really obvious.

>> No.17871228

Sure, but it's not a good way to pull in secondaries. Imagine doing his route first.

>> No.17871254

Their fanart is good.
The trashy cover makes me worry that it's going to be OOC.

>> No.17871270

They probably want to rely on pre-existing fans for most sales.
Although given that even the Japanese side thinks that cover is disgusting, they're not off to a good start.

>> No.17871574

>brought in a bunch of secondaries that get triggered when you talk about pairings
How is that possible? Do they really not know that the material they're reading is actually based on a homo game?

>> No.17871581

Very possible and I've seen similar myself for other series. Exactly the type of shit that makes people hate secondaries.

>> No.17871795
File: 933 KB, 1774x2353, 587350-1774x2353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally finished Juuzaengi 1. It's a long game with six main routes, so clearing it takes a while. It has also earned a longer review.

The game is a very loose adaptation of Romance of the Three Kingdoms, though aside from the character names, general story roles and countries, it mainly does its own thing. The story
has two central points - Cao Cao and his military and state-building ambitions and the attempts of the Maozoku tribe to live their lives amidst the turbulent world of humans. The conflict between her desire for peace and normalcy and the knowledge that she can influence and change things for the better if she gets involved is also the core axis of the heroine’s character development.

Juuzaengi 1 is very much a game focused on the plot, worldbuilding, and character development; those looking for romance will probably be disappointed, because most Kan’u / Guan Yu’s relationships are something else first and romantic second - for the guys, she is mainly a challenger, a comrade, a rival, a mother, a guardian, or a sister, who can also become something more. This change also doesn't have to be entirely positive.

Routes: The game is more or less split between the two main routes - Liu Bei, the young chief of the Maozoku tribe, and Cao Cao, the ambitious military commander whose arrival starts the events of the game. These two also remain extremely prominent in all the other routes, especially Cao Cao.
Cao Cao’s route is the most tense and action-packed and gives tons of character development to both the main and secondary characters; Liu Bei’s is more intimate and domestic, with a dash of fantasy to contrast Cao Cao route’s realism. The rest of the routes essentially orbit these two, though Zhao Yun/Chouun and Zhang Liao/Chouryu's stray away in their own direction.

Juuzaengi is an excellent VN with a strong and dedicated MC, great world, and lively and well-developed characters and relationships. It has its weak points (Chouhi/Zhang Fei’s route doesn't work too well in its later stages and has considerably weaker writing than the rest of the game) and it never reaches such stunning heights as Nitroplus’ Soukou Akki Muramasa for example, but it still stands head and shoulders above the usual VN fare, especially otome games.


>> No.17872414

Is a good blge adaptation even possible within the realm of possibility? First the source material has to be good at the very least, and second because the source material is BL they have to keep the gay otherwise what's the point? Unless it's a VN that has a good plot on it's own that doesn't rely too much on buttsex or romance I could maybe see it get nohomo'd.
It seems like any possibility is cursed by default.

>> No.17872439

VNs are hard to adapt in general for various reasons. Same with games. In BL's case it's probably even harder finding people willing to do it and most companies can't afford it. Mebiusline got a lousy 5 minute anime specifically because anything else was way too expensive, and it's not like that game is bad either.

>> No.17872513

So you don't think there's a single BL game with a good plot?

>> No.17872584

You're misunderstanding me there, there are definitely some games with a good plot but they wouldn't really work well as an anime because there'd have to be so much cut content either to appeal to a mainstream public or because of anime regulations. A personal favorite of mine will always be sweet pool but it would be absolutely atrocious in anime form for many many reasons.

>> No.17872639

I care less about the art and more if it's going to be out of character as well. Since they're a fan and it's being supervised by HW, I'll give it a chance. Maybe they just suck at cover composition. It's not smart to piss off the largest faction of your fanbase either so hopefully the contents aren't as trashy/shallow as the cover or they'll never shut up about it.

>> No.17872705

Guess I'll add this to my huge backlog. I hate how I start 5 games at once and take forever to finish them.

>> No.17873216

Have they ever made a figure of an otome heroine

>> No.17873427

Nanami from Utapri has some trading ones.

>> No.17873461
File: 99 KB, 577x560, you should be able to solve this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grandpa get off the computer

>> No.17873488
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>Team Cao Cao insanely stronk
>childhood friend option BTFO by the heroine and secondary characters
>Liu Bei that low
Juuzaengi popularity polls got hilarious after the second game. War campaigns and duels >>>> all.

>> No.17873715

I want a Cardia nendoroid

>> No.17873743

NilAd FD popularity poll results.

Almost the same as the previous one except Akira replaced Rui in his 2nd spot.

>> No.17874182
File: 434 KB, 500x500, tate_jacket.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sample up.

>> No.17874195

There's a few plushies.

>> No.17874564

>Takuyo is doing a Vita port for the mobage Cafe Cuillere
>Takuyo announced HimeHibi 3

>> No.17874584

>Cafe Cuillere

I can't remember much about this besides it being so shitty

>> No.17874702

Why won't they just port Shinigami to Shoujo?

>> No.17876477

Maybe there's a rights issue with the artist, who knows.
Try to start a twitter campaign to show interest or something.

>> No.17876969

I'm not the only one asking for it though. I know a lot of Japanese and western fans are too.

>> No.17877113

Goes up in 4 hours.

>> No.17877684
File: 84 KB, 500x500, 9tCIOv6J.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who drew Salmon, Mentaiko, and Plum in Yui no Shinobi? The artist looks painfully familiar, but I can't figure out who it is for the life of me.

>> No.17878070

Gameplay halfway through the video.
What a shame.

>> No.17878716


>> No.17878949

>Today Chicchai episode is hardsubbed on CR for some reason
I guess HS release will be delayed then.

>> No.17879033
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Raws are out normally so it doesn't matter.


>> No.17879200
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>> No.17879261
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>> No.17879310

They couldn't have used something like the second pic as the cover?
First impressions are everything and the cover is a poor representation of just about everything.

>> No.17879393

Are those doujin games of anime/manga/games ever any good?

>> No.17879448

Not really. Original doujin games can be good, but even those are extremely rare. One example is HaccaWorks, whose games (Hanakisou and Akaya Akashiya Ayakashino) are genuinely excellent even though they look cheap as fuck.

>> No.17879807

Thanks. Turns out this isn't who I was thinking of, but I like their stuff.

>> No.17880236

His face looks so oily.

>> No.17880247

Just like a real asian's.

>> No.17880590

I hate Aoba but he looks pretty good there. I wonder if the rumour that if Aoba sells well enough they'd do the rest of the other Gothic illustrations is real so I could get him in hopes I get an actual Youji fig.

I think It's probably because it was painted on a whim, doubt the final product will look like that.

>> No.17880611

What rumor? If you heard it from foreign fans, forget about it.

>> No.17880639
File: 42 KB, 180x170, 1510356210768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, but I still want to believe.
I want this Aoba bias to end

>> No.17880686

It probably depends on how much you like the relevant series and the individual writers.
I have played many original doujin games that were pretty good and entertaining.

>> No.17880851

Which game is more worth the price? Bad Apple or Collar Malice?

>> No.17880853
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Looks like this came out of the early 2000s

>> No.17880918

It was originally a PS2 game.

>> No.17880919

Definitely CollarxMalice. BAWs isn't really that good, it's mediocre at best. Sometimes I wonder how Aksys chooses the games they localize considering they also picked Period Cube when there are a ton of great otome games out there that deserve to be localized. The otome games out on 2018 (especially the Psychedelica games) are good though.

>> No.17881328
File: 243 KB, 1080x1920, DOR5Ww2VoAIjY2S.jpg-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He sure likes putting things in his mouth

>> No.17881602


>> No.17882807
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>> No.17882862
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The I7 fags will soon surpass the Uta fags in terms of crazy.

>> No.17883844
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It’s always possible, but we’d have to surpass a full room or a unique shrine/sculpture.

>> No.17883854
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>> No.17883874
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>> No.17883901
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>> No.17883920
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>> No.17883943
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>> No.17883974
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>> No.17884059
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>> No.17884162
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>> No.17884487
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This will have a download version.

>> No.17885239

Quite the sameface there

>> No.17887091

Band Yarouze!'s 1st anniversary Duel Gig

>> No.17887253

>What a shame.
Totally. I hope they'll port it to Vita or so, seems like the VN part could be great.

>> No.17887567
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>> No.17887676
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Ken ga Toki opening

>> No.17888241

Are they gonna release a full DVD of the event or is this digest the only thing we're getting?

>> No.17888779

Fucking dropped.

>> No.17889187

Do you happen to have a rip of the repackaged version? I only have the original that I got years ago.

>> No.17891778

Give me the best otome opening you can think of. Because I'm in a serious lack of otome OP after shiro to kuro no alice's classy opening.

>> No.17891825

The first one probably gets my vote for best otome opening, but figured I'd toss some other stuff at you too in case you wanted more classy stuff

>> No.17891935

Nil Admirari's openings are great

I'm also warming up to Taiso x Alice's OP

>> No.17892012 [DELETED] 

Not that anon, but I really like these Nil Adamari OPs so far. Also, if we're talking about Love Solfege: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAcPZnf-oa0

>> No.17892014

Not that anon, but I really like these Nil Admirari OPs so far. Also, if we're talking about Love Solfege: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAcPZnf-oa0

>> No.17892105

Wouldn't say that they're the best but they're a few personal favourites

>> No.17892967
File: 326 KB, 320x400, DOfaaTHUEAUkk9w.png orig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scout! The Wolf and little Red Riding Hood
KuroTeto Ps now finally have the complete set.

>> No.17893447


>> No.17893843


>rapping megane corrupt cop


>> No.17893896
File: 92 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] IDOLiSH7 - 01+02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_04.22_[2017.11.13_19.35.30].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think I have a chance of finding rips of OnoKen's tour DVD/BD or is he not popular enough? I won't give up and I'll try some Russian and Chinese sites but it looks to me like I'll have to buy it.

>> No.17893936

Rips for stuff like that are always really REALLY hard to find.

>> No.17894036

I see, I rarely dig for stuff related to male singers but I'm not surprised.

>> No.17894039


>> No.17894061
File: 676 KB, 450x571, 1428521843001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day I'll get around to playing it.

>> No.17894164

Isn't it available on otomedream? They rip almost everything there.

>> No.17894258

Do I need to register to use the search function to its fullest? I've just used google in combination with their site like you'd do on baka.bt back when it was open. Nevermind that, while checking it I found all the videos uploaded on bilibili so that confirms rips exist, thanks anon.

>> No.17894278

That's good then, because otomedream is a pain in the ass if you don't have an account.

>> No.17897397 [DELETED] 

Alice sounds awesome and the princes and senpais are tweeting again and all is right in this world.

>> No.17897436
File: 87 KB, 600x800, his face when he slept with a prostitute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rev up those preorders

>> No.17897472

I was already refreshing Ami in wait yesterday.

>> No.17897582

Princes signing off. Senpais are awake.

>> No.17897652
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>> No.17898221
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Am I the only one who is not too fond of Banri? I will consider Taruchi when his prototype pops up.

>> No.17898273

You’re not the only one, but he is rather popular. Personally, I think he’s cool. He’s our literal bro. Anime when.

>> No.17898296

I'm pretty sure Itaru is more like /ourguy/.

>> No.17898539

Do you know if any others have AGF stuff up for net orders too?

>> No.17898556

they should say so on their official twitters or sites

>> No.17898580

I always fucking mix the two up because of gamer hair. Either way, one a yankee and one is a prince. I say they’re both cool for here.

>> No.17898639

I know Stellaworth and Aniplex has some shit up but you're going to have to look at whatever company's site you want shit from.

>> No.17898641
File: 521 KB, 1105x1118, 64857312_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Banri is a bitchass punk but I like his shameless flirting, would commit a crime with

It's neat how Autumn's leader is the guy who in other stories would normally be the rival to the actual leader.

>> No.17898839

Delinquent team best team.

>> No.17900000
File: 73 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Dynamic Chord - 06 [720p][00_05_59].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17900002
File: 76 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Dynamic Chord - 06 [720p][00_06_05].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking hell

>> No.17900019
File: 158 KB, 941x567, bad medicine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you pay for a bad fan translation?

>> No.17900088

People are OK with “reading” and or translating with zero Japanese knowledge. I’m sure someone would.

>> No.17900098
File: 100 KB, 1000x613, C6edSEuU0AEnGzu.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patrician taste, anon. BLOOMING Autumn EP is pretty bomb.

>> No.17900538

Hell yeah. Just for Myself is 10/10.

Did you see the upcoming event? That Taichi. Good luck if you’re aiming high. I’m usually around 50k with minimal play. How the fuck some people get those crazy scores I’ll never know.

>> No.17901303

Sweet Clown has the same feel and is very good.
This is my favorite simply because of Antistar.
Zettai Meikyuu Grimm also had really good openings that matched the mood of the game.
Ichicolumn always gets good singers for their openings.
Others I like:

>> No.17901673
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>> No.17901680
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>> No.17902052

When will the mobage fad die

>> No.17902399
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Very condensed.
I wonder how many volumes it'll be.

>> No.17902403
File: 74 KB, 640x640, walpurgis-no-uta-434859.2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone here played this game? If yes, how was it?

>> No.17902415

Never. As phones continue to deliver and stay in hands constantly so will mobile games improve and be created to keep your attention via graphics, VAs, etc.

>> No.17902558

The actual manga art definitely looks better than the atrocious cover, wew at least that's good.

>> No.17902620

>SIX SICKSはDL不要、課金システムなし完全無料のブラウザゲームです。

How will it make money without gachatrash though, ads?

>> No.17903403
File: 141 KB, 900x512, charass6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going where no Resuko has gone before

>> No.17903414
File: 120 KB, 900x512, gallery6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put away your fucking clothes goddanm

>> No.17903825

>Basically, VNs that aren't targeted at straight dudes are fair game here
Eh? What? I'm completely straight and love the shit out of otome games. Although I suppose I understand the statement

>> No.17903839

So anyway, as a guest to your thread I want to be polite, I've played perhaps 4 otome games. I just discovered Gyutto.me and I was hoping someone could guide me to the part of their site with sales. All that kanji scares me.

>> No.17903972
File: 328 KB, 1138x1514, DOrL46ZV4AAvIj7.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you Ufotable.

>> No.17904209

Do you just pay attention to the MC at all times?
Because playing a game that focuses on dating guys is pretty gay.

>> No.17904324

The disclaimer is mostly so stuff like Fate or any other random non-/blog/ VN doesn't get posted here but either way yeah. Though do you actually like the romantic development between the girl and the dude? Because that's pretty gay.

>> No.17904337 [DELETED] 

Ummmmm sweeties, you don't get to decide a person's gender-fluidity.

>> No.17904384

Not him but I pick the dude that's most like myself and self-insert there.

>> No.17904394 [DELETED] 

Don't you even start with that shit here.

>> No.17904456

Not him either but that doesn't really make them gay because it's a romance between a guy and a girl after all. There are guys who are just into some cute and vanilla romance (though there are fucked up otome games as well) and plus, it also helps that otome MCs tend to get top tier designs. I know some guys who enjoy shoujo and one of them is watching the C:R anime. If anon on the other hand, enjoys BL games, then that makes him kinda gay.

>> No.17904593

Wait, why did I never notice this thread on /jp/? I mentioned otome games to a friend just the other day.

>> No.17905275

>I'm completely straight and love the shit out of otome games.
I'm curious now. Why do you love them?

>> No.17905881

This is true and reversely applies to females who like /h/. It’s easy enough to pick the most interesting or enjoyable route.
Besides that one attempt years ago, we were on /vg/ since the start and moved a few months ago. You can miss these things if you’re used to certain threads and search the catalog? Either way, welcome.

>> No.17906199

I'm a romance junky and it's so much better from the girl's perspective. I like shoujo comics too for the same reason.

>> No.17907056

I've seen anons in the visual novel translation progress thread who are so against otome that they said it was "unfortunate" that more of them were getting translated recently, so it's fair to say that usually they aren't aimed at straight dudes.

>> No.17907071

They're never aimed at straight dudes.

>> No.17907093

If you can't get around that site on your own you should stick to reading in English.

>> No.17907234
File: 383 KB, 1069x767, asdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kyou uses a very wrong pronoun at one point here and Tatebayashi's name is wrong through the whole thing.
People are really, really mad about it.

I like that Senge finally used his whip though.

>> No.17907291

There's mostly scared to attract female posters so they shit on these games because they are target at girls.

>> No.17907881
File: 104 KB, 945x527, brocon1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just surprised some people are willing to pay 20+ dollars for a subpar fan translated patch. I guess some people are that desperate.
Pic not related

>> No.17907893
File: 104 KB, 945x527, siscon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucked up the filename.
Speaking of pic related, has anyone played Shinigami to Shoujo? What route order would you recommend?

>> No.17907929

The usual. Hinase-Nanaki-Tooya-Ao.

>> No.17908911

phones are the future of otome and VN.
Though so far except for hakuouki and Mystic Messenger (in spite of his subpar graphics) the mobage otome VN are shit.

>> No.17910271

Hakuouki is not a mobage VN, it's just a port.

>> No.17910407

>Only hardsubbed version at the moment for this week episode
I guess it's time to watch the raw again.

>> No.17910580

I know I know.
I wonder if more proper VN are going to be ported in the futur ?
Maybe when the vita is going to die ?
Or are they going to produce VN for the switch ?
But eventually it's all going to mobile, IMO.
but people will have to be ready to pay a good sum at once for a proper game and not a bigger sum on a long time through microtransactions.
The economic model of current mobages is pure cancer.

>> No.17911322

Meiji Tokyo Renka is not shit.

>> No.17911709

Also a port.

>> No.17912314

It was originally mobile.

>> No.17912404

There are tons of VNs that got ported to phones, anon. Stop posting about stuff you don't know.

>> No.17912463

>tfw there'll never be a /blog/ VN that can be universally acclaimed as 神ゲ like most eroges do

>> No.17912507

oh well. less retards latching on.

>> No.17912518

I thought that was Shinigami to Shoujo?

>> No.17912529

Nobody outside otome circles cares about that came. I believe they mean by acknowledged by people outside the hobby, which will never happen regardless of quality because of the target demographic of these games, and I don't understand the desire for it either.

>> No.17912535

Wow I messed that post up.

>> No.17912660

Is it really that popular?

>> No.17914705

Too late for that.

>> No.17915981

Just saw the new Code:Realize episode. Out of the changes they did with the anime, this is probably the one I disliked the most. They pretty much removed the conversation between Cardia and Finis at the laboratory plus San stabbing Finis which kinda ruins the plot twist that Finis can come back from the dead

>> No.17916052
File: 43 KB, 300x450, DO5zmeqV4AAH27d.jpg_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best girls

>> No.17916061
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>> No.17916245

Cult popularity? Nips always praise it but it probably didn't get a lot of sales because >Takuyo

>> No.17916548

Basically. It kinda feels like there's a small group of people who frankly, overrate it. But I guess it's also old+takuyo+no port so it doesn't get much exposure. I was pretty sure they'd port it after TaiAli did well but who knows what they are thinking.

>> No.17917779

Still can't believe no one bought the chiral night rhythm carnival

Loved the demo, but I can't find the game anywhere

>> No.17917807

People definitely did since Chiral has so many die hard overseas fans but they're probably too dumb to rip it. Then again many don't even buy things, could be waiting just like you. Isn't the game only $30?

>> No.17918214
File: 404 KB, 374x624, surodame2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>since Chiral has so many die hard overseas fans
You mean there's only dmmdfags, not actual chiralfags. Even when trying to look for information about the upcoming game, I can't find anything at all so I had to religiously look things up myself with streams and etc since even tumblrinas aren't digging enough info for my liking.
I would buy the rhytm game and rip it for some anons interested but I'm trying to wait and see what C93 will bring before I spend money on things yet.

>> No.17918468

New thread anyone?

>> No.17918478


>> No.17918486

