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17594422 No.17594422 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>17567015

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>> No.17594440

Gladiator AW (both units are event units): slight stat buff for cost up penalty.
Raimei AW (gacha plat): no cost up penalty, AW ability with buff for all undeads.

>> No.17594628

It's not that bad, Gladiators got a -6 to their unit cost.

>> No.17594653

who's this semen demon

>> No.17594870

Nutaku Kamihime.
Amaterasu, Brynhildr, Sol (light), Amon SR, Nergal. Who should I use on element and off element?

>> No.17594888

What the hell, this new event
I am getting my ass whooped with team of AW blacks

>> No.17594894

Threw 250 blue tickets at once - no cthugha. Threw 250 red tickets at once - no bow. Those events are just plain unfair.

>> No.17594899

Amaterasu obviously stays always. Nergal offers def down A so she also stays generally. The last two depends on how much trouble you're having/which enemy you're facing. Bryn AND Sol are probably overkill most of the time defence-wise. The higher your assault levels are, the more you want a full fire party.

>> No.17594930

Thanks. How to understand which debuffs are stackable? And what "A" in "def down A" stands for?

>> No.17594938


That should cover it up.

>> No.17594940

A B C etc. are just different types of buffs/debuffs. If they have the same letter they overwrite, if they have different ones they stack (max debuff % combined is -50%).
You can't find that info in game short of, well, trying it out yourself, but it's on the wiki.

>> No.17595048


>> No.17595160

Looks like Anatolia from aigis

>> No.17595162

>that 8 stamina map
Holy fuck what was even going on I couldn't tell with so many fucking demons on my screen

>> No.17595310

The entire event is essentially one huge DPS challenge, nothing can actually hit you because of the judge debuff but everything has HP in spades so you better have a lot of good physical damage.

I'm getting a lot of mileage from Dahlia in this event, 3k damage per hit is no joke.

>> No.17595651

>decide to use heavies for scouting missions
>factory keeps shoving 4star heavies down my throat

Not like I'm complaining or anything, but you DO remember there are other classes in the game...right, factory? KV-5, Tiger I, Churchill Crocodile, IS-2, Tiger (P), plus a T-30. I bet I get another 5star heavy tomorrow from the 30 day login bonus.

>> No.17595710

I've been getting 4star lights, they sucks.

>> No.17595833

What a horrible fate. I got super lucky on my lights, and got a T-70 and AMX-13, probably two of the best since they both have auras.

>> No.17596437

The referee debuffs all enemies by -80% Attack. Guess what happens if you kill the referee?

>> No.17596453

Never occurred to me, huh
Throughout the event, I always killed him with a rune fencer because of the fancy position, had no trouble so far.

>> No.17596503
File: 207 KB, 731x161, 千年戦争アイギス R - DMM GAMES R18 (73).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck, this is great. Aigis certainly got best writers out of all DMM gacha-ge.

Now I want Shadia even more than Mephistopheles.

>> No.17596508

>Guess what happens if you kill the referee?

>> No.17596819

and a ching chong to you as well

>> No.17596862

Tournament rules: whoever gets 1800 medals first, wins. Killing leader of team nets you 900 medals.
So Shadia, dragons and minotaurs lose to Prince one by one, then Shadia is like, whatever, I need different approach to win this. Then she goes to minotaurs and dragons and persuades them to attack prince together when Anatolia will challenge him. They lose, retreat. Shadia takes her sword, they are like, give up, you can't beat Prince now. Then she stabs both dragon elder and minotaur aniki, and declares that she now got 1800 medals and thus won the tournament.
Judge announces that she's right and she's now the winner.
Prince goes back to his kingdom dumbfounded.

>> No.17596901

you know, I've never done a map without killing him. I figured some spooky guy that never moves but has a melee spot right by him is a kill this immediately thing and the melee spot was bait to get one shotted.

tried a map without killing him first thing I do with Nanaly and it definitely made dealing with that purple demon on 90/12 a lot easier. the motherfucker would kill multiple aw99 units in seconds without the debuff if I wasn't very careful. With the debuff he does nothing at all.

>> No.17596922

Isn't that cheating?
Is she a cheating whore?

>> No.17596927

This is tournament of demon world, perfectly fine there.
She asked judge to make her maou's adjutant as prize, and he accepted.

>> No.17596940

There's no way that guy isn't going to turn out to be the corrupted hero from the previous millennium war, is there?

The only question is whom his Anna was.

>> No.17596948
File: 1.35 MB, 1280x720, 1490140253646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if anyone even plays sorakana here, but assuming I understood the help menu, 1* and 2* girls from the gacha are capped at 2*, and they have to be 3* base or higher to make it to 5*, right?
Saving up for my first 10 roll still

>> No.17596955

Final story arc should be Prince, Danchou, Emperor and Maou together storming Keranous' stronghold in angel world.

>> No.17596964

Hey, don't forget our man Decius. He's the one who has the biggest beef with the angels.

>> No.17597086

Yes, not to mention they haven't updated the free point gacha pool since launch.
Just don't bother with the free point gacha, save up your gem for the normal gacha instead.

>> No.17597282

I knew it was gonna be impossible to roll Belial since she was only 5% up anyways, but spending 6k+ jewels and getting no SSR at all for the nth time is still depressing.

>> No.17597342

Isn't it? These rates are bogus.

>> No.17597641

Never give DMM your money guys. Never give in.

>> No.17597656

Okay, thanks. My first roll was kinda disappointing with 1/11 4* and a dupe pair, but it's better than FP fodder.
What are those 30 AP quests below the dailies (that I may add have ass for droprates) for?

>> No.17597789

Don't have to remind me.

>> No.17597830 [DELETED] 
File: 158 KB, 533x800, 8a83a42608df8e69f802dcbeb1b90ff9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought that Devil/Divine Souls would disappear after exchanging them for rewards, but when I finally saved up enough for Cthuga, I was pleasantly surprised that this game is a lot more generous than the other gachashit I played.

>> No.17597908

I feel pretty awful when I have to use male silvers to awaken and class change my units. It feels like my girls are being infused with male genes or something and it bothers me a lot. Does anyone else get this feeling?

>> No.17597932

I don't have autism, no.

>> No.17597941

Absolutely. Look up microchimerism, your concern is more real than you'd think.

>> No.17597994

I have autism, yes. I still use males to class change silvers though, otherwise I'd never get anything done.

>> No.17598093

>chrome update finally happened
hopefully nutaku kamipro doesn't lag anymore/

>> No.17598234

They drop the medals which you can exchange for special versions of the initial girls in the exchange shop. You can upgrade them to 5* but it needs a lot of medals grinding.

>> No.17598270

Factory keeps giving me 4stars, and I just got my free 5star tank login reward. It's an E-100. Another super-heavy tank. Holy fuck she costs 7 units to deploy.

>> No.17598289

Oh, alright, thanks again.
I'm just gonna focus on doing the 9 AP event stage to keep leveling up for higher stamina caps for the time being then

>> No.17598645

Ugh, lost again on this wind guild order. I know my fire party is shit but I feel like I should've got it this time.

>> No.17598745

>Managed to kick Quetzalcoatl out of rage mode
>She cleared her debuff, and begun to delete your party with 3,5k triple attack each turn.
The guild order last bosses are pretty bullshit if you don't have the correct himes to deal with them.

>> No.17598906

I couldn't knock her out of raging before she got off a second charge. I might could've managed to hit her into stun if I let Mars burst by herself but it slipped my mind. Gonna rethink my team and upgrade weapon skills before tomorrow.

>> No.17599438

New kamipro player and ESL here.
What do you people mean with "off-element"?

>> No.17599518

I use only male units for CC/AW and imagine the girls getting ganganged in process

>> No.17599530 [DELETED] 

When you fight an element that you have no bonus against.
On-element: your fire part against wind
Off-element: your fire party against fire/thunder/wind/light/dark
Never seen a term for fighting your weakness (fire vs water), I guess it could be something like against-element, but nobody does that anyways.

>> No.17599573

When you fight an element that you have no bonus against.
On-element: your fire party against wind
Off-element: your fire party against fire/thunder/light/dark
Never seen a term for fighting your weakness (fire vs water), I guess it could be something like against-element, but nobody does that anyways.

>> No.17600062 [DELETED] 
File: 192 KB, 345x349, 9756342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are my % chances of getting Charlotte from the first 3 missions? The 4th mission is way too hard for me and I already wasted too much stamina on trying to clear it.
Should I just go back to spirit farming instead of bothering with this?

>> No.17600084

>wasting time instead than farming a Black Unit
Why are you not farming the main event?

>> No.17600092 [DELETED] 

You must be quite new if you can't beat it, get atleast 25 items from Eternas map and then grind Charlotte out on the third map, just like getting a silver. Or you could purposefully 1* the 4th map and only kill Charlotte, letting 9 of the 33 enemys pass on purpose.
Map 1 is 1%, 2 is 5%, 3 is 10%, 4 is 25% and 5 is 50% for Charlotte, not all farm events have drop rates like these.

>> No.17600102 [DELETED] 
File: 164 KB, 375x271, 544677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That one is even harder, I cannot deal any damage to pumpkins and they just rape my units. Barely managed to clear the second mission and the third is pretty much impossible.

>> No.17600103

You must be quite new if you can't beat it, get atleast 25 items from Eternas map and then grind Charlotte out on the third map, just like getting a silver. Or you could purposefully 1* the 4th map and only kill Charlotte, letting 9 of the 33 enemys pass on purpose.
Map 1 is 1%, 2 is 5%, 3 is 10%, 4 is 25% and 5 is 50% for Charlotte, not all farm events have drop rates like these.

>> No.17600177

I can't ever find Belials, Rudras, Kirins or Managarmr in my support list but I have 2 Hresvelgr friends.
Was there a Hresvelgr handout and I missed it?

>> No.17600182

Show me what you got.

>> No.17600280

>I can't ever find Belials
Very strange, I find lots of Belials, in fact even lots of LB Belials. Being the first one to be released it should make sense.

>> No.17600808

Is there a unit tier list for Aigis?

>> No.17600852

All blacks are good, there's a google doc with how viable / useful they are based on majinn though which hasn't been updated since like Aix I believe.

>> No.17600899

There's this which is great for a laugh.

If you want useful but outdated then for blacks use
and for plats use

>> No.17600947

>Clissa same points as Hibari
How are they even evaluating them?

>> No.17600974

Do you guys use gold units as AW material?
I am literally swimming in silvers and silver fairies, but still too lazy to click all those menu to CC them

>> No.17601102

I couldn't possibly begin to understand. Eterna and Aisha have the same high rank beating ut Lapis and Elyse
No, gold units are for rainbow crystals, stop being lazy. Buy the good expensive stuff each month and only then if you have enough can you spend golds as AW fodder.

>> No.17601702

>miyabi is one of the worst blacks
Really? As a black dancer I expected her to be on the top end.

>> No.17601726

Seems to me that she's unranked because she's relatively new and there aren't enough high-level majin setup videos featuring her to make a proper judgement, not because she's inherently bad. Once her role becomes consolidated she'll probably enter the list from a high rank.

>> No.17601751

S Tier: using girls you love
F Tier: only using girls just because of their viability
Shit tier: using males

>> No.17601766

What about viable blacks whom you also love?
I almost fed up with absolute no motivation to play Aigis until I rolled Teeny.
She's a qt and buffs essential to my no sausage party.

>> No.17601777

>What about viable blacks whom you also love?
Viability is irrelevant, just use girls you have.

>> No.17602005

It out right says that she's tentatively rated as one of the best Blacks. As said >>17601726 though, she's new enough that she's pending an exact rank.

>> No.17602479

Can we get him to show up again, please? Jesus Christ, they actually started to give him story and then just completely wrote him out of events. You don't just start that shit at the Onyx implementation gold rush and then leave it untouched for this long.

>> No.17602670

Well, Lapis only works on enemies that you can tank and do not have area damage and extremely hp-deficient enemies and he AW does not do really anything to her to improve these

Elyse is good, but defence is will only help you if enemy deals regular damage and does not help if enemy hits extremely fast (I have not yet seen this type of enemy, tho)

Aisha is extremely good, tho it her class ability + hp buff + her fluid role in sortie that make her so good. Her skill is good panic button, but it only works wonders to greater moblings and mid-triet bosses

Eterna. I do not have her at usable level to evaluate her like other those units. Fredrica stole her job in my army?

>> No.17602786
File: 26 KB, 329x175, IMG_0917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayy lmao

>> No.17602837

>Wait for buffs to time out
>Click on enemy buff icons
>They're gone
>Buffs are back
>Same shit happens
Can these devs do anything right?

>> No.17602858

Thats fucking tempting, I said I wasn't going to spend on FKG again but I'm not so sure now.
I got Daisy last time but I'm not even sure who I'd get this time.

>> No.17602879

Let's hope they don't end up killing him. Decius, oni mask ninja, Raijin, orc hero and ant queen are the only surviving old guard (and this is if you count the oni ninja's revival), and ant queen is expected to be the next on the chopping block.

That said, Aigis' male characters are unexpectedly good. When are we getting a sentai parody with Prince as Aigis Red, Emperor as Adamas Blue, Decius as Keraunos Yellow, danchou as Makai Black and oni ninja as Majin White? Between all the homage events in Aigis, it's surprising they didn't go into toku shows yet, even though they had the perfect excuse to implement growing units with their Shiropro collab.

Frankly, Lapis' real strong point is the attack up skill she has, it's an unbelievably huge buff that would be amazing on any class even without the disgustingly broken demon summoner mechanics.

>> No.17602928 [DELETED] 
File: 1.34 MB, 970x657, afker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it common practice for players to ask for support then go afk and let the support do the whole thing by himself?
Because this faggot stopped dps-ing the moment I joined and it annoyed me to no ends.

>> No.17602947

yeah, or he probably died.

>> No.17602953

Waiting for buffs to time out is for pussies, de facto cheating.
Nothing wrong with that, you can just wait for someone stronger to join too.

>> No.17602971 [DELETED] 

He was alive, I checked via the battle participants menu.
But he was higher level than me, so it seemed like a dick move to leave the dps to me.

>> No.17602980

I agree in most cases but this week's guild order has some stupid buffs. The problem isn't specific to that, though. The enemy status indicators displaying incorrectly causes problems with propaganda etc. as well.

>> No.17603025

Finally cleared the wind guild order. Had to do a lot of upgrades on my fire grid and mix up my characters. Swapped Mordred out for D'art, put Amon in for the viel but it turned out to be unnecessary since I could kill pixie and sylph before they charge attack and just wait out the Ent's buffs. Gotta clear with Sieg and that should be all for this week's missions.

>> No.17603047

What do you think of Guild Order in general as new content?

>> No.17603092

Might has also been about to die. Or was down to 1 or 2 himes. I know it happened to me a few times. Depends on the situation.

>> No.17603122

The challenge is nice, and it's a good opportunity to try new things. I feel like kamihime lacks enough varied missions to require people to adapt to the task at hand, but it also lacks the party slots and management functions (copy paste party configs, etc) required to set up various parties easily so maybe that's a good thing until they get that set up. They say they're expanding it to 12 slots but I still feel like that won't be enough.
Gripes aside, it kinda renewed my interest in the game. It was exciting and a breath of nostalgia the first time I did it. I went in blind, no wiki information and all that, and barely managed to clear it. It reminded me of the times I was trying my best to clear advent ultimate. It felt like so long since I last got that rush out of kamihime. The missions requiring you to configure your party in certain ways also provide a nice change of pace + added challenge. Also the missions are the only goal - there's no drops to aim for or any other bonus to clearing the guild order unless it's part of a mission to clear it x times or clear it with everyone alive, etc. I made the mistake at first of running it like a daily and noticed I didn't actually get anywhere because I didn't configure my party to satisfy any guild order missions. However, I think when it comes down to it, it is another daily and between daily missions, accessory quests, and guild order, it's starting to become too much hassle. Accessories have such shit RNG you could run them forever and still only have a couple good ones, but the main drive of guild order is orihalcum. This is used to final uncap weapons but as of now the only ones you can do that with are gacha weps. Soooo f2p feels kinda left out at this point. I have enough orihalcum for a few final uncaps right now but nothing that I can uncap. They said most event SSR weps will be final uncappable but I did not think they would withhold that for later. So right now I'm just kinda stocking up on it and trying to maintain my streak of completing every guild order mission. It's kinda humorous how the elements have been coming in order of my strongest teams so far. I have been pretty lazy with weapon skilling though, and guild order prompted me to get that done. Now I only have a few weps left on my fire grid that aren't 20.

tl;dr I appreciate new challenging content and it's been pretty good for my kamihime motivation which was in the gutter.

>> No.17603247

Attack buffs are not really that good as they seem, tho.
Stacking them makes that real difference like Ibuki + Lapis + Steam Tank + Prince make Fredrica do near 4000 per hit fo most enemies same goes for monster slayers
Attack buff is great if you get your units attack power over monsters defence power as it is almost same as dealing true damage
But compared to other units that I have Lapis is not that good for clearing maps blind
Yes, she is good if you do not have full roster of OP units, but most times her attack buffing skill plays minor role. She is greatly over hyped unit, that is all that she is and her AW was great disappointment
I have got more mileage from Cornelia, Mikoto, Dina, Steam Tank Girl, Elyse and Fredrica than Lapis-chan
And out of those Dina and Fredrica do most stuff

>> No.17603674

Can dark catas come already I'm short on dark runes.

>> No.17603878

You try killing an enemy with 1 million hp that halves incoming damage and regens 200k each turn. Even the wiki recommends letting her buffs expire. Should you go for her first the other enemies are going to hit you with 6 turn dots and 4 turn paralyze and charm. Not a pretty picture considering that's just the first stage out of 5.

>> No.17603982

Should I CC all my Cloris'es before I fuse then?

>> No.17603985

For general use you're right and you can use anything. Dina shreds through those enemies like paper. If you're tackling high end content such as majins and your strategy revolves around killing things before they kill you, buffers and true damage dealers like Lapis become much more desirable. It's doubtful that anyone was expecting her to get significantly stronger on AW because of how good she already was.

>> No.17604613

If its easy enough and you're swimming in witches go for it.

>> No.17604620

I have steam tank girl sitting in second barracks for over a year, never used her. What do you do with her?

>> No.17604696

Should I try rolling for Cthulhu now, or should I hope for a chance to miracle ticket her later?
Also, is Nodens any good?

>> No.17604716

But I spent 20 bucks to get Alicia. Can I get my money back?

>> No.17604752

Oh man I was whaling in Kamihime and the game bugged, so I got a free 2 SR draw without losing gold.

>> No.17604773

Roll now, nothing to lose. If you end up getting her, that's a saved miracle ticket for someone else.
Nodens is a crap version of Belobog, would not use unless your REALLY need to fill in a spot in your water team

>> No.17604834

Waiting works form me in GO if you mean the first battle, middle girl.

>> No.17604843

Yeah that's the one. I beat on her for a while but she easily gains more health than I damage her for, and it's not worth wasting full burst just to kill 1 small fry.

>> No.17604863

>They said most event SSR weps will be final uncappable but I did not think they would withhold that for later.
I'm also unsure about this. Did they drop the idea completely? Because they said you might need event materials to do the uncap, but if they introduce them now how would one uncap, say, Ixion's tier2 weapon? The event has long ended, you can't farm mats, are you supposed to have farmed them in advance? Without knowing how many? That's crazy (I still farmed some extra mats for my main element just to be safe).
I think they're simply not going to implement the final uncap for tier 2. As of now most of those weapons are shit and they will remain so forever. I guess I will be able to use the orihalcum on soul weapons.

>> No.17604874

I could see it being done for future weapons but yeah, maybe you'd have to wait for a rerun or something otherwise? Also what do you mean by tier2? If it's the secondary SSR weapons added to advent events from now on, those aren't going to get final uncaps.

>> No.17604879

You AW her, then put her tank in the back and watch as it gives your entire field a massive buff. Should be able to just play the tank instead of her.

>> No.17604895

> Also what do you mean by tier2? If it's the secondary SSR weapons
Yeah, I think I've seen them called tier 2 in here? Probably not on the jap wikia. I started using the term too.
>those aren't going to get final uncaps.
Shit you're right. I went and re-read the letter and it's indeed the old tier one which were supposed to get the upgrade.


That makes the tier 2 weapons (excluding the water one) even more garbage. What the fuck. I'll probably use them as fodder at this point.

>> No.17604896

>10 bucks for a 6*
Aaah fuck it, they got me hook,line, and sinker, going to have to cancel pizza night some week I'd do it.

Should I get BB to upgrade my current one or someone new? Partial to Hebranthus or Cattleya.
Cattleya the most I think, I've been eyeing her as my first 6* of choice, but she seems like the most boring choice.

>> No.17604906

At least they make it possible to fill a grid without having to put too many SRs in. I'm pretty sure that's what they're supposed to serve as - better than an SR but still not that great.

>> No.17604935

Is this a gacha or can you pick?

>> No.17604943
File: 777 KB, 932x531, FLOWER KNIGHT GIRL 〜X指定〜 - DMM GAMES R18 (49).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its pick-your-6* time again. Now that I have Dendrobium and Gaooo, primary candidates are Cattleyas (original and bride) and Himeshara (christmas).
Is there any 6* with Cymbidium's ability yet? (>2x skill rate)

>> No.17604989


>> No.17604993

I don't like blind characters.

>> No.17604997 [DELETED] 

Ableist scum

>> No.17604999
File: 309 KB, 961x639, ume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17605031

> 1ターン目限定ながら味方全体のスキル発動率を一気に1.65倍に上昇させられる(重複可能、その場合なぜか1.65+1.65で3.3倍になる)。
Is this true? I remember seeing some very weird numbers with my Deiji + Cymbidium, but they flash so fast that I never bothered to properly figure how it works.
Normally I'd expect it be 1.65*1.65 or 1+0.65+0.65

>> No.17605100 [DELETED] 
File: 91 KB, 1024x576, ume and sakura's future daughter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want a hideously broken unit, go with either idol Cattleya or (especially) vanilla Higanbana, who has a lower stat total than Peach but also an arguably stronger ability than Cymbidium (67% attack to whole team under an easy-to-satisfy condition, yes please). Nothing has Cymbidium's ability outright, I think, but 1.65x is common and Royal Water Lily recently received a thing where her team gets 2x skill rate if she gets hit on the previous turn.

But since these tickets are for picking the cutest girls, I'll advocate Mimosa like always.

1.32x/1.2x stack additively (so it's 1.72x if you have two 1.2x and a 1.32x), 1.5x/1.65x/2x stack additively, and the two of these stack multiplicatively, I think.

I'm half convinced that Ume has Kanae-style eyes, even though she opens them in her H-scene and they're perfectly normal.

>> No.17605106
File: 91 KB, 1024x576, ume and sakura's future daughter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want a hideously broken unit, go with either idol Cattleya or (especially) vanilla Higanbana, who has a lower stat total than Peach but also an arguably stronger ability than Cymbidium (67% attack to whole team under an easy-to-satisfy condition, yes please). Nothing has Cymbidium's ability outright, I think, but 1.65x is common and Royal Water Lily recently received a thing where her team gets 2x skill rate if she gets hit on the previous turn.

But since these tickets are for picking the cutest girls, I'll advocate Mimosa like always.

1.32x/1.2x stack additively after the decimal (so it's 1.72x if you have two 1.2x and a 1.32x), 1.5x/1.65x/2x stack additively (so 3.5x if you have Cymbidium and Echinacea), and the two of these stack multiplicatively, I think.

I'm half convinced that Ume has Kanae-style eyes, even though she opens them in her H-scene and they're perfectly normal.

>> No.17605136
File: 369 KB, 466x383, FLOWER KNIGHT GIRL 〜X指定〜 - DMM GAMES R18 (51).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, science time.
Deiji alone: 1.65, as expected.
Deiji + Cymbidium: 3.65.
Deiji + Cymb + Hatsuyuki: 3.65 and 1.2 in separate bubble.

Well, whatever. I guess Botan + Cattelya (himegimi) + Dendrobium + Hatsuyuki + Viola will work as alpha-strike team.

>> No.17605140

>go to /jp/ for first time
>OP is first image I see

k thx bye

>> No.17605144

Trash one like the Ixon bow with rush large defense small doesn't deserve a slot in a grid.

>> No.17605321
File: 201 KB, 1440x960, 炎王弓コロナピーコック.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it probably the second worst SSR weapon after this shit right there. What have we done to deserve rush?

>> No.17605378


So I tried using archive sites to get the previous FKG chapters, but apparently that's not working anymore.

Are the chapters stored elsewhere?

>> No.17605379

The one QoL life nutaku kamihime needs fucking ASAP is the shortcut after an event raid putting me back in the raid list instead of at the
...event quest list for some goddamn reason?

>> No.17605394
File: 107 KB, 602x492, swimsuit emily.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just realized there's new game for future release
>The girls and pv look decent. Might give it a try
>Got the 5* girl that I want in 3 tries
Welp another game that I have to drag myself to play in my list.

It would be viable to use if it's TA UP.
Hopefully we can upgrade that skill.

>> No.17605594

Did that eroge crossover granblue clone die already?
That was fast.

>> No.17605647

What the hell, I don't see it on my games list anymore.
Didn't even realized that it shut down.

When did it shut down? That game was less than 6 months old.

>> No.17605726

10 days ago.
The current state of DMM games are all like that, not many new games can survive more than a few months.

>> No.17605738

Well it was pretty terrible, even as Granblue and its clones go, so I'm not at all surprised.

>> No.17605947

Any long term Armor Blitz players floating around? I'd like to know your opinions on the E-100, specifically if she's worth the deploy cost. Her EHP is fucking bonkers, especially with Last Stand, but holy fuck 7 god damn cost. Should I put her in the front row and try to get her out first (unless TD's come out first) or what?

>> No.17605994

Can Catastrophias drop SR weapons too?

>> No.17606014

Yes, they only drop assault SRs.

>> No.17606027

Holy shit why am I wasting my time with Disasters other than to get cores to host cats then

>> No.17606051

> other than to get cores to host cats
There's no other reason, but I also doubt you have enough cores already to host all the cats you need. So it's not really wasted time.

>> No.17606064

I had enough for 5 more. Worth to do all 3 now instead of waiting for the daily reset

>> No.17606256

I always imagined that AW was somekind of sacrifice ritual, so I usually feed the demoness some males, so she can kill them the way she wants it and bathe in their blood to give my chosen unit the needed AW boost.

>> No.17606607

I got her too with minimal tries. The game is a port of a Korean mobile game and they added R18 scenes to it for DMM. Kinda like what Nutaku did for Armor Blitz.

>> No.17607339 [DELETED] 

Question. Is there a better drop rate for Cats in the blue gacha if you host the raid?

>> No.17607384

I actually got her too on my 7th or 8th roll. As a player of the all-age version though, I swapped her out for one of the 3*s.

>> No.17607390

KamiProbros: Has anyone noticed a better drop rate for tickets that yield the event SSRs from raids that you host vs. pick up?

>> No.17607421

Pretty sure drop rate is 0% either way so no.

>> No.17607425

I've gotten several SSR drops from just doing 3 raids each day for the daily jewels.

I have 0 interest in this event. RNG is a treacherous whore.

>> No.17607430

Same, I just got my Cthuga and stopped.

>> No.17607460

post your team bro or all your units if you can.

>> No.17607567

>Pretty sure drop rate is 0% either way so no.
Yeah, the RNG on these fucking KP events are dogshit. I told myself I'd quit if they didn't fix it but I'm still playing... for now.

>> No.17607957

I seem to recall next raid event, being Halloween, bringing several changes to the game. Awakening, kamihimeless weapons off the gacha and more casual-friendly raid events. Might be forgetting more.

>> No.17607968


>> No.17608020
File: 13 KB, 268x200, 1493997672021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From your lips to God's ears, Anon.

>> No.17608224

>I seem to recall next raid event, being Halloween
September barely just begun, surely we've got more before the Halloween event?

>> No.17608228

We will get some revivals to make schedules coincide probably. I think someone already uncovered our next event being Rahab/Medusa. After that comes a new union one.

>> No.17608241


>> No.17608243

While I do need one more Rahab Knife,
fuck Medusa

>> No.17608388

I really want that fucking black armor but I'm stuck on lv4 furfur
Every time those fucking demon mages show up everything goes to shit and at least 1 person dies

>> No.17608574

Before I would have said she's really disappointing, due to how much she costs. She's probably a lot more usable nowadays though, since they buffed how much Cost you start battles with. I'd assume she's pretty decent if you have some good lower (3ish) cost DPSers that you can rush out after her.

>> No.17609566

Any chance they will also put english in language option?
What about other foreign games in DMM like Warthunder for example.

>> No.17609655

I say a very low chance since DMM doesn't cater to English for their games. You'll have better luck getting Nutaku to localize it, but I don't think they deal with Koreans so they'll have to do some middleman stuff with DMM to get it probably.

>> No.17609820
File: 1.16 MB, 958x639, hammertime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sell some golds
>buy a plat ticket
>roll this
Is she any good? She seemed really shitty in the event map

>> No.17609934

Yo dawg I herd you liek buff so we put buff into your buff so you can scream while you scream.
Joke aside, she's great help if you main a lot of female melees. Regens at 30HP/s.
Your choice to SAW her is similar to that Anya's except with 200 range.
I rolled her last week in my first try and personally love her.

>> No.17609936

What I meant give female melees and herself 30HP/s regen.

>> No.17610088

Great, even more reasons to never use my male units

>> No.17610120
File: 172 KB, 800x600, Bittenfeld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't have bros team
Oh, you poor soul

>> No.17611149
File: 203 KB, 480x1441, 97eda66f90927e7103090900ba8d6692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17611436

I just rolled her. Is she good? She's certainly not cute.

>> No.17611496

You could possibly ignore for a while if you have Elizabeth but she's still quite good. Elizabeth is stronger only on skill. If you don't have Elizabeth then Sue is amazing. Sues range buff is quite nice if you have several archers or another vampire hunter.
Sadly not even AW2 can save her by making her look good.

>> No.17611689

So would Horus completely replace the other 2 fencers I do have
which are just Anemone and Charlotte

>> No.17611709

If you'd rather compare her to the multi-shot archers, she has a much higher attack multiplier and about equal range during skill, on top of having a 30 second skill duration. Outside of skill she will have less range but will always shoot 4 bolts while being just a bit slower.
Sue is a really solid unit now after recent buffs. She will still lose in extreme cases where you're buffing Nanaly with dancers or when range becomes insignificant, allowing Elizabeth to come out on top with her quick shot. This is assuming you have such alternatives, of course.

>> No.17611915

>being gay

>> No.17611923

>not cute
you what, she has some of the hottest h-scenes in the game

>> No.17611942
File: 3.18 MB, 1909x941, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help on who to prioritize?

>> No.17612011

Looks like you need a mage.

>> No.17612072
File: 165 KB, 376x701, slut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All units on the pic are pretty damn mediocre
Not sure about the shaman though

I would recommend raising this whore, she's useful

>> No.17612157

Unfortunately she looks like a monkey.

>> No.17612165

Kikyou, Amanda, Katie if you can jump to 2AW, Spica, Leona, toss up between Melvina/Alicia. In that order. Kikyou and Amanda hold two of the best passives in the game, and Kikyou is actually a good hybrid witch/healer. Katie gets the useful 2AW, and is far better than Lis because of that. Spica is essential to farming DC dailies, plus her passive makes her an excellent primary archer barring Nanaly or Ashera. Leona is the poorfag's Aisha. Alicia is a solid offtank and all around decent unit, and Melvina has a rather useful quirk in addition to being a princess.

>> No.17612166

>All units on the pic are pretty damn mediocre
>150+ rolls without anyone good
nice game

>> No.17612196
File: 2.99 MB, 501x501, 1447626056417.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's that shit taste, anon?

>> No.17612220

>believing some moron's blanket statement
He's a cunt for lying on the internet, and you're a fool for listening. Go to the wiki, do a little research and correct your mistake.

Unless you're playing on Nutaku. You're on your own with that shitshow.

>> No.17612276

Is there any point in leveling me Leona if I have Aisha already?

>> No.17612277

The majority of those are event units
Not seeing you point out the good units, friend

>> No.17612283

Thats because all my rolls gave me shitty silvers and golds I already trashed and my tickets gave me fuck all

>> No.17612286

Is there a unit tracker for FKG? Like, a site where you can mark which flowers you already got and possibly send your collection to other people.

>> No.17612290

Not really. But she has a nice skill that can be used as a panic button if you want to.

>> No.17612541

>clothing covers up more skin on AW
Leona is pure.

>> No.17612549

>loves Emperor
>fucks the Prince instead
Emperor not being interested isn't an excuse

>> No.17612633

>loves Emperor
>fucks the Prince instead
Is this a common theme in the game? I might give it a try if it is.

>> No.17612662

Not really, I think the other empire girls don't want Emperor's dick as badly as Leona does

>> No.17612664

or maybe she just fell in love with the prince

>> No.17612684
File: 69 KB, 654x385, 311_event_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a face of a maiden in love?

>> No.17612757

It's good to have defensive dodge at certain maps.

>> No.17612779

I need some clarification from anyone who has read the first WE novel and Charme's scenes on that, honestly.

>> No.17612800
File: 223 KB, 333x334, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No but this is the face of someone who's happy to finally be loved and wanted

>> No.17612802

Is Emperor gay? Why hasn't he dicked her?

>> No.17612812

Well, I imagined as much. I hope one day they'll make some niche netori/netorare games that are not recycled or forcibly turned into vanilla.

>> No.17612845

Kikyou (good earlygame healer and witch, excellent AW passive late game)
Melvina (serviceable duelist, incredibly broken yet incredibly underappreciated AW passive)
Adele (decent magical DPS but the real draw is again the AW passive, you seem to be really lucky with respect to that)
Inari (low-cost magical damage, good answer to early rushes)
Rachel (essentially a Mirno that can attack out of skill, you should get Mirno too when you can though)
Leona (one of the best class passives in -30% CD reduction, coupled with solid physical damage against low-defense targets and good skill/SAW)

These are good to raise right now, later on you'll want Itsuki (stellar subjugation unit, but needs good UP ramping for best results) and Vivian (hard-to-use but a good member of a broken class) but these need a more developed team to make the best out of them. Also, be sure to AW Amanda first because of the extra gold/platcans.

>> No.17612863

Pretty sure you're gay if you like short hair. Ignoring her is a sign of heterosexuality.

>> No.17612883

Even if what you're saying wasn't completely wrong, he didn't even bang the other girls in his army but Prince did.

>> No.17612993

You seem to be misunderstanding something, the prince is the player avatar.
The emperor is just some other disposable playable homo

>> No.17613021

You underestimate my ability to self insert. I could totally have fapped at the situation described both as netori (self inserting as the prince and imagining the emperor reciprocated the girl's feelings) AND as netorare (self inserting as the emperor instead).
However, if it's just one girl it's not worth my time crafting headcanons.

>> No.17613036

So this is the power of netorare aficionados...

>> No.17613135

They've made a few. They all die quickly because 99% of people on DMM don't want to play that.

I sympathize with having literally any fetish and playing these games, though. They're almost all as vanilla as could possibly be.

>> No.17613200

I wish there were at least more anal scenes in games.
I mean if there's multiple scenes per girl, can we make a compromise that at least 1 in 15 do anal once at least?

What's the current ratio, 1 in 100?

>> No.17613240

I wish there was a way to predict which games will have the "surprise ntr collabs" with heroine swapping out of nowhere (like Red Corruption and Sorakana). I regret so much having missed those. I imagine a lot of vanillafags committed suicide too. I wonder who the devs that take such crazy decisions. It feels like they're disconnected from their audience 90% of the time.

>> No.17613309

Is there any general party criteria for comfortably getting through both Rag difficulties? My light team is likely going to be stuck doing ultimate at best, but my thunder team handled ultimate Vritra without too much trouble, so I'm thinking of taking a dip in the big boys' pool this time around for Rahab.

>> No.17613332

For Medusa you basically hope for the best.
For Rahab, it's tricky, a lot of strain is put on your soul.
You either need propaganda to deal away with her constant special attacks or chaos magic to dispel the stackable attack buff, going with both ends up with either Cassiopeia with propaganda (horrible offensively) or Mordred with CM (where did you get those thunder swords/glaives for her?).
Propaganda alone just buys some more time but the ATK buff is still there so you have to aim to win the DPS race (or at least stun her where she's much less dangerous) , while CM's cooldown won't be able to keep up with the ATK buffs going up every 2 turns.

It really depends on what himes do you have in this case

>> No.17613337

>with heroine swapping out of nowhere
Wait, what do you mean?

>> No.17613338

I'm glad medusa/rahab weren't my first ragnas.

>> No.17613400

That's specifically what kills me. Anal itself is pretty vanilla, as these things go, and we can barely even get that. And I really like anal.

>> No.17613429

I'm glad you asked so I can get off to this after I type it. In the games I mentioned (and others I don't remember) the heroine gets trapped in the other world during the collab. Alone (that is without the player character from her game). Red Corruption had Caroline (basically the main female character) lose her memories and getting into bed with Sorakano protagonist to replenish her life energy (I'm sure you get the idea). Meanwhile Red Corruption protagonist forced himself upon Sorakano's main girl (red hair, don't remember the name. Miyu maybe?) to replenish his magical energy. He also got to fuck the other main girl (I think she was at least, the blue haired one) for some other reason.
Caroline also got trapped in Senpro and got raped there too, without memory loss apparently.
If you're interested the Caroline scenes from Sorakano are available on fc2 (search google for 天穹ノ彼方の錬星郷 X レッドコラプション). The scenes of the Sorakano girls are there too but you've gotta be premium to watch them. Sadly, I couldn't find the Senpro scenes.
If you want to know more you'll have to search random Japanese boards archive for comments like I did. I probably lost a few days this way, but it was worth it.

>> No.17613502

Fucked up if true.
Not even Kamihime pulled that shit off

>> No.17613634

Here's my team for Rahab with Mordred + CM + Ixi SSR sword. Is there any hime/soul adjustments you'd make for the lineup? This is what I have to work with:
-All souls unlocked except for Cagliostro. Since you said it was a dps race, probably Mordred > Cassi?
-Only gem Rs and event SR himes (bad pulls, don't ask). This is my only full thunder lineup without going off element.

>> No.17613639
File: 2.69 MB, 1328x954, rag_dreams.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm, my image didn't seem to attach.

>> No.17613651

>absolutely zero utility outside of 1 25% damage cut every 7 turns
it's fucked
you're fucked
how the hell do you not have Ramiel, weren't free codes for her given out here and there?

>> No.17613706

>(bad pulls, don't ask).
Considering how many jewels you have and that this is Thunder we're talking about, it's not like you could have realistically had any game breaking character.
That said, this hurt to watch and unless you have decent assault levels (enough to break rahab in a single burst or so), you're fucked.

>> No.17613825

Yeah, I recall that there were some Rami codes being given out. I wasn't even aware they were doing it until I saw posts thanking people for the free codes on the KH nutaku forum, so it is what it is.
When I started this account, I did 8 10-rolls in the jewel gacha, but pulled 0 himes and that himeless SSR wind bow (Mistilteinn sp?). Now I just sit on my jewels/tickets because my fire for rolling gacha has been extinguished.

Back on-topic, I'm running a 45% assault grid for this thunder team. Does that qualify as decent, or should I stay with ultimate?

>> No.17613877

Go dark, has been working for me. Also you could always give ragnorak a try, i mean it doesn't even cost AP but it may be difficult.

>> No.17613953

>The scenes of the Sorakano girls are there too but you've gotta be premium to watch them.
This is the part of the post that's actually made me mad

God damn limited porn

>> No.17614310

If the person who brought it up before hasn't seen it yet, E.C.M. 1-3 are all updated now.

>> No.17614708


>> No.17614718

>>Caroline also got trapped in Senpro and got raped there too, without memory loss apparently.
She didn't get raped, it was consensual. She fucked Senpro's MC as a thank you and as an apology for the trouble they caused.

Two of Senpro's heroine also went to the other side but only one got fucked by Red Corruption MC. That one was consensual too.

>> No.17614945
File: 74 KB, 439x531, 89374i2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17614954

How do I use Inari?

>> No.17614981
File: 147 KB, 1316x467, AboCnBy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some old chapters can be found on a bunch of shady Chinese sites (search for フラワーナイトガール -prequel- on Baidu and you'll get as many as you like), but I can't find a full compilation, sorry.

Also, looks like Helenium, Cyrtanthus, Water Dropwort and Tachibana get their bloomed forms this week.

>> No.17615015

Light must have all the HPs
In other news the other weapon seems to be final uncappable. I thought other event weapons would be, too but apparently not.

>> No.17615059

Was it another one then? I remember some comment saying she was "crying out the ReCo MC name as she got fucked". I interpreted that as rape.
Also out of curiosity: there was a more recent collab (I think it was Senpro/Drapro/Reco). Do you know if anything interesting happened in that one?

>> No.17615072 [DELETED] 
File: 904 KB, 828x627, charlotte.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got her. What should I do now? Try to farm a second copy while there is still time?

>> No.17615077

Yes, you're gonna wanna mincost her.

>> No.17615081

>I think it was Senpro/Drapro/Reco
That was what I was talking about. I don't think there was a Senpro x Red Corruption collab before that.

>> No.17615110

>That was what I was talking about.
OH COME ON. I fucking missed it as it was ongoing? I thought that since the MC was there she would get a vanilla scene. Fuck my life.
> I don't think there was a Senpro x Red Corruption collab before that.
I'm probably confusing it with Drapro then, since there is another Drapro collab on the wiki (コラボイベント 異世界からの来訪者). Or maybe it was some other collab altogether.

>> No.17615150

Senpro only has three collab events so far:
the Koihime one, the Senpro x Drapro x Reco triple collab, and the half-assed sorakana one.

>> No.17615179

Surely all the other weapons will become uncappable as they get their revival'd event. Except Ixion because fuck Thunder haha.

>> No.17615180

Emperor is pretty much gay yes, never said clearly but has been pointed out that he feel disgust over females and he see them just as "piece of meat".

>> No.17615184

Why would they pace them like that? Just do them all wtf. These devs put me on tilt so much I just have to remind myself of that every time I feel tempted to put money on it.

>> No.17615187

I'm waiting for the Prince to bang the emperor's imouto. It's bound to happen someday.

>> No.17615196

>he just got a single drop
>not mincosted
Cute, i used to be like you when i've started playing during the Odette event 2 years ago.

>> No.17615224

The devs are a bunch of retards.
I bet they realized how fucking stupid that tier 2 water hammer was, and decided all tier 2 weapons afterward should be fodder tier at best.
It's even more hilarious when you realized the phoenix bow needs 4lb just to be on par with that hammer.

>> No.17615236 [DELETED] 
File: 278 KB, 540x470, crying reimu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sad truth is that I started playing 2 years ago as well, I just stopped playing a month or so after release and only now did I return.
No bully.

>> No.17615251

I wonder if they realized the same after 5 100% eidola and decided giving a true 100% eidola to Dark would be too much (Water must remain the borken-est). It's like an express fuck you to the whales stacking Kaisers for stats. Because pissing off the people who give you money is a good idea generally.
It's even 2.5% up, my sides.

>> No.17615261

You should switch to DMM instead. It's much more accessible for newbies.

>> No.17615285

If there's one thing DMM isn't, its being accessible for newbies. Going from barely knowing what you're doing on Nutaku to having to use japanese is the opposite of accessible for everyone who doesn't speak japanese.
That said DMM is more generous and so better in getting your team up to scratch as theres more SC and fairys.

>> No.17615289

They up the rainbow chest drops or something? Got 2 already.

>> No.17615290

So, is Horus worth fucking?

>> No.17615295

One of the best Fencers

>> No.17615306

Get a copy, fuck her and be done with her, she's not worth the cost to mincost her. Her overall dps is lower than Charlotte but she is slightly better versus bosses.

>> No.17615309

Horus for damage, Charlotta for everything else.

>> No.17615310

They just wanted to eliminate the potential threat to water supremacy.

>> No.17615412

Threats? Where?

>> No.17615413

Just get Ingrid with next black ticket, she's mandatory if you plan to use magic-damagers at all

>> No.17615419
File: 1.15 MB, 1000x725, 59533139_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>put 2AW Saria on map
>nothing ever dies
>barely anything can even kill her because of the shield passive
Is Elyse even worth getting? I wasn't sure who to get with next black ticket(if we ever get one)

>> No.17615421

As if it were that simple.

>> No.17615429

There are times when you're gonna need two healers, you know.

>> No.17615431

I've been wondering, do multiple sources of regen stack? I already have Sophie for full team regen but I rolled this dwarf girl too last month.

>> No.17615441

>put 2AW Saria on map
>nothing ever dies
Yeah, and you will be fucked by anything with more than 5k atk

>> No.17615519

Maintenance Details
Limited Time Event
- The Urgent Mission
 "The Undead Dragon and the Magic Priestess' Revenge" ends
- The Revival Mission
 "Imprisoned Magic Swordswoman" ends
- The Total Domination Mission
 "Katie's War Games" ends

- The Urgent Mission
 "The Imperial Pegasus Knight" begins

Other Changes
- Changed the Unit boosted in Premium Summon

>> No.17615553

I have a 99AW2 Iris, she definitely has her uses, but the maps I use her on are few and far between when I have a Saria and Rinne. Most bosses now do some kind of non-physical damage or have so much physical damage that it's better to just token tank and use that ranged slot for damage.

>> No.17615676

Does Kamihime have the limit of 100 rolls per day on Normal Gatcha like GBF?

>> No.17615698

Yes. After you do 100 10-rolls only single roll is available.

>> No.17615701

Kinda not really
There's a limit of 100 uses of both the 10-pull normal gacha as well as the single pull normal gacha, so it's more like a limit of 1100 daily.

>> No.17615793

5star Light Tanks loaded up with damage and crit chance? I have one of those.

>> No.17616138

Do the devs actually plan to give another black ticket?

>> No.17616154

Is she better than Siena?

>> No.17616185

No, Siena is the best plat magic fencer.

>> No.17616273

Any estimate for when Ingrid hits Nutaigis?

I just whaled and am wondering if I can resist temptation and save for her.

>> No.17616321

Not too far off really, 5 weeks in dmm timeline but for us there's Nataku and Shirley who DMM had before us at this point. There's Rakshasa, Nadia, Junon, and Totono before Ingrid.

There's always the chance we get her a bit earlier or later though I'd guess we'll have her within 3 months which would line up with the christmas goldrush she was released with.

>> No.17616699

Should I skill awaken my Saria?

>> No.17616783

Saria's SAW is a major improvement, so yes, and as soon as you can.

>> No.17617182
File: 1.03 MB, 916x604, FLOWER KNIGHT GIRL 〜X指定〜 - DMM GAMES R18 (52).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool map design.

>> No.17617595

I just checked those altema rankings for golds just for shit and giggles and swimsuit Elaine is the 2nd highest one.
Isn't she kinda squishy for a valkyrie? Why rate her that (comparatively) high

>> No.17619294
File: 47 KB, 530x530, DJfe0zuUQAEcNgf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New dark stalker.
Skill: hp+def up, status immunity, true damage on all attacks, skill runs permanently once activated.
AW Ability: 10% true damage, 100% when skill activated.

They are abusing true damage too much, at this rate they would need to come up with anti-true-damage def param or something.

>> No.17619352

Simplest answer to true damage would be hp sponges. They might end up going down the road of hazards, status debilitations, and other gimmicks though for difficulty instead of just raw dps checks.
The one dark stalker we have already is rather squishy though, so that HP and DEF buff ought to be huge to keep Shade relevant.

>> No.17619364

Man, way to fuck over Gretel as hard as possible. She's not a sapphire but she may as well be.

>> No.17619452

Is the best time to roll a specific black during the pick up summons or rate up? I really want a specific unit.

>> No.17619463

>Rahab and Medusa advent
that sucks.

>> No.17619469

Spotlight in general, but better if they have the spotlight to themselves than if they share it with someone else.

If the unit you want has been sent off to the deep darkness of not being in the regular gacha anymore then pick up is all you get.

>> No.17619551

damn it. I got a black but it was the mage armor instead of altair.

>> No.17619996

Wait, what?

Oh, okay. That sure is something. I don't quite know what, but it's something.

>> No.17620082
File: 186 KB, 910x1026, Notthecock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another dark skin goddess

>> No.17620339

Man these Makai story maps are something else

>> No.17621231 [DELETED] 
File: 370 KB, 647x234, gacha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are any of these worth spending crystal on?

>> No.17621362

I wonder.

>> No.17621373
File: 323 KB, 648x513, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The time has come, post your Blacks in the order you received them!

>> No.17621387 [DELETED] 

I only have silvers like Soma and the chocolate one.
Is she good?

>> No.17621392

I have 42 (including Annas and event units). DMM is very generous.

>> No.17621430
File: 838 KB, 1200x799, chrome_2017-09-12_16-03-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is she good?
Are you new?
If so then you shouldn't burn your gems in hope to get something because you will probably get nothign at all, the gacha is a scam and nothign else.
To answer you question, yes she is good, she is the best Archer in the game and overall one of the most broken units you can ever hope to get.

>> No.17621447

Nanaly and Altia are both good, but Plats (which you can actually hope to get from the Spotlight) only have Ersha who isn't very good. So even though both the Blacks on spotlgiht are good, chances are the game will shit all over you and give you like 3 Ershas that you have no use for.

>> No.17621456

She's not broken. Broken would be units like Aisha and Lapis. She's just on the stronger side, even then Rion does more damage than her.

>> No.17621479

I've got like 6 on DMM as I don't play often but this is Nutaku for now

>> No.17621493 [DELETED] 
File: 582 KB, 1200x1169, 9032f8754e987d4750e6d38eb5cb45b9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When should I use my gems then?
I have 25 crystals so I thought I would get myself something nice.
And if the gacha is always a scam, does it even matter when I roll?

>> No.17621508

>25 crystals
Normally people rolls if they are missing some crystals for the Legend Stamp card, you need to spend 150 to reach it.
Save until then and spend these crystals for farming event units.

>> No.17621510

You need to spend 150 crystals and roll at least 30 times to even have a decent chance of getting a black.

>> No.17621567 [DELETED] 

That sounds like it would take months to gather. I don't think I'm capable of not rolling for that long

>> No.17621576

Nutaku situation is that bad after all.

>> No.17621848

I don't get Tifa's skill AW. Does she get 3 bonuses every 20 sec for a minute, and then switches to ranged true damage attacks?

>> No.17621874
File: 227 KB, 566x561, BlackUnitsNewToOld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newest to oldest.

>> No.17622039

Lapis is so cute. I want her but she won't come to me.

>> No.17622298

She gains 1 permanent stat multiplier every 20 seconds for 1 minute, then switches back to her base skill.

>> No.17622470
File: 280 KB, 959x640, Clipboard04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will I be able to beat the big bad golems now?

>> No.17622561

No, enchanters are an extremely niche class and, despite their golem-stopping gimmick, not too useful in magic city maps. Necromancer and elementalist is your ideal golem-tanking classes (especially elementalists, who will come with 15 tokens and so can tank high attack delay enemies almost indefinitely), while for damage you'll probably prefer free sources of true damage like Rikka, Metus (conveniently also a necromancer) or White Emperor.

Their main claim to fame is acting as a pseudo-dancer that can turn Nanaly/Rion/Margeret arrows magical for extra DPS, which is moderately useful for golems if you don't have good magical/true damage available. They will also get a golem token after AW, which is good but unhealable (if a black enchanter ever comes out I bet her kit will just be true damage conversion skill/"tokens can be healed now" AW passive).

>> No.17623591
File: 37 KB, 490x140, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy it's time for my favorite event type struggle

>> No.17623667

Amazing how much shittier this event type is on Nutaku. The terrible result of combining a smaller playerbase and idiots not bothering to actually do any damage.

>> No.17623785
File: 117 KB, 780x110, Clipboard01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, I need strong active friends please add me.
ID: 336117805

>> No.17624076

Sorry to bother you guys, where should I go if I want some info on "Sevens Story" game? It's japanese and untranslated, bumped into it while browsing pixiv, R-18 ads didn't work on me, but a 3+ rated game apparently did. I'm getting by somehow with what I learned playing kantai and gbf, but a wiki or at least a joint thread with something would help a lot.

>> No.17624116

Learn Japanese already you weeb. There are like 4 different wikis up.

>> No.17624125
File: 100 KB, 499x437, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah they really didn't think this through.
I guess I'm part of the problem though, I tag them for 1 raid point each as well...though my team has over 450,000 attack total.

>> No.17624200
File: 31 KB, 604x183, 600k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It only took 957 days, but I've cleared the tutorial.

It's a bit funny that boss health was increased as a quality-of-life update to begin with, on DMM they died so fast that you got "this raid boss has already been defeated" messages all the time. This was fixed with higher HP, autorefresh on raid boss recruitment (you needed to feed fairies/gifts to get bosses in your list, now just switching to the home screen does it), and later the complete removal of the "raid boss is defeated" message, allowing players to beat up dead bosses if they wanted.

If escaping bosses is a major problem on Nutaku, and it does sound like that, maybe you folks can ask Acolyte to experiment with slightly lower boss HP? That should be a trivial change to implement, and they can make slight adjustments until they hit the sweet spot. A flat 20% decrease on week one bosses and 5mil/10mil HP instead of 9mil (was it? don't really recall the HP on Ficaria event bosses)/15mil on the week two bosses sounds like a good start.

I mean, it's kind of silly that the most annoying event type on Nutaku is the one that you can finish, ampules and all, in two days on DMM.

>> No.17624220

As long as you aren't poking it with a single level 1 grass unit to "spread the wealth," you're not part of the problem. Hitting it hard for one raid point is fine.

>> No.17624288 [DELETED] 
File: 160 KB, 961x642, 2017-09-13 095658-Flower Knight Girl - Action-Adventure Sex Game _ Nutaku - Opera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant get past this scene?

>> No.17624415
File: 548 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2017-09-13-09-30-32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Got Teeny last week
>Got her today
There goes my luck for next empire gacha.

>> No.17624428
File: 827 KB, 1056x816, Eleven more.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ordered newest to oldest, right to left and top to bottom. Will be adding Minerva and perfected Anatolia soon, hopefully the imperial girls as well. Assuming I get all of these, I'll only be missing Ester, Despia, Liana, Hakunokami, Anna, and Nagi (Mizugi Anna can get fucked). Current count is 61 blacks.

- 25 mincost, 5 at -2, 16 at -1
- 54 at max skill, 5 at 4/5, 2 at 1/5
- 48 SAW, 5 to go

Have enough RC for a couple more months of Fleur and Musica clearouts. Hope to have perfected all of my staple units by the time I run dry.

>> No.17624431

>right to left
Nope, meant to say left to right.

>> No.17624442

>only two end level blacks

What do you use your Joy fairies on?

>> No.17624445


The only number I care about anymore is the amount of moolah you used.

>> No.17624448

Why is everything level 50?

>> No.17624480

I've only gotten one Joy and one Happy, from the Alicia pack.

You would have to harpoon me if I told you.

I've been playing for less than half a year. Because I've amassed so many blacks so quickly, I've been painfully short on fairies. Currently have over 125 plat armors stocked up, but saving my fairies for dupe combos, black armors, and some event combos. Level 50 is my preferred cutoff point for fodder leveling, since going above that sucks all the gold I need for AW, SAW, and 2AW away.

>> No.17624527

>I've been playing for less than half a year
Been playing for a few years now and you have more than me, jeez.

>> No.17624537

How much money have you spent?

>> No.17624546
File: 183 KB, 570x454, blacks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus, now that is something to behold.

Here's my list, at any rate. At least I've gotten some of my personal favorites, Sylseth especially was a welcome addition that I didn't expect at all.

>> No.17624577

are any of these games actually fun? I kind of want to get back into the gacha thing but I cant stand menial gameplay

>> No.17624586

>games actually fun
no it's an addiction

>> No.17624619

Trust me when I say that you should be perfectly content with what you have. I've spent so much on this game that I might just commit seppuku when it inevitably dies.

$11,169.98 so far. Putting the hard numbers down makes it very clear that I'll just have to cool my autism and pretend I've beaten the game once I make it through the imperial gacha hell.

>> No.17624620

Aigis is fun

>> No.17624622

Actually only the gacha is your drug.
The fun is when you see the huge numbers on your screen when your unit attacks.

>> No.17624629

>That spent shekels
You alone can hire your favourite artist to draw you porns for at least a year.

>> No.17624643

Can you even imagine how much fucking money these games rake in over the course of a single year? I have a suspicion that I'm on the low side of whaling compared to some gacha addicts.

>> No.17624647

Only one I tried to look into was granblue. One site said they make a million a day.

>> No.17624675
File: 8 KB, 255x247, 1440835618882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn make a mil a day

>> No.17624683

I got 300ish DC stocked.
Are ninjas even useful enough for me to get Saki?
I also have Azami and the gold girl, though.

>> No.17624723

I have fun collecting shit. Recently I feel I strayed from actually playing anything and just like idle games. Even FKG started having too much gameplay for me and I started getting into peropero again. I used to play the DMM version but that's dead now. I like how there's no storage space and the rarity of the girls don't matter that much since all the cards add to your total power. Events are a little rough for non-whales but I don't expect to get the ranking cards anyways. I'm more for the gacha tickets and other goodies you get from them. I don't know if DMM has any games similar so if anyone knows of any I'll give them a try.

I'm on the fence about giving Kamihime a try since the art looks good, but I don't really feel like grinding out stuff. I would probably try it if it was just coming out or if there was a new player event.

>> No.17624761

Games that can't rake in cash get closed down almost immediately nowaday. The top dogs are usually the ones printing out money, one way to other.

>> No.17624856

Saki is the best ninja
Another good ninja is Hien gold male ninja
Other ninja are not so good and easily replaced by other units

>> No.17624862 [DELETED] 
File: 1.02 MB, 850x1111, Oxygyne yamashitae O. shinzatoi flowers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, Aigis, FKG and Kamipro are the most popular games on both Nutaku and DMM. Of these, Aigis is fairly competent tower defense but has some annoying sides, like an event type that forces you to manually do the same map 50 times for a fully maximized character (you can always opt out of these kinds of events, or collect the bare minimum, though they also tend to reward the strongest event characters in the game). It's still a pretty fun game once you get a halfway decent team, but expect your first few events to be outright unclearable due to power constraints (revival events exist to remedy this, thankfully).

Kamipro, meanwhile, is a GBF clone with all that entails, and FKG is an almost pure gacha game where gameplay is mostly out of your hands (you can only edit your party composition and use a weak and slow-charging attack while in battle, all else is automated), but you constantly get a generous helping of in-game currency and the game receives very frequent quality-of-life updates to maximize user comfort. Give all three a spin and stay with whichever you like, though note that Aigis and Kamipro both benefit heavily from rerolling (FKG currently has a campaign where new players get a small mountain of in-game currency, so you can reroll there too, though the highest rarity (rainbow) comes at a 0.5% rate so you'll probably want to settle for golds). You should also know that DMM Aigis' current event ends in a day and rewards a very good unit, so you may want to join fast and get her if you intend to play.

Saki is a shredding machine against anything with low defense (or assassination vulnerability), and her 0-block makes her deployable in positions that aren't available to other units in some maps. She's not an essential unit, and if you don't already have an AW team I'd probably wait before getting her, but she's definitely solid if you decide to invest in her.


Also, the seventh Flower Knight Girl LN has been announced and features Apricot as the main character, who seeks to win a swan boat race to use the grand prize in a medicine she's making. Of more interest however is the serial code girl, who is based on a species of Oxygyne (O. yamashitae, yaku-no-hina-hoshi) that has been described very recently, in 2008. A second mycoheterotroph is great news, and while her design is not yet revealed, I'm going to be that she'll actually be mushroom-themed this time around (since she's helping Apricot collect mushrooms to begin with).

Many true mycoheterotrophs have flowers is faded colors, and although pink is the norm, Oxygyne apparently has them in an transparent blue-green. Let's see if they will work that into her design as well, a Pussy Ears-style see-through dress would be great to have.

>> No.17624871
File: 1.02 MB, 850x1111, Oxygyne yamashitae O. shinzatoi flowers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, Aigis, FKG and Kamipro are the most popular games on both Nutaku and DMM. Of these, Aigis is fairly competent tower defense but has some annoying sides, like an event type that forces you to manually do the same map 50 times for a fully maximized character (you can always opt out of these kinds of events, or collect the bare minimum, though they also tend to reward the strongest event characters in the game). It's still a pretty fun game once you get a halfway decent team, but expect your first few events to be outright unclearable due to power constraints (revival events exist to remedy this, thankfully).

Kamipro, meanwhile, is a GBF clone with all that entails, and FKG is an almost pure gacha game where gameplay is mostly out of your hands (you can only edit your party composition and use a weak and slow-charging attack while in battle, all else is automated), but you constantly get a generous helping of in-game currency and the game receives very frequent quality-of-life updates to maximize user comfort. Give all three a spin and stay with whichever you like, though note that Aigis and Kamipro both benefit heavily from rerolling (FKG currently has a campaign where new players get a small mountain of in-game currency, so you can reroll there too, though the highest rarity (rainbow) comes at a 0.5% rate so you'll probably want to settle for golds). You should also know that DMM Aigis' current event ends in a day and rewards a very good unit, so you may want to join fast and get her if you intend to play.

Saki is a shredding machine against anything with low defense (or assassination vulnerability), and her 0-block makes her deployable in positions that aren't available to other units in some maps. She's not an essential unit, and if you don't already have an AW team I'd probably wait before getting her, but she's definitely solid if you decide to invest in her.


Also, the seventh Flower Knight Girl LN has been announced and features Apricot as the main character, who seeks to win a swan boat race to use the grand prize in a medicine she's making. Of more interest however is the serial code girl, who is based on a species of Oxygyne (O. yamashitae, yaku-no-hina-hoshi) that has been described very recently, in 2008. A second mycoheterotroph is great news, and while her design is not yet revealed, I'm going to bet that she'll actually be mushroom-themed this time around (since she's helping Apricot collect mushrooms to begin with).

Many true mycoheterotrophs have flowers in faded colors, and although pink is the norm, Oxygyne apparently has them in an transparent blue-green. Let's see if they will work that into her design as well, a Pussy Ears-style see-through dress would be great to have.

>> No.17624885

So I checked the wiki and apparently the new dark SSR is not just Chernobog, but some other deity sharing a body with Chernobog which explains her last skill that drains burst each turn as upkeep.
What does that skill actually do and how does it work? I would've assumed like Amira or Vira in Granblue but those just eat up the whole gauge to transform while this one eats a part of it each turn until either it or the skill uptime run out.

>> No.17624914 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 630x227, development desu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone tell me what happened to this?
It was pretty much the only thing I was looking forward to

>> No.17624925

>100% Dark Eidolon isn't an adult version of Diabolos

Why would they do this

>> No.17624931

Deal closed down, it's time to let it go anon.

>> No.17624971

You should be glad, since it isn't even a real 100% Eidolon like other 5.

>> No.17625140

The light 100% summon works exactly the same way though.

>> No.17625188

Chernobog and Belobog 3some when

>> No.17625189

Wait what do you mea-
>Dark ATK+ according to the number of equipped Dark eidolon (max 100%).
what the fuck
are there even enough GOOD event eids to meet the quota

>> No.17625230

Good dark ones? Were there even any?

>> No.17625238
File: 1.01 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-09-13-02-36-38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this goddamn 20secc paralysis on some R?
I'm gonna guess it lands as often as any of Kama's debuffs

>> No.17625459

Saki is good for her SAW only, Hina is best ninja overall, Hien and Kanami are decent enough golds to level if you want one. Nagi is far too expensive to care about and Azami is Saki lite without the SAW making her bad.

In other words, I wouldn't buy Saki to use her, just to collect her. Raise your gold ninja if you feel like you need a ninja who'll be far cheaper and easier than a black.

>> No.17625590
File: 35 KB, 500x349, Brl42KH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bruh, you're Moby Dick.

>> No.17625648

Anyone tried that new Otogi Frontier on dmm?

>> No.17625765

> event eids
It's possibly a move to encourage the use of the lesser gacha eidola like Ouroboros, Echidna etc. since whales were using only Kaiser Dragoons.

>> No.17625854

Yes, being addicted to raising your damage is fun.

>> No.17626399
File: 197 KB, 962x644, gacha1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone tried pre-reg Re:Bless?
Just rolled her and we'll be also getting SSR ticket. I don't know how should I feel about this.

>> No.17626598
File: 99 KB, 494x429, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I went on the Discord, and I tried to point out some tweaks would be welcome to compensate for the smaller/weaker playerbase on Nutaku.

>lol why
>oh so they escape big deal
>this isn't DMM

Gaijins are fucking shit-eaters and they deserve all the shit they get.

>> No.17626626

Damn that's a lot. How much money do you make?

>> No.17626630


>> No.17626635

That's maybe beluga whale-tier when compared to the jap ones.

>> No.17626636

Thats nowhere near the king of whales. Try 10x that for a king of whales, thats just a big whale.
Normal whales should be around $1000 for DMM/Nutaku. Below $500 is just a fish.

>> No.17626646

You goddamn first-worlders have no idea how good you have it.
I literally have to forfeit food for my waifus.

>> No.17626689

>weaker player base
I don't want to be that guy but, i don't see them at all because they explode, the playerbase is not that weak.
If you need help i can add you: 181479832

>> No.17626704

I used 3 BP any time i hit raid bosses, but I think even just using 1 BP I can score for 600K~.
I'd try to help out but I think I'm around 10 days away from the comeback login bonus

>> No.17626719

I'm not going to screenshot every attempt, but the one post you replied is pretty much my whole experience with this event.
All 4 of my own discovered bosses escaped, except for the one I spent a total of 7 raid points on myself.

Sure, I'll add you, but that doesn't change the fact people can't or don't want to nuke them for shit.
>comeback login bonus
The what now?

>> No.17626726

Nutaku community leeches a LOT, even these super strong raids.
It's full of retards and these galaxyflies are not going to die with them for sure.

>> No.17626735

I wish there was a message when a raidboss gets away along with how much damage % you did. Asking for a penalty would be nice but a bit too much for this game.

>> No.17626736


>> No.17626748

the "do fuckall for a month and get some bribery to come back" bonus
It's nothing major but when I wanna just quit the game for a while and skip events I find better to do so for a whole month

>> No.17626754

What kind of rewards are we talking about specifically?
I assume they're better than the daily login ones?

>> No.17626967

To be fair, I don't want tweaks either.

I don't think the playerbase count is the problem. The fact that the tap mentality has persisted for this long is entirely the dumbass playerbase's attitude. There's no need to tweak events to fix retardedness. If people can't get everything because they're stupid as shit, that's on them.

>> No.17627615

How many tokens do you need for the black CR fairy in the DMM Aigis event?

>> No.17627749


>> No.17627871

Nice. I have 1285 so I better not get 15 on my next run.

>> No.17627872

I've rolled her and her SSR armor, just need the weapon left and I'm good.

>> No.17627958
File: 134 KB, 801x479, dietanaka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking quest is worse than E-7 last event

>> No.17628061

I've got her equipment, but I rolled the other SSR. Twice. I want Alice, dammit.

>> No.17628093

Wop, wrong thread

>> No.17628106

It's nothing big.
Rewards total 2 premium tix, 100k gold, 5 FG, 10 bronze awards and 3 of each lv100 exp fodder

>> No.17628190

>$11,169.98 so far.
Geez nigger. How in the fuck can you spend this much on this shit?

>> No.17628224

I think you should be asking, can you spend some on me, instead.

>> No.17628240

Well, I don't have a pussy. So, forget it.

>> No.17628381
File: 74 KB, 540x960, 21740504_1555469881183303_4502387075110924165_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really, people are still bitching about this a week later, even after they made the deal a better value?

Even the $10 rainbow ticket deal was met with "lol fail game shutdown lololololol triggered XDDDDD".

DMMfags can be pretty fucking juvenile. And people think ULMF is bad.

>> No.17628432

That image stole a laugh from me.

>> No.17628437

You are not wrong but people is in right to bitch about it.
They added these 25 gems only after that people started to call out the scam and still that "offer" was a complete bullshit.
Now they are selling single gold charas at 1500 golds while a "pick wathever 6* you want" was at 1000, what the hell are they thinking?

>> No.17628480
File: 888 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2017-09-13-19-37-36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So these brownish cat ears, where do I even get them from?
The 40 stamina , no continues allowed stages? Because I'm sure only the top whales can even do those

>> No.17628515
File: 260 KB, 960x640, peony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that's pretty low. I'm all for calling Nutaku out on bad deals, but they're clearly willing to take feedback now, so they deserve to be treated in good faith. If you want the game to improve, the best way to go about it is telling them how that can happen (conversely, though, you're completely in the right for calling them names if they respond to honest feedback with shit like >>17626598, though that was on the players rather than the management). That said, the whole Agave affair could be resolved more peacefully if there was a word on whether the deal will be rotated back in and whether there would be a FG gacha for her later on.

Also, I think the best thing they can do right now to raise the game's profits is to actually disclose their gold/rainbow chances, if there were changes to begin with. I've heard that the baselines were improved in the past, and there's too much anecdotal evidence to discount that possibility (to the point that the DMM side was joking about how things were looking like the Nutaku version when a bunch of folks who collected 10 D-tickets reported their results for a whole slew of golds/rainbows), but the infobox still shows the usual 6%/0.5%. If there is a rate increase, why aren't they shouting it from the rooftops?

On other news, the rainbow drought is over, and from tickets to boot. Herbaceous Peony is doubly useful to me, because she gets the coveted dodge ability that is both rarely given to rainbows and needed on them to cheese out the swan boat maps (these have Stormbringer bosses that attack before you do and have a single-target skill can two-shot fully ampuled rainbows, which is very bad since losing units deduces power from your whaleship on these stages, but they're not too bulky and can be taken out easily if you get them to whiff on a rainbow with dodge and the attachable taunt ability). These are still very far away on Nutaku, but still a thing to consider if you want to min/max on your rainbow deals.

>> No.17628611

People were right to bitch about the duration (24 hours was bad enough, but the actual deal was only up for ~12 because of maintenance) or that there's currently no F2P method to get her (unlike Bakery Sakura).

But the complaints about the price were already responded to, and any complaints about Nutaku not localizing the book was complete nonsense.

The rainbow deal was basically a Black Friday deal that came early. They haven't actually valued rainbows below golds, let alone that cheaply. $15 dressbloom wasn't a terrible deal either.

Absolutely. I'll be one of the first to criticize Nutaku for retarded practices (like the proposed TP leaderboards, which seems to have quietly faded into the background), but the whole "white knight" business and DMMfags frothing at the mouth at Nutaku FKG's potential closure is really fucking pathetic.

Stuff like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cjmmABCf58

is like your average "PC master race" fag flaunting their superiority to console peasants, when the vast majority already know and/or don't give a fuck and wish people would stfu and not create shitstorms about it.

Same thing with people who still feel the need to compare DMM Aigis to Nutaku Aigis.

>> No.17628688

>291 medals without using a single SC, can make it to 300 before maintenance with onle last 90/12 run
>midway through the stage deploy Ramii almost right next to the judge for some fucking dumbass reason and wipe
>end up having to do 7 stam , drops exactly 8 medals making me 1 short of my goal
Don't you just hate it when you suddenly develop mental retardation?
Oh well, even if I got that extra skill level I'd still be needing to level it up another 5 times.

>> No.17628797

On the same boat here, I had 1301 and did the 2 stamina map too many times for no drops, before giving up and immediately getting the full 13 on 50/7.

At least the 50% on the CR fairy succeeded, Mireille is coming along pretty well. Nabbed the 25% chance for mincosting Racua too, this has been a good event.

>> No.17628853

if you already started on girls symphony, they have a free premium 11 draw now that its on extended maintenance, i hope the draw hasnt expired yet, got myself a rainbow

>> No.17628861

Pulled a rainbow and a gold, both dupes.

>> No.17628964
File: 192 KB, 799x439, there's maliszewski, rubinstein, arensky and tchaikovsky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you mean the deal with the guaranteed rainbow? I did that a while ago (now my only rainbows are two copies of Angelica, which only feeds my regret at skipping out on GS's prereg until the very end), but I'm not seeing a new 11-roll deal.

>> No.17629037

wonder if we're getting any new kamihimes since nutaku is going off schedule and doing a double advent.

>> No.17629047

I'm betting on just a generic rate up.
Or maybe Demeter? No idea how Nutaku'll handle the LN/artbook himes

>> No.17629104

I pulled a rainbow and a gold dupe.

>> No.17629140 [DELETED] 

>Farm Phoenix event
>Got Crystal
>Got Light Bahamut.

Seem legit

>> No.17629144
File: 463 KB, 585x395, LighteventforLightEidolon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17629147

Fucking explode

>> No.17629158

what does she do?

>> No.17629198

>New R weps
Why do accounts that new get 100% summons

>> No.17629257

She is Light Bonito. Gain 20% atk up base on how many Light Eilodon you have in your grid up to 100%

>> No.17629269

starts at 80%

>> No.17629282
File: 264 KB, 749x432, OldSpice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played since the pre-register gatcha but take it slow because the grind is just too brutal compared to GBF.

>> No.17629316

Apparently the way to get good rolls is to just login and not actually play the game.

>> No.17629533

The people doing prereg on rebless, are you using the twitter thing to get more daily rolls?

>> No.17629538

Yes. Why wouldn't you?

>> No.17629541

Desire sensor can't fuck you up if you don't play the game.

>> No.17629545

Of course. Just make a throwaway account for it or something.

>> No.17629672
File: 840 KB, 669x511, Screenshot_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Light team is ready, now to farm for Weapon.

>> No.17629811

I didn't actually know about the twitter thing, I'm just doing it regularly after reset.

>> No.17629837

How are you preregistering on that game? I get region blocked for some reason.


>> No.17629915

I think the region block only applies to the worksafe site. You may want to try the R18 version and see if you can get access that way.

>> No.17629945 [DELETED] 
File: 1.38 MB, 971x636, send help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this would be easy, but my kamihime all got petrified and I could not do shit

>> No.17629984

When is maintenance over for DMM Aigis?

>> No.17629990

Thanks, I didn't realized that there's an R18 version.

It got extended for an indefinite time. They messed up the update.

>> No.17630062

new thread

>> No.17630224

>two 100% eilodons
Lucky bastard
