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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 173 KB, 1200x800, DHrcTJCV0AALcRc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17512058 No.17512058 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread >>17336109

Stale bread:
/toy/ - bjd.buyfags.moe
/jp/ - dollfaq.buyfags.moe

>> No.17514334
File: 312 KB, 1200x797, DES41G1U0AMrhJj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17514677
File: 496 KB, 1728x2304, IMG_7107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New doll owner here. You guys have any tips on photography and getting poses to look more natural? Tried taking some pics the other day and this is the only one that turned out good enough for me to want to post after cleaning it up a bit in Photoshop.

>> No.17515332
File: 289 KB, 1333x2000, DSC02358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are pose books geared at photographers that might help. Beyond that it's a matter of practice: Try a couple poses. Take a few pictures from different angles of each. Look that them in the computer, find what you don't like, and take more pictures. Work to eliminate including the things you don't like in photos and you'll have more keepers. There may be people who are naturals at composition, but for the rest of us we just have to workshop it.

>> No.17516110

Also look at photos of people and try to replicate poses. If you can't find any then try them yourself and see if it feels natural, if it doesn't chances are that it won't look natural either.

>> No.17516281

The lighting in that pic looks really distracting to me.

>> No.17516543
File: 508 KB, 1333x2000, DSC00055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That too, there's no harm in copying poses, or making attempts at it.

If I had to guess the doll was underexposed while the camera compensated for the bright sky. Attempts to fix the exposure blew out the sky and you can see it bleed over the top of her head.

Look into a collapsible reflector disc, https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=reflector+disc Without the disc pic related would look similar to yours but as you can see it makes a world of difference.

>> No.17516554

>Without the disc pic related would look similar to yours but as you can see it makes a world of difference

*forgot to add that similar to your pic, the sun was somewhat behind the doll, as indicated by the glow in her hair.

>> No.17516661


Practice composition by actually visualizing it with your hands or using your viewfinder. What looks good in person from your eyes might not look good captured in a photo frame.
It doesn't take a pro to tell if a composition sucks (we judge doll pictures all the time when you're going through flickrs/instagrams/twitters), so you can easily critique and adjust yourself on the fly.

>> No.17516906
File: 133 KB, 1024x765, 026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it helps any. I've been in the hobby about a year and a few months. My photoshoots typically last for about 2 hours, and I take upwards of 70 photos at a time. Of that, I typically crop and get 4ch ready about 10 on a good day. Just practice and stick with it as others have said. Ganbatte. Here's my girl, Toromi. Try not to look at those super duper cute pictures of girls too much as well. Good reference points for final project completion, bad for beginner expectations., I tended to judge myself and where I was with those too hard, wondering why my girl doesn't look like that, and truth is those doods have probably been in the hobby for a number of years. Just relax and enjoy as it comes to you. Exchange emails here as well, a certain someone from Australia got me going quite a bit as well. It'll be ok, she'll look great one day.


>> No.17517008
File: 154 KB, 1080x1440, rin (Large).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>17516661 Also what isn't in the frame doesn't matter. My desk and room is a mess. Pic related. Try practicing around your house or room and then bring the same technique outside so you don't end up having to haul everything outside to only get 100+ practice shots in and none end up being passable.

>> No.17517238


Rin is such a cutie.

>> No.17518758

New doll anon here >>17514677

Thanks for all the advice. I'll be sure to report back once I have time to experiment and take more pics as long as you guys don't mind critiquing my mediocre photography.

>> No.17519797

You might get some flak from others, but I don't mind.

We all had to start and improve at some point.

Also remember to check if her elbows/arms/legs are pushed in all the way.

>> No.17519984

im not black, but i would steal that bike.

>> No.17520597

nice try, Jamal

>> No.17520627

What's a good place to get some glasses for dollfies? Or at least some that fit. I'm surprised there aren't any on the volks sites, seems like a pretty standard accessory.

>> No.17520777

Taobao. There was a store I like that had some and the pair I got didn't stain, but they sold out and I no longer have the bookmark for it.

>> No.17521011
File: 325 KB, 2137x1202, IMG_20170822_204559209-2137x1202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some cool props you own?

>> No.17521040
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>> No.17521078

>no rear sight

>> No.17521096

because it keeps falling off

>> No.17521193
File: 687 KB, 1440x2160, sas2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute dolls with guns? Cute dolls with guns!

>> No.17521226

That's pretty funny. I'm glad my doll M4 carry handle doesn't have that problem.

>> No.17521544

Best of luck anon and don't be afraid to post pics, reading critique will be a valuable learning experience not only for you but others as well.

>> No.17522174
File: 143 KB, 1078x597, 0201218218780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a head in the mail.

Can anyone recommend a bust size and hair style that would go well with this face?

>> No.17522214

The gap between the eyes and head looks large.

Otherwise I tend to give my girls like that red or reddish brown hair.

>> No.17522222

They said hair style, not colour.

>> No.17522237

You are right Mr quints.

Sadly this means I can not help becuse I just go with what is easily to maintain.

>> No.17523087
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>> No.17523094

Nipple-y large.

>> No.17523225


>> No.17523371 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 179 KB, 920x690, 1503510886267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was saving this for a new thread. Nice.

>> No.17525864

What's a Volks Dollpla like?

>> No.17526357

How's that 2B license going Danny? Oh wait you don't have it any more because they chose Volks instead.

>> No.17526395


>> No.17526670

I'd wonder if he even had a license. This is Danny we're talking about here.

>> No.17528693

Probably just him fiddling around.

>> No.17529074

He had the license but he was robbed because Squeenix changed their damn mind.

>> No.17529126

Probably broke an NDA being an obnoxious twat about it.

>> No.17529563

Whatever the situation, I'm just glad 2B isn't a Smart Doll. It sucks to see characters I love turned into ugly dolls I hate.

>> No.17529986

fiddling around when he explicitely said "Flesh tone prototypes are strictly for showing licensors"

get your facts straight faggot

>> No.17530432

Not him but that could have meant potential licensor. Like a contractor proposing a bid.

>> No.17531860
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>> No.17531866
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"Trying out our first "real face" #smartdoll - lips & cheeks need more volume. "

>> No.17531892

True innovation.

Looks nice honestly, but maybe a bit crazy with the chin. It's mostly obscured and just from one angle so that's not saying much, though.

>> No.17531980
File: 210 KB, 1364x2048, IMG_20170825_203847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where I can find this body?

>> No.17532462

Dunno, but that's a cute tummy.

>> No.17533022

Can anyone tell me sauce on this doll? Reverse image search is failing me.

>> No.17533086 [DELETED] 


>> No.17533124

just google 諸星きらり ドルフィードリーム
I think here's her owner's twitter though maybe it's the person who customizaed her too: https://twitter.com/azu_cait

>> No.17533502
File: 382 KB, 1333x2000, IMG_5751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup that's their twitter. I had the pleasure of seeing that one in person. Very vibrant and full of life.

>> No.17533515
File: 317 KB, 1333x2000, IMG_5750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting their Anzu while we're at it

>> No.17533653

So, is Amiami going to start stocking Smartdoll clothes?


>> No.17534022
File: 44 KB, 1242x221, IMG_6851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17534040

I might have to grab that hoodie.

>> No.17534130

That head is fucking adorable!

>> No.17534143

I love smart doll twilight too.

>> No.17534150

I have a bunch of cool stuff for my Picco Neemos. 1/12 is an amazing scale since you have access to the world of REALLY INTENSE dollhouse/miniature people. I think my favorite props are a small machine gun and a very tiny tea cup.

>> No.17534887

>12000 yen
>available online only from amiami
>list price 12960 on amiami
thanks danny

>> No.17534933

So he has a webshop but he won't sell it there? Awesome.

>> No.17535669
File: 54 KB, 440x660, 6c9e570cjw1f2o10i70sfj20tm18gn39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a peach pai with DD arms by the looks of it.

>> No.17535692
File: 123 KB, 1200x800, DID9FsoUAAAF9No.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, this is how Hannibal would keep his doll clothes organized if he were in this hobby instead of creating cannibalistic cuisine.

>> No.17535733

Oh, that's neat. Much fancier than my stick into a ziploc bag then squish into a drawer strategy.

>> No.17535750

I guess I have to go to office depo that's kinda genius.

>> No.17535786

I would need a bookshelf Q_Q

>> No.17537846

Thank you kind sirs!

>> No.17538041


This is a neat idea though. Bonus points for silica gel. I keep all mine in those little plastic draws.

>> No.17540503

I've seen people do that.

I've been just putting stuff inside a small storage bin for the time being.

>> No.17540584
File: 540 KB, 1920x1920, DIKEVenUAAAnxdD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck me I want this. Even though it is a Smart Doll. Goddamnit.

>> No.17541218

I just watched this show. And that doll doesn't capture her well and I hate it.

>> No.17541443
File: 33 KB, 625x193, whut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17541497

That's just rude to flat girls.

>> No.17541995

I can't like it because it doesn't look like the original kit at all. Plus, massive 5head

>> No.17544175

It looks like it's just using the Chitose sculpt, which is real lazy for a licensed character.

It looks even weirder next to her figure:

>> No.17544483

So is this what to expect from Danny? A parade of repaints in the doll world?

>> No.17544506

I think what's most off is that the Smart Doll eyes are sculpted in such a way to try and make her look serious or intense or something, whereas Gourai's regular expression when she's not smiling is just basically blank.

>> No.17544618
File: 222 KB, 600x800, arc005_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /jp/ thinks of this?

>> No.17544687

I pre-ordered. I know it's just an Obitsu doll but I like how creepy she looks.

>> No.17545375

I just recently started to watch Jigoku Shoujo and I think the character is cute. I might buy the doll.

>> No.17545515


Well that's the first of my hobbies to fall into this nonsense. Can't say I'm surprised.

>> No.17545525

Plenty of BJD owners have been special snowflakes since forever. It's nothing new.

>> No.17546288
File: 225 KB, 480x640, aod512nmv_07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm all in favor of Azone releasing more dolls with eyes.

Speaking of which it looks like they're taking preorders for the next in the Iris collect series: http://www.azone-int.co.jp/?sid=irs701&jancd=4560120202815

>> No.17546325

>girls that look chubby in clothes because they have big ol tiddy
how did they guess my fetish

>> No.17546925
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>> No.17547101

>> no obligatory underwear shots
She looks similar to the blonde girl with changeable eyes. I guess we'll see more photos when preorders are up.

>> No.17548591

I'm pretty sure she's just the exact same doll with different colors

>> No.17548829
File: 53 KB, 533x800, FIG-DOL-9745_15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess so,.

>> No.17548889

Well. She has the same name.

>> No.17554378
File: 202 KB, 639x1315, 21122384_10154736910145952_3487930725628630850_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this Choo hinting future licenses he's going to make same face dolls of?

>> No.17554405

Smart Doll Erza would be day 1 pre-order

>> No.17554684

Is Choo shilling these threads?

>> No.17554692

If he were you'd think he'd try and say something positive about his dolls after everyone bashes them.

>> No.17555437

Is this his go-to way to say he thinks a character is a good fit for SmD? That they have long legs? I seem to remember him saying something about 2B having long legs being like a SmD before Volks got the license too.

>> No.17555731

Does he not know that long legs are a feature of most anime girls and dolls?

>> No.17557411

Well we did have that one anon who kept claiming he's better than volks and whatever, but I think he was scared off when someone asked for his SMD photos.

>> No.17557418

Apparently Gourai sold out and "No Plans to Restock".

>> No.17557546

What happened to their whole availability schtick? That's one of the things Smart Doll owners bring up when they cry about Volks.

>> No.17558595

Maybe Koto only gave them permission to produce a certain amount.

>> No.17558752

I thought it was priority to overseas/foreigners as opposed to Volk's "Japanese customers first then international if anything's left" distribution model.

>> No.17559236
File: 1.69 MB, 2503x4032, IMG_7776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well she is keeping true to the frame arms girls tradition of being sold out.

So how's everyone? I myself never figured out how to buy a hoodie from thay Sen site. I also still need a new t-shirt for this goof ball. Otherwise things have been good.

>> No.17559246
File: 573 KB, 570x570, SB-SD16G-034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a place where I can get knock off clothing? I want these shoes so bad but they're sold out.

>> No.17559301
File: 144 KB, 625x835, Hadaly (BN+)l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Though you guys might like this (I did):


>> No.17559308

I want that 2B doll so bad.

>> No.17559720

Second time it's been posted here. And I am still wondering were did they get all those dolls. Also has any hardcore collectors watched this and spotted some super rare doll.

>> No.17560052
File: 866 KB, 352x224, fuck_this.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>immediately reaches for girls to comfort them


>> No.17560098

I think my DDH07 would look great as her, but the clothes likely stain just by watching at them.

>> No.17560144

SE: Is it okay we destroy some super dollfies?
Volks: Sure, just let us make Nier Dollfie Dreams

>> No.17560659
File: 40 KB, 480x785, 7d8860af551b24f45148975b6278b2a2--maya-phoenix-wright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MFW Volks Doll Party in Los Angeles lotto will have fierce competition because they probably only brought like 1 of each doll.

I need Takane.

>> No.17564336
File: 81 KB, 650x1024, 31807578172_7910467bf1_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zero DD when

>> No.17565863
File: 321 KB, 1303x1989, DIm8U6-VoAACf5o.jpg-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luka confirmed

>> No.17568384



>> No.17568803

Magical Mirai I believe

>> No.17569222

some time 2018.

>> No.17569230

It'll be a open worldwide preorder system, with a minimum two if not three waves of preorders. Once the Japanese preorders are finally fulfilled they'll start fulfilling the foreigner preorders. You'll have your doll in 2019.

>> No.17569456

I have a problem. One of the people I live with smokes. Seeing as I don't have a sense of smell I haven't really cared. Thing is I had a buddy who doesn't smoke sniff Snow Miku and she smells faintly of smoke. I believe this throws a huge wrench in my plan to sell her. Does anyone know how to remove smoke smell or am I fucked.

>> No.17569810

You can stuff her in a bag of dryer sheets or charcoal.

>> No.17569834

I'm rehashing information from Archangeli's How to deodorize a stinky doll video, so ignore my post and watch that if you prefer a long-winded video.

first disassemble the doll, and take the skeleton out of the vinyl parts if you can. mix a paste of baking soda + water, slap it on everywhere you can including the insides, then stick them in a tupperware, covered bowl, ziploc bag or something for a while. You can't use too much, so you can sprinkle some more baking soda on after using the paste. Wash it all off, check it and reapply if necessary every few days. You can leave it for longer without any harm, though. I guess you would need your friends to smell it for you.

I think it goes without saying but you should probably exclude the head from this treatment, since baking soda is abrasive.

I don't really know anything doll-specific for deodorising clothes.

>> No.17570150

This really made me laugh. Thanks.

I see. This is about what I thought, not much I can do other then try it. Thanks.

>> No.17572325

>This really made me laugh. Thanks.
Charcoal is a legitimate solution for odor removal. You're not supposed to bury the item in charcoal, just let the item gas off in a closed container with it. its porous nature will take everything that makes an odor and transfer into it.

Now, that being said, most stinky items will gas off with a half life, the charcoal in a closed container just speeds up the process.

>> No.17572358

Look into twin pines products. Unless you're cleaning off something acidic the baking soda is otherwise inert, is not much more than an abrasive, and is the equivalent of washing something by letting mud dry on it and hoping the odor leaves with the mud when you wash it off.

>> No.17572381

what about coffee? i have heard that coffee neutralize odor, or something like that

>> No.17572588

Coffee grounds, not just coffee. It would only work on organic smells though (i.e. something rotten in your fridge). Charcoal/those odor removal thingies they sell at sports stores would work better with smoke I think.
As for clothes, you can put everything (except her fluffy velvet coat) in a lingerie mesh bag and wash in cold water in washing machine. I guess you can spritz the coat with vinegar solution and air it?

>> No.17572621

I hope to god that was just put on the bike for the pic.

>> No.17573184 [DELETED] 

I went to LA Doll Party, is it okay I take a massive photod ump?

>> No.17573197

I went to LA Doll Party, is it okay I take a massive photo dump?

>> No.17573368
File: 411 KB, 1333x2000, DSC01180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doubt it.

Go for it

>> No.17573381
File: 272 KB, 2000x1333, DSC01182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2/2 All you bud >>17573197

>> No.17573466
File: 727 KB, 2672x1503, IMG_20170902_103618229-2672x1503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just post some highlights.
The tan is very subtle in person. I just went for the Takane lotto, but didn't win.

If I was really desparate I could spend under 1000 dollary doos at Mandarake for her, but I think I'll pass for now.

>> No.17573472
File: 486 KB, 1503x2672, IMG_20170902_103641014-1503x2672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17573478
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>> No.17573514
File: 500 KB, 1503x2672, IMG_20170902_112429387-1503x2672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As expected, Volks Doll Party was mostly bjd people, but a ton of people did enter the DD lottos though.

>> No.17573736
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>> No.17573764
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>> No.17573778
File: 712 KB, 2672x1503, IMG_20170902_114425703-2672x1503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I brought my twins with me.

>> No.17573786
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>> No.17573793
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>> No.17573797
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>> No.17573806
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>> No.17573814
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>> No.17573820
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>> No.17573834
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>> No.17573853
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>> No.17573858
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I love these cardboard houses, makes me wish I brought some giant robot figures with me.

>> No.17573863
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>> No.17573872
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>> No.17573878
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Well I'm done with event pics.

>> No.17573935

Please remember to disclose that you don't live in a smokefree home when you're selling the doll. I've had way too many bad experiences with people saying a doll/clothing was odorfree when there was very much a distinct odor.

>> No.17574260

Yah see problem is it never crosses my mind becuse I have never had a sense of smell. It just happened to cross my mind as a possible problem before i listed her for sale.

I like a lot of your photos and it looks fun to be there. But I really like this image the most. It truly is a gift from the gods.

>> No.17574378

You are definitely not the only doll collector who lives with someone who smokes, so you should still be able to find someone to sell to. I'm sure a lot of people straight up would not mind either having a doll with some odor on it or knowingly buying a doll with smoke odor to try and remove it themselves. Just make sure to remember those of us on the complete opposite end of the smell sensitivity scale as you. Good luck on selling your girl, by the way! I really don't think a doll that smells like smoke is the end of the world. It's just not something everyone can buy.

>> No.17575972

Has anyone ever spent near or at thousand plus US dollary doos for a DD? What made you pull the trigger? Did you gal give you infinite pleasure?

>> No.17576639

Looks like you had a blast anon. Make any new friends there?

>> No.17578031

Not really, it was mostly people I've seen from previous meets and mostly BJD people. I had a few people take pics of my dolls though.

>> No.17578196
File: 21 KB, 258x320, 91sVDnxGovL._AC_UL320_SR258,320_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these dolls are actually not Volks Super Dollfie, they are one off hand sculpted by Yoshida Ryo (Pygmalion Studio). kind of a waste...but sometimes things must be destroyed for art

>> No.17578763

Well with 8 dolls and a 9th on the way out I have probably spent a few thousand. And I feel it was worth it, well except for that last one.

>> No.17579111

Eh, I wouldn't mourn it too much. As someone who has had their art used in a similar situation, I can assure you that this is extremely cathartic for the artist. They're probably the one feeling the least sad (upset seemed too strong of a word, but generally negative) about this video.

>> No.17579224


what doll is this company from? she's adorable!

>> No.17579538

Well it's a Obitsu 50 body. But the head is an SQ Lab head that took months to find, specifically it's the Navi (open eyes) head. I then got the face up done by Freya. The shorts are Smart Doll and need to be replaced becuse they are too big, but carefull posing and camera angle hides that. Lastly it's the nanami wig and ebay special eyes.

>> No.17581089


ahh sq lab heads are nice, she's a real cutie anon

>> No.17581215 [DELETED] 

Go to myspree DOT com, copy and paste the link of the Sen hoodie and click on the size and color you want and add to cart there.

You can't directly buy from Taobao.

What's the deal with the last one?

>> No.17581226

Go to spreenow DOT com, copy and paste the link of the Sen hoodie and click on the size and color you want and add to cart there.

You can't directly buy from Taobao.

What's the deal with the last one?

>> No.17583920

I will try once more as I would like more hoodies.

As for that last one it's Snow Miku and I don't like her face and she is not a special snowflake food stuff like everyone else. I tryed calling her blueberry but I still don't like her. Since sticking her back in her box I have been happier.

>> No.17584006
File: 75 KB, 600x800, FIGURE-032767_07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Azone's new doll kinda turns me on

>> No.17584107
File: 102 KB, 600x800, FIGURE-032767_04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17584181


i wish i had enough money to preorder her but i know i won't scrape up enough in time. she's lovely though

>> No.17584225

>ywn have qt jigoku doll

>> No.17584259
File: 90 KB, 506x307, eyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would anyone know where to find eyes close to this style (or that of Hotaru from Dagashi Kashi) in 22mm? Closest I've found is on DollfieWorld, since anime-style eyes are rather difficult to search for outside of scouring known shops, and a lot of links I found to english-speaking stores making them are 404'd.

>> No.17584361

Try to find someone who can make them for you? There's some people on Etsy that may be able to do custom eyes if you ask them.

>> No.17585083

Oooooohhhhhh spooky! I like.

>> No.17586977

I hope this is the right thread to ask but does anyone have any information on this doll? I found her on mandarake and despite googling 1/6サイズ 27cm ドール お姉さん 黒服 I can't find any information. I don't see a company name on the page either.


>> No.17587085

>despite googling 1/6サイズ 27cm ドール お姉さん 黒服 I can't find any information
Yeah, you wouldn't be able to. That's just a description, so Mandarake probably doesn't know what it is.

>> No.17587087


Welp, that makes sense. Thanks anon

>> No.17589327
File: 46 KB, 533x800, FIGURE-033082_15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Azone Iris Collect preorders sell out so fast.

>> No.17589983
File: 160 KB, 1280x960, 1504681131190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17590133
File: 127 KB, 1200x801, DHpE9HsUMAEBPG9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're seriously amazing. I clearly need more dolls now.

>> No.17590463

Always good to see doll adventures!

>> No.17590757

Where was this taken?

>> No.17591111
File: 2.80 MB, 3456x2304, IMG_7171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm back again. Finally had some time to take some new pics over the long weekend. I think they turned out much better than my first attempt. Let me know what you guys think.

>> No.17591114
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>> No.17591118
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>> No.17591123
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>> No.17591127
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>> No.17591132
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And done!

>> No.17591159


this picture is very pretty, i think you did great

>> No.17591380

On the fence about buying a doll I'm being offered, I'd save 200 buying her used and only issues is clothes look a little "worn" and a stain on the plastic elbow joint.

Should I?

>> No.17591419

Do you want her or only want to get her because she's cheap?

>> No.17591459

want her, was planning to buy new originally.

>> No.17591629

and she sold.

Oh well.

>> No.17592503
File: 388 KB, 2048x1536, DIPiedvUIAURakE.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they got Fre-chan's spooky eyes right

>> No.17593023

I feel kind of bad now for tossing my original packaging. The sticker gives it an air of authenticity somehow.

>> No.17594251

How much and who was she?

>> No.17594272


which CG girl do you think will be made into a smart doll?

>> No.17594291

>wanting a same flat face, mirai cosplaying Cinderella girl

I'd want a Cinderella girl, but not by danny

>> No.17594367

Takane for 700ish USD.

>> No.17594384


it's happening anon... https://twitter.com/dannychoo/status/905264467906351109

>> No.17594407

I hope Bandai says fuck off and continues to work with Volks. I still want a DD Hibiki.

>> No.17594438


a DD hibiki would be so nice. maybe she's next on volks' list

>> No.17594449

Crossing my fingers, they made another count down clock for something. Last time they did it, it was for more IM@S.

>> No.17594532

For a Dollfie Dream, is it cheaper to ship DHL or EMS from Mandarake?

>> No.17594925

It's been about the same for me to west coast US. Around 5k +/- 1k. DHL has been much faster on average though, 3 days vs 5+.

>> No.17595107

What a retard.

>> No.17595426

Good morning anon these are definitely better, I like >>17591127 most. What are you doing different? Also, without turning this into a gear discussion what kind of camera are you using?

>> No.17596033

Thank you

>What are you doing different?
Mostly just taking a lot more pictures. I think I took ~75 that afternoon and those 6 where the ones I thought turned out best.
>what kind of camera are you using?
I'm using a 10+ year old Canon Digital Rebel XT(350D for those not in North America). I used to be into photography when I was in high school but it was mostly landscape and nature photos that I took so stuff like this is fairly new to me. I do have a family member that has a 60D and a 6D that I could borrow so I might give those a try sometime to see what shooting with a much better camera is like.

>> No.17596088

I just went with EMS because I know it's about 5k.

>> No.17596785

Oooooohhhh the XT! That predates my first rebal. I started with the XS. The XS is basically between an XT and XTi with an SD slot instead of CF.

>> No.17597633

Bet it'll look better with higher quality outfits.

I mean the volks ones are just all clones with shitty outfits anyways

>> No.17597670

>volks one are clones
>compared to choosluts

>> No.17597680


anon what? all of choo's dolls look the same. they're literally all copies of mirai

>> No.17597827

>stock outfits

get a load of this guy.

>> No.17597845

Have you considered taking landscape-style doll photos in the style of Azure? Might be a good bridge subject to tackle while you're getting the hang of things.

>> No.17598491

Don't think I've ever seen any. Got any examples or a link?

>> No.17598537
File: 1002 KB, 3750x2500, IMG_5695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes landscape style shots are fun.

>> No.17598587

Ah I see. Yeah that seems interesting. Might have to give it a try.

>> No.17598681

That would have been this person: http://blog.livedoor.jp/azure_toy_box/

>> No.17598793
File: 629 KB, 540x960, 21442841_1748317895178405_669091873_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17599455
File: 284 KB, 964x769, fgo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yay... more fate.


>> No.17599474

What a shame. They could've made much more interesting girls like Tamamo, or really just anybody who isn't a saberface. Altera would've been cool, since she has tan skin and a small bust. My wish that will never be granted is a DDS Elizabeth Bathory.

They do look pretty, though.

>> No.17599524

I'll probably pick up Jeanne just because. But we've had enough Sabers from Volks really.

>> No.17599602

Hmmmmm I never had a chance to own a Saber. But I worry becuse my luck with character dolls I want is low.

>> No.17599852

It's a preorder doll. You won't have to worry about lotterys.

>> No.17600222


is this what the countdown was for? lame

>> No.17600315

This just means they will make jeanne alter next year.

>> No.17600377

Is it at least a new head mold for Saber?

>> No.17600397

>What a shame. They could've made much more interesting girls like Tamamo
I've seen several custom Tamamos and each one made me jealous. I would kill for one.

>> No.17600433

Gotta pimp Jannu while she's still relevant, I suppose.

>> No.17600976

What's your favorite place to shop for Dollfie Dream wigs /jp/? I checked the shops in the guide but they didn't have any styles that really stood out to me.

>> No.17601129

No I mean enjoying the doll. I don't want another snow Miku fiasco, I will probably pass on her.

>> No.17601170

I like lullaby poem wigs even though they are prone to get messy easly, but I like how they have a more anime look to them.

It's important to bond with a doll, gotta make sure it's one you super want especially since they're pricy.

I sorta want a Saber, but I already have the red one. Gonna guess both Artie and Jeanne are gonna cost closer to $800 due to diecast parts and accessories.

>> No.17601356

>I sorta want a Saber, but I already have the red one. Gonna guess both Artie and Jeanne are gonna cost closer to $800 due to diecast parts and accessories.

I wonder if Volks considered selling these dolls with basic clothes (or even just a slip) like a standard model) and the full set like a limited edition. Most of us don't use the default outfits for very long, if at all and they largely go to waste. They can limit the full sets for collectors and even mark them up, and for "standard" releases, the money not spent on elaborate accessories can go towards making more dolls. They can really increase their bottom line that way.

>> No.17601631

The clothes are part of the character, at best we'd get something like alter santa where they sold her outfit separately.

>> No.17602058
File: 1.00 MB, 671x669, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are some really cute styles here. I think I might get pic related for my Kikipop that's coming soon. How messy do they tend to get?

>> No.17602073

whats jps opinion on cherry milk dd clothes? their aftermarket prices seems high, but then again so is almost everything else.

>> No.17602266
File: 320 KB, 600x900, 00200N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone here have the Angel Philia soft skin type parts? I have 2 of the normal dolls but curious about the soft version. I couldn't find much info since those are rather new.

>> No.17602330

>not jeanne alter

>> No.17602344


>> No.17602732

How many Sabers we up to now?
Alter 2
Santa Alter

I know I missed one

>> No.17602955

that's all of them.
Gotta do the original version before Alter.

>> No.17603048
File: 463 KB, 2028x2048, 36970250361_f027a7a511_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17603641

Sup Danny

>> No.17604299
File: 628 KB, 2160x1530, DSCF7705_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on the wig style. The straight ones are very easy to keep nice, the other once can indeed get messy, pic related is an older photo of mine that shows the LPW035 wig after it's been worn for a while.

>> No.17605692
File: 55 KB, 736x1104, 4a933dd4873e87af99ab0afee2ae8c1c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too lewd my dude

>> No.17606523
File: 135 KB, 1080x1080, 21551626_10154883850001680_6595246759571924548_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess he really got the rights to do a Cinderella Girl, hard to tell who the fuck it's supposed to be because he does his dolls with almost the same face sculpt.

>> No.17606599


it doesn't matter much when the final product will look like shit anyway

>> No.17606626
File: 319 KB, 480x480, judgechoom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm very well aware of this, strange though because volks recently announced someone from Cinderella Girls too.

I seriously hope Choo doesn't get is filthy hands on Hibiki.

>> No.17606823


don't worry hibiki-anon, she's safe. choo will probably do someone like rin or uzuki or another popular CG

>> No.17606897
File: 315 KB, 1600x1600, 33345844091_43f7772194_h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, he posted pic related quite a while ago and we haven't seen any announcements of a Chooified 2B yet.

>> No.17607065
File: 141 KB, 463x305, 39e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope so. I'd be so pissed at Volks if they passed up on Hibiki, especially since they're slowly rolling out tan dds.

>> No.17607892

Whats some fun stuff to do with your doll that doesn't involve buying new stuff?

I feel like I've ran out of ideas on interesting photos and I already tried the local doll meet up scene. It's usually the same people and most of the time they just park their dolls on a table and go off to gloat about their dolls or random stuff.

Lately my doll's just been playing around nakie at home and watching random videos online. I do enjoy the company though.

>> No.17607988
File: 331 KB, 2000x1333, DSC02397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My cat is getting old as shit so he puts up with a lot more crap than he used to, so I pose my dolls with my cat and take pictures with the cat Taitan-style.

>> No.17609145

I didn't like the anime but fuck that is one good looking doll.

>> No.17610172

Well looks like she is still available at HLJ if you want her.

>> No.17610216

She's probably still available in plenty of places.

>> No.17610342
File: 71 KB, 564x795, be62e12f56b638053d1c83ca40d98c9a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have limited free time you could mix-and-match available outfits/wigs/eyes to freshen them up. With a bit more time to spare try building props and accessories or other related DIY.
You can also go out with them for some more adventurous photo-shoots if the weather plays along.

I've gotten my best friend into the hobby a couple of months ago and we recently got into sending messages/pictures as though the dolls we're sending them, if that makes any sense.
We never much communicated via text/phone outside of calls and this started as a dumb joke on my part but it's gotten a bit out of hand. Can't leave my phone laying around at work/ family anymore out of fear someone catches a glimpse...

>> No.17610484

Are your dolls sending each other nudes?

>> No.17610647

I also wonder.

So I can see with a regular back and forth there is a drive to improve poses, and photography skills. But were did it fall off the rails and how far has it gone?

>> No.17611197

I'd guess selfies.

>> No.17611841

I took a selfie with one of my dolls once. Then realized we were practically dressed the same.

No one must ever see that image.

>> No.17611898

I don't think I have enough to work with, the combos would end up very strange. I'm also not cool enough to own extra resources or a 3D printer to make stuff.

Photo shoot wise I feel like I've done a lot at random places, would require further travel if I wanted to do more.

I'm just thinking more about what activities I could do with my dolls at home. I was tempted to do a photo story, but they're so over done.

>> No.17612918
File: 53 KB, 500x700, 13bf92fd432157cf4f3f3e4c01c2637d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kind of, nothing too raunchy though. It's brightens my day considerably and breaks the daily workaholic routine.
But I can't allow myself to think about it too deeply since we're both guys, sending pics of dolls we've posed around and stuff we came up with that they're supposedly doing. If we hadn't been through some of our worst together, I doubt I could even look him in the eye again.

Well, there are only so many options left. Also, if a photo story is something you'd enjoy working on, go for it. Everything is overdone at this point, so don't even worry about indulging in something cliche. And maybe it'll open up some new ideas down the line.

>> No.17613014
File: 381 KB, 1440x2160, choospecial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the Choo hoodie came in yesterday, here's how it looks on one of my girls. Annoying that you have to order it from Amiami but the quality is the usual from Choo, meaning pretty good.

>> No.17613742

My first doll is coming together finally. Had a couple issues like the neck of the skeleton snapping but so far so good. She's pretty upset right now since her eyes have been gouged out but it's for a good cause since I want to work out how to go about doing my own makeup for her soon. What do you guys recommend for that by the way?

>> No.17613864

I just got my first doll, she’s a Lil Fairy 1/12. I was wondering if there were any display cases recommended for this size? I don’t have room for a detolf right now so I’d like something that would fit maybe 3-4 of the small girls.

>> No.17613941

I guess as long as me and my dolls are having fun. I sometimes get uneasy about criticism though.

Choo clothes is nice, but overpriced... Also doesn't help the fucker does EMS only.

>> No.17613987

Can you wash your doll’s hair to get all the oil out of it? Would just baby shampoo and water work okay?

>> No.17614414

I think you are over thinking it. Dolls are just a hobby and unless you are doing extream things no one should care. Everyone were I work knows I own dolls and they don't think I am weird it's just a hobby like games, sports, art.

>> No.17614423
File: 648 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_7834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I was pokeing around Choo's site mostly seeing if anything new is up. And I saw this and I find these numbers difficult to believe.

>> No.17614450

I feel like I need to see actual numbers and charts to believe this, if not it just sounds like he's pulling it out of his ass.

>> No.17614564

Or he's just patting himself on the back in front of a CAPTIVE AUDIENCE. Seriously, with the exception of >>17614423 who was looking out of curiosity, does anyone else read his site besides his fans wearing blinders?

>> No.17614723

Those numbers could work If he is only talking about market share in the US, and comparing sheer volume vs a single volks line. No idea where he would get other companies sales numbers though.

>> No.17614851

https://twitter.com/dannychoo/status/816625594225938433 I'm surprised he hasn't done his own official TED talk yet...

>> No.17614974

I'm not trying to be rude, but what's the appeal in this hobby? What are you people thinking when you buy these dolls & dress them up?

>> No.17614987


What's the appeal in growing those muscles when they'll be food for worms in a bunch of years?

>> No.17614996


why does any hobby appeal to anyone? i bet your hobbies if you have any might not appeal to others

>> No.17615001

The appeal is different for many different people, you know. Doll owners vary as much as any other hobbyist or enthusiast, and I'm sure you could think up some motivations yourself if you used your brain instead of just deciding that you're perplexed or whatever.

Some people just like them as decoration for their home, some people really enjoy photographing them, some people like being able to delve into fashion they deem inappropriate for themselves personally, and some people just like playing with dolls. There are countless reasons to participate in this hobby.

>> No.17615140

You certainly are coming across as rude. Do you ask stamp collectors what's going on in their tiny heads when they buy stamps and put them into albums?

>> No.17615297

Not only that how would it be tracked? Does Parabox and Volks release sales numbers?

>> No.17615302

That each and everyone of my foodstuffs are adorable. And they all deserve new outfits!

>> No.17615360

I don't think they do, and Choo's post doesn't say if it includes dolls like Obitsus or Dollfies in their definition of fashion doll. With those statistics though, of course not.

>> No.17615610
File: 258 KB, 1400x1054, dembendylegs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to take the picture a few days ago but i was busy. But I prefer my legs to be a bit more bendy. Waffles is even a DD II

>> No.17616198

Her haunted past of human trafficking still shows on her face. I hope you hug her at night.

>> No.17616291

She is one of my favourites. First one to get framed art on my wall.

>> No.17616415


oh you're the anon that adopter her? props to you. i adopted a neglected miku myself and there's definitely a nice feeling about saving them.

>> No.17616439
File: 51 KB, 570x440, il_570xN.552046575_5utf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's something pretty to look at and it's relaxing to buy for clothes for them/dress them up.

Dolls actually got me out of the figma/figuarts trap since they're more adaptable and expensive, plus I don't feel the need to buy 5 or more of them a month.

>> No.17616462
File: 15 KB, 500x375, android feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>DD2 has better leg articulation than a smart doll...

>> No.17616592

" In my experience, ever since Eiji v.1 he gets angry at customer feedback and suggestions because he takes everything personal. Since then, every aesthetic suggestion I've made to him ends in a response dripping with sarcasm or bitterness. Other people recieve this kind if response for their feedback too. Hence why he's on his current tyrade of "every sculpt is Mirai!" Even if no one mentions the sculpt in any way shape or form." -some person on Choo

>> No.17616633

So he's just a big rich baby covering his ears screaming "lalalalalalalican'thearyou"

>> No.17616636

What a guy.

>> No.17616640

Pretty much. Choo has a huge delusional ego and the only reason he can get away with crap is because he has a ton of money.

>> No.17616747
File: 706 KB, 1024x689, chootler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17616840

I really don't understand what's so strange in having dolls when having figurines or gunplas or tiddy anime statues doesn't raise these kind of questions. Is it because they are "supposed" to be for girls/women?

>> No.17616874

Dolls generally have that stigma. I used to know this dumb bitch who had this fucking mentality and made someone quit dolls for a while because of it. She pretty much said "guys with dolls are creepy".

>> No.17616879
File: 577 KB, 576x960, 18280107_10155192353203361_1240554441_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17616884


Well he did OC so hard that when Volks declined to make a Mirai he made a company.

>> No.17616938

>ywn have a billionaire dad to help you make your waifu real

>> No.17616959

Some people are fuckin weird and just immediately imagine that you must be fucking them and pretending they're children or something.

>> No.17617085

"I'll make my own Mirai doll with blackjack and hookers!" - Danny Choo when Volks said no to making a Mirai Dollfie Dream.

>> No.17619360

To be fair there's no lack of people calling them daughters. I'm not really in a position to judge but I always found that slightly weird.

>> No.17619371

My sister jokingly calls my dolls my "waifus", but I don't really have a special title for them in particular.

>> No.17619538
File: 1.26 MB, 2988x5312, Doll_Torture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking for this shot I should bloody the wrap around the eyes a bit but I'm not sure how much should be there. I tried painting a bit of another wrap red and held it up to see but it ended up just looking like she was Cyclops from X-Men.

>> No.17619562



>> No.17619653
File: 956 KB, 720x960, googlyshark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's just creepy.

>> No.17621094

I thought it was just an in-joke or aping our nipponese overlords who often call them that too

>> No.17621134

What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.17621161

For Japanese owners it's just for fun, too.

>> No.17621591

Blood trickling from under the blindfold would look good but it may ruin her face.
Also, why.

>> No.17621651

I was thinking the same. I'd have to make sure I'd use something that could be washed off easily to be safe. I could just buy a spare head I guess.

>> No.17622174

>Blood trickling from under the blindfold
Seeing how it's a doll and her eyes were removed, what about runs of hot glue? (the adhesive. pls)

>> No.17623495

I was under the impression some people call them their daughter because it's almost as expensive as adopting a real child or at least a pet.

>> No.17623930
File: 193 KB, 1200x1200, IMG_7854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know she has a flat face and I don't care to buy her. But I must say this is the first Smart Doll to look like the character she is supposed to be.

>> No.17624049

>hot glue
The temptation to cum in the eye sockets was higher than I'd like to admit.

>> No.17624117

guro raep?

>> No.17624243

What does her bikini look like?

>> No.17625315

You're fucking nasty dude. There's probably a better place for you to discuss that shit, you should look for it.

>> No.17625343

Come on, dude... The guro art wasn't that bad but don't cum on your dolls, that's just sick.

>> No.17625352

Her hair looks wrong. I bet it doesn't feel as amazing as it should.

>> No.17625393
File: 49 KB, 512x384, 668f2c316d8211506929d9c3d3a2a2f3d65f130d512411d186520e34d559dce7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I didn't like it.

>> No.17625524

Nothing will feel like the anime suggests it should. But lt looks rather good for the default wig, someone with styling skill could make it better though.

>> No.17625527


Oh God, if she comes with a camo bikini I might end up getting her.

>> No.17625659
File: 556 KB, 1920x1920, DSC04423[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nothing will feel like the anime suggests it should.
Well it's the same thing with fiction in general. Reality/3D can't replicate the perfection that arises from viewer's imagination filling in the abstract parts of media.

Also a further note on the hair.
>Take note that the wig in these product photos has been set with some styling spray - it does not arrive styled - feel free to style the wig as you see fit. Use these photos as a reference.
I hope it isn't too flat out of the box.

Most likely her signature camo bikini. Would be weird and a huge missed opportunity if it was something else.

>> No.17625683

>Take note that the wig in these product photos has been set with some styling spray - it does not arrive styled - feel free to style the wig as you see fit. Use these photos as a reference.

>not FLUFFY out of the box


>> No.17625698

He must have given up, knowing 3D could never reach this level of fluffy.

>> No.17626009


I'd be tempted especially if she came with her cute baseball cap.

Probably not tempted enough to get her. The eyes aren't quite right and I still think the bodies are too skinny and oddly proportioned.

>> No.17626551

Man that's one fluffy headed girl! It's bearly Non-H with all that hair fluffing!

>> No.17626780
File: 1.54 MB, 2287x4032, IMG_7860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I love hoodies! I still need a Obitsu 50 compatible ones.

>> No.17626943 [DELETED] 

Good morning /jp/, what's for breakfast?

>> No.17626951
File: 589 KB, 2672x1503, IMG_20170913_090657727-2672x1503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning /jp/, what's for breakfast?

>> No.17626988

Was she sleeping with her hairband on?

>> No.17626994

I want to see how Volks manages Kaede's turbofluff

>> No.17626997

No she just put it on when she woke up.

>> No.17627003

But she's still in bed? What a weird girl.

>> No.17627478

The pictures look great, but she could really use a new wig. It looks almost like it's floating off her head.

>> No.17627499
File: 403 KB, 2672x1503, IMG_20170913_112201482-2672x1503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot Cakes and Sausage

>> No.17627653

I can see what you mean by that and I think it's more my inexperience with wig styling than the wig itself. I have her sitting next to me now and it looks much more natural. Just another thing that I need to work on, making sure it's sitting on her head correctly and looks ok before I start snapping pics.

>> No.17629286

Volks wigs are often bad (coarse strands and glossy) so I don't have high hopes.

>> No.17629526

This. Even worse is if the wig has a sewn on bun or braid and there's loose strands you can't put back in. I'm still searching for the perfect replacement Saber wig.

>> No.17633134


>> No.17634971
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>> No.17634992
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i could see it if hes talking about just new customers just due to the fact its been pushed on the normies like crazy.

also, this article pisses me off cuz i was excited about his dolls due to the fact he claimed he would create the first personal assistant dolls. of which i cannot wait for someone to create. but yes, this is him saying they have all but dropped the project entirely cuz apparently people have incredibly unrealistic views of how androids would work in the real world. no danny, i do not expect to be able to replace her arms by just snapping them off.

tfw i wont have my mini android waifu anytime soon

>> No.17635003
File: 54 KB, 387x777, never enough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, its a common belief. my wife tells me that all the time and that she despises them, but i keep getting more DD every year lol

>> No.17635011

i enjoy them because i feel like they bring me closer to the anime worlds i love. i get a lot of odd reactions from it cuz i am a straight dude that builds cars, owns guns, loves sports and women, but people think its odd that im also a huge anime and comic geek who collects anime/comic figurines and "dolls."
its just a hobby ive grown to enjoy, a best friend got me into the hobby when i met her as she owned one and i was hooked from then on. theyre adorable and fun to take to anime conventions. even my local comic shops love seeing them brought in.
^this. i dont feel its any different than buying figurines. but many people have certain things they believe should be a certain way or that "childish things" should be gotten rid of. honostly, i dont mind people feeling that way, cuz there are things i dont care for myself, but i live how i wanna and i dont really bother others unless they are clearly doing something to harm another.

>> No.17635025
File: 1.15 MB, 425x309, bender blackjack hookers.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are priceless!

here, have a bender!

>> No.17635040
File: 1.72 MB, 236x244, 1484864307152.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw the board breaks down over an off the cuff comment made by an anon.

way to make this entire place audibly gasp

>> No.17635043

i will probably buy her cuz i think shes qt as fugg. that and i already own 6 dd girls and plan on owning many more so having some choo-girls doesnt bother me as im kinda picky of the ones i like anyways.

>> No.17635407

>promises to create an anroid-like "smart" doll
>it's a usb hub
never forget, never forgive

>> No.17635412

He doesn't know what he's doing. He's just shoehorning tech into it arbitrarily.
