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17542796 No.17542796 [Reply] [Original]

The results of the JLPT from July 2017 are already available online! What level did you apply to and how did it go?

You can check it here: http://jlpt.jp/e/guideline/results_online.html

>> No.17543756

I applied for N5. I failed.

>> No.17543827

Sorry to hear that anon, keep the mood up!
I heard most people pass the N5 in their second try.

>> No.17544679

Passed N3 a couple years ago
Trying to go for N2 this winter but it looks tough
want to eventually pass N1 but that is not in my short term plans
GL to everyone taking it in the future, learning languages is hard(esp. if it's not something you grew up around regularly)

>> No.17545316

Must be nice to live in a place that does it twice a year... my neck of the woods only does it once. I wanna go for N2 but I'm hella nervous. Just gotta practice I guess.

>> No.17545326
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I passed N1 this year.
My advice is that if you see the N2 complicated then you should start from there, N1 is basically N2 plus nonsense, and then there is the fact that the mayority of the people working in japan from overseas has the N2 and basically no japanese would do the N1 perfectly.
To be honest the N2 is the most realistic JLPT exam, N1 is filled with expressions and kanjis that even japanese dont use.

>> No.17545435

>and then there is the fact that the mayority of the people working in japan from overseas has the N2
So, N1 isn't required for non-japanese people to work over there? I thought that every company required it.

>> No.17545455

Usually they don't, maybe high-profile, major companies, IT-related and such require the JLPT in order to work in japan but they dont even require it in a normal company.
Even if they ask you for it, you should be alright with the N2. N1 doesn't hurt though, but it's just difficult for the sake of it, it doesn't represent the real level of proficiency of a person by any mean.

>> No.17545493

That's good to know.
Is it recommended or necessary to take the tests one by one? I mean, first take N5, then N4 and so on, or is it better going straight to N2 or N1?

>> No.17545513

The important thing here is to take a look at the requirements for each exam and see if you have enough confidence to try to make the effort.
If they sound too complicated for you then go one level down.
If you want to try it anyways then it's ok, it's not like you lose anything else that time, I was doubting between the N2 and the N1 thinking that I could try the N2 anyways if it was too difficult for me, but tried the N1 without a lot of expectatives and it went well.

>> No.17545516


>> No.17545796

That's ridiculous, pretty much everything they give you in N1 is commonplace Japanese. You just don't read enough.

>> No.17545854

Failed N2 pretty miserably, going to try for N3 this winter.
I can read moe slice of life manga pretty well so I was over confident.

>> No.17545890

expressions like 案の定, べからず, ぐるみ, かたわた, かたわら, 余儀なくare definitely not commonplace.

Are they used? Yes.
Can you find them in books or the net? Yes.
People use them in normal, not very-formal conversations? No, they usually don't.

I even met some japanese that didn't know what かたわら meant, kanjis like 討議 or 扶養 aren't that commonplace either.

A big part of N1 includes knowledge from N2 or N3 as it assumes that you know it, for example you should be definitely able to understand the reading section in its great part, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't include a lot of things that you probably wouldn't use anyways.

>> No.17545918 [DELETED] 
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Newsflash. There are sophisticated materials too.

>> No.17545925

sophisticated materials =/= commonplace japanese

>> No.17545950 [DELETED] 

Depending on your scope of interest

>> No.17546018

>expressions like 案の定, べからず, ぐるみ, かたわた, かたわら, 余儀なくare definitely not commonplace.
Sup retard. Go watch a Japanese news broadcast, any broadcast. You -will- hear most, if not -all- of those during the course of the day.

>> No.17546027 [DELETED] 

They are certainly common in 毎日新聞言語
Most definitely.

>> No.17546174

Do test prep books even work? I am considering doing an N3 reading and grammar book cover-to-cover then an N2 one. I am planning to take the N2 in July 2018

>> No.17546213 [DELETED] 

I took n3 without any prep books. N2 is the next goal, but I figure I have to study for that

>> No.17546993

>Do test prep books even work?
Yes, I recommend using Nihongo Sou Matome, Kanzen Master and Shin Kanzen Master. They helped me a lot even for stuff unrelated to the JLPT.

>> No.17547327

If you can pass the N1 can you watch anime without subtitles and understand everything? I've been learning for 2 months and my academic goal is to pass the N1 after 12 months. But really I just want to watch anime, read manga, and play video games. I can catch a word every now and then so I guess I'm getting better.

>> No.17547369

It's going to entirely depend on the shows involved, really.

>> No.17548787

>pass the N1 after 12 months
I hope you're a NEET

>> No.17550881


>> No.17550919

For your sake I hope this is a joke post.

>> No.17550924

You can't be serious.

>> No.17550936

案の定 is like halfway through 6k

>> No.17550938
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Man, don't find excuses for not knowing everyday japanese. I see the expressions you have posted all the time while reading news.

>> No.17550946

Don't do that man. You'll burn out. 2 years is more realistic.

>> No.17550962

Do you have to do the lower levels before you can do the upper levels? If not, what's the point of taking the lower level tests? It's not like N5 and N4 certification offers any real benefits, right?

Just curious, I've been learning the language in my free time for a few months but I haven't really bothered reading about the JLPT itself since I just want to increase my weeb skills.

>> No.17550977
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Is it possible to learn Japanese without developing contempt for EOPs and people who gave up somewhere along the way to fluency?

>> No.17551030

You get a better sense of the test conditions and the type of questions

>> No.17551040

Isn't gloating at least the second important reason?
Man, I've been meaning to learn the damn language since I became a weeb like 15 years ago. Recently tried some app with previous JLPTs and could only pass N5 and N4. Lazy AND stupid? Sucks to be me. I don't really want it anymore, but I'd be fucking smug about it if I reached some decent level.

>> No.17551064

I feel like I will feel obligated to feel contempt for the communities that I felt home in up until now, but will never feel culturally at home in Japanese communities (assuming I shell out five bucks a month or whatever for a VPN), forcing me into a life of solitary hermitude.

>> No.17551093

I failed N1 by 3 points. Guess I should have studied instead of just assuming that my Japanese porn games would prepare me for an actual standardized test.

>> No.17551282

Why would I contempt them?
Inability to read your favourite cartoon stories without sucking some translator's dick is enough of a torment.

>> No.17551335

Passed N1 one year ago.

>> No.17551345

Good job. I'm proud of you, anon.

>> No.17551351 [DELETED] 

Thanks, friend. Next year I'll move to Japan again to conduct literary research. I hope to make you proud.

>> No.17551493

Same, with a score of 100 nonetheless.
But I don't care because I do not need to take the exam again

>> No.17551505

I scored close to full points, so it doesn't seem necessary to take it again.

>> No.17551546

Yeah. Don't go on websites that discuss anime/manga/LNs/games etc. Spend that time reading japanese instead.

>> No.17552272

討議 is a very common word used in everyday life.
I'm pretty sure I've heard 案の定, べからず in anime. Stop making excuses.

>> No.17552275

I recommend the 日本語能力試験完全模試 series of mock exams. Remember that you not only need to answer the questions, but you need to answer them in the time frame of that according section. Timing is essential.
These books not only give you the opportunity to run three mock exams by yourself, they also have lists of vocabulary/kanji, transcripts of the listening section, and all answers are briefly explained with their correct usage.
It really put my mind at ease going into the test knowing exactly what to expect and how to approach it.

>> No.17552303

It's a nice preparation for the higher levels, being a veteran. For some, like me, it's also a nice reward and boost of moral to actually "pass a test". Preparing for the test, taking it it, waiting for the results - it's a nice little adventure, if you so will. It breaks up the routine a bit, and it really helps as you review your knowledge and identify weak spots. If the few bucks and the afternoon to take it are not much of a bother to you, there really isn't much to loose but quite some fun/experience to gain.

>> No.17552327

>by 3 points
I agree with others who had the same result and said that this is the worst and they'd preferred to fail with a bigger margin. To come agonizingly close, only to fail by a hair'd breadth ...
On the other hand, ぎりぎり isn't much to be proud of, anyway, so just study harder and then ace it next time.

>> No.17552463

Because of course no anime would contain non-commonplace expressions.

>> No.17553548

I went through the N3 vocabulary/grammar/reading test sheets and missed no questions in the latter two but only got half right in the former (which is a seperate test).

Meanwhile, I did horribly on the N5 listening.

I think the issue with both is that, two this day, I still cannot process Japanese spoken language on the fly, yet alone speak it.

What is the best intensive practice for it? VNs haven't helped.

>> No.17553592

do you listen first and then try to work out what they said? I think it just takes a long time of hearing certain phrases and repetition, there's no way around it
I like to watch japanese shows on netflix with the japanese subs on- then I can check if I heard correctly, and the way they speak is usually harder to understand than a VN character imo

>> No.17553656

That sounds like a good idea.

>> No.17554689

was it the listening section?

>> No.17557970

Exactly my case, supposedly JCAT tells me I'm threading around N2 but I know my grammar is nowhere near that and I don't feel the flexibility of what a real N2 supposedly has.
I tried the whole Matome sou, Kanzen route for N3, I suppose it's still useful for the later levels?

>> No.17558011

The tough part of N2/N1 is that they give you little time to answer the questions, the tests are 1.5x longer than N3 but they give you roughly the same time to answer.

You need the reading speed of an average Japanese person (400-500 characters per minute) and a lot listening practice for keigo (about half the listening questions are of this kind).

>> No.17558055

When I took N2 I didn't finish some of the reading questions. But then next time on N1 I finished everything with 20 minutes to double check.

Train your reading and everything will go fine.

>> No.17560808
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Applications to take the JLPT N5 open tomorrow for me!

The test will be in early December. I'm about 70% of the way through Genki 1. I'm also using two Anki decks: one has all the Genki 1 vocabulary, and the other has all the Genki 1 example grammar sentences.

Any advice for me? I'm taking the test because I think it will help my JET application when I apply ~1.5 from now. (so mostly just for fun)

>> No.17560815

N5 level (= being able to say "konnichiwa") will hardly help you with anything.

You shouldn't worry at all about JET. They're recruiting people to be talking monkeys, the standards are insanely low.

>> No.17560926

Oh damn, you can check them online? I'm thinking about doing N4 this December.

>> No.17560950

>N1 is filled with expressions and kanjis that even japanese dont use.
This cheeky nigger.

>> No.17562373

I feel like I'm learning a lot lol...

I have 2 years before I graduate so I was planning on doing the N4 as well later on. Did you do JET, if you did, did you like it?

>> No.17562503

Nah, I didn't JET.

>> No.17562608

>2 years
>just N4
Read this:

You'll be able to get N3 level in about 1 to 1.5 years following those methods.

>> No.17562764

Oh, well in that case are you liking learning Japanese? Why do you study Japanese?

Ya, you're right I should do that. I could probably go from N5 -> N3 in 2018... But I still want to do N5 this December even if it's useless in itself, I'm just doing it for fun, it's a nice goal for me.

>> No.17562767

>Oh, well in that case are you liking learning Japanese?
Yeah, it's pretty good.

>Why do you study Japanese?
Next year I should be moving to Japan to do some university-related research in Japanese language, so knowing it is useful.

>> No.17566220

If you're a NEET (4 consistent hours of study a day) even a low passing N1 isn't ridiculous in 1-1.5 years.

>> No.17567604

>If you're a NEET (4 consistent hours of study a day)
>4 consistent hours of study a day
>passing N1
If NEETs could do that they'd not be NEETs anymore most probably

>> No.17571372

What are the benefits/drawbacks of using JLPT vocabulary instead of Core2k/6k?

>> No.17571482

I got N1 after 2 years while studying a different subject in university

That was 6 years ago and I'm still improving.

>> No.17571595

>japanese education

what use is a language test with no speaking or writing component?

>> No.17571846

>consistent study

>> No.17575066

You could try to watch japanese livestreams or use a japanese chat like gikopoi, where you can listen and then reply with written messages. I think the brain actually processes information faster when exposed to a social stress situation.

>> No.17575292

This is why I've always thought this test was weird.

My Japanese reading level is pretty decent but I've never really tried constructing my own sentences in the language, nor have I really ever spoken it aloud.

Yet judging from the practice tests they have online I could likely pass the N1 test even though my ability in the language is mostly limited to passively understanding it. I guess that's good enough for them?

>> No.17575633

Got to pass the N3 in december and my Japanese is still pretty shit,, any tips so I can dig myself out of this grave

>> No.17575802

Anything that only needs N3 is not gonna be a worthwhile pursuit. Drop everything.

>> No.17576614

At that level though, all you have to do is get a speaking tutor or go to an intensive conversation school for a few months and your speaking ability would improve exponentially.

>> No.17579697

I knew a guy like that. I banged his gf because I was a real man more interested in the pucci than some faggot who wants to read cartoons.

>> No.17581413

Is the jlpt literally just a bubble sheet test for the entire thing?? Also do you sit there and work for over 2 hours or do you get breaks??? I'm doing it in December but I never learnt the format it's in lmao

>> No.17583233

Can anyone recommend a website with audio recordings of native speakers reading out short Japanese texts like newspaper articles or short stories plus the transcripts of these texts? Tried listening to voiced lines in eroge but it's kinda inconvenient.

>> No.17583261

yes; the latter

>> No.17583304

It's called "standardized testing", anon. Consider yourself lucky you didn't have to do a couple of hundred of these during your school years. (Also, how the fuck does it take them almost 2 months to evaluate the result of a standardized test, aren't they bubble sheets so that evaluation can be automated?!)

>> No.17584922

More than 700k people take the JLPT each year. Even if it's automated, I think I'd take a long-ass time to evaluate that amount.

>> No.17585775

please excuse my nufaggotery but do you guys have one of those images that act as guide for something? i'm looking for one detailing where/how to get started on learning japanese.
pls no bully.

>> No.17587135


>> No.17592191

passed n4 in winter and have been slacking off ever since. gonna start again though, started chinese too

>> No.17603067

I'll probably take N2 next year if I muster the will to keep studying Japanese. I've been trapped in the moege ghetto for far too long.

>> No.17604951

let's take the N4 at least anon, you can do it

>> No.17604956

i mean, the N3

>> No.17604970

Be hard with yourself and when playing games or reading manga, dont leave the page without understanding what is written to a degree that you feel confident with yourself, if you feel like taking it more seriously read japanese news, read japanese newspapres and more importantly, talk with japanese in real life or by skype.
It would probably be faster if they evaluated them in place and didn't have to send them all to japan. Hell, when i toke it there were like 20 people or so in the lower floor, plus two instructors in each class, even if there are 100 people in one class they should be able to check the answers in a few minutes.
