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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 278 KB, 707x1000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17032441 No.17032441 [Reply] [Original]

Mahjong thread. Chombo edition

>> No.17032862

>knocking over the wall and/or hand
Worst girl.

>> No.17034102

you're not wrong

>> No.17034671

>Start off 2+0+0+1 today
Well that's not too bad
>End up 2+0+0+3
Just kill me now

>> No.17035895

>get one 4th
>Apply anti-tilting measures: switch to unranked ID and soak up bad luck
>Getting back in the swing of things, switch back to main
>Get 4th

>> No.17036862

I was in tenpai for a tsuiisou/daisangen double yakuman.
Someone successfully blocked it with a Nomi win

I have never been so disappointed by a 1st place

>> No.17036914
File: 451 KB, 960x540, Screenshot_2017-05-17-13-13-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.17037643
File: 425 KB, 735x623, Yakumandenied.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, it was never meant to be. That is mahjong.

>> No.17037937


>Yakuman saves my ass out of last place
>Sashikomi to cockblock the toimen and stop him from getting out of the mud

Sometimes, third place ain't that bad.

>> No.17037994

Camilla about to Ron this
But not before discarding Corrin's winning tile

Best girl

>> No.17038123

>It was never meant to be
Looked at the wall, I would have tsumo'd next turn

Gettint blocked by Chanta of of all things...

>> No.17038193

That's not even a chanta, it's just a haku.

>> No.17038237

You're looking at the wrong image

>> No.17038621

So I've heard that the R rating slows down once you've passed like 400 games.
If I say, have pretty low rank and have also played a LOT of games, does the R still rise enough so that it's worth keeping the account, or should I be starting fresh?
Keeping in mind that when I started I didn't know half the yaku.

>> No.17038638

Conventional wisdom is to ignore R until you get to 4th Dan. Once you're good enough to pull that off, you can get a new account to push your way back up to there with your R in mind.

>> No.17038658

Don't listen to the other guy, starting a new account is for pussies.

>> No.17038727

This. It doesn't make any difference until you are ready to break into Tokujou. Prove you can get to 4 dan first.

Making up R is a pain and the term 4 dan hell refers to the time where you are between 1600 and 1800 and are stuck playing people that you should be beating, but where every loss sends you down way more than a win sends you up.

If you are much lower than 1700 and it's usually a good idea to just start over.

>> No.17039021
File: 52 KB, 729x627, Crap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is not ok

>> No.17039056

Suck it up, I'm always the underdog

>> No.17039077
File: 82 KB, 724x625, Survival.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got unlucky on the free sex button the first time, then this happened and I'll take third.

>> No.17039088
File: 108 KB, 725x622, Full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And with everyone else's hands.

>> No.17039120

You were supposed to kill him

>> No.17039133

Shimocha was at least trying. That's a dealer sanbaiman with a 4p.

>> No.17040617


>> No.17041369
File: 196 KB, 1280x720, 1482463643233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is your 7447 rival?

>> No.17041377


I hate that fuck

>> No.17041719

Moonrunes guy

>> No.17042227

I guess it was Gogo before he disappeared. Don't know right now, maybe star-kun
you have to be a bit more specific, there a lot of people with moonrunes names

>> No.17042278

R is what tells you how good you are early on, though. It takes time to reach 4dan and your R will usually approach your real level of skill faster. If you are first dan with ~1800 R you know you're doing something right, if you're 3rd dan with sub 1600 R you know you're doing something wrong.

>> No.17042325
File: 311 KB, 852x904, 1390166756676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a new account

What's wrong with chugging through the hard stuff? Weaklings do that.

>> No.17042933

3:0 in 7447

>> No.17043311

Maybe all moonrunes are his rival.

>> No.17044295

On bots, do their names have to start with @ or is it anyone with an @ in his name?

>> No.17045392

The bot tag is an "n" in a circle. @ means nothing. As far as I know there's only one bot with the tag though.

>> No.17047335

>Get robbed from 1st several times today
>Keep getting 2nd

I should appreciate that it's still a net plus, but I'd be in much better shape if I could have closed that gap a few more times...

>> No.17048023
File: 408 KB, 745x639, WWYD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's have a good old WWYD.

>> No.17048037

If it's a mangan you could lose 1st place. It's a bet anyway so go with it and throw that haku.

>> No.17048092

I have to agree. These images are usually "GOTCHA!" bait but since everything is pointing towards hon/Chinitsu and there's literally nothing safe, a haku shanpon wait is at least less likely than a ryanmen wait on everything else in that hand.

>> No.17048109

I would accept defeat by discarding 8m

>> No.17048141

Just dropped by to say Lobster is best character.

>> No.17048336

7p for sure.

>> No.17048378
File: 439 KB, 741x636, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17048562

Haku would have been the best choice. Deal into South's garbage hand and secure 1st.

>> No.17048638

Would have gone haku as well, I wouldn't even see any threat so it would surprise me to deal in and end up first somehow. Would be a nice treat. 7p seems kinda scary though it ended up being nothing.

>> No.17048781

You can see three of the 5p, and the guy seems to over-all not give a shit about pinzu. I'd say fuck it and go with the 7p.

>> No.17049477

I don't get it. Why 8m? It's the first 8m in the discards, toimen is clearly in the souzu and/or man and there's no suji.
What am I missing here?

>> No.17049561

Having two 7man in the hand reduces the odds of a 789 or 678 needed for the win. Imperfect kabe in a situation with few options.

>> No.17049650

>I don't get it. Why 8m?
Notice the most recent 萬子 discard being 2... I am deciding to test my luck with something that is half-suji

>> No.17050193

That's not how kabe works.
That's not how half-suji works.

>> No.17050197

If you know everything, why can't you work out the logic of 8m discard yourself then

>> No.17050375

I'm not exactly too sure how kabe works but anon is right that half-suji doesn't work that way. With 2m, the half-suji is 5m, not 8m.

I can live with the kabe explanation though, 2 chance kabe is better than nothing.

>> No.17050421

The thing about half suji is that it generally doesn't work. It only works if they have a 3 wait ryanmen like 34567 waiting on 258 which isn't common.

>> No.17050726


Haku is unlikely to be a winning tile but it is possible. There's 5p kabe so if their wait is 7p it'd have to be pair/shabo wait (unless they did something super weird and cut 5p from a 568p shape I guess.) You just drew a second copy so they'd have to have the remaining 2 for shabo, as well. I think 7p is the safest tile based on what you can see, with haku being the next best thing. I prefer being as defensive as possible here because if you don't deal in, things can't go that poorly for you. Dealer mangan tsumo or a bigger ron on another player will bump you to 2nd but whatever, and A-san could win a reasonable hand and bump you to 2nd but whatever. I don't think cutting haku is indefensible, though. Obviously it sucks if that is their wait, but it's unlikely, and it's even more unlikely that they have a haneman to drop you into 4th.

Scrolling down to see the result, I guess haku would have made you win on the spot, so hey, cute. 8m is really bizarre, though. If you're resolved to pursue tenpai I think haku comes out first and then you'll have more information to work with when you have to decide to cut 7m/8m (assuming you draw 147s and have to make a decision to begin with.)

>> No.17051036

How is haku not the one and only obvious and objectively correct choice here?

The haku is the safest discard (yes, a yakuhai with 1 discarded is safer than a 7 kabe) AND it's the best discard offensively.

2 chance kabe is better than nothing, but it's a really really small advantage. You should only use it if there's absolutely no other difference between two tiles in terms of safety. Simply discarding a non-suji terminal is definitely better than a 2-chance kabe tile.

>> No.17051049

Haku to match my first row discards.

>> No.17051653

You're the man anon, I love doing that shit.

>> No.17052307

>How is haku not the one and only obvious and objectively correct choice here?
Only two are visible. Kamicha is forming shitty yakupai hand for a quick win. Chances are he will wait on something stupid to surprise those who think haku is safe. This has been happening quite often in ippan recently.

>> No.17052740

>Only two are visible. Kamicha is forming shitty yakupai hand for a quick win. Chances are he will wait on something stupid to surprise those who think haku is safe.
This is precisely the kind of thinking that keeps people in joukyuu hell.
>I have this pretty safe looking tile but I guess someone might be sneaky and wait on it because it appears safe
You can almost always think that way, except if you are the only one who knows that a certain tile looks safe, because it does so thanks to tiles in your hand. However the thing is most of the time tiles that look safe are safe, because that is what "looking safe" is all about - the percentage of times if would go through. 8m was without a doubt more dangerous in this case, the fact that it went through and haku wouldn't have doesn't change the fact that haku would've been the better discard.

>This has been happening quite often in ippan
Okay I don't know that, but it can't be happening often enough that 8m would become a better discard than haku in this case.
Haku has excatly two possible waits: tanki or shanpon. 7p has a possibility for shanpon, tanki, kanchan, penchan - everything but ryanmen is still possible.

>> No.17053112
File: 43 KB, 591x322, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here know how to install OpenRiichi? I've followed the instructions on the GitHub but this is what happens when I do the last step

>> No.17053354

The only reason you won is because I got disconnected

>> No.17053723

The funny thing is that I checked the lobby of the anon's pic and when I saw ippan, I changed my mind from haku to 8m. Also, toimen's discards make him appear to have honitsu, so I still would not want to risk throwing haku.

>> No.17053883
File: 697 KB, 1000x1000, 1392092129699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I'm finally back to the same R was when I got my last promotion. Now all I have to do is make up the 360 pt I lost.

>> No.17054264

There's no errors, it's just compiling.
Compiling is converting english programmerspeak into kumpooterspeak which your computer will then be able to run; I'm sure you can imagine that it is quite the difficult.
It's going to take a while.

Also, is your computer 32-bit? I see you are using mingw32. If your computer is 64-bit, you should compile for it.

>> No.17054519
File: 318 KB, 743x640, OK then.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so excited, this is the first time this is happening to me.

>> No.17054951

Not bad. I'm guessing someone else dealt into a trash hand?

>> No.17054964

no no, I got my daburii tanyao iipeikou! I was so happy...

>> No.17054992

This looks great, why aren't we using this?

>> No.17055242


>> No.17055372

Please recommend some good ero mahjong game.

I'd like to have girls' actual ingame sprite to represent current state of undress (not only to see clothing change on CG that is shown after you win).

Bonus points for:
1) General aura of embarassement. At least some girls should not be totally comfortable with what they are doing.
2) Being able to choose yourself what piece of clothing the girl will lose.
3) Being able to continue playing when one girl is naked.

If there is no sex or full nudity, I can live with that.

I know ELF games did something that fits some of the criteria. Is there anything better?

>> No.17055382

I got this the other day.
I dunno how close this is to your criteria, haven't played it yet.

>> No.17055428

Thank you. Doesn't seem to be close to my tastes based on quick search but will look into it more.

>> No.17055632

here's a list of them all.

>> No.17055644

The saki games are in that list and (unfortunately) it's not strip mahjong. Also, those are limited to VNs.
I'm guessing there's probably strip mahjong games out there that wouldn't be categorised as VNs and that's why anon is asking.
I'm also curious. I know for a thing strip mahjong games are unfair and I want the challenge.

>> No.17055684

sutorippu.com has a good catalogue. It is down at the moment though. Maybe you can read it out of google cache.

>> No.17057504

Alright, so I really know jack shit about all this. Once it's done compiling is there a command to run it or will it create an executable?

>> No.17057607

Nah, toimen has 2 suits that he never discarded not one. That's not really saying much about honitsu, since it's unlikely he didn't have a single tile of either manzu or pinzu throughout the whole hand.

>> No.17057616

manzu or souzu I mean.

>> No.17058070

Hi /jp/, I hope it's OK to ask this here.

I want to get my mom a mahjong set for her birthday. My aunt taught her to play American style mahjong and she her own set.

I want to get my mom a mahjong set for her birthday. Does /tg/ have any recommendations? Ideally something I can send her from Amazon since she doesn't live nearby.

Price isn't a huge concern but I'd like to keep it under $100. Do you guys have any recommendations?

>> No.17058092

>4th place losing streak
pls how do I stop

>> No.17058352

Just so you know, American Mahjong is considered a bit of a joke here since it has nothing to do with any of the standard Asian variants and is more of an old lady game versus a high tension gambling game.

You can pretty much play any Asian version if you have a tileset from there with some ingunity, but American sets use unique tiles not found in any other types (jokers) so make sure you get one that specifies American. Amazon should be fine unless you're looking for vintage in which case eBay would be a better bet

>> No.17058448

Watch your replays and then take a break.

Was it because you dealt into something stupid? Did you fail at tile efficiency? Did the sex button just backfire? What went wrong should tell you what you might want to work on. Just be aware not to overcompensate and get too far off from your standard strategy or you will continue spiraling downward.

>> No.17058504

Good advice.

Having been through many hard times myself, I isolated my main issue: detecting tenpai.

It doesn't get brought up that often, but most of my biggest losses came when I assumed it was safe to discard anything due to us being early in the round. Obviously riichi isn't an issue but open and dama hands need attention as well.

>> No.17060104

Dama isn't a big issue until you hit the higher ranks, but you need to watch anyone making multiple calls or even 1 call once it gets late in the round.

>> No.17061565

For the sake of convenience, mangafox

A deals B's winning tile
B ignores it, draws and discards
C draws and discards
D discards the exact same tile as A

Since this is all in the same go around, is B in furiten? Would calling ron now be a chombo?

>> No.17061949

Washizu mahjong tiles are kind of unrealistic. The layer of glass or clear plastic this thick would be too refractive to see the image through at an angle. The player opposing you would be ok (having to lower the head maybe) but left and right probably would not see well enough. The solution would be to ditch transparency (it was a cool idea though) and use a non tactile image at both sides.

Also it is hard to manufacture the set in a way that transparent and non transparent tiles are the same tactile feel. Weight and having paint/no paint would be difficult to negate. Manga even uses classic dark and white color scheme for opaque tiles that you can totally feel. Knowing if your tile is transparent or not would be an important enough factor if you have a long nose.

Also I know Washizu sets exists but don't think they adress any problems that could rise.

I'd say you are right, B is in furiten at the moment. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, my rule knowledge is surface level.

>> No.17061980

yes, it's only temporary furiten, so D would get ronned. But only works with open hands

>> No.17062077

Oh I see
One is in temp furiten
>until your next discard
so when B discards, it's a new go around and hence B isn't in furiten.
Thanks guys

>> No.17062261

It's not about open hands, it's about whether you called riichi or not. You can't pass on a win and then ron if you called riichi.

>> No.17063346

anybody have any experience gambling with mahjong? has anybody gone to a mahjong parlor?

>> No.17063364

I go to the US parlor often, but it's one of those "no gambling" establishments (outside of parking lot agreements of course)

Given how obsessed I am with this game, it's for the best that I don't gamble

>> No.17063519

When you say US parlor, where do you mean?

>> No.17063704

The one in LA (Gardena) thought it was common knowledge by now

>> No.17063814


You're right, since you said it was no-rate I should have known you were talking about LAPOM. I'm just trying to find out about other places.

>> No.17065033

I now also have this question, but for Linux rather than Windows. I don't see any executable

>> No.17065397


After you run all commands from the readme (with no errors) it will make an executable. In Linux search for it in /usr/bin or try to run it using the program name in console. No idea where it will be in Windows, try looking in source code folder or do system wide search.

>> No.17066423


Now I know where my luck from this month went. Too many good draws all throughout the game. No crazy yakuman, but I wouldn't mind if more of my games were like this.

>> No.17066481

I'm afraid I can't find it under /usr/bin nor can I run it using the program name

>> No.17066517

Pretty brutal.
I was about to wonder why you threw that red 5 in east 4, until I realized there wasn't any pair.

>> No.17066640

Yeah, if possible I'd have preferred to keep it, I was honestly expecting to fill the 5-8 6-9 on pinzu to form a pair there for tenpai, drawing the 7p caught me off guard.

I almost discarded the 6s when I drew the 3, to call riichi on a suji trap, but figured it was too dumb and it'd probably be safer to play the 3s instead of the dora. I was wrong.

>> No.17066680

I just finished compiling.
The bin is in OpenRiichi/bin.
Move it over to /usr/bin.
Windows guy should try searching there as well.

>> No.17066800

My bad, don't move it to /usr/bin
There's a data directory in OpenRiichi/bin that the binary needs to run.
You can move both of them around, just keep the binary and "Data" together.

>> No.17066817

So what's so special about this openriichi program? What justifies the effort?

>> No.17066818

Tried it. Can confirm, it appeared in /home/(username)/OpenRiichi/bin

>> No.17066863

It's something new and shiny that we haven't touched before.
It can play offline.
It's pretty.
There is OpenRiichi in the game.
The End

In case you didn't catch that, there's little that justifies the effort but if you're curious, it's something to look at.

>> No.17066898
File: 928 KB, 1440x900, 1492353692393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Observe the open riichi tanki tsumo

>> No.17067006

Nice wait, faggot.

>> No.17067117

>Discarding the 6m instead of the 4

>> No.17067128

Thanks, I made it myself.

>> No.17067155

How smart are these bots?

>> No.17067567
File: 9 KB, 641x59, Selection_999(108).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean to keep Data and the binary in the same folder, right? Whenever I try to run it I keep getting the pictured error

>> No.17068553

Yup, keep them in the same folder.

>> No.17068584 [DELETED] 

I'm afraid I keep getting that error

>> No.17068594

I keep getting that error despite the fact that I also put Data in /usr/bin/

>> No.17068670


>> No.17071254

Try not putting them into /usr/bin then. Just run it from home.

>> No.17072506

Apparently I'm doing something wrong or am missing something, because I keep getting that error even when I run it from OpenRiichi/bin

>> No.17075484

If straight after compiling you can't run the binary in OpenRiichi/bin, you can still try making sure you downloaded all the dependencies listed on the github; you might have missed out on some runtime ones. Personally on Arch, it compiles and runs fine.
If that fails, you'll have to seriously reconsider whether you actually want to go through all this trouble for what is a mahjong client you will probably never use.

>> No.17075973

From experience this site is the most complete listing in English. There are a few Japanese sites out there which are better (a quick google will locate those).

I also can recommend checking out PC98 and MAME catalogues - a lot of good ones that satisfy your criteria on those (could say it was the golden age for those kind of games). There's a lot of AI cheating in most MAME games, though that could be said about the strip mahjong genre in general.

>> No.17077841
File: 426 KB, 960x540, Screenshot_2017-05-25-13-20-21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally work my way back up to 1st
>Just have to keep my head down and ride out the storm


>> No.17079376

Well, he wanted to die.

>> No.17079502

And that's how a 4 dan gets stuck in Joukyuu.

>> No.17079733

What's the best singleplayer mahjong game?

>> No.17079740


>> No.17080062

>playing the version with crutches

>> No.17080081

I just got kicked out of tokujou. It was kind of fun to believe I was good at something.

>> No.17080141
File: 190 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] 3-gatsu no Lion - 10 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_04.01_[2016.12.21_22.19.15].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You made it once, you can make it again. I've been stuck in joukyuu for over a year so don't sell yourself short

>> No.17080310

Does anyone here use seganet via Wine on Linux (or know anyone that does)? I'm having trouble where I can only get it to install on a 64 bit prefix, where it won't run because it requires dotnet framework 3.5 (which can't be installed on a 64 bit prefix), and on a 32 bit prefix, the installer gives me an error saying it requires dotnet framework 3.5, but that specific version of dotnet framework doesn't seem to work on wine (says it's not supported when trying to install via winetricks) and hangs at winetricks trying to execute a command to change windows version.

Have also tried dotnet framework 30sp1 (which the wine page on the game says it works using that) but that doesn't seem to work.

Any help would be incredibly appreciated

>> No.17080487

After fucking around with it more, I got it to work on a 32 bit prefix with the staging version of wine, making sure not to use wine-mono (because apparently it fucks with dotnet libraries), and by using vcrun6 and mfc40 with winetricks

I still haven't gotten sound to work but I'm presuming that's because I'm using alsa on this setup and not pulse

>> No.17081402

I wonder if Stallman would enjoy Mahjong (which he calls riichi PLUS Mahjong)

>> No.17081421

More like Mahjong PLUS riichi. Mahjong was there first.

>> No.17081822

>I refuse to play a game which has tiles that I cannot view, modify and redistribute freely. You don't control the tiles, they control you!
>Open riichi! Feel free to modify my hand as you wish, it's under the GPL.

>> No.17082467

I bet he's an open tanyaoi nomi faggot.

>> No.17083510

Yea? I've been looping in and out of tokujou this weekend.

>> No.17086040

Haku. What can happen is either A) you deal into toimen's honitsu or B) you deal into kamicha. If you deal into toimen it's probably not enough to get him into first place, so you get another round. And of all your tiles, the haku is among the safest against kamicha too.

If you want to win the hand you have to throw the haku out at some point, too. And I don't think playing too defensively is smart here, because you'll give kamicha the chance to build a bigger hand and you'll give toimen a bigger chance to win, sending you into another round.

>> No.17086738

>Local dealer can't stop riiching and calling tiles and winning even though he's 30k ahead of everyone else

>> No.17087210

I thought that with a riichi hon'itsu (of which a haku could be part of), oya would become first place and end the game, or even if it's not hon'itsu, it would give him a renchan.

>> No.17087880
File: 218 KB, 1207x904, help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can somebody explain to me why I+m unable to call Tsumo?

>> No.17087912

no yaku

>> No.17087921

Because you called any tiles you could like a little slut.

>> No.17087927
File: 73 KB, 1055x640, 1486600571925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17087928
File: 815 KB, 2560x1439, 569591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17088154
File: 319 KB, 909x500, 1451734494769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every fucking thread

>> No.17088823
File: 135 KB, 1280x720, 1373857973286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Play almost perfectly
>Get 4th 5 times in a row
>Play like a complete idiot, including riichi with no outs

>> No.17089726

Well this month went to shit fast. Time for the demotion game.

>> No.17089842

And there it is. Toimen is up 60k on everyone else on South 3 and still calls riichi behind me, so of course I ippatsu into him.

>> No.17089844
File: 82 KB, 1280x720, 1422069999167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And of course he hits 3 ura dora

>> No.17089935

>Play almost perfectly
Somehow I doubt it.

>> No.17090342
File: 361 KB, 737x645, Double riichi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who remembers this?

>> No.17092278
File: 102 KB, 450x443, 1466743846242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you.

>> No.17092600


I recall seeing a video on youtube of the same thing happening but somehow I remember it being xia toitsu. Is this it or is it a different person?

>> No.17092613

Nevermind, I found the video.
It's a different person.
Or at least it's a different hand.

>> No.17093614
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Who would do this?

>> No.17094292

Someone that really wanted a double riichi cause they've never had one and didn't see the tsumo button.

>> No.17095293

E1: get ronned on a dealer dama haneman on the 7th fucking discard
E1-2: dealer tsumo baiman, busted

This is why I can't get anywhere in this fucking game. this shit is a common occurrence in one form or another and everything I read to increase my defense states that shit like that just happens and be glad it's rare.

There's some fucking voodoo on me! How else can this reality bending horseshit persist!?

>> No.17095418

Post replay, it sounds like it was a hilariously fun game for the dealer.

>> No.17095434


>> No.17095454

Oh yeah, he got his tsumo on a fucking rinshan btw

>> No.17095626
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The rinshan. Nothing much you could do about that.

The first hand however. If you intended to use that east, you keep it. Else, you discard it earlier. By the time you chose to discard it, it was too late. That was on you.

>> No.17096356

Personally I wouldn't have discarded that 2m, instead discarding chun. Which means the next discards would have been done 1 turn earlier and ton would have been discarded turn 6 instead of turn 7.
It's true that hand was crazy fast but it happens rarely.

>> No.17096470

It's OK starman, you'll climb back up soon.

>> No.17096526


e1: why keep east for that long, and why drop it that late when it's obviously threatening?
e2: bad naki. winning a 1k hand won't help get you out of last place, and taking that tile wound up giving the dealer their baiman.

neither of these things are particularly bad, but they're definitely the reason why you're 2d instead of higher. you'll improve with practice, since both of these things were avoidable (second only through hindsight).

>> No.17096706

Haven't posted in these threads in like 3 years, come back and immediately see this classic. Beautiful.

>> No.17096954

I was thinking of exactly the same thing, chun rather than 2m. I was surprised that neither the chun nor the ton came out that turn.

>> No.17098099

>e1: why keep east for that long, and why drop it that late when it's obviously threatening?
How was ton obviously threatening? Otherwise I agree that it should've been discarded sooner.

>bad naki. winning a 1k hand won't help get you out of last place, and taking that tile wound up giving the dealer their baiman.
I disagree, you need to play offensively when you're last place. Yes, aiming for bigger hands is of course better but at the point he had no realistic chance to get more than a 1k hand or the noten payment. The only hand that looked threatening at that point was kamichas obvious honitsu. However since he had no man tile that he had to discard to complete his hand trying to do so was a valid option.

>> No.17098288

When you drew 4p, I would have discarded chun in hopes of making blocks with currently useless tiles. Forming yakupai with 2 dora here does not sound like a great idea. The best outcome with your hand could have been riichi, pinfu, tanyao, and 2 dora.

tl;dr: Cut chun. You probably weren't deciding on yakupai anyway.

>> No.17098352

This is why I never post replays here and while that one was only for entertainment value, it's turned into another case of 20/20 hindsight advice.

The ton I had kept as I figured there was a possibility of using in the early round but by 7th discard I figured someone was holding on to a pair and better get it pon'd now than ronned later. Yeah it would have been better to toss it earlier and keep the 2man, but I tend to re-draw kazehai/yakuhai tiles I discard early, and in my experience folks tend to riichi in e1 so it seemed pretty safe especially given his ordinary looking pond.

I'm sure everyone has an opinion on this but frankly I'm my own worst critic and there hasn't been anything said that I couldn't figure out watching my own replays. Every "Mahjong pro" rushing in here to congratulate themselves on "what they would have done" is why peeps don't want to post replays so much anymore.

You're​ right with your e2 view: the points were inconsequential, I needed to kill his dealership and hopefully change the flow of the game. Staging a comeback would have been possible at least, but a fucking rinshan baiman? Oh well

Got a few firsts to offset it, so no biggie in the long run.

>> No.17098509


>> No.17098603

>This is why I never post replays here and while that one was only for entertainment value, it's turned into another case of 20/20 hindsight advice.
What? My advice isn't hindsight at all, I argued solely based on the facts visible to you while you made the decisions. The fact I defended a lot of your plays despite them leading to bad consequences should also tell you as much.

>but I tend to re-draw kazehai/yakuhai tiles I discard early
It's fine to keep yakuhai a bit, but at least the chun should've been played before the 2m as it was discarded once already. Since your hand had a good chance for pinfu and tanayo I would also dicard ton before 2m, though. Tanayo especially made the ton less usefull as it gives the same han points and allows you to open your hand anyway. The only case where you'd really need the 1p was when you'd draw another 4p anyway.

>and in my experience folks tend to riichi in e1 so it seemed pretty safe especially given his ordinary looking pond.
I agree, like I said I don't see any reason why ton should be dangerous there.

>the points were inconsequential, I needed to kill his dealership
Points are never inconsequential (well oorasu aside). Even if you only get, let's say 1,5k from noten, that's still a 3k difference compared to the players that have to pay, which can easily decide games.

>> No.17098668

Sorry if it seemed like I singled you out, I was talking in general terms and agree with your views.

>> No.17098722

for E1: multiple tedashi honor discards tells you that the dealer is too much of a risk to try to play against and you should've given up right from the beginning. In this case, the worst-case scenario happened (that the dealer drew multiple useful souzu that brought them to tenpai) and the East was discarded just in time to deal in, which was bad luck. The best choice is to either drop East right away, then fold if it's called, or to fold to a blatant hon/chin.

for E2: calling would be fine if he were tenpai after making the call. However, the hand was still a complete wreck at the start of the 3rd row and it would've been better to just cut your losses right then and there.

like i said the last time, it's just stuff to learn from. it's a gradual improvement grind anyway.

>> No.17098734
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>I tend to re-draw kazehai/yakuhai tiles I discard
>I needed to kill his dealership and hopefully change the flow of the game
Without having looked at the replay at all I can tell you that this is why you're apparently 2d.

>> No.17098760


Long story short: you were unlucky
But let's talk about it a bit

E1: You either trow all yakuhai instantly or you keep them until you are sure they are safe. It's not about insight, you werent even in tenpai so putting out the ton is still wrong because you either get ronned or still help someone else go in tenpai. You would have still lost point even if Oya wasn't going for a big hand, and that's not good
E1-2 Not really good either, because C was cleary going for honitsu and you still almost got it all by discarding 9m and 7m. Of course oya rishan is nobody's fault

>> No.17098778

>Every "Mahjong pro" rushing in here to congratulate themselves on "what they would have done" is why peeps don't want to post replays so much anymore

You were just called out for this bullshit...

>> No.17099107

>literally believes in magic
>hurr durrr "mahjong pro"
you're a retard

>> No.17099152

Man fuck you. This isn't Shogi dipshit, luck plays a part.

Act all high and mighty while you can, everyone here has skeletons in their closets and you'll be cursing your bad luck/mistakes sooner than you think. The one thing you have up on me right now is you'll have the good sense to keep that shit to yourself, unlike me.

>> No.17099156

Magic isn't real anon

>> No.17099165

Like I said, keep gloating while you can. You'll get yours soon enough, like we all do. But whatever, I'm obviously being baited here.

>> No.17099170

Sure, wahtever you want. Just keep playing retardedly ("I need to do this for muh flow", "I tend to re-draw kazehai/yakuhai tiles I discard") for the sake of non-existant magic and then blaming said magic when you lose. Because why would you take the game seriously and try to get better, right?

>> No.17099210

It's quite nice seeing people arguing with such fever, because once you get to play a lot all your fire is almost cold as ice, after millions of ups and downs

>> No.17099224
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obviously luck is important, but it's just as easy to dismiss logic to pursue ideas that are only guided by your feelings and confirmation biases. the best thing for you to do is to really take a long hard look at things that felt like they were correct and then explore other possibilities if they didn't wind up working out. you will improve quickly if you keep asking questions and looking for new potential solutions to the problems you face because people will give you advice along the way; even advice you don't agree with makes you develop your own reasoning and will help.


just because you're right doesn't mean you have to be a prick about it. my guess is that you're one of those 4d sub-1800 who think they're hot shit because they finally made it to 4d and are "better" than the rest of the joukyuu around them. there are always bigger fish in this world for both you and me.

>> No.17099253

I'm not being a dick about it because I think I'm good at mahjong though, I'm being a dick about it because A) the idea of magic actually existing is retarded and B) he started by being a dick about it to that other guy

>> No.17099272

What you call "magic" some folks call probability, or "I was tired that night" or "I payed a perfect game but some other player kept dealing in".

Just cool it, everyone

>> No.17099283

Yeah "I tend to re-draw kazehai/yakuhai tiles I discard" is totally based on probability and statistics and so is "changing the flow of the game".

>> No.17099305

it's quite easy staff to do: watch your replay and see if what you did was the best course of action: everybody makes a lot of mistakes, especially with such little time and low informations.

>> No.17099348

You're awfully fixated on that comment. It isn't unusual to toss yakuhai early only to draw another one. The real logic here is how long to hold

>> No.17099513

It's okay to look at a game once it's over and say "I was unlucky" or "the flow was good today" but you can't use luck or flow to influence your decisions during a game. "I'm on a good streak so I'll chase the dealer's riichi with this hell wait dora tanki" or "I keep drawing useless tiles, I better call to change the draw order" is bad reasoning and will lead to bad results.

Also lots of people say they played perfectly and only lost due to bad luck. Maybe they did, but people often have an inflated sense of their own skill and very very rarely is it the case that they actually did play "perfectly". That's why I'm always skeptical whenever someone makes that claim.

>It isn't unusual to toss yakuhai early only to draw another one
It's just as likely for the same thing to happen with literally any other tile you might discard, except you don't get confirmation bias when that happens.

>> No.17099581

You're using extremes here. By that logic the very talented people that hang around here just forget how to play properly and derank.

To address your second point, you're absolutely right that there isn't any greater chance to draw another dragon than any other tile, and bias does play a role (just ask the chiitoi prince). If we were all playing 100 digital with the same style, how boring would that be? I like playing with the guy that rubs his amulet before a risky discard, or the girl that has weird hand gestures when she's trying to tsumo, or all the other shit that make this game "magic".

Of course there's times and places, and something that works for player A is the bane of player B, but what a joyless experience riichi mahjong would be without all that color.

>> No.17099708

>You're using extremes here. By that logic the very talented people that hang around here just forget how to play properly and derank.
Those are just examples, don't ignore the point. Luck exists, but it's something you can only consider retrospectively, not prospectively. It's the difference between "I won because my luck was good" and "I will win because my luck is good".

>To address your second point, you're absolutely right that there isn't any greater chance to draw another dragon than any other tile, and bias does play a role (just ask the chiitoi prince). If we were all playing 100 digital with the same style, how boring would that be? I like playing with the guy that rubs his amulet before a risky discard, or the girl that has weird hand gestures when she's trying to tsumo, or all the other shit that make this game "magic".
>Of course there's times and places, and something that works for player A is the bane of player B, but what a joyless experience riichi mahjong would be without all that color.
The beauty of mahjong is that, even if everyone played the same way, every situation is different. There are so many different factors to consider, and each person will value each one differently, leading to different reasoning even in houou and even among the tenhoui. However, the important thing is that there is logical reasoning based on real factors. You'll never see a houou player say anything like "I only dealt in because I forgot to rub my amulet", he'll say something like "under this point situation my hand was good enough to justify pushing this dangerous tile". And then you might get a stronger player come along and say "well actually due to xyz you're not justified in pushing this".

From my point of view I don't see how anyone could enjoy playing mahjong just by flipping coins or rubbing amulets as opposed to actively challenging yourself to improve your ability to reason and evaluate choices.

>> No.17099778
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>the idea of magic actually existing is retarded
You must be boring as fuck

>> No.17099934


People can and should do whatever lets them have the most fun with the game. I have fun being analytical, but if you want to try and make Saki real, that's fine. The issue here is, if you show up and complain about your results, then it's normal to assume you want to get better results. And if you want better results, then you have to take all the occult stuff and put it in the garbage.

>> No.17099966

It's not an all or nothing playstyle. You could be staunchly digital 98% of the time, but are then presented with something so exciting you just can't resist, but that's why different playstyle make the game interesting.

And winning after your gamble failed is a time-honored tradition. This is just the wrong outlet for it

>> No.17099971


>> No.17100389

On the topic of luck, does anyone else call tiles to line themselves up with a haitei then riichi on the last go around? Or kan with a jigoku machi while in first? Or go into tanki to aim at players?

It rarely ever pays off but playing abnormally once in a while is

>> No.17100429


>does anyone else call tiles
>then riichi

? ? ?

>> No.17100463

Stupid me
>Riichi in the hopes of ippatsu haitei
>Call to line up with haitei

>> No.17100602
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It's not really luck. It's more or less a tactic to either give yourself the haitei chance OR to deny someone else that haitei chance. It's really up to the situation whether it is appropriate.

>> No.17101185

for E1: multiple tedashi honor discards tells you that the dealer is too much of a risk to try to play against and you should've given up right from the beginning.
The dealer discarded his 2nd honor tile on his 6th turn. How was he supposed to defend from the begininng because of that?
Also defending from the beginning is rarely a good idea unless your hand is seriously shit which aboslutely wasn't the case. Defending from the start would be complete bullshit.

>for E2: calling would be fine if he were tenpai after making the call. However, the hand was still a complete wreck at the start of the 3rd row and it would've been better to just cut your losses right then and there.
Arguable. The hand would be 1-shanten with a decent shape. He had about 6 draws left and could've reached tenpai by calling. Plus, like I said, he didn't have to discard any tiles dangerous against kamicha to do so.

>Long story short: you were unlucky

>You either trow all yakuhai instantly or you keep them until you are sure they are safe.
Nah, you can discard stuff earlier then honor tiles e.g. terminals especially if you have tiles 3 above or below them like the 9m. The 2m however should've stayed.

>E1-2 Not really good either, because C was cleary going for honitsu and you still almost got it all by discarding 9m and 7m. Of course oya rishan is nobody's fault
Kamicha didn't have any man tiles OR honor tiles discarded, yet. That's a clear sign he wasn't in tenpai already, throwing 7m and 9m was fine in terms of it's risk.

You need to play with a cold mind but a hot heart.

>> No.17101827

Every single discard was tedashi and gave us a lot of info. Haku followed by 97p tells us that his hand shape is already good, 37m tedashi along with the others warns us of a potential souzu honitsu, chun warns us that he's close to tenpai, and 9s is a clearer danger indicator (iishanten or tenpai). When there are that many indicators, defense is prudent. those are all good reasons to fold from the beginning.

As for round 2, the value of being tenpai is pretty low. Even if you have to pay out 3k you still get to advance to the next round of the game. Limiting your capability to fold isn't great here because you can't see a single dora and the dealer has been in tsumogiri since the first row, which is a potential risk factor. The honitsu/chinitsu threat is also rough. Being aware of these kinds of things is the way you get to the next level.

>> No.17102032

>haku 97p means good hand
>chun means close to tenpai
>9s is danger

All I see is the usual terminal and honour discarding at the start of the round; honours and terminals mean jack for the first few turns.
If anything, more honour discards means a lower chance of someone pulling a honitsu, how are you seeing the danger in these discards?
Care to elaborate?

>> No.17102309

not him but I think the first lesson I learnt by playing in tokujo is NOT DISCARD ALIVE YAKUHAI CARELESSLY

>> No.17102968


Sure, I'll break down my opinions on it turn by turn.

1: Haku by itself doesn't tell us anything, but later conclusions will be supported by this discard. As a retrospective consideration, the dealer wasn't considering honitsu until he drew the second East, which made him decide to drop 3m and was then followed by 97p after drawing more souzu. (This suggests a wait-and-see attitude and makes the 97p and Chun discards a lot more important later)

2: 3m is a great tile to keep on its own, and the fact that it was discarded early tells us that he isn't concerned about dora. This means one of two things:
- hand is close to tenpai (which would be confirmed by future tsumogiri or a probable riichi in a few turns)
- hand has value higher than drawing a dora would give him (single-suit sou or pin)

3: 97p discards tell us that at that time, that was the worst shape in his hand. That means he's confirming higher-odds shapes or higher-value shapes (or both). This, combined with the 3m discard, indicates a souzu-biased hand and probable ryanmen/sanmen waits.

4: 7m is a discard that confirms everything else we've seen so far and further hints that they have a souzu-heavy hand. It confirms that he doesn't have any dora or connecting manzu tiles because if he did, he would keep the 7m in hopes of connecting a dora tile to that group. (Matagi suji upper manzu wait is still possible but is unlikely)

5: Chun discard is important because it shows that he wanted to keep it for longer than the 3/7m; this is the key confirmation for honitsu. It also shows that he probably doesn't have a lot of other "useless" tiles left in his hand and is likely ryanshanten/potentially iishanten (which we would find out when we see other honor tiles or overflowing souzu tiles coming out of his hand).

6: 9s is the danger discard that signals iishanten or tenpai. It's the "overflow" tile you usually see when someone makes a call to get into single-suit tenpai. Since we saw that discard right after the chun, it probably means tenpai. At that point, ori is the only real choice.

>> No.17103023


A lot of these opinions were developed more after the fact, but what I was thinking as I watched the replay (with hands hidden) was:

1: -
2: probably fast hand
3: -
4: broken group = hand has great shapes
5: uh oh, probably honitsu
6: it's definitely honitsu, time to fold
7: maybe he's tenpai now

>> No.17103135

Gosh that was a lot of thinking. Does all that shit flow around in your head as you play? Seems like a nightmare. I always like to think my stupid discards throw a wrench in people trying to analyze me like that.

>> No.17103306

>late round fold
>Out of safe tiles
>All 2pin visible, 3 of the 4pin out as well, holding on to two 3pin
>Deal into TWO 3pin tanki waits

I'm not even mad, just amazed at how this game can defy probability on such a regular basis

>> No.17103371

>Every single discard was tedashi and gave us a lot of info. Haku followed by 97p tells us that his hand shape is already good, 37m tedashi along with the others warns us of a potential souzu honitsu
Haku doesn't really say much if you plan to go for a hand that doesn't need any honor tiles (e.g. one that uses pinfu and/or tanayo) you can even discard it before otakaze to keep safer tiles. If anything it told as he wasn't going for honitsu yet, like you said in another post. It's true that 9p/7p and 37m indicate a good hand but you can't always defend just because someone seems to have a good starting hand or you'll end up playing to defensively.

>Limiting your capability to fold isn't great here because you can't see a single dora and the dealer has been in tsumogiri since the first row, which is a potential risk factor.
The 6s call wasn't dangerous at all. Like I said twice since kamichas honitsu was extremely obvious defending against it was simple. As for shimocha: Even after calling 6s he still had 3 100% safe tiles (2 8p and 5m), meaning if he wanted to go for defense he could still easily do so at any point. If anything by not calling he would lose on the opportunity to get a chance for an almost riskless win or noten payment.

Live yaku is somewhat dangerous but usually not as much as no-suji middle tiles. You can't just stop discarding all somewhat dangerous tiles just because you suspect someone might be in damaten after 6 discards.

>> No.17104908
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This is how you bully tokujou

>> No.17105015

>Why can't I hold all these useful tiles!?

>> No.17105442
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It's been a good month.

>> No.17105880

>but I tend to re-draw kazehai/yakuhai tiles I discard early
This is occult thinking.
If you don't pair up your yakuhai tiles by the 3rd turn they're to be discarded unless your hand is really bad or you're going for a honitsu/chanta.
Your hand has a decent chance to become a pinfu so you're only gimping this chance by keeping these yakuhai tiles anyway (on top of them being potentially risky later on).

>> No.17108652

>It's occult thinking
Call it what you want, but if someone experiences the same event so many times it's noticable, they adapt accordingly. It might be incorrect from a purely logical standpoint and eventually cease altogether, but you learn by experience.

>> No.17109425
File: 1.50 MB, 600x338, 1468485331207.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reached 1900 R today, feels pretty good.

>> No.17109822

nice anon

>> No.17109959

Cherish it. Cherish it while you can!!

>> No.17110036

Well sure you'll just learn by experience that slowing down your pinfu hand without a more valuable hand in sight is not a good idea even by occult standpoint

>> No.17110150

>I tend to re-draw kazehai/yakuhai tiles I discard early
Everyone does. If you're oya and discard pei, you still get a chance of drawing another pei, and often times you do, and it's annoying. However, choosing score or speed is entirely up to you. Most people here will likely not convince you and instead say as much as "this is why you're [rank]" or "this is precisely why you will never get out of [lobby]."

>> No.17110531
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>> No.17110605

>not fully embracing the glory of pure digital
This is why you're [rank]

>> No.17110881

>P(E) being close to zero means it is occult
Ah, you are pseudo-digital, I see.

>> No.17110903
File: 411 KB, 731x649, Choose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I intend to call riichi. Choose your wait.

>> No.17110988

Cut the 2p and it should be obvious. There is no reason to take a hell wait even suji trapped while you also have a ryanmen with 4 winning tiles.

>> No.17111008

this is tokujo, so discard 2pin and dama, nobody is discarding a 6-9 against oya riichi anyway

>> No.17111012

Oh shit. I didn't realize a closed kan by someone else would stop an ippatsu. That would have made it super close.

>> No.17111022
File: 143 KB, 400x550, Ur a Faget 8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dama with no yaku

>> No.17111038

yes, to defend the east and maybe get the draw

>> No.17111050
File: 360 KB, 745x651, Winner is me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


C'mon, grow some balls!

>> No.17111053
File: 269 KB, 1280x720, Ur a Faget3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are dealer
You have 2 dora already with no yaku

This is textbook riichi territory. You don't know what you are talking about. Tsumo makes this mangan.

>> No.17111073

as expected
I know perfectly what I'm talking about: the usual pick would be 6-9man wait, but you only have 4 out left and no suji trap in your discards. Nobody will discard that against the dealer and most of the times you will lose 1000 riichi point or even risking to get other points from a Ron. It's S2 and you are not last: there is no reason to risk

>> No.17111081


Failing that you can always dig into the rinshan to find it

>> No.17111089

Discard 9m because you have already discarded 9p and 9s. Why not have all three discarded?

>> No.17111096

The only reason to go dama there would be to improve the wait as you can't pick up another yaku without some serious help. 1s puts you in furiten so the only thing that improves the wait significantly enough to make it worth waiting is the 8s which makes is clear that instariichi is the only option, especially that late in the round.

Tsumo, ippatsu, or ura dora all get you to mangan and even without any of them you still have 7700 which is enough to justify the move by itself.

>> No.17111097

This anon knows what he's talking about.

>> No.17111107

I am a master at making sure my kawa has every courner occupy the same number.

>> No.17111118

I'm not saying that this is not an option or that it's a wrong solutions, I was explaining my reasoning. What you say is mostly right but more times than other it will end with you getting ronned.or losing the riichi steak

>> No.17111425


>> No.17111428
File: 821 B, 198x52, FUCK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A good start for this month.

>> No.17111431

That was the end of my last month. Started off really well and then ended with 7 4ths out of the last 9 games and demoted.

>> No.17113121

>but more times than other it will end with you getting ronned
Nah, 4 outs isn't that bad late in the round. Also if people continue to attack they can't defend as well increasing the chance to deal into your hand. Either you make people defend, which is good as it secures you the noten payment which is worth the riichi stick or it's a battle for the win in which case a hand with 4 outs worth at least 5800 and a good chance to become dealer mangan is worth the risk.

>> No.17113674


>> No.17116003

7700 minimum, there's no pin fu

>> No.17116190

WRC list of Japanese players:


>> No.17117500

True, I only looked at the fu and somehow forgot to add the 1 han for menzen tsumo. Well, even more reason to push here.

>> No.17117509

>open riichi
Is that the "pinfu gives 2 fu" rule?

>> No.17118639
File: 302 KB, 912x684, 1483145294237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open riichi
It's the "you open your hand and riichi" rule.

>> No.17118819

Can you only show the set you're waiting on? I thought you had to show the whole hand.

>> No.17118893

Rules vary, but I've seen both

>> No.17121101

Like anon said, rules go both ways. Akagi has Akagi show his whole suuankou shanpon machi but alternatively if you hide the rest of your hand, like in the photo, it becomes a gamble of whether it's worth it to deal in.
I'm guessing most people go with the latter rule, more fun that way.

>> No.17121231

I just discovered that if you go into /5/ when viewing tenhou replays, you can click on any hand to automatically input it into the wait calculator.

>> No.17122260

I can't take it anymore. Why does it auto-discard/pass when you click back into the window on tenhou..

I know I can avoid it by clicking the window title or something first, but I am forgetful.

>> No.17122376

>click back into the window
>window title
Are you using the client or something?

>> No.17122390

by window title I mean browser tabs, menu bar, address bar, etc.

>> No.17122417

Use the Windows or HTML clients, not the Flash client.

>> No.17122424

I forget how to make the windows client work without paying, and hasn't the html client been broken since forever?

>> No.17122508

So when you switch back into the tenhou tab it auto discards?

>> No.17122516

if the browser isn't in focus, and I click into the flash window, it'll auto-discard/pass
if the browser is in focus, it'll behave normally

>> No.17123122 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.47 MB, 768x480, 1496497781698.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you sure you aren't double clicking? Double clicking auto-discards and passes.
You shouldn't be diverting your attention anyway, every opponent discard and you will need all the time that you get to think.

>> No.17123258

That was actually my first assumption, but it didn't turn out to be the case. You're right though, I shouldn't be diverting my attention.

>> No.17123879

I finally managed to punish that fucking bot.


>> No.17124529

This has been happening to me too, sometimes when I don't think the window has lost focus. I brought it up like a month ago and the only people who replied thought I was nuts. Glad to not be alone at least.

A lot of times it does that to me when I click a tile to discard after calling. It doesn't respond and I think I double click the tile and then the double click discards the far right tile.

I suspect being on a shitty internet connection can contribute to this too, based on my own experience. Like maybe two clicks not close together being interpreted as a double click when it catches up or something.

Honestly I'm not sure about all the things that can cause this, but it's just nice not to be the only one to have infuriatingly lost games to this.

>> No.17124668
File: 8 KB, 450x40, 1486134899106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here goes fucking nothing.

>> No.17124685

Good luck, happened to me last month. Got aggressive trying to get 2nd to give myself some cover for the next game and ended up last.

>> No.17124686

her sister was ANNOYING

>> No.17125027
File: 11 KB, 307x40, 1470362178136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been fun, but fuck this, I'm out.

>> No.17125051

it's ups and downs my friend. tokujo is rough like that

>> No.17125103

Tokujou is fucking brutal. There's no way around it. There's a reason almost no one outside Japan is Houou, and of those that make it like starman drop out hard. Last time I checked he had fallen all the way to 5 dan.

>> No.17125183

Modern Fire Emblem is shit; everything after 7 is complete retardation.

>> No.17125211
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I think you posted in the wrong thread.

>> No.17125224
File: 11 KB, 31x216, Today has been good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It happens to all of us, the question is how do you respond? Taking a break, reading back up on fundamentals you may have forgotten, and making sure you watch your replays is the best way to handle it.

I was starting to get legitimately worried about falling out of Tokujou until today. I'd lost a rank and 45R over the course of a week and a half.

>> No.17125640
File: 561 KB, 1500x1128, 1471392011186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sitting on a 7m wait with all 6m discarded for 7 turns
>Where the hell are they?
>Toimen kans 7m

>> No.17125725
File: 56 KB, 277x461, IMG_20160417_091631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having a great game
>oh shit, baby woke up early
>deal in
>fuck fuck fuck... at least im still first, just gotta keep focused
>child screaming, trying to make good decisions while managing fuss
>fucking phone rings, cant ignore
>s4, down to 2nd but could easily make 1st
>make retarded push decision when i could have cut my losses and coasted to 2nd or even 1st if current 1st dealt in
>end up 4th, of course. OF FUCKING COURSE

why do i do this to myself? i could have just waited till the evening and it would have been fine, but nooooooo, I just had to sneak one in during naptime...

>> No.17125956
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>> No.17126006
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B-but OP...

On topic, has anyone played Yakuman DS? It looks OK

>> No.17126058
File: 45 KB, 640x480, Mahjong8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And a quick look at the games in progress show it's now officially been demoted to 8 dan.

>> No.17126064

Is there such thing as ambient/background sounds from a jansou? Similar to the ones they have of a restaurant or cafe, except a jansou. I want to feel like I'm really there.

>> No.17129273

Ok I watched a few more games with the bot and it's pretty obvious what it's doing wrong. It super aggressive with yakupai until someone calls riichi. Getting a bunch of 1000 hands and then nearly perfect defense is a good way to get up in score, but it can get countered with dama of a decent hand or just immediate riichi and let the tsumos take their toll.

Being 8 dan it's losing 150 pt every time it loses.

>> No.17129521

i have played it. very good game, it has open riichi

>> No.17129779
File: 9 KB, 117x18, Gone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And further proof that Tokujou is hard. The bot was 9 dan 2100 just yesterday and people were talking about if it could make 10 dan or even Tenhoui. Now it's been hit so hard it doesn't even qualify for Houou.

>> No.17130378

I've beaten that bot before. How in the hell has everyone else been fucking up against the bot?

>> No.17130573

Is Tenhou really supposed to be competitive? I find find it surprising that aka-dora is widely used in tokujou and houou. Seems counter-intuitive to allow even more luck-based wins. Aka-dora can make or break a game.

>> No.17130601

Yeah. I find it surprising that rule variations popular in Japan are used in a Japanese mahjong client.

>> No.17130619

Way to miss the point completely.

>> No.17130690

If you care so much about the influence of luck in the game, then you might as well remove riichi because uradora can make or break a game.

>> No.17130713

Well, all players are subject to the same conditions.

>> No.17130728

I don't care so much about luck since I don't play competitively. It's just a question out of mere curiosity since a lot of people seem to take Tenhou very seriously. And that's not even a valid comparison since calling riichi has a risk attached to it, which at least somewhat justifies the payoff.

>> No.17130800
File: 372 B, 86x16, tenhou_2017-06-05_04-23-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is June going for you guys?

>> No.17130809

two steps forward, one step back. slow but steady

>> No.17130821

I'm gradually closing in on my current goal of returning to starting R

>> No.17130845
File: 229 KB, 495x700, 5 years in paint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am eternally sad that there is no one in south florida that plays this game

>> No.17130847
File: 9 KB, 125x24, June Stats so far.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing pretty well. Already halfway back from my demotion last month.

>> No.17130916
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3+1+0+0 = 4戦

I fear that this trend will head downward later this month.

>> No.17130946
File: 16 KB, 553x351, 1481942170108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing a match
>have two rounds where I find myself in iishanten for Kokushi musou
>get shut-down both times by stupid bullshit

I've been playing for months now and have never gotten a Yakuman, shit sucks.

>> No.17131032

Even at higher levels they only come every couple hundred games or so.

Iishanten for kokushi isn't really as close as it seems. There are only 8 tiles maximum (and usually closer to 3 by the later rounds) just to get to tenpai and you must draw one of them and even then it's effectively a kanchan wait.

>> No.17131251
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>> No.17131258

It probably will but I'm just going to try and do what I can to keep it going.

>> No.17131290

>playing for months now
You haven't been playing long enough.

>> No.17131352

forget what i said, the losing streak just hit

>> No.17131475

It's more fun.

>> No.17131541
File: 130 KB, 689x1000, 1350145983472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is Tenhou really supposed to be competitive?
If you rank your way up? Yes.

If you play in Tenhou's events? Yes.

Custom lobbies and unranked? No.

>> No.17131566

Well you have to realize it's competitive over many games rather than each single game, and luck evens out eventually.

>> No.17131835

Relatively new and just played the fastest game I ever had, wish it could always be like that:

>> No.17132581

What 'competitive' are you talking about?
If you're talking about its table rule, it's nothing special. Red 5 is used in lots of places, IIRC Sega MJ uses even 2 red 5s (for souzu or pinzu, I forgot). Other specifics (kuikae, kiriage, etc) are no different than the rest.
If you're talking about player rating, I can say yes, it's the closest to be 'perfect'. You can say it favors placement more over score in its system, which makes people prefer to play safer hands, but that's matter of taste.
Other platforms use different ranking system, like Sega MJ that's based on score obtained, or ron2 that uses periodical result to determine your grade, but I like Tenhou more.

>> No.17132623
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>> No.17134339

>Aka-dora can make or break a game.
So can dora.
And ura dora.
And kan dora.
And ippatsu.
And tenhou/chihou.
And haitei/houtei.
And 10 other things I could list here.

Mahjong is a game where have to calculate with chances. Adding chance factors doesn't need to make a game more luck based, it just means that it will become more difficult to estimate those chances which can even reward good palyers who are better at it.

>> No.17134729

>east 1, dealer pons chun on first discard
>3 draws later, open kans the dora
>deal-in to a chun, dora 5, dealer haneman, closed wait on 8-sou

I hate tenhou sometimes.

>> No.17134757

>later comeback into 2nd with a haneman and mangan tsumo
I love tenhou

>> No.17134809

>never deal in but break even in 3rd place
sometimes i'm indifferent about Tenhou

>> No.17137246

>deal into a guy with a minimum 12000 point hand showing
What did you expect would happen?

Seems like lots of people tend to be pretty reckless against open hands, but really, if you'd fold against a riichi with unknown value, you should fold against open hands with known high value, too.

>> No.17137600

I don't think anon was being reckless. Rather, i think you're underestimating the difficulty of folding against an open hand.
While open honitsu is easy to see, tanyao and sanshoku require a bit of guesswork and luck to get right. The most difficult to defend against is an early yakuhai. A late yakuhai and you can assume the opponent is now in tenpai and start folding. However with an early yakuhai, you have no idea when she could be in tenpai.
In this case, it was an open chun dora kan. A single open chun would mean the opponent has to dance around 10 tiles to get them into shape. With a kan, it's now only 7. Also, with 5 han in the bag, oya can wait on whatever the hell she likes. What's more, this dealer had a closed wait, no amount of kabe or suji is going to help against that. The only safe tiles will be those in the same go around and you're going to be on your own quite quickly.
That's the power of an open dora hand. Everyone can see what's happening but no one can do anything about it.

>> No.17138450


>> No.17138501


>> No.17139910

>tanyao and sanshoku require a bit of guesswork and luck
This is occult thinking. Get out.

>> No.17139993

Tanyao is usually super easy to see and most people only go for open sanshoku with 123 and 789 in hopes of joining it with junchan or at least chanta. If they don't have a yaku and start calling things there just aren't many hands they can have.

>> No.17140130

>open 789
Chanta sanshoku? Nope, just a sanshoku and you just dealt into the 2-5 wait.
>open 567p
Tanyao? Whaddya know it's a 123 sanshoku and the dealer was calling to speed up her hand.
>open 234m 234s
Actually a tanyao nomi since the dealer gave up on sanshoku.

I actually play like that.
Fair enough that calling tiles squeezes your hand together but there's still lots of room for weird things to happen.

>> No.17140147

This is precisely the mindset that keeps you in joukyuu hell.

>> No.17140293
File: 381 KB, 741x653, WWYD special.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WWYD here?

I fucked this one up.

>> No.17140311


>> No.17140317

8p is the obvious play here, not even really a question.

>> No.17140320

you talk a lot of shit. why do you presume anyone who acknowledges luck (read *ACKNOWLEDGES* not *relies on 100%*) is a joukyuu scrub? you sound awfully sure of your own abilities to the point where you can patronize everuone here.

>> No.17140327

Usually would play 6pin, simply because it would be even more dangerous later. Otherwise 8 pin

>> No.17140335

If it's just an open sanshoku then unless they have a bunch of hidden dora the hand is super cheap. Accept it and move on.

If you see two 234 just assume tanyao, sanshoku there is nice but it's rarely a main focus. All of those tiles are dangerous, but come on. It's way easier to hide big hands with tanyao.

You will always make up the points by following basic fundamentals if the other guy continues to sit on idiotic waits. Didn't you even watch Akagi? There was a reason the blind old man was so feared.

>> No.17140352

8p stands out as the logical choice, but then again, it seems pretty obvious you're going to be stuck with a tanki wait.
with that in mind, breaking your chankan is unthinkable, but your choices are most likely to be 4m, 8m, 6p, or 8p tanki wait. keeping the 8pin and discarding 6pin, followed by the 4m or 8m, depending on which meld you manage, will leave you with an unlikely wait that has a much greater chance of showing up thab 6pin.

of course, you pfobably drew 7pin the following turn, but go on.

>> No.17140429

Hey, strange question. Did that comic about the Delicious Free Sex button ever get translated to Japanese? If it did, what did the Japanese think of it?

>> No.17140751

>why do you presume anyone who acknowledges luck (read *ACKNOWLEDGES* not *relies on 100%*) is a joukyuu scrub?
Because it is statistically safe to assume anyone who acknowledges luck as "a joukyuu scrub."

>> No.17140801


what a joyless cunt you are.

your logic is self-defeating. if everyone played absolute 100% digital the game would ironically revert back to chance since the only factor that differed play would be the wall formation.

the person who injects a drop of occult thinking in that environment, while maintaining strong digital standards, reigns supreme.

>> No.17140865

Post in 2ch and find out.

>> No.17140880
File: 433 KB, 739x641, Dammit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Moral of this story: Choose carefully

Here's the thing. I had three different kanchan waits, and they were all live. In all honesty, I was counting on kamicha to drop either manzu that I needed. Well, I was wrong.

Oh well, like all things mahjong: for every mahjong decision, the exact opposite could have worked out.

>Usually would play 6pin, simply because it would be even more dangerous later. Otherwise 8 pin

I ended up thinking this exact same thing. Just sucks backfiring twice with a hand like this.

Here's a lesson for you: Decision > Luck

Keep that in mind. I had a very very lucky start hand with this one. But as you can see, my bad decisions fucked it up.

Y'can be lucky here and there. But most of your games will depend on what you choose to do or not to do.

>> No.17140900 [DELETED] 


This bot was at 9dan a few weeks ago. What the hell happened?

>> No.17141254


There are still dora and red fives. Also you can combine shanshoku with yakuhai or tanayo. But that's not even the point. The point is that most of the times people will only have one open run when going for sanshoku, making it very hard to distinguish from many other yaku. Tanayo is only easy to guess when you can rule out other yaku based on discards, e.g. as long as one yakuhai hasn't been discarded the supposed tanayo hand could have it.

8p and 6p are both objectively wrong, the correct choice is 4m or 8m.
if you have 468m 6p for example, your uke-ire are: 4m/5m/7m/8m/6p = 17 tiles.
If you have 68m/68p your uke-ire are: 6m/7m/8m/6p/7p/8p = 22 tiles.
The thing that if you keep 4-6-8 you can't get into tenpai by drawing a pair of the middle 6, whereas if you keep two kanchan waits you can get into tenpai by drawing a pair of any of the tiles.
Now the question of wheter 4m or 8m is better is a question of wheter you prefer a better chance to update your wait vs. a chance for a suji trap. If you discard 4m and dra 6p or 8p you get a suji trap. If you discard 8m you can update your ait to ryanmen on a draw of 3m.

Hahaha. Luck is factor of the game and calculating with it is necessary if you want to git gud. I don't even get your point. Like are you claiming luck doesn't exist in mahjong or something?

>Usually would play 6pin, simply because it would be even more dangerous later. Otherwise 8 pin
>I ended up thinking this exact same thing. Just sucks backfiring twice with a hand like this.
Okay, so you're a scrub who can't even count uke-ire but wants to lecture others.

>> No.17141277

*20 uke-ire for the two kanchan waits not 22 but the point stands: You gain 3 additional uke-ire by being able to get into tenpai with1 more pair.

>> No.17141419

Open hands are much easier to defend against than closed hands, and there's a lot more information you can read, with the sole caveat being that you don't necessarily know when they're tenpai if they don't declare riichi, but when someone's showing a dealer mangan at minimum then you don't take your chances, you just fold. If you can't tell how much value they have, then you should think about how many dora are visible, whether they're likely to have them, and what other yaku they might have.

>> No.17141509

You are not wrong, but I don't think that anon wanted to say that an open hand is as difficult to defend against as a closed one. I think it's true that many people underestimate the difficulty of doing so, though.
In this case the other anon dealt into a kanchan wait, which is usually difficult to defend against. Of course we'd need to see the exact situation to really judge that.

>> No.17142223
File: 387 KB, 737x651, Haipai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Okay, so you're a scrub who can't even count uke-ire but wants to lecture others
At least, I have the balls to show my name here at risk of humiliating myself. Plus, given the fact that I fell to 3dan last month, fine, I'll eat those words by admitting -- uke-ire has not been in my repertoire yet.

At the very least, I can lecture joukyuus, because I know how to get out of it.

With that said, here's my general lecture to anyone. If you think there's something y'need to work on, then work on it.

With my struggles in tokujou right now, yes, I have plenty to work on.

>> No.17142277

going back to an earlier post, there's been an aggressive strain in this thread as of late. why disparage each other? we all have much to learn and honestly the day this game stops surprising me is the day I find a new hobby.

we're all gonna make it btah.

>> No.17142353

There's nothing wrong with posting your opinion and being wrong about it, that's how you learn. But if you're not 99% sure you're right, you shouldn't assume other peoples level of skill because for their opinion on the same matter.

But lets get back to discussing something worthwile: In case you want to try calcing uke-ire, do it for simple situations first (which usually means that you're 1-shanten and even then if can be rather difficult to do it accurately in time). Also you often don't need to calc them exactly you just need to know which option gives most. E.g. in the case of that 468m68p all reasoning you need is this: "If I discard 6 or 8p I can get to tenpai by completing 1 of 2 closed waits or 1 of 3 pair waits. If i discard 4 or 8m I can get to tenpai by completing 1 of 2 closed waits or 1 of 4 pair waits."

>> No.17142560

talk about pure ukeire is arguably why western mahjong has hit its limit. with a hand like this, it's more important to consider the tenpai shape and development potential rather than raw number of tiles to tenpai. you want to preserve as many chances to upgrade shape as possible. none of the shapes are great, but at least by preserving the 468 ryankan, you keep the potential of drawing connecting manzu and hoping to switch to a ryanmen tenpai. 6p is correct because the goal should be to improve shape in manzu.

>> No.17142601

>defending against dealer riichi
>disconnected from game
>return to see ive dealt in

is it ok if I call THAT bad luck?

>> No.17142902

6p? Do you mean cutting 8p, because cutting 8p gives more options to update the wait than cutting 6p. Anyway you are wrong in either case.

46m68p can be improved on a draw of 3m or 5p (7m is not possible because 8m was discarded thus creating furiten).

468m6p can be improved on a draw of 3m or 5p (7p is not possible because 8p was discarded thus creating furiten).

It's exactly the same. 46m68p is thus superior for the better uke-ire.
Also, I think you are underestimating the power of uke-ire. Uke-ire tell you how many options you have to improve your hand in one step, whereas the term "shape" often seems to be used to refer to how you can improve your hand in more than one step. It's of course much more important to finish your hand quickly. At the end of the day what you refer to as "shape" is basically nothing but the "uke-ire" you have to increase your uke-ire, which is of course less meaningfull than the uke-ire themselves.

>> No.17143053

It's definitely not the case that I'm underestimating the power of ukeire. It's that looking longer-term into the future is important because you want a final wait that is "available".

468m 6p can be improved by the secondary tiles that don't affect shanten as well (2m, 3m, 6m) because they open up marginal improvement to nobetan/ryanmen with an additional draw. The reason I would ditch 6p is because we have valid information that 8p is likely to be available, and as far as tanki waits go it's a pretty good one to have here, but it still leaves open the wider potential improvement that other manzu offers.

Ukeire is important against players of your type because each hand normally becomes a race to riichi and hoping to hit the shortcut to mangan (riichi+1han+tsumo+ura) as other players diligently fold. Shape is more important in more conservative rules because you want to try to maximize your opportunities to score large points in each hand.

>> No.17143182

>468m 6p can be improved by the secondary tiles that don't affect shanten as well (2m, 3m, 6m) because they open up marginal improvement to nobetan/ryanmen with an additional draw.
How do 2m and 6m help help get ryanmen or nobetan? As for 3m, it gives 46m68p ryanmen as well.
It's true that 2468m is better than 46m68p by 4 uke-ire. 4668m is equal to 46m68p, though.
And having 3 more uke-ire is defnitely better than a chance at getting 4 only if you draw a 2m.

>> No.17143577

I would drop 8p just cause it seemed useless with all those 9p out. Then 6p on the next draw. I'm not a fancy smart type, this ukeire talk isn't for me. There's three sets done, just need to call on one more and hope someone deals in.

>> No.17143640

>Then 6p on the next draw. I'm not a fancy smart type, this ukeire talk isn't for me.
Like I tried to explain to that other guy, uke-ire isn't some form of magic - it's just basic logic and in situations with just 4 tiles involved it's very simple to understand. Just count the number of tiles that help you advance the hand, in case of keeping the 6p and 8p that number is larger.

>would drop 8p just cause it seemed useless with all those 9p out.
Like >>17143053 said this argument is actually rather in favor of KEEPING 8p. The fact that 8p seems useless because of the 9p means it is more likely to be played. Also for you it isn't any less usefull because of the 9p being played. If you'd keep a 9p then why discard 6p in the first place? 68p is better than 89p.

>> No.17143793

Yeah those first two discards are awful and I know you know better than that because I've played with you a lot. Everything else related to the wait is just because you put yourself in a bad situation.

Unless you were getting super greedy going for double yakuman tossing the pei and the ton are the easy discards. That is a made to order daisangen.

>> No.17143820

I'm an idiot, I meant Xia.

>> No.17143864

Stochastic != Luck. You're embarrassing yourself

>> No.17144025

peole who use this level of sophistry shouldn't speak of others embarrassing themselves

>> No.17144102

I hate this game sometimes


>> No.17144294
File: 1.15 MB, 500x281, chik-and-the-girls-laughing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll go ahead and save everyone the trouble:

>I can't believe he discarded THAT tile, I totally would have seen through that dama tenpai!

k, now that you've been given advice, here's my contribution:


>> No.17144345

fuck off
well, when this happens, take a break. Only thing I can say you did wrong was to riichi in E3-2. Closed 4p is too close to the dora, nobody will discard it, but I guess when you are so far behind it's something that happens. Also if E2 happened to me I would have start cursing like a madman

>> No.17144360

E2 was the real suffering.

Sitting on dealer dama baiman for more than half the round, then 2 people riichi and one hits ippatsumo for haneman.

>> No.17144380

The book says riichi, simply because tsumo is already 5200. The point spread only makes it even more of a requirement there.

>> No.17144437

Now it's all the way down to 6 dan 1938. They have to have done something to the algorithm to fall that hard that fast.

That being said, Tokujou is fucking terrifying.

>> No.17144780

>your east dealership

I feel your pain

>> No.17144859

we've all been there

>> No.17145253

Yeah but that stuff wouldn't come to mind in a game. I can think it all out here and whatnot but in game there's a time limit and I'd be busy trying not to deal in or busy being smug over having a yakuman.

>> No.17145285

...many things here are just wrong, in so many levels

>> No.17146173

E1 toimen was so close to getting ronned off by you and in E2, literally 1 draw away from your baiman tsumo.
It's so unfair it's not even funny.

>> No.17147179

Effective use of the yakuman:



The timing of the chun pair split feeding to the dealer after the haku pon. Genius.

>> No.17149078
File: 37 KB, 480x360, 1449409960688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you spend the game dodging rons, only to get tsumo's into 4th
>no matter how good your starting hand is, someone gets a faster nomi win off of 1st, who is all too happy to shed the pittance to advance the game.
>that feeling of helplessness as you discard your 11th useless draw and with it any hope of a comeback

>> No.17149843

>The timing of the chun pair split feeding to the dealer after the haku pon. Genius.
One haku pon doesn't tell you there's a possible daisangen.
She was in last place with so few points that defending was utterly pointless.
She had so few points she needed to go for the maximum value hand, which in this case was riichi + pinfu + hopefully tanyao.
She did everything right, as far as I can see. Not that any of us is likely in any place to criticize a 9dan player.

>> No.17150468

I wish there was a button to crash the wall in joukyuu and above.
Stops open sai san gens and relieves stress
I wouldn't mind paying a chombo to do it.

>> No.17151077


Well, there's always Mahjongtime.
