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File: 240 KB, 1200x900, C8hinSmU0AASK4B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16815894 No.16815894 [Reply] [Original]

I can't contain my excitement so let's have an AoCF speculation thread.

>A strange phenomenon called "Perfect Possession" is taking place. A phenomenon where one is taken over by a completely different person, not only in mind, but also in body. But have no worry: Reimu is already on her way to investigate the cause behind its occurrence.

>"The strongest duo have joined forces."
>"Something bad may be in store for us humans."
>"An opponent impossible to defeat by anybody alone?"

>Ludicrous rumors are circulating, seemingly out of the fear in human villagers' hearts.

>The so-called "Urban Legend Incidents", yet to be resolved, have bestowed unsubstantiatable rumors with a tendency to manifest in concrete forms. And this time, the Perfect Possession is obviously yet another Urban Legend Incident.

>This story is about those who keep watch on Perfect Possession, those who exploit it, those unwittingly dragged into it, and those working to expose the threat behind it...
Those who have made the mistake of seeing themselves as the strongest duo. This is a bittersweet story about them.

We know that
-The game is a tag team system
-Occult system is still in
-5 new characters are going to be added to make a total of 20
-The 5 new characters have never been in the fighting games before, so don't expect EoSD characters
-ZUN says aesthetics are more important this time around (meaning more flashy battles and spells, I suppose)

What characters do you think will be in?

>> No.16815930

Don't expect EoSD characters? There's still Rumia and Daiyousei.

...Nah, that's pretty unlikely isn't it, even if possible. So, based on the name of the game, you can arguably assume that the people partnered up will be opposites in some manner? As to what manner that might take, though, I suppose is pretty much up to speculation. There are various ways lots of characters could be opposites.

Perhaps Seija and Shikieiki? An embodiment of rebellion and troublemaking tied with and embodiment of law and judgement.

>> No.16815938

Mima, of course
And newhu

>> No.16816000

opposite partners would actually be interesting so they won't do it. enjoy your same as shit usual partners like Alice and Marisa

>> No.16816024

Forgot to mention, Reimu and Mokou are already a pair, so expect interesting pairings

>> No.16816134

junko x eirin as a pair. Force angrry at moon to be with moon.

>> No.16816180

Is that confirmed?

Too bad, I was kind of hoping Kaguya would be playable and they'd be forced to team up

>> No.16816199


>> No.16816386

-If ULiL is any indication Reimu and Mokou are already a pair. So it seems they're going the odd/unfitting/opposite partners route.

-Won't be able to choose your pairings for story mode, but versus you'll be free to choose.

-1-2 newcomers, Junko, and obviously 2-3 more

-I just think Junko is more likely after being left out of AFiEU, while Clownpiece has VFiS

-Junko would team with Reisen

>> No.16816425

Sumireko will be the final boss again and every time she's not on screen, all the other characters will be asking "Where's Sumireko?"

>> No.16816432
File: 203 KB, 600x692, 58611669_p10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh.. it's a fighting game..

>> No.16816460

I don't really see Junko being added but since she didn't have an appearance in AFiEU maybe they'll make up for it. I see Clownpiece as the most likely fit for a fighting game character.

>> No.16816497

Well, this possession shit is probably her fault, so I wouldn't rule it out.

Opposite partners would be fun. Marisa with Ichirin, Futo with Nitori, Komeiji Sisters...

>> No.16816513

Marisa with Ichirin sounds interesting. They're both hard hitters and somewhat delinquent types.

>> No.16816548

She really is Poochy isn't she.

Sadly her home planet won't need her.

>> No.16816606
File: 797 KB, 636x900, 1489638807387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The 5 new characters have never been in the fighting games before, so don't expect EoSD characters
I mean, Flandre has a chance.
I still pray for playable Ran though.

>> No.16816618
File: 2.35 MB, 1637x1158, 1487571376757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised Yuugi hasn't appeared in a fighter yet aside from Marisa's HM ending.
Maybe it might be because she's too strong in melee.

>> No.16816631

Most likely will be newer characters

>> No.16816635

You'd think Suika would be, too.

>> No.16816640

One of them's gotta be Guya though; ZUN wanted both Mokou and her in a fighting game and Mokou was in ULiL.

>> No.16816643
File: 788 KB, 1470x1039, 1489638807383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most likely.
But I still want to believe, dammit. Ran may be a nerd and a computer but she deserves better than just being a projectile.

>> No.16816650
File: 3 KB, 128x128, Mima.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16816664

I have to include Mima at all times but really in my list you can swap her out for Kaguya. I want to believe, though.

>> No.16816696

If Mokou gets shoved with Reimu though who does she pair with? She doesn't really have any story with anyone outside of EET

>> No.16816710

Kaguya can go with Reisen, but since we seem to be doing rather unexpected pairs it might be somebody else entirely.

>> No.16816711


>> No.16816731

I predict a Mamizou/Nue team

>> No.16816744

Instead of set pairs I kinda hope you can just mix and match characters instead.

For the 5 new characters I'm hoping for Kaguya, Nue, Doremy, Junko and probably the new one.

>> No.16816751

So shitty rabbit will be only ps4 exclusive right?
So the whole game without bunny will be on pc right
Are they gona fix the fucking netcode

>> No.16816753

Most people expect set pairs only in the story, and that stuff like versus mode and arcade mode will let you choose whichever two characters you want.

>> No.16816757
File: 50 KB, 1280x720, punchline possession.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like characters will be able to jack other bodies at will judging be the teaser picture in OP. I can't really think of a better example than Punchline right now. I can already imagine the doujins.

>> No.16816760

Betting that Junko and Hecatia are gonna pair up with each other again.

>> No.16816938

We already saw how it works, but I doubt you even care as long as you get to push your shitty fetishes.

>> No.16817035
File: 35 KB, 1152x648, swap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No need to be a jerk, anon, I was making a joke. And we don't fully know how the power works, but that's what speculation is for.

I reviewed Reisen's ending and it seems to me like the culprit swapped Reimu with Mokou because they knew Mokou would attack Reisen. Eventually the characters will be able to swap bodies at will, is what I was trying to say. I do think there will be body swapping porn coming out of this, though.

>> No.16817092

Make of this what you will
-Reimu is asleep in bed
-Reimu unconsciously walks out of shrine (probably possessed by the culprit)
-Reimu meets Reisen, unsure of how she got outside
-Reimu trades spaces with Mokou
-Mokou gets mad at Reisen and fights her for no real reason
-Reisen beats Mokou and switches back to Reimu, who sustains Mokou's injuries(?)

Either Reimu sustained Mokou's injuries or Reimu was attacked by someone else before swapping back

>> No.16817479

Assuming all the ULIL girls get fighter pairings for the storyline, what's the expectation?
Some combination of Byakuren/Miko/Unzan's Hitbox/Taoist dork
Realworld Dork/Mokou
Nitori and Kasen are left, but not really much of a pair. Maybe Yuugi and/or a tengu in there?
Rabbit probably gets paired with a LOLK girl, hopefully not the rabbits.

>> No.16817735

I think it'll be Sumireko/Kasen because of their relationship from the manga.
Mokou/Reisen instead.
A LoLK team, Clownpiece with one of the old ladies.
At least one rational pairing with a new char like Mamizou/Nue, Nitori/Momiji, Sukuna/Seija.
Hopefully some that aren't expected.
And Yuuka will be in it too, I can feel it in my bones.

>> No.16817742

Sumireko and Kasen actually spend more time together though. She also hangs out with Mamizou

>> No.16817797
File: 482 KB, 641x900, 7768620_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will finally be Flan-chan time to shine!
Beside hopefully best girl entering, my predictions for the other 4 characters are
-This one could be anyone, I'm personally for Eirin or Yuugi, but it could be anyone.

>> No.16818136


>> No.16818243

Seija and Sagugugu team W H E N?

>> No.16818837

If Reimu and Mokou are something to go off of then the pairings won't make sense.

>> No.16818932

Remember when people thought Kanako/Sanae were a lock for HM, only for Moriya to not appear at all? I hope it's like that again.

Sagume is to asymmetrical for lazy spriters.

>> No.16819012

Didn't stop them from making Kasen playable. They just didn't bother making the bandage arm stay on one side

>> No.16819024

That's more work than it's worth.

If you buy a demo to a fighting game, is the full game discounted to you? Or do you just buy it again?

>> No.16819840

>-Occult system is still in
Having occult attacks =/= occult system

There are no more occult balls around.

Yea, I don't know why people like >>16817479 think the pairings are going to make any sense. I mean they probably, but not at first glance. Reimu/Mokou most likely won't make any sense until we play the game.

>> No.16819910


I think the the pairings aren't going to make any sense i.e the characters are going to be randomly paired together

>> No.16820072

Cute drawing

>> No.16820121

Why does everyone think Reimu/Mokou is going to be a pairing? Maybe that ULiL scene was there just to explain the incident and they will have other partners in the actual game. I think pairings with characters who normally wouldn't share a common ground are going to be more plausible than best friends, given the "Antinomy" in the title.

As for the 5 characters I think are going to be in, two of them are probably going to be newhus, so this leaves us with Reisen and three returning characters. Probably a LoLK character, but I'm not expecting Junko and/or Hecatia, even though that would be awesome. Maybe Clownpiece or Sagume. Yuuka would also be great, but I'm not getting my hopes up. And obviously Bones. See that ghost tail?

Also, what is everyone expecting for Reimu and Marisa's themes? I'd love a remix of Oriental Dark Flight which keeps the SoeW reference, but we're probably going to get another Love-colored Master Spark. For Reimu, we had Dichromatic Lotus Butterfly in the last game, even though it was lackluster, so maybe Maiden's Capriccio? Wouldn't mind having new original themes though.

>> No.16820170

Dismantled your own argument in one shot.

>> No.16820228

>Speculation thread
I should have said I know everything for sure because my dad works at Tasofro.

>> No.16820274

My dad is ZUN and he says you're a nerd

>> No.16820431

Happy third birthday

>> No.16820442

I'd like to remind everyone that it's practically a guarantee that two of the new characters will be original to the game's story, so really we're speculating at 3 pre-existing character which have not been playable in fighters before.

>> No.16820544

I thought so to but it would be more convenient to tie in a new character with a pre-existing one

>> No.16823781

It's also possible that zun will be releasing a game at reitaisai, probably a side game or something else?

>> No.16823794

Reimu and Mokou would be a dumb pairing of two characters that have no history and I can't imagine them having any chemistry whatsoever. I'd almost rather see another Reimu and Yukari team up

>> No.16823844

The only one I can him doing that with is Seija, but I'm not holding my breath for that. SWR had 2 newhus so I think it's very reasonable for a fighting game focused on pairing up the characters to bring 2 more newhus to the table.

>> No.16823853

The pairing is so unorthodox and unprecendented that I really can't wait to see their dynamics.
Also Reimu x Mokou would be a pretty hot fan pairing, so I'm excited for the surge of fanworks featuring that, without it just being a crack pairing.

>> No.16823859

>Reimu and Mokou would be a dumb pairing of two characters that have no history and I can't imagine them having any chemistry whatsoever.
It's almost like they can't control this new phenomenon and it's just chaining people together at random.

>> No.16823873

Judging by the "Antinomy" in the title, it's pairing people that specifically won't get along.
Get ready for top-tier banter in this game.

>> No.16823951

I can't wait. Pairing Reimu and Marisa together again would be boring and they'd take care of the culprit in a heartbeat. Maybe Marisa + Kasen for Theif + Goody Two-Shoes.

>> No.16824016

Marisa!Kasen would be great. Whoever Marisa is paired with would be great, actually, she already has plenty of friction with everyone she has a relationship with already.
I'm hoping for at least one pairing of Ichirin/Futo or Byakuren/Miko.
Koishi's interesting because by her very nature she can't butt heads with someone else. Maybe Koishi!Kokoro, as they both deal with having no base emotions/personality? Koishi even has Kokoro's original Hope Mask, IIRC.

>> No.16824065

Come on, Sagume and mind controlled Aya.

>> No.16824148

Kokoro already declared Koishi as her rival, I think, so those pairings are likely.

>> No.16824155

I find it hard to contrive a reason for Sagume to leave the moon and be in Gensokyo for this event, although she's tied as my favourite character I'd love it if she appeared.
And Aya was in SWR, so she's out of the possibilities.

>> No.16824190

>And Aya was in SWR, so she's out of the possibilities.
I will never accept this fact.

>> No.16824196

These pairings all make logical sense based on a pattern of "opposites" though, if ZUN was following a pattern like that you would have had something like Kaguya/Mokou instead of Reimu and Mokou. If Reimu/Mokou is real then you're probably going to get more unpredictable things

>> No.16824216

Absolutely true, but to be fair it's unlikely Kaguya's showing up at all.
And while you're likely right that the pairings will be completely unpredictable, if it's true, it means there's no method or reason to any pairing speculation at all, which is no fun.

>> No.16824236

Personally I would have much preferred something like true opposites e.g. Byakuren/Miko than unpredictable ones, I think it would lead to fantastic banter. I don't even know what Reimu and Mokou would even talk about.

>> No.16824355

Wasn't Rumia considered for Soku along with Wriggle?

>> No.16824731

Rumia, Wriggle, Nitori, Kaguya and Mokou.
So far we've got to see Nitori and Mokou, so maybe the other 3 still have a chance.
I'm still a bit miffed that Kaguya wasn't in ULiL though, what's the point of going to put Mokou in but not Kaguya as well? I need my eternal fights.

>> No.16824753

I'd be very happy if every Mokou v Kaguya match had the timer disabled.

>> No.16824803

How do I learn to love the newhus?
I still play Hisoutensoku because I can play as my favorites, even though I prefer the gameplay of ULiL.

>> No.16824878

>I still play Hisoutensoku because I can play as my favorites
Shit taste cannot be healed. Sorry!

>> No.16824981

I'm offended.

>> No.16825060

It's something that is missing from the games in general since all incidents tend to be solo affairs.

Both SA and IN had the best banter in the series and they both have the same thing in common having 2hu's forced to work together.

>> No.16825139

I'll be pleasantly surprised if Kaguya is added in. Her character can finally be expanded upon so fans will stop characterizing her as "boring simple-minded princess who needs saving"

>> No.16825147

I thought 15.5 was coming out at Reitaisai

>> No.16825153

The demo will be but ZUN mentioned working on another game as well. I wonder if it will be fairy wars 2.

>> No.16825179
File: 1.22 MB, 854x480, GFW2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16825207

I was really hoping that since this was a team game and would be pairing antagonistic characters, it would finally be the one where Kaguya was playable. Mokou was in ULiL and we knew ULiL characters were coming back in a team game, this would have been the perfect opportunity to make Kaguya playable and put her on Mokou's team.

>> No.16825232

If they're following the same pattern of HM/DDC and ULiL/LoLK, then Reitaisai will see AoCF and the demo of TH16. The full game would be released later in Comiket.

I do recall ZUN saying he was working on more than one game, though (probably either GFW2 or ISC2). Who knows where that is going to fit in.

>> No.16825266

Seija kinda went through the majority of the cast already, what would she even be able to do in ISC2?

>> No.16825392
File: 450 KB, 673x940, 1491159632866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go against the remaining characters and even the lunarians.

>> No.16825498


>> No.16825656

Reimu/Mokou were paired because they're red/white, obviously.

>> No.16825684


>> No.16825696
File: 218 KB, 651x632, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But how could you do a PC-98 Impossible Spell Cards sequel when PC-98 doesn't have spellcards?

>> No.16825731

They basically had spellcards, they just didn't have names. ex: Devil's Recitation

>> No.16825753

I'm talking lore-wise. Spellcards exist for a specific reason in-universe in the Windows games, that reason being Gensokyo is "two seconds to midnight" on the doomsday clock at any point in time due to all the powerful youkai who could probably individually destroy the place. They don't want the place to be destroyed so they have rules on how to do essentially play-fights, that way nobody uses their full power and destroys their own home.

PC-98 had a different setting than the Windows games, with no Gensokyo border and no indication that anyone was using less than their full power.
Of course ZUN would just say "oh I retconned things so the PC-98 characters always used spellcards" and the issue would go away but I'm being pedantic on purpose.

>> No.16825964

No, she really doesn't.

>> No.16826112

>Of course ZUN would just say "oh I retconned things so the PC-98 characters always used spellcards"
It was actually explicitly stated that EoSD was its first usage in an incident, and because the Vampire Incident previous is what launched the discussion leading to the rules. You basically couldn't change that.

>> No.16826151

The PC-98hus made spellcards that resemble their old technically-non-spellcard attacks from the PC-98 days.

This isn't that hard.

>PC-98 had a different setting than the Windows games
No it didn't. It was less specific about itself but that doesn't make it different.

>> No.16826183

call them 'attacks' and not spellcards then.

I for one can see her having to escape the heat from Gensokyo and have to hold out in Makai for a time.

>> No.16826190

Alice, Yuuka, and Marisa learned how to use spellcards, the others can too

Just give their attacks cute names

>> No.16828860

This is the perfect chance to bring back Mima, just make her and Yuuka the final bosses.
What could go wrong?

>> No.16828965

no newhus, and that's just unnaceptable

>> No.16829030

If anyone is expecting anything but the PS4 expansion as a demo for this game in the upcoming Comiket I feel sorry for you.

>> No.16830435

What's going on in 2ch?

They are mad at Zun for allegedly introducing some cowboy youkai/monster bounty hunter named Johnny D. Hearn soon

He is in possession of Kasen's arm and the 4th deva of the mountain lives with him in the outside world.

Apparently he defeated the 4th deva when she went to the outside world and had Kasen's arm for some reason and she decided to live with him after getting defeated becuse he is really strong or something

That guy is gonna be the most out of place character and get hate for being a Human man

What is Zun thinking?

>> No.16830447
File: 106 KB, 300x256, 1461420033857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you sure this isn't just some meme?

>> No.16830545

They seem pretty riled up over a 2ch
Apparently someone that helps with the shading for the mangas said this was gonna happen

>> No.16830630

Do you have a link? I can't read moonrunes but it would be good to have one anyway.

>> No.16830686

Why a cowboy?

>> No.16830752

"my mom is harukawa moe and she told me"

>> No.16830921

Who are you quoting?

>> No.16830932

I'm certain this is bait, but I think it's entirely possible that we'll see a human man in a fighting game because ZUN won't have to draw the art.

>> No.16831005

Hello yes I am ZUN
Seija+New Girl

>> No.16831020

Silly anon, those are quotation marks, not greentext.

>> No.16831064

If those are quotation marks.
Then who are you quoting?

>> No.16831131

Timestamp or gtfo

>> No.16831547

sagugugugugugu will be with her daughter

>> No.16831562
File: 52 KB, 761x571, mima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New characters will just be 5 different versions of Mamizou in the end.

>> No.16831587


Sumireko will be the stage 1 midboss like she deserves to be.

>> No.16831635

>ZUN says aesthetics are more important this time around (meaning more flashy battles and spells, I suppose)

Time for my toaster to melt when the japs try to fancy graphical stuff with their poorly optimized games. Single didget FPS here we go!

>> No.16831639 [SPOILER] 
File: 176 KB, 620x980, 1491647716943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nurse Mamizou!
Priestess Mamizou!
Detective Mamizou!
Chef Mamizou!

>> No.16831650
File: 29 KB, 800x473, yuukarin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuuka will be playable and be the only character without a partner because she has no friends.

>> No.16831688

Yuuka will be playable and will have a partner - herself. 'Dual Spark' all day and night.
OR, Yuuka will be playable, and so will Hecatia, and they will be partnered together as a juxtaposition of 'strongest (hell) god' and 'strongest youkai'.
I want to believe.

>> No.16831727

That's nonsense. Zun knows what his fans want and this is not it.

>> No.16831746

>The game is a tag team system
Hahahahah no, that would require tasofro to go back to making actual fighting games and have more than 10 characters in their roster

>> No.16831948

except ulil has 15 and aocf is estimated for 20

implying a large roster is even important for an "actual fighting game"

>> No.16832618 [DELETED] 

Did his fans want Aya referencing Trump?

>> No.16832632
File: 198 KB, 850x603, __donald_trump_miyako_yoshika_mononobe_no_futo_soga_no_tojiko_and_toyosatomimi_no_miko_alternative_facts_in_eastern_utopia_and_touhou_drawn_by_minato_hitori__sample-f688eb9433ad81c78b9be7e5d9a1602f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zun does what Zun wants to do and you can't stop him

>> No.16833818


In ten years we'll canonically have faceless black thugs impregnate every playable character until now in official NTR doujins I swear.

>> No.16833983

Why is Miko so sweaty?

Why is Yoshika there? Where's Seiga?

>> No.16834060

It's from AFiEU. Miko is impersonating Trump.

>> No.16834074
File: 1.62 MB, 2160x1532, AFiEU (72-73).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because its an article by the Fake News Bird

>> No.16834192

That doesn't answer either of my questions.

>> No.16834231

She's getting rammed in the BUTT by Sega and turbo granny while delivering her speech

>> No.16834260


> Why is Miko so sweaty?

Because that image is by Minato Hitori, who is known for strange tastes.

>> No.16834264


>html code

Eh, hell, I'm tired. That's my excuse.

>> No.16834292
File: 1.74 MB, 2160x1532, donald trump, hata no kokoro, hijiri byakuren, kaku seiga, and toyosatomimi no miko (alternative facts in eastern utopia and touhou) drawn by minato hitori - b0cdaef544da6a183afbd48da7016a23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16834303

It is common to depict characters who are worked up or emotionally charged as sweating.

>> No.16838638

So an ancestor of Maribel?

>> No.16838909

>The 5 new characters have never been in the fighting games before, so don't expect EoSD characters

the loli vampire?

>> No.16838922

Hopefully the music will return to the Soku type

>> No.16839013

Nah I doubt Kurumi has a chance of getting in.

>> No.16839731


All of the Mugenkan faction will appear in this game, calling it now.
Yuuka, Elly, Kurumi, and two new Mugankan-hus.
These are the 5 old/new characters.
A man can dream.

>> No.16839734


>> No.16844882

With all these Kaguya threads i'2m really hoping for her to be in the new game now. What would Kaguya's urban legend be?

>> No.16844933


She is her own Urban Legend, Anon.
The 'Beautiful Gaming NEET', or the 'Princess of Akihabara'.

>> No.16844981

Now that you mention it, she really is.
All those damn Konata-like anime girls and their fantastic lives while being lazy pieces of shit.

>> No.16845187

Licking sweaty miko pits!

>> No.16852204

Can we have a new tensoku instead of endless HM remakes?

>> No.16852501
File: 20 KB, 236x266, 1485738191921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Careful anon, you're going to wake up the hoard of anti-soku posters and possibly a mod by talking about that.

>> No.16852831

I wonder what a touhou fighter would be like in more capable hands than tasfro's.

>> No.16852847

Screw Mima, I want Shinki.

>> No.16852966

>screw Mima
You fucking wish.

>> No.16853133

Be damned, Shinki already got cannon'd by bringing her spell back and ZUN working on her theme for a fangame.

>> No.16853138

>and ZUN working on her theme for a fangame.
Wait, what fangame?

>> No.16853158

>A strange phenomenon called "Perfect Possession" is taking place. A phenomenon where one is taken over by a completely different person, not only in mind, but also in body.

>bonk somebody in the head
>steal clothes
>pretend you are the guy you bonked
Wow, such magic

>> No.16853177

Ameshoo is going to have a field day with this shit, let me tell you.

>> No.16853191

It isn't the same.

>> No.16853214

Get out, Erika

>> No.16853378
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>A strange phenomenon called "Perfect Possession" is taking place.
>A phenomenon where one is taken over by a completely different person, not only in mind, but also in body.
>"The strongest duo have joined forces."
The plot is still dealing Urban Legends and ULIL used to have the silhouette green ghost in it's logo, it's also about sp00py possessions and the word Flowers appears in the title.

Are Mima and Yuuka the strongest duo?
I mean, they haven't been in any figthing games; and also they were the 2 strongest characters in PC-98.

>ZUN says aesthetics are more important this time around
The two characters would fit perfectly for the plot both story-wise and aesthetically.

They could reveal Mima's ability being something related to possessions or having her being Gensokyo's very own urban legend, as she pretty much disappeared without trace and nobody seems to remember whether she ever existed or not.

As much as I'd love having Shinki back. I doubt Zun could make a decent excuse for having Shinki moving her fat ass away from Makai.

>> No.16853396

>Shinki moving her fat as
Shinki is not fat, you skank.

>> No.16853481
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>Shinki is not fat
She wears those big robes for a reason anon.

>> No.16853491

Shut up. Go away.

>> No.16853496

t. Yumeko

>> No.16853618

I just thought about Lily White being added to the game. Would Lily White's urban legend be being Lily White?

>> No.16853660


>and also they were the 2 strongest characters in PC-98.

Well, Yuuka was the only character in PoFV that Zun confirmed canonically defeats Shiki Eiki twice; so if nothing else, she is the strongest character actually in Gensokyo (not visiting).
I am of the faction that still thinks she's the strongest character in Touhou and question the translation of that interview with Zun that the wiki claims says Hecatia is.

>> No.16854824

>I am of the faction that still thinks she's the strongest character in Touhou and question the translation of that interview with Zun that the wiki claims says Hecatia is.

read: "i question the legitimacy of anything that threatens my headcanon"

>> No.16854848

Her urban legend would be Lily Black, obviously

>> No.16854856

Danmaku are not an accurate gauge of real strength, in fact that's the purpose of the Spell Card system in the first place.
Shiki Eiki is stronger than Yuuka.

>> No.16855024


More like I had 6 different EASL Native Japanese people tell me the translation was crap.


According to Zun, Shiki Eiki is not stronger than Yuuka - that was the whole reason he pointed the 'defeated Shiki Eiki' thing out and he was quite clear on that when he was in the US.

He DID take more questions than when he was onstage, you know.

>> No.16856393
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>More like I had 6 different EASL Native Japanese people tell me the translation was crap.
Oh my, and why didn't they/you fix it?

>> No.16862337

like all new characters they will get spellcards, remind that if they appear again they'll do in the current year

>> No.16862349

and orange?

>inb4 ded
no she isn't
