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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 116 KB, 375x500, 1227885222673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1680198 No.1680198 [Reply] [Original]

Weaboos, I'm living in the ota-ku district next semester for my abroad program. At first I thought it was a sick joke because ota-ku looks like otaku... but anyway. You fags beat off to japan so you probably know everything about the area right? What should I watch out for?

>> No.1680204

Watch out for the door on your way out.

Protip: learn how to spell.

>> No.1680207

It's spelt weeaboo. Two Es.

>> No.1680210


>> No.1680214

the fact that i got your insult name wrong offends you? yeah back when i was 8 i got annoyed when my parents said pokemans too.

>> No.1680219

Your very existence offends us, son. You're an a/b/omination in the eyes of all.

However, you get a better chance at success if you frame your question correctly.

>> No.1680221
File: 185 KB, 609x900, 1227895442426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch out for blushing children.

>> No.1680224

reframing question:
does your cunt bleed each month?

>> No.1680228

Actually, yes. I'm the sexiest femanon on this board.


>> No.1680225
File: 301 KB, 320x288, 1227895583636.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1680227

No, she hasn't reached puberty yet. I shouldn't have to worry for a few more years.

>> No.1680233

Enjoy your Tokyu Ikegami line

>> No.1680234
File: 201 KB, 640x480, 1227895709599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1680239

Good to see somebody kept my picture ^_^

>> No.1680240

Remi, Jones, and that rape victim are all the same person.

>> No.1680241

90% of 4chan is the same person

>> No.1680243

Op here, not interested

I'm better looking than you

>> No.1680251

What kind of answers would you want for "what to look out for?" Rapists, criminals, et al. Oh it's Japan so there might be Yakuza and also renegade mechs and Servants.

>> No.1680252

Theres nothing to watch out for in Ota-ku
Its suburb central

Nothing to see there

You'll have to go through the shithole known as Shinagawa to get anywhere

>> No.1680253
File: 90 KB, 770x1100, 1227896053430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can tell from the picture you posted, OP. You are better looking.

>> No.1680255

wow can someone just answer his question?
oh and



>> No.1680264


Ew what the fuck? Has anyone ever told you that you have a striking resemblance to the much famed blue whale?

>> No.1680268
File: 42 KB, 800x529, 1227896436002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1680274


Sage for atrocious attention whore.

>> No.1680275

/jp/ - Visual novels/Touhou

Nobody knows anything about Japan as a country. Try /trv/

>> No.1680276

thread jacking fatass

>> No.1680277

lol /b/

Oh, and OP, not interested in you either. I don't really go for little boys.

>> No.1680281

...trv? hm....

>> No.1680282

The Pleasure of Being Cummed Inside.

>> No.1680293




>> No.1680297

your low intelligence is another indicator of your undesirability. As the original post indicates that I would be studying abroad for a semester, it is clearly apparent that I would be between 18 and 22 give or take a year. By most standards that's not little.

>> No.1680306

High school students study abroad all the time.
I remember having a cute German girl in my sophomore classes.

Your obvious /b/tardation is clear evidence that you are below 18 years of age, so yeah.

>> No.1680310


you fucks have just been desensitized by americas fucking high standards.. grow the fuck up shes not as bad looking as you make it seem

>> No.1680316

Sup, "sexually abused as a child" female anon.

>> No.1680317

really? i remember high school using quarters. Stop looking for the smallest percentage of rare exception defend your case.

>> No.1680320

I'd say shes cute but I'm afraid it will turn out to be a man

I like plain looking girls

>> No.1680323

So do I. What's your point?

>> No.1680326

grow up in a marsh? she's substandard anywhere

>> No.1680328


>that thing in the picture


>> No.1680333

Truth. I am American, and I'm really sick of people thinking if women aren't perfect, they're horrendous.

>> No.1680338


I don't know where you live, but here where I'm at, she is below average.

>> No.1680344


Lol samefag. I don't have "ridiculously high standards", but if you really don't think she's substandard, you've gotta take off those beautifying goggles bro.

>> No.1680351
File: 94 KB, 1024x768, 1227897468470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey is this the reunion party?

>> No.1680353

Attention assholes
There isnt enough in that picture to see if she is ugly or not

Remember. Angles.

>> No.1680360
File: 118 KB, 770x1100, 1227897696322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was cute when she was younger. See picture.

>> No.1680361

angles can only make a good looking girl get exposed for being ugly. they don't cause miracles

>> No.1680364

Put your trip back on, jones.

>> No.1680365

Oh lawd.

I hope most of you guys are OP, because /jp/edos shouldn't be responding to an obvious photoshop like that one.

>> No.1680374


>> No.1680378

The Pleasure of Being Cummed Inside

>> No.1680386

Don't make stupid posts and give me the credit, cretin.

>> No.1680389

>46 posts and 7 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

Why, /jp/? Why?

>> No.1680391

The Pleasure of Being Inside Cum

>> No.1680399

ah see, this one is way better

>> No.1680404

OP here, for a bunch of elitists bashing /b/ and people you think are from /b/ you sure drag on worthless threads.

>> No.1680405


Ok I'd hit this.

>> No.1680413
File: 7 KB, 301x257, ClassyTrollFace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really just one or two reverse trolls being trolls.
