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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 361 KB, 502x750, girlgamer4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1670721 No.1670721 [Reply] [Original]

Would /jp/ date this girl?

>> No.1670724

go back to /v/ or /b/ or whatever shithole you came from.

>> No.1670725

Sure, just let me saw her in half and then count the rings.

>> No.1670726

Yeah, sure. Even if it ends with me strangling her to death.

>> No.1670727


>> No.1670728

Horrible personality, i bet on it.

>> No.1670729


did she draw her eyebrows on?

>> No.1670730
File: 81 KB, 640x480, 1227739738735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would pelt her with dates, sure.

>> No.1670732

Girl gamers/Otaku of that type, you know the type, tiny skirts, animu/gaymen merchandise everywhere.

They are usually quite slutty. Sleep around a lot at cons and so on.

>> No.1670734

the best kind of dates

>> No.1670735

I would not date her because I draw the line at two men.

>> No.1670737

I really kinda hate this thread.

>> No.1670740

Not without more information on what kind of person she is, no.

>> No.1670742


A man after my own heart, but you should draw the line at any more than 4.

That's reasonable.

>> No.1670754

The best part about being a girl gamer isn't having a vagina, it's showing everyone that I do.

>> No.1670770

A girl that uploads pictures of herself is not a girl you'd want to be with...

>> No.1670771
File: 197 KB, 786x1853, 1227740161692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

girl gamer = DO NOT WANT

>> No.1670787


I'm a girl and I like to be a TOTAL asshole about it at all times. No, the stupid thing is that someones gender actually ticks off some nerd in the internet.

>> No.1670789
File: 201 KB, 640x480, 1227740421920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ only wants this girl.

>> No.1670790
File: 112 KB, 787x3090, 1227740425557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you got the rest of those pics? Here's another.

I'm not even joking when I say I'm pretty sure most girls aged 16-20 take n00dz of themselves these days.

>> No.1670792
File: 438 KB, 783x4172, 1227740429327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1670794

Wait, wut.

Who is that?

>> No.1670795

It's because people tend to be nicer to girls so any female with a sense of decency would keep that secret so they get treated equally.

>> No.1670798

no, I don't have them

>> No.1670802


I really dont get why /v/ thinks popular, attractive people play Final Fantasy....

>> No.1670812

Some woman that got raped as a loli.

>> No.1670816


There was some thread about pedophiles a couple of days ago.

Someone said "she'd" been abused as a child and hated the principle, as did many other people with morals in the thread. Someone called her bluff about being a female and she posted that one pic to prove it before disappearing again into the depths.

Nobody cares. Obviously I do in some way, otherwise I wouldn't remember...

>> No.1670817

It's mainstream.

>> No.1670823

Can I have a link to the thread?

>> No.1670830

You don't necessarily care, you only remember because a) it happened 2 days ago and b) it was weird to see a random girl post a timestamp image of /jp/ only to prove to was sexually abused.

>> No.1670840

>Other people treat you differently arbitrarily so it's your responsibility to lie to keep them from doing so.


>> No.1670844

I can't help feeling sorry for her about her being abused, but posting pics because of attention whoring is just bad, and she should feel bad.

>> No.1670850

I know a gamer girl that hides her powerlevels just because of people like these...

>> No.1670855

>I know a girl
Nice try, Anon.

>> No.1670858

It's better that way. For all of us.

>> No.1670861

It's like she actually wants everybody to know who is she and that she was abused...

>> No.1670863

I don't notice any difference between the two posts.

>> No.1670869
File: 202 KB, 508x680, 1227741325712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anonymous is by default a male, theres no females in this male dominated society.

>> No.1670870

but what's the point, really?

15 minutes of internet fame consisting of "hehe, rape"?
I wasn't around when the thread was up.

>> No.1670874

Generally speaking, a lot of girls who were abused seek for love in sex with many different men. It's quite sad and I feel a bit sorry for them.

But I don't think girls who sleep with more than 4 men are really respectable.

>> No.1670879

Doesn't matter, she became invisible again, other than those two posts.

Look in the easymodo archive, it'll be there somewhere.

>> No.1670875

Picture + Timestamp + Female = Tramp

>> No.1670877

>I like to be a TOTAL asshole about it
>someones gender actually ticks off some nerd
are you sure it's your gender

>> No.1670885

Single post claims she's not female, drop of the hat response of posting her picture, people claim she's an attention whore, she makes weird rage post.

>> No.1670882

I don't thinks that girls who sleeps with more than one man are really respectable. Unless she was abused.

>> No.1670887

The thread was pretty much people defending children vs. people defending pedophiles and she posted her own story and someone called her out on not being a girl so she posted that. I think it was more like her trying to prove a point that she felt strongly for but still a dumb way to go about it.

>> No.1670888

Oh, man.
I am sure the girl who posted that picture is crying somewhere right now.
It takes real desperation to post your picture on 4chan, she is more ronery than all of you combined.

>> No.1670892

>she became invisible again, other than those two posts.
She made some more posts.

>> No.1670889

We all hide our powerlevels for the same reason, girls or not. We are in /jp/ after all.

>> No.1670899


Would I fit in that well with /b/?

>> No.1670894

>Look in the easymodo archive, it'll be there somewhere.

It's like searching for a needle in a haystack, give me a keyword(s) to go by.

>> No.1670895

It's true. That's why we love Touhou. It helps to balance us.

>> No.1670898

It really was more of a: people defending child pornography vs people defending the status quo thread.

>> No.1670905

It's not worth ranting but this lie thing, it's just plain stupid. Internet misogynism is totally worthless.

It's like the entire we have this virginity ridden hermetic hegemony around here that is willing to throw a hissyfit every time feminine gender is mentioned.

>> No.1670902

It really was more of a people defending child pornography vs people defending the status quo thread.

>> No.1670903

I used the words "heroin" and "slave" somewhere in posts if that helps narrow it down.

>> No.1670904

Well that's a gold standard that you can't really satisfy in this day and age. I am quite a comprimising person so I draw the line at 4 (that is >4).

>> No.1670906

>she is more ronery than all of you combined.

lol no she isn't.

>> No.1670908

Well we dont use the world heroin often... I think?

>> No.1670912

I'd her headset.

>> No.1670918

Found it.

>> No.1670921

Here's the thread, faggots.

>> No.1670924

She should become an hero then.

>> No.1670925
File: 308 KB, 1120x1600, 1227742041316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That headset looks so CHEAP.

>> No.1670926

so, actual CP and child abuse?

While I think it's pretty disgusting, I don't really see what point a picture of me would prove in the debate even if I claimed to have been abused as a child.

That'd be like posting a picture to prove that I'm an average guy. You can't tell from my picture that I'm a weeaboo virgin compared to something completely different.

>> No.1670928
File: 89 KB, 502x750, 1227742081604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1670933

It's true that skirt is very tiny.

But Evangelion is awesome.

>> No.1670930

"Tell me Im not a girl now." is truly the best line.

>> No.1670932

That's because of the lack of demand.

>> No.1670936

No girls are on the internet, they lack the intelligence to make one so why would they know how to use one?

>> No.1670939

I agree with everything here.

>> No.1670940

But Nightmare Before Christmas is awesome ;_;

>> No.1670941

2/10, you're not even trying

>> No.1670943

this type of shit only adds onto how much i fucking hate myself, in almost every respect

>> No.1670948
File: 323 KB, 1280x1024, 1227742334558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is filthy. Let's clean it up :)

>> No.1670949

Why do you heat yourself?

>> No.1670950


>> No.1670955
File: 275 KB, 1920x1200, 1227742402463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1670957

Things may be awesome when they are first born, but after they start to age and become exposed to the world... well... they get dirty.
Like women, like popular things.

If you have a Evangelion/Nightmare Before Christmas merchandise that you flaunt in 2008... you are a fucking trendoid.

>> No.1670958

>That's because of the lack of demand.

Not really. I think you can find girls my age who haven't slept with more than 4 men.

Oh fuck off, Eva was great. Go suck a cock.

Anyway, back to the pedo thing.

I really don't like pedophiles, I mean, it's not just that they support such an industry. It's that you get obnoxious little whiners like Investment Banker and Pedo and shits like that ranting about how they are 'persecuted'.

Times like this I prefer /a/. I mean, we may still be all virgin losers, but most people on /a/ wouldn't genuinely support shit like CP.

- Athens.

>> No.1670959


>> No.1670960

hey guys im a bi weaboo girl,am i a slut?

>> No.1670967



>> No.1670961


>> No.1670964
File: 67 KB, 1024x768, 1227742465923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1670962

No no i'm well aware there are girls on the internet, that line is just hilarious.

"Oh so i'm not a girl is that right? Heh....take a look at this timestamp and tell me that....that's right, it says /jp/...see you later fags"

>> No.1670963

0/10, stop pretending to be the girl.

>> No.1670970
File: 3 KB, 92x126, 1227742536223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eva was great
>don't like pedophiles

>> No.1670972
File: 451 KB, 698x800, 1227742546734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1670969

>like popular things.

Kill yourself.

>> No.1670973

Sage for athens

>> No.1670976

Not a girl, stop pretending. Also, you are a genetic hiccup.

>> No.1670977

Depends how many men you have slept with.

>> No.1670978

>skirt so she can accept cocks

Sounds like DMC lyrics.

>> No.1670979

That was another one of her posts.

>> No.1670982
File: 32 KB, 500x421, 1227742596678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1670980

Are you trying to make me post my pic?

Too bad I don't have a trip for EXTREME RUINED INTERNET REPUTATION.

>> No.1670983

Yes, oh my fucking god dear christ! A girl in a internet? Who would have thought?

Seriously, this no girls in the internet thing is a /b/ meme. No one can really be that stupid to think that there really are none.

>> No.1670986

Reaction pics are stupid.

Honestly, get back to your moe shit. I bet you think Clannad was better than Eva.

>> No.1670987

Yep, when things get popular with the EMO DERP DERP crowd, I have to distance myself from it.

>> No.1670990
File: 424 KB, 832x947, 1227742645643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm leaving this thread and taking the cats with me.

>> No.1670989

my thought process of how i interpret these things is immature and horrifying, and it all comes back to me

>> No.1670991

Yes, you can. But I agree, there is not enough for the market. So we need to increase demand and stop accepting second-hand products.

>> No.1670992
File: 218 KB, 960x540, 1227742655190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1670993

reported for trolling, enjoy your ban

>> No.1670995

Nobody is that stupid. And we would hope nobody is so fucking braindead to post their pictures here.

>> No.1670996


I'd like to see that.

>> No.1670998
File: 94 KB, 685x1705, 1227742689553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1670999

For the record, the post you're replying to is retarded and I wasn't implying there were no girls around~

Also with the amount of decent Konata pics around this troll is picking some terrible ones.

>> No.1671003
File: 162 KB, 525x396, 1227742711535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1671002

haha, what?

>> No.1671004

You do realize you act exactly like them in that regard? I hope you're a troll.

>> No.1671009

Well the demand is still there as far as relationships go.

Most people will not accept extremely used goods in a relationship. Sex ad hoc is different.

>> No.1671011
File: 101 KB, 545x619, 1227742774513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1671013

Stop making up lies, there are no computers in kitchens last time I checked.

>> No.1671022

Now what am I supposed to sleep with?

>> No.1671014


>> No.1671017
File: 124 KB, 750x626, 1227742834653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1671020

And their "I HAVE TO HAET EVERYTHING POPULAR" is just a poor copying of my general antisocial/ronery behavior.

>> No.1671021

Heh, this is funny.

But you see, the attitude that the girl is doing it to 'troll' a board is stupid. Take camwhores.

Every single camwhore, especially those that have delivered with timestamps whether they have tits or not, has been successfully trolled. You aren't winning with us. You're being coerced to do something you're too stupid not to do.

>> No.1671023

Actually, there are girls on the internet. They are also called CAMWHORES.

>> No.1671025

It's meru again.

>> No.1671026

Pearls of wisdom

>> No.1671028
File: 352 KB, 739x832, 1227742906113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1671029
File: 100 KB, 380x500, 1227742907998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this thread needs more lesbians, right?

>> No.1671034

Speaking of people not being girls on the internet.

>> No.1671038
File: 210 KB, 701x1000, 1227742972719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1671040
File: 26 KB, 640x360, 1227742996904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, I don't know what I hate about that archived thread more.
The people legitimately thinking that viewing child porn doesn't hurt children, or the butthurt (literally) attention whore moralfag who tried to argue against them, making the argument look invalid and stupid.

How do you think the child porn got on the internet in the first place? Someone raped a fucking kid and put it there. Just because you're not paying money for it doesn't mean somebody else isn't.

And the legitimate "lol it doesn't hurt them they like it" arguments...oh god. I have probably 3GB worth of lolirape manga but I know where to draw the fucking line. REAL KIDS = OFF FUCKING LIMITS MORONS.

You're the pieces of shit that make it nearly illegal for me to look at crappy animu pictures of fictional children. Fucking bullshit.

>> No.1671043
File: 16 KB, 320x500, 1227743025641.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1671044


When you have got to the point of shoving things up your cunt for the enjoyment of an anonymous imageboard, then perhaps you should take the time to reflect. But this is a problem in itself, because the very fact you are doing it in the first place means you lack the ability to reflect.

Have you ever spit game to a girl with no self esteem?! You could say ANYTHING! Girl's like that are so easy. That's why the idiots on /b/ and /r9k/ fuck it up when they compliment these camwhores. The more worthless they feel, the more approval they seek.

>> No.1671050


i prefer 2d

>> No.1671051

Best post of the day.

Pedos are fucking delusional and use ridiculous circular logic.

>> No.1671052
File: 178 KB, 500x654, 1227743097905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1671054

Fine, I'll admit I'm a humanoid artificial intelligence sent to observe and interact with ronery specimens for some damn reason.

>> No.1671055

Is that sum delicious copypasta?

>> No.1671056

Well, just because you say it's meru, it does not mean it is this "meru".

You greek, going on as anonymous now that you are afraid that I pick on your patheticness, yes?

>> No.1671058


lol u mad?

>> No.1671063

Oh hay, "girl" who was raped as a child (LOL).

>> No.1671064
File: 125 KB, 609x800, 1227743160854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1671070

This thread looks terrible so I would like to incorrectly and rudely sage this thread, whereas afterwards, I will then proceed to hide it.

>> No.1671072
File: 275 KB, 1024x738, 1227743206750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's better.

Now I, on the other hand, am really a girl. Pic related - it's me.

>> No.1671073
File: 86 KB, 403x396, 1227743217187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1671076

That's a boy. A cute one.

>> No.1671079
File: 57 KB, 704x396, 1227743270938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1671077

There you go again wanting pictures as proof.

Why would anyone be a camwhore on /jp/ of all places?

>> No.1671078

This speech is my recital, I think it's very vital

>> No.1671083

to rock a rhyme that's right on time

>> No.1671084

Wrong it's me (a female) /jp/ poster.

>> No.1671086
File: 103 KB, 1100x788, 1227743333214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1671085

>139 posts and 28 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.1671087

I agree with this anon.

>> No.1671089

trolls trolling trolls

>> No.1671097
File: 393 KB, 805x1000, 1227743407684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is about girls so it's automatically stupid. But you already knew that.

>> No.1671094

The fact you lurk on here for just that purpose is pitiful.

You wish you could date someone like me.

>> No.1671099
File: 304 KB, 580x840, 1227743413543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1671100

Thread will autosageru in around ten minutes.


>> No.1671101
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>> No.1671104

So what do you think of the planetarium?

>> No.1671109
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>> No.1671110

I mean, I don't care that much. I'm pretty apathetic (as you can see) (in my picture)

>> No.1671111

Well, I'm a girl and I don't go posting my pictures on the internet. Specially in /jp/.

>> No.1671116
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>> No.1671117
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>> No.1671118

Yes, I do not even lurk here that much, but throwing insults at you is probably the only worthwhile thing I can say in this board.

Anyhow, enjoying our erasmus studentship, are we? Low on cash? I can see 600 € coming your way.

>> No.1671119

But you do create massive sharing folders on Facebook called 'SexNightOut' to show everyone how cool and social your image is?

>> No.1671124

konata smells like urine

>> No.1671125
File: 295 KB, 1000x727, 1227743668501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1671126

Is it just me or are 99% of all women shallow and extremely dumb?
I mean... that's why we always portray them as smart and intelligence in anime/manga, its something out of the ordinary, and unique sells... right?

>> No.1671128

1) Not low on cash.

2) Not part of Erasmus. You are completely barking up the wrong tree. Try again.

>> No.1671131

Fuck you buddy

>> No.1671134

my personal feelings aside, this is the worst use of logic ever

>> No.1671136
File: 90 KB, 365x517, 1227743757135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never met anyone that smelled like urine so I'll just go on thinking that they don't exist.

>> No.1671139
File: 166 KB, 655x750, 1227743784334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1671140

haha, oh wow

There are lots of dumb bitches in anime/manga, and the percentage of smart girls is higher than 1%, I believe.

>> No.1671143
File: 158 KB, 686x800, 1227743825799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

99% of people in general extremely dumb. I think the difference is that the female population is less inclined to admit it.

>> No.1671142

you probably have not ever lived in any sort of dormitory then

>> No.1671151

>99% of people in general extremely dumb.

>> No.1671146

/jp/ girls have no social image,at least,i don't.

>> No.1671147

fuck, yes
date, maybe

>> No.1671149
File: 94 KB, 640x480, 1227743852165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1671148

I don't like or support CP, but I still fail to see how viewing something that's already there by someone else supports it or not. Besides of quantum mechanics "you have to see it for it to exist" rule.

>> No.1671152
File: 91 KB, 583x498, 1227743874315.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is great.

>> No.1671160
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>> No.1671155

Not part of erasmus? That narrows it down, then.

Anyhow, you could really get the money super easily. I can tell how to do it straight away. You do get by in London by now, yes?

>> No.1671162

I know that's you, femanon of /jp/.

>> No.1671167
File: 189 KB, 717x537, 1227743974352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1671163

Come on, if Remilia and ponpo really are girls, then we already have the 1% share.
Too bad they are trolls

>> No.1671165

>I think therefore I am.
>CP exists.
>Therefore, CP must be capable of thought.

>> No.1671170
File: 23.00 MB, 4000x3768, 1227743980805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got back from one (Thanksgiving). No urine people there.

>> No.1671168

You say that like everyone is perfect in /jp/.

>> No.1671178

>Not part of erasmus? That narrows it down, then.

Dohohoho, you have no idea. You are completely barking up the wrong tree. Let me put it this way... I laid a trail of crumbs when you latched onto me that leads in a completely different direction.

>You do get by in London by now, yes?

None of your business.

>> No.1671175
File: 211 KB, 1600x1200, 1227744044053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1671177

The percentage is closer to 80%. But yeah the majority of women are fucking retarded.

Even women know this. Women rage when they see "femanons" making them look bad. If women weren't so fucking stupid the good ones wouldn't have to suppress their gender.

You know what I'm talking about.

>> No.1671182
File: 75 KB, 700x587, 1227744083462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Average female

>> No.1671186
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>> No.1671189
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>> No.1671190
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>> No.1671192
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>> No.1671194
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>> No.1671195

The cp cannot think therefore the cp will never be able to prove to itself that it exists.

>> No.1671196

lol, someone just deleted the logic failure that I was about to reply to (an inverse is not necessarily true, barring an "if and only if" in the original true statement)

>> No.1671197

Wow, you sure are witty. You think you're not transparent? It's really kind of cute (in a dead puppy) way how clueles this one is.

Anyhow, you could basically change your address for a week to this place in london that you don't even have to visit by yourself then and earn plus 600€. No effort there. Nothing illegal. Money coming your way. That's it.

>> No.1671200
File: 312 KB, 778x443, 1227744302539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1671205

I get what you mean and I agree. Still I don't think female "supress" their genre in order to fit in. The genre has nothing to do with most of our discussions anyway. Sexism was, is and will always be fucking stupid. It makes people look like 10 year old kids.

>> No.1671202

The thing is, recently it seems that more and more women are coming to /jp/. Either our weeabooness is becoming attractive to them or they just want to troll us out.

>> No.1671204
File: 23 KB, 447x440, 1227744353865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1671210
File: 311 KB, 600x600, 1227744399799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1671209

spoiler: They're all guys

>> No.1671213

Don't be stupid there are no woman on /jp/ everyone claiming to be female is TROLL.

>> No.1671216
File: 189 KB, 640x450, 1227744471746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess I'm a 10 year old. Learn something new everyday.

>> No.1671220



>> No.1671222

Aaaand, autosage!

>> No.1671225

I think some of these women (if not the majority) have taken a liking in trolling the living shit out of everybody.

It can't be that hard. It's like posting the classic "I'm considering buying the iMac, what do you /g/uys think?" on /g/.

>> No.1671226

Part II incoming!

>> No.1671229

HAHAHAHAHAHA you think you're though huh ?
ONE WORD forced indentation of the code.


>> No.1671233

trust me they are trolls, poor trolls too I add.

>> No.1671245

>I'm considering buying the iMac, what do you /g/uys think?

Nah, 'Lunix is time consuming communism for hackers' is by far the better troll.

>> No.1671244

Well, nobody believes their claims, but it sure starts a shitstorm every once in a while.

>> No.1671246

It's not a matter of sexism. Males tend to naturally treat females better because of interests. This is a fact.
The thing is, girls know that, and many try to take advantage of that. It could be like "hey, I'm a girl, could you please give the the source of that VN screencap?".

>> No.1671254


Anyways, I don't really think there's any suppression of the "good ones". Poster gender plays almost no role in /jp/. What would be the point in saying "I'm a girl" or "I'm a boy" when talking about Touhou, VNs, /n/, etc... We're all Anonymous (even the tripfags) so just leave your reality at the door.

>> No.1671256

>211 posts and 57 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

why /jp/ why

damn you athens

>> No.1671257

and if you can just add Windows 7 = Mac OSX = UNIX to the OP, it's a guaranteed win.

>> No.1671274


If we were ever to assess average number of replies a poster gets from his threads, it really wouldn't surprise me if athens had hit something like 200+.

And it's you idiots fault for responding to him.

>> No.1671275

Me too. it's fun. =D

>> No.1671281

I love underaged girls for many reasons and my age range is anything from 8 to 30 years old. The perfect loli age for me is around 10-12 years old. She still has no pubic hair or breasts but her overall body already has some sexy form.

Flat chests: I love their smooth bare chests with 2 cute little nipples. I like to gently squeeze their breast area so that it looks they do have breasts, then I suck their nipples, pretend breasts and all.

>> No.1671282

Bald hairless pre-pubescent vagina: God's gift to mankind. Unlike women's vaginas, little girls vaginas are completely hairless and look like beautiful flowers, not fish. My penis would usually be too big to insert into their vagina so I just place the head of my penis onto her vagina and make short and gentle thrusting motions. Alternatively, I like to just use her vagina hole to caress my penis up and down, from the base to the tip. The friction alone is enough to make me cum.

Her little mouth and little fingers: Like her vagina, a little girl's mouth is not enough to take the whole of my penis but they can take enough. The combination of her inexperienced mouth around the tip of my penis and her hands clutched around my shaft is heavenly.

>> No.1671287

Her carefree and innocent personality: Unlike a woman, a little girl is not bitter, jaded or cynical. Her desire for money hasn't come around yet so she only has one thing that motivates her: curiosity for the unknown. The look of a girl's face when she sees an erect penis for the first time is a mastercard moment.

And that's why I love little girl lolis. What about you?

>> No.1671293

I know it's kopipe, but you need to die all the same.

>> No.1671310

Cry me a fucking river you Christfag.

>> No.1671333

Not a fucking christfag you pedo. Pedophiles need to be put down.

>> No.1671334

Why should little girls be deprived of love because of your silly laws?

>> No.1671348


In 10 years they're going to come around to your place and chainsaw your dick off.

>> No.1671370


It's called 'taking advantage' of someone. You think someone at that age realizes the ins and outs of sex? Of course they fucking don't. The fact that your penis doesn't fit in her vagina should tell you something.

I'm probably getting trolled hard here.

>> No.1671393



>> No.1671397

Yes, you are.

>> No.1671439


I don't think you know what that word means.

>> No.1671465

If a child wants to have sex with a older man she should be allowed, why should the government have the right to tell a little child what to do?

>> No.1671520

A child is not allowed free will until he/she is considered an adult. They do not have the ability to discern good from bad thing if they are not obvious. That's why parents are hel responsible for them.
