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16694333 No.16694333 [Reply] [Original]

▶ Prepatched AT2

▶ Ar Tonelico for Lazy People Pack

▶ EXA_PICO Visual Collection
info: pastebin.com/UzwjkAUY

▶ Miscellaneous Translations
Flash Cosmospheres, Ciel\Ar novel, etc: ar-ciel.unit03.net/
Ciel Nosurge Story Summary: unit03.net/view/Ciel_nosurge/Story

▶ Mega.nz Folder of Ar tonelico / Atelier goodies
Flash Cosmospheres, AT3 Yokkora fan disc and original /jp/ stuff.

▶ [FLAC] EXA_PICO Autistic Music Collection
Info: pastebin.com/Pc88NuEC

▶ [MP3] EXA_PICO Musical Collection
info: pastebin.com/aPxrK3zh

▶ [FLAC] Kaleido Sphere
pass: gustt51

▶ [MP3] Firis Music
OST: nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=866700
Vocal Album: nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=866702

▶ ion_anim gifs
Just gifs: mega.nz/#!rg4BxBDB!bQCUxB-mLkfORIKSf4ZSMxUzcIsACh2QVsKQoEtUE6k
Gifs, source mp4 and PSD files: mega.nz/#!u0B1ECSb!jo8YI2PaehAfrUB3jHHtqzRyNRAJ4wHI33k1HqQhrEU

▶ Updated OP:

▶ Outdated links:

▶ Previous thread

>> No.16694343

I have high hopes for Blue Reflection. It looks much more promising than YnnK did (which was an okay game in its own right).

>> No.16694394
File: 32 KB, 600x338, Augmented-Girls-Trinary-Trailer_03-08-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to pair program with Miyabi

>> No.16694445

thank god they drew her with non-clown shoes

only thing I hate about her design

>> No.16694737

>atelier firis sold around 3000 copies on steam
>average play time around 3 hours

>> No.16694897

Who cares? Can we stop with the steam faggotry this thread and just talk about the game itself. It was a rushed port to make an extra buck.

>> No.16694937

played my first atelier game, totori cause my rorona plus hasnt arrived in the mail yet.
i fucking love it so far.

>> No.16695050

Not-Mir is cute.

>> No.16695105
File: 82 KB, 894x618, 31871035_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just make sure you understand how cute Totori and Mimi are together.

Also, you probably should have started with original Rorona if you have a PS3.

>> No.16695115

I got rorona plus on the ps3, is there any differences between base rorona and plus?

>> No.16695170
File: 80 KB, 894x618, 31871035_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, the original is rougher and not as good while plus is overhauled with game-play and mechanics from Meruru. I think it's better to start with the original though because it helps you appreciate the jump to Totori more. Since you're already playing Totori though that's fine as well. I just don't think starting with Plus is the best idea.

>> No.16695193
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Well thanks for the advice, ill probably just stick with the plus version, as I'm too lazy to have another copy shipped out for me that i have to pay for. Totori is good though so far,everything is cozy and fun.

>> No.16695249

Just a heads up about endings though. You may want to look at the requirements in a guide because you get locked into one whenever you trip a certain flag. I forget if you even can get the true one on the first play-through but yeah, basically whichever ending requirement you meet first is the one you get.

>> No.16695260

After I beat the game blind, Ill definitely look into that, had no idea. Thanks anon.

>> No.16695276

Yeah that's what I did too. Second play-through I got all the endings. If you are aiming for a specific character ending though, make sure you prioritize their events and friendship level.

>> No.16695278
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Will remember.

>> No.16695286

Does Firis have multiple endings?

>> No.16695429

When will gust announce the third girl for mystery series?

>> No.16695653

Firis was announced may 24 so around this time.

>> No.16695698

Not soon enough. I'm hoping for a 13 or 14 year old flat/small chested girl. Totori was the only one like this.

Also I wish Kierche was a party member. Snow loli and Illmeria are my favorite new characters. Finally getting close to replacing those whores Liane and Drossel with Sophie and Plachta so I can actually have my real party together.

>> No.16695721
File: 53 KB, 600x525, fuck you2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those whores Liane and Drossel
Fuck you buddy

>> No.16695749

I'm tempted to buy Firis on pc right now. Somebody talk me out of it!

>> No.16695756

Why? Play it on the platform you prefer to play games on.

>> No.16696054


There's a few problems that need patched. Hold off and go play Berseria or Sophie instead until the game is optimised a bit.

>> No.16696063

>give up and just read the story of the sophie/firis DLC

fucking koeitecmo

>> No.16696750

When do I sign up for the exam? I have around 100 days left, haven't went past leafy laforet but otherwise been pretty much everywhere I could reach
Should I travel more and sign up a few days before the deadline, or there are some preparations for exam after you sign up?

>> No.16697074

I signed up with 120 days left.

Kind of regret it because I would've liked to gather a bit more before buckling down. Couldn't make a few items I would've liked to have for the exam.

>> No.16697601

>Not soon enough. I'm hoping for a 13 or 14 year old flat/small chested girl.
I'm more concerned about gameplay improvements than what the heroine looks like but for your sake I'll also hope for a younger/flatter girl. Hell if only for variety it would be nice because while none of the recent non green-haired protags were big breasted, they were definitely somewhat filled out.

>> No.16697666

What happens in Firis if you miss the deadline?

>> No.16697839
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I knew this guy is a chuuni.

>> No.16697881
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Wow what a faggot.

>> No.16697924

What is the best exa pico game? THink of try some

>> No.16697930

Pricefags on Steam drive me up the wall but still think they were a bit insane to think they'd get $60 for a niche JRPG on there. Even Berseria didn't charge that much and it was a much higher profile release than this. (And still had people complaining about the price, of course...)

>> No.16697933

Instant death by decapitation.

>> No.16697967

Play all of them! In release order!

Also play the Shadow Hearts trilogy after, it's not directly related but you'll appreciate it more if you do.

>> No.16697973

Of course I'm also very concerned about gameplay and mechanics as well. If they do stick with an open world, I hope they at least go back to having a main town and atelier instead of this cheap portable one. I'm not crazy about how they changed the alchemy either.

Also, I like Sophie and I'd say her bust is medium and definitely not large. Firis is the one who really bothers me. Not just her appearance but I still think her voice feels off. But yeah, there's no reason why we can't have another Totori. It's not like they don't have another series that directly caters to those who prefer older, bustier female characters.

>> No.16697975

He did nothing wrong, stop half-assing your bombs

>> No.16698020

Can one of you steam players upload the full Firis cg set at some point?

>> No.16698027

Not him, but is Shadow Hearts good or similar to EXA_PICO?
I kinda want to play something similar to the series.

>> No.16698062

You are also faggot.

>> No.16698071


>> No.16698083

Why did you explicitly recommend it after EXA_PICO then?
I mean, I will probably still play it, but I'm just curious.

>> No.16698190

How do I use broom in Firis?
Also Tiane fucking called it, Firis is a witch now

>> No.16698211

Dunno, it wasn't me.

>> No.16698512

is it something worth playing?

>> No.16698755

Not him, but I played Shadow Hearts 1 and 2 and... they have absolutely nothing to do with EXA_PICO. Shadow Hearts 3 has some Shikata vocals but that's it.

>> No.16699092

I don't know how I feel about trait rebalance. Stat boosts were always the best choice but now everything just feels equaly useless and I ending up picking stat boosts anyway because it's more versable.

>> No.16699133

Haven't started much on high end equipment yet, but I'm just planning on going max skill damage with zero cost.

>> No.16699159

Sophie was really easy to break with certain traits. The game just went down to how fast you can mash attack inbetween turns.

>> No.16699256

Sophie was mostly focused on buffs and debuffs on despair difficulty. Breezy Aroma and Spirit Weave Cloth really broke the game more than anything else.

Gust was aware of this though, the harder bosses basically play the same way.

>> No.16699394
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Has alchemy gone too far?

>> No.16699423

i don't understand what you mean

>> No.16699438

Holy shit! Stop making those.

>> No.16699474
File: 2.36 MB, 1920x1080, Atelier Firis _The Alchemist and the Mysterious Journey__20170311151911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not sell to Ren.

>> No.16699522

Should've taken the snow loli test.

>> No.16702155

Firis is crashing on launch, what to do?

>> No.16702432

I head you need some windows update for it to run.
If you are pirate you might also want to try codex instead of 3dm repack, which crashed for me too.

>> No.16702869 [SPOILER] 
File: 147 KB, 1283x720, 1489351265923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nero's angry voice is cute.

It's a shame Ion's VA can't do a similar angry yell that matches Ion's normal voice.

>> No.16703061

>It's a shame Ion's VA can't do a similar angry yell that matches Ion's normal voice.

>> No.16703143

How did you open Ren's shop? I passed the exam and other alchemists opened their shops, but Ren keeps saying that we need to get rid of waterspout source

>> No.16703294
File: 130 KB, 439x521, 1472185004010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why there so many playable characters in Firis? I had a hard time deciding who should I use even before the exam but they just keep joining. Stop doing this to me!

>> No.16703306

Do any of the characters actually have decent development? Everybody in Sophie was really forgettable.

>> No.16703336

They have more perky personalities but with exception of Il and maybe Firis herself are just as shallow as in Sophie.

>> No.16703355

The amount of party members is about the same as every game in the series. There's many more NPCs though.

No, the characters were much better in Sophie. Firis and Liane are terrible leads. All of Firis's field dialogue is annoying as hell and it feels like the seiyuu was trying way too hard to sound cute.

>> No.16703416

I don't remember any other game having 10 playable characters (or maybe more, I'm still only in the middle of the game) without dlc except post game Mana Khemia 2 which was much more acceptable because I had a plenty of time to use them all.
I can literally fit only 1/3 of characters in party and there barely any reason to change them.

>> No.16703420

I think I'll pass on Firis until it goes on sale. I'm still waiting for Berseria to go on sale as well. I regret not picking it up for $30 during the presidents day sale.

>> No.16703424

Nice blog.

>> No.16703466


So, she can do it.
Why was her angry voice for the Yukine cosmosphere so...different?
Like, the difference between Kannon's talking and singing different, but with the same VA.

>> No.16703506

Whats wrong with Ilmeria? Her arc actually has some conflict

>> No.16703535

Do you have reading comprehension?

>> No.16703591

Rorona and Totori had 7 each without dlc. Meruru had 8. Sophie had 9 and I didn't count Dusk. So yeah, "about" the same but a little more than usual. Pretty much all of the new characters are awful though except for Illmeria.

>> No.16703639

>Pretty much all characters are awful though except for Illmeria.

>> No.16703669

No, Sophie and Plachta are good.

>> No.16703680

No, Sophie and Plachta are just as shallow as the rest of the cast.

>> No.16703699

Not at all. Those two along with Corneria and Tess carried Sophie. Both have good, likeable personalities and competent seiyuu, especially Plachta.

>> No.16703731 [DELETED] 

I'm don't see how VA and personality are related to characters being shallow. Might as well mention then look.

>> No.16703735
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Too bad their stories were boring as fuck and uneventful. Tess is the only character I enjoyed in that game. She also reminded me of Sekai from school days and that's a bad thing though.

>> No.16703742

I'm don't see how VA and personality are related to characters being shallow. Might as well mention they look.

>> No.16703764

Well what do you mean by shallow? Because I never thought this way once while playing Sophie. Do you need them to have some kind of tragic back story or something?

It was a good slice of life story. What's the matter with you?

>> No.16703851

I already had this discussion in last thread and ain't going to write another wall of text for retards who consider NPC tier character as good.

>> No.16703875

Whatever you say, retard-kun.

>> No.16704348

I think Ion's character is that she doesn't get angry in that way. It's more of a childish anger than an adult anger.

>> No.16704805
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Sophie is a fricken genius!

>> No.16705151

To be fair she was only like 10 when she got abducted into that world, would be 12 by the time AnS starts

>> No.16705572

Majority of Atelier characters were always shallow and their stories uneventful
Or you're gonna tell me Mel, Gino, Lias, Keina, Odelia, Ernie, Marietta, Harry, Ranun, Tanya and a whole bunch of others were deep characters with impact on the story?

The only problem with Sophie's characters is that they very rarely interacted with one another, and most of the scenes were just them and Sophie. Firis doesn't have this problem

>> No.16705581

Wait, how could Ion be 10? Sure, she's kinda naive at times, but she sure isn't a 10-year old in behaviour.
Not to mention, Shirotaka's Genometrics had an entire subplot which was that she wanted to go to another city and study either in college or university, I don't remember exactly.
If anything, I always thought there's a chance she might have actually been in her early twenties when she got abducted, though I never listened to the corresponding drama CDs.

>> No.16705705

False. She is in her late teens in Earth as shown in the light novels and her side of Shirotaka's Genometrics, and the body she was stuffed in Ra Ciela is around 16 years old.

>> No.16705893

So I just accidentally bought Shallie Plus instead of Totori because I'm a fucking dumb retard, what am I in for?

>> No.16705911

You are in for the last game in the series. Just keep it for later.

>> No.16705920

Ah man, and I'm short on cash until the end of the month too. Will I spoil Ayesha and E&L if I play through it?

>> No.16705932


>> No.16705943
File: 484 KB, 200x149, NICE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, thanks for the heads up. I guess I'm stuck with nothing for now. The worst part is that it started downloading immediately after the purchase so I can't even get a refund. Life sucks.

>> No.16705956

You can pirate Sophie unless you want the game for handheld specifically.

>> No.16705964

I finished Sophie recently actually, the only reason I didn't go straight into Firis was because I was waiting on it to get fixed since it's laggy and looks really jaggy on my old machine.
I'm actually playing it on the PSTV, got one and a 4gb memcard for about a quarter the price of a Vita yesterday.

>> No.16706190 [SPOILER] 
File: 971 KB, 1276x1432, 1489410702196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw your package with firis in it got delayed because of incorrect sorting.
hold me

>> No.16706272
File: 938 KB, 500x281, 1448651168889.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Firis straight up doesn't work on your PC

>> No.16706280

Who are you quoting?

>> No.16706308

I'm quoting what I thought of inside my head

>> No.16706447

I wouldn't say they're uneventful since character events are a big thing in Atelier games. I think the problem here is that some people still don't understand the more relaxed slice-of-life nature of the games. There is a plot and a goal that the protagonists work towards but generally they're just not games with extensive background stories and huge plot twists. I don't think this makes them shallow since the casts are usually full of personality and the interactions are interesting.

That being said, Arland is my favorite series and do think it was stronger in regards to having better character events and interactions between the whole cast. Of course, while Sophie wasn't as good as Arland, it was still good in it's own right. Calling character's npc tier is just a straight up lie. I wish as much as the next guy that they could make them as good as Arland again but Sophie was still an acceptable Atelier game.

Also, I have yet to see Firis solve this problem but I'm still in the timed portion. If anything, the problem has been that there's just no events at all. Characters seem even less important here because they just kind of join you and then disappear. We'll see how it is though after I pass the exam.

>> No.16706514

Why do you feel obligated to post every time someone think (deservedly) that atelier characters aren't good?

>> No.16706685

Why do you feel obligated to reply?

>> No.16706744

The SoL parts of Sophie are really weak, your average SoL anime shits all over it

>> No.16706769

There hasn't been any good SoL anime that I've liked in a while though. Also most of them are in generic school settings.

>> No.16706801

I'm not replying, I'm asking a question you dumb faggot.

>> No.16706819

No anon, I'm pretty sure that also counts as a reply. And I see no problem with defending a series I like. You seem to enjoy bashing it so I feel the need to give my opinion on it. Simple as that.

>> No.16706838

This is what being a fanboy called.

>> No.16706844

It turns out that sometimes on the internet, you will run into people who are fans of a thing and enjoy sharing their opinions about it, just like you will also run into people who are not fans of a things who also enjoy sharing their opinions about it. Why anyone would feel the need to justify sharing their opinion on an discussion forum is beyond me.

>> No.16706847

Because this is not your blog.

>> No.16706853

4chan is a place where people share their opinions of things as long as they're on-topic. In that sense, yes, it is in fact everybody's blog. "Not your blog" was never meant to shut down discussion of media.

>> No.16706868

What level of Japanese do you reckon Blue Reflection will require? It looks quite text heavy.

>> No.16706885

Doesn't seem like it'll have furigana, so you will need to know a bit of kanji for unvoiced parts. Probably not necessary to be able to understand -everything- to get through the game?

>> No.16707715

Probably easier than Atelier games, since you don't have a thousand weird ingredients to worry about + daily life vocab instead of fantasy vocab

>> No.16708038

Do you think Blue Reflection will get a pc port as well or did Firis just smash all future Gust releases on steam?

>> No.16708612

It probably will. I don't think anyone was expecting high sales. NIS keeps getting similar sales with their non-Disgaea titles and yet they keep doing it. I can't imagine these companies wouldn't if they didn't see such results as positive.

What I find more interesting is that Sophie managed to make the same amount in sales within a month that Toukiden did over the course of 2 years

>> No.16708663

Atelier may be niche but it's pretty famous even in the West (comparatively) since it's so old and it basically invented item crafting in video games. Sophie on Steam was basically the time an Atelier game was made available to the mainstream Steam masses, so I'm guessing quite a lot of people jumped on it.

>> No.16708688

>Sophie on Steam was basically the time an Atelier game was made available to the mainstream Steam masses
Yeah and then they decided to release another one next month while both have issues. Not a big suprise it's not selling well. Doesn't help it's a $60 game

>> No.16710140

Get rid of the watersprout, anon.

>> No.16710144

How bad are the shadow in Firis? I heard the game looks nothing like the PS4 version.

>> No.16710203

the pc version is a mix of ps4 and vita.

The difference is pretty drastic but honestly the ps4 version doesn't even look that great so I don't care about the half assed port.



>> No.16710215

>mix of ps4 and vita
for what purpose?

>> No.16710223

idk, ask KT. All of their pc games have been weird franken ports and all inferior to the ps4 for some reason. It's been their thing even before the pro was out.

>> No.16710289

The new atelier bgm that plays after you pass the exam is so much better than the original one. I thought the soundtrack was a little underwhelming initially but there are some really nice tracks. They should've started the game off with this instead. Firis started off really weak but I think it's not turning out to be as bad as I thought it was going to be. I still wish they would let you warp between different areas on the world map though.

>> No.16710323

Too bad none of the boss bgm top A17's. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bcja2OFXS8

>> No.16710338

True. Sophie's soundtrack was really fucking good.

>> No.16710345

yeah too bad you never actually really got to appreciate it very well in the game itself.

>> No.16710356

I like how they show us a picture of a flying ship in the ruins and all I could think about was adding wings to the ship I build and unlock world travel.

>> No.16711511

Imagine the next Atelier game. What does it look like?

>> No.16712369

Refunded Firis on Steam.
I wanted to give them a chance since they actually included the japanese text this time, but horrible performance while still looking worse than the PS4 version isn't worth 54€

>> No.16712385

The game crashed on launch for me so fuck them

>> No.16712401

Airships, zeppelins. Cute girls. The return of burly suave old men of harmonious voices and staggering tonality.

>> No.16713288
File: 2.22 MB, 1920x1080, A18 2017-03-15 00-11-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the hell do I get this trait? Does it ever exist? I tried every other variation of stable effect.

>> No.16713595

Really hoping we get another game that feels like Ayesha.
It's also the 20th anniversary game, so I think Gust wants to make it special.

>> No.16714307

I hope they don't have the VN style dialogue scenes like in Firis. I like this style with the Arland games since they have 2d portraits but it just feels lazy in Firis. I remember that Ayesha was the first to go with 3d models only but I don't remember the Dusk games or Sophie having scenes like this.

Also is it just me or were the 3d models in Sophie actually better? Maybe I'm just used to younger Sophie more. I hope they don't make her much older next game.

>> No.16714360

I think it's the lightning in a lot of cases.
Sometimes the lighting or weather really ruins scenes.

>> No.16714423

Does the bomb itself have it as one of its traits when crafting it?

>> No.16714512

Did you mean effect? No it doesn't.

>> No.16714547

They using different render now. I always thought the reason ps3 ateliers doesn't have any lights or shadows was because they hand draw them on models, and now it's really showing in Firis. Blue Reflection have a different cell shading techinque that work well with dynamic lights and shadows so maybe we'll see it in the next game.

>> No.16714653

Traveling to areas via traditional world map. Open world is too much for a small dev like Gust and it caused the rest of the game to be not as good. I don't think it meshes too well with the Atelier formula either.

>> No.16714839

When will gust start putting an effort in animation again?
>that GATTAI
>that feeling of weight in Linca's sword

>> No.16714888

When KT stops bullying Gust.
The time strain seems to be too much right now.

>> No.16716838

How do you combine traits in Sophie ?

I've tried putting ATK SPD Boost and Def Enhance on the same item but nothing happened.

>> No.16716865

You have to use things of the same progression, like Quality+ and Quality++ or Quality and Quality+. I'm not sure how the ATK SPD Boost works but you need something similar than enchances 2 stats like DEF SPD Boost or something like that.

And in the case of the first example, you can combine the two traits you get into yet another trait that gives the highest bonus.

>> No.16716997

Okay I will try it. Do the other Atelier have a system like this ?

>> No.16717034

Yes, infact in the Arland series you get to drop more traits on your items because there's no number crunch. I always felt Sophie was lacking in the stupid high damage department when it came to items.

>> No.16718627

So has anybody here finished Firis yet? Is it worth picking up now or waiting for a sale?

>> No.16718911
File: 1.30 MB, 1920x1080, Atelier Firis _The Alchemist and the Mysterious Journey__20170315164137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm collecting the endings still, but mostly done. I paid full and I don't regret it or anything. As a game there's a lot to do and Hard difficulty has a rewarding feeling of challenge.

Writing wise, I feel like the game isn't bad, just a bit rushed.
The direct and more vague ties to Dusk are probably the highlight of the game for me. It's interesting to consider.

>> No.16719100

That's one thing I dislike about the Mysterious series though. The Dusk cameos don't feel right at all. I hope Logy and Escha aren't in the next game and they don't add any other new cameos either.

>> No.16719276
File: 133 KB, 737x842, A15_Flameu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Logy's purpose is shown in Firis, Escha is still kind of a mystery.

There's a few details I plan to look into between Mysterious and Dusk, but it likely won't be anything concrete. The stories are probably not linked in the ways I'm thinking they are.

>> No.16719290

why don't they fuck already?

>> No.16719309

Now that I think about it the dusk being caused by ablation alchemy makes perfect sense.

>> No.16719645

Well yeah, he has a purpose but there's no reason why they couldn't of had a new original character fill the blacksmith role. Also, Dusk and Mysterious are not linked in any way at all. They said this themselves.

>> No.16719718
File: 177 KB, 565x800, the cutest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16719727


Is Sterk Mel Kishida himself in anime form? That's the feeling I always got.

>> No.16719814
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>not linked in any way at all. They said this themselves.
That's true, I remember the first Sophie screenshots having Slags that ended up removed. Kind of clear they want separation.

Escha and Logy's presence and situations are just interesting to speculate about. Especially considering how they play into Meklet and Atomina's 'convenience.'

>> No.16721642

Just started Firis, is the time limit flexible or should I hurry and let the exploration for the second half?
I've wasted about 10 days without even seeing the first city, and I don't know if getting the reccomendation is time-consuming.

>> No.16721738

Aim for a recommendation letter every 110 days and you'll feel just right in consuming your time.

>> No.16721750

Don't I have to get 5 letters for the best outcome?

>> No.16721779

Actually I don't know. But yeah you probably should regardless just for the sake of completion.
Personaly I got 3 letters and fully explored every area on the way and had 50 days left.

>> No.16722982

Anyone know where a filthy pirate could find the Japanese text patch?

>> No.16723361

Are Meklet and Atomina's names supposed to mean something like eschatology?

>> No.16723437

Did you finish Sophie's questline, anon? I'm stuck at sudden cave-in, can't find a way out

>> No.16724629


Anyone knows the BGM playing in the source mp4 for ion_anim?

>> No.16724888

Could someone who bought Firis upload PACK02_JP.pak on mega or something? It's in the Data folder in your install folder

It's the file for the Japanese text

>> No.16726352

They do have a meaning, but putting it together is less simple than Eschatology. I can't remember if the game confirmed it or not, but Plachta likely named the two.

'Meklet' is a word of vague origins, but it means to dig or search, physically or metaphorically. Atomina could stem from 'atom', but maybe there's something else to it.

>> No.16726753
File: 2.01 MB, 1280x1440, hell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanted to play on very hard without going through the game first and ended up with this instead.

>> No.16727362

>Prepatched AT2
Can anyone link the Undub with the new translations?
I'm assuming this is the normal version since it's too small to be the Undub.

>> No.16727397

How tight is the time limit in Firis?

I spent like 2-3 months farming traits for equipment and leveling up alchemy and shit before I even really started moving, which might be a problem.

I really need them though because I get fucking detroyed by base Punis with 138 hp jesus christ.

>> No.16727700

How do the multiple endings in Firis work? Should I be saving constantly on different files to do them all? Are they worth doing?
Any non-spoiler advice for getting the best ending, if it has one?

>> No.16727794

How do you even have those? I'm past exam and only have easy, normal, hard.

>> No.16727828

You can pick when you're ready and able, the flags are pretty obvious.

>> No.16727929


You do know the retranslation includes the undub by default? It even states as much in the project page that regardless of which version you use as the base you'll get the same result as long as you use the proper patch.

>> No.16727967

very hard is ng+
you cant get the others through normal means

>> No.16727982

But how do I get them?

>> No.16727990


>> No.16727995

Wait did you just make them up or they were cut from the game and you activated them through CE?
post table

>> No.16728041

i'm not bothering to find pointers

learn how to not need to be spoonfed

>> No.16728048
File: 9 KB, 309x297, 1476134408649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does answering my question also counts as spoon feeding?

>> No.16728316

Getting 3 reccomendations is super easy, not sure about all of them (still halfway)

I was wondering, once I finish the exam, are there other goals or it's just craft until you're bored?
Any exclusive zone or side bosses?

>> No.16728349

Post exam is like 2/3 of the game.

>> No.16728397

>Any exclusive zone or side bosses?
Lots of both.
And I ended up getting the majority of character events during the post-exam time.

>> No.16728405

There isn't a proper "final boss" though, right?

>> No.16728648

Some ending routes have bosses, others don't.

>> No.16730097
File: 150 KB, 1500x500, IMG_3420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best LE combo for blue reflection, the game itself is already 74 dollars so I might as well just get at least LE stuff

>> No.16730927

Best? The most expensive one, of course

>> No.16731335

Any fan made fixes to the shit fps and stuttering on Firis or is it just bad coding all around and not fixable by fans?

>> No.16731361

Nothing yet, waiting for something myself.

>> No.16732290

>having to rely on fan fixes
I feel bad for you guys. I don't know why they couldn't just port the Pro version and do it competently. Next time KT does this shit just pirate it. Fuck em.

>> No.16732989

You never have to fight at all. I rushed the whole thing and had 180 days left at the exam.

Pretty disappointed with Firis all in all, compared to Sophie. I hope the next alchemist won't have the mind of a ten-year-old, if nothing else.

>> No.16733098

>Next time KT does this shit just pirate it. Fuck em.
Why not just buy the version that works instead? KT's ports are usually shit.

>> No.16733155

I already did. I'm talking about PC only people though.

>> No.16733163

>You never have to fight at all.
Don't you need materials from monsters?

>> No.16733324

You can find feathers and fur lying around in piles, eggs drop from trees, I've never needed meat specifically, or puniballs, not to mention all of it can be found in shops... I'm not saying it's a smart way to play, but it's possible.

>> No.16733435

Atelier speedruns when?

>> No.16733503

Got 5 reccomendations and still have about 200 days left, what should I do?

>> No.16733507

I'm finding firis much more interesting and well done than sophie, which was easily the laziest atelier ever made if you ask me.

>> No.16733770

Well I've only played the Arland three and now these two, so I wouldn't know about 'ever'.

I think it's just that Firis herself didn't fit me. I kept thinking I'd rather have Sophie as a protagonist again, or Liane, or the blondie rival.

>> No.16733821

>I hope the next alchemist won't have the mind of a ten-year-old

I'm not sure that's how I'd phrase it since young girls are good. I think they just made her too retard-moe and her field dialogue is really bad. Like that one line where she spergs out and says "tabeta dame!" or whatever is really annoying. I agree that the game was really disappointing and a step down from Sophie. Hopefully they'll realize their mistakes and make the next entry great.

How do you even think this? This one misses the Atelier formula almost completely and goes for an open world instead. I guess it wasn't lazy to create the big open world but everything else feels so much worse. There's no way this was more well done, anon. A lot of event scenes are lazy as fuck since even though they have 3d models, they still mimic VN style scenes. Like all of the scenes don't even come until after you pass the test which makes the first half even more barren. Sophie was not lazy either, you're full of shit. I'm not saying it was ground-breaking but it was a good, solid entry. I guess I can't bash them for wanting to try new things with the open world but it's clearly not the direction they should stick with.

>> No.16733881

Open world works perfectly with the journey theme, I'm just a bit upset about back-travelling at the beginning.

Sophie was full of dead times, introduced nothing new and lacked a goal, it's easily the laziest post Iris atelier.

>> No.16733940

There was a goal though (learning alchemy, restoring Plachta's memory, helping her hometown) and it didn't feel dead at all. There were better NPCs (Tess, the bar guy) and you actually got more events more often. Compared to Firis where they just throw you in this big empty area right away, it felt way more lively to me. You could say "they played it safe" and I'd be fine with that but it wasn't "lazy". Firis's goal was simply that she just wanted to go outside and then all of sudden wanted to learn alchemy. Then she does learn alchemy and passes the test and doesn't know what to do. The open world did fit with the theme but I think it messed with game flow too much. Firis didn't even have her own "true" atelier and instead got this empty portable one. Totori also had traveling and journey themes as well and worked much better and was actually the basis for Atelier games to come. I think they could have made the open world work better if they allowed traveling to different areas on the world map itself. You would manually travel to locations through the open world the first time only but then be able to interact with world map in a traditional Atelier fashion afterwords. Despite my problems with Firis, it's still okay and not a bad game overall but I really think it was weaker entry.

>> No.16734007

Your opinion I guess?
Sophie's goal was not as strong as previous atelier's, and the lack of time limit created a lot of dead times between each events in which I would basically either sleep or craft random stuff for the sake of it.
Characters were nothing special, but I could say the same for Firis' so that's a common weak point.
Structure wise it introduced nothing, hence why I found it lazy.
Firis, albeit not being the best title ever, at least tried to offer some fresh ideas, which could turn out to be interesting if well-implemented.
The open world is not so empty (Sophie was quite lame scenery-wise too anyway) and makes you feel lost at first, which is exactly what the main character feels as she steps outside of her town.
And how is Firis not having her own atelier a problem? You can even furnish it now.
I kind of agree about back-travelling, they should've put checkpoints near each entrance.

>> No.16734056

>Sophie's goal was not as strong as previous atelier's

Not saying it was. Arland is easily the best series in my opinion but Sophie's goals still felt stronger than Firis's at the very least.

Playing it safe with the usual formula was not lazy to me and they did try new things with the combat being different. As for dead time, I never had this problem since I naturally explored new gathering areas and crafted new items as they became available. Doing this naturally fulfills the requirements to progress the story so I never really found myself with nothing to do. I think Firis not having her own Atelier is actually what felt lazy to me. The game is called "Atelier" and every girl always has their own atelier. The portable atelier almost feel like an afterthought though. Like they wanted to make an open world but didn't know how to make it work with the Atelier formula so instead just gave you a portable one a called it a day.

>> No.16734067

>As for dead time, I never had this problem since I naturally explored new gathering areas and crafted new items as they became available. Doing this naturally fulfills the requirements to progress the story so I never really found myself with nothing to do.
I would do the same, and yet there would be dead times between each event.
Character events that is, the story itself is actually quite rushed since you can unlock everything with little to no effort.

>> No.16734134

Well yeah, you usually need to wait a few days before some events trigger. I don't remember constantly needing to use the rest function though because I'd pass that time with exploring or alchemy usually.

Though I did have to use the rest function in order to fight the light elemental for example. I'll admit that the way they shuffled those types of events wasn't good.

>> No.16734149

>Though I did have to use the rest function in order to fight the light elemental for example. I'll admit that the way they shuffled those types of events wasn't good.
That was awful, getting to challenge the demon king or whatever was harder than the fight itself.

Getting back to Firis, once I got 5 reccomendations there's no point in not taking the exam right away, or should I check something else first?

>> No.16734174

If you start the exam, you cannot leave until the exam has started.
Work on synthesis outside for a while.

>> No.16734222

I should add to this that there's a "rest until exam day" option after you sign up. You don't manually have to rest 10 days at a time.

>> No.16734233

So I can just come back when I have less than 10 days left?
Should I craft specific items if I'm aiming at completing it, side bosses included?

>> No.16734269

Once you sign up, you're locked to the city and can't go anywhere else. If you want to do well in the battle part, you can try to craft a bomb that will do the most damage you can get out of it. Another part of the exam is crafting a high quality/trait item on the spot with a time limit. You might want to know what you're going to make before hand if possible.

>> No.16734447

Started Firis today and I just got the second team member, or so I thought. Did I miss something or is he supposed to be in my atelier after crafting him the key?

>> No.16734708

I'm getting the Premium Box. 6000 yen less than Special Collection Box and really, who needs all those fucking posters?

>> No.16734770

I want all those posters.

>> No.16734907

Buy the version with the posters and sell them for profit

>> No.16735350

those are already a thing, people raced arland last weekend

you can only get 2/5 letters without combat, though I guess you can scrape by with 3 without actually killing anything

>> No.16735433

Yeah, that's stupid. They tell you "talk to him to add him to your team", but even though he was just there you have to find him in the world. They all sit at the inn in different towns.

>> No.16735711

>You might want to know what you're going to make before hand if possible.
Where can I read that?

>> No.16735789

You can make any one item, with the same limitations as usual eg. know the recipe, have a high enough alchemy level and have the required materials.

There is a time limit of 2min. I think what he was trying to say is figure out in advance what you want to make and set aside some high quality materials for it, so that you don't start panicking.

The item is judged primarily by level and quality. It's possible they also consider effects or traits, but those are not mentioned anywhere.

>> No.16735810

I see.
Min lvl/quality suggested?

>> No.16735836

Hard to say since the exam has multiple parts.

In my "speedrun" I used Spirit Weave Cloth (lvl21) at quality 74 with middling effects and no traits, got 14 out of 20 questions correct on the quiz and hit about 100 in the bomb damage test, that got me tied for second place with Illmeria. And then she oneshot me in the duel.

>> No.16735841

sorry about messing up the spoiler tags

>> No.16735845

Oh, 74 gives you that much? Good to know.
In order to get the trophy I only have to beat Ill right?

>> No.16737776

You have to beat Sophie

Blitz Core: Ice with Steal Speed L makes it pretty trivial on Normal, on Hard I couldn't prevent the one shot. A good Angel Ribbon and lots of speed stacking helps.

>> No.16738975

Where can I get worm fish?
Read some peddlers supposedly sell it, but I can't find them at all.

>> No.16742960

all of the ones I have i think i got from fishing

looks like ren sells them if you are post-exam

>> No.16743352
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Amazon Japan sold out of the cheaper collector's edition for Blue Reflection.

Looks like I'm getting those posters then

>> No.16743541

When can I upgrade my container capacity in Firis?
Already capped out and I only just got my first recommendation

>> No.16743771

There's an item to put inside your atelier with that effect.

Any good grinding spot for level 30?
All the new areas are full of level 45+ mobs.

>> No.16743848

Weist is high 20s, try there for a while then maybe Einhorn closer to 40.

>> No.16743889
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You lucky bastard. Those posters look great.

>> No.16745221
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So is Firis fun or boring?

>> No.16745235

Firis and Sophie themself are representation of their games. Sophie is straight mediocre while Firis has a lot of good sides and a lot of bad sides which balance each other into mediocrity.

>> No.16745283
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Is Sophie a virgin in Firis? My bet is that she wasn't even a virgin in her own game.

>> No.16746106

Blue Reflection got a 32/40 from Famitsu, though I don't know whether that's good, bad, or just passable.

>> No.16747147

Yes she's a virgin you retard.

>> No.16747563

It's the same score as Ar tonelico II.

>> No.16747755
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Oh yeah? Prove it. She was a 16 year old girl living alone surrounding herself with older men.

>> No.16747790

Fuck off

>> No.16747887

I almost never trust Famitsu because literally every fucking game gets above 30.

>> No.16748044

Did Ciel nosurge really need to have 60 hours of story scenes

>> No.16748110

Why don't you just watch it? Complaining about the length won't change anything.

>> No.16748145

It wasn't called 'Ar' for a reason.
What else would you expect it to have?

>> No.16748523

Not having "Ar" in the title has nothing to do with it. People should just stop assuming the EXA_PICO games are the "Ar" series when Ar tonelico and Surge Concerto actually take different approaches to the way they present their themes.

>> No.16749381

Ciel was released over two years, that's 2.5 per month.

Literally less time than kindergartners spend on homework.

>> No.16749916

Why does Sophie look so much worse in Firis?

>> No.16749934

Too old

>> No.16749982

She's been trying to use philosopher stones to make greatest strap-on ever and using Plachta as QC.

>> No.16750147

Fingers and tongues is all those two need.

>> No.16755117

It feels like Firis was made by new recruits or something. It's so disappointing. And goddamn is Liane awful. Her personality is physically painful for me to endure. The worst part is that they'll probably bring her back next game. I want them to have Hidari or Mel do the art again. I don't know how they dropped the ball so hard with Firis. Maybe they're taking on too many projects and its causing quality to suffer? All of the needless backtracking really causes the game to drag on and I just want to be finished with it already.

>> No.16755577

Did Harol seem straight to you?

>> No.16755908

Is Ciel nosurge worth it? Or is it shit?

>> No.16756241

I ship Harol and Sophie.

>> No.16756253

The battle improved a lot though, just the fact that I can check debuffs and new traits was enough to keep me going.

>> No.16756320

Honestly every game feels like that.

There are so many little UI problems they have in every game like in some games you can easily select multiple items, then they change how you have to do it, then again in Sophie/Firis literally no one can figure out how to do it reliably.

Some menus let you filter/sort and others don't, and it changes which you can every game.

They keep changing how they organize the synth menu. Boy it was nice in Totori being able to sort it by if you had crafted or not. Now in Firis you get a new recipe and have to guess about where it is in your list of 200 items to find it.

Liked the animation speedup in Sophie? Well too bad.

>> No.16756836

That's wrong though. It's Sophie with Plachta.

>> No.16757513

I think that combat and alchemy is still good but everything else is lacking.

>Honestly every game feels like that.

I can't say I agree with that. Arland was so much better and had more personality in it. The game flow in Firis is just so off and the writing isn't as good. It's like a lot of characters don't exist outside of the small portable tent. The open world fucked everything up other than the combat and alchemy. Years have passed though and I'm wondering about how much of the staff is new and who's remaining from the Arland games. It feels like they tried to make it too big since this is the first game that wasn't on PS3.

>> No.16757575

Something something Luca something something whore and slut

>> No.16757833

I'm having a lot of fun with Firis. There's a lot of design flaws but as a jrpg it's not terrible. Sophie did a lot of things better and Firis did a lot of things better than Sophie. Hopefully the finale will take the best of both and give us characters worth a damn.

>> No.16757893

I like watching black people play weeb games for some reason

>> No.16757919

And aquagon started translating the AT2 Drama CDs. He posted the translation for Luca's yesterday.

>> No.16757945 [DELETED] 

>> 16757833
One can argue about the various stuff being better or worse than in previous games, but character writing is unarguably, constantly moving downward for many years now. So this is the only thing I wouldn't give a hopes for.

>> No.16757950

One can argue about the various stuff being better or worse than in previous games, but character writing is unarguably, constantly moving downward for many years now. So this is the only thing I wouldn't give a hopes for.

>> No.16758310

Does anyone know if Blue Reflection is PSTV compatible? I'd guess so based on Gust's track record but I want to be sure

>> No.16758755

The only thing I can think of that Firis has done better than Sophie is switching the combat back to individual turns but even then, I didn't really dislike deciding all party actions at once. The soundtrack isn't nearly as good as Sophie's either.

Arland and Ayesha had great writing. EL, Shallie, and Sophie were still okay too though I hated EL since I'm yuri fan and I don't think this series should have male protagonists. Also couldn't stand Escha in general due to her annoying seiyuu. Firis is the first one where I'm really noticing a drop in personality of the game.

I think there might be hope that next game will be better but I'm curious about what Japanese feedback and discussion is occurring. I know the initial sales were a little weak and I think the budget was higher this time but I don't know how people were actually receiving it after the patches came out.

>> No.16758958

170 hours in and I just realise airship is a thing.

>> No.16759241

How are the PC ports of Sophie and Firis?

>> No.16760630

The journey part in Firis was the best thing. I kinda wish the world was bigger and it lasted longer. But the characters were pretty disappointing. Boring designs and stories.

I wish they focused more about Firis learning alchemy from Sophie. Now she appears for few scenes at start, shows how to make a bomb and leaves. She wasn't that much of mentor so hard to understand why Firis cares so much during journey.

>> No.16761479

>she appears for few scenes at start, shows how to make a bomb and leaves
Clearly Sophie was too busy being smug with Plachta,

>> No.16762170

I don't understand people thinking the characters were better/more interesting in previous games as it has been pretty consistently meh.

How many characters can you think of that can be summed up as short, tsundere girl with a height complex and worried about her family's legacy?

>> No.16762893

Gust is too small to handle open world. Making it bigger would've made it even worse.

They were much better in Arland. The fight scene between Illmeria and Firis was terrible for example and her height complex is extremely generic.

>> No.16763341

Guys. How does the battle chain system in Firis work? The bar fills up and the screen gets a purple tint... and then everyone just does their own thing? There is no special attack by anyone?

>> No.16763370

Have to have multiple members turns in a row without any monster turns in between and have to use a skill or item. I think the last one to have a turn can use a normal attack and still be part of it

>> No.16763624
File: 521 KB, 1920x1080, 20170324185249_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want to have sex with Sophie.

>> No.16764101
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You do that all the time though, Plachta.

>> No.16764107
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I wish.

>> No.16764124
File: 327 KB, 1333x500, 56851590_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm worried about how they'll handle turning her human. I hope it's more of a "poof, you're now human" kind of thing because I don't want her to have an entirely new body or something.

>> No.16764235

I want to install my crystal into Plachta's Install Port.

>> No.16764610

Firis should be called Atelier Autism. Firis herself is a walking meme spouting retard, Liane is beyond saving, Drossel wants to fuck a mini doll of her dad, loli Escha is autism incarnate whenever she speaks, and so on.

And holy fuck are the forced drama scenes terrible. What are you even doing, Gust?

>> No.16764626

It's great but it starts slow. Ch4 is the first part where things start getting intense and when you get to Ch7 the story kicks into high gear. After you finish Ch7 you can start reading stuff from the Genomirai Wiki to get a better understanding of the setting and backstory. Beware of spoilers lurking at every corner though.


>> No.16764845
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All the girls are dumb and easy to rape. Are you really looking for a serious story about an under aged girl going on an adventure that surrounds herself with older men?

>> No.16764869

>Ch7 the story kicks into high gear.
I'm in chapter 5 and it's not like it's been fucking around, it's hard to believe there's another distinct step up.

>> No.16764893
File: 62 KB, 384x384, 608193144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh buddy are you in for a ride.

>> No.16764908

What are the best gust series / titles? I've only played a few of the atelier games and would like to see what else they have done.

>> No.16765217

I probably enjoyed Ar Tonelico 2 the most.

>> No.16765679

Anyone got the Cosmocrystal album in MP3?

>> No.16765985

Not at all and I never said anything about her surrounding herself with older men since that's false.

Arland are there best games in my opinion. If you already played them then you could try Dusk.

>> No.16766766

Ar Tonelico and Surge Concerto games are great, but they aren't really Atelier. The focus there is on GOAT setting and characters. For the latter there are Cosmospheres, which is basically mental worlds where a couple of main girls are fleshed out.
Also, GOAT music and new somewhat experimental battle system in every game, though it backfired from time to time.
The story mostly carries itself on the great setting, but it is pretty good by its own merits too.
Gameplay is fun enough, but you really play Ar Tonelico for the story.

>> No.16769839

X being special attack and not jump in Yoru no Nai Kuni makes me irrationally annoyed. I don't think there could be anything about the game that would actually bother me more.

>> No.16771371
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The heart shaped ruby prism you make for Sophie is a big hint, and makes an interesting callback.

>> No.16771439

There are multiple control layouts you can switch to.

>> No.16771977
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>> No.16772106

I wonder if Firis sold enough to even make profit

>> No.16772198
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>> No.16772289

So...I just finished both Ciel and Ar.

They did as much world-building and character development as they could in Ciel, and then you get to immerse yourself in that world in Ar. The end result was a very very charming experience.

>> No.16772556

There's only one other layout for the face buttons and it is even worse. None of that would fix the fact there isn't a jump button either.

>> No.16772813

Ar was already fantastic without having played Ciel (I did read up on the plot though). I can only imagine how great it would have been had I played Ciel first.

>> No.16773186

I don't think Ar works if you have no knowledge of Ciel. Even if you enjoyed the story, you're missing so much context you must have really low standards to not call out all the plotholes.

>be Delta
>everyone hates you for some reason
>go on mission to save random person
>why am I a robot now?
>who is this chick?
>who are all these characters?
>This is a spaceship right?

>> No.16773303
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There's a difference between plot holes and large portions of story that are simply cut out.

For example, controlling Delta and interacting with Earthes, or the situation >>16702869

>> No.16773508

I said I read through Ciel's story though, so I knew the answers to those. Work on your reading comprehension.

>> No.16773885

I said "I don't think Ar works if you have no knowledge of Ciel" I never said anything about your case, precisely because you read about Ciel, but most people who just picked up Ar on a whim didn't. Work on your own reading comprehension.

>> No.16773918

I guess I misinterpreted what you said but you really could have worded it better. You were replying directly to me when you said "you're missing so much context you must have really low standards not to call out all the plotholes", which sounds like you are referring specifically to me and not this imagined person who went into the game with zero knowledge.

>> No.16774469

I can't figure out how to get the last few recipes for the Institute. The JP wiki says you can get a bulletin board for synthing plywood/picking up white stone, a puni candlestick for synthing icy flame and a small doll for synthing the puni candlestick.

I've made like 30 plywood and collected a bunch of white stones and 10 or so icy flames and nothing so far.

>> No.16775058 [DELETED] 


I followed the best-end routes for Ciel and Ar (get ready for ES45, switch to Ar, finish the game, switch back, finish Terminate Pack).

With this flow, both routes of Ar started off pretty disconnected from Ciel, so I was pretty lost, too (why are Cass/Delta living in Soreil, why is Ion in a tube etc). Not to mention by the time you reach chapter 12 of Ciel, you've probably forgotten a good chunk of what happened around 5-8, so you can't bring much to Ar other than character personalities and dynamics.

So yeah, that's pretty much what you lose out if you don't have Ciel, though I think Ar does try very hard to bring the characters to the same depth as Ciel's through their Genometrics. Some things make less sense (Yandere Ion) but overall it's probably still enjoyable to play.

>> No.16775063


I followed the best-end routes for Ciel and Ar (get ready for ES45, switch to Ar, finish the game, switch back, finish Terminate Pack).

With this flow, both routes of Ar started off pretty disconnected from Ciel, so I was pretty lost, too (why are Cass/Delta living in Soreil, why is Ion in a tube etc). Not to mention by the time you reach chapter 12 of Ciel, you've probably forgotten a good chunk of what happened around 5-8, so you can't bring much to Ar other than character personalities and dynamics.

So yeah, that's pretty much what you lose out if you don't have Ciel, though I think Ar does try very hard to bring the characters to the same depth as Ciel's through their Genometrics. Some things make less sense (Yandere Ion) but overall it's probably still enjoyable to play.

>> No.16778568

Ciel actually follows a classic Japanese ~concept~ called 序破急 jo-ha-kyuu. Applied in a literary format most often in plays in the theater, it is typically a three-act structure where the first act represents /jo/ beginning, /ha/ for the build up, picking up speed or acceleration, and then /kyuu/ is the break.

Metaphorically speaking:

/jo/ is where we find out you're in a car, why you're in the car, and where you think you're headed.

/ha/ is where you find out you're being chased by a homicidal maniac in a mini and you're quickly speeding up faster and faster trying to get away.

/kyuu/ is where you hit a wall, break through, killing your friend, and discovering your in a strange separate world where water melts everything and the sky is made of sand.

>> No.16779211

>Some things make less sense (Yandere Ion)
That should make sense if you've played any AT games. People always hide parts of themselves. For Ion who is a lovely angel on the outside despite all the shit she had thrust onto her, you should be able to guess that she's got some issues inside.

>With this flow, both routes of Ar started off pretty disconnected from Ciel
I don't thinks it's possible to truly understand what's going on until you've played both games entirely and thought about it a bit.


Chronological order is:

Ciel flashbacks
Ar up until timeskip
Ciel with Ion gameplay
Rest of Ar

Of course, the only way to know what the chronological order is is to play through all of Ciel, Proto, and the first few hours of Ar, so you will most certainly have to sit down and spend some time piecing things together.

tl;dr you really can't understand the story without having all the parts, and that means playing/reading Ciel, Ar, and Proto at least once.

>> No.16779367

I thought the best time to switch to Ar, chronologically speaking, is after finishing the terminate pack but before ending the game.

>> No.16779414
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Just noticed that book dampening if you open it during rain or snow. What a nice touch.

>> No.16779445

Yes, but only if you finish Ciel right at the timeskip in Ar.

Of course, the chances of any players doing that without having the knowledge beforehand is very low, which is probably to drive home the point that the flow of time in EXA_PICO is vastly different from our world.

>> No.16779958
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Prepare your shipments

>> No.16780300
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Does anybody know when the next wave of dlc is coming out for Firis? I've trying to play it slow in anticipation for the dlc but I nearly have all the endings and achievements. Nothing is new for NG+ right?

>> No.16780311
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Actual spoilers so read below at your own risk

So is he her dad? It was heavily implied and information about the previous town is pretty scarce.

>> No.16780964

Just preordered mine and the kishida mel artbook. Would probably scan it too but I won't upload it until I'm assured it won't be ported to PC

>> No.16780997

What's your logic here?

I thought Firis was a loli. Looks at those jugs on her.
Now I definitely won't play it...

>> No.16781062

>What's your logic here?
Probably a console war fag.

>> No.16782140

>Now I definitely won't play it...

You're not missing much. Hopefully the next game will be good and back to form so we can just forget Firis ever happened.

>> No.16782148
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Firis gets a lot better when you get the quick travel. The only bad thing for me is the alchemy. It has a pretty ridiculous grind and unlocking recipes is really autistic. Other than that I found the open world and exploration pretty refreshing.

>> No.16782551

Well maybe they should've given you that right away because I'm done with the game and I never got that. The open world was terrible and nothing but a headache.

>> No.16782552

>quick travel
You mean the one between points of interest in a zone or do you get something to quick travel to different zones later?

>> No.16782578

You can get a flying airship later in the game that lets you quick travel to any zone in the game with a campfire. The quick travel really should have been in the game since the start but oh well, it exists in the game atleast.

>> No.16782609

Well that's terrible design because I've stopped caring about completing all endings and I'm just going to watch the ones I got tonight. They made this drag out way too long with all the backtracking and the new characters are shit anyways. This is the kind of thing they shouldve given you immediately after the test. And then there's all these forced drama scenes as well. They fucked this game up badly.

>> No.16782640
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>characters are all shit
His name is literally Revy Berger and he makes burgs. But memes aside if you think these characters are shit then you must be very deluded about the series. Atelier has never had "good" characters, they have always just been serviceable with your typical stereotype anime tropes.

Liane and Norbert probably have the best stories in the game but too bad it's only a few conversations. Gust gave Liane more of a story than most of the entirety of the Atelier cast.

>> No.16782842

Only one that deluded is you. This series usually does have good character but they failed to deliver in Firis since they wasted all their time on the open world.

>> No.16782853

Are you saying characters were good in Sophie?

>> No.16782900

Certainly not all of them but some were good. You know what though, fuck it. I'm pretty sure you're that same fag from earlier in the thread and I think you know that I was the one who was defending it earlier.

There's nothing new to be said here and I don't feel like doing this routine again. The main point is that I thought Firis wasn't good but previous Atelier games are in fact good.

>> No.16782938

I'm not the same person but your argument about the characters being bad has no basis. I played Sophie and Firis all within the same week and the characters with their stories follow the same pacing and developments in both games.

It just sounds like you don't like the characters because you don't like the game. I personally liked the characters stories more in Firis, the characters were a lot more diverse and the stories went somewhere. The overall theme of Firis was how big the world was and the characters show it. Characters like Angriff and Kald were really refreshing for the series.

Overall the story telling in Firis focused more on world disposition and I can understand why you may not like that but that doesn't make the characters worse.

>> No.16783115

They were shit. The events are all in these static VN styled events which was lazy. It doesn't even feel like any of them are traveling with you. There was also terrible drama scenes with Oskar, Liane, and Illmeria. This game felt like an insult compared to how good Arland was. No personality at all and the world was physically big but still empty. It wasn't an Atelier game.

>> No.16783209

Better than Totori at least.

>> No.16783217

Good joke. Fuck off.

>> No.16783242

What do you mean vn styled events? The events are the same in literally every atelier game. Are you mad that they dealt with more adult themes with this game or something?

>> No.16783291

>Are you mad that they dealt with more adult themes with this game or something?

Wait, what? How did you come to this conclusion? They didn't deal with more adult themes at all.

And they're VN styled because they have the 3D models on each side of the screen during a lot of the character events. This is the first Atelier to do this with 3D models. It's okay in Arland though since it had well drawn 2D portraits but it just feels lazy this time around.

>> No.16783301

Lianes story along with the town in ruins seemed pretty mature to me. Norbet seemed like a pretty broken man after everything that happened.

>> No.16783331

Okay but it's not like it's any more mature than anything the series has done previously.

>> No.16783338

While 3D models might be lazy, so are 2D portraits

>> No.16783398

Not if the artist is good. Mel did a good job with the portraits and each character had a good amount of expressions.

>> No.16783438

>Not if the artist did a good job
Exactly, which is why they were lazy in the Arland games.

>> No.16783483

What, no. The portraits weren't lazy. I only think Firis is lazy because they usually don't use their 3D models in this way. Dusk and Sophie didn't have portraits but they never used their models to imitate VN styled scenes.

>> No.16784174

>they're VN styled because they have the 3D models on each side of the screen during a lot of the character events.
Ciel and Ar both had this. I presume this is GUST's new thing.

Personally, I like 2D portraits, especially since the model animations during dialog were silly as fuck in SC (Delta fighting stance, anyone? Hell, all of the fighting stance models)

>> No.16784622

So what isn't?

>> No.16785091
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I can tell this is going to be a great game

>> No.16785449

Where is this from?

>> No.16785775

Did you ever consider that other people might have different opinion and your could be incorrect?

>> No.16786386

I can say the same to you. You have your opinion and I have mine. Neither are correct or incorrect.

>> No.16786670

Why the hell would you say this to me when I didn't even expressed an opinion?

>> No.16786950

My GS最強combo pack just shipped. The wait is going to be tough.

>> No.16787779

The LE doesn't feel worth it for me to be honest, I just went for the copy + artbook

>> No.16789620

So when's the third mystery girl announcement

>> No.16789952

It looks like KT is bringing over the Sophie epilogue DLC after all

>> No.16790198

A little late but I'll take it.

>> No.16790208

So...how's Blue Reflection?

>> No.16790319

Is it for Sophie or Firis ?

>> No.16790393


>> No.16791018

How prompt of them

>> No.16791459

i have to wait until monday for my copy to arrive

>> No.16791545

>Blue Reflection has a 9000+ yen season pass

>> No.16791672


how can they be so incompetent? they've been asked about this DLC multiple times and never replied
then they release it a month after firis
and only on console and make no mention of it coming to steam

how have they not gone bankrupt?

>> No.16791897

KT America did tweet it will come to Steam though.

>> No.16792008

Anyone rip the Blue Reflection soundtrack yet?

>> No.16792035

I couldn't help it. I wasn't even originally going to get Blue Reflection. Then one day I went to the Gust Shop webpage and blacked out, ending up with an email confirmation for the highest tier combo in my inbox 15 minutes later.

I really need to stop. I got the Firis GS最強 too and never even played the game past the introduction. Horrendous waste of money, and space.

Soon as my package gets here. Depending on when Tenso gets it back in the mail and any USPS shenganigans, I should have it next Tuesday or Wed.

>> No.16792185

pls don't die gust thread

>> No.16792267

pls dont die gust more like.

>> No.16792631


Next thread
