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File: 2.59 MB, 384x450, Dishes.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16580352 No.16580352 [Reply] [Original]

Ganbatte itte ne, /jp/-kun!

Previous thread: >>16514980

>> No.16580434
File: 9 KB, 200x200, 16432943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I launched MoF and my Extra Stage is suddenly blocked again, but if I check player data everything is alright, and the cleared signs in all the character shows up too

>> No.16580728
File: 237 KB, 640x480, th10_07 (MoF) Hard 1cc - ReimuA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never mind, I unlocked it again.. the hard way!
This game is much more fun now that I have tried hard and extra modes.

>> No.16580878
File: 211 KB, 1458x1170, tenshi youmu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give me some tenko tech lads, her wiki page is bare as fuck compared to some of the other characters when it comes to combos, good cards to use, general strategy, everything

>> No.16580885

Here's one: Stop playing kuso games!

>> No.16580906

Anyone here plays Len'en?

>> No.16580922
File: 402 KB, 730x780, do_not_wan_by_miwol-d9xfi8j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And now I can only play Extra with ReimuA, wtf man

>> No.16580935

If you want to play Extra with the other shots, 1cc the game with the other shots.

>> No.16581026
File: 437 KB, 640x480, th000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting there

But, I have already done that on normal >>16580434

>> No.16581295

I decided I should just nut up and post a replay even though I know I'll get laughed at.


Someone tell me what I'm doing wrong with Chen's nonspell. I specifically timed it out to hopefully make it clearer to someone who's not horrible at Touhou. Anything after Chen's nonspell is just me deciding not to suicide after it ended even though I knew I wouldn't come close to winning.

>> No.16581516

You dodged for enough time to clear it if you were shooting I believe, but this shouldn't be a big issue, you were doing right, if you don't feel safe or even get hit, just bomb her.
On her last spell you could try flying along her too
On Ran first spell, you don't need to move every time she shots, sometimes it isn't aimed at you at all
Have my replay if you wanna see, I'm not very good so I don't know if it will help you a lot tho

>> No.16581641

Anon I feel confused. You didn't capture a single one of Ran's spellcards besides the last one (which that last capture was impressive), and your play in the stage section felt unoptimized. How come you can pull through where I can't?

To give a comparison, this is my """best""" run, in quotations because some parts of it make me sick to my stomach with how much I fuck up, especially the Chen sections.
At the risk of sounding like an arrogant ass who can't back up what he's talking about considering you beat Ran and I haven't, I feel like I played "better" for a lot of this run, but still lost without beating the spellcard Chen (as opposed to the midboss Chen).

>> No.16581966

You did play better though. You have a more optimal way to play the stage too. I just had a look of that replay I gave you... god, that was painful to watch.
I did much better with SakuB. Speaking of which, haven't you tried with other shottypes? (well, the ones you have available at least)
About your replay, that was much better.
The 卍 are such a bitch right?
In that spell getting closer to Ran and circling around helps a lot.
With Shikigami "Chen", I would suggest staying in the middle of the screen a moving a little as possible.
Honestly if you can survive the manjis without losing lives then you pretty much can clear it without a lot of effort

>> No.16581985

Hey I've seen that webm before!

>> No.16582501

I have some questions regarding Kanako

1) Did I see her phase out during Mountain of Faith?

2) Is there something weird about the hitbox of her second spell card? I swear I got hit there twice last round when there was a bit of empty space between me and the bullet.

>> No.16582519

1) Yes, you bombed.
2) Is that the one that has the ovals "become" smaller bullets? Because if so, they only change in appearance, the hitbox is the same..

>> No.16582576

>ovals "become" smaller bullets

I've played other games where they hid bullets in one way or another and I hated it but that is more irritating.

Also, aren't these last spell cards on stage 5 and 6 supposed to get more intense as the spell goes on? Come to think of it Sanae didn't ramp it up either.

>> No.16582638

I mean, I'm just wondering if there's some way the pattern switches up as the card goes on that I haven't noticed.

>> No.16582651

Sanae doesn't change, Kanako's last spell just starts speeding up until you beat it.

>> No.16582677

Oh, thank you.

If that's the case I'm not following anything close to a pattern, so I figure that doesn't matter too much here.

It's pretty fun.

>> No.16582684
File: 1.66 MB, 640x1444, why tho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still don't understand what happened.

>> No.16582734

you need to score above 1.6b to unlock extra

>> No.16582749

The thing is that I had it unlocked for everyone.
It just locked up suddenly, other than clearing easy [citation needed] what else re-locks extra in MoF?

>> No.16582933

How the fuck i fix EoSD?

>> No.16582946

Your answer would depend on what's broken about it.

>> No.16583372

>I've played other games where they hid bullets in one way or another and I hated it but that is more irritating.
Well it's a bug, so it isn't as though it's on purpose. It just happens to be one of the only instances in MoF where a bullet graphic changes.

It only changes phases once, after 20 seconds. It doesn't change besides that.

>> No.16583856
File: 736 KB, 1279x956, Screenshot at 2017-02-17 05:15:07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EoSD is by far my favorite game to play with the Ultra patch. Some of the other ones break when you get to the more gimmicky spellcards, but EoSD actually feels legitimately possible to NMNB on Ultra Lunatic.

>> No.16583873

Changing the size of the window and make it run 60fps

>> No.16583885

I have 1cc'd Touhou 4, 6-8, 10 and 14 on normal along with having beaten Ran, Yukari and Suwako. Where do I go from here?

>> No.16583899

1cc something on hard then lunatic.

Or check out the photogames/fairy wars. Also PoFV can be fun getting into.

>> No.16583905

Beat Mokou and Flan.

>> No.16583908


>> No.16583921

Completed IAMP with sakuya, thats four characters now only two five more to unlock yukari.

>> No.16585340

Try some of the games you skipped over. 11, 12, and 15 are some of the harder games in the series compared to what you beat.

>> No.16585412
File: 36 KB, 195x217, lolk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you count as a 1CC in LoLK point device mode?
I'm confused because it gives the all clear ending and unlocks the extra even with ridiculous amounts of deaths, it just doesn't feel right. Do you set a limit for number of deaths, or only count no miss runs?

>> No.16585430

LoLK is a spinoff game so it doesn't count

>> No.16585446

I would honestly recommend the Ultra patch to anyone who loves EoSD and wants to make it harder. It's almost perfect. Even the second best Ultra patch, PCB, doesn't compare.

>> No.16585454

Pointdevice is a gimmick mode but beating it counts as beating LoLK in my opinion. It didn't feel right for me either, but I accepted it, and I'll get back to it to do Legacy mode after I have a few Lunatic 1ccs in other games. I tried setting the handicap of a no-bomb run to make it more fair, but I eventually got to the point where I lost so much power from Clownpiece that I had almost no chance of capturing it, and gave in and bombed.

Losing .01 power every death in Pointdevice is a bad mechanic.

>> No.16585492

>Losing .01 power every death in Pointdevice is a bad mechanic.

Since it gives you infinite retries with several checkpoints that still unlock the good ending, I think that penalty is more than fair.

>> No.16585498

It screws over people who want to try no-bombing the game, though. There's no spell practice in LoLK and Pointdevice is the only reliable way to practice individual cards.

>> No.16585564

Is it just me or does MoF have way harder patterns than SA? Every boss in MoF from stage 3 onwards has one or more spell cards that I can't do, but in SA with ReimuA the only thing I really don't expect myself to clear is Orin's midboss spell card. Adding to that, in general the micrododging in MoF feels especially unforgiving which I don't get in SA at all. MoF must be the harder game.

>> No.16585702
File: 2.02 MB, 1279x956, Screenshot at 2017-02-17 13:32:40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, so close. Pristine Lunacy did me in, and I died with three bombs right before it.

I disagree, SA feels a lot harder to me. Aya's last few spellcards, DVoWG, and Sanae's midboss spellcard give me trouble, but MoF was one of my first few Lunatic 1cc's.

>> No.16585929

Okay, it's starting to not feel so insurmountable. Made it to Ran's survival card for the first time and even managed to capture Chen (unless I'm horribly misremembering what I just played). If it weren't for me dying twice to the same nonspell because I figured "oh hey it's almost over I don't need to bomb" and dying once before the boss due to a dumb mistake, I might have made it to her final card.


>The 卍 are such a bitch right?
It really is, though I managed to only die once instead of twice to it this time.

>> No.16585978

These are the patterns that I know I am pretty much guaranteed to fail:

Midboss Nitori
Aya's avoidance card
Sanae's spell card with the lasers
Sanae's spell card with the knives
Kanako's second to last spell
Kanako's final

So this is a list of seven, barely even enough for an LNB, and that's not counting the ones that are difficult for me but doable at least half of the time. I get that with Sanae's midboss spell card and others since the micrododging can be difficult without fully memorising it, but it's not impossible.

Now I won't claim that I'm super good at SA but at worst I feel like I have a 50% chance to capture a difficult spell card instead of a nearly guaranteed failure, excepting of course midboss Orin.

>> No.16586329

>Midboss Nitori
>Aya's avoidance card
>Sanae's spell card with the lasers
>Kanako's final
I'm with you
>Sanae's spell card with the knives
Moses' Miracle? Why? That's one of her two spells that I have little chance to fuck up no matter the difficulty.
>Kanako's second to last spell
Why? Source of Rains is easy if you redirect it. Just go center then loop right-left-right until she dies.

In the last thread, there were some guys that talked about how to survive PCB Extra and one of them also uploaded a replay.

>> No.16586407

Midboss Nitori is doable, just stay close to the bullet walls and move along them to avoid the blue bullets. Fuck Momiji, I always bomb her, ditto for Aya's survival card and Sanae's laser spellcard. I guess I agree with you on most of those, actually.

I just feel like there's more margin for error in MoF than SA, you know? There are a lot of parts of MoF that you can kinda cruise through once you've figured them out, whereas with SA you kind of have to be on guard from start to finish.

>> No.16586946
File: 486 KB, 700x964, __kirisame_marisa_touhou_drawn_by_shiina_kuro__538f4da8836d427fd39af05901a1bd6d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Moses' Miracle? Why? That's one of her two spells that I have little chance to fuck up no matter the difficulty.
I try to stream slowly from right to left, then cross, then stream back and hopefully the spell is over by then but sometimes it isn't, and I havent been successful in crossing the stream again from there. I find the long lines of knives very hard to read and dodge.

>Why? Source of Rains is easy if you redirect it. Just go center then loop right-left-right until she dies.
I clip bullets and die there all the time, seemingly for no reason... My statistic after a while of practising Kanako is 0/14 which speaks for itself pretty much. Even DVoWG is showing 1/13.

Nitori kind of fucks with my brain, might be my slow reaction time too since it contains glowshit but not sure that complaints about glowshit really apply. I tried to grind it hardcore and ended up with 2/21.

>I just feel like there's more margin for error in MoF than SA, you know? There are a lot of parts of MoF that you can kinda cruise through once you've figured them out, whereas with SA you kind of have to be on guard from start to finish.
It feels better to have an honest gamble on my skill level at least.

>> No.16587837
File: 323 KB, 640x480, th10_08 (MoF) Extra Clear - ReimuA (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah I actually got her.
My bad, you were right anons, Suwako is easier than Ran.
Or maybe I just improved

>> No.16588269

That doesn't look like ZUN's artwork.

>> No.16588283

Because it isn't.

>> No.16588286

But anon, only a loser would patch out ZUN's artwork in a Touhou game. You aren't a loser, are you?

>> No.16588303

What kinda logic is that?

>> No.16588422

>In the last thread, there were some guys that talked about how to survive PCB Extra and one of them also uploaded a replay.

Here's another. Besides Izuna Gongen it's NNN.
Some parts that I executed poorly but hopefully you get the idea:
- The section before Chen, you pretty much just cut across left to right and done properly you have enough space on the right side to get through, but I messed up and had to dodge a bit.
- On Chen's second card I didn't move quite fast enough so I had to dodge a bit and it took slightly longer than it should to speedkill.
- I totally fucked up Fox-Tanuki Laser because I forgot which card it was, so I climbed back up and timed it out a bit to show what you're supposed to do, but it looks really clumsy. Ran moves in your direction, so you sit just slightly to the left/right of her so that she aims mostly downwards and you can easily go back and forth. It's actually very easy.
- I couldn't remember the timings for her later noncards. Generally though the less you move the easier they are.

>> No.16588427

Get out.

>> No.16588448

Well shit, rewatching I realized I actually got the safespot aligned on Izuna Gongen and just died getting into position.

>> No.16590252

My first lunatic win came from a fighting game and it was too fucking easy.

>> No.16590403
File: 878 KB, 1300x1907, pixiv61268368_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did it. I 1cc'd IN on normal.

>> No.16591270

Congrats anon!

That one was my first 1CC too.

Did you use the border patrol as well?

>> No.16591588
File: 342 KB, 441x600, Yuyuko (762).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats anon, IN was my first 1cc as well!
Are you planning to do it with every team to unlock solo shots or are you going for another game?

>> No.16591796
File: 2.83 MB, 640x400, ellyattack.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to consistently get through this attack, or is it just luck?

>> No.16592485

The trick is to move through the bullets without getting hit

>> No.16593715

When do you get the wider shot in ISC? I feel like I'm wasting my time trying to no item 4-3 without it.

>> No.16593788

I wish I was good at touhou but I can't even 1cc normal pcb

>> No.16593806

I like bullying people like you but also don't want to be mean.

>> No.16593810

You should also make sure to shoot bullets at the other girl so that she dies.

>> No.16593837

What was the dumbest thing you did when you started playing Touhou?

I didn't know that your bombs recharged when you lost a life, and my mentality was to not rely too much on bombing, so I only ever used the bombs when I was down to my last life.

>> No.16593898

i die regularly to stage 4 and I sometimes even wiff and die to shit like chen stage 2 midboss
do your worst, I know I'm shit, you can't hurt me

>> No.16593901

Self deprecation still has an effect, be kind to yourself.

>> No.16593905

make me, nerd

>> No.16593933

Once I started focusing, I'd never let go until I either clear the stage or die

>> No.16593937

I finally cleared TD with all the shots, fuck this game!

>> No.16593945

It's the Decoy Doll sub-item.

>> No.16594102
File: 913 KB, 640x480, Untitled.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this

>> No.16594191
File: 757 KB, 800x1131, a1558f96fcc21664a21d09ab4538eb92.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh, I'd rather go to a higher difficulty with the same team.

>> No.16594229

unironically playing on lunatic without bombs

>> No.16594318

I am really shit at the games. I have cleared 6-11 on easy mode but I want to get better and be able to 1cc on normal. Which game would you say is the best choice to start?

>> No.16594336

Did you start with HRtP? It was like that in that game.

>> No.16594348

I would play whole stages in focus because I didn't want to run into bullets.

I'd even ignore point items and such because that was dangerous.

>> No.16594350

in my experiece pcb is the easiest one and then eosd.

>> No.16594602

I only learned that focused movement existed after a few weeks of playing.

>> No.16595083

I started with HRtP and legit thought that every game would be like that, so I spent weeks getting gud.

>> No.16595134

Do you have any tips for PCB? I've tried it and it is my worst game, I do better on SA in normal than PCB

>> No.16595180

I think you can(and should) easily get up to five six lives when you reach stage four.
Then those wind musicals appear and their curvy attack might be difficult.
Just bomb the shit out of every boss after that.
Also you should learn to release focus if you dont do it, its a common beginners mistake.
Watch some youtube videos if there are some spells where you are stuck.

>> No.16595206

If you're really having trouble, you can use your border right as it's running out for clearing the screen of bullets. This will obviously void your spell card bonus, but for survival that doesn't matter.

You get more Cherry+ and thus more borders if you shoot unfocused, but don't get too obsessed with doing that and ram into bullets because you were unfocused and going too fast.

Learning where enemies spawn is as important for stages as learning spell card patterns is for bosses.

>> No.16595845

Thanks for the advice, I think I'm going to try PCB again tonight and try to 1cc each game after PCB. I don't want to do EOSD because I don't like not having a visible hitbox.

>> No.16595853
File: 472 KB, 639x479, PB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UFO Hard 2,365,312,800.

Did this for a competition, and I'm happy I got this run pretty quickly. I might go for 2.5b, but I'd be happier if I pulled that off in Lunatic.

>> No.16595878

Congrats man!

>> No.16595927

Thanks! I'll continue doing my best.

>> No.16597127

protip: misdirect the large bullets so that none of them hit the top of the screen. free timeout.

>> No.16597323

It's much more fun to just dodge it, though. Few things are more satisfying than weaving through a slightly uncomfortable amount of bullets.

>> No.16598994

the weirdest habit that i can't get rid of is running into bullets that aren't directly threatening/losing my concentration for a second and failing to dodge something easy
i think I finallly have to admit I'm retarded

>> No.16599053

>beat every mainline 2hu game, 1cc's some on normal and easy
>except ufo, which i can't even beat on easy


>> No.16599100
File: 556 KB, 857x1202, dumb bullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you managed SA then I see no reason why you couldn't do UFO.

>> No.16599114


Hourai Doll on Ultra. Consider it a TAS. Done while drunk.

>> No.16599133

Sanae is fucking insane. Easily the hardest stage 5 boss imo, even harder than Orin

>> No.16599175

I don't think he meant that with his pic
-Easy group
-Normal group
-Hard group

>> No.16599447

>Sanae is fucking insane. Easily the hardest stage 5 boss imo
??? She's one of the most trivial ones.

>> No.16600155

The games aren't that fun if you are invincible most of the time.

>> No.16601070

I'm a Normal shitter so maybe it's different on Lunatic, but Sanae is one of the tamest Stage 5 bosses out there. She gives me some trouble in SA with her midboss fight, though.

>> No.16601148

I got kaguya as final boss instead of the usual eiren in IN and I have no idea how.
I did not 1cc as far as I know.
Also the extra spell cards you get after collecting enough time points are just for score and doesnt have effect on scenario/ending right?

>> No.16601198

>I did not 1cc as far as I know.
Did you get a game over and used a continue? Because not doing that is the only requirement to getting Kaguya, along with beating Eiren (with or without continues) before.

And yes, those are just for score. They also don't negatively affect you for losing them since you can't use bombs and don't lose lives for failing them.

>> No.16601280

>Sanae is fucking insane. Easily the hardest stage 5 boss imo, even harder than Orin

top lel

>> No.16601359
File: 158 KB, 1136x640, 1485138062045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that was it then.
I just completed the game by the way but my laptop battery died just before I could name the score and save the replay.
I even did it with 4 lives remaining (but didnt capture a single kaguya extra card).

>> No.16601366

Well, if you had four lives remaining then you should be just fine to do it again. Sorry to hear about your bad luck, though you probably should've closed the laptop and put it into sleep mode until you could get to a charger.

>> No.16601461

Is it just me or Ten Desires' Sanae sucks badly?

Especially compare with UFO's Sanae.

>> No.16601468

What? I can beat Sanae on hard, conquerind several spells and losing only one life or so.

Orin kicks my ass badly on normal. I never beat her without losing at least 2 lives.

>> No.16601486

Happens to me all the time. Every time a touhou game freezes or something of the kind (thanks to my shitty old laptop), I lose all my clears and extra is locked again.

Make a zipped backup of your games every time you beat something, it's the only way I've found to circumvent this.

>> No.16601499

My replays in IAMP get buggy and show false moves after a certain amount of time watching them.
I cant find anyregarding this on the internet either.

>> No.16602450

Well, that was probably the best run I've ever had, ending in my first ever game clear. It's not a 1cc sadly, but the first step to 1ccing is to allcc the game.

Reimu A, managed to 0 death until S4, first time I got past patchy without using first continue, and I was managing to get past sakuya up until I started choking on her final hp bar and lost a couple of lives with full bombs, meaning I had to use first cc seconds away from final spellcard end.

After that, stage 6 was a mix of panic and similar choking in that I had a fair few wasted bombs from deaths, but I managed to beat Remilia with 2 bombs on final life of final cc.

ReimuA, Normal difficulty for the settings. Sooo, far from the most impressive cc, but its my first clear at all so it's a start!

>> No.16602484

what are some reliable places to download 2hus?

i want to get into the series.

>> No.16602519
File: 25 KB, 292x227, 1452491626029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was about to link you to Moriya Shrine, but they apparently took down their section with all the official games. How long ago did this happen?

>> No.16602534

torrent on nyaa (Touhou Project All-In-One Pack) or
Moriya Shrine

Have fun. Also use http://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Game_Tools_and_Modifications#Vsync_Patches for less input lag

They're still up.

>> No.16602539

Nah, it's still working for me- you just need to go the the classic / modern 1 / modern 2 subpages not the official games main page.

>> No.16602544

They don't seem to be up for me.

>> No.16602545

Does this happen both on patched and unpatched?

Nice, keep working at it.

The Moriya Shrine has them pre-patched, but be aware they do not come with "clean" scorefiles and so some will already have records and Extra unlocked etc.

I don't see any problems. The links all seem to work, too.

>> No.16602558

Disregard this I'm an idiot who clicked on the box without letting it scroll to the subsections.

>> No.16602572

I'm pretty sure they do come with empty scorefiles (correct me if I'm actually wrong). They just have extra downloads on the side for unlocked scorefiles.

Regarding vpatch, forgot to mention that you can also configure resolution for the games with it as well.

>> No.16602579

Thanks, i don't mind them having used scorefiles, i'm just gonna aim to survive on higher dificulties for now.

>> No.16602628

>correct me if I'm actually wrong
You're right, I'm wrong.
I just checked 6/7/8 and they're all clean.

>> No.16602657


Consider switching to Reimu B, she's a much better shottype compared to A you just have to work a little harder on the stage sections. Marisa B is also quite good, her bomb is nuts.

>> No.16602667

Yes, but she is still better than Marisa
As long as you keep at it, you'll see progress.
I should apply myself with this in INL too and use some continues
Nope, some games like 9 have stuff unlocked.

>> No.16602676

I might do so, I was just going for default as it had been a bit since I last played. As for Marisa, it just feels right using reimu for my first ccs.

>> No.16602691

Well you can always literally just delete the score.dat and next time you open up the game it'll create a new blank one.

Also be aware that the newer games (I think from 12.5 onwards) store the replays, screenshots, and score.dat in AppData\Roaming\ShanghaiAlice

With all these new players starting Touhou I hope at least some of them end up staying around and getting good, however unlikely that is.

>> No.16602733

>Well you can always literally just delete the score.dat
Yes, I know, not everyone does tho

>> No.16602867

In PoFV, sometimes I get the theme of the character I'm playing as instead of what i should be supposed to be listening, why is that? Is there a way to always select your own theme? That would be cool since I'm playing Yuuka now

>> No.16602945

It's just dependent on what stage you're on.

>> No.16603999

Almost all of her attacks are static, all you have to do is find a reliable route or copy a replay.

>> No.16604312

Just died after killing Okuu ;;

>> No.16604642

been practicing the last few days since I posted that "I can't 1cc pcb on normal" post,

Still can't. but I cleared it with 2 continues. and I almost cleared up to stage 5 without continues in IN. so at least it's getting a bit better.

>> No.16604726

Don't die with any bombs left and pop your borders.

>> No.16604882

Which is your favourite Touhou game to play? for me it's PCB, I love every single stage, enemies and bgm from it, especially the whole primsriver sisters scene.

I started playing the series not that much ago and so far for some reason the only one I didn't enjoyed was MoF.

>> No.16604893

PCB. I actually even enjoy it sometimes.

I'll pop YOUR border dude.

>> No.16605013

IN because grazing is fun. PCB's alright too.

Not my problem when you can't get the easiest Normal 1cc in the series. Come at me or git gud, fag :^)

>> No.16605045

yea it's fine I was just being gay

>> No.16605060
File: 397 KB, 428x473, bitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah IN grazing was hella fun for me too, Kaguya and Reisen's battle were satisfactory, also loved pic related's dialogue

>> No.16605128

Its unpatched
The fighing games are all unpatched on the all in one pack on nyaa apparently.

>> No.16607096
File: 113 KB, 633x475, spam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came here, managed to survive 4 spellcards then I died
Clicked "Yes" and the whole stage restarted instead of continuing. I have some mucle memory to press down so I actually selected No instead of Yes

>> No.16607161

Hey, I just 1cc'ed it my first time. The first 3 bosses are pretty easy, boss 4 is ok and the last 2 are pretty hard. Try to learn everything about these 2. Konpaku has some crazy patterns but they can be dodged safely with some techniques. Try to get to her with 5 lives and you probably can finish it.

>> No.16607292

>1-3 easy, 4 okay , 5-6 hard
Thats about every touhou game though.

>> No.16607343
File: 335 KB, 642x507, TH06EOSDReimuBNormal1CC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried ReimuB for my very next run, and I think it went quite well, seeing as it ended in my very first 1cc. Might not be the best but it's mine.

Don't suppose anyone has a blank version of the 1cc chart, as I haven't had any luck finding it to put my first mark down on it.

>> No.16607376

Depends on the game.

Reisen and Sanae are pretty easy, Keine is harder than Reisen and Aya is harder than Sanae.

>> No.16607588



>> No.16607740

Is that too much? Too little?
It's my first one I'm not sure what is considered good for 1ccs. N-no bully

>> No.16607757

Sanae's the worst shot in TD. Marisa's slightly worse on stages, but has superior firepower, a better bomb, and WAY better trance.

>> No.16607765

"Slowdown rate" represents the percentage of frames that were dropped from the game. Given that playing the game at a slower frame rate makes it easier, it really shouldn't be anything higher than 2%.

>> No.16607804

Oh bugger. I thought things seemed a little bit easy, and that would explain why some things seemed a little bit off timingwise.

Not sure why that happened, it worked fine before. Maybe I'll hold off on starting the 1cc chart if that's the case.

>> No.16607908

Anyone got advice for how to not suffer from high slowdown for future runs?

>> No.16608200

80% slowdown rate means that the game is running at 1/5 the speed it should be. So a run that normally would take half an hour would take 2 and a half hours. That's slow as HELL.

It could be due to a lot of reasons. Your OS, whether you were using vpatch/how you configured it. Maybe compatability mode could help if you're running windows 10 because I've heard some people have problems with it. If you weren't using vpatch I would start with that though.

>> No.16608266

Are you high nigger?

Easy group:

Normal group:

Hard group:

Lunatic group:

>> No.16608770
File: 66 KB, 487x373, ss+(2017-02-21+at+07.44.58).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna cry

>> No.16608836

>Seija is hard
Not really, she just has some gimmicks that aren't used that often. If you were to pause the game, flip your computer, and resume, it'd become very easy.

>> No.16608970
File: 13 KB, 400x1080, 1cc chart template 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go.

>> No.16609452

You can't continue on extra stages.

>> No.16609540

I kind of want to try play Touhou with a controller. I wonder how a Gamecube controller feels.

>> No.16609548

Explain why Sanae's better than Marisa then.

>> No.16609555

I have to agree with this. I'm just a normal mode shitter, but I honestly felt that Sakuya and Youmu were way bigger walls compared to Seija. Her gimmick was a lot more focused compared to the other stage 5 bosses. Yeah it was ridiculous at times, but the pattern was very easy to learn compared to the shit Shou and Rin toss at you.

>> No.16609632

You can abuse trance better with Sanae, also her focused shot is powerful enough, and has range. Also no fat hitbox and the bomb doesn't get you stuck
Marisa got the short stick in both TD and LoLK.

>> No.16609656

Not necessarily. Sanae has the enhanced trance gain, but the other three shots get just as much trances to abuse due to having superior firepower and because TD dumps a lot of trance at you, anyway. Sanae's focused shot is not powerful (it even misses the boss) and she also doesn't have a small hitbox. The bomb is certainly more mobile, but TD is a game that's all about pointblanking. Marisa's supposed to bomb right in front of the boss and gain easy trance from them, just like how the other three shots should. Marisa also has the most powerful trance, so she has this going for her.

Marisa's honestly really good in TD. LoLK? Yeah, she's shit.

>> No.16609680

Shou is hardest, with CP then Rin behind her.

For normal difficulty, i'd say that Clownpiece and Rin is the hardest among normal Stage 5 bosses, but Clownpiece and Rin dont really improve their attacks too much in lunatic, while Shou becomes just pure evil. She's the hardest stage 5 boss by far i'd say, lunatic wise.

>> No.16609693

I can agree with you, I had a really hard time on MoF for some reason, but with SA it was a way easier experience for me

>> No.16609828

One of these days I'll get past Clownpiece...

Not today, though. I AM, however, impressed with myself that I only ended up bombing Flash and Stripe, though that was really just because I fucked up so hard early on with everything that I ended up with level 2 power and so was seriously not doing good damage.

I feel like she's front-loaded with difficulty, and I would even find stuff like Graze Inferno fun if I wasn't drained of motivation by the time I reached it. At any rate, it's nice knowing I am actually getting a little better at these games.

>> No.16609846

Just fap to her.
Fap to every character that gives you problem and you'll get past them. It fucking works.

>> No.16609902

Well, that's new advice at least.

Huh. Figured there'd be a lot more Clownpiece H available than this.

>> No.16609922

You should try Legacy, with Reisen or Sanae, it's alot easier than you might think.

>> No.16609930

I've been considering it, honestly.

I'd need to practice a few more times, though. Remember where the bullshit is.

>> No.16610032

Goddamnit I had four lives going into Ultimate Buddhist and came out with three. I didn't bomb once. I even survived the red swastika the first time; two of my three deaths were from clipping the blue swastika. How do you even do that?

I've never fapped to a 2hu (2hu are for hug, not for fug) before but I'm starting to consider it.

>> No.16610132

So get Vpatch, and then maybe try bumping up priority and just playing on fresher computer, as I know it can get worse at gaming after it's been on for a few days.

>> No.16610330

Can you 1cc NB Lunatic?
Because those who can would all agree, Seija is freaking hard.
>I'm just a normal mode shitter
Thought so.

>Shou is hardest, with CP behind her.

Haha, no. Not even close.
Maybe if you only play on point-device and bomb through her stuff.
Otherwise it's not even a contest, Shou is nowhere near the difficulty of CP.

>> No.16610348

>Ultimate Buddhist

How do you even die to that?
It's her easiest spell.

>> No.16610440

Clownpiece is piss easy on Lunatic, most of her stuff is memo, and doesnt get any harder. her last 2 spells id say are the exact same, and the first one is easier because it can be memo'd.

Shou will literally just give you bad rng on any of her attacks, except one, if she's in a bad mood and just slaughter you. Seija isn't even that hard, even on lunatic. Her nons are basically free, the only hard flip card is the up and down one, and the arrows one isn't too awful.

>> No.16611069

Is ZUN getting better at making stages and stage 1 bosses?

The 3 first stages from the latest games actually have stuff to dodge, even some of the bosses aren't as boring as they used to be.

There are some exceptions like some of LoLK chapters where all you need to do is stream, Sekibanki and DDC stage 5, but I still belive he is getting better at designing stages.

ZUN's recent scoring systems are shit though.

>> No.16612544
File: 66 KB, 958x960, 1467943111445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not lie to me, anon.

>> No.16614451
File: 12 KB, 292x172, iamtheonetheone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the timers for the Final Episode on Normal?
I entered with three lives and somehow lost as Reisen.
The first time I wasn't paying attention
The second time she had 1 life on 1:52 when I died
The third time she decided that she was sick of my shit and held out until 2:52, which is where I died.
How is that possible?

>> No.16615222

>Can you 1cc NB Lunatic?
>Because those who can would all agree, Seija is freaking hard.
Seija is only hard because of, and only up to, her gimmick. People who can LNB complaining that Seija is difficult are doing so for the same reasons as anyone else; nobody wants to get used to it because it's stupid, and that's it. If you can get beyond the gimmick her fight is fine.

It is potentially her easiest spell. It's circling around her and that's it; there is no depth or difficulty beyond being able to move properly.

Have you watched the replay posted earlier in the thread? Assuming you're the same person having trouble with Extra?

>> No.16615327

Is it just me or is Yatsuhashi's last spell on Lunatic the most bullshit attack in all of DDC? I can't find a safe route for it and having to weave through vibrating bullets makes things even more annoying and difficult.

I've probably NMNB'd Seija more often than captured that attack in a run...

>> No.16615368

I have seen it. The player gets through it just fine, but they also get through the survival card just fine so I'm not really sure if I can gauge the difficulty of a card by how a pro does it. I get the strategy behind the card, but I also get the strategy behind Princess Tenko and it still fucks my shit sideways.

I think I'm just skeptical about players saying [x] card is Ran's easiest card because I've heard it about three times so far. I imagine I'll be told Charming Siege is her easiest card before I manage to eventually beat her.

>> No.16615394

I thought I got good after completing 7-10 with ease but SA is giving me a hard time.
Or is it just harder in general?

>> No.16615455

SA is probably one of the three hardest integer games, at least on Normal.

>> No.16615504

Anyone have those days where you can't accomplish shit?
Today I failed all my attempts to beat Suwako with MariB, after a good 1 try strike with MariA, ReimuC and B.
Also I fucked up my 1cc in LoLK with Sanae because deathbombing is nonexistent, for fucks sake.
I don't know, I believe her first card is the easiest, you only need to slightly tap to a side for the entire thing. That or her second, since that it is just easy, for Extra standards.
On normal, I believe it is the second hardest, after LoLK.

>> No.16615597

My one and only Ran clear for those who need it:
This is a Normal shitter run, meaning that anybody can do it.

>> No.16615599

Some people say that attack is the reason why a NMNB run of DDC Lunatic with a B-shottype doesn't exist yet. There's also the fact that MarisaB is nothing special without her bomb and ReimuB and SakuyaB are shit shottypes in general.

I try staying in the bottom right corner as much as possible. There's no reasonably safe way to do it as far as I'm aware.

>> No.16615607

>but they also get through the survival card just fine
Am I supposed to fail it in a demonstration? Haha. Besides the last part, the survival card is the same every time. You have to get used to where the wheel moves (13845 on a numpad), and how many lanes are the minimum you need to move through to stay alive, because moving through any more makes it unnecessarily harder. It's only ever one or two, and my replay probably isn't optimal because I hadn't done it in a while.

Princess Tenko is another one that is really easy if you can execute and kinda difficult if you can't. If you're having trouble with Ultimate Buddhist that's to be expected. One thing that probably makes Tenko easier is moving from the top of the screen slowly downward each wave since that's kind of where the bullet gaps line up.

>I imagine I'll be told Charming Siege is her easiest card
It definitely isn't. Whether that or Izuna Gongen is the hardest might be up to the individual.

>> No.16616418

Damn. I lost to Yuyuko's first non on what could have been my first Lunatic 1cc. Oh well, I'm using Sakuya A and the entire run was a bombfest so I'm not sure if I would have deserved it.

>> No.16616482

>I got good after completing 7-10 with ease

Define "completing".
6-10 you can bullshit your way through and call it "completing".
But 11 and so on (except for 13) will fuck your shit up if you don't legitimately get better at dodging.

>> No.16616665
File: 240 KB, 768x844, 1487771580605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, shit.
Guess I'll have to wait some more before I try hard difficulty.

>> No.16616682

I don't think you'll get more skilled by just waiting anon!

>> No.16616835

But the best way to practice Hard difficulty is playing Hard difficulty.

>> No.16616931

I usually go for PCB or LoLK.

I am not good at these games, mind you, but I enjoy tackling those. I also like playing MoF because of its music.

>> No.16617081
File: 78 KB, 800x800, 4fcc9364b53cc19dfcb7306a0a3362af1a2329f85748d7fffdd701a82c97c8b0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It might sound like a a dumb idea, but I'm curious: If I build a stickless arcade stick, how good would it be to play 2hu? There are good stickless arcade controllers out there, but what I mean is a controller with a layout that takes touhou configuration in mind. Again, just buttons, on both sides.

Would it be much worse than a regular keyboard, or even a mechanical one? I guess it would need small and light buttons, otherwise it would be a burden to play on.

I was wondering about this, I could potentially use it to play other stuff if it completely sucks for touhou games, but I'd like to hear some input on this, since I'm not really sure if it's even worth trying.

>> No.16617098

Sounds like a plan, but why did you have to post worst 2hu?

>> No.16617115

She is a cute.

>> No.16617127

Also, if it works nicely I guess it would be good to have two of them laying around for local 2p PoFV shenanigans.

Not like I have 2hu friends to play with (or even regular friends), but a man can dream.

>> No.16617162

Sounds like someone never got that 1cc on PoFV.

>> No.16617169
File: 147 KB, 850x1015, Yuyuko (895).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would play with you anon
Even if I don't really like kb/arcade sticks

>> No.16617483
File: 213 KB, 947x600, yuyuko-sama.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a cute Yuyuko

>> No.16617632

You're a cute, anon.

>> No.16617680

80% slowdown anon here, does anyone have advice for how to stop myself choking and dying without bombs / panic dodging and not using bombs when I should?

As I'm going to need to get better at that before I can get a proper 1cc seeing as current runs have me generally getting to patchy before losing a cc, generally because I choke and dont bomb when I should.

>> No.16617768

Press X to bomb if you're about to get hit by a bullet.

Joking aside, did you fix the slowdown?
And I hope you're playing on default lives and bombs?

>> No.16617826

3L3B is default yeah? I don't recall ever changing the options there.

And yeah, I fixed the slowdown- I think the problem was that I hadn't properly shut my puter down for a few days, and whenever I do that it gets worse at running games- the runs I've done after a proper shut down restart have been at proper framerate and no slowdown.

And yes I know how to bomb :P It's just trying to stop myself from being "Okay if I start panic dodging I bomb, and if I start getting forced to the side on these spellcards I bomb" and then never bombing when it happens in game.

>> No.16617857

About slowdown, is Neko Project II running at 56~ fps normal?

>> No.16618399


>> No.16618616

I'm supposed to be 1cc'ing PCB on normal, but this one spell card keeps kicking my ass. I wish PCB had spell card practice so much. Same goes for SA. Or just any touhou game. Any tips for PCB especially the last stage and resurrection butterfly?

>> No.16618663

if you're talking about the last spell then just keep as low as possible and it will be one of the easiest spells.

>> No.16618712

Don't be an asshole

>> No.16618773

I find reflowering easier to do higher up, before the waves spread out.

EoSD, PCB, and SA have spellpractice and other utilities with external tools.


>> No.16618788

Okay this is just getting ridiculous- it fees like every run I'm getting worse at this game- I'm going from barely managing the grazing on boss meiling spell 1, to running face first into that spell twice, to dying on midboss rumia.

It's just so frustrating because I know what I need to do I just seem to get worse at the precision I need every time and just fuck up more and more even after taking a break.

Anyone got advice for how to break this wall I've got stuck at?

>> No.16618806

Stop trying to supergraze Moonlight Ray

>> No.16618811

>the last stage
For the first part of the state with the spam, the more you can eliminate the easier it gets. You can try firing unfocused to get a wider shot and hit more enemies. Also, remember to take out the first two waves (right, then left, side of the screen) quick.
Give yourself room to dodge downwards.

If you fire unfocused and skip Yuyuko's dialogue with ctrl, you can get a few hundred more Cherry+ as she comes onto the screen.

For "Getting Lost", try to finish it quickly because the lasers intrude more and more upon the opposite side. Get as much damage in in-between waves by going to the middle, then back to the side when you have to dodge.

Her non-spell after this is aimed, so stream it slowly. When you hear the second wave being fired is when you should dodge the first wave, that way you'll dodge both waves in one movement and give yourself more time before you reach the edge of the screen.

For Mortality Butterfly, start on either side of the screen and stream. You might have to dodge vertically when you reach the opposite edge of the screen. Otherwise it's just streaming while dodging the glowing bullets. Practice this.

The next non-spell I find either of the corners safest, but I think there's a trick to it.

Swallowtail Butterfly, misdirect as far down as you can and then dodge up and away through the bullets. I like going left-middle-right-middle-left the best.

Next non-spell, the cyan and green daggers aren't a threat, only the aimed blue daggers and green bullets. Stream slowly.

Hirokawa is easier than it seems. There are safespots from the static bullets on both sides a little above the corners. After that you stream the aimed bullets, going through the dissipating bullets from last wave. Hopefully you'll only need to dodge through 1 or 2 of them and you can go above the other.

Sumizome is streaming and misdirecting a wave when you get near the edges, sorry but I don't know any tricks for this.

>resurrection butterfly
Try dodging the red bullets "vertically". It's hard to explain, but instead of staying at the bottom of the screen just try to slip through the red bullets before they expand too much.

>> No.16618925
File: 2.70 MB, 384x450, Fire.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who wants to LNMNB Mountain of Faith Ultra?

>> No.16619439

Is Doremy the best boss in the series, or just the best boss in LoLK?

>> No.16619492

Okay I think I've managed to break my streak of choking, as while I still fucked up in later stages, I managed to only cc after patchy, and I made it to remi before final fucking up and game over.

So I think I might be over my choking problem, now I just need to keep practicing and then I might be able to get a better 1cc without fucking 80% slowdown.

>> No.16619504


>> No.16619522

Who is, then?
(To both.)

>> No.16619624

Doremy is my favorite boss in LoLK. Her spells are fun, with the exception of the lunatic dream one.

>> No.16619650

Where are the spell card comments located in the games?

>> No.16619803
File: 53 KB, 353x1744, Screenshot at 2017-02-23 18:32:48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think my LoLK Pointdevice autosave might be fucked, lads. Anyone else ever have this problem?

>> No.16620188

Only IN and the photo games have spellcard comments, IIRC.

>> No.16620288
File: 11 KB, 400x1080, Progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know that the 9 meme was true.
Now I know: Cirno is literally the strongest.

>> No.16620355

Is this your first touhou?

>> No.16620357
File: 523 KB, 750x1000, 1487574134686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take it easy.

>> No.16620395
File: 106 KB, 370x445, 137 - bAnQbxM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're messing up consistently, you aren't going to improve for the rest of that session. Gitting gud is partially psychological, and if you have a really bad streak you should take a break for a few hours or a day or two. The climb to your first 1cc is a long one, but as long as you keep it up you'll improve eventually.

Practice regularly so your skills don't decline, but don't tire yourself out by overdoing it. You should be taking it easy, like the other anon said.

>> No.16620421

I play Touhou for many hours a day, every day. It's been like this almost nonstop since 2015. Am I in too deep?

>> No.16620430

The way those are written on the wiki for some of the games seems like they're canon, but I guess they aren't. Thanks.

>> No.16620433

A lot of those come from books like the Grimoire of Marisa. Those can be considered canon.

>> No.16620434

Whether or not you think it's worth it to continue playing these games is up to you.

I've racked up a couple thousand hours in the couple years I've been playing and I still think it's worth it.

>> No.16620467

It's totally worth it, I don't regret a minute of it. I actually unironically believe Touhou has been instrumental to developing my stress management skills, and helped cope with depression.

But at the same time, heroin addicts probably feel that way about opiates, before they're at the life-ruining stage of their addiction.

>> No.16620473

These guys have said what I think as well. You sound like you have some frustration welling up inside you.

But to add on, besides allowing yourself time to cool off and let those spell cards become more of a memory, sometimes after I take a break and come onto a game, I come up with new ways to take on a level/spell card. Sometimes there's a really easy way to take on a particular section of a stage and you just don't notice it because you're used to doing it in a specific way.

Also, I was in your position a couple months ago. I've died a hundred or so times since then and dying doesn't frustrate me as much anymore. That's not to say I don't care about dying, I just don't always angrily Alt-F4 after I get shot. That only happens half the time now.

If excellence was easy, everyone would aim for it.

>> No.16620599

Just give up the suffering isn't worth it if you're not talented.

>> No.16620687
File: 212 KB, 960x720, 20170223_233743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is mine. I use mechanical keys (Cherry Reds) wired to a PS360+ PCB. It's a lot harder to wire than typical arcade buttons (soldered the wires right on the pins rather than having quick disconnects), but the finger spacing and switch action are much preferable to me. It's very clearly better than whatever keyboards I've used, and was cheaper in parts than buying a whole mechanical keyboard.

>> No.16620710
File: 92 KB, 640x480, 20170224005359_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit-at-video-games-kun reporting

I finally 1cc'd normal PCB

I bomb spammed my way to a cheesy as fuck clear and it feels great, /jp/.

>> No.16620727

Congrats anon, you even made it with zero lifes left, that was close!

>> No.16620742

Now do it with reimu because sakuya is not the main character.

>> No.16620879

but reimu A's shot sucks and reimu B's bombs suck

I did 1cc easy with reimu A at least
and I do like reimu B's shot but not having homing on the shot for certain parts of bosses just makes me want to fucking kill myself

>> No.16620900

>reimu B's bombs suck
Use focused bomb higher up on the screen

>> No.16620925

I think you missed the part where I said I was shit at video games

I only bomb to save my ass which is often, and it's nice when that bomb also does damage and helps me skip spell cards I can't fucking do

>> No.16620931

use reimuA its not as bad as it seems.
Its only slightly worse than sakuya A.
Also reimu does better banter.

>> No.16620940

"I guess I'll go loot some stuff" is my favorite line of hers

reimu looted the precious thing

>> No.16621006

Wow, this is awesome. I wasn't expecting something like this, congrats on your hard work, anon. I might go for something similar, first I would need to get into the know-hows, indeed it sounds complicated.

I've been playing with a mechanical keyboard which has kaihua blue switches, and these are not the best around. Feels way better than a cheap membrane keyboard, but microtapping just doesn't feel right/consistent, especially if I'm trying to do it unfocused. I imagine cherry reds are more precise and easier to handle, am I right?

>> No.16621271

>cherry reds
Try gateron clears.
Either way linear switches are what you want.

>> No.16621284


Well, I took a break after the time I fucked up mid stage 1, and after just taking a couple hours of doing nothing and a bit of food I ended up doing a fair bit better, getting past patchy before first continue, ending up on remi when I finally died.

So I think it was just me tilting.

>> No.16621483

I'm having a hard time dealing with Shinmyoumaru's final, any tips or is it just pure dodging with a little bit of streaming?

>> No.16621542

>bomb spammed
>feels great


>> No.16621575

>getting past patchy before first continue

That's not really all that good.
Let's start with the basics; can you at least get through stages 1-3 without bombing or getting hit?

Don't stick to the middle too much, go through the knives on the sides if you have to.

>> No.16621605

this is your first touhou game right?
press shift to focus
dont move too much
take it easy and dont think too much, enjoy

its not that hard

>> No.16621673

Eh? It said I had 3 continues

>> No.16621712

Yeah, I'm trying to get a proper 1cc without fucking 80% slowdown. I'm probably going to keep it recorded but I want a proper one to my name.

As for a general run
Stage 1 I have no trouble with.

Stage 2 is still no death, but I'll sometimes use a bomb on icicle fall because I seem to have a bit of trouble with the curved curtains as they seem to hit a blind spot for me.
Ill usually hit first score extra life end of stage 2/ start of stage 3.
Stage 3 I *can* get through with a no bomb no hit run, but it's not the most common thing- a lot of the time I'll choke on one of meilings spellcards and bomb, or choke harder and lose a life. It's generally her first one that gets me, as I sometimes overcompensate on the movement. I don't have as much trouble on her other spellcards.
Stage 4 I've got most of the stage down, I just need to remember to go from one side to other side instead of starting at middle for the bit near the end with the 3x rotating fire fairies.
Im usually able to get through this stage without dying, but I sometimes screw up and need a bomb use to recover.
Patchy is when I start generally screwing up - getting driven to sides of screen while dodging, dying with unused bombs due to fucking up, running into bullets while avoiding the lasers, etc.
Stage 5 and onwards is a mixture of generally misjudging a shot pattern like the radial pule fairies or "I know what I need to do here, I just don't do it properly"

>> No.16621744

Utsuho is the best boss, Hecatia from LoLK
>Eiki without all the other shit cleared
I play around 2 hours everyday since april 2016 and I feel like that too
>reimu A's shot sucks
But that's the actual best shot in the game.

>> No.16621817



>> No.16621872
File: 25 KB, 384x448, Th06SC04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should focus more on the early stages first, so you don't lose lives and boombs on easy stuff.

Stage 2
>I'll sometimes use a bomb on icicle fall because I seem to have a bit of trouble with the curved curtains as they seem to hit a blind spot for me

Do it like this.
Don't just stand in the middle, go through 2 waves of the yellow balls and one of the curtains before they cross each other and hold up, then just simply go around back into the middle.

Stage 3
>It's generally her first one that gets me

Wind Chime? Her easiest one? It's really as simple as slowly tapping in one of the directions, don't hold the button down.

Stage 4
>I just need to remember to go from one side to other side instead of starting at middle for the bit near the end with the 3x rotating fire fairies

You actually want to start in the middle, especially on higher difficulties with Reimu shot types.
You fly really close to the middle fairy, but don't kill her, only damage her a bit, and then you go left to right, killing all the fairies one by one.
The damaged middle one will die faster, cancelling the bullets just at the right time.

>Patchy is when I start generally screwing up

Depends on which shot type you're using. Patchy fight can vary.
Reimu A for example has the easiest fight, while Reimu B gets a really difficult one.
So I'd reccomend going with Reimu A for your first 1cc.

>> No.16622079

>You actually want to start in the middle, especially on higher difficulties with Reimu shot types.
That's a good tip.
As ReimuB, I usually find that I have just enough firepower to kill the fairies in time to clear the screen just by going left to right, killing each fairy individually, but sometimes it's a close call.

>> No.16622309

I think you should use reimu A if you're having trouble doing 1cc. That way you just have to focus on dodging the bullets and forget about boss movement.
Also are you using POC regularly?
You should really easily have 3-4 lives even if you die twice or thrice by the time you reach stage 4.

>> No.16622364
File: 418 KB, 640x480, th7_ud0014 (PCB) Phantasm Clear - ReimuA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beat Yukarin today!
I was totally not prepared for both survival cards (I didn't even know she had an extra card, jesus)

>> No.16622379

I've been using ReimuB but maybe I'll give A a shot. I've been using the POC, and I have been getting the bonus lives, although it often depends on how well I'm doing for when I get it, although S2 end, S3 end / S4 early are the main breakpoints for first ones.

>> No.16622409

Got a question for you:
How does the last card react to bombing?

>> No.16622443

It stops spawning bullets until your bomb is done

>> No.16622491

It also stops the timer, importantly.

>> No.16622492

Actually, the timer fucking stops too while you are invincible, this applies to deaths as well, fuck.

>> No.16623107

After playing the modern games its super shitty going back to EoSD where PoC barely exists so I have to gather power the manual way.

>> No.16623287

>without fucking 80% slowdown
What kind of slowdown are you experiencing? Unless you're using Windows 10, which why the fuck would you use Windows 10 for anything, I don't think you should experience slowdown on a game from 2002. I had a mega toaster of a laptop for a few years and could run most Touhou games with less than 1% slowdown, and the early Windows games ran at 0%.

>> No.16623296

Congrats, anon. Don't let people judge you for using Sakuya, they're just shitposting. The first 1ccs you get, the ones where you make it by the skin of your teeth with no lives left, are the best ones you'll ever feel. I almost cried after a couple of them like GFW.

>> No.16623654
File: 191 KB, 500x500, 1444170194974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just reached six lives and five bombs without dying or bombing in PCB's Extra.

Then I fucked it up and died twice in a row to Charming Siege and it threw my entire groove off and I ended up ragequitting before finishing Princess Tenko because I was just dying to everything.

>> No.16623679

What's the worst thing about your favorite Touhou game, and the best thing about your least favorite?

>> No.16623700

IN's Sakuya solo is the worst shottype in the entire series.

TD's Desire Drive is a cool theme and the Extra stage is good.

>> No.16623717

Agreed on both counts. Stage 4 and 5 in general are my favorite thing about TD.

My favorite game lately has been EoSD, but there are a huge amount of minor annoyances that kind of detract from the experience (such as lack of a "Give up and retry", saving replays in practice mode, etc).

>> No.16623742

>Charming Siege
The most annoying spellcard in the game, in my opinion.

>> No.16623791

The worst part about it is once you fuck up and the bullets go away, whether by dying, bombing, or breaking borders, it's really hard to get a grasp on what place is actually safe, which means you'll probably end up spamming bombs and dying again despite it if you fuck up the first time.

>> No.16623821

Yeah, if you fuck it up once, you're pretty much resigned to either using all your remaining bombs just to get through it, or dying a bunch more. Thankfully, Yukari's version of that card is a lot easier.

>> No.16624146


Reimu A in PCB is not good please stop saying this. It does less damage than Sakuya A (and every other shot type), and unlike Sakuya A it gets even weaker when you aren't under the boss. Sakuya's shot types both get 4 bombs as well, plus Sakuya B is the highest damage non-Marisa shot type and also allows you to do full damage when not under the boss if you're good enough at using it. Reimu A's bombs are both low damage too, with good invincibility but still significantly less than Sakuya B has to make up for her low damage bombs.


You may like playing Reimu A but she's objectively inferior to both the Sakuya shot types and also pretty clearly inferior to Reimu B as well (who has much higher damage on both her shot and her bombs).

>> No.16624183
File: 122 KB, 1282x802, reimu a lunatic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did it!

>> No.16624192

Good job! LLS is a fun one.

>> No.16624605
File: 134 KB, 386x329, 53383109_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the tips, they are really helpful and detailed. I'm just running practice mode until I can clear it with just a few lives lost, but I have improved a lot with your tips. Thanks again!

>> No.16624694


Correction: Sakuya B actually can't get full damage when not under the boss, I forgot that the blue knives always go forward, but she still does quite a bit more damage than Reimu A does when off center.

>> No.16625465
File: 72 KB, 400x1183, 1487654967305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah but guess who's the main character?
not sakuya

>> No.16625651
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Read posts properly before going on autistic rants

>> No.16625676

She has a smaller hitbox and you have longer to deathbomb with Reimu.

>> No.16626185


I did read the posts properly, one of them said it was the best shot in the game and the other said it's only "slightly worse" than Sakuya A (when it's significantly worse than both Sakuya shot types). Just because you were wrong and I explained why in detail doesn't mean it's an "autistic rant", calling people autistic for talking in detail about the topic of the thread is ridiculous.


These don't really make up for 1 less bomb per life as well as both of Sakuya's shots/bombs being better in general. Plus Reimu B has the same advantages but is stronger in every way other than having homing (in a game where homing really isn't that useful in the first place).

>> No.16626755

Dude, calm your autism down.
No one cares about your stupidly broken Sakuya shot type.

If you wanna play the game on easy mode go ahead and do so.
I'd rather just keep playing with the best shot type - Reimu A.

>> No.16626804


Apparently you don't know anything about stylish shot types either, everyone knows Marisa's the only choice for that. 3 bombs per life, a smaller hitbox, and more frames to deathbomb? Might as well just have someone play for you.

>> No.16626845

Yeah, because firing a giant laser that melts through bosses is so stylish. Right.

>> No.16628153

Someone already talked about IN, and I can't decide whether I like PCB or LLS more.

My least favorite thing about LLS is Reimu. She's a random difficulty spike that's oddly harder than the rest of the game. Marisa is better designed around Reimu's shot types than Reimu is around Marisa's and is a lot more fun to fight.

My least favorite thing about PCB is Marisa's shot types. The larger hitbox, fewer bombs, and larger Cherry and deathbomb penalties detriments her usability compared to Reimu and Sakuya. Considering both have shot types with similar, if not better, damage outputs to Marisa A and they don't suffer from the problems above, I hardly see any reason to use Marisa outside of completionism.

My favorite thing about HRtP is the soundtrack. I find it to be one of the better soundtracks in the series despite its awkward and barebones instrumentation. ZUN managed to create an ambient, dreamlike atmosphere we hardly ever see in his later games in the first two, and I think the music is a large contributor.

>> No.16628160

How the fuck do I play SWR?
The spell cards dont work most of the time and instead sometimes displays level1 or level2 shit which I dont get.
And where can I see how to do special attacks in the game(like when you pause in IaMP it shows all the moves).
I found IaMP way easier to learn than this crap.

>> No.16628196

>How the fuck do I play SWR?
You uninstall that shit and get a better game.

>> No.16628208

Well I at least want to know the story and which characters it introduces.

>> No.16628401

First of all there's a difference between spellcards and skillcards.

>The spell cards dont work most of the time

Press the spellcard use button (D by default) and it will work.
But you need the required amount of cards to use them.
Every spellcards has a cost.
blue - 1 cost
green - 2 cost
yellow - 3 cost
orange - 4 cost
red - 5 cost
If you don't have the required amount of cards in hand, you can't use it.
You can tell if it's usable when it's glowing when you have it selected in hand. (S to switch cards by default)
Also, some rare spellcards can only be used in air.

>sometimes displays level1 or level2 shit which I dont get

Those are skillcards, you can tell because they're grey.
Those are the special attacks. Using those you can switch current special attacks for other ones or level up existing ones.
Every character has 4 by default, you can switch them or level them up using skillcards.
Every skill card costs only 1, and once you have the skill you can use it however many times you like.

>And where can I see how to do special attacks in the game

In main menu -> Profile -> Deck Construction -> Pick Profile -> Pick Character -> Card List (Skill)

All characters have the same inputs for their specials anyway.
down, forward, shot
forward, down, forward, shot
down, back, shot
back, down, back, shot
down, down, shot

You can also switch around cards in your decks there.

>> No.16628463

Introduces: Iku, Tenshi
Character Development: Yuyuko is one of the smartest characters in Gensokyo and just pretends to be an idiot.

>> No.16628553

But Reimu is piss easy in LLS, Anon.

>> No.16629497

She also happens to be best girl.
IN solo shot types feel incomplete.
TD's soundtrack and atmosphere are fucking great.

>> No.16630690
File: 18 KB, 857x530, The real red dream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel really good about this win.

>> No.16631096

Trying to 1CC EoSD on Normal with ReimuA but I'm getting really frustrated. I can make it through the first 4 stages with no problems, sometimes even with all my lives and bombs intact, but as soon as I reach Sakuya's stage everything starts falling apart.
I'm considering switching to MarisaB and just bomb-spamming, is that easier?

>> No.16631144

In Sakuya's battle and the stage itself, you mostly need to strafe well.
In her first ever spellcard you should stay still and when she moves, move out of the way.
Before she uses any of her timestops, you can position yourself higher on the screen, so the main barrage of knives can't hit you.
When it comes to Remilia, it's nothing special, you just have to dodge faster and anticipate the direction from which the shots will come from.
Remember, better waste a bomb than a life.
>reimu or marisa
I personally always use Reimu A or B. I advise you to focus on only 1 character for the 1cc.

>> No.16631200

I found remilia easier than sakuya when I used to play EoSD
I got trouble when she timestops and I suppose thats where you're stuck too. It taught me how and when to release focus to increase your speed, and maybe thats what you should do too, wait for her to aim all the knives, then quickly dodge them by releasing focus when necessary.

>> No.16631212


My first 1cc of EOSD was with Reimu B and I'd say that's probably the strongest shot type but I honestly think Marisa B is more fun and perfectly usable as well. EOSD shot types are all relatively well balanced really they just have different strengths.
Reimu A: Stages are easier but bosses take a bit longer
Reimu B: Great shot for bosses and stages but worst bomb
Marisa A: Kills Bosses really fast but lowest amount of spread
Marisa B: Amazing Bomb but shot is fairly low damage and doesn't have great spread (piercing though which can be useful)

Also keep in mind that Marisa moves faster which can be useful in various parts of the game.

>> No.16631260

What the fuck? You should always position yourself under Ran. Do not hesitate to go up to squeeze between two enclosing bubbles. It ain't the easiest spellcard but this isn't Maze of Love either.

>> No.16631271

The bubble's boundary is inner bubble, not outer boundary.

>> No.16631365

Reimu A or B for survival in PCB? I tried Sakuya A but her tiny deathbomb windows and larger hitbox really screw me over.

>> No.16631370

>You should always position yourself under Ran.
I'm talking about where to position yourself vertically. I'll bomb, and then put myself in a vertical position that instantly kills me or forces me to bomb again.

>> No.16631383

A is easier for stage and B is faster(not necessarily easier) for boss.
Also B bomb is shit.

>> No.16631391

A bit above from lowest but it keeps changing as you dodge bubbles.
Its one of the easiest spell cards really.

>> No.16631436

Reimu B is definitely better, homing isn't that great in PCB.

>> No.16631443
File: 22 KB, 540x404, 1474448494963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its one of the easiest spell cards really.
I fucking called it. >>16615368
>I imagine I'll be told Charming Siege is her easiest card before I manage to eventually beat her.

>> No.16631461

ReimuA all the way.

>> No.16631463

Im not a pro and when I first encountered Charming Siege I captured it on my first try without using bombs and I used to play on normal back then.

>> No.16631471
File: 64 KB, 128x256, smug beauty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess you are closer to beating her anon

>> No.16631502

Charming Siege is largely affected by RNG since it's determined entirely by how Ran moves. It's entirely possible you just get a kind of easy run. If she stays high on the screen it becomes easier.

This advice isn't really correct either. The blue walls are shot to the sides, then change angle and only get to you after a few seconds. If Ran veers off at any point, staying under her is not what you want. You have to stay under where she was a couple seconds ago.

>It ain't the easiest spellcard but this isn't Maze of Love either
Except Maze of Love is quite a bit easier than Charming Siege, it doesn't even require dodging. Like Princess Tenko and Ultimate Buddhist, it's just some movement and nothing more. It's more precise than those two, but it's in the same class of patterns.

>> No.16631562
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But I didn't capture Princess Tenko

Holy shit I'm happy, I can finally have something that isn't in the Normal row crossed off on my 1cc chart.

Now I'm not sure if I should aim for Phantasm, an Extra stage for a different game, or go back to torturing myself with DDC Sakuya-B.

>> No.16631580
File: 52 KB, 417x600, Yuyuko (260).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew you could do it anon, congratulations!
You should check Phantasm, for shit and giggles. How is that progress going?

>> No.16631597

Whenever I try and start up PCB I get:

東方動作記録 ---------------------------------------------

Should I just reinstall and if so how do I save my progress and high scores?

>> No.16631636

You already have PCB running. Find it in task manager and kill it. Can't have two versions running at the same time.

>> No.16631653

Thank you!

>> No.16631655
File: 24 KB, 400x1080, scrub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phantasm seems as batshit insane as I could've hoped so far, haven't gotten past Ran yet but I think I want to beat this.

This is my progress chart with the new Extra clear.

>> No.16631715
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>> No.16631724

Yeah Phantasm is pretty fun.
Suwako should be beatable for you without a lot of effort, easy stage and spells aren't that hard once you learn the trick to them.

>> No.16631736

>I can make it through the first 4 stages [...] with all my lives and bombs intact

If that's really true you can simply bomb spam your way to victory from there.
You should have more than enough resources.

>> No.16631840
File: 32 KB, 400x400, 1374316037626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...huh. I've already made it to Yukari's first survival card. Some of her cards I could capture on my first try. I would've gotten even farther if the Ran spellcard didn't cost me three lives (I didn't understand the gimmick of Ran aiming directly at you in set intervals).

Is the "Yukari is easier than Ran" meme not just a meme? Obviously some cards of hers are harder but her version of cards like Charming Siege and Princess Tenko feel much easier to me.

>> No.16631882

Holy shit, why the fuck is UFO so bad
Its fucking retarded that your bomb's animation is longer than your invulnerability
Its fucking retarded that UFOs just disappear if a boss comes
Its fucking retarded how those glowing ball midbosses work
But the worst of all, is that you lose 1.00 power if you get hit, and are only given 0,fucking 07 back, wtf man get hit twice and get fucked for the rest of the fight.
Why do people defend this multicolored piece of shit??

>> No.16631912

But it's fun.

>> No.16631937

Unfair games aren't fun.

>> No.16631940

Not true at all. Games can both be fun in spite of being unfair and because of being unfair (though the latter is a niche).

>> No.16631952

This is not Dark Souls, you don't see how you depower in 3 seconds and burst in laughing, it's fucking shit.

>> No.16632025 [DELETED] 

How the hell did you 1cc with all those characters?
It's really difficult.

>> No.16632028

How the hell did you 1cc PoFV with all those characters?
It's really difficult.

>> No.16632072

I hate button-mashing with every fiber of my being.

How do I into GFW and POFV?

>> No.16632078

Play more. I after a while you stop pay attention to it.

>> No.16632091
File: 75 KB, 127x248, yuyu smile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can fire constantly in GFW if you hold down Ctrl

>> No.16632109

Fairy Wars:
use c instead of mashing z (not sure what it is on controller)

You're not supposed to constantly be mashing z. Wait until there are faries or activated spirits (activate them with your scope) above you before shooting. You can also use level 1 or 2 charge attacks. If you wait for the right time to reflect pellets, you can reflect more which will give you more gauge.

Why are you spoilering?

>> No.16632147

>Its fucking retarded that your bomb's animation is longer than your invulnerability
this is only true if you pick marisab and if you pick marisab over any other shot type you're either doing it on purpose or are actually dumb as a brick

>Its fucking retarded that UFOs just disappear if a boss comes
don't summon ufos before bosses then

>Its fucking retarded how those glowing ball midbosses work

>But the worst of all, is that you lose 1.00 power if you get hit, and are only given 0,fucking 07 back, wtf man get hit twice and get fucked for the rest of the fight.
>Why do people defend this multicolored piece of shit??
complain about loss of power, complain about method to get power back

>> No.16632156

Hey, don't talk shit about Marisa B. I like her.

>> No.16632160

She is DDC's SakuyaB tier of shittyness.
You can't get power back during bosses.

>> No.16632460

>You can't get power back during bosses

Bosses drop a tiny bit of power after every spellcard.

>> No.16632487

Yes so tiny that it doesn't make a difference

>> No.16633127

>you lose 1.00 power if you get hit, and are only given 0,fucking 07 back
This and starting with only 2 power in practice mode are the shittiest parts of UFO.

>> No.16633160

>Holy shit, why the fuck is UFO so bad
Because you are a whiny baby instead of getting good.
>Its fucking retarded that your bomb's animation is longer than your invulnerability
MarisaB only, and she fucking sucks anyway.
>Its fucking retarded that UFOs just disappear if a boss comes
Bullets disappear too, so you can just go and grab them. What, too dumb for that? Like anon said, you could also stop trying to summon UFOs right before bosses and do it/grab them earlier. Or if those UFOs are never useful due to the color they spawn with and their proximity to a boss, then those UFOs are just never useful so why are you crying?
>Its fucking retarded how those glowing ball midbosses work
Evading bullets is retarded? Casuals, man.
>But the worst of all, is that you lose 1.00 power if you get hit, and are only given 0,fucking 07 back, wtf man get hit twice and get fucked for the rest of the fight.
I agree that the power punishment for being hit is kinda dumb but here's a solution for you: DON'T GET HIT. Suddenly you don't have to worry about your power anymore!

And bosses give you a good amount of power after you beat a spellcard. Git gud and dodge, or use a bomb (you died like a bitch, you have two of them now).
>Why do people defend this multicolored piece of shit??
Because they are better than you.

>> No.16634040

Charming Siege is easier, but Princess Tenko seemed a lot harder to me.
Also, a howto of Yukari's Ran and a Phantasm replay was done in previous thread.

>> No.16634057

Dunno how bit became lot

>> No.16634090

how do i score

>> No.16634116

Watch replays then copy them mindlessly. Guaranteed good results.

>> No.16634302

>Its fucking retarded how those glowing ball midbosses work

What do you mean? Is there something special about them?

As an aside I think UFO is a lot of fun, power loss helps make up for the fact that you get such a ridiculous amount of resources.

>> No.16635050

be born talented

>> No.16635609

Has anyone played Story of Eastern Wind? For some reason it quits as soon as I get to the stage 1 boss (which is Cirno, wtf?).

>> No.16635787

It's like you didn't have arguments so you resorted to shitposting.

>> No.16635995

Not an argument. Now git gud or git out, nerd.

>> No.16636011

>git gud

>> No.16636033

you can't git gud at shmups. you're either talented or you're not

>> No.16636159


>> No.16636251

be born talented

>> No.16636324
File: 516 KB, 640x480, th12_ud0005 (UFO) Normal 1cc - MarisaB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this UFO talk made me want to try MariB and holy shit, she does have problems. I thought the bomb thing was a meme but it actually lasts less than it appears to, but at least the spread makes stage easier.
This is the first time I capture Shou's spell with the green lasers, thanks to Marisa's speed

>> No.16636725

I don't like that there are cards where bullets fade in and out but yeah.

>> No.16636766

dont make excuses for giving up like others being talented, take it easy and keep trying. ganbare!

>> No.16636996
File: 925 KB, 922x717, th07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally did it, my first non-normal clear.
Its kind of embarrassing though since I bomb spammed all the hard parts.

>> No.16637012

Also I knda went blind on the last two spells, it was my first time encountering them.

>> No.16637037

Congrats, anon. Everyone seems to be beating Ran these days, I just got it yesterday >>16631562 and I saw someone else get it last thread.

We're gonna make it.

>> No.16637639
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>> No.16640270

PoFV is literally the easiest main game to get a 1cc on.

>> No.16640390

How so? Unless you're playing Aya it's really difficult.

>> No.16640519

I remember that I used to really like PoFV, it was my favorite game at one point. Kind of surprised that almost nobody else has picked it up for score, but I guess I shouldn't complain or be surprised when I don't even really like or play the game much anymore.

It was fun while it lasted.

I think it's one of the easier 1ccs. Just at least get the 70m extend, then you can lose a life on stages 6, 7, 8, and still have 3 lives for Eiki. Or 4 if you get the 90m extend.

>> No.16641054

I just made it up to Orin on Hard. I really feel the progress coming in slowly.
I had also made it up to stage 6 of IN and MoF recently. Shit's gonna be long but I hope I can get my first Hard 1cc soon.

>> No.16641082

you clearly havent scored over 1000 hours or is talented

>> No.16641091

the whole gensokyo has exploded inside her

>> No.16641212
File: 2.93 MB, 384x450, RainbowUltra.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This spellcard is fun.

>> No.16641481
File: 2.36 MB, 384x450, BoSM2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you like Book of Star Mythology?

>> No.16641687

That looks like a mess.
I'm glad Touhou isn't like that.

>> No.16641703

I like it. It's not quite as good as the real Touhou games, but it's a nice thing to hold me over until ZUN makes Touhou 16.

>> No.16642030

>literally just move left to right/right to left

>> No.16642061

Hey, they're using shift too. It's pretty exciting stuff.

>> No.16642350

Gotta squeeze through a pretty tight space, though. Especially with the Ultra patch.

>> No.16642376

Who are you quoting?

>> No.16642684

>score on PoFV
This has been something I've lacked, but try to win without.
What is the strategy for scoring on PoFV (other than dodge, chain, and pick up blue powerups)?

>> No.16642793

Try EoSD or PCB, they will be easier than you expect and good going anon
That's very pretty
I spam level 2 attacks, don't get hit once until stage 6 and only fire when fairies or activated spirits are present

>> No.16642807

those spaces are not tight at all, the person also sucks at character control, it's all clunky and slow

>> No.16642935

I try to get to the bonus chain as quickly as possible by chaining high and maintain it while using level 2 spells when I'm about to get hit. I've never watched top tier score runs that can hit 500 mil, but I can at least get the last extend before the final stage and end with 200+ mil. PoFV scoring as far as I can tell is too largely based on whenever the AI wants to kill itself, but I guess anything can happen if you can stay alive on final 1.

>> No.16643020

What >>16642935 said. The most important thing is to get your combo to 999990, stay there, and then any pellet reflections during that will get you lots of score. You might find that difficult to do for the first 5 stages since they're so short.

By the way, the blue items only give you like 150k combo, it probably won't affect your score much at all.

AI usually dies when it's supposed to for most popular scoring shots, except for Marisa and sometimes Eiki. Reisen, Komachi, and Mystia don't have any problems with killing the AI. I think Cirno might have some. Whether or not you get good rng to get to bonus Spell Point quickly and keep getting good reflections is more annoying I think.

>> No.16643735

I like it, too bad my old cpu can't handle these fangames very well.

>> No.16644728

You can git gud. Just play a bit an it'll come naturally. When I started, I always died on Normal Meiling (and I had the hitbox patch, though maybe that's why). Now I'm good in Hard mode on most of the games and I'm practicing on feeling the hitbox with LLS and MS.

>> No.16645107

Try turning off effects and backgrounds. I had that problem at first but it helped a lot. You do it in the in-game options menu, not the config.exe file.

>> No.16645107,1 [INTERNAL] 

why wouldn't you just use an arcade stick?
