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File: 538 KB, 1280x720, 見上げてごらん、夜空の星を.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16491586 No.16491586 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>16468825

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.16491697

Can't find 120円の春 anywhere, isn't in the NekoNeko Soft pack on nyaa either. Anyone got me?

>> No.16491732
File: 155 KB, 1280x720, 378238979823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sensei best girl!

Her route was great enough that they honestly couldve replaced korona's or orihime's route and I wouldnt bat an eye.

>> No.16491815
File: 284 KB, 1280x720, hit_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Tsubasa's (blonde) route in Kimi no Hitomi ni Hit Me. I'd like to split my impression a bit, as I feel there was an author-change between common and the route, though I could be wrong.

Common: Divided into 6 main-chapters, a prologue and epilogue, this was really well done. A bunch of people are somewhat forced to form a club together and "unite" their ideas of what they wanted to do in their club, but can't as there is no such club, nor enough people to make one. The chapters have a nice length each and all together is a good 200kb. The nice thing here is that none of the heroines are really annoying or anything like that and you always have a "goal" or something close by, making it flow really well. It's fun. One of the biggest issues a lot of comedy/slice of life works have is that they lack goals or such a goal is too far away. (Even good works like Daitoshokan sufers somewhat from that at times) The little chapters/arcs however work really well and are varied enough.
Aside of that the common route also mostly avoids overused tropes or uses them in a somewhat subverted way, though it still does a zoom in on the chests of three of the heroines. But you can't avoid all of this I suppose.

Tsubasa route: This was meh. I feel the girl wasn't even close to what she could've been based on the common route. The "clear goals" are no longer really there. It feels like it drags. Pretty much what the common route did well, the actual route here failed at. Tsubasa as she was couldn't really carry the close to 300kb on her own either. Half the route length would've probably been better.
The final chapter was some typical chuuni drama, but just as subverted as her own chuuni stuff mostly was. Which didn't work. She wanted to change her chuuni behavior herself as she realized it's not good when people look down on who she cares for because of that. Isn't that nice? Apparently not.

I'll still be doing Hitomi's route, who seems like best girl. "Futsuu senpai" is.. average and the pink haired girl is too flat for me to bother I feel. (no, not her chest)
Side note: The music of this game isn't bad. Especially one track is really to my liking.. if a bit unfitting for a moege. The power it gives to scenes feels out of place. Still, even high budget moege usually have completely boring OSTs, so this above average OST is a nice change.

>> No.16491850

Unrelated to the review but how long have you been counting kb sizes? If you have any full games it would be cool if you add them here (I think anyone can edit it?):

>> No.16491876




>> No.16491890

W-Where do I click? It tries to download some weird program when I click on the thing that looks like a download button.

>> No.16491899

Yeah, just install this shit and download through it.

>> No.16491902

Yeah, you can use their own downloader, the thing it wants you to download, but you'd have to make an account and register things you want to download into your cloud and then the program would let you download them.

But I'd recommend JDownloader instead. That's not miracle program either, requires Java to be installed, but in its settings if you increase the number of chunks per download, you can get good speeds from Baidu.

>> No.16491910
File: 9 KB, 573x22, hitme trial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16491921

Oh I do have jdownloader, didn't know it works for this. Increased chunks to 10 but it's capped at 10kb/s still. Is this normal for baidu?

>> No.16491938

Happens to me sometimes.

I usually go for 7 chunks, which often maxes out my download speed of ~600 kb/s. But sometimes it stays super low, yeah. One time it would be those ~600 kb/s for a minute or two then drop sharply, so I stopped and resumed the download constantly to get those minutes of full speed.

I wasn't able to observe what makes Baidu decide how fast it'll allow you to download at any given moment. Perhaps when it's late night in China you can get good speeds? Anyway, if you're not getting them now, just try later.

>> No.16491984

How do you find these pan.baidu pages? I went through the archive and the "http://so.baiduyun.me/" site recommended for searching is dead. Adding "site:pan.baidu.com" in Google doesn't seem to work either.

>> No.16491992

I usually search with "[release date] [game name] pan.baidu". Release date in the YYMMDD format.

This usually finds Baidu upload threads with links there or some Chinese link collection sites.

>> No.16492015

I finished Tsuki's route in hinonai. It was quite fun, Akeno is gold and I like the mood and music, Tsuki was neat and the ending was really fitting for the kind of game it is.
Hopefully the other two routes are longer, because Tsuki had the common end devoted to her and her development.

>> No.16492088


The problem with that site is that it only features accurate numbers. I don't care about that, so I just let a texthooker grab all the text while I use the skip-function. This also only works for text encountered such way, regardless of if you've seen it in a playthrough before or whatever, meaning certain games are impossible. It also grabs whatever it grabs. That can include name-tags, and may exclude certain things. (i.e. Furigana, certain lines.. whatever) For me all of that is enough, as I can get an estimate. But for a detailed site, that's not a good idea. So while I know for example that Senren Banka is ~2.4mb, or Tokihate ~1.2mb.. that's really just an approximation of the raw text, without counting new-line "characters" or names or whatever. If names are grabbed, I remove a bit so it "seems right". I also don't know the other stats, like lines, though I could get unique kanji if I'd care enough and put the whole script into one file.

That said, I suppose tlwiki also has its numbers all weird and you generally have to take +-15% to any number given anyway as you never know if newlines count and how the text was formatted. Take '&'
-Sora no Mukou de Sakimasu youni- , the first entry. 70k lines apparently. If newline characters count (which they do if you look at sjis scriptsize) and if the text isn't in a block, that adds 70k characters -> 140kb. If there was an empty line separating each line, for whatever reason, that's another 140kb. So 2.1mb could also be 1.8 mb. Fun stuff. So ultimately an approximation shouldn't be worse.. but I dunno about that. If I had the lines, I'd be less against it, but that's impossible with hook+skip. It's all in a block, more or less.

As for editing this list, you need an account and e-mail apparently. So if anyone can get an account there, then anyone should be able to edit this list.. not sure if anyone can get an account though.

>> No.16492096

>The problem with that site is that it only features accurate numbers.
Actually it's not accurate. There's no vetting process. Taimanin Asagi has only one half as many lines as that site says.

>> No.16492139

>So if anyone can get an account there, then anyone should be able to edit this list.. not sure if anyone can get an account though.
Seems like you can request one
Also a lot of those numbers have nametags and such, scroll down. The [1] etc indicate that. And you don't have to fill out every field, some only have the kanji count. I'm sure it's fine with just the kb size.

>> No.16492365
File: 105 KB, 1280x720, SAY_03L_1_SAY_03L_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sensei best girl!
Fight me irl.

>> No.16492400

How do you guys get more then one chunk off baidu? I have the maximum set to 10 but it still downloads as only one chunk.I tested mediafire and I can get 10 chunks on that.

>> No.16492429

Anyone know this eroge was used in this song?


>> No.16492692

My slow DDL download for 何処へ行くの、あの日 from AS stopped twice after getting to like 50% into the first part and restarted from zero. One time on uploadedto and one time on bigfile. Amazing.
Please help

>> No.16492840


>> No.16493079
File: 189 KB, 1280x720, hit_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And also finished Hitomi's (black) route in Kimi no Hitomi ni Hit Me.

This was way more in line with the common route than Tsubasa's route. Also only about 50% in length. (<150kb) It may be because of that alone that it worked better, after all it has the length I felt Tsubasa's route would've been better at, but I think it's also structured a bit better. Interestingly Hitomi also has a h-scene less, though that's probably just cut out and used as an "append scenario" for those pre-orders or whatever. Don't you love "DLC" being actually cut-out content?
The length strikes me as weird though. Hitomi is kinda the "main" heroine if you want, and those usually don't have a comparatively short route.

I think that's it for me with this title. Definitely not a bad moege. I especially like how this one doesn't really try to be too dramatic. Hitomi's route especially succeeded pretty well with that. The story was very "every day", there was a problem of sorts, but nothing artificially overdramatized. Just a little "feel good" story. I really don't know why not more moege try to borrow a bit from iyashikei "stories" like non non biyori or whatever. "feel good" is what moege should strife for, right? Instead you usually get silly overdramatized stuff that comes out of nowhere and nobody really likes. No need for evil chairmen of the school, unreasonable teachers that would normally get fired in a second for their behavior and whatnot.

>> No.16493128

Rather than "feel good" the only emotion those kind of moege cause is "feel bored". Drama/conflicts are good when done well. In fact, the "feel good" feeling is strongest in games that have drama when it's tied up well (e.g. Asairo).

>> No.16493158

Is it complete garbage like most GIGA's games or is it a step up at least?

>> No.16493194

Not him. I haven't read any of GIGAs other games but I didn't find it bad at all and there's a few EGS reviews stating it's not standard GIGA shit.

>> No.16493222

Wow that art doesn't look too good. That guy a few threads back was complaining about Shinsou Noise but look at this.

>> No.16493244
File: 188 KB, 1280x720, hit_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"feel bored" happens when it's done badly. Like I said, that was the issue with Tsubasa's route.


No idea. Never played other Giga moege. I can't even talk about all of it but if I had to rate what I've read:
common (~230kb)=8/10
Hitomi (~150kb)=8/10
Tsubasa (~300kb)=6/10

Moege ratings obviously. So take that as you want. Right now it sits at ~75 at EGS, which doesn't say much this early. But I feel that that's rather fair as an EGS rating. Provided the other two routes aren't both on Tsubasa level.


That smile is supposed to be weird/creepy. The art is fine. Not really super awesome, but fine. In my opinion, there's absolutely nothing to complain about in Shinsou Noise though. Also insanely consistent. (As in the CG quality isn't all over the place with chest-sizes changing and angles looking weird as fuck or whatever)

>> No.16493599

I have a hard time deciding between this and Hikari

>> No.16493840
File: 38 KB, 600x337, CcmgXeZVIAEuxu8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw it's one of the only German word I know

>> No.16494187

Kure's games seem weird. They seemed to have gotten weak ratings back in the day but when you look at recent reviews they're all fairly positive. Like Deatta Shoujo sits on 71 in EGS but the recent ones are all 80+. Suika is even funnier with recent reviews averaging 90+. I wonder why that is.

Anyhow my curiosity is picked. Anyone played these and wants to share their thoughts? Also what's the difference in Suika vs Suika A.S+?

>> No.16494249

Nostalgia even for stuff you haven't played is strong just for the mood.

>> No.16494272


Damn, this one is so obscure I've never seen the brand before and finding a copy is impossible save for one dead file on Share. I'm impressed.

>> No.16494316

Dokoiku and Ashisho are both pretty polarizing, the latter even more so. Suika is closer to a standard eroge, with magical realism and nakige elements (it's also only partly written by Kure), but it still has some of the strange horror found in the other two. A.S+ has additional scenarios and is probably the preferred version.

>> No.16494406

How's that game? i kinda want to play it

>> No.16494424

Hikaris route is great, Sayas is alright. Other heroine routes are shit so only play it if you like these two.

>> No.16494673

Sayas route is great. Hikaris is alright. Other heroine routes are shit so only play it if you like these two.

>> No.16494682
File: 408 KB, 1640x1017, x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Revival when?

>> No.16494720

Koronas route is great, Orihimes is alright. Other heroine routes are shit so only play it if you like these two.

>> No.16494738

Guys is 神様のゲーム 監禁された6人の男女 uploaded yet?
I would say its the best game for this month from the trial I played.

>> No.16494898

>only one dude

>> No.16494921



Shame there's no good SFW images of that belly.

>> No.16494954

Miagete was such a great game, definitely looking forward to pulltops next big work.

>> No.16494974
File: 29 KB, 600x753, ....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucking her belly fat

>> No.16495008

nice song

>> No.16496036

You tried any of the CLOCKUP games?

>> No.16496203

Since we don't have a nukige thread, can you guys recommend me something good you recently played with good H scene and art?
I would prefer something vanilla with one heroine or two wich have a different kind of ero play and position with each H-scene.

>> No.16496308


>> No.16496326

What's the deepest the game you've played?
Looking for something to get me thinking and wow me.

>> No.16496333

Fata Morgana.

>> No.16496362

Thats exactly what I finished playing before writing this post, is there more like this game?

>> No.16496368


>> No.16496439

Don't really want to get into it as it kinda attacks religion.
it looks scary is it?

>> No.16496630
File: 13 KB, 534x96, 1478194296936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahhh, what happened to my ex-links?

>> No.16496775

Det Våras För Lilljorna

>> No.16496824

>Don't really want to get into it as it kinda attacks religion.
Not really.

>> No.16497085

If you're pro religion you should recognize the difference between religions and cults.

>> No.16497117

there actually are no differences between religions and cult, except maybe size and popular acceptance.

>> No.16497121

I know, but that's more of an atheist point of view.

>> No.16497589

infinite jest the eroge

>> No.16497595
File: 56 KB, 622x501, explorer_2017-01-31_10-16-28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished Baldr Sky Dive1 and am trying to run dive2 but can't seem to get the crack to work. Running the crack and selecting Baldrsky.exe or filechk.exe bring up pic related. Does anyone know how I can get it to work?

>> No.16497600

You should have played dive1 from dive2, it saves trouble.
Also it's the userid or the reg what you need to patch..

>> No.16497610

Reg worked, thank you.

>> No.16497923

らぶらぶシスターズ and 魔物娘の育て方 cracked by the chink using demo exes. I know you guys don't give a fuck as long as you can play but personally these demo cracks annoy me because it's a lame caveman method from the technical point of view.

>> No.16497957
File: 588 KB, 1280x1440, キミの瞳にヒットミー_2017-01-31_12-34-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course, it's gotta be pointed out, even if we all know.
It even had the up close jiggle effect.
Not that I'm complaining.

>> No.16497975

I hate this. They're too big for her body size.

>> No.16497988

This is the reason I stopped giving a shit about drawn tits after a while. People can't draw them.

>> No.16498045

What is your favorite game by élf?

>> No.16498138

Any one know any games with imouto routes as sweet as Kaho's in Lover Able? Shit gave me diabetes and I loved it.

>> No.16498146
File: 510 KB, 1280x720, キミの瞳にヒットミー_2017-01-31_13-24-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game really isn't so bad. I don't find any of the heroines that 魅力的 which is pretty killer for a moege but the dialogue is engaging enough that I don't mind reading anyway. That probably means I'll get bored of it after the common route when the focus shifts to romance but eh.

>> No.16498147

あか坂, Minato

>> No.16498156

I had that on my hard drive for so long and completely forgot about it. Guess I finally start on it tonight.

>> No.16498329

Boku no Kanojo wa Gatenkei

>> No.16498615

Is いたいけな彼女 worth reading for story or is it just sadist stuff?

>> No.16498628

I loved her too, I remember shilling that game when everybody was フレラバ crazy and I wanted them to try SMEE'S previous work. Still my game had a weird error where no text appeared before crashing, couldn't finish it...

>> No.16498648
File: 372 KB, 853x500, 1458724258467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You tell me

>> No.16498735

Does anyone have a torrent for Dokuiku? The ones on Nyaa are dead.

>> No.16498742

I just downloaded from the ones posted yesterday, the moonstone one.

>> No.16498743

Out of curiosity, do you guys play all routes before moving on to a different VN?

>> No.16498756

I do. Except for nukige. Generally, this is because I feel like I'm missing out and can't fully talk about a game unless I've seen everything it has to offer.

>> No.16498761

Depends on the game. Obviously no point in games where the story doesn't connect.

>> No.16498763

Plotge: Yes, if routes have to do with plot (i.e. not Aiyoku no Eustia type).
Moege + nukige: No, only girls I like.

Life's too short to read moege routes of girls you don't like.

>> No.16498788
File: 61 KB, 640x480, 1336860350735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When it comes to VNs, one thing that must be remembered is that they're fucking gigantic compared to ANY other type of media. Even a normal old nukige can easily be the size of the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy. Da Capo 3 is twice the size of the LotR trilogy. Reading a VN isn't like picking up a YA novel and reading it on the couch in a couple hours. It's a huge time and effort expense, no matter the game, just cause they're so fucking long.

It's for this reason that I think approaching VNs with mindsets like, "I need to 100% it", "I do routes even if I don't enjoy them", etc, is so dangerous. Not only are VNs so long it's possible to wear yourself down on the entire medium by engaging in content you don't like, but the sheer time lost doing stuff you don't like is enormous. When there's as many good media out there as there is, it's a big loss I think to devote so much time to stuff one doesn't enjoy or stuff one isn't too into instead of focusing on what one does enjoy. It's better to read 1 route out of 5 moege and enjoy each one a lot than to read 5 routes in 1 moege but only really have a good time for two of them.

>> No.16498809

I mean, this is pretty obvious. Especially for pirates.
You'd play every route in a game if you payed 8k Yen for it though. But if you did there's a good chance most routes are good, hopefully. Or you're rich and don't care.

>> No.16498817

Not unless it has a true route. I don't have time to read shit I don't care about.

>> No.16498818

>But if you did there's a good chance most routes are good, hopefully.
Yeah I would only buy games that are good in every route anyway. Obviously impossible to tell that before buying but buying from established, favourite authors and brands almost avoids the problem entirely.

>> No.16498870

>Da Capo 3 is twice the size of the LotR trilogy

Now now. The lord of the rings trilogy is roughly the same as a 3.3mb VN. To my knowledge, there is no single VN with twice of that of unique text. Though a clear comparison is obviously hard, as a translation needs to be done first and those can also be more or less wordy.

That said, VN are usually pretty long for sure. Moege are usually around 1.5mb +-500kb though. Only a few are actually longer than that and shorter ones are not full-price.. usually.

>> No.16498890
File: 52 KB, 711x149, my source.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said that based on this.

>> No.16498903

There's no way Lotr is even close to that number.

>> No.16498968

It looks like I missed that post. Thank you.

>> No.16498969

There's an update patch, version 1.02 if you didn't know about it. If you haven't finished her route, the ending and FD was super cute so I recommend picking it up again.

>> No.16498990


It's 450k words. 3.3mb means 1650k characters. I don't think 3-4 characters for one word is too weird. (I'm basing it on available data of a fan-translation)


As far as words go, it would fit. But I wouldn't be surprised if those "words" are wrong in some way. We do know the localization of Trails in the Sky SC features 716k words, and that script is over 3m JP characters. We won't be able to know, but something doesn't seem right.
I'm surprised about the character count as well. It's listed as 30hours on EGS, which is just way too low for that. Sakura no Uta has ~1.6m characters and sits at 40 hours.

Yeah.. something seems very wrong here.

>> No.16498995

As long as I like it. Usually I either like the whole thing or dislike the whole thing. Even if there's some variation across routes I can't really think of cases where I really enjoyed one or two routes and hated the rest. I don't play "moege" though/liking a heroine isn't enough for me to enjoy a route.

>> No.16499003

You've got to consider that "hour counts" are not reliable at all, its not like people time themselves, they just finish and put whatever number feels about right. Plus with RPGs it's easy to miss a lot of content that still has to be translated.

>> No.16499057

Which version of Utawarerumono should I play, PC or PSP?

>> No.16499065

I reread the LotR trilogy not too long ago. There's no way it's anywhere near the length of a 3mb eroge.

>> No.16499069

If the PSP version is the same as the PS2 version, play that. Gameplay improvements are noticeable and the game doesn't suffer from a lack of erotic content.

>> No.16499078

Yeah, I believe it is. Thanks.

>> No.16499197

I don't really know how to use that but I'll try either or reinstall if i have the iso. Still makes me glad that other people like her I remember somebody else posted saying they didn't like the game or her so I'm just glad somebody else besides me does.

>> No.16499210

>hetare protagonist
No thanks.

>> No.16499227
File: 38 KB, 203x723, images (64).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16499229

It's just an executable if I remember right. I think I got the patch off holyseal, but official site probably has it as well.

How's フレラバ in comparison? ラブラブル was my first SMEE title, and got me curious.

>> No.16499230

Can I get this in human size?

>> No.16499245


It's not weird to think that, but keep in mind, eroge have "transitions", voices, sometimes time needed to "skip" through seen parts and so on. All of that adds time. The text itself though fits. To give an extreme example: "Lilycle Rainbow Stage!!!" should be roughly 1mb of text. However it is almost completely voiced, as in almost no narration. (probably less than 1%) An "auto-mode" playthrough apparently takes close to 30 hours, and given that it's almost completely voiced it pretty much means "listening to all voices and immediately continuing". With a solid reading speed you can finish lord of the rings in that time, even though it's three times as long.

This is btw the reason why Chaos;Child has a rather high average play-time in comparison to its length as well. It has "average" voice acting (protag voiced, but a lot of narration), but the transitions can take for-fucking-ever. And if you take skip-time into account as well.. oh boy.

>> No.16499278

I've seen people here suck it's dick for a while and eventually caved in and tried it plus it was on the recommended chart that gets passed around. It me a while to get into, it plays out like a dating sim with tons of choices you basically choose what to talk about and so on.

Still prefer ラブラブル in terms of comedy and characters but フララバ has a charm that makes me wanna keep going still don't really like it's comedy but has its interesting moments and it really gets you the player into their friend circle pretty well and you feel part of class, that part impressed me I haven't seen much eroge get me that involved in the classroom and made me care.

Still haven't finished it and I'm on himari's route people said it gets really good so I'm looking forward to that.

>> No.16499283
File: 183 KB, 500x1774, v4rzH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16499305

Anymore like this?

>> No.16499311

There's one with the hamburger but this game is so sad. It's like reverse teaching feeling where you see a cute innocent girl get ruined.
Please don't...

>> No.16499314

>30 hours to read LotR
Maybe if you have brain damage. If your reading speed is actually decent you can finish it in 15-20.

>> No.16499342

The comedy is a big thing for me, mostly enjoyed Kaho's route because of the banter. Still I like how you said you get invested in the class. Didn't have much of that in ラブラブル's side characters aside from pitying 店長 every once in a while. Thanks, adding it to my backlog.

>> No.16499350

I don't understand the appeal of this game. I like my nukige depraved, but Jesus Christ this is wrong.

>> No.16499360

While on the topic of Fureraba, it's curious how the HD Renewal version can't be hooked with ITHVNR but the normal one apparently can. Is the upscale from 1024x576 to 1280x720 worth it?

>> No.16499370

I'd suggest just learning radicals. Pretty simple investment into never needing a text hooker again.

>> No.16499375

Could always use a review. Do you have a recommended resource?

>> No.16499378

That's never even coming remotely close to the 0.01 sec look up of a hooker.

>> No.16499382

Text hooking is あくまでも just a time saving gesture, and nothing else is as fast, so talking about radicals isn't much of a point.

>> No.16499383

Holy shit, it's a high school romance game. You don't need a text hooker for that.

>> No.16499385
File: 116 KB, 985x633, v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's the hype?

>> No.16499389

You're in post-DJT age. This thread is full of people like this >>16499378 >>16499382 who aren't actually interested in learning Japanese.

>> No.16499394

I don't even use a texthooker, I'm just saying, if you're going to argue against it you have to argue from a time standpoint because that's why people use it.

>> No.16499411

How long until the h scenes start? I thought this was a nukige, not seeing one within the first 30 minutes is unacceptable!

>> No.16499475


I'm not sure about your choice of words here, but average reading speed in English for adults is 250 words a minute. (while people who read more are faster, i.e. college students are at 300/min on average apparently.. well sources are all a bit different, but 250-300 is generally the idea)
450k words -> 30 hours with 250/min. Simple math. Given that we are talking about a novel here and not speedreading or just reading to get certain info, needing 25-30hours for the trilogy isn't strange.

Perhaps you are a very fast reader, even with novels. Or maybe you are misunderstanding something and aren't actually reading the lord of the rings trilogy with its 450k words. Or perhaps your sense of time is seriously off. If you are however really just fast.. then it just further proves my point.

>> No.16499501
File: 76 KB, 600x338, 214000006391e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't play lolige but this has some really hot sex scenes the art isn't that great though.

Also do you guys know the heart pupils are called in Jap or the vndb tag for them?

>> No.16499506

Ever since the first scene in the first bishoujo mangekyou I can't get enough of vampire biting neck during sex scenes, looks like I will have to check this one out.

>> No.16499516

It's fun. Are there any other games with a similar tone to this one?

>> No.16499530

I'm also interested in vampire biting scenes, but I've already played both Biman and Chibi Pire, any other suggestions?

>> No.16499535

It's also a nukige so yeah tons of sex and my problem is that when developing the characters they tend to make them a bit too child-like that and some outfits make them seem too young.

I'm not into fucking kids but short loli like girls so some were a bit weird for me.

>> No.16499554
File: 166 KB, 650x366, 201607_cbpr_01_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.16500239

One of the hardest reads around.

>> No.16500242
File: 980 KB, 1690x1633, clephas&#039; japanese learning guide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see we have another one of Clephas-sama's disciples here.

>> No.16500296

Could really do with getting his English right first

>> No.16500314

That image is missing some of the best Clephas quotes. Feast your eyes on this beauty of a thread:

>The truth is, more of my time is taken up by VA than actual reading... Reading is done the instant the text pops up on TA.

>> No.16500365

I don't look down on those who don't know much as long as they are actively trying get better, but this is pretty pathetic.

>> No.16500366

This is extremely embarrassing. What a tryhard.

>> No.16500523

>tfw you will never read as fast as clephas

>> No.16500533

It's not a nukige. None of the "modern" (post-Biniku no Kaori) elf games are. They're a balance of sex and story.

If you're in it for the NTR you'll be waiting even longer.

>> No.16500547

fucking hilarious

>> No.16500874

Wow, I was expecting the post to be from years ago but it wasn't.

>> No.16500882

You can probably read Japanese infinity times faster than Clephas.

>> No.16500901

I need more fix of the Utawarerumono series but its over and there's literally nothing else like it.

>> No.16501107
File: 308 KB, 646x543, 55ded6ab67e3e28f14a2ab0f4448edb3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been translated, but I want to play Tsukihime in Japanese.

Problem is I'm on OpenBSD and OS X only. The game itself would run fine with ONscripter, but every download I've found is in .ccd format.

ccd2iso doesn't work on multi-session images, and cdemu is Linux only.

Are there any active uploads of Tsukihime with a normal .iso or even just the data file necessary to run it in ONscripter?

>> No.16501284

You'll want to use _inmm.dll for background music and that's Windows only.

>> No.16501301

What's the longest string of kanji you've ever found in a vn?

>> No.16501314

Each sentence just screams insecurity

>> No.16501318

Probably something from senshinkan

>> No.16501331

I'm not yet at the stage where I can access a .dll

The entire disc image is in clone CD (.ccd) format in all the downloads I've used. You can't mount .ccd files outside of Windows (or using cdemu in Linux.)

I'm looking for a Tsukihime DL that isn't in this format.

>> No.16501336 [SPOILER] 
File: 952 KB, 800x600, 1485938909869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After reading Dies Irae for several weeks I finally realised that it's not "Amantes amantes", it's "Amantes amentes".

Fun VN. Beatrice best girl.

>> No.16501343 [DELETED] 
File: 496 KB, 1330x940, mainvisual_onsale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone playing this know how to apply the crack? I'm new to this and retarded and don't know what I'm doing.

I copied the files to the data folder and now I'm lost as to what to do the next.

>> No.16501355

BIN+CUE in here. Both original Tsukihime and Tsukibako.

_inmm.dll is this. You should use it to get looping BGM in the game. Since you can set it up to use whatever music you want per track, you should avoid Tsukibako's shitty music and instead use original Tsukihime's or the Ever After one.

>> No.16501441

Thanks lad

>> No.16501482

Ah, it's saying "file no longer accessible" now.
Any other link to a BIN+CUE would be much appreciated

>> No.16501501

復讐の教室 is the closest i've seen but mostly in the bullying part, the twist of why everything starts is much different

>> No.16501524
File: 12 KB, 1282x157, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you sure you're not doing something wrong? Here I tried the Tsukibako version of Tsukihime and it at least starts for me. And I got the game from there relatively recently.

>> No.16501546

It went to 99% before saying it wasn't accessible.

I want the original because the later versions aren't built on the Nscripter engine and can't be used cross-platform.

>> No.16502009
File: 92 KB, 928x418, ss+(2017-02-01+at+03.51.15).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our savior arrogant chinese cracker strikes back to the mikocon clowns.

>> No.16502186

What game?

>> No.16502241

Man, yes, this. I replayed it last year to prep for 3 and had exactly that same feeling.

>> No.16502300

Best VNs from 2016 - 100% Guarantee you will Disagree

>> No.16502307

Why did you post this? It's just some random fujoshis game list who doesn't even play most eroge.

>> No.16502311

Still has played over 50 games this year.

>> No.16502320

... of which almost all are yaoi / BL.

>> No.16502327


>> No.16502330

It goes both way though.
If she plays, say, 50 yaoi and no het, she's still played 50 games
If you play, say, 50 het and no yaoi, you've still played 50 games.
Just as you can say she doesn't read most games she can say YOU don't read most games. It goes both ways.

>> No.16502390

So random list, lol.

>> No.16502398

Did you actually look through the list? It's pretty much half eroge, half yaoi/otome.

>> No.16502399

I'm asking why this was posted here. It's not a best of list like the original post said. The person in question obviously isn't interested in playing quality titles and instead only indulges in fetish shit. Not to mention it is the blog of a literal who fujoshi and people here are straight (for the most part).

>> No.16502436

What list isn't random?

>> No.16502449

That's what the blog writer wrote himself, yes. Doesn't change the fact that it isn't a real attempt at one and has no place here. There's plenty of other LGBT communities you can join.

>> No.16502460

It's a real attempt for them and certainly has a place here as it's a discussion of VNs.
It seems your opinion has gone down from "they don't attempt to play most games" to "i don't like gay stuff, don't post gay stuff here".

>> No.16502565

Might as well post the hundreds of other lists out there while you're at it. Make sure to focus on ones that have no place here demographic wise, that will surely instill the most discussion.

>> No.16502611

If I see any other interesting ones you can bet I will. Hopefully I can unearth one with a good mix of shota and loli.

>> No.16502742
File: 557 KB, 1920x1080, C;C_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'd like a top50 of yuri VN from 2016!
I don't think even a top10 would be possible...


That list actually had more than enough not otome stuff in it, and I found it somewhat interesting to get a view from a female. Just as I find it interesting when there are female artists for eroge, or female authors. The list is a bit.. weird (even featuring seemingly random normal nukige), but still. I would assume females wouldn't be such a fan of the typical "wall" MCs without much of a personality or any plot-relevance, which a lot of guys can accept much easier. For example this month's "Hit me" has a library-club MC, just like the MC in Daitoshokan. But while the latter is well defined, the hobby is a big thing and so on.. you can easily forget the library part in "Hit me". I still think it's not terrible or anything and I'd even go so far and say that the MC is a bit above average.. though that itself is also already kinda sad given how blank he ultimately is.
That said, this is just a guess and the given list seems random enough that I'm not sure if it'd help in this specific regard.

>> No.16502818


monthly dose of crack drama

>> No.16502910


Short list for a short month.

>> No.16502923

Does anyone have the FLAC version of Asairo's soundtrack? Checked the archive, the links are dead.

>> No.16502925

>Susei Ginka this month
>Suisou Ginka no Istoria next month
Is this some insider meme between the companies or something? Similar names and settings. Also funnily, both look like solid games, though Lucles is probably gonna be the better one.

>> No.16502961

Ouka Sabaki is finally coming out.

I guess I should play the trial. Also that delayed Tantei game looks cool.

>> No.16503003

They're still waiting for a crack for the last Anim cuckgame which was released 5 months ago.

>> No.16503065

Oh Arrogant chinese cracker + Checkmate vs mikocon, gotta watch that one.

>> No.16503454


>> No.16503576

Do you have to play Nanairo Reincarnation in order to understand Akeiro Kaikitan, or are the stories separate?

>> No.16503596

Reappearing characters. There is absolutely no reason to skip Nanairo anyhow. It's very short and solid. If you don't like Nanairo you won't like Akeiro either.

>> No.16503608

The stories are separate but Nanairo is so short and there's a pretty big good chunk of "fanservice" for Nanairo readers in Kana's route that I'd say it's worth going through either way. Also x2 >>16503596

>> No.16503636

I downloaded one earlier from these threads.
I can't vouch for its quality, but I'll try to upload it for you.

>> No.16503703


This should work, I think. Haven't used Mega ever before, so let me know if something's wrong.

>> No.16504679

I've been catching up on the Rance series this year, and am up to 5 right now and have stopped. Is Kichikuou required for VI forward? I don't want to play it if it's going to be getting a remake, but I want to be ready for X.

>> No.16504701

Kichikuou is not required at all because its not canon but its absolutely recommended.

>> No.16505128

So I just finished 何処へ行くの、あの日, can anyone tell me what was up with that ending?
I was under the impression that the one true world was the one in which Ema dies during the surgery where Kyosuke eventually ends up with Toori. If that's the case, isn't Sore just gonna come and destroy the world where the ending takes place?

>> No.16505247

Is there an eroge where you play as a girl trying to become a hyper slut?

>> No.16505264

Actually a fuckton. If you mean you the play controlling a normal girl and forcing her to fuck people (i.e. losing battles against thugs, get raped by thugs) until she turns into a slut. Lots of those.

>> No.16505278

Cosplay Ecchi and Henshin Ganbou. Probably quite a few others if you just mean a slut protagonist and not literally someone on a quest to be the ultimate slut.

>> No.16505333

anyone have patch for 吸血殲鬼ヴェドゴニア? I don't see it on nitro site.

>> No.16505458

I love you guys

>> No.16505585
File: 51 KB, 361x500, 4084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what am I in for?

>> No.16505603
File: 13 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never played a VN before, but now I have a tonne of time and I gotta keep my japanese in check.

Any recommendations for one to get into?

Prefs one with a decent amount of voice and story. Ero is just bonus.
But like I said, never tried before.

What should I expect?

>> No.16506201 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.24 MB, 1280x720, 1486025116007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After fighting with technology and sheer apathy, I finally finished Baldr Heart after starting it months ago. I read about this here before when it had just came out, but Nagi's route really dragged on a lot and I found myself constantly wondering when it would actually end, and for a time I took breaks that lasted for a week or more. Remarkably, once it actually got to the proper ending and the plot finally kicked in, I sped through it in only a day or two.

All in all, I have to say that I liked it a lot, albeit not as much as Sky, and if I had to pin it on one thing it would be the pacing of the story. Tsukyomi's route was pitifully short and we barely knew a thing about her by the end of it, and then much later a good chunk of the first half of Nagi's route read a lot like a proper Tsukyomi route. Little did I know that the second half of her route would be spent developing three heroines simultaneously!

Still though, it was a wild ride and I liked it a lot. That's all my blogging for now folks, catch you on the flip side.

Also, if they were gonna recycle Makoto/outright pull a Kanon like that, they should've made Nagi look the same as her real body, give her a chainsaw and sukimizu, and also have her be crazier. That would've been something else, I tell you.

>> No.16506272

Aoyama Yukari

>> No.16506301

>Any recommendations for one to get into?

>> No.16506336


>> No.16506390 [DELETED] 

I wanted to ask anybody here who's finished Danganronpa V3.

What the truth and Lie?
If you back before the brainwashing in the prologue, you see everybody confused at what is happening. The monokumaz say that because the ultimate hunts that captured them they were brainwashed to forget their talents.
They then brainwash them to remember their talents.
So what happened really?
Were they actually ultimates that were captured and made to forget their talents and then made to remember but instead with a twisted fabricated version of the real world were people watched them kill eachother with a new personility.
Or did the same thing happen but they gave them back their original personality but if thats the case how did their audition video show them wanting to die and saying they wanted a talent if that is false.

>> No.16506427

>but Nagi's route really dragged on a lot and I found myself constantly wondering when it would actually end
Pretty much what I felt. At chapter 16 I was like "Holy shit it's long!", and from that point I got really itching for the ending.

>> No.16506449

The link worked just fine, thank you anon!

>> No.16506481

How did you like it?

>> No.16506611

Do I play Acta est Fabula or Amantes amentes?

>> No.16506614


>> No.16506621

I would honestly recommend Acta est Fabula cause although the H-scenes aren't too relevant to the story, them getting cut really messes with the flow of the story at points to the point of being awkward. Plus, gore in CGs being removed looks really bad in some fight scenes.

>> No.16506642
File: 849 KB, 1280x1440, moege.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have come to the conclusion that moege are just vanilla pornography masked behind a thin veil of comedy and SOL.
Honestly, it all comes together when you think about it like that.

>> No.16506647

Why do you alternate your posts between here and DJT?

>> No.16506649
File: 120 KB, 640x480, HMMM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a real dilemma here guys. Should I be hidoi to her the first playthrough and then yasashii the next, or the the other way around?

>> No.16506654

The other one wasn't constructive discussion, it was just eye candy for people to enjoy trying to read.

>> No.16506682


And what's iyashikei?

>> No.16506689

Any eroge with defrosting of the ice queen? With proactive protag, not some faceless ameba.

>> No.16506714

I've tried hotomi and honestly can't figure out why people like it, I've tried an hour or so but can't get into it.

Can you guys explain why do you like it?

>> No.16506716

You're both going to suffer either way.

>> No.16506717

I don't know. A lot of moege I've read recently have been very sexualized and looking over other moege that I see people reading they seem pretty sexualized too hence the half sincere conclusion that they're pornography. I mean it's a meme that moege have been jammed with super kyonyuu heroines for some time now. I've seen some iyashikei and they didn't seem to be too sexualized or have as much focus on lewd depravity so I would lean on iyashikei not being pornography but I can't say for sure due to inexperience.
If by ice queen you mean bitch I'm not so sure, but Seine from Lovely Cation 2 ( https://vndb.org/c12591 ) has a pretty excellent thawing process.

>> No.16506727

The same reason why people like any trashy moege: cute girls and porn.

>> No.16506733
File: 601 KB, 1280x720, キミの瞳にヒットミー_2017-02-02_06-00-19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While your sentiment is pretty close to the mark, I'd like to say as far as I can tell, Hitomi also has some above-average humor for a moege. Not the funniest game of all time, but the jokes aren't obnoxiously dull and it can be funny sometimes. Also, the pacing is much faster/tighter than a normal moege, it doesn't feel aimless much.

But yeah in the end cute girls and porn.

>> No.16506750
File: 69 KB, 700x520, 1474365135018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16506755

The OST and art are pretty good, the comedy is genuine and funny, The heroines are bunch of weirdos who got together and fun to watch to interact. the atmosphere overall is comfy. Even the MC somehow have his own character.
I would say this is a decent moege. I like it for the healing factor though, if you are looking for something complicated then is isn't for you.

>> No.16506763

> the comedy is genuine
This is a good description of it. The comedy feels genuine, yes. Like it was genuinely borne from the raw character interaction rather than the writer trying to force boring characters to be funny.

>> No.16506778

If by "ice queen" you mean cold-hearted ruthless manipulator there's Bansenjin's Nanten.

>> No.16506795


This has nothing to do with "sexualized". Even sexualized moege ultimately still feature massive amounts of "not sexual" content, if they aren't nukige. And that content is one of the main-points.
That stuff is simply similar to iyashikei. Not completely though, as routes are changing into girlfriend simulators. (without user input...)

Porn is important for some for sure, but if moege would be only that, you can't explain all the all-ages ports, and I'm pretty sure most people aren't into spending 10 hours reading random stuff to reach porn, if that's all they care for. It's the package.
Though you can also add to this that moege isn't actually well defined at all. It's simply something people call VN that aren't obvious plotge, nukige or heavy drama. But this leads to problems every now and then. My favorite example is Hoshimemo for that, featuring typical moege stuff.. and a route featuring a heroine with psychological issues as in a major existential crisis to the point even sex is just there to make her feel alive thanks to the pain it causes. Very moe indeed. Not really nakige either, as there's not much that makes you cry. It's more.. gloomy? Still, for what's worth, it's considered a moege.. I think at least. It's probably the reason why vndb still doesn't even have moege as a category.

>> No.16506804

All that in your post is why I only said "half sincere". I know it's not just for the porn that people read moege. But, the pretty heavily sexualization of moege is giving it some pretty thick pornography vibes in all aspects to me.

"Why do all the heroines have big tits" can only be answered as "to be sexy", and the heroines are the core of moege. It's a corruption form the inside out. Though, not complete corruption.

>> No.16506843

AeF and then fast forward through AA for additional story.

>> No.16506858

I didn't really find it funny, not even the type of jokes that you laugh at because the girls are cute. The music seems over the top for some bits. The characters seem cute though.
I guess it really isn't for me I really thought I could enjoy with everybody like hanasaki workspring or other moege everybody here played at the same time.

It's a shame, my main problem though was the text though it's really narrow and hard on my eyes

>> No.16506922

That looks nice, but fuck, Senshinkan+Bansenjin will be a long read.

>> No.16506923

So is Baldr Sky Zero 2 shorter than the first one since there are only two routes?

>> No.16506927

The routes are considerably longer.

>> No.16506935

Ok, thanks. I was wondering if skipping all the battles from the prologue chapters would make me lose a lot of points and weapon exp, but I guess it doesn't really matter.

>> No.16506959

Downloaded Gunjou no Sora o Koete, what should I expect? Never read anything from Light or Hayakari.

>> No.16506996

Expect a 8.3/10 tier game.

>> No.16507003


>> No.16507195


Yeah, big tits are a thing. And the flat girls strangely get the best characterization. Something's going on there. Material Brave even has a token titty character who is only there to press her tits against the protag every now and then, though has essentially no other role. Also only girl with naked tits in her ending cg. Obviously worst girl, by far.

That said, I'd assume "sexy" was always wanted with eroge. I'd say it's just western influence in Japan that made people there more interested in big tits or something. But it's also just the lazy way, and we know.. most VN are lazy. Doesn't help that so many artist can't into drawing big ones either. (Just look at Giga's Kiss series. It feels like propaganda for moderate chests... never read one though so I dunno if the tit routes also suck more than the other ones. Would be worth to try, for science.)

>> No.16507209


>> No.16507586

What are game are you playing now? What would you rate it at the moment? Any comments?

Really like how you are part of the class and your friendship grows, but kinda sad you don't spend as much time with heroines during the normal route other than the times you pick them to hang out with on their choices for their route. One heroine isn't really even introduced unless you pick her route. Still really like it may grow to love it, may give it higher score later.

>> No.16507590


>> No.16507592
File: 622 KB, 1280x720, キミの瞳にヒットミー_2017-02-02_08-29-53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished this, it was okay.
3 hats out of 5 to keep it real.

>> No.16507722
File: 331 KB, 1280x720, hoshikoi_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's lewd. Surprisingly lewd. Story started though. (being ~2hours into my first route)

Actually I'm confused about its lewdness. It feels like I'm playing some game with an ero-scene every hour or something. The boobs of the sister are so common, it's actually more special to not see them. Weird game.

>> No.16507752

If a VN is translated to Chinese but not English does it still belong here?

>> No.16507783

sure why not

>> No.16507870

Moe is porn for the heart.

>> No.16507942

I heard that Chinese translators (VN, LN) don't shy away from machine translation at all.

>> No.16507991

No. The point of "untranslated" is reading it in its original language.

>> No.16508002

Neither do English fan translators lmao.

>> No.16508070
File: 224 KB, 1280x720, hoshikoi_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And finished Hoshikoi's sister route already. Guess I was wrong with "the plot started", ~2hours into the route, that was already over. What followed was just sex. And the story remained kinda incomplete.

Honestly, this VN feels like a mess with a lack of a clear vision of what it wants to be. On the one hand it feels like a typical moege in many ways, has a decent backstory and whatnot. On the other hand 95% of its CG are lewd. The sister has 21cg. 18 of those show naked breasts in some way. From the remaining ones, one shows "see-through" nipples, one a panty-shot/ass and the last one still pushes you boobs into the face, just with clothes.. for a change. It's 5 ero-scenes, 3 of which are in the route.. which isn't THAT strange I guess. Weird is the heavy pee fetish though. And random other shit of the omakes. (naked pet play in the park.. really?)

Strange VN. I think it's pretty save to say that this combination fails. I hope the rest of the routes and final parts are better and not just randomly end to shove 3+ h-scenes in a row into your face. And by in a row I mean in a row. Expect maybe a 5 minute break.
Meh, I feel like this could've been really good, but someone didn't have their hormones in check or.. something. I really don't know..

>> No.16508071

>One heroine isn't really even introduced unless you pick her route.
I thought this was a really cool idea, it really reinforced the idea that this wasn't a moege where all the girls just fall into your lap and start sucking your dick randomly, but one where you have to actively go out and romance them. The fact that you never meet a girl unless you put effort into trying to helps with that a lot. Plus it made her route feel really different from the others because you're seeing sprites and a story not even touched upon in the other routes.

>> No.16508076

I thought it was okay. Not as exciting in regard to plot stuff as I was hoping. Aoi's route was definitely the best and had the most interesting ending. Ema wasn't nearly as good as a character as people say, she just seemed like a cock hungry slut rather than some kind of tragic character. The game started jumping around a lot near the end too and I would've liked a bit more of a concise explanation for what was up with that. I was really hoping that Sore would show up at the end and have some kind of dramatic confrontation with the characters, but that never happened.

>> No.16508138


Imagine this a guy goes out to find a gf and meets a girl out of his league he goes through a lot of shit and eventually falling in love. The end.

Now imagine if the guy goes out to find a gf and instead meets a girl out of his league but decides to just talk to girls he knows and goes through shit ends up falling for another. If he tried to go for the other he basically would've ended up successful.

It just kinda feels like they are just what if he didn't have the balls scenarios.

I know this is the same for all eroge with a central heroine but for somebody who doesn't even show up it feels different.

>> No.16508144

Can anyone identify the voices/sound effects from this music, the voice and sound effects are from a visual novel.


>> No.16508153


>> No.16508160

I mean, that implies that Senpai is superior to the other heroines, when really it's just a matter of taste. Remember it is "Friend to Lover", of course the eroge is going to have him talking to girls he's friends with and it developing naturally into a romance. There is no central heroine.

>> No.16508191

So I can know what VN it is.

>> No.16508211

I don't really get eroge slang but what does 混ぜて mean

Eg: 俺も混ぜてな〜ーー

joining in on sex or the penises inserting into holes?

I assume it's the former I just don't know eroge slang that we'll and wanna make sure

>> No.16508222

What the hell is "eroge slang"? That's normal Japanese. Go to /djt/ for language help.

>> No.16508223
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>> No.16508235

Does it qualify as a moe nukige?

>> No.16508242

A nukige cum moege if you will.

>> No.16508246

I though it might be like 肉便器 thats not an actual meat toilet or something.

>> No.16508278
File: 417 KB, 1280x720, hoshikoi_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, like I said, it just has randomly lewd stuff (and likes to zoom in on tits and whatnot), but most of the game feels like a completely normal moege. You could give the girls.. normal clothes and stuff. The blonde girl always has her school uniform's shirt a little unbuttoned, which is never even talked about, nor does it fit her character. The miko uniform is lewd as fuck. One girl wears a maid-uniform at times, and the top barely holds her breasts to the point you see part of the nipples (pic related from the side, front would be nsfw...). Bras also seem to always slide so that you can pretty much see nipples.
It's not like koikuma where almost everything is about sex and you have more frequent ero. Ero is all chained together at the end of the route. It's just all over the top lewd pictures, often for no apparent reason. (The way the sister walks around a lot seems also rather forced, but at least it's kinda explained.. )

It's fucking weird alright. No idea why this was done. It was certainly not a good idea to do this in a relatively normal moege with somewhat more of a serious backstory adding some melancholy, also added by the OST. It doesn't feel like a moe nukige. And yet at least someone wanted it to be one. I can't really explain this any better. It sure doesn't fit well together though.

>> No.16508286

>naked pet play in the park

>> No.16508322

I've seen 肉便器 many times outside of eroge, also use your fucking head, what else could it mean?

>> No.16508348

>One heroine isn't really even introduced unless you pick her route
Well she doesn't really fit to the common route though, and imo having a secretish heroine like that was a great deal, I really liked her route and she is my favorite for sure.

>> No.16508541

I want to feel bad. Which one is it ?

>> No.16508753

That's normal Japanese dude.
俺も混ぜてな = let me join too

Slang is something like NG or Riajuu.

>> No.16508829

Damn the mega link for 蜜柑 in the archive is dead. Anyone here have it and can maybe reupload it?

>> No.16508963

蜜柑 - C's Ware

>> No.16508966

Not that guy but thank you for this.

>> No.16509004


>> No.16509145

Oh, so out of place fan service. I hate that shit.

>> No.16509244

And Hoshikoi Sakura route done. Shit. Wouldn't even need to be enforced given how irrelevant this was, aside of a few minor plot related lines towards the end. I mean the girl has her relevance in the main-plot and all, but why is there no... ah fuck it, whatever. I see where this is going. Right into a river of piss. I am so fucking confused.

So, now for the good characters. At least have Tamaki be cute and do something good during Nagi and true, and I may be able to look back at this with some kind of positive feeling. Because when the gang is together, this can be genuinely entertaining.

>> No.16509419
File: 188 KB, 1024x768, アイカギ310117092944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a really comfy game, and the heroine is cute, but I'm getting tired of all the SoL.

>> No.16509431


Can someone wake this dev up?

>> No.16509454

What the hell is wrong with you? You play games like this precisely because of the SOL

>> No.16509474

月影のシミュラクル seems to be a lot more popular/praised than Hinos title this month. Interesting

>> No.16509475

I know the feeling.
At some point bland SoL written by mediocre authors just gets too dull to endure.
It's for the best to focus more on the literary quality of titles than the appearance of the heroines henceforth.

>> No.16509477

>I'm getting tired of all the SoL.
The Azarashi Soft experience in a nutshell.

>> No.16509497

I only read through the very beginning of it, but it's definitely quite a few steps above the last game kiduki and that artist did for applique. If it doesn't get too dumb, I can definitely understand the praise.

>> No.16510052
File: 49 KB, 367x312, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watched Interlude's OVA because of muh Horibe Hiderou and it was... kind of interesting actually.

Did it anyone here play the game and can share some thoughts on it? Is there even a point to playing the game if you already know the content of the OVA?

>> No.16510103
File: 49 KB, 800x600, Wakazuma Mangekyou3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I boy I didn't knew what I was getting into. This game is too fucked up.

>> No.16510162

just play everything from "doten meikai" my man

>> No.16510330

Otto no Mae is even better imo.

Seconded. There's no one else like him.

>> No.16511001

Opinions on Mindead Blood?

>> No.16511068

I haven't read it yet but it's generally very well received and written by Banya. If it looks interesting to you give it a shot.

>> No.16511298
File: 924 KB, 816x638, saihate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did Sakura no Uta copy this scene?

>> No.16511458

I'm about to play Saya no Uta. Same writer as the guy who did Fate/Zero so I feel like I should definitely play this.
Will report in from time to time.
Also asking for suggestions for VNs with good narrative/writing, like a really good book and not just some normal harem/school setting teen romance stuff.

>> No.16511465

Swan Song

>> No.16511500

Thanks a lot buddy

>> No.16511503

I just bought White Album 2 on the Vita. It shouldn't be too hard, right?

>> No.16511522


He's a polarizing writer, but if you want something more novel-like and less eroge-like, Mareni's stuff should be right up your alley.

>> No.16511531

Why do people always seem to be skip 花散峪山人考 when talking about him?

>> No.16511540

Mostly because I haven't read it yet.

>> No.16511548

These looks great. Which is your favourite, I'll play that one first

>> No.16511559

紅殻町博物誌 is my personal favorite, but I'd recommend starting with 霞外籠逗留記 and doing them in order. They're all good, and you'll find people who prefer each of the three of them.

>> No.16511563

When starting an author whose games are all considered great I think it's best to start with their earliest work so you can see them improve and progress from title to title. So, Kagerou Note in this case.

>> No.16511571

Thanks guys

>> No.16511607

Then start with Shinju no Yakata.

>> No.16511905

I googled a line of the Saya no Ita VN and I got the entire script on an old geocities webpage.

>> No.16511944

This guy >>16511465 has my top suggestion in that category. I highly recommend Swan Song.

Not to detract at all from >>16511522's suggestions. That's the right way to go.

>> No.16511950

White Album 2's language is really easy, you'll be fine.

>> No.16511952

Swan Song's probably next one my list. I can't find any sources for the Rail-Soft titles.

>> No.16511985

Anime-sharing has them all.

>> No.16512011

I tried beforehand, all the links except for bitshare are dead and I can't dl from that site

>> No.16512042

Crisis averted I think, I found a keep2share source which may or may not be pw protected. This will take at least a day to dl tho

>> No.16512131


>> No.16512151

Thanks my dude.

>> No.16512302

this has probably been asked hundreds of time, but How do I see the KB of each heroine's route?

>> No.16512309

Paste the text into a text file and see how big it is.

>> No.16512330

>Paste the text into a text file
How do I do it?

>> No.16512340

ctrl+c, ctrl+v

>> No.16512397

Either dump the scripts and add up the filesizes of the scripts that interest you or ctrl through a heroine's route with a text hooker and save the entire log to measure.

>> No.16512558

What are the chances of some older Unisonshift Blossom games, namely Nanatsuiro Drops and Flyable Heart, finding their way onto Vita after the Leyline port?

>> No.16512567


42% I think.

>> No.16512699

I'd say 38% to be honest.

>> No.16512812

Played some of it awhile ago but never finished it. It has the same system as Yami no Koe (where you choose from among characters to see progressive scenes of them becoming corrupted) but also tries to have a plot, which I don't think really works because it makes things too scattered and nonlinear. So the plot couldn't really keep momentum going and I eventually lost interest. The content itself isn't bad.

>> No.16513306


>> No.16513317

How does the 埋もれている名作 tag on EGS work? There's shit like Sharin and Muramasa in there lol

>> No.16513340
File: 308 KB, 1280x720, hoshikoi_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hoshikoi Twinkle done. Written with the mindset and produced like it's a nukige, but still isn't one, this isn't worth the time. It's a waste of potential with an underused plot/setting that either just ends when things should start or (for the most part) uses some tropes in incredibly fake and artificial ways. I REALLY expected better of its author. You can definitely feel his strengths in the work, but the whole direction fails so much. It's also incredibly in your face with pretty much everything. "Show, don't tell" is something that apparently was impossible.

Tamaki's route was as good as I assumed it could possibly be in this work, meaning it's okay. Disappointing, but considering how easily it could've been way worse. I liked the theme (two people supporting each other rather then just the dude helping the girl), but like I said.. it's essentially just telling that's how it is. You don't really feel their relationship.
Nagi's route was a bit longer and also mostly fine, if a bit artificial and insanely predictable. (to the point the whole last part doesn't really work..)
The "true route" was utter garbage.

Ero-wise the game is also weird. Half of the ero-scenes involve piss. Aside of way too much lewd everywhere, easily destroying supposedly emotional scenes as well. (let's just say, seeing an emotional scene with an ass in your face in the CG isn't too emotional anymore..) Art is inconsistent too. I feel that the art looks better, the less lewd it is. Probably chose the wrong artist for so much nsfw art.

Yeah, I expected better and I feel this did really have potential too. But oh well. Fuck it. It wasn't all bad. But the current 67 on EGS are there for a reason I guess. Still how the fuck did this happen with its writer. It's not the best one ever or anything, but I definitely think you could expect better than this from him.

>> No.16513351

Thanks for all your impressions man. I was going to read it because of the artist, but it just doesn't seem like it's worth it.

>> No.16513363

>Half of the ero-scenes involve piss
I'll never understand why piss is considered a normal fetish that's perfectly fine to put in your vanilla moege and not a weird depraved fetish that only goes in specific nukige. It's especially bad as a lolicon since every lolige has it.

>> No.16513370

>Still how the fuck did this happen with its writer
What do you even mean? All of his titles since Hoshimemo have been a flop (and arguably even that isn't very good). Hardly a surprise.

>> No.16513441

Anyone here played the Otoboku series by Takaya Aya? Wondering how they are.

>> No.16513503

It's a popularity contest like any POV on that site. Like G-senjou used to be at the top of the nakige list and might still be, not because it fits the tag best, but just because it was so popular.

The other thing to keep in mind though is that games that might've been buried treasure on release could've gained popularity since. But that doesn't fit Muramasa (not sure about Sharin no Kuni, Looseboy wasn't very known when it first came out).

>> No.16513513

Sharin was still super popular though.

>> No.16513587


Flop? The Seiiki series was reasonably well received for what it was, Sailove was also pretty well done for what it wanted to be. (just short) Also apparently worked at AstralAir, which I think wasn't so bad either? Don't know that myself. That said, what I know myself of him was all better than Hoshikoi so there's at least that.


I'm not sure it's considered "normal". This game however also features other weird stuff, so it's just part of the inconsistency of the overall work really. You got spanking, pet-play, anal, recording double V sign... you get the idea. Though all of that stuff is "once scene each". Piss is really dominating...
It's better to not try and understand what the fuck they wanted to do with this VN.

>> No.16513601

>The Seiiki series was reasonably well received for what it was, Sailove was also pretty well done for what it wanted to be. (just short) Also apparently worked at AstralAir, which I think wasn't so bad either
Guess we have different standards because I think those are all at unplayable levels of bad.

>> No.16513657

>AstralAir, which I think wasn't so bad either?
It was bad. No idea how it sold, but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. Zero interest in slogging through anything else by Nakahiro now.

>> No.16513730

What was the consensus on Floral Flowlove?

>> No.16513768

I've only played the second game. A must if you're into trap protags.

>> No.16513822


I mean Sailove is a simple short moege without drama that only works if you like at least one of the girls. If you don't like the general idea of a moege, it's not for you, but otherwise? Bonus points for good art in a high resolution. (I don't know the native art res as the game doesn't really tell you, but it seems to be at least 1440p)
The first Seiiki drifted quite heavily into ero later on and was never anything but basic stuff, but again, if you like the girl, it worked. Didn't bother with the later ones though.

That's the thing with Nakahiro. Perhaps it was simple, but it still worked. Hoshikoi Twinkle doesn't really though.


That still got 80 EGS for whatever it's worth. No idea what he did for that one though. Multiple writers and all.

>> No.16513836

>Multiple writers and all.
They said beforehand which writer did which routes, but it doesn't matter since they were both very bad.

>> No.16513975


Alright. Maybe I'll check it out at one point to see. There seem to be enough people who like those recent Favorite games after all. But not now.

>> No.16514037

>for whatever it's worth

Pretty much nothing.

>> No.16514134

So now that the dust has settled,

how does Baldr Heart compare to Sky?

>> No.16514137

better gameplay and cuter art

>> No.16514194

Better gameplay. Instead of strict tree you can just use a weapon belonging to one weapon family (each one has 3 weapons, 1 FEI action and 1 Force Crash) to level it up and unlock other ones, meaning you don't have to spend as much time using weapons you don't like. FEI Action is a new additional move mapped to new key you can use multiple times in a combo and varies from heat using attacks to hard lock-on to dodge and more. Battles in general have a shitton more foes at once than Sky.

Story wise it's entertaining enough, though not Sky level in my opinion. I also didn't like the main heroines' art at all compared to Sky, especially since all of them mostly used school uniforms (instead of varied clothing) which made them seem sort of bland and forgettable design wise. The non-character FEIs look cute and varied so I don't understand how they managed that.

>> No.16514410

Anyone playing Heartful Maman right now? I'm tempted but the last nukige by Alicesoft (Tsumamigui 3) was underwhelming.

>> No.16515050

Do you guys like ikemen protagonist or at least decent looking protagonist?

I mean it makes more sense for girls to be into somebody with a similar standing rather than really attractive girl going for the obese ugly slob.

I mean I'm playing フレラバ and the protagonist's gets called もってない and it really bugs me how he keeps being compared to ikemen or how he feels bad about his looks. If they didn't touch the issue I wouldn't mind but this makes me think he's ugly rather than generic. I though he was a just a hyped up funny but average looking dude but now I'm starting to think he's ugly as well.

>> No.16515059
File: 87 KB, 804x604, capture_005_04022016_105624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like cute protagonist

>> No.16515079

Would an ikemen sit around on all weekend dick in one hand, teacup in the other?

>> No.16515220

I Wanted to try the liar soft games for a while.
Particularly the 'what a beautiful x' and fairytale series I really like the art and the blurb seems interesting.
I just have a question did the fuck up the fan disk hotchpotch by basically having every girl netorare the mc of their game as I see it has a sex scenes.

I mean they could fuck it up like what happened with unionshift blossom how they fucked over flyable heart and other games like that.

>> No.16515238

If you care that much about ntr, those might not be the right games for you.

>> No.16515281

I get its a fetish and stuff but I just want to know if they fuck over people who played the games expecting there to be none.
I mean one of those games in the fandisk is a love story, I just want to know if they fuck over people who read it.

>> No.16515287

Even if it was NTR it's a fandisc so not like it matters or is canon in the story line so I wouldn't worry about it either way.

>> No.16515366
File: 935 KB, 1040x615, 2017-02-04 18_31_30-【Friendパート】6/30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love confessions

>> No.16515382

I always can't stop myself from smiling really hard whenever I read a good confession scene. There's this weird sensation I get, maybe it sounds weird, but I get this sort of warm feeling in my chest.

>> No.16515391
File: 1.17 MB, 1040x615, 2017-02-04 18_50_12-【陽茉莉編_01】.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hurt myself today...

Next day after that confession he says he likes her and gets this.


>> No.16515402
File: 1.38 MB, 1040x615, 2017-02-04 18_56_07-【陽茉莉編_01】.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is going on?

>> No.16515414
File: 1.39 MB, 1040x615, 2017-02-04 18_59_17-【陽茉莉編_01】.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously what the fuck happened?

>> No.16515425

This isn't your fucking twitter, stop spamming fucking shits.

>> No.16515443

Sorry, these threads are mostly quiet anyway

>> No.16515445

Wow what a bitch
majide hidoi ne

>> No.16515454

>Half of the ero-scenes involve piss.
Now I actually have some motivation to finish it.

>> No.16515464

( ゚д゚)

>> No.16515538


>> No.16515585

I know what you mean, they're often the best part of a VN. The part beforehand is introductions and comedy, and the part afterwards is sex and drama, but the confession is always great.

>> No.16515667

>tfw when your own work is too complicated for you to get

I fucking love Scaji, cant wait to see more of Sakura no Toki this year.

>> No.16515680

Trying to find a torrent for 霞外籠逗留記. Wasn't on nyaa. Anyone know if there's one anywhere?

>> No.16515687

Are you blind? http://sukebei.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=613272

>> No.16515690


>> No.16515693

Just retarded. I only checked the regular site

>> No.16515879

If I couldn't get into Kamidori Alchemy Meister is there a chance I could like Ikusa Megami Zero?

>> No.16515904

One guy posts about playing it in DJT and now everyone wants to be a cool guy too?

>> No.16516009

Yes. But I assure you there are mitigating circumstances in my case

>> No.16516299

actual 埋れている名作 obviously are on the lower vote range. I found a lot of interesting titles in the 10~20 votes.

>> No.16516305


>> No.16516653


man don't post this and play with my emotions like that

>> No.16516930

A person linked me the 63gig torrent which had all the railsoft games but it only has one seed and I had found a keep2share source anyway. It took a day to download but I did get it in the end

>> No.16516938

>Genre: Mystery, Drama, Blowjob, Virgin, Outdoor, Yuri, Masturbation

>> No.16517034

masturbation is my favorite genre tbqh

>> No.16517342

It's pretty much just like Tsumamigui 3, only with an amazing heroine. Dat VA, my god, her voice is the ultimate incarnation of how a hot, lascivious adult woman should sound like.

>> No.16517351


An underused one though.

>> No.16517360

Well it is quite the niche fetish after all.

>> No.16517454


Maybe. It's probably underused because of "muh self-insert" and "purity" though. Japan is still madly into super pure girls that if they "like sex" will apologize a million times for it and cry about it in shame. In nukige you may find something else, but that's usually the extreme other side with the title including "bitch" in some form.

Well, exceptions may exist.

>> No.16517510

I finished Muzaha's route in giniro. Overall, I suppose it was okay, though it definitely wasn't anything amazing. I'm mad that they copped out by starting the credits as soon as Mizuha starts skating, even though they showed pretty much every other match.

Are there any routes that are particularly good, or am I not going to miss out anything by just dropping it here?

>> No.16517675

Every route has a different writer so it's hard to say whether any other route will be something you like.

>> No.16517738
File: 533 KB, 797x587, n-no homo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top kek

>> No.16518182


I still don't know how to feel about this. Topic wise it's kind of overdone so unless they put an unique spin on it I don't see myself enjoying it too much.

>> No.16518238
File: 15 KB, 443x332, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16518253
File: 202 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-02-05-08-19-37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this loss?

>> No.16518304

I only played the little sister route, which was honestly a "wow it's fucking nothing" the entire time. I guess I'm supposed to enjoy the budding relationship between the two of the MC and the little sister, but the timeskip occur so frequently that it was hard to appreciate the growth of their relationship.

>> No.16518425



>> No.16518443

True, but still. If some anon is excited about a particular character's route, that might be appealing enough to give it a try.

> but the timeskip occur so frequently that it was hard to appreciate the growth of their relationship.
I felt the same way with Mizuha. The timeskips were weird. I think something like WA2 did that a bit better, though admittedly that may not be fair comparison.
