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16344460 No.16344460 [Reply] [Original]

Help! I'm starting to like Marisa

>> No.16344484
File: 64 KB, 503x291, marisa (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16344558


Childhood is idolising Remiu, adulthood is realising Marisa makes more sense.

>> No.16344590

Reimu is cuter.

Marisa feels like someone who you could actually talk to and atleast sort of relate to, compared to the other inhabitants of Gensokyo.

However, both of them only exist in Gensokyo, which nobody here will be seeing until they pass away.

So for now, I believe that Reimu has a little bit over Marisa.

>> No.16344950

Marisa a cute.

>> No.16345188

Flattered, but some people prefer dealing with Marisa's flaws over Reimu's.

>> No.16345316
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>> No.16345575
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Marsa is cute.

>> No.16345577

That's not Marisa

>> No.16345607

I actually agree with you, Reimu's flaws are much worse than Marisa's. However, I think Reimu is more interesting to read about. Marisa has a pretty static personality from the games to each different manga, yet each piece of ZUN's work has Reimu portrayed with a different personality. For instance, in WaHH, Reimu is very greedy and kind of stupid, while in FS she's more responsible. And of course, in most of the games she's in crimson slasher mode.

>> No.16345624

This is mostly attributed to the fact that in each work you're seeing Reimu from a different perspective

In WaHH you're from Kasen's perspective, and Kasen is a know-it-all who looks down on her since she's an impulsive kid. In FS you're more from Kosuzu's perspective, who considers Reimu a friend who protects everyone. The Fairies see Reimu as a dangerous girl to not be trifled with but someone who mostly just relaxes. In general, you'll see her from Marisa's perspective, who also sees her as a friend, but is more prone to ragging on her. In the games, you're just getting raw Reimu who thinks she's cool (although Reimu in pretty much every work does get serious when things go bad in Gensokyo)

Which is also why Marsia is a bit more static, she is generally supposed to be the player stand-in.

>> No.16345807

Lately, some blue-eyed imposter has been pretending to be Marisa.

>> No.16345817
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Marisa is great. It's fine to like Marisa.

>> No.16345891


>> No.16346630

Why should you need help? I'll only be willing to help you like her even more!

>> No.16348568
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>> No.16348615

I hate Marisa so fucking much

>> No.16348929
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>> No.16349414
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>> No.16352384

I want to pay her for sex.

>> No.16352477

Reimu has the more dynamic perspectives on her, but Marisa has more actual growth.
She spends title after title trying to improve herself, form better habits, and copy the best aspects of her opponents.

>> No.16352486
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I, for one, prefer Marisa's mentor.

>> No.16353205

Raymoo is shit. Marisa is the better protag.

>> No.16353213

Both Marisa and Reimu are completely useless, bland protagonists, BUT Marisa is still better

>> No.16353290

>form better habits
no she doesn't

>> No.16353358
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Nothing wrong with that, Marisa is a good protagonist.

>> No.16358502

Don't resist

>> No.16359416
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That's not good. Marisa is popular, and it's not cool to like popular characters.

You should try really hard to appreciate someone like Kikuri instead. Then everyone would marvel at your refined taste!

>> No.16359447

She's popular, but she's not the most popular main character, so that makes it okay for hipsters to like her.

>> No.16359449

What if he likes PC-98 Marisa? Surely that's some obscurity points.

>> No.16359623
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Man, who the fuck is that character supposed to be.
I see her all the time over this board but I haven't seen her in any of the games I've played or mangos I've read.
Maybe its just a big shitty joke, is she a fanmade character who gained popularity?
Answer plz.

>> No.16359641 [DELETED] 

She was the final boss of Touhou 2, my dude.

>> No.16359670

I'll blame my formatting fuck-up but I know

>> No.16359891
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Sexualizing Marisa!

>> No.16359974
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>> No.16359997


>> No.16360221
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I would really appreciate a source.

>> No.16361377

they're practically the same

Unless we're talking about SoEW Marisa, and even then the only difference is color

>> No.16361960

Marisa A > Marisa B

>> No.16362632
File: 700 KB, 700x912, reimari.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Childhood is idolising either Marisa or Reimu; adulthood is realizing that they're two halves of one whole.

>> No.16362892

When I was younger my favorite was Yukari. Now it's Yuuka.
What happened to me?

>> No.16363036

Yuuka is more likeable because she's almost as fleshed out and also not a sneaky shit

>> No.16364060

That's terminal, I'm sorry.
