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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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16280342 No.16280342 [Reply] [Original]

Any oldfags here who remember the old gravure scanning groups like PureJapan and Bluebird (which had it's own Usenet group)? Any experiences with those (including the scan collecting scene - remember those CSV files?) Was there any drama within the scene? Who was your waifu from those ancient gravure/AV scans?

(Picture slightly related; the tool those people use. Can't find actual scans for some reason)

>> No.16282205

I remember bluebird, byt i wasn't hard core about collecting.

Tell me more about the csv files. I don't remember that part.

>> No.16282251

I love stories about pre-web 2.0. Lurking.

>> No.16282931

A csv file is basically this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comma-separated_values

I've tried hunting old Geocities pages for sample csv files used in those things so I can research for their implementation, but I can't seem to find it.

This is an example of such page - there's many others, and some people even made wallpapers out of those scans (I have some on an old disc): http://www.oocities.org/tokyo/flats/5669/

>> No.16285083

OP here. Some links of interest...
A some sort of tribute video/song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4WdZLNF-n1Q

nAgUaL, an user in the scanning scene, attempted to write a guide on collecting and managing those stuff, which sadly left unfinished. http://taipei-taiwan.org/dummies/faq/top_frame.htm
(This page describes the CSVs used in collections. Turns out it is for verification purposes, and you are supposed to use a program called Picture Checker in conjunction with it..)

A blog that explains the scanning scene, in Chinese (scroll too far and it goes off-topic): http://blog1.poco.cn/myBlogDetail.php?&id=3589400&user_id=63945&pri=&n=0&stat_request_channel=

tl;dr (based on Google Translate):
>most scanners hang out on IRC (DALnet) and newsgroups (neojapan.sakura and pictures.bluebird)
>major scanning groups often produce a lot of stuff, measured by how much CDs needed to fit their complete collections (they also apparently trade their stuff using CDs)
>most of major scanning groups (Kuni, Enya, PureJapan) were obviously Japanese, with one major group (Asian Scan Wind, aka ASW) hailing from Taiwan)
>as time rolls on, interest in the scene gradually declines while scrutiny from publishers of the photobooks increases (>muh piracy), creating problem for Japanese scanners
>this eventually led to PureJapan's owner (Yuichiro "Bazz" Kitahara) pulling a Fakku and turned it into a paysite to keep the scans afloat for a while (remember, PJ's scans were the property of the photobook publishers, not Bazz's - compare to Fakku hosting scanlations despite paywalling), although the site eventually shut down for good
>scanning scene remained in Taiwan via ASW, which lead to development of Japanese idol fandom
>some independent scanners also exist, as well as sub-scanners - i.e. scanners who "work" for bigger groups

I can assure you though, most of the scanned stuff are archived in sites such as Dynamix and BobX (haven't there in ages).

>> No.16285664

So what are these, groups who scanned those old photobooks of nude Japans that became illegal a few years ago or something?

>> No.16286081

I dunno but a lot of pedo fiction and non fiction stories are now completely gone off google groups. I use to love usenet. I hope all that content is backed up somewhere.

>> No.16286141
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>pedo non fiction stories

>> No.16286150

Say what you will, those stories needed to be told.

>> No.16286833

Not became illegal, but rather disappeared from the interwebs. Remember, this is from the dial-up days.

Also, *not all* of their scans have nudity in it, actually.

>> No.16294956

I mean how it wasn't illegal for them to have nudes of teenage(as in all teen, not 18+) gravure idols back then.

>> No.16294983

CP was only outlawed in Japan relatively recently.

>> No.16296776



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