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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 324 KB, 671x323, 3fe6114741de4e3b68dbd04e4cfb3a1e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16139660 No.16139660 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16139666
File: 863 KB, 435x360, 1333003448992.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh noes!

>> No.16139682

! ! !

>> No.16139688


>> No.16139689
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>> No.16139698


>> No.16139699
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>> No.16139701


>> No.16139702


>> No.16139703

Oh no.

>> No.16139705


>> No.16139706

Hiro run, save the 4chan servers!

>> No.16139707

Stop posting stuff from 2011.

>> No.16139710

t a i h e n d a

>> No.16139712


>> No.16139715

I'm in Tokyo.

>> No.16139721

did you feel the earthquake at all?

>> No.16139725

Why did you allow this tsunami to happen?

>> No.16139727
File: 213 KB, 1920x1080, [Coalgirls]_Yuru_Yuri_05_(1920x1080_Blu-Ray_FLAC)_[33D2F429].mkv_snapshot_03.53_[2016.09.03_00.08.09].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That hardly narrows it down. I'm in Oume.

>> No.16139728

If you see Godzilla, run away

>> No.16139730

is everything alright?

>> No.16139732


>> No.16139739

What do you think? There's probably going to be a handful of casualties and at least a million in damages. Things aren't alright, obviously. Hopefully it won't be a complete disaster though, for what that's worth.

>> No.16139747

Go to the beach and stream this 60cm tsunami for us, hiroyuki

>> No.16139749

So fukushima power plant is failing already?
Are we having a repeat of 2011?

>> No.16139751


2月 ニュージーランド M6・3
3月9日 三陸沖 M7.3
3月11日東日本大震災 M9.0

11月13日 ニュージーランド M7.8 M6.2
11月22日 福島 M7.3

>> No.16139754

I have felt the earthquake which waked me up.

>> No.16139759

Poseidon gets mad.

>> No.16139765

Oh boy, New Zealand-chan has arrived once again

>> No.16139767

all right in tokyo.
I don't know what will happen on seaside.

>> No.16139768
File: 107 KB, 800x850, 1453356611522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

die anime admin die

>> No.16139770
File: 74 KB, 580x773, kyosuke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever lost anything valuable during an earthquake?

>> No.16139771

The tsunami hitting fukushima will poison the whole world, the food chain will collapse, you are already dead.

>> No.16139772

it's a good movie, anyway.

>> No.16139775

Make sure to not get washed away, Japanmoot-summer

>> No.16139778 [DELETED] 


>> No.16139779

I meant in tokyo, but as you said I hope the damage is not substantial.
be safe hiro

>> No.16139782
File: 267 KB, 773x610, The Protagonist Support Group.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God Speed Admin-sama!

>> No.16139789


>> No.16139791

Good luck and stay safe Japan

>> No.16139807


>> No.16139829

"Wake" is an irregular verb. The correct form for the past tense is "woke".

>> No.16139834

I am watching it on NHK on http://vaughnlive.tv/sherming9..

>> No.16139835

run out and attack it

>> No.16139837


When are you going to make a seperate board for idols and other 3D/real japanese women? Please.
Just make it like /je/- Japanese Entertainment and people can post movies and dramas and kamen rider there too.

>> No.16139838

Done watching netflix
I hear about the earthquake
Stay safe /jp/-fags

>> No.16139846


>> No.16139853

>getting updates from my artists on twitter
I'm thinking about you guys

>> No.16139859
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>> No.16139862

im hoping one of these live streams shows a child getting knocked their bike by a massive wave

>> No.16139867


>> No.16139871

ken-sama will ward it off

>> No.16139876

>inb4 9001 replies

>> No.16139883
File: 55 KB, 600x800, ac6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doushio-san, I am here. My

>> No.16139886

>a respectable man
Pick one.

>> No.16139893


実際に、私は女の人だ :^)

>> No.16139895
File: 39 KB, 579x570, waruiotokookanjiru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is probably an old person who can't evacuate but doesnt want to trouble people

>> No.16139896
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>> No.16139909


>> No.16139914


>> No.16139922
File: 230 KB, 1920x1080, dying anime girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP anime

>> No.16139932


this solves the aging populace problem

>> No.16139939
File: 17 KB, 162x170, 1355914782918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

become tsunami

>> No.16139942
File: 27 KB, 582x600, 137224768127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know you mean well and I'm happy you've come to us, but please have the mods or yourself watch /jp/ now for a short while since people from different boards will now flood /jp/ to reply to you.

Please Hiro have them delete and board ban any non-/jp/ posts.

>> No.16139947

they obviously don't know japanese at all it's embarrassing how many people try to post in japanese here when they're even worse than google translate

>> No.16139948

But any post on /jp/ is a /jp/ post!

>> No.16139957
File: 685 KB, 750x2500, 2hu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ is secret board
no one knows

>> No.16139960

Praying for the people in the east coast. I sincerely hope all is well with any friends or relatives anyone may know around the region!

>> No.16139964


oh no failtard homofaggots general #378 might get bumped off the board

>> No.16139966


have some relaxation music


>> No.16139971


You know what I mean idiot!


You have no idea how fast word travels.

>> No.16139972


>> No.16139975
File: 97 KB, 863x555, 5a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16139979


Actually I'm second year Japanese student at university.
I'm not going to feel bad for not knowing the language at N1 level considering I've only been studying it less than 22 months.

>> No.16139982

no qb

>> No.16139984

/jp/ walking into a japanese restaurant
>Can I have some ramen, ohayougozaimas
>we don't have ramen, a fucking tsunami is coming

>> No.16139985

D-do you guys think Miyagi-ken will be safe? I live on the coast...

>> No.16139987

I'm really sorry for the earthquake. I didn't mean to. Please believe me.

>> No.16139988

The body might die but the Spirit is eternal.

>> No.16139990

hiro go punch the wave

>> No.16139992
File: 102 KB, 392x331, 1455128692889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please wait warmly, waves are preparing.

Who are you quoting?

>> No.16139994


>> No.16139997


>> No.16139999



>> No.16140001

more like
>Can I have some ramen, ohayougozaimas
>Also why is there water everywhere, I can't breathe, send help

>> No.16140004

livestream your demise

>> No.16140005

we're just in an advisory... for now

if i die i'll let you guys know

>> No.16140007

Stream it fag

>> No.16140018

The translator sounds as if her grandma died in the Earthquake.

>> No.16140021


>> No.16140022

You sound like you started studying last month.



This doesn't mean anything. No such gramatical form exists.

>> No.16140032 [DELETED] 

R.I.P Hiroyuki. He was so young for the 4 the chan.

>> No.16140033

better practice your English first nano

>> No.16140035
File: 53 KB, 395x234, dedanime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope you nipbros are okay in the end

>> No.16140036
File: 83 KB, 874x872, ConcernedJoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hiroshimoot, if you die, what will happen to the unpaid 4chan bills?
Will we die? Is this how the website of Lincoln dies?

>> No.16140037

Oh shit... I'm going to Tokyo for a month next Spring.... I hope it won't be a wasteland by then

Stay safe peeps

>> No.16140045


>> No.16140048

R.I.P Hiroyuki. He was so young 4 the chan.

>> No.16140050

Ooooooh you're one of those "I'm the only gaijin in Nihon >:(((((((" types right?

>> No.16140052
File: 1.93 MB, 540x304, 1479343149128.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anime is over!

>> No.16140053

the temperature at Fukushima plant is currently rising... the coolant system was damaged by the quake. They are reporting that it isn't a problem yet though. Still currently confirming the safety of the area.

>> No.16140061

pls no more radioactive water onegai

>> No.16140066

they're going to turn the coolant system back on "soon", false alarm

>> No.16140067

Anon I don't think he meant it like that, don't get defensive when he was correcting you, take it as a way to improve yourself

>> No.16140068


fuck i can't find my ghost ken-sama.jpg

>> No.16140069

Oh I thought the Fukushima plant had been abandoned after the first Tsunami. It could have been a good occasion to get rid of it. I guess japan can't rely on something else than nuclear for now.

>> No.16140076

I really hope your every post was a ruse. Mainly for your sake.

>> No.16140077

>studying less than 22 months

>> No.16140080

I hear the tsunami will be 3m? Can someone confirm?

>> No.16140081
File: 153 KB, 600x800, 1479765408832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got you senpai

>> No.16140087

This isn't technically incorrect so idk why you're trying to correct it.

I wasn't sure if I was using に or では given that the action had yet to take place within the location.

>This doesn't mean anything. No such gramatical form exists

Yeah I missed out the し. Stop getting mad just because you're not the only person studying Japanese you snowflake. And btw grammatical has TWO m's. Grammatical*. l2english before you start shitting on other peoples language learning process.

>> No.16140088

>not neptune

>> No.16140091

In some places maybe.

>> No.16140102

Poseidon is the uncucked way of saying it

>> No.16140104


romanes eunt domus

>> No.16140105

They're warning it could be UP TO 3m in the warning area (Fukushima coast). They haven't seen anything higher than .8-1m yet afaik. Which doesn't sound like much but you don't want to be right on the coast rn.

>> No.16140106

If he was trying to help me improve I would have thought it'd be obvious to him that 勉強たない was a typo of 勉強したない lmao

>> No.16140111

you can't get rid of a struggling nuclear power plant so easy

>> No.16140118

Welp, I'm afraid I don't speak Japanese so I wouldn't know.

>> No.16140120

>Yeah I missed out the し
it would still be wrong lol

just don't try to post in languages you don't know ok?

>> No.16140121

I hope the fire department hose the tsunami down when it comes.

>> No.16140123

off topic, not otaku culture


>> No.16140124

I hope everything will be alright, i'm glad you're safe senpai

>> No.16140135
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>> No.16140146

Dumb frogposter.

>> No.16140147

But it's an obnoxious way of speaking that shows you learned nothing in class and only get by by mimicking cringy anime speech patters.

In your mangled sentence you're clearly trying to use the verb 勉強する. In that case では is clear.

>Yeah I missed out the し.
is still nothing.

Still nothing.

>> No.16140149



>> No.16140150

Sorry, Japan is gone.

>> No.16140151

>this fucking cat
I remember this little guy.

The 2011 quake was devastating, but hilarious

>> No.16140155

Why the fuck would he assume that your wrong Japanese was a typo of slightly less wrong Japanese?

/jp/ is not a safe space. If you don't want criticism (and all things considered, it's pretty constructive criticism) then don't throw your shit out there.

>> No.16140156

>don't practice the language you're learning
Damn you are a snowflake huh?

>> No.16140157
File: 884 KB, 968x720, 2423423435463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not like your board is a paragon of quality anyway

>> No.16140160

are u trying to say したくない?

>> No.16140164
File: 63 KB, 1280x720, Practice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

koneechiwa boku wa anon from /pol/ will the anime be safe arigouto gasemiasu desu

>> No.16140171

He's probably trying to say まだ勉強したことがない.

>> No.16140173

Be safe Hiro.

>> No.16140175

I don't mind criticism, I'm just not going to listen to people that are being assholes about what is unarguably an extremely long learning process.

>> No.16140176

heh, its only secret now because of the mass exodus of janny

>> No.16140178

Fuck off Hiro, this board is not about Japan.

>> No.16140183

Wow, you're such a funny person.

>> No.16140190
File: 155 KB, 500x500, get out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16140191
File: 85 KB, 556x156, earthquake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16140192

Otaku Culture =/= Japanese Culture. We've been over this.

>> No.16140193

Your Japanese is absolutely terrible for someone who's been studying for almost two years. Calling others assholes won't change that.

>> No.16140194

You took a shit on someone who pointed out that you wrote something ungrammatical by making fun of him for not realizing it was a typo of something slightly less ungrammatical.

It's fine to have broken Japanese. There are tons of places where you could post in broken Japanese where people would kindly give you advice. Around here, if you post in broken Japanese, people are going to make fun of you for it and I have no idea why you would expect anything different.

nihon owarimashita
anime owarimashita
zenbu owarimashita

from here suicide no houhou shika nai

>> No.16140196

oh, now it makes sense

>> No.16140198

posting "lol u tk him 2da bar|?" is not practicing english

>> No.16140199

He isn't wrong, Hiro knows nothing about the boards and he shouldn't have posted this here.

>> No.16140202
File: 140 KB, 600x1066, 1456921988306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16140205

tsunamis are otaku culture

>> No.16140210


>> No.16140211

It should really go on /news/, since it's a current event. I hope Hiro enjoys his ban.

>> No.16140215


>> No.16140216

Miyagi-ken tsunami alert just got upgraded to 3m

It's happening

>> No.16140217

Maybe and just maybe the earthquake&tsunami otaku can finally come here and talk about it!

>> No.16140218
File: 112 KB, 960x427, 1434097425138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading this dude that's been studying for 22 months has made me feel a lot better about my japanese skills.

>> No.16140219

Nice false equivalence dumbshit :^)

>> No.16140225

There's nothing on /jp/ that nobody will try to argue doesn't belong here.

>> No.16140228

Otaku culture is reliant on japan so if anything effects japan then it will effect """"""""true"""""""" otaku culture

>> No.16140235


it's like moot's a fucking retard and the board should never have been created in the first place

>> No.16140237

Scary thought

>> No.16140241

it's like otaku culture couldn't be related to anything in the first place!
wait, huh?

>> No.16140247

TL note: "owarimashita" means "it's over"
TL note 2: "zenbu" means "everything"
TL note 3: "houhou shika nai" means "all doors are closed to you except"

hiro is always five or six years behind the times, he probably remembers the old form of /jp/ culture that let you post anything as long as you tarted it up enough.

>> No.16140248

How the fuck is this otaku culture, fuck off hiro

>> No.16140253

So make a thread about the tsunami has affected whatever niche you care about. Mainly, we don't want admin posts drawing crossies in.

>> No.16140255

But then the internet would have never been graced by our cool memes from before mods crusaded against board culture and the meido quit.

>> No.16140256
File: 537 KB, 859x468, 1470066389890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16140259


well it was better that way

>> No.16140260

What is otaku culture though?

>> No.16140262 [DELETED] 

reeeeeeeee fucking secondaries!!!!

>> No.16140264

Well, if this board wouldn't be created, /a/ would be overrun with touhou shit

>> No.16140265


>> No.16140268


it's what you've got growing in your cum jar

>> No.16140269

How is your family doing Hiro?

>> No.16140272 [DELETED] 

Since all of our friends are over from /pol/ maybe some of them can tell us which 2hu they'd fuck.

>> No.16140274

No one cares about that shit outside of this board

>> No.16140276 [DELETED] 


>> No.16140280
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>> No.16140281
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>> No.16140285

>TL note 3: "houhou shika nai" means "all doors are closed to you except"

In other words you say it means suicide to iu houhou shika nai.

But upon seeing suicide no houhou people will think it means the way you kill yourself, not the way being killing yourself.

>> No.16140291

lol kys you prentious faggot, no one cares about this language bs go be a grammmmeeerrrr nazziiiee somewherrr esle

>> No.16140294 [DELETED] 

I would fuck the maid with braids so hard

>> No.16140300 [DELETED] 

I'm not a /pol/ but Alice is my favorite 2hu. I've never even played any game in the series but I've seen that one video and she's a qt.

>> No.16140305 [DELETED] 

They're all gonna say Momiji as Momiji is their favorite.

But they call her AWOOO.

>> No.16140308

I lurk different boards than /jp/

>> No.16140311
File: 2.46 MB, 3000x2000, JapSmall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thin I went to Japan while it was still not drowned.

>> No.16140312 [DELETED] 

Flandere a cute

>> No.16140316

So /a/ would be less shit than it is now?

>> No.16140319

Time to have a huge fucking nippon graphic for all of my animes tomorrow.

>> No.16140325
File: 96 KB, 508x392, 1479435009181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be safe hiroyukster.

>> No.16140326 [DELETED] 
File: 161 KB, 619x831, 1208004559382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it's true

>> No.16140329 [DELETED] 

all of them

>> No.16140336 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 450x450, 1479499582559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16140341



to reiterate, moot is a faggot retard

>> No.16140342


machigai o oshiete kureta arigatai desu

>> No.16140344 [DELETED] 

I literally didnt know her name until now. She was just Awooo! to me

>> No.16140348 [DELETED] 
File: 613 KB, 2592x1944, 27724200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuka best Touhou. All other touhous fail.

>> No.16140351 [DELETED] 
File: 1.14 MB, 500x280, nGso6mM - Imgur.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16140353 [DELETED] 

Good taste

>> No.16140355 [DELETED] 
File: 121 KB, 704x800, flat,800x800,075,f.u3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16140357

Not really, considering the discussion of mechanics and shit would go on /v/, and the only threads which would stay are the imagedumps which /a/ has plenty.
Also would /co/ be better if /mlp/ wasn't created ?

>> No.16140365

There's people actual people dying and suffering and you guys are trying to prove language skills and fucking wondering what otaku """"culture"""" is.

>> No.16140366

Remember when this thread was about tsunamis?

Like, twenty minutes ago?

>> No.16140368


yes they'd still be banning the furfags then

>> No.16140370 [DELETED] 

Has that meme really spread that much?

>> No.16140372

It was fucking shit, let's don't go back there

>> No.16140375

What the fuck is a tsunami?
This thread is for 2hus.

>> No.16140376 [DELETED] 

Is that image scanned anywhere? I love the colors

>> No.16140378


There's people actual people dying and suffering and you're here trying to establish your own moral superiority smdh

>> No.16140379

Hello reddit

>> No.16140381

we cant do anything about their suffering

all we can do is make a brief escape from the horrors of reality

that is the true heart of otaku culture

>> No.16140386

Nothing's happening anyways.

>> No.16140389

There's people actual people dying and suffering and we still don't know which 2hu would we fug

>> No.16140398 [DELETED] 
File: 233 KB, 1074x1517, 29029899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Doesn't seem like it. Just that picture.

>> No.16140399

Shaking your dead head?

>> No.16140400


i'd fug alice

>> No.16140401
File: 408 KB, 844x466, 1466971241622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16140407 [DELETED] 

It's been there since the start of TrumpGen.

>> No.16140409
File: 747 KB, 1069x561, filename.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeah i'm a big fan

>> No.16140411 [DELETED] 

What a shame

>> No.16140413

How much did you donate already? How are you helping? You're being the worst of all here by feeling good about yourself.

>> No.16140415

>What the fuck is a tsunami
she's the BEST GIRL from Tenchi Muyo

>> No.16140421


could be worse

>> No.16140424

Open a map of Japan and press F11 to pay respect

>> No.16140425

translate it weebs

>> No.16140431

has anyone actually died yet? doesn't look like it will be anywhere near as bad as 2011

>> No.16140435


"the pleasure of having water come inside [your house]"

>> No.16140437

>There's people actual people dying

>> No.16140440

I RT'd all tsunami news and will RT anything related to the incident

>> No.16140443

Consult A Dictionary of Advanced Japanese Grammar page 32 Group 4 A examples d and e

Those should tell you the important point here.

>oshiete kureta arigatai desu
oshiete kurete arigatai desu
super polite way = instead of arigatai desu say arigataku zonjimasu
zonjimasu is kenjougo of omoimasu there, so arigataku omoimasu is possible too

>> No.16140448
File: 38 KB, 362x346, 1465841456324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A disproportionate amount of children tend to go missing during natural disasters in Japan, moreso than would be expected from the predicted casualties.

Is this true? Someone on /a/ said it.

>> No.16140453

*press and hold
Sorry friends

>> No.16140455

The numbers are expected tsuname wave heights.

Says epicenter is 25 km deep off the coast from Fukushima. 7.4

>> No.16140457

>Is this true?
Yeah, I mean Hiro is a liar and fraud, but unless he wants to steal some of our cash, I don't see how he'd benefit from lying about this.

>> No.16140461

I mean about the quote silly

>> No.16140466

Oh my god I can't believe there are such wondeful people on earth. Thank you.

>> No.16140471

fuck off crossboarder

>> No.16140484

>he says on a containment board

>> No.16140485 [DELETED] 
File: 396 KB, 1000x900, 1479688031847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone knows from where that footage with a bridge is from?

>> No.16140487

The wind blows. It is 7 in the morning, Ken-sama woke up to the cold morning. He got up, and went to the bathroom to wash his face. Ken-sama live in a traditional Japanese house, he only rent a room though. The old couple is nice enough to let him stay in their house. Ken-sama grepped his kimono and wear it like a proper nihonjin, he walk to a window and smell the fresh nihonjin morning. “Ah, konbanwa anatas. What beautiful morning desu.” Ken-sama zoned out looking at the beach from his room. Ken-sama went downstairs to greet the old couple. “Ah, ohayou ojisan and obasan”. The old couple replied him with a warm smile and proceed with their breakfast while inviting Ken-sama. Although Ken-sama can not understand them, he easily could read what the old couple is trying to say, he is born with this talent. “Arigato.” Ken-sama said, he then went upstairs to take a few things. He took a bokken and a katana, the katana is hidden in his kimono and the bokken is on his obi, this is to avoid being arrested by authorities as he was warned last time. Ken-sama will be going on his usual morning walk to sightseeing the glorious nihonjin country. “Itadakimasu obasan and ojisan”, they gave him a mixed smile and a slightly confused expression.

>> No.16140492

Ken-sama reached the park near the beach, he like to watch kids playing as it is a something that can warm his pure heart. Suddenly, a sudden tremor. No, it’s more terrifying than that, it’s an earthquake, a huge one. The ground was shaking and beginning to crack, Ken-sama look at the children, they were running away terrified, “minna san! do not run around! Stay in place!” The kids couldn’t understand what he was saying, he gestured what he was trying to say, he ordered the kids to stay in the middle of the park as it is too dangerous. But that was Ken-sama’s mistake, he look at the beach from afar. It was huge, a tsunami is coming. Ken-sama widened his eyes and look at the children and yelled every Japanese word he knew “Arigatou gozaimasu! Gomenasai! Run away minna-san!” The children ran away, the wave is coming, it was at least 100ft tall. Ken-sama was ashamed with himself, he should have anticipated this, if he did the children would be far away by now. “sumimasen mina-san, it was my mistake”, he took his hidden katana and dual wield with the bokken and katana. As he ran towards the tsunami trying to stop it, he uttered his last words. “Arigatou obasan, ojisan. For taking care of me” The wave rise even higher. A shout is heard; “Nippon banzai!”.

>> No.16140499

live stream in english

>> No.16140507



>> No.16140521
File: 137 KB, 640x359, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16140534


>> No.16140545


you'd think they were on a fault line or something

like a proverbial "ring of fire"

>> No.16140549

That's stupid! What makes you say that?

>> No.16140553


the earthquakes

>> No.16140557

stay safe bros

>> No.16140565
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>> No.16140577
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>> No.16140585



>> No.16140600


>> No.16140605

If only.
ps hiro if you think you're gonna die please give me the keys to 4chan beforehand, I'll ban everyone that has ever posted outside of /jp/, ensuring an easy future for all of us /jp/sies

>> No.16140616

He may have died there, but his spirit lives on

>> No.16140617



>> No.16140622 [DELETED] 

ITT your favourite touhou and why you hate kikes

>> No.16140628


>> No.16140629 [DELETED] 


>> No.16140631 [DELETED] 

Oh shit, it's this KKK frog, I'm triggered!

>> No.16140635 [DELETED] 
File: 132 KB, 450x445, 0ff2fe87c794dc012eaede7de12ec0d9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite 2hu is Sanae and I don't hate kikes because she is one!.

>> No.16140639

Thanks bud. Didn't know there was a page for 4chan admin too.

>> No.16140641

that meme isn't allowed here

>> No.16140647
File: 152 KB, 448x450, h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16140650 [DELETED] 


>> No.16140652

I hope hiro drowns

>> No.16140672 [DELETED] 
File: 278 KB, 598x801, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite Touhou character is Reimu Hakurei and I hate kikes because of their shameless exploitation of the Holohoax, which they blew out of proportion thanks to the falsified reports that they forged in many of the post-war kangaroo courts. It has been over 60 years ago, yet you're still using it as an excuse to get a free pass on EVERYTHING: the insane manipulation of media, the lobbying, the atrocities you're committing against the Palestinians in the lands you STOLE thanks to your Jew friends in the United Kingdom.
Everyone knows what you're doing and you've been doing in these 50 years, the only reason this spiral of silence still exists today is because you'd be called a Nazi, an anti-semite, you'de be ostracized from society.
Can you imagine a Kurd terrorist being excused because 90 years ago the Ottomans attempted to kill his people? It would be inexcusable, but then again Jews have their friends in Hollywood who love to line their pockets by tugging at goyim's heartstrings.
I'm fucking sick and tired of your slimeball tactics. If you really have the support of people in the western hemisphere then are you still wasting no effort to influence and manipulate public opinione, kikes?

>> No.16140673

Hiro how can I be cool like you?

>> No.16140679
File: 303 KB, 1441x1080, 1474103717382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would be really cool to see a big fucking tsunami happening live on stream but I at the same time don't want Fukushima to suffer.

>> No.16140685 [DELETED] 

Kaguya and I don't hate anyone

>> No.16140695
File: 107 KB, 850x400, 7sages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16140711

How does Zelda fit here?

>> No.16140712
File: 172 KB, 499x380, Pikachu-Laughing-in-Tree.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16140716

That looks like Yukari.

>> No.16140717

New site rules:
All images must have at least 1 (one) [いち] Touhou
Boards are now /a/ - Touhou Animation & otoMAD
/v/ - Touhou videogames
/k/ - Touhou powerlevel discussions
/mu/ - idolm@ster porn (nobody cares about their music) and Touhou music
/c/ - Cute Touhous (marked for deletion - oxymoron)
/e/ - Cute Touhous with their nipples and puffy vulva showing
/s/ - Cute Touhous with BIG TITS
/d/ - Cute Touhous with GIGANTIC TITS and FUTA DONGS
/h/ - Cute Touhous having sex with MEN
/ss/ - Cute Touhous having sex with BOYS
/y/ - Cute (boy) Touhous having sex with MALES
/u/ - Alice containment zone, do not enter, only laugh from afar
/jp/ - easy place
/sci/ - The science behind Youmu being a DORK
/pol/ - Religion Wars

>> No.16140718
File: 7 KB, 200x150, despedido.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how you dare to talk like that about our emperator!

>> No.16140725


you're an oxymoron

>> No.16140738

Thanks, dude!

>> No.16140745
File: 148 KB, 396x396, 1357617211069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.16140750




>> No.16140752


I didn't even know you posted outside of /qa/ anymore.

>> No.16140757

Only when it's about his own survival

>> No.16140768 [DELETED] 
File: 338 KB, 636x740, 1434863808457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is all our fault...

Kek demands retribution. The digits, the pepes, the threads, they weren't enough.

Trump was powerful magic. We of /pol/ have killed the island of Nippon. Blood for the blood god.

>> No.16140769

getting wrecked by tsunamis is central to japanese culture

>> No.16140778

How is this Otaku Culture?

>> No.16140779



>> No.16140784 [DELETED] 

This is Kami's punishment for Abe meeting with Trump.

>> No.16140785

I'm quite fond of Earthquakes and Tsunami I have all the best tsunami figurines and I play Quake all the time I fap to hokusai daily. I guess this is otaku culture.

>> No.16140786

We don't care about Japan here.

>> No.16140787

what does his dick taste like?

>> No.16140820

it was downgraded

>> No.16140822

Thread level downgraded. Everything is going to be daijobu.

>> No.16140832

ah good , i can go back to bed

>> No.16140833

It seems japan will live another day

>> No.16140835 [DELETED] 
File: 147 KB, 1000x750, which.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wich 2hu wld y fk?

>> No.16140844

japs BTFO

>> No.16140907

I just woke up.

didn't feel a thing..!

>> No.16140927

Me neither! But I live in New York State so I'd be surprised if I did.

>> No.16140947

What's the good news?

>> No.16140951

don't do that

>> No.16140958 [DELETED] 

Fuck off crossboarder

>> No.16140959
File: 1.24 MB, 303x307, 1471715883110.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is true everywhere.
A common habit is for people to use the confusion and chaos in a massive disaster simply to kidnap children and sell them off later to the earliest half decent bidder, traffic the child and/or rape the child themselves.

This is a guarantee in impoverished villages.

>> No.16140961 [DELETED] 

Ran for them fluffy tails

>> No.16140976

Don't omit punctuation or capitalization.

>> No.16140981


no u

>> No.16140989

Fukushima and tsunami

Have I gone back in time to 2011?

>> No.16141037
File: 1.56 MB, 800x2266, 031d26e1b4185041fcf4f307564b6493ead2801b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man you guys don't deserve another Tsunami this soon.

Maybe one a decade sure but not err two(?) in a 5 year span.

>> No.16141044 [DELETED] 

fuck off weeb

>> No.16141069 [DELETED] 

delete this one too

>> No.16141080 [DELETED] 
File: 53 KB, 800x888, 1477436856873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also delete this post

>> No.16141086 [DELETED] 

out, frogposter scum

>> No.16141131 [DELETED] 


>> No.16141166 [DELETED] 

What's this about

>> No.16141170 [DELETED] 

delete this one too pls

>> No.16141205 [DELETED] 

PLEASE delete this post

>> No.16141212

why would you bother asking that now?

>> No.16141220

Idol are an essential part of otaku culture


>> No.16141232 [DELETED] 

clean it up

>> No.16141251

That's right. To tell the truth even if I'm not participation in those threads myself still would miss it.

>> No.16141508

Will this affect anime broadcasting?

I sure hope not.

>> No.16142610 [DELETED] 


>> No.16142880

Hiro, please. /jp/ is not for Japanese news.
In the future please post this in /int/ or /news/.

>> No.16143140

People called Romanes they go the house?

>> No.16146072

3DPD has never been otaku in any way or form.

>> No.16146072,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.16146072,2 [INTERNAL] 

I hope hiro is safe
