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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1599907 No.1599907 [Reply] [Original]

I hate meta threads as much as the next guy, but this is fucking serious.

What the hell has been going on these past couple days? Every thread is a shit thread and every other shit thread is full of trolls and genuine newfriends. If you're new here just lurk for AT LEAST a month before you start posting. I know that might sound like a lot, but in the end you'll be a better, more knowledgeable, and more mature Anonymous.

Trolls. Take it easy.

We don't mind you here as long as you come up with something that can make us laugh a little. Remember that time message trolled us with the fake installer? Why can't you do something like that? Thinking back on it, it was pretty funny and I can remember it very clearly. "omg XD epic lulz" just doesn't cut it and if that humor really does tickle your fancy, you might just find /b/ even funnier.

I'm dead serious.

Also, some of you might say that I'm not helping by making this thread. That's not true. This needs to be discussed and keeping it in one thread instead of complaining about it everywhere else IS the best thing to do.

>> No.1599913

message trolled us ftw! epic lulz!11!

>> No.1599925

cool pasta aniki

>> No.1599927

I just typed this, check the archive brah.

>> No.1599929

What threads are you hiding may I ask? What kinds of threads are you looking for? I don't hide threads, I just don't click ones that seem uninteresting and don't pay much attention to what goes on that I don't like.

>> No.1599933

You're the exact same person over and over. Stop it.

>> No.1599941

>Also, some of you might say that I'm not helping by making this thread. That's not true. This needs to be discussed and keeping it in one thread instead of complaining about it everywhere else IS the best thing to do.
Wrong. They are never useful. You can discuss all you want, but it'll disappear eventually and nothing will ever happen.

>> No.1599936

So a board of only touhou is better?

>> No.1599939

FFFFFFFF. I keep clicking the /jp/ bookmark.

>> No.1599945

It's better than /a/...

>> No.1599948

There has been no change in the last six months. Stop pretending. It was always this bad.

>> No.1599942

It's because of athens bruh! Those damn tripfags, I hate them!!

>> No.1599944

If you think this is bad, try going to /a/ these days. Give this place time and it will just as shit. Maybe moots changes will save us before its too late.

>> No.1599951
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Here guys, cool off a bit with Cirno's feet.

>> No.1599957

Hey raymoo, go eat a dick ok? ISM makes this board interesting sometimes.

>> No.1599956

I realize this is going to draw some fire from the LOL I ARE SERIOUS HIKKI-crowd, but I believe one reason for the recent, sharp, decline is that many of us university-fags have midterms or finals coming up right now, or at the beginning of december. This means the ratio of underage b& to "adults" get skewed, and hence the bad results. The usual threads, Kig, MB, Yukkuri are still going strong, since they have a loyal and dedicated fanbase, but the general board is suffering.

Also, depending on your tastes, the fact that HF finally got finished may or may not have affected the quality of the board. I, for one, usually hide "LOL SHIT XD TAJPU MUUNUU" threads.

What I'm saying is this board needs more Neko-Arc.

>> No.1599961

That includes you as well, op.

>> No.1599967

Yes, even I shall break the taboo against whining "omg /jp/ is going to shit omgomg" and reply to this thread.

What the fuck, seriously, there's like a few retards just hardcore trolling /jp/ non-stop lately with shit that doesn't even make any sense. They don't even try to be funny.

Possible mildly amusing troll threads:
>"what is touhou"
>"i'm white how do I get a Japanese girlfriend"
>"hey recommend me some korean dramas"
As in, shit that actually has something to do with /jp/ on some fundamental level.

No, we get people just saving images from old threads, and then reposting them maybe one day later, with some shit a weeaboo from Gaia would say, which is probably intentional, but isn't funny either way.

So yeah, I agree with OP. If you're going to troll, fucking put some thought into it.

>> No.1599973

>a month....sounds like a lot

Man have the times changed...

>> No.1599975

That's no nice at all! *pouts* You know what Flames are for roasting marshmellows. If you have nothing nice to say keep it to yourself or roast marshmellows with it.

>> No.1599987

>No, we get people just saving images from old threads, and then reposting them maybe one day later, with some shit a weeaboo from Gaia would say, which is probably intentional, but isn't funny either way.

This is not fucking new.

>> No.1599988

>university-fags have midterms or finals coming up right now
I have a few papers to hand in, a test tomorrow and and still here on /jp/ ;_;

>> No.1599997

Not true.

>> No.1600001

It makes sense. It's basic procrastination, and it actually relieves some stress. Except if you get involved in general rage and sage, then you just wasted valuable time.

>> No.1600002

I thought the same way, but I thought a bit and I figured that it's just that my sense of humor has changed significantly over time, rather than /jp/ actually getting worse.

>> No.1600012
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>> No.1600016

There's a significant lack of SLUT PAD ZOMBIE GOOD GIRL lately, this apparently means the quality of the board has dropped dramatically in the eyes of many.

>> No.1600021

Oh hey there athens.

Screw it, I tried to elaborate some kind of text to contribute, but I failed even to complain about being a failure. So don't mind me, I'll go back to lurking.

>> No.1600029

No, the stress comes back a full force when it's midnight and I still have 100 pages to study.

>> No.1600038

If I decide to have a rant I never start a thread on /jp/, I simply pick one that has already veered off topic anyway. I don't see how I'm to blame to be honest.

>> No.1600047

That's just because of the lack of Touhou threads in general, and most people aren't willing to start a whole topic just to spout overused, idiotic jokes.

Replying, on the other hand, seems perfectly fine, as any other Touhou topic you start will quickly be filled with those jokes, regardless of the original topic.

>> No.1600043
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>I'm not helping by making this thread.
That's right, you're not.

>This needs to be discussed
No it doesn't. How about you quit your bitching and go make what you think is a "good thread" instead.

>> No.1600057

>If I decide to have a rant I never start a thread on /jp/
You've started tons of threads for this. At least be honest.

>> No.1600065

When exactly? I never start threads for this purpose.

Why femanons and women in general cant be ronery anyway?

>> No.1600068

I'm not sure it's a drop in quality, so much as an increase in obvious trolling. (So I guess that would drop the overall quality, but it's not a matter of less good threads being posted, it's a matter of more shit threads being posted.)

I mean, I'm not into Touhou, and I think yukkuris are retarded, but I accept that Touhou/yukkuri is a valid part of /jp/. What I don't accept is obvious trolling and tripfags and basically the same few people taking a big steamy dump on /jp/ to fill the vacuous emptiness of their lives. I would rather fucking have 5 dakimakura threads then some of the bullshit that's been posted lately.

That said, the only solution is to ignore and continue operations as normal. Eventually they'll lose interest and leave.

>> No.1600069

Oh no, sorry. I didn't intend to complain about you. I tried to greet you, and then post my opinion towards this thread, but failed horribly and posted that.

>> No.1600075

lol I know who you are.

Anyway. Have another shot at it, let's try and discuss this in a civil manner.

>> No.1600076

Testing quick reply.

>> No.1600078

>athens !SysNpnp3nU
The tripfag killing /jp/.

>> No.1600080


>> No.1600083

>obvious trolling
You'd be very, very surprised with how absolutely idiotic many people act. Your faith in /jp/ is much stronger than mine.

>> No.1600086

athens-san, do you think it's possible for a woman to be lonely?

>> No.1600087

"Hey, /jp/ what do you think about women?"

>> No.1600108

I never posted such a thread.

Yes. Very rarely. But can we not talk about this now?

>> No.1600106


They're shit, right?

>> No.1600110

Discuss? No, I don't know if I have anything to discuss... And I also feel that I can't write shit right now, so I will try to stop posting and just see what happens.
But how can you know who I am? I'm quite sure that I have never posted with a tripcode, nor even maintained this personality of mine for any quantity of posts...
Either way, I think that I shouldn't chat now or else people will feel annoyed.

>> No.1600113


>> No.1600115

People are always annoyed. Go ahead and chat as you please.

>> No.1600122

Well offer some commentary. What do you think of all this?

>> No.1600125

Personally I'm pleased with how shit /jp/ is recently because I've read loads of things I kept getting distracted from before. I read five marimite books yesterday and still had time for other stuff.

>> No.1600127


>> No.1600130

Of course you don't have to talk about it now, athens-san. I hope you make a thread later though, I want to do some complaining.

>> No.1600136

If I know about a subject, or if I want to ask or share something, I post.
If not, I LURK MOAR.
Simple as that. のヮの

>> No.1600139

I didn't really think "NAGI IS A SLUT" was trolling.

(Unless it was posted by athens who is always trolling and by saying his name he will reply to this and troll some more IT NEVER ENDS)

Well maybe it was trolling, but it was at least in the acceptable realms of /jp/-relatedness.


I'm talking about shit like this. Who the fuck is creating and replying to these threads? It's the same few retards. They're leaking their bullshit into other threads as well.

I give up on ever getting rid of our growing community of triptrolls, though. Couldn't get rid of Cirno in /a/, just hoping to god the current particularly annoying community of triptrolls gets bored and leaves sooner rather than later.

>> No.1600140

Me too. I actually went and watched some animu that I downloaded but never watched, which included Mononoke and Dennou Coil.

I also tore my way through the heap of manga and doujins on my hard drive that I never bothered to read.

It's relatively relaxing.

>> No.1600142

No, I can't.

That's on topic for the board.

>> No.1600146

>Dennou Coil
Am I the only one who thinks it was boring? I couldn't make it all the way through.

>> No.1600150


god dammit, stop being an enabler. athens posts are some of the shittiest on the board, they can only encourage the other retarded posters.

>> No.1600153

I couldn't make it past the first episode. It wasn't all the interesting, nor were the lolis that moe.

>> No.1600155

By the way athens, what's your opinion on Nagi?

>> No.1600160
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I have a great new site you guys might want to check out: http://livejournal.com

>> No.1600161


>> No.1600167

Yeah, man. Talking on a board? What faggots, take that shit to a chatroom.

>> No.1600164

>I'm talking about shit like this. Who the fuck is creating and replying to these threads? It's the same few retards. They're leaking their bullshit into other threads as well.
I just imagine that they're all bots.
>I give up on ever getting rid of our growing community of triptrolls, though. Couldn't get rid of Cirno in /a/, just hoping to god the current particularly annoying community of triptrolls gets bored and leaves sooner rather than later.
I don't believe that there's anything inherently wrong with tripfags. It's just that they don't benefit from the reset every Anonymous experiences. If they do something stupid, it sticks with them, eventually turning them into a giant mass of annoyance. Just look around. There are plenty of stupid Anons.

>> No.1600168

Know what I spent all day doing? Watching horrible 3D porn. I don't even know why I did it. I've been doing it a lot lately and I don't even fap to it. The only kind I'd fap to would be the ones with lolis but I know better than to download that. I have a lot of animu to watch too but I just don't do it.

What's wrong with me?

>> No.1600169

I stopped at around 9 or so even though I downloaded every episode when it was being released. I might go back eventually.

>> No.1600176

I liked it.

Mononoke was fantastic though.

>> No.1600179

Oh man, there's some really shitty threads being made lately. I know what I'll do, I'll make a thread that's even worse and ineffectually whine about it!

>> No.1600180

>I don't believe that there's anything inherently wrong with tripfags.

This is going to get too much into a meta4chan discussion on the culture of Anonymous and such, but tl;dr: being a tripfag automatically makes you an attention whore. Why else would you bother putting a name down?

>> No.1600183

Not really a slut is she? As I said before, I'm pretty liberal about those things. For me more than 4 men = slut/hopelessly bad at judging character.

>> No.1600189

Type-Moon fanboys are killing this place, I tell you.

>> No.1600197

Touhou fanboys are pretty bad too, you know.

>> No.1600200

Type-Moon and Key are both equally mediocre and have annoying raving fanboys.

>> No.1600201

This place (like most of 4chan) has always been shit.
However, sometimes a golden piece of shit appears.

>> No.1600210

Key fanboys? What Key fanboys?

Aside from me, is there anyone else here?

>> No.1600215

everyone comes to a board for different reasons

i for one enjoy the shitty type-moon threads on here because its makes me feel good to talk about it in a place far far away from Beasts Lair

>> No.1600217

I like everything: Key, Type-Moon, Touhou, etc.

>> No.1600230


heero yuy

besides the gay avatar, he's not so bad

>> No.1600258

That makes two people then.

The Little Busters dude?

I'm not seeing him around anymore, he probably left this place for good.

>> No.1600269

I like everything too. Well yukkuri are meh at best. And it goes without saying that the translation/normalfag threads and the ones dedicated to certain 'idols' are complete trash.

But I enjoy everything otherwise.

>> No.1600276

The irony in this thread is like, so Meta! I want to reflect upon this with my buds on IRC, brb.

>> No.1600300


That's not particularly liberal. In fact it's very constrictive.

>> No.1600315

Maybe for you, slut.

>> No.1600316

newfags wordfilter to newfriends?

>> No.1600322

You're part of the problem.

>> No.1600421

newfriends filter to autoban

>> No.1601885

Surprised this is still around. Maybe the people who would delete the posts are okay with it.

I have seen a lot more BS from this board recently. I thought it was a weekend problem, but I remember not minding so much in the past. But now we're seeing so many people who can't take a joke, can't make a joke, and so on. Threads are flooded with this and even less gets done than usual. University can't be the only explanation, as that's not really holding me back.

>> No.1601889

why did you bump this shit faggot ಠ_ಠ

>> No.1601891

Stop bumping your own thread.

>> No.1601910

Wait what...? Serious business in my /jp/?

>> No.1601915

You know, I don't really believe half of the shit I post.

Well ok, that's a lie, I believe it to an extent, but I purposefully exagerrate and accentuate because /jp/ and /a/ are full of such lazy fucks they won't bother replying to threads unless it's one word exchanges unless you add some vitriol or something.

It's really the only way to get a lively discussion going.

>> No.1601917

Why don't you go to 7chan where you can make shitty complaint threads like this till your heart is content?

>> No.1601928

It doesn't show at all.

>> No.1601926

Can I quote you on that?

>> No.1601934


Keep in mind I still believe it. I mean, I do believe that women can't be ronery for example. It's just I do acknowledge that maybe there is the odd exception to the rule.

>> No.1601932

I've had nice, long discussions about ronery and economics /jp/ without the least bit of vitriol.

>> No.1601940

To be fair on this point, we had a ronery thread a few months ago and a couple of girls came in and started discussing how ronery they were, but then said it's much better because they have boyfriends.

I just wanted to establish a clear line of demarcation that it's taboo to start moaning in such threads when you have a boyfriend/girlfriend because that thread really pissed me off.

>> No.1601941


I'll always reply to you, Athens. You don't have to ratchet up the showmanship for me, just be yourself. I love you just the way you are.

>> No.1601956


Because as we all know the best way to get someone on 4chan to stop doing something that really upsets you is by telling them how much it upsets you.

>> No.1601957

Fair enough.

>> No.1601960

Well I've noticed a complete lack of the old 'my boyfriend/my ex' kind of replies in those threads now thankfully. So it's kind of worked.

>> No.1601967

Athens is the strongest troll.

>> No.1601968

They never existed until you gave them the idea.

Anyway, I wrote up a nice witty post about why the stoics and you didn't agree but then the thread was deleted and it was lost ;_;

Well, forget it.

>> No.1601970

This is truth.

>> No.1601971

They did exist, in bountiful quantity too.

I just don't want to hear about so-and-so is 'so ronery' because he/she broke up with someone.

>> No.1601974

You couldn't have banned him, mod? Lazy fuck.

>> No.1601975
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Go away.

>> No.1601976

but everyone wants to hear about how you're ronery because you haven't broken up with someone?

>> No.1601977

Anyway, the only thing I'm kind of sad about is that I think I may have emphasized my point on the women cant be ronery thing a bit too forcefully in recent weeks and I've kind of shattered the nice atmosphere that used to exist around this board.

>> No.1601979

How much is he paying you to say that? I'll pay triple, if you throw in the special service.

>> No.1601981


I'm ronery because my girlfriend moved away.

>> No.1601983

Well the situation you just described is more universal for /a/ and /jp/ my dear. And it's also the people who have been perepetually alone who started ronery threads in the first place, it's always been for people who have more of a disconnect with societal norms in regards to dating and so on in general as opposed to just a simple 'I'm so lonely because my bf broke up with me ;_;'

The latter is myspace/livejournal shit.

>> No.1601985

weak troll

>> No.1601986

The only actual troll, everyone else I've seen thinks trolling amounts to shit posting.

It does become incredibly boring though since he just keeps playing the same note. The sad thing is that it works so well, so I can't really blame him for doing it.

>> No.1601987


Yeah, you did, and I hope you're fucking happy about it. We can't take it easy anymore. /jp/ is just another shitty board now, and I'd like to get ronery discussions going on /a/ now, especially since you're banned there, because I would honestly rather listen to someone bitch about an ex-girlfriend than your asinine stoicism garbage.

>> No.1601993

>I would rather read the post of a normalfag than one of athens.
I have to agree with this.

>> No.1602006

>everyone else I've seen thinks trolling amounts to shit posting.
That's because shitposters justify their bullshit with "hurr durr i troll you XD" I don't think I would classify athens as a good troll though, he's too repetitive so his trolling lost all meaning long ago.

>> No.1601997

People like athens turned ronery from being about 2D waifus and hug pillows into mere existential alienation. It's fucking disgusting. You don't ever post anything on topic on /a/ or /jp/ anyway, so why are you here?

>> No.1602000

No you fucking wouldn't. You'll miss me when I finally decide to take my leave and the seething mass of 'counter-culture' fags from /b/ overrun the entirety of the site. You'll look back with fond nostalgia on the days I was here, just like the way it's only newfags who say they 'genuinely hated' tbk.

>> No.1602007

I do post on-topic on /a/.

>> No.1602008

You're part of the problem.

>> No.1602013


Yes I would. How about you leave for a while and we'll see who is right? Besides, if I'm wrong, than you can just save /jp/ like you're always done, right?

>> No.1602016

Because it's a troll. Just keep reporting him.

>> No.1602017

I don't think he is banned from /a/. Unless it happened today.

Athens' trolling is amusing and you can always hide the thread. At least he sticks to one most of the time.

>> No.1602018

No, actually. I saw what it turned into on /v/, that is, shitty dating advice bullshit from those godawful, AWFUL 'pick up artists' and their books encouraged by 'femanons' and normalfags.

I saved ronery. It would have become like that on /a/ and /jp/ too.

>> No.1602020

This isn't /a/

>> No.1602023

If you would honestly, truthfully rather listen to some anon whine about a breakup than proper ronery anons chat about stuff then you are most likely female.

>> No.1602024

You allow no room for proper ronery anons to chat about stuff. You're worse than some anon whining about a breakup.

>> No.1602026


It's true, though. It happened like 15 years ago, but it happened. I'm sad, hold me and read Seneca to me.

>> No.1602033

Sorry to say it, but western gaming is supposed to be targeted towards "normalfags". As long as /jp/ has waifus, dolls, and dakimakura, there is little risk of that happening. Whether you're here or not. Why can't we have gentle ronery, instead of angry, misogynistic ronery? And why confuse alienation from women with existential alienation from people in general?

>> No.1602039

You didn't save shit. A lot of ronery threads on /a/ do have the normalfag shit you're talking about. All you do is irritate the normalfags so they become even more vocal. Even the most egotistical tripfags aren't bad enough to think that their posts influence an entire board.

>> No.1602040


All I have is whiskey and Goethe, is that still cool?

>> No.1602047

Even right now athens is trolling and you all don't seem to realize it.

>> No.1602051
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>>You'll miss me
Nope. Please allow the door to hit you on your ass on your way out.

>> No.1602053

Actually I'm not really that misanthropic, I've never been one of the people to encourage a disconnect from PEOPLE as a whole.

I just wanted to make it clear to female posters that it's not really on with them complaining about their problems because 95% of them have/had boyfriends and so on so it kind of just introduces a whole depressing atmosphere into the thread.

With the old ronery threads we used to have on /a/ a couple of years back, it was more just general cross between ronery and off topic, with the odd anecdote here and there. But it made everyone feel better to know there were people out there who 'missed out' on their formulative adolescent years just as much as they did.

When women come in it kind of sullies the mood because their complaints are somewhat vapid by comparison. Especially if they start complaining about how their ex's were 'jerks', because it shows that they are exactly like the girls we knew in school who had poor character judgment.

>> No.1602055


But I don't like gentle ronery. I miss the old nightshift ronery with the depressing and/or funny stories and at least an undercurrent of intense misanthropy.

>> No.1602058

You're so s-silly! No one paid me a-anything! I don't think he's the s-strongest troll either...I-I ju-just wante.d..to be apart o-of the discussion...somehow...

>> No.1602062

/jp/ has too many misconceptions about /a/, for the most part they are just as ronery as you guys are. And the only normalfags there are people like Anonymous of Cocks and that 'Jake the Snake' faggot. Outliers effectively.

It also has more ronery women, which is kind of odd.

>> No.1602063

How much, Reimu? I've heard rumors...

>> No.1602066


It's simply shitposting. It brings down the quality of the board as a whole.

>> No.1602067

Well, I mostly meant ronery without debtes. Misanthropy as fine as long as it doesn't keep us from seeing the true essence of ronery.

>> No.1602070


You think? Back in the day I used to keep my gaming habits to myself. It's only in the past 5 years it's become ok as a social discussion.

>> No.1602072

No, what he is doing right now isn't shitposting. It is proper trolling. Look at the reaction he has gotten.

>> No.1602073


I don't drink, but I love me some Goethe. I'll just close my eyes and pretend you're Athens.

>> No.1602075


I consider >>1599907 shitposting and a troll.

>> No.1602082

I browse /a/ almost every night, although usually I can't stomach it for very long precisely because so many normalfags from anime forums have started posting. Just comparing /a/ now to how it was as recently as before this summer shows the large change in userbase. There are fucking Bleach and Naruto threads almost every night now, and they get 100+ nonsage replies.

/a/ is going the way of /v/.

>> No.1602083

No, I realize it. That's the painful part. I KNOW he's trolling, yet I'm still replying.

>> No.1602085
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O-one hundred t-thou...sand...yen..

>> No.1602088

>What the hell has been going on these past couple days?

Before the proxy era it was easy to ban the raging retards, but now mods don't give a fuck about underage idiots anymore. It's as simple as this: there are no rules.

>> No.1602087


>>1602053 is not a troll post. If I wanted to troll you I'd be far more nuanced and subtle than that. The only times I've trolled are those pastas on /a/ and /v/. and I've come up with quite a few:

The 'hey /a/ I'm a girl and I've seen some rather sad and depressed anonymous on here tonight' the 'no i won't make you a sandwich/yes i do date 'jocks'' /v/ one and countless others.

God those really were the days.

The best way to troll incidentally, is just to pretend to be a girl and write down what would make YOU rage. But do it in a subtle way.

>> No.1602090

T-that's more than a thousand USD, you know!

>> No.1602104


>> No.1602100

The Naruto/Bleach shit is mostly because everyone else has given up trying to sage it.

>> No.1602116

Post in my thread plz


>> No.1602119
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........('(..­.´...´.... ¯~/'...')
.....­..­...''...\.......... _.·´

>> No.1602125


No. It pains my eyes, heart, mind, and soul to gaze upon neo-/a/.

>> No.1602140

I like how you all think /jp/ is so much better than neo-/a/. We have our own brand of shit.

>> No.1602150


It is, though. It doesn't mean I have any illusions about /jp/, just that everywhere else is so very much worse. It is a truly depressing situation and I would do anything to remedy it if it were possible.

>> No.1602168

Oh, shit. /jp/ suddenly doesn't bother me so much anymore.

>> No.1602454

I am the ''same'' person of the other days, and you're a huge asshole.
And I'm not OP.
/jp/ is shit, and you have questions to answer.

>> No.1602466

Also, funny enough, 7chan is at least humorous as of today, counting that they don't have underage/grunt fatasses as Mods, ruling the Board like shit.

>> No.1602469


So take your tears to the promised land already then. Bye.

>> No.1602479

They don't have /jp/, and they're still the same stupid kind of retard as the common Anonymous, so my promised land would be another chan of the already 3 that do have Boards inspired on /jp/ or it's lack.
And that is better than this shithole.
Which I already lurk.

Enjoy your shitty Board that even lacks basic fixes for SQL issues while posting, and enjoy .

>> No.1602480

They don't have /jp/, and they're still the same stupid kind of retard as the common Anonymous, so my promised land would be another chan of the already 3 that do have Boards inspired on /jp/ or it's lack.
And that is better than this shithole.
Which I already lurk.

Enjoy your shitty Board that even lacks basic fixes for SQL issues while posting, and enjoy your misinterpreted sage, or the lack of content moderation.

>> No.1602483

Today I am going to be polite and not troll at all (except this post); I am also going to sage almost every time I post.

>> No.1602485

Sup', Betty.

>> No.1602489

That's not me; I am Anonymous.

I do go to GameFAQs like Betty though.

>> No.1602504


You're still crying but not leaving, why is that?

>> No.1602515

Probably because I decided to lurk /jp/ today, as I didn't this week at all, and I found an asshole crying for more chaos?
i donno lol.
But, be happy, because after this event, I ain't going to post as me anymore, I won't lurk your shithole at all.
You don't even know what you want.

>> No.1602533

The one thing I like about /jp/ is that you guys bash athens for me so I don't have to waste my time doing it myself.

Every annoying flaw that I want to point out about him is already pointed out by the time I finish reading the thread.

>> No.1602547

Is ``athens'' that misogynistic girl? (Well, it's got to be a girl with that name.)

Why do you guys rage so much about her? She only posts in these shitty drama threads, right?
