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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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15863312 No.15863312 [Reply] [Original]

▶ ion_anim gifs
Just gifs: mega.nz/#!rg4BxBDB!bQCUxB-mLkfORIKSf4ZSMxUzcIsACh2QVsKQoEtUE6k
Gifs, source mp4 and PSD files: mega.nz/#!u0B1ECSb!jo8YI2PaehAfrUB3jHHtqzRyNRAJ4wHI33k1HqQhrEU

▶ Ar Tonelico for Lazy People Pack

▶ EXA_PICO Visual Collection
info: pastebin.com/UzwjkAUY

▶ Miscellaneous Translations
Flash Cosmospheres, Ciel\Ar novel, etc: ar-ciel.unit03.net/
Ciel Nosurge English Story Playlist: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhWtcwZ5Bzm10RI1TElB3Dnf7kj9UoARJ
Ciel Nosurge Story Summary: unit03.net/view/Ciel_nosurge/Story

▶ Mega.nz Folder of Ar tonelico / Atelier goodies
Flash Cosmospheres, AT3 Yokkora fan disc and original /jp/ stuff.

▶ [FLAC] EXA_PICO Autistic Music Collection
Info: pastebin.com/Pc88NuEC

▶ [MP3] EXA_PICO Musical Collection
info: pastebin.com/aPxrK3zh

▶ [FLAC] C89 Gust Sampler CD

▶ Updated OP:

▶ Outdated links:

▶ Previous thread

>> No.15863682

Whoever came up with the idea for the "complete 300 requests" trophy in Yoru no Nai Kuni needs to be smacked.

>> No.15864310
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Loli Sophie when?

>> No.15864370

Whoever decided that trophies matter and that he should obsessively get every one needs to be smacked.

>> No.15864376

Is Gust rich now?

>> No.15864794

Get a load of this casual. I've always 100 percented games I enjoyed since I was a kid with an NES. Trophies just add another layer to that.

>> No.15865285
File: 64 KB, 400x400, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got my C90 goods today, A1 tapestry, phone cover and the C90 cd.

C90 Nights of Azure selection CD in flac
pw: jp1586331

>> No.15865665

Never. Gust doesn't like loli anymore.

>> No.15865905

You're mistaken. Trophies are just busywork thought up by the devs. Anyway if you were going for "100%" then you wouldn't be bitching they made a trophy for completing 300 requests since whether they made a trophy for it or not wouldn't matter.

>> No.15866028
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That was the last one I got. I was an efficient requesting machine by the end.

>> No.15866147

>tfw people think this game's graphics look bad because it doesn't have 10 fullscreen filters on at all times inc chromatic aberration and DOF

>> No.15866307
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I regret nothing

>> No.15866315

You crazy, bro.

>> No.15866351

The environments definitely do look bad. Nice art direction for them but they're very low poly. Same goes for most of the enemies. It's really just the main characters and bosses that look decent.

>> No.15866495


even then, those characters only look decent when their mouths aren't flapping and their animations don't have their clothes/hair clip through everything.

>> No.15866535

>The environments definitely do look bad. Nice art direction for them but they're very low poly.
Can you explain to me why low poly=bad?

>> No.15866559

They're rich by the extension of the fact that KT is doing rather well.

>> No.15866574

That's what I'd do if I had a job too.

>> No.15866585

What has led KT to increase in revenue over how they used to be? I remember them being pretty much a third tier publisher. Even now they mostly put out niche stuff still, so they're not going against their origins, but they seem to be thriving in this market, perhaps because they're used to a niche market and know the proper strategies to follow. Only now have a bunch of bigger Japanese publishers really fallen on hard times, perhaps because they were used to better cash flows.

>> No.15866692

It's a lot cheaper ordering from Japan with proxy shipping.

I think my preorder of GUST's highest tier was $250 USD-ish

>> No.15866754

I don't know, but I presume people still buy DOA to fap to, and Musou games actually do rather well for low budget games (just take the same engine and throw new character models = new Musou game)

KT was hiring pretty aggressively in my university so I assume they're doing fairly well for themselves. I might join to see if I can get into Gust.

>> No.15866764

DOA games are solid fighters.

>> No.15866792

Sorry, it's $320USD + ~$30 shipping. Still a bit cheaper though

>> No.15866997

Salburg shop is sold out though

>> No.15869523
File: 1.69 MB, 1067x600, 11-2発売予定【フィリスのアトリエ】オープニングムービー.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Firis OP

>> No.15871658

The trailer makes it seem like Atelier Sophiris

>> No.15872498

Well it pretty much should be given what the DLC set up

>> No.15873080

>Akira's big project is a fucking mobile game
Just kill me.

>> No.15873534

I don't think Gust can handle four full-scale projects at once. He'll get to make a real game once staff is available.

>> No.15874750

Mobile is actually a great platform for these kind of "communication" games, and it also plays well with the cross-media angle.

The problem isn't the platform itself, but the fact that mobile seems to automatically mean "free to play" but with microtransaction bullshit. Which is the case for Trinary too unfortunately.

>> No.15874922

Alchemy in Rorona+ is really confusing:


I pick a set of 4 ingredients and they don't let me get Royal Treatment, Limited Time, Finest Goods on the result. However, if I do the synth as a 5 item and pick the same ingredients in a specific order it shows up. If I pick a random item as the first or last item it doesn't work. However, if I pick a different item that has the same price traits as the the last in the set they stay, but only if I don't ever select an item that doesn't have those traits.

Is there a way to consistently stack multiple tiers of the same trait they don't normally let you? I've done it several times and it is always seemingly random like this.

>> No.15875286
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I hope Blue Reflection turns out good. The mahou shoujo setting has me interested.

>> No.15875335

I'm starting to see a silver lining watching the Trinary girls tweet amongst themselves. I get a sense that there's going to be some Total Command depth here.

Not sure though, could still be a KT cash grab.

>> No.15876041

The platform certainly doesn't help to make "serious" games, though.
Ports and time-killers? A dime a dozen. But, maybe it's just me, but I don't seem to find many games that you actually can play for hours. Maybe with exception of PvZ and a couple others, I guess. Ace Attorney (and quests in general) is actually great on mobile, but it's only on iOS.
I think it's the fault of hardware restrictions. Underpowered graphic cards (should be partially mitigated with Vulkan, as much as an incredibly hard to work with "close to the metal" graphics API can even help mobile developers), the need to draw battery efficiently, restrictions on what you can do with touch controls (maybe they can be perfected some day, but that day sure hasn't come yet, faulty touchscreens don't help on that front). Microtransactions are just a silver lining on majority of them being time-killers and inherently modular.
Also, I guess, Android doesn't really use the resources in the most efficient way either, though it for one thing actually does consider gaming quite a lot, unless there are some development quirks I don't know about. I guess profiling is bound to be hard on mobile.
Communication games are probably the one thing which is just great for mobiles, though, you're right. It helps that you don't need fancy graphics for those, and the most important thing is the characters, which is job of the writers, not the coders (who are naturally restricted on mobile). Not that many mobile games even have writers, I guess.
I think a big thing about whether the game is good or not would be who designed the characters. I'm really doubtful about Toei even having writers who can design good characters by this point, but I haven't watched anything made by them in a long time.
If it's Tsuchiya who designed them, I think, the game is bound to be at least average.

>> No.15876787
File: 985 KB, 1477x880, chara-bg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you guys waiting for Kakutora?

>> No.15876804

Not really. Why would I? Can't play the game without region shenanigansm even if I could it's probably microtransaction pay to win, anime looks like a generic mahou shoujo that everyone will forget about after it finishes aring.

>> No.15877072

I'll give it a try, but absolutely no paying for it even if it's good. Did the same with Atelier Quest Board.

>> No.15877116

I can't see it being anything better than generic mahou shoujo team. I've watched this show dozens of times already, changing the designs and the title won't help.
Unless Total Command can make it work somehow. I doubt it. He's only working for their KT overlords now.

>> No.15877155

Where do you get this? The gust store has the highest Firis LE sold out now.

>> No.15878455

Once staff is available they gonna make yoru 3, more atelers and atelier musou.

>> No.15878535

Why do you guys buy all these games that you never even play?

>> No.15878553

Just started Ciel and I realize collecting materials part feels like a chore. Though her reactions to all the things feel worth it.

>> No.15879092

I have never bought a game I didn't play. What are you talking about?

>> No.15879109

More Ateliers are a given, and a Yoru 3 is possible if 2 does as well as the first (though honestly I don't think it will). Any potential Atelier musou would be made by Omega Force, not Gust. After Firis, Yoru 2, and Blue Reflection hit the next wave will likely be another Atelier, maybe a Yoru 3, and a Tsuchiya game.

>> No.15879292

The other very real possibility is, Kakutora makes just enough money to make KT keep investing in it and Tsuchiya works on it all the time for more expansions or microtransaction content and we'll never get another 'real' game from him.

>> No.15879372

I don't think Tsuchiya could live with himself doing that. This is the guy who put quantum field theory into a video game setting, after all.

>> No.15879455

They're already making that shitty all stars game. I don't think they'd make a musou with only Atelier characters. This will probably be it or at least let's hope so.

Were Japanese opinions on Yoru not good?

>> No.15879480
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>> No.15879483
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>> No.15879491

Did English version of Sophie get the Sep.16 afterstory DLC?

>> No.15879493

No but it better.

>> No.15879708

I'm extremely excited, it's gonna be Total Command's version of Yuuki Yuuna but with way more meta.

>> No.15879858

Fuck! I've been trying to figure out what it was reminding me of!
Yuuki Yuuna, that's it exactly.

>> No.15879956

Even if Kakutora is a success I doubt Tsuchiya will stay on it. Unless he's lost all ambition and passion for game development I can't imagine he'd be content with spending all his time on a mobile game. Once it's up and running they'll probably have just a small crew to maintain it and Tsuchiya will just oversee new content while working on something else.

I only brought up an Atelier musou in response to the anon I was quoting. I don't think one will ever happen. The All Stars game is the closest we'll get.

As for Yoru, I personally loved the game but the general consensus seems to be that the story was disappointing, the gameplay was bad, and the only standout features were the music and character designs. It sold largely on said character designs and the yuri angle and after the lukewarm response it got I don't see 2 selling quite as well.

>> No.15880673

>Unless he's lost all ambition and passion for game development I can't imagine he'd be content with spending all his time on a mobile game.
But what if The Future of Gaming is Mobile?

>> No.15881190

Yes, exactly. Thanks, Anon.

>> No.15881371

It's the future of casual games and time wasters. Very few hardcore games can make the transition to mobile, and the ones that do are significantly worse off for it. The hardware and especially interface are too limited.

>> No.15881389

The problem is, there is no future for hardcore games. The userbase will dwindle away and find other things to do as the portion of the gaming industry dedicated to "hardcore" titles falls more and more into decline, partially due to disgust with modern industry practices of which Gust may have little or no part, and partially due to the general feeling of malaise and decline around the industry due to the former.

>> No.15881836
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What's this thing?


>> No.15881862

Filament Star, a limited picture book with a CD made by Ion. Some people are willing to pay like $200 for it.

>> No.15881888

Aparrently Mouse Productions (Ai-chan's agency) was doing a sale event of some kind and had some copies on sale. Sold out fast, but Ai said she bought one.

Surprising, I figured she would have already had a copy when it was originally released. Being a newbie VA must be hard, you don't even get schwag copies of your own work.

>> No.15882007

Yeah I don't buy that alarmist nonsense. Traditional/hardcore gaming may become less mainstream due to the rise of mobile/casual stuff but a sizeable group of enthusiasts will still remain. People who prefer traditional games aren't going to be satisfied with mobile shit. Traditional gaming may become more niche but it's not going to die off and it will always have a future. AAA budget games may die at some point as the market shrinks, but that's hardly a big loss.

>> No.15883364

But that's forbidden love!

>> No.15883392

It would be great if we got twincest yuri with them.

>> No.15883450

Reminder for US PSN owners with a Vita to get the best Arland Atelier deal so far.


>> No.15883717

Fuck, that's a steal. I already own them through

>> No.15883740

The problem is, anon, the only thing keeping consoles financially viable and coming out are the AAA games which sell in large enough numbers to justify the production costs and investment of consoles for which Sony grabs a take of every game sold. You aren't going to see Sony release a PS5 if they knew they would have nothing but the type of games /jp/ would like on it. Sony despises the Vita primarily because it failed to become an AAA handheld machine and is now full of niche games. Those games are naturally parasitic on the AAA market now because AAA justifies the console existing to the suits who lust only for money. Without AAA, consoles would cease to exist. Nintendo's handheld line would remain as long as Nintendo can hold out but handhelds are already being killed off even more directly by people who would otherwise get a handheld getting their shovelware fix on mobile, so their sales are in decline as well.

>> No.15884230

Well, consoles may die, but PC probably won't. And just PC remaining intact is enough for hardcore gaming not to completely die off (hell, in my country PC is the machine 99% of people play games on, since consoles are not general-purpose machines and are seen as pricey for only gaming needs, so here things won't change that much in that regard).
It also helps that it's overall easier to develop games on PC, even if monetising small games pretty much requires you to rely on Steam and doesn't promise as much a profit.
Consoles dying would shrink the market considerably, though. But everything except handhelds is pretty much PCs you can play on a couch (without messing with the setup, I might add) now, so it's even arguable how much they even help progress things by this point, besides the obvious economical perspective.

Also, although I never actually had a handheld (a poorfag from a poorfag country, yeah), I've always gotten the impression from the emulated titles I played that for some reason they actually do get quite a lot of hardcore games on them. And yet mobiles are touted as their successor, despite not having almost any hardcore games.
Assuming that hardware is the reason those don't come out on mobile, why doesn't the same situation apply to handhelds? Or is the assumption about hardware wrong, and it's something else that makes hardcore games incredibly hard to find on mobile?
Or is it because hardware of handhelds is focused on gaming? Is it because company producing the handheld pays for exclusives? Is it because touchscreen isn't the only player in the field over there? All of the above? Some of the above?

>> No.15885480

As far as your first paragraph, note we lose a lot of Japanese games without consoles--that basically wouldn't be made any other way. We're on /jp/ in a Gust thread after all. Japanese PC gaming is nearly nonexistent, which cuts out a lot of potential games unless at the time console gaming dies, Japanese start getting into PC. But I believe there are logistical reasons why that will not happen and why Japanese don't game on PC, cost being a large factor since parts and the like are marked up greatly compared to PC components in the west, the awkward nature of the way western keyboards interact with the Japanese language which has far more characters, but also some cultural reasons.

This is rather frightening for instance:


>According to one study I found, about 50% of Japanese households have a computer, but many people don't use them, or only use them for games or web browsing. The majority of Japanese students use the internet exclusively through cell phones.

This type of thing makes it difficult for me to believe PC gaming can ever replace console gaming in Japan, but the catch 22 is that console gaming has gotten so bloated tech-wise that console manufacturers besides maybe Nintendo would look at something which only had Vita-style games as not worth putting on the market.

As far as handheld titles, there is definitely a hardcore base and many hardcore focused titles, but it too tended to be boosted in sales by casuals as well, people who bought Nintendogs or Brain Age on NDS but wouldn't touch more hardcore titles like Etrian Odyssey. The hardware strength is not really the issue with why mobile doesn't get many hardcore games, but rather a big part of it is probably that the perceived population on mobile is seen by developers as casual, so that is the type of game that is made. I think you also guessed right on the touchscreen issue being a big contributor--the lack of buttons on mobile makes more hardcore style games difficult. The alternative is the awkward nature of trying to sell a hardcore game on a phone basically requiring someone to have a controller that attaches to their phone to play it, cutting off a huge amount of the possible sales. Sort of like SNES Mouse games on the SNES--there weren't very many because the system didn't come with it, it was an extra. Handhelds of course come with a built in controller so they don't have that issue and are thus hardcore friendly.

But when we look at NDS vs 3DS, NDS sold 150 million and 3DS is around 60 million. There was a large, large drop off of people who went to mobile and didn't bother getting a handheld because the casual f2p games on mobile were good enough for them

>> No.15885548

I think the main hold-back in creating more indepth games in the mobile market is that the mobile market has already defined success in that field to a specific genre of game -- one that is free to download/play, with repetitive, time-base/limited play, with a system that encourages micro-transactions.

The dev time is lower over a complex, scripted interactive system, less dependent on hardware performance, and is open ended so that people will continue to be steered towards microtransactions as long as they continue to play.

With 'success' so well defined in the market, it is difficult to justify the development pattern we see for console/PC games for a mobile platform, even though the platform could technically support such games. Consumers will not be interested in paying 20$, 30$, 50$ up front to purchase a game when there are so many easily available at zero cost.

Dungeon Crawlers come to mind as a prime example of something that would need VERY little work to move over to a mobile platform. But the DC genre does not have a good way to introduce microtransactions without making it a progress gate (progress gates make less money).

In the end, the Japanese market will tend to continue supporting a console gaming market because they cannot cross over to the mobile scene. And as >>15884230 notes, home/personal computers are not nearly ubiquitous enough in Japan for there to be any thought of PC gaming over consoles. Many of my friends when I was in college over there in 2005 thought of computers are EXTREMELY nerdy, and it doesn't look like that sentiment has changed much.

>> No.15885635

Why do Japanese people have this "drone" mentality where if something is nerdy they immediately can't partake in it no matter whether they would like it or whether it would be useful or the like? Western culture seems so much more open to "if it's useful, use it," and don't care if a PC was nerdy in 1993. Usually I'm very critical of "normalfags" but western ones are at least far more open and adaptable to things than Japanese ones it seems.

>> No.15886243

>we're on /jp/
Oh yeah. I forgot that for a moment. I mostly play my games on PC with emulators and stuff.
>logistical reasons
Mind going a bit deeper into that? I'm genuinely interested why this stuff happened and why it keeps up, despite PCs being so ubiquitous in the West.
>parts are greatly marked up
Again, what is the reason for that? Aren't all PC components produced in China anyway?
Is there some kind of monopoly going on, or something? Or is that just kinda the thing that happened by accident, and that nobody ever bothered to challenge since nobody buys PCs anyway?
>western keyboards + Japanese language
Isn't the issue mostly fixed, now that Unicode is ubiquitous and input method frameworks have gotten good and simple to use? Or is it still awkward to use the systems constantly?
>cultural factors
You mean the "computers are for solitary otakus" thing? Or something else?
>PC gaming can't replace console gaming
If the status quo keeps up, it might only happen if the West influences Japan in that direction eventually (most likely through the West being interested in PC ports, for those few publishers who actually give a damn about overseas market, as few as they are).

But if the consoles outright die out, I don't think the hardcore gaming niche will just lie down and die. It's got too much momentum by this point, both in the West and in Japan.
If one day the new generation of consoles doesn't come, then the niche will naturally move somewhere, either to PC or to mobile. It will most likely be turbulent, and it might alienate the gaming community in Japan from "normal people" even more if they move to "otaku" PCs (though most likely something like that would actually help computer literacy overall and get PCs more recognition), but it will not just die. I think if they move to mobile, mobile will just suddenly start to actually get good games, in Japan at least.

And honestly, I'm still not completely sold on the whole "gaming is slowly dying" thing. I haven't seen any actual evidence for the market shrinking yet (not that I have searched though, I guess), or any good arguments about what "disgust with current practices" is, and how it is known it's an actual unrest that will lead to consequences and not just people bitching about everything as usual. If you could elaborate on that too, I would be most obliged.
Honestly, from my biased viewpoint based on anecdotal evidence, it seemed that gaming is actually gaming more acceptance and spreading in the West (don't know much about the situation in Japan, despite the board I'm on). About the biggest reason why a console crush would happen would probably be because AAA games now need more sales to break even since they're growing in cost and consoles are kinda stagnating and have no idea where to go next besides "be more like PC, and ride on the waves of momentum and brand recognition". But both of those don't necessarily mean the hardcore gaming will just suddenly die or even shrink to the point where it's an actual danger, unless I'm just not getting the connection. It just seems weird to me that gaming would suddenly lose all the recognition (even if it might not be that much) it got just because consoles stopped coming out and AAA titles finally learned some self-restraint with the budget. Or maybe I just don't understand economy well enough, and how much console affect it all. But do you have any proof/train of thought that justifies exactly that happening?

>> No.15889033

Keep grasping at straws, either get a console for a japanese game or keep begging

>> No.15889065

You do realize even western AAA publishers know that money is more to be made in consoles rather than PC right? PC games rely solely on microtransactions with their P2w games and the traditional $60+ titles will always be on consoles. Japan is mostly consoles and moving heavily toward mobile.

I don't know what delusion you keep spouting that "consoles are dead" notion. Even nintendo is going mobile because of that not PC.

PC will never be a main thing in japan, your post reeks of /v/ so hard and posts like that keep derailing gust threads everytime.

>> No.15889086

Nobody is crying for ports, though. And I do have a console.
Not sure if you're addressing me or somebody else.
Um, I wasn't even the one claiming the console will die. It was the other guy. I was arguing that gaming won't die just from that, even if it happens (and I'm not even sure it would, honestly, which is why I asked for proof).
Also, I have no idea what PC making or not making money has to do with it. It's not what the argument was about.
And I wasn't even the one who began the argument, but you're right it's probably derailed the thread too much. I got kinda carried away with it. It began with arguing about Tsuchiya putting out a mobage, and whether it has to suck or not, so I thought it was justified, but it's stopped being about that quite a while ago.
I guess I'll drop the topic so the thread doesn't get even more derailed.

>> No.15891489

>And I wasn't even the one who began the argument, but you're right it's probably derailed the thread too much
It's not like the thread was alive before your discussion began. It's still relevant to Gust tangentially because if consoles die, Gust has to find somewhere to put their product

>> No.15891544

>Mind going a bit deeper into that?
Mostly it was just summarizing the later points under one term, i.e. the price reasons and the keyboard awkwardness.

>Again, what is the reason for that?
I don't actually know why they mark up the parts so high. Similar things happen with, say, Australian game prices being sky high compared to US ones. What the exact reasons for the prices are besides currency valuation differences, which I don't really think explain it entirely, I'm not sure.

>Isn't the issue mostly fixed, now that Unicode is ubiquitous and input method frameworks have gotten good and simple to use?
Has more to do with having to use 26 or so keys to represent a much larger number of characters I'd think. Sure they can adjust but it's harder than a simple "hit A for A", "hit Z for Z"

>You mean the "computers are for solitary otakus" thing? Or something else?
A large part of it would be that but I imagine there are other latent reasons that westerners like myself wouldn't naturally think of. I don't think it's as simple as the "Japanese are on the go, Japanese have small rooms so PCs take up too much space" type thing you sometimes hear though.

As far as gaming dying, I think console gaming is slowly dying, but right now the dudebros keep it afloat with things like CoD, Battlefield, Asscreed, GTA and sports games. If that chunk disappeared, console gaming would produce only a tiny amount of revenue, probably not enough to keep putting out the machines they do. As long as the dudebro market remains, consoles should remain viable.

As far as disgust with the horrible practices, just look at multiple season passes, devs lying about what content their games contain and reversing themselves later (NMS), cash shops for everything, SFV charging for color changing characters' clothing, etc. Games are getting regularly metabombed in their userscores on metacritic if they do even the slightest thing 'wrong' in the eyes of buyers. That's just the hardcore crowd though of course. Dudebros just don't care and buy what they like, and that ambivalence is about all that is keeping things going.

Anyway by the end of this gen we will know if the market has shrunk when comparing gen 7 numbers minus ~80 million Wii sales that we know were just a short term casual bubble to gen 8 numbers. Wii may have sold 100m but only 20m or so were non-bubble sales to Nintendo stalwarts.

>> No.15892820

Firis livestream soon


>> No.15893319

Anyone else following along with the trinary tweets? Koigasaki is spicy.

>> No.15894788

Examples? I don't use Twitter.

>> No.15894874

Oh, she's just seems like the shit-starter. there was a point where she got into the rest of their accounts and changed their twitter icons.

>> No.15896263

It's too much information to follow it.
I just want to enjoy a game without having to read thousands of inane tweets. Wake me up when we get actual material.

>> No.15896991

>It's too much information to follow it.
This, but unfortunately this is actual material.

I think what Tsuchiya is working toward is a full-on AR/multimedia project. The social media plus the mobage plus the animation together make up the full work.

I wouldn't be surprised if one of the tweets already contains a huge Chekhov's gun for later.

>> No.15898551


I really wish this guy never joined Gust. I hope this bombs like >>15879956 predicted.

>> No.15898626

What's so bad about that?

>> No.15898662

Nothing specifically. I just think he made a weak game and I'd rather they not continue with this series.

>> No.15899147

I predicted it wouldn't sell as well as the original, but I don't know if it'll bomb. I disagree that the original was a bad game as well. It was relatively shallow but otherwise fine. I'm hoping 2 will flesh out the combat and be more polished overall. I definitely don't want the series to die. Although if it turned out these games were the reason we weren't getting more EXA PICO stuff then yeah fuck this series. I don't think that's the case though.

>> No.15899408

That's selfish

>> No.15899707

Firis livestream going on now.

>> No.15900109

Maybe you should explain the Whys of your position

>> No.15900178
File: 2.88 MB, 1280x648, ガスト美少女祭り第1弾タイトル 『フィリスのアトリエ ~不思議な旅の錬金術士~』 発表会.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15900181
File: 2.89 MB, 1206x612, ガスト美少女祭り第1弾タイトル 『フィリスのアトリエ ~不思議な旅の錬金術士~』 発表会2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15900212
File: 2.79 MB, 853x480, ガスト美少女祭り第1弾タイトル 『フィリスのアトリエ ~不思議な旅の錬金術士~』 発表会3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15900220
File: 821 KB, 853x480, ガスト美少女祭り第1弾タイトル 『フィリスのアトリエ ~不思議な旅の錬金術士~』 発表会4.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15900236

I see frame drops

>> No.15900265
File: 1.82 MB, 1067x600, ガスト美少女祭り第1弾タイトル 『フィリスのアトリエ ~不思議な旅の錬金術士~』 発表会5.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15900371

She is so happy to Create

>> No.15900484

It wouldn't be a Gust game without them.

>> No.15900993

I'm so tempted to drop 30k yen on a collector's box of Firis, and then another 20k on Yoruku2.

>> No.15901240

Do it, the highest Firis LE is sold out though

>> No.15902694

Only do that if you're an experienced buyfag.

>> No.15902800
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A lot better than the elemental spirits from Sophie.

>> No.15902861
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Left was better.

>> No.15902910


>> No.15903329
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why'd her hair and eyes change from blood red to boring brown?

>> No.15903596

Probably because Sophie already had that color.

>> No.15903701

Well I mean I'll be in Japan for a few months with a static address and shipping from Gust to within the country is free so it's really more of "do I really want to spend this much money".

>> No.15907381
File: 304 KB, 640x691, bestgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone seen sheet music for EXEC_SPHILIA/? I can't find a thing.

>> No.15907466

Dream. No song aside of the three opening themes, the ending themes to the first two games and Reisha's Lullaby have oficial sheet music.

>> No.15907611

So, nothing as extensive as Ar Nosurge, where there was an available score for twelve tunes, including the synthesis songs, that came out as a bonus on some of the packages.

>> No.15908136

Correct. The GenoMusica was more of an exception, as it can be se en from the contents of the Hymmnotes.

>> No.15911378

Yeah left of the current Firis us better

>> No.15913039
File: 628 KB, 576x637, isthatglazeordid...nevermind.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trinaries making ... cookies?
kaguya: Tsubame-chan made some kind of strange animal.
tsubame: Whaaaat? It's not strange, they're bears!! ヾ(。>﹏<。)ノ゙

>> No.15913409

The long braid would have been nice.

>> No.15913755

So we'll probably have Atelier characters in Musou Stars... if enough people voted.


>> No.15913864

It still resembles a bear more than Ion's did. Ion's honestly resembled an evil frog, I think.
This one actually does kinda look like a bear. It also looks a little bit like a piglet and it certainly doesn't have the fur color a real bear would have, but I can kinda see the connection, at least.

>> No.15914030

Musou as a genre is really running wild now, isn't it?

>> No.15914595

At first I thought it looked they looked like bears...
But now all I can see are mutilated koalas.

>> No.15914799


More huge chested sluts announced. My favorite. It's not as if we didn't already have enough of them.

>> No.15915019
File: 287 KB, 1920x1186, 014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15916000

Are you talking about Ion's bears or Tsubame's bears?

>> No.15916011

Being cute on twitter.
Really these cookies look like piglets.

>> No.15916203

They look great

>> No.15916204

Number of characters in Sophie: 16

Number of characters in Firis: 29 (so far)

Jesus christ, Gust. Quality over quantity. We don't need Escha and Logy. We don't need Pamela (does anybody honestly even like her). We don't need Leon 2.0 (waste of a party member slot). We don't need all these old village elder fucks either.

>> No.15916223

No they don't.

>> No.15916231
File: 190 KB, 1652x556, 1465134811617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't play the game, but having large cast can be interesting too if they do it right though.

>> No.15916242

I need all the Bishoujo Matsuri games.

Are Atelier games import-friendly?

>> No.15916262

>Haven't play the game

It's not out yet. For all we know there still may be more unannounced characters (likely more dudes, old people, and absurd titty sluts). I just think they're going to have trouble with such a big cast.

>Are Atelier games import-friendly?

Not really.

>> No.15916331

>We don't need Pamela (does anybody honestly even like her).
Does anyone honestly dislike her?

Because I'll fight you.

>> No.15916362

I can't stand her. She's annoying as all fuck.

>> No.15916377
File: 153 KB, 960x544, 2016-06-20-235753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can ghosts be annoying if they don't exist?

>> No.15916525

Ion's 'bears' look like homicidal frogs to me.

>> No.15917156

You can't spell "disgusting" without "Gust"!

>> No.15917694

This is trails right? I've seen the thread sometimes, seems interesting.

>> No.15918861

Based Gust.

>> No.15919200

If all atelier girls are there they would be the most powerful ones because they have mini nukes in ther cute little pouches

>> No.15919368
File: 167 KB, 724x1024, Nights-of-Azure-2-Bride-of-the-New-Moon_2016_10-03-16_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15919375

Is Nights of Azure worth even playing?

>> No.15919381

Only if you really like yuri because the gameplay is mediocre.
It does have great music however.

>> No.15919592

I hate that this became the english title

>> No.15921042

There have been worse ones. I saw a game called "Suck my dick or die!" oncve

>> No.15921122

The game plays fine, and combat has some depth to it, but the problem is the game is so damn easy that you never need to make use of your abilities or effectively command your servans. I died once during my entire playthrough, and that was to an optional post-game boss. Despite the low difficulty I still found it fun to turn my brain off and clear out areas. Reminded me of playing PSO offline years ago. The characters start off bland but I found they all became pretty likeable by the end, and the story was solid. The music is fantastic as that anon said. I'd suggest watching some gameplay videos and going from there.

>> No.15922647

NoA is an old style JRPG, like Chrono Trigger or FF6. Brain dead easy. But that isn't a bad thing. No frustration, no worries. Go play Nioh afterwards for challenge.

>> No.15923121

Can you fuck the girl with the big titties in NoA?

>> No.15923749

Yuri girls don't fuck that's crude

>> No.15923981

They gon' get loved tenderly

>> No.15924165

Yes, yes it is. /jp/ didn't talk about it though, visit /m/ sometimes.

>> No.15927576
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>> No.15927747

Ion is perfect.

>> No.15931073
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>> No.15931078
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>> No.15931106

12 endings I'm guessing means each major character will get one. So 8 character endings, 4 'other'. If you're going in blind, what will you be aiming for? Ilmeria here.

>> No.15931126

Threesome with sophie and plachta ending

>> No.15932263
File: 707 KB, 1000x1057, 654fg65d4fg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only one worth caring about obviously. They should have just made the game Sophie 2.

>> No.15932860

Does the DLCs of Ar Tonelico 3 add anything interesting really?

Finding this game in my SEA country is hell

>> No.15934394

The Elemia Island story is amusing, and at the end you get to hug At Ru, as much as the PS3 interface allows. (This really needs a port to a more modern VR-enabled system.)

>> No.15938074
File: 510 KB, 1425x1660, 1475300214372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The highest tier for the Firis LE isn't available anywhere anymore, I wanted that metal keychain set so bad.

I'm so sad

>> No.15940063

RIP in peace. I hope she made it back to earth just fine

>> No.15940597

She did. Her voicemail in a linked game and the extra story to the second LN are proof of that.

>> No.15943032

Left or middle > right

>> No.15943181
File: 143 KB, 1366x768, 1475984377250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15943682

Middle? Yes. Left? Fuck no.

>> No.15943972

I don't really need anything for an LE besides the soundtracks. That's what Gust is more famous for anyway.

>> No.15945237

Gust shop sells the Yoruku premium box GS combo set at 14,364 yen (middle column)

Amiami sells an almost identical set at 11,124 yen

I checked if there was a similar deal on for Firis, sadly there isn't.
I already preordered Yoruku through the Gust shop so I guess that's a loss of 3240 yen for me.

>> No.15945558

tapestry vs acrylic plate

>> No.15948542

Actually, I was looking for a combo set that included the sound track.

>> No.15958117
File: 940 KB, 1067x600, 11-2発売予定【フィリスのアトリエ】オープニングムービー9.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15958142

I keep hearing about these Yuuki Nei LNs here, but is there a summary or translation available?
I haven't been able to find anything of the sort.

>> No.15958189

The only combos that include the soundtracks are
the Special Collection Music Combo Set (29,916円) or the GS Saikyou Galaxy Combo Set (33,156円).

It looks like they still have the Music Combo sets available (フィリスのアトリエ
スペシャルコレクションボックスGSミュージックコンボセット) so get your Gust Shop on before they run out. Galaxy is urikire though.

>> No.15959833

>atelier musou.
I never knew I wanted this

>> No.15960091
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>> No.15960100
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>> No.15960113
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>> No.15960116
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>> No.15960123
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>> No.15960431

Damn, that's cute.

>> No.15960762


>> No.15961040

the designs aren't ugly but i'm triggered about them being 10 heads talls

>> No.15961050

Twins are the best ones we've seen so far. Shihori doesn't look good at all.

>> No.15962460

3D models look great.
Probably the only thing Koei Tecmo has contributed to Gust, to be honest. Their 3D modelling team.

>> No.15962993

If I had to sacrifice one thing in a GUST game, it would probably be 3D models.

>> No.15963294

I will agree with you but only if it then merges with Vanillaware for their amazing sprite work.

>> No.15964529


Concept trailer.

>> No.15964554

I can't get over how long their necks are in this render. The normal schoolgirl game screenshots look nice but this one just looks weird to me.

>> No.15964579
File: 778 KB, 2000x1391, TotoMimi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mel has a bad case of long neck syndrome. I still love this CG regardless though.

>> No.15964774

It looks, really pretty, if anything. I like the field of flowers aesthetic.

>> No.15968147

Anyone else was playing Ar Nosurge and thing this guy has aspergers?

>> No.15971865

So is it true that in order to unlock Ciel's true ending you need to do Sekai Link? Looks like I really should have bought the Japanese version of Ar nosurge instead of the English one.

>> No.15972168

It's true. You aren't given the choices for that ending if you don't have the Church date spot card and the Polar's Memory III costume, and you can only get the recipe for the later if you carried out a Sekai Link.

>> No.15973658

"True ending" isn't a thing with Ciel.
There is a post-game bonus that you'll get if you sekailink a completed ciel nosurge and ar nosurge game.

But that's just two voicemails and a picture.

Are you even picking up your voicemails now?

>> No.15978959
File: 380 KB, 1000x2223, AtelierFiris-46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Even more new characters. At least I finally got another young, cute girl that doesn't have stupidly huge tits.

Fritz is back too.

>> No.15978964
File: 620 KB, 1280x720, AtelierFiris-3-111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15978970
File: 828 KB, 1280x720, AtelierFiris-3-112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15979442
File: 295 KB, 724x1024, 4f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More Nights of Azure 2 characters revealed

>> No.15981336
File: 254 KB, 474x1024, Nights-of-Azure-2_2016_10-16-16_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And we finally got trailer with actual gameplay too

Looks very nice to me


>> No.15982906

Jump button confirmed

>> No.15986587

Enemies look like they're just standing around.

...Exactly like those Musou games that KT keeps churning out.

>> No.15988695
File: 259 KB, 900x1200, 1447980666942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like how the enemies are glitching around because the pathing AI can't into going around other pathing creatures to get within attack range of the player.

It's like they are reusing the AT3 enemy AI.

Oh well, at least the girl with the two eyes is cute.

>> No.15991008

She's basically female Professor Arukado.
Were the two male gag characters in Yoruku1 so unpopular?

>> No.15991059
File: 513 KB, 1891x945, 1464284274850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The game will be available digitally in North America, and both physically and digitally in Europe. In both North America and Europe, however, NIS America will sell a $54.99 / £49.99 limited edition via its online store.

>both physically and digitally in Europe
Sounds great. Hope more gust games get a normal physical release from now on.

>> No.15991325

Both audio tracks will be on the cart, too. No DLC nonsense.

>> No.15992127


I guess I'm not buying this.

>> No.15992184

Does it say something yuri relevant in these scans? Shiori seems like she hangs out with lots of dudes.

>> No.15995944

New Atelier Oppai videos. We should be getting character trailers soon since it releases November 2nd. Any Japanese proficient anons playing it on release? Hopefully someone will quickly upload the CG set again.




>> No.15996012
File: 183 KB, 595x842, Ion_food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought you got a bonus scene at the end of Ciel if you beat Ar Nosurge and sekai linked, as well.

>> No.15996894

Actually, the events leading to the ending change quite a bit, letting it conclude in brighter note.

>> No.15999009

Getting nip release for the vita. I'm pretty bad at finishing main objectives in games though so the English release will be out before I make any notable progress.

>> No.16002743

You get a voicemail and a picture if you have a cielno and arno clear via sekailink.

But in terms of endings, each is fully complete.

What >>15996894 references is some different conversation as part of the ending in Ciel to account for the fact that you already cleared arno and know things.

It's definitely not a "true" ending. That whole "only way to get true end" bullshit line was a fabrication that /jrpgg/ (good riddance) used to troll ar nosurge in english.

The picture and voicemail were just a bonus nod for ciel players.

>> No.16003103

The true ending is the sense of closure followed by depression after you experienced life with Ion over two years and then helped her save Ra Ciela and return home.

>> No.16008635

>The picture and voicemail were just a bonus nod for ciel players.

Not really, I mean, Ar NoSurge's "Ion true" ends with Ion traveling the center of the cosmos, without any sort of resolution on whether or not it succeeded. The picture and voice mail are needed to really provide solace to the player -- at least, until the empty colony ship collides with the new planet as Hermes shows. ;_; Cas

>> No.16010721

By the way, is the center of cosmos really so close to Ra Ciela (perhaps because the universe doesn't expand), or does the scene with Ion and Nero actually happen billions of years after they set out on their journey, and Soreil is just really well-built, including its cryogenic equipment? It almost seems there as if not much time have passed, considering how they speak about it.

>> No.16011023


I think it's more that the scenario writers simply don't understand the scales involved for either time or distance.

And with nothing really explained, there's enough gray area for one of the un-translated ar nosurge novels to retcon the gap as they explain player 2's backstory.

>> No.16011784

>I think it's more that the scenario writers simply don't understand the scales involved for either time or distance.
That seems dubious with Tsuchiya at the helm.

>> No.16013547

Mind if I ask what you refer to by "Hermes"? I can't recall anything regarding it

>> No.16020948

the will of Ar Ciel that shows up and gives Cas her final song magic

>> No.16020988

It was Horus.
Hermes is a greek messenger god who doesn't have anything to do with Ar Ciel.
Also, I always thought the colony ship coliding with Ar Ciel was just a pretty visual, or something. If it's not, I don't envy Ar Cielans and Ar Ciel itself, there's no way this thing is gonna have a weaker impact than Grathnode Inferia did.
Meteorites are serious shit.

>> No.16021048

It was just a visual.

Yes, really. In terms of the games, their ends are their ends.

The only difference a sekailink makes in either is if you cleared Ar nosurge first and then hit the Ciel end, and that's just dialogue to account for your existing knowledge alleviating some unknowns.

There are no other "true ending"s in the game aside from that, and sekailink being required for a true end is false.

>> No.16025498

It started with an 'H' and it's been a while since I played through it, cut me some slack......

And why do you think the planet being collided with is Ar Ciel? It's literally the same planet created in the background of the final boss fight.


That epilogue lets you know whether or not the "true end" was an actual ending or just a cliff hanger. The ending on its own is literally a "true end...?" with no indication that the story gets resolved.

That epilogue is significantly more important than an easter egg of bonus ion dialogue for those with a sekailink clear. It provides the player knowledge that it was, indeed, a "true end".
Also, sekailink requirement for it to show is on the same level as failing to make the true/normal end changing item requirement. It meets the definition of an alternate ending, because you must do additional work to get that ending scene.

>> No.16026771

Can't spell "disgusting" without "gust"

>> No.16027627

How much am I gonna miss if I skip ar tonelico 2 before starting 3

Miss in terms cameos and references and such

PC is broken for a good amount of time and the only thing here is my fresh copy of Ar Tonelico 3

>> No.16027918

You'll miss playing the best game in the series, for one thing.

Also AT3 does pull a fair bit of plot strands that were left hanging from the second game, not like you won't understand the story or anything but you will miss out on a few things.

>> No.16028808

There's at least one major character who returns from AT2. Pretty important, might be hard to understand what the character's subplot was all about without context. And the character plays a pretty major role in the main story too.
Not impossible, though, they do explain most of it, I think.

>> No.16031343

I just arrived in Tokyo. Any of the music collection anons can tell me if there are any CD's I should be looking for?

>> No.16034421

>Start watching a lp of AT 3 because fuck playing it in front of my familie
>30min in and I already want to murder every characters

What the fuck. AT1 and 2 were weebshit but 3 seems to be so fucking worse. The english voices are garbarge, the plot is already cliche and everything is dumb.

>> No.16034937

>The english voices are garbarge, the plot is already cliche and everything is dumb.

Oh come now, you haven't even gotten to the super cringy harem cliche moments yet.

>> No.16035122

>playing anything by Gust other than PS3 and 4 Atelier games
>ever using English dubs

>> No.16035551

>Not liking Finnel, the second best girl
>Not using godly Japanese voice
Fix this.

>> No.16036550

Well fuck

It's the guy doing the playthrough who's using the english voice. He doesn't talk and he seems to have a relativly complete playthrough so I'm sticking with him.

>> No.16036556
File: 369 KB, 800x1184, a0901_cd5364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the combination you are objecting to, right? I mean, Mana Khemia is a good game, but the English dub didn't do all the characters justice.

>> No.16037449

Ar Nosurge is better than most of the HD Atelier games.

>> No.16038491

Alright I'm dropping AT3's LP the story and character are just bad.

I'm just going to read the story somewhere and listen to the ost.

>> No.16038741


You know someone is baiting when they say this sort of idiocy. And doubly so if you really think reading a summary can replicate the emotional impact of the game's last stretch.

As if everything that happens from Phadr 2 onwards were only cliches.

>> No.16038905

To be fair, all EXA_PICO games' plots mostly get really good past Phase 1.
I think AT2 and AnS somewhat escape that with their Act 1 being better than usual (though AnS Act 1 isn't "really" Act 1 of the story), but even in them it gets better the further you go in.
I think it's because you get to the deeper levels of Cosmospheres (which is where the characters get fun) and the characters actually start to explain stuff to you (i.e., the story starts to depend more on pay-offs and self-consistency than on drama, and Gust does the first two a lot better).

>> No.16039744

Anyone know if there's sheet music for:

I can't find it myself, and I wanted to start trying to play it now that I've been playing the violin for over a year, but I lack the ear needed to transcribe it myself at this point.

>> No.16040635

I thought it was decent, could have done with an actual budget though.

>> No.16040742

>tfw Surge Concerto didn't have the budget to make more than two NPC models.

>> No.16040761


AT2's phase 1 is the best part of the game actually. Phase 2 is just weird as fuck in all kinds of ways (especially gameplay), while past that the story becomes surprisingly retarded. I didn't even remember it that well till I replayed it last year. Though in hindsight I did realize why I forgot certain deaths and whatnot.. you just can't take seriously what AT2 shits out in its second half. For the most part. (the third reyvateil's cosmosphere is alright and all, as are the later shop-segments and whatnot.) It's probably roughly true for the other AT games, although I still think AT1 is a relatively consistent adventure. AT3 however should fit. Also the series in general also fits. AT1 barely has any real background stuff about the tower and mechanics of the world.. AT2 changes this and AT3 is probably the best with its overall worldbuilding. (Also has a rather nice gray main-conflict)

That said, I dunno how much of that was influenced by playing Luca's route. My first playthrough was the other route and.. well.. let's just say it's a REALLY dumb idea to bother with Luca's route. Although for different reasons than why you shouldn't do Misha's route in AT1. (And probably do Finnel's in AT3, though I actually never bothered with Saki so I can only say what I've heard in this case) Luca is simply a bitch. That's all there is to it. And the character works WAY better if you don't do her route, because then she actually has to get past her bitchiness and you don't have to embrace, understand and "support" it.

>> No.16040914


For a poorfag, you seem delusional enough that you believe you actually know the purchasing and playing behavior of the middle class and rich people of your own country despise your lack of actual information.
More so delusional enough to create a bullshit scenario based on your lack of information and several tabloid articles.

>> No.16040957

So what, should I just suffer through phase I? Because, when I stopped, it was pretty much your average echi anime.

Also the Hymn aren't as good as before.

>> No.16041073

Hell no, AT3 has the best Hymns in the entire series. You haven't heard anything yet.
Also, it does get better, I feel. I felt that once the plot gets into gear, AT3 main plot is actually really good. Not that there weren't things I was dissatisfied about, but there have been such things in every game in the series. The characters are still arguably worse than AT2, but there are a couple breakouts. For example, the third Reyvateil is REALLY good here. And I really enjoyed Cosmospheres here too, having other characters in it might have somewhat diluted the focus, but it also made them a lot more fun to go through.
Also, it's actually got quite a few endings. I kinda enjoyed that too. Only one (with alterations for the main girl) is true, though.
Not like AT ever didn't have ecchi anime-tier scenes here and there. It's kinda just how the series is, I feel.
If you can't handle Phase 1, it's fine, I guess. I would wonder how you got so far into the series if you can't handle a bit of cliche, but it is a normal reason to drop it. Still, I think not dropping it was worth it for me. I did play it myself, though.
Hell, it's probably worth it just for the whole payoff of "we need to save the planet" subplot that was present throughout the whole series.

>> No.16041078

Is it weird that I consider it the best EXA_PICO game?
Because I do. I absolutely fell in love with it.
Then again, I am also the guy who loved 1 more than 2.

>> No.16041228

The story only gets better from Phase 3 on and you can only get a good picture for Luca herself in her route. That you say she comes off worse in it and that the story becomes retarded only serves to make you look like an utter retard.

>> No.16041239

There isn't. Ciel nosurge didn't even get a score file for its opening theme.

>> No.16041293

Well, alright I'll keep watching

>I would wonder how you got so far into the series if you can't handle a bit of cliche

Because there was interessing stuff beside the cliche. AT1 had its setting to get me interested and AT2 had the whole Goddess thing.

For the moment, AT3 is just a harem protagonist, a reverse trap, a retard and a "lol so clumsy" girl who just happen to be the bestest evil assasin who dress up as a retarded clown..

I pretty much dislike every characters right now but maybe it'll get better.

>> No.16041347

Then there will be interesting stuff further on. The beginning is pretty weak, I agree with that.
>harem protagonist
Fair enough.
>reverse trap
Dunno, I like her and the banter. Not sure if you figured out who she is yet.
>a retard
Fair enough.
I'm still endlessly amused about how Ion is basically a better Saki when it comes down to it. I guess it's somewhat worth it watching her just to see Tsuchiya salvage the archetype later on with incredible success. It was pretty amusing how the same archetype was my least favourite character in one game, and a freaking waifu-tier goddess in the next.
>"lol so clumsy" girl who just happen to be the bestest evil assasin who dress up as a retarded clown
Oh, you have no idea, do you. That's actually one of the most interesting plot points in the game. And Finnel herself is actually OK too.
I feel that overall AT3 somehow gives the most screentime to the least relatable characters, but there would be more interesting ones further on, even with freaking Saki. And hell, the third Reyvateil is really great.
I hope you like it, and I wasn't just convincing a man to watch something he will hate. But it really does get better.

>> No.16041421
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I knew who she was as soon as Finnel started talking about to her about the Hearth. I never really cared about her but right now she's probably the best character. But that's not saying much.

For now, I mostly hope it will have more mecha stuff than AT2 since I started playing the serie because of the Towers and this pic.

>> No.16041470

I do like her a lot more in AT3. I think she gets a lot better once she starts being as snarky as her brother, and I really felt she was one of the more relatable, competent and sane characters in the game, despite not having her own Cosmosphere. She was honestly kinda boring in AT2. Then again, almost the entire party was kinda boring in AT2, except for Reyvateils. Not that Gust ignored them completely, they did give each one his own subplot, but honestly, these subplots were pretty one-dimensional, I always thought. Nothing compared to Cosmospheres, in any case. However, I feel, Gust really did get better at fleshing out support characters further on, probably beginning somewhere in this game.
There won't be much of straightaway "mecha" (if you mean robots and machines, not counting weird alien physics and compsci references) involved in plot but the Tower does play a bigger role here than in AT2 (literally), and it does have its own unique quirks too. If you get off on Tower lore like I do, this one will not disappoint you, I think.
Oh, and yeah, this pic is from AnS. God do I love this scene.
You want mecha? You want sci-fi? You will like Ar no Surge.

>> No.16041517

I felt like there were a lot of really great ideas in it, and it had some really awesome segments, but taken as a whole it felt kind of incohesive, and the world in general felt very lifeless compared to the other games. Also battle system was fun for the first hour or two until you realized it was never going to introduce another new concept to you after that point, and was basically a shittier version of AT2's, and song magic still mostly cosmetic rather than the actual variety of shit you can do in the first two games. A lot of plot points seemed to be kind of squandered and never go anywhere as well.

Though I will say the entire relationship development with Ion and the player was surprisingly well done and believable considering it was basically an extended fourth wall break.

>> No.16041623

Maybe. Dunno, I really got used to the setting more as it went on. It is probably a bit of a downgrade from Ar Ciel, though.
Unless you mean not the setting but the game, in which case I don't get how it is incohesive. I mean, I heard it from other people, and I just don't get what that even means.
I loved the setting of Soreil and how they handled the politics of it. I think it would've been more immersive if there were more locations and more random citizens to talk to, but it most likely has to do with lack of budget.
>battle system shittier version of AT2
You've got that backwards. It's AT2 battle system that is incomplete version of AnS battle system. At least in this one there are actual tactics and your whole performance doesn't depend only on how good you can do in Defence Phase. In AT2 the whole Attack Phase is basically spamming the one emotion you want to fill, and switching to another one when it's full, and there's barely any time to do anything more complex than that. I guess you also occasionally throw a healing item if you're fighting a boss. In AnS you often have to think very carefully to get the most rewards out of battle or sometimes even to beat one monster.
Also, the bosses are brutal and the fights are fun until the very end of the game, because of how extensive the upgrade system is, how much the items you have affect how you battle, enemies that have their own quirks (teleporters, unbreakables and turn stealers, for example) and many unique attacks each of which is useful in a particular situation. Also, for as much as break seems like something that would simplify every battle, even it has its own nuance, and sometimes it's beneficial not to break or to decide which one enemy you want to break and which one you want to block.
Also, it's just really exciting to fight. Which is what the intention was.
Plus, how is not gonna introduce a new concept to you, when you literally still get new moves (not much, but still) and items even at end-game?
Did you by any chance not play on Veteran? I fail to see how the battle system in AnS was anything but excellent.
>song magic mostly cosmetic
I guess so, but I just really liked the Song Magic release animations, and the overall imagery of them. Also, I think the way they're used (to skip dozens of random battles in a row) is ingenious. There have also been quite a few situations where I was barely alive, and the Song Magic stopped charging at exactly the right moment for me to win. These were great.
>a lot of plot points seemed to be kind of squandered
For example?

>> No.16041636


The addition of being able to altar any of the heroines personalities to outgoing masochist was ground breaking.
The heroine's personality having no effect on anything aside from minor passive status effect buffs in combat was a massive disappointment.

>> No.16041656

>affect heroines' personalities
It's honestly the one feature I don't get.
It just seems weird that apparently your every action can make heroine from outgoing to introspective, and from masochistic to sadistic, but ONLY these two particular traits are flailing about wildly, everything else stays the same.
Also, it would've worked better if half the choices that swing your alignment wildly in a different direction weren't necessary to continue and if the alignment didn't change about a dozen of times during the game. It just made it look like I made Ion schizophrenic by messing with her mind.
And the whole "you can affect other people's minds too and then they're gonna affect Ion during songs" makes the whole thing even more confusing.
I really don't get why it's here, considering you can't control it unless you pick dumb options and replay Genometrics dozens of times, and considering there seems to be no pattern or reason to it.
I'm honestly just happy it didn't affect more.

>> No.16041660

For whatever it's worth, there was a "disable Purge" option in the settings (not sure how much it actually disables, probably just the lewd closeups or something, never turned it on), and Cosmosphere have a Panic button, I think, on Select.
I only figured the second one out once I've gone through most of the game, though.

>> No.16043131

For all doujinmusicbros, Stellatram released their third AT-inspired album todayesterday in M3.

>> No.16043141

Oh nice. I like their stuff

>> No.16043455


If you can, would you please try to find the following:


Thank you for your time.

Great news, thanks, anon.

>> No.16047116

Nah, I think it's the best too.

>> No.16047158

What's wrong with doing Misha's route? I did hers first and then Aurica's. The only part that stuck out to me as worse than Aurica's was getting lost in the tower. Still like Misha better as a character even though neither are particularly great.

>> No.16047250

Misha's route is non-canon and focuses so much on her that it gives no context to the Phase 2 storyline, giving trouble following the story to players who didn't play Aurica's route first.

That without mentioning Misha has next to no character development and that she is much of a liar as Luca is at the start of AT2.

>> No.16047334

They're both still a lot better than Saki and Finnel

>> No.16047489

Mishya > Finnel > Orica > Saki

>> No.16048115

As if the AT1 Cosmospheres could even hold a candle to those of the sequels.

>> No.16048119

Confirmed for shit taste.

>> No.16050310

Best order for playing the Atelier games? Should I just start with the PS3 Arland trilogy and work my way from there? I've played a bit of Escha&Logy and Sophia but never got past the first copule months in either.

>> No.16051328

Start with either Rorona Plus, Ayesha, or Sophie. All start their own sub-series. Rorona and Ayesha also happen to be the two best in the series. Didn't get around to playing Sophie yet so I can't vouch for that one.

>> No.16051540

Was Rorona's "Plus" the only one that actually significantly revamped the game?

>> No.16051553

Firis combo pack is on its way!
Now the painful week and a half wait for it to get here.

>> No.16052232

Where did you order it from? I ordered the LE from Amiami so it should arrive by Monday at the latest.

>> No.16052687

Now my wait for spoilers begins.

>> No.16053036
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>> No.16053075


>> No.16053096
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I still like the SophiePlachta one more. I've been using this as my desktop background ever since Sophie first released and don't plan on changing it.

>> No.16053106
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>> No.16053161
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>> No.16053171
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>> No.16053410

Man, did anyone upload it yet? I lack the dosh to buy it myself at the moment

>> No.16053497

Hell I'm buried under a musical backlog and while I still have Shikata to buy, I don't have the money to buy anything else

>> No.16054903

I ordered the music box special from Gust Shop so I have to wait for my reshipper to get it, get it in the system, pay, then ship over.

>> No.16054914

Firis OST upload when?

>> No.16055050

You're a greedy bastard, aren't you? Any anons in Japan should have it already, but the rest of us need a week or so to even get our preorders.

>> No.16056393
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I bought it, it's currently holding up my firis order.

>> No.16056548

Yes. After Sophie, the music is the only thing about Atelier that excites me. Though Firis looks pretty good.

>> No.16057180

OST is up on nyaa.


>> No.16057289

...and EMS+Tenso is pure rape. 88 burgerbucks to send it state-side.

>> No.16057409

Pretty much. Despite what people like to claim, the original Rorona is still good. But Plus overhauled and improved nearly every aspect. It wasn't called Plus in Japan as it was more of a remake than the actual "Plus" games. The other ones mainly added a few bells and whistles, although Ayesha Plus is the only way to play with the Japanese voiceovers via a localized copy. Whether that's important or not is up to you.

>> No.16058251

For anons playing, how many days left did you have when you (first major goal spoiler) finished the boat? I have 210, not sure if that's plenty or if I'm way behind. I did waste a lot of time not realizing I had Escha's event to trigger.

>> No.16058482

I've tried Mandarake Nakano, Shibuya so far. Nothing. I'll try all Trader shops tomorrow.

>> No.16058515


you missed one

>> No.16058621
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Hard difficulty really doesn't fuck around. I've basically just been avoiding all remotely challenging battles so far. I guess I should stop and try to synthesize some better gear, but with the time limit I feel like it's better to just keep going onward until the game doesn't let me anymore, and worry about gear in the endgame when there's no time limit.

>> No.16059470

Come on GUST/KT, you even delayed the game, fix your bugs.


>> No.16063236

By the time I got home with my copy of Firis at 11 AM or so launch day, Patch 1.01 was already available. From the youtube it sounds like that uploader was a midnight DL player, so it may already be fixed.

>> No.16063462

Firis in snow outfit is criminally cute

>> No.16064622

>I ordered the music box special from Gust Shop
Music box? Or just a bunch of CDs?

>> No.16065943 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.16066143

I keep listening to the preview for the new Stellatram album

Where is it

I need it

>> No.16066526 [SPOILER] 
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Timed portion done in 32 hours. On to the postgame.

That fucking quiz, only 9/20 questions right for me. First two I missed just because I didn't see how goddamn fast the timer was.

>> No.16066807

>quiz on a timer
Is this part of every Atelier game?
Wanted to try one but I'm a pretty slow moon reader.

>> No.16066920

As far as I can remember, there was nothing like this in Rorona, Totori, Meruru, Ayesha, E&L, Shallie or Sophie.

10 seconds per question. That's 10 seconds to read the question, read the 4 possible answers, and pick the right one. No pausing.

>> No.16067331

More or less like in Elie.

>> No.16067464

Are screenshots possible during the quiz?

>> No.16067678
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I wish more of this game took place in the snow areas, snow outfit Firis is too adorable.

Not sure, didn't try. You wouldn't be able to just film/screenshot your quiz and then redo it though, checking some wikis it appears that while there are 20 questions, the questions that get asked are random.

A lot of them are stuff like 'In which area can you gather [Ingredient]?', 'Is [Name] an item trait, or an effect'?, 'Out of the following four synthesis, which is the [most difficult, least difficult, longest time taking] one'? 'What does [Property A] + [Property B] synthesize into?'. Basically, even if you had a cheat sheet wiki next to you, by the time you look over and try to find the answer, time's up. Wiki says you can't pause with PS button either.

You can make up for a bad written test score by doing well on the other two parts of the test, so it's not vital that you ace the written part anyhow.

>> No.16067787

By timed portion do you mean the first year? I got the impression that part wouldn't be that long.

>> No.16068417 [SPOILER] 
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Proxy is surprisingly fast. I haven't even started the Sophie DLC yet.

>> No.16070293

Why the hell is AT 3 so goddamn fast?

I only played 1 (yes kill me for skipping 2 cause pc is broken) thats been overdrived but it felt longer than AT 3

>phase 4
What heresy is this?

>> No.16070395

>Why the hell is AT 3 so goddamn fast?
It felt like it took forever to get through for me, but that's probably because the combat weighs it down so heavily

>> No.16070758
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real alchemist hours

>> No.16071280

I sold my ps4 to my cousin so I can buy the pro so I still can't play Firis until the 10th

>> No.16071312


>> No.16071917

Does the PS Vita version of Firis require fw 3.61? My copy should arrive tomorrow so I need to know if I need to pick up a second ps tv so I can play it.

>> No.16072499
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Who's the cutest Atelier?

>> No.16072589


>> No.16072680


>> No.16072691
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>> No.16073871

It does, sadly

>> No.16074295
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Why is she so perfect?

>> No.16074362

Gust senpai, can we put together an Atelier vocab list for Firis importers?

>> No.16074420

Has anybody finished it yet?

>> No.16075652 [SPOILER] 
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44 hours in, not yet. I've cleared the conditions for Ilmeria's ending when the time comes though, I think.

They weren't kidding when they said the timed part is just the beginning.

>> No.16075689

Has there been any yuri-ish interactions or scenes between Sophie and Plachta? Any CGs with just them in it? It might still be too early but I may as well ask now since I'm getting really curious. What's the context of the one you posted? Any token obvious straight girls who clearly want the D this time around?

>> No.16075708

I'm too early to answer most of that, haven't even finished Sophie/Plachta's pre-ending events, or seen Ilmeria's ending.

The context of that scene is Ilmeria and Firis having a bit of a fight and making up with each other by buying each other the stuffed animals at Nanna's shop that they liked.

I haven't seen her ending yet but no explicit /u/ so far, just good friends. Ilmeria feels sort of like a cross between Cordelia and Mimi. For Sophie & Plachta, again I'm not done with their events yet, but one joke scene where Firis walks in on Sophie 'adjusting' Plachta's body and it sounds lewd from behind a door, so she barges in flustered and stammering asking what the hell she and Plachta were doing

Anyway, it's too early to say, I need to actually finish the game first.

>> No.16075749

If by "perfect" you mean the most flawed Reyvateil in existence.

>> No.16076170

Well, that sucks. I guess it would be a good idea to get a ps tv just for imports.

>> No.16077540 [SPOILER] 
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Okay, well I was never expecting explicit yuri but rather just cute scenes between girls that show how close they are. It sound like the SophiePlachta scene you mentioned is sort of like pic related. It's interesting because this was drawn before the game came out. This scene didn't have a CG, did it?

>> No.16083534

The Gust Shop music box combo set.
Contained firis premium box, plus vocal and soundtrack CDs, additional tapestries, and the crystal paperweights.

Was one step down from the Galaxy's Strongest GS Special Combo.

>> No.16084452
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New thread
