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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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15787186 No.15787186 [Reply] [Original]

"pizza" edition



>P.T.A. DVD Vol. 7

http://www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=636109 (starter pack)
http://www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=639631 (PTA 1-6)
http://www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=642330 (2 subbed concerts: Yoyogi, Tokyo Dome)

>> No.15787205
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First for Yuka

>> No.15787206
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I'm a normie and I can't wait for tonight. I'm going to bully so many /jp/s!

>> No.15787219
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I approve of this edition. 11 hours to go..

>> No.15787263

You can clearly see they're trying their best to hide their disgust

>> No.15787267

I kind of wish I did come earlier now, it looks like there's a good amount of people cutting. Too turnt up last night desu

>> No.15787270

>live squid, yum!
>this bread with sauce and cow milk is weird

>> No.15787373

My offer still stands! You guys can join me in my spot!

>> No.15787386

That's a strange looking 'za.

>> No.15787443

Where's your spot? What offer?

>> No.15787464

Pink jacket blue beanie guy right?

>> No.15787485

Lol I gotta look around for him now

>> No.15787498

Pink jacket blue beanie guy doesn't exist

>> No.15787546

Then who was >>15785935

Are we getting false flagged?

>> No.15787561

I guess he changed, we're already numbered now too. Oh well

>> No.15787564

This is what happens when Americans try to make Sushi / Sake.

>> No.15787576

Oh shit I don't know what that means but getting numbered sounds important.

>> No.15787587

Yep means I can go grab food and not stress lol

>> No.15787599

The fact we're in fucking Manhattan looking at the Empire State Building down the street makes this wait easy

>> No.15787673


>> No.15787674

Which Perfume has the firmest grasp of English? From the clips I've seen, I would have thought it was Nocchi, she seems the most willing to ad-lib. Although I also saw this comment from a few years ago
>I saw Nocchi in Tokyo when I was visiting, her grasp of english is poor, as is my grasp of japanese, but she gave me a high five, or a "high touch" as it is called in Japan. Very nice person!
>where did you meet her? where the rest with her?
>She was walking around in Shibuya by herself, so it was during her "off" time

I've also seen someone say Kashiyuka speaks good English somewhere. A-chan's speech seems very stilted when she's on stage.

>> No.15787696

Yeah it's pretty nice.
The line isn't as long as I'd thought it would be

>> No.15787704

True I expected it to be longer at this point

>> No.15787758

Who /inline for gallery/ next to a model casting call here

>> No.15787766

I guess since were numbered I could go to the gallery today but I think I'll go tomorrow

>> No.15787777

Line is taking forever and we are sharing a tight hallway with a bunch of models cuz there's a casting call directly across. I think the nocchi displayer mentioned earlier is here

>> No.15787781

Cosplayer* fucking auto correct. Seems they are only letting in like 5 or 10 at a time

>> No.15787797

Effing nicee

>> No.15787829

Fuck I want to go but I don't want to leave the concert line.

>> No.15787974
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This is fucking amazing

>> No.15788007

Where is it at? I've been looking for it and can't find it

>> No.15788017
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>>>15787974 (You)
Inside a building called the starlit something on the 12 floor on 27rh street

>> No.15788062

Yeah I found it, currently in this room and don't wanna leave. I could party in here until the show

>> No.15788196

How expensive is merch and are there pics?

>> No.15788215

After the concert I'd say it was Nocchi. She was on stage by herself for a few minutes speaking in english.

>> No.15788220
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>> No.15788225
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>> No.15788230
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Everything from Chicago is an abomination. The midwest should just disappear already.

>> No.15788236

Shirts are like 30, we are perfume is 35 I think, most CDs 15, other stuff varies

>> No.15788290

5 more hours to go

Where you niggas at?

>> No.15788372

Fucking up some food

>> No.15788454

Please stop calling that thing, thing because it doesn't even look edible, pizza.

>> No.15788518

How big is the line? I just got to my hotel and I'm already tired from walking around NY for hours.

>> No.15788531

Do they accept card or just cash?

>> No.15788538

They handed out a poster with a perfume board game on it, and the end goal is Madison Square Garden.

They're being pretty lofty if you ask me.

>> No.15788562

It was really cute I like it

>> No.15788568

Getting long at this point

>> No.15788600

>pipe dreams

drink it innnn maaaannnnnn

>> No.15788680

Not sure, I paid cash but I think I saw a card machine

>> No.15788681

Drink what?

>> No.15788704

Yo fuck following Google maps in nyc, would have been faster by eye. Line ain't shit btw babymetal in Detroit was like 5 full block lengths long at this point

>> No.15788716

We got someone playing perfume on the trumpet

>> No.15788724

Pls make the nog stop dancing

>> No.15788836

Post it

I haven't seen such thirstiness in a while. Did they sell out any of the shows yet? I bet whatever's left over Amuse will buy lol maybe have their staff fill the empty spots. Be like old times.

>> No.15788892
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>> No.15788895

Courtesy of google translate?

>> No.15788910

Japan is so fkn cute omg sometimes I think they do it on purpose.

>> No.15788916

Babymetal fans can't be considered human so it doesn't count

>> No.15788925

>I don't like something so people who do cant be human

You're a complete idiot.

>> No.15788936

>Fans from Detroit can't be considered human

Fixed that for you.

>> No.15788945

We've gone through this.
Pedos aren't human.

>> No.15788947

Hey, no bully. We're not as bad as chicago at least.

>> No.15788979

She's still going.

>> No.15789006

The stamina is impressive, I'll give her that.

>> No.15789011

Help I'm surrounded by 4ft tall pure japanese princesses, how do I casually hide my boner

>> No.15789021

We need a back of the line fag to update us on where the lines ending

>> No.15789023

Reporting in, it loops around the block at 35 and 9th Ave

>> No.15789078

Pretty nice, thank you for your service friend

>> No.15789080

Where the hell are you?

Lucky fuck I'm surrounded by weird normies

>> No.15789095

Near the end of the last (I think) gated area now since we moved up

>> No.15789104

I got 1 goddess near me, sorry for you bro

>> No.15789106

That means I'm in front of you pal, I know which hime-samas you speak of

>> No.15789121

Green, grey, red, white shirts near the right side (close to the gate) I see a group ahead of me too, the one with the sunglasses and one with white hat + others

>> No.15789127

Did the numbered cards make it to you?

>> No.15789139

>numbered cards for late arrivals
Senpai plz

>> No.15789142

Oops, must have been confused because I saw a group of them after I made it to my spot. I'm next to a parking lot after the first corner.

I guess they haven't. Having them so would be dumb though seeing the length of the line at this point.

>> No.15789159

Which parking lot?
The one next to the venue or one further out?

>> No.15789163

Further out

>> No.15789172

I think they've been adding more gates, I'm in front of some guitar store I can't see the name of

>> No.15789174

Oh wow I'm pretty close in comparison.

I got there at 11 because the last concert they were saying people were already lined up for a block by 10am. Guess everyone got here later this time.

>> No.15789182

Probably the double whammy of two shows and a gallery making it less urgent for some.

>> No.15789217

Was the hurly burly encore card fan made or by the staff?

>> No.15789220

What kind of fucked up pizza is that? It looks more like a quiche.

>> No.15789243

Line is moving but its around the block. Blue beanie, pink hoody guy is a lie. Can't wait

>> No.15789247

i assume they are lack toast and tolerant. that's why there's no cheese

>> No.15789249

The main singer is 18 and and the other two are 17

Besides that a lot of people like BM because of their music but I guess you didnt consider that

>> No.15789271

Just realized they will almost surely do something special for the 2nd NYC show.

You don't think the madlads will announce an MSG date do you??

>> No.15789316

So whose in already? Managed to get a decent spot in the center.

>> No.15789333

Make sure to go to the gallery after the show, nocchi's doing a meet and greet or something at the gallery.

Also fuck you guys for getting to meet nocchi LA really was the beta test. FeelsBadMan

>> No.15789367


>> No.15789376

Third row here.

The 8 hour wait looks to be worth it. It'll be a blast to do it all over again tomorrow.

>> No.15789622

opera box seating is so comfy :)

>> No.15789636

No, they're just using the majority of footage shot that day for the blu-ray

>> No.15789656

They were recording at all shows so no, that's not it.

>> No.15789703

They always record all the shows but make it a point to have the last show be the main focus. You new here?

>> No.15789722

Aren't they are looking very tired lately?

>> No.15789735

That's not gonna be it. I'm willing to bet NYC will be a 2 part show. I doubt they will have the same exact show back to back. Plus this heavy push for MSG I think something will happen unique.

>> No.15789748

And they passed out those board game flyers which were only for NY.

>> No.15789762

No, it'll be a similar show with a somewhat different song arrangement. Watch.

>> No.15789784

We'll see. Last show of a tour usually ends in something interesting.

>> No.15789886

Like last year!

>> No.15789940

Only Star train for encore

>> No.15789946

what was the set list!

>> No.15789958

So the same show as everyone else so far. I think that supports that tomorrow will be different.

Hey, LA missed out on the drones didn't they? It's probable.

>> No.15789989

Perfume: Redefining Nigger Bass

>> No.15790004

LAfag here.
I find the whole MSG fetish they have a little silly. Probably would've just thrown it away if they passed them out back here.

>> No.15790012

Wiltern had a lot of tech problems. Probably why the drones were cut.

>> No.15790016

Am I the only one who got cucked by the camera man as A-chan was putting her shoe back on?

>> No.15790018

My ears are fucking ringing and my throat is raw from screaming their names.

>> No.15790024

That was fan made appearantly. Along with the Hurly Burly encore card.

>> No.15790025

Got there at 4:30pm, 6th row center with a bunch of tablets and short girls in front of me, perfect view.

Show was rad btw the cosmic explorer opening is one of the best things I've seen at a live show.

>> No.15790033

Manlets not tablets lmao

Also where was the show us your tits chant

>> No.15790040

Doesn't exist. It was the pink jacket blue beenie guy who proposed it and he was inexistent.

>> No.15790047

That's what live shows are supposed to do to you.

It was really good. Tommorow I'll get Perfume'd again. Not to sound like a fanboy, but seeing them irl felt surreal.

>> No.15790096

The show felt like a dream. I was in line since 11am and got a spot in the 3rd row. It was amazing, and as the show went on people constantly shifted so I kept getting closer to the stage till the very end some chick left and I got in the 2nd row; I was close enough to see the wrinkles on Nocchi's forehead as she sang Star Train. At point I swear I made eye contact with Kashiyuka twice, got a smile from Nocchi and A-chan waved at my general direction. The angle of view was close enough toward me that I could delude myself that they were looking at me.

I'm ready to go and do it all over again tomorrow.

>> No.15790146

The opening was so hype! Sadly the music seemed to be turned way down for me after that except for Story.

>> No.15790160

You're a damn liar, you better be

>> No.15790173

Lol the intro bass vibrated my throat, I think I may like perfume shows better than Babymetal desu. It was amazing, I cried twice during the show lol my legs were a little cramped from jumping but I don't even feel it anymore. Wish I could do it again, it will be different tomorrow from a seat. Mixed emotions about not being basically as close as you can get for this next show but I'm glad I got to experience it. And A-Chan looked at me! They said the show lasted 2 hours but it didn't feel like 2, it felt long but time flys when having fun

>> No.15790175

It was adorable and a heartfelt moment at the end when A-Chan told us it's her dream. I hope it happens next year

>> No.15790183

>tfw they sang it with us from backstage

>> No.15790298

>Wish I could do it again, it will be different tomorrow from a seat.

Skip the seat and do it again.

>> No.15790326

Lol my ankles say no plus I paid 200 for that boat had. I'll probably stick to my original plan of taking an easier second day, half perfume and half NY exploration, my last day in NY sadly. But today truly was amazing

>> No.15790329

>autocorrect turns biatch to boat had

>> No.15790351

Important revelation: perfume also likes steak.


>> No.15790359

/pol/? is that you?

>> No.15790363

I was steak

>> No.15790390

Funny now that you mentioned it I saw some guy browsing /po/ while in line.
I doubt he knew about this general.

>> No.15790391

pls no, don't summon them, please

>> No.15790444

Same, we're the best tbqh

>> No.15790506

Might be too late but they posted about it on their instagram. Check it yourself faggot

>> No.15790632

Just checked it out and it seems like a big ass tease. Not happenin.

>> No.15791051

Did this actually happen? I waited around for a few minutes, they eventually said "hurly burly", I waited a couple more minutes, then was being pushed out by staff, waited a couple more minutes still, and then finally left.

>> No.15791221

Steak masterrace

>> No.15791228

Yes I think it was nocchi but may have been a-chan, after 2-3 minutes she sang hurly burly hurly burly and laughed and thanked us and said see you (soon?)

>> No.15791303

Man it's 5 am, I don't know what do. May line up and just go for the front again simply for the fun and to save money

>> No.15791320 [DELETED] 

These are literally the moments kys was invented for.


>> No.15791391

Fuck you, I'm headed to the venue cool ass faggot

>> No.15791772

>lack toast and tolerant

>> No.15791907

How's the line right now?

>> No.15791943

Not bad, it's growing though

>> No.15791946

Longer than it was yesterday at the same time?

>> No.15791956

I don't think so, possibly the same. For some reason a good amount didn't come to the second show

>> No.15791978

Yeah I found that perculiar. The people I talk to were only going to 1 show. Must be a normie thing.

>> No.15792026

Yep normies reee

>> No.15792037

There were some cute Asian girls going ham all alone in the very back yesterday. Too bad I'm too autistic to talk to women.

>> No.15792059

Reading comprehension much? She meant to go see her costumes first and then to see the real Nocchi afterwards at the concert.

They probably wanted to get out of town before the "storm" that weather stations were hyping up as a possible armageddon. I don't think NY is even going to get rain from Hermine.

>> No.15792073

There are currently three barricade sections and that's because the second is filled with chairs.

>> No.15792118

No it's because they cut them in half for a church line

>> No.15792139

Do you think A-chan will actually let us touch her shoe this time?

>> No.15792141

That makes sense, my bad.

>> No.15792143

Why is she such a tease.

>> No.15792145

Only me

>> No.15792179

I liked when a-chan started bullying the guy for holding up a sign saying he could translate when he kept making mistakes. I want to be bullied by idols too!

>> No.15792182

Same I was laughing my ass off at that

>> No.15792187

How does the gallery work? Do you line up or do they just let you in once you arrive? Do they sell the same merch as the venue?

>> No.15792211

Just got in line and jesus it's hot as fuck. The line set up is messier than yesterday too. It's going to be a long day.

>> No.15792215

What did the cool assed faggot say?

>he kept making mistakes

How did she know?

>> No.15792222

You have to go up to a suite and there'll probably be a line since they only let 5-10 people in at once. Merch is pretty same-ish but there are folders and notepads. Got myself the Cosmic Explorer vinyl as well.

>> No.15792230

Nocchi pointed it out at times.

>> No.15792231

yes please moar infos

>> No.15792239

Hmm that's intrestant can you give an example

>> No.15792243

The fuccboi's friends also knew moon and helped him and pointed it out.

>> No.15792246

I love bully chan

>> No.15792249

Can someone do a quick rundown of bis mistakes and Perfume's interactions with him? We need this documented before everyone forgets, they'll never use the footage.

>> No.15792257

I already forgot.

All I remember was A-chan's laughter at the kid because he was so nervous. She wasn't laughing with him that's for sure.

>> No.15792269

Also, Nocchi exclaiming "Confidence!" at the kid when he was falling apart. It was cute as fuck and it makes it seem like Nocchi has experience in that sort of thing.

>> No.15792274
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>you will never get bullied by achan in public

Got fuckin DAMMIT.

>> No.15792281

He looked like a puppy getting to translate lol, he got some things right, I know he mistaked her saying a steak was hot with the stake is big

>> No.15792288

I feel this, I was a little jealous

>> No.15792301

That was lols. Also when she made fun of the steakhouse waiters.

Bullychan confirmed.

>> No.15792311

>you will never not be just another fan to Perfume.

Why are we here?

>> No.15792314
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>> No.15792315

Fucking Goddess she runs this

>> No.15792334

Iktf bro

I thought coming here would cure my unhealthy waifuism, but now it's worse than ever.

>> No.15792343

A-Chan looked at me, we're getting pretty serious

>> No.15792348
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>> No.15792350


>> No.15792352

You know I actually feel like this sometimes about the things I love.

Sometimes I wonder if I care more about their group than they do and it makes me pause a bit.

Also, they love fans as a group but not individuals.

>> No.15792356
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>> No.15792361

I met them!

>> No.15792368

No she looked at me.

>> No.15792379

But she actually looked at me desu

>> No.15792393

Sorry senpai not only did I make eye contact but she smiled as well. I wonder when our marriage will be?

>> No.15792408

She made eye contact and smiled at me DESU. Sorry fampai, that's the end of this discussion

>> No.15792415

She made eye contact, smiled at me AND waved in my general direction.
Sorry kouhai, but A-chan wants me.

>> No.15792417

>Taka tapped that

>> No.15792421 [DELETED] 

delet this

>> No.15792427

A-Chan massaged my hands. Who wins now?

>> No.15792446

All you faggots lose

>> No.15792465

The line blows today. Literally sitting in the middle of the sidewalk and can't move or else some one will take my spot.


>> No.15792478

Thr guy who got bullied won. He had the most genuine moment with them.

>> No.15792480

Seriously, between the music store constantly telling people not to block the door and the lack of goddamn barricades this is getting retarded. Security needs to get their shit together.

>> No.15792533

There's an enormous line outside the gallery, wtf?

>> No.15792534

It's uncomfortable as fuck. I miss leaning on the wall, my feet hurt, the music is too loud, etc. Nips won't scoot up even though they have all this empty space all around them.

>> No.15792585

>music is too loud

>> No.15792612

It's an ebin meme

>> No.15792631


>> No.15792649

And the fucking mistake with the heels. 8.5cm, ~3 inches. That was retarded.

I guess I didn't wait around long enough. Was definitely a while though

>> No.15792657

Lol he said 8 inch heels

>> No.15792664


>> No.15792700

Can you guys please post a recap of exactly what happened when the guy fucked up?
It's just random things being posted right now and i doubt waiting in line is keeping you from anything

>> No.15792703

They didn't hand out cards today?

>> No.15792732

Most if not all of it was already put in thread.
Anything else is other wise irrelevant.

>> No.15792738

I got the the documentary, I'll see if those subs are able to be ripped. If not, I'll just get the movie itself and upload it to mega. Don't know jack about compressing it or stuff like that so if anyone can do it, go ahead.

Guy!? I thought that was just a typical FL weeb "girl". Either way I loved A-chan calling him on his mistakes and pointing out how they were waving that sign.

>> No.15792752

He was nervous and messed up little things like saying the steak was big instead of hot. He also messed up the description of the shoes saying they were 8 inches and they were slippery instead of non-slip. That's all I remember, he did a better job than I would've

>> No.15792753

He was very flamboyant and I saw him dancing to perfume songs while in line.

>> No.15792760

Pretty much this m8

>> No.15792761

>very flamboyant


>> No.15792792

Well I'm so sorry fag. I'm just trying to be sensible since seeing from in linehere most perfume fans are sensitive pussies

>> No.15792801

So you try to cater to pussies? Git rekt faggot

>> No.15792815

The only one that's about to get rent is you m8.
Better hope u don't meet in line.

>> No.15792862

Yeah you'll make him pay this months rent for sure

>> No.15792898

Fuckin savage.
Just imagine the headache that could give him.

>> No.15792913

Kek, leave the concert broke

>> No.15792918

Fight me faggot

>> No.15792925

I'm at a restaurant and they're playing lose yourself, I'm hyped to jump twice as fucking high tonight

>> No.15792928

Come and find me gay boy.
I'm the one sitting down.

>> No.15792993

Jeans and a white Perfume World Tour 3rd shirt. I'm walking around.

>> No.15793029

I'd fucking die laughing if you two met and started fighting right here

>> No.15793089

We need a third anon to record it

>> No.15793104

I got this

>> No.15793144

You better have a blue cap, cause if you do you cut me in line you cunt.

>> No.15793170

Fuck there's so kpop fags here

Fuck off from my glorious Japanese Perfume.

>> No.15793191

>not being part of jkpop masterrace

>> No.15793214

>current year
> worshipping plastic people
>not part of the glorious honorary aryan Nippon master race

>> No.15793218

Did a lap around the line and no one called me out. Pussy.

>> No.15793232

Say all you want, you're hiding you little shit.

In the third barricade section I'm waiting fuccboi

>> No.15793243

Run another one

>> No.15793308

Based German bro passed out Perfume candy

>> No.15793314
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>> No.15793328

It's Chicago deep dish. It's layered and the cheese is in the middle.

>> No.15793338

Chicago pizzas a shit

>> No.15793353

Already walked by there and you didn't say a peep, faggot. You can come find me now.

>> No.15793392

There are girls cosplaying A-chan who are tip top qts

>> No.15793422

flirt with them

>> No.15793424

Can someone end this fucking group of normalfags talking about rihanna

>> No.15793456

Lulz, welcome to Perfume.

>> No.15793467

I wish I could but I'd fall apart the moment I'd try to talk to them

You must be further back in the line m. All I'm hearing is jpop all over.

>> No.15793472


>> No.15793481

Kind of lucky, I'm in the boring camper area. Better spot but the further ones are where the line party is at

>> No.15793520

>they were surrounded by middle aged Japanese men

J-just like my moon land animus

>> No.15793589

>i want perfume to realize their dream of MSG
>normies get out reeeeee

>> No.15793601

I don't actually hate the normies desu. Make A-Chans dream come true!

>> No.15793632

>Implying I want Perfume to go to larger venues with shitter viewing distances instead of comfy small GA shows

>> No.15793633

yeah, i'll allow normies to attend our wedding

>> No.15793686

Thanks anon. Gotta appreciate it when someone else is planning your wedding with A-chan

>> No.15793694

How far back is the line today?

>> No.15793699

so was it not a sellout last night?

>> No.15793705

To who? Kpop hog?

>> No.15793712

Top corners in the balcony were empty and tickets were still on sale for GA. But it did look quiet full.

>> No.15793717

you fuckers failed them

now they can't go back to nihon and tell them they sold out 7000 tickets in the heart of NYC

>> No.15793730

I bought extra tickets to ensure that it would sell out and we would see Perfume in MSG.

>> No.15793771

A-chan is being carted into an ambulance.

She hurt her neck.

>> No.15793788

Fuck you its one of the people for the hillsong bullshit.

They aren't even in the venue yet. I guarantee they were checking out the line in an unmarked car.

>> No.15793797


Source: I'm Kashiyuka

>> No.15793825

Please marry me.

>> No.15793840

Let me guess, you're wearing a pink hoody and blue beanie.

>> No.15793846

No he's wearing a white perfume shirt and jeans and is trying to fight innocent perfume fans.

>> No.15793877


>> No.15793885


>> No.15793970

Can anybody stream the concert?
Or even post more pics

Im sad I couldnt go see them and I want feel like im there with you bros

>> No.15793992

I finally got back home to vehicular manslaughter Miami. I'm ripping the World tour 3rd documentary. It will probably be up on mega much later.

>> No.15794025
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Jeez, this guy's head is twice the height of Kashiyuka's.

>> No.15794032

She looks like a male k-pop star

>> No.15794035
File: 1.10 MB, 2560x1440, 20160904_191506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish you were here, fags!

>> No.15794049

Commencing upload

>> No.15794067

There's much less people here today compared to Saturday

>> No.15794076


can you tell us when it starts if there is any difference from yesterday

>> No.15794095

I'm hoping for it.

>> No.15794105

It's because of the hurricane

>> No.15794155

Fucking Normies wouldn't even risk dying for Perfume.

>> No.15794165

Can't support Perfume longterm if you're dead, mate

>> No.15794182

>implying perfume's hurricane hermine memorial concert wouldn't sell the fuck out of madison square gardens
Its time to make the ultimate sacrifice NY anons

>> No.15794285

>As the person who was lucky enough to be chosen to be the translator for the show tonight, I wanted to say that I'm so sorry for being standoffish to everyone who was kind enough to say something to me after the show. Being perfectly honest, I am entirely self-taught when it comes to my Japanese and have been learning for the past 6 years with whatever free time I've had. Because of this I felt relatively confident in my ability to translate. The nerves along with vocabulary I wasn't expecting really threw me off and I ended up making several mistakes that took away from what the girls were saying. I appreciate everyone who was so nice to me both before and during the live. It was an amazing experience , and I wish my being embarrassed hadn't of taken away from it.

>Although arguably one of the most embarrassing moments of my life, it was also something I am incredibly grateful for. They're so gorgeous in person.

>> No.15794320

Can anyone be so kind to seed the PTA collection please?

>> No.15794373
File: 91 KB, 1024x768, 20080411perfume01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one's mentioning that Pino Chocolate sales are up 1000% because of this world tour.

>> No.15794383

show should be over soon

>> No.15794388

>giving a shit about pino when pocky mens are back
also, why are those collars so lewd?

>> No.15794395

Rainbow Master Race checking in.

>> No.15794493


Got there at 3pm today and worked my way up to the barricade after fags in front of me started falling off the platform jumping I pushed in before they could get back on lmao

>> No.15794496

Same exact show as yesterday

>> No.15794516

Shouldn't have volunteered.

The other girl would have probably been great. I heard that on one of the other US shows the MC portion was 40 minutes long because there was a famous person translating. NY got the worst translators.

>> No.15794520

nice 'go 'za

>> No.15794533


>> No.15794536

Shit man I forgot wtf the other chant was, I don't think it was bagel. I got to the 2nd row both shows, pretty much the same show and I ain't even mad, it's fucking heaven, I don't know wtf I experienced. Sad I'll miss seeing the beautiful perfume fans love getting on the subway full of fans after the show. I hope they come every year, A-Chan the Legend looked at me multiple times, especially star train at the end when she noticed my tears. Heaven for real....

>> No.15794538

Was that the girl from saturday night? I felt bad for her, she almost lost it. Not even the native Jap dudes around me knew they were actually trying to say steak instead of tsuteki.

>> No.15794543


>> No.15794547

Bros help me understand.

Why do I feel so bitter after leaving?It was such a great show, I got so close to the women I worship, and I bounced my heart out, and yet I feel contempt not to Perfume but to myself and my current state.
Why is that?

>> No.15794549


>> No.15794550


>> No.15794552

Tfw packed in so tight both your arms were pinned down and you couldn't banana or cheeseburger

>> No.15794567

>same show on every tour
>no surprises
>repeat songs from 2014
lazy slags

>> No.15794569

They didn't even cry this time.

>> No.15794581

The surprise was that there was none. Ultimate swerve.

>> No.15794585

yea i hate perfume now, wtf

>> No.15794597

Its autism anon.
Youre on the spectrum and you just dont know it.

>> No.15794633

where's the anon that could have sworn that they were going to do something special?

>> No.15794686


>> No.15794704

what the fuck https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHyCXq4booM

>> No.15794720


>> No.15794742

Nosheev spin thats a good trick

>> No.15794761

OnigiriHaircuts7 hours ago
>she fucking hates her fans lol

Is he right?

>> No.15794771
File: 759 KB, 2560x1440, 20160904_194703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15794777

Nocchi hates them
A-chan bullies them
Kashi fucks them

>> No.15794798

So what now?

>> No.15794809


>> No.15794810

Now we go back to ~3 posts a day until a new single drops

>> No.15794821

Not sure if this was posted but they were greeted at an airport and Nocchi blazed right past everyone ignoring the fuck out of them lel

>> No.15794836

Does the GA floor have a lot of empty space?

>> No.15794847

It makes me angry that this group of retards just started following then when they made it clear they didn't have time for that shit

>> No.15794856

>they walked right past us let me rush them

>> No.15794866

I'm a little surprised one of those autists didn't chase Nocchi down.

>> No.15794891

During the show?

In the back it was practically empty.

>> No.15794907

Thanks. I heard the today show wasn't selling wel, this confirmed it.

>> No.15794937

If they were gonna do 2 NY shows, they should've left off Chicago to force midwest diehards to travel.

>> No.15794954

I need Perfume444's review of the show

>> No.15794974

Didn't he say he wasn't going?
I didn't see him.

>> No.15794992

It's so funny seeing this after seeing Nocchi getting so comically animated during the live shows.

>> No.15795006


Jesus, these "fans" must be so fucking annoying to deal with. Good thing Nocchi is in a position to not give a fuck and have to feign kindness over being stalked.

>> No.15795042

I feel bad I left a first row balcony spot empty, I loved the first show too much and had to hit the floor, a girl tried to redirect me to the balcony and I went up the stairs, acted like I was gonna go buy merch and went for the floor lol, luckily got up on 2nd row with the redirecting slowing me down, but it looked sad seeing my balcony spot empty, hopefully somebody moved there anyway.

>> No.15795053

What was up with Yuka's half-assed jumps? Does she have shitty knees or something?

>> No.15795088

I had the same exact thought. I'm sure part of this is Amuse policy though. They're really protective. Amuse has a cafe theater in Japan where a troupe of girls sing and dance and serve food/drinks and they shut down all the girls' twitter accounts in response to the recent idol stabbing.

>> No.15795249

those cosplay girls were cute af.

to be fair, he's obviously gay.

I'm d/ling, will get on it soon.

no beanie guy, no lewd chants, no hurricane, and no fights. so much bullshit.

it was still crowded, even though there were less ppl than yesterday.

>> No.15795274

that hurricane shit was just bad luck. news stations were hyping the fuck out of it. i know a few people that canceled their trip because of it.

>> No.15795298

yea, I'd assume the noticeable drop in attendance had alot to do with that. the news made that shit sound like hurricane sandy, and then we got clear blue skies.

>> No.15795586

Yeah, that's pretty obviously why she had a towel over her head, they had tried to stop that guy taking photographs when a-chan and Kashiyuka went it.

But it's also true that Nocchi pretty much always runs from mobs of fans while Kashiyuka and especially a-chan will be much more accomodating. I wonder if she had a bad experience once or something. Or maybe she just can't handle the lack of control, unlike when she's on stage.

>> No.15795633

I do think it's both. Nocchi does seem like she wants to be left alone though. I think it's just her personality.

>> No.15795662


>> No.15795665

>shit tier wwwsite

wtf Is Rainbow Bagels? Did she make that shit up?

>> No.15795751

I'm not scared of no hurricane when A-Chan is around

>> No.15795805
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She comes across as a genuine introvert, like when they had a summer break and talked about what they did, a-chan visited London with a friend, Kashiyuka went to Hawaii with Kozue Akimoto, and Nocchi stayed at home and made rice cakes.

The life of fame and fortune doesn't seem to really suit her.

>> No.15795919

Anyone find those 360 pics and vids the Brazilian guy took in line yesterday?

>> No.15795923

I want to get back in line today again.
I really do. Shit was so surreal.

>> No.15796005

Me too :(
Literally heaven

>> No.15796073
File: 134 KB, 1080x1349, 14128890_338577856485174_1714190763_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A-chan at Wolfgang's Steakhouse?
too much !

>> No.15796128
File: 120 KB, 601x601, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why isn't that me in front of her?


>> No.15796361

Maybe Kashiyuka or Nocchi is in front of her.

>> No.15796388

