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15740002 No.15740002 [Reply] [Original]

Last Thread: >>15701842

The guide: http://pastebin.com/hwhGL66a

Read the guide, use the archive, don't shitpost. Follow global and local rules. Don't reply, report and ignore instead.

Length, girth, budget and location are important in determining your next best course of action!

Use the chat for small questions and try to extend the life of the thread.

Please refrain from creating new threads till page 10.

Onahole Chat:

>> No.15740012

God damn it anyway

>> No.15740034
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>since they have no base

But they are still attached though, right? More importantly, how do they feel on the dick?

Also, buttjob toy when?

>> No.15740083

mind if I ask for a comparison pic? include any others if you want too, Ive never bought one of these before.

>> No.15740148

How does the R20 firmness compare to Tomax soft?

I might buy a soft Lilith Uterus next, but I'm afraid it might be too similar.

>> No.15740161

Its been 5 days since I ordered on Otonajp and its still in proccessing status. How much long do I have to wait for?

>> No.15740163

My length is 19 cm and my girth is 15. What kind of onahole should I get? Largest one I've found so far is 18 something length.

>> No.15740219
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has anyone tried this?

>> No.15740304

I think the R20 is between TOMAX's regular and hard

>> No.15740373
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Requesting the webm version of this image. Thankyou

>> No.15740488 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.53 MB, 4032x3024, 1472081841765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes they're attached. But there's a ridge in the middle that inhibits paizuri. You can kinda see it in my pic.

>> No.15740517

What the hell... that's stupid as hell design... there should be a way to rip the little Ridge out right?

>> No.15740543

nigger you from /r9k/ aswell?

>> No.15740576

You could cut it, but that would hurt the integrity of the tits staying together since there's no base. Again, I recommend the Tits of Utea Grace, since they're bigger, cheaper, and actually have space between the breasts for your dick.

>> No.15740604

Onaholes are usually awfully stretchy, so don't worry too much if the ona is centimeter or two shorter, also, look for length of the inner tunnel not ona itself if you can. So onaholes can be deceptively long with tunnel going only 3/4 of the length.

>> No.15740607

There is some ona thread in /r9k/ right now?

>> No.15740614


>> No.15740680

mah lolinco has been 'dispatched from outward office of exchange'

only a couple more daaays :D

>> No.15740766

onahole warmer question

use with lube? does that even make sense?

>> No.15740789

This may sound like a weird request, but would anybody here be willing to fap on cam for me? I really want to see a real /jp/ boy pleasure himself and cum a load. You don't have to show your face if you don't want to.

>> No.15740807

Eww no, you are probably a girl!

>> No.15740839

So what? You won't have to see me anyway.

>> No.15740864

I'm just teasing you man I don't even have a webcam, I wouldn't cam myself for a guy though, that's gay.
My gay friends sometimes asks me to record myself blowing a load too.

>> No.15740955

what's the most new to onahole friendly lotion?

>> No.15740987

Ask again when im not on no fap

>> No.15741008

What? Just get onatsuyu.

>> No.15741207
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>> No.15741288

>Tits of Utea Grace, since they're bigger
Wait what? Bigger? Are you talking just the breasts part or are you taking the enormous base the breasts are attached to when talking about the Utea's size? Because I thought, aside from the impossible to obtain Chichifueta breasts, the G mode was the largest breasts toys.

Speaking of which, are there actually any videos of the Chichifueta (or the Utea) in use aside from the basic manufacturer demo video (and the short tweet videos by that one dude way back when they came out)?

>> No.15741384

It will slide right in with lube. You will have to really wrestle it in without. No reason to do it without.

>> No.15741391

Julia+ is 15% off on TD right now, any owners know if its worth it? or should I put my money on a gamble and get the new Magic Eyes Rose 'La Vie en Rose' thing. Don't want to spring for a ZXY or a Vacuum witch unless the difference is really that major.

>> No.15741531

>G-mode v Utea size
Yes anon, they're bigger because they also include the upper portion that slopes into the chest and have more defined sides and undersides. Also you can cup the Utea's, unlike the G-mode. I just pulled them both out to double check.

>Chichifueta (or the Utea) in use
Try this tab from the manufacturer site. It has a variety of videos of the Chichis and also includes a comparison between the Chichifueta and Utea.

>> No.15741615

Yeah, and it would melt without.

>> No.15741769

Post a contact when you request this, im not posting mine here and its too slow for a back and fourth here.

>> No.15741999

>attempted to nofap while Miku is on its way
>gave in and fapped
>suddenly do not want the doll anymore
what is this feeling

>> No.15742040

Always fap before a purchase, makes you realise if you really want it or not

>> No.15742065

You will get horny again anon, dont worry.

>> No.15742125


dont worry, as you unbox it and see it unravel and sit across you from your very eyes, you'll go hard as diamonds as if nothing happened.

the first times will always be the strongest.
rarely do i go more than once a day, and it's always those times.

>> No.15742923

>Chichifueta breasts
holy shit, I think I'm sold. Is there any know place to get them? Can I get them from that site if I figure out how to navigate it?

>> No.15743006

I just started taking supplements three days ago along with drinking at least a gallon of water a day and blew a load so hard it literally filled the hole to the brim, I was seeing glowing eye floaters for a good few seconds, and now have a bit of a slight headache (worth it though).

By to the brim I mean literally to the brim--I had to hold it steady like a full cup so I wouldn't spill any cum on my way to the sink (cum was way watery than the usual dribble too so there's also that). I let my dick stay plugged in till it got semi-flaccid and pulled the hole facing up so I wouldn't make a mess (cause I knew it was just way more than usual, and to my pleasant surprise I was right).

Granted it was a shallow hole (slightly smaller than VA:A) and I didn't fap for two days prior but I've done no-faps for as long as a week and still have never filled the hole like this. When I use condoms, the most I've unloaded in them was about a quarter size ball; the hole is about three times that volume.

I'm not sure if they take effect this fast but hey I'll take it. Looking forward to even more results after a week or two. I have a Puni Ana SPDX coming tomorrow so I'm hoping I can Peter North cum all over it now.

>> No.15743020

Email them and ask about it. I ordered it during the Obon holidays, got processed for days. Checked with them and they replied pretty quick. I'm getting my holes tomorrow maybe

>> No.15743126

It probably won't increase beyond that, but yeah, it's definitely possible that it has already taken effect. Everyone has a different body.

>> No.15743146

Only from hotpowers. But they're so popular they're always out of stock. When they become available again, they sell out in minutes. You can also "reserve" a pair, but the wait list for delivery is 6 months long.

So for now not really.

>> No.15743707

>sell my steam wallet
>decide to buy an onahole
I have 40 GBP to work with, what are some good onahole sellers in the UK

>> No.15743754

Do sites accept prepaid Visa? Got some as a gift today

>> No.15743811
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if it helps my dick is around 6 inches with average girth. help kudasai

>> No.15744026

I'm in the UK too, na theres none you can get in the UK as far as I know, you have to order it abroad

>> No.15744098

that sucks but doesnt look like I have much of a choice.

>> No.15744152

Wanta.co.uk are in the uk. They're pretty expensive and only have a limited selection.

Uk customs are scary though so might be worth it.

>> No.15744168

I odered from otonajp twice and it hasen't been hit by customs, I coukld of kept the loli packaging desu

>> No.15744212

So, I just bought a Mouth of Truth and Student Council President (yeah i know). I hope the SCP is better than my Bordeaux 17; that one is a lousy hole for me.

>> No.15744233

How good is the Student Council President?

>> No.15744322

I always dried my Uterus and Real by turning it inside out and patting it with a microfiber cloth. Can I do this with the Arkhe or is the uterus going to rip?

>> No.15744577

does turning a hole inside out harm it?

>> No.15744584

Is it advisable for a guy with an 21cm dick and average girth to get the Sujiman Kupa Lolinco Virgo? I just feel a 12 yo on the inside.

>> No.15744812

Got my first hole today and I don't think there will ever be 3D desire again.

>> No.15744828

What didn't you like about Bordeaux?

>> No.15745027
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I rank it a Not out of Good.

You've made an error

>> No.15745287

Awesome. How they feel compared to Ai-chan? I can see myself getting a crapton of breast toys when I move out, but for now I just have Ai-chan. I'll have to add Utea to my bucket list.

yeah, I've followed them since they were first sold, and they have basically never been available. Even with the wait list, I doubt any proxy site would be willing to wait on the list for over 6 months for a stupid American like me.

>> No.15745513

Temptation Witch OR Eroman and a Daisyuki Hold?

>> No.15745774
File: 57 KB, 522x522, 81W8JzDnTqL._SX522_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon with inflatable onahole insertable Kuu daki pillow here.

It fucking sucks don't buy it.

>> No.15745805

Well, don't leave us hanging. How?

>> No.15745918

A few things.
One is that it leaks air like a motherfucker - though that could just be a fault on me probably. Maybe I scratched it though I highly doubt it. I didn't even use it the day I blew it up and noticed immediately the next day that it leaked a shit tonne of air that I had to blow it up again.

Another is that it's just really uncomfortable as a pillow - especially on the sides. The edges are jagged and unless your daki material is thickish, it'll feel really bad against your face.

Lastly it's just really uncomfortable to fug. It's like fugging a table with a hole in it. The fact that it's an inflatable pillow means you can't really bend the pillow or anything to make it more comfortable - so you're essentially fucking a soft table with a hole in it. I'm not saying it doesn't work but it's really not that comfortable at all. The "pillow trick" in the pastebin is much nicer.

Overall I just don't like it.
I know they make other air daki pillows with more sensible onahole insert areas and I'll probably look into those - but this pillow just doesn't do me right.

>> No.15745922

Can't be worse than my Bordeaux 17.

>> No.15745965

>it's just really uncomfortable as a pillow - especially on the sides. The edges are jagged
>The fact that it's an inflatable pillow means you can't really bend the pillow or anything to make it more comfortable - so you're essentially fucking a soft table with a hole in it
Not surprised, those were my first thoughts when I saw it. Wonder how such a poorly conceived design got to the production stage.

>> No.15746004

>Ai v Utea
They're firmer than the Ai's, since the Utea's are only a single material and have no inner gel. The Utea's feel like they're made of the exact same material as the G-Mode, just with a much better form.

>Titty Collection
Be ready to have some container to easily move all your stuff. I have:
-Ai-chans (soft version)
-Tits of Utea Grace
-G-Mode 2
-And used to own Hestia's tits they were my first import from jlist back when I just discovered all this, plzdon'tbully

That's more than 20 pounds of titty...

>> No.15746368 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.74 MB, 1378x2039, 1472191101769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was browsing pixiv and found this pic and was wondering if there were any onaholes you all would recommend with USB vibrators on them.

Spoiled because it had a tag for 'enema' and don't want to gross anyone out.

>> No.15746426

Doubt USBs can draw enough power to work as a vibrator desu

>> No.15746535

Not worth the risk, our government in its all-knowing wisdom says cartoons are the same as actual CP.
I had to pay customs fees once, when ordering a lot of stuff from NLS, but they didn't open it and just went by the customs declaration. Switched to otonajp and it comes through marked as "rubber toys" (kek) with a value of less than 20 quid, no hassle whatsoever.

>> No.15746567

anon here
they can
anon out

>> No.15746617

how can you tell if a hole is overrated?

>> No.15746724

Dammit i want to buy some titty masturbator but the prices are rather expensives for me. I want to buy something cheap but i dont know what to buy i was looking this product a little saggy in my opinion but meh http://en-nls.com/pict1-37531?c2=

>> No.15746742

wat, no enema in sight, unless it's a series and that's in another image.

>> No.15746830

So I recently got myself a cheap soldering iron for some first timer electronic project. I figured I might as well do some mods to my doll. How hot does a soldering iron have to be to be able to melt silicone? Mine says it's rated at 60w.

>> No.15746858

Anyone know of any good otokonoko holes?

>> No.15746910

My boypuss

>> No.15746919
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I have this one (Get Inside Shota-kun), but it seems it's discontinued, along with a bunch of other short-lived shota/otokonoko holes.
They just don't sell well I guess.

This one is alright. All of the stimulation is on the super small sphincter (entrance is about the size of a headphone jack). Inside was just a smooth dome though I guess that was realistic. Since my dick wasn't that choked all the way through like most holes and the sphincter kinda acted like a really tense and thin cock ring, I'd cum way more than usual in it. Pulling out was even better since my head would be sensitive and the sphincter would just squeeze whatever was left in my dick out on it's way out.

>> No.15746926

Read the guide, the one about warming in particular. Even 30-40W is enough.

>> No.15746930

I'n genuinely interested to see if it is, report back plz.

>> No.15746994

What toy is that?
I want one lol

>> No.15747027

I will. It's set to arrive Tuesday so i'll get a chance then hopefully.

My only issues with the 17 was that my dick curves a bit to the left preventing me from consistently hitting the middle. instead, it goes off to the side and stretches the ona. And the texture inside wasn't really stimulating. For record, I'm an uncut fag who pulls his skin back to get full effect.

>> No.15747033

I've wondered this for ages. Only various wedm get posted but no sources for purchasing or more videos. I heard the guy who made them originally is stingy af; so that's probably why.

>> No.15747536
File: 1.24 MB, 2100x2973, 1472108606319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two quick questions, How deep in the black Friday discount for the meiki plush doll and how mating pressable is it, how firm is the materiel it looks like you could just squash it.

>> No.15747926

Woul you recommend it over going to Japan and fucking a real boypussy?

>> No.15747938

what's so special about these toy bags? Are they worth paying these premium or is it find to just find a bag like that in a stationary store

>> No.15748117

>They're firmer
Cool. I was hoping it would be a different material than the Ai's just to try something different.

>-Ai-chans (soft version)
The regular Ai-chans are already so ridiculously soft that I had to double check the box to see that I really did have the original. I can't even picture it being softer...

>That's more than 20 pounds of titty...
Now if there was only a way to combine their power into one pair of super boobs made of the perfect material for perpendicular paizuri and smothering...

>> No.15748148

Which one actually feels like a young teen? I take that one.

>> No.15748163
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>> No.15748611

gross looking boobs bro but I'm sure they would do the job, I went with Fuwatoro Oppai 2000 for my first oppai they look way better and are a little bit more on otona, then again they weigh more so the shipping is more

>> No.15748707

>Utea firmness
They're still soft to the touch, and your fingers can still sink in, but you have to fondle with much more force.

>soft version of Ai's
The material is lighter toned, making the nipples standout more visually, and they practically melt through your fingers while retaining suppleness.

>Super boobs
Chichifueta exclusive western release when...

>> No.15748757

I fucking need the Chichifueta now.

>> No.15748838

I wouldn't know I've never had sex with a teen mister FBI anon.

>> No.15749027

Well, which one claims it's the closest to a 13 yo?

>> No.15749137

Got my Puni Ana DX earlier today, it seems to be defective and has no connection from the vagina to the cleaning hole. Because of this it has a nice suction feel I wasn't expecting, unfortunately it also means its a huge pain in the ass to clean because of the size. Not sure if I should be happy or upset. Anyone else with one that has the same issue?

>> No.15749145


>> No.15749159

The texture inside the SCP is pretty much undetectable just fyi, the base ring is nice but it's just a nice tight base that leads into what is essentially a plastic bag. With the vacuum it'll hug the dongpenis but you won't feel much.

>> No.15749229

12 yo is nicer desu.

>> No.15749232

When I inspected mine on opening there was a small portion of the space that connects the two that was easily removable, it was barely attached and gave me no trouble. Seemed like it wasn't punched out all the way. Dig in there with your fingers to see if there is something to take out.

>> No.15749249

How does a cleaning hole work? I've been wanting to get a larger onahole/onahip, but I'm concerned about the cleaning since my sink is rather small/shallow.

>> No.15749263

i use a turkey baster, a through-hole hip could just stick directly to a hose if your sink has one of the flexible/pull-out ones

>> No.15749280

It's just a hole on the other end, it makes the rinse portion easier and more thorough. It might slightly help drying but you may as well wipe it dry anyways. Speaking of which, you can use your drying cloth from multiple ends rather than digging around in one only.

>> No.15749307

My sink doesn't have any hose, but I might be able to attach one without too much trouble.

Does a turkey baster allow sufficient water pressure for proper cleaning?

>Speaking of which, you can use your drying cloth from multiple ends rather than digging around in one only.
That does sound pretty useful.

>> No.15749350

the baster works pretty well on my cocolo, cant speak for any other larger hips.

every so often i run some alcohol through it if im worried about anything.

>> No.15749360
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>Pick one for me
>Pic related

>> No.15749382

I can vouch for MoT, I have it and a Puni Ana DX Hard and it is crazy stimulating. If you end up not liking the teeth you can easily remove them. Mine came a bit defective though or it can't handle an upwards curve. The top is getting thin.

>> No.15749385

IYS bullies the bottom and top of the dong pretty good if that's what you're looking for. Witch feels indestructible and has a vacuum that'll suck the rest of your body into it through your dick with a nice spiral texture that gets good and tight with the suction. Mouth of Truth is the best meme hole, with or without the teeth gimmick, just be wary of MagicEyes QC, great holes put together like they couldn't give less of a shit, layers peeling, misaligned tunnels and general durability concerns, would still say they're worth just because they feel so fucking good.

Really any of those 3 is a winner, Witch and IYS are my personal faves from the list and 2 of my top in general. Best advice is to check the google doc and find the one that matches the length and girth of your ween best and go with that one.

>> No.15749386


>> No.15749554
File: 431 KB, 400x550, COCO! ;____;.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree.

>> No.15749580 [DELETED] 
File: 91 KB, 352x453, 19222327232_d22361a39c_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lolinco was $20 just 2 years ago
>$24 now

>> No.15749588
File: 972 KB, 2400x1600, 16577978015_4151bfd2ba_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lolinco was $20 just 2 years ago
>$24 now

>> No.15749606

>image of 3dpd
>not even female
>not even asian

>> No.15749608

that might give you a headache

>> No.15749614

>tfw I can buy 6 off a days pay anyways

>> No.15749627


>> No.15749664

>complains about autism
>on /jp/

>> No.15749714 [DELETED] 

>>15749664 >>15749614 >>15749606
Who are you quoting?

Not sure about this one.

>> No.15749718 [DELETED] 

Missed this one. Who are you quoting?

>> No.15749728

>tfw no trap themed onahips
Why live?

>> No.15749733 [DELETED] 

Wow, you OWNED them broski!

>> No.15749742 [DELETED] 

Thanks, friend!

>> No.15749750
File: 95 KB, 366x485, 1440258799723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any recommended chastity devices? What about prostate massagers?

>> No.15749766

Aneros is pretty much the top dog when it comes to prostate massagers

>> No.15749780
File: 459 KB, 586x645, 1471394263644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought an Aneros years ago and it kinda sucks.

>> No.15749808

Then the act itself is probably not for you, or you aren't doing it right. Get something huge to get a feeling of fullness instead.

>> No.15749829

Anything I should know before I buy the Puni Ana DX?

>> No.15749837

I know; I've heard about it from the past 4 threads. I had some spare money so i figured i'd test it out and see if it worked better than my 17 Bordeaux. Maybe i'll like it? Who knows.

>> No.15749842

I've heard the hard edition is better than the regular so maybe look into reviews for that

>> No.15749860

Yeah that's the one I was thinking about

>> No.15749943

Is there some kind of shower mount for Onaholes like the fleshlight mount? one that has a tube to stick onaholes in maybe?

>> No.15749947

It's pretty great imo.
There isn't much to the tunnel, yeah, but as a tightness and suction junky it bullies the shit out of my dick.
It's kind of like Marmite. Either you love it or you hate it.

>> No.15749973

Doesn't seem like mine has that unfortunately. I'd have to drill my own out with a screwdriver or something. I think I'll just live with it.

>> No.15749978
File: 715 KB, 2048x1536, zS8lZvt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So while driving to work yesterday, I found this box in a parking lot behind Safeway. I assume it fell out of a garbage truck, as it's not anything any local shops would sell.

I remembered seeing this thread a long time back the first time I stumbled into /jp/ and figured I'd pop in and ask about this particular model.

Any anons have it? Is it a popular one? Is it considered "good" for what it is? Any anons want it? It's just the box, there's nothing inside. Otherwise, I'm just gonna break it down and put it in my recycle bin.

Censored cause /jp/ is blue board, I think.

>> No.15749995

You've found yourself a REAL (http://en-nls.com/pict1-38060).). It's worth about 71 USD.

>> No.15750001

I only found the box, sadly. Even if there was the thing inside, I wouldn't use it. Unless it was still factory sealed. Good to know it's a higher end model then.

>> No.15750002

Oh wait, it's just the box.

Well anyway, I don't think it's that popular, but it's probably not that bad. Looks a bit overpriced though.

>> No.15750045
File: 96 KB, 1338x716, 1348441905069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Engrish never stops being funny to me.

>> No.15750089

I've been thinking of getting this one.

>> No.15750160

>60 dollars for a cheap piece of plastic

Buying an (((Aneros))) is stupid, you can get a Chinese bootleg for almost free instead and it uses the same mold.

>> No.15750192

Minorly off-topic, but anyone tried foreskin regrowing or using lotions to heal the head of your penis?

I obviously don't give a shit about how it looks and just want it to feel better when using holes, so it seems kind of hard to justify the time commitment, but if it makes it much better and I'm missing out it seems tempting.

>> No.15750197

But unsafe and possibly dirty material that might poison my ass. No thanks.

>> No.15750220

It's just plastic. Hell, it's probably the same plastic they use for the labeled Aneros toys. Chinese factory workers have a habit of using the machines after designated working hours to make stuff they can sell themselves.

>> No.15750227

you can heal the head of your penis?
didn't think i could hit that sensitivity of when i first hit puberty

>> No.15750233

Apparently if you use certain lotions especially shit with Alpha Hydroxy or something like that you can cause the dry scaly looking shit to heal off and get it soft and shiny again.

My concern is that sounds like it may be uncomfortable throughout the day if you are cut and suddenly have an unprotected bulb of sensitive sitting there.

You can get like rubber caps that are part of a foreskin stretching system to cover it though, basically if you ahve enough foreskin you can roll the head into the skin and cover it to hold it closed to keep it protected and soft. I have enough to do this if I'm not hard so thats an option, but again i'm then walking around all day with shit covering my dick which sounds potentially visible.

>> No.15750234

I once used a microfiber cloth and strings of latex to keep my penis covered for a couple of weeks. Take caution to not keep the strings too tight, though.
During that time I also moisturized. I can tell you that the reduced amount of friction for that period of time made the sensitivity jump massively. I am not sure of foreskin restoration, but the concept of restoring sensitivity seems sound.

>> No.15750239

Speaking of that I've also seen people using o-ring rubberbands on their foreskin if its long enough. Basically you roll your head inside and rubberband off the end to keep the head covered. That would be less noticeable when moisturizing and leaving it safe throughout the day. That may be an easier option to try.

>> No.15750240

I actually have really long foreskins so my head is covered all the time. Big problem is that It's really inconvenient when using holes.

>> No.15750248

What's your favorite domestically available lube?

>> No.15750252

Like hanging way over the head long? I can see if its crazy long how it could be annoying, but if you have foreskin it keeps you softer and smooth so you should feel better and need less lube. Plus in theory the extra skin tugging up and down and nerves feels better.

I'm not sure if it really makes that much difference but I hear it can, and it really pisses me off how insensitive I can be at times. Most nice holes I don't really feel the texture as anything special and its just sensation. I have a womb fetish, yet I can barely even notice when I hit that part of the hole. The sensation isn't even either, as in the top feels more than the bottom.

I still fap all the time, but it gives you a sense of missing out

>> No.15750322

It's long enough so that it's always covered as long as I don't have a full erection. ya I don't any problems of the head being dull or anything. The extra skin tugging up and down does make the nerve feel better for sure and it's extremely convenient when hand fapping, but it has its demerit. Unless you hold down the skin with the other hand, using a hole will be no different from hand because the hole simple moves the skin back and forth. I've also learnt that no amount of lube will prevent it.

>> No.15750357

I can't use tight holes because of that, it just holds on and moves the skin back and forth in a way where I feel nothing.

>> No.15750364

I guess if I regrow skin I could just keep it reasonable so it doesn't cover too mcuh when erect and get in the way.


I'm hovering between 2 and 3. It looks like a 4 or maybe a 5 would be good to keep the head safer and more moist without having too much skin be an issue. However it would probably take about 2 years of stretching the skin over my penis head daily for 4 or so hours.

Seems like an awful lot of commitment for the hope it may feel better overall in the long run.

>> No.15750416
File: 96 KB, 774x735, whisper-of-the-penis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any reviews of this yet?

Also, how is otona-sekai.com? Seems they're run by the same people as Nippon-Yasan.

>> No.15750441

>4 dorrars moar
stop being poor anon

>> No.15750457

so mine would be like 7 for left and 4 for right. It's pretty hard to get a full erection for me these days kinda miss the days of when I was a kid

>> No.15750475

in that case which holes actually worked for you? Would like reference for future purchase

>> No.15750496

For example the ass of the Puni Ana DX is great and glides just enough to not pull, the other hole kinda grips on for a nice visual effect but it makes me feel nothing and even feels constricting.

>> No.15750509


I am a huge fan of the spiral wave, so I was secretly hoping people would recommend a Venus for me to try, but I'll probably get the Witch then. I want MoT, but I have had zero luck with the ME brand. I got Lolinco and Maiden, and both fuckin sucked in regard to feeling and both got air bubbles as soon as I jammed my cock in them. Neither lasted a month before jizz started shooting out the holes like a fucking squirt gun, and the only way I could insert my dick into Maiden was if I suck my dick in it reverse cowgirl style. With Lolinco, the entrance would hurt my dick. Like it was really stiff compared to the rest of the hole. I feel like I did something wrong, because I am like the only person I have see that has an issue with the hole.

>> No.15750523

Hot water or cold for washing?

>> No.15750535

Warm is fine, hot water isn't really going to get hot enough to make any difference in cleaning so it won't matter. Just use whatevers comfortable to wash with.

You may want to grab some gently antibacterial hand soap though. I use some white tea with vitamin e shit that is so gentle it doesnt damage holes at all, but it adds an extra bit of cleansing and potentially leaves vitamin e residue behind for dick healing.

>> No.15750537

Cold, but I have always started out warm and then switch to cold. No problems yet.

>> No.15750642
File: 55 KB, 400x400, 1_1470806948_m_KDXW9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Figured I'd write a quick review of a recent purchase. I got the Vagina Deep Diver or V.D.D http://en-nls.com/pict1-45668?c2=1111 from nls earlier this week and man do I love this thing. It's a lot softer than I though it would be and the inner layer has real nice design which is nice. I'd definitely recommend it. Of my current holes I'd go 1. Venus Real 2. V.D.D. 3. Seductive witch

>> No.15750654

Thanks anon; I've been looking at ordering V.D.D. for a few weeks now, so I'm happy to hear that it's good.

>> No.15750681

Clone Hard and MoT are a tough pick but
MoT > Clone, but mine was good quality

>> No.15750689

Venus real in what hardness?
Does it feel more textured?
Can you feel every bump and ridge and the changes in the sections well?
How's the grip?
The weight help?
Grip feel?
Seem durable?
Don't want to bombard you with many more questions, but i'm interested in this one.

>> No.15750703

Cold then switch to warm.
Proteins (ie, spunk) congeal in warm water, making cleaning difficult. Clean out your fluids with cold then switch to warm with antibacterial soap

>> No.15750720


>> No.15750749

Venus real soft. When you first enter there's these nubs and bumps that feel nice and then once past them it gets less intense but still good and different. The only real gripe id have is the whole flat on one side thing but its not that big of a deal since its still easy to hold. Also it has more suction than I expected which is great.

>> No.15750758

not a fan of huge holes. Any other ones you tried?

>> No.15750766


>> No.15750770

Mouth of Truth, its tight, but none of the tightness is concentrated in one area, at least not at the entrance so it doesn't hang me up. It also feels ridiculous, especially the tongue.

>> No.15750772

meant for

>> No.15750801

I have mouth of truth being delivered right now. Thanks will be interesting to try

>> No.15750817
File: 24 KB, 480x360, cock in tar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thing is terrible, it feels like putting your nob in hot tar. I only bought it because it was cheap and the ad gave me a laugh. 0/10 would not recommend under any circumstance.

>> No.15750823

Not a whole lot of cheap holes are good, not surprising. Thats why I avoid the ones that sell based on having a knock off of a famous character on the cover.

>> No.15750839

cuz you're meant to strap it on and fuck a girl with it
its not a hole

>> No.15750846
File: 209 KB, 1500x1200, 71CnEOqilTL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15750892


Shit killed me while I was high.
I'm pretty sure it's just a shit hole.

>> No.15750965

Third time's the charm?

You don't have to be high, it's fucking hilarious.

>> No.15750984
File: 49 KB, 500x500, p.fuwafuwa.moe-emxesr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone tried this hole? The two rings look interesting, the outer design is really nice, and the box art is pretty good as well. I'm not sure how long or tight it is.

>> No.15751032

What are the best loli holes? I'm thinking of getting a Rina, Virgin Age Admission or Vacuum Witch, but can't decide which. Unless there's something else I should get instead. I already have a Lolinco.

>> No.15751038

There's also the Daisyuki Hold.

>> No.15751120

nope, not any that I've seen. I've seen a inflatable onahole holders.They also vary in types, Ive seen doll shaped ones, pillow mounts, and butt shaped ones. Ive never bought one.

>> No.15751133


Nah. The best part about boy pussy is fucking someone with a smaller dick than you and hearing the occasional girlyboy grunt and gasp from taking you in balls deep/feeling the sensation of you filling them up, while seeing their smaller but hard dick flailing and making a mess of precum everywhere. The dick on this one is tiny and flaccid, and there is no firm ass or hips to bully and pump into your dick with your superior manly weight and strength.
Not speaking from experience or anything.

I have a VAA and lolinco and I only really use VAA if I'm too lazy to clean out the lolinco (since VAA is way shallower it's an instant breeze to clean). I'm 4.5" tiny asian dick and I still bottom out on the VAA which is kind of unfortunate. But it's definitely more durable than lolinco since it isn't double layered. Sensation wise I like lolinco better; it just feels fuller.

>> No.15751229
File: 72 KB, 436x800, did_you_order_omame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How good or bad is that Did you order Omame ?? #3 onhahole?

>> No.15751240

generally holes with a reference to anime are bad
Japanese reviews on these are bad

>> No.15751258

The box is cute and it's cheap. Just go for it.

>> No.15751298

Why are they usually bad?

>> No.15751330

It might sound stupid, but you kinda have to train yourself to actually get anything out of it. Shit, it took me a year before I could get off with it alone instead of say using it while going at it like a normie. Now I can get multiples that near knock me the fuck out if it's a really good session. It's neato kiddo.


>> No.15751785

Because "parody holes" referencing certain characters are usually made almost immediately after the show airs / gets popular to cash in on the popularity of the character.
Hence they spend fairly low time in RnD and are also often of low-quality material. There are some rare exceptions for good parody holes, but as a rule of thumb they are garbage.

>> No.15751884

I bought a puni ana dx in Japan. After using it, I forgot that there was a hole on the back so I dripped some watery cum onto the futon, laptop, floor and even worse I left it on top of my luggage. I didn't even notice it leaking when I started to put it there.

I was wondering, does the smell of cum dissipate over time? I don't want the smell of cum to seep into everything in here. I'm just using water and tissues to try and get rid of the mess.

I tried googling but it's unbelievable how useless google is at giving me proper results.

>> No.15751909



>> No.15751916

>in Japan
What no middle schooler wanted to sleep with you? That's not like my doujins.

>> No.15751926

No, I'm only half of you and its tight. Would not recommend if your a big guy

>> No.15751942 [SPOILER] 
File: 207 KB, 816x612, 1472306442681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you ever received one of those gift bags, it has the same material as the toy bag. WATCH OUT I'M SHILLING HARD OUT LULUL

>> No.15751960

In other words, yes. Like I wanted to say, I want the tween feeling.

>> No.15751995

Smell of cum never dissipates, everyone will know that you fucked a rubber vagina and spilled cum over everything you own.

>> No.15752051

Just tried my Puni Ana SPDX. A bit let down by how loose it is, then again I'm coming from dick bully VAA and Lolinco (the holes I like and use the most). I also have a Venus Real Soft for whenever I feel like fucking a cloud and a tenga flip.

-It's heavy as fuck; you can hands free with it on a table or bed easy. It isn't gonna move. Or if you want a work out you can do standing doggy/mish to it.
-Rigid; speaking of it not moving, the skeleton--this makes it really believable since it isn't flopping around and has a spine. Using the hips and rib cage as handles without feeling it tightening around your dick as a result (the skeleton basically acts as a barrier from you pressing onto your own dick) is really nice and realistic because that kinda kills the immersion for me.
-Two holes. Anus is a bit tighter but less texture. Vagoo has more texture/stimulation. You can fug either the anus or pussy from the front with a view of the belly and itty bitty perky tits or from behind with a view of that tiny round butt; no far reach arounds here.
-Mini torso--you can put one hand on the hips and another on the stomach or tits. Or one on the ass from behind and one reaching around to the front. Lots of surface area for touching; this is a hands free hole if you lay it on a desk or bed.
-Skeleton seems durable; I was thinking it was gonna be some cheap plastic I could easily snap if I put my weight on it, but it's definitely a hard yet firmly flexible kind. I don't think it can break even if you punched it (if you're in ryona mode or something).

-It's pretty loud at the pussy. It makes a croaking sound at every thrust. Maybe I need more lube, and/or the the anal exit is making the sloppy vacuum sound.
-I haven't cleaned it up yet, but I imagine it's gonna be a pain in the ass unless you're taking a shower with it. So this is a fug-before-you-shower hole.
-storage; it's big so it doesn't really fit any of my drawers.
-Texture and tightness only offer medium stimulation; if you like that ultra tight tiny loli dick bullying pussy, you'll be pretty disappointed. A shame since you'd think a torso this small would be tight as fuck, but I guess it'd suck if you could only last a few minutes with it and spend more time on actually cleaning it.

For now, it's reserved as a hole I'm gonna use when no one else is home since it's loud, hard to hide fast, and a bitch to clean. I think lolinco and VAA are still gonna be my nightly go-tos.

>> No.15752249

Is there a reliable way to search for onaholes the name of which you only know in Japanese on en-NLS?

I've been looking up recommendations on onahodouga but it's difficult find them on NLS because the translation is bad and they don't keep the original Japanese name as tags or something.

>> No.15752275

Got mine today.
Cleaning it is really a pain in the ass.
With my puni ana / other onaholes i would normally just use paper towels.
But the holes are so deep, i can't reach that much with my fingers.
Guess i need to buy a microfiber cloth + some sort of stick.
And holding it and the shower head at the same time is pretty annoying.

>> No.15752276

Stick a condom on it if you're that paranoid.

>> No.15752540

1. go to e-nls
2. search for the hole
3. add an n to the URL

>> No.15752557

>Cal. 6mm BB

>> No.15753309

use the spreadsheet in pastebin

>> No.15753326

you bought this when living with someone else? That's ninja as fuck

>> No.15753526
File: 105 KB, 600x391, quiksilver-peracnik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder, why nobody uses school pen cases instead of those ona-bags?
I've never used the ona-bag, but can't imagine they are that different at that price.

>> No.15753661

You can. I'm just too lazy to go out to search for cheap pencil cases

>> No.15753724

It's like putting cookies in a school pen case. You could do it, but it's pretty fucking weird.

>> No.15753860

>It's just plastic
Not all plastics are the same. Chinks don't give a shit about quality or safety, they'll do anything to cut costs. Even if that means using toxic materials just because it's cheaper.

>> No.15753896

There's a difference between it feeling too tight and it splitting in half after using it twice. It's already ridiculously fragile compared to other holes even if your dick is average. But hey its your money, if you're OK with knowing its probably only gonna last a few times go for it.

>> No.15753930

>It's already ridiculously fragile
Shit. I have a habit of breaking sex toys.

>> No.15754012

Can anyone recommend any largesize onaholes?

My favourite ones I own are Lolicon and La vie en ROSES. I didn't like the Real Venus Soft at all as it felt like fucking a fat blob. My tiny ~5 inch penis prefers more sensational onaholes

The ones I'm looking at are large size onaholes including hips that are under $100 USD and available on otonaJP or NLS.

So far, I read reviews on blog.onahole.eu about:
- Puni Virgin 1000 Fuwatoro [$63 otonaJP]
- Ikappara Girl [$95 otonaJP]
- Sujiman Kupa Cocolo [$99 otonaJP]
- Puni Ana DX hard (I'm guessing hard is better than the original) [$89 otonaJP]
- Sakura The Small Idol [$56 otonaJP]

If anyone tried any of them, please feel free to share your experience with them.

Also, do any anons here own hips and live with parents? I think getting a hip is a really stupid idea in my current situation but I heard soooo many good things about them.

>> No.15754325


I actually prefer using the warmer without lube since the warmer frequently gets pushed outwards due to the "air bubble" trapped inside the onahole. I never had my holes melt and I usually leave my warmer in for about 10-15 minutes.

That holes I used the most are lolinco and La vie en Roses.

>> No.15754365

Anyone know what this sounds like? I would be great if someone extracted the audio from it:


>> No.15754379

Anyone tried any of the Meiki no Syoumei series? Meiki no Syoumei 10: Anri Okita sounds promising: http://infernalmonkey.com/2016/07/21/meiki-no-syoumei-10-anri-okita/

>> No.15754390

Probably like the generic hentai sound of high pitch moan and macaroni being stirred briskly.

>> No.15754395


I'm in a pretty big house and currently work at home so I hide my holes hidden among shit in my workstation. No one crosses this area in my room since they know me to go berserk whenever my garage/shop tools go missing.

Also SPDX isn't THAT big. It's only about 12" long and 4" thick. That's about the size of a ruler. I mean I could put it in a small drawer but it'd be the only hole sitting there. Also can't imagine it'd be good with the drawer with how heavy it is.

>> No.15754451

I currently store a couple hips in a duffle bag and busty aichan in a messenger bag. I've lived with other people with this stuff and I would say storing in a locked duffle bag with some other clothes or towels should be fine if your parents aren't intrusive.

Cleaning is not convenient though. Busty aichan is really difficult to carry properly so I only wash it when no one is around but a hip is better since you can just wrap a towel around it, hold it with one arm, conceal between your body and arm and pretend you're carrying dirty clothes after a shower. i've never confronted when moving the stuff out of my room though.

>> No.15754530

Thanks anon.

>I currently store a couple hips in a duffle bag

I can imagine someone's siblings/parents mistaking the duffel bag for exercise equipment or clothing, and then being overwhelmed with confusion and embarrassment when they open it in public.

>> No.15754645

How many holes do you have? I just bought my fifth and I've realized this is a fair collection.

>> No.15754673

I have 4 at the moment.

>> No.15754684

have or had?
in order

>some old cyberskin doublevag for missionary
>various crap american holes, usually lasted 3 uses
>tenga flips, all of them
>2x tenga 3d
Tenga 3d x 5

seducing witch

>> No.15754694

Dood; you made my night with that laugh. Gratitude.

>> No.15754719

No problem my man.

>> No.15754740
File: 109 KB, 500x514, 1471613089047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Five (plus used one disposable in the past), but I'm planning to expand my collection greatly next month.
I'm talking about buying about six onas, the shipping costs on Otonajp cost a fuckton for my country (about 80 euro) so I might as well stock up for the winter.

My first one was Tenga 3D Pile, it was actually a fairly decent as a baby's first ona, it was SUPER easy to clean and if I've used it for longer than a hour it actually started to get body-temperature warm because it was just really thin.
Then I've got Black Flip Air at first I've really liked it and these days I kinda dislike it so I hardly use it.
My third one was Rina Big which is my absolutely most favorite onahole to date, currently she looks like dissected fish with pretty nasty tear, but I still use her even in her current state, I just like that hole that much but saying that she's on her last legs would be an understatement as a matter of fact, I might get replacement of it I love it that much.
My newest additions are Monster Wet Real and Campus Life Athletic.
Monster Wet Real is pretty shit it's REALLY goddamn soft so I barely feel it, it's so soft that gripping is borderline painful and I feel carpal tunnel developing in my arm just thinking about holding it.
If you have seen this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swXYtge6Ae4 it's similiar to it times two, it's really goddamn soft and I have actually stress tested it on several occasions and I have stretched to at least half meter I think, it's actually pretty funny. Sometimes I fool around with it and swing it above my head like a flail, I might make a video one day.
Campus Life Athletic is pretty shit too, the material feels rubbery as fuck, I barely feel the inner texture and penetrating at first was a huge pain because the entrance is fucking small.
Also had one of those disposable tengas, but I haven't removed all the foam fillings from it because I'm dumb and the fap was somewhat lackluster because of that.

I still consider myself onahole amateur though.

How did you liked those Flip Airs and 3Ds?

>tenga flips, all of them
Why? Wouldn't two be enough?

>> No.15754777
File: 1.08 MB, 1500x2000, 1465359807745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anchovy Onahole?

>> No.15754783

>no lolinco

Have you tried it anon? Or are you scared that once you do, all other holes would feel like shit?

>> No.15754795

Yes please!

>> No.15754802
File: 327 KB, 885x1103, 1465256901516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was one way back when. I think it's tamatoys? I never took the plunge but maybe someone has by now.

>> No.15754811
File: 139 KB, 570x800, 1364328673376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bear with me for linking J-List.

>> No.15754836

Speaking of parodies, is there one for Shimakaze?

>> No.15754851

lol, I'm just kidding anon

>> No.15754928

one or two really would have been enough, the Flips were pretty nice at first, best part was they were ridiculously easy to clean. I ended up getting one of each of the Flips just to try out the different textures, Red was my favorite.

Problem i had with them was no matter how much i cleaned them, eventually crap started getting into the silicone. When it reached the hole part i chunked them.

the 3Ds are nice(zen/module ftw) super easy to clean. they go unused atm because of Rina mostly.

haven't gotten to it yet, still cant decide. i have a feeling it will crush me and i don't really have deathgrip.

>> No.15754937

Ikappara Girl or Puni Ana DX Hard?

Also, I'm considering the Puni Virgin 1000 Fuwatoro. Anyone here tried it?

>> No.15754941

I'm guessing no then. Shame.

>> No.15754976

So, here's the deal. I'm a beginner who wants to get a hole. Considering I have 15cm lenght but quite skinny, and consulting the spreadsheet available in the OP plus overall opinions, I've found the Lolinco to be the most well-regarded onahole. I guess I'd rather have something stimulating, so it seems like a good fit. But I might have missed an option somewhere. Would anyone recommend another choice, or is the Lolinco the best option as far as cost-benefit, lenght and width go?

>> No.15755055

I need to construct a fake onahole for... reasons. It just needs to be recognizable as being intended to be one from the outside. It looking shoddily crafted would be a plus.
Here's what I've been suggested to try:

condensed milk + water
equivalent to American condensed milk, since theirs is thicker
add small amount of water at a time while continously mixing
if too thick
if too thin
pectine / cooking wax

>> No.15755076

Try this, it didnt work for me very well

>> No.15755078
File: 15 KB, 900x148, 2016-08-28 05_21_03-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, was just testing directly copying out of my notes program.

So, the suggestion was to mix condensed milk and water, OR to mix Cetaphil and water. For the latter, continously keep adding small amounts of water while mixing. If it's too thick, add more water, if it's too thin, add pectine or cooking wax.

Any better solutions?

I also have the sponge onahole construction guide and a corn starch onahole copypasta flying around somewhere.

>> No.15755089

Wait, what. Those are the instructions for fake cum.

Sorry, kinda tired, it's 05:30 a.m. here.

Thanks, looks promising and funny.

>> No.15755107

Now you have to tell us why you don't have a normal one and need a fake

>> No.15755127

Every hole I buy breaks. I use lube and all and clean them after every use but they always wind up breaking after like my third use.

>> No.15755135

I just need it for a one-time project and felt like buying a real one would be wasteful for that.

I also don't own one, but for no particular reason.

>> No.15755140

you are doing something wrong

>> No.15755149

What might it be?

>> No.15755201

You are using your penis and not your fist, correct?

>> No.15755207

Correct. My penis isn't like a horsecock or anything either, it's an average size.

>> No.15755222

Did you try sticking it into the onahole?

>> No.15755227

The only things I can think of that would cause that quick of a failure are manufacturing defects (unlikely given frequency) and egregious misuse and handling. Are you turning them inside out? Are you over-stretching them while cleaning? Are you plowing them like a nickel whore? Outside of that, I really have no idea what's wrong. If it's really an issue, there was that creepy guy earlier who wanted to watch anons masturbate that would probably be willing to help you troubleshoot.

>> No.15755259

I'm relatively gentle with them, I don't turn them inside out, and I generally only stretch the opening of the hole a bit to let water flow in properly and wash out cum.

>> No.15755269

Then I guess the onagnomes are breaking into your place at night and perforating your holes with tiny needles. I recommend sleeping with your holes in your pillow to thwart their subterfuge.

>> No.15755271

Why didn't I think of that? Thanks anon!

>> No.15755278

Say nothing of it. While you're at it, you may want to also consider laying a ring of salt around your bed. You never know what supernatural forces may prey upon your rubber pussies.

>> No.15755305

My MoT died on me, pinhole appeared quickly because the interior was off center and said pinhole got worse and worse til it tore open and made it useless.

My Puni Ana DX Hard is still going strong.

>> No.15755315

I used to have this onahole:

I really liked the feeling out it - does anyone know of anything similar.

It was probably soft to medium hardness, with a small but comfortable opening and different patterns of swirls/ridges depending on the depth.

>> No.15755404


Seems like that page went down as soon as I linked it.
Heres another: http://www.wanta.co.uk/en/Products/2944/SOD-star-Risa-Tachibana

>> No.15755436

how can you tell if it off center? I have one being delivered at the moment

>> No.15755477

Stick your dick in all the way, your dickhead will make a bulge on the left side of the onahole intead of the top.

>falling for the MoT meme.

>> No.15755503

Yep, mine is the same. MagicEyes make holes that feel damn fine, but are put together like shit.

>> No.15755611
File: 1.24 MB, 1280x720, 10July12 - 001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I feel your pain, but I didn't think the hole felt that amazing in my case.

>Want a hip
>Ask OEG, get a hip bro to run down some of his
>Purchase after carefully considering, so as not to think with muh dick
>End up getting Virginal Bloom
>Excited all week while waiting to experience it
>Finally break it out tonight
>Nowhere near what I though it would be like
>Literally have to use my fingers/thumbs to keep my glans from almost piercing the outer walls of the toy
>Try pressing it up against a wall/door to compensate, just makes it uncomfortable to thrust (like my dick is going to bend in half)
>Too light to hands-free on a counter
>Finish in cowgirl after considerable effort

Maybe I wasn't meant to feel this magic. Past toys include Fuck Me Please 2, several BD toys (Natascha, Hazel, Sugar Star) and the original Flip Hole. I'm not that big either (6", never measured girth) so I figured, per the measurements, the Virginal Bloom would be pretty accommodating, but I was wrong. I guess I'll just stick to onaho until I can save up for a full doll. Might spring for a Vacuum Witch to ease my pain...

>> No.15755631


Forgot to add, I had to double-up on onatsuyu.mid-way through my session, and still ended up with tearing around the vaginal entrance. I tried to go into the anal at one point, but couldn't even get all the way in (and the stretching didn't really inspire confidence to try j-j-jamming it in).

>> No.15755707

>Not fucking your slave as hard as you want, even if it destroys her
Shitposting aside, it's good to know that hip has some poor build quality. I tend to stay away from onaholes/hips that have thin walls or tunnels that curve towards the walls, as you tend to blast through the sides when thrusting

>> No.15755851
File: 33 KB, 465x315, blue ball mer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live with parents
Alright folks, this is another reminder for you all to be always extra careful.

Ordered some non-adult shit online and one afternoon I find the package on the shelf, opened.
Confront father as to why he opened it, he just laughs annoyingly and says he thought it's for him because it came together with another post.
Shove package in his face;
"See this? It's written AIR MAIL, CANADA, have you ever in your life ordered from overseas? - No."
"The front and back are full with english text, do you understand even a single sentence in English? - No."
"Written here is my name, here's my cellphone number and most importantly, did YOU expect a package of computer parts? - No."
"Then why the fuck did you open it? - I thought it's mine." and he continues to laugh like a retard.
Also he took the package more than a week ago and almost threw it away.

Not the first time he opened my stuff and I've known him to be always like this, always meddling in others' business, so it's no big surprise. (Not once did he go through all drawers with a "spring cleaning" excuse when I wasn't home all day.)
Still, it made me think of those 3 times when I ordered onaholes and got lucky being home alone.
Unfortunately there are no PO box services in my area and I can't move out yet.

tl,dr: Always think thrice about ordering anything if you live with your parents. Especially if they're prying like mine.
It's not always worth the trouble.

>> No.15756122


Puni Ana DX
Virgin age: admission
Mouth of truth
Slut Angel
Daisyuki Hold
17 Bordeaux
Puni Ana 3D
JU-C Puti
I want it now onahole
Lolinco Virgo
Puni Virgin 1000 Fuwatoro

>> No.15756138


How's Lolinco vs Lolinco Virgo.
My Lolinco is getting worn out. Worthy upgrade?
I like dick bullying and high stimulation.

>> No.15756146

My Lolinco broke a couple months ago, but I think it was better than the Virgo, which I ordered as a replacement after the original one broke. The Virgo one is just the original but a bit bigger, a little bit less tight, but pretty similar still. 5 inch dik, not sure about girth, but it's not disproportionated.

>> No.15756148

Ok, bad measurements, fucking imperial system
15 cm

>> No.15756211

Favs are Puni virgin 1000 fuwatoro and lolinco
If I were you, but still depending on your measurements, I would get an og Lolinco

>> No.15756347


im tiny asian dick so i guess ill just get another regular one. i also figure since it's bigger but has no frame/skeleton it'd just be floppy and end up being a chore.

>> No.15756493

I live my mum and brother, never open my package they just leave my parcels on the table until I find out its there.

>> No.15756603

Lolinco should be fine, yeah.

>Also he took the package more than a week ago and almost threw it away.
If he didn't actually throw it away, what's the problem?

How are the Puni Ana DX and the Puni Virgin 1000 Fuwatoro?

>> No.15757151

Nice. Sadly some onaholes just aren't listed on nls.

>> No.15757181

Why use domestic when you can get some fancy imported lube?

I've only briefly used two, Wet and Astroglide, but I think I preferred Wet.

>> No.15757338

What's anon's favorite lube? Currently using "Onatsuyu Pussy Love Juicy Lotion Lubricant"

>> No.15757373

refer to >>15751909

>> No.15757427
File: 22 KB, 300x300, virgin_tight_innocent_pussy-52-300x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought pic related yesterday, waiting 2 weeks for it to arrive. On a no fap till it arrives.

>> No.15757529

>On a no fap till it arrives.
That's stupid.

>> No.15757547


Don't do it son, your dick's gonna look like an expended bullet jacket once you fap.

>> No.15757642

All the better for impregnating her!

>> No.15757934
File: 793 KB, 650x489, my collection.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im doing well?

>> No.15758465

Does AmazonCom sell any good hips? I have a gift card.

>> No.15758675

Can I use hot glue to repair an onahole? I bought an oral hole and the tongue has come undone from the outer layer.

>> No.15758697

No, I'm afraid she's going to irreversibly mute for the rest of her life.

>> No.15758759

Has anyone ever gotten a fungal/bacteria infection from a dirty onahole?

I've just left mine out for a week and a half without cleaning it and im wondering the risk of using it.

I'm going to clean it first, of course.

>> No.15758832

>a week and a half
Trash it

>> No.15758986

Didn't trash it anon, I came inside of it instead. I'm gonna take a shower which should mitigate any infection I could've gotten.

The smell was pretty foul inside even after I cleaned it multiple times with soap and hot water. But when I turned it inside-out, it didn't appear to look bad, there was just a persistent stench that I couldn't get rid of. It smelled kind of like milk that you left out in the sun for a couple days. I think I'm good, though.

>> No.15759037

I've gone way longer and I haven't had a problem.

But I'm cut and my dick is basically a slab of rock at this point.

>> No.15759052

It's breddy good.

I want something more stimulating though so probably will order a lolinco or vacuum witch later on.

>> No.15759073

The bloo holy grail supplement that's floating around? If not, what supps you taking?

>> No.15759111

Puni ana DX is pretty nice. Grabbing the ass and bouncing it on top is simply amazing. A little bit of a pain to clean, and being open ended is a flaw to keep in mind, but I would still put it top 3, after Lolinco and puni virgin 1000 fuwatoro

The puni virgin 1000 is simply amazing, it's not too rough and it's very floppy, but the stimulation is just on point and in the right places. Definitely my number 1 choice, but still close to lolinco.

English is not my mother tongue, and I'm not sure I'm explaining myself as well as I would like, sorry in advance.

>> No.15759123

Fuck, I meant to ask about the Puni Ana 3D.

>> No.15759151

I haven't used it too much and the last time I used it was at least 2 months ago. I think I would put it 5th, would buy again. It's got a kinda strange stimulation, with a soft but not floppy texture. Two small holes from popped bubbles appeared on top, and communicate with the plastic-y skeleton, but doesn't seem like it's gonna rip in half. I'm not sure what to explain, it's been too much time, but overall it's similar to puni ana dx, 7.5/10 (top 5)

>> No.15759168

I see, thanks.

I'm probably getting the Puni Ana DX, MoT, Seventeen Bordeaux, and Puni Virgin 1000 then. Not sure yet in what order. I'd also like to get the Puni Ana 3D and Vacuum Witch, but I'm already spending enough as it is.

>> No.15759193

Nice list! Also, the teeth might get some tries to get used to, and if you still see that you don't like em, just get them out. They are a nice gimmick, but cut them out if you don't like them, the hole in itself is top-tier.

>> No.15759199

Also, I was talking about the Puni Virgin 1000 Fuwatoro version, just in case...

>> No.15759241

fwiw, I currently have a Lolinco and Daisyuki Hold. Lolinco is way better imo. Daisyuki Hold is a bit boring and I don't like really like the material or its appearance.

Yeah I know, I think I'll probably like them though.

Oh, is there a normal version too? I thought there only was a Fuwatoro one.

>> No.15759288

I shouldn't ask this but how discreet is toydemon? Thinking of getting a koko doll (victoria) and obviously it's gonna be a pretttttyy big box.

>> No.15759294


>> No.15759644

what's the best western lube?

>> No.15759681

week old cum

>> No.15759768

It's still semi-connected, just a little broken.

>> No.15759772

They don't even say ToyDemon on the box, so you should be pretty good.

>> No.15759958

Any decent hips for missionary?

Also, how much have my fellow anons here spent on onaholes and everything related so far?

>> No.15759965

Who else likes to use several onaholes at once?
Since my favorite one is getting torn apart, I've recently started to use other inferior holes along with her and keep switching them during sessions.
I wouldn't have even bothered with the other holes on their own, but they provide different stimulations and when I get to use my favorite one she just feels so much better in comparison which amplifies her qualities instead of using her all the time and getting used to her.
The major drawback is amount of cleaning you have do afterwards and I hate it.

>> No.15760067

How much is the meiki plush discounted during black friday?

>> No.15760478

Consensually for the sole purpose of procreation?

>> No.15760508

They were $130 last time.

>> No.15760567

Got around to cleaning Puni Ana SPDX for the first time. Took it to the shower.
It's actually not too bad to clean in the shower; all you gotta do is drain it hole facing down first to get most of the spunk out, then shoot your bathtub faucet (if you have a tub) at both holes, alternating one at a time and spreading them open for it. The pressure is enough to have water coming out the other hole. Then just a fingering session in the shower and it's gtg.
BUT drying it is a pain in the ass; no way in hell my fingers were long enough to cross over the two holes. I almost split my finger webbing fuck. Looks like I'll have to grab my extra pair of drum sticks and use those to jam the towel in like I'm loading a power charge on a revolutionary war muzzle loader.

Also while it was wet and slippery in the shower, it turned me the fuck on and I started sucking on its small but ample preteen tits. Oh god I really wanted to fug it right then and there but I didn't bring lube.
This is definitely gonna be my shower hole.

On the other hand another downside to it imo (since I like dick bullies) is the tightness is pretty consistent throughout--I like it tight at the beginning/hard to get into, almost to the point of being a squirm battle. Makes it all the more realistic. When I went in easily I kinda thought she was a used up whore.
hmm maybe gud for loli/teen prostitution fetish time.

Pretty much the list.
Currently L-arg, Zinc, Lecithin, Saw Palmetto.
Thinking of adding L-Lysine to fight the L-arg a bit cause I'm getting acne from it.
Also gonna start hitting the gym soon.
>going outside to a place full of normies just to make increase my libido and make my cum shoot farther

i like toy demon. they let you ship it to a nearby fedex retail outlet for pickup instead of home delivery. god tier imo. saves me a ton of trouble.

I used to use Gun Oil because I also have guns and in the offshoot people find it, I hope they actually think it's for my guns.

>> No.15760610

>I used to use Gun Oil because I also have guns and in the offshoot people find it, I hope they actually think it's for my guns.
but is the lube itself any good

>> No.15760647

Same as any adult store worth a shit, plain packaging with no identifiable markings.

>> No.15760746
File: 399 KB, 500x279, pop the top.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody know of a good 'clingy' hole. I don't want loli tight, but I want something that just sticks to your dick.

>> No.15760916


It's good. It stays wet.
I'm honestly still wondering what the hype is over ona tsuyu/peace's since you either need a lot or add water and they tend to dry out.

>> No.15760999
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First time buyer in Aus, should I remove the packaging from my r20 puni just to be on the safe side? You can never know with our customs.

>> No.15761003
File: 74 KB, 213x233, 1469625449059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>venus real soft literally feels better than a bareback blowjob from a college chick'

what the fuck is even going on anymore

>> No.15761105

I didn't remove loli looking packages and it was fine.

>> No.15761203

College chicks can't suck dicks, news at 11
Should've went to uni if you wanted throat service.

>> No.15761230

college uni same thing
my college even has uni in the name

>> No.15761511

Has anybody bought the "Factory Seconds Masturbator" from queencat?

If so, did they give you some broken stuff?

>> No.15761531

what do you use to plug the flush and second hole in a onahip to produce suction?

>> No.15761554

Cute shota penises.

A few have ordered and they seem to simply have minor surface defects, but completely usable stuff. I can't remember anyone who got something horridly unusable. Get a lathe, green sand and start making your own holes with aluminum billets - they're cheap enough for getting material to mold with.

>> No.15761590

Your buttplug would work, although then you wouldn't have it in your ass.
Hard decision...

>> No.15761814

Have you tried Mouth of Truth or Lolinco yet anon? The intense sensation would probably change your life.

>> No.15761858

what state were you in

>> No.15761910


>> No.15761921

ok I'm also in VIC so I'll bite the bullet, even though it's not loli I don't want go back in the pen

>> No.15761934

I have a question. Where should I get rid of my onahole? I'm in Japan and don't know where to dispose it. The house trash is a no go since I don't live alone.

>> No.15761986

Just wrap it up in something?

>> No.15762057

Where were you when /ona/ decides the course of the sex toy market?

>> No.15762124

Hey guys, I really enjoyed the lolinco but didn't enjoy the venus real soft. Do you guys think I would enjoy the Puni Virgin 1000 Fuwatoro?

>> No.15762138

Do y'all ever put clothes on your hip onaholes?. I have a Puni Ana DX but I cant seem to find the right size.

>> No.15762169

Dissolve it.

>> No.15762184

Just put it in a bag and throw it out in a dumpster or public trashcan.

>> No.15762193

If this is serious I want to know how.

>> No.15762220
File: 141 KB, 564x571, 1455912907888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feed it to the pigs, they eat anything. Just go over to some pig farm and rent some pigs for a while, those farmers are used to renting them to the mob for body disposal, so they wouldn't suspect a thing if you had them eat a rubber cooter instead.
I'd just throw it into a public plastic recycle bin or to the bin of my neighbors. What are you afraid of?
Don't anon, that's how you get killed by a mustard gas and I doubt you'd want you family to find your corpse laying next to half-melted rubber cooter.
In all seriousness, some onaholes can release unhealthy fumes during melting process (read pasta about soldering tool repairs)

>> No.15762241

I forgot this was 4chan for a minute. Thanks for the warning.

>> No.15762267

just received my lolinco,

however, its a bit oily and kinda reeks of rubber/grease.

what is the best way to clean it? or is this normal?

>> No.15762268

I mean, you most likely wouldn't really get injured doing it, the chances are probably pretty slim, but it's still pointlessly complicated to melt it if you can just trash it in literally any bin around you.
Or if you feel adventurous you could just bury it in the woods for that "burying your problems" authenticity!

>> No.15762281

nah mine came nice and powdered
idk what to do anon just clean it like you would normally

>> No.15762285

Just rinse it with water anon.
Stench of onaholes varies from one to another, some have barely any initial odor, some reek but the smell disappear after first couple of washes and some are almost impossible to get rid of the smell.
I haven't tried Lolinco yet, but since it's so popular I'd assume the smell would disperse fairly quickly since no review really complains about it.

>> No.15762310


just gave it a gentle wash with lukewarm water. smell is a lot less now. welp. pretty excited since this is my first ona/toy :D

>> No.15762322

it was my first too
its a good starter hole IMO

>> No.15762338
File: 17 KB, 300x195, tocotoucan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guide update soon

>> No.15762352

welcome to magic eyes products

>> No.15762368


It was my second hole and I dunno, I feel like it ruined me for other holes.

I love intense ultra tight dick bullying stimulation so no regrets still.
I think I came within 30 seconds of my first time using it.

>> No.15762467

I'm not a clean freak or germaphobe, but cleaning the lube and semen from all the little fold and the innermost part took a suprising amount of time.

And how do you even start drying a tight(?) hole like this after cleaning? just air it out? stock some tissue in it? force some linen/silk in with a stick (like you do with brass/woodwinds)?

Lasted only a bit over 1.5 min i think. maybe i didnt use enough lube, but it felt more intense than actual pussy o_o

>> No.15762522

well if you read the guide it would say to use a microfiber cloth to dry the hole after washing the cum out of it.

>> No.15762532

cuz that'll happen

>> No.15762601

So I have tried to solder my onahole again, the first try was a rather failure. It did not lasted even for a whole session.
This time I have put my past experience into practice and did seemingly good job, will see tonight how well I did it.
But I have soldered the entrance tear perhaps a bit too well and the entrance is rather tiny right now. Which has got me thinking, it can't be that hard to cook up some ghetto custom onaholes with tearable hymens and whatnot with good old soldering tool and a bit of imagination.
Perhaps even make a Frankenstein onahole by cutting apart several old unused onaholes and using only the good parts of them to create a custom freakshow onahole with a wild channel.

>> No.15762715

After washing my lolinco thoroughly, I just leave it in my large toy bag with a pack of silica gel. Then I store it underneath my sink cabinet where rarely anyone in my family checks.

>> No.15762918

Ever since my La vie en Roses arrived 2 weeks ago, I have been addicted to anal. I tried looking for some popular anal onaholes but had no luck.

Now I'm curious what butt plugs feel like. Can I s-still be straight and enjoy butt plugs? I'm just so curiously about anuses lately. =S

Also, I find it amusing how dicks and vaginas are censored in JAV but anuses aren't.

>> No.15762948


>> No.15762983

So I just finished repairing, washing, powdering my 16kg torso. I also fucked it for the first time in the bath since I bough it back in May. To doll owners how do you stop the doll from developing black patches and friction damage on silicone?

If someone wants my opinion on dolls/torsos. They're great to hug and snuggle when you sleep, but they're a bitch to clean and maintain. I don't think I'll ever fuck it again, I'll leave that to onaholes.

>> No.15763493

this is the reason i cant bring myself to buy a doll

>> No.15763668

Been gone for a couple of months. Any notable holes that came out between June and now?

>> No.15763686


Hate to sound like a shill but La vie en Roses was so good, it made me question my sexuality.

>> No.15763699

>La vie en Roses was so good, it made me question my sexuality.
what did he mean by this

>> No.15763763

Do you guys like vibrating onaholes?
I'm considering getting one of the Vulcan onaholes / fleshlights, because frankly, it looks pretty cheap and might be pretty neat.
Also I'm this >>15762601 anon and I'm considering drilling a hole for the vibrating head into that patchworked onahole to go nuts.

>> No.15763878

i like dicks

>> No.15763898

La vie en Roses was the first dual hole onahole I ever got. It introduced me to anal and I have been hooked ever since. The reason why it made me question my sexuality is because I really like (giving) anal now and super curious about anuses. Curious enough to want to try out butt plugs.

Speaking of sticking things up our butts, I read this from blog.onahole.eu that apparently "having something inside your anus while cumming tightens the pelvic muscle, leading to more powerful orgasms" (https://blog.onahole.eu/reviews/dildos-pspot-vibrators/first-experience-dildo))

Is there a rule on how large and deep the object is? I'm an anal virgin and I'm a bit scared to stick anything up my butt. =S

>> No.15763928

I have heard your call.

I want to agree with that strengthening orgasm part. Most of my powerful orgasms have been with some sort of prostate stim. Now one thing is, unless you like pain or want to feel like your hole is being used, you'd want to start small. Fingers, pens, sharpies, ect.

>> No.15763994

For once I agree with Rjob. Wear gloves, lube them up, and stick a finger up your butt. Move on to a pen after that, through a condom or glove. Dont forget to keep adding lube.

>> No.15764001

>He hasn't had a dildo up his boypussy and had 10 prostate-orgasms in a row, each wave of pleasure bigger than the last, finally ending in an ultra orgasm, leaving him a panting mess on the bed with naughty boycum everywhere

>> No.15764177

>for once

Wew laddie

>> No.15764462

You forgot:
>Not speaking from experience or anything.

>> No.15764489
File: 1.12 MB, 540x531, 1472491795111.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>desperate to order onahole
>don't want to order anymore

i'm confused

>> No.15764502

Don't go grocery shopping hungry anon.

>> No.15764518

its been 10 minutes and I want it to fuck the onahole

>> No.15764573

But I do speak from experience... I have to put a towel on the bed because of all the gooey cum I milk out.

>> No.15764927

i seem to have good luck with a decent powdering. havent had an issue yet with my current doll, but i dont use it all too often.

>> No.15764973

>is anon that bought SCP and MoT
It came in a day early! But i can't use it atm. Damn. Guess i'll try out the SCP tomorrow after work.

>> No.15765070

I usually fap before showers so I just clean it in the shower.

I just rinse it under the bath tub faucet while prying it open. Rinse, drain, rinse, drain, repeat until it's not obviously slimy when you finger it. I move it up and down against the pressure of the faucet for good measure.
Then in the shower under running water, I just finger it till I feel there's no more lube. Then I stick torn-half paper towel in all the way, squeeze the hole all around so the towel grabs most of the moisture, trash that piece, then the next half to dry the rest up. Absolutely dry after that. ez pz.
I don't like using microfiber towels because the idea of a cum-rag anything even after washing is groce.

>> No.15765071

How do I impregnate my onahole? What will our children look like?

>> No.15765160

How does Rina compare to the Lolnco?

Average girth, no death grip, 6 inch length

>> No.15765397

I think I'm doing something wrong. I use onatsuyu for both my lilith uterus and venus real, and for every 5~10 minutes I have to reapply the lube or else the hole would be dry enough to drag my skin which hurts a little bit. Is this natural? It never happened to my other holes.

>> No.15765423


This might sound crazy, but in order to get lube to flow a bit better, just spit into it. Don't hawk a loogie or anything, just a wee bit of saliva to lower the consistency. It saves lube and reactivates what's already inside.

>> No.15765551

That's something I've never thought about. Will give it a try, thanks anon

>> No.15765597

Anyone ever try sticking fruit into their onahole? I just microwaved some pineapple and stuck it in mine.

It felt very good would recommend.

>> No.15766133
File: 126 KB, 604x1024, CrEqGUhUEAAH4Mb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is both a dildo and a onahole if you're brave enough.

>> No.15766142

I just bought three of the "Factory Seconds Masturbator" from Queen Cat.

I hope I don't get cucked.

>> No.15766244

This is the closest I've ever come to wanting a dildo.

>> No.15766393

what the actual fuck

>> No.15766468

i don't think i want to fuck residues of fruit

>> No.15766471
File: 2.77 MB, 710x400, 1434045655810.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which onahole is this

>> No.15766694


>> No.15767066

Whenever I use Onatsuyu now I wet the inside of the onahole with water first. It keeps the lube moist.

>> No.15767109

That's an interesting idea. I might try that.

>> No.15767251

Speaking of lube, what's the best way to apply it?

Usually I pour a bit into the hole, use the vacuum to suck it all the way to the bottom, and squeeze the hole a few time to make sure the lube go through the entire thing. It doesn't work that great because not everything gets lubed, making the first entry a bit hard, but then I don't know a better way either.

>> No.15767273
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>> No.15767307

>cucked by a pineapple
>fruity sloppy seconds

>> No.15767377


>making the first entry a bit hard
>slowly working your dick into it and spreading the lube and being slowly accepted by the hole

but that's one of the best parts.

>> No.15767399

There are two ways how I lube my onaholes.
One is first gently rinse the insides of the hole with water, warm the hole with a warmer for several minutes and then pour a couple teaspoons of lube into hole.
Second is warm the dry onahole first with a warmer for several minutes and then lube your dick. Fap a bit to get hard and then insert. This works best with tighter onaholes that bully you dick. I use this method when I use my La vie en Roses' anus.

>> No.15767416
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>> No.15767479

Just ordered powdered lube, how exactly does one use it? Just put some into the ona and pour some water?

>> No.15767740
File: 122 KB, 1024x768, CrGT5n_UkAALhjS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me irl

>> No.15767780
File: 74 KB, 501x585, Hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait a moment...I recognize that guy on the left.

>> No.15768072

hello my lovely friends, I am looking for a new ona with a realistic tunnel and I'd like to hear which one is your favourite ! Also my dicc is smol asian at only 8 cm

>> No.15768187

stop with the memes
read the guide

succ me

>> No.15768603

Reminds me of the Futanari Musume Double Hole. Except you can't get your dick in that one

>> No.15768608


The only argument against this is that it is too sensational and all your future holes will feel inadequate. Heck, it's even better than real pussy apparently. I wouldn't know ofc because girls are obsolete to me.

Also if you live in a country with Amazon prime shipping, I would definitely suggest buying it there instead. It is usually cheaper there. (Almost half price on Amazon.ca)

>> No.15768620

Shiraishi Marina <3

>> No.15768774
File: 48 KB, 1280x607, sucking_tentacles_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got the Sucking Tentacles just today and tried it out.
Its so soft that when I hold on end of the onhahole the other end hangs, when I bottom out my penis head actually bottoms out at the side of the onahole instead of the bottom and I can see my penis head through the onhahole material. The onhahole isn't very stimulating but still feels good, also the onahole doesn't feel like it is durable and will tear and rip easily, the virgin admission hard onahole is way better than this one. This onahole didn't suck my dick, it had weak suction.

>> No.15768808

Reporting back. The entry is tight as all fuck. Sadly; as I expected from so many reviews, the tunnel is lackluster. If you stick your finger in you can feel the grooves and ridges in the tunnel. However, your dick won't. The tunnel could be smaller going towards the back to better stimulate your penis; similar to VAA.

Honestly, I still like it better than my 17 B.

Overall, I'd save your money unless you want to have the tight entrance and that's all.

>> No.15769044

>half price on Amazon.ca
I'm not even finding it there, link?

>> No.15769227

Google "lolinco amazon.ca" because Amazon has some annoying sfw filter that prevents people from searching adult toys.

>> No.15769246

I found a whole bunch of other onaholes though, surprisingly enough.
