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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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15634445 No.15634445 [Reply] [Original]


dovac gone.

I'm guessing this means more censored only VNs for the stupid buyfags in the west.

>> No.15634454

Just learn japanese already.

>> No.15634466

He's not gone, if you even read the thread you linked you would see that he's still with sekai project.

>> No.15634487


>> No.15634621

He's linking reddit. You should know better.

>> No.15636128

>Trusting the words of a PR guy attempting to damage control
Dovac wasn't removed from the staff page accidentally. Something must have happened.
I at least believe he didn't entirely leave SP.

>> No.15636150

>I'm guessing this means more censored only VNs for the stupid buyfags in the west.
Regardless of dovac, SP will continue censoring VNs. They don't care for the core VN audience. They're just in for the Steam bucks.

>> No.15636172

how does this effect the grisaia series?

>> No.15636890

Dovac deleted his twitter history. The most recent tweet is from last year.

Should not affect.

>> No.15636923

Did somebody save some screenshots of it?

>> No.15637129
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It's literally the CURRENT YEAR and /jp/ still doesn't know Japanese.

>> No.15637565

There are a couple in the archive and some even posted in that reddit thread. I'm sure at least one person on /jp/ has his best tweets saved.

Gonna be a fun vnts if the drama doesn't stop. Hope SP burns, or at least does enough damage control that they don't let Dovac say anything publicly ever again.

>> No.15637782
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>> No.15638332

Sekai project dying would be one of the best things to happen to the industry. They've a shitstain since their inception. I can't believe people actually gave them all those kickstarter bucks when the only thing they've ever done is take an existing fan translation, censor it and throw the result on steam for ironic weebbux.

>> No.15639251

How does dovac being fired mean more censored VNs? Wasn't he the one stubbornly pushing for censorship in the first place?

>> No.15639261

Whole western market dying would be the best.

>> No.15639389

I don't want to learn a dying language that takes considerable commitment just for VNs desu

>> No.15639578

a couple days ago i bought the nekopara games from denpasoft are you assblasted yet

>> No.15639700

Think about all the actual good things you could've bought with that money! Not to mention that pirating Nekopara is easy as fuck.

>> No.15639996

Lol Dovac was the cause of the censorship, if he is really gone then it would mean less censorship.

>> No.15640060

I will never understand this shit. What is the point of adding these useless little acronyms besides marking your post as written by a teenager?

>> No.15640079
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Sekai Discord

>> No.15640127

What do you think an acronym is?

>> No.15640153

Give me some of those in Japanese please. もうオナ禁を破りたくない。

>> No.15640188

It's what the public wants. Who do you think has been funding them if not the very same "le ironic weeb xPPP" crowd who then buy their Steam garbage?

>> No.15640369

Keep telling yourself that. Dovac isn't the only one responsible for management.

>> No.15640411

But he was the main one pushing for censorship, many from Sekai staff are anti censorship too but they cant go against the boss.

>> No.15640598

>many from Sekai staff are anti censorship
Got source for this, because I find it hard to believe. The company wants to make steambux, and they are under the impression that porn doesn't sell (and this is probably true, there is an expectation that 18+ patches are either free or super cheap, not the same price as the game itself). They'll continue releasing censored/all-ages games since there's no monetary reason to go for 18+.

>> No.15640772

RIP /jp/ https://twitter.com/sekaiproject/status/761635364809297920

>> No.15640809

I don't give money for these dirty jew and pirated all. Fuck these whito piggu

>> No.15640896

So much for SP burning.
It's over /jp/, English translations are dead. Time to learn Japanese like you should have 8 years ago.

>> No.15640901


>> No.15640906

>new office
>that's why we fired all our PR suddenly
>and completely removed all mention of our CEO from our site
>and our CEO removed all mention of being associated with SP from his social media

I don't think so, Tim.

>> No.15641051

Dovac is just trolling you all to get back at you form making fun of him. It would be nice if Sekai really died be we are not that lucky.

>> No.15641206

I want /v(g)/ to leave.

>> No.15641250

i want eops to leave

>> No.15641266

Much more importantly, fucking redditors and those who protect people posting reddit links should leave.

>> No.15641342

The last one to leave should turn off the light.

>> No.15642014

Is VNTS threads kill?

>> No.15642057

VNs in the west are dead and so is the thread.

>> No.15642084

Hurray! Bring back fan translations. They sucked but this state of affairs is even worse.

>> No.15642085

What's the point of releasing Maitetsu censored?

>> No.15642090

The day /jp/ was trolled by SP.
Hijacking 99% done fan translated projects has to be the best business model ever.

>> No.15642135

Why is /vn/ so shit ?

>> No.15642182

>Why is a general so shit?
Hmm I wonder

>> No.15642354

No. Last sunday thread fell off board wednesday. A new one was created but a mod deleted it.

I don't usually go to /vn/ but when I go most guys seem to just care about what they consider kamige, meme or moege. Anything else will fall into their prejudiced opinion of being shit. Also, I, for one, don't particularly feel willing to discuss VNs there given the usual shit-posting.

>> No.15643001

>but a mod deleted it.

>> No.15643040

I like how the reddit faggots didn't even acknowledge that /jp/ noticed those things first.

>> No.15643216

It's unfortunately a moogy circlejerk (most people doing this are probably just falseflagging trying to make people hate moogy even more) and a constant EOP/JOP shitflinging contest. You can have a nice discussion there in a blue moon, but it's generally pretty terrible.

>> No.15643249
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Not even trying to hide it

>> No.15644092

I only went there cause VNTS died.

>> No.15644395

Because mods are cunts.

>> No.15644450

>A new one was created but a mod deleted it.
That wasn't a VNTS thread, it was some shitass who wasn't done circlejerking over moogy and thinks it needs to be a 24/7 general up. Good fucking riddance, make your own damn thread if you want to talk about a subject. Like this one.

>> No.15644589


A general? On /jp/?


>> No.15644617

Agreed. MOD = GODS in this instance.

>> No.15644642

People obviously want to understand the mechanics behind trains. They don't care about the lolis.

The next objective will be Monobeno without lolis.

>> No.15644649

It's not a nukige you dimwit.

>> No.15644658

>Implying Japan bought Maitetsu for the trains, not for the lolis
You're free to think that

>> No.15644723

Lose is pretty much the only company who does loli eroge with story. People buy their games for lolis and story mostly, if you want just ero you could easily buy 5+ loli nukige for the price of maitetsu and get a shitload more porn that way.

>> No.15644798

>EOP guesswork

It's hard to deny that some people bought Maitetsu for the trains, seeing the relative success of SnkHyou's train events, just like Monobeno for healing, but you can't act like the porn isn't the main thing people go for.

Consider how extremely pornographic everything surrounding the game is, from the preorder extras to goods that are sold by Lose at various events. Also consider the discussions on B_____k, where people ask when will the extra porn scenes be released and what H scenes they want in the fandisc.

>> No.15644859

If Sekai never appeared this now would be the golden age.

>> No.15645204

The story has got middling reviews at best. The only redeeming feature about it other than it being a lolige is the train infodumps, which are certainly not among the most attractive things to the minuscule western fanbase.
Even if you believe it's good for the trains, that isn't the major selling point, and it certainly won't be the major selling point in the West.

>> No.15645354

How were Maitetsu sales compared to Monobeno?

>> No.15645357

Every other thread on this fucking board is a general, we may as well have one for VNs.

>> No.15645433

We have but for untranslated ones.

>> No.15645437


>> No.15645494

Did you guys know that the reason Shiny Days was censored and JAST had to release a patch was actually Sekai fault. Back then their translators worked on it and demanded that it should be censored or they would quit.

So even at the very beginning Sekai was shit and people blindly showered them with Kickstarter money and praise.

>> No.15645610

All because of those mild Kokoro scenes.

>> No.15645682

It's hard to judge sales of any eroge. One way are the TG points. Generally one point is understood to mean 23 copies sold. It's all based sales from a limited number of stores, notably Sofmap stores aren't counted.

Monobeno: Happy End 538 points

Maitetsu 591 points

>> No.15645966

I think surprisingly few people know that part of the reason it got censored is because the translator threatened to quit if they released the Kokoro scenes, which is completely ridiculous. Translators should have no control over the content they are translating.

>> No.15646001

Who translated the game?

>> No.15646084

post the full image you dillweed.

>> No.15646361

To prove that loli is illegal. Haven't you seen all SJW believe exactly what they get? If they had lolis, then they would think pedos are legal and that would be bad!

>> No.15646362

Why force yourself into one when you can have as many as you want?

>> No.15646401

Pray for dovac having been overthrown, prepare for him to censor more shit.

>> No.15646463

I suppose that's a success. That's good for Lose.
I just wished MG managed to get Monobeno for us given that with SP we may as well rot waiting for it.

>> No.15646538

I think steam deserves their fair share of blame to all of this, for creating this shitty vn market in the west. It's because of steam retards like SP can make easy money. It's because of steam fan translations are dying.

>> No.15646553

Fan translations are dead because nobody wants to fan translate anything anymore.

>> No.15646558

Aroduc did and look what that got him.

>> No.15646564

Because they know it's pointless doing it for free if there is that possibility that money could be made. It's the same issue as when they tried to make paid mods a thing, except they scrapped that idea quick.

>> No.15646604

Well after all the recent busts on Steam maybe they'll realize just how unpredictable it really is.

>> No.15646769

What recent busts ?

>> No.15646886

Tokyo Babel
Fata Morgana
Umineko (sales weren't that good considering the size of the fanbase)
Nurse Love Addiction
Corona Blossom
Muv-Luv (not considering backers of the kickstarter)

Just to name a few

>> No.15646953

MG JAST joint store slows all the problems.

>> No.15646988

Don't forget that Higurashi went from good sales for ch1 to "lol why the fuck are we even bothering"

>> No.15647003

Umineko is on steam ?! Also that is a classic case of market oversaturation.

>> No.15647038

manga gamer takes way too long to translate anything.

>> No.15647053

Ok man. Please continue to rely on JAST and SP that produce localizations that are not only fast but have an astounding quality as well.

>> No.15647057

the same could be said for fan tranlations

>> No.15647058

The problem is more that the quality fan TLs get sent C&Ds or are offered money for their projects so they become official.

The shitty ones get ignored, and most people with skill would rather take money than release something for free, especially if they were going to work on it anyway. For them it's basically win-win.

>> No.15647068

fan translations are free

>> No.15647076

Been on Steam for a couple of weeks. All of the first four episodes, too, instead of just one episode like Higurashi is doing.

Sales don't look that hot, which is unfortunate. I didn't buy it myself since I'm hoping for a physical, but if sales are as bad as they seem then it may not even get one.

>> No.15647492

Gahkthun's problem was that westerners really didn't enjoy the prose style, myself included.
I'm not sure why Tokyo Babel failed as horribly as it did.
Fata Morgana's artstyle and lack of H was offputting.
Supipara may never be complete and also lacks H.
Everyone who wanted to play Umineko did years ago.
Nurse Love Addiction is completely unknown, even in Japan. Also no H.
Corona Blossom is the same trash that Front Wing has been putting out for the last 6 years.
Muv-Luv has had a patch out since 2010 and the 18+ patch isn't out yet.

There are many good reasons why these releases failed, some of which were predictable. If an existing translation already exists for a title, then they shouldn't do an official translation unless the original translation was horrible, they're translating additional content such as fandiscs, or there are no other suitable titles from that developer. Also most of the busts are plot heavy games with little to no H. That should be a hint to them.

>> No.15647520

>Everyone who wanted to play Umineko did years ago.

The main reason is Chiru is shit which ruined the series for many people, myself included.

>> No.15648842

They don't. Especially not in comparison to their competition.

Tenshin Ranmen is still 30% after a fucking year

>> No.15649041

Regarding the Steam audience, take some aspects into account:
- They don't care if a VN is highly regarded or known in Japan or not
- They don't care if the VN is good or bad
- They don't care about the writing / prose style of a VN
- They don't care for VNs with serious plot
- They don't know about already existing fan-translations
- They can't be arsed to pay more than 10 dollars for a VN
- They care about shiny and sexy VNs
- They care about getting things as cheap as possible regardless of the content of the game

These are some things I got from looking at the performance of several titles on Steam. However, there seems to be way to give more recognition to actually good VNs and that is mainstream coverage (this includes LP videos on youtube) which unfortunately, is highly difficult to get for some prejudiced opinion such sites have.

Just look, Grisaia, Clannad and Muv-Luv kickstarters were a major success. It's true that they all have a anime (this specific muv-luv game doesn't have one) but they got mainstream coverage because they picked a lot of momentum and so the news spreaded very far.

Mainstream sites will only give VNs the time of their day if they see something that will bring a lot of attention. I remember Kotaku actually reviewing eden* and KnS 1 and 2 but those cases seem to be highly unusual and it's unknown if MG actually paid them for such review.

Regarding LP videos, I can't fathom why in the fuck a youtuber will stop a series if they can't put videos of it until they finish it. They argue that the companies policy about youtube videos is holding back promotion of such VN but that is only happening because the youtuber doesn't care about a series he can't finish.

It's pretty sad.

>> No.15649426

Fan translations died before VNs got popular on Steam, and they died because translators got fed up with the community. Why waste countless hours of your life translating stuff for people if all they do is shit on your work? There's a reason why all fan translations come from Fuwanovel nowadays: that hugbox is the only place where fan translations are still appreciated (unfortunately, their acceptance is a bit too unconditional).

Umineko failed primarily due to MG failing at marketing. I mean, even in this very thread: >>15647003, a poster in a thread about the latest VN news, on a board that posts all the latest VN news, was not even aware the game was on Steam. I doubt the broader Umineko fanbase is even remotely aware it's been released on Steam.

In addition, in contrast to most fan-translated VNs, Umineko was easily available for legal purchase and the fan translation itself had official permission from the creator. Many people, including myself, have already bought the original Japanese version and read it with the official fan translation, and thus do not feel obligated to re-buy the game to support the developer and prove that there is interest in the West.

>> No.15649583

Deciding to split Higurashi into 14 releases was stupid as fuck. Not getting it out before the steam VN market started overflowing was also a huge mistake, since Higu was the very first Japanese VN to get greenlit. Then the marketing was bad, for cheap as free MG could have just shilled a couple threads on /a/, /v/ or wherever about that crazy guy flipping out about towel Satoko and gotten a lot more publicity.
Just a lot of wasted business opportunity.

>> No.15649794

>Umineko failed primarily due to MG failing at marketing.
MG didn't do anything different than usual with Umineko. Pretty much all of their titles have the same type of marketing.

>Many people, including myself, have already bought the original Japanese version and read it with the official fan translation,
The Steam audience didn't. This was the audience MG was going after with this release, much like Higurashi which had fantastic sales on its 1st chapter.

>> No.15651555

People may also be waiting for Alternative to buy Muv Luv. With how much Extra is shit on, especially compared to how hyped up Alternative is, that wouldn't surprise me.

>> No.15652137

> - They can't be arsed to pay more than 10 dollars for a VN
> - They care about shiny and sexy VNs
> - They care about getting things as cheap as possible regardless of the content of the game
Princess Evangile's success shit on your "arguments". Just bring vns with cute waifus andf Steam crowd eat it up.

>> No.15652232

>Princess Evangile's success shit on your "arguments". Just bring vns with cute waifus andf Steam crowd eat it up.
You seem to have missed how a known youtuber was the responsible for PE huge success.

>> No.15657494

You seem to have missed how the "known youtuber" barely had any subscribers when he started PE

>> No.15657619

>barely had any subscribers when he started PE
Inform yourself before you embarass yourself.
When he finished PE he had more than 100k subscribers.

>> No.15657706

I'm pretty informed alright, I've been subscribed to him since when he first started Nekopara Vol.1
Maybe you should try to read what I said, I was talking about when he STARTED the game and let me tell you, PE was selling just fine before his channel took off

>> No.15658011

>Umineko with pachiko sprites and without the voices
Very big mistake. The translation was already done so at least some care should have been put into the quality of the whole product. You're selling a product everybody interested has already read.

Higurashi is another re-release. Going episode by episode was something not very bright and again no extra or bonus with it to entice people who already read it.

>Tokyo Babel
Well worth the read if you can handle the high-school setting inappropriate to the theme. Uriel gets very tiring though...

>Fata Morgana
Again another long ass VN well worth the read. The repetition of stories from different perspectives can get a bit tiring at some scenes. Unfortunately no voices.

>steam audience for visual novels
You might be able to build one, maybe. But I think it works more on external hype like >>15652232 or certain twitchers playing it.

>> No.15663120

>Unfortunately no voices.

That's actually a benefit in this case and kept the price low.

>> No.15670872

Someone make an Otakon thread

>> No.15670995


You do it

>> No.15671196

Too soon. Wait until tomorrow.

>> No.15673666
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>> No.15674079

Pretty much.

Let's just say I really wish Sekai Project as a company and dovac as a person didn't turn out the way they did.

The entire professional JP->EN VNs scene is such a shitshow it's not even funny.

>> No.15682004



>> No.15682054

I like how people are giving them shit in the comments now. It didn't used to be that way.

>> No.15688406

How did it go so wrong for them?

>> No.15689143

dovac. That is all.

>> No.15692857
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Did Maitetsu's CG get dumped anywhere? As someone who likes trains the game gave me a double boner.

>> No.15692876

Sad panda has literally everything. Ever.

>> No.15693223

It's not like they'd release the full version of Maitetsu either way. Even if the lewd content is optional to the plot, they could easily still release it but NOPE MY AMERICAN VALUES
You're right, it finally showed up last month. I had given up hope after so long.

>> No.15693592

Thanks anon! It's been so long I just assumed it hadn't.

>> No.15694556

I gave into the shilling of fuwanovel and bought fata morgana when it was on sale. Holy shit I never thought it would be so good. But as mentioned, the artstyle was initially offputing. Well in the end I got a friend to buy it too.

>> No.15703046
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>> No.15703336
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Since VNTS is gone I post this here.

>> No.15703396


>> No.15703423

He didn't really say who it was, he also deleted the tweet a few minutes later.

>> No.15703459

Dies Irae, brought to you by Japan Contents Inc

>> No.15703522

There aren't exactly a ton of "huge projects" left, especially those by fully unaffiliated companies that would go with an unknown 3rd party.

>> No.15703531
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Any of you weebs visited this place? I think the question fits into this thread. You get some small lose swag like coasters as long as supply lasts when you order either a monobeno or maitetsu-themed drink.

>> No.15703582

Aside from the Fata Morgana fandisc (and if you count Sona-Nyl since the Liarsoft titles are effectively treated as all ages in the West), Mangagamer has not picked up any other all ages titles this year. Last year the majority of their AX/Otakon titles were all ages. While Sekai meme titles may sell huge on Steam, their non meme titles have been on the decline, and it seems that at the very least Mangagamer seems to have concluded 18+ content is worth it otherwise considering how their pure all ages only experiment went.

>> No.15703588

No, but I visited the very first Maitetsu cafe they were doing before release.

>> No.15703635

You joke, but considering the anime Dies Irae is likely going to be license in the near term, and considering that Light has yet to work with anyone it could end up with anyone who manages to scrape together the money for it. Just need to hope it ends up in respectable hands.

>> No.15703691

>anyone who manages to scrape together the money for it.

That, or whoever makes the biggest promises. Next Ninja likely ended up with CSG46 by making big promises with terms strongly favoring the original publisher rather then a pile of money.

>> No.15703692

i hope someone finish translating Maidens of Michael seeing as much of it was translated

>> No.15703792

Fruitbat grabbed Enigma by Uzumeya, as Conjueror's small side project

>> No.15703805

Its All ages so I m fine with whoever does it.

>> No.15704891

I'm starting to understand why Dovac acted the way he did.

>> No.15705179


>> No.15705271

There are many idiots and annoying people in the community that they make even me a random Anon snap, for a CEO it probably get even more annoying. But that only excuses his Twitter outbursts, aside from that still hate him for all the censorship crap.

>> No.15706726

Looks like the people who did the Libra Kickstarter is going to be more competition for Dovac (and others), they set up their store and noted in the FAQ they'll be adding more titles in the future. Though for now it just has a bunch of Libra stuff.

>> No.15706771

They seem like nice people so its ok I guess.

>> No.15707074

They indeed seem like a great group and have put a ton of effort into the project. It's just a shame that they aren't working on a better game.

>> No.15707185

Still mad the goth-loli who's front and center in most promotional material doesn't have a route.

>> No.15707246

Waste of time and money, 吸血姫のリブラ story is a complete mess and I can see many people not liking how it turns out in some of the routes.

She does have a scene or two IIRC.

>> No.15707467

kuso thread

>> No.15707554

Shini (the cofounder) is anti-h too.

>> No.15707566

Wrong. Shini and Agi are both Sekai staffs and against h content. Keep telling yourself anyone in that company is anti-censorship if you want but you are delusional.

>> No.15709107

The audience expectations are a big one, even if the absolute value of off site sales is small. Baldr Sky should have big excitement everywhere, but instead it gets talked about no where, the people who would drive excitement to it are the same ones who are most annoyed about the lack of news on an uncut release.

Also, probably the best argument (aside from a title like Maitetsu where there could be legal issues) for doing solely censored releases is "the press will talk us if we aren't talking about porn". The problem for Sekai is something like Root Double, a very good all ages title (with a non moege story line) and a Kickstarter was barely able to get any press. If Root Double can't get meaningful press, then the rest of Sekai's non-meme lineup, isn't likely to get meaningful press either censored or otherwise either.

>> No.15709238

> Anything else will fall into their prejudiced opinion of being shit
Just like on /jp/ then.

>> No.15709251

Not really, that only happens with extremely popular titles. There's plenty of games that show up that people think are great and don't get shitposts about

>> No.15709290 [DELETED] 

Actually /vn/ did a spilt and now you can hold proper conversations.

>> No.15709299

Actually /vn/ did a split and now you can hold proper conversations.

>> No.15709827

/vg/ doesn't need to be clogged up anymore than it already is

>> No.15709835


What a fucking mess

>> No.15709937

Which one of them hates dovac the most.

>> No.15709949

We all hate Dovac. That's the only thing that unites us.

>> No.15710127

Sekai got a nsfw channel on discord but they don't allow anything explicit on it -_-

>> No.15710159

You were expecting otherwise?

>> No.15710249

Anything like what? Posting pics? If that's the case anyone sane would've done the same.

>> No.15719527

Well Shini is vehemently against nudity.

>> No.15719562 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.15719704
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Reminder that Conjueror-sama is literally sacrificing his comfort to bring you chuunige masterpieces like Tokyo Babel and Dies Irae.


>> No.15719749

Kawaii desu ne~

>> No.15720432

No one said living the dream wouldn't come without sacrifice.

>> No.15722469

Are they trying to spin this around into Dovac having been the only problem, instead of Sekai Project at their core?

>> No.15722794

/moege/ hates Dovac the less
He's literally our guy :^)

>> No.15722813

> /moege/
> not hating censored as fuck mistranslated crap
Does not compute. Why even play moege if you cannot fuck girls?

>> No.15722820

They make you feel like you have human contact that isn't repulsed by the idea of being near you? Sounds like a pretty good sale to me.

>> No.15722828

> being content with eternal friendzone even in muh gaems
Touching skin is best human contact.

>> No.15722839

I'm not gay and women stay clear, so that's out of the question.

>> No.15725874

You just don't understand moe.

>> No.15727217
File: 3.90 MB, 2992x4000, tmp_18812-IMG_20160821_195448544108820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I visited it yesterday and got a few coasters in exchange for super expensive drinks. The place was pretty chill.

>> No.15728858
File: 124 KB, 500x500, 2b77a25ad75021cafc325cece77bc517.jpg?1348819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm workin' on it!! I know some odd 600 kanji and signed up for the N5 at the end of the year.

What's your excuse, /jp/?

>> No.15728878

Do you have any more pictures? Saw your post in the other thread, place looks really comfy.

>> No.15729073

I got to 500 kanji but was forced to take a break because I got sick and by the time I could practice again couldn't remember a single of them.

>> No.15729128
File: 2.67 MB, 580x326, 1456062698351.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15729160

I neither have a need in it nor the willingness to learn it

>> No.15729175

I'm tempted to go there this weekend. Are the Lose collab alcohol drinks diluted, just right, or has a strong kick in it?

>> No.15729280

>Can't find the full image despite knowing who it is
Damn it.

>> No.15729303
File: 3.85 MB, 4000x2992, tmp_8445-IMG_20160821_200521-993847250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just this photo also. The place was hella comfy and I felt accepted as the only westerner. There were six armrest chairs in front of the bar counter and various anime paraphernalia was hung in front of you. Behind me in this photo was an area with several tables and lots of Lose's material on the walls.

The drinks were like candy, not really any kick whatsoever. And really expensive, I paid 2500 for a Sumi and a Natsuha.

>> No.15729322
File: 3.77 MB, 4000x2992, tmp_31253-IMG_20160821_193844-668136653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah one more, Sumi. The green one earlier was Natsuha.

>> No.15729325

>dovac gone.
Are you sure? gmail

>> No.15729328

Ops... I forget the link.

>> No.15729557


Check gelbooru, there is one there.

>> No.15731492
File: 831 KB, 267x495, 1466045844470.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NewGen figma.
Nice bar.

>> No.15732421


dovac isn't gone(merely pulled from the public spotlight) and that isn't him. Only an idiot believes everything they see posted posted on 4chan. Are you an idiot anonymous?

>> No.15735711
File: 474 KB, 800x600, word.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't they remove his name from the staff page though? I'm sure he'll be back on Twitter next month.

>> No.15741409
File: 49 KB, 588x233, JAST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did Peter mean by this?

>> No.15743268

Trying to anon-kun.
B-but monobeno is never going to be translated, and yet you refuse to learn and let the lewd loli meido story never reach you?

>> No.15743570


>> No.15743612

Are you a masochist?

>> No.15744017

What does me being or not being a masochist have to do with anything?

>> No.15744542


What did Sekai Project mean by this?

>> No.15744583

I think they just have a new guy doing PR, and he is doing very PR like things such as drawing attention to their kickstarters (which has an upcoming Nekopara anime kickstarter at the very least). Look at their other recent tweets, though, there is a number of very generic PR posts.

>> No.15744683

I wish I had been smart enough to create a company whose business model relied on getting money before doing any work. Unfortunately I'm an average wageslave.
Maybe I can get SP to hire me. I'll show Dovac an e-mail.

>> No.15744744
File: 87 KB, 640x391, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a time to be alive! I can't believe I lived long enough to see people actively shitting on Sekai. I remember when their every Kickstarter was met with joy and praise. Those were such horrible days.

>> No.15744872

He fucking funded part of sekai project. You can't kick the owner of a company no matter how retarded he is.

>> No.15744881

Isn't that the point? He at the top so did he remove his name himself?

>> No.15744899

Very likely, or he got scolded by the other employees/founders for tarnishing their brand so much.

>> No.15744906

Sekai Project is doing worse than most of you think. Getting all the good names isn't enough when you're buried under debt and shitty deals.

>> No.15744913

And yet they have a new office and use first class for traveling... Maybe the problem isn't that they don't have enough but that they can't budget for shit.

>> No.15745191

I've been at it for two months.

I know some of the Kanji visually, but I''m trying really hard to learn words and get grammar and sentence structure down.

>> No.15752252
File: 199 KB, 957x1147, hachiroku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anon here >>15729175

They ran out of coasters for Paulette and Hibiki. Hachiroku one's pretty strong. Natsuha's non alcholic.

>> No.15752262
File: 207 KB, 891x1051, sumi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sumi drink is kinda weak but the Arisu one's kinda strong. Pretty expensive drinks.

>> No.15752307

Any Gokaisou-Chan? Cause she's da best.

>> No.15752469

How expensive are the drinks, usually?

>> No.15752934



I don't think those drinks are too expensive really. Has anybody tried those foods?

>> No.15752999

I'd never pay more than 500 yen for a cocktail, even if they slapped my favorite character's name on it.

>> No.15753027


I think I'm just used to very high alcohol prices of the Nordic countries. Cocktails like those would cost even more there.

>> No.15762442

Stop showing off.

>> No.15762455 [DELETED] 

Why would you bump this?

>> No.15762568

clearly a /jp/ user

>> No.15762587

Anon, just keep drinking and taking pictures so I can live vicariously through you
