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File: 31 KB, 958x636, MG announcements.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15671747 No.15671747 [Reply] [Original]

As Otakon starts today, the usual thread for Visual Novels at Otakon.

Panels (time Eastern)
Sekai Project - Saturday 12:45pm - 1:45pm
Mangagamer - Saturday 10:30pm - 11:30pm

No current details on what the Sekai Project panel will include announcement wise, while MangaGamer has 6 announcements, 2 of which are from new partners.

>> No.15672004

Apparently Sono Hanabira New Generation is going to be one of the MG announcements.

>> No.15672103

Oh this exciting time again. Once more we learn what gets sacrificed to EOPs. As I always, I really hope it's not 8月.

>> No.15672371


>> No.15672393

It makes no sense to license that when Maidens of Michael and Snow White's Knight are basically required reading for it.

>> No.15672447

Hoping for Rance VI, anything else is a bonus.

>> No.15672491

>New Generation
But why? Like >>15672393 said, they need Maidens of Michael to work. Alongside, using another couple without the Reo/Mai is like shooting in the feat. They (or at least Reo) is the most popular girls in Hanabira series.

>> No.15672498

*are the most popular.

>> No.15672502

The post they linked is to a shitpost.

>> No.15672589

Maybe with the New Generation title, but we're gonna get a new Hanabira tomorrow.

>> No.15672794

Maidens of Michael makes the most sense. MG could even call it a sequel to Remembering How We Met.

>> No.15673308

it would be nice if we could get another lolige like sweet sweat in summmer this time..

>> No.15673354

I doubt they'd save a short nukige to announce at Otakon, since it's where they announce their major projects of the year. It could be a moege that's lolige-esque, but it's just as likely going to be a NTR title.

>> No.15673570

NTR is so weird. In general most porn could be NTR if you didn't decide to self insert into the person having sex.

>> No.15673876

As far as lower profile titles/nukige go, MG has an extra contention this year at Anime Weekend Atlanta at the end of September, and they would likely hold any such unannounced titles until then.

>> No.15673900

If they don't announce Rance, i'm ending it

>> No.15673994

Take Dovac with you.

>> No.15674126

I can't wait to see what new license(s) SP announces they're going to ruin tomorrow

>> No.15674166

They'll announce a partnership with Iris and will bring all-ages version of all their games to steam.

>> No.15674313


>> No.15674603
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Place your bets

>> No.15674644
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And my bets, that I may be proven right or wrong for all time.

>> No.15674729
File: 570 KB, 1000x1390, Predictions Otakon 2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not betting anything in the new Partner.

>> No.15674738

Well, I don't know what Loli or NTR game that MangaGamer's going to get, so that would be the second new partner for me. Other than that, everything else is exactly the same.

>> No.15674753

>Loli or NTR
What if it's loli AND NTR?

>> No.15674817

Then I will need both hands.

>> No.15674826

NTR is only fun when it happens to someone else.

>> No.15674833

https://vndb.org/v17836 would be fun

>> No.15674837

Would that be appealing to both? Or is that like an ultra-niche?

>> No.15674895


>> No.15674911


No thanks.

>> No.15674920

Ye I dont care about it either, just posted cause it MG relevant.

>> No.15675099
File: 225 KB, 1000x1390, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had no idea what the new partners could be, just put something down that I'd like. I'm guessing overall this convention will be disappointing other than Rance.

>> No.15675144 [DELETED] 

This https://vndb.org/v4235#main

>> No.15675151

Venus Blood

>> No.15675178


I believe haro confirmed no hardcopy trolling.

>> No.15675253

probably not. loli fans are probably coming from a possessive fatherhood or older sibling complex

>> No.15675333
File: 28 KB, 376x354, akazawa karen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm crossing my fingers that the New Partner announcements at the Mangagamer panel might mean more Otoge or BL, but I can't think of much I've seen staff talk about on Twitter that wasn't already announced at Anime Expo.

Mashou Megane's too recent of a release, even if I'd really like to see it stateside.

>> No.15675441

Leave it to /jp/'s world famous psychoanalysis expertise!

>> No.15675469

based Haro

>> No.15675523
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>still no link in lewd cat

>> No.15675525

Well, given how Maria is hyped for Otakon I'm pretty sure Rance is confirmed. There's a yuri title too but besides that, I have no idea.

>> No.15675546


I did for AX, but I can confirm that again for Ota.

>> No.15675696
File: 201 KB, 1000x1390, bets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that porn is bad. ERO games are only for kids and 18+ version are not important at all.

>> No.15675707


thx bby

>> No.15675710

sup dovac

>> No.15675721


I really wish it were a lolige but I have some serious doubts.

>> No.15675727
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>chinese doujing game
It can't be worse than oelvn, can it?

>> No.15675742

>Supipara 2
Please no, keep save that disappointment for Atlanta or Boston, wherever the September con is.

>> No.15675745

Okay sorry I didnt really look under game translation news, so I am gonna ask something everyone already knows and probably annoys you guys.

Anyway so Sekaiproject wants to release Maitetsu in the west, cut h-stuff probabaly some other filtered stuff, okay okay all that i get.
But isnt the game about romancing lolis?
At least one of them isnt a robot, so how are SJW even okay with that or do they want to neuter it even more?
(I just played Monobeno, so I assume Maitetsu is similiar)

>> No.15675754

They at last have better art then oelvn shit.

>> No.15675775


Technically they haven't said that an 18+ release is impossible yet. I fully expect them to keep stringing people along on it.

>> No.15675808
File: 646 KB, 1000x1622, 1467657181850 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maitetsu is a plotge about anthropomorfic trains with loli porn as extra. Monobeno was algo a plotge but with loli porn between the story.

>> No.15675841

Monobeno is yes a plotge but the romancing loli stuff was still there.

Well suppose Maitetsu might be different and those few scenes where prota has any "impure" thoughts can be rewritten to make it fitting for the western market.

>> No.15675851

Isn't it because they have people in the team who don't want to translate/touch pedo art?
I totally understand someone not wanting to be involved with such sinful content. Probably working in a company that translates and publishes 2D loli porn as business isn't the best idea.

>> No.15676020

SJWs don't care about VNs. Not sure why you'd even bring them up.
The reason SP avoids loli is the reason every other company does, it's a legal grey zone, even in the US which is one of the most liberal countries in the anglosphere when it comes to loli. They want to avoid it at all costs.

SP also believes the game will sell on its own merits (I have serious doubts about this, from both my own exposure to Maitetsu as well as the Japanese reception), but the Japanese developer also thinks people will play it for the story.
Monobeno would work as all-ages (it even has an all-ages version),so Maitetsu probably could. If the developer helps. Regardless, in both cases there's "objectionable" content other than the sex scenes that SP is very likely to want to cut or edit.
One of SP's staff also said Maitetsu is cute not pedo, so that's certainly how they'll try to market it.

>> No.15676061

Maitetsu is in a bad spot if the only localization will be all ages. It seems like it'll be both too long and too expensive for the Steam people who bought Nekopara for <$10. Along with that, pretty much every plot heavy game that didn't already have an existing fanbase (Muv Luv) has not done all that well this year.

I don't see a lot of success for it if this past calendar year is anything to go by, but I'm just an anonymous guy on the J.

>> No.15676100

How many projects do sekai have going at the minute anyway, it seems like they have a lot of stuff yet to be released

>> No.15676106

They can hijack as many fan translation projects as there are.

>> No.15676136
File: 304 KB, 1685x1126, SP unrelease titles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like this.

>> No.15676142

jesus fuck

>> No.15676148

A literal cancer on the VN scene.

>> No.15676169

>Leyline was 100% translated and edited 7 months before Sekai project announced it
>it's been 4 months since they announced it and no release window said yet

Can't make this shit up

>> No.15676208

meanwhile JAST only has 12.

>> No.15676270

It takes a long time to gut the ero from a game.

>> No.15676414

01 is more likely. Even so though, I think a Rance game is unlikely.

>> No.15676429

Maria's a fujoshi though, so I think a yuri game's more likely (because there wasn't one announced in AX).

>> No.15676437

I don't think that means what you think it means.

>> No.15676447

Yuri's a weird genre that has both a prominent female and male fanbase. It's not like Yaoi where the fanbase is overwhelmingly female.

>> No.15676450

I'm not talking about the word Yuri.

>> No.15676497

Wasn't Subahibi completed last year, too

>> No.15676571

I think Subahibi's its own thing.

>> No.15676713

It became legit, so we have to wait. I'd give it at least 3 years.

>> No.15676747

Arunaru said his secret project was what you think or something similar, and that he didn't have to do a lot of work on it. This means its either the mostly finished Rance games, or some really short gameplay thing. I'm going to go with Rance on this one, and since 6 is the one Arunaru worked one I'm expecting that one.

>> No.15676752

Last year in the Otakon thread I made I said Supipara was part of the announcements and it was. I'll say it again. Expect Supipara chapter 2 to be part of the announcements.

>> No.15677039

Is this panel live streamed?

>> No.15677102

I doubt Mangagamer made 35k in Supipara/Eden sales in a week.

>> No.15677108

Anything is possible when you fudge the numbers.

>> No.15677203

While I can see them faking the numbers in the future, it's too soon. Ch 2 will be funded in a year at worst through Steam sales.

>> No.15677334
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What did she mean by this?


>> No.15677430
File: 1.65 MB, 1920x1080, Diabolik.Lovers.-Haunted.dark.bridal-.full.1634794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

diabolik lovers confirmed bitches!!!!1

>> No.15677462

Sona-Nyl? I did think that the Kawashima Rino hint was talking about that. And it's the type of VN that Maria seemed likely to work on.

>> No.15677497

https://vndb.org/v8282 this one also has femdom.

>> No.15677517 [DELETED] 


Is there any game called Triple Homos or Homo³?

>> No.15677525

All Ages are the future of VN's
All Ages are the one which drive the industry forward into globalization
All Ages are mass market and profit oriented

>> No.15677770


Probably trying to draw attention to the changing colors of her twitter avatar.

>> No.15677778


And also, while I haven't caught all the colors because I haven't been paying attention, I kind of think it's just a subtle reference to 5d's roulette.

>> No.15677807


Outlook for a stream seems poor. What's worse is no live transcript either. We'll have to do it the hard way, searching for people twitting about the panels.

>> No.15677843

these "predictions" just end up as projected blind hope.

Is there anybody who actually deduces based on hints/reason?

>> No.15677889

I feel you. Go read hmanga if you want to fap!

>> No.15677936

"Reason" is for squares.

>> No.15677953


There's pretty ample evidence lying around for the rance predictions.

Mangagamer confirmed a yuri announcement, and everyone's favorite autist craig donson is hyping it up, so there's your sonohana evidence.

Koestl is hyping up the con, and there was that purple hint earlier in the year. Not exactly hard proof, but sona nyl seems like a fair guess out of that.

Those are all pretty common predictions. There's also more spurious stuff like sorcery jokers matching the hint earlier in the year, or stuff matching up to that lolige/ntr genre title.

>> No.15677978

Purple soft as a new partner would be more suitable for a purple hint. But I don't really think their hinting skills is top notch.

>> No.15678008

>Purple soft as a new partner would be more suitable for a purple hint. But I don't really think their hinting skills is top notch.

I don't know if you're aware of it, but the steampunk games all have color-coded titles. Just as, for example, gahkthun was yellow(golden) lightning, Sona-nyl is purple shadow. Not to mention that the entire game has a purple theme. And that Koestl is the one who's hyping it. And that he said he'd be working with mangagamer again near the end of the year. And that it's got an all-ages cut so as to be steam-ready.

And also that purple soft is already with sekai.

>> No.15678013

Good prediction.

>> No.15678088

Yeah that's right, trust Moogy and his lackeys you are a good goy.

>> No.15678421

Its been 2 years since WEE was fully backed at insane for its length sum, and WEE3 is still nowhere near ready and all these non-win ports are non-existent.

>> No.15678489

Rance - Hikari o Motomete??

>> No.15678607

How many more hours?

>> No.15678630

B-but I usually don't fap to sex scenes on VNs that aren't nukige and still want them in!

>> No.15678634

MG has a timer on the page.

>> No.15678637


>> No.15678644

Huh, It didn't appear due to script blocking.

>> No.15678678

I like seeing the heroine nude, enjoy her reactions on sexual scenes and I feel sort of a connection with her because she loves me enough to give herself to me. I guess that part of the reason of me thinking like this is because of how sexualized this industry usually is along with 4chan lurking and multiple doujins.

However, I can appreciate a VN that doesn't include sexual content on its japanese edition. However, if it's localized and censored that's obviously a problem.

>> No.15678687

you know your responding to an obvious troll right?

>> No.15678712

Newfags are coming anon

>> No.15678733

It would be retarded to safe another steampunk crap for Otakon when gahkthun tanked. Given how many people get disappointed with gahkthun, Sona-nyl going to sell even less.
Wouldn't put it past MG to do this though.

>> No.15678792

>gahkthun tanked
MangaGamer said Liar-Soft is satisfied with Gahkthun sales. You shouldn't rely on /jp/ asspulls when it comes to measuring success of VNs, 90% of time /jp/ is ridiculously wrong.

>> No.15678927

Sekai's panel is 12:45 PM. So about 3 hours from now.

With any luck, it'll at least provide entertainment of the internet shitstorm kind.

>> No.15678955

Where did they say that?

>> No.15679287

1 hour to SP's panel.

>> No.15679315

Its funny how sekai doesn't have booth but has panel. Licensing shit but never releasing anything.

>> No.15679331

Cue "Unlimited License Works" chant with "Yet these hands will never release anything." line in it.

>> No.15679334

Aren't they the new JAST? They can announce all they want but they don't have the staff to translate. In fact, I'm just gonna call them LAST.

>> No.15679339

Nah, that's JAST's. Sekai's is "I have no releases. This is the only path."

>> No.15679347

Funny thing is, they have WAY more shit announced than them. They managed to out-JAST JAST.

>> No.15679362

JAST never picked up the volume of titles SP has. While both of them are extremely slow at releases, SP probably has more stuff licensed right now than JAST has released/licensed in their lifespan.

>> No.15679370
File: 81 KB, 651x407, 12riven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sekai released Root Double.
So, they CAN release things

>> No.15679376

Yeah, but they weren't the ones who translated it.

>> No.15679378

Doesn't count, it was 100% ready fan-tl.

>> No.15679379

World End Economica
>Estimated delivery May 2015
It's two short episodes, they still haven't done it

>> No.15679386

So when JAST pays translators, they're the ones translating it, but when Sekai does the same thing, it doesn't count?
It wasn't a released fan translation, it was an official translation done by a legit company, Lemnisca translations

>> No.15679391

It was done before licensed by sekai.

>> No.15679394

Wouldn't be released if not for Sekai

>> No.15679404

Yes, it would be, like every other fan-tl by lemnisca. And it would be released earlier and we would also get other games from series and we wouldn't have previous patches deleted.

>> No.15679409

The point is that SP so badly mismanages their projects that anything not nearly complete before they touch it gets delayed forever or never releases.

>> No.15679428

Was looking at steamspy, Grisaia no Meikyuu sold on same level as fucking Fata Morgana?
Uh huh, seems like all that NEKOPARA CROWD didn't work well for you, herkz?

>> No.15679432

They're waiting for the +18 version.

>> No.15679435

>a legit company, Lemnisca translations
Funny how prior to the license, it was a fan group, but by some magical alchemy it becomes a "legit company" overnight despite nothing changing about the people involved.

>> No.15679438

But every sekai project shill claims 18+ versions don't matter and nobody buys them, this cannot be true.

>> No.15679508

Probably wouldn't have that shit editing job, too.

>> No.15679524

Dovac assassination so close.

>> No.15679551

Is he actually attending for the panel? Or is someone else doing it?

>> No.15679582

Someone else, co-founder

>> No.15679584

So, any jpsie attending panel? Or live tweet? Or anything?

>> No.15679602

Well, I am.

>> No.15679611

Did SP's panel star?

>> No.15679614

just now, yeah.

>> No.15679617

Yeah, about 3 minutes ago

>> No.15679624

Everyone already forget or lost interest in Grisaia.

>> No.15679641

>Nekopara anime Kickstarter
So that's what dovac meant by leaving VN market, he's going to make anime now.

>> No.15679645

https://twitter.com/ellyberries is doing it

>> No.15679653

SP is beyond parody at this point

>> No.15679659
File: 192 KB, 1000x1390, holy predictions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my bet

>> No.15679674

>Sakura Spirit Manga
>Nekopara Anima
SP confirmed for leaving VN industry

>> No.15679676


>> No.15679684

lol more sakura cancer

>> No.15679688

They'll branch out to losing money in 3 industries.

>> No.15679698

So far its only OELVN and indie crap. Sasuga.

>> No.15679700

And the GATE manga comes out in September.

>> No.15679704

SP setting an extremely low bar for MG here

>> No.15679712

Please don't bully SP

>> No.15679714

>Fatal Twelve is a thrilling VN from the same people that brought you Sound of Drop! Coming soon~

>> No.15679719

You mean it's only slightly less vague release dates?
Judging by vndb, all of this has been announced before.

>> No.15679722

baldr is a hard act to follow. it was pretty obvious this con was going to be shit for sp.

>> No.15679724


>> No.15679726

One new announcement so far

>> No.15679728

mite b cool

>> No.15679739

>Fatal Tweleve
Obvious rip off

>> No.15679744

>This one is from a dev. in Argentina! Looks really interesting

>> No.15679747

Doujin shit from Argentina. Hilarious.

>> No.15679748

Original Argentinian Visual Novel, are you excited, /jp/?

>> No.15679755


They announced this ages ago too. It's not new.

>> No.15679756

They announced Baldr Sky last, after bunch of shitty doujins, so its too early to relax.

>> No.15679757

SP entry dated 2015-09-27. Fatal 12 is only thing new.

>> No.15679762

>Now the task at hand is to uncover the “Name,” “Cause of death,” and “Regret”
What is this? Budget mononoke?

>> No.15679763

They did? I don't remember the shitposting about it.

>> No.15679764

Kinda funny how that guys tweet about Nekopara instantly got 30 likes/retweets and everything else has been 0
Nobody gives a shit about this crap

>> No.15679768

For some reason I find the art unsettling

>> No.15679772

>An adorable alchemic JRPG game, The Emerald Tablet coming soon in 2017! Also for PS4 and Vita!

>> No.15679774

SP is really leaving the VN industry.

>> No.15679777

>tfw it's true

>> No.15679778

This Elly girl has incredible shit taste. Sasuga SP fans.

>> No.15679780

>we want the Atelier audience

>> No.15679783

I feel too sympathetic towards Argentina people so I have no choice but to look forward to it.

>> No.15679786

They've released actual games before, though. Like Rabi-ribi.

>> No.15679788

She works for them

>> No.15679789

> Also for PS4 and Vita!
They're big boys now. Lets hope they finally leave vn market for good.

>> No.15679791


>> No.15679793

>Dairy Princess, a game where you aim to have the best ranch ever is coming soon in 2017!

>> No.15679794

>Dairy Princess
An obvious all ages Funbag Fantasy

>> No.15679803

fucking lol

>> No.15679804

Sorry Good haro forgot to delete ur name:/

>> No.15679807

>Physical copies of narcissu for PS4 and Vita coming out in 2017 through Limited Run! Also on PSN.

>> No.15679810

They are really picking up a lot of console titles, though. Gotta be doing something right to afford that.

>> No.15679812

>Like the bartending waifus, hope you can help us all down here in this godforsaken hell hole to come out...

Argentina VN dev trying to escape the third world through Sekai

>> No.15679813
File: 2.31 MB, 240x317, 1436046471511.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it's literally a Chinese Atelier knock-off

>> No.15679821

Narcissu 3 when?

>> No.15679824

And that's all the announcements.
Just indie games and release dates.

>> No.15679826

Time to evade questions about Maitetsu!
Are you guys ready?

>> No.15679827

Q&A already. WTF?!

>> No.15679828

So, we are saved this time? Nothing worthy ruined?

>> No.15679829

Place yer bets on whether or not Maitetsu will be dodged again

>> No.15679830

Wait... that's it? No real visual novels? Are we safe?

>> No.15679833

Good Haro is cute.

>> No.15679836

What a relief.

>> No.15679837

They announced Baldr Sky last convention
They can't have constant announcements

>> No.15679838

Would someone really ask about loli porn in front of a normie crowd like Sekai's
Maybe I'm just too insecure

>> No.15679839

Good things never happen, be prepared for a 'but wait' after Q&A, so that nobody can ask questions about what will inevitably be an 18+ title getting stripped down.

>> No.15679844

Maybe Sekai really is leaving VNs

>> No.15679847

You'd think they would've saved at least 1 noteworthy thing for Otakon, but apparently nope.

>> No.15679849

Where is my main man Ryan Caldwell?

>> No.15679851

Nobody at a con is a normalfag.

>> No.15679856

Honestly Baldr was literally the only "wow" announcement they have done in 3 years

>> No.15679858

They're not asking about loli porn. They're asking if they're only going to release a butchered, incomplete version of the VN.

>> No.15679860

They can publish on Vita and PS4 now. They're also getting into manga and anime. What do they need the visual novel crowd for now?

>> No.15679861

So, what did they tell during QA? Any news on maitetsu / baldr 18+?

>> No.15679863

If I was there, I would. That shit ain't illegal in my state, I got no worries.
Like anyone gives a fuck what congoers think of them, anyway. How the hell is somebody going to an anime convention going to judge a lolicon? Especially at a VN panel, of all things.

>> No.15679866

Good. I was really thought Dovac would ruin Eustia with all age shit or something else. We dodge the bullet.

>> No.15679870

I'm glad. I don't care if they get successful, just dont touch VNs anymore

>> No.15679873

I wonder how many of their fans are freaking out that Sekai announced no vns of note at all.

>> No.15679874

Maitetsu was also "wow" but for the bad reason.

>> No.15679876

Do none of those goddamn congoers have twitter to keep the rest of the world updated on the Q&A? Reeee

>> No.15679878

Sekai project has fans?

>> No.15679881

>I was really thought
What did anon mean by this?

>> No.15679884

SP fans only care about Nekopara anime

>> No.15679885


some nigger on the reddit discord is posting things from the q/a

>> No.15679908

Congoer here: It's fucking nothing.

>> No.15679925

9 hours

>> No.15679926

No JAST panel, right?
So MG won Otakon by default, no matter what they announce.

>> No.15679928

Ask about Maitetsu

>> No.15679934

Did they even mention 18+ stuff?

>> No.15679938

Will SP announce anything for C90?

>> No.15679944
File: 67 KB, 202x221, 1470969376096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who want 18+ content are a minority and what's worse, they pirate said content. Sorry lads, you are not the intended audience anymore.

>> No.15679949


>> No.15679956

I died.

>> No.15679970

>Sorry lads, you are not the intended audience anymore.
Who is then? The Nekopara audience doesn't give a shit about anything other than Nekopara as shown by the Karakara sales. The "core" audience was told to fuck off as well, so what is left?

>> No.15679976

I had a good laugh but thinking about how much some of Sekai's drivel has made compared to Fata just makes me want to die.

>> No.15679980

They were registered as a "legit" "company" months before Root Double's announcement but for god knows what reason, they only announced they were a company after the release.
Maybe to ship from Sekai Project and reach out to other publishers.
Or maybe they're working on getting licenses of their own.
Conjueror did joke about working on Dies Irae with Lemnisca for April Fools...

>> No.15679991

The Playstation audience

>> No.15679993

They don't want dirty gross VN fan money anyway, makes sense. We've only been told we're not the target demographic a million times.

>> No.15679994

We know that GundamAce works on some (big?) project though.

>> No.15679997

Such is life. Unless it has cute cat girls on the cover no one will buy SP's shit either.

>> No.15680001

The PlayStation audience doesn't care either, although maybe they can get some of their indieshit jRPGs to sell on Vita.

>> No.15680005

Can't wait for inevitable failure to sell even 1000 units since western consoles audience doesn't read books.

>> No.15680008

>to ship from
to jump ship from*

>> No.15680020

I hope that it will turn out better than Sound of Drop since I couldn't connect with its characters or feel something about its story at all.

>> No.15680021

>to sell on Vita
I feel trying to go for the Vita is a big mistake as it is mostly abandoned in the west. I mean you might be able to corner the market with no competition, but that market isn't exactly large.

>> No.15680027
File: 195 KB, 1000x1390, disappointment edition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to post mine. What did SP announce?

>> No.15680029

The non-existent Vita audience will eat literally anything released on vita, though. As long as its anime.

>> No.15680035

> What did SP announce?

>> No.15680036

> What did SP announce?

>> No.15680039

I'm going to die of laughter if it's Escalayer.

Heck, I'll videotape myself laughing myself to the gallows.

>> No.15680045

BL sucks and is utterly unreadable, otomege is best.

Fight me.

>> No.15680051

A lot of all-ages Indie VNs (a lot sound to be OELVN) and a JRPG. Nekopara Anime Kickstarter already was announced I think too.

So you got everything right except them getting a single really good 18+ VN that they would censor which thankfully wasn't the case.

>> No.15680055
File: 398 KB, 798x720, 1455167991207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would legitimately suck MG's dick if they did WA 2. It's too fucking long, though.

>> No.15680059

The market does have competition, though. Companies like Compile Heart, NISA and Experience have the niche weeblord audience in the palm of their hands.

>> No.15680067

So I think I have a full writeup of SP, please make any corrections

Old Stuff:
(Anime) Nekopara Anime Kickstarter
(Manga) GATE Manga
(OELVN) Human Reignition Project
(OELVN) Sakura Spirit
(OELVN) Yume no Sono
(VN) Memory's Dogma
(VN) Narcissu Hardcopies

New Stuff:
(VN) Fatal Twelve
(VN) The Emerald Tablet
(VN) Dairy Princess

>> No.15680069

Why isn't Monster Monpiece uncensored on Steam yet?

>> No.15680075

Emerald tablet and Dairy princess are games.

>> No.15680078

> (VN) Memory's Dogma
Is not this OELVN also?

>> No.15680084

I think even some of them are starting to give up on the Vita as they are now porting lots of their titles to the PC market.

>> No.15680086

Sakura Spirit announcement was about its manga.

They also talked about the Sekai Project shop along with their Nekopara merchandise.

>> No.15680095

No, it just hasn't been released anywhere yet.

>> No.15680097

Japanese doujin that was kickstarted.

>> No.15680099

It's developed by LizArts. SP is only publishing it.


>> No.15680102

All VN are games

>> No.15680107


>> No.15680110

Yes, but there's a big difference between something focused on gameplay and something focused on story.
If the story is just a foil for the gameplay to fit into it's more game than VN.

>> No.15680117

Thanks. Maybe pirate it when released.

>> No.15680133



>> No.15680151


>> No.15680166

Currently in beta testing afaik.

>> No.15680168

Nah. They're under the vague umbrella of "interactive electronic medium" with real vidya and walking simulators. Some also happen to be games, but that doesn't mean all of them are.

>> No.15680171

That guy doesn't even seem to be at the con, how would he know that?

>> No.15680173

I've said this before, but SP is literally a hot potato. They aren't 'not making android versions because they don't want to bother'. It's that they have so little liquid money that they can't afford to do anything but host more Kickstarters and license/release OELVNs. When it comes to stuff like Leyline and SakuSaku, they're delayed almost surely because SP can't afford to pay them at the moment.

It's literally a Jenga tower on the verge of collapse.

>> No.15680187

I'd be surprisingly okay with that. The anime was fucking hilarious.

>> No.15680192

Apparently someone was talking about the Q&A elsewhere.

>> No.15680195

>they have so little liquid money
Why don't they just put their cash into a blender then?

>> No.15680198

I stopped playing videogames because they kept trying to cater to a larger market and bakaify things.

Now my niche market is going through the same process. Fuck this world, where do I even evacuate to?

>> No.15680202


If that's not enough there's also http://disq.us/p/1awdfv6

Face it, dovac lied

>> No.15680222

OELVNs and old news too. Why did they even bother coming? Do they really think people give a shit about their no-name dual-language doujin crap?

>> No.15680228

> SP announced more titles when they can't even release a tenth of the ones they already have going.
> They haven't met basically any Kickstarter promise.
> They managed to poison the entire VN industries' well with their own greed.

I don't think you could find anyone to go back in time and manage SP worse from the onset.

>> No.15680229

It's times like this that I wish dovac didn't nuke his twitter. I'm sure there'd be some amusing shit on it right now

>> No.15680230

There's still Anime Fest and Anime Weekend Atlanta.

>> No.15680239

Nah, he's making games now. Good riddance.

I really hope dovac goes bankrupt, he's a terrible human being.

>> No.15680242

>On AX: We'll have news about +18 versions on Otakon
>On Otakon: Sorry but we cannot say anything
Profissional service as always

>> No.15680247

B-b-but its all jap devs fault, they prohibit ever telling about content they already licensed!

>> No.15680250

So, do we all agree that MG wins by default?

They could announce 6 below-average nukiges and they'd be better.

>> No.15680254

Before that they said they would do it at AX too.

>> No.15680255

He would just be telling us we should be grateful for all the "great" games they are bringing to us and without them the western scene would be dead.

>> No.15680256


Actually it was

"Wait for AX for news about maitetsu"
AX comes and goes
"Wait for the next con for news about maitetsu and baldr sky"
And thus now otakon has come and gone

>> No.15680262

You don't even need confirmation you already know the answer.

>> No.15680263

They're probably saving most of their low tier nukige for Atlanta. Sekai has a panel there too, but MG will still almost definitely win.

>> No.15680264

C-can't I just play Atelier instead? I mean, Escha to Logy was some of the most fun I've had for the past year.

Though my sister was perturbed at how I'd spend hours on a menu screen making the perfect equipment.

>> No.15680283

> my sister
Play Imouto Paradise with her instead.

>> No.15680293

We're hours away of MG devastating SP announcements.

>> No.15680309

We're hours away from delicious Rancefag tears

>> No.15680310

>Anime Fest
Isn't that going on right now too?
Has SP ever had presence in two cons at once?

>> No.15680311
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She's 2 years older than me. It wouldn't work.

Speaking of that, why is there no translated onee-chan focused nukige/moege? There's a ton of imouto ones, but no onee-chan.

>> No.15680321

I want to see the looks on their faces when we get Escalayer.

I'd be cool with Evenicle or Rance though.

>> No.15680357



Devasting anything, they going announce shit yuri,moege and nukige.

>> No.15680365

If /a/ anything to go by its seems west love little sisters more. I am fine with both.

>> No.15680366

HRPG Maker Games.

>> No.15680370

Still better than OELVNs and Chinese RPGs.

>> No.15680380

Which is what we want, of course. Just look at the sales.

>> No.15680389

> tfw dovac thinks his banana-land doujin oelvns are better than based nukiges.

>> No.15680390

Only way they could fuck up more than Sekai is if there were 6 hardcopy announcements. Even announcing only 1 Softhouse Seal title would let them beat Sekai, at least for me.

>> No.15680399

Good Haro confirmed there will be no hard copy announcements.
And there are 2 new partners, which obviously couldn't even theoretically be hard-copies.

>> No.15680403

> moege
I am honestly more hyped for SukiSuki than all-age Baldr Sky.

>> No.15680429

We're probably going to get at least a couple moege, since they only really have three of them pending release, none have been released recently, and one is episodic.

Honestly, I'm more looking forward to Himawari and Bocchi Musume. N-no homo.

We all know all-ages Baldr Sky won't use Aroduc's translation and will be a ghetto-ly put together project instead.

>> No.15680441

Baldr Sky isn't even that good.
Story is so thoroughly littered with asspulls and deus exes that I'm amazed it was so hyped by certain crowd. And then there's issue with constant flashbacks, and then protagonist who is supposed to be ruthless mercenary with years of experience yet who acts like helpless schoolboy. Chinatsu route of Dive1 was most retarded thing I read in quite a while.

>> No.15680442

South American devs are based you faggots

>> No.15680551

>Sekai Project Announces Next Wave of Exciting New Titles for PC and PlayStation Platforms at Otakon
This press-release is such cancer.

>> No.15680559

Why doesn't Sekai Project just localize actual games instead of eroge if they have such aversions when it comes to anything ero?

>> No.15680562

> all those random words being capitalized.

>> No.15680570



That aside, I'm still expecting the most recently added announcement to be a hardcopy (in case the Good Haro in the thread is fake).

>> No.15680577

Don't You Know Old English? Capitalize Nouns.

>> No.15680583

Have you ever seen a title? For, uh, anything?

>> No.15680584

Actual game licenses cost money and have more competition than VNs

>> No.15680587

That's exactly what they're trying to do. They've been announcing more console games and shitty dj games lately.

>> No.15680588

There too much competition for actual games that aren't unknown stuff from South Timor for Sekai Project unlike with VNs where they can pretend they are the king in the West.

>> No.15680598

When was the last time, mangagamer released a kamige?

Fatamorgana but it flopped

>> No.15680606

Silly anon, you cannot release kamige in the west. The moment you license it, it stops being kamige, and its already complete kusoge when ready to be released.

>> No.15680608

MG usually releases middle-of-the-line titles.

>> No.15680621

Himawari soon for the next big meme kamige
Otherwise it's really up to your interpretation I guess. I really liked Euphoria

>> No.15680622

Tokyo Babel is a kamige

>> No.15680628


>> No.15680631

Rabi Ribi was fucking great, but these new games don't seem to have the same kind of love put into them. I hope to be wrong because I love these little weeb games.

>> No.15680635

Maggot baits will be the top of kamige and it'll also be MG's lifetime best seller, that's all that matters.

>> No.15680640

>but it flopped
I bought it twice ;_;

>> No.15680645

Dovac pls go.

It was probably dirt cheap as a doujin property, and, given they licensed the sequel/fandisk, it was almost surely profitable.

>> No.15680652

>It was probably dirt cheap as a doujin property
But it got released on 3ds in japan! Surely it's worth more than most other titles.

>> No.15680655

> Fatamorgana
> kamige
Moogy shit on it, so its kusoge.

>> No.15680659

>given they licensed the sequel/fandisk, it was almost surely profitable.
that was actually technically announced in the game itself. once you beat the title for the first time there's extra stuff where the staff makes comments through the characters and stuff, really funny and all.

at the end they announce the fandisc localization. so it was decided before sales hit i think

it's pretty popular in japan, more so than it is here that's for sure.

for the drama CDs they got some pretty top VAs

>> No.15680660

MG VNs I'm saving my pennies for:

Sukisuki - /jp/'s game
Fata Morgana Fandisk
Dal Segno
Bitchmusume Produce


>> No.15680664

That's actually all the more reason to love it.

>> No.15680667

wtf i love fata morgana now

>> No.15680670
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I feel your pain anon.

>> No.15680671
File: 70 KB, 296x335, 1460726393701.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen this exact same string of posts before.

>> No.15680675

Rance 6 inc

>> No.15680679
File: 82 KB, 480x640, 1465051703540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm using my computer, xbox, and phone to samefag myself and make that exact series-of-posts ad naseum until you love it

>> No.15680689

MG got https://vndb.org/v18279 i believe!!!

>> No.15680693

Shit, I'm using my PC, 3ds, Vita, WiiU, PS4, Laptop, 2 phones and a tablet to impersonate everyone that usually posts in these threads. You're gonna have to step it up.

>> No.15680696

meme artist

>> No.15680717

Lets all scram for Venus Blood!

>> No.15680730

that would be awesome. mizuryu kei's sluts are delectable.

>> No.15680737

Nowhere. Gahktun was a flop, that's all.

>> No.15680758

>Venus Blood
That would be neat. Some of my favourite VAs voices characters in that series.

>> No.15680788

*scream -_-

>> No.15680799

Bet on some Moonstone's moege.

>> No.15680806

Sakura would be really nice, but maybe it's too soon.

>> No.15680809

MG is obviously announcing a partnership with Iris.

>> No.15680816 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15680819

MG is around 4 AM for me meh. They are always so late and I idiot always stay awake and get disappointed meh.

>> No.15680841

Kara no Shoujo 2.

Still waiting for Caucasus.

>> No.15680850

don't bother, it's sub par.

>> No.15680854

Please no, even for a nukige it's shit.

>> No.15680858

>don't bother, it's sub par.
I don't care anon, Caucasus got Sugina Miki art and MANYO soundtrack. That's all i need.

>> No.15680877

fair enough. the art is based.

>> No.15680920
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>> No.15681020

is sakura dreamers any good?

>> No.15681031
File: 402 KB, 700x394, 1405966530285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know Japanese.

>> No.15681058

I thought SP was going to announce their inevitable AstralAir license today.

>> No.15681081

犬 is the correct one.

>> No.15681082

It's going to be that trap Moonstone moege Ojou-sama to Himitsu no Otome.

I know, my husband works for Mangagmer.

>> No.15681107

are you sure it isn't 太?

>> No.15681138

I did watch the show so yes i'm sure.

>> No.15681150

I guess you abomonable EOPs will get the new Palette work.


Why would they make it episodical if not to force it cheap on Steam?

>> No.15681160

I really don't like this new meme.

>> No.15681168

Then why did you buy nekopara?

>> No.15681196

It makes sense for the dog to between the man's legs though. Why would it be on the top right?

>> No.15681205

> will get the new Palette work.
> implying SP will ever translate anything without existing fun-TL.
Sure thing.

>> No.15681414

I suppose we'll check the usual place since there's no stream?

>> No.15681558

Bayoab so far only mentions AX.
But Otakon starts right about now, no? Or what time zone exactly are we talking about?

>> No.15681559

Didn't Supipara flop in Japan because it was episodic? Why aren't other devs taking notes?

>> No.15681566

Otakon has been going on for the whole day

>> No.15681578

I was referring to the relevant panels of course.

>> No.15681584

We're just waiting for MG at this point.


>> No.15681610

What is wrong with you guys? It was obviously A rank panel since they didn't ruin any games.

>> No.15681675

I can't refute with that logic.

>> No.15681849

If Rance isn't announced I'm ending it.

>> No.15681910

Speaking of Rance, they have to start with VI right? there not going to go from newer to older graphics.. so the best plan would be to go VI then 01 or quest. Plus wasn't VI partly translated already?

>> No.15681920

They're just partnering up with publishers who actually can deliver the console promise since their own ass couldn't do it after 3 years.

>> No.15681936

Who here is playing Duel Destines since it's on sale while anxiously waiting for MangaGamer's announcements?

>> No.15682044


It's gotta be VI given arunaru's statements.

>> No.15682089

It's Drapeko.

>> No.15682097
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>> No.15682118
File: 257 KB, 1000x1390, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please MG-dono, give me some imoutos

>> No.15682140

Please be Evenicle or Daiakuji. I don't give a fuck about Rance.

>> No.15682147

MG will announce the translation of a pc port of Utawarerumono: Itsuwari no Kamen please ;_;

>> No.15682152

Well, they're already doing Imopara 2. Unfortunately, it's full of cowtits.

>> No.15682156

I pay for that.

>> No.15682158

>this copy of windows is not genuine
Stop being a lazy git. It only takes a few min using Daz loader to make it genuine.

>> No.15682173

>Arunaru ‏@Aru_Naru Aug 10

>I want to be ready to take to Twitter when it finally happens but the panel's in the middle of the last day of Comiket
What did he mean with this?

>> No.15682183

He wants to gloat about finally landing the big Escalayer license that everyone has been waiting for.

>> No.15682184 [DELETED] 

>a game that moogy likes

>> No.15682192

Yea that's so annoying. All of the girls in ImoPara are boring except for Michika and the girls of ImoPara2 are just copies of them with larger breasts. I want a VN that's a VN in it's own right with an imouto route, not just an imouto fetish VN because they're not very good.

>> No.15682193

Moogy doesn't know Japanese so it's ok to ignore his opinions completely.

>> No.15682198
File: 225 KB, 1600x2050, 147 (36).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now i really need a partnership between Leaf/Aquaplus and MG.


>> No.15682203

Japan is superior and he has no time for weebs.

wtf i hate Utawarerumono: Kamen Rider now

>> No.15682207


im surprised moogy likes it. The original was nice, the slice of life was super comfy.

>> No.15682212

Done :)

>> No.15682225

Not only the slice of life but the whole genre shift was great and really violent. Ainu culture with nekomimi is a cool combo too.

>> No.15682245

the original was great in every aspect except the gameplay

>> No.15682250

Oboro was great. I never though I would end up liking him so much when he first appeared.

>> No.15682274


yeah the combat was pretty bad lol, i hear they improved it in the ps2 port

>> No.15682287

It wasn't THAT bad. If you're talking about bad, Nepture was one of the worst shits I've ever played.

>> No.15682301

I have so much nostalgia for the first. I'd pay a lot.

Leaf is with Atlus though.

>> No.15682358

Is anyone going to stream MG's panel?

>> No.15682408
File: 475 KB, 2048x1536, CpvwCeTUsAAx-Md.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is Haruka?

>> No.15682430 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 1280x720, [FFF] Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata - 03 [DEC39B77].mkv_snapshot_00.55_[2016.02.05_17.57.01].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/vn/ is making fun of us again

>> No.15682448

Far away.

>> No.15682477

2 spaces to the right from ImoPara.

>> No.15682487

She's fighting time travel ninjas.

>> No.15682520 [DELETED] 

Who cares?

>> No.15682537

2 hours to go.

>> No.15682541 [DELETED] 


please do not bring bring foreign memes into /jp/, they harm the local ones
thank you

>> No.15682549 [DELETED] 

Romeo’s my favorite writer for sure, because my favorite thing in visual novels is goofs, gags, jokes and rambunctious behavior, and his visual novels are filled to the brim with this. Every novel is like one of those novelty snake cans, you open the book and POP you get a face fulla snakes and you fall back cackling. The mad mind, the crack genius, to do it! And then you think “hmmm what’s he gonna do next, this trickster” and you pick the visual novel back up and BZZZZ you get a shock and “hahahaha” you've been pranked again by the old Romeister, that card. “Did you rike it?” he says, laughing “yukyukyukyuk”. Watch him as he shoves a pair of plastic buck teeth right up his mouth and displays em for you – left, right, center – “You rike these? Do I rook handsome?” Pulls out a mirror. “Ah!” Hand to naughty mouth. And you're on your ass again laughing as he snaps his suspenders, exits stage right, and reappears hauling a huge golden gong

>> No.15682561 [DELETED] 

Nice copypasta.

>> No.15682579

Huh? That's weird. He's been going for many years. I wonder what happened.

>> No.15682613

>Sukisuki - /jp/'s game

What do you mean by this?

>> No.15682618


The guy who does the logging is in japan for comiket

>> No.15682653


Cross your fingers and hope against hope that the lolige-or-ntr title is one of galette's onii-chan series.

>> No.15682655

/jp/ was responsible for the Chuable-MG partnership.

>> No.15682687


As much as people like to say this, /jp/ was not the only telling him not to go with SP.

And that ultimately I'm fairly sure the real cause was him running into bamboo at denkigai matsuri.

>> No.15682694

i wonder why sekai project announces projects without information they know they'll be asked like 18+ and then they say "fuck you we just got the okay to announce we dont have enough information be grateful" even though they have no intention of releasing said announcement until like 2 years later because its at 10% translation progress.

why can't they wait for full information... and then announce it when its arlready 70%+ complete???

>> No.15682717

Because SP's entire business strategy is to drum up hype for a kickstarter and then release a substandard product with unfulfilled fundraising goals.

>> No.15682726

Because they believe rushing an announcement out the door to get hype is a good thing (when it is not). It kinda worked for about 5 min with Baldr where people got in to the hype thinking something good was happening until people realised they never mentioned anything about 18+ content.

>> No.15682729

They have full information. You don't just sign contracts without the relevant details. Business does not work that way. They are lying out of their ass per usual.

>> No.15682746

With the impressions Dovac gave it sounded more like they got a preliminary contract signed especially with the way Aroduc didn't seem happy and some others were totally confused about the whole thing afterwards.

>> No.15682749

For Baldr Sky that is.

>> No.15682752

I'm sure dovac did all sorts of shit since he thought Aroduc was going to agree to anything. Joke's on him.

>> No.15682758

If Otakon has shown anything, they like to blow their load early and peter out during the moments that counts.

Which seems to be how their company operates.

>> No.15682796

>since he thought Aroduc was going to agree to anything
Still waiting on his blog post about it, as I am really interested in what is going on with some of the behind the scenes shit. He said he would be posting about it at some point about a month ago.
Wouldn't surprise me if he is having to have a solicitor look over his contract to see what he can and can't say.

>> No.15682801

It didn't work at all for Baldr. When they announced it during the stream the first thing everyone wanted to know was if it'd be all-ages only. It then blew up on basically every website after that and dominated the discussion.
Hell, if Aroduc didn't get outed as translating it himself by several people on Twitter I bet the reception would be even more lukewarm. When everyone thought a competent translator was on it then at least there was some hope for its quality.

>> No.15682840

The issue is did Aroduc even sign a contract? If he did, there would be no issue since he has to give his translation to SP. If he didn't, and he didn't want to give it up, then they can't do shit. Of course it might be that he partially translated it and that is what he'll give SP but he won't do further work due to ragequitting which would also fuck over Sekai since their translators suck ass.

>> No.15682905

One fucking hour until Rance.

>> No.15682916

You're forgetting the 45 minutes they'll spend recapping stuff we already know about before they cram in all the announcements into 5 minutes. It will then be followed by a 10 minute Q&A.

>> No.15682933

Then, One fucking hour and 36 minutes until motherfucker Rance.

>> No.15682956

You're forgetting that Mangagamer usually starts late because previous panels tend to overextend.

>> No.15682971

Why can't they start in time like based SP?

>> No.15682981

Having time for Q&A. Surely you jest.

>> No.15682994

Ye its fucking 4AM -_-

>> No.15682998

Because morning panels don't have to deal with compound delays from all the previous presenters, unlike MG's late night peep shows.

>> No.15683003
File: 18 KB, 170x170, 1442336168208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddammit. If they don't announce Rance, im gonna be very sad.

>> No.15683019

Rancefag tears are like a fine wine

>> No.15683023

I m ending it.

>> No.15683027

Old and French?

>> No.15683035

You're going to get more Rance than you ever asked for!
I mean, 5D. They'll announce 5D too.

>> No.15683046


Yeah, unless the con accounts for inevitable schedule slide in the initial schedule, the later your panel is in the day, the more likely there will be a start delay. I'm not at Ota so I can't say how likely a delay is. People are already lining up though.

>> No.15683056

I'd honestly be happy with Escalayer. Even Galzoo Island would be really cool too.

>> No.15683059

MG announcements:
Hard copy
hard copy
hard Copy
drama cd
new kusoge partner
kusoge 2 from new partner

>> No.15683071

Fuck imoutos, oneechans are where it's at.

>> No.15683076


Go be bitter somewhere else, dovac.

>> No.15683090

>Fuck imoutos
Yes, that's the idea.

>> No.15683091

Do they have a live feed of the panels at Otakon, or how am I supposed to get my information?

>> No.15683092

Isn't it the con's job to kick people out for being over? Do you guys have to pay for these panels?

>> No.15683098


Why not fuck both?

>> No.15683099 [DELETED] 

*kisses the cute, ginger fujoshi*
haha whoops that was an accident haha ;)

>> No.15683109


No, you don't pay to run a panel (at least I've never seen that at an anime con). And yes it is the con's job to kick people out, but even that takes time. Scheduling issues are just a thing you have to accept at events like this.

>> No.15683112


Haro'll put it up on the twitter as it's announced.

If you want your news up to 30 seconds earlier, search mangagamer panel on twitter and find someone blogging.

>> No.15683113

I don't have two dicks.

>> No.15683118

The MG twitter account usually posts as the announcements happen.

>> No.15683121 [DELETED] 

Back the fuck off?????

>> No.15683126

Why did you kiss me?

>> No.15683128


Yeah, we'll be updating Twitter/announcement page/etc during the panel. The guy who livestreamed for us at AX was unavailable for Otakon (Comiket happened to fall on the same weekend), so no stream.

>> No.15683129


You'd bring down others due to your own personal failings?

>> No.15683137


Will you guys ever spend the extra to do your own streams? At least for AX and Otakon since kouryuu's always involved in both. This shit's pretty ghetto.

>> No.15683146

Maybe MG stands for Mega Ghetto.

>> No.15683152

Who cares honestly, as long as we get the news in a reasonable timeframe. I don't really care about watching generic trailer #130 or neckbeard editor #84.

>> No.15683155


>> No.15683164
File: 43 KB, 211x250, 1413000655542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not waiting to see Good Haro's smile.
Are you gay?

>> No.15683167


The problem is mostly just that we only do a few major cons a year so investing in dedicated streaming equipment/services isn't really worth it. Plus internet is so unreliable at cons it's hard to predict whether it'll even be viable. Like this year at AX I probably could have periscope'd the panel if needed, but last year? No signal, no paid wi-fi, no nothing working.

>> No.15683172

I wanna make cute names for VN localization companies.

MG = Mega Ghetto
SP = Sore Pussy
JAST = Just Another Stalled Title

>> No.15683180


A: She's not even there
B: Caring about internet celebrities is for fags

>> No.15683184 [DELETED] 

>SP = Sore Pussy
I want to make Good Haro's bright red pussy sore with my dick.
ahaha whoops accident again haha

>> No.15683187

>cute names
Fuck off reddit

>> No.15683189
File: 383 KB, 624x672, disgust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15683192

It's time to stop posting.

>> No.15683204

send help

>> No.15683209

I can get you organic cucumbers.

>> No.15683211
File: 14 KB, 400x300, MG!!!!111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15683219

Rance or we riot

>> No.15683220

Thank you, handsome /jp/sie.

>> No.15683224


I don't give a shit about rance

>> No.15683228

August or we riot.

>> No.15683230

Who cares about real people, I only jack off to eroge. Why would I care about "the people" when I can just pretend they don't exist instead. That's the point of games, right?

Case in point, one of the aforementioned neckbeard editor. Who the hell would want to put this guy on a stream? It would spoil all the cute girls in the background.

>> No.15683237

Oh shit, looks like it might actually start on time

>> No.15683239

I do

>> No.15683245

Do we have a livestream?

>> No.15683248



>> No.15683250


>> No.15683251

No but we have a

>> No.15683256
File: 121 KB, 628x334, cucumber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a laugh.

>> No.15683257

Yeah, it's pretty easy to follow on the

>> No.15683260


Keep up with our twitter is the best recommendation I can give right now.

>> No.15683264

Newfag here, ça someone explain?

>> No.15683270

1 minute until metamorphosis.

>> No.15683271
File: 149 KB, 1200x676, mgggggggg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15683275


He deepthroated a cucumber once and blogged about it on the vntls. Nowadays he just clings to his former glory.

If he were a real man, he'd up the ante with an anal pineapple or something.

>> No.15683277

I thought they asked him to sign a cucumber for a second. That would have made for an enjoyable souvenir, I'm sure. Though you gotta be careful to use a water-resistant pen so you can make the ink last for many sessions.

>> No.15683281

He performed fellatio on a cucumber when editing the vn in order to edit the sex scene dialogue more accurately. Such dedication.

>> No.15683284


I'm pretty sure you'd end up with a pickle eventually.

>> No.15683287
File: 94 KB, 965x630, GH8NfYxlWk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15683291

Here we go

>> No.15683298

guys...i'm literally shaking right now...what if theres no rance?

>> No.15683300

Oh wow, they're actually on time for once.

>> No.15683301

Then I will drink your tears.

>> No.15683302

/haniho/ will die

>> No.15683303


Well, seems like you'll just have to kill yourself.

>> No.15683309


>> No.15683311

Why didn't you buy Haruka, anon?
It's YOUR fault.

>> No.15683318

maria pls

>> No.15683320

Learn Jap

>> No.15683325

Have faith.

>> No.15683326

Wait, you really think there will be Rance?

>> No.15683328

Fap on the CGs

>> No.15683331

Nobody is tweeting anything.

>> No.15683333

Where is Haro-chan?

>> No.15683334


>> No.15683336

learn japanese you fucking beggar eop
you cant even claim to like rance after playing 1 game

>> No.15683337

Just this dude


>> No.15683339



real announcements don't start till halfway through

>> No.15683340

no new announcements yet. old announcement of critical hit just passed.

>> No.15683341

The announcements are the last part of the panel. They'll start about 8PM or so

>> No.15683342



>> No.15683346


Probably just a gahkthun recap

>> No.15683358

Not Supipara. Thank god.

>> No.15683362

>Supipara is getting close to meeting funding goal for chapter 2. Getting a lot of support.

Yes, it's not one of the announcements!

>> No.15683363

So Supipara is confirmed as "not yet"? Huh, scratch one of my guesses, then.

>> No.15683366

Well, it's not Supipara 2.


>> No.15683376

Seems like supipara 2 is not one of announcements.

>> No.15683378

There will be one of Dies Irae, Eustia, and Sorcery Jokers.

Trust me, my husband works at Mangagamer.

>> No.15683380

First announcement~

>> No.15683381


>> No.15683382


>> No.15683384

Well fuck me


Sona-nyl decomfirmed

>> No.15683388

Well there's the purple hint.

>> No.15683390

I still think it's funny that people thought Supipara 2 had a chance. I can see them announcing it Otakon but the horrendous first week sales made it clear that they weren't getting it any time close.

And if you want to say that they can just fudge the numbers, they could have fudge it to look better than earning 5k from the initial sales.

>> No.15683391


>> No.15683392

AHAHAHA, SP BTFO'd and NTR'd. They fucking really NTRed Purple Soft.

>> No.15683396

Wait, Mangagamer stole Purplesoft from Sekai? That was fast.

>> No.15683397


>> No.15683398

Hapymaher. Cool, kinda had my eye on that.

>> No.15683401


>> No.15683404

>They announced both
What the fuck.

>> No.15683406

Dovac getting Purple Software stolen. So that's what he was ranting about.

>> No.15683407

I'm happy for you, Rancebros.

>> No.15683409

It's a fucking miracle!

This also means that it was the purple hint, so Sona-Nyl might be a pipe dream.

>> No.15683411

>What is real? What is just a dream? How can you be certain one is not the other?

Is this real life?

>> No.15683412


If I weren't f5ing this thread so fast, I'd go watch /haniho/ right now

>> No.15683413

we did it

>> No.15683418


>> No.15683421


Holy shit, the absolute madmen

>> No.15683422

http://mangagamer.org/sona-nyl/ sasuga MG

>> No.15683423

See >>15683401
Sona-nyl confirmed as well, it seems.

>> No.15683425

> both 5D and 6
Disbelievers and naysayers should kill themselves. MG only company who actually act on their promises, buy stuff and you will get what you want licensed!

>> No.15683426

>Not called Domestic Violet


>> No.15683427

Now that they have Purple, I can maybe dream about Kanishino.

>> No.15683430

All dis purple

>> No.15683431

Puts pressure on Sekai in regards to releasing Chrono Clock uncut.

>> No.15683432



>> No.15683433

Fuck yeah! I'll buy this for sure.

>> No.15683435



>> No.15683436

Did Haro fuck up and put sites too early again?

>> No.15683438


Wow, I literally called it

>> No.15683439


>> No.15683440

Koestl again?

>> No.15683441

At the rate they're going, they might collapse before releasing Purplesoft

>> No.15683443

Buy all the games. ALL. OF. THEM.

>> No.15683445

Yeah. The videos aren't even unprivated.

>> No.15683446

>two for one with Rance

Nice I was wondering how they would price it

>> No.15683448


>> No.15683449

Maybe she did it on purpose as a gift for all the MG dickriding /jp/ does.

>> No.15683450

They skipped Maidens of Michael and Snow White's Knight. For what purpose? Those introduce some of the couples that appear in it.

>> No.15683451


She probably just put them up. It doesn't really matter whether we see it now or in 20 minutes.

>> No.15683452


>> No.15683455

This can't be real. Though I didn't think Rance was either

>> No.15683458

They don't

>> No.15683459

Because Yurin Yurin is dead?

>> No.15683460


Neat. I've been interested in this ever since I read that one Anon's impressions of it.

>> No.15683461

Holy fuck, I'm going to be poor.

>> No.15683463


>> No.15683464

How about you click the link?

>> No.15683465

I thought /jp/ said that going with Maidens of St Michael was a better choice. That's strange.

>> No.15683467

Will Hapymaher come out before Chrono Clock all ages?

>> No.15683470
File: 283 KB, 1174x810, 1427729633000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


http://mangagamer.org/rance/ (5D and VI)

MG wins by a landslide.

>> No.15683472


>> No.15683473

Yeah, I literally just tried all of the titles that were in the prediction cards.

>> No.15683475

Isn't the best announcement saved for last?

>> No.15683477


Anonymous's guesses were pretty good this year.

>> No.15683478

Its like fucking christmas half a year early.

>> No.15683479

Everything went better than expected

>> No.15683480

>Additionally, we're working to remaster Rance VI with original, high-resolution assets straight from Alicesoft.


>> No.15683481

Are these the best announcements MG has ever done? I think so.

>> No.15683483


Where's my lolige though?

>> No.15683486

Thank you, MangaGamer. These announcements was worth quitting my job over.

>> No.15683488

Now watch as none of these titles sell well!

>> No.15683490
File: 53 KB, 480x500, 1427549233988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.15683491

Why the fuck did they save the good stuff for Otakon? Isn't AX bigger?
The AX announcements seem like nothing compared to these titles.

>> No.15683492


You're kidding yourself if you think rance won't atleast do haruka numbers

>> No.15683495

Pretty much. 4 top-class full price games at once.

>> No.15683496

Haruka sold like hot cakes and that was mostly just Rancefags broodingly buying it in hopes of better Alicesoft titles.

>> No.15683498

>tfw no Eustia

>> No.15683505

They knew SP was going to blow their load at AX. Less competition to show the mediocre stuff at AX, then the good stuff at a sliughtly smaller con where you'll have 100% of the focus.

>> No.15683507

Haha, Rance is going to sell like hotcakes

>> No.15683508


We warned you bro

>> No.15683510

Sonahana The New Generation
Rance 5D
Rance VI remastered
Sorcery Jokers

>> No.15683511

>anon mined out the announcements by pure guesswork in the url field

Sasuga, anon. I'm not even mad.

>> No.15683512

How many Rances you want senpai

>> No.15683513

are we missing only 1?

>> No.15683515

Gotta be honest, Eustia was top of my wishlist.

>> No.15683517

They also announced that both games are going to be bundled together for $35. It's going to sale a shit ton

>> No.15683518

Rance will do well. Probably.

>> No.15683525

Rance is lewd so I understand why they waited for Otakon.

Not sure about the others though. Maybe they weren't negociated yet.

>> No.15683526

So, is Rance considered two announcements or one? >>15674644

I would say two, but it's one site and it's a bundled-up thing.

>> No.15683529

First day buy.

>> No.15683533

No, we got all of them. There's two Rances in the rance page.

>> No.15683534

Rance probably counts twice so this is most likely everything.

>> No.15683535

What an ass beating. How will sekai project recover?

>> No.15683536

There's no fucking way I'd have guessed two Rance games.

>> No.15683538

One probably as it's a bundle

>> No.15683539

Rance VI

Graphics: 1280x960, uncensored

>> No.15683541


>> No.15683542

The fuck? There's selling for hotcakes, and there's selling like cheap water in a drought.

>> No.15683543

lmao 2rance

>> No.15683547


I totally forgot about it being uncensored. I guess we'll finally see the hyper weapon

>> No.15683549

I wanted to believe.

Don't complain. It's coming out soon^TM too, like, by winter apparently.

The hype is real.

>> No.15683554


There's still the lolige-or-ntr title, isn't there?

>> No.15683556

Gotta remember they're over a decade old

>> No.15683557

Arunaru works fast.

>> No.15683559

They cleared out all the blanks on the official page. It's the two rances.

>> No.15683561

Well, Rance can NTR other dudes.

>> No.15683562

That's everything https://twitter.com/MangaGamer/status/764658313434890240

>> No.15683564

Well, he was already done with the 6 translation for the most part. This is probably why he said on Twitter that he didn't spend too much extra time on his secret project.

>> No.15683566

No, it was 2 rances, check /announcements/

Probably Purple Soft was meta-NTR.

>> No.15683567

Sona-Nyl will be getting HD assets too if they don't run into any technical hurdles when trying to implement them.

>> No.15683568

He and Maria were basically done with 5D and VI since pre-Haruka, so that's no surprise it will come out this soon.

>> No.15683572

Could be announced at a minor con with other nukige, since it's not as notable.

On the other side, Rance might only count for as one announcement.

>> No.15683573

Wait, so which one is the loli or NTR?

>> No.15683580


Thank god, it needs it

>> No.15683583

MG @ Otakon v.s. SP @ AX?

I'd go with the former just because no 18+ Baldr.

>> No.15683585



>> No.15683589

My dick is falling oh my god this was too intense.

>> No.15683588


I told you guys I didn't know when that was getting announced yet when I gave that hint.

>> No.15683590

Do we know who is translating Sorcery Jokers and HapyMaher?

>> No.15683591

Doddler will save us.

>> No.15683592

VI has no real loli stuff, in fact at one point you slaughter a entire establishment that whores out children

>> No.15683593

You can now expect somebody to try opening http://mangagamer.org/eustia/ every single day from now on.

>> No.15683594

Purplesoft was NTRed from Sekai Project. That or they think Rance counts as NTR.

>> No.15683595

Sorcery Jokers is Maria.

>> No.15683596

Based Rance I guess?

>> No.15683597
File: 176 KB, 580x352, translator with boner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15683598

Will we get Amatsutsumi next year?

>> No.15683601

MG already beat SP at AX because of Maggot baits.

>> No.15683604

There's still Atlanata this year. It's a minor con, so there's a chance if there's a panel.

>> No.15683606

I'm happy for him. I just hope he's right and it's better than Gahkthun.

>> No.15683607

Liar-soft has a ghetto ancient engine, so he'll have his work cut out for him.

>> No.15683608

Man, I was totally ready to laugh at rancefags but whatever. Good for you.

Oh, okay then.

Makes sense.

>> No.15683610

Good good good.

>> No.15683611
File: 287 KB, 1920x960, CpydHoxUkAAYeWF.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15683614

I was expecting Conjurer due to the supposed chuuni factor.

>> No.15683615
File: 202 KB, 1000x1390, answers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well /jp/, how did you do? I got eight points

>> No.15683621

I was afraid of that.

>> No.15683626

I'm a hardcore Rancefag and a bit of a Steampunk fag, so MG Otakon beats MG AX. Let's not forget the only title Sekai announced was Baldr Sky

>> No.15683630
File: 71 KB, 632x263, translator without boner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15683633

I hope Sona-nyl sells better than Gahkthun so Koestl's smile is restored

>> No.15683634

> Tfw MG announced 6 games that I'd read and 4 games I'll legitimately pay for (Rance, Sona-Nyl, and Sorcery Jokers).

There's no fucking way I'm not buying Rance though. The price is right and it's a good fucking game.

>> No.15683635

I'm gonna buy Gakhthun tonight, it better be good.

>> No.15683637


>> No.15683640

I hope it sells well so we get Valusia afterwards. That, and hopefully some Liar-soft stuff that isn't Sakurai. Maybe even some Mareni.

>> No.15683642

Same here, I thought koestl would be too busy with Grisaia and Maria was going to do Sona-Nyl instead.

>> No.15683643

I expected rance and I was still surprised.

>> No.15683648


>> No.15683651

I asked this question for you guys and they told me it's pretty much standalone!

>> No.15683655

5/6. Did not see the NTR being meta.

>> No.15683659
File: 123 KB, 393x505, 1455639340551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else feeling really happy for Koestl? I feel like he really enjoys Sakurai VNs. I mean, he seemed hyped about this announcement and legitimately overjoyed to be able to work on it.

It is. Gahkthun has like 7.8 on VNDB and had 8.0/high 7.9s before the English release. Sona-nyl has an 8.7 on VNDB, which is unheard of and is the highest rated WAB title.

>> No.15683661

Huge contrast from last year, where they focused on all ages titles, instead everything at AX and Otakon were 18+.

>> No.15683663

I still don't know how InoGrey was NTRed from Mangagamer and now a similar thing happened with Purple Soft.... but still no one has NTRed Nitro+ from JAST. That's a faithful waifu, I guess.

>> No.15683664

koestl can't work on grisaia yet because of Frontwing related delays

>> No.15683665

Labyrinth sold jack shit so Rakuen was most likely delayed.

>> No.15683668
File: 71 KB, 900x900, Cute boy&#039;s smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AntiRancefags got BTFO

>> No.15683671

So hyped, there isn't even a JP version with the enhanced assets.

Looks like you wrote that one up afterward. How would you guess the Emerald Tablet or that other shit from SP?

>> No.15683674

Thats amazingly unanimous for 4chan.

>> No.15683675

Stop with this bullshit pls, Frontwing publicly said there are no "frontwing-related delays" whatsoever, they already sent everything needed to Sekai Project.

>> No.15683676

Sona-Nyl seems interesting. I hope that the main character will be different of Ourai because Nikola was fucking boring.
Don't give a fuck about yuri, sorcery jokers or hapymaher.
I know that Rance 6 is great and all but fuck i really wanted something like Evenicle, Eustia or White Album 2.

>> No.15683679

Pretty much the same here, I actually have to applaud MG for doing a good job. It was worth buying Haruka

>> No.15683681


Please look at the filename, anonymous. My actual card is >>15674644

>> No.15683684

No shit he made it after. It's so people can compare their guesses.

>> No.15683686

They're good announcements and /jp/ is Mangagamer General

>> No.15683688

Mine was closer. http://www.strawpoll.me/10825585 . But then again, there were only two choices.

>> No.15683689

>for 4chan
What, you think this place is more of a shithole than any other board out there talking about visual novels?
If anything it's slightly less.

>> No.15683691

Now we wait for Lemnisca's announcement of Utaware2

>> No.15683693

More like Nitro+ is the waifu who loves her husband dearly from the bottom of her heart, but his husband doesn't neglects her and leaves her alone for long periods of time, but just when she thinks that all hope and love is lost, JAST comes back and seduces her all over again, only to repeat the process.

>> No.15683695

It just was THAT impressive. Reminds me why I love MG so much. Truly saving the western VN market. SP was never good, and JAST isn't even trying anymore.

>> No.15683699

I'm pretty sure the Miya/Risa appear and the other couple from Snow White's Knight at least cameo in the game. Those couples are still attending the school and haven't graduated like the other couples from previous games.

>> No.15683700


I wish.

>> No.15683705

>his husband

Pretty gay, man.

>> No.15683706

4chan is full of contrarians.

>> No.15683708

So which of the games do they have coming to steam uncensored? Sonohana?

>> No.15683710

Kusarihime when?

>> No.15683713

Name controversy at /haniho/, not even hour passed after announcement. Sasuga Arunaru.

>> No.15683714

I would have voted A if there was something I really wanted, although I am interested in all the announced titles except for SonoHana.

>> No.15683716

Probably. If the criteria is no penetration than that certainly fits.

>> No.15683717

>tells us to buy Haruka to get Rance
>we get 2 Rance games (VI being fucking great) at the same time for a great price
>both games will sell so well that pretty much all the rance games will eventually be localized

MG actually delivering on their promises.

>> No.15683721

Nah, it's probably 12riven, given their nearly complete fan TL. That, or some other infinity title.

>> No.15683722

Sona-nyl too. And Sorcery Jokers censored.

>> No.15683724


90% sure that was just a gahkthun recap

>> No.15683728

Sona-Nyl most likely. Sonahana has actual twincest and the sex is more graphic than Kindred Spirits, so I doubt it's getting on Steam uncensored.

>> No.15683729


We're hoping to get Sona-nyl on Steam intact just like with Gahkthun. The plan is to also update the game with the HD assets from the console release, but there might be some technical issues so that's not quite a hard promise yet (like we have permission to do it, it's just not clear if it's going to work yet).

>> No.15683730

Looks like Sorcery Jokers will get a cut version on Steam. Sona-Nyl can probably get the Gahkthun treatment.

>> No.15683733

Probably Sona Nyl if it yet again doesn't have visible genitals and also because Gahkthun is already on there.

>> No.15683734

Aroduc has an NDA with SP because they approached him about it, but has not signed any contract with them allowing them to use his translation or Doddler's work. Dovac announced it without even telling them it had been licensed and then the first thing he did was issue an ultimatum that it was work with Sekai Project or be sued. He also told Aroduc he couldn't pay them what they paid for other projects because the license was so expensive, but were planning on running a Kickstarter anyway to recoup all the costs. Other SP staff tried to step in and fix things, but then Dovac had his meltdown on Twitter.

>> No.15683735

Reminder that MG is literally the only trustworthy VN company on this side of the pacific.

>> No.15683736

The criteria is no visible genitals, which sonohana fails.

>> No.15683737

pqube did NTR Steins;Gate from JAST

>> No.15683738

Utaware2 is the secret project of Steiner, Garejei, Conjueror and BW.

>> No.15683740

Makes sure that you emphasize that it's a possible "maybe" or else people are going to get hyped and then disappointed.

>> No.15683741

That seems pretty accurate, to be honest.

>> No.15683747

Dies Irae with Reading Steiner, Conjueror, and Gare.

>> No.15683750

Can't you just make Doddler port it to new engine instead that ancient crapware liarsoft uses?

>> No.15683751

Steins;Gate 0 is just 5pb works, not Nitro+ anymore.

>> No.15683755

>Reading Steiner

Isn't that Ludo? I thought /jp/ has established that he doesn't actually know Japanese.

>> No.15683759

That's the joke.

>> No.15683761

That unfortunately doesn't stop him from getting work.

>> No.15683771

I meant vanilla S;G.
JAST's translation got whored out to other publishers for the console/mobile releases.

>> No.15683774

Doddler pls

>> No.15683779

This >>15683751
and we all know how much of a whore (and expensive as fuck) 5pb is.

>> No.15683787

They used JAST translation? I had no idea. Still it was more of a 5pb thing that Nitro+, since 5pb is the one managing all the Steins;Gate (and Chaos;Head/Child) console releases in Japan.

>> No.15683792

Damn it Aru

>> No.15683798

There were very minor find+replace edits like Radio Kaikan -> Radikan, but other than that, they were exactly the same.
BW's terrible puns and all.

>> No.15683804

How hilarious will it be when mangagamer gets hapymaher out before chrono clock?

>> No.15683806

"demon king" is most retarded thing "localization scene" ever invented. I applaud Aru for standing up against this.

>> No.15683808


>> No.15683811
File: 136 KB, 635x334, translator with an aneurysm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15683816

I can see it happening

>> No.15683818

Sweet. I have no joke been listening to the openings of both Hapymaher and Fragmentation Dream a lot this last week.
They're really catchy songs. Though I admit that doesn't actually say much about the titles themselves, but it has still kept them close in my mind this last week. So seeing them being localized all of a sudden is a pleasant surprise. I'll be looking forward to this.

>> No.15683824

>Chrono clock at 30% translated
>announced over a year ago
It's going to happen

>> No.15683825

Good luck getting people to pay $80 for A Generation now JAST.

>> No.15683834

Anyone dumb enough to buy something from jlist in the first place is probably dumb enough to buy it anyway

>> No.15683835

Damn, poor JAST, 5pb it's worse than I thought.

>> No.15683845

I'm already laughting.

>> No.15683846

Compare that to Aroduc's reaction for Baldr Sky and understand the difference.

>> No.15683847

MangaGamer will probably just translate Chrono Clock from scratch and release it before SP does.

>> No.15683855

ChronoClock is shit, just loot at scores gap between Hapymaher titles and it.
Hapymaher got enough FD material to keep them busy for quite a while.

>> No.15683863

Let's be honest here, Hapymaher is pretty shit too.

Not as shit, sure, but the only worthwhile part is the porn, and that's not worth the hours upon hours of tedious awful writing.

>> No.15683867

What are the EGS scores for all the titles that MG announced? I remember Sorcery Jokers being in the high 80's though.

>> No.15683870

I'm sure it is Dovac.

>> No.15683875

Rance VI is 86 and 5D is 70

>> No.15683877

Rance VI's a 84 or 5, 5D a 70, if I remember correctly.

>> No.15683879

>Only worthwhile part is the porn
Even in Dovac's primal rage at having a big game stolen from him, he would never say he likes porn.

>> No.15683881

Haro are you still here?

Is everything drm free? I don't see anything on the sites.

>> No.15683882

Dovac's a shit eating sack of diarrhea, but that doesn't change that Hapymaher is a nukige trying to pose as a moege by adding about 40,000 lines of tedious garbage and typos.

>> No.15683886


Hmmm, I don't always know for sure until we get to pre-order, but I believe everything from this batch should be?

>> No.15683889


thank you

>> No.15683890

Hapymaher - 80
Sorcery Jokers - 82
Rance 5D - 70
Rance VI - 86
Sona-nyl - 80
A Kiss for the Petals - 79

>caring about scores

>> No.15683891

Hapymaher is 80, Sona-Nyl is 80, and Sorcery Jokers is 84. Dunno about Sonohana because I don't really care about yuri.

>> No.15683895

how do you expect me to shitpost if I can't use EGS scores to justify why other people's taste is shit?

>> No.15683901

Hapymaher isn't shit. Yes, it's a moege with a spin on it, so it isn't kamige material, but it's flat-out fun.

Dovac, stop damage controlling.

>> No.15683906

What's wrong with 5D?

>> No.15683909

>flat-out fun

If that's how you describe painting a shed beige, then sure.

>> No.15683912

Short and mediocre gameplay.
Enjoyable script at least

>> No.15683913

It's about rolling dice.

>> No.15683915

Tom Sawyer convinced me that painting a fence is fun, what difference does a shed make?

>> No.15683917


>> No.15683919

Its gameplay should be classified as inhumane form of torture.
If you are ever going to play it, do yourself a favor and use trainers to "fix" roulette.

>> No.15683922

People don't like the gameplay, the story itself is nice for what it is but isn't that special. 5D's events directly tie into VI so skipping 5D is a bad idea

>> No.15683927

5D is like a 2 hour game and you have to be unlucky as fuck to have a bad time with it, it's not that bad.

>> No.15683941

but the main character in gahkthun is neon

>> No.15683942

Is 2016 /jp/'s year?

>> No.15683943

I got Haruka for Haruka at the very least. I'd also really like to see Escalayer localized eventually.
I love Beat Blades Haruka.

>> No.15683957
File: 70 KB, 778x456, kuroinu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently Arunaru has been spared from Kuroinu.

>> No.15683973


Maybe it was imopara 2 afterall?

>> No.15684002

If Conjueror isn't working on sorcery jokers, that still leaves one more announcement in addition to that loli-or-ntr title. Plus supipara 2 which ds55 is probably already working on, to be announced at next con. There might still be some interesting stuff left in the wings.

>> No.15684005

I don't think Conjueror's secret projekt is actually affiliated with MG or SP.

I dunno. He hasn't answered my questions regarding it so I'm assuming it's probably with the original producers themselves.

>> No.15684008

I just know it's going to be NTR but my desire for lolis clouds my mind.

>> No.15684011


What are the odds that he'd be approached by two different nip companies?

I guess the second title could be island for frontwing

>> No.15684016


>> No.15684019


I too cannot wait for my inevitable disappointment that it's not lolige.

>> No.15684022


Why not both?

>> No.15684026

It'll be NTR lolige

>> No.15684029

>I guess the second title could be island for frontwing
It's not. It doesn't fit with what Conjurer or Frontwing has said.

>> No.15684035


Because haro said it's one or the other.

>> No.15684042

>MG announcements
>4 AM on my country
>Being on a disco
>Stop a few minutes to check what MG announced
>Based MG saving the VN scene
>Party even harder than before

>> No.15684076

Just got back from Comiket and checked the announcements.

Lol, nothing too substantial for you EOPs. Enjoy Sorcery Jokers. Hapymaher is crap though. But buy it to get Amatsutsumi.

>> No.15684083

trying too hard to be cool

>> No.15684088

>Buy X to get Y!
When was the last time that happen--
oh right.

>> No.15684098

Anyone writing without capital letters and punctuation should be automatically disregarded.

Buy Rance to get more Rance, goy.

>> No.15684102

still trying too hard

>> No.15684104

So when are you going on that shooting spree on gaijins?

>> No.15684116

im a pacifier

i mean pacifist

>> No.15684185

A blog post on MangaGamer's blog confirms that Anime Atlanta will have announcements too. So the Loli/NTR/cheap nukiges/hardcopy announcements will be there.

>> No.15684189

It's going to be WA 2.

>> No.15684198

> SP announces literal dogshit nobody ever heard about, media immediately jumps to cover it
> MG announces several highly-acclaimed titles, with Sona-nyl and Rance 6 being kamige-tier, no press at all
I don't get it, why MG cannot find any gaming journo willing to shill for them? Just fucking bribe someone, these whores are cheap.

>> No.15684204
File: 105 KB, 337x434, 1470866005993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fug, man. Like what the fug. Everybody knows /jp/ is CUTE AS HELL.

>> No.15684206


Porn is unhealthy and the only people interested in it are misogynistic basement dwellers.

>> No.15684258

Probably going to have a bunch of nukige.

That's fine too.

>> No.15684259

> NTRed from SP by MG:
> Frontwing
> Chuablesoft
> Purplesoft
I hope they go for Lose next, uncensored Monobeno before Maitetsu.

>> No.15684266


My fever dream is that the hinted lolige announcement is monobeno

>> No.15684285


The most hilarious part of this in retrospect is that it's pretty evident haro was trying to avoid file guessing because all the image files for the blog are gibberish filenames.

>> No.15684298
File: 230 KB, 592x958, mugidono.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bask in Moogy-heika-dono superior taste
Everything is shit except for Rance VI

>> No.15684311

That's Moogy-heika-dono-sama for you

>> No.15684315

So the guy who can't finish anything's first official project is Kuroinu? That'll end well.

>> No.15684318
File: 125 KB, 631x526, what if i&#039;m color blind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15684321

wtf i love everything now

>> No.15684325

Rance confirmed as kusoge

>> No.15684328

damn...there goes my excitement for sorcery jokers :(

>> No.15684332

lol no
way too hot for eop market

>> No.15684335


Well, this is why I waited until the panel started to upload the pages and images. I did gibberish names for the blog images since I wanted to get that prepped more in advance. I could have uploaded them as the announcements went out but it would have been a lot slower/more annoying with all the other stuff I have to update with each announcement. It's a calculated risk and even if stuff does "leak" it's only a matter of a few minutes. I had stuff up like this for AX but you guys didn't try guessing back then!

>> No.15684341

If it makes you feel better, Moogy-dono shits on fun VNs all the time, especially moege.

>> No.15684342


A shame I didn't catch all the colors because that is kind of obvious.

>> No.15684350

I don't get it.

Am I retarded?

>> No.15684352

Reminder that Moogy is personally responsible for MG picking Gahkthun as first WAB game.

>> No.15684353


So you're saying we should be ready to try for Anime Weekend Atlanta

>> No.15684358

He's at least right that Sona-Nyl is probably the one of the best Sakurai VNs, though.

>> No.15684363
File: 1.03 MB, 1500x1500, keyvisual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15684364
File: 249 KB, 1050x525, sorceryjokers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's the colors from the Sorcery Jokers key visual.

>> No.15684365

Its sorcery jokers colors.

>> No.15684374

too bad moogy stopped being relevant years ago :(

>> No.15684381

Yeah. I've noticed this too.
Why does Sekai Project get so much press?
The shilling is real isn't it? They have to be paying them for coverage, right?

>> No.15684393


>> No.15684395

Better coverage due to all-ages. Prude journos think Japan is weird for making games with ero.

>> No.15684404

Oh well, it's not like it impedes anything really. Sekai's business strategy is playing darts with memes and hoping that another title gets Nekopara success.

>> No.15684430

I checked again after that post, and seems like most of usual outlets like ANN, OPRainfall and so on did coverage on MG too, so they got some exposure.

>> No.15684453

That's what I find weird though. I mean, Sekai Project does admittedly have lots of all ages trash under their belt, and they've also censored a bunch of good stuff to make it all ages.
But in spite of all that bullshit, they still sell a decent amount of degenerate shit and lots of porn still. So in spite of their efforts to censor stuff and to acquire all ages titles, their image is still far from "clean".

Like I'd kind of understand if they had actually stood steadfast with keeping themselves clean, but they just haven't been. If that was their intention then they've been half-assed as fuck about it because they most certainly aren't "clean" so to speak.

>> No.15684471

>But in spite of all that bullshit, they still sell a decent amount of degenerate shit and lots of porn still. So in spite of their efforts to censor stuff and to acquire all ages titles, their image is still far from "clean".

They just don't mention that in their press releases. And since it's all sectioned away on denpasoft, unless you actually bother to look into it(and we all know game journalists never bother with that), you'd never know.

>> No.15684555

Speaking of not knowing, I would surmise that most of the sales from Nekopara are from people who don't even know who Sekai is and what they generally do.

My friend sent me Nekopara as a joke and I told him, "Hey, don't send me anymore Sekai games. I don't like them." And his first response was, "Who?"

Maybe I'm just rambling but if true it's kind of curious how their main source of financial income is from people who don't even know or care who the fuck they are.

>> No.15684578

Well, yeah. Nekopara is a meme game in the biggest sense of the word. People don't care about who translated it.

This is frankly obvious considering how few complaints are made about the abdominal translation quality on that title.

>> No.15684658

Literally "Its Kusoge If Licensed".

>> No.15684667

i kind of just want to forget moogy exists

>> No.15684695

Cute VN Localization Company Names 2.0

MG = Mostly Good
SP = Shitty Prudes
JAST = Japan Accepts Slow Translations

>> No.15684719

>Finish game
>think it's the hottest thing ever
>Look back a couple of months later and realize how good it actually was

It's not like that's a new thing

>> No.15684724


We got a blog update to address this shit https://twitter.com/Conjueror/status/764706852282232832

>> No.15684732

Dies Irae confirmed

>> No.15684735

> five secret projects

>> No.15684751


He might just mean his fifth project. Himawari > TB > Project 1 > Project 2 > Mangagamer Project

>> No.15684783

I hope to god it isn't.

>> No.15684819
File: 115 KB, 800x600, Nitro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nitro+ is cute, CUTE.

>> No.15684849

Where is vnts? It's Sunday, you silly bitch.

>> No.15684856


It's not unusual for it to be delayed a day during announcements. Usually he says that ahead of time though.

>> No.15684872


It's not unusual for it to be delayed a day during announcements. Usually he says that ahead of time though.

I'd say let it wait until 3am tomorrow. If it's not posted by then, someone else can usurp the mantle.

>> No.15684993



>> No.15685147

There is one article at ANN but for some reason it only focuses on Jokers while covering other games in several sentences:

>> No.15685165

The one who should kill their selves are the one who are funding sekai project with their money.

Kickstarter from already translated shit that they keep funding over and over again.

Now you created this shit company, happy?

>> No.15686044

Someone should program a guessing bot.

>> No.15686076

>Nitroplus and 5pb girls in the same game
What's their relationship like?

>> No.15686121

I still haven't finished the game before that, but I actually don't think that 5pb is in the newest one (which is the one where Nitroplus-chan shows up).

>> No.15686229

Good announcements except another steampunk crap. Unless fujos pick it up it would flop even harder than gahktun.

>> No.15686336

Fuck you, steampunk is great. Especially Liar-Soft's.

>> No.15686980
File: 170 KB, 585x952, 1467538160430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dovac rant collection, GO!

>> No.15687000
File: 39 KB, 586x333, 1459371346067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one was pretty funny. I think some fags even blamed /jp/ for it.

>> No.15687049
File: 17 KB, 544x91, 1437436293201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15687078
File: 41 KB, 632x397, 1425097740101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good one, Haro.

>> No.15687228

They're not in the same game. MAGES. and 5pb. are though, and they're cousins.

>> No.15692199

Cute VN Localization Company Names 2.1 Beta

MG = Maybe Gay
SP = Sakura Poop
JAST = Jay Ain't Satisfied Tonight
